Charlotte`s Web 8.5x11 Poster
Charlotte`s Web 8.5x11 Poster
E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web Adapted by Joseph Robinette directed by Sherrie Hildreth Presented by special arrangement with the Dramatic Publishing Company, Woodstock, IL 7:30 p.m. p.m. Aug 10, 16 2:30 2:30 p.m. p.m. Aug 9, 15 7:30 Ticketsare are$7.00 $7.00for foradults, adults,$3.00 $3.00for forchildren children12 12and andunder underand and Tickets availableonline onlineat: available orby bymail mailat atMTA-P.O. MTA-P.O.Box Box81 81Monticello, Monticello,IL IL61856 61856 or monticellotheater@gmail.comwith withquestions questions ThePhoenix PhoenixTheatre Theatre••1406 1406N. N.Market MarketStreet Street The