December 6, 2015 - Church of the Madalene


December 6, 2015 - Church of the Madalene
A Roman Catholic community of faith, serving the Lord in word and deed.
Church of the Madalene
Rev. Bryan Brooks, Pastor
Deacon Larry McFadden
Deacon Nelson Sousa
Deacon Robert DeWeese
Seminarian Michael Hopper
June Benton, Office Manager
Anne Edwards, Pastoral Care
Jennifer Merle, Parish Life Office
Becky Holder, Youth Formation
Paul Steiner, Facilities Manager
Alysse Dever, RCIA
Tracy Megli, Music Director
Isella Torres, Janitorial
Weekend Mass Times
Saturday: 5:30pm.
Sunday 8:00am & 10:00am.
Daily Mass Times
Tuesday, Thursday, Friday,
Saturday: 8:00am.
Wednesday: 6:00pm
Tuesdays: 6:00-7:00pm
Wednesdays: 5:30-5:55pm
Saturdays: 4:00-5:15pm
Sundays: 7:30-7:55am &
Holy Hour/Adoration
Fridays 6:00pm
1st Fridays of the month 8:30am-7pm
Contact Us:
We are located in mid-town Tulsa at
3188 E 22nd St.
Tulsa, Oklahoma 74114
Parish Office: 918-744-0023
Fax: 918-744-0024
Visit us on Facebook:
Church of the Madalene
Follow us on Twitter: 40404,
follow @madalene_church
Second Sunday of Advent. Readings begin on Page 116 in your
NEW 2016 Sunday Missal.
Introduction Eagerness to receive the Good News is a strong theme in
today’s liturgy. We gather to hear the proclamation of the Good News
of Jesus Christ and to celebrat its reality for our lives in our Eucharist.
1st Reading Baruch 5:1-9 The Lor d r eaches out to his people, who
are challenged to welcome the Lord with joy and remove every barrier
to his presence in their lives.
2nd Reading Philippians 1:3-6, 8-11 When Paul calls the people of
Philippi to mind and prays for them, he does so with joy. He urges
them to increase in love for each other.
Gospel Luke 3:1-6 J ohn the Baptist is fir mly r ooted in human
history and geography as he is about to begin his ministry.
Second Sunday of Advent
December 6, 2015
St. Scholastica Retreat Center is offering a Silent Directed Retreat based on the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignaitus of Loyola, on
January 7, 2016. You may choose a 3-day (1/7-1/10), 5-day (1/7-1/13) or 8-day (1/7-1/16) experience. Each day you will meet with a
Spiritual Director to assist you in discerning God's invitation and to offer suggestions to guide you during your silence. Total Cost:
$235.for 3 days, $385. for 5 days, and $575 for 8 days. A $50.00 non-refundable, non-transferable deposit is required at time of
registration. For more information, or to register, visit or call 479.783.1135.
Plan to Attend! A Day of Prayer and Reflection. Saturday April 9, 2016“Women Living the Faith in a Challenging World” Presented
by: Council of catholic Women, Tulsa Diocese, at Cascia hall Preparatory School PAC, with guest speaker: Sheri Wohlfert. And |
Musical guest. ValLimar Jansen. Questions please contact Mary Bisett, 918-260-7491, Or Helga Gorman, 918-6360860,
Each Friday evening the Knights of Columbus Council 4721 holds a pot luck dinner at 6:00p.m. followed by the Rosary. The
Knights of Columbus hall is at 5226 E 41st Street North in Mohawk Park across from the main entrance to the golf course. For more
information contact Grand Knight, Joe Deere, at 918-500-8617 or Mike Buckendorf at 918-695-3373. Everyone is welcome.
Women of the Madalene ar e needing to r eplace the table cloths in the
Madalene kitchen. Many are stained and some are even missing. These
table cloths are used for funeral dinners, as well as many special
functions held here in the Parish Hall, not always Women’s club related.
They will be taking up a collection for anyone that is interested in
contributing to this fund. Please make checks payable to the Women of
the Madalene, and bring them to June in the office. Thank you!
Tuesday December 8th is The Immacuate Conception of the Blessed Virgin
Mary. This is a Holy Day of Obligation. Masses will be offered Monday
December 7, at 5:30pm and Tuesday, December 8, at 8:00am and Noon. If you
plan on attending these Masses, and would like to serve, EM, or Lector. please
contact Jennifer in the office at, or 918-744-0023, Ext 15.
Theology Uncorked here at the Madalene! The next Theoloy Uncor ked will
be January 14, 2016 at 6:30pm in the Parish Hall. Speaker: Fr. Jack Gleason,
Topic: The Jewish Origins of the Eucharist. Child Care is available. We will
have sign-ups in the back of the church again this week if would like to come. If
you are in need of a ride please contact Anne Edwards for more information. 918
-744-0023, Ext. 13.
High School YDisciple (Boys and Girls) Meets
Saturday nights after Mass from 6:45-8:15pm in the
youth room for food, fellowship and fun!
Middle School YDisciple (Girls and Boys) Meets
every other Wednesday 6:30-8:00pm in the youth
room for food, fellowship and fun!
Questions: please call Becky Holder at
918-744-0023 Ext. 18.
Join us Wednesday nights in December for our Advent
Celebrations. The evening will begin with Mass at 6:00pm followed by
dinner in the Parish Hall.
Everyone is welcome!
This week our hosts are:
Social Concerns
Madonna House Christmas Cards. The Women
of the Madalene will be selling the Madonna House
Christmas cards this weekend at all the Masses.
This year features a beautiful new design. Contact
Jane at 918-749-4001.
Men’s Prayer Breakfast. Ever y Wednesday,
6:00am till 7:15am in the Parish Hall. We will be
discussing the Scripture Readings for the up
coming Sunday Mass. Breakfast will be served.
All Men of the Parish are invited! If you would
like more information or would like to be added to
the email list please contact the church office at
Adult Choir meets every Thursday
evening at 7pm.
Youth Choir meets after Sunday Mass
Children’s Choir meets Wednesdays 5:456:30pm
Instrumental Group (made up of youth and
adults) meets Wednesdays 6:30-7:00pm
Please contact Tracy Megli at
if you are interested in being a part of either of
these groups.
This Week’s Mass Intentions:
Tuesday, Im maculate Conception
Wednesday, Matthew Loftin†, r/b Cindy
Loftin & Bob Sayre
Thursday, Maxine Staley†
Friday, Peg Rinaldi†, r/b W omen of the
Saturday, Peg Rinaldi†, r/b Bill &
Maureen Goree.
The Next Birthday Breakfast is
January 26th! We do not have a Birthday
Breakfast in December. Merry Christmas, See
you in January!
If you would like to help in 2016 please call
Anne or Jennifer in the office 918-744-0023.
Church of the Madalene
This years Cooking up Compassion will be Saturday February 6, 2016 at Tulsa Ballroom, The Cox Business
Center. Event chairs, Bill and Barb Drotar, and the CUC committee want you to save the date and prepare for
some exciting changes coming your way. For more information, contact Lindsay Hughes at 918-508-7115 or
Daily Mass
Ministers Schedule:
Tuesday, Lector: Linda, EM: Helen.
Thursday, Lector: Lois, EM: Donna.
Friday, Lector: Tim, EM: Linda.
Saturday, Lector: Ed, EM: Volunteer.
Dec 12
Dec 13
Anne Edwards
Sarah Edwards
Dee Jansen
Marilyn Conner
Dec 13 David Youll
10:00 Donna Stanberry
Jim Southard
Eileen Anderson
Mary Bisett
Larry Brophy
Claudia Mastin
Tom Byers
Becky Holder
Roger Holder
Linda Merle
Darryl Merle
Wendy Sales
Linda Smith
Christ is awaiting your visit at St. John’s Adoration Chapel of Peace
We need adorers. Only one hour per week. Call Ellen at 918-8296561 or Tony at 918-742-3593. God will bless you and your family.
Between now and February 7-8, all of us will be given an opportunity to
respond to the Holy Spirit and share what we have, by contributing to the
support of the Diocesan Development Fund (DDF). The DDF supports the
ministries that address the spiritual, pastoral and educational needs of our
people throughout the diocese. In these difficult economic times, the spiritual
needs of our people are great. Please give your most prayerful consideration to
your DDF gift or pledge this year.
Jack Crawford
Zachary Collins
Farrah Dever
Catie Howard
Barbour Family
Farrah Dever
Dave Jansen
Candy Eddleman
Bob & Jane Rausch
Megan Holder
Grace Anderson
Isaac Ingram
Aiden Clancy
Dinna Burns
Marilyn Wilson
Ingram Family
Mary Beth Montag
Adoptive Parent Support Group will not meet in
December. They would like to wish you and your
families a Merry Christmas. For more information about
this Catholic Charities supported group please contact
Marissa beets 918-508-7133 or
December 9, 2015
at 7:00pm here in the
Aquinas Hall at The
Church of the Madalene.
Attending the sessions
does not commit you to
December 9th:
joining the Catholic
Ecumanism and other
Church. It simply means
religions. With Aly
you are open to learning
more about the faith. If
you or anyone you know
December 16th feels that yearning to
January 6th: Chr istmas
know the faith more
and doesn’t know
January 6th: Social
begin…email me
Teachings of the Catholic
Church. With Dcn.
or call me at 918.728.5188
Michael Hopper.
~Aly Dever~
Second Sunday of Advent
December 6, 2015
Social Concerns is asking for Frozen
Turkeys. If you would like to donate a
frozen turkey for the December Homeless Meal,
please bring a Turkey to the Parish Freezer by
December 13th. Thank you!
The Social Concerns team would like to thank Barbara Jamieson for her talent and hard work in
creating all of the ornaments for the Christmas for Kids project over the years. She is responsible for
all of the Christmas ornaments in the shapes of bells, trees, angels Santa's and snowmen, that are
used to display the kids' information. This project wouldn't have been the same without her creative
We will be offering an Anointing of the Sick next weekend, December, 12 & 13th, after all
the Masses.
Thank you for participating in the new
Pictorial Directory. If you did not order
pictures your FREE family 8X10 is
located in a file box in the Church
entrance on the weekends before and
after Masses. During the week we will
have them available in the Church
Office. Please call to make sure yours is
in before you make a special trip.
Congratulations on your Baptism
Lauren Sydney
October 11, 2015
She is the Daughter of Justin
and Shannon McCutcheon
Luke Anthony Lovell
November 29, 2015
He is the Son of Brad and
Morgan Robinson.
May God bless and strengthen them as a family to be faithful disciples of Jesus.