Click here to read… - Irish Kidney Association
Click here to read… - Irish Kidney Association
Editorial... T he public awareness of organ donation is at an all-time high as indicated by a research survey by IPSOS MRBI. The survey report is worth reading in full, but in the meantime you can see highlighted results in this SUPPORT. We also included our own questionnaire in the last SUPPORT magazine and the results are inside. Many thanks to all of you who took to the highways and byways selling our merchandise during Organ Donor Awareness Week. There are always concerns about clashing with other charities, be they local or national. In 2016 our week will be from April 2nd-9th. Easter Sunday falls on March 27th and the Irish Cancer Society’s Daffodil Day is moving to March 11th in 2016. Therefore there will be a significant gap between our dates next year. May saw the retirement, from the HSE, of the senior Transplant Co-ordinator in Beaumont Hospital, Phyllis Cunningham. Phyllis founded transplant co-ordination in Ireland which led to significant growth in organ donation throughout the State. She worked on her own for many years and her dedication to donor families and transplant recipients alike is legendary. She has been a central part of our Service of Remembrance & Thanksgiving for the last 29 years and it was through her offices’ co-operation that we have our Roll of Honour in the Book of Remembrance. The Association owes her a huge debt of gratitude. I wish to extend our deepest sympathy to the National Chairman, Stephen O’Sullivan following the death of his wife Maura on Saturday April 25th. I also want to acknowledge the long service of Tony Hughes to his Dublin North branch, and the Board of the IKA. Tony passed away the day after Maura on April 26th. May they both rest in peace. I am cutting short my editorial to allow space for a statement we released this week. Contents... 2 4 6 FRONT COVER 12 year old Salem Alhag was the 100th transplant recipient in Temple Street Children’s University Hospital. See full story on page 4-5 2 MARK MURPHY IKA S 7 8 10 12 15 16 EDITORIAL CHANGING LIVES IN THE COMMUNITY/ BRANCH OFFICIALS 2015 NOTICE OF IKA AGM CHARITY GOLF CLASSIC PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR ORGAN DONATION IN IRELAND IKA ATTITUDES TOWARDS ORGAN DONATION SURVEY RESULTS PUNCHESTOWN 2015 A FAMILY TALE U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 6 Luke Concannon STATEMENT IKA concerned for transplanted patients aftercare The Irish Kidney Association (IKA) has concerns surrounding the access, by all kidney and combined kidney and pancreas transplanted patients, to the specialist aftercare needs and services they require from the HSE acute hospital system. In the absence of clear communication by Beaumont Hospital on recent developments for those patients who have received combined kidney and pancreas transplants, they are confused and uncertain of their future care. The 80 patients with combined kidney and pancreas transplants were attending their post-transplant clinic in Beaumont Hospital up until recently. This specialist outpatient clinic has ceased as the patients’ Consultant Surgeon Mr. David Hickey has retired from the HSE. Most of the patients have received a letter from Beaumont Hospital explaining that a consultant nephrologist, from their area of the country, will take over the management of their post-transplant care. Not all of the consultant nephrologists across the country wish to take on this extra workload and I have received assurance that the nephrologists in Beaumont Hospital will step in, in these instances. However, the patients have not been notified about this option yet. Any pancreas transplant patient requiring surgical intervention for their pancreas, post- transplant, has been assured that it will be provided in Beaumont Hospital. This dispersal of a unique cohort of patients has brought much uncertainty to their future care and stress as a result of vague communications from Beaumont Hospital. Some of these patients would have need of emergency hospitalisation which was readily available to them when required in Beaumont Hospital. Despite them being high risk infection patients, they are now required to do the one thing they were previously told never to do – ‘go to Accident and Emergency if you feel unwell’. Some of these 80 patients now feel abandoned by Beaumont Hospital and are genuinely confused by the lack of precise information on their post-transplant care. Their retired Consultant Surgeon, David Hickey, is concerned for these patients and has gone on the public record on a number of occasions recently stating so. Significant resources are expended to ensure the maximum number of people in the state receive a necessary donated organ transplant. Post-transplant management of all these fortunate patients is essential to the longevity of the success of organ transplantation. All organ transplanted patients - heart, lung, liver, kidney and pancreas - are immuno-suppressed to avoid rejection of their donated organ. All of these 3000+ patients are attending out-patient clinics every three months or so to monitor their general medical condition and for the control of their immunosuppressant (anti-rejection) medications. They have far higher risks of infections and are at a much greater risk of contracting cancers than the general public. All the transplant patients are under the care of specialist consultants. In the case of kidney and combined kidney and pancreas patients, the specialist is a nephrologist or, up to recently, an urologist transplant surgeon. The IKA has called on the HSE to conduct a peer review of post transplantation patient management, to clarify the best practice for urgent access to the special services, within the acute hospital system, for all these special needs, high infection risk, patients because of concerns that access through A&E departments and the potential long delays involved could be inappropriate and potentially unsafe. We hope the HSE action our request as soon as possible and avert any concerns by post transplant patients through clear communication on the management of their future care. MARK MURPHY CHIEF EXECUTIVE, IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION 18 20 22 24 25 26 28 30 34 38 THE POWER TO CHANGE SPORTS ROUND-UP DEBATING SCIENCE ISSUES VHI WOMEN’S MINI MARATHON PHYLLIS CUNNINGHAM WEST CLARE KIDNEY SUPPORT GROUP WALK/RUN 2015 SUMMER RECIPES LAUNCH OR ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK 2015 IKA RUN FOR A LIFE EKPF 2015 ANNUAL REPORT IKA S U P P O R T 39 MEMBERSHIP FORM 40 AROUND THE BRANCHES 48 BRANCH SECRETARIES 30 Mary Kennedy, Chloe Kinahan, baby Sam and Colin MacKenzie S U M M E R 2015 3 LIVES More than 100 children benefit from life changing kidney transplantaon at Temple Street since 2003 I n the last 12 years 101 children from across Ireland have received a kidney transplant at Temple Street Children’s University Hospital. Last year was the busiest year for transplantation since the hospital commenced its National Paediatric Transplantation Programme in 2003, with 19 children receiving a lifechanging kidney transplant from living and deceased donors. In the two years preceding that, a further 25 children received a kidney transplant. One of the country’s leading Consultant Paediatric Nephrologists has described the results of the transplants as ‘outstanding’. The youngest recipient of a new kidney is only two years old and the oldest is 17 years of age. In addition to running the National Paediatric Transplantation Service, Temple Street is also the National Paediatric Haemodialysis Centre. Children from all over the country attend this hospital for dialysis three times a week for periods from six months to five years whilst waiting for a donor kidney. Speaking about the number of kidney transplants conducted over the last 12 years, Dr Michael Riordan, Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist, Temple Street, said “When a child’s kidneys fail or when they are born without normal kidney function, it is devastating for them and kidney transplantation can be a means to regain a normal life without the rigorous routine of dialysis.” “The results of kidney transplantation performed at Temple Street for the 101 children have been outstanding over the last 12 years. Our transplant service has one of the best patient survival records in the world, 4 Kate (3) and her mum Runagh from Claremorris, Co Mayo Luke Concannon and his Mum Karen IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Photos by CONOR McCABE Salem Alhag (who was the 100th transplant recipient) and his mum Marwa Staff from Temple Street and the Transplant Co-ordinators’ office in Beaumont join kidney recipient Courtney Kealy to celebrate the latest milestone of 100 transplants and long-term outcomes for the transplantation are excellent by international standards,” continued Dr Riordan. Also speaking about reaching, and exceeding, the 100th kidney transplant at the Hospital, Dr Atif Awan, Consultant Paediatric Nephrologist, said: “The numbers of transplants are increasing because of the ever-increasing number of generous people who carry organ donor cards. Each time we receive a kidney we are mindful of the organ donor and their family and we are aware of the difficult decision a donor family has had to make, at a most distressing time, but we see the hugely positive impact this decision has on the lives of our patients.” Temple Street is continuing to encourage people to carry an organ donor card and to discuss their wishes with family when all is well. Notwithstanding the sometimes tragic circumstances that can surround discussions about organ donation, giving the gift of life is the greatest possible act of generosity and many families and individuals take considerable comfort in the knowledge that they, and their loved one, have transformed the lives of others for the better. The Temple Street National Paediatric Transplantation Programme thanks all the generous families who have donated kidneys to the children they have cared for over the last twelve years. The programme also acknowledges the support and partnership of the Beaumont Hospital transplant team, the National Organ Procurement Programme, the National Renal Office; and the Health Service Executive with a special acknowledgement to Mr David Hickey, Consultant Transplant Surgeon, Beaumont Hospital who retired in early 2015, and who played a vital role in the success of the Temple Street transplantation programme since its inception. Temple Street staff together with transplant recipients Luke Concannon, Salem Alhag and Courtney Kealy Courtney Kealy, (17) Slane, Co. Meath (1st transplant recipient) Joshua O’Halloran (15) and his parents. Joshua was the most recent transplant recipient – getting a kidney from his dad IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 5 I t is gratifying to note an ever increasing interest in the work of the IKA and information about organ donation and transplantation. In recent months we have had people go to schools, colleges, universities, community groups and hospitals. It is particularly pleasing to note the number of institutions that invite us back annually – the topic is clearly seen to be an interesting one. The key to getting an audience to engage with a topic is to help them relate to it – make it real for them. James Reynolds and I regularly deliver talks together. We are both in a position to deliver an objective overview of the topic whilst also bringing in personal experiences and anecdotes to give the patients’ perspective on living with end stage kidney disease. We always introduce our talks about organ donation and transplantation by stating that our intention is to give the audience enough food for thought to allow them to make their own informed decision about organ donation. A number of our Branches have been very active in finding and responding to opportunities for speakers and they are to be commended for their dedication. However, there is the potential for more of us to engage James Reynolds and Colin White at a recent school talk promoting organ donor awareness and the in the process and see more invitations generated. work of the IKA. Many of us have connections within our communities that could be tapped. You may be in a position to deliver a talk yourself – please feel free to contact me in Donor House for ideas on content and delivery. Alternatively, you can simply facilitate an introduction and put the contact in touch with me. As always, we will do our best to facilitate as many opportunities as we can either through our branch network or directly from Donor House. COLIN WHITE E: | T: 01-6205306 IKA BRANCH OFFICIALS 2015 Branch Carlow Cavan/Monaghan Clare Cork Donegal Dublin East/Wicklow Dublin North Dublin South Galway Kerry Kildare Kilkenny Laois Leitrim Limerick Longford Louth/Meath Mayo Offaly Roscommon Sligo Tipperary Waterford Westmeath Wexford 6 Chairperson Patricia May Eamon Malone Peggy Eustace Noreen O’Halloran Siobhan Bates John Whelan Colin Mackenzie James Reynolds Stephen O’Sullivan Con Brosnan Ciaran Casey John Dalton Martin Doody Kathleen McTeague Sandra Dillon Bernadette Wall Valerie Brady Marie Mellon Jerome Burke Jimmy Servis Michael McHugh Ann Nolan Raymond Halligan Eddie Flood Liam Buttle IKA S Secretary Tom Phelan Richard Conlon Michael Mescall Helen O’Sullivan Sharon Gallagher Bernie Dwyer Patricia Mackenzie Peter Pardoe Eoin Madden Theresa Looney Liam Lally Seamus Carrigan Angela Lyons Caitriona Charles Mary Downes Elaine Heslin Mary Traynor Maureen Bourke Maureen Allen Maureen Quigley Geraldine Jenkins Orla Hogan-Ryan Susan Cowman Cathy Smyth Dora Kent U P P O R T S U M M E R Treasurer Thomas Hughes Karl Cronin Peggy Eustace Margot McCarthy Kieran Murray Catherine Foley Brian Carney Owen Kelleher Chris Curley Elsie Moore Liam Lally John Lacey Rose Shanahan Frank Heslin Michael Sheehan Peter Connolly Ann McGiveney Geraldine Coleman Mary Young John Cormican Bernadette McHugh Doris Cantwell Vera Frisby Eileen Dunican Marie Kehoe 2015 Board Member Patricia May Eamon Malone Peggy Eustance Michael Kiely Kieran Murray John Whelan Colin Mackenzie Karen Concannon Stephen O’Sullivan Ellen Flanagan Ciaran Casey Seamus O’Farrell Martin Doody Caitriona Charles Susan Cannon Deirdre Heslin Valerie Brady Lisa Mellon Jerome Burke Monica Finn Michael McHugh Joan Gavin Raymond Halligan Eddie Flood Liam Buttle NOTICE OF THE IKA The Annual General Meeting of the Irish Kidney Association Limited will be held in the LOUIS FITZGERALD HOTEL, NAAS ROAD, DUBLIN 22 on Saturday July 4th, 2015 at 2.00pm preceded by a Patient Conference at 11.00am. 11.00am PATIENT CONFERENCE The Theme of the patient conference is Home Haemodialysis. The conference will include the experiences of patients. All are welcome. 1.00pm LUNCH 2.00pm AGM Business Meeting (Irish Kidney Association Members only) 1. AGENDA Minutes of last Annual General Meeting – National Honorary Secretary. 2. Approval and adoption of the Annual Accounts for the year ended 31st December 2014 – National Honorary Treasurer. 3. Re-appointment of Auditors and authorisation of the Directors to fix the Auditor’s remuneration. 4. National Honorary Chairman’s Report. 5. Chief Executive’s Report. 6. Election of National Officers of the Irish Kidney Associaiton a. National Honorary Chairman Valerie Brady, Louth / Meath has accepted the nominations and she is unopposed. b. National Honorary Secretary John Whelan, East Dublin + Wicklow has accepted the nominations and he is unopposed. c. National Honorary Treasurer Martin Doody, Laois Stephen O’Sullivan, Galway Each of these board members has accepted the nominations for the post and a vote of the membership is required to elect a National Honorary Treasurer. Note: All renal patient members have one vote. All ordinary members of at least 3 years standing have one vote. There will be 1 ballot during the AGM, for the election of National Honorary Treasurer. All votes must be cast at the AGM. All members, eligible to vote have the opportunity to proxy their vote to another member who is attending the AGM. A proxy voting form is enclosed or printable from the website 7. Any other Business: The Directors Report & Financial statements are available on the Irish Kidney Association website, and can be requested in print form from Head Office. Charity GOLF CLASSIC Main pic: Claire Dolan, Margaret Dolan, Cathy Smyth, Michael Dolan, Eddie Flood and Eileen Dunican. Left: Claire at the launch of Organ Donor Awareness Week in the Mansion House T he recent charity Golf Classic hosted by kidney transplant recipient Claire Dolan at her family run Mount Temple Golf & Country Club was a resounding success. Despite unfavourable weather conditions, the event, which was held over the May bank holiday weekend, secured great support with over 40 golf teams entering and raised €8,140 for the Irish Kidney Association. 21 year old Claire Dolan, decided to mark the first anniversary of her successful kidney transplant, by holding the fundraiser for the Irish Kidney Association and to demonstrate her gratitude to her deceased donor who gave her the ‘gift of life’. 8 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Claire, an NUIG student, was assisted in the organisation of the event by her parents Michael and Margaret and her brother and course green-keeper James and they willingly donated the use of the traditional championship golf course for the event. Undeterred by the bad weather, enthusiastic fourball teams tee’d off from 9am on Saturday morning (May 2nd) fuelling up at halfway, with refreshments and a burger, kindly sponsored by Supermacs in Moate. As the day progressed the weather increasingly deteriorated resulting in some of the teams being unable to get out to play. A decision was quickly made to split the fundraiser into two days by running a separate ANNUAL SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE & THANKSGIVING WILL TAKE PLACE ON SATURDAY 3RD OCTOBER AT 12.30 P.M. IN CORPUS CHRISTI CHURCH, HOME FARM ROAD, DUBLIN 9 competition with prizes on Monday (May 4th). Despite the bad weather on Saturday, the impressive winning score of 109 points was secured by fourball team, Seamus Conroy, Martin Little, Jimmy Gilhooley and Rob Finnegan. Monday’s event secured another excellent winning score of 111 points from local team Tom Maguire, Ita Maguire, Eoin Carty and Mary Carty. Delighted with the success of the Golf Classic, Claire said: “I would like to thank everyone who supported the event. Following the shock diagnosis of my kidney failure a few years ago, myself and my family feel very fortunate that I have since been given the ‘gift of life’ thanks to my kidney donor. I hope the Golf Classic has helped create more awareness about the importance of organ donation. I am proud that so many people in the community have come behind this event which has raised over €8000 for a very worthy cause. The success of the Golf Classic was made possible due to generous contributions from our sponsors, the support of members of Mount Temple Golf Club, donations from colleagues, neighbours and friends of our family and of course all the players in the participating fourball teams, many of whom commented on the excellent condition of the golf course. Our special thanks to Eileen Dunican from Moate and Eddie Flood from Killucan, who represented the Westmeath branch of the IKA on the event days.” IKA S U P P O R T Organ Donor Awareness Week 2016 Saturday 2nd April - Saturday 9th April S U M M E R 2015 9 PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR ORGAN DONATION IN IRELAND − Benchmark results with previous surveys. − Evaluate responses to core public awareness messages. − Employ the results as a benchmark for future research and the on-going effectiveness of the organ donation public awareness programme. The survey questionnaire was designed in consultation, and utilised a number of the Eurobarometer 2009 organ donation questions for comparison purposes (please note that the Eurobarometer 2009 survey utilised a face-to-face methodology). BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES In February 2015, Ipsos MRBI were commissioned on behalf of Organ Donation and Transplant Ireland, the Irish Donor Network and the Irish Kidney Association to conduct a research study that would provide evidence of the levels of public support for organ donation in Ireland. The objectives of the research were as follows: − Discover levels of support for organ donation in Ireland, disaggregated along demographic factors including gender, age, social/educational background and national origin. Which, if any, of the following statements best describes you? SAMPLE PROFILE Overall, the general public stated that they are well informed (73%) about organ donation. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research was carried out by Omnipoll, Ipsos MRBI’s telephone omnibus service. Omnipoll interviews a fresh nationally representative sample of 1,000 adults aged 15+ every three weeks. The sample used is RDD (random digit dialling) to ensure that both listed and unlisted phone numbers have the same probability of being contacted. Interviews are conducted with people via their landline and mobile phone. At analysis stage the data is weighted in line with the known profile of the population according to the latest CSO estimates. The sample size achieved on Omnipoll is robust at 1,000 respondents, giving a low margin of error (of +/-3) at an overall level. Fieldwork for this research was conducted from 2nd – 16th March, 2015. The following are the results of some of the key questions asked in the survey. The complete survey will be published shortly by the ODTI. 10 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R Do you carry an organ donor card? In the 12 years there was a 50% increase in the percentage of people carrying a donor card. 2015 Would you be willing to donate one of your organs to an organ donation service immediately after your death? If you were asked in a hospital to donate an organ from a deceased close family member, would you agree? PUBLIC SUPPORT FOR ORGAN DONATION In the 6 years there was a 26% increase in the percentage of people willing to donate one of their organs. This increase in willingness to donate extends to the organs of close family members also, with a 46% increase when compared to Eurobarometer 2009 results. Have you ever discussed human organ donation or transplantation with your family? In the space of 6 years, the percentage of people who have discussed human organ donation with their family has increased by 20%. IN IRELAND If you required an organ transplant would you be happy to receive it? Would you be willing to donate one of your organs to an organ donation service immediately after your death? Despite 92% of respondents being happy to receive an organ (811), just 85% of these respondents are willing to donate their own organs. Do you agree or disagree that your family should have the final say on what happens to your organs after your death? KEY FINDINGS Over half of participants (53%) agree that family should have the final say. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 11 REPORT ON FINDINGS OF THE ATTITUDES TOWARDS ORGAN DONATION SURVEY To complement the IPSOS MRBI poll of the general public we included our own questionnaire in the last SUPPORT magazine. In total we received 1245 responses that we have analysed. Thank you to all who responded, either by post or online. The first clear difference between the IPSOS MRBI poll and our poll was our high percentage of female respondents, at 78.5%. As you can see from this graph the 35-44 age group were the largest at 33.39%, and 4.6% were over 65 years. There was an even split in the answer to the question...Do you have children living at home? The county where you live answers were well spread across the country. 246 or 20% of all answers came from kidney patients whilst 39% were carers or a friend of a kidney patient. 12 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 235 people answered this question although only 42 answered ‘no’ to Question 12. The graph of Question 9 shows that 77% are well informed about organ donation. A similar question in the MRBI poll also showed a high answer of 73%. In Question 10 85% surveyed had discussed deceased organ donation with their family and there was an even split to Question 11 about living donation. Only 3.43% were not willing to consider living kidney donation to a member of their family or a close friend. Almost 60% said ‘yes’ to being willing, but if you remove the 15% of kidney patients from the answers, because they are not suitable, that ‘yes’ rises to 71.5% of the remaining 1017 who answered the question. The answers again are confusing. 8.55% or 105 people answered ‘no’ to Question 14 but 336 went on to answer the next question (15) which was only intended for those who said ‘no’. The 97 ‘I would not ask them, they would have to offer it unprompted by me’ response is interesting! continued next page IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 13 REPORT ON FINDINGS OF THE ATTITUDES TOWARDS ORGAN DONATION SURVEY CONTD. The 82.54% ‘yes’ answer to Question 19, for a registry, was very significant and a clear signal. The majority of 66.77% (in Question 17) believe that changing to presumed consent would be beneficial, whilst a high proportion of “I would need more information” answers to Question 18 - 42% - does indicate to me that much more work is required to explain the IKA position on this topic considering our Board of Directors is unanimous in its position. In our survey there was a 50% ‘no’ to this question, compared to the MRBI public survey that had a 55% ‘yes’ answer. There is clear division on the answer to this question and it poses a fresh debate. Overall we were delighted with the response to the survey which gives us a clearer view of your opinions. We had a total of 124 comments ranging in topics from presumed consent, registries, family decision on consent and, comments on the questionnaire in general. Questions 16 and 18 asking you to rank importance of statements in the online survey did not mention 1 being the top answer. Sorry about that omission, that lead to some confusion. We did not ask people whether they were members of the Association, so these results do not reflect the views of the IKA membership. Further examination of the survey can be found online at We did further examination of the answers by the 246 kidney patients who responded to the survey, on their views, particularly about living donation. The source of our survey returns were 75% via Facebook, 16% via the IKA website and 9% via post. 14 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 ‘LIVE LIFE – GIVE LIFE’ Eoghan O’Neill with James Nolan The annual Punchestown Festival would not be the same without the final race on the last day which is always organised by the Punchestown Kidney Research Fund (PKRF). The Race was founded by James Nolan in 1990 and has taken place every year since. It is a wonderful opportunity for amateur jockeys to ride in Punchestown in front of tens of thousands of supporters. There have been some memorable names associated with the race over the years including Tommy Carberry, John Joe O’Neill and Jessica Harrington. John Kenny from D’Unbelievables took part in 1998 and 1999. Given the longevity of the Race, it is fair to ask how it all started. James Nolan, now a well-known, and award winning butcher from Kilcullen, lived with poor health for a lot of his early life culminating in a kidney transplant in 1987 – his sister Catherine donated one of her kidneys. Once he recovered his health James was determined that he wanted to ‘give something back’ and so the idea of the Race came into being. Each rider in the race undertakes to raise a minimum of €1000 in sponsorship as a condition of their entry in the Race. This, along with other sponsorship, has resulted in over €1.2 million being raised in the name of the PKRF over the 26 year history of the charity. IKA S U P P O R T This year saw Eoghan O’Neill, a kidney transplant recipient, take on the Race for the second year in a row. This was a wonderful statement of just how successful organ donation and transplantation can be. Over the years, the charity has supported research in the field of renal medicine, sponsored art therapy projects for people on dialysis and sponsored transplant recipients and people on dialysis to attend the World Transplant Games and the European Transplant & Dialysis Sports Championships amongst many other activities. They also partnered with the IKA in the initial purchase of the holiday home in Tralee. This year S U M M E R 2015 Winner - Bishopslough they are supporting the development of a new renal unit in Temple Street hospital amongst other projects. The funds raised and projects supported are one side of the work of the PKRF. They also work to promote organ donor awareness amongst the general public and the Race at the Punchestown Festival every year offers a great platform for this. The IKA support the PKRF in ensuring that there is a ready supply of organ donor cards in Punchestown throughout the 5 days of the festival. James and his charity are to be commended for their on-going commitment to improving the lot of renal patients and their families. They are already planning for the 2016 Punchestown Festival. 15 A Lia and her baby son Colm 16 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Waterford family shared its compelling kidney transplant story on The Late Late Show on April 10th. 2014 was an eventful year for them with a wedding in January followed by the groom having a heart attack in July, then there was the safe arrival of a healthy baby to his kidney transplant sister in September, and in November the newly-wed groom received a life-changing kidney transplant (his third) from his donor brother. Síle Murphy from Kilrossanty, Dungarvan has experienced more than most wives and mothers would in their lifetime, arising from a hereditary kidney condition which has affected her husband Sean and three of their four children. Over the years the family has amassed a total of seven kidney transplants including five from deceased organ donors. The Murphy family now hopes that by sharing their story on such a popular TV show that they can support the Irish Kidney Association in raising awareness about the importance of organ donation. Síle, a retired school principal, summed up last year saying: “we can hardly believe all the good things that have happened in our family in 2014. Christmas 2014 was the first year in a decade than not one member of our family was undergoing dialysis treatment and we can now look forward to a bright future”. The year started off with Séan and Síle’s son, Bob, getting married to Diana in January. At this time Bob had been undergoing dialysis treatment for almost three years which followed the eventual failure of his second kidney transplant. In 1984, Bob received his first transplant from his kidney donor father Séan. At the time it was not known that four members of the family, It is impossible to thank all who have contributed to our well-being but a special thanks to our organ donors and the medical teams including Séan, had a hereditary kidney condition known as MPGN (Membranoproliferative Glomerulonephritis), a particularly unusual type, unique to the Murphy family. Séan, himself, later required a kidney transplant which he received eleven years ago - twenty years after donating a kidney to Bob. Bob underwent his second kidney transplant, thanks to a deceased kidney donor in 1997. Bob (42) endured years of poor health since he was a young child as a result of his kidney condition. Bob was one of the first children in Ireland to receive dialysis treatment at Crumlin Hospital. He suffered a stroke at a young age and later had two heart attacks. Bob’s most recent heart attack in July 2014 took place just a week before he and his brother Mahon were scheduled to undergo a living donor kidney transplant at Beaumont Hospital. The operation had to be postponed until Bob was well enough to undergo Front: Mahon, Lia, Colm, Síle and Bob. Back: Jack and Sean 2014, a particular cause for celebration as Lia had undergone a kidney transplant in 2011. Síle said that ”this would not have been possible without the generosity of a grieving family who donated a kidney to Lia”. Two months after Lia’s baby joy, her brother Bob and Mahon underwent their transplant operations. All these events took place in the same year as their aunt, Nuala Dunford, (Séan’s sister) received a kidney transplant from a deceased donor. Jack Murphy (producer of the RTE 2FM Ryan Tubridy radio show), the oldest of the siblings, received a kidney transplant eight years ago. “It is impossible to thank all who have contributed to our well-being but a special thanks to our organ donors more surgery for his third transplant operation. His donor brother, Mahon, completed his PhD in History two days before the successful brother to brother living donor kidney transplant went ahead on November 3rd, 2014. The procedure was led by David Hickey, the same transplant surgeon who conducted Bob and Sean’s operation just over 30 years previously. Síle said: “After a long and complicated surgery and anxious hours of waiting they both emerged safely from theatre. Thanks to a great team at Beaumont Hospital, the transplant was a great success.” Síle and Séan’s only daughter Lia Murphy, a producer at Today FM, welcomed her healthy baby Colm Patrick Rooney into the world in September 1984 1997 2004 2007 2011 2014 2014 and the medical teams. Prof. Peter Conlon has been with us through the difficult times and has made all the crucial decisions which got us to this point today so our very sincere thanks to him. He always sees light at the end of the tunnel. We wish to thank all our friends and family for the support, prayers and good wishes which have kept us going through the tough times.” “We are very grateful to the IKA for its support down through the years and for providing us with free accommodation at its Renal Support Centre located on the grounds of Beaumont Hospital.” Following the events of last year, Transplant Surgeon David Hickey said to the Murphys, “Ye have just played in the World Cup and won!” RELATIONSHIP TO SILE MURPHY – TRANSPLANT SUMMARY: Son Bob received living kidney transplant from husband Sean. Son Bob, has deceased donor kidney transplant. Husband Sean has deceased donor kidney transplant. Eldest son Jack has deceased donor kidney transplant. Only daughter has deceased donor kidney transplant. Sister-in-Law Nuala Dunford has deceased kidney transplant. Son Bob received living kidney transplant from son Mahon. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 17 POWER CHANGE BY MIKE KELLY 18 One of the questions I am frequently asked by people who come to see me is; will I change? Will I be able to put behind me whatever it is that bothers me and feel better? In other words, can I make the changes necessary to ‘feel better’? The simple answer to this is ‘yes’ but the extent of change will differ according to the needs of the individual. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 CHANGE IS CONSTANT What is often overlooked is that we are in a state of constant change. Some changes are minor, they happen without us even being aware of them. Other changes demand that we be intimately involved and have to work, sometimes hard, to bring change about. One certain fact is that we were all born and depending on our age, we can look back and point to the many obvious changes that have occurred over the intervening years. Therefore it may seem strange that many of us, rather than embrace change, actually resist it, adopting an attitude of ‘I’m fine as I am’. The problem is that many changes are inevitable and will continue to happen whether we engage with the process or not. Sometimes change is forced upon us by circumstances; an accident that leaves us scarred or paralysed, a diagnosis of an illness, advancing age which leaves us feeling not as agile as before. Whatever the circumstances, we have a choice, to embrace change or to resist it. We recognise that the world in which we live is constantly changing. As an example of this look at the ways and methods of communication we have now compared to even a decade or two ago. Sometimes the rate of change can leave us feeling helpless or powerless. Yet if we embrace change we grow in confidence and control. STRATEGIES FOR CHANGE We can only change in the present. This is the only moment we have. Certainly our past may influence the way we see change. We cannot change our past with its moments that make us smile or laugh and its moments of regret that make us sad, sometimes tearful and sometimes feeling ill at ease. Whatever has happened to us has happened, we cannot change it much as we might like to. All we can change is the viewpoint from which we see it. Acknowledging this may help us face change in the present. Ask yourself a question: where do you want to be one year from now? How do you plan to get there? What do you need to do to make achieving your goal possible? Once you know where you want to be, you can plan how you are going to get there and what you will need to do to fulfil your goal. None of us have complete control over our lives. Learning to distinguish between what is within our control and what we cannot control is important otherwise we can expend a lot of energy on something that we have no control over. Leave aside what we cannot control – there are some issues and problems for which there is no solution, so why waste valuable time trying to do the impossible. Making this distinction also allows us direct our energy towards those goals we have set ourselves. It also helps when we encounter a problem if we face it rather than avoid it. We can of course avoid it but that does not mean it will go away. No, it will be waiting for us when we come round to looking at it again. A good question to ask yourself is; why am I avoiding this? A strategy that many have found helpful in making changes involves taking the following steps: ● ● ● ● Make a list of possible solutions. From this list, pick one possible solution and try it out. If it works, good. If it does not work, try and discover why it did not work. Was it too ambitious, too broad, too narrow? Continue down the list until a workable solution is found. Mike can be contacted at Donor House on Lo-call 1890-543639 or on 01-6205306 or by e-mail: This is one method that may be worth trying. It appears simple and straightforward. It can be but it does call for some work and honesty. Try it and see if it works for you. My thanks to the Clare and Offaly branches for inviting me to be part of their Organ Donor Awareness Week launch. The Irish Kidney Association provides a free and confidential counselling service for those on treatment, their families and carers, either through their counsellor, based at Donor House, or through a nationally registered, locally-based counsellor network. If, as a person on treatment, family member or carer, you feel it would be beneficial for you to speak to a counsellor or if you would like a referral to a counsellor in your local area please contact Mike at Donor House. And thanks also to the patients and staff in the renal unit at Waterford University Hospital for their welcome, when I visited the unit in April. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 19 By COLIN WHITE O ur domestic sports programme continues with our monthly gatherings in the ALSAA Sports Complex next to Dublin airport. Whilst our sessions can be low key we continue to attract new people of all ages. Our next session will be on July 12th from 11am to 3.30pm and all are welcome. You can contact me in Donor House for more details. GERMAN TRANSPLANT & DIALYSIS GAMES I Thoma Doherty 20 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R n May, Thomas Doherty (left) from our Limerick Branch attended the German Transplant & Dialysis Games. Currently on peritoneal dialysis, Thomas was keen to build on his international sporting career having successfully represented Ireland at last year’s European Transplant & Dialysis Sports Championships in Krakow, Poland. The warmth of the welcome and the hospitality he received throughout the Games clearly put Thomas in good competing form as he came away with two gold medals from the track and field. This is the third year our sports programme has been associated with the German Games and it has been an extremely positive experience. We are very lucky that our friends in Germany are willing to open their event to us as it offers an opportunity for people on dialysis and transplant recipients to experience the camaraderie and general bonhomie that go hand in hand with transplant and dialysis sport. 2015 BRITISH TRANSPLANT GAMES July 30th – August 2nd O ur current association with the British Transplant Games goes back to 2008 when we brought a team to Sheffield to enjoy the ‘Games experience.’ The hand of friendship being extended by our neighbours opens up the opportunity for an amazing experience for transplant recipients. This year we will have a team of 9 competitors travelling to Newcastle/ Gateshead at the end of July to participate in the Games, including 2 newcomers to our sports programme. They will be joining over 800 other competitors in what will be a wonderful celebration of the gift of life. Every individual will benefit from being part of the Games experience and together they will promote a very powerful message – Organ Donation Works! Transplant sports events offer a wonderful opportunity to showcase to the public the successful outcomes that can follow organ donation. WORLD TRANSPLANT GAMES T his year’s World Games will be held in Mar Del Plata, Argentina at the end of August. Teams from over 50 countries around the world are being invited to meet in Mar Del Plata to compete to the best of their abilities, to meet old friends and make new ones and to stand together in the promotion of organ donation for transplantation. Mar Del Plata, Argentina We have a small team travelling this year but, as always, our athletes will be proud to fly the flag for Ireland. It will be a great opportunity to meet with fellow transplant recipients from across the world and share experiences. Their achievements will inspire many others as they showcase what can be achieved post-transplant. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 21 Debating SCIENCE ISSUES By COLIN WHITE DSI – Debating Science Issues is a dynamic debating competition which invites young people from secondary schools to engage in debate on the cultural, societal and ethical implications of advances in biomedical science. Co-ordinated by nine research, medical and science centres in Ireland, Debating Science Issues is what true debate is all about. This year’s national finals were held in the Royal College of Surgeons Ireland building just off St. Stephen’s Green in Dublin. All four provincial finals winners were invited to compete for the national title on April 29th. Having previously communicated with one of the organisers, I was invited to attend the event because the motion for debate in the Top left: The Finalists - Clonakilty Secondary School. Top right: The judges are listening intently. Above: In full flow 22 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 final was: ‘An organ transplantation allocation system that considers only factors associated with individual medical need is a more ethically acceptable method for distributing a scarce resource than a system that also considers factors associated with the patient’s contribution to society.’ A challenging topic I am sure you will agree! However, there was the small matter of the two semi-finals to address first. The motion for both semi-finals was no less challenging... ‘This house proposes that the potential benefits of using embryonic stem cells to develop new medical treatments mean we have a moral obligation to support this type of research.’ All four teams were told in advance whether they were to propose or oppose the motion at both the semi-finals and final stages. Thus, they needed to have intimate knowledge of both topics but only the winners of the semifinals would get to debate the motion on the organ allocation system. During the semi-finals I found that I had to remind myself that the students were from secondary schools! The mastery of the topic that they displayed and their debating styles were a pleasure to behold. The audience waited with bated breath for the results of both semi-finals. I must admit to having had a vested interest in one of the teams in particular. St. Vincent’s from Dundalk (the Leinster champions) had made contact with Donor House some weeks prior to the debate asking for some information and ideas. Happily, they made it through a very tight semi-final to take on Clonakilty (Munster champions) in the final! The students had to turn from talk of embryonic stem cells to talk of the ethics of organ allocation and they did it seamlessly. The arguments made by both sides were well constructed and delivered with the team from St. Vincent’s, who were proposing the motion, coming out as winners. It was great to see the students being asked to turn their minds to issues related to organ donation and transplantation. Through all the rounds of the competition DSI brought young minds to bear on some challenging topics and in so doing I am sure that the students involved have been inspired in their learning. I for one was heartened by the event as the insights and passion shown by the students bodes well for the future of our country! IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R Top: Winners St. Vincent’s, Dundalk, judges and organisers Above: The Winners 2015 23 Photos by CONOR McCABE PHOTOGRAPHY T he 33rd VHI Women’s Mini Marathon took place on Bank Holiday Monday 1st June and was, once again, well attended by our IKA ladies(!) volunteers. Deborah, in Head Office, sent out over 300 sponsorship cards, with our very visible new t-shirts and caps - many thanks to all participants who ran or walked for the IKA. Many people made use of the IKA Doubletree Hilton Hotel facilities for showering and changing for the event as well as the protection of their belongings. 24 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 A TRIBUTE TO THE WORK OF CUNNINGHAM WHO RETIRED RECENTLY FROM THE HSE Phyllis commenced her nursing career in Home Haemodialysis in St. Mary’s Hospital in the Phoenix Park and her natural skills were soon spotted. The patients loved and trusted her and her empathy and easy disposition created a unique warm atmosphere. She later moved on to CAPD dialysis treatment at a time when this programme was in its infancy. In September 1986 she was appointed the first Transplant Co-ordinator in Jervis Street and, in the early years, single-handedly developed the first transplant coordinated organ procurement service. At this time 90% of all donations were kidney only. Today 90% of all donations are multi-organ. This reality is entirely due to Phyllis’s commitment and determination to develop the organ procurement service and her devotion to looking after all people awaiting organ transplants. It is important to note that the development of the service, by Phyllis, is built on three pillars:- The primacy of timing dictated by the donor family, the donor hospital and the procurement team. It is legendary that the convenience of the procurement team was never taken into account. If a donor family wished to donate their loved one’s organs, Phyllis accepted no excuses from the procurement team. It didn’t matter the day or hour, weekday or weekend, if there was a potential donation, Phyllis was determined that it should go ahead. At great personal and family cost, she drove the process and united all the team to fulfil the donor families’ wishes. Birthday parties and family celebrations frequently had to be put on hold as the priority to ensure there was no delay in the process was the focus. A week after each procedure she diligently followed up with the team to discuss any concerns or logistical problems that may have occurred and discussed how they could be rectified in future. Over the years she developed close personal relationships with the personnel in the thirty five hospitals who contribute to organ donation. It is IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R important to note that it is this personal commitment, together with her own warm personality, that resulted in the enormous expansion and success of the service. She regularly travelled out of Dublin to hold meetings in the hospitals to update and encourage them by providing feedback on the success or problems of the programme. She promoted and published the quarterly ‘Transplant News’ Newsletter, which contained transplant statistics and also importantly included the personal human side of patients who had received the gift of life. Phyllis, together with her colleague David Hickey, set up and established the initial database of donors and recipients. David has stated that the pancreas transplant programme could not have commenced in early 2000 without the personal support and commitment of Phyllis. It is important also to note that when Phyllis was appointed, there was no template for a national organ procurement service. It is entirely down to her ingenuity, vision, clear thinking and efficient planning skills that the service went on to develop so successfully. At all times she never forgot the importance of fulfilling the donor families’ wishes. The respect she held for them is legendary and they, in turn, have developed a lifelong relationship and trust in her and regularly choose to keep in contact. The IKA Book of Remembrance and our annual Service of Remembrance & Thanksgiving were both developed in consultation with Phyllis who advised and guided the IKA as to how the generosity of organ donors could best be acknowledged. Each year, regardless of any other personal commitment, she has attended and participated in the Service of Remembrance and Thanksgiving. 2015’s Service will be the 30th and it is hoped that she can, once again, join her donor families at this unique event. Finally it is relevant and important to quote from her much respected colleague, David Hickey, (Retired Director of Organ Transplantation), who has said ‘Transplantation, without Phyllis Cunningham, would be at third world level’. Phyllis, thank you from all at the IKA. LORRAINE COSTELLO 2015 25 WEST CLARE KIDNEY SUPPORT GROUP WALK/RUN 2015 Ann Ansboro and Michael Mescall Peggy Eustace (left) and Vincent O’Halloran (right) with sisters Maire Fagan (Co Louth), Carmel Hearty and Carmel McDonnell (Co Armagh) Aisling McCormack and Claire McCormack Malone Pat Houlihan, Aine Slattery, Kathleen O’Halloran, Breda Considine and Michael Brew Olive McDonnell and MC for the Walk Sean Chambers 26 he annual West Clare Walk/Run took place on a windy, overcast but pleasant afternoon on Sunday May 3rd. It was very well supported from the area, the county and beyond the county boundaries. On a perfect afternoon for walking Clare branch secretary Michael Mescall cut the tape in the square in Kilrush on the Wild Atlantic Way, as the participants set out on the 10km route to Cooraclare with the prevailing wind to their backs and the road gradient in their favour. Thanks to the Garda Siochána, members of the Red Cross and the West Coast Motor Cycle Club who together took great care of road safety. They IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R carried out their duties in a calm and orderly manner and their presence and actions are a tremendous source of comfort and assurance to all participants on this busy route. The members of the Motor Cycle Club on the day were John McGann, Tony Collin, Derek Moylan, Donie Shannon and Johnny Murphy. Sergeant Gerry Lernihan from Kilrush Garda Station lends his support each year in a voluntary capacity. His overall traffic stewarding of the event is much appreciated and acknowledged . We thank those who provided sustenance for the walkers en route to Cooraclare and once again thank Ann and Martin Noel Tubridy for their 2015 Ruth Callinan, Paudie Neylon, Vincent O’Halloran and Tom Prendeville Flanna and Angela Reid (Co. Tyrone), Patsy Downes and Tomas Ryan Vinny and Amanda O’Halloran await the cutting of the tape with fellow walkers hospitality at their premises. A great evening of music and dancing followed the event with the music being provided by Patsy Downes and Tomas Ryan. The premises was bopping to the rafters due in no small part to the mid-session interval singing act performed by the Reid sisters from Co. Tyrone who were on holiday in the area. Our special appreciation goes to the wonderful committee of the WCKSG led by their Chairperson Tom Prendeville, Bernie and Anne Tubridy, Ruth Callinan, Paudie Neylon, Carmel McCormack and Vincent O’Halloran. Proceeds from the walk have gone towards many wonderful IKA projects for the benefit of all kidney patients. Mary Keogh and Tom Prendeville SUPPORT THE WORK OF THE IKA Yes, I would like to make a regular donation by STANDING ORDER. ✄ STANDING ORDER REQUEST FORM To: The Manager of (Your bank's name and address) I/We hereby authorise you to set up a Standing Order on my/our account as specified below: Signed: Date: Address: PLEASE CHARGE TO MY / OUR ACCOUNT: Name of Account: Bank Identifier Code - BIC: IBAN: (These can be found, printed on your bank statement) My regular Monthly Quarterly (Please tick as appropriate) Yearly DONATION of Amount € to start on Date: / / AND CREDIT TO THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNT: Name of account: IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION at Bank of Ireland, College Green, Dublin 2. IBAN NO.: IE06 BOFI 9000 1717 1934 35 BIC NO.: BOFIIE2D As long as you are a PAYE or self-employed tax payer, when you donate €250 or more in a year (€21 or more per month), the Revenue Commissioners will give the Irish Kidney Association an extra rebate of 45%. For example, if you gave €250 in one year, the IKA would gain an extra €112, at no extra cost to you. Charity Registration No. 20011260 Please post to: THE IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION, DONOR HOUSE, BLOCK 43A, PARKWEST, FREEPOST, DUBLIN 12. (PLEASE DO NOT POST TO YOUR BANK) THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROSITY ENJOYING THE By LORRAINE MORAN ABBOTT NUTRITION on behalf of the RENAL INTEREST GROUP of the IRISH NUTRITION & DIETETIC INSTITUTE As the holidays draw ever nearer, food is constantly on my mind! What to cook, when to cook, how much to cook and of course trying to make everyone happy. And I don't even have to worry about a renal diet! So to make life seem more manageable I try to make lists and do some of the food preparation in advance. While it's never quite as smooth as I would like, I am always very happy when I am able to pull a quick meal out of the freezer or have all of my ingredients at hand! ON A RENAL DIET The holidays can be challenging on a renal diet, especially when you're eating at someone else's home, in a hotel or B&B, and you aren't certain what's in the food you're being served. Here are a few strategies you can use to make the holidays go a bit more smoothly. ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● Make a list (check it twice) of the meals you'll be cooking and the ingredients you will need; this can save time and money. Offer to bring something and plan on a dish that is kidney-friendly that you know you enjoy. Ask about the menu in advance; if there's something you aren't sure about you can ask your dietitian before you go. Make it a ‘recipe potluck’; suggest everyone brings enough copies of the recipes for the items they bring to share. Everyone gets to take home new recipes (a great memento of a holiday get-together) and you get to scan all the recipes to make sure you know what you're eating! Watch your portions; keep servings small and avoid going back for seconds - eat slowly and join in the conversation! Don't be too polite; don't feel you need to clean your plate or try some of everything, especially if the food doesn't fit well into your kidney diet. Avoid the ‘extras’; condiments and sauces such as, gravies, pickles, olives, cheese, nuts etc all of these ‘extras’ can be sources of salt, phosphorus, or potassium. See more suitable homemade recipes on the next page. Avoid skipping meals; if you're starving you will be much more likely to overeat! TIPS ON DINING OUT EASIER ON A RENAL DIET When you know you will be eating out for dinner, plan your breakfast and lunch at home accordingly. Cut back on serving sizes and foods high in sodium and potassium during the day. Call ahead or check their website to learn more about the menu and how the food is prepared. Choose a restaurant where it will be easiest to select foods best suited for your diet. Restaurants where food is freshly prepared and made to order are the best choice. Eating at fast-food restaurants is not totally out of the question. It does, however, take some thought and planning. Fast food restaurants tend to have pre-prepared components for their meals, and often these are pre-salted too. This can make it challenging modifying the meals according to your needs. They usually have nutritional analysis of their meals which can be useful when making the best choice from their range of meals. If ordering in an We love a bit of sunshine here in Ireland, but unfortunately it Asian restuarant ask does not come around very often! But when it does, there is for sauces on the side nothing quite like sharing a BBQ with friends and family. Some as dishes can be very BBQ meals have high salt or high phosphate content, not to high in salt. mention risks of food borne bacteria. But this does not mean you should miss out on delicious tasty meals! 28 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 HERE IS AN APPETISING BBQ MEAL TO ENJOY! While you are waiting for Method the BBQ to get started … 1. Add the pasta to boiling water and cook until tender. Drain the pasta into a bowl and allow to cool – keep the cooking water in a jug PESTO PASTA SALAD 2. Add the basil, olive oil, white wine vinegar and crème fraiche into food (serves 4) processor and blitz until it is a smooth Ingredients consistency. (If it looks too thick, add • 600g pasta twists some cooking water from the pasta - this • 80g red pepper, chopped will help coat all the cooked pasta). • 40g fresh basil 3. To finish, add the chopped red pepper to • 3 tbsp olive oil the pasta and mix the pesto through • 1tbsp white wine vinegar until all the pasta is coated. Serve chilled. • 10g crème fraiche Per portion this starter dish provides a ½ vegetable portion. Check your daily allowance to see if you have enough remaining for this dish PORK KEBABS (serves 4) Ingredients For Kebabs • 1 medium (75g) red onion, peeled • 1 medium (80g) green pepper, core and seeds removed • 325g pork fillet, cut into 1inch cubes • 1 tbsp of red wine, to brush on during cooking For marinade • 1 tbsp olive oil • ½ level tsp ground cumin • 1 tbsp honey • 1 clove of garlic • 1 tbsp of fresh rosemary, chopped Method 1. Place 8 wooden skewers in water to soak (this will prevent them burning). Mix all of the marinade ingredients together in a bowl, and then stir in the pork. Leave this to marinade, covered over for 2-3hours, in the fridge. 2. Pre-heat barbecue for high heat. 3. For the kebabs, cut the onion into 16 equal size pieces. Also cut the green pepper into 16 equal sized pieces. 4. To construct the kebabs, remove the skewers from the water and the meat from the fridge to start treading the pieces onto the skewers. Start with a piece of the meat first, then red onion, then green pepper, and repeat this again, and end the skewer with another piece of pork (the pieces of meat at both ends keep the pieces secure) 5. Lightly oil the barbecue cooking grate. Arrange skewers on the prepared barbecue. Cook for 15 to 20 minutes, brushing occasionally with red wine until the meat is completely cooked through and juices run clear. Per portion this dish provides 3 protein (meat) exchanges and a ½ portion of your vegetable allowance. Check your daily allowance to see if you have enough remaining for this dish. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R SUMMER SALAD (serves 4) Ingredients • 1½ dessert bowls (125g) Cos lettuce, roughly chopped • 25g red onion, finely chopped • 50g raw runner beans • 1 level tbsp fresh coriander, finely chopped • 1 level tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped • 1 tbsp olive oil • 2 tbsp fresh lemon juice Method 1. Mix all the ingredients in a large bowl and gently mix to coat the salad. Per portion this dish provides 1 portion of vegetable from your daily allowance. Check your daily allowance to see if you have enough remaining for this dish. COUSCOUS (serves 4) Ingredients • 250g couscous • 50g green beans, blanched for 2 minutes • 50g red pepper, chopped finely • 1 level tsp ground cumin • 1 level tsp ground coriander • 1 level tsp black pepper • 1 tsp honey • 2 tsp of lemon juice • 250ml boiled water Method 1. Mix the cumin, coriander, black pepper, lemon juice and honey into the boiling water and pour onto the couscous. Leave to soak for 5minutes. 2. Fluff up the couscous with a fork and mix in the remaining ingredients. Per portion this dish provides a ½ vegetable portion from your daily allowance. Check to see if you have enough remaining for this dish. 2015 29 Launch of ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK O n Monday March 23rd we had the press launch of the 2015 Organ Donor Awareness Week campaign by Minister Leo Varadkar. The opening was by the Chairman of the IKA, Stephen O’Sullivan, followed by IKA CEO Mark Murphy. The Minister gave a very informative speech and he was followed by Professor Jim Egan, the Director of Organ Donation and Transplantation Ireland (ODTI). The Minister posed for many photographs and then departed. The patient presentations followed afterwards and our champion Mary Kennedy introduced the four speakers who each presented their patient stories to the attending press. Paddy O’Mahoney is a retired fire brigade district officer, from Marino, in Dublin, who was diagnosed with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis in late 2010. He is married to Pauline, they have four grandchildren and he received a lung transplant in January 2013 at the Mater Hospital Dublin. Kevin Hickey is a 22 year old UCD law student from Monaghan. Diagnosed with cardiomyopathy he received a heart transplant in March 2014 at the Mater Hospital Dublin. Saoirse Perry (22), from Cabra in Dublin, is studying Arts at Maynooth. Saoirse who has CF received a liver transplant during Easter 2014 at St. Vincent’s University Hospital Dublin. Pat O’Sullivan from Mallow, Co Cork is a Regional Manager with Irish Rail. Pat is married to Helen and they have two children. He was diagnosed in 2002 with chronic kidney disease and was undergoing nightly dialysis treatment for 9 hours at a time. Since he made the presentation, and as Pat's home dialysis wasn't working well for him, he has had to return to hospital haemodialysis treatment 3 to 4 times weekly. About 100 people from around the country attended and were acknowledged for their commitment to organ donor awareness and, in particular, the donation by Clear Channel of poster advertising on bus shelters around Dublin. Stephen O’Sullivan Paddy O’Mahoney 30 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Saoirse Perry, Mary Kennedy, Kevin Hickey and Michelle O’Brien Mark Murphy ODTI staff with Mary Kennedy and Minister for Health Leo Varadkar Northern Ireland Transplant Surgeon Tim Brown, Mark Murphy and Minister Varadkar Alan O’Brien and his cousins Niall, Michelle and their mother Florence with Mary Kennedy IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 31 Mark Murphy, Mary Kennedy and Tim Brown Mary Kennedy Mary Kennedy and childhood friend Margaret Hanratty Mick Dwyer and Mary Kennedy Kevin Hickey and mother Patricia Shane Mullen with Margaret, Claire and Michael Dolan Anne O’Hara with daughter Kathleen and granddaughter Saoirse Donegal branch members George & Siobhan Bates with Mary ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK Deborah Cervi and Ashling Hand Prof. Jim Egan Saoirse Perry and Minister for Health Leo Varadkar Margaret McCague & Martin Thornton with Mary Kennedy Mark Murphy, Colin Clare and Tony Ryan 32 Longford branch members Thomas and Catherine Duffy with Mary Sligo branch members: Ita Leydon, Michael McHugh, Marie Fowley, Mary Kennedy, Liz Gilligan, Geraldine Jenkins and Michael Leydon Pat O’Sullivan Gerry Daly and Mary Kennedy Vera Frisby, Mary Kennedy and Ray Halligan Mary Kennedy with Chloe Kinahan and her dialysis baby Sam Sasha Jordan and son Myles Martin Doody, Valerie Brady, Mary Kennedy, Leo Varadkar and Stephen O’Sullivan Annette Foley, Dora Kent, Michelle O’Brien, Liam Buttle, Anne, Saoirse & Kathleen O’Hara, Maire MacGabhann, Catherine Buttle, Florence & Niall O’Brien with Mary Cork branch members: Teddy & June O’Neill and Trevor O’Neill and Lisa Sunderland with Mary Kennedy Teresa & Jim Byrne with Mary Kennedy Martina Goggin, Mary Kennedy, Leo Varadkar and Mark Murphy Offaly branch members with Mary Kennedy, Jerome Burke, Mary Young and Mary Harrison Smith Paddy O’Mahoney and Mary Kennedy 33 Leitrim branch members with Mary Kennedy: Annetha Kierans, Cathriona Charles and Margaret Charles Limerick branch members Susan Cannon and Mary Downes with Mary Kennedy By COLIN WHITE As a result of positive feedback after the 2014 Run For a Life we decided to return to Corkagh Park to host this year’s Run. South Dublin County Council is to be commended for the way in which they helped facilitate our event – it was a pleasure to work with them. A big ‘thank you’ also to the O’Brien and Pardoe families who helped promote the event when they attended a photo call in the park prior to the event itself. This year, we moved the event from September/ October time to May 23rd and we were extremely fortunate with the pay-off in terms of weather. The glorious sunshine on the day enhanced the beauty of the setting and the hundreds of people who came to support the day added a sense of joy, camaraderie and hope. This heady cocktail resulted in our best Run For a Life since the event’s inception. Our little band of volunteers was on hand in the park from early in the morning to assist in getting things ready. The commitment and the sense of fun that they brought throughout the day helped to enhance the experience for all and certainly made my life very straightforward! I hope that they know how appreciated they are! This year it was very pleasing to see the number of people who registered for the event in advance of the day – it shows great commitment and certainly helps and encourages us in the planning phase. It was great to see the regulars come out and support the event again and it was a pleasure to meet some of the first-timers – a number for whom this was their first ever 5km event. Our overall numbers were up 20% compared to last year! 34 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Back in 2009 when the event was established by the on-going sponsors, Astellas Pharma Ltd, I remember contacting them and suggesting that we could probably round up a number of transplant recipients who would not only participate in the event but who would also likely feature very prominently in the results. Happily, our team of participants did not disappoint that year and members of Transplant Team Ireland have continued to feature prominently in the results every year even as the event has grown. This year we had three transplant recipients in the top 11 finishers in the 5km and a 12 year old transplant recipient finished in 26th place (there were 190 people in the 5km). The oldest participant on the day was a transplant recipient. These were just some of the high profile transplant recipients who participated. There were so many stories on the day – transplant recipients, people on dialysis, friends and family all rallying behind the promotion of organ donor awareness. Long-time friend of the IKA, Frank Greally (Editor of Irish Runner), again attended the event and took great interest in the proceedings. Professor Jim Egan, Director of the Organ Donation Transplant Ireland office not only continued to show his support for the event, he again laced up his running shoes and took on the 5km event. We were very fortunate this year to not only be in a position to serve our now legendary ‘soup and a sandwich’. Broderick Bros came in with 500 of their delectable bars and Keogh’s also supplied 350 packets of their wonderful crisps – I rather enjoyed their Shamrock and Sour Cream flavour. We are very grateful to both companies for their thoughtful gesture that helped enhance the day for everyone. What really topped the day off for me was seeing the number of people who stayed on in the park long after they finished their event. This made for a wonderful atmosphere and I am sure that our 10km runners were very happy to see such crowds in the finish area when the crossed the line. Planning is already underway for Run For a Life 2016. Given this year’s success we will probably look at a May date again and we will be asking South Dublin County Council for permission to use the wonderful Corkagh Park as the venue. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 35 FROM THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE ELECTED IN 2014 FOR A 3 YEAR TERM PRESIDENT: Mark Murphy (Ireland) VICE PRESIDENT: Lars Skar (Norway) VICE PRESIDENT: Ugne Sakuniene (Lithuania) SECRETARY GENERAL: Sari Hostrum (Finland) TREASURER: Christian Frenzel (Germany) This is a summary of the EKPF activities, presented at the General Assembly in Vilinius, Lithuania in May 2015 Pictured above are: Tina Roehrig; Marta Kozireva; Olav Fikse; Michela Mazzola; Christian Frenzel; Asko Rasanen; Sari Hogstrom and Tetiana Olkhovyk T he Executive Committee only met via telephone conference calls throughout the year due to budget constraints and temporary ill health of myself and some of the Committee. In October the European Kidney Health Alliance (EKHA) met in Brussels and discussed future management and plans for the coming year. A new champion was found in Karin Kadenbach, MEP Austria. In the EKHA I was faced with the decision to permit the Dutch Kidney Patients Association to join the alliance as associate members. I would not block a patient group from advancing, regardless of mine or EKPF’s view of our differences in policies. Many patient organisations were invited to Brussels to the European ADPKD forum in January 2015. I was unable to attend due to an illness but Lars Skar as Vice President attended a well organised meeting. A delegation from Astellas Europe travelled to Ireland to meet with me on October 29th. I made a grant proposal to them and we have exchanged contracts for a grant for 2015. I was invited and travelled to Rovinj in Croatia to present the work of EKPF to a number of patient organisations from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. I anticipate that we will see new member countries from the region in 2016. I want to thank Brane Tome our auditor for organising my attendance there. I attended the International Federation of Kidney Foundations (IFKF) annual meeting in Lyon, France in October along with my colleagues from the IKA which is also a member of the IFKF. The IFKF is a joint owner of ‘World Kidney Day’ which some of you partake in. The organisation is facing some difficult decisions surrounding its future and I still recommend that we continue to pay our $500 membership fee. Haken Hedman from Sweden passed me an invitation from the Russian kidney patients to attend their annual meeting in Moscow in December. At the meeting I made two presentations, one about the IKA and the other about EKPF. During the course of the meeting I met the Ukrainian patients’ representatives who have now joined EKPF. The Russian patients have decided to join us in the future. The EKHA hosted a ‘Kidney Forum’ in Brussels in March which some of the members attended. The alliance had a management meeting at the same time and a new document entitled “Recommendations for Sustainable Kidney Care” was agreed upon. What the alliance lacks is the kidney transplant surgeons in the form of The European Society for Organ Transplantation (ESOT). They have been invited to join the alliance but have yet to do so. In my view their joining would complete the ‘stakeholder’ alliance which is dominated by nephrological influence without transplantation represented by the surgeons. Equally, the renal dialysis industry companies are grouping together in Brussels as a lobby alliance namely the European Renal Care Providers Association. The finances of the organisation are in a better position now than they were a year ago and the future is much brighter for the Organisation. MARK MURPHY, PRESIDENT 38 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION FORM BLOCK CAPITAL LETTERS PLEASE: Mr. Mrs. Ms. FIRST NAME: INITIAL: SURNAME: ADDRESS: PHONE: MOBILE NO: EMAIL: ARE YOU A KIDNEY PATIENT: If yes, please indicate your current patient status. Please update our records when/if status changes. IF YES IF NO PRE DIALYSIS RELATIVE OF PATIENT HAEMODIALYSIS FRIEND OF PATIENT APD GENERAL INTEREST CAPD TRANSPLANT HOSPITAL OR DIALYSIS CLINIC YOU ARE ATTENDING: YOU MUST BE 18 YEARS OF AGE, OR OLDER, TO BECOME A MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION AS A MEMBER YOU WILL AUTOMATICALLY RECEIVE OUR ‘SUPPORT’ MAGAZINE UNLESS THERE IS ALREADY ANOTHER ASSOCIATION MEMBER AT YOUR ADDRESS RECEIVING IT? CAN WE CORRESPOND WITH YOU BY EMAIL (if you have an email address), IN PARTICULAR NOTICES RE: ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE ASSOCIATION AND ANNUAL DIRECTOR’S REPORT, ETC. YES NO WOULD YOU LIKE CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE LOCAL BRANCH WITHIN YOUR AREA? YES NO WOULD YOU LIKE CORRESPONDENCE FROM THE SPORTS SECTION OF THE IKA? YES NO TO BECOME A VOTING MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATION YOU MUST SUBSCRIBE TO THE MEMORANDUM & ARTICLES (Rules & Regulations) OF THE ASSOCIATION (copy available on request) OR ON THE IKA WEBSITE - I SUBSCRIBE TO (sign up to and accept) THE MEMORANDUM & ARTICLES OF THE IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION LIMITED. SIGNATURE: DATE: Please return the completed, signed form to the Irish Kidney Association (Freepost), Donor House, Block 43A, Park West, Dublin 12. There is no subscription charge. DONEGAL By SIOBHÁN BATES Lisa McCafferty presents George Bates with the proceeds of her fundraiser. Our photographs opposite show volunteers collecting during the Donegal Organ Donor Awareness Week 40 Hello from the Donegal branch. We held our AGM in April and the following officers were elected: Chairperson: Siobhàn Bates. Secretary: Sharon Gallagher. Treasurer: Kieran Murray. PRO: George Bates. Board member: Kieran Murray. All committee members were voted in unanimously and the invite to welcome new blood to all positions on the committee was widely welcomed. Thank you to all who attended the AGM. A big ‘thank you’ also to Ralph Thomson, our outgoing Treasurer, (but still assistant to Kieran Murray) and Jenny McDermott, outgoing Board member. Organ Donor Awareness Week and our churchgate collections were held during April, and a total of almost €26,000 has been collected. Well done to our yearly collectors and voluntary helpers. Congratulations to two families who received a kidney donation...the Harkin brothers from Letterkenny (Bernard donated a kidney to his brother Garvan who had been on dialysis for a few years) and also to young mum Lisa McCafferty from Termon whose brother donated a kidney. Thankfully all are doing well and we wish them all health and happiness. On another note we would like to thank Lisa for her donation of €735, proceeds from a local Termon GAA dance that was held at The Lagoon in Termon. Well done and many thanks to the McCauley family, Arranmore Island, especially Francie on his participation in the marathon which raised €2465 through sponsorship from friends and families. Another €400 was also donated ‘online’ via IKA, which brought the total to €2865. A fantastic achievement! Francie donated his kidney to his dad Frankie almost two years ago and both are doing well. Thank you also to Pam Gibson and Margaret McDermott, Magherasolas, Raphoe, for their kind donation of €325, in lieu of flowers following the recent death of Pam’s beloved husband and Margaret’s father, Alec Gibson.We are truly grateful for your kindness at this sad time. Our Summer outing for Donegal renal patients, carers and friends takes place on Sunday July 26th. We are heading to The Doagh Famine Village and a local hotel for dinner. Anyone interested in attending and who may not be on our branch mailing list please contact me (086-239-0275). Our branch Service of Remembrance will be held on November 1st at 3.30pm. Spread the word and jot down the date and time. Anyone wishing to fundraise or particapate in any activities that include the name, or logo of the Irish Kidney Association or Donegal branch, please contact either your local branch Committee, or any staff member in Donor House, Dublin. Thank you also to all in the Renal Support Centre. As always the facilities are so welcome especially to the renal population in Donegal. Condolences from the Branch to all those families who have lost a loved one recently. To the Kelly/McDevitt family on the sad passing of Teresa. The families are long-time supporters and friends of the IKA. This family have had five transplants whilst four members are on or preparing for dialysis. They are a wonderful asset to the Donegal branch. Take care all and have a lovely Summer. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Our young volunteers in Letterkeny Patricia Fitzpatrick-Kelly Margaret McDermott Deirdre Kelly * Siobhan Bates DONEGAL CONTD. Mae Meehan Maura Schoumaker Pam Gibson Ena McCarron Yvonne McCrabbe Teresa O’Brien IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 41 SLIGO By GERALDINE JENKINS Find us on FACEBOOK – SLIGO IKA Branch Welcome to the Summer issue of SUPPORT. Our branch’s first ever float entry in the St Patrick’s Day parade was a huge success. We were very proud to be awarded the adjudicators cup. The float organising committee were: Ita Leydon, Liz Gilligan, Marie Fowley and Stephen Mullen. ‘Thank you’ to Stephen for donating a trailer for the float, from his haulage business. A very big ‘thank you’ also to James McCullagh for his carpentry skills, and for giving of his time. The organisers deserve credit for their creativity, imagination and the enormous time and effort they put in. They worked long hours in a freezing cold shed to create the fantastic float. The weather on the day was very favourable and the float received huge rounds of applause as it passed by the spectators. Three days later, after the excitement of the parade, we were straight into the launch of Organ Donor Awareness Week. The event was launched by RTE’s news correspondent, Tommie Gorman and the location was Doorly Park. The area was chosen because it is where our ‘Garden of Reflection’ will be situated. There has been an unforeseen delay on the garden project, which was to start in April, but we are confident that work will be commencing very shortly. Our town and county collection day for ODAW was Saturday March 28th. Thanks to all the businesses who allowed us to collect on, or outside their premises. As always our loyal volunteers were out in force and the collection was very well supported. I want to once again thank all our volunteers for giving up their precious time to help our cause. I especially want to thank Natasha Brady, whom I phoned at very short notice on collection day to ask if she could help me out as I had to alter the roster to accommodate another volunteer. 42 Newly elected Sligo Committee members: Geraldine Jenkins, Marie Fowley, Bernie McHugh and Michael McHugh. INSET: Outgoing vice-Chairperson Eileen Nolan Natasha literally said: “Ok where do you need me to collect”? Natasha firstly had to do her home dialysis, then did two hours volunteering, and then went off to work. A very sincere thank you to Peter Henry (former proprietor of The Blue Lagoon bar) for his generous donation towards our ODAW collection. The total raised (including proceeds from the benefit night) was €5261. Our AGM took place in The Sligo Park Hotel on April 7th. We regretfully accepted the resignation of Eileen Nolan who has been our vice Chairperson for the past 10 years. Thanks was extended to Eileen for her unwavering commitment to this branch and we were delighted to hear she will still be attending our monthly meetings. We welcomed Marie Fowley as our new vice Chairperson and we are in no doubt of Marie’s very capable abilities to carry out her duties. Our 4th annual benefit night was held in The Blue Lagoon on Saturday April 11th. Once again, it was a great success and a very enjoyable night was had by all. There were numerous spot prizes, plenty of food and DJ Kevin Flannery played a variety of music to suit everyone. Kevin provided his services free of charge. Our thanks is extended to everyone who donated the generous spot prizes, to Gary Morehan in Abbey Foods, Kieran Roddy in The Food Experience and to the IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 management in Trio Foods for the provision of the lovely food for the event. For the second consecutive year, Ena Feeney from Ballygawley organised a group of ladies to do the VHI Women’s Mini-Marathon for the IKA. A huge ‘thank you’ to Ena for once again choosing our charity. The weather conditions on the day were horrendous but did nothing to deter the efforts of the 29 women who took part. A gentleman who deserves a very worthy mention here is John Francis Fowley (Ballygawley). John Francis was the bus driver for last year’s event. On the way home, John Francis said that he had thoroughly enjoyed the day, from start to finish, and that for the 2015 event, he would donate his bus and services free of charge. This man was true to his word, and Sligo IKA branch committee thank him most sincerely. Best wishes as always to you all and your families, and I hope everyone enjoys the rest of the summer. Chairman: Michael McHugh (Re-elected 6th term) Vice Chairperson: Marie Fowley (Newly elected) Secretary: Geraldine Jenkins (Re-elected 6th term) Treasurer: Bernie McHugh (Re-elected 6th term) Board Member: Michael McHugh SLIGO BRANCH ST. PATRICK’S DAY PARADE Parade Organising Committee: Stephen Mullen, Ita Leydon, Liz Gilligan, Marie Fowley, Roddy McGuinn and James McCullagh SLIGO BRANCH ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS LAUNCH AT DOORLY PARK RTE’s Tommie Gorman (right) turns the first sod for the Garden of Reflection in Doorly Park. Also pictured is Michael McHugh IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 43 SLIGO CONTD. 44 SLIGO CHARITY NIGHT IN THE BLUE LAGOON IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 SLIGO ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK VOLUNTEERS Mark Feeney Tricia Clancy Stephen Mullen Sean, Leanne and Joseph Rowlette Ann Haran Mark Davey Sean Fowley Geraldine Jenkins Colin McNiffe Helen Sproule Michael & Bernie McHugh Joe Fallon Mary Fahy Natasha Brady John McDonagh Margaret McDonagh Eileen Nolan Lavina Davey Liz Gilligan and a member of the public Helen Phillips IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 45 DUBLIN SOUTH By JAMES REYNOLDS Hello and welcome from the Dublin South Branch. As many of you are aware we had our final branch meeting on Thursday June 11th before the summer break. I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our members for their continued support. AGM Our branch AGM was held in Cheeverstown House on Thursday April 9th. Thank you to all who attended. The results of the election where as follows: Chairman: James Reynolds (newly elected) Secretary: Peter Pardoe (Re-Elected) Treasurer: Owen Kelleher (Re-Elected) Board Member: Karen Concannon (Re-Elected) After 2 years serving as Chairperson, Colin Clare decided to step down. Colin has been a brilliant asset for the branch and we are delighted that he will still be involved in the future as a member. We thank him for all his hard work, leadership and dedication over the last two years. ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK During Organ Donor Awareness Week we collected in The Square, Tallaght, Tallaght Hospital, Aldi on the Belgard Road and SuperValu in Lucan. We would also like to give a special mention to Martin Murray (pictured above) who raised €1705 doing a sponsored walk and Mai Dillon who raised €485. The total sum collected over the period of the week was over €5,000. I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for their commitment during this time, especially family and friends. RACE NIGHT We will be hosting our annual Race Night & Karaoke on Friday August 28th in Morton’s Pub, Firhouse, Dublin at 8pm. We will notify members in the next few weeks with the details and we hope to see you there! DATES FOR YOUR DIARY Our next branch meeting will be held in Cheeverstown House, Templeogue Dublin 6W at 8pm on September 10th. The Service of Remembrance will be in Dublin on Saturday October 3rd and we have also booked our Christmas party for Saturday November 28th in the Plaza Hotel, Tallaght. SUMMER BREAK To all our members enjoy your summer! If you are going abroad, enjoy the experience and please look after yourself – and remember to be careful in the sun, whether at home or abroad! 46 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 KERRY By THERESA LOONEY Ann O’Donnell and friends presents Teresa Looney, Kerry branch, IKA, with the cheque for €1,080 DUBLIN SOUTH CONTD. I would like to say a big ‘thank you’ to all our volunteers who gave their time during this year’s Organ Donor Awareness Week. Your help and enthusiasm has ensured that we have had another successful collection across the county. Congratulations to Stephen Byrne on his recent transplant. We are delighted to know that his recovery is running smoothly. Stephen has forwarded a cheque for €1000 from the Liverpool Supporters Club for which we are very grateful. On St Patrick’s night a trad session was held in Daly’s bar in Camp. Kathleen, the proprietor, proudly forwarded us €830, proceeds of the night. Well done and a huge ‘thank you’ to all who performed and donated. On April 12th Killarney Valley Classic Vintage Club held a vintage tractor and car run and the branch received a cheque for €300. The club have two more events planned and the IKA is again one of their chosen charities to benefit. They plan to have a classic car show and barbeque on July 12th at Killarney Outlet Centre from 2-6pm. On September 13th plans are in place for their Annual Ploughing Show and following on the huge success of last year’s event this year promises to be even bigger and better. We look forward to being part of this and will host an awareness stand on the day. Sunday April 19th the Lough Lein Anglers Association held a fishing competition and raised an incredible €8565. Members of the club were friends of the late Tom Fleming and IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 they wished this money to be used towards the upgrading of the bathrooms in the holiday home together with the €7000 raised at Tom’s remembrance night in February. This work has now been completed to a 5 star standard and Tom would be very proud of this project as he was instrumental when purchasing the holiday home in 2006. The late Patricia Coffey’s family donated €572.43 to the branch and we are very grateful for their thoughtfulness. Chairman Con Brosnan and I travelled to Camp recently to accept a cheque for €1080 from Ann O’Donnell. Ann’s son died tragically 6 years ago and since then the Michael O’Donnell Memorial Darts Tournament is held annually to raise funds for worthy causes. On hand on the night also for the presentation was Jimmy Dwyer whose son Paddy received a successful transplant before Christmas. A big ‘thank you’ to Ann, the local businesses and people of Camp for your ongoing support. As summer is here we are holding our Annual Summer Outing on the weekend June 20-21st for our dialysis patients in Killarney. A full itinerary is planned for the weekend, for those well enough to travel, and we look forward to having an enjoyable and memorable time. Finally, I wish everyone a lovely summer and we look forward to welcoming those lucky enough to have a holiday in the Kerry holiday home and assure them a céad míle fáilte to the Kingdom. 47 CORK By HELEN O’SULLIVAN It has been a very busy three months in the Cork branch. In April we had a very successful launch night to kickstart Organ Donor Awareness Week. Guests speakers on the night included Dr Liam Plant, Alan Coleman Mayor of Cork county, Nicholas O’Keeffe, Mayor of Cork city and Teddy O’Neill, Cork branch Chairman. The week was very successful with many volunteers reporting a big increase in demand for organ donor cards. Our donations also increased and this was helped by the large amount of publicity that the IKA received from RTE, C103 and 96FM. Our member Pat O’Sullivan, with Claire Dolan from Westmeath, made an appearance on the Today show. Pat also did a live interview with Patricia Messenger on C103’s Morning show, whilst June O’Neill was interviewed Catherine O’Sullivan and Noreen O’Halloran Pat O Sullivan and Claire Dolan being interviewed on the Today show during Organ Donor Awareness Week on 96FM. At Easter the members of the branch organised hampers for patients and members to raffle. This had also been done at Christmas and had proved very successful so it was decided to repeat it at Easter. Members gathered on a Sunday afternoon to prepare the hampers and after many hours of hard work thirty hampers were ready to be taken to the dialysis unit for the raffle. We would like to thank the nurses in the Renal Unit in CUH for helping with the draw and distributing prizes to the winners. We would also like to thank the dieticians in the hospital for helping us with the contents of the hampers. In April our Annual AGM was held in the Rochestown Park Hotel in Cork and a large audience was in attendance on the night. Chairman Teddy O’Neill, Treasurer Veronica Helen O’Sullivan, Noreen O’Halloran, Mary Egan and Margo McCarthy 48 IKA S Dilworth and Secretary Ger Cronin, gave their reports to the members before the election of officers. Teddy announced that he would not be going forward for election as Chairman, or as a Director to the Board and made a heart-warming farewell speech outlining the work he had done in his 24 years in the Cork Branch and at National level. Teddy and his wife June will be missed, as for a long number of years both have been the backbone of the Cork branch. I am sure the members throughout the country would like to wish Teddy and June all the best and thank them for all they have done. We would also like to thank outgoing Secretary Ger Cronin and outgoing Treasurer Veronica Dilworth for their work for the branch over the last couple of years. At our May meeting it was decided to hold a ‘meet and greet’ in CUH Members of the branch after completing the making up of hampers U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 CORK CONTD. Ger Scannell receiving a bouquet of flowers from the Cork branch to mark her retirement from the Dialysis Unit over three days to meet the patients going to and from the dialysis unit and to introduce them to the IKA and advise them of what we are about and to let them know what we can do for them. So on May 11th, 12th, and 13th volunteers from the Cork branch manned a desk in the dialysis unit in CUH to meet and greet the patients. This proved very successful with many new members joining the IKA and many others putting their hands up to volunteer for any future events and talks we may have. Our volunteers were assisted by nurses from the Dialysis Unit, the Home Unit and from Ward 4C and we would like to thank them Teddy O’Neill and Mike Kiely Mary Egan Joe Higgins, Joanne Lyons and Mike Kiely IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R most sincerely for their help. It is hoped to do this again later in the year at other renal departments in the hospital. It was also decided to hold a BBQ in the city for members and this was held in the River Lee Hotel on May 29th. Report and photos will follow in the next issue of SUPPORT. Also on the night a presentation was made to Teddy and June O’Neill, for their loyal and hard work, not just to the Cork branch but to the IKA at a National level. Teddy and June love to travel and were presented with a holiday voucher, by the newly elected Member of the National Board Michael Kiely. Helen O’Sullivan, Secretary presented June with a bouquet of flowers. Michelle Conroy and Noreen O’Halloran Margo McCarthy and Phil Lennon 2015 49 WESTMEATH By CATHY SMYTH Left: Pictured at the cheque presentation to the Westmeath Branch, IKA, at Mount Temple Golf & Country Club were: Cathy Smyth, Eileen Dunican, Claire Dolan and Eddie Flood Below right: Pictured at the presentation of a cheque to the IKA were from left: Mick Drew, Johnnie Penrose, John Joe Burke (Chairman, Ballynacargy Vintage Club), Lorraine Evans, Eddie Flood (Chairman Westmeath IKA Branch), Mick Cahill (Treasurer, Ballynacargy Vintage Club) and Tom Price Pictured at the cheque presentation to the Westmeath Branch, IKA, at Mount Temple Golf & Country Club were Cathy Smyth, Eileen Dunican, Claire Dolan and Eddie Flod Hello to you all from the Westmeath branch. Our AGM took place on April 21st. There was a strong attendance. As a result of the meeting Eddie Flood is remaining as Chairman of the Branch and Eileen Dunican as Treasurer. Claire Bardon stepped down as Secretary and Cathy Smyth will be replacing her. We would like to take this opportunity to thank Clare for all her hard work over the past two years. The branch has been busy fundraising. There was a terrific response to a tractor run by the Ballynacargy Vintage Club in Westmeath in aid of the Irish Kidney Association. Approximately €8,000 was raised and the money will go directly to the Renal Support Centre at Beaumont Hospital, Dublin. Chairman of the IKA Westmeath Branch, Eddie Flood, said he was overwhelmed at the success of the event. “Great credit must go to the club and all involved in the tractor run. It was a major success. We were completely taken aback by the success of it,” he said. Around 50 tractors were involved in the run, which took in a 50km route from 50 Ballynacargy to Ballymore, returning via Moyvore and Williamstown. Participants paid a €20 fee while a large number of volunteers ensured the route was well marshalled. The ladies committee supplied food in the Ballynacargy Parochial hall for the tractor run before and after. He also thanked the Club Chairman, John Joe Burke, the hardworking committee and volunteers. There was also a street collection in Mullingar, as part of the event, and it also proved very successful. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Claire Dolan organised a golf fundraiser in Mount Temple Golf & Country Club over the May bank holiday weekend and Eddie Flood organised a churchgate collection in Mullingar. Members of the branch will be participating in the annual Croagh Patrick climb on July 11th. All members are welcome to join in. Please contact Eddie Flood (087-9665750) if you are interested. LIMERICK By MADELEINE DONAGHY Left: At the Limerick launch of Organ Donor Awareness Week were: (back, l-r): John Lotus, Kevin Downes, Susan Cannon, Paul Browne and Mary Downes. (front): Madeleine Donaghy Below right: Members of IKA Limerick branch attending branch meeting at Hospital Tennis Club: Susan Cannon, Mary Downes, Sandra Dillon, and Michael Sheehan. Limerick branch members are looking forward to the long summer days and hopefully some new initiatives. We are always open to welcome new members with new ideas to join us at the branch meetings. The branch AGM took place in April in the Clarion Hotel, Limerick city. We were delighted to welcome Stephen O’Sullivan, IKA National Honorary Chairman to the meeting. Our condolences go to Stephen on the recent death of his wife Maura. At this year’s AGM a new Chairperson and Treasurer were elected. Many thanks to outgoing Chairperson John Loftus and Treasurer Des Cusack. We wish Sandra Dillon, incoming Chairperson, and Michael Sheehan, incoming Treasurer, all the very best for the coming year. Mary Downes remains as our very efficient secretary and Susan Cannon remains the Limerick Board member of the IKA. Two players with Limerick senior hurling team Kevin Downes and Paul Browne assisted the branch members to launch Organ Donor Awareness Week in the Clarion hotel in March. Members were very active during the week and it was really great to see so many new faces manning the many colourful donor awareness stands around the city and county. Many thanks to everybody and we hope to see you all again next year. Special thanks to Mary O’Gorman who once again did trojan work for the IKA. Limerick county has a very large rural hinterland and it is very difficult for members at the far ends of the county to attend branch meetings which take place in Limerick city. We wish to thank Richard and Anna Costelloe who allowed the branch to hold their meetings in their very popular bar and restaurant for such a long time. The meetings will be held at the new venue of The Good Shepherd Day Centre, Good Shepherd Avenue, Pennywell Road, Limerick. However the branch are hoping to start an outreach to different areas of the county to assist members IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 who live a long distance from Limerick to avail of a meeting. The first outreach meeting was held in Hospital, County Limerick, on May 10th. Hospital Tennis Club hosted the meeting and were delighted to welcome the branch members to the area. The meeting was a very social evening with many stories and anecdotes exchanged over the cup of tea after the meeting. We are hoping to replicate this in many areas and are looking for volunteers for the next meeting. The Limerick Branch would like to congratulate Thomas Doherty on his great achievements at the recent German Transplant & Dialysis Games. Thomas, currently on peritoneal dialysis, represented Limerick with distinction and came home with medals! 51 1 2 4 3 Waterford branch Service of Remembrance & Thanksgiving 5 9 6 8 7 52 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 WATERFORD 12 By SUSAN COWMAN 11 As with all the other branches of the IKA we had a busy and successful Organ Donor Awareness Week. We would like to thank all the volunteers who gave us their time and of course to all who kindly donated to the collections. Our AGM was well attended back in April. The meeting ended with some lovely refreshments. On Sunday May 24th, we held our Service of Thanksgiving & Remembrance at UHW Chapel. It was officiated by Rev Jenny, Father John, Father Richard and our guest Father Liam Lawton, who treated us to one of his beautiful songs. We would like to thank Sr Brenda and Vera Frisby for all the hard work they put into organising the Service, to the Choir for providing us with lovely music throughout and to Mary Grimes’ Catering for the food afterwards. Thank you to Joe Cashin who came along with his camera and has supplied the lovely photos of the Service. We have our annual County Churchgate collections taking place on June 20th and 21st. Also on the 21st we have the Family Fun Day, in Newtown, Kilmacthomas. This is a great day out for all age groups and hopefully the weather will be kind to us. Our annual 10K walk takes place on Sunday, August 30th, commencing from Wall’s Bar, Carrigbeg, walking to the Forge Bar in Portlaw, where we will have tea and coffee etc. If anyone would like to take part or take sponsorship cards for the walk, contact me on 087-8546367. The Holiday Respite Centre here in Tramore has been open since May and will be occupied until late September. We would like to welcome all the patients and we hope you and your families enjoy your holiday in Tramore. Lastly, on the next page, there are some notes that will keep you up-todate with all the happenings in our Dialysis Unit, written by our lovely patient, Liz ‘Lizzy Bits’ McCue. 10 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 At the Waterford Branch Service of Remembrance & Thanksgiving held at Waterford University Hospital were: 1 Nicholas, Phil and Megan Harrington. 2 Frank Curtis, Tom Kelly and Angela Kelly. 3 Theresa Hearns and Moira Cashin. 4 Lil O’Connor and Mary Cleary. 5 Geraldine Barr, Brenda Nolan (nurse at the Dialysis Unit), Lia Nolan and Mary Prendergast (nurse and recording artist). Geraldine and Mary are sisters who also sang during the Service. 6 During the Service in the hospital chapel. 7 Susan Cowman and John Meade. 8 Joe Moynihan (kidney recipient), Fran Moynihan, Rev. Jenny Crowley, Dr. Abernathy (WUH), Ann Cowman and Craig Cowman (kidney recipient). 9 Ned Lyons, Mary Lyons (kidney recipient), and Jane Roche. 10 Ita Ennis, Moira Cashin and Kitty Grant. 11 Geraldine Donnelly. 12 Tony Tyrell, Carol Ray and Molly Tyrell. Photos by JOE CASHIN 53 WATERFORD CONTINUED By LIZZYBITSMcCUE, DIALYSIS PATIENT THE COMINGS AND GOINGS FROM OUR DIALYSIS UNIT Recently, Mark Murphy, CEO, IKA came on a day visit to our renal unit. Sister Brenda Ronan gave Mark a warm welcome and introduced some of us patients to him. The IKA are putting €5,000 towards the new 27” televisions for 14 bed stations with Sky Sports plus new headphones. The Waterford Renal Patients Fund have also donated €3000 towards this. Most of the men will love Sky Sports for the racing and other sport options. We give sincere gratitude to all parties involved in this project for us patients. As of now, we have had our fourteen new 27” televisions installed; however they still need a bit of work to get them up and running! One of our most recent haemodialysis patients Patrick Flynn, Stradbally, Co Waterford, raised approximately €12,000. Patrick got together with his family and friends, all of whom donated beautiful gifts for the big Christmas Hamper Draw, which took place in Whelan’s Public House, Stradbally Village, Co Waterford. Thanks to John and Caroline Whelan for the kind use of their premises, for the IKA draw and of course to Patrick Flynn and family who helped sell lots of tickets for the lovely hamper, and all his many caring friends in County Waterford and further afield. Thank you, thank you, thank you to everyone, especially our Patrick. We had a collection for our Admin Assistant Ann Dunphy, who has decided it was time to say goodbye to the nurses and patients. Ann worked in the office for many years and is such a kind, beautiful person, who was dedicated to her job, the patients and drivers. Ann will be sorely missed by us all and we wish her the very best of health and good luck for the future. We gave a warm welcome to Mike Kelly, IKA Counsellor based in Donor House, Dublin. Mike came to visit us at our dialysis unit, in University Hospital, Waterford. Thanks from all 54 Peggy & Joan Naughton and Mary Abbott of us to Mike for the time he spent chatting and just listening to us. I’m sure this meant a lot to most patients and nurses. It was great to meet Mike and to receive his lovely letter, thanking us for making him feel so welcome. Our nurse Deirdre Crowe did a lot of work in the Carrick-on-Suir Organ Donation Awareness Week, back in March. She lodged a big €3,741 to the bank for the IKA. Well done Deirdre, that’s brilliant. And to all who helped out with the collections and, of course to those who donated, we thank you all, you are a great bunch and we will not forget your kindness. We said goodbye to Brendan Kenneally, one of our Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday patients. He got a successful kidney transplant, which I’m sure is going superbly, as we haven’t seen him back to us. Long may it last Brendan and to all the kidney and other transplant recipients, we wish good health and happiness. It’s the holiday season here in the sunny South, as we meet and greet patients from other units, holidaying in the Tramore Holiday Apartments. One patient who stood out, with his witty humour and strong Dublin twang was Tom, based in the Tallaght Dialysis Unit. Tom made our week with the gales of laughter and fun. Do come again Tom you're a tonic and great craic was had by all that met you. On behalf of all the patients, we give a sincere ‘thank you’ to all our life-saving teams, to all the staff members that work so hard keeping us in good health 24/7, 365 days of the year, through thick and thin, by that, I mean sometimes there are staff on holiday or off due to illness, our nursing teams cover for them, we appreciate you all. Here’s hoping our summer goes well, both with brilliant weather and our good health. Regards from one of the longMary Murphy and Marie O’Brien standing patients IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 WEXFORD By MARIA DONLON AGM Our AGM was recently held in the Riverbank House Hotel, Wexford. Mark Murphy, IKA Chief Executive, was in attendance on the night and our officers were re-elected. Refreshments were served afterwards. SERVICE OF REMEMBRANCE Our Branch Service of Remembrance will be held in Clonard Church on the July 10th at 8pm. All are most welcome. QUIZ Frank Curtis and family held a table quiz on April 2nd in The Oaks Foulksmills in aid of the Wexford branch and raised €1,230. Many thanks to the Curtis family and to all those who supported it. ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK Our ODAW raised €12,000, and again many thanks to all who volunteered their time to help with the collections. SYMPATHY The Wexford branch would like to express their deepest sympathy to Stephen O’Sullivan, IKA National Chairman, on the passing of his wife Maura, RIP. IKA RUN FOR LIFE Eddie Kehoe, Castlebridge, his wife Maire and family, took part in the IKA Run for a Life. Eddie is celebrating his 32nd anniversary of his kidney transplant which he received when he was a 23 year old newly-wed. They raised €1,300. Thanks to the Kehoe family. BAG PACKING IN DUNNES Our recent bag packing in Dunnes raised €832.00 and thanks to all who gave their time. GALWAY By EOIN MADDEN Cooke, was held in Renzo Café, Eyre Street, Galway, from March 9th to April 19th. The opening night on March 14th was well attended and a great success. The exhibition was a sell-out, which I believe is a first for Renzo’s, and €2,110 was raised for the Galway branch. We are very grateful to Angeline for the Left: Stephen O’Sullivan (IKA National Chairman) and Angeline Cooke at the ‘Looking West’ exhibition of watercolours Below right: Volunteers collecting during Organ Donor Awareness Week Maura O’Sullivan Our deepest sympathies go to our Branch and National Chairman, Stephen O’Sullivan, on the recent sad loss of his beloved wife, Maura. May she rest in peace. We all loved Maura, who went through so much illness, with grace and courage. It was a real privilege to have known her. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, Stephen. We would also like to thank Stephen for his dedication and hard work over the past two years, in the demanding position of National Chairman, especially during the very stressful months of Maura’s illness. However, as he retires from that position, at the National AGM, he has plans to continue his commitment to the IKA on a national level. Congratulations to Maureen Murphy, who celebrated the 25th anniversary of her kidney transplant on March 19th. A founder member of the IKA, Maureen is a key local figure in the IKA, and was a renal patient long before the IKA was founded. We wish you many more years and improved good health, Maureen. ‘Looking West’, the first solo exhibition of watercolours by Angeline generous donation of her artistic talent and time. Organ Donor Awareness Week was well supported in Galway city and county, as with other years. A huge ‘thank you’ to all our volunteers and supporters, who never let us down. Our branch AGM was held in the Menlo Park Hotel on April 16th. Ten members attended and the ‘usual suspects’ were duly re-elected. This situation cannot continue, and we urge you, the members, to consider if you, a family member, or friend, could give just a few hours a month to attend meetings and help organise various events. Please support your Association! A 100km cycle was held on Sunday May 24th in fine weather, from New Inn to beautiful Shannonbridge. Over 50 cyclists took part, which is extraordinary for a fledging cycle club, and in excess of €5,000 was raised for the the IKA. Thanks to all that cycled, decked out in bright IKA t-shirts, those who donated, and in particular to Gráinne Costello, the chief organiser. A presentation will be held on June 20th. On bank holiday Monday, June 1st, Carmel Moran and friends travelled from Woodlawn to run the Dublin Women’s Mini-Marathon in aid of the IKA. Thank you, Carmel. Our annual Churchgate Collections began in East Galway in Moylough and Gurteen on Saturday May 30th and IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Sunday May 31st. Thank you to Martina Donnellan and Councillor Michael Connolly for organising them. On Saturday June 27th and Sunday June 28th further collections at church gates across the city and county will be held. Please contact me if you can assist (086-6794006). We did not hold a Christmas party last year, due to falling attendances. However we would like to hold a social event this autumn. We want to do so in such a way to accommodate our renal patients, who are always invited as guests. Do please contact me, Eoin Madden, with your suggestions. I wish you all good health, and a relaxed, sunny summer. 55 CLARE By MICHAEL MESCALL Fr Tom Hogan, Professor Austin Stack, Mayo of Clare John Crowe and Peggy Eustace Consultant kidney specialists Dr. Michelle Gaffney and Dr. Con Cronin ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK The Organ Donor Awareness Week launch was marked by a Patients’ Information Evening at the Temple Gate Hotel on March 19th. The principal speaker was Professor Austin Stack, University College Hospital Limerick (UCHL) and his presentation dealt with the topic of kidney disease identification and causes. The other presentations on the night were delivered by Libby Sweeney, Pharmacist, UCHL and Mike Kelly, coordinator of counselling services at Donor House. Our thanks to all the speakers for their excellent presentations. And thanks also to our members and loyal volunteers who gave so generously of their time to promote the organ donor card and fundraise for the IKA. We also wish to thank the media...the Clare Champion, the Clare News and Clare FM radio for their valuable contribution in highlighting Organ Donor Awareness Week Regina Reynolds, National Organ Procurement Co-Ordinator, ODTI, Mary Keogh, Michael Mescall, Aileen Counihan (Transplant Co-Ordinator, Beaumont Hospital) and Maureen Mescall 56 IKA SUPPORT S each year. MASS OF REMEMBRANCE AND THANKSGIVING Donor families, patients and transplant recipients, from all over Clare, gathered in the Cathedral in Ennis on Sunday May 24th for the Branches annual Mass of Remembrance and Thanksgiving. We wish to thank them for travelling and attending the service. Mannix Berry, transplant patient, gave the introductory speech to the ceremony which was performed by Fr Tom Hogan. Every year he celebrates this wonderful liturgy with a personal humanity and compassion that has an intimacy that touches all who attend. Elisha Barry and her granny Marian Barry with Mary and Sarah Keogh 2015 U M M E R CLARE CONTD. DUBLIN EAST & WICKLOW By CATHERINE FOLEY Brenda Bunyan, Geraldine and Joe Grace and Carmel McCormack Also in attendance at the celebration were transplant co-ordinators, from Beaumont Hospital, Regina Reynolds and Aileen Counihan. Limerick Regional Hospital was represented by Dr Con Cronin, Professor Austin Stack, and Dr Michelle Gaffney. Following the Mass refreshments were served in the adjacent Old Ground Hotel at which the renal patients and their families had the opportunity to mingle. On June 15th the Branch enjoyed a delightful social evening with a flower arranging demonstration by Una Whelan one of our members. An avid flower arranger, competitor and member of the Bray Flower Club, Una has been very involved in flower arranging circles for years. She demonstrated her skill in creating a number of beautiful arrangements, combining vivid colour with complementary foliage. It was obvious that Una has a great love for the art of flower arranging and gave us all a good insight into the time and skill involved in producing colourful and artistic arrangements The evening was well attended and there was a free raffle with eight lucky members winning lovely floral displays. Refreshments were served following the demonstrations and the evening was greatly enjoyed by all. The Branch thanks Una for a thoroughly interesting and entertaining presentation. AGM NEWS Miriam O’Brien stepped down as Chairperson of the Clare branch at our recent AGM. We thank her for her valued and dedicated contribution over the years and wish her well in her future endeavours. BEREAVEMENTS We extend our deepest sympathy to the families of the late, Brendan McCarthy, Shannon and Mary O’Leary, Kilmihil. May their souls rest in peace. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 57 DUBLIN EAST & WICKLOW By GLORIA PROBY Volunteers who helped with collections during Organ Donor Awareness Week in the Arklow and surrounding areas. A total of €5,788 was collected. Margaret Walker and Pat Walters Olive Ormiston, Maura Byrne and Noreen Larkin Maureen Leah and Betty McKeown Kathleen Kinsella, Nancy Kenny and Violet Waldron Peter and Jo O’Toole Philip Kavanagh and Barbara Tutty Dolores Hughes and Noleen Brauders Pat O’Malley, Maeve Byrne, Muriel Stedman & George Wynne 58 Liz Duncan and Maureen Leahy Mary and Felix Byrne Deirdre Power and Nancy Kenny IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R Betty McKeown and Ann Cornwall 2015 WICKLOW GARDAI AND FRIENDS take on the 4 COUNTY CHALLENGE CYCLE FOR IKA Mary Darcy Noreen and Bridget Byrne On August 18th, Wicklow-based Garda David O’Donovan, along with his colleagues and friends will cycle a gruelling 256km, from Wicklow Town to Abbeyleix, Co. Laois and back in one day, as part of the 4 County Challenge to raise money for the Irish Kidney Association. A charity close to his heart, David especially picked the date of the cycle to coincide with the 25th anniversary of the passing of his father, Garda Michael O’Donovan, a kidney dialysis patient who suffered from David O’Donovan and his colleague Sylvia and Michael O’Donovan Darrinagh Marshall and David Proby Margaret Woolmington and Betty Rose Pat Byrne and Mary Synnott Polycystic Kidney Disease. Stationed in Abbeyleix for 27 years, Michael himself was a big supporter of the IKA, fundraising through both the Laois branch and An Garda Síochána, for many years. Although his father, Michael, did not benefit from a kidney transplant, David, along with his colleagues, hope to increase awareness of organ donation and the importance of carrying a donor card. If you wish to support David and his colleagues in their efforts, please donate at the following link: or if you would like to offer any assistance with the event i.e. bicycle maintenance, energy bars or refreshments please contact David at or at Wicklow Garda Station 0404-60140. You can also follow the 4 County Challenge for IKA on facebook. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 59 OFFALY By ALISON LEAHY & JEROME BURKE ODAW LAUNCH The Offaly branch of the IKA got together on Wednesday March 25th for the Offaly launch of Organ Donor Awareness Week and Patient Information Evening. A group of 85 members of the public, dialysis and transplant patients and their families gathered for this yearly event now in its 10th year. It was opened by the Chairman, Jerome Burke. He expressed a sincere ‘thank you’ for the support of the Offaly people over the last year and praised the spirit of volunteerism that exists throughout Offaly. Jerome then introduced the following speakers: Mike Kelly, National Co-Ordinator of Counselling Services with the IKA, who spoke on ‘Caring for the Carers’ – Family Role In Caring; Brendan Reddy, CNM 2, Midland Regional Hospital, Tullamore, spoke about ‘Renal Nursing - A Unique Patient Relationship’; Bernard Aughey, transplant recipient spoke about ‘Support on Dialysis and Post Transplant’ and Cllr. Sinead Dooley, Cathaoirleach Offaly County Council, declared the week opened and sought support from the people of Offaly to what she said was a very worthy cause. This was also the 9th year of our Achievement Awards, the purpose of Kay Dunne receiving her certificate from Cllr Sinead Dooley and Jerome Burke 60 Noreen Gleeson receiving her Certificate of Achievement with members of the Dialysis Team MRH, Tullamore which is to recognise the outstanding achievement performed by an individual or a group in Offaly towards the work of the branch and the IKA nationally. There were six people applauded this year and they were presented with their awards from Cllr. Dooley. Noreen Galvin, CNM 3, Dialysis Unit MRH, Tullamore; Joe & Mona Gleeson, Kay Dunne, Eugene & Anne McDermott, all whom are active branch members and 24/7 carers. The night concluded with tea/coffee and refreshments. AGM The Chairman Jerome Burke welcomed all members to the AGM. He addressed the meeting and gave a lengthy report on the Branches activities over the past year and also outlined the plans for 2015-2017. The following were elected for the term 2015-2017. Chairman: Jerome Burke Secretary: Maureen Allan Treasurer: Mary Young PRO: Alison Leahy Board Member: Jerome Burke A special word of gratitude on behalf of the Branch was expressed to Geraldine Leahy, who stepped down as Secretary and David Cullinan, PRO who also stepped down after many years of service to Offaly IKA. GET WELL WISHES The following Members were sent get-well wishes, who are ill at this time: Eamonn O’Meara, Liam Swaine and IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 Eugene & Anne McDermott receiving their Certificate of Achievement from Cllr Sinead Dooley and Jerome Burke Anne Egan, former Branch treasurer who was in hospital. SYMPATHY Sympathy was expressed to the following families of Moira Corcorcan, Birr; Eddie Costello, Tullamore; and Brendan O’Toole (Offaly branch member). The branch also sympathised with our National Chairman, Stephen O’Sullivan (Galway), on the death of his wife Maura; Julie Hughes, on the death of her husband Tony (former Board Member), Co. Dublin; Fintan Clooney, on the death of his father, Joe; and Kay Dunne, branch member on the recent death of her Aunt Esther in Carlow and her brother, Michael, who died suddenly in Luton, England. A minutes silence was observed to remember all who passed away. ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK The week in Offaly was a successful event. The sum collected to date is €9,152.91, a plus figure compared to our total in 2014. Well done Offaly! TIPPERARY OFFALY CONTD. By DORIS CANTWELL Danielle Walsh celebrating 20 years of her kidney transplant with her mother Kit and her friends Cleantha Heffernan, Nathalie Jordan and Karen Hayden. Mary Young and Anne Marie & Keefa Glynn We applaud the generosity of our many volunteers throughout the county who gave of their free time to collect on behalf of the IKA. To them we leave these final thoughts, Arthur Ashe, Professional tennis player and Civil Rights campaigner once said: From what we get, We can make a living. From what we give, however, Makes a Life. AFTERNOON TEA Many thanks to Christy and Patricia Coughlin for their recent fundraising event which raised €1,685 for the Branch. Thanks to them and to all who supported the event. Belinda Kilmartin, Deirdre, Grace & Margaret Flynn, Sinead Mahon and Lorraine Coughlan at the Afternoon Tea event. Susan Ryan, Finbarr O’Neill, Donal Coughlan, Deirdre Ryan and Maisie O’Neill Christy and Patricia Coughlan, hosts of the Afternoon Tea event Greetings from summer approaches we hope you are all well and that you get out and about to enjoy the longer days and the sunshine. We also think of our members who are not well at the moment and we hope you will soon be feeling much better. We held our AGM in the Order of Malta Centre, Thurles on April 7th. We were very pleased to see so many members present on the night. Due to family commitments Carmel Fennessey decided to resign as Treasurer. We sincerely thank Carmel for all her work over the past three years and we wish herself, Mike and their family all the very best. Ann Nolan was elected Chairperson; we welcome Ann and look forward to her input. Joan Gavan remains as our board member, Orla Hogan Ryan as our Secretary, and Doris Cantwell was elected as Treasurer. We sincerely thank all those who helped during organ donor awareness week. I want to acknowledge the massive work done by our members in our county towns every year during donor week. This year we did very well with our collections, and we were well received by the public. I would also like to express thanks to the stores who allow us to collect at their premises and also to promote organ donor awareness. Well done to our Nenagh members who raised €2485 in their Churchgate collection. Our thanks to John Long who raised €750 from his beard shave, and €250 from Danielle Walsh with her parents Kit and Michael and her brother Greg the vintage silage making demonstration. On September 11th we plan to have a Vintage Tea Morning, with the ladies from Place 4 You at Morton St Clonmel. These ladies run the tea morning every fortnight (each time for a different charity). We would love to see anyone who is free to come, the time is 10.30am-12.30pm. Lots of tea, sandwiches, cake and chat. On June 1st a very happy event took place in the Watermill Thurles. Danielle Walsh gathered with her family and friends to celebrate the 20th anniversary of her kidney transplant. It was a lovely joyful event and a pleasure to be present on the night. We congratulate Danielle and wish her many more years of good health. I know that on the night Danielle was also thinking of the gift she has received from her donor and her donor’s family. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 61 LEITRIM By HELENA O’NEILL LEITRIM Greetings to all our members. We hope everyone is keeping well. ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK Organ Donor Awareness Week for Leitrim was launched by the newly elected first Lord Mayor of Drumkeeran Seamus Gallagher and his wife Kathleen. A number of members of the local community were also in attendance and supplied the tasty refreshments. Our thanks also to Ian Forde who gave us a room in his Inn for the event. CAKE SALE Tommy McPartlan of The Vintage Car and Rally Club invited our branch to hold a cake sale on the day of the fair, which is held annually in Manorhamilton. This year the organisers nominated the IKA as their second charity to receive half the proceeds of the event. The proceeds of the cake sale were also donated to the IKA. We are very grateful for the generosity of the Vintage Car Club members. 62 FUNDRAISER Martin Brannagan held a fundraiser for the IKA and raised almost €1500. Martin had been letting his hair grow for three years and held the big ‘chop’ event in the Swan Bar in Carrick-on-Shannon on April 2nd. It was a great night. Martin raised the money by collecting on the night and with sponsorship cards. He also had an extensive social media campaign to promote the event and to create awareness. He donated his hair to the Little Princess charity which make wigs for children suffering from cancer. IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R AGM Annetha Loughran was elected branch Chairperson, Cathriona Charles was reelected Secretary and National Board Member and Frank Heslin was re-elected as Treasurer. Our thanks to Kathleen McTeigue, the out-going Chairperson, who still gives her valuable time to the affairs of the branch. Thanks to all our volunteers who distributed organ donor cards and collected donations on behalf of the Association during Organ Donor Awareness Week. The fact that they give their time freely for the cause is much appreciated. 2015 DUBLIN NORTH By PATRICIA MACKENZIE BRANCH AGM The AGM of the Dublin North Branch was held on Monday April 13th in the Renal Support Centre, Beaumont. The following Officers were returned unopposed: Chairperson: Colin Mackenzie Secretary: Patricia Mackenzie Board Member: Colin Mackenzie One of our members; Brian Carney has offered to act as Treasurer and has since been co-opted to fill this post. Another member Fiona Lavin has also kindly offered her services in a supportive role. It is with great sadness that we recently lost two of our valued members since the last edition of this magazine. TONY HUGHES We also announce, with great regret, the loss of Tony Hughes. Over many years, before most of us were members of the IKA, Tony represented Dublin North on the Board of the IKA and also in the past Tony Hughes MARY MOORE Mary Moore passed away in March and on behalf of our members we offer our deepest condolences to Mary’s husband Jim and the family. Mary and Jim were busy Organ Donor Awareness Week supporters and collectors. We will miss Mary’s presence at our meetings and her example of quiet determination to cope with illness. Mary will be greatly missed by our members and both Jim and their daughters are in our thoughts and prayers. he took on the role of National Treasurer. Tony held the post of Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of Dublin North as the need arose. Colin and myself greatly miss his wise council and support and friendship as our fellow Officer of many years. We offer our deepest sympathy to his wife Julie and the family. All of us are profoundly grateful to Tony for his years of dedicated service to his fellow members of the IKA. ORGAN DONOR AWARENESS WEEK Our thanks to all members and supporters who collected during Donor Week. SUMMER WISHES Finally, we wish everyone a very pleasant and warm Summer Break and we look forward to seeing you again in September. Ann Burke and her team are once again staging what has become a much anticipated annual fundraising event for the IKA. DATE: THURSDAY 22nd OCTOBER 2015 VENUE: MALAHIDE GOLF CLUB Commencing at 12.30PM with a Champagne Reception followed by LIVE ENTERTAINMENT followed by FASHION SHOW Plus RED HURLEY and SISTERS OF SOUND. TICKETS: €65. 4 Course Lunch Enquiries to Ann Burke at 087-1352775 IKA S U P P O R T S U M M E R 2015 63 IRISH KIDNEY ASSOCIATION, DONOR HOUSE, BLOCK 43A, PARKWEST, DUBLIN 12. TELEPHONE: 01-6205306. LO-CALL: 1890-KIDNEY (1890-543639) E: • W: RENAL SUPPORT CENTRE, BEAUMONT HOSPITAL, DUBLIN 9. T: 01-8373952 E: LOCAL BRANCH SECRETARIES CARLOW DUBLIN EAST + WICKLOW Tom Phelan, Bernie Dwyer, 37 Beechwood Park, 40 Granville Road, Carlow, Cabinteely, Co. Carlow Co. Dublin Phone: Phone: 087-2673605. 086-1673467. CAVAN/MONAGHAN KILDARE LONGFORD SLIGO Liam Lally, 2 Maddenstown, Curragh Camp, Co. Kildare. Phone: 087-2249876. Elaine Heslin, Augharickard, Shroid, Longford, Co. Longford. Phone: 087-9444515. Geraldine Jenkins, 96 Doorly Park, Sligo, Co. Sligo. Phone: 086-0873552. Richard Conlon, Drumnaveil North, Station Road, Cootehill, Co Cavan Phone: 087-6478851. DUBLIN NORTH KILKENNY LOUTH/MEATH TIPPERARY Patricia Mackenzie, 49 Martello Court, Portmarnock, Co. Dublin. Phone: 01-8462320. Seamus Carrigan, Burnchurch Viper, Kells, Co. Kilkenny. Phone: 085-7683179 Mary Traynor, 9 Blackhill Crescent, Donnacarney Co. Meath Phone: 089-4348086. Orla Hogan-Ryan, 17 Hawthorns, Nenagh Co. Tipperary. Phone: 087-2806068. CLARE DUBLIN SOUTH LAOIS MAYO WATERFORD Michael Mescall, Lissenair, Kilmihil, Co Clare. Phone 087 2933963. Peter Pardoe, 57 Monastery Drive, Clondalkin, Dublin 22. Phone: 087-2424350. Angela Lyons, Cloverfield, The Swan, Co. Laois. Phone: 087-7633438. Maureen Bourke, St. Anthony’s, Carrowcushlaun, Ballina, Co. Mayo. Phone: 087-6604133 Susan Cowman, 61 Meadowbrook, Tramore, Co. Waterford. Phone: 087-8546367 CORK GALWAY LEITRIM OFFALY WESTMEATH Helen O’Sullivan, 25 Aldworth Heights, St. Joseph’s Road, Mallow, Co. Cork. Phone: 086-2755754. Eoin Madden, Carnakelly North, Athenry Co. Galway. Phone: 086-6794008. Cathriona Charles, Gortfadda, Mohill, Co. Leitrim. Phone: 087-9768637 Maureen Allen, St. Mary’s Road, Edenderry, Co. Offaly. Phone: 086-1982024 Cathy Smyth, 31 Churchhills Road, Coosan, Athlone, Co. Westmeath. Phone: 086-8049487 DONEGAL KERRY LIMERICK ROSCOMMON Sharon Gallagher, Pillar Park, Buncrana, Co. Donegal. Phone 086-3459112. Teresa Looney, Inch, Kilcummin, Killarney, Co. Kerry. Phone: 087-2059205. Mary Downes, 6 The Gardens, New Rd., Pennywell Co. Limerick Phone: 087-9612-133 Maura Quigley, Creevy, Roscommon, Co. Roscommon. Phone: 086-8969670. WEXFORD Dora Kent, Newtown, Ramsgrange, New Ross, Co. Wexford. Phone: 086-3745788.
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