2012 Ad Book from our Foundation Golf Outing
2012 Ad Book from our Foundation Golf Outing
Timothy H. Shinn President 111 North Michigan Ave. Kenilworth, NJ 07033 Phone Toll Free (800)356-6260 MISSION STATEMENT MISSION STATEMENT The New Jersey State Troopers Non Commissioned Officers Association Foundation, Inc. [hereinafter the Foundation] has been established to foster a relationship between public and private entities and the Association. Inherent in the FoXQGDWLRQ·V PLVVLRQ LV WKH IRUPation of a partnership between the general public and the NCO Association which supports humanitarian needs and law enforcement concerns. Through the generosity of you, our public supporters, the Foundation is able to continue our benevolent contributions to individuals and families in need. Dear Loyal Supporters, It is gratifying for us to have achieved another successful *ROI 2XWLQJ enabling us to raise funds for the mission of the Foundation. Through your support, the Foundation is able to provide financial assistance to those in need through scholarships, donations, and financial contributions. We wish to thank Grace Muchiri, Brian Bauer, and the Staff of the Trump National Golf Club for their efforts in helping to make the day both enjoyable and successful. We ask that you remember in your prayers our good friend, Douglas Jablonski, a devoted Trooper who passed away too early in life. -DPHV3*DIILJDQ President My Dear Friends, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kindness and support in making this latest fund-raising event a complete success. You have made it possible for this Foundation to continue to help the deserving individuals and families who have experienced personal tragedy find a small bit of comfort while continuing on with their lives. God bless you! Sean P. Reilly Chairman )ULHQGVDQG&RQWULEXWRUV Chris Preziosi ² Toyota World Victor Rallo, Jr. ² %DVLO7·V Tom Pauley ² Dealer Solutions Kevin Coolahan & Steve Fitzpatrick - Traffic Lines Tony Wieners - NJ State PBA Ben Luccarelli - Luccarelli Construction William Faherty - Clean Earth Joseph Coppola, Jr. - Bergen County Education Association Al Komjathy ² Komjathy, Kean & Stewart Bernard Sweeney - Shore Casino John Appello - John's Main Auto Body The Dublin House - Red Bank Nick Nicolette - Nicolette Heavy Towing & Recovery Harvey Whille, President - UFCW Local 1262 James Cobb, Jr. - NY Shipping Association Ed Kline - Kline Construction Chris Burgos, President - State Troopers Fraternal Association Steve Sternik, President - Superior Officers Association Mike Testa - "The Architect" Chris Mariani - Buona Sera Chris Baron - Verizon NJ Michael Bacchetta - B.A.C.C. Builders Craig Letts - Capital Telecom Steven J. Buck - Merchant & Evans, Inc. Brian Keenan - Train, Babcock Advisors Michelle Carroll - NJSP Survivors of the Triangle Dennis & Brian Kelly - APG Securities Gary Adams - Goldfarb Properties Marcial Mojena - Motorola Vincent Foti - Foti & Associates, LLC Richard Loccke - Loccke, Correia, Limsky & Bukosky Chris Burras ² Forked River House Heavy Hauling is our specialty with 13 axles we can move over 100 tons. We have moving capabilities in 48 states. We offer Crane service for dismantling of equipment. Warehousing is also available on site. Access to all ports NY, NJ, PA, MD. All drivers hold TWIC and SEALINK cards. Union drivers available upon request. Our employees share the company commitment to friendly, professional customer service. 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE !(#(##-'!"''$##(& & $+#*!!-"&#,$&* 273 New Road, Parsippany, NJ 07054 4#2 State Troopers Superior Officers Association 213 Crosswicks Road Bordentown, NJ 08505 609-298-8848 Steve Sternik President John Veltri Vice President John Kratzer Treasurer Chris Pukenas Secretary Colin Hughes Sergeant at Arms Richard Loccke Legal Counsel Proud Supporters of the STNCOA Foundation Verizon New Jersey KEEPING THE LINES OF COMMUNICATION OPEN FOR YOU & YOUR FAMILY What are the Benefits of Link Up America & !$ Link Up America & $"#!" !% "$# #! # !"# # !!" #" ! # Communications Lifeline program!( !" # # $"#!" ' # !% ! ! "$# # "!% Communications Lifeline program participants can receive: "$##!#!"# "!%$ #$#"!% # # #$!""$"! !#!&' How do you apply? '$#",*+),# 1-888-337-3339 !#www.njshares.org %DFF%XLOGHUV,QF 6XSHULRU6HUYLFHVIURP1HZ<RUN V0RVW7UXVWHG)LUP Building Inspections | Construction Management | Construction Consulting 1HZ<RUN1HZ<RUN_ <RXU6RXUFHIRU3XQFKOLVW%XLOGLQJ,QVSHFWLRQV BACC Builders, Inc., utilizes the most up-to-date bar code punchlist technology, including a palm-based tool driven by drop-down menus that allows our administrator to manage task lists and distribute updates and task assignments with ease and effectiveness. Our system creates a paper trail for every task. The system automatically stamps the time, date, and user's initials onto every entry that is documented. Additionally, you will receive a complete review of all utilities to ensure everything is in working order and up to code. Service Area: 1HZ<RUN_:DVKLQJWRQ'& %RVWRQ0DVVDFKXVHWWV_1HZ-HUVH\ General Building* Front Door Closer Speed & Locking Office Hours Monday - Friday 9am-5pm Drop down Door Sweeps Window & Door Operation Miter Joints Wall Coverings Stonework Bath & Kitchen Exhaust Electrical Testing 3-Way Switch Switch to Outlet Outlets Data Outlets Coax Outlets HVAC Water Testing Water Leaks Lead Pan Testing Washer & Dryer Testing Drain Flow Hot/Cold Water Verification *Dependant upon Importance Contact us today for comprehensive punchlist building inspections. CONGRATULATIONS JIM GAFFIGAN ON 2ND TERM AS PRESIDENT 0LFKDHODQG0DULD%DFFKHWWD %DFF%XLOGHUV//& Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc. New Jersey’s Largest Commercial Real Estate Company Congratulations and Best Wishes for a Successful Event to the New Jersey State Troopers Non Commissioned Officers Association Foundation, Inc. Dan DeTrolio Assistant Vice President Director-Governmental Relations Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc. 400 Plaza Drive, Secaucus, NJ 07096-1515 201.348.1200 Phone¬¬¬s¬¬¬201.348.4358 Fax www.hartzmountain.com BEST WISHES TO OUR FRIENDS AT THE NJ STATE TROOPERS NCO ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION GOD BLESS THE NJ STATE TROOPERS NCO ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION FOR ALL THEY DO In memory of our beloved son Sergeant 1st class Douglas A. Jablonski ´-DERµ -D\%DUEDUD-DEORQVNL KOMJATHY, KEAN & STEWART, LLC Government Affairs IN PARTNERSHIP WITH THE LISTED SPONSORS ARE PROUD TO SUPPORT THE NCO ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION :HVW6WDWH6WUHHWQG)ORRUŏ7UHQWRQ1- 3KRQHŏ)D[ ZZZNRPMDWK\VWHZDUWFRP 7KH/DERUHUV¶,QWHUQDWLRQDO8QLRQVDOXWHVWKH New Jersey State Troopers NCO Association Foundation BEST WISHES NJ State Troopers Non Commissioned Officers Association Foundation Raymond M. Pocino, Vice President & Eastern Regional Manager LAW OFFICES LOCCKE, CORREIA LIMSKY & BUKOSKY 24 Salem Street Hackensack, NJ 07601 Tel (201)488-0880 Fax (201)488-8051 Proudly supporting the NJ State Troopers NCO Association Foundation BEST WISHES NJ STATE TROOPERS NCO ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION McENERNEY, BRADY & CO., LLC CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANTS EDMOND P. BRADY, CPA FRANCIS M. McENERNEY, CPA PROUD TO REPRESENT THE NJ STATE TROOPERS NCO ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION AND OVER THREE-HUNDRED FIFTY POLICE UNIONS AND ORGANIZATIONS 293 EISENHOWER PARKWAY LIVINGSTON, NEW JERSEY (973) 535-2880 WWW.MBCCPA.COM 832 McLEAN AVENUE YONKERS, NEW YORK (914) 237-3676 The 195,000 members of the New Jersey Education Association are proud to support the New Jersey State Troopers NCO Association Foundation. Barbara A. Keshishian, President Wendell Steinhauer, Vice President Marie Blistan, Secretary-Treasurer Vincent E. Giordano, Executive Director Richard Gray, Assistant Executive Director/Director of Research NEW YORK STATE TROOPERS Thomas H. Mungeer President Richard M. Amedure Troop F Delegate Mark D. Robillard First Vice President John R. Gero Troop K Delegate Daniel F. Sisto Second Vice President Peter M. Nunziata Troop L Delegate Charlie A. Di Santo Treasurer & Troop G & H Delegate Joseph T. Csanko Troop T Delegate John P. Moretti Jr. Secretary & Troop A Delegate Michael A. Walser NCO-West Delegate Rodger L. Aldridge Jr. Troop B Delegate Daniel K. Shea NCO-East Delegate James D. Guerriere Troop C Delegate Frank A. Pace Officers Delegate David A. Carlo Troop D Delegate Gordon D. Warnock Legislative Liaison Gary D. Nuessle Troop E Delegate Richard E. Mulvaney General Counsel Serving our members since 1943 WE PROUDLY SUPPORT THE NEW JERSEY STATE TROOPERS NCO ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION Pinnacle just helped make your neighbor’s dream of home ownership a reality. How can we help you? At Pinnacle, it is our mission to provide you with the most competitive rates, the broadest selection of products and the best customer service. Bringing these features together as a licensed mortgage banker makes our loan capabilities among the best in the industry. To see how we can help you, please call us at 877-768-8800 or visit us online at www. pinnaclemortgage.biz. Pinnacle can help make your dream home a reality Proud supporters of the NEW JERSEY STATE TROOPERS NCO Association Foundation 1655 Route 46 East Little Falls, NJ 973-774-1000 Route46ChryslerJeepDodge.com 440 Route 46 East Totowa, NJ 973-256-1200 Route46Nissan.com 440 Route 46 East Totowa, NJ 973-256-1200 Route46Mitsubishi.com Rt 440 & Culver Avenue Jersey City, NJ 201-432-7700 HudsonKia.com 401 US Highway 1 Edison, NJ 08817 732-248-0500 MyEdisonNissan.com State Troopers Fraternal Association of New Jersey BEST WISHES TO OUR GOOD FRIENDS AT THE NCO FOUNDATION - NCO PRESIDENT JIM GAFFIGAN & ALL FOR A SUCCESSFUL 2012 EVENT! CHRISTOPHER J. BURGOS PRESIDENT ST MICHAEL ZANYOR – 1 VICE PRESIDENT DANIEL O’BRIEN – 2 WAYNE BLANCHARD – VP FOR LEGISLATION & GRIEVANCES DANIEL OLIVEIRA – SECRETARY FOR RESOLUTIONS ND VICE PRESIDENT FREDERICK HATRAK – TREASURER KENNETH LUTZ – RECORDING SECRETARY STEVEN KUHN – CORRESPONDING SECRETARY WILLIAM LEGG – SERGEANT AT ARMS RICHARD MONDRAGON – SERGEANT AT ARMS RICHARD D. LOCCKE – ASSOCIATION COUNSEL STFA 2634 Highway 70 Manasquan NJ 08736 PH/732-528-6388 FX/732-223-4947 www.stfa.org info@stfa.org CONGRATULATIONS TO JIM GAFFIGAN AND THE NEW JERSEY STATE TROOPERS NCO ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION FROM YOUR FRIENDS AT TRAIN, BABCOCK ADVISORS LLC WE ARE COMMITTED TO PERSONALIZED WEALTH MANAGEMENT FOR INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES WE BELIEVE INDIVIDUALS AND FAMILIES BENEFIT MOST WHEN THEY SET ACHIEVABLE GOALS AND PURSUE A FINANCIAL PLAN THAT PROTECTS CAPITAL AND INCREASES ITS REAL VALUE OVER TIME. SINCE 1959, WE HAVE BEEN ADVISING INDIVIDUALS, FAMILIES, THEIR TRUSTS AND RETIREMENT ACCOUNTS, AND FOUNDATIONS, OFFERING A VARIETY OF SERVICES THAT INCLUDE: INVESTMENT MANAGEMENT ESTATE PLANNING RETIREMENT PLANNING GIFTING ANALYSIS FINANCIAL PLANNING PRIVATE INVESTMENTS TAX PLANNING FOR A MORE COMPLETE DESCRIPTION OF OUR SERVICES OR TO ARRANGE A MEETING TO DISCUSS YOUR FINANCIAL AND INVESTMENT NEEDS, PLEASE CALL EITHER BRIAN KEENAN, CEO, JOHN ROGICKI, MANAGING DIRECTOR, OR PAMELA RAVIOL, DIRECTOR, AT: TRAIN, BABCOCK ADVISORS LLC INVESTMENT ADVISORS 100 PARK AVENUE 212-451-3400 FAX: 212-813-0919 EMAIL: bkeenan@trainbabcock.com jrogicki@trainbabcock.com praviol@trainbabcock.com 100 Years of Caring for the Community from the people you trust In-home health services provided throughout NJ $Nursing $# $ 800.862.3330 $ "!# $ $" ! #"" www.vnahg.org $ $ " Your NJ Nissan Source We are proud to be a sponsor of The New Jersey State Troopers NCO Association Foundation Over 1000 New and Over 500 Pre-owned Vehicles Available For your VIP appointment and employee pricing, contact Matt Luzio Vice President, World Auto Group 732-580-4944 mluzio@wagauto.com 3057 Route 10 East Denville, NJ 120 Newman Spring Road Red Bank, NJ 146 Route 22 West Springfield, NJ 877-914-0202 DenvilleNissan.com 888-486-2923 RedBankNissan.com 866-792-8922 SpringfieldNissan.com 84 Route 206 North Newton, NJ 1118 Ocean Avenue, Route 88 Lakewood, NJ 66 Hampton House Road Newton, NJ 866-285-5641 888-559-1561 LakewoodToyota.com 877-857-7952 NewtonToyota.com SubaruWorldofNewton.com Your NJ Toyota Source We are proud to be a sponsor of The New Jersey State Troopers NCO Association Foundation Over 1000 New and Over 500 Pre-owned Vehicles Available For your VIP appointment and employee pricing, contact Matt Luzio Vice President, World Auto Group 732-580-4944 mluzio@wagauto.com 3057 Route 10 East Denville, NJ 120 Newman Spring Road Red Bank, NJ 146 Route 22 West Springfield, NJ 877-914-0202 DenvilleNissan.com 888-486-2923 RedBankNissan.com 866-792-8922 SpringfieldNissan.com 84 Route 206 North Newton, NJ 1118 Ocean Avenue, Route 88 Lakewood, NJ 66 Hampton House Road Newton, NJ 866-285-5641 888-559-1561 LakewoodToyota.com 877-857-7952 NewtonToyota.com SubaruWorldofNewton.com Proprietor Proprietor Donley Maletto Eddie “We love and miss you” <RXQRWRQO\¿OOHGWKH³*/2%(´ZLWKIULHQGV EXW\RXPDGHXVDOOIDPLO\ %AST&RONT3TREETs2ED"ANK.* (732) 842-5572 Kitchen (732) 741-9700 NEW JERSEY STATE AFL-CIO ³7KH9RLFHIRU:RUNLQJ)DPLOLHVLQ1HZ -HUVH\´ Charles Wowkanech President Laurel Brennan Secretary-Treasurer :HVW6WDWH6WUHHW7UHQWRQ1- (609) 989- Fax (609) 989-8734 www.njaflcio.org 24 Hour Service ÓÇÊ,>Þ`ÊÛ`°ÊUÊ iÜ>À]Ê ÊäÇ£äÈ 1(800) 633-1737 /\ÊÇήÊÎ{{ΣääÊUÊ8\ÊÇήÊÎ{{äÓ£ FORTRESS PROTECTION LLC LIFE SAFETY SYSTEMS & CONSULTING SERVICES 1999 EAST MARLTON PIKE Ƈ CHERRY HILL, NJ 08003 (856) 424-3000 WWW.FORTRESSPROTECTION.COM is proud to support the efforts of the NEW JERSEY STATE TROOPERS NCO ASSOCIATION FOUNDATION CONGRATULATIONS TO SEAN AND JIM ON A JOB WELL DONE. KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK!! Katherine D. Hartman, Esquire Attorneys Hartman, Chartered 505 South Lenola Road, Suite 121 Moorestown, NJ 08057 856-235-0220 NGKHVT#DWWRUQH\VKDUWPDQFRP DĂŶƐĨŝĞůĚŶƚĞƌƉƌŝƐĞƐ>> ŽŶƐƚƌƵĐƚŝŽŶDĂŝŶƚĞŶĂŶĐĞ ŽŶĚZĞůĞĂƐĞ WƌĞͲdŝƚůĞ ^ŽŝůƌŽƐŝŽŶ >ĂďŽƌ&ŽƌĐĞ 'ƌŽƵŶĚ,ĞĂƚŝŶŐ Ϯϰ,ŽƵƌŵĞƌŐĞŶĐLJ^ĞƌǀŝĐĞ zŽƵŶĞĞĚŝƚ͕tK/d͊ &Ădž͗ϲϬϵͲϯϮϰͲϬϵϱϭ Ğůů͗ϲϬϵͲϯϬϰͲϵϲϮϭ DŝŬĞDŝĐŚŝĞ Motorola is proud to support the New Jersey State Police and the New Jersey State Troopers NCO Foundation RS NCO ASS OPE O RO ON ATI CI STAT ET Motorola Solutions supports public safety, interoperable, mission-critical communications in the State of New Jersey. In the moments that matter, we are there for New Jersey’s first responders. NCO OF N EW J ER S EY I N C MOTOROLA, MOTO, MOTOROLA SOLUTIONS and the Stylized M Logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Motorola Trademark Holdings, LLC and are used under license. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners. © 2011 Motorola Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved Ⱥà °¬´½¿R#! # 2#2## 180 Monmouth St Red Bank, NJ 07701 across the street from the train station Happy Hour Mon-Fri 4-7pm Lunch and Dinner Everyday 11am-12am CHECK OUT OUR LIVE MUSIC EVERY THURSDAY-SATURDAY The Best Buffalo Wings in Town Delicious Pizzas and Mexican Food Grilled 10oz Burgers Check out your favorite local teams in HI DEFINITION www.waltstreetpub.com phone: 732.741.5936 fax: 732.741.5911 Custom modular homes at the Jer ey Shore. www.ZARRILLIHOMES.com 732.262.4848 2012 Boosters 7XPLQR·V7RZLQJ² Ridgefield Park Probation Association of New Jersey ² George Christie Pudel LLC ² Scott Rhoades South Shore Towing Inc. ² Peter & Jennifer Iadarola Union County Building Trades - Gary Pfarr Stem Brothers, Inc. - JD Stem NJ Turnpike Supervisors Association Local 200/200A ² Michael Calleo Fullerton Ford ² Allen Prince G & G Landscaping Peter Quinn Plumbers & Pipefitters Local Union No. 9 Sawyers Control Systems, Inc. - Thomas Callahan Dennis ´6NLSS\µHallion Former NCO Association President Law Offices SCIARRA & CATRAMBONE, L.L.C. A Limited Liability Company 1130 Clifton Avenue ² Suite 3 Clifton, NJ 07013 Tel: 973-242-2442 Fax: 973-242-3118 www.sciarralaw.com ANYONE WHO FOLLOWS THE NEWS LATELY KNOWS HOW DIFFICULT THE LAW ENFORCEMENT MISSION HAS BECOME. WE ARE PROUD TO BE ASSOCIATED WITH THIS ORGANIZATION WHICH DOES SO MUCH TO SUPPORT THOSE WHO PROTECT US. Charles J. Sciarra * Jeffrey D. Catrambone * Matthew R. Curran Of Counsel Cathie Perselay Seidman* Alan Serrins** Deborah Masker Edwards* 1HZ<RUN2IILFH The Woolworth Building 233 Broadway 18th Floor New York, NY 10279 212-406-1700 *Admitted NJ & NY Bars **Admitted NY Bar
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