“calling all stage 1 parents” we are desperately seeking a volunteer


“calling all stage 1 parents” we are desperately seeking a volunteer
Welcome to the Fourth Edition of the St Monica’s
Fete Newsletter for 2013
Issue 4: August 2013
Mufti Day
Donation Dates….
Our 1st Community Fete in 20 years will be held
on Saturday 26th October.
23rd August
20th September
Funds raised will be evenly distributed between
the Parish and School Communities.
Please contact either Katrina Mitchell – 0452 063 733 or
Simone Lewis 0421 816 256 ASAP if you are able
to coordinate/run this FUN stall
Thank you to our generous sponsors. Please take note of the advertisements in this
newsletter & support them where you can.
All sponsors receive FREE ADVERTISING in our newsletter.
St Monica’s Fete Newsletter
Issue 4: August 2013
Important Shout outs….
Mufti Day
Thank you for your generosity last Friday. We definitely have our first stall and it will be very
popular with all the children on fete day. Thank you to Gulshan Muttoo for her
organisation behind the scenes prior to the day.
Thank you to Simone Lewis, Julie-Anne Gorrell, Tiffany Cooper, Janet Joseph, Swapna
Tadepalli, Sonia Sentas, Joan Evangelista, Katrina Mitchell, Kristy O’Rourke, Jalaja Kumar
and Slavica Lukic who generously gave of their time to sort, price and box the toys.
Thank you also to Joseph Azar, Jasmine Bird, Martin Crame, Alby Giles, Edward Joseph,
Jacob Khadi and Jayme O’Donnell from Stage 3 for checking all the jigsaws to make sure
that all the pieces were in the box.
Twenty-one boxes of toys will now be sent over to Storage King until fete day.
Assorted Preserves
Claire Pospischil has made approximately 100 jars of assorted preserves and has already
raised $180 from a pre sell!
Thank you for this magnificent effort Claire.
It is very much appreciated.
St Monica’s Fete Newsletter
Issue 4: August 2013
How can you help now?
Country Kitchen:
Preserving Update:
Stage 2 Stall
• With planned donations of oranges
Parent Support with Cooking
At the end of last term, a note was sent
home to Stage 2 parents.
Since last term, only 8 parents from
Years 3 & 4 have volunteered to cook or
help out.
A huge thank you to those parents!!) :
4x chocolate crackles
1x fudge
1x coconut ice
1x toffee
1x chocolate coconut slice
1x honey jumbles
We are desperate for more volunteers
to make the stall a success.
We would love to hear from you if you
could try your hand at making toffee,
fudge, chocolate crackles, coconut
ice, or one of your own favourite
A reminder note has been sent home to
Stage 2 with recipes for parents to try
out and indicate if they are able to
assist with cooking, or in other ways.
We look forward to hearing from more
If you have any questions, please call
Vanessa Talty on 0423 845
and grapefruits on the way, there will
be more batches of marmalade to
• We still have some jars remaining so
will not ask for more donations from
the school community at this point.
• Tentative pricing for the preserves is
as follows:
- small jar $5 (2 small for $9)
- medium jar $7 (2 med for $12)
- large jar $9 (2 large for $15)
Contact: Vanessa Talty, Cathryn
Crowle and/or Claire Pospischil
Book Stall:
Early Stage 1 Stall
After our last successful mufti day for toys,
we are looking forward to another
fantastic response for books.
As we are expecting a ‘library’ of books,
it would be extremely helpful to the
volunteers sorting through the donations
on mufti day if books were grouped at
home before sending them in on Mufti
Day – ie Travel, Cooking, Sport, Fiction /
Non Fiction etc.
We will also gratefully accept for the stall
CD’s, Video, Computers and old records.
All enquiries please contact Gulshan
Muttoo .
Email: gulzy92058@yahoo.com
St Monica’s Fete Newsletter
Issue 4: August 2013
Entertainment News
Free performances will be provided throughout the day, giving
local businesses the opportunity to showcase their talent(s).
Watch this space – more entertainer news will be provided in
the next Newsletter - 5th Edition
St Monica’s Fete Newsletter
Issue 4: August 2013
Thank you to our generous sponsors. Please take note of the advertisements in this
newsletter & support them where you can.
All sponsors receive FREE ADVERTISING in our newsletter.
at|Ä buáxáá|ÉÇ
Bike ‘R’ Us, Parramatta
TOLAR Pharmacy, Northmead
Manicure/Pedicure/Gels Pamper Parties –
0424 600 388 or diana.cerr@gmail.com
St Monica’s Fete Newsletter
Issue 4: August 2013
School Fete Committee and
Stall Coordinator details
School Committee Members
Louise O’Donnell
Simone Lewis
Email: mona073@bigpond.com
Katrina Mitchell
Email: daveandtrina@me.com
School Stall Coordinators
BBQ, Drinks & Ice cream, Stage 3: Neil Joseph, Helen Katsetis, Geoff Newey
Email: njoptus@optusnet.com.au
Book/Toys, Early Stage 1: Gulshan Muttoo
Email: gulzy92058@yahoo.com
Chocolate Wheel/Raffle, Stage 3: Akiko Peen, Jalaja Kumar
Email: jalaja24@yahoo.com
Crazy Hair, Tattoos, Stage 1: STALL COORDINATOR NEEDED
Country Kitchen/Sweets, Stage 2: Vanessa Talty, Claire Pospischil, Kathryn Crowle
Email: talty@iinet.net.au
Pass the Footy, Stage 1: Bernadette Haddad
Email: bernadette.haddad@optusnet.com.au
Show/Lolly Bags & Lucky Dip, Stage 1: Julie Anne Gorrell, Karla Stewart-Sykes
Email: tacker1976@yahoo.com.au
Tombolo: St Monica’s Staff
Memorabilia: Janet Joseph
St Monica’s Fete Newsletter
Issue 4: August 2013
Parish Fete Committee and
Stall Coordinator details
Parish Committee Members
Fr Fernando Montano
Barbara Yeung – Sponsorship Coordinator
Email: barbarayeung711@gmail.com
Danielle Kneipp – Entertainment Coordinator & Secretary
Email: daniellekneipp@gmail.com
Joe Laban – Treasurer
Email: joe.laban@schneider-electric.com
Nicole Dolahenty – Assistant Publicity Coordinator
Email: adrianandnicole@optusnet.com.au
Paul Giles – Fete Coordinator
Email: banjos@iinet.net.au
Sr Pauline Wong
Email: wong.mpauline@yahoo.com.au
St Monica’s Fete Newsletter
Issue 4: August 2013
All stall volunteers to assist
with packaging, decorating,
stall set up/dismantle,
serving customers will be
organised closer to the date
by each Stall Coordinator(s)