MEDIAKIT 2016 KUNSTSTOFF XTRA OFFIZIELLES ORGAN VON SWISS PLASTICS DIE FACHZEITSCHRIFT FÜR DIE KUNSTSTOFF- UND KAUTSCHUKINDUSTRIE INTELLIGENTER DOSIEREN Mischgeräte Status Fördergeräte Status www.motan-colortronic.de GRAVICOLOR SHORT CARACTERISTIC KUNSTOFFXTRAS is the official institution of Swiss Plastics (All prices are in CHF, excl. VAT) KUNSTSTOFFXTRA-SUPPLIER DIRECTORY (Print and Internet) 1 year, b/w to 4-color (CMYK) Euroscale 1 field 60 × 15 mm: 650.00 1 double field 60 × 30 mm: 1’250.00 Discounts: 3 × = 5 %, 6 × = 8 %, 10 × = 10 %, 15 × = 15 % is a founder member of the brand Swiss Plastics conveys know-how – from the practise, for the practise. 10 times a year the readers will be informed in an appealing and understandable way about technical developments and trends in the plastics industry. The mix of news, reports and specialist information reflects the industry events with high topicality. The magazine is aimed at professionals and managers in the plastic processing industry, scientists and students as well as everyone else dealing with the plastic manufacturing. The geographical focus is the market of Switzerland and its most important trading partner. The supplier directory can also be used as the ideal platform across borders. reaches the decision-makers of the whole plastic branch. Products / News 1 product announcement: 450.00 Business reports 1 page: 1’980.00; 2 pages: 3’650.00 Banner on www.kunstoffxtra.com (price and format subject to change) Size 120 × 60 pixel: 1’200.00 240 × 60 pixel: 2’100.00 360 × 60 pixel: 3’100.00 Manufacturing costs are charged on expense. Data format: JPG, GIF, maximal size: 50 KB Contract period: 12 months Loose Inserts / Tacked Inserts Up to 50 gramms (trade fair issue: exceeding run on request) Advertising value 2’700.00, technical cost and postage 1’060.00 = Total 3’760.00 Flyer 2 pages printed attachment with the trade journal Front-/ back page 4‘545.00 ADVERTISEMENT FORMATS PRICES AND FORMATS (All prices are in CHF, excl. VAT) Job advertisements (Print and Internet) 1 page 183 × 266 mm 1/3 page 58 × 266 mm 1/8 page 90 × 63 mm Bleed* 210 × 297 mm 1/3 page 183 × 85 mm 1/8 page 183 × 30 mm * Border bleed off + 3 mm bleed Juniorpage 120 × 180 mm 1/4 page 90 × 131 mm 1/8 page 58 × 90 mm 1/2 page 90 × 266 mm (Print + International, Kunststoffweb) (Print + National, kunststoffstellen.ch) Options Format in mm width/height b/w to 4 color b/w to 4 color 1/1 183 × 266 2‘200.00 2‘109.00 1/2horiz. vert. 183 × 131 90 × 266 1‘320.00 1‘320.00 1‘229.00 1‘229.00 1/3horiz. 90 × 195 880.00 789.00 1/4horiz. 90 × 131 792.00 701.00 1/2 page 183 × 131 mm National internet only (runtime 60 days): 1/4 page 183 × 63 mm 1/16 page 42 × 63 mm Size (kunststoffstellen.ch, swissstellen.ch) Check it out regularly, our services will be developed constantly. 1/16 page 58 × 45 mm 400.00 International services: • job advertisement in KunststoffXtra • simultaneously published on www.kunststoffweb.de • simultaneously published on www.plasticeurope.com • every advertisement is published as joblink in the monthly attachment of KI – Kunststoff Information National services: • job advertisement in KunststoffXtra • simultaneously published on www.kunststoffweb.de • simultaneously published on www.plasticeurope.com EDITORIAL AGENDA Issue Publication Editiorial Date Deadline Advert Deadline Trade Fair Issues Topics 1–2/2016 10.02.2016 12.01.2016 19.01.2016 3/2016 16.03.2016 16.02.2016 23.02.2016 4/2016 15.04.2016 15.03.2016 22.03.2016 machinery/peripherals, packaging (machinery, material) 5/2016 18.05.2016 15.04.2016 22.04.2016 plastic processing, tool and mold design and construction 6/2016 17.06.2016 19.05.2016 26.05.2016 testing, measuring, QA, raw materials 7–8/2016 12.08.2016 13.07.2016 20.07.2016 machinery/peripherals, plastic processing 9/2016 08.09.2016 10.08.2016 17.08.2016 AM Expo Lucerne, 20.–21.09.2016 tool and mold design and construction, composites additive manufacturing/3D-Printing, medical engineering 10/2016 03.10.2016 02.09.2016 09.09.2016 K 2016 Düsseldorf, 20.–23.10.2016 K 2016 special, plastic processing 11/2016 04.11.2016 06.10.2016 13.10.2016 Swisstech Basel, 15.–18.11.2016 K 2016 review tool and mold design and construction, raw materials plastic processing, testing, measuring, QA MEDTEC Europe Stuttgart, 12.–14.04.2016 medical Engineering, machinery/peripherals plastic processing, raw materials formnext Frankfurt, 15.–18.11.2016 COMPOSITES EUROPE Düsseldorf, 29.11–01.12.2016 uromold E Düsseldorf, 05.– 09.12.2016 12/2016 09.12.2016 10.11.2016 17.11.2016 Swiss Plastics Lucerne, 24.–26.01.2017 Swiss Plastics, plastic precessing, packaging ADVERTISEMENT FORMATS AND PRICES (All prices are in CHF, excl. VAT) Size by part of page Format in mm width/height 4-color Euroscale (CMYK) b/+ 1 color 2-color Euroscale black/white 1/1 183 × 266 / 210 × 297 * 3’500.00 2’900.00 2’700.00 1/2Juniorpage 120 × 180 1’950.00 1’616.00 1’505.00 1/2horizontal vertical 183 × 131 90 × 266 1’950.00 1’950.00 1’616.00 1’616.00 1’505.00 1’505.00 1/3horizontal vertical 183 × 85 58 × 266 1’420.00 1’420.00 1’177.00 1’177.00 1’096.00 1’096.00 1/4horizontal vertical 183 × 63 90 × 131 1’060.00 1’060.00 878.00 878.00 818.00 818.00 1/8horizontal vertical special 183 × 30 90 × 63 58 × 90 590.00 590.00 590.00 489.00 489.00 489.00 455.00 455.00 455.00 1/16horizontal vertical 58 × 45 42 × 63 315.00 315.00 261.00 261.00 243.00 243.00 Front cover 210 × 210 * 3’500.00 Placement surcharge: Inside front cover, inside back cover or back cover 15 %; Inside page 10 % Volume discounts: Amount of advertisements = Volume discount; 3 × = 5 %; 6 × = 10 %; 10 × = 15 % The advertisements have to be scheduled within 12 months. * Border bleed off + 3 mm bleed FORMATSCONTACTS Journal Format: Type Area: Print Method: Screen Ruling: Picture Resolution: Publisher SIGWERB GmbH Unter Altstadt 10 CH-6310 Zug Phone +41 (0) 41 711 61 11 www.kunststoffxtra.com www.sigwerb.com info@sigwerb.com 210 × 297 mm 183 × 266 mm Offset Print 70er 300 dpi For data material which is not delivered digitally we will charge CHF 150.00 Editorial Office Marianne Flury St. Niklausstrasse 55 CH-4500 Solothurn Phone +41 (0)32 623 90 17 m.flury@sigwerb.com Circulation 6’000 copies Certified by WEMF / SW in 2014 5’648 copies in total 2’198 paid copies Certified by WEMF / SW in 2015 The latest certified figures are available from 1th October 2015 on www.wemf.ch as well as in the imprint of the trade journal. Editor SIGWERB GmbH Manager Andreas A. Keller Subject Head Advertisement Sales Thomas Füglistaler Advertisement Sales SIGImedia AG Jörg Signer Pfaffacherweg 189 Postfach 19 CH-5246 Scherz Phone +41 (0)56 619 52 52 Telefax +41 (0)56 619 52 50 info@sigimedia.ch Print Run 6’000 Copies Frequency of Publication 10 issues per year Volume 6. volume 2016 Official institution of Swiss Plastics Schachenallee 29C CH-5000 Aarau Phone +41 62 834 00 60 Fax +41 62 834 00 61 info@swiss-plastics.ch www.swissplastics.ch TERMS AND CONDITIONS Printing materials Terms and Conditions Digital delivery: Print-PDF (fonts embedded, 300 dpi) InDesign (incl. images and fonts) JPG, EPS, TIFF Picture resolution: 300 dpi (color/ gray) Prices: Relevant are the effective price lists of the SIGWERB GmbH. If the specifications are border bleed off we need 3 mm bleed. Subsequent editing of the provided data is not included in the advertising rates and will be charged additionally. Advertisement printing: Creating of advertisements are not included in the advertising prices and are charged separately. Transmission: info@sigimedia.ch up to max. 10 MB. Major data upon request. Phone +41 (0) 56 619 52 52 Postal Address: SIGImedia AG Pfaffacherweg 189, CH-5246 Scherz Due dates and terms of payment: Payment is due (without discount) on the publication day of the client’s chosen publication. The term of payment is 30 days from date of invoice. Advertising data: The client is obliged to deliver the advertisement data, ready for printing, for the ordered advertisements by the closing date of the SIGWERB GmbH at the latest. Data delivered in formats other that the above mentioned or data of insufficient quality will be processed accordingly and charged. The SIGWERB GmbH reserves the right to ignore submissions which arrive late and/or to charge the client on a time and material basis for editing work on inadequate printing material. Digital printing material is only returned on request. Execution of the contract: On the part of the SIGWERB GmbH the concluded contract is considered as fulfilled as soon as the finished publication is in the post. For the proper distribution by the postal delivery service or its contractual partner the SIGWERB GmbH assumes no liability. Liability: The SIGWERB GmbH aims to publish the advertisement of the client based on the printing material in perfect quality. In the case of a considerable imperfection of the publication the SIGWERB GmbH is liable for a loss that has occurred to the client, however not exceeding the amount of the agreed price of the advertisement. Any additional liability (notably for potential consequential damages) is explicitly excluded. The SIGWERB GmbH disclaims any liability for textual and visual contents of the advertisement and reserves the right to decline advertisements which clearly infringe the rights of a third party. The recourse to the author (image and text) of the advertisement is reserved. Cancellation of the contract: The client is entitled to cancel an already confirmed advertisement scheduling up to the respective closing date without consequential costs. On a matter of principle the publisher does not accept advertisements with political or religious content. Furthermore, we reserve the right not to publish already accepted advertisements if they are discriminating or offensive. Applicable law and place of jurisdiction: These terms are governed by Swiss law, place of jurisdiction is Zug.