I - The Most Spectacular Panorama of the Dordogne


I - The Most Spectacular Panorama of the Dordogne
I - The Most Spectacular Panorama of the Dordogne
The Belvedere of the Dordogne
From the Belvedere of the Dordogne, 130 meters above the
river, an exceptional panoramic view enfolds : Domme, the
Roque-Gageac and Saint-Julien de Cenac villages, Castelnaud
Castle and, above the spur of Marqueyssac like a bow
advancing out over the valley, a view stretching 10 kilometers
framed by the castles of Fayrac and Beynac. Overcome by a
sense of space and beauty, one can understand why the
Perigord has enchanted so many travelers.
Visiting Marqueyssac to see the Perigord
Romantic because of its cliffs and its surrounding fortresses,
Mediterranean because of its vegetation and the Italianinspired belvederes, terraces, and green areas, Marqueyssac
surprises and seduces. It is also a place of discovery and
learning. The history of the villages and the castles, the
landscape and nature are told through the guide books and by
the illustrated texts found along the walkways. Powerful
telescopes enable you to appreciate every detail of the landscape.
M a r q u e y s s a c - B e lv é d è r e
Everyone can touch and learn about nature, the plants and
the animals : Perigord is concentrated in Marqueyssac.
So, for those who want to discover in one single place all the
treasures and lights of the Perigord, there is no other like
II - A romantic and picturesque garden
Marqueyssac Castle Park is one of the most beautiful success
stories in the history of French gardens. It has an area of 22
hectares, six kilometers of paths and 150,000 boxwoods. It is
a nationally registered site.
The cypresses and the umbrella pines, the box tree boarders, the
cascade of stone roofs of the buildings belonging to the
Marqueyssac domain evoke visions of Stendhal or of Jean Giono.
An Extravagance of Boxwoods between the Black
Perigord and the Mediterranean
The pruned boxwoods garden of the bastion
The number of boxwoods is estimated at more than 150,000. These are
common boxwoods, Buxus sempervirens, adapted to calcareous soil,
resistant to dryness but also capable of growing in undergrowth.
Almost all of the boxwoods were planted during the 2nd half
of the XIXth century. Although their growth rate is extremely
slow, several Marqueyssac boxwoods that were not pruned
have grown more than 10 meters. Only 3000 of the boxwoods
have been planted recently.
They also take well to pruning, thus enabling the creation of very
even groupings and of complex vegetal shapes : topiary art.
At Marqueyssac, the upkeep completely manual is providing
by a staff of 5 gardeners.
To the back, exposed to the south, the bastion is a magnificent
structure that dominates the plain and the meanders of the Dordogne.
This large terrace is fitted out with a pleasure garden designed with
pruned boxwoods. Its layout with its sinuous paths is typical of
landscaping done in France under Napoleon III.
They are set-off by an arrangement showing great imagination and
full of movement, at the expense of symmetry and regularity. The
roundness and rolling aspect of the boxwood give Marqueyssac
softness and romanticism, contributing to the harmony that the
gardens have with the hills in the landscape of the Dordogne Valley
from wich they are indissociable.
Here nature, wild and romantic, is set amid a network of severe
boxwoods. The dense and evergreen foliage of boxwoods gives
the gardens an unchanging aspect throughout the seasons.
They stay green throughout the year and thus can be viewed
at any moment during the year.
M a r q u e y s s a c - B e lv é d è r e
Marqueyssac Park stretches out on a very dry, rocky, yellowgold limestone spur. The southern side of Marqueyssac is
covered with Mediterranean vegetation made up of holm oaks,
pubescens oaks, Montpellier maples, juniper trees, strawberry
trees, arbutuses, pistachio trees and umbrella pines. On the
contrary, on the northern side of the park which is more
humid, can be found an atlantic vegetation eg. horbeams, rural
maple, false acacias and oaks.
This difference in vegetation is very visible from the Belvedere:
the southern side covered with holm oaks is much darker than
the northern side. These holm oaks with their dark evergreen
foliage mark the valley landscape. From this the name “Black
Perigord” was born.
The Waterfalls
Water is a precious possession in this limestone region.
Rainwater is collected in nine cisterns carved into the rock
around the castle. A waterway tumbles down from the Belvedere
ending in two waterfalls which fall into potholes, holes hollowed
out millions of years ago by an underground river. This modern
achievement in the Italian spirit completes the work of Julien de
Cerval, the designer of the gardens.
The Rooms of Green
Whether one takes the high path or that of the cliffs, one is
surprised, in the course of the walks, by the oases of greenery
bordered by high boxwoods. The largest, called the esplanade
was, at the time of Julien de Cerval, the most romantic of rural
invitations, a verdant meeting place devoted to diversion.
The Castle
Beynac, Fayrac, Castelnaud, Marqueyssac… of the castles
which form the most famous quadrilateral of the Dordogne
Valley, Marqueyssac is the most recent. This pleasant residence,
covered by a stone roof weighing more than 500 tons, was
constructed in the early 19th century. It has two very different
sides : the northwestern side, embellished by a central tower,
dominates the valley. The three terraces and the stone- roofed
pavilions constitute a harmonious grouping of monuments. In
contrast, the southeastern side is a reminiscence of the elegant
Charterhouses of the region and has a more intimate character.
Marqueyssac has kept the charm of aristocratic holiday sites
from the last century.
III - A Place for walking with all the Family
The Walks
At Marqueyssac, there are as many walks as there are visitors:
everyone finds their own way of discovering and making the park
their own. There are three principle routes: the cliff walk, the
high walk, and the Great walk. These three walks are accessible
from the rosemary path which passes behind the castle. This
serpentine path planted with rosemary and small cypress offers
an absolutely breathtaking scenery on Castelnaud castle.
Numerous small paths allow the continuous possibility of going
from one walk to another, from one belvedere to another.
Discreet green panels were installed in order to facilitate the
way to take for the visitors.
Those curious about history or nature can find all along these
walks approximately thirty notices prettily illustrated which
tell about the history of the Dordogne, the life of its inhabitants
and the fauna and flora of the Perigord.
Amid the twists and turns of the park’s paths and in the middle
of the vegetation emerge surprising sculptures which seem to
have become one with nature. These are the works of Gérard
Chabert and are on permanent exposition at Marqueyssac.
Since 2007, four sculptures of Alain de Cerval, a descendant of
the family’s designer have been on display on the park.
In 2009, the Archway has been laid out with a monumental
work of art. This alley is accentuated with lighting during
candlelight evenings.
Marqueyssac’s Birds
The aviary, testament to the charm and beauty of the gardens of
yesteryear houses for the pleasure of the eyes, pigeons of exotic
shapes and plumage.
Among the boxwoods live in freedoom peacoks with turquoise
feathers, bright and luminous.
They are with peahen and during the love season they display
their colours which is a great spectacle for our visitors of the day!
In front of the aviary, the Nature Pavilion presents a collection of
19th century dioramas that illustrate the wild fauna of Perigord.
Craftsman’s Workshop – Wood Turner
From April to September, a craftsman wood turner works in
front of visitors on wood that comes from the park. Boxwood
is appreciated for woodturning because of the box qualities.
Having a lemon-yellow colour and a fine grain, boxwood gives
an excellent finish. His creations are on display in the giftshop
eg. box, corks, jewels, napkins’ round shape…
M a r q u e y s s a c - B e lv é d è r e
Children are King
Two game areas with swings and huts are fitted out on the
park. The first one is at the base of the Belvedere, near the
waterfalls and the second one, near the Heath Hut a few
meters farther along.
It is already fitted-out with an incredible hut made from an
enormous hollowed-out trunk of a chestnut tree several
hundred years old.
A large box wood labyrinth offers its sinuous maze to children
who love to have the illusion of being lost while their parents
take advantage of the tranquility of the nearby terrace and
have a refreshment under the arbor of the tea room.
A children’s circuit around the park has been designed especially for them. It lets them discover at eye elements of the fauna
and flora which are of particular interest to them : snails…
Under a shape of a treasure hunt a game questionnaire is
available at the desk office and helps children in the discovering
of the garden.
Entertainment according to seasons and
without extra charge punctuate the visit
Arts and crafts workshop “Curious about Nature”
During the school holidays and weekend holidays, do it
yourself !
Marqueyssac park propose to the children, both old and
young the opportunity of creating from natural objects, all
kinds of play things such as masks, mobiles, frames, dolls,
origami, painted pebbles, tracks…
During this workshop, children use cardboard, paper and
paint and can bring home their new creations.
The “Via Ferrata” of Marqueyssac
From mid of April to Halloween holidays, discover the
Dordogne valley differently!
Laid out in a cliff hundred meters above the river level, the via
ferrata offers an accrobatic cliff course at 200 meters altitude.
Activity to discover by yourself.
This dizzy attraction is a fun activity through between climb
and hiking.
Thread your belt and you are connected to the life goes on line
the entire route!
This technological innovation provides a foolproof security
(without manipulation).
After initial apprehension, yours steps will make sure on
pallets, beams or cantlevers attached to the cliff. You will be
where only the birds could go!
Introductory rock climbing
The cliffs of Marqueyssac marvellously situated above the
Dordogne valley have been fitted out for introductory rock
climbing. During summer this practice of activity strictly
follows all current legislation and state-qualified instructors
are present to ensure complete safety supervision.
IV - Three Centuries of Passion…
1692: Laying-out from Le Notre?
It is tradition to attribute the terraces layout to the Le Notre
school like the garden called the “Plantier” in Sarlat.
François de Salignac, bishop of Sarlat in the second half of the
17th century, asked for the plans of a garden by La Notre for
his bishop’s palace, through his nephew Fenelon, private tutor
to the young Dauphin at Versailles. La Notre hastened to fulfill
the bishop’s wish. He wasn’t satisfied by simply giving the
asked for plans; he sent one of his best students named Porcher
to Sarlat to carry out the plans.
Sarlat native Bertrand Vernet, the renown builder who had
acquired ownership of Marqueyssac in 1692, would also
have benefited from Fenelon’s contacts at Versailles and
from Porcher’s plans. The bastion and the terraces of the
castle are one of the most beautiful creations from this
epoch in the Perigord.
1861-1893: Julien de Cerval: A Lover of Gardens
impassioned by Italy
Julien de Cerval, a magistrate in Sarlat, to whom the property
reverted in 1861, devoted himself to the work which was the most
cherished and lasting of his life: that of improving Marqueyssac.
Julien de Cerval loved gardens and fruit trees. He also had another
passion: Italy. Soldier in the Roman Legion for the pontifical
Zouaves, he defended the papacy; from Italy he returned with an
even stronger love for gardens. He had ten thousands of boxwoods
planted. Julien de Cerval was responsible for the construction of
the small Italy-style building to the west of the bastion, for the
many sinuous paths joined by several steps, and for the rock
gardens and the three drystone huts which line the park. He
brought different decorative plants to Marqueyssac : cypresses,
pine parasols and Naples cyclamens which today forms a fabulous
coloured carpet from the end of June to the first frosts.
M a r q u e y s s a c - B e lv é d è r e
This Italian influence was to continue. Julien de Cerval’s sonin-law, Baron Maximilian d’Erp, a Belgian diplomat, invited
Guiseppe Sarto to Marqueyssac, the then bishop of Mantua
and this future Pope Pius X. In the shade of an archway of
greenery, the stone “Pope’s Seat” can still be seen today, where
the future Pope liked to meditate.
During the course of the 20th century, the park was maintained
with growing difficulty. Nevertheless, since the death in 1893
of Julien de Cerval, his descendants have always worked how to
preserve it in a way true to the ideal of its conception.
1996-1998: The Rebirth
Marqueyssac Park has always attracted young people from the
Perigord in search of beauty and adventure. Among them,
Kleber Rossillon, from Beynac, back grandson of Marius
Rossillon the famous illustrator and creator of the Michelin Man
Kleber Rossillon has chosen to devote himself to saving the
heritage of his region. He has restored Castelnaud Castle where
in 1985 he created the Museum of Medieval Warfare. With
220,000 visitors a year, Castelnaud is the most visited castle in
the South of France.
With the agreement of Michele de Jonghe, a descendant of Julien
de Cerval who has a house at Marqueyssac, Kleber Rossillon
took over the property in 1996. For one year more than sixty
companies participated in the restoration and improvement of
the park and the restructuring of the domain. The paths were
reopened, the belvederes cleared and the tens of thousands of
boxwoods were reshaped.
This restoration was carried out with an ever-present concern
for the preservation of the spirit of the park and its past.
In the castle, an exposition takes place which displays how
massive the works of restoration were. ■
V- Meeting Place for People from the Perigord
Tea Room
Deliciously shaded and dominating the panorama of the valley, the castle arbor,
in the great tradition of the oldest gardens and villas of the Medicis, is the ideal
place to come for refreshment after visiting the park, while at the same time
looking at Beynac in all its glory !
In the tea room and ice cream parlor fitted out in the residence, light meals are
available. The charm, the style and the friendliness of the welcome are exceptional.
Many people from the Perigord meet here during the fine weather. In summer,
vacationers are seduced by this unique place, its freshness, its calm and its serenity.
Gift Shop and Bookstore
The great success of Castelnaud’s Middle Ages bookstore led to the opening at
Marqueyssac of a nature and garden bookstore in one of the old buildings
called “loggia” specially renovated for this purpose.
More than 300 titles give visitors the opportunity to learn more about or
discover trees, plants, the landscape and the art of gardening. A section of the
bookshop has been consecrated to the Perigord region, its tourist sites, its
culture, and its gastronomy. Many books, enjoyable and educational, have been
selected for children to waken their interest in gardens and nature.
The bookstore also has many stunning wooden objects, pieces of jewelry and
decorative items.
M a r q u e y s s a c - B e lv é d è r e
Special seasonal events punctuate the year
The Great Easter Egg Hunt
On the afternoons of Easter Sunday and Easter Monday,
more than 7000 eggs are hidden by the gardeners in the labyrinth, the green areas and the walks of the park.
Children under 12 years old are invited to look after 6 eggs
of different colors in the maze of 150 000 boxtrees.
Arts and crafts workshops opened during afternoons complete
these afternoons: workshop of fancy eggs, decorating eggs and
turning eggs. This entertainment is proposed without extra
charge. It is compulsory to register children.
“Rendez-vous aux jardins”
Every first weekend of June, the gardens are the setting of
this national event. A planning is proposed on Sunday, the
most of the time it’s an exhibition of vegetable and flowered
compositions. Demonstrations of Boxwood trimming will be
given by the gardeners of Marqueyssac.
They will be very glad to answer visitors questions.
For children, arts and craft workshop “Curious about Nature”,
woodturning and beginners rock climbing will be in process
all the day. An exceptional candlelight night is organized on
Saturday evening.
Candlelight Nights
Every Thursday evening in July and August, from dusk till midnight, Marqueyssac’s gardens are lit up by one thousand lights
for an unforgettable evening walk, to be enjoyed with family or
friends and punctuated with musical entertainments.
VI - Marqueyssac at a Glance
Marqueyssac, a registered site, is…
The kings children:
Three centuries of passion for gardens,
from 1692 to today.
• a Great Easter Egg Hunt
• arts and crafts workshop “Curious about Nature”
• a rock climbing wall (beginner climbs with instructor )
• play areas for children: swings, huts…
• educational circuits and workshops “Nature Discovery”
Altitude and Surface Area:
• 130 meters above the Dordogne Valley
• 22 hectares of gardens and park suspended above the valley
…and for all the family:
• an 360° open view of the whole Dordogne Valley for 10
kilometers round and of the most famous castles and sites of
the Dordogne : Beynac, Fayrac and Castelnaud, La RoqueGageac and Domme
• an acrobatic cliff circuit of 200 meters altitude
• candlelight nights
• workshop with craftsman sculptor turning boxwood
• a permanent exhibition of sculpture in the park
• a natural bookshop dedicated on gardens and Périgord
• a gift shop with objects created from boxwood specially
for Marqueyssac
The Castle:
Catering Facilities:
• built in the early 19th century
• a stone roof weighing 500 tons
• tea room and arbor located in the castle for refreshments
available throughout the day
• a summer sandwich hut situated in the gardens
• 3 superb walks along 6 kilometers of verdant paths
• 2 waterfalls
• 2 open-air theatres
• a large avenue 500 meters long
• 4 italian gardens style terraces
• an educational circuit of 33-stop illustrated
Dynamic Staff:
Fauna and Flora:
• the most visited garden of Perigord with 200 000 visitors in 2015
• 150,000 hundred-year-old hand-pruned boxwoods
• a wild and romantic nature
• over ten different types of fowl and birds of prey
• 2 couples of peacocks in freedom
jardins de
• 12 persons : reception staff, permanent gardeners, lecturers,
instructors, a wood turner craft man and 31 seasonal workers more
Numerous Visitors:
Marqueyssac received the seal of quality “Remarkable garden”
awarded in 2004 by the Culture and Communication Ministry.
Marqueyssac is a member of the Aquitaine Association of Parks and
Gardens and of the l’European Boxwood and Topiary Society.
M a r q u e y s s a c - B e lv é d è r e
de la
VII - Practical Information
Prices for individuals:
Adults: 8,80 €
Children (10–17 years old): 4,40 €
Children under 10 years old: free
“Friend of Marqueyssac” Card (yearly subscription): 19 €
Regular Customer’s Discount Card (free): nominative,
the third visit is free.
Marqueyssac Staff:
Kléber Rossillon
Site Director:
Reception Manager:
Nathalie Bapst
Nathalie Van Lanen
Chief Gardener :
Marie-Pierre Doucet
assisted by
Tee room Manager:
assisted by
C andlelight evenings :
Adults: 14,50 €
Children (10–17 years old): 7 €
Children under 10 years old: free
Jean Lemoussu
Stéphane Chable
D ouble ticket with C astelnaud C astle :
Double ticket / adult: 16,80 €
Double ticket / child: 8,40 €
Free for children under 10 years old
Prices for Groups:
Adult groups: 6 €
Additional guided visit: 30 € set price per group
Child groups: 2,40 € / 2,60 €
Child groups: 2,10 € (under 10 years old)
Assistant Gardeners:
Eric Boisserie,
Yannick Magné,
Clément Gaillard
Sandrine Binot
Stéphanie Angleys
Guided tour in French or English for groups on booking
and for individual visitors during the season.
Brochure: during the low season a brochure is given to
every visitor. This explanatory guide is available in English,
Dutch, German, Italian, Spanish and braille.
A ctivities for S chool C hildren :
Questionnaire Game Nature Discovery: 1,50 €
Additional educational visit: 15 € set price per group
Additional educational activities: 85 € set price per group
Rooms available for receptions and seminars:
please contact us for more information
A ccess to M arqueyssac :
9 kilometers south of Sarlat; 65 kilometers from Périgueux
160 kilometers from Bordeaux; 60 kilometers from Brive
130 kilometers from Limoges; 175 kilometers from Toulouse
A ccessible by :
Route: Highway A 20, N 89, N 936 and D 703
Train: Sarlat station or Souillac (30 kilometers)
Airplane: Brive
Dir. Terrasson
Dir. Thenon
Le Bugue
Le Buisson
Les Eyzies
de Tayac
Dir. Bergerac
La Roque Vitrac
-Gageac Cénac
Château de
Dir. Monpazier
Dir. Martel
Beynac Vézac
Dir. Périgueux
Dir. Brive
Dir. Périgueux
Dir. Brive
Dir. Périgueux
Dir. Limoges
Dir. Rocamadour
jardins suspendus de
N 44° 49’ 32’’ / E 1° 9’ 53’’
Photos Laugery - Impression M.G.D. Imprimeurs - Sarlat
Dir. Cahors
Dir. Cahors
Dir. Cahors
Press Contact:
Press release and high resolution image are freely
available on our web site.
Nathalie Bapst - n.bapst@marqueyssac.com
Jean Lemoussu - lemoussu@marqueyssac.com
Les jardins suspendus de Marqueyssac
Belvédère de la Dordogne
24 220 Vézac (à 9 km de Sarlat en Périgord Noir)
Tél. 05 53 31 36 36
Fax: 05 53 31 36 30