April 24, 2016 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
April 24, 2016 - Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community
Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston 1530 Norwalk Drive • Katy, Texas 77450 Telephone: 281.578.0707 • Fax: 281.578.9161 www.epiphanycatholic.org Office Hours: Monday – Thursday 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Friday 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Masses: Monday – Friday: 9:00 a.m. Saturday (Vigil): 5:30 p.m.* Sunday: 8:00 a.m., 9:45 a.m.*, 11:30 a.m.*, 5:30 p.m. *Nursery available Reconciliation: Saturday 4:00 – 5:00 p.m.; or appointment with a priest Eucharistic Adoration: Tuesday after 9:00 a.m. Mass until 7:30 p.m. St. Vincent de Paul Society: 281.578.3845 April 24, 2016 • Fifth Sunday of Easter • Readings on p.1075 1 PARISH CLERGY Rev. Tom Lam Administrator Rev. Thomas Joseph Parochial Vicar Deacon John Evanoff Pastoral Associate Deacon Don Kish PARISH STAFF Business Manager Craig Shemon Gerry Broussard, Verna Goertz, Dan Stamps, Mary Tran Religious Education LouAnn Svoboda, Director Beth Harvey, Charlotte Fulton, Maria Laiseca Youth Ministry Dave Clark, Director Joey Harvey Music Ministry Christian Mondragon, Director Liturgy Ministry Dominick Aquila, Director Outreach Ministry Schottsie Hill, Director Lisa Gilkeson Facilities Manager Kirk Harris Young Kim COMMUNITY LIFE Nursery Coordinator: Anne Salazar Bingo: Friday at 7:30 p.m. 281-578-3905 Welcome Newcomers If you would like more information on our Parish Community, please visit www.epiphanycatholic.org A Message from Fr. Tom about our Catholic School A s we continue our capital campaign to build the first Catholic elementary and middle school in Katy, I wanted to share with you the Catholic Church’s teaching on Catholic education. The Vatican’s Sacred Congregation for Catholic Education published the document, The Catholic School, to explain and “emphasize clearly the educational value of the Catholic school.” The document is addressed to all who are responsible for education, which are parents, teachers, young people, and school authorities, and “urges them to pool all their resources and the means at their disposal to enable Catholic schools to provide a service which is truly civic and apostolic.” The mission of the Church is evangelization—to spread the faith. The Catholic school plays a vital role in proclaiming the good news of salvation by teaching students to live knowingly as children of God and to assume the responsibility placed on them by virtue of their Baptism. In the daily life of the school, children will be taught to discern their vocation in a climate that will allow their faith to gradually mature and enable them to cultivate human values that have their origin in the figure of Christ. The Church upholds the coexistence of a Catholic school system with the public school system in order to offer and safeguard the Church’s teaching in a pluralistic society, where many minority voices participate in shaping the dominant society. The Catholic school helps to promote the “freedom of teaching, freedom of conscience, and the parental right to choose the school best suited to parents’ educational purposes.” By its very existence in the academic world, the Catholic school proclaims “the enriching power of the faith as the answer to the enormous problems which afflict mankind. Above all, it is called to render a humble loving service to the Church by ensuring that she is present in the scholastic field for the benefit of the human family.” Thus, Catholic schools work hand-in-hand with schools of other Christian denominations and also with State schools to give direction and begin to solve the contemporary problems of the world, and “the absence of the Catholic school would be a great loss for civilization and for the natural and supernatural destiny of man.” The Vatican document points out that some people incorrectly believe that “Catholic schools have outlived their time—as institutions they were a necessary substitute in the past but have no place at a time when civil authority assumes responsibility for education.” That is simply not the case: “in fact, as the State increasingly takes control of education…the survival of those natural communities, based on a shared concept of life, is threatened. Faced with this situation, the Catholic school offers an alternative which is in conformity with the wishes of the members of the community of the Church.” Everyone who is responsible for the Catholic school should “most surely be filled with a deep conviction, joy, and spirit of sacrifice in the knowledge that they are offering innumerable young people the opportunity of growing in faith, of accepting and living its precious principles of truth, charity and hope.” The Church document acknowledges with gratitude the contribution of many Catholics who witness and work and teach in State schools throughout the world. And the document concludes with these inspiring words: “We are certain that in the last analysis, success in any venture does not come from trust in our own solutions but from trust in Jesus Who allowed Himself to be called Teacher. May He inspire, guide, support, and bring to a safe conclusion all that is undertaken in His name.” The full text of the Vatican document, The Catholic School, can be found in a link at our Epiphany School website: http://epiphanycatholic.school/ 2 Events & Meetings This Week Baptisms Please contact parish office WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27 for preparation classes. 9:00 AM, ESL Class 3: Room 308 Baptism Session for Parents 9:00 AM, ESL Level 4: Room 301 9:30 AM, Called to be Mom: Rec Rm 2nd Saturday of February, 6:30 PM, Catechist Appreciation Dinner May, August, November Family Center 10:00 AM – Noon 7:00 PM, Adult Choir Rehearsal MONDAY, APRIL 25 To register call 7:00 PM, The Loft: Upper Room 9:00 AM, ESL 4 Conversation: Rm.301 LouAnn Svoboda 1:00 PM, Rummikub: Outreach Center 7:00 PM, A Biblical Walk through the THURSDAY, APRIL 28 (281-578-8271) Mass: Epiphany Room 9:00 AM, ESL 1: Room 303 7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1146: Rooms 9:00 AM, ESL 4 Conversation: Rm. 304 Rite of Christian Initiation of 204/205/206/207/212 6:30 PM, Spanish Bible Study: PAC Adults (RCIA) 7:00 PM, Job Networking: Rec Room 7:00 PM, Adult Confirmation Class: For information call Den LouAnn Svoboda 7:00 PM, Line Dancing: Family Center TUESDAY, APRIL 26 (281-578-8271) 9:00 AM, ESL 1: Room 303 FRIDAY, APRIL 29 9:00 AM, ESL 4 Conversation: 304 Sacrament of Marriage 9:30 AM – 7:00 PM, Adoration: 7:30 PM, Bingo: Family Center Chapel Must be a registered, active 9:30 AM, Quilters: Room 411 SATURDAY, APRIL 30 member of the parish at least 9:30 AM, Second Family: Outreach 5:30 PM, Nursery: 0-5 years six months. Contact parish 10:00 AM, Scripture Study: Den 6:30 PM, Crawfish Fest: Family Center office eight months before 10:00 AM, Holy Hour Rosary for wedding to begin preparation. Respect Life: Chapel SUNDAY, MAY 1 1:00 PM, ESL 2: Room 301 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years: 4:00 PM, Holy Hour Rosary for Finance Council Chair 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Children’s Liturgy of Vocations: Chapel the Word: Grade 1 Denny Dellinger 7:00 PM, Rosary: Chapel 7:00 PM, RCIA: Epiphany Room Pastoral Council Chair 7:00 PM, Respect Life Meeting: Tom McGeehan Outreach Center 7:00 PM, Scout Troop 1288: Knights of Columbus 301/303, Rec Room Steve Zoeller, Grand Knight 7:30 PM, Evening Prayer: Chapel http://www.kofc9759.org/ SUNDAY, APRIL 24 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Nursery: 0-5 years: 9:45 & 11:30 AM, Children’s Liturgy of the Word: Grade 4 & 5 12:30 PM, Epiphanic: Softball Field St. Vincent de Paul Society Cynthia Viator Ladies Club Joan McManamy KC SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATIONS The annual Epiphany Knights of Columbus Scholarship process is starting. Applications are now available at the front desk of the church office. Word copies of the application are available by e-mailing Vince DeBonis at vdebonis@comcast.net. The KC’s will honor college-bound students at the Senior High Graduation Mass with $500 to $1000 scholarships. Applications are due no later than April 25th in the church office. Interviews will be conducted Friday and Saturday, May 6th and 7th. Please take advantage of this excellent opportunity to be recognized for your gifts to the parish and surrounding community. Forever Young Barbara Hajjar, Clare Snow Bulletin Deadline The deadline for article submission is Thursday at noon (ten days before publication). Your article can be sent to gerry@epiphanycatholic.org. Check our website for Liturgical & Faith Formation Schedules. epiphany@epiphanycatholic.org Child’s Play Learning Center, Alyce Gabrysch, Director, 281-578-9332; 281-578-0507 Fax; childsplaykaty.com 3 Liturgy & Prayer PRAYER LIST FOR THE SICK LITURGICAL CELEBRATIONS THIS WEEK SPECIAL REMEMBRANCES Saturday, April 23 5:30 PM Sunday, April 24 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM Monday, April 25 9:00 AM Tuesday, April 26 9:00 AM Wednesday, April 27 9:00 AM Thursday, April 28 9:00 AM Friday, April 29 9:00 AM Saturday, April 30 5:30 PM Sunday, May 1 8:00 AM 9:45 AM 11:30 AM 5:30 PM Vigil-Fifth Sunday of Easter Rosarie Olague Fifth Sunday of Easter †Marc David Levine For the people †Fidel Flores †Bob Steed St. Mark †Johnny Lattner Easter Weekday †Priscilla Nguyen Easter Weekday †Souls of Purgatory Easter Weekday †Jose DaCosta St. Catherine of Sienna †Mary Dellinger Vigil-Sixth Sunday of Easter Dr. George Gai Pham Sixth Sunday of Easter †Monique Kirkpatrick For the people †Paul & Boniface Onubogu †Frank McGeehan READINGS FOR THE WEEK Monday: 1 Pt 5:5b-14; Ps 89:2-3, 6-7, 16-17; Mk 16:15-20 Tuesday: Acts 14:19-28; Ps 145:10-13ab, 21; Jn 14:27-31a Wednesday: Acts 15:1-6; Ps 122:1-5; Jn 15:1-8 Thursday: Acts 15:7-21; Ps 96:1-3, 10; Jn 15:9-11 Friday: Acts 15:22-31; Ps 57:8-10, 12; Jn 15:12-17 Saturday: Acts 16:1-10; Ps 100:1b-3, 5; Jn 15:18-21 Sunday: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29; Ps 67:2-3, 5-6, 8; Rv 21:10-14, 22-23; Jn 14:23-29 Please keep the following people in your thoughts and prayers this week as we wish them a return to good health: Jason Sides, Michael “Matt” Patrick Ryan, Theresa McCluskey, John Cahoon, Janet Cuccia, Hailey Williams, Emedes Contreras, Caroline Montello, Rhonda Janak, Randy Grossman, Joan Rushing, Minda Emata, Betty Long, Maria Mercedes Enriquez. To make a request for someone to be on our prayer list, please call the parish office at 281578-0707. Your loved one’s name will appear on our prayer list for six consecutive Sundays. If a longer period of time is needed, please call the parish office to renew your request. You are invited to experience evening prayer from the Liturgy of the Hours each Tuesday evening in the chapel at 7:30 PM. Liturgy of the Hours is the formal prayer the worldwide Church prays daily in response to Christ's statement to "pray always". Please join us and the entire Church around the world each Tuesday evening. TV Mass for the Homebound Now on KUBE channel 57 at 10:30 a.m. Cable and Satellite Channels Please pray for our military men and women. AT&T U-verse channel 57/1057 HD Comcast channel 53/653 HD DirecTV channel 57 Dish TV channel 57 4 News in the Parish We welcome into our community: Lawrence & Molly Addison, Polly Benson, Mary Berryhill, Julio & Amber Dalla Costa, Brian & Catherine Hildebrand, Rachmad & Beatrik Karyadi, Justin & Chelsea McAnally, Julie ReyBernstein, Devin & Ashley Thorne, John & Tracey West. Our Stewardship Stewardship – April 16/17 Sunday Offering St. Vincent de Paul Registered Households $34,406.01 $1,407.00 6,723 “I give you a new commandment: love one another. As I have loved you, so you also should love one another." JOHN 13:34 It is easy to love someone when they love us back. But it takes courage to love someone when we feel unappreciated, used or feel our opinion doesn’t matter. It takes courage to “love my neighbor” when he may be someone I don’t like, someone I don’t know or someone who doesn’t look like me. Home Missions Second Collection this weekend DSF REPORT Parish Goal Amount Pledged Amount Paid Number of Pledges $398,000.00 $231,278.56 $140,287.31 539 Campaign Update – More than $3.4 million pledged (As of April 15) Thank you to the 333 families that have pledged $3,413,308 to the Faith in our Future –Investing in Catholic Education campaign. For more information about the campaign go to epiphanycatholic.school. The web site can also be found on the parish web site’s home page. Why We’re Supporting the Faith in our Future – Investing in Catholic Education campaign When asked by parishioners why we support the capital campaign, my wife Cindy and I are quick to share two reasons. The first is that the capital campaign will enable Epiphany to renovate and replace outdated buildings. As the youth director, I am anxiously waiting for the opportunity to move into the larger classrooms that are being planned. My only wish is that we started this project sooner. The second reason is that our Catholic school will use parish facilities during the day. It will not only offer more educational options for families, it will provide a better use of our resources. Epiphany can offer Katy area families the option of a KISD quality education combined with the Catholic faith. My own family certainly would have taken advantage of it. Parents and students who believe that faith is just as important as reading, writing and arithmetic will find a welcome hospitable place to learn. Parishioners of Epiphany will be the beneficiaries of student and faculty involvement in many of its ministries. A Catholic school and its host parish enjoy a complimentary relationship. Those parishes with Catholic schools see an increased energy and vibrancy that works across all parish ministries and organizations. My wife and I are honored to be a part of this once-in-a-lifetime effort for Epiphany of the Lord Catholic Community, and invite you to join us in supporting our campaign. Dave and Cindy Clark are parishioners at Epiphany where Dave is the Director of Youth Ministry 5 Community Life The Epiphany Ladies Club will hold our last eGiving with Faith Direct Making plans for this summer? Don’t forget Epiphany of the Lord! You can make contributions to your parish while you are out of town and all year long with Faith Direct. Faith Direct is Epiphany’s on-line e-giving program. It’s safe and it’s easy to use. Convenient automatic payments come directly from your checking account or credit card. Just log onto FaithDirect.org or find their link on Epiphanycatholic.org. Sign up and remember Epiphany’s parish code: TX 613 Faith Direct also has a mobile app. It is available on the Apple App Store and Google Play for Android users. The Faith Direct App allows Epiphany parishioners to access their account anytime, anywhere. By using Faith Direct you will help Epiphany plan for liturgies and ministries throughout the year. Sign up for Faith Direct today! meeting before breaking for the summer on May 13 at 9:30 AM in the Family Center. After a short induction of new officers, two members of Clothed by Faith will speak about this charitable organization. If you have any questions, please contact us at epiphanyladiesclub@gmail.com. “Like” Us on Facebook to keep up with all the fun! "Attention Catholic Boy Scouts! A new set of classes for the Ad Altare Dei and Pope Pius XII religious emblems is now starting! These emblems are open to Catholic Boy Scouts and Venturers between the ages of 13-20. These emblems offer a fun way for Scouts to learn about their faith and better understand their vocational calling. For more information on these programs, please contact the parish office at 281-5780707. or louis.meneghetti@total.com." Respect Life Bulletin Board “Take My Hand, Not My Life” Stations of the Cross Beautification Fund This beautiful set of Stations of the Cross is a way to continue to add to the spiritual environment of our worship space. Please pick up a flyer to learn how you can contribute to this fund. Please join us for our next general meeting this Tuesday April 26 at 7:00 p.m. in the Outreach Conference Room. Intercession for Life: For those in our community facing serious illness: May God comfort them through family, friends and our parish community, as we seek to love them as Christ loves us; We pray to the Lord SPIRITUAL READING You will not see anyone who is truly striving after spiritual advancement who is not given to spiritual reading. —St. Athanasius 6 7 Outreach Ministry – 281-578-0707 Outreach Events in April/May: Standing Meetings: Mon.—Epiphany Job Net- working at 7 p.m. in the PAC; Tues.—Respect Life Rosary at 10 a.m. in the Chapel. 26th: Second Family meeting 26th: Respect life meeting 8th: Food Drive 7/8th: Baby Bottle Distribution See www.epiphanycatholic.org for details. Food Drive Next Weekend! We appreciate all of your help in keeping our food closet well stocked. We especially need canned fruit this month. RESPECT LIFE ROSARY Tuesday at 10 a.m. in the chapel Clinic Care Kits Through the generous donations of our parishioners, Dr. Lathrop DDS and Dr. Gary Welch DDS who donated toothbrushes, we were able to assemble and deliver 243 Clinic Care Kits. We would like to say thank you to all who donated and to our tireless volunteers that assembled the kits to be given to Krause Children’s Center, Christ Clinic and our own St. Vincent de Paul. Thank you again to all who participated in this wonderful project. JOB SEEKERS NETWORK weekly meetings Mondays from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. in the PAC Building. Second Family Care Team Second Family is a team comprised of parishioners who have a one-on-one relationship with an elderly, ill, or disabled person that has requested a “CarePartner”. Can you make time to visit? The gift of relationships is priceless, and a few hours each month can give comfort, hope and reassurance to those in need. If your heart is called, please consider donating your time to this worthy ministry. Please call the Outreach Office at 832-772-0306. Baby Bottle Blessings Mother’s Day Weekend, May 7/8!! Why not start your Mother’s Day by helping an expectant mother? Share the joy of giving by supporting the Gift of Life. Please pick up a baby bottle from any of the church entrances after mass, and fill it with your treasures of coins, bills, or checks made to Epiphany. Bottles can be returned through Father’s Day. Funds will be split evenly between the Pregnancy Help Center, the Archdiocese Gabrielle Project, and Catholic Charities Adolescent Pregnancies. Thank you for your participation and help in saving a life! 8 Adult Faith Formation VIRTUS REFRESHER CALLED TO BE MOM – on April 27, we will complete our book study with a review of chapters 7 and 8. All are welcome Wednesdays from 9:30 - 11:30 a.m. in the PAC! Contact ctbm.epiphany@gmail.com for more information. VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children Original training session will be held at Epiphany Saturday, May 7, from 9:00—Noon in the Parish Activity Center (PAC). Pre-registration is mandatory at http://www.virtus.org. A valid identification must be presented at check-in. No late admittance is allowed. If you are over 18 and active in ministry at Epiphany, you must be VIRTUS trained. All adult parishioners, ESPECIALLY PARENTS, are encouraged to be VIRTUS trained! Questions? Need assistance with the registration process? Call the Faith Formation Office at 281-578-8271. No walk-ins! Keeping the Promise Alive (Virtus Refresher) will be held on Thursday, May 19 from 7:00— 8:30 p.m. in the PAC. A valid ID must be presented at check-in. No Walk-ins! Preregistration is required at http://www.virtus.org. Contact louann@epiphanycatholic.org for username, password and registration instructions or call LouAnn at 281-578-8271, ext. 283. No late admittance! KPA is required for all volunteers who attended the original VIRTUS: Protecting God’s Children in 2010 or before. TRUE CHRISTIAN COMMUNITY Can you imagine a world such as the one put before us in today’s scripture readings? Communities of believers everywhere would support and encourage one another and be identified as Christians by the way they love each other. It would be a world with no tears, no death and mourning, no crying out in pain. “Behold, I make all things new,” we hear the Son of God say in the second reading from the book of Revelation (21:5). Is this world of John’s vision only imaginary? Are these faithful followers for whom Jesus prayed only a savior’s dream? Today they are put before us as a worthy goal. How much closer can we come to this vision of a true Christian community in our lives today? Copyright © J. S. Paluch Co. INFANT BAPTISM PREPARATION Expecting a new baby? Or, do you have a little one who has not yet been baptized? Now is the time to prepare for your child’s baptism. A Baptism Preparation Session for parents and godparents will be held on Saturday, May 14 from 10:00 a.m. until Noon in the Family Center. Parents must attend a baptism preparation session before scheduling their child’s baptism. Call 281-578-8271 to register for this preparation session. Childcare is available. The next opportunity to attend a baptism class at Epiphany will be on Saturday, August 13, 2016. 9 Children’s Faith Formation Epiphany Youth Ministry LET US CELEBRATE the END OF OUR FAITH FORMATION YEAR WITH A PICNIC! The Epiphanic Returns …A family picnic TODAY on the softball field after the 11:30 Mass until 3:00 P. M. Everyone invited. Come, join in the fun! Don’t forget the sunscreen and your lawn chairs! Congratulations Fifth Graders! The February Bake Sale was a huge success. 75% of the funds ($2,232.62) was donated to Casa de Eperanza, House of Hope in Houston. The casa serves children in crisis. 25% ($407.00) of the proceeds remained in our parish for the church beautification fund! What a wonderful witness you are for our parish! Class of 2016: Join us for Sunday Liturgy on May 22nd at 5:30 p.m. A reception will follow in the Family Center. Knights of Columbus will present the recipients of the 2016 Senior Scholarships. Completed scholarships are due to the office by end of day tomorrow. Rehearsal for Confirmation will take place May 23rd and June 6th 7:00 p.m. in the Church. Confirmations are celebrated May 26th and June 9th at 7:00 p.m. Please see our website to check which day your student is scheduled to attend. Vacation Bible School (VBS) June 2024, 2016. Register TODAY! ALL may register online at www.epiphanycatholic.org. Go to the Elementary Faith Formation tab. Look for the Vacation Bible School link. We follow Jesus, the Light of the World! Questions? Email Stephanie at Stephanie.Brierty@gmail.com. Children’s Liturgy of the (CLW). Parents: are you interested Word in joining our team? Please call the CFF office (281-5788271). All adult (18+) volunteers working with children must be VIRTUS trained All you can eat crawfish fest supporting the summer mission to the Pueblo of Laguna, NM! Purchase tickets now at www.epiphanycatholic.org/mission-fund 10
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