"L*f! - American Otological Society
"L*f! - American Otological Society
J\ ACC}fE Programs BY SPecialtY List of programs within a particular specialty for current academic year and accredited p.og.u*t with future effective dates (Year ending ttror" "L*f! June 30th, 2014) NeurotologY t2S605120161 Stanford University Program Stanford UniversitY 801 Welch Road Stanford CA,94305 r.rerioiorogv izaoosziooal nouse eai clinic/universitv of Southern Galifornia Program Neurotology House Ear Clinic, Inc. 2100 West Third Street, Suite Los Angeles CA, 90057 123605210141 Pn: (OsO) 725-6500 Fax: (650) 725-8502 Dr. Anna Messner MD amessner@ohns.stanford .edu t2soot21 ol 5l univeisity William H Slattery MD of Southern California/LAC+USl; Ph: (213) 483-9930 Fax: (213) 484-5900 kpurdy@hei.org Medical Genter Program Dr. Niels Kokot MD niels.kokot@med.usc.edu (San a2800 521 0211 Neurotology Un iverrs itY of California (San MD.MHSc Ph: (858) atz-sios Fax: (858) 552-7466 thalexander@ucsd.edu Simon Angeli MD ih: Thomas H Alexander Dlego) Program Dr. Deborah Watson MD.FACS San Diego CA, 92103 Jackson Memorial Hospital/Jackson Health System Program 128611130091 [28011210291 Jackson Neurotology Memorial (3os) 24s-1,4s1 Far; (305) 243-2OOg jmdunn@med.miami.edu Hospltal/Jackson Flealth System Program University of Miami PO Box 016960 (D48) Miami FL, 33101 Dr. Donald T Weed ll\4D imdunn@med.miami,edu tzeorezrooil university oi io*" iospitals t'leuioiotogy [2801821039] UniversitY of lowa Hospitals arnd Clinlcs Program : and Cllnics Program Universig of lowa Hospitals and Clinics Dept of Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery 200 Hawkins Drive (21201 PFP) lowa City lA,52242 a2862128'l02lLouislana State University Neurotology University Neurotology Program 128021 31 0 421 Lo Neurotology Ph: (2251 765-3358 Fax'. (225) 765-9520 John P Carey MD Ph: (41 0) 955-7381 Fax (410) 955-0035 cstansb3@hmi.edu ':12802421049! Michael J McKenna MD Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary/Harviard r Medical School Program ,Dr. Stacey T Gray lrtlD : :Massachusetts Eye and Ear Infirmary ENT Education Ofiice 243 Charles Street Boston MA,02114 University of Michigan Medical Center 1500 East Medical Center Drive Ann Arbor Ml, 48109-5312 Moises A Arriaga MD,MBA Dr. Douglas D Reh MD lnfi rmary/Harvard Medical School Program Michigan is i a n a Program Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery 601 N Caroline Street, Room 6221 Baltimore MD,2'1287 Program u [28023210471 Johns rHopkins Universl$t Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine iiiisiii,toalnalsacrruietts eye ano ear Ph: (319) 3s6-217s Fax (319) 356-3967 bruce-gantz@uiowa.ed u State University Program Dr. Anna Maria Pou MD OLOL Hearing and Balance Center 7777 Hennessy Blvd. STE 709 Baton Rouge LA,70808 JohnsHopkins Bruce J Gantz MD,MS Dr, Kristi Chang MD School of Mediclne Program @ r laiiiter lrto University Program 1 11 University of California [28625210011 University of nJuert iiaoo5zroist sianroro Diego) Program Universi$ of California (San Diego) 200 W Arbor Drive, # 8895 125623210121 Phone/Fax/Email Director Core Program Specialty Program Number / Name / Address Neurotology a2802521 0521 U n iv,e rs of Michigan Program :Dr. Mark E Prince lvlD 2013 Accreditation Gouncil for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) ity H. Alexander Arts MD.MS Ph: (617) 573-3654 Fax: (617) 573-3939 Ph: (734) 936-8006 Fax: (734) 936-9625 brencamp@umich.edu 1 ot2 [2862531006] Providence Hospital/Michigan Ear lnstituteMayne State Program Neurotology Dr. Giancarlo Zuliani NID gzuliani@med.wayne.edu Michigan Ear Institute - Providence Hospital 30055 Northwestem HighwaY, #101 Farminglon Hills Ml, 48334 [28626310191 University of Minnesota l2802521137lWayner Neurotology t28026310551 of Minnesota Progretm University of Minnesota Medical School Otolaryngology Department, MMC 396 420 Delaware St SE M$ 55455 Dr. Seth Janus MD,MIS courc002@umn.edu [2863521004] New York University School of Medicine Program Neurotology Ph: (612) 626-0486 Fax (612) 624-3989 levin001@umn.edu Y'ork Sean O McMenomey of MD Ph: (212) 263-556-5 :Fax: (212) 263-2091 MD Neurotology [28038210831 Univensity Ravi N Samy MD of Cincinnati Medical Genter/College of Medicine Program University of Cincinnati Department of OtolaryngologY 231 Albert B Sabin Way Clncinnati OH: 15267-0528 University Samuel C Levine MD Medicine Program Dr. Richard A Lebowitz Medical Center/College of Medicine Program [2863821 0021 Ohio State [28035210731 New ijniversity Sihool New York University School of Medicine Department of Otolaryngology 550 First Avenue New York NY, 10016 t2863S130181 University of Cincinnati Ph: (248) 8654444 Fax (248) 865-6161 : Univercity Program [ilneaoolis Michael J LaRouere MD State University School of Medicine Progrann Ph: (513) 5584143 Fax: (5't3) 558-5203 ravi.samy@uc.edu Dr. Charles M Myer MID charles.myer@cchmr;.org, Neurotology [28038310871 Ohio Hospital Program University Hospital Ohio State University HosPital The Ohio State Eye and Ear Institute 915 Olentangy River Road, Suite 4000 Program titate D. Bradley Welling MD,PhD Ph: ((61)4)-e507 Fax: (614) 293-7292 eric.dilver@osumc.edu Barry E Hirsch MD Ph: (412) 647-2115 Dr. Brad W deSilva N{D Columbus OH,43212 a28641210'l7l UPMC Medical Education Program Neurotology Vanderbilt University Neurotology Dr. Robert Sinard MI) elizabeth.L.wamer@vand erbilt.edu Neurotology University of Texas Southwestern Medical School 5323 Harry Hines Blvd Dallas TX, 75390-9035 Neurotology Baylor College of Medicine NA-'102 Houston TX, 77030 Unlversity of Virginia University of Virginia Health System P.O. Box 800713 Charloftesville VA, 22908 @ Ph: (214J 648-2964 Fax: (214) 648-9122 walter.kuE@utsouthwest em.edu Baylor [2804831104] College of Mediciner Program Jeffrey T Vrabec MD Ph: (713) 798-7217 Fax: (7'13) 798-5078 francesc@bcm.edu George l.lashisaki MD Ph: (434) s24-2040 Fax: (434) 982-3965 Dr. Masayoshi Takashima MD francesc@bcm.edu One Baylor Plaza Program 12804821'1021University Joe W Kutz MD of Texas Southwesllern Medical School Program Ph: (615)U3-6972 Fax (615) 875-5559 elizabeth.L.warner@vand erbilt.edu Dr. John M Truelson MD Program [28651 2t 005] 128}4721125lVanderbilt David S Haynes MD University Program : 1215 21st Avenue South Nashville TN, 37232-8605 [28648310151 Baylor College of Medicine Fax'. 1412) 647-2080 Dr. Barry M Schaitkirt MD,FACS Program 7209 Medical Center East-South Tower [2864828103] University of Texas Southwestern Medical School Program UPMC: Medical Education Program University of Pittsburgh Medical Center Eye & Ear lnstitute, Suite 500 200 Lothrop Street Pittsburgh PA, 15213 [286471 301 3] [28041210961 Neurotology [28051 21 1 091 University of Virginia Programr Dr. Bradley w Kesser MD bwk2n@virginia.edu 2013 Accreditation Councilfor Graduate Medical Education (ACGME) 2ot2