User Information - Freeway to Success


User Information - Freeway to Success
User Information
This eBook is a complete guide so you can take full advantage of your new Freeway to Success
Business. Loaded with screenshots and step-by-step instructions on how to’s, the Freeway to
Success Road To Wealth Guide will show you exactly how to navigate your business.
THE VERY FIRST THING you need to do is get your business up and running. Start with the
Quick Setup Section – this will take you less than 5 minutes! Once you have completed those
steps, come back and read the rest of the book at your convenience.
Remember, this is all going to be new to you and you don’t have to learn everything in one
day. The most important thing is to get your marketing and advertising started so you can
start building your team and earning monthly.
The information contained in The Freeway to Success Road to Wealth Guide is meant to serve as a comprehensive collection of time-tested and proven strategies
that the authors of this eBook have applied to help assist in growing your Phase 4 Global Business. Summaries, strategies, tips and tricks are only
recommendations by the authors, and reading this eBook does not guarantee that one’s results will exactly mirror our own results. The authors of The Freeway to
Success Road to Wealth Guide have made all reasonable efforts to provide current and accurate information for the readers of this eBook. The authors will not be
held liable for any unintentional errors or omissions that may be found.
The material in The Freeway to Success Road to Wealth Guide may include information, products, or services by third parties. Third Party materials comprise of
the products and opinions expressed by their owners. As such, the authors of this guide do not assume responsibility or liability for any Third Party Material or
The publication of such Third Party materials does not constitute the authors’ guarantee of any information, instruction, opinion, products or service contained
within the Third Party Material. Use of recommended Third Party Material does not guarantee that your results, with The Freeway to Success Road to Wealth
Guide will mirror our own. Publication of such Third Party Material is simply a recommendation and expression of the authors’ own opinion of that material.
Whether because of the general evolution of the Internet, or the unforeseen changes in company policy and editorial submission guidelines, what is stated as fact
at the time of this writing, may become outdated or simply inapplicable at a later date. This may apply to The Freeway to Success Road to Wealth Guide website
platform, as well as, the various similar companies that we have referenced in this eBook, and our several complementary guides. Great effort has been exerted
to safeguard the accuracy of this writing. Opinions regarding similar website platforms have been formulated as a result of both personal experience, as well as
the well documented experiences of others.
No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted or resold in whole or in part in any form, without the prior written consent of the authors. All
trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in The Freeway to Success Road to Wealth Guide are the property of their respective owners.
Welcome to Freeway to Success
Welcome to Freeway to Success. You will find excellent products and a fantastic opportunity to earn referral
We believe that Freeway to Success offers a financial opportunity where you can enjoy the benefits of financial
independence, without the business headaches and without the risk. We believe we have an opportunity where
you can spend more time with your family and take vacations as often as you would like and be in complete
control of your time.
Millions of ordinary people around the world are looking for ways to combat these economic times that we are
all facing. Everyone is busy re-evaluating their goals and fine tuning their game plan. No one wants to be
faced with a financial crisis and not have a Plan B in place.
With that in mind, Freeway to Success is always striving to find the products and ways for you, our members, to
Save Money on your daily purchases and easily earn referral commissions. We pride ourselves as having a
“family” atmosphere where everyone works together to help everyone succeed. In my opinion, we have the
Best of the Best.
Our mission is to give you all the support and tools in one place to change your life financially. We believe this
is so SIMPLE, so AFFORDABLE, and most of all so DOABLE that anyone will be able to succeed and take
control of their destiny. Our staff is second to none; “Live” customer support is available to you during normal
business hours. We don’t hide behind emails or anything else, we are available to you! We also open our
Opportunity Calls for any member to ask questions!
In this e-book, you will find a complete guide to success. Step-by-step instructions how you can virtually build
your Freeway to Success hands free. Our customized Global Success Marketing System is completely optional.
But, I will tell you that it is a proven system that will literally give you all the tools needed to succeed online.
You will also have free access to marketing materials, (postcards, flyers, emails, brochures, door hangers, etc.)
that you can use to build your business. We also have several training calls jammed pack with ways to build
your business. We have numerous webinars and opportunity calls that will also help you.
Once again, let me personally welcome you to Freeway to Success. We are excited that you have decided to
team up with us. I trust that this letter finds you mutually excited about your new opportunity with Freeway to
Table of Contents
Quick Start Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 5 to Page 10
The History of Freeway to Success . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 11
Check List . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 12
Login to Your Back Office . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 13
Sign Up for Global Success Marketing System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 14
Explanation of How Freeway to Success Works . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 15
Compensation Plan
Compensation Chart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 18
Product Packages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 20
Navigate Your Back Office
Red Ribbons
Home, Marketing System, and Contact us . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 21
Products and Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 22
a. How to Sign Up for FTS Coupons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 23
Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 25
Upgrade Membership Level and Learn About Phase 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 26
Control Panel
Home . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 27
Commissions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 27
View My Team . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 27
Monthly Membership . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 28
Marketing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 28
Dashboard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 29
Benefits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 29
My Account . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Page 30
Are you ready to take your income to new heights? Sign up for The Global Success Marketing
System and Auto Advertising!
Step 1: Login to your Freeway to Success Back Office
a. Go to
b. Click on Login located on the left side in the last red ribbon. (Hint: Bookmark or Add to
Favorites depending on your browser so that you can easily go to your Back Office.)
c. Scroll down and Type in your username and password and click Login
Step 2: Sign Up for the Global Success Marketing System
a. Click on the Marketing System.
b. You are now at Global Success Marketing System sign up page.
Page 5
Click On “Join Now”
Complete the information and follow the instructions on the screen.
Login to your GSMS Back Office.
Click on Quick Setup FTS.
g. Fill in your FTS Username, First and Last Name, Phone Number, and Email. Click Submit.
That’s it, your capture pages and auto-responder has been set up for you. You can copy these
links and advertise them anywhere you would like to. OR better yet join the Auto Advertising
where we will advertise your links and build your business hands free!
Page 6
Sign Up for the Auto Advertising
1. Click on Auto Advertising Button.
2. Click on Advertise FTS.
Page 7
3. Follow the simple instructions. Create any campaign name – no one else will see it.
Use the drop down box for Capture Page and choose which page you want to use in the
Auto Advertising and Pay for 1 month or 3 months using PayPal or Credit Card.
Create a Campaign Name
Use Drop Down Box and
Choose Page
3. Choose Payment Option
Your link has been added to the Auto Advertising. You are now advertising your FTS business
24/7 to millions of people hands free. You can add as many links as you would like to have us
advertise! Each link will be $9.90 per month and they must be a link from the Quick Setup for
FTS or Quick Setup for P4G. If you belong to both FTS and P4G, you can complete the same
steps and advertise both businesses or even purchase 2 or more links for the same business.
Page 8
As you know, you earn commissions with GSMS when someone in your FTS down line joins
the GSMS. Therefore it is VERY IMPORTANT that you go to your FTS Back Office and input your
GSMS username.
1. Login to your Freeway to Success Back Office. (See Instructions on Page 5)
2. Click on “My Account” in the upper right hand corner.
3. Click on Edit Personal Info.
Page 9
4. Input your GSMS Username then BE SURE to Scroll down and Click Submit.
YOU DID IT! Your Freeway to Success is now running on Auto-Pilot. In less than 5 minutes you have begun
your journey to financial freedom. You have a Fully Automated Marketing System that is going to advertise for
you 24/7/365. You have taken the necessary steps to start earning commissions in both, Freeway to Success
and The Global Success Marketing System.
For any questions related to Freeway to Success, Compensation, Products, etc., feel free to call your sponsor
or FTS Support at 256-270-2277.
For any questions related to The Global Success Marketing System (TGSMS), your capture pages, advertising,
etc. please call 703-560-1057.
Your success means our success and we all love success.
Stick with FTS, focus on your new business, don’t get distracted by outside offers and if you do this, you will
achieve the success you desire. The main reason people fail online is because they have unrealistic
expectations and don’t stick with a business long enough to get it built. Your FTS business will build and it will
work for you. Remember, you didn’t learn to walk in one day, you didn’t learn to drive in one day or ride a
bike in one day, so don’t expect to retire in one day.
Never hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments and make sure you attend our webinars and
opportunity calls as often as you can. Meet the team, get involved and everyone wins together.
Page 10
The History Freeway to Success
Freeway to Success started in December 2009 and has thousands of members that have been saving money
on their everyday purchases and earning a referral commission since then. It all started when Doc envisioned
owning a company where people could join and save money while earning money.
First came the Basic Package, but a few months later and thousands of members joining, Doc expanded his
vision to include the Gold Package, where members keep their same team intact, yet as everyone upgrades
they could earn more commissions and save even more.
In the Gold Package is the FTS Clubhouse, which Doc has owned since 1999. Around the world, members
were jumping for joy with the savings and the new compensation plan and Freeway to Success was taken to
new heights. Curiosity became the new word to all the members and boy did they find huge savings on almost
anything they could think of.
In April 2012, Doc opened up the Platinum Package! Again, Doc allows members to keep their same team
intact, and give them opportunity to upgrade to Platinum. The Platinum Package is loaded with savings on all
those big ticket items; such as automobiles, furniture, flooring, game rooms, and even putting greens and golf
carts with even more coming.
Now in July 2012, Doc opened the fourth phase of Freeway to Success, Phase 4 Global. This is a totally
separate compensation plan, but really gives all members the advantage over all other businesses out there.
A one-time product purchase will produce a lifetime of income. How does purchasing a Hotel and Resort
Savings Card for $110 one-time and leveraging that into $27,000 over and over again sound? Check out
“Learn About Phase 4” in your back office. I think you will be pleasantly surprised!
As you can see, Doc Lett is a visionary, who is constantly looking for ways to help all the members earn a very
lucrative 1st or 2nd Income. He is constantly adding to Freeway to Success and Phase 4 Global and you can rest
assured that Freeway to Success will continue to grow to new heights for many years to come.
Page 11
Check List for your new Freeway to Success Business
We highly recommend that you print this page out for further reference. Fill out the information below as you
go through this e-book, complete the steps, and have everything in the palm of your hands.
FREEWAY TO SUCCESS USER NAME: ____________________________________________________________
FREEWAY TO SUCCESS PASSWORD: ____________________________________________________________
English: _____________________________________________________________________________
Spanish: ____________________________________________________________________________
Step 1: Login to your Back Office and complete the following information from your home page.
My Info (User ID): _________________________
My Sponsor Name: ___________________________ Telephone #: ____________________________
My Sponsor Email: ____________________________________________________________________
Step 2: Sign Up for the Fully Automated Marketing System (See Instructions on Page 5)
My GSMS Username: __________________________________________________________________
My GSMS Password: __________________________________________________________________
My Capture Page URL: _________________________________________________________________
FTS Coupons Username and Password: _________________________________________________________
FTS Clubhouse Username and Password: ________________________________________________________
FTS Platinum Buyer’s Club Username/Password: __________________________________________________
Important Contact Information:
FTS Opportunity Calls:
Every Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. CST
Telephone #: 712-432-0075 Access Code: 797350#
FTS Support:
Monday through Friday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. CST
Telephone #: 256-270-2227
GSMS Support:
Telephone #: 703-560-1057
Page 12
Logging into your Freeway to Success Back Office
1. Go to
2. Click on Login (hint: Bookmark or Add to Favorites depending on your browser so that
you can easily go to your Back Office.)
3. Scroll down and Type in your username and password and click Login
Page 13
The Global Success Marketing System (TGSMS)
In less than 5 minute from right now, you can be on your way to financial security. This marketing
system is the answer to building your business on auto pilot.
The GSMS comes complete with unique capture pages designed to attract people from all walks of life
that are interested in a home-based business opportunity, an auto-responder with an email series
customized for you, ad tracking, and so much more.
You have heard it thousands of times, Duplication is one of easiest keys to success. Well, using this
proven marketing system and passing this same system along to your new members, will provide you the
ability to run your Freeway to Success business virtually on auto pilot. Look at it this way, You joined
based on this EXACT marketing system – thousands of others are doing the same thing – You will get
hands free sign ups using the Global Success Marketing System.
Not only will people be joining you in Freeway to Success, but they will join you in the Global Success
Marketing System and YOU WILL EARN COMMISSION with BOTH! When a member joins you in the
GSMS, you will earn $2.00 for any member who pays monthly and $19.00 for any member who pays
annually! Remember, this is in addition to your Freeway to Success commissions.
Three quick steps can change your life. See the Quick Set Up instructions on Page 5 to sign up for
your very own Customized Marketing System.
Be sure to check out the Optional Auto Advertising. We will do all the advertising for you. We have
tested our advertising venues and gathered the best of the best. Each and every minute, Freeway to
Success will be advertised on the Internet. People across the globe will have access to the same
opportunity that you have in your hands right now.
That’s it – We will begin marketing your Freeway to Success business for you. As new members join you,
they will do exactly what you just did. Using this simple duplication, your downline will begin to grow
with little effort on your part.
We are so confident, we are offering all members who join Freeway to Success, the Global Success
Marketing System, and the Auto Advertising, an income guarantee! Yes, we guarantee that you will earn
an income within 6 months or we will you give you ABSOLUTELY FREE the following:
One Stop Savings Shop – A membership club where you can find savings on almost everything you can
think of. Loaded with thousands of shops, coupons, and even free services, if you need it – you can save
money. This is a $250/year value that you will get absolutely FREE for one year. Executive Account—12SC is online tools, training and resource center that
includes a 3 level payout affiliate program, multiple streams of income and every online tool you need to
succeed with any business—online or offline. This is a $468/year value that you will get for LIFE!
Page 14
Explanation of How Freeway to Success Works
Everyone begins with the purchase of the Basic Package.
You will be positioned at the top of a 5x5 forced matrix, which means 5 members wide and 5
levels deep, with each of the 5 legs having multiplies of 5 on each level.
As you refer new members to Freeway to Success, they will begin to fall directly under you in
the first available position from left to right. The 6th person you refer will fall on your second
level. This unique forced matrix feature will automatically evenly distribute new members on
each leg.
Page 15
In the example below, as you bring new members to your team:
The next new person will fall in the first position under Leg 4.
The next new person will fall in the first position under Leg 5.
Then the next person you refer, would fall in the second position under Leg 3.
The next, in the second position under Leg 4.
The next in the second position under Leg 5.
Then as you continue to refer new members, the system will continue to evenly distribute new
members starting with the third position under Leg 1 and so on, evenly distributing members
on each leg. This works the same way on every level.
Working the same matrix, with the same team, YOU have the opportunity to upgrade to the
Gold Package and/or Platinum Package at any time.
All commissions are based on your membership level
and the membership level of your matrix.
Page 16
If you are a Basic member, you will receive commissions on everyone in your matrix according
to the Basic Commission Schedule, regardless if they are Basic, Gold or Platinum.
If you are a Gold member, you will receive Gold Commissions on any Gold or Platinum
Members in your matrix. And in addition, you will also receive Basic Commissions on all your
Basic Members in your matrix.
If you are a Platinum member, you will receive Platinum Commissions on any Platinum
Members, Gold Commissions on any Gold Members, and Basic Commissions on all your Basic
Members in your matrix.
Most likely, you will have a combination of Basic, Gold, and Platinum members on your matrix.
Therefore, you will receive a combination of each of the three Compensation Plans.
There are NO Qualifications to earn commissions in Freeway and no matter who fills your 5x5
– which could be your Sponsor or any team member - you will still earn commissions for all
members who fall below you in your matrix.
Page 17
Compensation Plan
Freeway to Success provides all members a lucrative referral commission. In fact, you are
probably doing exactly what you need to do to succeed in Freeway to Success right now. The
only difference is you are not receiving any referral income for it and with Freeway to Success
you have the potential to earn a huge 1st or 2nd income.
Let me ask you, how many times have you referred a good restaurant or good movie to
someone? When they acted on your referral and went to the restaurant or movie, did the
restaurant or movie theater pay you a referral commission? Well, here at Freeway to Success,
WE DO! When you tell people how you are able to save money on your everyday purchases
and they join, you will earn a referral commission. It truly is that simple!
You will see in the Basic Package each member has the potential to earn $3,855 per month. In
addition when your team members upgrade to the Gold Package, each member has the
potential to earn $18,395.00 per month. Lastly, when your team members upgrade to the
Platinum Package, each member has the potential to earn $47,980 each and every month.
You will most likely earn a combination of all three package commissions, based on your
membership level and the membership level of each of your members.
Freeway to Success commissions closes at Midnight PST on the 15th of each month.
Commission checks will either be mailed via check or paid via Payza by the end of the month.
Just go into your Back Office and choose your preferred payment option.
The system is set up to first look for your membership fee and takes it out of your commission,
therefore, there is no out-of-pocket to you once your team begins to grow. You also have the
opportunity to upgrade your membership level at any time.
Page 18
Basic - Gold - Platinum
$ .25
$ .75
$ 93.75
$ 625.00
$ 218.75
$ 2,500.00
$ 8.25
$ 206.25
$ 1,468.75
$ 8,750.00
Page 19
Product Packages
There are 3 Product Packages; Basic, Gold, and Platinum. Everyone becomes a member of the Basic Package
and has the option to upgrade to the Gold Package, then to the Platinum Package. Each Package contains
ways for you to save money on your purchases. As you upgrade, you will continue to build your membership
savings package.
The Basic Package contains the FTS Online Coupons and a Series of E-Books. Both of these
products will help put your business on the fast track. Along with the products come some
awesome benefits. You will receive a Prescription Drug Card where you can save money on
your prescriptions at over 65,000 pharmacies, image and blood testing, dental, eye, and
even pet prescriptions. You will also have access to restaurant savings where you can
purchase gift certificates for a fraction of the cost. You will also have access to restaurant
coupons to most major chains where you will enjoy savings.
While you are enjoying all the products and benefits in the Basic Package, you have the
option to upgrade to the Gold Package. You will receive a username and password so that
you can utilize the FTS Clubhouse 24/7/365. You will find savings on everyday purchases.
If you need it you will find it in the Clubhouse. There are thousands of shops where you
can find huge savings. Check out for a preview of some of the
awesome products and benefits you will find in the FTS Clubhouse.
The Platinum Buyer’s Club is where members shop to save money on big ticket items.
Members can buy new cars at employee prices. They can purchase furniture and
cabinets at wholesale or slightly below. You will never find a better deal on carpet and
flooring than here at Freeway to Success. Unique items such as hidden safes, custom
golf carts, putting green professionally installed in your backyard, and game room items
like pool tables or juke boxes can all be found in the Buyer’s Club at huge savings. Be
sure to check out the Platinum Buyer’s Club before you make any major purchase.
Page 20
Navigating your Freeway to Success Back Office
Each Red Ribbon will take you to a new page when you click on it.
1. Home: Will always take you back to this page.
2. Marketing System: Learn and sign up for The Global Success Marketing System.
3. Contact Us: Provides you the information you need to contact home office via email,
telephone, mail, and even a place to click on to have a Live Chat with Customer Support.
Page 21
4. Products: Click on this to use all your products and benefits available to you. This will
change depending on which Membership Package you have. Each icon will open to a
new page where you can take advantage of everything Freeway to Success has to offer.
When you upgrade to Platinum you will receive this product.
Once you have upgraded, You will need to sign up here.
Follow the Instructions! Once you are a member of the
Platinum Club, this is where you will enter the Platinum
When you upgrade to Gold you will receive this product. Click
on the icon and be sure to remember your username and
password for the clubhouse. You will be taken to a new page
where you can enjoy savings on almost anything you need.
You will need to sign up for this. See Instructions on Page 23!
As a member of FTS, this is where you will enter the FTS
Coupon and Localize FTS to your area!
You also have access to BENEFITS when you join Freeway to Success. You can access these
through this Product Page. ALL members of FTS can enjoy these savings.
Both of these Benefits are
AWESOME! You can enjoy savings
every time you go out to eat.
National chains, along with
Specialty Restaurants, in your area,
provides you with savings and
opportunities to get gift certificates
for a fraction of the cost.
Click here to print your Pharmacy Card
and start enjoying your savings!
Page 22
Access to FTS Coupons
When you join Freeway to Success, your email address will be sent to where
it will be processed within 24 hours. Once it has been processed, you will need to follow the
steps below to have access to all the Coupons. Keep this in mind, not only can you enjoy the
savings in the online coupon section of Freeway to Success, you can actually offer any business
the opportunity to put their coupon in FTSCoupons for FREE. Listen to the Opportunity Calls or
call Support to learn more.
a. Login to your Back Office (See Instructions on Page 13)
b. Click on the Red Ribbon “Products”
c. Click on “Sign Up” under the icon Coupon Book.
d. Enter your Freeway to Success email and click “Send Email Confirmation”
Page 23
e. Go to your email and click on the confirmation link.
f. You will be taken to the Activation Screen. Fill Out the Information and make sure you
remember to write your password down. Click on Register.
g. You are now ready to login and begin using your FTS Coupons. From now on just click
on the icon and you will be taken directly to the members’ login for FTS Coupons.
Page 24
5. Events: Gives you all the information on Opportunity Calls, Webinars, Meetings, etc.
This is changed often with up-to-date upcoming local meetings and webinars. Be sure
to come to as many Opportunity Calls as possible. The owner, Doc Lett is on all the calls
and is available to answer any questions. Not only do these calls go over all the
products and the compensation plan, but we also discuss what is working for members
in helping them build their business. Also use these calls to bring someone new that is
interested in Freeway to Success – it really does help when people can hear from many
other members just what FTS is all about.
Page 25
6. Upgrade to Either Gold or Platinum: For Basic members it will say Upgrade to Gold
and for the Gold members it will say Upgrade to Platinum: When you are ready to
upgrade to the next Package, click on this Red Ribbon and complete the check-out page!
7. Learn about Phase 4: This is the fourth phase of Freeway to Success. Stay with your
team and continue with this unique opportunity. Phase 4 Global has a completely
different compensation plan with a twist. If you are looking for some fast “homerun”
money that pays weekly, you will definitely want to join the fourth phase.
Page 26
Back Office Control Panel
1. Home: Clicking on this will always take you back to this page.
2. Commissions: Hover over Commissions, then click on Commission Overview to see your
commissions for the current pay period. You can even see previous commission
3. View My Team: Hover over View My Team, then Click on “My Genealogy”. There are
many ways to display your down line. Everyone is different, so choose your favorite way
to see your team. You will find all the information on your team members, such as
telephone numbers, usernames, e-mail addresses, etc.
You can customize how you want to see your down line. You can Click on “Matrix View”
and see your first 3 levels in a matrix. This is really handy. The green nodes represent
the Basic Members, the gold nodes represent the Gold members and the silver nodes
represent the Platinum members. Commissions close on the 15th of each month, so on
the 16th all nodes will be purple. Don’t Panic, when their auto-ship is processed, the
purple nodes will return to their appropriate membership level.
You can even Sign Up New Members here – Just hover over View My Team and Click on
“Sign Up New Member” or from the “Matrix View” click on a clear node and you will be
taken to the sign up page.
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4. Monthly Membership: Hover over this and either Click on “Membership Fee” and
“Invoice History”.
a. Membership Fee: This is where you edit your Auto-ship. Click on “Edit Auto-Ship”
and make the appropriate changes. Be sure to click Submit. You will see
confirmation that you have changed your auto-ship.
b. Invoice History: You can view the invoices that have been paid by you.
5. Marketing: Hover over “Marketing” and either Click on “Replicated Site” or “Library”.
a. Replicated Site: You can edit your information that will be shown on your FTS
Website. Click on “Edit”. Change your information and Click “Save Site Info”.
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b. Library: This is filled with so much information. Sample e-mails, brochures, flyers,
business cards, door hangers, postcards, etc. Tons of marketing tools are at your
fingertips to use, even a Power Point Presentation to use in marketing. Also
Recorded Conference Calls, Webinars, Training Calls, etc. are available to download
or watch. We highly recommend listening to the Training Calls as this gives you
many ideas of different ways to build your business. Freeway to Success continually
adds new information – please sure to check it regularly.
6. Dashboard: Hover over “Dashboard” and Click on “Report Center”. You have the ability
to run several reports regarding your down line. See whose auto-ships dropped off or
see a complete listing of members in your down line in several different ways (i.e. by
date range). Check your teams pending auto-ships and auto-ship details.
7. Benefits: Hover over Benefits and you can access the same benefits that you have
access to on your Products Ribbon. You can easily access the Restaurant Benefits and
your Prescription Card here also.
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8. My Account: Located at the top right. This is where you edit and control your personal
information. Edit your Personal Information, Change Your Password, and Edit your
Address. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT that when you join either Phase 4 Global or The
Global Success Marketing System that you input your id or username here. This will
ensure that your down line follows you in both businesses and you earn commissions
on them.
Update your Phase 4 Global ID and your GSMS Username Here
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