2016 07 July.pub


2016 07 July.pub
The Northeast Region Beacon
July 2016
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In This Issue
Region Directors ............ 1-3
From Around The Region:
Vermont Chapter A ............ 3
Region CPR/FA Trainers:
Class Appeal ...................... 4
Region Directors
Tom and Renee Wasluck
Normally, we begin this article before
making the journey to Wing Ding. Since
Wing Ding is in September, we have
more summer quality time to spend riding
the roads of Region B.
We are ready to put plenty of miles on
our trike. Oil change, master cylinder
recall work, all fluids changed, and a
complete check-up by J&B Honda has us ready for this summer of FUN
riding. We can’t wait to get out to the district and chapter events in Region
B. Is your bike ready?
We missed Americade this year because it landed on the same week as
our fire department carnival. Renee and I both hold officer positions in the
fire department and, with the carnival being our main fundraiser to make
our truck payments, it was necessary for us to be there.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank Steve and Katy Nutting, the
New York District Team, and all of the volunteers that helped make
the GWRRA Information Booth at Americade a success. This project
could not happen without all of your hard work. Thank you!
Steve and Katy Nutting seemed to think that attendance was way down
this year. This could have been due to Americade enduring its normal
event weather...rain. We even heard that the temperatures were a little on
the cold side. Despite the weather, the volunteers did sign up four new
members, renewed six members, and signed up one member for Wing
Ding. Even though the weather was not the greatest, I’m sure that Renee
and I missed a good time.
STUDENTS! ..................... 5
Northeast Region
Calendar Of Events ........... 6
Northeast Region
ISP Solution ....................... 6
Leadership Training:
........................................... 7
The Engraver! .................... 8
Region Educators:
Hazards of LSD (Limited
Sight Distance) .................. 9
Northeast Region B
Staff Directory .................. 10
2015 / 2016 Region Couple
of the Year ....................... 11
Woodwing Art .................. 12
Chapter Of The Year
Coordinators .............. 13-14
From Around The Region:
New York Chapter X ........ 14
(Continued on next page)
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 1
Are you ready for some great riding and rallies?
Web Page Directory ........ 15
The New England District Rally is going to be held in
West Lebanon, New Hampshire on July 21st, 22nd , &
23rd. “Celebrating American Pride” is the theme for
this year’s rally. The New England District Team has
worked very hard getting this rally together. The flyer
is available on the Region Web Site and the rally
information can be accessed at this web site:
Next up is the New Jersey/New York Bi-State Rally in Swedesboro, New
Jersey at the Holiday Inn on August 4th,
5th , & 6th. “A Taste of Mardi Gras” is the
theme for this year’s rally. Mardi Gras is
always a good time. We can’t wait to join
in the FUN, including the Region B Couple
of the Year Selection. Rally information is
available on the Region’s and the district’s
websites. Access the flyer at https://gwrranj.shutterfly.com/events.
Do You Want To Share? . 15
Membership Enhancement
Program Coordinators:
Something We All Help
With: Recruitment and
Retention ......................... 16
Couple Of The Year
Coordinators.................... 17
From Around The Region:
Pennsylvania All Chapters
West ................................ 18
That’s All Folks! ............... 18
Remember to get out and support your district rallies, district events, and
all of the rallies in Region B. If you travel to support another district rally,
then those members will come out to support your event. Keep in mind
that it is a lot of hard work by your volunteer district teams to put on an
event like a rally, so let’s make them feel like the hard work was worth it;
by showing up and have a great time.
Wing Ding is just a few months away. Have you made your reservations
yet? Have you sent in your registration? There are still hotel rooms
available, but they’re selling out quickly. It is going to be a great time!
Remember...the dates for Wing
Ding are August 31 - September
3, 2016. This year it is going to
be held in Billings, Montana. This
is a long ride for those of us from
the Northeast. Renee and I are
planning an “around the states
tour” to get to Wing Ding. Hope to
see many of our GWRRA family
on the roads while traveling to
Wing Ding. We are so looking
forward to this year’s trip. We live in such a beautiful country!
This year, our Wing Ding assignment has changed. I believe we are going
to like our new adventure in the Door Prize Booth. We get to meet a lot of
people, give out some great prizes, and have FUN! We have sent an email out to all of the district directors asking that they contact the members
to see who is going to Wing Ding, and see if they would like to help at the
Door Prize Booth. The sooner you let us know that you are available, the
better chance of getting your preferred time slot.
We put together a schedule made up of two-hour shifts. We need to have
members at the booth Wednesday through Friday from 9 am until 5 pm
and again on Saturday from 9 am until 3 pm. If you have a particular time
that you would like to help, let us know! There are still a few open time
If we have the help available, Region B has been asked to help Region E
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 2
with ticket sales. If you would like to offer some of your time to help with
ticket sales we would really appreciate it. Please let us know what day
would be better for you. We will keep a separate list of those who can help
with tickets sales which we will turn over to the Region E Directors.
Summer is here and will fly by faster than you know it! Take advantage of
the riding time we have here in the Northeast; join your GWRRA family
and visit another district or chapter, make more friends and have a great
time doing it. Remember: having a good time, laughing out loud, and
having FUN is contagious. Spread this around the Region as much as you
Ride Safe & Have Fun
Tom & Renee Wasluck
Northeast Region Directors
Vermont Chapter A took time out for a group photo during
a recent road trip to Crown Point, New York
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 3
Region CPR/FA Trainers
Keith and Elaine Price
Class Appeal
Over the next two months, Region B will
have a unique opportunity to vastly increase
the availability of vital training for its
members. In the past nine years that Elaine
and I have been CPR-First Aid training
coordinators, we have never had more than
four members volunteer to become Medic
First Aid instructors in any given year. This year 12 members have stepped
forward to become instructors and provide this proven life-saving training to
our people. These 12 new instructors represent a 70% increase in the
number of Northeast Region instructors! When I say, “life-saving training,” I
mean it. Three years ago someone, using the same techniques that we
teach, saved the life of a member in our region and just last year another
member in Region B saved a friend’s life the same way!
But in order to get these people trained, we need your help! Each new
instructor must teach a class while being proctored by a certified trainer.
These proctored classes will be presented at both the New England and the
Bi-State Rallies! If you are attending either rally, would you please
consider taking the Medic-First Aid class being offered there? Even if you
don't yet need a CPR course for your Levels certification, you will extend your
level currency while providing a vital service to our region and the
membership. We simply must not allow this opportunity to slip by.
This year we have a brand new version of the class we have taught for the
past five years. This will be the first time that the new 2015 program classes
are offered in Region B and they are absolutely free of charge! That's a
savings of $30 over taking the classes at Wing Ding. Please help our region
and its members. What we teach saves lives!
Stay healthy, stay safe.
Keith and Elaine Price
Northeast Region
CPR/FA Coordinators
(716) 625-9577
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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July 21-23, 2016
New England Districts Rally
West Lebanon, NH
August 4-6, 2016
NY/NJ Bi-State Rally … Mardi Gras
Swedesboro, NJ
September 16-18, 2016
Pennsylvania All Chapters East
Gettysburg, PA
Is your District or Chapter
sponsoring a major activity?
To list your event here,
please contact:
Tom and Renee Wasluck
Is your ISP service contract up for renewal?
Is your district or chapter looking for a reliable
—and reasonably priced—
ISP for your website?
Then look no further!
Our Internet Service Provider can provide you
with all the space you need at a VERY LOW COST!
Only $6 per month
Contact our Region Web Team…
Clark W. Clemens at cwcleme@twcny.rr.com ...
for details and directions on how to get started TODAY!
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 6
Leadership Training
Eileen & Tim Guile
We had better weather in March and April
than in May – go figure! We traveled to the
Rhode Island FUN weekend in WellsOgunquit, Maine, and had a lovely time with
friends as well as a boat ride on the Songo
Queen on Long Lake. We also visited a
manual lock on the Songo River connecting
Lake Sebago and Brandy Pond and got to
see a Maine Warden Service boat going through. Once they go through the
lock, there is also a swing bridge (it turns sideways) that has to be activated
before the boat can get to Long Lake. The return trip was not ideal – 41
degrees and sprinkling. Thank goodness for heated gear.
The following weekend, we went to State College, Pennsylvania (thankfully in
the car…because of the rain) for the PA District Rally. It was a good time, and
I presented the new “Road Trippin’ Module.” We were totally unprepared for
the turnout. We had 63 people sign-in (hopefully everyone signed in)! The
classroom was set-up for approximately 20 people, and we never turn people
away, so it was a work in progress. Tim assisted and Bonnie and Gerry
VanArt (PA District Trainers) also helped fold up the wall between two
classrooms, repositioned the screen, and relocated the computer and
projector. It was hectic, but everyone loved the new training module and
couldn’t wait to see more of them. As a trainer, it gave me renewed
enthusiasm. People were no longer sleeping or daydreaming. They were
active participants and learning – a fantastic combination!
Currently, we are on vacation in Bar Harbor, Maine (enjoying lobstah and
peekytoe crab). On the 18th of June, we will do a Road Captain Course in
Bangor for Maine Chapter D. On Monday, Bob Webber of Maine-D gave us a
tour of places we might not have otherwise visited, like “Wreaths Across
America.” When we get back from vacation, we have a day and a half at
home before making our way to Pigeon Forge, Tennessee for a “Lead Like
You Ride” course, and I will be taking the new Instructor Trainer Certification
The next item on our agenda is the New England District Rally in Lebanon,
New Hampshire. I will be presenting the new modules “Road Trippin’” and
“Conflict..It’s Inevitable” on Friday and Saturday morning. From there, we
are joining Long Island Chapter K to do a tour of New Brunswick and Nova
Scotia, ending at the Nova Scotia Rally in Truro Then it is back home to get
ready for the NY/NJ Bi-State Rally in Swedesboro, New Jersey. Following the
NY/NJ Rally, it will be time to get ready to leave for Wing Ding. Wow! Talk
about a whirlwind! In October, we wonder where our summer went.
Don’t forget to keep a first aid kit in your vehicles and toys (RV, pop-up trailer,
tent, vehicle, etc.) I just had an incident where one of the dogs caught her
nails on my arm and my first aid kit is in my bike – duh! That is now corrected
– first aid kits in everything!
The more you know the better it gets!
Wreaths Across
makes and places the
wreaths on graves at
veterans’ cemeteries like
Arlington during the month
of December.
Their mission:
Remember, Honor, and
Learn more about this
wonderful organization at
their website:
Eileen & Tim Guile
Northeast Region Trainers
Master Instructors/OCP Trainers
(518) 877-8481
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 7
#1 The Engraver ! #1
Please think of us for fine engraved items
or any of the other motorcycle products we carry:
Engraved Name Tags, Bike Plates, License Frames, Maps, Name in Lights and much
more Because we carry such a wide array of logos and pins, we can custom engrave name tags and
plates with Military, Masonic, Patriot Guard, Red Knights, and Teamsters Horsemen as well as other
organizations. We do custom logos and pins.
Keys Honda motorcycle spare keys as well as gas tank and pocket chrome-knob keys.
Frogg Toggs Quality, motorcycle-grade rainsuits that are both breathable and waterproof.
Flags and Fold-Down Flag Poles US, State, Military, and more….
State, Military, Motorcycle Organization, and Other Pins and Pin-Locks
Sparkle Hats Available in 15 different colors as well as other styles.
Military Hats Proudly show your service to our country.
Butler Mugs Keep your drinks hot or cold while you ride.
Arm Sleeves Provides added protection for your arms
Magnetic Jewelry Bracelets, anklets, and necklaces made with natural magnetic hematite and stones.
Plaques, Trophies and Signs We design and build high quality items that you will be proud to award
both at bike events, in sports leagues, and in business environments. We stock, and can engrave, over 3500
logos. We also engrave name tags and bike plates for many rider and fraternal organizations. Custom signs
are available in sizes up to 8” x 10” in a variety of colors.
Medallions We can do your Couple and Individual of the Year medallions. These medallions also make
great awards for students, athletes, and employee stars!
We also will work with groups to design any specialty items.
If you do not see what you need listed on our website, please email or call us .
Contact Joanne at: 561 239 2307
Visit our Website: www.thEngraver.com
Email: ThEngraver@aol.com or theengraver@bellsouth.net
We are Lifetime GWRRA members and have been honored by GWRRA for
over 25 years of support and loyalty to GWRRA Wing Ding and event participation!
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 8
Northeast Region Educators
John & Pam Van Deusen
Hazards of LSD
(Limited Sight Distance)
Back in 2010, when I was the Educator for NY
Chapter D, I wrote an article based on Ken
Condon’s Street Strategy section, from
Motorcycle Consumer News. Street Strategy
reviews everyday encountered by
motorcyclists. For instance, a motorcyclist is
riding home from work on a twisty road with a
limited number of straightaways. He is positioned in the left track.
Approaching him on a straight section of road is a large motorhome with a
number of cars trailing behind.
While riding, we should be scanning ahead of us looking for potential
hazards. In the above scenario, What are the potential hazards? There could
a car hiding in a blind spot behind the motorhome. There might be a
frustrated driver, who (not thinking clearly) pulls out to pass at his first
Once we recognize or anticipate a potential hazard, we should be mentally
prioritizing the most severe or hazardous problem first. Doing so will cut
down the delay in responding to a problem if it occurs. So what would our
best option be?
The Advance Riding Class (ARC) teaches us that we have three options.
Adjust speed. Adjust direction. Communicate. Sometimes, we need a
combination of the three. Adjusting direction may be as simple as moving
from the left track to the right track, making you more visible to the cars
behind the camper. The movement might even be enough to catch the
driver’s attention, increasing your chance of being seen. Prepare to adjust
speed by covering the brakes. This could save the few fractions of seconds
you need to avoid an accident. Communicate by sounding your horn to let
someone know where you are. Use hand signals to augment your turn
signals or wave someone into your lane when they are trying to merge.
In our example, the rider sees a car swing out into his lane. He immediately
starts flashing his lights and honking his horn to grab the attention of the
motorist, to no avail. Seeing that the vehicle is still in his lane, the cyclist then
starts applying his brakes. He moves off the road, onto the gravel shoulder
and eventually ends up in a ditch. Flashing the headlight and blowing the
horn wasted valuable seconds. Seconds that may have been better used to
slow down and put more distance between the motorcycle and the car.
While Ken's rider is fictitious, the scenario can be very real. Remember that
the perils of limited sight distance can be found in blind curves, at the crest of
a hill, at a hidden driveways, or where anything obstructs our view or the
view of others. Always be alert. Scan ahead. Check mirrors. Seek out
hazards, anticipate what may happen, and act when you need to.
Remember to Gear up before your next Ride,
and ride as a Team.
John & Pam Van Deusen
NE Region Educators
(315) 415-3064 (Cell)
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 9
Ray & Sandy Garris
International Director
(800) 843-9460
Bruce & Barb Beeman
Deputy International Directors
507-433-4286 (home)
507-438-7063 (cell)
Tom & Renee Wasluck
Rich & Wendy Wirt
NE Region Directors
2015 / 2016 NE Region
Couple Of The Year
(570) 474-1014
Ken & Lois Ingram
NE Region Assistant Directors
Rich: (717) 579-6656
Kathy: (717) 315-5387
(410) 208-4803
Eileen & Tim Guile
NE Region Trainers
Kevin & Georgia LeBlond
NE Region Assistant Directors
(518) 877-8481
(978) 692-1169
Dan & Mary Costello
NE Region Membership
Enhancement Coordinators
John & Pam Van Deusen
NE Region Educators
(732) 261-2883
Dan & Mary Costello
Keith & Elaine Price
NE Region Area Report List
Region CPR/FA Coordinators
(716) 625-9577
Dan & Mary Costello
NE Region Couple Of the Year
(732) 261-2883
Bob & Julie A’Hearn
NE Region Chapter Of the Year
(732) 261-2883
Clark Clemens
NE Region Webmaster
(315) 762-4339
Connie Keiper
NE Region Treasurer
(301) 997-1254
Lori M. Norris Schill
NE Region Newsletter Editor
(814) 226-6314
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 10
2015 / 2016 Region Couple of the Year
Rich and Wendy Wirt
The weather outside is awesome! It’s time to
get out and ride! Enjoy the great weather,
but please ride safely!
Rich and I have been very busy over the last
couple of months. We have been doing
some traveling. Our Chapter, PA Chapter-K
participated in a Memorial Day Parade. We
had a great time and got the chance to meet some new friends. We may
even have some new members joining GWRRA! We also participated in
an open house where we met some folks interested in joining GWRRA
and our chapter. Along with good news always comes sad news. Two of
our Chapter K members have lost family members within the last month.
Please remember them in your prayers!
Rich and I are planning our ride to the New York/New Jersey Bi-State
Rally in August. We are looking forward to seeing all of our friends and
having a lot of fun! We are also gearing up for the International Couple of
the Year Selection process in Billings, Montana. We hope to see you all
there. We are feeling a little pressured as well as excited; your support
really helps!
In September 2016, PA Chapter K will be hosting All Chapters East at the
Drummer Boy Campground in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. If you don’t
camp, that’s okay. There are cabins available at the campground and a
few hotels only a short distance from the campground. It’s guaranteed to
be a good time for all! Please plan on attending and having a lot of fun!
We have rides and games scheduled as well as an ice cream ride. Come
join us for a lot of fun. If you need more information, go online to the
Pennsylvania District webpage at http://www.gwrrapadist.org/ or contact
us directly. We will be glad to answer your questions. We have flyers, if
you are interested, and we would love to have you join us. Please give us
a call!
Thank you to everyone who has helped support the Couple of the Year
program. What a wonderful experience it has been! Rich and I have had a
great time this year as the Northeast Region Couple of the Year. We have
met a lot of people, and have had the opportunity to teach others
everything we know about the program. We hope that we have
represented GWRRA well and we thank you for your continued support!
We love each and every one of you!
2015-2016 Region B Couple of the Year
(717) 579-6656 (Rich)
(717) 315-5387 (Wendy)
Email: sawdustman51@comcast.net
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
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WoodWing Art Advertisement
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 12
Chapter Of The Year Coordinators
Bob & Julie A’Hearn
Welcome to the month of July
Hello again! It’s been a busy couple of
months since our last newsletter input.
The 2015 Region B Chapter of Year and
the First Runner Up have been
announced, and awarded.
The Region B 2015 Chapter of the Year Maryland Chapter L - was presented with their award during the MarylandB Fundraiser in May.
We attended the Pennsylvania District Rally where we announced and
presented the Region B 2015 Chapter of the Year First Runner Up Award
to Pennsylvania Chapter V.
We also want to thank the other four districts that participated in the 2015
Chapter of the Year event…New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, and
This year’s packages were very interesting. When tallying the points, it
came down to the smallest chapter in Maryland and one of the largest
chapters in Pennsylvania. We are looking forward to seeing how the 2016
Chapter of the Year plays out.
Photos Below, From Top:
Arriving in Alaska
The Star Princess
Mt. Denali
(formerly called
Mt. McKinley)
Next month we’ll discuss errors found in past packages, and
recommendations to follow for this year’s submission.
Last month, Julie and I attended the 2016 Maryland District Land
Excursion/Cruise to Alaska. We started our journey with a flight
out of BWI. After a connecting flight in Seattle, we finally arrived
in Fairbanks, Alaska.
During the next few days we traveled by bus, and or rail to Denali
National Park, Mt. McKinley, and Talkeetna. At Whittier we
boarded our ship, the “Star Princess.” The scenic cruise included
the Hubbard Glacier, and Glacier Bay National Park. Our port
visits were the towns of Skagway, Juneau, and Ketchikan,
On the final morning of the cruise, we sailed into Vancouver,
British Columbia and disembarked for our flight home.
Big thanks to Steve and Cathy Kelley, Maryland District Travel
Coordinators, for arranging another fantastic annual Maryland
District trip. We’re already looking forward to future destinations.
Remember that all trips are open to anyone who wants to attend.
This month, our riding plans have changed. Due to changes to
my work schedule, we’ll be able to attend the New England
Districts Rally in West Lebanon, New Hampshire. Our full preregistration package has already been received.
If anyone would like to join us, we will depart Maryland on
Wednesday, the 20th, and spend the first night at the “Hancock
House” in Hancock, New York.
On Thursday, the 21st, we’ll roll into Vermont and New
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 13
Hampshire. The host hotel, the “Fireside Inn & Suites,” is sold out, so we
made our reservations about five minutes away - across the state line - in
Vermont. We’ll be staying at the “Holiday Inn Express” in White River
The weekend will be spent having fun at the rally and touring the area. We
already have a reservation with one of the vendors for some pin-striping,
and on Friday morning we’re scheduled to give the Chapter of the Year
Shop Talk seminar.
On Sunday we’ll take some scenic roads toward home and end up at the
“Shawnee Hotel and Resort” in Pennsylvania. It’s a really nice way to
break up the long ride home, and it’s a great place to relax and unwind.
Then, we’ll return home Monday afternoon.
Next month we’ll be at the New Jersey/New York Rally in Swedesboro,
New Jersey, departing Thursday August 4th and returning home Sunday
the 7th. Late Saturday afternoon we’ll be presenting the Chapter of the
Year Shop Talk seminar. Drop us a line or call if you like to join us.
Bob and Julie A’Hearn
Northeast Region CHOY Coordinators
301-997-1254 (home)
301-536-0539 cell
Chapter Of the Year info:
New York Chapter X (The Hudson Valley Wings) on a recent lunch ride to Fazio’s
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 14
GWRRA Northeast Region
Connecticut ............. https://gwrractridistrict.shutterfly.com
Delaware .................................................. http://gwrra-de.org
Maine .......................................................................................
Maryland ..................................... www.gwrra-md-district.org
Massachusetts ........... www.gwrramadistrict.shutterfly.com
New Hampshire ....... https://gwrranhdistrict.shutterfly.com/
New Jersey ........................... https://gwrranj.shutterfly.com/
New York ................................................... www.gwrra-ny.org
Pennsylvania ....................................... www.gwrrapadist.org
Rhode Island ........... https://gwrractridistrict.shutterfly.com
Vermont .................... https://gwrravtdistrict.shutterfly.com/
Do you want to share...
a story, photo, or announcement about
something in your District or Chapter?
Send the information to Tom & Renee Wasluck!
Please identify people, places, and things in
your photos to make them more “meaningful.”
Credit should be
given to the
photographer too.
The deadline for
submissions is the
27th of the month
… so don’t delay!
Northeast Region B
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 15
Membership Enhancement
Program Coordinators
Dan and Mary Costello
Something We All Help With:
Recruitment and Retention
This month our article is about
recruitment and retention. This is
something we have talked about in the
past, but it is still important for all of us to
remember to help our respective chapters
and districts. We all enjoy talking and
sharing about our common hobby of motorcycling. Whether we are on a
group ride, dinner run, or ice cream stop, we have the opportunity to meet
other riders … and potential GWRRA members. Take the time at these
opportunities to talk about GWRRA and the fun times we have.
Whenever you are out and about with the chapter - or running to the local
grocery store - think about how to share GWRRA with those you meet.
Have a business card handy to pass out (it might be yours, your chapter
directors, or a general info card for the chapter). Tell people about the
monthly gathering and invite them to join in. Bring some old copies of
Wing World with you to show others about our extended family in
GWRRA. Keep a couple membership forms with you as well. Recruitment
like this happens all year long, but is easier when the bike is in view and
the center of attention.
The other tool we have available for recruitment and retention is the ARL a list of members and potential members that have all opted into GWRRA.
They have already shown an interest in GWRRA so it is only a matter of
helping them take the last step to become a member and join your
chapter. The ARL contains a monthly update under the prospective
member listing. The new member list deserves your attention as well.
Welcome these new members into your chapter, and make them a part of
the GWRRA family.
The expiring and expired lists are present members that are at the end of
their membership. You have the opportunity to help attract expiring
members back to the chapter. If you cannot bring an expired member back
into the association, try to work with them to make the GWRRA future
better than the past.
Although the lists provide the methods to contact these members, it is up
to you to make the time to contact them. Invest a few minutes each week
(or whenever you can) to reach out. Remember that these are GWRRA
members, and this is your opportunity to remind them why they joined in
the first place. Make an effort to help … and keep the fun coming.
Dan & Mary Costello
Northeast Region Membership
Enhancement Coordinators
(732) 261-2883 (Cell)
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 16
Couple Of The Year Coordinators
Dan and Mary Costello
In just a month or so, three District
Couples will be in the 2016 Region B
Couple of the Year Selection Process at
the Bi-State Rally in Swedesboro, New
If you are planning to attend the rally on
August 4-6, 2016, remember to bring your
spirit and your noisemakers to cheer for
your favorite pair. Don’t miss the Couple of the Year Selection. going to be
a lot of fun as we learn who will be the next Region B Couple of the Year!
Above is a sample
“Chapter Couple of the
Year” Medallion.
Bob & Julie A’Hearn
Maryland District Couple
Mike Hnatuk and Barbara Barto
New Jersey District Couple
Chapter Directors
can order medallions
by emailing
Region B Membership
Enhancement Program
Dan and Mary Costello
The medallions cost $15
each. Be sure to include
the COY recipients’
informa(on so that their
names ca be engraved on
the backs of their
John Steele and Kit Johnson
Pennsylvania District Couple
Dan & Mary Costello
Northeast Region
Couple Of The Year Coordinators
(732) 261-2883 (Cell)
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 17
Some of the attendees at Pennsylvania’s All Chapters West
Northeast Region B
Gold Wing Road Riders Association
Page 18