April/May 2008 - Laramie County School District


April/May 2008 - Laramie County School District
Laramie County School District 1 Employee Newsletter
Volume 12 t Issue 5
Cheyenne, Wyoming
April/May 2008
Crazy ‘bout those Chevrolets…
The classics: On the left is a photo of a blue 2001
Corvette. Sitting next to it is the white 1953 Corvette
Whitehead completely rebuilt. On the right is a photo of
a cherry red 1966 Impala he finished restoring last fall.
t’s an icon in American pop
culture. Prince, the music
artist, released a song
about a red one in 1983, Jack
Nicholson’s character in the
movie Terms of Endearment
drove a silver one and on
the TV sitcom Cheers, Sam
Malone’s was red. They’re
hot; they’re fast. Many people
would give their eye teeth to
own just one.
A classic Chevrolet Corvette.
Neil Whitehead, Laramie
County School District 1’s
facilities project coordinator
supervisor, has owned and
restored many. “I’ve always
loved cars,” he said. “Especially
Corvettes. I’ve had 11 of them
so far.”
The biggest project he’s
ever undertaken? As far as
attention to detail, Whitehead
said restoring the white, 1953
Corvette sitting in his garage is
definitely it. He said people in
the restoration business refer
to the process he used with his
classic as “frame off ” because
the body actually had to be
removed from the frame.
Whitehead found the
treasure in 1971 parked in an
alley across from Hoy’s Drug
Store. The old Corvette carried
No. 55 on the serial number
plate. Since 1953 was the first
year Corvettes were built, this
meant Whitehead’s rare find
was the 55th vehicle out of only
300 manufactured.
“Boy, did it need work,”
Whitehead said, shaking his
head. “Every square inch of it
has been taken apart and put
back together. It took me 12
years to restore.”
It was worth it, though. The
‘53 has taken first place at
numerous car shows and it won
at the 1986 Grand National
Corvette Show in Sheridan.
It has also been featured in
national magazines.
the hobby. He’s also an original
member of Classical Glass, the
local Corvette club.
Whitehead said he does
his own engine work and
his own painting. “I don’t
do upholstery,” he added. “I
wouldn’t know where to begin
doing that.”
He and his wife Jackie, Alta
Vista Elementary’s nurse,
share the passion. Toting their
classic Corvette on a trailer,
they attend car shows together.
Whitehead said they have an
instant rapport with everyone
they meet because they’re all
crazy about Corvettes.
“I’m just a gear
head. I love old
cars and I love
restoring them.”
Whitehead said his love of
Corvettes began in 1962 when
for some reason the Corvette
“stuck out” in his mind. He’s
been an avid fan ever since and
his passion keeps him busy.
He belongs to various car
clubs and has subscriptions to
several magazines dedicated to
“We have a great time,”
Whitehead said.
Whitehead is serious about
his hobby. When he and Jackie
built their new home, they had
the shop built before the house.
Even his son has inherited
“Chevy Fever” and owns a
1978 Corvette as well as a 1968
Grinning, Whitehead said:
“I’m just a gear head. I love old
cars and I love restoring them.”
2 t April/May 2008
Feedback loop to enable better communication
s Superintendent
Ted Adams has said,
Laramie County
School District 1 is a good
system that consistently shows
improving student achievement
gains. And we’re all working to
make it even better.
District leaders believe the
formation of a new strategic
communications feedback loop
will enable more employees
and community stakeholders
to become involved in shaping
LCSD1’s future. Beginning this
fall, several new leadership
teams will be created and
aligned with existing structures
to help ensure a better flow of
Dave Bartlett, assistant
superintendent of Support
Operations, explained these
teams will include supervisors
from instructional support,
academic leadership, employee
associations and the parent
advisory council. All groups
will meet at different times on
the first Wednesday of every
“Sometimes information
changes so we wanted all of
our groups to meet on the
same day,” Bartlett explained.
“Our plan is to get that same
information out unilaterally
across the district with the
hope that our leaders will take
it back and share with their
Over the years, part of
LCSD1’s improvement process
included it becoming one
of the first districts to be
accredited by North Central
Association (AdvancEd).
Last October, members of the
Stupski Foundation conducted
an organizational assessment
of our district and reported
back on what they perceived
to be our strengths and
opportunities for growth.
According to Bartlett,
reports from both NCA and
Stupski suggested developing
a better communications
process would help establish
cohesiveness, bring forth ideas
and assist with the district’s
Two well-established
leadership groups—academic
leadership (principals) and the
district parent advisory council
already have monthly meetings.
Added to the mix this month
was the instructional support
leadership team, which
convened for the first time
April 2, directly after the
principals met.
support leadership operation,
but they don’t really have a
voice in terms of the systems
improvement process. Our goal
is to create an opportunity for
you to not only hear what we’re
planning to do to improve the
system but for you to also share
what you think we should be
doing to improve.”
“Each and
every employee
is essential to
helping us move
to that next level.”
Ted Adams
The instructional support
council will continue to meet
from noon-2 p.m., following
the academic leadership team,
on the first Wednesday of
the month through June. In
July and August, the group
will meet in the mornings.
Beginning in September, plans
are to align district parent
advisory council meetings to
the first Wednesday at 7 p.m.,
and bring together members
of the employee associations to
meet in the afternoon.
During the meeting, Adams
explained: “One of the things
the Stupski Foundation told us
is we have talented people in
“Each and every employee
is essential to helping us move
to that next level,” Adams said.
“We’re really looking forward
to this.”
Summer offers employees fun fitness opportunities
itness is a lifetime
challenge and Laramie
County School
District 1’s Wellness
Department offers many fun
ways employees can participate.
Programs run year-round.
Every month, nutrition and
health classes are offered, as
well as exercise classes.
Now that the weather’s
warming up, one of the outdoor
activities available to district
employees is the Health and
Fitness Day, May 21 at Holiday
Park. This event is sponsored
by the Governor’s Council on
Physical Activity and Sports.
District third-graders are
invited to attend for the day and
adults are encouraged to show
up at noon to spend their lunch
hour walking around the park
with Gov. Freudenthal. More
information about this will be
e-mailed to employees.
Every year, Collins
coordinates a Summer Health
Challenge. This summer,
district employees are
encouraged to participate in
the Casper Star Tribune’s third
annual Walk Across Wyoming
activity. This is a “virtual”
walking tour across the state.
The Wellness Department
will provide participants with
pedometers. The target is
340,875 steps, which is 70
percent of the entire walk.
The Walk Across Wyoming
committee awards weekly
prizes to top walkers and at
the culmination of the event,
the committee awards a grand
prize. The Wellness Department
will also give out pink district
logo fleece vests for ladies and
black for men who meet the
target steps.
To kick off the school year,
Collins is organizing a “Move
It” team challenge, which
will incorporate a variety of
exercise. Registered employees
who turn in a progress log to
Collins will be be entered into a
drawing for a free bicycle.
To register for any of these
events, contact Collins at
771-2373, ext. 10249 or e-mail
If you need to change
the amount of Informer
newsletters your department
or school receives, contact
Cindy in the Community
Relations office at 771-2192,
10141 or e-mail reyndersc@
The April/May Informer
is the last newsletter for the
school year, but issues will
resume in August.
April/May 2008 t 3
vYouth Suicide
News Briefs
v A pril 23, School Fusion, 1–3 p.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 23, School Fusion, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 23, Excel 2007, Level 3, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 324
v A pril 24, SMART Board Accessories, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
Register at: www.laramie1.org , staff,
v A pril 28, SMART Notebook, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 324
staff resources, professional development,
v A pril 28, Excel Activities, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
technology training. Classes are in the Admin. Bldg.
v A pril 29, SMART Technology, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 30, SMART Ideas, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 324
v A pril 14, SMART Board Projects, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 324
v May 1, SOLO Draft: Builder, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
vA pril 14, How to Master, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v May 3, Publisher, 8–10 a.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 15, SMART Ideas, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v May 5, SMART Notebook, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 15 & 16, School Fusion, 7–8 a.m., Rm. 314
v May 6, Excel 2007, Level 1, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 16, Excel 2007, Level 2, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 324
v May 8, ShoreTel Call Manager, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 16, School Fusion, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v May 10, Excel 2007, Level 2, 8–10 a.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 17, PowerPoint, Level 2, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v May 12, SMART Board Projects, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 324
vA pril 19, Kids’ Internet Safety, 8–10 a.m., Rm. 314
v May 13, Kids’ Internet Safety, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
vA pril 21, ShoreTel Call Manager, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 324
v A pril 21, SMART Board for Beginners, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314 vMay 15, Kurzweil 3000, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
v A pril 22, Kids’ Internet Safety, 4–6 p.m., Rm. 314
To register for classes, ask about mini grants to promote
health at schools and work sites, or to serve on the new
wellness committee, contact Lynn Collins, 771-2373,
ext. 102 49 or e-mail collinsl@laramie1.k12.wy.us.
Activity Programs
v Monday & Wednesday, 4–5 p.m., Carey Cafeteria—
Pilates with Lucy McVeigh
v Tuesday & Thursday, 2:15–3 p.m., Storey Gym
Band Room—Stretch, Strengthen & Tone
v Monday & Wednesday, 4:15–5 p.m., Storey Gym—
Stretch, Strengthen & Tone
Human Resources
vVision Insurance
The plan year will now begin July 1. Open enrollment for
enrolling and adding dependents or canceling coverage
will be May 1–31.
vMedical and Day Care Spending Accounts
Open enrollment is May 1 through Aug. 31. Remember,
re-enrollment is not automatic. If you participated in the
2007–2008 plan year, you must complete and submit a
new enrollment form for the 2008–2009 plan year.
vBlue Cross/Blue Shield
To avoid lengthy telephone hold time, submit an e-mail
question on their Web site at www.bcbswy.com.
Responses will take approximately two business days. If
you need further assistance, contact insurance liaisons
Elaine Anderson or Dorothy Kouba at (307) 634-5566.
Health Programs
vApril 1–29, Tuesdays, (no class 4/22), 4–6 p.m., Admin.
Bldg. 1st Floor Lounge—Dining with Diabetes in
vThursdays, 4:15–5 p.m., Call for Location—No Dips and/
or Butts Tobacco Cessation Classes/Support Group
Or quit by phone; call 1-800-QUIT NOW
(1-800-784-8669) or go online www.wy.quitnet.com.
vMount Everest Team Challenge
From April 1–25, teams of five to 10 people will climb
Mount Everest by earning points for exercise, nutrition
and sleep. The top teams will win a one-month gym
vNew Phone Number or Address?
Please remember to submit updated information to
Human Resources. Call Julie Boltinghouse at 771-2100 or
ext. 10220.
vInterest Based Negotiation Training
A session will be held Wednesday, April 16, from
8 a.m.–4 p.m., in the Administration Building Training
Center. If you plan to attend, please contact Celine Kunz
at 771-2115, ext. 10104.
Negotiation Schedules
vApril 25–28, 8 a.m.–5 p.m., Laramie County Community
College, CCI Building, Room 124, CTEA
The following unit negotiations will be at the Hitching
Post Inn, Capitol Room, 8 a.m.–5 p.m.
vApril 30, Technical & Support Services
vMay 1, Custodial Services
vMay 6, Paraprofessional
vMay 8, Transportation
vMay 13, Nutrition Services
On Wednesday, April 30,
from 8 a.m.–4 p.m., a workshop
will be held in the Administration
Building Training Center for
Information will be discussed
about how to respond appropriately
when students ask for help.
Attendees will learn how they can
make a difference in students’ lives.
PTSB credit is also available.
To register contact Lee Neeley at
771-2204, ext. 10408 or e-mail
The 21st annual Employee
Recognition Reception honoring
long-time employees and retirees
will be held Friday, May 9, at
4 p.m., in Storey Gym.
Honorees will be mailed an
invitation, which will include their
complimentary ticket, along with
one guest ticket. Additional guest
tickets are available for $6 each.
If you plan to attend and need
extra tickets, please return a
completed RSVP form included
with this Informer, along with your
payment, through inter-school
mail to Community Relations.
Tickets may also be purchased
at the Community Relations office,
Room 354, in the Administration
Building. RSVPs must be received
by Friday, May 2. For more
information, call 771-2192 or
Agriculture in
The Classroom
Every year Wyoming
Agriculture in the Classroom
(WAIC) honors individuals for
their efforts in educating youth
about agriculture.
Nominations for the 2008
Teacher of the Year and Ag
Advocate of the Year are due
by May 1. Winners receive a
personalized award and $300.
For more information, contact
Sarka J. White, Education Director,
at 777-6618 or swhite@state.wy.us.
New Employees
McCormick Junior
Richard Shane
East High
Ann C. Carroll
Michael S. Conatser
Julie Hastings
Alta Vista
Leslee Hinds
Darlene A. Moffeit
Anastasia L. English
Jackie L. Roberts
Teresa J. Fuhr
Carey Junior High
Buffalo Ridge
Patty K. Wiant
Anthony M. Petrillo
Johnson Junior
Jessup Elementary
Katrina Banks
Connie L. Tibbetts
Shonda Clark
Michael A. Hendrix
Jessica M. Lewis
Josh Clark
Richard Cragin
Mark Narvais
Diana Phan
Shad D. Timm
LeRoy Varos
Eugene Webb
Lisa Emerson
Mary Higgins
Lorena Whiting
Voc. Ed. Office
Leigh Ann
vThank you to Human Resources for providing
this information.
Preparing students for their future
Technology Literacy Need Assessment
All certified staff including—
 administrators
 teachers
 therapists
 psychologists
 social workers
 consultants
 library media specialists
 nurses
 audiologists
 etc.
Take anytime May 12–Sept. 10
Reference & help guide: www.laramie1.org
Curriculum Integration and Training
For more information
Department of Technology
771-2222 or ext. 10601
Ted Adams
Superintendent of Schools
Mike Klopfenstein
Assistant Superintendent of Instruction
John Lyttle
Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources
David Bartlett
Assistant Superintendent of Support Operations
Terry Bridwell
Director of Instruction
Ramona Dunbar
Director of Special Services
Gordon Knopp
Director of Technology
Irene Story
Assistant Director of Instruction–
Grants/Staff Development
Marc LaHiff
Assistant Director of Instruction–
School Improvement/Assessment
Sharon Knudson
Director of New Teacher Induction/Mentoring
Frank Lamirand
Gifted/Talented Program
Mary Quast
Community Relations Director
Board of Trustees
Jan Stalcup—Chairman
Jim Landen—Vice Chairman
Brian Farmer—Treasurer
Bob Farwell—Assistant Treasurer
Anne Beckle—Clerk
Al Atkins—Assistant Clerk
Dale Vosler—Trustee
Dave Evans—District Council
Laramie County School District 1
2810 House Avenue
Cheyenne, WY 82001
Tel: 307.771.2100
Community Relations Office
Tel: 307.771.2192
Fax: 307.771.2252
©2008 LCSD1 Community Relations