Complete Resume - Americal Appraisals
Complete Resume - Americal Appraisals
AmericalAppraisals % Yg , *l,* --l * Cutinrrtriu Co.rtrti.r r i -r. -: -- -,. , , .-,.'',/ Our Client'sExpectations!| I Exceeding Profile Apprai serlBroker NathanAbbott Broker,Owner Appraiser, Office:(866)502-9800Cell:(626)485-7280Fax:(626)6094000 www com NathanA@AmericalAppraisals. Obiective: servicesto clients highqualityrealestateappraisal To provideprofessional, California. Southern throughout : Summarvof Qualifications LicensedReal EstateAppraiserand Real Estate Brokerin the State of experience. withover25 yearsof combined California Most RecentRealEstateAchievements: Founderandcurrentownerof AmericalAppraisals. Includes: Experience and Homes,Condos,Townhomes counties rohoutSouthernCalifornia rl Riverside, OrangeandVentura residential, reralRealEstateincluding properties. incomeandcommercial Appraiser/BrokerAdvantaqes ons from start to finish.sensitiveto closings.Inspections can I successful ox access for vacant or occupied valuable time Thanksfor consideringAmericalAppraisals, athan Abbott Professional RealEstate OrganizationMemberships . National Association of RealEstate Appraisers ArcadiaAssociation of Realtors Association California of Realtors National Association of Realtors frIrg cAtl[ORI'itA A5S(lClATt()H o F R E A t - T e r R st ClientReferences AllAmerican Mortgage AmericaOneFinance AzcoAppraasa I Services DirectLending Consumer HomeLoans Countrywide Funding Crestline EquitySaverAppraisal FidelityCapitolFunding HomeAdvantage Funding HomeLoanFunding IWAYLoan,LP Lending JP Mortgage TridentFinancial Group Phoneix Lending Group Stateof California RealEstate Appraiser License Business, Thansportation & Ilouslng Agency OF"F'ICEOF REAL ESTATE APPRAISERS REAL ESTATE APPRAISER LICENSE oREAAppRAtsER tDENTtFtcATtoN NUMBEn I nr_o:aaz1l NATHAN L. ABBOTT has successfully met the requirements for licensing as a real estate appraiser in the State of california and is, therefore, entitled to use the title "Real Estate Appraiser',. This license has been issued in accordance with the provisions of the Real Estate Appraisers' Licensing and Certification Law. LenderCopy 78236 Date Expires: April 27, ZQOB Stateof California RealEstate BrokerLicense Departmentof HealEstate REALESTATE BROKERLICENSE NathanLaneAbbott LenderCopy MAIN OT]FI6E 1120MAGI{OLIALH AFCADIA. CA 91006 ld?/rt/iiiJi;o4lv!ffbdr: 0O792094 /ssuntr0!,6 Oclotxr28.20Ol €xp/ElbnO.llr' Oclob?t27'2007 FREACertificateof E & Insurance A COVER NOTE INSURED: MAILING Nathan L. Abhott ADDRESS: I l2O Maenolia Lane Arcadia,ba stooe This is to certiJfu that the undenigned has procured insurance covelage us herealfter speci,fied 1from certain comltanies and/or undetwritersEFFECT'IVE: 09/15/2006 CO l/ E R4 GE: Professional Liability for Specifi ed Professions r o r r o TERM: 12 Months Profession: Real Estate Appraiser Claims Made Fonn: ]N{PL#269OI (9/87) Retroactive Date: 09/15/2OO4 I.,imits: Pcr Occurrence: $1,000,000 Annual Aggregate: Deductible: $1,000 $1,OOO,O0O CONDI'I'IONS: . o r . o Rcal Estate Agenl/ Broker Referral Indemnity Knowledge of Wrongful Act Exclusion Pending and/or Prior Litigation Exclusion Defense within Policy Limit Deductible includes Loss Adjustment Expenses C OM PANI ES PARTICIPATING LenderCopy : National Union Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA ASSIGNED COVER NOTE #: Z FREA 04-5708 Issued at: 490'1MorenaBlvd , Suite1415 San Diego, CA92l17 DATE: August 30,2006 BY: .5. ShLLeU Insurance, when effected shall be subject to all terms and conditions ofpolicy (ies) which will be issued, and in lhe sent of any inconsislency hdewith, the lum aad provisions of the polioy pra,ail LosAngelesCounty ServiceAreas tngrht r'+ tI/ ..f$uur l{htnorqflI yv't'* ,$us;; oE*FoS Pasadena *ryb" #tr ; ___i*f, Eil ,pal*rttL[.'ga Fsente , , i' 't ts tlrnr l\. hl*vln l r -f l+renue g-it ,ta.L |F.J. ih €*1,* I un, # 'r..r $otffirll\lttlttler I inoCounty SanBernard ServiceAreas rlngdrr Jry Gnestllne^flur .' # *^tlomtBrHy Clt*t Frll fl $ ItrdnFlrk' Bryntlarr I . f. ItlOltO L*noml Hl0rsco ()Afinrl r;-. al-9t a!ri!-\ Ordw* f !t,ti!!!,r,!i Jorilro County Riverside ServiceAreas j- _-.. r. gT ilgj ,1-*$ I .l I 'lenrl€rE uplnEenrlnke Grestllne P.rfonrilfrtmp c"rps Br-to Fioneertorul :': Valley .Yucca {,* Betuatdlno qY {*iiirv*rip* *E.r:' Vall*y _ft'l'rrongn ide fipltW* ,Pe+rtmot &*rs ?tru Jtrt, F$rlr $pringr Hemel .fdyflw{ld PahnDe*ert i?+] .Fage palr{lle [a eUinta Chiriaqo fluj 'H***. Beectr'r.i;;., Deeert Clernente ''beeert $horet ii t:::f:yo FaumaVatley wamer$painp -'': E IJIJ ij D*rcrt S.P. 1ce lirr tii,,rilillq1-, rrll Outsicleborclct'ilrL"irs lnii,\'t'ciiLtir.'a,.lditittrr;rl l-t-rc,"1ttotc- City -.$amon i.: OrangeCounty ServiceAreas o=;mil5m franoron t-.1:t i42i #-' il* ff$;orua Linde {t ,,-4." fl' I '$- {'rr: .t/ ir Fltcr o ^-'den Gtuve I%_..gJg-er rar '\i j l}sm* Pofnt Fsn Frdrc fisrfsr ,, channsl i*--" r': *f{wttittgton Or.rtside bor_e!e-i. irlqilr trttil tstlltiie ildditjqmi !eqs.C"dl!!1rqipiils i1 Ctgcufcfid nkffsvwd " ltmrt VenturaCounty ServiceAreas Vrl VerdePlr|t ighnr .,$ulphur $rrpc ,'.rani r._I JU..' i *0il l + Fillmore uiflryrQ*vln ,, {i!$ .'crmulot I $anra Buclhorn L tmta Paula Hlrd*dnh ,--.-tr l; tl 26j Fsinrirrr,. ,.Enuottt "r ir; a\ ei: $omi* it tti 11 l Ulllur Cnlnarlflo Latr*idr Par*, w**r l{ilr*{} T10r' tr+*drl+ orrrttwich 1 i 1-{i {# tl), i. ltlorthrtdgr t} C*rogr Frll Hlils tl*llbuJunrthn Irofnt !ftrytl Ftsfu Far* r f tli ThoussndOqltg We+thke f-a 'i ,Srlrbrc* Hlghl*rd* Fd*, +{olSprlrq*r; scorn*fl S*nrnqlt W 3*u Frrt l-Ull Horrt*f,lido lstance" call tor quotes Appraisal Fees Fees_-Feesare basedupon the difficultv of the assiglment and the surroundingaverage neighborhoodprice range for a particular neighborhood.Feesare not basedupon the value of the subjectproperty. The listing of averageneighborhoodprice range statedbelow is only used as a guide and is one of many factors used to determine the difficultly of an assignment. Properties that are considered complex properties are more difficult and require more time and therefore a quote. Thesepropertiestypically include; new home tracts where salesinformation is diffrcult due to lack of updatedpublic records,propertieswith 2nd story room additions, major remodeling, non-typical homes for the area,larger than typical lot sizes,non typical view propertiesfor a particular neighborhood,older propertieslocated in areaswith new custom homes or vise versa,etc. Due to the rising gasprices add an additional fee of $50.00 for single family and condosbelow $1,000,000in Los Angeles, Riverside, San Bernardino, Orangeand Ventura countiesmay apply to secondarv service areas, seeservice areamaps for primary and secondaryservice areas. StandardTractHome Fees Form 1004or 1073SingleFarnil),Residence or Condolnterior/Exterior $0-399,000----$400-499,000--$500-799,000--$800-999,000--$1,000,000and above-- ---$350.00 --$350.00 --$350.00 --$350.00 Callfor quote Residential IncomePropertvandUnitsInteriorlExterior ---$600.00 ---$600.00 --$600.00 2 Units3 Units4 UnitsExterior InspectionOnly $0-499,000----$500-999,000--and above-$1,000,000 --$300.00 --$300.00 ------Callfor quote Form442 Completion $0-999,000----and above-$1,000,000 ---$t 25.00 -----Callfor quote AmericalAppraisals Web Site Americal Appraisals Sen'ing Los Angeles-San Bernardino-Ril'erside-()range-\'entura C'ounties ffi* ,--*Fr:rR E * r LOS ANSELES SERVICE AREAS SAH BERI.IARDIHO RIVERSIDE SERVIf,E AREAS OFANgE SERVIf,E AREAS VENTURA S E R V I f , EA R E A S ALL COUNTY S E R V I C EA R E A S A m e r i c a l A p p r a i s a l s i s a r e s i d e n t i a la p p r a i s a lf i r m p r o v i d i n g p r o f e s s i o n a la p p r a i s a l r e p o r t s o n s i n g l e f a m i l y h o m e s a n d r e s i d e n t i a l1 - 4 u n i t s i n t h e a b o v e S o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a C o u n t i e s A m e r i c a l A p p r a i s a l S e r v i c e sA d v a n t a g e Appraisal Services Offered * * * " * * * Primary and Secondary Mortgages Mortgage Refinancing Employee Relocation Private Mortgage Insurance Removal Estate Planning/Trusts/lRS Compliance Divorce Seftlement Pre-Sell/Purchase Decisions Appraisal Property Types * Single Family Residence * Gondominiums/Townhomes/PUD'S * Residential lncome Property of 24 Units * ' " " " " * * * * * * * Licensed Appraiser and Real Estate Broker Over 25 years of combined experience Knowledge of Loan, Escrow, processes Sensitive to necessary closing requirements Electronic Lock Box access in service areas Lock Box access saves sellers/agents time Full access to MLS data and Board Services Ffood Zone Datal Plat Maps included Short turn-around times after inspection H ig hest-qual ity appraisal reports delivered Electronic Appraisal ordering and delivery Competitive pricing throughout all counties Gontact us today for all professional services E X C E E D I N GO U R C L I E N T ' S E X P E C T A T I O N S! SAME DAY APPOINTMENTS U P O NR E Q U E S T (Additional Fees May Apply) wG ![ H SAME DAY APPRAISALS U P O NR E Q U E S T (Additional Fees May Apply) APPRAISALFEES T Nathan L. Abbott Phone-Email Contacts Call 0ffice Toll Free Office: 866-502-9800 Cell: 626-485-728O Fax: 626-609-4000 Real Estate Appraiser APPRAISALREQUEST5 Real Estate Broker