Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit, Weerayuth Pratoomchai Naota Hanasaki So
Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit, Weerayuth Pratoomchai Naota Hanasaki So
2015 APEC Typhoon Symposium (APTS) Lessons Learned from Disastrous Typhoons Climate Change Impact on Water Resources using Global Climate and Hydrological Model Chaiwat Ekkawatpanit, Weerayuth Pratoomchai Department of Civil Engineering King Mongkut’s University of Technology Thonburi, Bangkok, Thailand Naota Hanasaki National Institute for Environmental Studies, Tsukuba, Japan So Kazama Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan 24-25 November, 2015 Outline of presentation Introduction Objective of the study Study area Methodology Results and discussion Conclusions 2 Introduction There is a 95% (IPCC, 2013) consensus among the scientific community that climate change is real and human activity is the main cause (anthropogenic climate change) In fact, there are uneven temporal and spatial distributions of climate change impacts ? 3 Objective This study aim to investigate the impacts of climate change on water resources in the Upper Chao Phraya River Basin in Thailand, which concerned among climatology and river discharge. 4 Study area: The Upper Chao Phraya River basin (UCP) The basin covers an area of 109,973 km2 or 22% of the country’s area o 60.0% is forest 35.6% is agricultural area 4.4% is classified to other, e.g., urban, water bodies o o 5 Methodology (Mathematical models): 7 climate variables: { Kotsuki et al., 2010 CMIP5 - Coupled Model Intercomparison Project Phase 5 5 GCMs Models and Data - Rainfall - Air temperature - Wind speed K10 data - Specific humidity - Surface air pressure - Longwave downward radiation - Shortwave downward radiation Land Surface Module River Routing Module Reservoir Operation Module Crop Growth Module Withdrawal Module Environmental Flow Module Three modules that not cover in this study under 3 scenarios Hanasaki et al., 2008; Hanasaki and Mateo (2012) CMIP5 (GCMs data) H08 R, E, Ro Rushton and Ward (1979) Groundwater Recharge Model Prickett and Lonnquist (1971) Q RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 8.5 Qi Groundwater Flow Model Aquifer properties (T, S) Qn River induced infiltration model Groundwater Level Effective porosity Groundwater Storage Where Kazama et. al. 2007 Qn = Recharge/ Discharge from riverbed R = Rainfall E = Evaporation Qi = Recharge from infiltration Ro = Runoff Q = River discharge 6 Land Surface Hydrology Module (LSM): The model was developed by Hanasaki et al., 2008; 2012; 2014 Soil water balance Energy balance dW Soil water balance = Ra inf + Snowf + Qsm − E − Qs − Qsb dt = ↓ σ Ts4 + lE + H + G Energy balance (1 − α ) SW ↓ + LW 7 River Module: Schematic of H08’s river module ∆RivSto = ( RivInf + Qtot xA − RivOut )∆t 8 Reservoir Operations Module: Chao Phraya River Basin P1 N1 W21 Wa ng Y1C Sirikit Dam m Yo N5A Pa Sak W4A Pi Y4 ng Y16 n Na Bhumibol Dam P17 Chainat 0-10 10-20 30-50 50-100 100-150 500-1,000 Nakhon Sawan a 20-30 C13 N67 y hra oP Cha Elev. (m) C2 in Tha Ch • In this study, we focused on Bhumibol and Sirikit Reservoirs only. • In reality, reservoir operations are very complex • We propose an idealized simple reservoir model. • Although simple, this simulation offers good insight into river management and planning. C35 Ayutthaya Rojana Bangkok 1,000-1,500 1,500-2,000 2,000-2,572 9 Climate change conditions: 5 GCMs used in this study GCMs Institutions Resolution (lon × lat) Original Applied in the study MIROC-ESM-CHEM National Institute for Env. studies 2.81° × 2.81° 5.0’ × 5.0’ HadGEM2-ES Met office Hadley centre 1.87° × 1.24° 5.0’ × 5.0’ GFDL-ESM2M Geophysical fluid dynamics Lab. 2.50° × 2.00° 5.0’ × 5.0’ IPSL-CM5A-LR Institute Pierre Simon Laplace 3.75° × 1.87° 5.0’ × 5.0’ NorESM1-M Norwegian Climate Centre 2.50° × 1.87° 5.0’ × 5.0’ Used linear interpolation to interpolate the original resolution of GCM data to the study grid size of 5’ x 5’ or about 10 km x 10 km Shifting and scaling method was used for removing systematic biases of the original GCM data (e.g., Alcamo et al., 2007; Hanasaki et al., 2013) 10 Simulation Jan-00 3,000 Jan-99 Observation Jan-98 3,500 Jan-97 0 4,000 Jan-96 50 Jan-00 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-97 Jan-96 Jan-95 Jan-94 Jan-93 Jan-92 Jan-91 Jan-90 Simulation Jan-95 100 600 Jan-94 150 Observation Jan-93 C.2 700 Jan-92 W.4A (Wang River) IOA = 0.89 Jan-91 Bhumipol Dam Jan-90 200 Sirikit Dam Jan-89 0 Jan-89 50 Jan-88 100 Jan-87 150 Jan-86 200 Discharge (m3f sec( -1C) ) 250 Jan-88 250 N Jan-87 400 Annual Inflow (MCM) P.1 (Ping River) IOA = 0.96 Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) Jan-00 Jan-99 Jan-98 350 Jan-86 Jan-00 Jan-99 Jan-98 Jan-97 Jan-96 Simulation Jan-97 Jan-95 Jan-94 Jan-93 Jan-92 Jan-91 Jan-90 Jan-89 Observation Jan-96 Simulation Jan-95 300 Jan-94 Observation Jan-93 350 Jan-92 Jan-91 Jan-90 Jan-89 Jan-88 Jan-87 Jan-86 Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) 300 Jan-88 Jan-87 Jan-86 Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) Results: Model Calibration 800 Y.6 (Yon River) IOA = 0.91 500 400 300 200 100 0 C.2 (Basin outlet) IOA = 0.93 2,500 2,000 1,500 1,000 500 0 11 Results: Annual mean air temperature Current period (1986-2000) Projection period (2026-2040) RCP2.6 average from 5 GCMs Change (Future – Current) 12 Results: Annual mean air temperature Surface Air Temperature change ( 0C ) RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 8.5 13 Results: Annual mean air temperature Surface air temperature changes (°C) 2.5 2 0 C 0 C 0 C 1.5 RCP2.6 RCP4.5 RCP8.5 1 0.5 0 MIROC HadGEM GFDL IPSL NorESM The increasing of surface air temperature in the near future was in a range of 0.9-2.31 0C which had a 25.38 0C as a mean annual surface air temperature. 14 Results: Surface water balance from the LSM Average annual rainfall, evaporation, and runoff (1986-2000) Rainfall = 987 mm Evaporation = 810 mm or 82% of annual rainfall Surface runoff = 177 mm or 18% of annual rainfall 15 Results: Water balance 1,200 1,000 (mm.) 800 Rainfall 600 Runoff Evaporation 400 200 History RCP2.6 RCP4.5 NorESM IPSL GFDL HadGEM MIROC NorESM IPSL GFDL HadGEM MIROC NorESM IPSL GFDL HadGEM MIROC 0 RCP8.5 MIROC and NorESM GCMs showed increasing trend for all variables 16 Results: Rainfall Current period (1986-2000) Projection period (2026-2040) RCP2.6 average from 5 GCMs Change (Future – Current) 17 Results: Rainfall Annual Rainfall change RCP 2.6 RCP 4.5 RCP 8.5 There were both increase and decrease in projected rainfall changes except RCP4.5 scenario. This scenario showed that over the whole basin rainfall might be reduced by 20 mm to 50 mm. 18 Result: River discharge at Chiang Mai P.1 (RCP2.6) Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) 200 Area2 Area1 One standard deviation range Min Max Obs (Past) MIROC GFDL HadGEM IPSL NorESM 150 100 50 0 1 2 3 P.1 (RCP4.5) Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) 200 Area2 Area1 One standard deviation range Min Max Obs (Past) MIROC HadGEM GFDL IPSL NorESM 150 Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) 200 50 0 3 4 5 6 7 Month 8 6 7 Month 8 9 10 11 12 P.1 (RCP8.5) Area1 Area2 One standard deviation range Min Max MIROC Obs (Past) HadGEM GFDL IPSL NorESM 150 100 50 1 2 5 0 100 1 4 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 Month 8 9 10 11 12 From January to June, the river discharge projections from the GCMs decreased. In contrast, during the second monsoon period (August to October), river discharges in the upper area (mountainous region) showed significantly increased. 19 Result: River discharge at Kampangphet P.7A(RCP2.6) 700 Area2 Area1 One standard deviation range Min Max Obs (Past) MIROC GFDL HadGEM IPSL NorESM Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 1 2 3 700 Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) 600 500 400 Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) P.7A(RCP4.5) Area2 Area1 One standard deviation range Min Max Obs (Past) MIROC HadGEM GFDL IPSL NorESM 500 400 100 0 4 5 6 7 Month 8 9 10 11 12 P.7A(RCP8.5) 200 0 200 3 8 100 300 2 6 7 Month 300 1 1 5 Area2 Area1 One standard deviation range Max Min MIROC Obs (Past) HadGEM GFDL IPSL NorESM 600 700 4 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 Month 8 9 10 11 12 March to June, river discharge projections of river discharges from the GCMs are decreased. In contrast, during July to February, the river discharges in the downstream showed significantly increased. 20 Result: River discharge at Nakorn Sawan C.2 (RCP2.6) Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) 2,000 Area2 Area1 One standard deviation range Min Max Obs (Past) MIROC HadGEM GFDL IPSL NorESM 1,500 1,000 500 0 1 2 3 Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) Area2 Area1 One standard deviation range Min Max Obs (Past) MIROC HadGEM GFDL IPSL NorESM 1,500 Discharge (m3 sec-1 ) 2,000 500 0 3 4 5 6 7 Month 8 8 9 10 11 12 Area2 Area1 One standard deviation range Min Max Obs (Past) MIROC HadGEM GFDL IPSL NorESM 1,500 1,000 500 1 2 6 7 Month 0 1,000 1 5 C.2 (RCP8.5) 2,000 C.2 (RCP4.5) 4 9 10 11 12 2 3 4 5 6 7 Month 8 9 10 11 12 River discharge in C.2 quite stable from January to May because this period was controlled by reservoir operations. During the wet season (May to October), the river discharge at the basin outlet station was peak in October but the rainfall was maximum in September. 21 Conclusions The increasing of annual surface air temperature in the near future (2026-2040) was in a range of 0.9-2.31°C, which had a 25.38 °C as a mean annual surface air temperature. Maximum air surface temperature is projected to increase by 1.77-2.31 °C in the projected period related to the reference period (1986-2000). Rainfall tended to decrease in the near future, on average. For the river discharge projection, Chiang Mai and Kampangphet will increase in the risk of both drought (first monsoon) and flood (second monsoon) but Nakorn Sawan province might predominate by drought. 22 Thank you for your kind attention. 23
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