the ocicat club
the ocicat club
SCHEDULE THE OCICAT CLUB 7th CHAMPIONSHIP SHOW (Under the Rules of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy) To be held at Eynsham Village Hall, Back Road, Eynsham, Nr Witney, Oxon OX29 4QW On Saturday 5th October 2013 SHOW MANAGER Mr I Macro Walden, Parkgate Road Newdigate, Surrey, RH5 5AH 07775 992629 Assistant Show Manager Mrs. J. Keates Emergency Number on show day: 07775 992629 Entries close 14th September 2013 THE OCICAT CLUB President: Mr Desmond Morris Vice President: Mr Marc Henrie OFFICERS AND COMMITTEE MEMBERS 2013 Chair: Mrs Valerie Donlon 24 Lyndham Avenue Stapenhill Burton-on-Trent Staffs DE15 9BQ Vice-Chairman: Mrs Manuela Croft Trophies Secretary Mrs Valerie Donlon Honorary Secretary Mrs Rosemary Caunter Woodlands Mounters Lane Chawton Alton Hampshire GU34 1RZ Tel: 01420 82957 Honorary Treasurer Membership Secretary Mrs Lorraine Parry 33 Barley Close Glenfield Leicester LE3 8SB Tel: 0116 2321137 COMMITTEE Mrs Anita Bryce Mrs Mavis Ives Mr Owen Maudlin Mr David Parry (Welfare Officer) Tel: 0116 2321137 Mr Ian Shorten Mrs Stacie Shorten Co-opted: Mrs Monika Maudlin, Mr Stephen Whiting WEBSITE: Webmaster: Mrs Stacie Shorten SHOW MANAGER: Mr I Macro Walden, Parkgate Road Newdigate, Surrey RH5 5AH Tel:07775 992629 e-mail: ASSISTANT SHOW MANAGER: MRS. J KEATES 11 Bridge Close Bursledon Southampton, Hampshire SO31 8AN Tel: 02380 403426 e-mail: JUDGES: Mrs M Chapman-Beer Mrs M Codd Mr S Crow Mr M Henrie Mr S Whiting BEST IN SHOW – Ocicat Adult Mrs M Chapman-Beer Kitten Mrs M Chapman-Beer Neuter Mrs M Chapman-Beer Overall Mr S Crow BEST IN SHOW – Ocicat Classic Adult Mr S Crow Kitten Mr S Crow Neuter Mr S Crow Overall Mrs M Chapman-Beer NON PED AND PED PET BIS Non-Pedigree Pet Mr S Whiting Pedigree Pet Mr S Whiting Overall Mr M Henrie DUTY VET: Mr J Waterworth MRCVS Please note that judging will start at 11am and vetting in will be open between 09:00am and 10:45am. 1 SHOW RULES, PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS The Show is held under the Rules of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy and is open to all. A Copy of these Rules is obtainable from the GCCF Office at, 5 King’s Castle Business Park, The Drove, Bridgewater, Somerset, TA6 4AG. These Rules must be read by all, for they are not repeated herein, but will be strictly applied. Ignorance of any rule will not be accepted as excuse of its breach. The Committee reserve, to themselves, the right to: a) Appoint other Judges should those advertised be unable to fulfill their engagement and to appoint further Judges should they be required. b) Fix and limit the number of exhibits at the Show. c) To accept or refuse exhibit entry without giving reason. d) Cancel, amalgamate or divide classes. e) Publish a Catalogue of the Show containing information as to the exhibits and names and addresses of exhibitors. f) Disqualify cats entered into the wrong classes by the exhibitors. g) Retain a percentage of the entry fees to cover essential expenses, in the event of the Show being cancelled for any reason. h) No other animals or pets will be allowed into the show hall other than exhibiting Cats, Kittens and Neuters. I) The Show Manager reserves the right to pass on any charges incurred to Exhibitors whose cheques are returned unpaid or ‘Referred to Drawer’. A fee of £15.00 will be charged and entry withdrawn from the show until full payment is made. j) No Cats/kittens should be left unattended in cars. Any such act which could be detrimental to the welfare of the cat(s) could result in disciplinary action. k) Cats/kittens should not be offered for sale at this show, any such act which could be detrimental to the welfare of the cat(s) could result in disciplinary action. l) Fresh water and adequate clean litter must be provided for each exhibit at all times. ELIGIBILITY OF EXHIBITS TO ENTER THE SHOW PEDIGREE SECTION: All Cats, Kittens and Neuters of breeds recognized by, and registered with the GCCF, (except those registered on the Reference Register) are eligible for entry in the competition. To be effective for entry all registration and/or transfers must have reached the GCCF Office at least 21 days prior to the show. No cat or Kitten, entire or neutered, born after 19.10.71, with one or both parents, grandparents or great-grand-parents unregistered shall be eligible for entry into Open Classes. Cats which are not normally resident with their registered owner should be transferred into the ownership of their keeper if they are to be shown. Exhibitors are reminded that in the event of rejection, all exhibits in the same registered ownership may also be rejected and clearance may be required for both households. NON-PEDIGREE SECTION: All unregistered Cats, Kittens and Neuters of unknown or unregistered Non-Pedigree parentage are eligible for entry in the Non-Pedigree Section. All Non-Pedigree cats over nine months of age must be neutered. GENERAL GUIDELINES ON ENTERING SHOWS Where possible, always complete your show entry form from your GCCF registration document (i.e. Registration or Transfer Certificate) for the cat that is to be exhibited, printing the details carefully to avoid any misinterpretation of your handwriting. If you have not received your registration document at the time of entry, complete the show entry form with the details from the pedigree, giving the first choice of name if it is a non-prefix registration, and put RAF (Registration Applied For) or TAF (Transfer Applied For), or both, in the Regd No box. It is wise to enclose a stamped self-addressed acknowledgment postcard with all registration and transfer applications, particularly for cats entered for shows, so that you know that the application has been received by the GCCF. Try to keep a copy of your entry form – then, when you receive the registration details and number, check these against the entry form and notify the Show Manager(s) in writing of any differences in the details as well as giving the registration number, if applicable. This may not be in time for the printing of the Show Catalogue, but the Show Manager(s) should attach your letter to your entry form which will save unnecessary notification of discrepancies when the show is checked. All Catalogue errors are checked against the original entry form and any exhibitor’s letters are used for reference. Show managements are permitted to accept corrections, at their own discretion, up to the close of 2 the show (on show day); such a change must not be a change of exhibit. If you are entering several cats from your household and the registered owners (exhibitors) differ within that household/family, check with the Show Manager(s) whether using one entry form is acceptable or not and, if it is, indicate very clearly which exhibitor owns which cat, ensuring all owners sign the entry form. It may be less confusing and more acceptable to the show Manager(s) for each owner to use separate entry forms, but joint owners of an exhibit/exhibits should always use the same form and both must sign. STATUS OF ERRORS – WHAT TO EXPECT MINOR ERRORS – These warrant a notification for your reference if the error occurs more than once and it is apparent that registration details were available at the time of entry or before the date of the Show. Continuous repetition of the same error after notification will be referred to the Executive Committee. Examples of minor errors include: (a) spelling errors (b) separation of cat’s names that should be one word, and vice versa (c) administrative/breeder’s prefix omitted from, or partially incorrect name given for exhibit (d) overseas title preceding the name of an exhibit, sire or dam etc (e) full breed number known but not given (f) Sire and Dam reversed or named incorrectly (g) breeder joint when single, and vice versa INCORRECT DATE OF BIRTH – This is usually classed as a minor error unless it affects an entry into classes based on age groups when it could warrant disqualification of the exhibit from such classes; but if the incorrect date of birth affects the age suitability as a whole, then the exhibit will be disqualified from the Show. N.B. AGE LIMITS: Kittens – not less than 14 weeks and under 9 calendar months on date of show. Adults – not less than 9 calendar months on date of Show. INCORRECT NAME OF EXHIBIT/OWNER/BREEDER – If registration/transfer details were obviously available at the time of entry or before the date of the Show, disqualification is inevitable. The following discrepancies are those which usually arise. EXHIBIT Totally incorrect name REGISTERED OWNER/ EXHIBITOR Joint when they should be single and vice versa Declaration not signed by registered owner(s); N.B. The exhibitor(s) must be the registered owner(s) of the cat and not necessarily the person who actually takes the cat to the show BREEDER Totally incorrect name or names N.B. The breeder of a cat is always the registered owner of the dam on the date of the cat’s birth. REGISTRATION/TRANSFER NOT RECEIVED BY GCCF 21 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF SHOW – These entries will be disqualified. Remember the effective date of all registrations and transfers is the first date of valid receipt by the GCCF, and if you enclose your own stamped addressed acknowledgement card with your application form this will be stamped with the GCCF Office date of receipt. TRANSFER OF EXHIBIT FROM EXHIBITOR TO A NEW OWNER RECEIVED BY GCCF MORE THAN 21 DAYS BEFORE THE DATE OF THE SHOW – Entries such as these will also be disqualified as the exhibitor’s entry form becomes invalid. INCORRECT or INELIGIBILITY OF CLASS ENTRY – These will be disqualified from the class concerned – so always check with the Show Manager if in doubt which class to enter. If a breed number is changed officially, it is important that you notify the Show Manager immediately. Exhibits entered in the Grand class must have qualified on or before the published closing date of the show. CAT REGISTERED ON THE REFERENCE REGISTER – No cat registered on this Register is eligible to be shown and therefore these entries will be disqualified. The only exception to this is when a new breed becomes recognized; and then, cats of the breed may be show, even if they are registered on the Reference Register, as long as this was the only 3 reason for the Reference Registration. Exhibitors may appeal against any disqualification resulting from show checking, giving their reasons. The appeal will be referred to the Executive Committee if considered valid and, if not, a letter of explanation will be sent to the exhibitor(s). The above advice however, is aimed to keep your show entries trouble-free, not to mention the show checking. ON ARRIVAL AT THE SHOW Exhibits will be received at the entrance of the show hall from 9.00am until 10.45am on the morning of the show. Exhibits must arrive at the show hall in a suitable, secure container (top opening recommended) and must be accompanied by the owner or the owner’s agent. If a cat cannot be removed from the carrier, it will not be vetted in or judged. (N.B. This recommendation relates to the amendment to Section 4 Rule 6). Each exhibit will be examined by the Honorary Veterinary Surgeons, who are authorized to exclude any exhibit they consider unfit. No exhibit may be penned before being examined. Exhibitor’s envelopes will be issued at vetting in – THERE ARE NO TALLIES. All cats exhibited at shows held under GCCF rules must have a current vaccination certificate against FIE, FVR and FCV (“cat flu”). The full course, or booster, in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, must have been completed more than seven days before the show. The certificate must have been issued by a veterinary practice/hospital and the last vaccination entry signed by a Veterinary Surgeon or by a listed Veterinary Nurse under the direction of a Veterinary Surgeon. Cats with an invalid vaccination certificate will be rejected under Section A. Cats unaccompanied by a Vaccination certificate will also be rejected under Section A unless the exhibitor undertakes to provide proof of vaccination, valid for that show, by sending the certificates to the GCCF Office within seven days of the show. Failure to do so will lead to disqualification from the show and the cat’s name will be placed on the veterinary rejection list until proof of vaccination is received in the Office. N.B. A current certificate of vaccination is one which is not more than seven days past the manufacturers recommended interval between boosters. Please note that HOMEOPATHIC VACCINATION cannot be accepted for the purpose of vetting in. Exhibits must have clean ears and coats free from pests. No pregnant or lactating queens, nor queens who have kittened within 12 weeks before this show may be exhibited. No exhibit that has been declawed will be accepted, neither will males which are either Monorchid or Cryptorchid. Unfit exhibits must be removed by their owners and payment forfeited. If in the Veterinary Surgeon’s opinion it is desirable, all other exhibits from the same cattery and the owners thereof shall be debarred from attending the show. The Veterinary Surgeon’s decision is final. Where an exhibit has been rejected or disqualified by a Veterinary Surgeon, the show managers shall obtain the reasons and accordingly notify the GCCF within 48hrs of the show, ensuring that a copy of the rejection form is forwarded to the exhibitors concerned. The procedure for veterinary clearance is clearly stated in the GCCF Show Rules. However, exhibitors whose cats have been rejected at shows should note the following points: a) When sending a Clearance Certificate to the GCCF Veterinary Officer, please include your copy of the rejection slip. b) Do not send certificates by recorded delivery as this can cause delays in receipt. If acknowledgement of receipt is required, please enclose a stamped addressed postcard for signature acknowledgment receipt. c) Exhibitors should not attend shows until they have received a letter accepting and confirming clearance from the Veterinary Officer. PRESENTATION AND BENCHING OF EXHIBITS Take pride in presenting your exhibit. Be sure it is comfortable, warm and relaxed. Exhibitors must provide each exhibit with a clean white blanket or blankets, (plain woven not cellular) of reasonable size to lie on (white Vet-bed or like material may be used if preferred), a white food bowl and food, a white water bowl with fresh water and a white sanitary tray, with the exhibit’s usual litter. Food containers must be removed from the pen before judging commences at 11:00 am and can be returned after 1.00pm. Water must be left in the pen for the duration of the show. Hot water bottles or heat reflecting materials are the only heating devices allowed and must be concealed by the blanket. None of the equipment in competition pens must bear any distinguishing marks. No written or printed matter of any kind, other than official notices and award cards may be put onto competitive pens, except with the permission of the show managers. “For Sale” notices are not allowed. 4 The use of grooming aids in the show hall, other than the use of a clean brush and comb or cloth is prohibited. No powder or grooming substance may be left in the coat of exhibits. Exhibitors are reminded that using products which change the appearance of the coat could lead to disqualification. Such preparations are on open sale, often by stall holders, but we advise most strongly against their use. Exhibits received into the show hall cannot be removed, without the permission of the show managers, prior to the closure of the show. Failure to observe this rule will lead to disqualification and forfeit of any prize money and awards won. The show closes at 5.00pm or earlier at the show manager’s discretion. There will be no early removal passes issued. JUDGING AND JUDGES Judges are empowered to withhold any prize, award or certificate in any class if the exhibits do not, in their opinion, possess sufficient merit. Prizes will be awarded from the judge’s award slip and not from any catalogue or prize card. A judge’’ decision is final. An exhibitor may not approach a judge, nor enter into conversation with a judge, until that judge’s engagement is complete. COUNTERSIGNING OF CERTIFICATES In the event of a change of judge of an Open Class occurring after the closing date of the Show, and provided that the exhibitor informs the Show Manager prior to judging, that a certificate has previously been awarded by the replacement judge, the Show Managers shall appoint one other judge who shall judge the cat and if the cat is considered worthy countersign the certificate which shall then count towards Championship status. If the replacement judge at the first show has also previously been booked for a subsequent show, the closing date of which is before the date of the first show the actual entry has been made and received before the date of the first show, then at the subsequent show this judge can be regarded as the replacement judge for the purposes of requesting a countersignature. When a cat which has been awarded a certificate at the Supreme Show is entered under the same judge, for the equivalent certificate, during the following three months, then at one subsequent show this judge can be regarded as a replacement for the purpose of requesting a countersignature. CHAMPIONS AND PREMIERS The title of Champion for cats and Premier for Neuters shall be granted to exhibits winning three Challenge Certificates or Premier Certificates at three shows under separate Judges. A GCCF Challenge/Premier Certificate will be offered for each cat/neuter Breed Class of the recognised breeds with Championship status. GRAND CHAMPIONS — GRAND PREMIERS The title of Grand Champion will be granted to a cat winning three Grand Challenge Certificates at three shows under three different judges. To compete in the Grand Champion Class a cat must be a full Champion. A Champion cat may only be shown in its Grand Champion Class. Only one prize with a Reserve in the case of disqualification will be awarded. The title of Grand Premier shall be granted to neutered cats under the same rules and conditions as those for Grand Champion. IMPERIAL GRAND CHAMPIONS – IMPERIAL GRAND PREMIERS The title of Imperial Grand Champion will be granted to a cat winning five Imperial Grand Champion Challenge Certificates at five shows under five different Judges. To compete in the Imperial Grand Champion Class, a cat must be a full Grand Champion. A Grand Champion cat may only be shown the Imperial Grand Champion Class. Only one prize with a Reserve in case of disqualification will be awarded. The title of Imperial Grand Premier will be awarded to neutered cats under the same rules as those for Imperial Grand Champion. OLYMPIAN GRAND CHAMPIONS – OLYMPIAN GRAND PREMIERS The title of Olympian Grand Champion will be granted to a cat winning five Olympian Grand Champion Challenge Certificates at five shows under five different Judges. To compete in the Olympian Grand Champion Class, a cat must be a full Imperial Grand Champion. An Imperial Grand Champion cat may only be shown the Olympian Grand Champion Class. Only one prize with a Reserve in case of disqualification will be awarded. The title of Olympian Grand Premier will be awarded to neutered cats under the same rules as those for Olympian Grand Champion. 5 NON-PEDIGREE PET The Non-Pedigree Pet group will be comprised of unregistered cats from unregistered or unknown parents as now. They will be of traditional “moggy” appearance either Long/Semi-Long or Shorthaired. Non-Pedigree pets will be judged for the quality of their Presentation, Condition, Temperament and Personality. All Non-Pedigree pets 6 months and over shall be neutered. PEDIGREE PET The Pedigree Pet group will be comprised of cats of pedigree appearance with known or unknown pedigree, full or half pedigree, background. Pedigree pets will be judged for the quality of their Presentation, Condition, Temperament and Personality. No prefixes or titles shall be used; cats will be entered either by their pet name or, if registered, the rest of the registered name, without the prefix may be used. No reference will be made to breed numbers or descriptions. All pedigree pets 6 months and over shall be neutered. ADVICE TO EXHIBITORS You are advised against purchasing and using any shampoos that change a cat’s colour as this can led to disqualification. CORRESPONDENCE All correspondence must be accompanied by a stamped addressed envelope. Any complaints related to the Show must be forwarded to the Show Manager within seven (7) days of the Show. ALL ALTERATIONS AND/OR ADDITIONS TO ENTRY FORMS MUST BE MADE IN WRITING TO THE SHOW MANAGER. Note: No telephone alterations and/or deletions will be accepted. All exhibitors MUST be entered according to their status at the closing date of entries. Alterations or amendments will be accepted up to the close of the Show however; such alterations/amendments must NOT be a change of exhibit. JUDGES Judges are empowered to withhold any Prize or Championship in any Class if the exhibits do not, in their opinion, possess sufficient merit. Prizes will be awarded from Judges award slips, not from the catalogue or award cards. A judge’s decision is final. ABBREVIATIONS L.H Long Haired; S.H Short Haired; S.L.H Semi Long Haired; A.V Any Variety; A.O.V Any other Variety; A.C Any Colour; M Male; F Female; GCCF Governing Council of the Cat Fancy; TOC The Ocicat Club. CUPS AND TROPHIES Cups and Trophies (as listed in the catalogue) are awarded on show day to fully paid up members of the club. RAFFLE We will be having our usual raffle. Please help support the show by purchasing tickets. Any donation of prizes for the raffle will be gratefully received on the day, or contact Mrs. J. Keates 11 Bridge Close Bursledon Southampton Hants SO31 8AN 02380 403426 AWARDS Olympian, Imperial, Grand Classes Breed Classes Best of Breed Best in Show Winners and BIS Opposite Sex Ocicat Club Classes Miscellaneous Classes The Mary Kalal Memorial Classes The Jean Gamble Memorial Class Special Rosettes Rosettes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Special Rosettes Special Rosettes Special Rosettes for 1st, 2nd & 3rd Cards for 1st, 2nd & 3rd place Special Rosettes Rosettes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd 6 DEFINITION OF CLASSES (All definitions apply to shows held under GCCF Rules) OPEN CLASSES see details on page 14. (Must be GCCF Registered) CATS Not less than 9 calendar months on the day of the show KITTENS Not less than 14 weeks and under 9 calendar months on the day of the Show, Neuter kittens are entered in kitten open & miscellaneous classes and compete for BIS Kitten. Neuter kittens of Provisional Breeds should be included in Kitten Intermediate classes where separate classes for Adult, Kitten and Neuter are scheduled NEUTER ADULTS Neutered adults may only enter Neuter Classes and may not compete with entire cats or kittens except in Club Classes which are scheduled to include Neuters. Where Best in Show is held, the best Neuter shall be considered against the best Entire Adult and Kitten for Best Exhibit in Show NOVICE Exhibits that have not won a First Prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules LIMIT Exhibits that have not won more than four First Prizes in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules SPECIAL LIMIT Exhibits that have won more than four First Prizes in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules DEBUTANTE Exhibits that have never been shown at a show held under GCCF rules. (If Debutante Adult and Neuter classes are offered at a show, entry as a Debutante Kitten does not count when the exhibit is shown as an Adult or Neuter and entry as a Debutante Adult or Kitten does not count when the exhibit is neutered and shown) MAIDEN Exhibits that have not won a First, Second or Third Prize in any class at a show held under GCCF Rules BREEDERS Exhibits bred by exhibitor/s. Cats originally registered in the Breeders’ Joint ownership but changed to single ownership of one of the Breeders can still be entered in this class. Cats originally registered in the Breeder’s single ownership and changed to joint ownership with the Breeder should be entered in the NonBreeders Class ADOLESCENT Cats over 9 months of age and under 15 months on the day of the show JUNIOR Cats over 9 calendar months of age and under 2 years on the day of the show SENIOR Cats 2 years and over on the day of the show VETERAN Cats 7 years and over on the day of the show ARISTOCRAT Exhibits that have won one or more Challenge/Premier Certificates but have not achieved Champion/Premier status RADIUS Exhibits that live within a 25 mile radius of the show hall VISITOR Exhibits that live over 25 miles from the show hall INTERMEDIATE For provisional breeds only OCIPET CLASS Lots of us have them. Loveable layabouts, but maybe not perfect enough for the Ocicat Breed Classes. We don’t mind if there is a chewed ear, or the spots have gone to sleep, or they are no longer “athletic and powerful, graceful and lithe”. Temperament, condition and presentation (well groomed?) are what count. The winner of the Club Class will become the Club Champion Ocipet. And if they win again next year they will become Club Grand Champion Ocipets. There is a Class for Ocipet Kittens too. NOTE:The status of the exhibit for entering restricted classes (i.e. Maiden, Limit etc shall be the cat’s status on the date of entry, except where Section 2, Rule 15e regarding entry into Grand Classes applies. The wins as a Kitten do not count when the exhibit is shown as an Adult or Neuter; the wins as an Adult do not count when the exhibit is neutered and shown. Merit Awards do not count as wins for entering restricted class. 7 ENTRY FEES Entry Fees Include Open or Intermediate & up to 3 extra Classes, Penning + 1 Exhibitors Pass (2 Passes for joint owners entering 2 or more cats) and one Catalogue. PEDIGREE SECTION MEMBERS NON MEMBERS Open + 3 Classes ........................................ £30.00 each .............................. £33.00 each (1st & 2nd Exhibit) 3rd & Subsequent Exhibits .......................... £23.00 each .............................. £26.00 each Additional Classes ......................................... £4.00 . each ................................ £4.00 each Double Pen (extra) ...................................... £12.00 ......... .............................. £12.00 Exhibition Pens (48x24x24) ......................... £18.00 ......... .............................. £18.00 PEDIGREE PETS AND NON PEDIGREE HOUSEHOLD PETS MEMBERS NON MEMBERS Open + 3 Classes ........................................ £28.00 . each .............................. £31.00 each Subsequent Cats ......................................... £23.00 . each .............................. £26.00 each Additional Classes ......................................... £4.00 . each ................................ £4.00 each Double Pen (extra) ...................................... £12.00 ......... .............................. £12.00 Exhibition Pens (48x24x24) ......................... £18.00 ......... .............................. £18.00 ADMISSION Adults ................................................................................................................ £2.00 Senior Citizens & Children ................................................................................ £1.00 CATALOGUES Pre-paid with entry ..............................................................................................Free On day of show ................................................................................................. £3.50 ADVERTISING Full page in the Catalogue .............................................................................. £10.00 Half Page……………………………………………………………………………....£7.00 STALLS Apply to: Tel: 07775 992629 Mr I Macro, Walden, Parkgate Road, Newdigate, Surrey, RH5 5AH e-mail: MEMBERSHIP Exhibitors who wish to become members should apply directly to the Membership Secretary (see application form which follows) with the required fee, as soon as possible. If the application is accepted by the Committee a minimum of one week before the Show, the difference in entry fees will be refunded and included in the admittance envelope on Show day. 8 9 10 11 INFORMATION FOR OCICAT CLASSES Dominant Dominant Silver A.C. Dilute Including Dilute Silver Tawny, Chocolate, Cinnamon Black Silver, Chocolate Silver, Cinnamon Silver Blue, Lilac, Fawn, Blue Silver, Lilac Silver, Fawn Silver EXHIBITION CLASS EX Cat on Exhibition Only OCICAT CLASSES ADULTS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Any Ocicat Imperial Grand Champion (Olympian Class) .......................... Mr S Crow Any Ocicat Grand Champion (Imperial Class) .......................................... Mr S Crow Any Ocicat Champion (Grand Class) ...................................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer Dominant Ocicat Adult .............................................................................. Mr S Crow Dominant Silver Ocicat Adult..................................................................... Mr S Crow A.C. Dilute including Silver Ocicat Adult.................................. Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat Classic Adult .......................................................................... Mr S Crow KITTENS 8 9 10 11 Dominant Ocicat Kitten ........................................................................... Mrs M Codd Dominant Silver Ocicat Kitten ................................................................. Mrs M Codd A.C. Dilute including Silver Ocicat Kitten ................................................ Mrs M Codd A.C. Ocicat Classic Kitten ....................................................................... Mrs M Codd NEUTERS 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Any Ocicat Imperial Grand Premier (Olympian Class) ............ Mrs M Chapman-Beer Any Ocicat Grand Premier (Imperial Class) ............................ Mrs M Chapman-Beer Any Ocicat Premier (Grand Class) ............................................................ Mr S Crow Dominant Ocicat Neuter ............................................................................ Mr S Crow Dominant Silver Ocicat Neuter .................................................................. Mr S Crow A.C. Dilute including Silver Ocicat Neuter ............................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat Classic Neuter...................................................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer OCICAT AND OCICAT CLASSIC MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES ADULTS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 A.C. Ocicat Breeders Adult ....................................................................... Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat Adult Not Bred by Exhibitor .................................................... Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat Classic Breeders Adult ........................................................... Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat Classic Not Bred By Exhibitor Adult ....................................... Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Novice Adult ............................. Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Limit Adult ................................ Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Debutante Adult ....................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Maiden Adult ............................ Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Adolescent Adult ...................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Junior Adult .............................. Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Senior Adult.............................. Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Veteran Adult............................ Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Radius Adult (within 25 miles) .................. Mrs M Codd A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Visitor Adult (more than 25 miles) ............ Mrs M Codd 12 KITTENS 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 A.C. Ocicat Breeders Kitten .......................................................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat Kitten Not Bred By Exhibitor ...................................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat Classic Breeders Kitten .......................................................... Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat Classic Kitten Not Bred By Exhibitor .......................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Novice Kitten ............................ Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Limit Kitten ............................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Debutante Kitten ...................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Maiden Kitten ..............................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Kitten Up to 6 Months .................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Kitten 6-9 Months ........................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Radius Kitten (within 25 miles) Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Visitor Kitten (over 25 miles) .... Mrs M Chapman-Beer NEUTERS 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 A.C. Ocicat Breeders Neuter .................................................. Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat Neuter Not Bred By Exhibitor ............................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat Classic Breeders Neuter ...................................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat Classic Neuter Not Bred By Exhibitor .................. Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Novice Neuter .............................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Limit Neuter ................................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Debutante Neuter .......................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Maiden Neuter ............................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Adolescent Neuter ......................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Junior Neuter ..............................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Senior Neuter ..............................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Veteran Neuter ............................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Radius Neuter (within 25 miles) ............... Mrs M Codd A.C. Ocicat or Ocicat Classic Visitor Neuter (more than 25 miles) ......... Mrs M Codd THE JEAN GAMBLE MEMORIAL CLASS 59 A.C. Ocicat Adult Kitten or Neuter .............................................................. Mr S Crow CLUB CLASSES THE OCICAT CLUB 60 61 62 63 64 65 A.C. Ocicat Adult ..................................................................................... Mrs M Codd A.C. Ocicat Kitten.......................................................................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat Neuter .....................................................................................Mr S Crow A.C. Ocicat Classic Adult ........................................................ Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat Classic Kitten ....................................................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer A.C. Ocicat Classic Neuter ..................................................... Mrs M Chapman-Beer THE MARY KALAL MEMORIAL CLASSES for members only 66 67 A.C. Ocicat Adult/Kitten/Neuter ............................................................... Mrs M Codd A.C. Ocicat Classic Adult/Kitten/Neuter .................................. Mrs M Chapman-Beer 13 The Oci-Catering Company Breakfast Sausage Sandwich £2.00 Bacon Sandwich £2.00 Toast, with Butter and Jam or Marmalade £1.50 Lunch Time and Afternoon Toasted Sandwiches £2.00 Homemade Cake £1.25 Ocicat Cream Tea – Tea or Coffee, Scone, Jam and Cream £2.00 All Drinks £0.75 each Hot Tea and Coffee Selection of Cold Drinks Nut & Seed Allergy Sufferers: Please note that any of our products may contain traces of nuts and seeds Please support the” Ocicat Catering”– Thank you 14 HOUSEHOLD PET SECTION 68 A.C. Household Pet Imperial Grand Master (Olympian Class) ............... Mr M Henrie NON-PEDIGREE PET OPEN CLASSES TITLED CLASSES 69 70 A.C. Non-Pedigree Grand Master Cat (Imperial Class) ......................... Mr S Whiting A.C. Non-Pedigree Master Cat (Grand Class) ........................................ Mr M Henrie LONGHAIR OR SEMI LONGHAIR NON-PEDIGREE PET 71 72 73 74 75 Self (Single Colour) Cat, w/wo White ..................................................... Mr S Whiting A.C. Tabby Cat (except ginger or tortie) of any pattern, w/wo white........ Mr M Henrie Ginger Cat of any tabby pattern or AC Tortoiseshell or Tortie Tabby Cat, w/wo white.............................................................................................. Mr S Whiting A.O.C. or Pattern Cat, w/wo white ......................................................... Mr S Whiting A.C. or Pattern Kitten .............................................................................. Mr M Henrie SHORTHAIR NON-PEDIGREE PET 76 77 78 79 80 Self (Single Colour) Cat, w/wo White ..................................................... Mr S Whiting A.C. Tabby Cat (except ginger or tortie) of any pattern, w/wo white........ Mr M Henrie Ginger Cat of any tabby pattern or AC Tortoiseshell or Tortie Tabby Cat, w/wo white.............................................................................................. Mr S Whiting A.O.C. or Pattern Cat, w/wo white .......................................................... Mr M Henrie A.C. or Pattern Kitten .............................................................................. Mr M Henrie PEDIGREE PET OPEN CLASSES TITLED CLASSES 81 82 A.C. Pedigree Pet Grand Master Cat (Imperial Class) ........................... Mr S Whiting A.C. Pedigree Pet Master Cat (Grand Class) ......................................... Mr M Henrie LONGHAIR OR SEMI LONGHAIR PEDIGREE PET 83 84 85 86 87 Self (Single Colour) Cat, w/wo White ..................................................... Mr S Whiting A.C. Tabby Cat (except ginger or tortie) of any pattern, w/wo white........ Mr M Henrie Ginger Cat of any tabby pattern or AC Tortoiseshell or Tortie Tabby Cat, w/wo white.............................................................................................. Mr S Whiting A.O.C. or Pattern Cat, w/wo white .......................................................... Mr M Henrie A.C. or Pattern Kitten ............................................................................. Mr S Whiting SHORTHAIR PEDIGREE PET 88 89 90 91 92 Self (Single Colour) Cat, w/wo White ..................................................... Mr S Whiting A.C. Tabby Cat (except ginger or tortie) of any pattern, w/wo white........ Mr M Henrie Ginger Cat of any tabby pattern or AC Tortoiseshell or Tortie Tabby Cat, w/wo white............................................................................................... Mr M Henrie A.O.C. or Pattern Cat, w/wo white ......................................................... Mr S Whiting A.C. or Pattern Kitten ............................................................................. Mr S Whiting 15 MISCELLANEOUS CLASSES 93 Debutante Cat or Kitten ..........................................................................Mr S Whiting 94 A.C. Cat or Kitten Never Having Won a First Prize ................................Mr S Whiting 95 A.C. Cat or Kitten with the Most Unusual Coat Pattern ..........................Mr S Whiting 96 A.C. Cat or Kitten with the Most Expressive Eyes ................................... Mr M Henrie 97 A.C. Cat or Kitten Owned By “Under 16-Year Old” .................................. Mr M Henrie 98 Most Handsome Male Cat ....................................................................... Mr M Henrie 99 Prettiest Female Cat ............................................................................... Mr M Henrie 100 The Most Appealing Kitten .....................................................................Mr S Whiting 101 Best Groomed Cat or Kitten ...................................................................Mr S Whiting 102 Friendliest Cat or Kitten .........................................................................Mr S Whiting 103 A.C. Visitors Cat or Kitten (More Than 25 miles) .................................... Mr M Henrie 104 A.C. Radius Cat or Kitten (Within 25 miles) ............................................ Mr M Henrie 105 A.C. Stray or Rescue Cat or Kitten .........................................................Mr S Whiting 106 A.C. Cat Over 5 Years of Age .................................................................Mr S Whiting Ocipet classes 107 108 Ocipet Neuter .........................................................................................Mr S Whiting Ocipet Kitten Female .............................................................................. Mr M Henrie 16 OCICAT SPONSORSHIP FORM I WISH TO SPONSOR A CLASS/ES AT THE SHOW @ £6.00 PER CLASS Please submit Sponsorship form with entry form FIRST CHOICE .CLASS NUMBER…………………………….. £6.00 …………… SECOND CHOICE CLASS NUMBER………………………… £6.00 …………… THIRD CHOICE CLASS NUMBER…………………………… £6.00 …………… ADDITIONAL CLASSES……………………………………….. £ …………… TOTAL £………………………. Thank you from the Ocicats NAME ……………………………ADDRESS…………………..………………..………….. ……………………………………………………………………………………………… PREFIX OR HOW YOU WISH TO BE ACKNOWLEDGED IN CATALOGUE …………………………………………………… SIGNED…………………………………………… DIRECTIONS TO THE SHOW HALL Eynsham is a village located near Witney in Oxfordshire, just off the A40 between Witney and Oxford. The Village Hall is located in the middle of the village on Back Lane. Car parking is available just a short walk from the Village Hall at the corner of Back Lane and Clover Place. Driving Directions: (Postcode: OX29 4QW) If approaching Eynsham from Witney, follow the A40 towards Oxford, then take the right turn onto Witney Road towards Eynsham. If approaching from Oxford (North) follow the A40 towards Witney. Just after the Services, take the first exit from the roundabout towards Stanton Harcourt, and Eynsham (B4449). Then immediately right towards Eynsham village. From Oxford (South) (A34 Western Bypass), take the exit to follow the A420 towards Swindon. Take the exit slip-road for Eynsham and Farmoor (B4044). Turn right and follow the B4044 to Eynsham. From Faringdon, follow the A420 towards Oxford. Take the left turn towards Farmoor (B4017). At Farmoor follow the B4044 towards Eynsham. From Abingdon follow the B4017 through Wooton Cumnor and Farmoor, then follow the B4044 towards Eynsham