MEETING WITH THE MINISTER - Ontario Catholic School Trustees
MEETING WITH THE MINISTER - Ontario Catholic School Trustees
May 5, 2006 Semi-monthly news updates for OCSTA members and partners in Catholic Education UPCOMING MEETINGS AND EVENTS OCSTA Board of Directors’ Meeting June 16-17, 2006 Royal York Hotel, Toronto MEETING WITH THE MINISTER On Thursday, May 4, new Minister of Education, The Hon. Sandra Pupatello and Deputy Minister Ben Levin, met with OCSTA representatives to discuss Catholic school board priorities. Representing Association interests at this meeting were recently installed OCSTA Table Officers, Bernard MurrayPresident, Paula Peroni-Vice President, and Paul C. Whitehead-Past President along with OCSTA staff, Executive Director, John Stunt and Director of Legislative and Political Affairs, Carol Devine. OCSTA is pleased to note that the Minister is in agreement with the Association’s stance regarding the necessity of holding consultations when developing the regulations envisaged by Bill 78 (Student Performance), and that the requirement to conduct these consultations should be explicit in the legislation. Recent OCSTA briefs and other communications to the government have repeatedly emphasized the need to update the funding model and to respond to school board funding shortfalls in the areas of salaries, transportation and special education. The Association welcomed the Minister’s acknowledgement of these issues and willingness to work with OCSTA to address these challenges in the very near future. OCSTA also discussed the proposals contained in the briefing note on assessment regarding measures that will help to ensure accurate voters’ lists. The Association looks forward to the Minister’s support and intervention in encouraging the Minister of Finance to make these changes. School boards province-wide have witnessed the role-out of numerous Ministry initiatives over the last few years. To support effective implementation, OCSTA suggested to the Minister that the sector be provided with an organizational chart indicating the various initiatives, their relationships with each other, the status of working tables, anticipated outcomes, implementation timelines and personnel involved. We are hopeful that the Minister and her staff will be able to make use of these suggestions. Finally, on the matter of trustee compensation, OCSTA encouraged the Minister to review the Association’s suggestion to improve the base amount of all trustees and to ensure that the compensation for all trustees that share coterminous or nearly coterminous boundaries is the same. This meeting was a very good opportunity for the new Minister to meet OCSTA representatives and to better understand our system priorities. We appreciate her positive support for Catholic schools and trust that we will have a productive relationship that will serve to benefit Ontario students. For more information: Carol Devine, Director, Legislative and Political Affairs, ext. 24, 2006 OCSTA Annual General Meeting & Conference Over 200 trustees and Catholic school board representatives gathered in London from April 20-22 for OCSTA’s 2006 Annual General Meeting and Conference, hosted by the LondonDistrict Catholic SchoolBoard. Huron-Perth trustee, Bernard Murray, was acclaimed as President for the Association. Murray, a former secondary school teacher, has been a trustee for the Huron-Perth Catholic District School Board for over 20 years and most recently served as OCSTA’s Vice President. Sudbury Catholic District School Board chair, Paula Peroni, was acclaimed to the position of Vice president and St. Clair Catholic District School Board Chair, Brenda Kormendy, was acclaimed to the position of OCSTA Representative to the Canadian Catholic School Trustees’ Association. Former President, Paul C. Whitehead, continues to serve the Association as Past President. The Conference also served as the venue for The Hon. Sandra Pupatello’s first public address as the new Minister of Education. The Minister received strong applause from delegates for her acknowledgement of those issues that are priorities for Catholic school boards today. “Grants for student needs that must be on all your minds, is on my mind too. We have to have some mitigation in the salary gap, transportation and special education,” explained Minister Pupatello. The Minister also took the time recount her experiences as a student in Catholic schools and acknowledged the positive impact this has had on her life. Left to right: Bernard Murray, OCSTA President, The Hon. Sandra Pupatello, Minister of Education, Paula Peroni, OCSTA Vice President, and Paul C. Whitehead, OCSTA Past President. Minister Pupatello with Toronto Catholic District School Board trustees (left to right), Paul Crawford, Kevin Kobus (Director of Education), Angela Kennedy, Oliver Carroll (Chair), Catherine Leblanc-Miller (Vice Chair) and Sal Piccininni. Minister Pupatello with Superior North CDSB Chair, Sandra Svenkeson (left) and Director of Education, Barb Spadoni. Minister Pupatello with Director of Education, Angelo Di Ianni, Niagara CDSB. Other Conference Highlights Under the direction of Lisa Phillips, Faith Animator with the London District Catholic School Board and Ted Gorski, Principal at London’s Regina Mundi Catholic College, students and staff at the London Board created a liturgical program for the 2006 Conference that aptly embodied and celebrated this year’s theme “The Spirit is Alive: Renewing the Face of the Earth.” The Opening Liturgy involved readings by students from St. Robert Catholic School (Dakotah Reavely and Tim Hoover), and St. Francis Catholic School (Alex Nix and Kailey Mago). Music was provided by the Regina Mundi Catholic College Choir. Education and environment advocate, Justin Trudeau delivered the Conference’s opening address. He spoke about youth leadership and activism and the role of trustees in leading and inspiring youth to become engaged and concerned citizens who can in fact make a difference in our communities. The Conference always provides an opportunity for OCSTA member boards and other partners in Catholic education to worship together as a community. Delegates and guests participated in a wonderful Eucharistic Celebration on April 21st, at St. Peter’s Cathedral. The Mass was con-celebrated by: the Most Reverend Ronald Peter Fabbro, Bishop of London; Fr. Jim Mockler, Rector, St. Peter’s Cathedral; Fr. Bill McGrattan, Rector, St. Peter’s Seminary; Bishop John Boissoneau, OCCB and; Fr. Patrick Fitzpatrick, OCSTA Chaplain. Music was provided by grade 8 students from St. Mary’s Choir School and students from Catholic Central High School Chamber Orchestra. OCSTA sincerely appreciates the support of the clergy and students who made our Eucharistic Celebration a spiritually moving and memorable event. Sharing timely and relevant information that serves to educate and enlighten delegates is an important objective of the OCSTA annual Conference. The Association would like to thank the workshop presenters that shared their insight on current issues in education. They include: Stewards in Catholic Education Presenters: Corrie Gicante, Superintendent of Education, London District Catholic School Board and Stewards in Catholic Education Committee members Richard Renneboog, and Moinca Gagne. Stewards in Catholic Education workshop presenter, Corrie Gicante, Superintendent of Education, London DCSB. A New Vision for Secondary Schools: Ontario’s Student Success Strategy Presenter: Grant Clarke, Director of Secondary Schools Policy & Programs Branch, Ministry of Education. Safe Schools Act Presenter: Liz Sandals, MPP Chair of the Safe Schools Action Team and Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Government Services Student Trustee Workshop – Student Retreats Presenters: Patrick Duncan, Student Trustee, London District Catholic School Board (DCSB) and JoAnn MacGregor, Staff Development Officer, London DCSB. It is a tradition for OCSTA delegates to receive a special memento in their Conference package from the host board for that year. This year delegates received a special CD featuring a song written especially for Catholic Education Week by London DCSB principal, Ted Gorski. Entitled “And God Saw That it Was Good,” the recording features voices of students and staff from the London board. All delegates were encouraged to share this CD with their communities as part of our provincial recognition and celebration of Catholic Education Week. Ted Gorski (centre) and other London DCSB staff perform "And God Saw That it Was Good" during the closing liturgy. The Conference closed with a presentation that by far was one of the most memorable deliveries during the Conference. Ottawa Carleton CSB Director of Education, James McCracken, delivered an inspiring presentation on the role of Catholic educators and leaders during his discussion of the publication “Build Bethlehem Everywhere.” Evaluations that have been received by the Association to date indicate that trustees and board staff took away tremendous insight into the ways in which they can “develop their spiritual muscle” and help to make a difference in the lives of those they serve in Catholic education. Ottawa-Carleton CSB Director of Education, James McCracken. discusses the publication “Build Bethlehem Everywhere” Awards Outstanding leadership and commitment to Catholic education is recognized each year at the annual Conference. This year the Association presented three trustees with Awards of Merit: Joe Corey, Durham CDSB Barbara McCool, Nipissing-Parry Sound, CDSB Edward T. McMahon, Former Trustee, Toronto CDSB Award of Merit recipient Durham CDSB Trustee, Joe Corey (left), with Paul C. Whitehead. Award of Merit recipient Nipissing-Parry Sound Trustee, Barbara McCool. Award of Merit recipient former Toronto CDSB Trustee, Edward T. McMahon (left). The Association also acknowledges one person whose local and provincial contributions have made a significant impact on Catholic education. This year that award was presented to former Director of Education for the Durham CDSB, Grant Andrews. Former Durham CDSB Director of Education, Grant Andrews (left). Grant Andrews with Durham CDSB Chair, Mary Ann Martin OCSTA staff member, Phil Assef (son of former OCSTA Executive Director the late Chris Assef), receives a special OCSTA 40year Service award from Association Executive Director, John Stunt (left) and Past President, Paul C. Whitehead. The 2006 Annual General Meeting Conference was made possible because of the support of OCSTA’s Conference Committee members: Paula Peroni (Committee Chair and Host for the 2006 Conference/OCSTA Vice President), Louise Ervin (Waterloo CDSB), Brenda Kormendy (Chair, St. Clair CDSB), Alice Anne LeMay (Halton CDSB), Bernard Murray (OCSTA President) and Paul C. Whitehead (OCSTA Past President). OCSTA is especially grateful for the commitment, dedication and hard work of the London Planning Committee: Bill Hall, Co-Chair, Trustee Corrie Gicante,Co-Chair, Superintendent of Education John Boles, Communication Manager Gary Clarke, Superintendent of Education Lucy da Costa, Executive Secretary, Director's Office Loren Demelo, Trustee Patrick Duncan, Student Trustee Judy Gilmore,Manager, Purchasing Ted Gorski, Principal, Regina Mundi College Mary Holmes, Coordinator, Modern Languages & The Arts Tim Holmes, Superintendent of Business Noreen Lucas, Administrative Assistant, Director's Office JoAnn MacGregor, Staff Development Officer Bonnie Manders, Administrative Assistant to Corrie Gicante Father Jim Mockler, Board Chaplain Lisa Phillips, Faith Animator Bob Poirier, Information Systems Joe Rapai, Director of Education Catherine Sexton, Superintendent of Education Jim Talbot, Manager of Transportation Conference Pictures OCSTA IN THE MEDIA Below is a news clipping from the April 24, 2006 edition of the Toronto Star.