2015 2
2015 2
No 72 June 2015 Brizneyland Harbour City Highlights Southern Sippings 40 Degrees South The River City Western Waffle Tropical Townsville From the President As we head towards the HTNA Conference in Melbourne at the end of August it seems like many things are coming to fruition as well as coming to an end. I wish to advise all of you that I will be ceasing work for Queensland Health on 30 August this year. It’s time (as the election slogan once loudly proclaimed) and I am certainly looking forward to doing many other things. I started working with chambers in 1974, and although it is a well worn phrase, I have seen enormous changes in our industry over the last 40 years. It is also certainly true that I could not envisage the technology that we now take for granted when I started. I wish to publically state that as a member of the HTNA, I am part of a fantastic association, peppered with dedicated, enthusiastic and wonderful people giving their best to their patients as well as to our organisation. To them I say thank you. The organisation does have a bright future but the road ahead is not without dangers. The perennial problems of recruitment and membership are never far from the surface as well as promoting our position within this country. It’s good to see that several years of hard work by many members as well as intense work by a few will soon result in the publishing of the revised AS 4774.2. I applaud those involved for their dedication and perseverance. I urge you all to get your registrations in for Melbourne so that we can get to meet and learn from two world class presenters. If I don’t get to see you before I leave I wish you all “A fair wind and a following sea”. John Hardman President HTNA Objectives of the HTNA The Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association Inc. was formed on 29 August 1992 and incorporated on 4 March 1993. Its purpose is to provide and encourage the exchange of information, standardise practice and protocols within technical and nursing, hyperbaric oxygen therapy communities, educate and inform interested groups or individuals in hyperbaric oxygen therapy and diving safety and to encourage hyperbaric research in order to advance the scientific basis of our practice. Email: (Secretary) info@htna.com.au , Website: www.htna.com.au Postal Address: Secretary HTNA Townsville Hyperbaric Unit The Townsville Hospital PO Box 670 Townsville Qld 4810 Australia (Editor) Steve.Goble@health.sa.gov.au Affiliation: Baromedical Nurses Association (BNA) Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (UHMS) Southern African Undersea and Hyperbaric Medical Society (SAUHMS) South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society (SPUMS) Divers Alert Network South East Asia – Pacific (DAN SEAP) OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 2 Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association Inc. Management Committee Executive President John Hardman Ph: (07) 4433 2082 Secretary Fax: (07) 4433 2081 Peter Bisaro Ph: (07) 4433 2082 Fax: (07) 4433 2081 Treasurer Czes Mucha Ph: (08) 8222 5121 Editor Fax: (08) 8232 4207 Steve Goble Ph: (08) 8222 5514 Fax: (08) 8232 4207 State Representatives Tasmania Naomi Boyce Ph: (03) 6222 8322 Fax: (03) 6222 8322 Victoria Dwayne Cananzi Ph: (03) 9076 2323 Fax: (03) 9076 3052 From the President Contents Harbour City Highlights Auckland Western Waffle Southern Sippings Brizneyland Greetings from the River City 40 Degrees South Tropical Townsville South of the Border Conferences Australasian Hyperbaric Facilities 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 12 13 15 17 19 20 New South Wales Mark Orkney Ph: (02) 9382 3886 Fax: (02) 9382 3882 Queensland (North) Annie Brough Ph: (07) 4433 2094 Fax: (07) 4433 2081 Queensland (South) Jo James Ph: (07) 3636 4602 Fax: (07) 3636 0747 Northern Territory tbc Ph: (08) 8922 8563 Fax: (08) 8922 8172 Western Australia Ph: (08) 9431 2234 Russ Cronin Fax: (08) 9431 2235 South Australia Ph: (08) 8222 5514 Troy Pudney Fax: (08) 8232 4207 New Zealand Ph: +64 9 487 2213 International Email: Front Cover: The aftermath of WW2. One of the many of these scattered around Palau and the rest of the Pacific. Thanks to David Smart Basil Murphy Fax: +64 9 445 7016 Damien Tzavellas damitzavell@yahoo.gr Life Members Sharon Keetley John Kershler Barrie Gibbons Membership Full membership is open to any nurse or technician appropriately trained and currently working in the field of hyperbaric medicine. Associate membership is open to interested individuals and parties. Membership fees Full $60 Associate $40 Membership period 1 July – 30 June * Membership 1/7/15 Due * OFFGASSING is the Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association Inc. All articles for the following issue are to be sent to The Editor - HTNA, Hyperbaric Unit, Royal Adelaide Hospital, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000 by September 15th 2015. All articles and submissions shall automatically constitute an expression of warranty by the contributor that the material is original. We assume no responsibility for unsolicited material. Articles and information may be reproduced without prior permission provided reprints are accredited to the authors and OFFGASSING. Advertising for members is provided free of charge, other advertising by arrangement with the editor. Opinions expressed in OFFGASSING are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the HTNA. Editor – Steve Goble. Corporate Membership Diamond Platinum Gold Silver >= $ 5,000 >= $ 3,000 >= $ 1,500 >= $1,000 Event/Merchandise Sponsorship The advantages available to each level of sponsorship are shown in the current Constitution. OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 3 KOKODA TRAIL COMPLETED!! NUM Kate, Tech Mark, Prof Mike Bennett, Nurse Joy, Tech Justin & Dr. Sue; taken on Brigade Hill, on the 100th anniversary of ANZAC Day 2015 Hiking between 6 to 13 hours a day, Covering 4 thousand metres of ascent over 8 days of climbing 96km of vertical mud, including 20 river crossings (bridges made of fallen trees & rope!) across the Owen Stanley Mountain ranges those members of Sydney’s Hyperbaric Team brave enough to sign up complete the challenge of the Kokoda trail. Massive congratulations to all, especially the team work shown by Prof Bennett & his wife Sue and to Joy who was the only one of the group who carried her own bag and water the entire way! Amazing memories and stories bought back, along with a slight case of food poisoning but luckily no trench-foot. Mark clearly doesn’t feel that he’s done enough exercise this year and has signed up to do the Oxfam Trailwalker fundraiser; in walking 100km in 48 hours at the end of August. The rest of the crew are locked in to doing the Sydney to Wollongong ride again this year. Sydney’s Hyperbaric Unit has also seen a big changing in terms of nursing staff with the newest additions already being a credit to the department. Hope you’re all keeping warm this winter! Sydney Hyperbaric Nurses at Swans v’s Richmond AFL Upper row: Jane, Kate, Mia. Lower: Hayley & Shifa The Sydney Team OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 4 Slark Hyperbaric Unit Hi all, Trust things are going well across the Ditch and down in the Mainland. Here at the unit we are keeping busy with two runs a day. Not much has been happening on the Acute front with no divers or CO,s since mid to late February, a sure sign summer is over and winter is fast approaching. We have been asked to put a wish list together for services and facilities for a New Hyperbaric Facility to be situated somewhere at North Shore Hospital. Obviously more space and good access are a priority, we have even had a visit from the Waitemata District Health Board Development Team seeking information on technical specifications, floor plans and building requirements based on a new chamber installation. After the meeting I’m sure the development team had a pretty good idea of what we had in mind for the proposed new installation. Any input or advice from units who have recently or are about to put in a new system; or have upgraded their current one would be greatly appreciated. We are not sure who will be going to the HTNA Conference this year hopefully Chris, Robert and Marion will be able to attend. It is great to see we will soon have a new AS/NZ Standard to work with which makes life easier for us Kiwis not having to quote an AS Standard when debating issues with those who need guidance. Cheers Spud, Rob, Chris, Marion, Michelle and Elise The Slark team OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 5 Western Waffle Greetings from Perth Well things are ticking along nicely here ….as you can see by the photos we treated our first ventilated patient and are pleased to report that it all went very smoothly. We LOVE the new ventilator As we head into winter staff are heading away to Bali or the European summer for some well-deserved holidays. Our fearless leader Sue Thurston is away AGAIN back to Canada, a couple of the techs are away for 3-4 months and some of the nurses are heading to Italy….Yippee Since the last Offgassing we have exposed more staff to the main chamber deluge system which was a lot of fun and very very wet yet again. Both our registrars Kim and Ruth participated as it will be the last time for them before the next registrar rotation and Neil looked fabulous in his boardies, rashie and goggles…. Ruth attended the Introductory Course in Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine at Prince of Wales Hospital Sydney earlier this year and was also the team doctor for a walking trip in Kathmandu…Fortunately she arrived back to Perth 1 week before the terrible earthquakes. This is our new outdoor setting for staff lunches …… We are very lucky to have our own outdoor space considering we are next door to the morgue and correctional services……also have own fabulous cleaning service too… There has been a lot of press about Serco running things over here at FSH especially the CSSD facility. The press has not been too favourable regarding the quality of goods returned and that includes our hoods and neck rings…..photo of proof As mentioned, since the new year the team at FSH HMU have successfully completed our first ventilated patient, Dr Fiona Sharp and CN Kris Hollmann had the responsibility inside whilst Russ Cronin had the privilege of Console operator. Continued page 7 OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 6 We have continued to conduct Sub Suitability tests in support of the RAN Submarine Capability and on request from Constable Helen Mullins provided a dive for her WA Police Divers. Yes she couldn’t help herself and had to arrest the Director; something about handcuffs and power. This is how we communicate with our outside attendants now See you all in Melbourne ….We have another large group of party animals…I mean delegates going this year GOOD LUCK !!!!! Freo Team OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 7 Greeting from chilly Adelaide. Half the year gone already, really does fly. Unit has been busy with patient treatments. So far we are ahead of last years chamber runs and that was our busiest. A spike in Carbon Monoxide related treatments and an emergency 18:60:30 for a patient that had air bubbles in his heart following a routine biopsy meant we had more exposure than normal. Staff at the hospital actually know they have a Hyperbaric Unit which came as a big surprise to some. Training has taken up a big slice of our time this quarter. We have taken over the reigns of the Diver Medical Technician course and are busily trying to get Australian Diver Accreditation Scheme (ADAS) recognition for the course. With new regulations and people running ADAS we now have to resubmit the course but in the long run it will make for a better learning experience for the students. Chamber room view along chamber. The unit is also assisting with the production of a new DMT training handout for the students that is up to date (no more treating with Leeches). Special mention to Sally Tyler, she has been the main driving force in getting the ADAS work done and leading the way in the teaching and organisation of the DMT training. Without her nothing would have been possible especially given she only works here five days a fortnight; thanks Sally. Also a big shout out to Dr Chris Acott, who for years has been teaching the DMT course here, we have big boots to fill. Even though we had to cancel the last nurses course due to ward roster conflicts we were able to host a Nurse from the Woman’s Royal Thai Navy and she had a great time gaining her qualification as a Hyperbaric Attendant. She is looking forward to putting her training into practice back at the Navy Hospital in Sattahip, Thailand. Chamber room view in opposite direction, treatment bays The research of Dr David Wilkinson is ongoing and keeping him busy while Dr. Chien Wei Seong has started with us part time which means I have a new captive audience to tell old sea stories to. All the Doctors, nursing staff and good-looking Technical staff are doing well apart from a couple of bouts of the flu. The new chamber is coming along and it now looks close to being finished. Steve and Czes popped in the other day and took some photo’s that I am sure they will include in this issue. Looking forward to going on leave then the conference in Melbourne which is fast approaching. Regards Troy and the RAdelaide team. View from the Techs’ office, directly across the corridor into the atrium OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 8 BRIZNEYLAND We have a new CNC!!! Robyn Verghese has been acting in the role for the last little while (she says it’s been years) and has been doing a sterling job. Everyone was happy to hear that she’d thrown her hat in the ring for the full time position (when it was finally advertised) and was summarily pleased when she was successful in her application. Robyn has been working at the RBWH for the last3 years and did her hyperbaric training at the Prince of Wales Hospital in Sydney in 1829. She’s been around a while… For those who are interested our Hyperbaric Database is being redesigned in a more stable format. For those who attended the Hobart conference in 2014 you will remember that we presented it at that meeting and we had negotiated with QLD Health to offer it to all interested units in Australia / New Zealand so we are all collecting the same data. The problem we had with the original version (Microsoft Access) was that it was very slow and although it has the potential to collect most of the clinical and staff data we wanted to collect, the speed at which it worked was very frustrating. So much so we were reluctant to offer it to other units who were looking to use it because it would just exasperate the user!! It looks like the new version will be completed & rolled out in our unit in around 2 months. We may be able to offer it up for external use by late 2015 so people can ‘go live’ in 2016… Maybe… Having completed the hyperbaric nurse’s course, we are proud to have Madelaine Goakes on the team. Madelaine has a background of anaesthetic nursing, and has had the pleasure of having worked with one of our consultants in another life. We have also been enjoying having full registrar coverage, thanks Tobias and Chrishley. Pete and Dave Irwin (Operational Support Officer) went for a pleasant motorbike ride to Mt Glorius / Kilcoy / Mt Mee / Samford then home. If you haven’t been through the Mt Cootha and Deagular State Forests’ you need to make a point when in Brissy next time, the scenery is stunning. All went well until they hit the Mt Mee road after lunch and the 2 pillions felt a little ill with the sweeping bends. See Photos We’ve gone German; 3 of our staff are of the Gestunken persuasion so we seem to have a German theme to our social events, funnily enough at the German Club. We are all learning German so that we can understand the insults! We have been given financial approval for a major upgrade to our multiplace chamber to bring the systems up (and exceed) POW / WA / Townsville specs. Fink Engineering has suggested that they will need 2-3 weeks (planned for October) to complete the upgrade. We’re all looking forward to the new ‘bits’. In the interim Eric and the Team from Fink will be modifying our deluge system which has recently failed again, I’m sure Eric will be happy to talk to anyone with an interest. We’ll update you in the next off-gassing! Bob Webb has been a little off his feed lately and has recuperating at home with his wine collection, word is he is on the mend. Traveling through Brisbane ? We’d love to see you, the coffee is always on. The Brissy team. OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 9 OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 10 CORPORATE MEMBERS The HTNA gratefully acknowledges the support of the following companies. Diamond Wesley Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine Fink Engineering Platinum Sechrist Silver Gold Pacific Commercial Diving Supplies Radiometer Aspen Device Technologies Smith & Nephew National Baromedical Services Affiliate DAN SEAP OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 11 Greetings from the River City and it state of Origin time again which is time to show your true colours! Dave certainly did wearing his blues jersey to work, so we sent him to Montréal as a punishment, which should fix him! On the chamber front we are still in the planning stages of our half life refit. changed out a few years back but for some reason the air supply lines were only 1mm ID! (I think its Hagen– Poiseuille equation) Hence we had quiet a sizable delay in their response, which resulted in the Burkert not being used for initial pressurisation. After we changed these lines it also highlighted that our Burkert pressurisation potentiometer was worn in places which was producing dead spots. So we are well on our way to reducing chamber noise. We recently had a visit from Eric Fink who recommended a few changes some of which we have implemented. One of the most notable comments was the noise, not from the nurses but the chamber. So we have set to work to reduce this. One of the changes we made was to the pressurisation silencer which was one of the very early models that Eric produced. In order to maintain adequate pressurisation speed its supply pressure is 3.5 bar, which produces excess noise, Eric supplied us with one of his new split silencers which allowed us to reduce pressurisation pressure to 1.75 bar, greatly reducing noise. Our Otifex research trial is continuing and we are halfway though. This has been the most challenging for the unit, due to never-ending tympanometry measurements and interesting in-chamber routines. As usual there is also the usual recruitment problem but this seems to have been fixed due to increasing the reward figure substantially and facebook advertising. These research shifts end up going on well into the evening so Billy has opened up "Billys Bistro" quite successfully. Nothing like a good homemade curry and cupcakes to keep everyone going. Second thing we changed were our Dwyer O2 flowmeters to Ki instruments this has also greatly reduced chamber noise. The third thing we did was to increase the diameter of the air supply lines to the Burkert valves. These were Until next issue, stay safe, stay happy and Cheers from the Wesley Crew. OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 12 Greetings All. Well the winter has set in and Hobart is starting to experience some cold weather. Although still not as cold as some places as shown in the last article with some of the staff being temporary employed in the Antarctic. Dr Lizzie Elliott has continued her passion for travel and remote area medical support, Lizzie is now within the Arctic circle in Renland, Greenland supporting an expedition examining ice cores to depth of 580 meters. Lizzie reported that they have been issued “Bear spray” just in case a hungry polar bear ventures into the camp. This expedition means that Lizzie has now worked in both poles within a 6 month period –she is confirmed ‘Bi-Polar’. I (Corry) have been very fortunate and was invited to assist in the IS-mix dive trial in Holland earlier this year. The series outcome aim is to develop a dive table for the Interspiro ISMix deep diving set down to a depth of 90 meters. The diving set utilises a surface supplied gas system supplying Heliox to the diver. The diver then switches to a Nitrox mix for decompression stops 24 meters and shallower. The dives conducted during the first trial were to a depth of 81 meters for 20 minute bottom time. My task during the trial is to conduct Doppler evaluations on the divers post dive. These evaluations are first conducted 20 minutes post dive, then every 40 minutes after until the Doppler scores drop below a grade 2. Needless to say some of the evaluation sessions lasted in excess of 4 hours. Dave Eastman from Canada was the other Doppler technician involved. Fortunately the weekends offered the possibility to travel to some very nice destinations like Amsterdam, Brussels, Paris and one Canadian even ventured to Berlin for the weekend. Although the Canadians have completed the TRIMIX research in Toronto Canada, they continue to spread their expertise in Holland. The conduct of the Dutch trial is based upon the same as the DCIEM research. Fethi Bouak is one of the principle investigators from Canada involved in the data analysis and algorithm adjustment. I have had the opportunity to have a look at the Fiona Stanley Hyperbaric Facility, very impressive and a credit to Fink engineering on an excellent product. The Royal Adelaide chamber is due next year, I am looking forward to seeing the end product. I guess that leaves little old Tassie, I guess we will just wait and watch this space!!!! OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 13 David Smart has just returned for the SPUMS conference in Palau, by all reports this was an excellent location for both the conference and dive activities that surrounded it. The only reported difficulty was the elaborate travel plans required to get to and from Palau. David continues his ventures with an invitation to speak at the UHMS conference in Montreal Canada next month. We would like to congratulate David on this invitation, David is certainly a great ambassador for Australia and always works tirelessly on advancing hyperbaric and diving medicine around the world. The team is now preparing for the HTNA accredited nurse course due to be run within the unit in July this year. We have had a lot of applicants, unfortunately we can only accept six for the course. Next Offgassing we will introduce the new nurses to the HTNA community. One of our nurses Allana has decided to live on one of Tasmania’s Northern islands, Flinders Island for a while, by all reports Allanna is certainly enjoying the vast expanse of beautiful beaches and stunning countryside. Allanna does continue to return to Hobart to maintain her hyperbaric skills. Patient numbers treated for this quarter continue to rise, the unit is currently running near capacity with a waiting list. Regards Tassie Team OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 14 Team Townsville in the Tropics. Hello from beautiful North Queensland where our early morning temperatures are a chilly 23 degrees, yep it’s still tshirt and shorts weather in The Ville. Our thoughts of course, are with our Southern counterparts who are starting to feel the cold, winter is definitely coming!!!! Our Unit work load has been fair in the past few months, we have treated several divers including a CAGE, several more hearing losses and a couple of Central Retinal Artery Occlusions. One of the CRAO, a gentleman who only had one eye that was functioning, (the other being a prosthetic) had quite a good response with nearly a full resolution of vision which was extremely rewarding. Luckily we were able to get him into the chamber within 30 minutes notification from our Emergency Department. Keen Students In the past several years we have been holding education sessions for students studying Chemistry and Physics at Ryan Catholic College. It was a unit effort with Mark and Louisa (our current Registrar) giving lectures and performing wondrous experiments and then we were able to show them the effects of the gas laws at pressure. One of our experiments was a pretend tympanic membrane using a specimen jar and part of a glove, this is a great way to show the injection that happens within the membrane when the middle ear does not equalise at pressure. We showed the experiments in the chamber with some of our patients who commented that it would be a great way to teach the importance of ear equalisation when they first attended Hyperbarics. Other news: Katrina Giles (one of our casual and occasional relief staff) was our representative at the recent SPUMS conference in Palau we are eagerly awaiting her return from trekking the Kokoda trail so she can share the experiences with us. We are looking forward to catching up with new and old acquaintances at the HTNA conference this year, Pedro John Orton, John H, Derelle, Annie and Chris B will be attending at this point, and remember stay away from the strawberries and what happens at conference does not necessarily stay at conference. Cheers from the Tropical North Team. Another Palau shot from Dr Smart. Giant clams don’t seem to be in as much danger there as here and featured prominently on the hotel menu. Giant Clam Sashimi Yum... OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 15 Articles for the Next Offgassing All Contributions Gratefully Received On or before 15th September 2015 OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 16 23rd ANNUAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING OF DIVING AND HYPERBARIC MEDICINE 26TH – 29TH August 2015 NOVOTEL ST KILDA MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA “ITS GOING TO BE INTENSIVE” Only 6 weeks to go before the conference. The team at the Alfred are very excited to be hosting this year conference. Natt McGregor has been doing an outstanding job to ensure you all enjoy not only a great conference with outstanding international and local speakers but also get to enjoy the delights that Melbourne has to offer. The department has continued to be busy since February with a steady stream on ICU cases including a 7 year old from the Royal Children’s, our first ventilated paediatric case for 2015. We have also had a steady run of divers in the unit. We have our regular group of submariner trainees from HMAS Cerberus attending for test pressurisations and we have only broken one so far. Peter and Andrew completed their ADAS Part 3 in Sydney in early May. They are now back in the unit clocking up panel time. We look forward to seeing you all soon (don’t forget the winter woollies, it’s getting cold) The Alfred Crew PS. It’s not to late to submit an abstract we still have a few free paper spots available, email: htna2015@alfred.org.au OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 17 Sechrist Industry Sechrist Industries have been a global leader in developing hyperbaric technology and are widely recognised for the quality and reliability of their products and support services, their Monoplace chambers feature; Significantly reduced capital and operating costs Greater portability Relative ease of operation Sechrist Industries Australian Agent: Fink Engineering 14 PREMIER CIRCUIT, WARANA, QLD 4575, AUSTRALIA Phone: 07 5438 4900, Fax: 07 5438 4901 E-mail: fink@fink.com.au Link: CORPORATE SPONSOR www.sechristusa.com OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association June 2015– Page 18 SPUMS 45th ASM 2016 May 15-21, 2016 Intercontinental Fiji Golf Resort and Spa Natadoola Coast Fiji E-mail: janine.gregson@spums.org.au HTNA 23rd Annual Scientific Meeting on Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine August 27-29, 2015 Novotel St Kilda Victoria E-mail: D.Cananzi@alfred.org.au UHMS 48th Annual Scientific Meeting June 4-6, 2015 Hilton Bonaventure Montreal Canada Email: lisa@uhms.org From the Editor Welcome to the end of another Edition, sorry it’s taken so long to get this one finished, unfortunately it was out of my hands, unless you wanted a very thin edition with even fewer than the 20 pages we ended up with. Many thanks to those who get their contributions in on, or even ahead of, schedule. If everyone was like you this would have been out 5 weeks ago. Since the last edition I’ve been to Palau for the SPUMS ASM, it was a dirty job but somebody had to do it. Once again a very informative program with some excellent presentations. The quality of the scientific program for the SPUMS ASM is steadily improving and this is reflected in the steadily increasing number of delegates. Despite the difficulties in getting to Palau (it takes a seriously long time to get there!) registrations had to close as there was no more room in the conference room. Next year SPUMS is returning to Fiji, much easier to get to and quite likely a little less expensive, theme to be announced but keep an eye out for it. I’d like to say thanks to the President for his time at the helm, I also started with chambers in 1974, first chamber dive was to 54msw, boy was that fun! I’ll be hanging around a little while longer, but be aware, you will need a new editor at some stage. Start thinking about volunteering. That’s it until next time. Steve Goble: Editor. PACIFIC COMMERCIAL DIVING SUPPLY PTY LTD CORPORATE SPONSOR Sydney Head Office PO Box 643 Caringbah, NSW 1495 Ph: 02 9524 0466 Fax: 02 9524 0483 Email: info@pcds.com.au Amron Scott BIBS Advanced Sensor Technologies Analox Gas Analysers Aquabeam Lighting Tescom Regulators Stanley Viewports O.T.S. Communications Canty Lighting 3D Gauges Norgren Filters and Silencers OFFGASSING – Journal of the Hyperbaric Technicians and Nurses Association Perth Office PO Box 1006 Willagee Central, WA 6156 Ph: 08 9337 6367 Fax: 08 9337 6360 Email: infowa@pcds.com.au June 2015– Page 19 Hyperbarichealth Wound Centre, Berwick 3 Gibb Street Berwick VIC 3806 Director Manager Technician Fax - Dr. Martin Hodgson Liz Hanna Nick Goldworthy (03) 9707 1420 (03) 9707 1420 (03) 9707 1420 (03) 9707 1860 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Broome District Hospital Hyperbaric Medicine Unit PO Box 624, Broome WA 6725 Hyperbaric Co-ordinator Miranda Dibdin Technician Mik Burton Fax Mobile - (08) 9194 2274 (08) 9194 2222 (08) 9194 2267 0419 944 521 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Christchurch Hyperbaric Medicine Unit Private Bag 4710 Christchurch, New Zealand Director Charge Nurse Technician Fax - Dr. Steve Berrill Yvonne Denny Warren Harper, Trevor Carson +64 (3) 3640 045 +64 (3) 3640 045 +64 (3) 3640 035 +64 (3) 3640 187 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. Fiona Stanley Hospital Hyperbaric Medicine Unit 102-118 Murdoch Drive Murdoch WA 6150 Director Reception Charge Nurse Technicians Chamber Fax Dr. Neil Banham Sue Nicoll Sue Thurston Russ Cronin, Sid Banevicius, Michael Oaklands (08) 6152 5233 (08) 6152 5222 (08) 6152 5232 (08) 6152 5238 (08) 6152 5227 (08) 6152 4943 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HMAS Penguin Submarine & Underwater Medicine Unit Middle Head Rd., Mosman, NSW 2088 O.I.C. Reception Chamber Fax LCDR Chloe Ryan (02) 9647 5333 (02) 9647 5572 (02) 9647 5483 (02) 9960 4435 Greg Bray …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… HMAS Stirling Submarine Escape Training Facility Garden Island Naval Base, WA 6168 O.I.C LCDR Megan Baker (08) 9553 2484 (08) 9553 5166 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital. Hyperbaric Medicine Unit Butterfield Street Herston Qld 4029 DirectorReception Charge Nurse TechniciansChamber Fax Dr. Ken Thistlethwaite Kerri Howie Jo James Dave King, Peter Atkinson (07) 3636 4614 (07) 3636 0241 (07) 3636 4602 (07) 3636 4616 (07) 3636 0242 (07) 3636 0747 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….…………………………….. Hyperbaric Health PNG PO Box 7112 Boroko, NCD Papua New Guinea Manager DoctorFax - John Miller Dr Athie Chelvanathan +675 325 6633 +675 325 6633 +675 325 4777 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Hyperbaric Health NZ Ground Floor, Quay Park Health 68 Beach Road Auckland Central New Zealand Medical Director Practise Manager Head Nurse Head TechnicianFax - Dr. Andrew Tyson Danielle Bristowe Anna Crisp Johan Olivier +64 (9) 919 2343 +64 (9) 919 2340 +64 (9) 919 2348 +64 (9) 919 2347 +64 (9) 919 2341 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Prince of Wales Hospital Dept. of Diving and Hyperbaric Medicine Barker Street Randwick, NSW 2031 Director Charge Nurse Technicians Reception Fax Dr. Robert Turner Hayley Perfect Mark Orkney, Justin Callard Gabrielle Janik (02) 9382 3890 (02) 9382 3888 (02) 9382 3886 (02) 9382 3880 (02) 9382 3882 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Royal Adelaide Hospital Hyperbaric Medicine Unit North Terrace Adelaide, SA 5000 Director Secretary Charge Nurse Technicians Chamber Fax Dr. David Wilkinson Lorna Mirabelli Czes Mucha Steve Goble, Troy Pudney, Lee Dunn (08) 8222 5117 (08) 8222 5116 (08) 8222 5121 (08) 8222 5514 (08) 8222 5771 (08) 8232 4207 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Royal Darwin Hospital Hyperbaric Medicine Unit PO Box 41326 Casuarina, NT 0810 Director Charge Nurse Technician Fax Dr. Brian Spain Toni Scheide (08) 8922 8888 (08) 8922 8563 (08) 8922 8230 (08) 8922 8172 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Royal Hobart Hospital Hyperbaric and Diving Medicine Unit PO Box 1061L Hobart, Tas 7001 Director Technicians Charge Nurse Fax - Dr. David Smart, Dr David Cooper Corry Van Den Broek, Karl Price Carol Baines (03) 6222 8193 (03) 6222 8322 (03) 6222 8322 (03) 6222 8322 ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… Slark Hyperbaric Unit Waitemata District Health Board PO Box 32051 Devonport Auckland, New Zealand Director Charge Nurse Technician Chamber Fax - Dr Chris Sames Marion Francome Basil (Spud) Murphy, Robert Schmidt +64 (9) 487 2214 +64 (9) 487 2212 +64 (9) 487 2213 +64 (9) 487 2211 +64 (9) 445 7016 The Alfred Hospital Hyperbaric Service Commercial Rd. Prahran, Vic 3181 Director Dr Andrew Fock NUM Amanda Burvill Reception Elmarie Celestrial Technicians Lester Smith, Peter Monostory Engineers Theo Tsouras, Andrew Smale Hyperbaric Educator Jason Watterson Fax (03) 9076 2269 (03) 9076 2267 (03) 9076 2269 (03) 9076 2323 (03) 9076 2323 (03) 9076 2323 (03) 9076 3052 Director Technicians Charge Nurse Reception Fax Dr. John Orton Peter Bisaro, John Hardman Derelle Young Colleen Walters (07) 4433 2095 (07) 4433 2082 (07) 4433 2094 (07) 4433 2080 (07) 4433 2081 Hyperbarichealth Wound Centre, Brunswick Brunswick Private Hospital 82 Moreland Rd. Brunswick Vic 3056 Director DON/Technician Charge Nurse Reception: Fax - Dr. Martin Hodgson Nick Murphy Liz Dyson Janine Moule, Nannette Aitkin Wesley Centre for Hyperbaric Medicine Suite 53, Sandford Jackson Bldg. 30 Chasely St Auchenflower, Qld 4066 Director Charge Nurse Technicians Fax - Dr Andrew Ng Sharon Peut Dave Saxton …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….………………………… The Townsville Hospital Hyperbaric Medicine Unit PO Box 670 Townsville, Qld 4810 …………………………………………………………………………………… ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (03) 9383 6505 (03) 9383 6505 (03) 9383 6505 (03) 9383 6505 (03) 8587 2489 …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… (07) 3371 6033 (07) 3371 6033 (07) 3371 6033 (07) 3371 1566
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