albar database of ngo activities - Afghanistan Digital Collections
albar database of ngo activities - Afghanistan Digital Collections
ALBAR Agency Coordinating Body for Afghan Relief *lb DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES (Sixth Edition) Volume I: Location - Province /District October, 1993 2 Rehman Baba Road Univ P. O. BOX 1084 University Town Peshawar N.W.F.P Pakistan Tel: (052 1) 44392, 40839, 45347 Fax: (0521) 840471 INTRODUCTION I am very pleased to be able to make available the ACBAR Database for 1993. This is the sixth year that ACBAR has compiled a report on NGO activities. This publication, which stretches to some 1200 pages in total, has taken considerable time and effort to prepare. It provides a compilation of all the activities (projects) as reported by some 240 mainly Non -Governmental Organizations (NGOs) working for Afghanistan. Whilst the majority of these agencies are Peshawar based, agency activities are also reported for those located in Islamabad, Quetta and inside Afghanistan. The information is as reported by agencies and ACBAR has no ability to confirm the information provided. However, I am confident that this publication provides as accurate a picture as possible of activities related to Afghanistan and refugees over the period to 1993. As a change from previous editions the main part of the report covers projects that are: completed, ongoing, discontinued or approved by donors. Proposed and surveyed projects, that have not as yet been approved for funding by donors, are listed in the Appendix. Refugee programmes, for the first time, are presented in their own volume. The Database is presented in four separate volumes: Volume I Location - Province /District Volume II Sector Volume III Agency Volume IV Refugees I would like to express my gratitude to the staff of agencies for providing the data. However, most of all I should thank. Mohmmad Ismail Shakir, Khalil- ur- Rehman, Zakir, Shafiq, Shenky Zahery and Sayed Mohammad, staff of the ACBAR Programme Office, for all their considerable efforts in putting this together. They have spent considerable time, including their own free time, to ensure that this publication is well presented and ready within a reasonable period. We hope that the various users, the agencies themselves, the donor community, the Afghan Government and Provincial authorities, as well as the Pakistani authorities and all others will find the data informative, useful and of significant value. Charles MacFadden Executive Director 5 September 1993. INDEX. PROVINCE DISTRICT .ÀGE. BADAKHSH Baharak 1 Darwaz Eshkashem Faizabad. 2 2 2 Jurm Keran Monjan Keshem Khwahan Ragh Shar Bozurg 3 5 - 7 Sheghnan. Wakhan. Zebak BADGHIS 7 8 8 Ghormach Jawand Kushk Kohna Morghab Qades Qala Nau 8 8 8 9 9 - BAGHLAN Anderab 9 10 Baghian Burka Dahrq Ghori Dos hi Khen jan. Khost Fring Nahrein. Puli Khumri Tala-Barfak. 11 . 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 PROVINC, BALKH 14 15 15 Balkh Char Bolak Char Kant ChemtaL Dehdadi Dowlatabad. 16 16 ' 16 16 Keshende Mazar Sharif Nahr Shahi Sholgera Shortepa BAMYAN 20 Bamyan Kahmard. Panjab Saighan. Shibar Warns Yakowlang FARAH 17 18 18 19 Anar Dara Bakwa Bala Balouk. Farah. Farsi Gulistan. Khak Safid. Lash Jaween Purchaman Qala Kah Shindand 21 21 22 22 Z_3 , 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 29 29 30 PROVINCE : 1)15TRICT HELMAND Baghran Bust Deshu Garmser Ka jaki Musa Qala ;Nad -Ali. Nahr Saraj. Nauzad. Nawae Barak. Reg Sarban Qala Washare HERAT Adreskan Chesht Sitar EnjeeL Ghoryan Gozarah. Gulran Herat Karokh Kohsan Kushk Obey Pashtun Zar Zenda jan: JAWZJAN Aqcha Balkhab Faizabad .............. Khamyab Khanaqah Kohistanat Mardyan Menga jek. Qargin. Sang Charak. Sari PuL Sheberghan. 57 57 58 58 59 60 60 61 62 62 63 63 63 - 63 64 65 66 66 68 - 58 68 68 68 69 69 69 70 70 70 70 70 70 71 PROVINCE DISTRICT KABUL Bagrami Charasyab Chardehi Deh Sabz Istalef Kabul Kalakan. Khake Jabar Mir Bachakot Paghman. Qara Bagh Sarobi Shakar Dara KANDAHAR Arghandab Arghistan. Daman. Dand. Ghorak. Kandahar Khakraiz Maruf Maywand. Nesh. Panjwai Reg Shahwali Kot Shega. Shorabak Spin Boldak KAPISA Alasay Kapisa Kohband. Kohistan. Nejrab Panjshare Panjsharel Panjshare2 71 72 73 73 73 73 75 75 75 76 77 77 78 79 80 80 81 83 83 84 84 85 86 86 88 89 89 90 91 91 92 93 94 95 96 PROVINCE:: DISTRICT KUNAR KUNDUZ Bar Kunar Barg Matal Chaghasarai. Chapa Dara. Chawki Dongom Kamdesh. Khas Kunar Narang Naray Nour Gul Pech. Sirkanay Aliabad. Archi Char Dara Hazrat Imam. Khanabad Kunduz Qala Zal LAGHMAN Alingar Alishing Dawlatsha Mehterlam Nooristan Qarghaie LOGAR Azra Baraki. Charkh Khoshi. Mohd Agha Puli Alam PACE 98 100 100 102 103 105 106 106 108 110 111 111 115 116 117 117 118 119 122 123 123 125 127 127 1 29 130 132 133 136 138 14() 141 PROVINCE DISTRICT NANGARHA Achin Bati Kot Behsud. Chaparhar Darae Noor Deh Baia Dorbaba Goshta Hesarak. Jalalabad. Kama Khogiani Kouz Konar Lalpur Mohma.nd Dara Naziyan Pachier/Agam. Rodat Sherzad. Shinwar Surkh Rod NIMROZ Chakhansur Char Borjak Kang/Kurki Khosh Rod Zaranj. ORUZGAN Ajrestan Chorah Dai Kundi Deh Raud Gezab Kajran Oruzgan Shahristan Tirin 145 146 148 150 151 153 154 154 155 157 163 164 168 169 170 172 173 174 176 178 180 183 184 184 184 184 185 185 185 186 186 186 187 188 188 ...................... ....................... ...................... ....................... ROW. PAKTEKA IST ........................... ............................ ........... ............ ............................ 189 189 190 190 Barmal Dila Gayan Gomal Jani Khel Katawaz Mata Khel Neka Omna Sarhawza Sarobi Sharan. Sultan Khan. 191 191 192 193 193 193 193 194 195 196 201 201 201 Urgoun Wazakhwa Wol-Mamay Yusuf KheL Zelok. PAKTIA 202 Bak. Chamkani. Dand Patan. Dara Darang Gardaiz Gurbuz. Hasan KheL Jadran Jap. Ja ji Maidan. Janí KheL Khost LajmangaL Mandozi. Musa Khel Nader Shah. Qalandar Sabari. Sayed Karam ShamaL Shawak. Sperah. Tani Trayzai. Wolma Zormat. . . 203 203 205 206 206 207 209 209 210 212 212 213 220 221 223 224 225 225 227 228 229 229 230 231 233 233 ASRICT ..... ...................... .... ... .... . . .. _... PARWAN Bagram. Charikar Ghorband. Jabul Sara} Kohe Safi Salang Shekh Ali. Shinwari Surkh Parsa 235 235 236 237 239 239 240 240 241 SAMANGAN Dara Souf Hazrat Sultan. 242 242 Kaldar Khulm Roy Doab Samangan 242 243 TAKHAR Bangi. Chah Ab ChaL Darqad. Eshkamesh Farkhar Kalafgan Khwajaghar Rustaq Taloqan Warsaj. Yangi Qala WARDAK Chak Day Mirdad Gardandewal Jaghatu Jairez. Markaz Bes Maydan Shar Nerkh Syed. Abad. 2143 244 245 245 246 246 246 248 248 249 250 253 253 254 257 257 258 262 263 264 265 266 :PROVX.,ËtiCE.' DISTRICT ZABUL Arghandab Atghar Dai Chopan Jaldak Mizan Qalat Shah Joy Sliemalzai Shinkai (PROPOSED & SURVYED ACTIVITIES) P.: 270 270 271 272 272 272 273 274 214 276 FIRST REFCoRT Sl7RTED BY TCAT I OM FUNDED ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION Begin - -End :ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Baharak Badakshan A -AID MGRIC: Fruit Trees Baharak Completed DCP 5 92 4 93 Tree trials A -AID N RIC: Research Baharak Completed DCP 5 92 4 93 Wheat variety & fertilizer trials. A -AID AGRIC: Research Baharak Ongoing DCP 5 93 4 94 Wheat variety & fertilizer trials. A -AID 4ATER: Canal Baharak Completed ODA 8 92 11 92 ARA ERIC: Fruit Trees Center ;ngoing ARCON 10 91 -- -- ARCON lDNST: Pub.Building Baharak Ongoing ARCON -- ATC !EWES: Clearance Baharak Completed UNOCHA 10 92 10 92 Destroyed 54 devices. cleared 4395 59m AVICBN BALM: Vaccination 41 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- -- -- -- 2 teams CBR TONST: Center Approved WHO -- 93 -- -- Compreheeeive health center 417 rooms). MSH RALTH: Distrot Hoop Baharak Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 2 MD / 2 nurses / 1 nurse helper / 1 admin assistant / 1 pharmacist 13 medical tech / 1 BHW / 1 lab tech (malaria) / 1 anaesthesia tech assistant / 1 lab tech assistant / 1 dental tech assistant / 1 dispenser / i X-ray tech assistant / in- patient beds / surgery / lab / dental i pharmacy X-ray & immunization. MSH WALTH: Basic Post Mirdad Ongoing AID 8 88 -- -- 2 BHWs MSH ilALTH: MCH Mirdad Ongoing AID 12 92 -- -- Pub.Building MSH MATH: Vaccination RAC AGRIr: Plant Protec PRB CONST: Pub.Building RAH CONST: Pub.Building ACBAR Baharak Rehabilitation of Dashte Earaq canal. Nurseries of 400,000 fruit trees (apple ! quince i walnut ! pear) - 20 ,ieribs, Health unit 4 vaccinators 1 MD, 2 Diploma Nurses -Women I children under 5 care. health education and Dai training programs. Ongoing AID /UN Completed UNDP City Completed DCP 7 91 it 91 Building of girls secondary school with 8 rooms - cement & other local materials. Center Ongoing ICMC 4 92 - Girl's High school (15 rooms). 7 92 -- -- 12 90 8 91 13 vaccinators (8 additional vaccinators planned to be hired). 1 Cold Chain supervisor. 2 Cold Chain technicians operate under an MD doctor supervision in Baharak district, covering about 236 villages in 10 districts in Badakshan province. Target groups: children 0 -2 years, women 5 -45 years. Application of 750 liter Peels in 12 villages. -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION Page: 1 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY - -VILLL.AGE(S) -_ -_ SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End Baharak Badakshan DESCRIPTION> Cleaning Ehair Abad canal / construction of intake & retaining wall. RAFA WATER: Canal Khair Abad Ongoing DCP 5.93 -- -- RAFA WATER: Canal -- Completed ARCON 4 92 SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Wordaj Ongoing SCA 7 90 -- -- 3 mid -level as, 1 lab tech. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Bazaar Baharak Ongoing SCA 7 90 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs AO EDUCAT: Primary ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 11 schools in Bhusdarab, Dasht Farakb. Baharak(2), Pichoch, familiei. Rehabilitation of 2 canals - total length 2 km - irrigate 300 hectares ofiand - benefit 1000 9 92 Maghiab, Patkhwab, Mahmodan. Bosht Razdiu & Dinha Razdio villages. Darwaz Badakshan MSH HEALTH: Basic Post RAFA CONST: Road Sangarleech Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- 3 BMWs Diff. villages Completed ARCON 3 92 12 92 Pedisterial road construction 124 km. Eshkashem Badakshan 2 MD. IO 92 -- -- MSH HEALTH: MCH Eshkashem Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Eshkashem Ongoing AID /UN 7 92 -- -- Women r children under 5 care: health education and Dai training program. COVERED FROM BAHARAK VSF. SEE BAHARAK LISTING FOR DETAILS. Faizabad Badakshan A-AID AGRIC: Crop Product Somdarah Completed DCP 5 92 4 93 Seed multiplication. A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product Faizabad Ongoing DCP 5 93 4 94 improved seed stock replerishment. A -AID AGRIC: Fruit Trees Argu Ongoing DCP 5 93 4 94 Tree trials A -AID CONST: Bridge Nawabad Completed ODA 10 92 l A -AID CONST: Bridge Somdarah Completed ODA 9 92 11 92 A -AID CONST: Bridge Dell Magas Completed ODA 10 92 11 92 A -AID WATER: Canal Dahgan Khana Completed ODA AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 44 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- CBR CONST: CCSC -- 92 -- -- ACBAR Road 5 93 Replacement of foot bridge. 92 Construction of vehicle bridge. Replacement of foot bridge. Rehabilitation of canal. 6 93 1 team - 2 vaccinators -- Survey of road from Keshim to Faizabad. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 2 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Badakshan ARO WATER: MSH - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Structure HEALTH: Basic Clinic MSH HEALTH: Basic Post MSH HEALTH: MCH MSH HEALTH: Vaccination MSH - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Faizabad HEALTH: Compr.Clinic MSH FUNDED -- STATUS -- HEALTH: Other Tai Nairang Paya. Deh Bala Sar Ghaia Hafiz Mughul Faizabad Faizabad Completed CIDA Ongoing AID Ongoing AID --.89 -- 90 Reconstruction of diversion dam. 1 91 -- -- 1 MD, 8 89 -- -- AID 11 88 -- -- 5 BHWs Ongoing AID 10 92 -- -- 2 MD. Ongoing AID /UN AID 1 MED. TECH.. 4 MED. TECH, Ongoing Ongoing DESCRIPTION> i LAB. TSCH. ASST. 1 NURSE. 4 ROOMS. 5 BEDS 1 LAB. TECH. ASST. 3 ROOMS Women /children under 5 care: health education and Dai training program. 7 92 -- -- COVERED FROM BAHARAK VSF. 9 90 -- -- Regional Health Administration (RHA) SEE BAHARAA LISTING FOR DETAILS. administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and monitoring and supervision of BHWs and health facilities. NAC CONST: NAC EDUCAT: Other NAC WATER: PRB CORSI: PRB PRB SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA UNO CONST: CONST: Canal Pub.Buïlding Pub.Building Pub.Building EDUCAT: Primary EDUCAT: Primary HEALTH: Basic Clinic HEALTH: Basic Clinic HEALTH: Basic Clinic Faizabad Faizabad Darayem Argu Sang More Gazan Rabat Yaftal Shahri Jadeed Yaftal Uìya Shahr Wandat (Argu EDUCAT: Primary Badakshan A -AID Pub.Building AGRIC: Ongoing NAC 5 93 7 93 Repairing of primary school. Completed NAC 12 92 5 93 School desks & chair manufacturing. Completed NAC 11'91.10 92 Completed DCP 7 91 12 92 Ongoing ARCON I0 92 9 93 BHC (14 rooms) material - brick / steel bar & concrete. Ongoing UNDP /WFP 10 92 8 93 BBC clinic 6 rooms / 2 bath rooms - stone i steel bar & cement. Ongoing SCA Ongoing Rehabilitation of it km canal - irrigate 2,000 jeribs & benefit 500 families. Boys primary school with 6 rooms / 2 administration rooms / material - atone / cement & wood beam. 8 86 -- -- 10 schools / 52 teachers SCA B 86 -- -- 6 schools Ongoing SCA 2 87 -- -- 4 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse Ongoing SCA Ongoing SCA IO 92 -- -- Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- i 1.155 students 42 teachers / 1,115 students 9 mid -level HWs. 1 lab tech.. 1 dental tech. 5 mid -level HWs. 9 schools in Deh .M.ulayan, Munji, Pamachian, Hafiz Mughal, Anardara, Toryab Mughul, Daydai, Shamgarchi & Kazaq. Jurm Crop Product Jurm Ongoing DCP 5 93 4 94 Redistribution via markets of improved seed. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION r Page: 3 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Badakshan - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jurm A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product Jurm Completed DCP 5.92 4 93 Seed multiplication. A -AID AGRIC: Fruit Trees Jurm Completed DC? 5 92 4 93 Tree trials A -AID AGRIC: Research Jurm Completed DCP 5 92 4 93 Wheat variety & fertilizer trials. A -AID CONST: Bridge Hesarak Ongoing ODA 5 93 7 93 Replacement of foot bridge. A -AID CONST: Bridge Ali Mughul Completed ODA A -AID CONST: Bridge Hamdarreh Ongoing ODA A -AID CONST: Bridge Pari Khana Completed ODA A -AID CONST: Bridge Ehostak Ongoing ODA 5 93 A -AID WATER: Canal Ehostak Completed ODA 7 92 11 92 ATC MINES: Clearance Jurm Completed UNOCHA 11 92 12 92 Destroyed 1903 devices, cleared 37672 Sqm / village. AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 36 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators AVICEN HEALTH: Other Jurm Ongoing UNICEF -- 1 VSF / 1 CC technician & i supervisor MSH HEALTH: Coapr.Clinic Jurm Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 1 MD, 1 NURSE, 2 MED, TECH., 1 LAB. TECH. ASST. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Deh Parah Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 1 BHW MSH HEALTH: MCH Jurm Ongoing AID 7 91 -- -- 1 MD, 2 Med. Tech., 3 Rooms; women / children under 5 care; MSH HEALTH: MCH Shahran Kash Ongoing AID 1 93 -- -- 1 MD. 2 Nurses -Women I children under 5 care; MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Jurm Ongoing AID /UN 7 92 -- -- COVERED FEOM BAHARAK VSF. NAC AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed UNDP MAC CONST: Pub.Building Jura Ongoing NAC CONST: Pub.Building Center PRB CONST: Pub.Building PRB WATER: Canal 1ACBAR . 10 92 11 92 5 93 Repairing of bridge (vehicle 7 93 Construction of vahicle bridge. 10 92 11 92 Repairing of bridge (vehicle). 7 93 Replacement of vehicle bridge. Rehabilitation of canal. LABORATORYi health education and Dai training programs. :,earth education and Dai training program. SEE aA AF4E LISTING FOR DETAILS. 12 90 9 91 Application of 2.825 liter Decis in 20 villages. NAC 5 93 7 93 Repairing of high school & construction of latrines. Completed NAC B 91 2 92 Minor repair of a building with 2 rooms. City Completed DCP 7 91 11 91 Building of girls secondary school with 9 rooms - cement A other local materials. Sajad Completed DCP 7 91 Rehabilitation of 12 km Sajad canal & reconstruction of its intake - irrigate 700 hectares. 9 91 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 4 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR WATER: RAFA WATER: RAFA WATER: RAFA WATER: RAFA SCA SCA MSH MSH MSH CBR CBR Nawa Pub.Building Eeran Anjoman HEALTH: Basic post Iskazar HEALTH: Vaccination DCP 5 93 -- -- Cleaning Sultan canal & const :action of intake. Ongoing DCP 5 93 -- -- Cleaning of Nawa canal & construction of intake. SCA 0 92 -- 92 3 crops variety testing trials Ongoing. Ongoing Ongoing 9 92 Rehabilitation of 2 canals - total length 2.5 km - irrigate 400 hectares of land Cleaning of Tajikan canal & ccnstruction of intake. of wheat, barleay & triticale. SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provi ',n.of 0.14 MT agrochemicals. SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0. 27 MT agrochemicals. SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 80 villages. CCA 3 91 -- -- 8 schools 145 teacheres ; 975 students SCa 7 90 -- -- 1 mid -level HW, 8 90 -- -- 8 schools in Khushk, Hazrat Sahed, AID - benefit 1000 families. 1 lab tech., i pharmacist Farghana, Reranomanjan, Anjuman, Jurm(2) & zarnowz villages. Keranomonjan Approved EG /UNICF . WHO -- 93 -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators -- 93 -- -- Basic health center concrete 1 doctor assistant - 3 rooms. Ongoing AID B 90 -- -- Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- 2 BHWe Ongoing AID/UN 7 92 -- -- COVERED FROM BAHARAE VSF. 4 rooms). SEE BAHAR.S LISTING FOR DETAILS. KeaheIn HEALTH: Vaccination CONST: te 100 hectares of land - benefits 120 fami'i,s. Ongoing Approved HEALTH: Basic Clinic CONST: DESCRIPTION> Reran Manjan HEALTH: Vaccination CONST: Re^Rbilitaton cf 12 km canal - irr 4 93 -- -- Ongoing -- 91 DC? Ongoing Complete? Center : 4 92 Ongoing Jure 12 69 ARCCON Complu ed EDUCAT: Primary Bar.iakehan AVICEN Moghulan Other Badakshan CBR Tajikan HEALTH: Basic Clinic UNO AVICEN Canal EDUCAT: Primary SCA Begin- -End ..DF. Completed Plant Protec AGRIC: SCA Canal Plant Prate^ AGRIC: SCA Completed Research AGRIC: SCA Canal Canal AGRIC: DURATION - --BY -- Jurm Canal WATER: FUNDED -- STATUS -- <ACTIVITY Badakshan RAFA - - --41 LLAGE(S) - - -- Pub.Building Pub.Buiïding 89 villages Mash -Had City Ongoing ECÍU NICE - Discontin ARGON -- 92 -- -- WHO -- 91 -- -- Discontin -- -- -- 2 teams - 3 vaccinators 1 concrete middle school for 600 students. Comprehensive health center. IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION Page: 5 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Badakshan --STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION < ACTIVITY - --BY -- DESCRIPTION> Begin- -End Keshem Deh Saydan Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic HEALTH: Basic Post Keshem Ongoing AID 11 88 -- -- MSH MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Keshem Ongoing AID /UN NAC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Kumbuk Ongoing NAC MAC AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed UNDP MAC CONST: Pub.Building Hazrat Completed MAC CONST: Pub.Building Bawe NAC CONST: Pub.Building NAC CONST: MAC 4 MED. TECH.1 16 BHWs 7 92 -- -- COVERED FROM BAHARAK VSF. SEE BAHARAK LISTING FOR DETAILS. 1 93 12 93 Fruit tree & forest tree nursery. 12 90 9 91 Application of 3.575 liter Decis in 40 villages. NAC 9 92 6 93 Repairing of secondary school & construction Ongoing NAC 5 93 7 93 Repairing of primary school. Jarahababr Ongoing NAC 9 92 7 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). Kumbuk Ongoing SCA 6 93 9 93 Reconstruction of primary school (8 rooms). Pub.Building Pub.Building -- Completed NAC 9 91 5 92 materials. 3 buildings each with 8 rooms in Yawarzan. Sangab & Teshman - cement + local CONST: Pub.Building Yawarzan Ongoing NAC 9 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). CONST: 7 93 NAC CONST: Pub.Building Darayem Ongoing NAC 10 92 7 93 Construction of primary schooi(8 rooms). NAC Pub.Building Kau Ongoing SCA 9 93 Reconstruction of secondary school (8 rooms). CONST: 6 93 NAC Mash -Had Ongoing MAC 6 93 Repairing of primary girls school. CONST: Pub.Building 7 93 MAC Namazgah Ongoing NAC 9 92 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). CONST: Pub.Building 7 93 NAC EDUCAT: Other Yawarzan Completed NAC 12 91 -- -- NAC -- Completed NAC 11 91 latrines. Provision of 200 chairs 1 60 blackboards to a school. 3 canal in Keshem (7km ! irrigates 1.500 Jeribs), Para Jim (10.3 km 8 92 NAC WATER. Canal Farmangholi Ongoing NAC Reconstruction of Tarnabs. Structure 8 93 WATER: 6 93 NAC Ongoing NAC Superpassage & Tarnab. Structure Rabat 7 93 WATER: 5 93 NAC Ongoing NAC Reconstruction of intake. Structure Dashtak 8 93 WATER: 7 93 NAC SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing RBS 1 93 -- -- RBS , irrigates 300 v'eribs) & Rubat Khumbak (2.7km ï irrigates 300 Jeribs) Training of social animators. 6TH EDITION ! DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES A C B A R Page: 6 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Badakshan SCA 3rA SCA 3CA SCA Plant Protec AGRIC: AGRIC: SCA SCA ;NO Provision of 0.25 MT agrochemicals. Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provison of 0.15 MT agrochemical!". Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 116 villages. Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agrielture survey on 80 villages. Ongoing SCA IO 85 -- -- MSH MSH A-AID 25 schools 161 teachers . 3.950 students SCA -- 92 -- -- Mash -Had Ongoing SCA 1 90 -- -- 1 MD / 8 mid -level HWs i i Dental Tech. í 1 Lab Tech. 13 FA Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 19 schools in 18 different villages. Ragh Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. Do Damn Ongoing AID 7 90 -- -- 3 BHWs Completed ARCON 4 92 Rehabilitation of 1 canal total length 2 km - irrigates 300 hectares of land - benefits 1000 families. Ragh Ongoing SCA 9 87 -- -- Center of Yawan ongoing SCA -- Ongoing AID 6 3" -- -- Shahre Bozurg Ongoing AI. r 11 88 -- -- HEALTH: Buie Poet Wandiyan Ongoing AID l' HEALTH: Vaccination Shahre Bozurg Ongoing AID/UN HEALTH: Compr.Clinic EDUCAT: Primary HEALTH: Basic Post WATER: Canal EDUCAT: Primary HEALTH: Basic Clinic EDUCAT: P A.m p AGRIC: ACLU, R 9 92 1 NURSE HELPERI 4 schools 120 teachers 1 540 students 4 mid -level HWe. y 2 schools in Ch akra n k Maiden villages. Shar Bozurg HEALTH: Basic Clinic AGRIC: 5 schools / 29 teachers 1 725 students Ragh HEALTH: Basic Clinic Badakshan A -AID Eeehem Ongoing Badakshan MSH -- 0 92 -- 92 Badakshan RAFA DESCRIPTION> Darayem UNO MSH <:ACTIVITY SCA EDUCAT: Primary SCA MSH Begin - -End Completed EDUCAT: Primary SCA DURATION - --BY -- Keshem AGRIC: AGRIC: FUNDED -- STATUS -- 2 MED. TECH., 3 BHW 89 -- -- 7 22 -- -- 6 ROOMS, IMMUNIZATION 1 BHW COVERED FROM BAHAR AK V Sr . 3EE BAH ARAE LISTING FOR DETAILS. AILS. Sheghnan Crop Product Sheghnan Ongoing DCP 5 93 4 94 Vegetable diversification / improvement. Fruit Trees Sheghnan Ongoing DCP 5 93 4 94 Tree nurseries DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 1 Page: 7 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Badakshan -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -, DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin -- End DESCRIPTION> Sheghnan A -AID CONST: Road Shewa /Sheghnan Ongoing ODA B 92 -- -- Construcation of rural road between Shewa -Sheghnan. A -AID CONST: Road Hamdarreh Ongoing ODA 7 93 12 93 Construction of rural road between Shewa - Sheghnan. A -AID WATER: Canal Weir Ongoing ODA 6 93 A -AID WATER: Canai Wei: Completed ODA 10 92 11 92 KSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Bashar Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 2 MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Sheghnan Ongoing AID /UN 7 92 -- -- COVERED FROM BAHARAK VSF. SEE BAHARAK LISTING FOR DETAILS. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Sheghnan Ongoing SCA Wakhan Ongoing AID/UN 7 92 -- -- 5 91 9 91 Reconstruction of Garam Cheshma- Dozakh Dara road (78,4 km) with machinery. 10 90 9 92 Destroyed 14350 devices, cleared 453368 Som road / hill side. -- 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of canal. Rehabilitation of Weir canal. D. 2 NURSES, 1 LAB. TECH. ASST. LABORATORY, IMMUNIZATION 7 schools i 43 teachers ! 1.050 students Wakhan Badakshan MSH 7 93 HEALTH: Vaccination Badakshan COVERED FROM BAHARAK VSF. SEE BAHARAK LISTING FOR DETAILS. Zebak ACLU CONST: Road Guam Cheshna Completed AID ATC MINES: Clearance Tope Ehana Completed UNOCHA MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Zebak Ongoing AID /UN 7 92 -- -- COVERED FROM BAHARAK VSF. SEE BAHARAK LISTING FOR DETAILS. OMAR MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA 6 92 12 92 Safety lessons - 5412 people participated. PRB CONST: Pub.Building Ongoing UNDP /WFP Gh6rmach Ongoing AID 4 90 -- 2 BHWe Badghis MSH 10 92 8 93 Boys primary school with 6 rooms ! 2 administration rooms ! material - stone / cement A wood beam. Ghormach HEALTH: Basic Post Badghis Gazan Jawand MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Jawand Ongoing AID 3 90 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. 1 NURSE. MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Do Aabl Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 2 BHWs Ongoing AID Badghis IMC Kushk Kohna HEALTH: Basic Clinic ACHAR Buza Ehorak 3 mid -level HWs - OPD. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 8 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION AGliVal AGENCY SECTOR MSH HEALTH: Basic ?oat Badghie MSH Badghia HEALTH: Basic Post MSH - --BY -- DURATIvii Begin -find <ACTIVITY Ongoing AID 7 90 -- -- Panerak Ongoing AID 12 66 -- -- Qadea Ongoing AID 5 90 -- -- 3 mid -level HWsí 1 lab tech - OPD ! lab. Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 6 BHWa Ongoing AID 9 90 -- -- Regional Health Administrtion (RHA) DESCRIPTION> 2 BHWs 1 BHW Qade HEALTH: Compr.Clinic MSH Zznda Hashm ¿,A1AL -- STATUS -- Morghab HEALTH: Basic Post IMC - - -- VILLAGE(S) - --- HEALTH: Other Gunbad Ulta Deh Beranj administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and monitoring and supervision of the BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Baghlan ARA AGRIC: ARA ARA ARA MSH MSH MSH RAFA SCA SCA SCA SCA AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: Crop Product Crop Product Fruit Trees Fruit Trees HEALTH: Basic Post HEALTH: Vaccination., AGRIC: AGRIC: AID 6 88 -- -- Completed ARA 5 92 12 92 4 schools in Gunbad, Langar, Nizab & Langar Sharif villages. Anderab HEALTH: Distrot Hosp CONST: Ongoing Lain Lain Arzingan Bosh Dare Deh Salah Qazah Anderab Road Plant Protec Other HEALTH: Basic Clinic HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shahshan Deh Salah Ongoing ARA Ongoing *Donors Ongoing ARCON - -- 93 -- 93 Distribution of i MT of 44 tested varieties of beans. 9 91 -- -- Nurseries Of 300,000 fruit trees (Pear / apple / peach / apricot / walnut / plums) - 17.5 jeribs. 10 91 -- -- Ongoing AID 6 90 -- -- Ongoing AID 6 66 -- -- Ongoing AID /UN Multiplication of 52 varieties of beans. Nurseries of 250,000 fruit trees (mulberry) - 14 jeribs. 1 MD i 6 medical tech í 1 doctor assistant I 1 admin 1 anaesthesia tech assistant / 1 nurse / 1 nurse helper 1 2 BHWs ! 1 lab tech assistant - 3 rooms r in- patient bed / surgery & immunization. 15 BHWs 10 89 -- -- COVERED BY TALO AN VSF. SEE !ANON LISTING FOR DETAILS. Ongoing ARCON 4 92 -- -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.075 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Ongoing SCA 1 85 - 1 mid -level HW ! 1 Nurse Ongoing, SCA Repair of Andarab -Nahreen road 50 km by hand tools & benefits 90,000 people. -- 6 mid -level HWs 1ACBAR DATABASE OF NCO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 1 Page: 9 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ¡MUITf SECTOR AGENCY UNO - - -- VILLAGE (S) - - -- EDUCAT: Primary -- STATUS -- 'L tiau - --BY -- DURATi &fir <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Ongoing AIi 3 87 -- -- -- 33 -- -- DESCRIPTION> 4 schools in Shahshan, Qesan, New Bahar & Guìmir Ghazi villages. Baghian Baghian Rehabilitation of ?,m foot road(FFW - 35 MT). AACRP CONST: Road Kohna Qala Approved WFP AACRP WATER: Canal Shahr Jadeed Completed WFP 5 93 7 93 Rehabilitation of 8 Em sub -canal. AACRP WATER: Canai 3hahr Jadeed Completed WFP 5 93 6 93 Rehabilitation of 15 Km canal (FFW - 25 MT). BRC AGRIC: Crop Product Center Comp'e*P^ 'IDA -- 89 -- 90 Industrial Baghian potato production project. BRC AGRIC: Crop Product Center Completed CIDA -- 90 -- 91 Baghlan potato production project. BRC CONST: Road Bysagal Completed CIDA -- 91 -- 92 Bysagal road repairing project. BRC CONST: Road Center Completed CIDA -- 91 -- 92 Industrial Baghian road repairing k culvert reconstruction project. GAA RELIEF :Food Items Ongoing GAA -- 93 -- -- See GAA -R2 project in Kabul for details. HT MINES: Entire Province Ongoing EC /ODA -- 89 -- 94 Deminingiincìuding mine field survey and nine awareness) in all districts. MSH HEALTH: Basi.- Post Tahir Ongoing AID 11 89 -- -- 1 BHW MSH HEALTH: MCH Sarak Awal Ongoing AID 1 93 -- -- 2 MD, MPO SOCIAL :Other Baghian Ongoing NRC /NCA OXFAM AGRIC: Crop ?rcduct Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 PRB AGRIC: Vet Industrial Baghian Completed UNDP 12 91 6 93 VFU with 1 asstt. DVM, 2 parave': & 1 guard providing veterinary scrvices to the whole district. PRA AGRIC: 'let Industrial Baghlan Completed UNDP 11 91 6 92 1 DVM / SCA AGRIC: Crop Pr;dL t Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 4.1 MT wheat seed & 4.1 MT DAP to 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Crcp Pr,:au,. Ongoing o SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 0.56 MT rice seed. SCA AGRIC: Researc. Completed SCA 0 32 -- 92 10 crops variety tes tin g trials of w he at, barley any triticale. SCA AGRIC: Researc' Ongoing SCA 00 SCA AGRIC: Plant Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 1 A C B A R Clearance .tec -- 15 Women / children under 5 care; health education and Dai training programs. Survey to be started for schools k running cost SCA. Distribution of 7.5 MT Urea. . par:aveta. 13 crops variety testing trials of wheat. 6 of chickpea & 1 dry bean. 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.415 MT agrochemicals. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH RDiTION 4 Page: 10 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Baghlan - --- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin -- End <ACTIVITY Biaghlan SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA DUCAT: Primary UNO JN DUCAT: E. P riaiary VITA 1HST: Road ET!' WATER: Structlre -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.295 MT ag%chemicale. Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 79 viiiag.s. Other Ongoing SCA 0 97 -- 33 Agricultu:e survey rr. 80 villages. Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- 15 Schools I 92 teachers I 2.450 etlients o AID , . 8 14 schools Jh V1J ;.n in ,ii +f rp nt Baghlan Discontin AID - -- Â.,waja Khan Ongoing :. :D 5 92 -- -- Baghlan 8 8-- -- -- - vi o ..ïaq,,,,. Rehabilitation of 25 km road from Baghlan to Kot Sdo °.. gene :it 9.000 families. Construction of 180 m ilumefconerete lc stone), benefit 8.5 71 families. Burka Bagh l ar_ CllR CONST: Pab,Bizilding Bll.rke Discontin WHO -- 91 -- -- Basic health center (4 rooms). MSF HEALTH: Basic Clinic Buzka Ongcing AID 10 88 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. MSH HEATH: Basic 'net Saye Hasar'h Ongoing A :D 7 88 -- -- MSH 1ALTi: Vaccination Burka V 1.. Ongoing AID UN SCA AGRIC:. Plant Protec Ongi ing SCA i 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agroahemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plans Protec Completed ,CA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.25 MT sgrochemicals. SCA AGdTC: Other Ong,107 SCA 0 -- 93 bgriculturA suf'r°; 04 40 rl:Ja9e,. UNO EDOCATT Primary AID 6 -- 4 Dahna Baghlan !VICEN MSH DRB HEALm i; Ja; Aghel Ongoing AID Dahna uncrl Completed UNDP 9 92 .::hlawan Trish. Todc 1'.Iash A Sharshar. Walian Ongoing AID 5 88 -- -- -- -- -- . .JA. I - z -- 1 6 93 team - 2 vac::ins..t rs D. i icc o . aeLis tant, 2 medical tech., . lab tech assistant - 2 rooms, 1 bed 4 laboratory. VFU with ï DIM. 2 paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. Dushi HEALTH: Compr.tlinic A C B A R q :'oois in Me:iias Griot i EC UNICF Vet COVERED BY TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. - Ongoing C ompt.C.iaic 1 ROOM 3 ?HWs 10 N -- -- 26 villages BaghlRn 'MC . HEALTH: Vaccination PGRIt.: DESCRIPTION> 3 mid -level HWs , 1 lab to -h, DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - OPD , lab. 6TH EDITION 1 Page: 11 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Baghian - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End <. ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Dashi SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA 0'93 -- 93' Provision of 0.19 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other -- Completed SCA 0 22 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 83 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 49 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Yakhak Ongoing SCA -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 3 87 -- -- 2 schools in Tala & Barfak villages. Baghian 4 mid -level HWs. Khenjan SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Khoet Fring Baghian CBR CONST: Road Bangi Completed AID DCA AGRIC: ,let Char Qaria Ongoing UNDP 4 92 -- -- 1 paravet. MSH HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Ehost -Fring Ongoing AID 1 88 -- -- 1 MD -- 91 S 92 25 Km road from Kunduz Highway to Bangi center. 2 MED TECH , i DENTAL TECH ASST / 2 BHW / 1 MALARIA LAB TECH / 1 LAB TECH ASST / 2 X -RAY TECH ASST / 1 ADMIN i 30 ROOMS / 20 BEDS i SURGERY /DENTAL / LABORATORY i X -RAY / OPD. MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Char Qarya- Farang Ongoing MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Ehost -Fring Ongoing AID AID /UN 7 88. -- -- 13 BH'Ws 10 89 -- -- COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. A SECOND TEAM WITH 4 VACCINATORS UNDER PMD SUPERVISION IS ALSO IMPLEMENTING IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS WITH VACCINES SUPPLIED BY THE TALOQAN VSF. ,., A R::. Plant ..,.e JCA AGRIC: Other 'CA ;,.;.. SCA SCA UNO SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision cf 0.1 MT agorchemicaìs. -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. EDUCAT: Primary i oUr-Ñr l ng Ongoing J'A 3 87 20 schools / 133 teachers / 315++ students HEALTH: Basic Clinic Char Bagh Ongoing SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Do Abi. Ongoing .i. .,. SCA EDUCAT: Primary 1ACBAR Ongoing .. -- 11 89 - -. -- I ^ -- -. 4 mid -level HWs / 2 ., mid-i'.`lel HW 1 ..c'. 11 87 -- -- . .., . Nurse . in :r°,.:hara. Witch, ..har;. -.ran. .. . DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 12 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 .. J"üSiS.n Â. -i'Snolli. :.. .acni. ,'arisy .. . . '.! haro 'i..age2. 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Baghlan CBR AGRIC: DCA AGRIC: DCA AGRIC: IMC CONST: MSH CONST: SC -US SCA SCA SCA UNO Vet Vet Pub.Building AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AVICEN AVICEN CCA <ACTIVITY Nahrein Bazaar Ongoing UNDP 6 89 -- -- Central clinic with 1 veterinarian. Arakash Ongoing UNDP 5 89 -- - 1 paravet. Doabi Ongoing UNDP 5 39: - -- 1 paravet. Bazaar :Ongoing WHO 5 37 -- -- Hospital building. Khwaja Khezer Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 5 BHWs Nahrein Ongoing AID /UN Ongoing ARCON 4 92 -- -- RAP 5 92 -- 93 15 villages Other Other HEALTH: Basic Clinic Nahrein Godri EDUCAT: Primary DESCRIPTION> Ongoing -- 93 -- -- Comprehensive health center wooden roof (17 rooms). 10 90 -- -- COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. A SECOND TEAM WITH 4 VACCINATORS IMPLEMENTS IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS UNDER PMD SUPERVISION WITH VACCINES SUPPLIED BY THE TALOQAN VSF. Repair of Nahrien- Eshkamesh road 38 km by hand tools - benefits 70.000 people. 800 women are involved in handicraft embroidery product which are sold SC -US carft -shop in Peshawar Pakistan. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.125 MT agrochemicals. Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.189 MT agrochemicle. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture suret' on 50 villages. Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 98 villages. Ongoing SCA 4 86 -- -- 20 schools / 140 teachers / 3,450 students Ongoing SCA . 89 Ongoing AID mid-level ti s 7 87 -- -- , 2 Dental Tech.' 1 Lab Tech. 11 schools in Jelawgir. Baitop, Jaiga, Talia, Khwaja Ulia. Arakash. Kor Pesho. Bashgala, Shorgadaq, Madrasa & Ghadri. Pull Khumri Road HEALTH: Vaccination HEALTH: Other WATER: DURATION Begin --End WHO Plant Protec EDUCAT: Primary CONST: - --BY -- Approved Plant Proteo Baghlan AACRP City Road INCOME: Handicrafts SCA SCA Vet HEALTH: Vaccination RAFA SCA Pub.Building HEALTH: Basic Post MSH FUNDED -- STATUS -- Nahrein CONST: DCA - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Karez Dand Ghori Ongoing WFP Approved EC/UNICF -- 93 -- -- ., teams - Puli Khumri Ongoing EC -- - 1 VSF / 1 CC technician & 1 supervisor Dand Ghori Completed CIDA 11 91 61 villages 7 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 8 Km foot roa'd(FFW - 35 MT). -- - 5 92 4 vaccinators Cleaning & escay. cf 22,000 cub.m karez . irrigate 1.120 H & benefit 700 families. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION Plgr. 13 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 FUNDED ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(S)- - -- SECTOR AGENCY - --BY -- -- STATUS -- DURATION :ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Puli Khumri Baghlan Training dis.bled people in different skills, GP -UK INCOME: Skill Train. City Ongoing ILO MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Bala Dawri Ongoing AID II 88 -- -- I OXFAM AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10.25 MT wheat seed and 0.3 MT barley. SCA AGRIO: Plant Protes Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.295 MT agrochemic31s. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protes Ongoing 3(A 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.225 MT agrochemic:als. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA -- 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 85 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA O 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 50 ;iliagee. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Puli Khumri Ongoing SCA 4 92 -- -- 8 schools / 35 teachers ! 1,020 students SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shekh Kali Ongoing SCA 10 89 -- -- 5 mid -level HWs SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shahabudin Ongoing SCA 1 90 -- -- 2 mid -level HWs. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 14 schools in different villages. VITA CONST: Road Jang Aghaly Ongoing AID VITA WATER: FloodControi Gadan Bibiaenia Ongoing AID -- - BHW Pehabilitation of 20 km road. benefit 2,000 familie:,. Construction of 61 m retaining wall (stone masonry). benefit 12,000 families. ` 93 -- Tala-Barfak BaBhlan ?iì. '1i no fá...,_ AiI"áy HEALTH: MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Tala MS,, HEALTH: Aoo.e Pct Tala-Barfak ? lv:nati; 1 UNICF Ongoing Ongoing AID AID 1 1 MED. TECH.. 10 90 -- -- , teas - 1 vaccinator 48 -- -- y I NURSE. ? LAB. TECH. ASST. 3 ROOMS. LABORATORY BHW.`'; Balkh Balkh AMI -A HEALTH: Other MSH HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Approved Balkh Ongoing SNT á 93 11 93 AID 9 91 -- -- ,Tes. Healtl survey of existing facilites. LAB TECH ASST / AMIN / 3 MD / 4 MED ThCH / 1 NURSE /_ NURSE HELFEN. /_ DISPENSER X -RAY / IMMUNISATION, SURGERY DENTAL IN- PATIENT BEDS / PHARMACY / LAB ' 1 X -RAY TECH ASST ! - MSH 1 HEALTH: Basic Post A C B A R Mollwandan Ongoing AID 5 BHWs 4 88 -- -- DATABASE OF RGO aCTIVITIES --- Page: 14 A6actrei Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR HEALTH: MCH KSH HEALTH: Med.Training MSH HEALTH: Vaccination PRB CONST: Pub.Buildìng Balkh ARCAR DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY Balkh Ongoing AID 12 92 -- -- -- Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- Balkh Paiz gar Ongoing Ongoing AID /UN ARCON DESCRIPTION' 1 MD, 2 Nurses, 1 Vaccinator- Women I children under 5 care, vaccination, health education and Dai training programs. Trained the following: 65 BHWs i3 months initial training). 13 health workers in PHC & management workshops. 5 BHWs refresher training. 11 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALKH VSF. 10 92 10 93 BHC (14 rooms) - brick SEE MAZAR- i- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. steel bar & concrete. , Char Bolak WATER: MSH iumoiD -- STATUS -- Balkh Balkh MSH - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Structure HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Char Bolak Sabzi far Approved UNDP Ongoing AID Construction of diversion dam. 10 89 -- -- 3 MD 3 medical tech 2 nurse helpers , 1 dispenser i 2 :anaesthesia tech assistant TB control & immunization. 2 lab tech assistants 12 rooms i 10 beds 1 dental tech assistant I lab / dental ' 1 X -ray tech assistant X -ray / pharmacy i surgery 1 OPD - MSH HEALTH: Basic Post MSH HEALTH: Vaccination SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: UMO MSH MSH MSH SCA UNO Ongoing AID It 88 -- -- 7 BHWs Char Bolak ongoing AID /UN 11 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALKH VSF. Plant Protec SEE MAZAR-l-SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. '';mpleted SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. 0ngoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.13 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- Pas Chah Ay: ; Ongoing AID Tandorak Ongoing AID Charkent Ongoing AID /(1N Ongoing SCA Plant Prater, Other EDUCAT: Primary Balkh Wachs Nona Watani -- 3 schools in Toghanchi, Dagh Jabeen & Korachi villages. Char Kant HEALTH: Basic Clinic HEALTH: Basic Post HEALTH: Vaccination EDUCAT: Primary EDUCAT: Primary Charkent Ongoing AID ? 1 i ' -- -- ^ ME D. TECH. a7 -- -- v BHWe 11 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALKH VSF. SEE MAZAR- I- SiiARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. 3 90 -- -- 8 87 -- -- DENTAL TAL 7 schools / 37 teachers . 640 students 3 schools in gara, Char Mahaìa & Khwaja Banda). villages. IACBAR DATABASE, OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION Page: 15 A6aetrep Date: 26/08/93 . ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - --- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Chemtal Balkh MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Pashmak Qala Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 3 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Chemtal Ongoing AID /UN 11 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALKH VSF. SEE MAZAR-I-SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. ?RB CONST: Pub.Building Imam Sahib Completed ARCON 8 92 1 93 Boys primary school with 6 classrooms ; 2 administration rooms SCA ,AGRIC: Plant Protes Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.14 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 77 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 191 -- -- 1 school in Jar Qala village. - brick / steel bar & concrete. Dehdadi Balkh MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Tokhta Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 4 BHWs MSH HEALTH: MCH Dehdadi Ongoing AID 1 93 -- -- 1 MD. 3 Nurses -Women /children under 5 care, NPO INCOME: Skill Train. Dehdadi Ongoing NRC /NCA 3 93 -- -- Vocational training in skills needed in community. 3 MED. TECH., health education and Dai training program. Dowlatabad Balkh 1 FIRST AIDER, DENTAL TECH. ASST. DENTAL MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sadrabad Ongoing AID 6 90 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Daheshtan Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 4 BIPAs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination 7awiatabad Ongoing AID /UN 11 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALKH VSF. SEE MAZAR- I- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. SCA AGRIC: Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- Fe eh naeh Baia Ongoing AID 6 90 -- -- 2 MED. TECH.. Plant Protec Provision of 0.165 MT agrochemicals. 5 schools in darchigak, Qara Gajaia, Gulabad. Zadian & Shekh Mughilan villages. KFshende Balkh Basic Clinic MSH iAAuTH MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Gor Tepa Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 3 MED. TECH., ?PH HEALTH: Basic Post Qarabaee Dowom Ongoing AID' 9 91 -- -- 6 BHWs JA C B A R . . FIRST AIDER. 1 :V+'2SE1 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 16 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 . DENTAL TECH. ASST. 3 ROOMS. 2 BEDS 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY MSH HEALTH: Vaccination - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Eeshendeh -- STATUS -- FUNDED Begin --End Ongoing AID /UN 11 90 -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> COVERED FROM BALKH VSF. SEE MAZAR -I- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. Mazar Sharif Balkh ACRU INCOME: Skill Train. Mazar Sharif Completed UNDP ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Mazar Sharif Ongoing ARCON ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Mazar Sharif Ongoing ARCON ARCON HEALTH: Other Center Ongoing ARCON AVICEN HEALTH: Other Mazar Sharif Ongoing EC Ongoing GAA AA DURATION - --BY -- RELIEF :Food items 4 93 4 94 120 trainees, engraving training center(self -helping). Mazar Sharif Islamic center. -- Construction of San Jerk school. Balkh hospital - equipment & supplies. -- office for EPI. -- 93 -- -- Distribution of 2.20t1 MT food (wheat , chick peas , oil) through FFW for emergency fC', Mazar . Darzab / Mardyan / Samangan. IAM HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Mazar Sharif Ongoing IAM IAM HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Mazar Sharif Ongoing IAM K V: IAM SOCIAL:Commu.Particp Mazar Sharif Ongoing IAM 5 93 -- -- :CRC HEALTH: Disabled Reh City Ongoing ICRC NSF -F /B HEALTH: Other Mazar/Sakhi Ongoing EC/MSF 1 93 -- -- NSF -F /B HEALTH: Other Mazar/Sakhi Ongoing EC /MSF -- -- NSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shadiyan Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Marino. Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Mazar Sharif Ongoing AID /UN 93 -- -- Eye clinic. 93 Mobile clinic for displaced rc}hlP in 50 schools, Community based development. -- 92 -- -- 3';=! 2 -- -- :L 11 90 -- -- Orthopaedic workshop (produces 100 limbs -per month). 1,000 consultations/ week / 30 IPD / 5 MD / 12 nurses 2 MED. TECH.. 1 NURSE 4 MED. TECH.. . DENTAL TECH. ASST. sanitation - latrines in Tajiks refugee camp (30,000). 6 ROOMS 6 BEDS h ROOM. DENTAL. LABORATORY ORY 22 VACCINATORS ;2 ADDITIONAL VACCINATORS PLANNED TO BE HIRED) 1 COLD CHAIN SUPERVISOR. 1 COLD CHAIN TECHNICIAN OPERATE UNDER AN MD DOCTOR SUPERVISION WITH TRAINED IMMUNIZATION TECHNICIANS OUT OF THE VSF IN MAZAR -I- SHARIF COVERING , 113 VILLAGES IN DISTRICTS IN BALKH. JAWZJA4'AND SAMANGAN PROVINCES. OPERATE IN ZHULM AND SANG CHARAX DISTRICTS. MSH HEALTH: Other Mazar Sharif Ongoing AID 9 90 -- -- . A SECOND TEAM CONSISTING OF 5 VACCINATORS TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS, WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS. Regional Health Administration (RHA) adminstrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and monitoring and supervision of the BHWs and health fari1ifies under its .jurisdiction. PRB CONST: A/C BAR Pub.Building Ali Chopan Ongoing ARCON 9 92 9 93 BH`' ( 14 rooms) material - steel tar & concrete. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 1 4 Page: 17 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - --- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Mazar Sharif Balkh steel bar & concrete. PRE CONST: Pub.Building All Chopan Completed ARCON B 92 1 93 Boyó primary school with 6 rooms PRB CONST: Pub.Building Ali Chopan Ongoing ARCON 9 92 9 93 BHC (14 rooms) material - steel bar & concrete. SCA AGRIC: Research Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 1 crop variety testing trial of chickpeas. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Alam Ehel Ongoing SCA 2 91 -- -- 1MD. SERVE HEALTH: Disabled Reh M.zAr Sharif Ongoing UNDP 6 :93 Coordination of UNDP-disabled Afghan project in Balkh. SERVE HEALTH: Disabled Reh Mazar Sharif approved CBM 9 93 -- -- Training of disability workers working with the hearing impaired. SERVE HEALTH: Disabled Reh Mazar Sharif Approved CBM 8 93 -- -- Training of disability workers working with the Blind. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 9 90 -- -- 1 school in Dubaiï village. -- -- 1 lab tech. Nahr Shahi Balkh AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccine. ion 14 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF MA: EDUCAT: Primary Marma: Ongoing wA' v.N HEALTH: Basic Pst Langar Khana Eilord Ongoing AI. .. HEALTH: Vaccination Nahrshahi Ongoing AID /UN 11 90 -- -- Ongoing 5^d y,r`,N 3 mid -level HW.e. 2 administration rooms - Plant P,,tec SCA AGRIC: SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Maria' Ongoing ',{'.A CA HEALTH: Basic Clinic 3ha'dian Ongoing ;..A -- -- -- - . 7 -- ñ COVERED FROM BALEH VSF. SEE MAZAR-i- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. Provision of 0.12 MT agr rhá mi^ al s 07 . á mid- level .Ws. h ST -- -- T achool BHWsJ -- 7 93 -- 93 Ongoing LD'i':..: Primary 1 team -'2 vaccinators 3 mid-level HWs. - 3 school:. in . Jn.;:i]::. 7:aií}.'. :' i{ :}"'b:.rl v 1'. t7 i : ! es. Sholgera Balkh AGRIC: Livestock Center Ongoing :R:JN COW! farm ;VICES HEALTH: Vaccination 22 villages Ongoing EC/UNiCF -- -- -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators ..AR HEALTH: Mobile/F-Aid 9 villages Ongoing *Donors -- Dental services 00-100 patients da. ly. HEALTH: Distrct Hasp Aa9 ëupruk Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- CPA 1 A C B A R -- General hospital. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 18 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION l ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End ;ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Sholgera Balkh HCNPA HEALTH: Ned.Training Aa9 Kupruk Ongoing MSH MSH HEALTH: Basic ?oat Bahnrat Abad Ongoing AID It ' -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Sholgera Ongoing AID /UN 11 90 -- -- PRB CONST: Road Several Ongoing ARCON 9 92 PRB CONST: Bridge, Ailtan Completed UNDP 9 91 10 92 Construction of 6 91 10 91 Mosque building - capacity for 200 prayers at a time - local materials. PRE DAB PRE Training of HWs - -65 have been trained so far. l:s R41! COVERED FROM BALKH VSF. 9 93 SEE MAZAR-I- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. Reconstruction of 100 km road between Shoigra - Sang Charak & contruction of 17 culverts & i km retaining wall. 1 bridge (54 meter) - cement & brick. CONST: Pub.Buiìding aadeem Completed SEN CONST: Pub.Building Qadeem Completed . .,:,1h 3 9: 1 93 Boys primary school with 6 classrooms r 2 administration rooms - brick / steel bar & concrete. WATER: Canal Abdurrahim Zai Completed CIDA 1 91 7 91 Rehabilitation of 10 km canai + reconstruction of its intake Completed UNOCHA , PRB WATER: Canai SCA AGRIC: Crop Product COmpieted SCA -- 92 Diatribution of 2 MT wheat aced .& Z MT DAP. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA -- Provision of ..:F MT agrochemical!. AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA Ongoing SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA '!NO Qebehaq EDUCAT: Primary EDUCAT: Primary HEALTH: Compr.Clinic E}i01ger9 Sholgera Sholgera EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing Ongoing Ongoing 1 SCA SCA 10 91 il 91 i - irrigate 500 hectares. Cleaning of 10 km canal. `a,î 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.27 MT agrochemicais. 11 84 -- -- :. IC 39 -- -- 3cnoo13 I: schools 6 87 -- -- 1 AID MD . , . ^': teacher! 65 teachers . , 1.640 studnets 1.730 students 6 mid -level HWs / 1 Dental Tech. / 2 Vaccinators :: 3eh0o1s in Marka: Haq Eaprak. Q.sdim Bala. +adim. riaq Kaprakt2 . Toni, Aushinda, Baba Aiwas, Tor Ghar & Dalan(Z) villages. Balkh Shortepa MSH HEALTH: 3a MSH HEALTH: "CH MSH i Pon HEALTH: Vaccination 1ACBAR Esiam Sufis Jngoing Ai- Roc Ar?gh :ngoing AID Shortepa Ongoing AIDíUN 9 ?i -- -- 2 EHWv 3 Nuraes, il 90 -- -- 1 Room: Women / onii:ren under 5 care. health education and Dai training programs. COVERED FROM EALEH VSF. SEE MAZAR-I- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 19 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDiTION 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Bamyan - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Bamyan AMI -A HEALTH: Other AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination AVICEN Approved AMI 151 villages Ongoing EC.UNICF HEALTH: .Other Bamyan Ongoing EC "^A CONST: Road ad 7 iacs 'ar Completed .ompl ' t )NL. OCA Pr rm. J ib.Aui:::nó City Completed Pvt CCA HEALTH: Provinc.dosp City Ongoing Self 9 93 11 93 Health survey of existing facilities. -- -- -- -- ; teams - 6 vaccinators 1 vaccine storage facility P q2. , iG 4 93 i CC technician & 1 supervisor. y of 163 km road from Shasnpul to 4ardak. Survey Repairing ; f A. jan hospital building i. i rin si :: 89 5 89 -- -- 4 MD ! 3 D ass.. 7 nurses / surgery ! mobile first aid i TB / dental ! 20 rooms / 2 OT 12 X-ray / 2 lab / 1 ambu1. í 60 -10r0 pats. day. CCA INCOME: Skill Train. City Ongoing OXFAM 8 91 -- -- Training i auto repairing i carpentry i masonry / 60 trainees i year. GAA AGRIC: B9IDyin Ongoing .NDP 4 90 93 1 DVM / 2 paravets GAF HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing .N'C'RlS -- 89 -- Mobile vaccination t eam with 4 vaccinators. :AAAE CONST: Road Approved UNDP -- 23 -- -- Repair of 20 km road from Bamyan to raaAE CONST: Cr3 d Road Approved U DP -- :3 -- -- Repair of ? "Ai EDUCE: Primary Ongoing MA: N' : HEALTH: Basic Clinic K-7:. 'ï.?. Vet Mula Hussain .. .. ^.".al.:: Baso 'O.': .:: d a. 3n.ti. - ..noJn...:16, ;.. .d': .. Ongoing A.., +n 51z Completed OXFAM . 0 92 -- 92 :e: . TECH., 3 . NURSE 3 . FatWast: village. ROOMS s. -- -- L Tra., AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA Snx AGRIC. Plant Proteo i nd}:n g ... SCA AGRIC: Plant Prote', Completed 1'!A SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA ;CP A1R:C, ether Ongoing SCA Ongoing Si; A EDUCAT: primary C B A R : .J -- -- Maiaan - with machinery & hand tools. t0 Maldan - ii: Cu .vert 3 - with machinery i hand :cols. km road frJ ID Bam y an ' schools in G1°riñ Abad, .+y °k al!:l.;ái :,"A SCA 1 guard curative ÿ preventive service. iCe. =amyan . ,, D" 92 Winter trai n in g . n rural development Provision of 0. 3 Mm agroche i ,.l s. 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.352 MT agrocneIDi,als. -- 92 Agriculture survey on 90 villages. 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. `I5 -- -- 17 schools 7 108 teachers R DATABASE OF HGO ACTIVITIES Page: . agriculture for shura representatives. Distribution of 1 MT wheat seed & 1 MT DAP. 93 -- 93 lj 92 : . 20 A6actrep Date: 26 /08/93 3.074 sta euts 6TH EDITION j ACÎIViPY AGENCY SECTOR SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary VITA CONST: Bridge Bamyan - --- VILLAGES) - - -- Fatmaeti Pay Mori FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY Ongoing SCA 1 89 -- -- 4 mid -level HWe. Ongoing AID 3 20 -- -- 2 schools in Foladi. Do Ab Foladi villages. Discontin AID Ongoing 3C /UNICFF Ongoing UNICEF /S Outreach EPI program from Bamyan. 2 schools. Construction of 22 m bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 500 families. Kahmard AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination GAF HEALTH: Vaccination 96 villages -- -- -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators MAI EDUCAT: Primary Doab /Roy Sang Ongoing MAI MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Darband Ongoing AID 6 90 -- -- 4 MED. TECH., MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Banaq Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 8 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Kahmard Ongoing AID /UN SCA SCA SCA SCA SCA UNO VITA Completed SCA 0 32 -- 92 Provision of 0.155 MT agrochemicais. AGRIC: Plant Pr'vtec Ongoing o 0 93 -- 93 'rci +ia:on :i :.'" MT agrcchemi ^51s. AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 Agriculture survey on 30 vilisgee. AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 32 villages. Ongoing SCA 9 92 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs. 3 ping Ongoing AID 8' -- -- Doshakh Discontin AID 8 92 -- -- HEALTH: Vaccination 134 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF HEALTH: Basic Clinic Panjab Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 3 MED. TECH.i HEALTH: Basic Post Godar Ongoing AID 3 91 -- -- 7 BHWs HEALTH: Basic Clinic MSH MSH Payeen Bagh i EDUCAT: Prim;., Primary Structure 3 ROOMS, IMMUNIZATION COVERED FROM KAJAB VSF. SEE KAJAB LISTING FOR DETAILS. A SECOND TEAM WHICH BEGAN WORK IN OCTOBER 1990 WITH 4 VACCINATORS IS COVERING 13 VILLAGES IN KAHMARD DISTRICT (2803) OF BANYAN PROVINCE. Plant Protec Bamyan AVICEN 11 89 -- -- 1 DENTAL TECH. ASST. AGRIC: WATER: DESCRIPTION> 93 14 schools in different village!. .. Construction of 1.5 km intake(gabion work), benefit 3.000 families. Pani ab 3 teams - 6 vaccinators -- ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 21 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGSNCT ---- VILLAGE(SI - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Panj ab Bamyan o OXFAM AGRIC: Other Panjab Ongoing OXFAM á, OXFAM AGRIC: Other Warns Ongoing OXFAM 8 91 -- -- Multi - activity agriculture development program. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Narges Ongoing SCA 2 39 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs. `JNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 8- -- -- . school Multi -activity agriculture development program. in Sangraiz. Saighan Barcyan AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 65 villages Ongoing EC 1iNICE . MAI EDUCAT: Primary Khwajaha/Jangalak Ongoing MAI 2 schools. MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Qgrghan Ongoing AID R 47 -- -- 8 Bhi>Is SCA AGRIC: Pla nt Protec Completed SC:. A 0 92 -- 92 Provision ,. 0.1 MT agrochemical!. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed S3 99 Agriculture sarred o n 37 viliagee. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Center Ongoing SCA 9 9Z -- 7 mid-level HWs. UNO EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 3 schools in Khwaja Namazgai2 VITA CONST: Road Center Discon:in Ai:: 8 91 -- -- Rehab{1it ;tion of 12 km road from Bamyan to Shahan. benefit 11.500 families. VITA WATER: FloodContrcl Bagani Discontin AID 8 91 -- -- Construction of 60 m retaining wall(gabion work. benefit 100 families. '.D: villages Ongoing E,'iUNI.'F Bamyan ATICEN 92 . . team - 2 vaccinators & Karwana. Shibar .HEALTH: Vaccination -- -- -- -- 1 team 2 r accina toro CCA CONST: Road áaabí; Completed P,t 7 88 CCA COwST: Pub.Building Shashpui Completed Pvt 4 87 10 88 Clinic building í10 rooms) - stone. CONST: Pub.Building 3hashpul Completed Pvt 3 87 11 88 School building 08 rooms Shashpui Ongoing ;Doncrs 3 85 3 teachers CCA CCA DUCAT: Primary IACBAR !Z 20 Sm from Shasnpuì to jadba'rg. 58 -- - stone. 150 students. . DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 22 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION g ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Bamyan - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End - --BY -- DESCRIPTION> Shibar WA HEALTH: Med.Training Shashpul Completed GAF GAF AGRIC: Sbiber Ongoing UNDP MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ghandak Ongoing MAI MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ghandak Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 4 BHVe MSH HEALTH: MCH` Shunbul Ongoing AID 5 91 -- -- 2 M.D.s 2 BHN, 5 Rooms; women children under 5 care; health education and Dai training facility MSH HEALTH: MCH laic) Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- 1 MCHO. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.075 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing SCA 8 90 -- -- 9 schools / 48 teachers / 954 students UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 4 schools in Jalnesh, Shunbul, Gunbad & Shibar villages. VITA CONST: Shibar Discontin AID 8 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 8.5 km road from Shebar to Surthdar, benefit 11,000 families. Vet Road Ghandak 7.89 10 89 11 91 40 female were trained for 4 months as FHN & TBA. 7 93 1 assist DVM / 2 paravets / i guard curative & preventive service. 2 schools in Sarkhoshak & Shakhtaka. Women / children under 5 care; health eduction and Dai training program. Warae Banyan AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 162 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Tagab i Sha I Surk Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- 3 M.P. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Beni Gaw Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 3 MED. TECH.i MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Chambar Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 4 BHNs SCA HEALTH: Basirw Clinic Shini Takht '?ngoing SCA 12 88 -- -- 4 mid-level HNs. UMO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- Banyan -- 4 teams - 6 vaccinators -- 2 ROOMS 4 schools in Ser Takht, Cbijeeì, Sultan Rubat & Sewak Abdel villages. Yakawlang AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 358 villages Ongoing BC /UNICF DCA AGRIC: Vet Shorshouri Ongoing UNDP 9 90 -- -- i paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Dare Ongoing UNDP 4 92 -- -- i paravet. 1ACBAR - -- 4 teams - 7 vaccinators DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 23 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Yakowlang Bamyan DCA AGRIC: Vet Chelbari :Ongoing UNDP 9 90 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Sari Gui Ongoing UNDP 2 91 -- -- 1 vaccinator. DCA AGRIC: Vet Takhak Ongoing UNDP 4 92 -- -- 1 paravet. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Na -Yak Ongoing AID 5 92 -- -- 1 NURSE, 2 M.T.,1 DENTAL TECH. ASST. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Sarnia Qol Ongoing AID 3 91 -- -- 1 BHW MSH HEALTH: MCH Na -Yak Ongoing AID 5 92 -- -- 1 Med. Tech. -1 Room: women i children under 5 care: health education. OXFAM AGRIC: Yakawlang Ongoing OXFAM 1 92 -- -- Multi- activity agriculture development prograt. 3CA EDUCAT: Primary Yakawïahg '. Ongoing '.NO DUCAT: Primary Other Farah :,*.. ....v !1 3zA 11 38 -- -- 12 schools 78 teachers . 7 ROOMS. IN- PATIENT BEDS,DENTAL 2.385 studente Ongoing AID 3 37 -- -- 1 school in Shattoc village. Ongoing 3C.UNICF - -- -- -- 1 vaccinator Rehabilitation of 19 karezes. Anar Dara .;., HEALTH: Vaccination .:av.intiv.:.n : ,.. . ",HA WATER: ÿaNAz Ongoing A3J 9 90 -- -- Cr," WATER: Karez Completed RAP 10 89 12 90 Rehabilitation of 12 karezes.- irrigate 3990 jeribs & benefit 416 families. CHA WATER: Canal Completed RAP 1089 12 90 Rehabilitation of 2 canals. CHA WATER : Canai- Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 14 canals & construction of protective wall. '!SH HEALTH: Basic Post Anar Dare Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- 1 BHW CONST: 22 villages Completed NRC 9 91 12 91 Detail survey of 22 villages of the district. Ongoing AID 1 89 -- -- 2 schools in Kank & Zahkeen villages. Completed RAP 10 89 12 90 Completed RAP 3 92 Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- 1T3RT UNO Other -- EDUCAT: Primary Farah Bakwa CHA WATER: Karez CHA WATER: Karez CHA WATER: Karez 16 villages Rehabilitation of 7 karezes - irrigate 2,830 benefit 292 families. Cleaning of karez. 5 93 Rehabilitation of 21 karezes in 21 villages, total length 46 km. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 24 A6actrep Date: 26 /08/93 6TH EDITION AGENCY ---- YILLAfl(S) - SiCTDI - -- ACTIVITY FUNDID DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin--Ind <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Bakwa Farah villages Completed RAP 22 villages Ongoing 4 villages CIA WATER: Canal FRF AGRIC: Vet FRF WATER: lares SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC:, Other VARA AGRIC: Crop Product,' =25 villages VARA AGRIC: Machinery VARA AGRIC: VARA WATER: 3 92 5 93 Cleaning of canal. UNDP 12 92 6 93 1 DVM ! 2 paravets - vaccination & treatment. Completed JNDP 10 92 11 92 Plaint Protec' Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.075 MT agrochemicals. Plant Protec Ongoing SCA O 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.005 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93. Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Completed FAO 11 91 12 91 Distribution of IO MT wheat seed f 10 MT DAP & 10 MT Urea. 25 villages Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- 2 thresher & 2500 forming families. ,Machinery 25 villages Ongoing FAO 9 92 -- -- 1 thresher & 300 farmers. Canal Mehdadi Completed Comunity 8 91 Cleaning of 7 km canal / irrigates 1300 jeribs & benefit 255 families. '- Cleaning of 4 karezes i irrigate 510 jeribs land & benefit 105 families. 9 91 Bala Balouk Farah CHA WATER: tarez Completed RAP 10 89'12-90 Rehabilitation of 39 karezes - irrigate 4,686 jeribs & benefit 1.210 families. CHA WATER: Canal Completed RAP 10 89 12 90 Rehabilitation of 3 canals. FRF WATER: Canal Shaiwan Completed ARP 10 92 Cleaning of 12 km canal / irrigates 3500 jeribs land & benefit 2,000 families. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post: Shaiwan Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 1 BHW SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.065 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. UNO DUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 12 88 -- -- 1 school in Azo village. Farah Ongoing EC -- -- -- -- 1 VSF / 1 CC technician & 1 supervisor 45 villages Ongoing EC Farah Farah HEALTH: Other AVICEN CHA - 2 93 AGRIC: IA C B A R Machinery 5 93 Farm traction & agricultural extension. 6 94 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 25 A$actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Farah FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End WFP 4 92 8 92 Road repairing. INCOME: Other 11 villages Completed RAP 3 92 5 93 Mechanical workshop. RELIEF:Non -Food Item 9 villages Completed NRC 3 93 5 93 Distribution of wheel barrow /shovel & waterpump. CHA DESCRIPTION> Farah Completed CONST: - -- STATUS -- 26 villages CHA CHA - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Road CHA WATER: Earn 13 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Cleaning of karez. CHA WATER: Kern 23,vilìages Completed RAP 3 92 5 93 Cleaning of 28 karezes. CHA WATER: Canal 23 villages Completed RAP 3 92 5 93 Cleaning of 11 canals. CHA WATER: Canal? Completed SV 9 92 3 93 Cleaning of 2 canals. CHA WATER: Canal Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Cleaning of canal. FRF WATER: Canal Completed UNDP 1 93 3 93 Cleaning of 25 km canal ¡ irrigates 8,500 jeribs land & benefit 815 families. MCPA MINES: Survey 6 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 74.892 Sqm irrigation & road. MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Goeha Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- ^ BHWs SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Center Ongoing SCA 1 87 -- -- 1 mid -level HWs: SWAAD. MINES: Clearance 4 villages Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 12600 Sqm houses ! 17718 So road ! 8820 Sqm canal. SWAAD MINES: Clearance Center Completed UNOCHA 1 93 3 93 40351 So road. VARA AGRIC: Crop Product 33 villages Ongoing FAO /UNDP 12 92 7 93 Multiplication of 7 MT wheat seed & 8 MT DAP. VARA WATER: Karez áhor Maliq Completed WFP 5 92 6 92 Cleaning of 2.7 km karez Completed UNDP 1 93 3 93 Cleaning of 25 kt canal i irrigates 8,500 jeribs land & benefit 815 families. Ongoing AID /UN 4 92 -- -- Farah villages 13 villages irrigates 800 jeribs & benefit 285 families. Farsi FRF WATER: MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Canal Farah Farsi COVERED FROM SHINDAND VSF. SEE SHINDAND LISTING FOR DETAILS. Gulietan CHA CONST: Road Completed RAP 10 89 12 90 CHA WATER: Karez Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- ACBAR Repair of road from Gorzanak to north of Parchaman center(50 km)by and tools. Rehabilitation of 8 karezes in 8 villages, total length 19 km. DATABASE OF NGÓ ACTIVITIES Page: 26 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION ACT!vITY AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: SCA VARA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicais. Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.055 MT agrochemicais. AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO 6 92 10 92 Multiplication of 2 MT maize seed r 3 MT DAP & 6 Urea. 33 villages Completed FAO 11 92 12 92 Bagh Rud Completed Comunity Approved RONCO Completed WFP Crop Product WATER: Canal Farah HEALTH; Vaccination CHA WATER CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA CHA 25 villages Mehdadi Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed V 10 MT DAP. 8 91 10 91 1 school / 2 teachers & 38 students. -- 93 -- -- 5 92 Distribution of 140 MT wheat to 6,277 persons. 6 92 Cleaning of 4.36 km canal i irrigates 300 jeribs & benefit 55 families. 30 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- -- -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators Earn -- Completed RAP 10 89 12 90 Rehabilitation of 11 karezes - irrigate 2160 jeribs & benefit 123 families. WATER: larez Mug Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- - WATER: Canal Completed RAP 10 89 12 90 WATER: Canal Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 8 canals & a deversion dam. Farah CHA DESCRIPTION> Khak Safid AVICEK CHA -- RELIEF:Food Items VARA <ACTIVITY SCA EDUCAT: Primary VARA DURATION Begin --End Completed AGRIC: VARA FUNDED - --BY -- Gulistan Farah SCA VARA -- STATUS -- Khusf Rehabilitation of 12 karezes. Rehabilitation of 1 canal. Laeh Jaween CONST: Road 20 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 goad repairing. CONST: Road 18 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Road repairing. WATER: larez 23 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Karez cleaning. WATER: Karez 17 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Karez cleaning. WATER: Karez Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 karezes. WATER: Karez 11 villages Completed RAP 3 92 5 93 Cleaning of 6 karezes. WATER: Karez 19 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Cleaning of karez. A C B A R DATABASE OF N80 ACTIVITIES Page: 27 ARectrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Farah -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End :ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Lash Jaween CHA WATER: Canal CAA WATER: Canal :HA WATER: ;HA Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 21 canals. 19 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Cleaning of canai. Canal 17 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Canal cleaning. WATER: FloodControl Il Tillages Completed_ WFP 4 92 8 92 Bank protection. IHA WÀTER: FloodControl 11 villages Completed RAP 3 92 5 -'93- Bank -protection. ;HA WATER: FloodControl Completed RAP 2 91 :6 91 Construction of a temporary flood control dam to save about 22 families. ;HA WATER: Drinking Completed RAP 2 91 1 well - water pump. ICIV1 HEALTH: Basic Post Completed AID 8 89 -- -- 2 F.AID Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 1,456,222 Sqm agri.iand & road. .Lash Jaween Ongoing AiD 2 94 -- -- 1 NURSE Lash Jaween Ongoing AID 7 89 -- -- 2 BHWs Ongoing AID 1 91 -- -- 1 school in Darak Survey 6 91 , i nurse. - OPD. !CPA MINES: ISE HEALTH: Basic Clinic ISH HEALTH: Basic Post MO DUCAT: Primary IRA AGRIC: Crop Product 45 villages Completed FAO. it 91 12 91 ARA AGRIC: Machinery 45 villages Ongoing FAO 9 92 -- -- 1 thresher & 300 farmers. ARA WATER: Canal Iohgah Completed Comunity 8 91 Cleaning of 12 km canal / irrigates 15000 jeribs & benefit 700 families. 'ITA COOT: Road Salven Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 25 km road, benefit 30.000 families. ITA CORBY: Road Dachte Rabat Completed AID -- -- 2 92 Rehabilitation of 15 ka road. benefit 30.000 families. ITA MATER: Canal Iona Souukhta Completed AID -- -- 12 92 ITA WATER: Canal Zang -e -Shadi Completed AID -- 6 92 Cleaning of 13 km canal. benefit 35 families. ITA WATER: Canal Markaz Laween Completed AID -- 1 93 Cleaning of 8 km canal. benefit 30 families. -- 1 93 Cleaning of 7.5 km canal. benefit 90 families. -- -- il 92 Cleaning of 13 km canal. benefit 120 families. 11 minefields 9 91 5 ROOM. 5 BEDS; f Markaz Wuluswalil. Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed 10 MT DAP & 10 MT Urea. Cleaning of 8 km canal. benefit 42 families. r ITA WATER: Canal Jahdoorq Completed AID ITA WATER: Canal Sajak Completed AID ACHAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 28 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION AGENCY VITA VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR WATER: Canal Road Kohn ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Cleaning of 12 km canal, benefit 65 families. Completed RAP 10 89 12 90 Rehabilitation of 2 canals-- irrigate 250 jeribs & benefit 44 families. Ongoing AID 5 90 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs - OPD. Purchaman Farah Canal CHA WATER: INC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Waria Nizgan MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Rabat Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 5 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Purchaman Ongoing AID/UN 4 92 -- -- COVERED FROM SHINDAND VSF. SCA AGRIO: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.16 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 86 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 8 89 -- -- 4 mid -level HWs. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 8 schools in Narghar, Sar Houz, Takhat Parchaman, Larwand Rubat, Pemishgan, Deb Sabeel, Sar Mishgan & Deh Rabat Center . SEE SHINDAND LISTING FOE DETAILS. Shagla. Crop Product VARA AGRIC: VARA RELIEF:Food Items li 92 12 92 13 villages Completed FAO 55 villages Completed AID 3 93 Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 10 karezee. 6 93 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP. Distribution of 220 NT wheat for 12;200 food shortages people. Qala Kah Farah CHA WATER: Larez CHA WATER: larez 19 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Cleaning of karez. CHA WATER: larez 17 villages Completed RAP 3 92 5 93 Cleaing of karez. CHA WATER: Canal 17 villages Completed RAP 3 92 5 93 Cleaning of canal. CHA WATER: Canal 19 villages Completed WFP 4 92 8 92 Cleaning of canal. CHA WATER: Drinking Completed RAP 2 91 6 91 1 well. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES PaQe: 29 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR VILLAGE(S) - - -- Farah -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Gala Kah Oar Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- i BHW Other 16 villages Completed NRC 9 91 12 91 Detail survey of 16 villages of the district. AGRIC: Crop Product 65 villages Ongoing FAO /UNDP 12 92 7 93 Multiplication of 7 MT wheat seed & 8 MT DAP. VARA AGRiC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 7 MT wheat seed and 8 MT DAP. VARA INCOME: Handicrafts Completed WFP 11 92 54 persons. weaving looms & materials. Ongoing EC /UNICF -- Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 5 canals 1 dental tech i í mid -level HW & 1 lab tech. - Dental / OPD & lab. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post START CONST: VARA Dóadabad 1 93 Shindand Farah AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CHA WATER: MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic -- Discontin AID 4 89 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Aukul Tajiki Ongoing AID 12 88 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Shindand Ongoing, AID /UN IISH HEALTH: Other Shindand Ongoing AID 11 90 -- -- NAC WATER: Shindand Completed NAC i 91 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Coapt.Cìínic Center Ongoing SCA 1 90 -- -- 1 MD, 5 mid -level HWs START CONST: Shindand Completed NRC 9 91 12 91 Detail survey of villages of tae district. UNO EDUCAI: Primary Ongoing -AID 9 89 -- -- 1 school in Masian village. Faryab 39 villages Canal Drinking Other 1 team - 2 vaccinators -- some stone masonry work. 7 BHWs 4 92 -- -- 8 VACCINATORS, 2 COLD CHAIN TECHNICIANS OPERATE UNDER A COLD CHAIN SUPERVISOR SUPERVISION IN SHINDAND DISTRICT COVERING 56 VILLAGES IN 3 DISTRICTS IN FARAH PROVINCE. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS, WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS. Regional Health Administration (RHA) adminstrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and monitoring and supervision of the BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction. Almar MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qarah Tana Ongoing AID 7 91 -- -- 4 MED. TECH., 1 DENTAL TECH. ASST. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Almar Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- 1 BHW MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Altar Ongoing AID/UN S.^.f. AGRI".: Ongoing SCA . ,. CEAA V Plant Protec 12 22 -- -- 5 ROOMS, 5 BEDS, DENTAL. IMMUNIZATION COVERED FROM FARYAB VSF. SEE MAYMANA LISTING FOR DETAILS. 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.12 MT agrochemìcaïs. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 30 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY -VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY AGR.T. ':?{J úL'JCAT: Primar; DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Ün :ng AID ? 86 -- 4 schools in Sarfali. Khudai Bakht, Yaka Ehana & Najar +gala. Ongoing AID /UN ' :agab Ishan Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- 1 MD,1 NURSE, 4 88 -- - 5 BHWs -. Andk}toy Faryab !!SR FUNDED ---BY-- Ongoing Other SCA -- STATUS -- HEALTH: Vaccination Andk ov SEE MAMMA LISTING FOR DETAILS. COVERED FROM FARYAB VSF. 12 92 -- Belcheragh Faryab Cì MSH HEALTH: Compr MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet D.-Yra Zang Ongoing AI. MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Beicheragh Ongoing AID /UN ^,T, Primary EDUnI hgoing AID 6 87 - ,;4C .Jfilg ;AA -- 93 -- .4.:.1ií'.`' 1 LAB.TECH.ASST..1 DENTAL TECH.ASST. IMMUNIZATION, DENTAL, COVERED FROM FARYAB VSF. SEE MAYMANA LISTING FOR DETAILS. 12 92 -- -- 5 schools in Markaz Belchiragh, Kohlian, Gawarchi, Dare Zang & Sarchakan villages. -- Daiyzab Fa.ryal'i See GAA-R2 project in Mazar for details. GAA R^u L i 00i items ' HEALTH Basic Clinic Sar Darac ongoing AID 6 91 -- -- MSH CH HEAi,i.: HEALTH: Mme uu g. hul Ongoing g AID L1 91 -- -- 1 Nurse, MoH HEALTH: Vaccination Dar:ab' Ongoing AID /UN 12 92 -- -- ,:. vn DEi COVERED FROM FARYAB VSF. SEE E MAYMANA LISTING FOR DETAILS. MSH SCA Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Completed 0 92 -- 92 SCA Ongoing SCA 3 HEALTH: Basic Clinic 9 92 -- -- SCA EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- ' schools in Khan.aga, Awl ad & Mughul villages. .INC Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 1 BHW Ongoing AID/UN otgoi g AID Faryab LABORATORY Plant Protes Center 3 MED. TECH. 6 ROOMS,IMMUNIZATION h'ld under 5 care; healt h education and Dai training programs. i Tech. Nurse - 3. Rooms; women / children ;, mid-level ,. HWs. Itiowlatabe_dl- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post MSH HEALTH: Vaccination UNO EDUCAT: Primary Dawiatahad 12 92 -- -- COVER ED FROM FARYAB VSF. SEE MAYMANA LISTING FOR DETAILS. . 3 89 -- -- 1 school in Shor Daryab villages. DATABASE OF liso ACTIVITIES Page: 31 A6a_trep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION 11 AGENCY SECTOR ACTIVITY FUNDED -STATUS- ---BY-- Ongoing AID DURATION Begin--End -ACTIVITY HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qurogn -- 9.1 1 D. TECH., 1 NURSE - MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Takhayui Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Khamlash Lingoing AID vH HEALTH: Vaccination Kohistan Ongoing A:DIUN ":NO DESCRIPTIO- Kohistan Faryab MSH -VILLAGE(S)- EDUCAT: Primary Faryab 11 91 -- 4 38 -- 2 MED. TECH., 1-D?LOA NURSE A:D 3 66 j)ngoing AID 11 38 7 ROOMS 3 :No -- 12 92 ngìng 3 NON, :MMUIZATION -- COVERED FROM FARYAB VSF. SEE HUMANA LIST:NG FCR )F.T4.:LS. 1 ehcol in Markao AlaqaCeri. MaYMana MSH HEALTH: Basic Post MSH HEALTH: MCH Maymana Ongoing AID 11 91 -- -- 2 Med. loch. MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Maymana Ongoing AID/UN 12 92 -- -- 9 VACCINATORS 1 Tech. Nurse 3 Rooms: women j children under '5 can! health education and Dai training programs. 12 ADDITIONAL VACCINATORS PLANNED TO BE HIRED) AN MD DOCTOR SUPERVISION OPERATE FROM MAYMANA (1601 CHILDREN O-2 YEARS, WOMEN 5-45 RES EDUCAT: Primary RBS SOCIAL:Commu.Particp RBS SOCIAL:Other Ongoing SCA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: SCA CA RBS 1 93 Self help 3C.T.IMI fot children. Ongoing RBS 1 93 -- -- Training i).*: RBS 1 Completed SCA O Distribution (.%f 2 MT wheat seed & 2 MT DAP. Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 provision of 0.2 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.19 MT agrochemical!. AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. - 93 TARGET GROUPS: YEARS. Ongoing -- COLD CHAIN SUPERVISOR, 1 COLD CHAIN TECHNICIAN UNDER COVERING 9 DISTRICTS IN FARYAB PROVINCE. 70lInteers !community workers). Established ebld club & child support groups. --SCA AGRIC: SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary 1ACBAR Other Ongoing SCA Nawabad, Qadoghak Ongoing SCA Chartoot Ongoing SCA Ongoing AID 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. 9 mid-level HWs. 5 86 - 4 mid-level HWs. Ii 37 -- -- 5 schools in Imam Sahib, Balooch. Takali, Qatoor & Deh Sayedan villages. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 32 A6aetrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGEiCY ,<._ SECTOR Faryab MSH HEALTH HEALTH !ASH SCA AGRIC: AGRIC: Sc A SCA UNO MSH MSH SCA SCA UNO MSH MSH SCA Plant AGRIC: FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <- ACTIVITY war r Toot Ongoing AI. 11 31 - 4 MED. TECH. and Ongoing AID .. 87 -- 11 BHWs Ongoing AID /UN 12 92 -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Completed SCA j Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 87 villages. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- Ongoing AID - Ongoing AID 4 91 -- -- Pashtcen Eot .. te. EDUCAT: Primary DESCRIPTION) IMMUNIZATION COVERED FROM FARYAB VSF. - SEE MAYMANA LISTING FOR DETAILS. Provision of 0.2 MT agrochemicais. 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.19 MT agrochemicais. 12 schools in different villages. Qaramgul HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qaram Qui -- -- 2 mid -level HWs - OPD. Qaysawr HEALTH: Basic Clinic Hazarah Qala 'I NURSE. 3 MED. TECH., i BHÏ, DENTAL TECH. ASST. 2 ROOMS, DENTAL, IMMUNIZATION HEALTH: Basic Poet Kalan Ongoing AID 12 92 -- -- 2 BHWs HEALTH: Vaccination QQayswar Ongoing AID /UN 12 92 -- -- COVERED FROM FARYAB VSF. SEE MAYMANA LISTING FOR DETAILS. Research Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 2 crops variety testing trials of wheat. Plant Protec Completed S+ A 0 92 -- 94 Provision of 0.1 MT ag r^ A mi c 9ïÇ AGRIC: AGRIC: EDUCAT: Primary Faryab MAI "h& Pians ?rcte7 Othe >, Faryab MSH ost `<.accinztion Othe Faryab INC .psi' AGRIC: SCA -- STATUS -- Pashtoon Kot HEALTH' F;asic " n:. MSH. <LAGE(S) - - -- Ongoing AID 1 school in Karak Mir Shadi. Shirin Tagab EDUCAT: Primary Gorziwan Ongoing MAI HEALTH: Basic Poet Unspecified Ongoing AID HEALTH: Vaccination Shirin Tagab Ongoing AID /UN Ongoing SCA AGRIC: 7 87 -- -- . Plant Protec i school. 4 88 -- -- 12 92 -- -- 2 BHWs COVERED FROM FARYAB VSF. 0 93 -- 93 SEE MAYMANA LISTING FOR DETAILS. Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicais. A C B A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 33 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6T11 EDITION I ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGE(S) -- -- SECTOR AGENCY Other SCA AGRIC: UNO EDUCAT: Primary -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End Ongoing SCA 0 Q3 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Ongoing AID 9 8' -- -- 2 schools in 3adghisi & Chil Tapa villages. DESCRIPTION> Al) Band Ghazni AGRIC: Research AbïBand Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use AFRANE AGRIC: Crop Product Ab Band Ongoing RA PF. -- 93 -- -- Multiplication of see d & fertilizer. CoAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ab Band Ongoing RA FAO -- 93 -- -- Saplings distribution. CoAR AGRIC: Other Ab Band Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- -- Repair agriculture machinery. CoAR HEAI;TH: Basic Post Buzai Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 3 BHWs MSH AGRIC: Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 20 villages. SCA Other of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Andar Ghazni AGRIC: Research Chardewal Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- demonstration plots. Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & AFRANE AFRANE Research Waghaz Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- plots. Variely & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration AGRIC: ATC MINES: Clearance 3 villages Completed UNOCHA AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 23'villages Ongoing EC /UNICF AVICEN HEALTH: Other 'hardewai ongoing EC AVICEN HEALTH: Other Bande .ar ie Ongoing EC BDA WATER: Éarez Approved WFP -- 93 -- 93 DCA AGRIC: Vet Aman Chardewal Ongoing NAC 1 92 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Chalzae Ongoing NAC AGRIC: Vet Nani Ongoing UNDP 1 92 -- -- Central clinic with 1 asst. veterinarian. DCA DCA AGRIC: Vet Mash Ongoing UNDP 4 89 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Mohd Sediq Ongoing UNDP 4 89 -- -- 1 Destroyed 1123 devices, cleared 568266 3qm village. 6 91 11 91 1 vaccine storage facility & 1 cold chain technician 1 administrator 5 medical t a :nere 3 field trainers 3 buildings &: zonal vaccine storage facility. Rehabilitation of karezes iFFW}. . paravet. 1 paravet. paravet. 6TH EDITION ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 34 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - ---- VILLAGE(3) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DDURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Andar Ghazni :?CA AGRIC: ie; andahier Ongoing UNDP 4 89 -- -- 1 vaccinator. DCA AGRIC: 7e: Mohd Khan Ongoing UNDP 4 39 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Nawabad Nani Ongoing UNDP 10 91 -- -- 1 paravet. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Rustam Ongoing AID 11 87 7 BHWs NAC AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SAC, 9 90 VAC AGRIC: Forestry Chardewal Ongoing NAC 10 92 10 94 Forestry tree nursery project. VAC AGRIC: Vet District level Ongoing MAC -- 91 Animal vaccination program. NAC AGRIC: Research Chardewal Completed NAC 9 91 8 92 Complex trial & demonstration plots of different varieties of wheats. NAC AGRIC: Research Chardewal Completed NAC 9 91 8 92 Complex trial of different varieties of wheat. NAC CONST: Road City Ongoing NAC 9 92 9 93 Reconstruction of Band- i- 3ardeh - Miray & Ghazni city road. VA, C} 4r. Pub.Building Chardewal Completed N " NAC CONST: Pub.Building Miray Ongoing VAC 11 92 VAC EDUCAT: Primary Bata Ongoing NAC -- 87 -- -- 9 teachers / 211 students. NAC EDUCAT: Primary Zurmati Ongoing NAC -- 37 -- -- 9 teachers / 105 students. NAC EDUCAT: Primary Shamshi Diwi Ongoing NAC -- 87 -- -- 9 teachers / 159 students. VAC EDUCAT: Primary Qaia- e -Khani ':ngoing NAC -- 87 -- -- 9 teachers ! 244 students. VAC EDUCAT: Primary Alam Khei Ongoing NAC -- 8 9 teachers / 187 students. VAC EDUCAT: Primary Alah Mohammad Ongoing NAC -- 87 -- -- 9 teachers / 115 students. NAC EDUCAT: Primary Mangcor Ongoing NA!: NAC EDUCAT: Primary Joi -8 Ongoing SAC -- 87 -- -- 8 teachers i 84 students. VAC EDUCAT: Primary Hakim Khan Ongoing MAC -- 8? -- -- 9 teachers / 196 students. MAC EDUCAT: Secondary Ali Kai Ongoing NAC -- 87 -- -- 10 teachers & 231 students. - G yi -- -- 7 Distribution of 2 MT improved wheat seed / 2 MT Urea & 2 MT DAP to 50 farmers in 30 villages. 91 -- -- 7 91 s. Reconstruction of a hospital - cement, atone & glass. 9 93 Repairing of high school. teachers / 149 students. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 35 A6actrep Date: 26/06/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End DBSCRIPTION?- :ACTIVITY Andar Ghazni DUCAT: SAC - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- Secondary aecondarf 'oi-4 n:;,g.:.,r ,;,,- ,?AC _- ,eacher : -_ , ,x :, .., s>>den ts. VAC 3DUCAT: Secondary rshnoon Ongoing NAC -- 37 -- -- 12 teachers k 447 students. NAC EDUCAT: Secondary Shahal Ehei Ongoing NAC -- 87 -- -- 11 teachers & 305 students. NAC EDUCAT: Secondary Miray Ongoing NAC -- 37 -- -- 13 teachers & 542 students. NAC EDUCAT: Secondary Eundai Ongoing NAC -- 87 -- -- 10 teachers & 193 students. NAC EDUCAT: Secondary Zakooni Ongoing NAC -- 87 -- -- 10 teachers & 173 students. NAC HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Chardewal Ongoing NAC -- 89 -- -- 12 bed hospital - X-ray r lab /- surgical / dental / MCH services í 100 pts.OPD per day. NAC HEALTH: Med.Training Chardewal Ongoing NAC NAC HEALTH: Vaccination Provincial level Ongoing UNICEF /S -- 89 -- -- RDA AGRIO: Crop Product Ongoing FAO 10 92 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.085 MT agrochemicals. SCR AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 85 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Payendeh Ongoing SCA 5 86 - 2 schools ! 14 teachers / 280 students SCA HEALTH: Compr.Cïinic Nani Ongoing SCA 4 86 -- -- i MD Ongoing SA SCA 8 39 -- -- 3 mid-level d«s , , , Clinic HEALTH: Basic .i Abdullah Qala ala 5 93 7 93 Dai (midwife) training program. Freeze point with 200,000 doses / 10 vaccinators / 2 cold chain supervisros. 7 93 Distribution of 15 MT wheat & 15 MT DAP. -- 4 mid -level HWs 1 Dental Tech. , 1 Lab Tech. L Dental Tech.: 1:,ab cecn. Tech. EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 23 schools in different villages. WROR AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO 4 93 -- -- Distribution of 5 MT wheat see' & 5 MT DAP. `+iROR WATER: Lares Completed UNDP -- 92 5 93 Rehabilitation of 6 karezes. Ongoing HCR -- 89 -- -- 3 tractors & 30 water pumps. Ghazni AFRANE AGRIC: IACBAR i X-ray Tech. . . UNO -- ì Deli Yak Machinery Deh Yak DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 36 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR- TILLAGE(S) - - -- Ghazni FUNDED -- STATUS -- DURATION AGRIC: APWO RELIEF:Food Crop Product terns `5 vi::iage: l'Llak - FAO /UNDP 9'92 7 93 5 MT improved wheat seed and 5 MT DAP for multiplication. Completed WFP 1 90 6 90 Emergency food distribution - 430 MT wheat to 8 91 9 91 Emergency food distribution - 98 MT wheat to 780 families. RELIEF:Food items Rabat Completed WFP AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 28 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- - ?SAR WATER: Sondar Completed UNDP 12 90 5 91 Deh Yak Ongoing UNIT i 93 6 93 Ongoing ;Donors 10 92 4 94 HRD DESCRIPTION> Ongoing APWO AGRIC: <ACTIVITY Deh Yak AFS GAF __.. -__. Begin-End - --BY -- Karez Vet INCOME: Skill Train. Nani 1562 families. 1 team - 2 vaccinators Rehabilitation of 6 km karez - irrigate 2,000 jeribs & benefit 40 farmers. : assist DVM ! 2 paravet í 1 guard curative & preventive service. Basic trade skills - masonry carpentry / automechanics .' welding i plumbing i house wiring & tinsmith (20 -25 students for 3 -4 monthsl. íRD LL'I MAI INCOME: Skill Train. Sardeh Ongoing ;Donors HEALTH: Basic Clinic Rabat Ongoing .EDUCAT: Primary Rabat/Ramak /Bachak Ongoing MAI 10 92 4 34 Basic trade skills - masonry / carpentry / automechanics i welding i plumbing ! house wiring & tinsmith (20 -25 studens for 3 -4 months). 3 mid-level HWs/ 2 F - aiders - OPD. - -- -- 5 schools. . MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Rabat Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- PGRO WATER: Canal Deh Yak Completed CIDA -- 90 -- 91. WATER: Karez 12 villages Ongoing UNDP 4 93 11 93 Rehabilitation of 21 karezes. AGRIC: Plant Prote. SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. Completed SCA 92 -- 92 RDM SCA Ongoing ' 3 BHWs Rehabilitation of irrigation syetem & agricultural land. SCA AGRIC. Pleat Proteo SCA ASPI': Other Completed SCA +1 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 72 villages. AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Ongoing AID h h? ECA UNO EDUCA": Primary -- - Provision of 0.095 MT agrochemicals. il schools in Shasham. Rubat(3), Red. Tasun, Ramak, Balai Deh Yak, Rozi(Ibrahim Zai), Sar Andaz & Gala Alim villages. Ghazni AFRANE AGRIC: 1ACBAR Gelan Research Gelan RAP i át - Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. - DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 4 Page: 3? A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 SECTOR AGENCY -- .- VILLAGEIS1 - - -- Ghazni FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY 130 villages Ongoing 3C'UNICF 2 teams - 4 vaccinators ,OAR AGRIC: Crop Product Galan Ongoing RAP/FAO -- 92 -- - Multiplication of seed & fertilizer. -,0AR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Galan Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- -- Saplings distribution. ;)AR, CONST: Road Galan Ongoing WFP -- 32 -- Repairing of road (Galan - Mogor;. .,;AF. CONSTT: Pub.Buiìding Getan Ongoing WFP -- 92 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Gawhar Ongoing AID' 3CA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing FA 3CA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA ' - Rehabilitation of ¡elan secondary 3ehoc::8 moms 5 BHWs " 88 -- -- :i Provision of 0.05 MT agrochemicais. 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. 9 93 -- 93 Ghazni Ghazni AAWDV DESCRIPTION> Gelan HEALTH: Vaccination AVICEN ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- INCOME: Handicrafts Pir ähel Ongoing Offering tailoring training & facilities to disabled people. 92 -- -- Multiplication of maize & sung seed. -- 93 -- 93 -FAO ?BANE :.ERIC: Crop Product Ghazni Ongoing ,FRANE AGRIC: Machinery Waghaz Ongoing H AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Ongoing FAOiUNDP 9 92 7 93 5 MT improved wheat seed and 5 MT DAP for multiplication. MATER: garez Waghaz ,ompìeted VAC 3 33 5 95 .: karezes: total length 2.6 Km - irrigates 1600 jeribs - benefits 280 families. 3halez Ongoing CID(US) 5 villages .,.r;:ïet;d ',HOCHA AFC '.RD{- HEALTH: Ccmpr.Clinio 'LINES: Clearance HEALTH: Vaccination 60 'EC village? - . 38 4 tractors & 3 threshers. ..- 91 -- _- 1 MD . 3 HWs - it has 2 sub -clinics: 1 in Torgan 1 nurse grazing land . . 2 HWs) & 1 in 7hogiani i2 nurses i 2 HWsi. village & road. :1m2 - 3 vaccinators , rain nd :f 30 women in spinning. Various Ongoing ;+:A WATER: garez Bakawuì Completed :A? Ai3...-, ';et Center Ongoing ".. HEATH: Disabled Re:: spandi Ongoing. AID :Arn 'îNS Cther Spandi Ongoing NOVIB BAR I nurse Destroyed 1092 devices. cleared 310058 Sqm agri.iand 92 F INCOME: ;gii1 Train. A ' CIDP 2 91 á GO Rehabilitation of 1.454 m karezes tunnel & exca. of 1,600 5gm benefit 614 families. w 91 r . 12 g0 D!M ",navet 1 guar: curative & preventive service. 4 orthopaedic technicians manufacture -..t,:^.e° & prostheses. 2 brick -kilns with capacity of producing 500,000 bricks & lime. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 38 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Ghazni -VILLAGE(S) - - -- EDUCAT: Primary IAHC HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp HEALTH: Compr.Clinic IAHC IAHC HEALTH: Disabled Reh ISRA EAt; LDI MCPA MSH tACTIVITY 16 villages DESCRIPTION> 52 villages Spandi Ongoing HEKS 15 schools / 97 teachers i 351 female & 1846 male students. Ongoing NOVIB 100 beds Ongoing NOVIB 16 mid-level HWs i i female MD ¡ 6 MD ! 20 nurses r X-ray r vaccination 1 female nurse RAP Ongoing NOVIB Spandi Ongoing NOVI? Snalez Ongoing NOVIB INCOME: Help Vuïner. Center Ongoing ISRA 8 92 -- -- Assistance to 106 orphans. SOCIAL:Magazine Ghazni Completed ME/AID 7 91 Pubication of a monthly magazine(Saday -e- Rosta). HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Qadam Daran Ongoing LDT 1 MD / 1 murse i Ongoing LDI 3 mid - level his HEALTH: Other INCOME: Other WATER: Kares ddAL1I:. Basic Clinic MAI DURATION Begin- -End Ongoing :AHC IAHC FUNDED - --BY -- Ghazni IAHC IAHC -- STATUS -- ry.:A1 MINES: Laghari Primary Nabat at Ongoing MAI Survey 18 minefields Completed UNOCHA Mangor Ongoing A..! io HEALTH: Compr.Clinic -- MCH ¡ dental i surgery / 200 -250 patients OPD /day. ! lab ,' X -ray 6 beds & 80 OPD patients I day. 4 technicians 1 supervisor /13 support staff i making AL,BE protheses / crutches & minor physiotherapy / production of 4 protheses in a month. 1 -- lab with 4 technicians i urine analysis / stool exam i blood test / 30 patients OPD /day. 4 water pumps / 2 tractors f 14 staff the benefit of this project is for rural development program.. Rehabilitation of karez. irrigate 300 jeribs land. 2 93 lab tech - OPD. 1 2 nurses . . 2 med students - OPD. . school. 5 92 8 92 12 vV -- 338,528 Som grazing lands / agri.lands / road / irrigation & residential. 2 MD, 1 MED. TECH., . LAB. TECH ASST. 3 ROOMS, L n BOnAnr Ri,ORl O AED n SURGERY, DENTAL. VOLUNTEER Hn AL1H SISTER (VHS AND DAI TRAINING HyAL.r.. Basic Pos 1 ^ 1 i. .L.. v .Dy :.C: :,f.n SCA SCA rlëm.a.^.. . E:Ns /NCA Kars: ..ant ;roten A:::,iC. Plant Proter. Other EDUCAT: Primary ACHAR ,-. ..a.. AGRI'.: AGRIC: ;.,s .n_ in_ Aad Waghaz ... the 4 .. 93 '1 i:.v.vv .. .. 1.. Rehabilitation of 4 ia"ezes . irrigate CAA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0,095 MT 9gr^cRemica''s. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.14 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. Ongoing SCA 11 87 -- -- 4 schools , 28 teachers 39 oR benefit 1.700 families. 557 ;students DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: .. A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDiTION II ACTIVITY AGENCY - - -- -- SECTOR VILLAGE(S) - - -- SCA HEI.TH: Compr.Clinic UNO EDt ;AT: Primary Ghazni Rawza -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End < ACTIVITY Ongoing SCA 6 92 -- -- 1 MD / 4 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 19 schools in 17 different villages. DESCRIPTION> Giro AFRANE AGRIC: Machinery Giro Ongoing EC /FAO -- 88 -- -- 2 tractors & 2 threshers. AFRANE &ERIC: Research Giro Ongoing RAP., 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. AFRANE WATER: Canal Giro Ongoing UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Irrigation repair. MSH HBALTH:,Basic Post Nani Ghund Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- 2 BHWs SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.05 MT agrochemiçals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Ghazni Jaghatu . &FRANE AGRIC: Machinery AFRANE AGRIC: Research AFRANE WATER: Canai AVICEN áakrak Ongoing RAP -- 90 -- -- 2 tractors'& 2 threshers. Kakark Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of ferilizer & demonstration plots. Jaghatu Ongoing UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Irrigation repair. HEALTH: Vaccination 210 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- 3 teams - 7 vaccinators. AVICEN HEALTH: Other Kakrak Ongoing EC CCA WATER: Canai Qiaq Completed WFP DACAAR CONST: Púb:Building Torgam Completed DACAAR DACAAR WATER: Garez Jaghatu Completed DACAAR DCA AGRIC: Vet- Kafshi 3arab Ongoing UNDP IO 89 -- - 2 paravets. DCA AGRIC: Vet Cha'ma Ongoing UNDP 10 91 -- -- 1 paravet. IMC CONST: Pub.Building Eakrak /Shaki Completed WHO 5 90 12 92 MAI EDUCAT: Primary Suleiman Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- A C R A R - 1 VSF & i CC technician 4 91 11 91 -- 92 -- 92 6 91 3 92 Rehabilitation of 9.5 km irrigation channes' & irrigation wells. Primary school building Rehabilitation of 3 karezes(Shahniager.Boygara Mirak & Lalandar) total length 2.70 km. Clinic building. 1 school. DATABASE OF NG0 ACTIVITIES Page: 40 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 AGENCY SECTOR -VILLAGE(S1- ACTIVITY FUNDID - STATUS- - --BY -- Begin --End -- - MAI EDUCAT: Primary Eashaf,Omarwai Cha Ongoing MAI MSH - HEALTH:.Distrct Hosp Eakrak Ongoing AID MSH MSH ' <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Jaghatu Ghazni MSH DURATION -- -- 3 schools in Xashaf. Omarwal Waghaz & Chardewal. 9 91 -- -- 2 MD / 1 NURSE / 1 ADMIN. / 2 MED TECH / 1 LAB TECH ASST / 1 X -RAY TECH ASST i SURGERY / IMMUNIZATION. 10 BEDS LAB i X -RAY i GENERAL HEALTH:Basic Post Qaïa Mohd Khan Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- HEALTH: MCH Deh Ghulam Shah Ongoing AID 5 91 -- -- i MD. 2 Nurses 1 Lab.. Tech. AID /!UN 7 91 -- -- 12 VACCINATORS, 1 COLD CHAIN TECHNICIAN OPERATE UNDER A COLD CHAIN SUPERVISOR WITH IMMUNIZATION TECHNICIANS TRAINED BY AN IMMUNIZATION TRAINER OUT OF THE VSF IN EAIRAE, JAGHATU (606) COVERING ABOUT 45 VILLAGES IN 4 DISTRICTS OF GHAZNI PROVINCE. BEFORE THE ESTABLISHMENT OF KAUAI VSF THE ABOVE VILLAGES WERE COVERED BY THE KAJAB (407) VSF HEALTH: Vaccination. Eakrak Ongoing 13 BHWs 2 Rooms: women children under 5 care: health education and Dai training programs. . TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS AND WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS. MSH MSH NAC NAC NAC NAC HEALTH: Other HEALTH: Other AGRIC: AGRIC: Crop Product Crop Product Eakrak Ongoing AID 7 90 -- -- Regional Health Administration (RHA) administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and monitoring and Supervision of the BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction. Surkhi Jaghatu Ongoing AID 6 93 -- -- Regional Health Administration (RNA) administrative center and depot for issue of medical supplies and salaries and monitoring and supervision of the BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction Ehogiani Ongoing FAO Eakrak Ongoing FAO Ongoing NAC Completed NAC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ehogiani RELIEF :Food Items Eakrak . . ' 11 92 8 93 Multiplication of improved wheat seed. '3 93 8 93 Multiplication of improved wheat seed. -- 91 -- -- 5 93 1 MD - 5 beds / minor surgery ! OPD. 6 93 Emergency ration for 400 displaced families from Kabul. NAC WATER: Earez Cómpleted NAC 11 91 -- -- RDA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO 10 91 7 92 Multiplication of seed at the coat of Rs. 351,160. 10 91 3 92 5,600 saplings RDA SCA SCA SCA SCA 38 karezes in different villages - Total length : 18.66 km including digging new tunnel / wells & stone work. irrigate 3,8877 J. 1 benefit 709 families. AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed FAO AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.05 MT agrochemical!. AGRIC: Plant Protes Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.09 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 87 villages. Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. AGRIC: IA'C B A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 41 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 6TH EDITION] ACTIVITY SECTOR IGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- 3hazni -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jaghatu ;CA EDUCAT: Primary Musa Ehel Ongoing SCA 9 89 -- -- 4 schools MCA EDUCAT: Primary Q1aq Ongoing SCA ¡ 90 -- -- 3 schools / 20 teachers ;CA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Gandab Tugan Ongoing SCA 1 90 -- -- 1 MD EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 6 8' -- -- 12 schools in different villages. 'ITA CONST: Bridge Qala.Naw Ongoing AID 6 32 -- -- Construction of 18 m bridgeiconcrete & masonry, benefit 20' 'ITP. WATER: Canal Qaia Naw Completed AID -- -- 10 92 Cleaning of 7 km canal. benefit 171 families. 'ITA WATER: Canal Sokhta Sandal Completed AID -- -- 10 92 Cleaning of 2.3 km canal. benefit IOO families. 'ITA WATER: Canal Eushk Completed AID -- -- 10 92 Cleaning of .O km canal, benefit 700 families. 'ITA WATER: Structure Pirakay Discontin AID -- -- -- NO 3hazni RC 29 teachers / 356 students 10 mid -level HWs ; . 800 students 1 Pharmacist families. Construction of 100 m intakeigabion =work;, benefit 171 families. Jaighori 4 93 593 Distribution of vegetable seedlings. 9.i 3 93 Designing extension education for horticulture. *Donors 3 93 9 93 Distribution of fruit saplings. Approved *Donors 3 93 10 93 Nursery establishment. Ongoing *Donors 3 83 6 93 Recording & data from wheat Ongoing *Donors 8 93 8 93 Preparing of seed & fertilizer next wheat seed trials. Plant :roter, Complete': *Donors .. 9: 3 93 Testing 2-3 new method n f local material for ne at & disease e .ontrol. AGRIC: Other Ongoing *Donors g 93 10 RC AGRIC: Other. Completed *Donors 2 93 2 93 Obtain amount of vegetable seed. RC AGRIC: Other Completed *Donors 2 93 3 93 Designing extension education for vegetables. RC CONST: Bridge Tekol Goo Ongoing '!Donors 4 93 9 93 Length 18 m i tonnage 0.5 T CONST: Bridge Ab Borda Ongoing *Donors 5 93 8 93 Length 21 m ! tonnage 30 T AGRIC: Crop Product Completed *r onors RC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed *Donors RC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing RC AGRIC: Fruit Trees RC AGRIC: Research RC AGRIC: Research RC AGRIC: RC RC A C B A R -- -- ., seed trials. Perparing of land and sowing. :93 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 42 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 material use cable i wood r steel & cement. material use scone i cement & pole wood. 6TH EDITION 1 AGENCY SECTOR Ghazni ARC HEALTH: Mobile /: -Aid ZAG AGRIC: ZAG AG RIiC: .Aü .G.¿^. ZA: WATER: LEEPCO MSH DISH Fruit Trees .. Kares HEALTH: Compr.Clinic , ompr.0 ïinic HEALTH: Basic Clinic HEALTH : Sabz Sang Rahi Za a 211 villages Sangi Masha Angori /6 Agor: ,6 Arger:/; Angor:/6 HEALTH: Other HEALTH: 2 villages Angori DUCAT: Teacher ZAG MSH Crop Product EDUCA?. literacy KAG M C; Crop Product CONS:': ï;: MSH Structure HEALTH: Vaccination INDOORS MSH Structure WATER: AVICEN MSH Structure WATER: ARC ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Jaghori WATER: SRC - - -- VILLAGE(S) - --- Basic Post HEALTH: MCH HEALTH: MCH HEALTH: MCH Angori/6 Angori /5 Qadi Sangi I!asha Dawood Miyana Loman 'l b a . : Angoori Zeerak Zeerak Shughla Jngoing *Donors Ongoing =Donors Ongoing *Donors irrig +ring 5 93 9 93 4 33 4 93 Construction of 200 m retaining wail ¡ 9 93 Gabion construction length 80 m 9 93 Construction of 34 m aqueduct EC /UNICF 3 teams - :ongoing INDOORS i MD / 3 nurses - 2 ambulances. Completed FAO /UNDP Completed FAO/UND: Completed +ái Completed yáD/i?Ej Completed AF/UNES 4 90 10 91 1+efor rT 4 200 students & 20 teachers 4 3 months. SI Completed OXFAM 6 89 12 90 38 teachers in 2 weeks. Completed UNDP!WFP 4 91 3980 m karez rehabilitated. Ongoing Germany Ongoing AID Ongoing AID Ongoing AID 91 Provides health care for leprosy & general patients assistant. 2 300 -- -- 1 90 -- nB -- -- Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- Ongoing AID 2 M D. -- AID AID 1 MD, 2 MED. TECH., 2 90 -- -- Ongoing Ongoing 2 MED. TECH... LAB TECH. ASST. 1 DENTAL TECH. ASS ". 1 doctor assistant. 1 BHW. HEALTH: Vaccination Jaghori Ongoing AID /UN 91 -- -- 6 ROOMS. 1 BED, LABORATORY. DENTAL,IMMUNIZATION ROOMS. 3 BEDS, LABORATORY, IMMUNIZATION 1 dental tech assistant - 6 rooms, 9 beds, dental & immunization. ; BHW s 1 Nurse. 3 92 -- -- 11 90 -- -- a -full lab. testing service / 1 leprosy technician & 1 field I LAB. TECH. ASST., 1 DENTAL TECH. ASST. 1 BHW i Room: women /children under 5 care i MD. 1 Med Tech. 3 Rooms: 1 MD: 1 Assist. Lab. Tech. 1 Dental Tech. training. MSH distributed :' extension work. school C34Ci 011:ld. G repaired a upgraded. 9': 8 material use stone r steel bar & cement. 6.000 saplings 1f apple x plum have been distributed. j 90 .l 90 . material use stone & gabion box, 4^ seed & 1.5 Ni fertilizer distributed. .. 30,1. 90 : material use stone í cement & gabion box. vaccinators 21.5 MT seed & 1.5 MT fertilizer 90 DESCRIPTION> COVERED FROM KAKRAK VSF. , healt education and Dai training programs. women i children under 5 care: health education and Dai training program. Women I children under 5 care: dental care, hellth education, dai- SEE KAKRAK /JAGHATU LISTING FOR DETAILS. IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION Page: 43 A6actrep Date: 26/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jaghori Ghazni Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing' SCA O 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Mian Chel Ongoing' SCA 3 88 -- -- 6 schools /.43 teachers ! 1.007 students Pub.Building Center Completed INDOORS -- -- CONST: Pub.Building Sangi Masha Completed INDOORS -- 87 -- 92 Hospital with 40 rooms - stone -& cement. SCO GUST: Pub.Building Sangi Masha Completed INDOORS -- 88 -- 89 High school with 20 rooms - stone & cement. SCO EDUCAT: Primary Naiq Ala Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- 1 school for boys / 12 teachers & 530 students. SCO EDUCAT: Primary Chil -Baghto Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- 1 School for boys / 12 teachers & 656 students. SCO EDUCAT: Primary Aicha Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- 1 School for boys i 12 teachers & 460 students. SCO EDUCAT Baba Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- 1 School for boys / 12 teachers / 450 students. SCO EDUCAT: Primary Dan -Merda Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- - 1 School for boys / 12 teachers & 480 students. SCO EDUCAT: Secondary Sangi Masha Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- Boys & girls high school for 1260 students. SCO EDUCAT: Secondary Bosaid Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- School for,boys & girls / 15 teachers & 810 students. SCO EDUCAT: Secondary Dawood Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 - School for boys / 12 teachers & 620 students.. SCO EDUCAT: Secondary Hutqul Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- School for boys / 14 teachers & 760 students.. SCO EDUCAT: Secondary Pushti -Chub Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- School for boys SCO EDUCAT: Secondary Tabqus Ongoing INDOORS -- 93 -- -- School for girls / 12 teachers & 403 students. 3CO EDUCAT: Literacy Jaghori Ongoing TAF sCOe EDUCAT: Literacy Sangi Masha Ongoing TAF -- 89 -- -- Literacy for women / 2 teachers & 45 students. SCO EDUCAT: Literacy Sangi Masha Completed TAF 12 91 Literacy. basic health training for 40 women - 6 month sessions SCO HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp Center Ongoing INDOORS -- 92 -- -- 50 bed hospital - surgical / medical / orthopaedic & OPD services. SCO HEALT** Sangi Masha Ongoing INDOORS -- 88 -- -- 45 patients / day. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Other SCA EDUCAT: Primary SCO CONST: SCO A C B A` Primary Basic Post -- - 9 91 1 92 -- A hospital building (50 beds) , 15 teachers & 820 students. 85 women trained. 9 93 3 93 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 44 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 . 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- ---- VILLAGE(5' - - -- SECTOR AGENCY FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION :ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> 3 schools in Karez Batoo, Batoo & Sabz -Sang Haider villages. 3 98 -- -- Ongoing AID Laghari Ongoing ASDAA -J84 Khwaja Omri Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer + demonstration plots. HEALTH: Vaccination' 39 villages Ongoing ECiUNiCF -- -- -- -- 1 team -.3 vaccinators CCA HEALTH: ted,Training Tormay Completed OXFAM l0 91' 5 92 20 women were trained in 3 months as FHW & TBA. GAF:. AGRIC: Khwaja Omri Ongoing .UNDP 4 90 6 93 1 DVM í 2 paravet i 1 guard curative & preventive service. GAF HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing GAF Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- Ongoing AID 11 90 -- -- EDUCAT: Primary UNO, Khwaja Omri Ghazni ACRD. HEALTH: Basic Clinic AFRANE AGRIC: 'AYICEN Research Vet 'HEALTH: Basic Post MSS MSH Barakat No Burja HEALTH: tlCH - BHU with dressing ! consultation -- -- dentistry facilities. OPD i 1 doctor / 2 nurses & 1 guard. -- 92 -- - 2 Billie i MD. 1 Nurse / Midwife i Compounder, 1 Lab. Tech. i Dental Tech; 4 Rooms; Women / Children under,5 care, heallth education. dai training Cleaning of 22 karezes. NAC WATER: éarez Barakat/Deh,Haji Ongoing NAC 9 92 7 93 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Completed SCA 0 92 92 SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.05 agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Ongoing AID 5 87 - 2 schools in Bahadar & Cha Asp villages. ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 4 schools in Gaia Naw Bala, 9 Burja, Ali Abed & Bini Sang villages. Distribution of vegetable seedlings. UNO .UNO . EDUCAT: Primary -- EDUCAT: Primary Ghazni Provision of 0.05 MT agrochemicais. -- Malestan ARC AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed *Donors 4 93 ARC AGRIC: Fruit Trees -- Approved *Donors 8 93 10 93- Nursery establishment. ARC AGRIC: Fruit Trees -- Ongoing *Donors 3 93 9 93 Distribution of fruit saplings. ARC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed *Donors 2 93 3 93 Designing extension education for hortjculture. A C B A R 5 93 DATABASE OFNGO ACTIVITIES Page: 45 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR -VILLAGE(S) ---- FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End .ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Malestan Ghazni ARC AGRIC: Research Approvëd *Donors 8 93 8 93 Perparing of seed & fertilizer for next seed trials. ARC, A{' RIi;. ' earoh Research Ongoing *Donors 3 93 8 93 Recording & data from wheat seed trials. ARC AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed *Donors 2 93 3 93 Testing 2-3 new method of lacol material for pest & disease control. AGRIC: Other Completed *Donors 2 93 3 93 Designing extension education for vegetables. AGRIC: Other Completed *Donors 2 93 2 93 Obtain amount of vegetable seed. AGRIC: Other Approved *Donors 3 93 10 93 Preparing of land and sowing. CONST: Bridge Kohi Sang Ongoing *Donors 5 93 8 93 Construction of 20 m bridge i tonnage 30 T / material use cement i steel bar & stone. CONST: Bridge Different areas Ongoing ;Donors 5 93 7 93 Construction of 4 mini bridges length 2 -3 m / tonnage 30 T /material use stone l cement & steel bar. Storage Miradina Ongoing *Donors 4 93 6 93 Capacity 120 cub.: I material use stone / pole wood & cement. -- Approved ADC Ongoing *Donors ARC ARC ARC ARC ARC ARC ARC ARC ARC Awr RC ARC ARC CONST: HEALTH: Basic Clinic INCOME: Handicrafts INCOME: Skill Train. 5 93 12 93 . OPD / dental i lab i malaria control. 68 women are involved in Glims & Namads knitting soap making Ongoing NOVIB 6 93 -- -- INCOME: Skill Train. Shenadeh Approved NOVIB -- 93 -- -- WATER: Diba Ongoing *Donors 6 93 9 93 Construction of 150 m retaining wall, material use stone Miradina Ongoing *Donors 4 93 6 93 Water reservoir: capacity cub.mimateria Differen` areae Ongoing *Donors :t:3 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF Bughra Ongoing *Donors Ongoing GP(UK) WATER: W-+r,, :7{{s'E:,. Structure Structure Other iaAlil;:: 'SEA EDUCAT: Primary GP-UK EDUCE: Primary KAG 1 doctor Shenadeh AVICEN 7AÇ Miradina area -- 93 -- -- . ..:ia L l .°r . Training of 60 people in auto wiring i blacksmithry 93 -- 93 Distribution of tools (bucket l rOpe , spinning products to be marketed by NGO in Ghazni. carpentry % tinsmithry & masonry. gabion box & cement. use stone / cement & sand. tike for cleaning 30 3a. ez es. 3 teams - 7 vaccinators 9 93 -- -- 8 teachers & 200 students. -- 9'' -- -- . school. EDUCAI: Secondary Miradina Completed OVI:: 1 32 12 92 1 school / 10 teachers & 385 students. EDUCE: Secondary Miradina Completed NOV15 1 91 12 91 1 school / 8 teachers & 397 students. EDUCE: Literacy Miradina Completed TAF /DPI 5 93 85 students for 9 months. 4 93 DATABASE OF 'iG;t ACTIVITIES Page: 46 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 nT:? EDITION SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - -BY-- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Malestan Ghazni. LEPCO HEALTH: Other Bughra Ongoing Germany MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Wardah Malang Ongoing AID -- Provides health care for leprosy & general patients i 1 leprosy technician & i field assistant. i 91 -- -- 1 MD, 3 MED. TECH.. i LAB. TECH. ASST.. i DENTAL TECH. ASST. 4 ROOMS, LABORATORY, DENTAL, ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY. VOLUNTEER HEALTH SISTER (VHS) AND DAI TRAINING MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Miradina Ongoing AID 5 91 -- -- 1 doctor assistant & i medical technician. HEALTH: Basic, Clinic Shenadeh Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- 2 MED. TECH. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Qarya Dala Ongoing AID, 4 90 -- -- 1 BHW MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Malestan Ongoing AID /UN 7 91 -- -- COVERED FROM IAIRAI VSF. SEE IAIRAI/JAGHATU LISTING FOR DETAILS. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.065 agrocheiicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 .Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Miradina Ongoing INDOORS -- 89 -- -- 1 School for boys / 12 teachers & 590 students.. 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. MSH . ,SCO EDUCAT: Primary Ghazni 4 ROOMS, IMMUNIZATION Moqor AFRANI AGRIC: Research Moqor Ongoing RAP ATC. MINES: Clearance 6 villages Completed UNOCHA AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 144 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- 1 team - 3 vaccinators CoAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Moqor Ongoing RAP /FAQ -- 92 -- -- Nursery & saplings distribution. CoAR AGRIC: Machinery Moqor Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- -- 11 tractors & 5 threshers. COAR CONST: Road Moqor Ongoing WFP -- 92 -- -- Road repairing (Moqor - Gelan - Nawa). CoAR CONST: Bridge Moqor Ongoing WFP -- 92 -- -- Construction of bridge on Nawa road east of Mogor bazar. CoAR CONST: Pub.Building Moor Completed WFP -- 92 -- -- Repair of Mosque. CoAR CONST: Pub.Buiidíng Moor Ongoing WFP -- 92 -- -- Repair of warehouses. DCA AGRIC: Vet Moqor Approved UNDP -- 93 -- -- 3 paravets in training. MCI HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ghazni Completed AID A C B A R . 7 90 11 90 1 88 -- -- Destroyed 1874 devices, cleared 206970 Sqm village. i dental -tech i 1 MD i blab -tech i 2 mid -level HWs i 1 nurse & 1 EPI vaccinator - dental / lab ! OPD & EPI. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 47 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Ghazni MSH - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION . < ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Mogor, HEALTH: Distrot Hosp Moor Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 2 MD I 1 DISPENSER I 1 NURSE / 2 NURSE HELPERS I i LAB TECH ASST / 2 MID TECH I PHARMACY / LAB / IN- PATIENT BEDS I SURGERY. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Moor Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- 1 NURSE, 2 MID TECH MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Chambari Hashim Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 4 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Mogor Ongoing AID /UN 3 92 -- -- 6 VACCINATORS UNDER PMD SUPERVISION COVER 26 VILLAGES IN MOQUR DISTRICT (610), GHAZNI PROVINCE. 6 ROOMS 2 BEDS TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS AND WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS. Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 2 MT wheat seed & 2 MT DAP. Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.03 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.15 MT agrocheaicaïs. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0) 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 3 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Mogor Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- 6 schools / 44 teachers / 1,188 students SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Gelan Jandah Ongoing SCA 5 89 -- -- 4 aid -level HWs. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Center Ongoing SCA 11 88 -- -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- SCA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: SCA -- 4 aid -level HWs 16 schools in Gada Ebel, Chaka. Ranson), Ishlea, Rawrozi, Char Qala, Seyganzai, Bazar, We Sarfaraz, Mud Ebel, Akhtar 1 Ghazni Nawa Nawa Ongoing RAP HEALTH: Vaccination 58 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF CoAR AGRIC: Crop Product Nawa Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- -- CoAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Nawa Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- -- CoAR AGRIC: Machinery Nawa Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Ango Ongoing UNDP 4 91 -- -- AFRANE AGRIC: AVICEN l'ACBAR Research Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. 10 93 -- -- 2 teams - 3 vaccinators Fruit trees nursery. 1 vaccinator. 6TH EDITION DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 48 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 - ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- DCA AGRIC: MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic MSH HEALTH: Basic Post RAFA RELIEF:Food Items AGRIC: FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Nawa Ghazni SCA -- STATUS -- Vet Malikdin Ghaybi Ehel Plant Protec Ongoing UNDP 4 91 -- -- Completed AID 3 88 -- - Ongoing AID 11 89 -- -- Completed WFP 8 90 Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 1 paravet. mid -level HWs/ dental tech / lab tech & midlevel -WARD. - OPD 1 dental / lab / WARD. i BHW 9 90 Distribution of 200 MT wheat to 400 families to help the needy people & decrease the Provision of 0.18 MT agrochemicals. .. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Rango Ongoing SCA 9 90 -- -- HEALTH: Basic Ç,linic Nava (Center) Ongoing SCA 7 87 -- -- 3 mid -leve Hais. Ongoing AID 5 87 -- -- 3 schools in Malik Dim, Mohd Ihel & Zarin Ebel villages. -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. HEALTH: Vaccination 270 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- 4 teams - 8 vaccinators GAF AGRIC: Vet Nawor Ongoing UNDP 10 91 EAG AGRIC: Crop Product Sar Asiab Completed FAO/UNDP 10 90 11 91 MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qarya Bator Ongoing AID 6 91 -- -- 2 MED. TECH. MSE HEALTH: Basic Clinic Baee Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 4 MED. TECH.1 MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Jeska Ongoing AID 10 90 -- -- 2 MED. TECH.. 1 BHW MSH HEALTH: Basic: Post Sabz Nela Ongoing AID 12 90 -- - 4 Ms MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Nawor Ongoing AID. /UN SCA UNO . EDUCAT: Primary Ghazni AIR . AVICEN AGRIC: Ghazni ATC MINES: '4 schools / 23 teachers / 365 students Nawor Crop Product -- 6 93 7 91 -- -- 1 DVN / 2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service. 30.5 MT seed distributed. DENTAL COVERED FROM IAIRAI VSF. SEE IAIRAI /JAGHAUT LISTING FOR DETAILS. Qarabagh Clearance Bazaar Completed UNOCHA AMEN HEALTH: Vaccination 191 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF CCA WATER: Langer Completed CIDA Iarez 10 90 10 90 Destroyed 1 device, cleared 30000 Sqi village. 2 teams - 4 vaccinators 2 91 5 91 T Page: Rehabilitation of 4 ka tarez tunnel 49 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 - benefits 140 families. rate of wheat. ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S)- --- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End :ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Qarabagh Ghazni DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO /Seif 3 90 12 91 :DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 40 villages Discontin FAO /Self 8 92 Distribution of 46.5 MT DAP 9 92 183.4 MT Urea to 3.809 farmers in 46 villages. 1000 kg wheat seed collected from the farmers & redistributed to 13 selected farmers in 10 villages for seed multiplication. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product Tamaki/Zardalo' Completed FAO /Self 9 91 -- -- Distribution of 500 kg improved wheat seed i 600 kg Urea & 425 kg DAP to 15 farmers. Completed FAO/Self 4 21 12 91 Distribution of 34.4 kg vegetable seeds to 220 farmers / 10,000 vegetable seedlings to 150 farmers / 32 sprayers to 32 farmers. )04R AGRIC: Crop Product Highlands Completed FAO 9 91 -- -- Demonstration of wheat seed, vegetables & seedlings. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 40 villages Completed DACAAR 3 92 3 92 8 kg vegetable seed distributed to 201 farmers in 15 villages. DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees 40 villages Completed FAO 12 91 4 92 12.000 fruit trees distributed to 362 growers in 23 villages. DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Highlands Completed FAO 3 92 -- -- Distribution of 14.000 fruit saplings to the farmers. DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed FAO /Self 3 90 -- -- Distribution of 30,000 fruit saplings to 1,160 farmers. DACAAR .AGRIC: Fruit'Trees 40 villages Discontin FAO /Self 4 92 -- -- 4 demonstration orchard established in 4 villages. DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Highlands Completed FAO 4 92 -- -- Fruit & vegetables nurseries. DACAAR AGRI: Machinery Completed FAO /Self 6 91 12 91 4 tractors i 4 threshers covered 8800 jeribs land of 725 farmers. DACAAR AGRIC: Research 40 villages Completed FAO /Self 9 91 3 wheat yield trials & 1 wheat test plot conducted. DACAAR AGRIC: Research 40 villages Completed FAO /Self 5 22 10 92 C'&CAAR AGRIC: Peseareh 40 villages;;::t:: FAO/Self v 92 -- AC A R ASR. :: Plant Prcteo Completed vi; DACAAR AGRIC: Plant Protec 40 virages Completed DACAAR AGRIC: Plant Protec 40 villages DACAAR AGRIC: Training 40 villages DACAAR AGRIC: Other DACAAR CONST: Pub.Buiiding A C B A R Center 7 92 -- 4 potato test plots conducted. . wheat yield trial & l5 wheat observation lines. 5 92 Plant protection program. DACAAR 6 92 12 92 900 shovels / 700 pruner / 39 sprayers Completed DACAAR 3 92 11 92 365 kg agrochemicals applied on 741 orchards in 17 villages. Discontin DACAAR 3 92 -- -- 1,362 farmers technically trained. Completed FAO /Self 7 91 12 91 Distribution of 390 Completed DACAAR 5 91 Primary school - cement / sand / gravel 8 91 shovels / 260 wind fork / 100 sickles to 1.000 farmers. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 50 147 wind -forks distributed to 1,786 needy farmers in 28 villages. A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 lime / wood / iron sheet / oil & gypson. 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Ghazni - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITI Qarabagh DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Center Completed DACHAR -- 91 -- -- Primary school building DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Center Completed DACAAR -- 91 -- 91 Veterinary clinic building DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Center Completed DACAAR DACAAR CONST:. Pub.Building Ain Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- 93 DACAAR WATER: Karez Qarabagh Completed DACAAR 12 90 DACAAR WATER: Karez Several villages Completed DACAAR -- 89 -- 92 48 Karezes cleaned in Pashtun & Hazara Areas. DACAAR WATER: Canal Several villages Completed DACAAR -- 89 -- 92 1 canal cleaned in Pashtun & Hazara Areas. DACAAR WATER: Canal Qarabagh Completed DACAAR 12 90 DCA AGRIC: Vet Nowra Ongoing UNDP 10 91 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Bazaar Ongoing UNDP 2 90 -- -- Central clinic with 1 vet. assistant. DCA AGRIC: Vet Lagharjoy Ongoing UNDP 6 89 -- -- 1 vaccinator. DCA 'AGRIC: Vet Naykhta Ongoing UNDP 10 90 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Roshan Ongoing UNDP 10 91 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Tochi Ongoing UNDP 10 91 -- -- i paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Zersank Ongoing UNDP an g? . paravet. HRA HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Bazaar Ongoing BRA 1AG., AGRIC: Crop Product Aiiabadii3 Completed FAO LAG AGRIC: Crop Product Aiiabad /13 Completed FAO /UNDP KAG AGRIC: Fruit Trees Aiiabad/8 Completed FAO 5 91 1 admin building 8 91 7 92 Rehabilitation of 44 karezes - total length 33.6 km - j7.5 km has been cleaned so far. Rehabilitation of 2 canals. 7 92 1 paravet. 20 beds i surg. 2 93 -- IO lO Primary school building i med. i orthop. / 4 spec. / 3 MD / 10 tech. / 8 nurses / X -ray / lab / OPD & ECG. 6.5 MT seed & 1.5 MT DAP distributed. 91 21 MT seed & 1.5 MT fertilizer distributed i extension work. 4 90 10 90 6.000 saplings of apple & plum have been distributed. 10 90 11 90 6 teachers i 317 students. KA;, EDUCAT: rrimary. Jangalak Completed NOVïB i 92 KAG EDUCAT: Primary Quliaqul Completed NOVIB i 91 12 91 1 school / 8 teachers / 317 students. KAG DUCAT: Primary Shakinoka Completed MOVIE i 92 12 92 1 school ACBAR DESCRIPTION> 12 1 school 9.: ' ,' 8 teachers / 308 students. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 51 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Ghazni ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Qarabagh KAG EDUCAT: Primary Shakinoka Completed NOVIB 1 91 12 91 1 school / 7 teachers / 370 students. KAG EDUCAT: Primary Quliagul Completed NOVIB 1 92 12 92 1 school / 7 teachers / 281 studenta. KAG EDUCAT: Primary Tamaki Completed NOVIB 1 91 12 91 1 school / 8 teachers / 367 students. KAG EDUCAT: Primary Tamaki Completed NOVIB 1 92 12 92 1 school / 8 teachers / 386 students, KAG EDUCAT: Primary Jangalak Completed NOVIB 1 91 12 92 1 school i 8 teachers / 273 students. KAG EDUCAT: Literacy Aliabad /19 Completed TAF /DPI 8 92 4 93 240 students in 9 months period. KAG EDUCAT: Literacy Qarabagh Completed TAF 12 90 5 93 400 men trained in literacy. KAG WATER: Earez Aliabad /4 Completed HAC/WFP 10 90 3 91 Cleaning of karez 2.56 km / 240 i repairing benefit 625 farmers. KAG WATER: Karez Aliabad /56 Completed RAP 3 92 12 92 Cleaning of 27.7 km karez / 4.2 repairing / 2 km new digging / 11.3 km land irrigated & benefit 3129 farmers. Mohor Wardak Ongoing LDI 9 88 -- -- 3 nurses / 1 sed. student - OPD. Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- i dental tech / i nurse / i lab tech & I mid -level HW - Dental / lab / nurse & OPD. LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Tamaki Ongoing AID 7 91 -- -- 1 MD, 3 MED. TECH:, i LAB. TECH. ASST. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Rana Ebel Ongoing AID 2 89 -- -- 2 MED. TECH. i NURSE HEALTH: Basic Clinic Khan Zeman Ehel Ongoing AID 9-89 -- -- 2 medical tech., i doctor assistant, 1 lab tech, assistant - 3 rooms, laboratory & dental. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Berla Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Gam Meshak Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Qarabagh Ongoing AID /UN MSH MSH MSH 6 2 NURSES, 1 MED. TECH, 7 87 -- -- EDUCAT: Primary Jangelak 9 88 -- -- 2 ROOKS, DENTAL 5 VACCINATORS COVER 126 VILLAGES IN GARABAGH DISTRICT OF GHAZNI PROVINCE. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS AND YEARS. Pvt 4 91 -- -- 3 schools (Shaheed GGulistani / Shaheed Suleiman Ali / Shaheed Nijati) each has 3 teachers & one headmaster. Rehabilitation of 29.300 linear M karez - benefit 1,430 farming families. WATER: Karen Ongoing WFP 6 93 RDA WATER: Karen Ongoing WFP 7 93 11 93 SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO /UNDP ACHAR i DENTAL TECH. Ongoing RDA -- 2 ROOMS 21 BMWs WOMEN 5 -45 CCA LABORATORYi 8 93 11 92 11 93 Rehabilitation of 29.300 linear M karez - benefit 1.430 families. Wheat seed multiplication. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 52 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S)- - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTI,. Garabagh Ghazni SC -US CONST: Road Bazaar Completed RAP 5 92 4 93 Road construction from Bazaar to Sark length 5.9 km. SC -US CONST: Road Bazaar Completed RAP 5 92 4 93 Road construction from Bazaar to the Hain road length 9.2 km. SC -US HEALTH: MCH Shama Dah Ongoing NAG 9 92 8 93 SC -US INCOME: Handicrafts 9 villages Ongoing RAP 5 92 -- 93 SC -US WATER: Iarez Bazaar Completed RAP 5 92 4 93 SC -US WATER: Canal Bazaar Completed RAP 5 92 4 93 Canal cleaning - length 2.3 km. SC -US WATER: Canal Bazaar Completed RAP 5 92 4 93 Canal cleaning - length 4.2 km. SC -US WATER: Structure Bazaar Completed RAP 92 4 93 Culvert No 2. SC -US WATER: FloodControl Bazaar Completed RAP 5 92 4 93 Flood control length 27 m. SC -US WATER: FloodControl Bazaar Completed . RAP 5 92 4 93 Flood control length 210 m. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- SCA EDUCAT: Primary Gm What Ongoing SCA SCA EDUCAT: Primary Qarabagh Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- 10 schools / 70 teachers / 1,816 students SCA HEALTH: Basic: Clinic Kai Qala Ongoing SCA 5 89 -- -- 2 nurses, 3 mid -level HWs, i lab tech SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Center Ongoing SCA- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 20 schools in different villages. VITA COAST: Bridge Jabar Khan Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- Construction of 30 m bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 4,000 families. VITA CONST: Bridge Jan Murad Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- Construction of 100 m cable bridge, benefit 20,000 families. VITA WATER: FloodControl Bigi Khei Ongoing AID 1 A C B A R 5 -- 92 Provision of Ante -Natal care & training of TBA +FHW. 700 women are involved in handicraft / embroidery product which are sold SC/US carft -shop in Peshawar Pakistan. Rehabilitation of 70 karezes. Provisión of 0.03 MT agrochemicals. Provision of 0.014 MT agrochemicals. 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 50 villages. 92 Agriculture survey on 86 villages. 11 87 -- -- -- -- -- -- 12 92 6 schools 136 teachers / 278 students 4 mid -level HWs / i Pharmacist Construction of 100m retaining wall(gabion work), benefit 150 families. -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 53 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY -- VITA WATER: -SECTOR FloodControl Ghazni -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY Ongoing AID Zena than Ongoing RAP Ongoing ECiUNICF Ongoing RAP,FAO -- 92 -- -- Multiplication of seed & fprti'ì'er Malang Khei Construction of. 200 m' retaining weil(gabion work), benefit 200 families. Zena Khan AFRANE AGRIC: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 37 villages AGRIC: !Crop Product Zena Khan "cA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Zena Khan Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- -- Fruit trees distribution & 106 so nursery. CoAR CONST: Road Zena Khan Completed WFP -- 92 -- -- Repairing of Zenakhan road. CoAR CONST: Bridge Zena Khan Completed WFP -- 92 -- -- Construction of small culverts. CoAR CONST: Pub.Buiiding Zena than Ongoing WFP -- 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of Zenakhan school. RDM AGRIC: Livestock 20 villages Ongoing UNDP 4 93 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicaïs. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 .;A DESCRIPTION> Research - 10 93 -- -- Variety &- agronomical trials to know good variety & proger use of fertilizer & demonstration pacts. 1 team - 2 vaccinators 8 93 Distribution of 1,700 chickens for 160 families. 87 -- -- 8 schools in Qawl Zabsi, Ihwaja Ihel, Kotal Sabzi. Safaidar. Char gala, Haybat Kheì, Qader Khel & Rahat Khel villages. Ghor Chaghoharan MDM. HEALTH: Other City Ongoing MDM -- 93 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Soofak Ongoing AID 88 88 -- -- SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93. Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicais. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Ghor Health assessment. -- 2 BHWs Lal Surjangal AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 74 villages Ongoing BC /UNICF -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators LEPCO HEALTH: Other Dan- i- Manjow Ongoing Germany -- Provides health service for leprosy & general patients i full lab. testing service i 1 leprosy technician & I field assistant. A C B A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 54 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION FUNDED ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGEES) - - -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic OXFAM AGRIC: Other -- STATUS -- - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Qaehi Safald Chad Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- 4 M.T. Lal Ongoing OXFAM 8 91 -- -- Agriculture development program with many activities. DESCRIPTION> Pasaband Ghor 1 team - 2 vaccinators AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 54 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF INC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Doghor Ongoing AID 5 86 -- -- 2 mid -level health- workers. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Xhangegï Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 8 BIIWe SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.12 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 90 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. UNO EDUCAT: Primars Ongoing AIf 3 90 -- -- 3 schools in Odkal, garamzar & Chini villages. Ongoing AID 7 88 -= -- 3 BHiis Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.055 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- 2 schools in Tarzai & Ser Saib villages. AID 5 87 -- - -. 2 mid -level HNs - OPD. 1 88 -- -- 1 MED. STUDENT 4TH -- -- Saghar Ghor MSH HEALTH: Basic Post SCA AGRIC: UNO EDUCAT: Primary Plant Protec Shahrak Ghoz IMC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Eamenj Ongoing MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shahrak Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Oshan Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Shahrak Ongoing AID/UN 9 93 -- -- PLANNED TO BE COVERED FROM THE HERAT VSF. SEE HERAT LISTING FOR DETAILS. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA O 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.06 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.06 MT agrochemicals. - 1 MED.TECH, i LAB TECH. ASST. 2 BHWS DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 2 ROOMS, LABORATORY, IMMUNIZATION 4 BHWs 12.88 -- AMR , 55 A6actrep Date: 21/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR SCA AGRIC: UNO EDUCAT: Primary - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Other Ghor -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION Begin- -End - --< ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- 5 schools in Tangi Alan, Sarmulan Puïakhak, Sar Ihak, Zahran & Gul Chaim villages. Repair of jeep road between Southern Taywara & Parchaman of Farah (76 km) by hand tools. Taywara CHA CONST: Road -- Completed RAP 5 90 12 90 CHA WATER: Karez 1l'villagee Completed RAP 3 92 5 92 Iarez cleaning. CHA WATER: £arez Completed RAP 2 91 6 91 Rehabilitation of 4 karezes (8.4 km) 1 water pump - irrigate 20,000 jeribs & benefit 574 families. CHA WATER: Karez Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- CHA WATER: Canai 11 villages Completed RAP 3 92 IMC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Gughur Ongoing AID 5 87 -- -- 2 mid -level HWs / lab tech. - OPD / lab. Ongoing AID 4 87 -- -- 2 midlevel OPD / i mid -level HW - WARD / dental -tech & lab -tech. Rehabilitation of 15 karezes. 5 92 Canal cleaning. MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Zirgak Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- i MD, 1 MID. TEC$., i LAB.TECH. ASST. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Jawz Chadar Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 24 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Taywara Ongoing AID/UN 9 93 -- -- PLANNED TO BE COVERED FROM THE HERAT VSF. SEE HERAT LISTING FOR DETAILS. MSH HEALTH: Other Zirgak Ongoing AID_ -- -- -- -- - OPD / WARD i dental & lab. IMMUNIZATION Regional Health Administration ¡BHA) administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and monitoring and supervision of the BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: SCA -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.15 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 90 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH :' Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 10 92 -- -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- bale Surkh 4 mid -level HWs / 1 Dental Tech. 7 schools in Yakhan Ulia, lard Bail, Seen, Mehala, Zilzilagak, Ashigan & ,Arpatoo. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 56 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Ghor - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Toulak INC HEALTH: Basic Clinic MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic MSH HEALTH: -Basic Post Helmand GRC -- STATUS -- CONST: Guldan Ongoing AID 5 86 -- -- i mid -level HW - OPD. Ongoing AID 3 88 - 1 First aid / i dental tech & 1 rid -level HW Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 3 BHWs 6 villages Completed UNDP 7 90 10 90 Survey of 27 km road from Nawa -Nish te Sartighan. 3 90 50 MT wheat for 439 families due to shortage of food in the area. Ihameen Ibwaja -- - First aid dental & OFD. Baghran Road GRC RELIEF:Food Items 25 villages Completed WFP HI HEALTH: Disabled Reh Dara Ongoing AID MCI CONST: Baghran Completed CHC Road . 4 90 12 90 -- -- 5 90 4 orthpaedic technicians manufacture crutches & prostheses. 3 91 Road repiar project -to create a district-level NGO to jointly pian & implement a project to rebuild, repair & resurface 28.5 Em of primary roads. MCI CONST: MCI HEALTH: Distrct Hoap Road Paisang-Tangi Ongoing AID/WFP 11 92 -- -- Repairing Paisang -Tangi road. -- Completed AID 11 87 -- -- I MD 12 lab -tech / 1 X-ray tech / 1 dental -tech / 1 mid -level. HW I l ML -OT / 2 ML -ward & 4 tech. - lab/X-ray í dental.I OPD I OT & Ward facilities. MCI : ALTA: Basic Clinic MCI WATER: 'Structure MSH HEALTH: Basic Post SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Helmand ' Completed AID 7 89 -- -- Baghran Completed CRC 10 89 12 90 Irrigation improvement -to clean, repair & improve flow capacity of apx. 150 irrigation systems. Chachar Nawa Mesh Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 4 BHWs Newa Mesh Ongoing SCA 1 90 -- -- Bust Ongoing AID -- 93 -- -- Hospital equipment supplied. Ongoing UNICEF /S -- 90 -- -- Outreach BPI program from Nadi Ali. Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10' MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. Approved DCP -- 93 -- -- Repairing òf road Lashkargah -Dorai. 11 92 -- -- Ihushk Aba canal cleaning and repair. HEALTH: Other GAF HEALTH: Vaccination HRO AGRIC: Crop Product MCI CORST: Road WATER: Canal Ongoing AIDS WATER: Canai Completed AID/WFP NCI . ACBAR 2 mid -level HWs I 1 Dental Tech. Bust IRO MCI 1 dental tech I 1 lab tech & 1 mid -level HW - Dental i lab & OPD. - . Lashkargah 2 93 4 93 Cleaning of 2 canals. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 1 _ Page: 57 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 _ ACTIVITY AGRNCY -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR FUNDED -BY - STATUS- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Bust Helmand Clewing of canal. MC: WATER: Canal Completed UNDP 11 92 .4 93 Mv. WATER: Structure Completed UNDP 11 92 4 93 Construction of protection dike. MC: WATER: Structure Completed UNDP 11 92 4 93 Rehabilitation of New Shamaìan intake. ICI WATER: Structure Bust Completed UNDP 11 91 4 93 Rehabilitation of intake structure on the Derveehan river. MCPA MINES: Survey 1 minefield Completed UNOCBA RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 SCA AGRIC: Research Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 1 crop variety testing trial of wheat. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.2 MT agrochemicals. SCA 'AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.16 MT agrochemicals. -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Laehkargah Ongoing BBCF 11 92 10 93 Chuto Ongoing INDOORS -- S& A &RIC: SWFAO INCOME: Handicrafts Helm i4 Other -- Completed . 1 92 12 92 6,696 Sqm road. Distribution of 4 MT wheat seed and 4 MT DAP. Handicraft for volea. De ehu INDOORS, REALTB: Coipr.Clinic Helmand -- 1 MD / 3 nurses OPD. Garmeer ARR AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. MCI CONST: Storage Approved AID -- 93 -- -- Grain Storage Bin project. MCI WATER: Canal Darweshan Ongoing AID/WFP 11 92 -- -- Darwaishan canal system repair. MCI WATER: Structure Darveshan Completed UNDP/DCP MCI WATER: FloodControl Mien Puahta Completed UNDP MCPA MINES: Survey 1 minefield Completed MOCHA kRORA AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed 5 MT DAP to 51 farmers. CB HEáLTH:. Basic Post - DdrMeahen Ongoing AID 12 90 -- -- 1 BHW IACBAR 9 92 4 93 Repairing of intake. 11 92 4 93 Construction of flood protection. 38,500 Sqm road. 1 92 12 92 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES -- Page: 58 !Cactrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION -- -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR AGENCY FUNDED DURATION STATUS- -BY- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Garmser Helmand RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product SWAAD MINES: Clearance UNO EDUCAT: Primary VARA WATER: Helmand ACTL ITY Canal -- village Bazar Juft Completed FAO Compléted UNOCHI Ongoing AID Ongoing UNDP Completed CIDA -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 4 MT wheat seed and 4 MT DAP. 1 92 12 92 39680 S9m road. 12 87 -- -- 4 93 2 schools in Dewala `village. , Cleaning of 5.5 km card / irrigates 6350 jeriba & benefit 240 families. 9 93 He imand NWRC AGRIC: Crop Product MCI AGRIC: Livestock Completed UNDP 3 93 6 MCI AGRIC: Other Ongoing AID 7 90 4 94 Center Babaji cotton production project. -- 89 -- 90 93 Animal mass vaccination. PVC Support: ag rehab. (wheat production orchard rehab. ¡irrigation repair i cash crop pilot projects / ag assessment i animal health. Helmand ARCH Sajaki COKST: Bridge Eajaki Ongoing ARCON -- WATER: Canal Ia;aki Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Ongoing FAO 12 92 7 93 5 MT wheat seed ! 5 MT DAP k benefit 3100 farmers & 2000 families indirectly. ARPD WATER: !area 6 villages Ongoing UNDP/WFP 2 93 5 83 6 karezes - length 13 km - benefit 2110 families. IAHC AGRIC: Other Ongoing BEES -- - IAHC ::ALTH: Distrct Hosp 30 villages Ongoing NOVIB -- -- -- -- 10 beds / 13 MDWHs / TB A malaria lab / small surgery / OPD. IAHC HEALTH: Basic Clinic 30 villages Ongoing NOVIB -- -- -- -- 5 MLBWs i TB k malaria lab / 25 patients OPD / day. MCI HEALTH: Basic Post Completed AID 6 90 -- -- 2 first ciders & 1 mid -level HW - first aid & OPD. MCI WATER: Structure Kajaki Completed UNDP 10 90 MRORA AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- NSH HEALTH: Basic Post Shah Earez Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- 1 BHW MSS HEALTH: Vaccination Eajaki Ongoing AID/UN 1 92 -- -- 4 VACCINATORS COVER 29 VILLAGES IN EAJAKI . ARCON ARPD , -- -- -- -- - Construction of Kajaki bridge. Survey of Helmand canal. 1 farm (300 jeribs) is maintained with a tractor & 4'agri. staff. 9 91 Irrigation improvement -to clean, repair & improve the flow capacity of apz. 150 irrigation systems. Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed k 5 MT DAP to 100 farmers. DISTRICT (2306), HELMAND PROVINCE. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS AND WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS. IACBAR --- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 59 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION i ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BY -- Begin- -End -- 92- -- 92 <ACTIVITY RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO SWAAD MINES: Clearance li villages Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 27507 Sqm /163256 Sip VIM COAST: Bridge Kajaki Discontin AID 9 92 -- -- Construction of (wooden) bridge. lelmand DESCRIPTION> Distribution of 4 MT wheat seed and 4 MT DAP. Musa Qala AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 30 villages Ongoing EC.IUNICF FRF WATER: 18 villages Completed UNDP /WFP 5 92 11 92 Cleaning of 70.97 km karez / irrigates 4430 jer bs land & benefit 1415 families. HI HEALTH: Disabled Reh Karni Manda Discontin AID 2 92 4 orthopaedic technicians manufacture crutches & prostheses. HRAy WATER: Karez 16 villages Approved UNDP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of.25 km karez benefit 12831 people. HRO AGRIC: Crop Paduct -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP IAHC HEALTH: Distrct Hcsp 60 villages Ongoing NOVIB MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Toghai Ongoing AID Karez Helmand'" 1 team - 2 vaccinators 5 7 88 -- 92 -- 30 beds /15 NLBWs /R- ray /TB & malaria lab /surgery of war wounded & mine injured/1 ambulance /50 -60 patients OPD /day. -- 2 BMWs Nad -Ali ARO AGRIC: Crop Product Nad All Ongoing FAO/UNDP 12 92 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Nawabad Ongoing Dutch G. 9 90 -- -- i paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Loymanda Ongoing° Dutch G. 9 90 -- - 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Kopek Ongoing Dutch G. 9 90 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Dahan 31 Sheri Ongoing Dutch G. 9 90 -- -- 1 paravet. GAF HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF /S -- 90 -- -- Mobile vaccination team with 3 vaccinators. HRO AGRIC Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 24 MT DAP, 6 MT urea, 4 MT maize seed and 1 MT cotton seed. INC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Had Ali Completed AID 5 90 -- -- 1 MD / 1 dentist / 1 lab tech. - OPD / lab / dental. LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Maria Center Ongoing LDI 4 91 -- -- 1 mid -level HW / 1 nurse - OPD. MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Completed AID 6 88 -- -- 1 BPI vaccinator i 1 first aider / i aid -level HV & 1 lab tech. IACBAR Crop Product Multiplication of 10 MT wheat. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 60 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 EPI / F.AID i OPD & lab. 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Helmand - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BY -- Begin- -End -- 93 -- - <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Nad -Ali MCI WATER: MSH HEALTH: Basic Post OMAR MINES: SCA Canal Old Sbamalan Approved UNDP Marja Gharbi Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- 4 BHWs Awareness Completed UNOCHA 1 92 Safety lessons - 7238 people participated. AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0..2 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.3 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SWFAO AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO /UNDP 5 92 8 92 Multiplication of maize seed & sung bean with -fertilizer. SWFAO AGRIC: 'Crop Product Ongoing FAO 5 93 -- -- Multiplication of maize seed & mung bean with fertilizer. SWFAO AGRIC: Crop Product All villages Ongoing FAO /UNDP 8 92 7 93 Multiplication of wheat seed with fertilizer. SWFAO AGRIC: Fruit Trees All villages Completed EIL/HCR 10 92 1 93 Fruit trees distribution. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 12 87 -- -- 7 schools in Shinkalai, Bastan Ghana, Blaock 5 /C, Galf Abdullah. Naqilabad, 3.B & Aim. VARA RELIEF:Non -Food Item Marja Completed. AID -- Distribution of 450 pairs of trousers to 450 labors. VARA WATER: Canal Marja Completed UNDP/WFP VITA WATER: Canal Block 5 Ongoing AID 12 92 -- -- VITA WATER: Canal Block 5 Completed AID -- -- .11 92 'Cleaning of 17.5 km canal, benefit 850 families. VITA WATER: Canal Camp Balkh No.4 Completed AID -- -- Ii 92 Cleaning of 21 km canal, benefit 1100 families. Ongoing UNICEF /S -- 90 -- -- Outreach IPI program from Nadi Ali. Helmand GAF ` ti i7 All villages 1 93 6 92 -- 4 93 HEALTH: Vaccination AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Ongoing SV /FAO 12 92 HRO AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Completed AID 3 88 -- -- Ongoing AID 12 88 -- -- s :ALTH: Basic Post IACBAR Cleaning of 10 km canal / irrigates 2,000 jeribs & benefit 950 families. Cleaning of 25 km canal, benefit 450 families. Sarai HAFO MSH Cleaning of canal & reconstruction of flood control. Deh Adam Khan 7 93 Multiplication of improved wheat, maize, cotton seed & fertilizer. Distribution of 29 MT wheat seed and 30 MT DAP. 1 nurse i dental tech 1 1 lab tech & 1 mid -level HW - OPI' I Dental lab. 4 BHWs DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 61 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY -VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Nahr. Saraj elmand Distribution of 4 MT wheat seed and 4 MT DAP. RFRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 SCA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 2 MT wheat seed & 2 MT DAP. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.155 MT agrochemicals. SCP. HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing SCA 9 92 -- -- 2 MDs / 1 mid -level HWs. SWFAO AGRIC: Ongoing FAO 5 93 -- -- Distribution of lung bean & fertilizer. Ongoing AID 12 87 -- -- 2 schools in Maligar & Malgir villages. Center Crop Product "EDUCAT: Primary UNo Nauzad Helmand Multiplication of wheat & maize seed with fertilizer. 7 93 HAFO AGRIC: Crop Product 2f villages Ongoing SV'FAO 12 92 HRO AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Completed AID 1 89 -- -- VARA AGRIC: Completed FAO 11 92 12 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP. Approved EC/UNICF -- 93 -- -- 1 teas Helmand AVICEN Crop Product . 30 villages Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. 1 lab tech / 1 dental -tech & 1 mid -level HW - OPD. Nawae Barak. ALTH: Vaccination 2 vaccinators IMC CONST: Pub.Building Ghuam Khan Completed WHO 5 89 -- -- Clinic building. INC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ghat Khan Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- 1 mid -level BW - OPD. MCPA MINES: Survey 9 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 196,402 Sqm /residential NRORA AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Kharaba Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- SWAAD MINES: Clearance Cnawa Completed UNOCHA 1 93 SWARD MINES: Clearance 6 villages Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 UNO EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID A C B- A R DESCRIPTION> d`road Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 58 farmers. 3 BBWs 32069 Sum houses / 7615 Sim road / 5725 Sqa 357435 So canal. 3 93 9678 Sqn /48446 Sum houses. 8 schools in Khalash(2), Bazar Dasht(2), Razrat Asp, Basulan, Tapan Khalaj & Sarver Khan villages. 12 87 -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 62 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S)- Helmand -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End - - -BY -- Reg HAFO WATER: Drinking 15 villages Ongoing SV/WFP BRO AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO OMAR MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA Helmand -- -- 92 -- 92 1 92 6 92 Reconstruction of 15 wells for drinking water & watering animals Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP Safety lessons - 1974 people participated. Sarban Qala MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic -- Completed MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Malmand Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Sarban Qala Ongoing AID/UN ,AID . 2 90 -- -- 3 mid -level BWe / 1 dental tech & 1 lab tech 4 89 -- -- 2 BHWs 3 93 -- -- RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo HRO AGRIC: -- - Lab i dental & OP D 4 VACCINATORS UNDER PHD SUPERVISION IMPLEMENT IMMUNIZATION PROGRAM. WOMEN Helmand DESCRIPTION > - TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS AND 5 -45 YEARS Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP -- 93 -- -- For detials see ARRA Crop Production in Gozarah- Distribution of 4 MT wheat seed and 4 MT DAP Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals Washare Crop Product -- Enjeel Herat ARRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Approved FAO ARCO WATER: Canal Shadi Bara Completed ARCON 6 92 9 92 Cleaning of 10 km canal benefit 20 villages. BRCO WATER: Canal Nugra Completed ARCON 6 92 9 92 Cleaning 8 km canal + construction of 3 water dividers BRCO WATER: Canal Talab Completed ARCON 6 92 9 92 Cleaning of 6 km BRCO WATER: Canal Rezishk Completed ARCON 6 92 9 92 Cleaning of 6 km canal. BRCO WATER: Canal Enieel Completed ARGON 6 92 9 92 Cleaning of 10 km canal benefit 20 villages MCPA MINES: Survey it minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 1,241,080 Sqm residential & road MSE HEALTH: Basic Post Shadel Jan Ongoing AID 7 08 -- -- 5 BMWs MSB :rALTH: Vaccination Enjeel Ongoing AID/UI 9 90 -- -- COVERED FROM HERAT VSF. SEE HERAT LISTING FOR DETAILS - canal. DATABASE OF 1GO ACTIVITIES Page: 63 ASactrep Date: 27'"41'Á3 ------------------------- - - - - -- 6TB EDITION ACTIVITY ----VILLAGE(5)---- SECTOR AGENCY Herat FUNDED ---BY-- DURATION 4ACTIVITY Begin--End DESCRIPTION> Enjeel HEALTH: Other MSE --STATUS-- Enjeel Ongoing AID Regional Health Administration (RBA) administrative center and dépot for issue of supplies and salaries and 5 90 -- -- supervision and monitoring of the BBWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction. Demining program. -- 93 -- -- Ongoing EC Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provisión of 0.05 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. ONO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 1 91 -- -- 2 schools,in Nissan & Nawbadam villages. VITA CONS!: Road Puli Hashimi Ongoing AID VITA CONST: Bridge Enjeel Ongoing AID VITA WATER: Canal Maladan Completed AID VITA WATER: Canal 10 villages Completed VITA WATER: FloodControl Hashimi OMAS MINES: Clearance 3CA AGRIC: SCA Enjeel Rehabilitation of 24 km road from Herat to Hasbimi, benefit 14,285 families. Construction of 12 m bridge(stone & concrete), benefit 3,000 families. -- 2 93 Cleaning of 10 km canal, benefit 300 families. AID -- -- 11 92 Cleaning of 10 km canal, benefit 210 families. Ongoing AID -- -- Construction of 250 m retaining wall(stone work), benefit 40,000 families. Ghoryan Herat AGRIC: Crop Product Ghoryan Ongoing ARCON 11 91 -- -- Cultivation of 20 hectares land with wheat. BRCO AGRIC: Machinery Ghoryan Ongoing ARCON 11 91 -- -- i tractor - contracted with farmers. BRCO CONS!: Road Ghoryan Gaza Completed ARCON 11 91 BRCO CONST: Pub.Building Ghoryan Ongoing ARCON 11 91 -- -- BRCO WATER: Karez Moor Mohd Khan Discontin ARCON 11 91 4 92 Cleaning of 1 karez. BRCO WATER: Canal Rooch Completed ARCON 5 92 7 92 Cleaning 10 km canal - benefit 80 families. BRCO WATER: Canal Chishma Shair Discontin ARCON 11 91 4 92 Cleaning of 1 canal. BRCO WATER: Drinking Ghoryan Ongoing ARCON 11 91 -- -- Ghoryan Completed TAF 10 91 BRCO C - INCOME: Other ;ACBAR 5 92. Repairing of 6 km road - construction of 13 culverts. Repairing of general mosque. 3 wells have been dug and pumps have been installed. 100 women trained in poultry. 3 92 DATABASE OF WGO ACTIVITIES Page: 64 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 --- 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Ghoryan Herat MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ghoryan Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 1 MD, 2 NURSES,1 DENTAL TECH. ASST.,1 LAB. TECH. ASST.,1 MED.TEC.,. i MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qaysan Ongoing AID 11 89.-- -- i nurse, l doctor assistant, i local dai, 1 dental assistant, 1 lab tech. assistant - 5 rooms, 5 beds, dental, 13 ROOM, 5 BEDS, LABORATORI, DENTAL laboratory, NCH services & immunization. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ghoryan Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- 2 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Ghoryan Ongoing AID/UN 9 90 -- -- COVERED FROM HERAT VSF. SEE HERAT LISTING FOR DETAILS. NAC CONST: Pub.Building Qaisan /Center Completed NAC SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID - 6 66 -- -- 7 schools in Sar Asyab, Fegda101, Sboor. Barmabad & Rouj. VITA CONST: Road Ghoryan Ongoing AID 10 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 28 km road from Ghoryan to Zindajan, benefit 11,429 families. VITA CONST: Bridge Ghoryan Completed AID -- -- 11 92 Construction of 4 m bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 11428 families. VITA CONST: Bridge Ghoryan Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Construction of 5 m bridge (concrete & .masonry), benefits 11428 families. VITA CONST: Bridge Ghoryan Completed AID -- -- 11 92 Construction of 6 m bridge(concrete & masonry), Benefit 11228 families. VITA WATER: Canal Astanou Ongoing AID 9 91 ----- Cleaning of 8 km canal, benefit 86 families. VITA WATER: Canal Saboul Completed AID 4 92 Cleaning of 8.5 canal, benefit 214 families. VITA WATER: Canal Barna Abad Ongoing AID 12 91 -- -- Cleaning of 9 km canal, benefit 2,857 families. VITA WATER: Canal Gaza Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- Cleaning of 9.5 km canal, benefit 129 families. VITA WATER: Canal Shahrabad Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- Cleaning of 18 km canal, benefit 285 families. Approved FAO -- 93 -- -- -- 2 building each with 8 rooms - local materials. 9 92 Gozarah Herat ARAA 11 91 AGRIC: Crop Product 70 villages Distribution of 10 MT various kinds of seed 110 MT DAP & 2 MT salfar to 350 farmers for multiplication in Gozarah / Enjeel / Pasbtun Zar & Earokh. .Crop Product ARAA AGRIC: MCPA MINES: MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic ACBAR Survey 50 villages Completed 1 minefield 'Completed Peri Surkb Ongoing FAO UNOCHA AID Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP benefit 259 farmers. 10 92 11 92 19,059 Sqm residential. 1 92 12 92 1 MD, 1 NURSE; 1 MEDICAL TECH, 1 LAB.TECB.ASST. 10 87 -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 65 A6actrep Date: 27 /08/93 5 ROOM, 5 BEDS, LABORATORI --- 6TB EDITION SECTOR AGENCY Herat - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED -- STATUS- -BT -- DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Gozarah MSE HEALTH: Basic Post OMAR MINES: SCA AGRIC: SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary 'Clearance Qaymast Ongoing AID Gozarah Ongoing EC -- 93 -- -- kilning program Completed SCA -- 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.085 MT agrochemicals Asia Chah Ongoing SCA 3 89 -- 1 MD / 2 mid -level Efts / 2 Mental Tech, -- Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 3 schools in Sayed Khan, Sewshan & Sweshan char labutar villages. Plant Protec 7 88 -- -- 4 BHNs Gulran Herat BRCO AGRIC: Crap Product Haft Muna/D.Zulfiq Ongoing ARGON 11 92 -- -- BRCS` AGRIC: Machinery Haft Munar/D.Zulfi Ongoing ARCON 11 92 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic tares Elyas Ongoing AID Distribution of 7 MT wheat and equal amount fertilizer 1 tractor contracted to farmers... 10 90 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. ..._.... MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet larez E1yas Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 3 BBfis SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT SCA AGRIC: Other -- Ongoing SCA 4 93. -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 Herat agroCheiicals villages, Herat ARAA RELIEF:Food Items Center ARCON CONST: Pub. Building BRCO AGRIC: BRCO BRCO people. - Ongoing RONCO -- 93 -- - -- Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- .Construction of Herat Ospitai Crop Product Flabat Farm Ongoing ARCON 11 92 -- -- Cultivation of 30 hectares land with wheat ! fertilizer AGRIC: Crop Product Urde than Ongoing ARCON 6 92 -- -- Cultivation of 30 hectares land with wheat AGRIC: Fruit Trees Flahat Farm Ongoing ARCON 6 92 -- -- Nursery of 20 jeribs (1,000,000 saplings) Levelling and filling of 1 km road . 178 MT wheat distribution for the needy BRCO CONS!: Road Jade Eidgah Completed ARCON 6 92 7 BRCO CONST: Road Eabarzan Completed ARCON 6 92 7 92 CONST: Bridge tabaraan Completed ARCON 6 92 7 92 Construction of 8 concrete bridges CONST: Pub.Bnìldimg Sultan Herat Completed ARCON 11 92 4 93 Construction of concrete Mosque for government offices BRCO BRCO - ACBAR 92 Levelling and filling of 4 km road DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 66 A6actrep Date: 27/0B/93 - --- - ---- OS EDITION ACTIVITY . SECTOR- AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED - --BY -- Begin- -End '<ACTIVITY DBSCRIPTION> Herat Herat aid Eidgah Completed ARMA 6 92 10 92 Pooran Completed ARCON 10 92 11 92 Canal Iabarzan Completed ARGON WATER: FloodControl labarzan /Sbaghalia Completed ARCON 10 92 11 92 BRCO WATER: Other Flahat Farm Ongoing ARCON 6 92 -- -- Installation enter pump for irrigation of fars. DAC HEALTH: Other City Approved DAC 9 93 -- -- Providing assistance and training in surgical section of Herat hospital IAM HEALTH: Other Hera Ongoing IA.M -- -- -- -- Support to MOPH ophthalmic center ICRC HEALTH: Disabled Reh City Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- Orthopaedic wcrkehop (producen 80 liaba per month) IOM RELIEF:Help Returnee -- Ongoing IOM -- 92 -- -- Transportation assistance for returning families going long distances inside Afghanistan MCPA MINES: 1 minefield Completed UNOCHA MDM HEALTH :Othdr Center Ongoing MDM -- 82 -- -- Rehabilitation of surgical unit in Herat hospital MDM HEALTH: Other City Ongoing MDM -- 92 -- -- Taking care of hospital's incenarator MSH HEALTH: Basin Post Unspecified Ongoing AID it 89 -- -- 2 BHWs MSB HEALTH: Vaccination Herat Ongoing AID/UN BRCO CONS!: Pub.Buildìng BRCO WATER: Canal BRCO WATER: BRCO Survey . 6 92 Repairing of a Midrasa Cleaning 4 km canal + construction of a rater divider 9 92 Cleaning 8 km canal. Changing direction of the river which 1 92 12 92 9 90 -- -- vas threatening the villages 3,559 residential 24 VACCINATORS OPERATE UNDER AN IMMUNIZATION SUPERVISOR WTI ?MUD IMMUNIZATION TECHICIANS OUT OF THE VSF IN HERAT CITY COVERING 66 VILLAGES IN 5 DISTRICTS IN IIINT 11W 4 CHILIAD 0 -2 YEARS, WOMEN 5 -45 NPO SOCIAL:Other Herat Ongoing NRC/NCA OMAR MINIS: Awareness City Completed UNOCHA ÌMAR MINES: Clearance City Ongoing EC SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrocheaicals SCA AGRIC: Other -- Ongoing 5.4 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic City Ongoing SCA A C B A R ----------------------------- -- - --- -- --- -- -- 6 82 12 82 -- 93 -- -- =- -- -- - R PROVINCES EXCLUDING HERAT CITY. TARGET GROUPS- TEARS. Survey is going on Safety lessons - 17184 people participated Demining program 4 mid -level BWs. i X -ray tech - DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES i dental tech 6TH EDIiION I ! Page: 67 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Herat FUNDED DURATION -- -BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITI AGRIC: MSH HEALTH: Basic Post UNO EDUCAT: Primary For detials see ARAA CrCp Production in Gozarah. -- Approved FAO -- 93 -- -- Pashtan Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- i BHW Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- 1 school in Chashma Nuqra village. Ongoing AID 7 90 -- -- i BHW Provision of 0.15 MT agrochemicals. Kushk Iushk MSH HEALTH: Basic Post SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 40 villages: Bagul Ongáing AID 12 88 -- -- 2 BHWs -- Approved FAO -- 93 -- -- For detials see ARAA Crop Production in Hann Abad Ongoing AID 12 88 -- -- 4 BHWs Pashtoon Zarghun Ongoing EC. -- 93 -- -- Damning programa 12 92 93. Obey Herat NSH DESCRIPTION> Karokh Crop Product ARAA Herat . -- STATUS -- HEALTH: Basic Post Pashtun Zar Herat Crop Product ARAA AGRIC: MSH HEALTH: Basic Post OMAR MINES: Clearance Gozarah.' Zendajan Herat Multiplication of 5.2 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP benefit 259 farmers. 93 ARAA AGRIC: Crop Product 50 villages Completed FAO CPA MINES: Survey 4 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 21.993 Sqm residential & road. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Qala New- Ongoing AID 7 90 -- -- 2 BHWs HEALTH: Med.Training Zendajan Completed AID 12 89 11 92 1 15 BRWs received initial 3 months duration community health worker training & were assigned basic health posts in Afghanistan. 1SH HEALTH: Vaccination NPO CONST: Sanitation Zendajan Ongoing AID /UN 9 90 -- -- COVERED FROM HERAT VSF. SEE HERAT LISTING FOR DETAILS. Zendajan Ongoing NRC /NCA 4 93 -- -- Sanitation program e.g. pit latrines. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 68 A6actrep Date: 27 /08/93 6TH EDITION I AGENCY ----VILLAGEES! - SECTOR Herat - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Zenda3an Demining program. -- 93 -- -- Ongoing EC Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.11 MT agrocheaicals. Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- 4 schools in Qala Nay, Qala Reg, Mahal Ibwaja & Mahal Langar villages. Shada Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Canal Zendajan Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- WATER: Canal Agha Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Cleaning of 5 km canal, benefit 600 families. VITA WATER: Canal 3 villages Completed AID -- -- 10 92 Cleaning of 6 km canal, benefit 900 families. VITA WATER: Canal Qala Mamoren Completed AID -- -- 11 92 Cleaning of 8 km canal, benefit 170 families. OMAR MINES: Clearance SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec UNO !DUCAT: Primary VITA WATER: Canal VITA WATER: VITA Jawzjan Zendajan Cleaning of 10 km canal, benefit 380 families. Cleaning of 14 km canal, benefit 2.143 families. A9cha ARCAR WATER: Structure Yangi Qala Completed UNDP 2 93 5 93 Construction of reservoir. ARCAR WATER: Structure ghanaga Completed UNDP 2 93 5 93 Construction of reservoir. CRFA INCOME: Handicrafts Jangal Ariq Ongoing CIDA 8 92 -- -- Carpet production: 40 women are paid Rs.700 /sq m carpet - raw material is provided - carpet is marketed locally / overseas. Silk weaving program. -- 93 -- -- CRFA INCOME: Handicrafts Qor Chango Approved UNESCO MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Unspecified Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 1 BHW SCA AGRIC: Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 12 91 -- -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 9 87 -- -- Ongoing EC/UNICF Ongoing UNDP Jawzjan Jawzjan WATER: ACBAR Lhanaga 3 mid -level HWs 8 schools in Surkh, Qamariq, Saqazkul, Shah War, Jangal Righ, Baishkafa, Bastt & Dugum villages. Balkhab ALTH: Vaccination AVICEN &ACRP Other 41 villages 1 team - 2 vaccinators -- -- -- -- Faizabacl Structure Buz Tepa 2 canal divider - concrete (1 Em). 7 93 -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 69 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCT SECTOR PRB CONST: Pub.Building SCA AGRIC: Other Jawzjan MSH Center -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Completed ARGON 8 92 Ongoing SCA O 83 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 3 BHAs 1 93 DESCRIPTION> Bova primary school with 6 classrooms / 2 administration rooms - brick i steel bar & concrete Khanagah HEALTH: Basic Post Jawzjan - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Ihanagab Kohistanat MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Agsoo We Agbulag Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 4 Billie MSH HEALTH: Vaccination' Iohietanat Ongoing AID/UN 11 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALIH VSF. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.13 MT agrochemicals SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 3íi villages UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 1 91 -- -- 6 schools in Jarhgan, Ilarwa, Qambari, Bazni, Ganjiha &.Ihawal Ongoing GAA -- 93 -- -- Baroon Awal Ongoing AID 4 90 -- -- Mengajek Ongoing AID/UN Ongoing AID 1 91 -- -- 3 schools in Tughan, Char Chango & Abasi villages 4 88 -- -- 1 BHW x+.wz j an GAA Mardyan RELIEF :Food Items Jawzjan .I:ALTH: Basic Post NSH HEALTH: Vaccination Úl10 EDUCAT: Primary Jawzjan IISIL ONO INC Shor Tepa Ongoing AID HEALTH: Vaccination Qargin Ongoing AID/UN Ongoing AID EDUCAT: Primary CONST: ACBAR.. i BBA 11 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALIH VSF. SEE BAZAR- I- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS Qargin HEALTH: Basic Post Jawzjan See GAA -R2 project in Mazar for details Mengajek MSH SR -- SEE MAZAR-I- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS 11 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALIH VSF. SEE MAZAR-I-SBARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS 1 88 -- -- 6 schools in Joi Sarai, Dinar, Man Tape, Shor Tapa, look & Iamiab villages 5 90 -- -- Clinic building Sang .Charak Pub.Bnilding TabarlJuybar Ongoing DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 70 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 - 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Jawzjan . VILLAGB(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End ---------------- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Sang Charak IMC HEALTH: Coipr.Clinic MAI DUCAT: Primary Joy Bar 0ngoing AID 5 87 -- -- Ongoing MAI -- 2 aid -level HWs ! 1 lab tech. - OPD ! lab / vaccination 9 schools in Arabai, Arabai Sufla, Ghat Dolaq, Nana Feriahtagan(2), Guzar Ferisbtagan, Pashsak, jEalan Ferahtagan & Langar MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Sang Charak Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- 19 BMWs MSH HEALTH: MCH Alalghan Ongoing AID 5 90 -- -- 1 MT, 2 Rooms; women / children under 5 care; health education and Dai training programs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Sang Charak Ongoing AID/UN li 90 -- -- COVERED FROM BALEE VSF. SEE MAZAR -I- SHARI! FOR DETAILS. A SECOND TEAM WITH 5 VACCINATORS UNDER PHD SUPERVISION IS ALSO IMPL%MENTING IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS WITH VACCINES SUPPLIED BY TBE BALER VSF .SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: SCA Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 - -- Provision of 0.195 MT agrochemicals Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.3 MT agrochemicais AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages SCA AGRIC: Other vompleted SCA .O 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 88 .villages SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic lutan Mast Ongoing SCA 7 88 -- -- 2 aid -level HWs / 1 Nurse SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Tokzar Ongoing SCA 3 89 -- -- 2 mid -level HWs / 2 PHOa / 1 Pharmacist SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Farashghan Ongoing SCA 1 85 -- -- 1 mid -level MI / 2 Nurses 11S0 EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 9 88 -- -- 16 schools in different villages Jawzjan Sari -- - Pul MAN. HDUCAT: Primary - Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 4 schools in Qad Qachi, Hajar, Qadas Jan & Wasidan villages MSH HEALTH: Basic; Poet Sare Pul Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 10 BMWs SCA AGRIC: Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrocheaicals SCA 3.ALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 4 90 -- -- 7 mid -level HWs. Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- 3 schools in Haq lochs, Pista Mazar & Faizabad villages Ongoing WFP 3 93 -- -- 186 MT wheat per month for 3 months UNO Plant Protec Shahri Maw DUCAT; Priaary Bagrami Kabul APIO RRLIEF :Food Item ACHAR 18 villages - -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 71 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 GTI EDITION ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGE'S) - -- SECTOR AGENCY Kabul FUNDED DURATION < ACTIVITY - - -BY- Begin- -End Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- Multiplication tf 5 MT wheat seed Approved. UNDP -- 93 -- -- Animal vaccination & treatment -- STATUS -- DESCRIPTION> Bagrami sine Hesar ARO AGRIC: Crop Product CRAA AGRIC: Vet ICRC HEALTH: Mobiie!F -Aid Bagrami Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- First Aid / Dispensary MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Shina Ongoing AID 11 67. -- -- 3 BHWs SCA HEALTH Basic Clinic Cbakari Ongoing SCA 5 90 -- -- 11 mid - level HWs / 1 Dental Tech SJAWI AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO 5 93 -- -- Distribution of seed & fertilizer to the farmers of the area 65 villages Ongoing WFP 2 93 -- -- 282 MT wheat per month for 3 months. i DVM / 1 paravet & i guard Charasyab Kabul APWC RELIEF :Food items APWC WATER: Canal 5 villages Approved WFP -- 93 -- - Cleaning of M. Hashim canal (food for work) APWO WATER Canal 20 villages Approved WFP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of Euz Musahi canal (food for work) APW1 WATER: Canal 5 villages Approved WFP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of Khwaja ghel canal (food for work) APWC WATER: Canal 20 villages Approved WFP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of Bar Musuhi canal (food for work) APWO WATER: Canal Mia Ebel Ongoing WFP 4 93 -- -- ARCON WATER: Drinking Completed ARCON -- -- -- - Repairing of Logar well ARCON WATER Drinking -- Ongoing ARGON -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of Logar well GAF AGRIC: Vet Musaie Ongoing UNDP 3 93 7 93 1 assist DVM / 2 paravets / i guard curative & preventive service GAF AGRIC: Vet Charasyab Ongoing UNDP 6 92 6 93 1 DVM / 2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service ICRC HEALTH: Mobile/F-Aid 'haraeyrab Ongoing ICRC MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Shad Khan Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- 5 BHWs SCA HEALTH: Basic ,'linic Center Ongoing SCA 1 89 -- -- 9 mid -level HWs / 1 dental SCA HEALTH: Basic C ini" Mit Del Ongoing SCA 8 88 5 mid -leveì HWs A C B A R Cleaning of Mia Ehei canal (food for work) First Aid / Dispensary. -- 92 -- -- -- tech. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 72 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 . 6TH EDITION 1 SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - -BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DfiSCRIPTION> Chardehi Kabul 6 93 1 assist DVN / 2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service ICRC -- 92 -- -, First Aid / Dispensary Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- First Aid / Dispensary Dashti Barchi Ongoing EC /NSF 1 93 -- -- HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Qala Wazir Ongoing AID 1 89 - MAC RELIEF:Food Items Qala Luqman Completed NAC 8 91 SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Niez Beg Ongoing SCA 2 90 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic gala Luqman Ongoing SCA 2 87 -- -- Ongoing UNDP 8 90 6 93 Completed FAO Chardehi Ongoing UNDP HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid- Dashti Barchi Ongoing ICU HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Fazel Beg MSF -F /B HEALTH: Compr.Clinic MSH GAF AGRIC: ICRC Vet . 1 93 5 MD / 60 consults / day EPI (UNICEF) 2 MD / 2 MED TECH / 2 LAB TECH ASST i 1 F- AIDER / 5 ROOMS / 5 BEDS / LAB / DENTAL / GENERAL SURGERY / X-RAY -- Distribution of 200 MT wheat - there vas food shortage in the area 8 91 1 MD / 3 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse / 1 Pharmacist 1 nurse, 8 mid -level Hiis, 1 pharmacist, Deh Sabz Kabul Deh Sabz OAF AGRIC: Vet HRP AGRIC: Crop Product MSF: HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Deh Yahya Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Puli Charkhi Ongoing AID 12 89 -- -- ORA HEALTH: Compr,Clinic Pull Charkhi Ongoing ORA 9 92 -- -- 1 assist DPI / 2 paravet / I guard curative & preventive service. Distribution of 10 NT wheat seed and 5 MT DAP, -- 92 -- 92 4-90 - '2 MED. TECH., 1 NURSE, 1 LAB, TECH. ASST. - LABORATORY 1 BHW 2 MDs / 2 nurses / 3 caretakers / OPD / vaccination & eye camp - in cooperation with SERVE 2 schools MAI EDUCE: Primary Shoraba /Isterghich Ongoing MAI MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Khwaja Hassan Ongoing AID 5 90 -- -- i NURSE, 1 MED. TECH MSH HEALTH: MCH Payan Deh Farzah Ongoing AID 5 92 -- -- 1 MD / 1 Nurse, MSH HEALTH: MCH Gudarah .Ongoing AID -- -- -- -- VITA CONST: Several villages Ongoing AID 6 91.-- -- City Ongoing Germans AHED 10 ROOr.:3 BEDS. Ietalef Kabul Kabul 1 lab tech.. 1 dental tech., 2 PH Road i MCHO, 2 ROOMS 1 Ned Tech / 5 Rooms: women children under 5 care; health education and Dai training programs Women /children under 5 cari: health education. Rehabilitation of 23 km road, benefit 9,285 families Kabul RELIEF :Food Items Food distribution in colaboration with GAA. -- 93 -- -- _____ DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 72 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6711 EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Kabul -VILLAGES! - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION tACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Kabul ARCOS CONST: ARCON Pub.Building -- Ongoing ARCON -- Health unit HEALTH: Other City Ongoing ARCON -- Equipment & supplies ARCS HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid -- Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- 10 dispensaries in different parts of the city ARCS RELIEF:Food Items Ongoing *Donors -- 92 -- -- Distribution of emergency food & other commodities to displaced families in public buildings in collaboration with ICRC ARF HEALTH: Region.Hosr gala Fathullah Ongoing 'Donors, -- 92 -- -- Gynaecological hospital. AVICEN HEALTH: Other City Approved EC -- 93 -- -- 1 office for EPI Ongoing GAA -- 93 -- -- Distribution of 2,900 MT food (wheat i chick pea /oil; in Kabul / Charikar ! Baghlan Shahre New Ongoing ODA -- 'GAP. HT RELIEF:Food Items HEALTH: Compr.Clnic .IAAAE CONST: Other City Completed Self IAN CONST: Energy Cons. Barte 3 Ongoing IAM IAN HEALTH: Region.Hsp Shahre Naw Ongoing NCA /IAN IAN HEALTH: Nobile /L' -Aid Base in Shahre Naw Ongoing HEALTH: MCH Larte 3 IAN HEALTH: Med.Training IAM- General OPD for local people Survey of destructions of buildings electricity & water supply 10 92 11 92 -- Production of 96, 10 -Lit. & 294, 50 -Lit. solar water heaters i year -- Tertiary eye hospital(Noor), reconstructed.- 93 IAd -- Mobile eye care, 1 -day clinics & 2 -week camps. Ongoing IAd -- 100 vistors / day, in cooperation with NOPH Wazir Akbar Khan Ongoing IAN HEALTH: Disabled Reh Karte 3 Ongoing IAN -- Education & rehabilitation IAN HEALTH: Disabled Reh Wazir Akbar Khan Ongoing IAN -- Orthopaedic clinic 3295 consultations in 1992 IAN INCOME: Help Vulner. Karte 4 Ongoing IAN -- -- - -- Cooperation workshop with 30 trainees (mainly blind) ICRC HEALTH: Region.Bosp Karte 3 Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- Complete support to Karte Seh Surgical Hospital (for war wounded). ICRC HEALTH: Disabled Reh Wazir+Akbar Khan Ongoing IGRC -- 92 -- -- Orthopaedic component of IAN center. ICRC HEALTH: Other Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- Support to all hospitals during clashes ICRC HEALTH: Other Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- Suppport to surgical unit of Wazir Akbar Khan Hospital (food / medicines i supply) 4jAM Wazir Akbar Ikea -- Physiotheraphy school 3-years /16 studenta!year & planned recruitment IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 74 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 for visually handicaped 6TH EDITION AGENCY SECTOR Kabul 1. ISRA - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - --BI -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Kabul INCOME: Help Vulner. City Ongoing 'ISRA HEALTH: Other City Ongoing ODA IDA CONST: Pub.Building Karte 3 Completed ICRC 5 91 MSF -F!B HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Taimany Ongoing BC/MSF 9 92 -- -- 10 beds MSF -F /B HEALTH: Other City Ongoing BC/MSF 8 92 -- -- Academical / surgical / abdominal - general / 180 beds in Jasuriat Hospital MSH BHALTH: Other Kabul Ongoing AID 4 93 -- -- Regional Health Administration (RHA) administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and for JWMM . 9 92 -- -- -- 88 -- -- 6 92 Assistance to 493 orphans(monthly allowance / health i education ! clothing i foot -wear etc) Provision of medicine & medical instruments to different hospital & clinics through ARCS Construction of hospital building with steel & cement 5 MD i 120 consults / day no BPI yet monitoring and supervision of the BHWs and health facilities under its supervision PRS RELIEF:Food items Completed GP (UK) -- -- -- 92 Distribution of 235.5 MT flour i ghee i rice & tea for the most needy people RDA RELIEF:Food Items Completed WFP -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 400 MT wheat SCO HEALTH: Basic Post Ongoing INDOORS -- 93 -- -- 35 patients i day Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 2 BHWs Kabul Kalakan HEALTH: Basic Post MSH Kabul Kalakan Khake Jabar Kabul APWO RELIEF:Food Items 8 villages Ongoing WFP 2 93 -- -- 27 MT wheat per month for 3 months MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Jalghozi Ongoing AID 1 90 -- -- l' BHW RDA WATER: Khord Kabul Ongoing WFP 6 93 Construction of 13 M head dam Structure Kabul Mir 8 93 Bachakot GAF AGRIC: Vet Mir Bachakot Ongoing UNDP 10 91 ICRC HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Mir Bachakot Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- First Aid i Dispensary NSH HEALTH: Basic Post Sarai Kbwaja Ongoing AID 12 90 -- -- i BHW UNO EDUCAT:. Primary Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- 6 93 1 DV)! / 2 paravet f 1 guard curative & preventive service 9 schools in Payandeh, Mashwani, Mashwani Ulya, Q.Mir Afghan, Kalafgan, Ihwaja Mir, Daku Sufla, Doghabad & Mashwani Sufla VITA CONST: ACBAR Bridge Payan Deh Discontin AID 9 91 -- -- Construction of '12 n bridge(concrete & sesonry), benefit 3,571 faillies DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES --- Page: 75 , A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY -VILLAGE(S) - --- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Mir Bachakot Kabul Qala Amirbaz Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Cleaning of 6.5 km canal, benefit 100 families WATER:: Canal Darak Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Cleaning of 9 km canal, benefit 190 families VITA WATER: Canai Tangi Bagh Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Cleaning of 8 km canal, 120 families .VITA WATER: Canal Kouch Gala Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Cleaning of 7 km canal, benefit 150 families VITA WATER: Canai Qala Khwajamir Completed AID -- -- 12 92 Cleaning of 6 km canal, benefit 93 families VITA WATER: Canal Qala Merza Completed AID -- -- I1 92 Cleaning of 14.5 km canal, benefit 800 families .ria Ea Pl Ongoing W FP 4 9i -- -- VITA WATER: VITA Canal Kabul PaBhman AN RBLIEr":Food ïteme ARCON CONST: Shelter Paghman Ongoing ARCON ATC MÌNES: Clearance, Parachi Completed UNOCHA DCA AGRIC. Vet Khaldari Ongoing UNDP 10 90 -- -- 1 paravet DCA AGRIC: Vet Qala Hakim Ongoing UNDP 10 90 -- -- 1 paravet DCA AGRIC: Vet Bazi Khel Ongoing UNDP 10 90 -- -- 1 paravet DCA AGRIC: Vet Morghgiran Ongoing UNDP 10 90 -- -- 1 paravet KAAI EDUCAT: Primary Katar Khel Ongoing MAI -- -- -= -- 1 school. MCPA MINES: 2 minefields Completed UNOCHA 7 92 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Arghandi Bala Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- SAC HEALTH: Other Chandaibahi Ongoing RAC -- 91 -- -- NAC RELIEF:Food Items Paghman Completed MAC SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Arghandi Bala Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- UNO EDUCAT: Primars - Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- Survey -:Ptniiuf.:f . f 500 MT wheat *9 el: :%:FR Paghman shelter program 7 92 8 91 8 92 8 92 8 91 ACBAR Destroyed 204 devices, cleared 126610 Sqm 154,501 Sqm 13 BHWs Dental clinic Distribution of 500 MT wheat - there was food shortage in the area 7 mid-level BWe / 1 nurse. 5 schools in Kabaki, Arghanda Bala(2), Gumbad, Arghanda Sufis villages up to 4 grades DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 76 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR AGENCY but ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION - STATUS- --BY -- Begin --End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Gara Iftagh 1 assist DVN / 2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service 6 93 GAF AGRIC: Vet Qara Bagh Ongoing UNDP 12 90 INC CONST: Pub.Building Qara Bagh Ongoing Pvt 10 92 -- -- Cline building IMC HEALTH: Distrct Rasp Qara Bagh Ongoing Pvt 11 92 -- -- 7 MDa / 2 mid -level RWs / in- patient services ! surgery / dental ! obgyn / pediatrics MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI 5 schools in Karez, Baghir Ban, Yagharaq Ulia & Aka Ebel villages. SCA' HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ror Ba Khan Ongoing SCA 4 mid -level Haie / 3 Nurses UNO EDUCAT: Primary Sabzsang Ongving AID 8 90 -- -- , 1 school up to 4 grades. Sarobi Kabul A;H HEALTH: Compr.Ciinic Center Ongoing Cermany Ccmpreheneive health center, APWo RELIEF:Food Items Refugees Ongoing WFP 38 MT wheat per month for 3 monche AEON CONST: Pub.Building Sarobi Ongoing AR'CON Construction Of Sarobi school ATC MINES: Clearance Tehzin/Ghundi Diseontin UNOCHA CRAA AGRIC: Vet Bandi par9 Ongoing ISRA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Sarobi MCPA MINES: MMC it 92 12 92 Destroyed 106 devices, cleared 75640 Su agri.iand / village UNDP 9 92 -- -- Animai vaccination & treatment; 1 DVM / 2 paravete & 1 guard Completed ISRA 8 92 11 92 Established for displaced people - 1 MD I l'medical assistant 1 I lab tech.. i helper, 8 minefields Completed UNOCHA HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Pull Charkhi Ongoing NAC 3 89 - MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Jegdalak Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 4 BHWs MSR HEALTH: Vaccination Sarobi Ongoing AID/UN 3 93 -- -- 4 VACCINATORS IMPLIMENT UNDER PMD SUPERVISION. OMAR MINES: Awareness Sarobi Completed UNOCHA 6 92 12 92 Safety lessons RDA WATER: Karez Ongoing WFP 6 93 8 93 Rehabilitation of 10,600 linear M karez - benefit 890 farmers RDA WATER: Karez Ongoing WFP 6 93 8 93 Rehabilitation of 9,322 linear M karez - benefit 864 farming families SC -US AGRIC: Other Ongoing FAO/UNDP 11 92 7 93 Monitoring of activities of participating agencies on multiplication of improved wheat seed SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA i CBP.R Survey -- . 240,148 S4m road /agri. lands / residential & grazing lands. 10 92 12 92 Mobile clinic (2 MD+4 paramedics +3 ambulances - working for war -wounded all over the province) -- TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS ANI WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS 6934 people participated Distribution 'of 1.5 MT wheat seed & 1.5 MT DAP 0 92 -- 92 6TH EDITION DATABASE OF RGO ACTIVITIES Page: A6actrep Date 27/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S)- - -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary VITA CONST: Road VITA CONST: Road Kabul --STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION SCA -- Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- Jegdalak Ongoing AID -- 8 villages Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 27 km road. benefit 1715 families, 4 villages Completed UNOCHA 8 92 10 92 Destroyed 268 devices. cleared 126610 Sqa grazing land and road i 4 nid -level HWs 3 schools, 1 in each Gaz, Qalabalan & road villages (3 grades) Rehabilitation of 13 km road Shakar ' Dara MINES: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 15 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF GAF AGRIC: Shakar Dan Ongoing UNDP KAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing KAI MCPA MINES: 5 minefields Completed UNOCHA 8 92 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Karez Mir Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- HEALTH: NCH Sahrai Behzadi Ongoing AID 3 91 -- -- ' DESCRIPTION> Ongoing Islam Kotgai ATC MSH -<ACTIVITY Begin --End Clearance Vet Survey 1 team - 1 vaccinator -- 6 92 canal 6 93 1 DWI -- -- -- -- 2 paravet 1 guard curative & preventive service 3 schools in Mobil, Tali Eheaa & Payan Qala 9 92 170.478 Sgm road i & irrigation. 3 BNB 1 MD, 1 Nurse Midwife, 1 anaesthesia tech - 4 rooms, women i children under 5 care; surgery: health education and Dai training program MER HEALTH: NCH Aga Ali Shaikho Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sofi Khel Ongoing SCA 12 91 -- -- Haji Palk Ongoing SCA 4 89 -- -- 7 mid -level HWs i 2 Nurses / 1 Dental 'Tech. i 1 X -ray Tech Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 5 ochools in Ghaza, Karez Mir (2), Akhum Khel, Haji Bakhshi, Behzadi & Hayatabad villages - different grader SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary VITA CONST: Road GUI Dara Ongoing AID 10 92 -- -- VITA CONST: Road Bagh Mumtaz Ongoing AID -- Shaaali Ongoing ILO -- 93 -- -- Completed Pvt.Comp 1 MCHO, 1 Dai Women i children under 5 care; health education and Dai training program 2 nurses, 5 mid -level HWs, 1 PH officer ' Rehabilitation of 7 km road, benefit 40,000 families Rehabilitation of 10 km road, benefit 15,000 families Kabul GP-UK INCOME: Skill Train. MAMAR CONST: Training disabled people in 30 different skills (18 trainers) r ACBAR Road 5 92 8 92 Prelimenary road survey (Kabul -Kandahar & Kandahar- Herat' DATABASE OF NO ACTIVITIES Page: 78 A6actrep Date: 27/08/03 6TH EDITIOp SECTOR AGENCY -, -- VILLAGEES) - - -- RACA HEALTH: Other RDA WATER: RONCO RELIEF:Other Kandahar Countrywise Earez ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End ACTIVITY Ongoing WHO 1 92 -- -- Approved WFP -- 93 -- -- Ongoing AID -- Collection of vital statistics in Afghanistan. DESCRIPTION> The firts phase has finished and the second phase is going on Earez rehabilitation Provision of esargency assistance as needed. Arghandab ANE EDUCAT: Primary Senzarc Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- 25 students / 1 teacher ANH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Charguiba /Baba Wal Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- - 2 clinics in Chagulba (60-150 pts. OPD ' day'. & Baba Wali (40 -100 pts. OPD r day) ARR AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO -- -- -- -- Distribution of 10 MT improved wheat seed / 10 MT DAP ! 10 MT Urea ARR AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed. IC MT DAP and 4 MT maize seed AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing EC/UNICF MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Discontin AID 3 88 MCI HEALTH: Basic Poet Ongoing AID 6 89 -- -- MCI WATER: Ongoing AID/WFP MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ongoing AID 7 88 -- - 3 BRWs MSH HEALTH Ongoing AID/UN 1 92 -- -- .5 VACCÍNATORS COVER 22 VILLAGES IN MARUF 69 villages . Structure Vaccination Ehwaja Mulk Maruf - -- 5 93 11 92 -- -- 1 team - 3 vaccinators 1 mid -level HW i 1 lab tech / 1 F.aid & 1 dental. - OPD / dental / lab & F.aid, 1 dental tech / 2 mid -level HWs & 1 lab tech. - Dental & OPD Baba Wali intake irrigation structure, AND WOMEN 5 -45 CONST: Other 4 villages Completed CIDA RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO SC -US WATER: Structure Minar Completed UNDP 9 91 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.11 MT agrochemical! SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.065 MT agrochemical!. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 117 SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. 1 A C B A R 4 93 -- 92 -- 92. 2 92 TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 TEARS Construction & reconstruction of 30 Eishmiab khans. RDM 9 92 DISTRICT (2416), EANDAHAR PROVINCE. YEARS. Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed, 10 MT DAP, 6 MT urea and 4 MT maize seed. Construction of 100 meter weir of stone masonry work for diversion of river water into canal. villages. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 9 Page: 79 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGES) - --- --STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End Arghandab Kandahar SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Joi Labor Ongoing SCA 1 91 -- -- 4 mid -level Hiss. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sarkari Bagh Ongoing SCA 9 87 -- -- 7 mid -level BWs. START CONST: Bridge Baghi Pul Completed NRC -- -- 12 92 START CONST: Other 20 villages Completed UNDP 3 91 SWAAD MINES: Clearance 14 villages Completed UNOCRA 1 92 12 92 33925 Sqm /8070 Sqm road, UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 9 89 -- -- i school in Deb Iushki. Jngcing NOVIE -- -- -- -- 6 beds i 15 MLHWs Approved AID -- 93 -- -- Pedestrian Cable bridge construction. Completed AID 7 87 -- -- Kandahar Repair of Baghi Pul bridge. Survey of flood damage in 20 villages of district. 6 91 Arghistan 50 villages small surgery TB lab IAHC HEALTH: Distrct Hosp MCI CONST: MCI HEALTH: Basic Post MCI WATER: Canal Ongoing AID!WFP RAFA WATER: Tarez Completed UNDP /WFP RAFA WATER: garez Completed UNDP RAFA WATER: garez Completed UNDP/WFP 9 90 -- 91 RAFA WATER: Canal Completed ARCON 1 92 RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 116 villages. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- 2 schools in Sandozai & Bakalzai villages. VITA WATER: Canal Shnakhti Ongoing AID -- VITA WATER: Canal Sar Cally Completed AID Aug Isla Ongoing SV Kandahar ADA AGRIC: ILCBAR -- DESCRIPTION> Bridge -- Rahman canal cleaning and repair. Rehabilitation of 3 karezee - total length 8375 m - irrigate 1000 hectares of land - benefit 190 families. 9 90 10 91 Rehabilitation of 2 karezes - total length 4100 m - irrigate 200 hectares of land - benefit 310 familis. 10 90 12 90 -- OP. Dental ! OPD & F.AID. 11 92 -- -- 8 92 . .Rehabilitation of 4 canals - total length 43 km - irrigate 250 hectares of land benefit 793 families. Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. Cleaning of 17.4 km canal, benefit 250 families. Cleaning of 14 km canal, benefit 200 families. 1 93 Daman Crop Product ---4-' Distribution of 52.5 NT wheat seed & 82.5 HT fertilizer to 600 families. 1 92 -- -- ---' DATABASE OF H60 ACTIVITIES Page: 80 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ( ACTIVITY SECTOR AGEN :Y Kandahar - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION -¿ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION? Daman 5 villages Ongoing NRC /NCA 5 93 4 94 Construction of 125 pit latrines & installation of o shallow sells for INCOME: Skill Train. Azam Kale Ongoing EC 5 93 4 94 Training of 14 students in masonry / pit latrine & pump maintenance. ADA WATER: Azam Kala Ongoing NRC /NCA 7 92 -- -- ANH EDUCAT: Primary Karez Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- 25 students i I teacher. ANH HEALTH: BasicCiinic Kranz Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- 50 -150 pts. OPD / day. MCI WATER: FloodControl Shorab Completed UNDP 11 92 4 93 Construction of dike flood protection. MCI WATER: FloodControl Shorab Completed UNDP 11 92 4 93 Construction of canal flood protection. MCPP. MINES: Survey 1 minefield Completed UNOCHA 192 12 92 42,500 Sqm irrigation MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Mohmand Ongoing AID 3 90 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Shor Andes Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 1 BHW SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Sultan Mohd Khan Completed UNDP 10 90 8 92 Distribution of 75 MT seed to 750 farmers. SC -US AGRIC: Research Sultan Mohd Iban Completed UNDP 10 90 8 92 Extension services provided to 750 farmers. VITA CONST: Road Many villages Discontin AID Dand Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 äT wheat seed, 22 MT DAP and 6 äT urea. -- 1 team - 3 vaccinators ADA CONST: ADA Kandahar Sanitation Canal 7 92 -- -- families. Cleaning of canal ! irrigates 12,500 jeribs & benefit 600 farmers. 1 ROOM Rehabilitation of road, benefit 14,258 families. Darid Ail HEALTH: Basic Clinic ARR AGRiC: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 37 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF &VICEN HEALTH: Other Dand. Ongoing EC EAU AGRIC: Crop Product 1O. villages Completed AID EAFA WATER: Canal Zaker Completed RAP 193 IMA WATER: Iarez 10 villages Ongoing UNDP/VFP 2 93 -- -- Cleaning of 22 km karez - irrigate 4000 jeribs & benefit 400 families. 6äA WATER: Tarez 4 villages Approved UNDP/91P -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of 13 km karez - irrigate 1200 jeribs & benefit 160 faillies. I C B A R 12: Crop Product -- -- -- 11 91 3 93 ' 2 clinics in Dead - 40 -80 pta. OPD / day. 1 VSF / 1 CC technician & 1 supervisor Distribution of 50 MT DAP. Rehabilitation of 12 km canal DATABASE OF #6O ACTIVITIES Page: 81 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 / irrigates 6.000 jeribs & benefits 390 farming families. 6TH EDITION 8 ACTIVITY -VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Kandahar -- STATUS -- FUNDED -BY -- DURATION iACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Dand AMA WATER: tarez MCI AGRIC: Crop Product MCI HEALTH: Distrct Hosp 9 villages -- Completed UNDP/WFP Completed IRC /AID Discontin AID Rehabilitation of 25 km karez 8.92 11 92 10 88 - irrigates 3000 Jeribs - benefits 180 families Fertilizer distribution & canal cleaning. 7 89 3 mid -level HWs / 1 ward / 1 X- ray -tech / 2 dental -tech i 1 lab -tech / 1,MD,& 1 mid -level -0T. - OPD / dental / ward / 2 88 10 92 X -ray / lab & OT facilities 7 87 3 first aiders. 1 92 - BHW & F.AID. MCI HEALTH: Compr.Clinie Discontin AID MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Completed AID MCI HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Discontin AID 3 88 4 92 3 first eiders. - BHW.& F.AID MCI HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Discontin AID 10 87 1 92 3 *first aidere. - BHE & F.AID. MCI WATER: Canal Completed AID /WFP 2 93 4 93 Cleaning of 2 canals MCPA MINES: Survey 1. tinefieid Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 33,050 Sqm MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Soof Ongoing AID 11 89 -- -- 4 BHWs RIFRA AGRIC: Crop-:Ptodict, Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 22 MT DAP, SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 !!T agrochemicals, SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Gach Ahana Ongoing SCA START CONST: Other 25 villages Completed UNDP 3 91 SWAAD MINES: Clearance 13 villages Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 SWAAD MINES: Clearance Dand Completed UNOCHA 1 93 3 93 28199 Sqm houses. SWFAO WATER: Structure Hood Ghor Completed UNDP 1 93 3 93 Construction of dam. UNO DUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 9 89 -- -- IACBAR 1 First aider / 2 mid -level HWs & 1 lab -tech. - Lab / OPD & first aid, li 80 -- -- Agriculture survey on 40 villages Agriculture survey on 110 villages 5 mid -level HWs. Survey on flood damage in 25 villages 6 91 38677 Sqm / 1985 Sqm houses / 4307 Sqm canal, 1 school in Ser Pooza. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 82 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Ghorak Kandahar Completed AID Tangai Completed Crop Product -- AGRIC: Vet AGRIC: Research MCI HEALTH: Basic Post SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product SC -US AGRIC: 5 -US S.-US Lab / dental & OPD. 3 90 -- -- UNDP 10 90 8 92 Completed FAO -- Tangai Completed UNDP 10 90 3 92 3 paravete. 3 vit.technicians + basic wound treatment 47 villages Completed UNDP 10 90 8 92 Extension services provided to 750 farmers. -- 50 students / 5 teachers (grades 7th & 8th). 92 -- 92 Distribution of 75 MT seed to 750 farmers Distribution of 15.2 MT wheat seed. 30 MT DAP and 0.3 MT barley seed. Kandahar Kandahar ANH EDUCAT: Secondary Kokaran Ongoing Germany -- 91 - ANH HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp Kokaran Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- 25 bed hospital (10 beds for female ! children) - X-ray í lab / dental/ vaccination i 150 -250 pts. OPD /day AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination Kandahar Ongoing EC/DNICF -- -- -- -- l vaccinator ESAR CONST: Completed UNDP IAHC HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp Ongoing NOVIB .. Road City 4 Survey of road of Spin Boldak- Arghastan & Attegar (186 km). 90 -- -- 150 bed hospital / 8 MD / 25 nurses / lab / X-ray I operation which need local anaesthesia / dental clinic / 150 -160 patients 0PD /day City Ongoing NOVIB Kandahar/Helmand Completed UNDP 1 90 3 92 Animal health prograi - mass vaccination (free) & basic treatments (subsidized sale) for 400,000,animals. Livestock Completed UNDP 5 93 6 93 Animal mass vaccination. Other Ongoing AID 7 90 4 94 PVC Support: ag rehab. (wheat production I orchard rehab. I irrigation repair I cash crop pilot projects I ag IAHC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic MCI AGRIC: Vet MCI AGRIC: MCI AGRIC: -- - -- -- 8 MD / 15 nurses / malaria I TB lab / small surgery I dental / 100 patients OPD / day, assessment / animal health MCI WATER: MSH HEALTH: Med.Training Other Rahman Kcul Approved AID Ongoing AID -- 93 -- -- 2 Rahman bout drainage cleaning Because of political & security problems the training center is inactive at present. Exepet to begin BHW refresher 93 -- -- training & PAC seminars when security situation. OMAR MINES: Awareness SC -US AGRIC: Training ACBAR City Completed UNOCHA Completed UNDP Safety lessons - 7650 people participated 6 92 12 92 10 90 Training given to 21 SCF employees in agriculture project management. 8 92 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 83 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(S)- - -- --STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION Begin- -End < ACTIVITY SHAD MINES: Clearance Center Completed UNOCHA 1 93 3 93 30213 Sqi houses & 6312 Sqm roads. SVAAD MINES: Clearance 34 villages Completed UNOCHA 1 93 3 93 108274 Sqm houses /12964 Sqm road. All villages Ongoing NRC 1 93 -- 93 56 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF Kandahar DESCRIPTION> Khakraiz ADA AGRIC: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Discontin AID 6 90 MCI HEALTH:, Basic Clinic Completed AID 3 88 -- -- Crop Product -- Distribution of 50.75 MT wheat seed and 79.5 MT fertilizer to 968 farmers for multiplication. -- i team - 2 vaccinators 5 93 1 lab-tech S 1 BHW & 1 dental tech - Lab / F.aid & dental. i MD / 2 EPI vaccinators / MCH assist / i mid -level HW / 1 dental tech & i lab tech. - EPI / MCH / OPD / dental & lab. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic RDA AGRIC: RDA Aroq Ongoing AID Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO 10 29 7 93 Distribution of 15 MT wheat & 15 MT DAP. AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 5 91 7 92 Multiplication of seed at the cost of Rs. 150.000. RDA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 10 91 -- -- SC -US AGRIC: Vet Shahagha Completed UNDP 10 90 3 92 3 paravets / 3 veterinary technicians providing vaccinations basic wound treatment. SC -US AGRIC: Other Shahagha Completed UNDP 10 90 8 92 Distribution of 75 IT seeds to 750 farmers. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.06 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Kandahar 3 90 -- -- 1 NURSE, 2 MED. TECH 1 ROOM Distribution of 10 MT seed. Maruf ANH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Center Ongoing Germany ARPD AGRIC: drop Product 100 villages Ongoing FAO 9 92 -- -- Multiplication of 5 MT wheat & 5 MT DAP benefit 3495 farmers. DCA AGRIC: Vet Ehogiani Ongoing Dutch G. 9 91 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Mohd Zai Ongoing Dutch G. 11 92 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Salison Ongoing Dutch G. 9 91. -- -- -- 91 -- -- Page: 70 -150 pts. OPD I day. 1 vaccinator. 1 paravet & i vaccinator. 84 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Kandahar ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin - -End DESCRIPTION> Maruf DCA AGRIC: Vet Ubato Ongoing Dutch G. 9 91 -- -- MCI AGRIC: CropProduct Northeast Kandahar Completed HCR 9 88 7 89 1 vaccinator. Seed / fertilizer pesticide distribution - cultivation i harvest assistance & irrigation repair in Maruf and Arghistan. MCI AGRIC: Vet Northeast Kandahar Completed IRC /AID 10 88 7 89 Animal vaccination. MCI CONST: Road Northeast Kandahar Completed IRC /AID 10 88 7 89 Road repair. MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing AID MCI WATER: Drinking Northeast Kandahar Completed IRC!AID 10 88 MRORA AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- AGRIC: Crop Product 50 villages Completed FAO /UNDP 6.92 12 92 MRORA AGRIC: Crop Product 47 villages Completed FAO /UNDP 12 91 10 92 Multiplication of 7 MT wheat seed MRORA AGRIC: Fruit Trees 80 villages Completed FAO /UNDP 12 92 12 92 Distribution of 14,000 fruit trees I apple / apricot. MRORA WATER: Karez 3 villages Completed UNDP/WFP -- -- MRORP. WATER: larez 10 villages Approved RONCO -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of 10 karezes / length 12.8 km / irrigate 4685 jeribs & benefit 279 families. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Peerzai Ongoing AID 12 88 -- -- 6 BMWs SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Peerzai Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- 1 MD / 2 mid -level MI5 / 1 Lab Tech. UNO DUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 4 88 -- - -. 6 schools in larez Isha9zai, Khogiani, Peerzai, BAri, Jalalgi k Lali. VITA WATER: Completed AID MRORA - Kandahar Canal Baz Mohd Khel 4 87 -- -- 7 89 9 92 1 lab tech 1 nurse i 1 dental tech & 1 mid -level HI - Lab 1 dental & OPD. Hand Pump installation in Maruf & Arghastac. Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed to 51 farmers. Multiplication of 2 MT maize seed / 6 MT DAP & 3 MTlUrea to 126 farmers. 7 MT DAP & 7 MT Urea to 117 farmers. Cleaning of 3 karzea / length 6.3 km & benefit 98 farmers. Cleaning of 6 h canal, benefit 60 families. -- Maywand AWE EDUCAT: Primary Panjwai Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- 25 stedenta / i teacher. AKE HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sangesar Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- OPD. MCI CONS!: Completed CBC/WFP MCI HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Discontin AID Other -- 3 90 Repairing of 1,200 Kishmish Kbana. 5 91 10 87 10 92 Lab -F.AID. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 85 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Kandahar - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- HEALTH: Basic Post RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo SCA AGRIC: Other -- START CONST: Other 7 villages DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Sangesar -- - Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 bngoing SCA 0.93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.095 MT agrochemicals Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Completed UNDP 3 91 Survey of flood damage in 7 villages. Completed FAO Ongoing WRC -- -- - - 5 BHWs Distribution of 10 HT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. 6 91 Nesh Crop Product WRC AGRIC: WRC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Kandahar FUNDED - - -BY -- Maywand MSH Kandahar -- STATUS -- -- Distribution of ri ... seed It 60 MT DA.. . 4 clinics -- Panjwai ANH EDUCAT: Primary Zalakhan /Panjwai Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- 2 schools in Zalakhan (25 stedents í i teacher) & Panjwai (25 stedents / i teacher). ANH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Zalakhan/Nalgham Ongoing Germany -- 91 - 2 clinics in Zalakhan (60 -150 pts, OPD i day) & Nalgham (40 -100 pts. OPD / day) ARR AGRIC: Grop Product Ongoing FAO - ARR AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 92 villages Ongoing EC,UNICF -- -- - 1 team - 1 vaccinator BURC WATER: Canal Zalakhan Completed UNDP 12 92 HI HEALTH: Disabled Reh i(akhunai Ongoing AID IAHC HEALTH: Distrct Hosp '35 villages Ongoing NOVIB IAHC HEALTH: Basic Clinic 15 villages Ongoing NOVIB IAHC HEALTH: Basic Clinic 50 villages Ongoing NOVIB MCI HEALTH: Basic Post Completed AID 5 91 -- 2 mid -level HWS / 1 dental tech / 1 MCH nurse f 1 lab tech & 1' student. - OPD I Lab & MCH MCI HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Discontin AID 8 89 3 first aiders. - BHW & F.AID ACBAR -- - -- Distribution of 10 MT improved wheat seed /10 MT DAP / 10 MT Urea -- - - 2 93 2 92 -- -- Cleaning of 6 km canal i irrigates 6,000 jeribs land & benefit 300 families 3 orthopaedic technicians manufacture crutches & prostheses. 6 beds i 8 MLBWs / small surgery / malaria & TB lab / 30 -40 patients OPD / day -- -- -- 6 MLHWa / small surgery i lab / 40 -45 patients OPD / day. 4 MLHWs / small surgery / lab / 20-25 patients OPD / day 1 92 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 86 A6actrep Date: 27/0813 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Kandahar -- STATUS -- - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Panjwai Ongoing AID/WFP 11 92 -- -- Shalt Mohd canal cleaning and repair Ongoing AID/WFP 11 92 -- -- Panjwai Drain cleaning & repair 2 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 94,030 residential. i NURSE. 2 MED. TECH MCI WATER: Canal MCI WATER: Structure MCPA MINES: Survey MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Nakhunai Ongoing AID 2 90 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basiç Post Nalgham Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- OMAR MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 2 MT wheat seed & :.6 MT DAP AGRIC: Research Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 1 crop variety testing trials SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.13 MT agrochemicals SCA AGRIC: Plant. Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.135 MT agrochemicaie SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 =- 92 Agriculture survey on 116 vilia, SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 50 villages SCA HEALTH: Compr,Clinic Ongoing SCA 1 89 - 1 MD / 7 mid -level HWe START CONST: Other 22 villages Completed UNDP 3 91 SWAAD MINES: Clearance 16 villages Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 99973 Sqm houses /136457 Sqm road VITA CONST: Road Pashmol Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 7 T km road, benefit 4,286 families. VITA CONST: Road Qand Herat Ongoing AID -- VITA CONST: Road Panjwai Ongoing AID 11 91 -- -- VITA CONST: Road Qasam Rabat Ongoing AID VITA CONST: Bridge Rashuga Ongoing AID -- VITA CONST: Bridge Qatar talay Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- SCA . 1 A C B A R DESCRIPTION> -- Pashmol A (Ungava ' 1 92 I ROOM 5 BHWs Safety lessons - 4869 people participated 6 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP - 6 91 Survey of flood damage in 22 villages Rehabilitation of 6 km road; benefit 11,500 families Rehabilitation of 23 km road, benefit 71,400 families Rehabilitation of 16 km road, benefit 4,286 families. Construction of 10 m bridge, benefit 1,700 families Construction.of 2 m bridge, benefit 1,429 families, DATABASE OF RGO ACTIVITIES Page: 87 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Kandahar - - -- VILLAGE(S) -- -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End {ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIÓN> Panjwai VITA WATER: Canal Panjdeh Completed AID -- 1 93 Cleaning of 14 km canal, benefit 70 families VITA WATER: Canal Salawet Completed AID -- 6 92 Cleaning of 14 km canal, benefit 114 families VITA WATER: Canal Eolak Completed AID -- -- -- -- Cleaning of 40 km canal, benefit 1571 .families. VITA WATER: Structure Panjwai Ongoing AID 3 92 -- -- Construction of 10 m siphon (concrete & stone), benefit 1,428 families. VITA WATER: Structure Safed Raivan Completed AID Kandahar -- -- 10 92 Construction of intake(gabion work), benefit 857 families. Shahwali Kot ADA AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages Completed NRC /FAO 1 92 12 92 Distribution of 202.5 MT DAP & 4 HT maize seed tc 3,000 farmer. ADA AGRIC: Fruit Tries All villages Ongoing NRC /NCA 1 93 Construction of Nursurey & distribution of 10,000 fruit trees to the fa.lers ADA AGRIC: Machinery Ail villages Completed NRC /FAO 1 92 12 92 15 tractors / 6 threshers ADA CONST: Sanitation 9 villages Ongoing NRC /NCA 5 93 4 94 Construction of 225 pit latrines & installation of 9 shallow wells for 225 families, ADA INCOME: Skill Train. 4 villages Completed NRC /ACA 1 92 12 92 ADA INCOME: Skill Train. 5 villages Ongoing EC 5 93 , 4 4 94 & other suplements - benefit 3,797 farmers .Training of 17 trainees in tractor repair & driving for 6 months. 94 Training of 31 students in masonry / pit latrine / pump maintenance / tractor repairing & veterinary ADA WATER: Karez 18 villages Completed NRC /NCA 1 92 12 92 Cleaning of karezes / irrigate 3863 jeribs & benefit 1010 farmers ADA WATER: Canal Shah Agha Ongoing EC 5 93 Cleaning & development of canal / irrigates 300 jeribs & benefit 70 farmers. Drinking 5 villages Ongoing EC 5 93 9 93 _ ADA WATER: ANH DUCAT: Primary Shah Wali Kot Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- ANH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shah Well Kot Ongoing Germany -- 91 -- -- 1 94 Installation of 5 tube -wells / irrigate 4250 jeribs land 25 students / i teacher . 50 -100 pts. OPD / day AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 96 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- -- -- -- 1 team - 3 vaccinators DCA AGRIC: Vet Dahia Ongoing Dutch G. 10 89 -- -- 1 paravet & i vaccinator DCA AGRIC: Vet Karez Ongoing Dutch G. 10 89 -- -- i paravet. HAFO AGRIC: Crop Product 8 villages Completed SV /FAO 11 92 '6 HAFO AGRIC: Machinery 8 villages Ongoing FAO ACBAR - 93 Multiplication of wheat & maize. seed with fertilizer -- I tractor A 1 thresher DATABASE OF NO ACTIVITIES Page: 68 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 -------- VS OIlI4N ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- Kandahar DURATION FUNDED -- STATUS -- <ACTIVITY Begin- -End - --BY -- DESCRIPTI)N> Shahwali Kot HAFO WATER: Kara HAFO WATER: Structure HAFO WATER: FloodControl MCI Completed RAP 1 93 5 93 Cleaning & repairing of 3 karezes, Completed VFP 12 91 2 92 Construction of 1. intake 3 villages Completed RAP 2 92 2 93 Construction of 5 embankments. HEALTH: Basic Clinic -- Diacontin AID 3 88 9 92 1 lab tech/ 1 dental tech & First aider. - Lab / F.AID & dental. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Zar Iain Ongoing AID SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Vayan Completed UNDP SC -US AGRIC: Research Vayan Completed UNDP CA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Other SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Kandahar 3 villages . . 12 88 -- -- 2 BHWs 10 90 2 92 Distribution of 75 MT seed to 750 farmers. 10 90 8 92 Extension services provided to 750 farmers SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 NT agrochemicals. Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.065 MT agrochenicais, Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages Dare Moor Camp Ongoing SCA 1 89 -- -- 4 mid -level Hits. 1 minefield Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 52,452 Sqm road Takhta Pul Ongoing AID 7. 88 -- -= 1 BHW - - Shega Survey MCPA MINES: MSH HEALTH: Basic Post RDA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- -- -- -- Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP. RIFRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 NT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 --.92 Agriculture survey on 52 villages SWAAD MINES: Clearance Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 11287 Sqm /28661 road Kandahar 6 'villages Shorabak ARCON WATER: larez Selland Khan Ongoing ARCON MCI AGRIC: Crop Product" -- Completed IRC /AID OMAR MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA ACBAR ' Repairing of karez -- 10 88 7 89 Seed / fertilizer distribution, cultivation assistance & irrigation repair 1 92 6 92 Safety lessons - 5514 people participated. DATABASE OF UGO ACTIVITIES Page: 89 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Kandahar FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> - - -BY -- Begin- -End Ongoing FAO 11 92 -- -- Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 250 farmers -- STATUS -- Shorabak 50 villages SRO AGRIC: 'Crop Product SRO AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed and 5 MT DAP. SRO AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO 12 91 -- -- Distribution of 27 MT improved wheat seed ( 4 different var.) 7 25 MT Urea / 30 MT DAP to 2,544 farmers in 44 villages. SRO AGRIC: Crop Product 52 villages Completed FAO Ongoing ARCON 11 91 Multiplication of 27 MT wheat seed / 25 MT TAP & 25 MT Urea to 544 farmers. 6 92 Spin Boldak Kandahar Boldak Construction of mosque ARCON CONST: Pub.Building ARR AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed and 5 MT DAP DACAAR CONST: Road Completed DACAAR -- 91 -- 92 Partly repair of 35 km on Highway to Kandahar DACAAR CONST: Road Spin Boldak Completed DACAAR DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- -- 152 shallow wells improved & '42 hand -pumps. DACAAR WATER: Drinking Spin Boldak Bazaar Completed DACAAR -- 91 -- 91 Tube -well & pipe-scheme in bazaar DACAAR WATER: Drinking Spin Boldak Completed DACAAR -- 91 -- 91 1 canai of 19 km for drinking water, ESAR CONST: Road Completed UNDP 5 91 -- -- Repair of 20 km of Spin Boldak - Arghistan road with machinery - 18 culverts /20 washes BAR CONST: Road Ongoing UNDP 5 92 -- -- Repair of 51.5 km of Sipn Boldak- Arghistan road - machinery ESAR WATER: Karez Completed RAP 5 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 14 karezes (8 km) - irrigate 1,500 jeribs & benefit 480 families. MCI AGRIC: Crop Product Completed NCR 3 89 Seed / fertilizer distribution, traction assistance & irrigation repair for Spin Boldak, Maiwand, Panjwai, Daman South Kandahar 3 91 Repair of Kandahar road(35 km) - 20 culverts (pipe culverts), 700 m concrete - 2.5 km ret.wall - 35 km shoulder 3 92 3 90 Arghandab and Pend. Crop Production assistance, irrigation repair, animal health & road repair in Spin Boldak & Arghastan. Completed CHC Boldak- Kandahar Ongoing AID/WFP Survey 8 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 203,462 Sqm & road. MINES: Survey 13 minefields Completed UNOCHA 192 12 92 316,881 residential / & road MINES: Clearance 10 villages Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 213820 Sqm /19851 Sqm road. MCI AGRIC: Other MCI CONST: Road MCPA MINES: MCPA SWAAD 2 89 12 89 Repair of Boldak- Kandahar road 11 92 -- -- , DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES IA C B A R Page: 90 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED - STATUS- BY DURATION - <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Spin Boldak Kandahar SWFAC WATER: Canal Mala Wall Completed UNDP 9 92 1 93 Construction of canal. SWFAO WATER: Structure Raleath Completed HCR 4 92 6 92 Construction of dam. VITA WATER: Structure Gorgan Ongoing AID -- Construction of 100 m flume(concrete & stone), benefit 200 families. VITA WATER: F1oodControl Shero Ongoing AID -- Construction of 1.5 km retaining wall (stone work), benefit 500 families. 64 villages Ongoing ECIUNICF -- -- -- -- 1.1 90 Kapisa Kapisa AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination GAF AGRIC: Vet Mahmood Raqi Ongoing UNDP IAAAE CONST: Pub.Buiiding Deh Baba.Ali Discontin ARCON IMt HEALTH: Compr.Ciinic Shokhi Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Haroki Ulya Ongoing MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Mahmood Ragi SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Other SCA UNO 1 team - 2 vaccinators 1 assist DVM ! 2 paravets / 1 guard curative & preventive service 7 93 qtr Construction of school with 24 rooms - stone 5 86 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs I 1 lab tech. - OPD / lab AID 4 90 -- -- 1 BHW Ongoing AID/UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM PANJJSHER VSF. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.09 MT agrochemicals -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages EDUCAT: Primary Danger Ihel Ongoing SCA 7 87 -- -- 8 schools / 55 teachers / 1420 students EDUCAT: Primary Sabzsang Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- ß schools one in each Qazi Ihel, Berokai, Shufai, Lahkashan Ulya, Reg Rawan, . . fired-bricks / steel & cement SEE ROKHA/ PANCSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS lakari, Deh Nawabad & Ashur Ihel villages. VITA CONST: Road Deh Babi Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- VITA CONST: Bridge Deb Babi Ongoing AID -- -- -- -- VITA WATER: FloodControl Ali Lhel Discontin AID -- Kapisa Rehabilitation of ? km road, benefit 5,000 families Construction of 75 m bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 10.000 families Construction of 360 m retaining wall(gabion work, Kohband MßH HEALTH: -Basic Clinic Lobband Ongoing AID 6 90 -- - 1 MED. TECH., 1 DENTAL TECH. ASST. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Haji Lei Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 6 BHWs IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 91 Â6actrep Date: 27'08/95 2 BHW. 1 MEDICAL STUDENT 4TH IR. 3 ROOMS, 3 BEDS, DENTAL, IMMUNIZATION 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- HEALTH: Vaccination. MSH Kapisa Kohband -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Ongoing AID /UN 82 villages Ongoing EUUNICF Kohistan Ongoing UNDP 10 90 :or:i4Fte' CIDA 6 91 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM PANJSHER VSF. DESCRIPTION> SEE ROKHA /PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS. Kohistan AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination GAF AGRIC: Vet iAAA:i CONST: iL:R::. :AAAE Cï'NST: PuL ,B;iildini '.i.^ii.7ar Ctamp.a toÚ äR40N 3 92 iAAAE CONST: Pub.Buildin.g Eisìiktan I'iscont:n ARCON 3 92 -- -- Earaiai J.Tgoing AID 7 87 -- -- Kohistan Ongoing AID /UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM RUSHER VSF. Center Completed ARCON 4 92 11 92 Mardrasa building (36 rooms) + a mosque - cement / brick & steel bar Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.055 MT agrochemicals SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals, MSH - HEALTH: Basic Post 1 team - 2 vaccinators 6 93 . 2 paravet 1 assist DVM 92 1 guard curative & preventive service. Reconstruction o: 1 ama.agna-t1s :ktcn road length 10 Km with. 17 culverts & bridges. Construction 6 92 f Mosque-with 2 rooms & 4 baths.- e tone Construction of school with 16 rooms - stone HEALTH: Vaccination PRB CONST: Pub.Building SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 ---92 Agriculture survey on 89 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages SCA EDUCAT: Primary Bulaghain Ongoing SCA 7 88 -- -- 5 schools / 33 teachers 1 750 students SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Dado Khel Ongoing SCA SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic ,Khamcargar Ongoing SCA 3 89 -- -- 18 mid -level Hilo / 2 Nurses SCA :1: ALTH: Rahman Khel Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 1 nurse. 10 mid -level HWs 4 mid -level Hits / 1 Nurse Basic Clinic 'Ongoing firebrick & cement. 10 89 -- - SEE ROKHA /PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS i MD 13 aid -level Hiss 1 1 Lab Tech SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sher Khan Khel Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shuturgran Ongoing SCA 6 89 -- -- 14 mid-level HWs UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 31 schools in different villages VITA COMM Road Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 70 km road, benefit 50,000 families ACM Many villages -r wood & cement. 7 BHWs . MSH -- mud 2 Nurses I 1 PHO DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 92 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 67E EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY - - -- SECTOR -- STATUS -- - - -- VILLAGE(S) - -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Kahistan Kapisa Rehabilitation of 4.5 km road, benefit 5,000 families VITA CONST: Road Hula Ebel Ongoing AID -- -- -- -- VITA CONST: Road Auahtur Karam Ongoing AID -- Rehabilitation of 4.5 km road, benefit 4.500 families. VITA CONST: Bridge Mula Del Ongoing AID -- Construction of 100 m cable bridge VITA WATER: Canal Regi Rawan Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- VITA WATER: Canal 5 villages Ongoing AID -- VITA WATER: Structure 15 villages Ongoing AID -- -- -- -- Construction of 100 m intake(gabion work), benefit 20.000 families Nejrab Ongoing BMZ 10 88 12 93 1 DVM / 4 paravets i 2 guards curative & preventive service Ongoing UNICEF'S -- 90 -- -- Mobile vaccination team with 3 vaccinators Ongoing MWL -- -- -- -- 3 school buildings Cleaning of 30 km canal, benefit 6,000 families. - Cleaning of 15 km canal, benefit 1.000 families Nejrab Kapisa GAF AGRIC: Vet GAF HEALTH: Vaccination IAAAE CONST: Pub.Building Nejrab IAAAE CONST: Pub.Building Nejarb Ongoing MEL IAAAE CONST: Pub.Building Kharej Dara Discontin ARGON 3 92 -- -- Construction of Mosque with 1 room - stone ! firebrick & cement IAAAB CONST: Pub.Building Badakhshi Ongoing Self 4 92 -- -- Construction of high school IAAAE CONST: Pub.Building Data Dalan ` Ongoing Self 4 92 -- -- Construction of .high school MAI DUCAT: Primary - 3 school buildings Kharej Dare Ongoing MAI Qaryee Khwaja Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- i MD, i NED. TECH., i NURSE 1 MED. TECH, 1 NURSE, 1 DENTAL TECH. ASST. 1 school 3 100MS MSH .HEALTH: Compr.Clinic MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Pachaghan Ongoing AID 1 90 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Haider Khel Afghan Ongoing AID 11 89 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Nejrab Ongoing AID /UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM PANJSHER VSF. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 6 MT wheat seed .& 6 MT DAP SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.4 MT agrochemicala SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.135 MT agrochemicals. 'ACM 3 ROOMS, 3 BEDS, DENTAL 3 BBVe DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 93 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 SEE ROLHA/PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS 6TH EDITION i ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Nejrab Kapisa SCA AGRIC: Other Completed 'SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 70 villages SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Rozah Ebel Ongoing SCA 9 90 -- -- 1 MD / 7 mid -level HWs SCA HEALTH: .Basic Clinic. Pachaghan Ongoing SCA UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID Ongoing AID VITA . WATER: DESCRIPTION> Other Naguman 2 mid -level HWs r 2 first -ciders 6 87 -- -- - 31 schools in 12 different villages Rehabilitation of ,150 m spring, benefit 357 families Panjshare Kapisa A -AID AGRIC: Fruit Trees Bazarak i:nving ODA -- 92 -- -- Fruit nursery (apple i peach i apricot etc). A-AID AGRIC: Forestry Dashtak Completed ODA -- 91 -- 93 Timber tree cutting A-AID CONST: Shelter Rokha Completed ODA -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of (beams I windows / doors / gates) for 173 houses A -AID CONST: Shelter Bazarak Completed ODA -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of (beams / windoons i doors I gates) for 69 houses CBR CONST: Pub.Building Bazarak Discontin ARCON -- 92 -- -- 1 concrete middle school for 600 students CBR CONST: Pub.Buiiding Rokha Approved ARCON -- 93 -- -- High school for 1200 students DCA AGRIC: Vet Bazarak Ongoing UNDP 10 89 -- -- 1 paravet & vaccinator GAF AGRIC: Vet Panjehare Ongoing UNDP 11 90' LBI INCOME: Help Vulner. Pat,jshare Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- KAI EDUCAT: Primary yßaba Ali Ongoing MAI MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Peshghoor Ongoing AID 9 90 -- -- 4 PIED. TECH., 1 DENTAL TECH. ASST. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Borja Bel Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- 5 BBWs MSH HEALTH: MCH daiacna- i -Farai Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- 1 Assist.Doctor, 1 Nurse 1 Dal Assist.: 3 rooms; 1 DVM / 2 paravets I 1 guard curative & preventive service 7 93 Orphanage 1 school 3 ROOMS. DENTAL women I children under 5 care: health education and Dai training programs. ALBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 94 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR i,;;ê,NCY FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End Panjshare Kapisa HEALTH: Vaccination MS.: -- STATUS -- Roán, Ongoing AID /UN DESCRIPTION) 2 SOLD CHAIN TECHNICIANS 4 ADDITIONAL VACCINATORS PLANNED TO BE HIRED),l COLD CHAIN SUPERVISOR IN IAPISA AND PARWAN PROVINCES TARGETS COVERING ABOUT 268 VILLAGES IN 13 DISTRICTS OPERATE UNDER AN MD DOCTOR 17 VACCINATORS, 9 91 -- -- ( GROUPS: CHILDREN O -2 YEARS WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS. and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and Regional Health Administration (RBA) administrative center monitoring and supervision of BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction Rokha Ongoing AID 9 90 -- -- Crop Product Panjshare Completed RAP 5 92 1 93 AGRIC: Machinery Dashtak Ongoing ARCON 4 92 .9 95 PRB CORSTI: Pub.Building Center Completed ARCON 4 92 4 93 WATER: Canal Dashtak Completed SEN 9 90 10 90 Cleaning of 5 km canal. PRB Crop Product -- 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of i MT wheat seed, 1 MT DAP & 1 MT Urea AGRIC: Completed rrA SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 F.T agrochemical!. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.12 MT agrochemicaia SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages SCA EDUCAT: Primary Panjshare Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 18 schools / 127 teachers / 2900 students SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Bazarak Ongoing SCA 1 84 -- -- 3 MD / 10 mid -level HWa I 1 Nurse 13 Dentál Tech. 12 X-ray Tech. / 1 Pharmacist SCA SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Rothe Ongoing SCA 1 84 -- -- HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ashpi Ongoing SCA -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Safidcher Ongoing SCA -- -- -- - 4 mid -level HWs. SCA MSH HEALTH: Other PRB AGRIC: PRB Kapisa Dv.4 Establishment of corn seed multiplication farm in 1O .jeribs land, market 5 tractors working on hire basis between the farmers of Panjshir at half the price of the local High school building with 20 rooms - cement / brick & steel bar. ..I MD f 1 mid -level HE 3 mid -level HWs i 1 Dental Tech. I 1 First Aider Panjsharel Crop Product Paryan Completed ODA Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed _& 10 MT DAP. AGRIC: -- 92 -- 92 A -AID Crop Product Shaba Completed ODA Distribution of 10 MT DAP & 15 MT Urea. AGRIC: -- 92 -- 92 A -AID AGRIC: Plant Protec Paryan Ongoing ODA -- 93 -- 93 Chemical crop protection / Ration weed (400 Lit A-AID Plant Protec Shaba Ongoing ODA Chemical crop protection / graminon for 1,000 jeribe AGRIC: -- 93 -- 93 A -AID 6TH EDITION 1 ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 95 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 AGENCY SECTOR VILLAGE(S)- ACTIVITI FUNDED - STATUS- - --BY -- Begin- -End DURATION <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Panjshare± Kapisa A -AID AGRIO: Other Paryan Completed ODA -- 92 -- 92 Crop cutting survey A -AID AGRIC: Other Mingavor Completed ODA -- 92 -- 92 Crop cutting survey A -AID AGRIC: Other Parandi Completed ODA -- 92 -- 92 Crop cutting survey CONST: Shelter Astana Completed ODA -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of (beams / doors / windows i gates) for 64 houses A -AID WATER: Karez Astana Ongoing ODA -- 92 -- 93 Repairing of karez - irrigated 350 jeribs CONST: Pub.Building Sangona Discontin ARGON -- 92 -- -- Mosque for 300 prayers a time AGRIC: Vet Astana Ongoing UNDP AGRIC: Vet Paryan Ongoing Jangram Ongoing HRA 5 93 -- -- Ongoing AID 9 90 -- -- A -AID CBR DCP. DCA HRA MSH .HEALTH: Distrct Hosp HEALTH: Distrct Hoep Onaba - 7 91 -- -- 1 paravet UNDP i paravet 18 beds / general surg 1 MD, / med orthop / lab / X-ray / OPD / ECG / 4 spec f 3 MD / 9 tech. & 8 nurses 1 doctor assistant, 5 medical tech, I malaria tech assistant, 1 X-ray tech, 1 X-ray tech assistant, 1 admin 1 anaesthesia tech assistant, 1 lab tech assistant -4 rooms, 10 Beds, X -ray, surgery lab, OPD dental. immunization & TB control assistant, 2 nurses, MSH MSH MSH .SCA VITA HEALTH: Basic Post Kor Paitabi- Pariaa Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 2 BHWs HEALTH: MCH Omars Ongoing AID 1 93 -- -- 1 MD, Panjshare Awal Ongoing AID /UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM RUSHER VSF. HEALTH: Vaccination MSH MSH SCA Women i children under 5 care, health education and Dai training program. HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Paryan Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- WATER: Khum Zargar Discontin AID -- Dara Hazara Completed ODA -- 92 -- 92 Crop cutting survey HEALTH: Basic Post Tun Kbo Ongoing AID 11 88 -- -- i BHW HEALTH: Vaccination Panjshare Down Ongoing AID UN Ongoing SCA Kapisa A-AID 1 Nurse AGRIC: FloodControl 1 MD / 3 mid -level HWs / 3 first alders Construction of 125 m retaining wall(gabion work) Panjehare2 Other HEALTH: Basic Clinic ACBAR SEE ROKHA /PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS. Dara 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM PANJSHER VSF. SEE ROKHA!PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS 4 mid -level HWs / 2 first alders DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 96 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Kapisa -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY - --BY -- Begin --End 11 92 7 93 Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT 3 93 2 94 Distribútion of 5.000 fruit trees saplings. Tagab fertilizer. ADAg AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Ongoing UNDP ADAg AGRIC: Fruit Trees 5 villages Ongoing DCP ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Hassan Abad Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Al- Sbaheed Habibullab school ARCON CONST: Pub.Buìlding Askim Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Al- Hanafia Darul Uloot CRAA AGRIC: Vet Tameer Ongoing UNDP HRP AGRIO: Crop Product -- Completed FAO iAAAE CONST: Pub.Building Tameer Ongoing Self 4 92 -- -- Construction of high school MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shankai Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 3 MED. TECH.i MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Nawroz Khel Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- 4 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Tagab Ongoing AID /UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM PANJSHER VSF. OMAR MINES: Awareness Tagab Completed UNOCHA 6 92 12 92 Safety lessons - 15038 people participated PDA WATER: Garez Se Padar Ongoing WFP 7 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 3 karezes - FFW PDA WATER: Karez Landa Ihel Ongoing WFP 7 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 3 karezes - FFW PDL. WATER: Karez Jalo Khel Ongoing WFP 6 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 3 karezes - FFW PDA. WATER: Karez Adizaye /Joibar Ongoing WFP 7 83 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 karezes - FFW. SC -US AGRIC: Other Ongoing FAO /UNDP SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicaie SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages, SCA EDUCAT: Primary Tagab Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- -- 13 schools / 87 teachers / 2050 students SCP. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qurghal Ongoing SCA 11 92 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Aakim Tagab Ongoing SCA -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Sabzsang Ongoing AID 9 87 -- -- ACBAR DESCRIPTION> -- 9 92 -- -- Animal vaccination & treatment. 1 DVM i 2 paravete & 1 guard Distribution of 10 MT DAP -- 92 -- 92 11 92 7 93 SEE ROEHA /PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS Monitoring of activities of participating agencies on multiplication improved wheat seed 4 mid -level HWs. 6 mid -level HWs / 1 first -aider 10 schools in different villages. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 97 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY VILLAGES) - - SECTOR AGENCY -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Bar Kunar Kunar Shinkorak Completed AID 11 88 12 91 Reconstruction of Shinkorak Bridge (43.2 m) for heavy traffic - RCC beams / slab /cement HEALTH: Basic Clinic Amer Ongoing Germany 10 89 -- -- 50 -90 pts. OPD I day. ARCAR CONST: Pub.Building Shigal Discontin ARCON ATC MINES: Clearance 4 villages Completed UNOCHA CARE RELIEF :Help Returnee Asmar Completed CARE SOCIAL:Fore Committ. Asmar CAE WATER: Earez DACAAR CONST: JCE ACLU CONST: ANH Bridge Construction of secondry school with 9 rooms - stone & cement 7 92 -- -- il 90 2 92 Destroyed, 640 devices. cleared 673350 Sqe /-grazing land & road AID 2 90 0 92 Distribution of 74 Mt wheat,/ 569 sets hand tools to 369 returning families Completed AID 3 90 0 92 Formed local shuras & held periodic meetings discussing projects related affairs. vhingurgui Completed AID 5 90 0 92 Rehabilitation of 2.60 km Irrigation canal benefits Village Population Pub.Building Shigal Ongoing DACAAR CONST: Road Helaqal Discontin ARGON 1 92 12 92 Repairing of 30 km road / 2 bridges. JGE CONST: Pub.Building Saw Discontin ARCON 1 92 12 92 Construction of primary sçhooi (stone / wooden beam) S;rú CONST: Pub.Building Center Diseontin. ARCON 1 92 12 92 Construction of primary school (gone I wooden bean). JCE CONST: Other Center Discontin ARCON 6 92 12 92 Construction of rope carrier JCE CONST: Other Saw Completed ARGON 1 92 MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Asmar Completed FAO -- 91 -- -- Multiplication of rice / maize & wheat seeds MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Asmar Completed Self -- 90 -- -- Selling of 1.488 fruit & forest trees MADERA AGRIC: Forestry Asmar Ongoing Self 3 90 -- -- ' ' Primary school (50% of work done by ARR) -- 93 -- -- Construction of rope carrier (60 m) 6 92 3 forest agents, control the forestry, select the trees for cutting - this forestry provides seedlings 606 of forestry plants & 882 seedlings of fruit trees Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination 5 90 -- -- MADERA AGRIC: Vet Nishagam Ongoing EC/F.Gvt MADERA AGRIC: Vet Asmar Ongoing EC -- 90 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Vet Ongoing EC -- 90 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Vet EC -- 90 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination ragam /Asmar Shigai,íhsmar Ongoing , DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES " Page: 98 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - - -BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Bar Kunar Kunar is working 100 hours per month at e subsidised price, MADERA AGRIC: Machinery Asmar Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- 1 tractor MADERA AGRIC: Research Asurar Ongoing EC /FAO -- 90 -- -- Trials of .different wheat / maize & rice varieties. MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Asmar Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Selling of some agriculture tools & agrochemicale (BBC, zinc phosphide DDVP melathen) 21 1g & 450 farmers aré advised about the use of agrochemicals Training MADERA AGRIC: MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Asear Ongoing EC Jaj Ongoing AID Agricultural training of i person, -- 90 -- -- 2 MED TECH, 1 LAB 2 MD, 6 88 -- -- TECH. ASST.1 DENTAL TECH ASST. 6 ROOMS,-4 BEDS. LABRATORY, DENTAL. ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY VOLUNTEER HEALTH SISTER (VHS) AND DAI TRAINING KSH HEALTH: Basic Post Asurar Ongoing AID 7 57 -- -- 4 BHWs !SE HEALTH: Vaccination Asmar Ongoing AID/UN ? 8F -- -- 5 vaccinators cover 34 villages in lunar province. NPO CONST: Bridge Aster Completed NRC INCA 5 91 NPO CONST: Shelter' Shinkorak Completed NRC /NCA 9 91 12 91 NPO CONST: Pub.Building Shigal Completed NRC /NCA 8 02 SCA ¡DUCAT: Primary Pashingar Ongoing SCA 7 92 -- -- 1 school / 7 teachers / 270 students SCA EDUCAT: Primary Shinkorak Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 1 school / 5 teachers / 120 students SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shigal Ongoing SCA 1 89 8 mid -level HWs / 1 Dental Tech.; i Lab Tech. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 87 -- -- 5 schools in Qaseem Kali, Zor Bard., La Husain VITA CONST: had Waghz Bagh Discontin AID 2 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 12.5 km road, benefit 2,286 families VITA WATER: Canal Qaria Dab Discontin AID 6 92 -- -- Cleaning of 1.5 kt canal, benefit 86 families VITA WATER: FloodControi Haji Abad Ongoing AID 12 92 -- -- VITA WATER: FloodControl boal Barawal Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- WRC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing WRC 2 clinics WRC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing WRC 2 clinics ACBAR - . Target groups: Children 0 -2 years and women 5 -45 years_ Small bridges crossing canals. 5 92 Slab & beams provided to 5 houses Clinic of small size running 8 92 -- costs SCA Sowkhowr & Taghgan villages Construction of 12 km retaining wall(masonry work), benefit 750 families Construction of 117 m retaining wallimasonry work). benefit 950 families. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 99 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION i ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Kunar -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY Barg Matal NAC HEALTH: Cour.Clinic Eaygal Ongoing NAC -- NAC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shilarn Ongoing NAC -- 90 -- -- Basic health center NAC HEALTH: Other Arans Ongoing NAC -- 91 -- -- Dental clinic. Ongoing Germany 10 89 -- -- 25 bed female & children hospital - X-ray Kunar ANH DESCRIPTION? x -ray / lab ! MD doctor & 10 beds 89 -- -- Chag;hasarai HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp Dam Kali lab i dental i vaccination program & medical & surgical wards & 150 -200 pts. OPD /day. ARCON CONST: ATA/L7 HEALTH: Other ATC HINES: AVICEN Pub.Buiiding Ongoing ARCON Ongoing *Donors Bachi Completed UNOCHA HEALTH: Vaccination Asadabad Ongoing EC/UNICF CARE COAST: Bachi Shoitan Completed AID 9 CARE RELIEF:Help Returnee Asadabad Completed AID 2 90 0 92 200 mt.wheat ! 820 sets hand tools given to 1000 returning families in different Villages CARE SOCIAL :Farm Committ. Asadabad Completed AID 8 90 0 92 Formed local shuras & held periodic meetings discussing projects related affairs CARE WATER: Canal Marawara/Brawlo Completed AID 2 90 0 92 3 Irrigation canals with total length of 8 km irrigates 85 hectares lands, benefits village population CRAA AGRIC: Vet Wata Poor Ongoing UNDP 1 92 -- -- CRAA AGRIC: Vet Dam Kali Ongoing UNDP 7 91 DACAAR CONST: Road Ongoing DACAAR DACAAP. CONST: Pub.Building Marawara Discontin DACAAR DACAAR COAST: Sanitation Several villages Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- -- Sanitation: elements for baths(400 installed) DACAAR WATER: Canal Several villages Completed DACAAR -- 89 -- 91 Salar canal: 26 km cleaned & 29 structures made. DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages Ongoing EC /Self -- 91 -- -- 82 shallow wells & 49 hand -pumps DACAAR WATER: Drinking Asadabad Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -- -- Tube -well & pipe - scheme JACBAR Clearance Road d.sadabad Construction of Asad Abad mosque -- 91 3 92 -- -- 5 92 Tuberculosis control program Destroyed 2483 devices, leared 1746213 Sqm I grazing land / hill side I canal & road 1 team - 2 vaccinators 90 7 92 -- -- -- 91 -- 93 8 91 -- -- 1.8 km road with 3.6 km side ditch, 2 causeways has been done for this project Animal vaccination & treatment, 1 DVM / 2 paravets & 1 guard Animal vaccination & treatment, 2 paravets & 1 guard Repair of 31 km road in-Pech Valley(16 km completed) School building (9 rooms) - DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 100 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 cement i sand ! gravel / stone & wood 6TH EDITION ! ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR- --- - -- Kunar ---- VILLAGE(S)' - -- Chaghasarai -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> , aCI HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Wata Poor Completed HCI 5 90 11 91 1 ND / 1 nurse 1 1 lab tech ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Asadabad Ongoiñg FAO /ISRA 5 93 11 93 Distributioñ of 0.35 MT rice seed & 1 MT DAP ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Asadabad Ongoing FAO 5 93 11 93 Distribution of 0.35 MT rice seed & 1.87 MT DAP. INCOME: Help Vulner. Asadabad Ongoing ISRA 8 92 -- -- Assistance to 647 orphans(monthly allowance / health / education .etc) LEI AGRIC: Crop Product 8 villages Completed FAO /UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Multiplication of 3.6 MT seeds & 3.6 MT DAP LEI AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Ongoing LEI /FAO -- 93 -- -- 3.8 MT maize, rice, lung beans & DAP LBI AGRIC: Machinery Asadabad Ongoing LEI /FAO -- 91 -- -- 2 tractors / 2 threshers / 1 trailer & 20 sprayers MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Salar Bagh Ongoing -- 91 -- -- Nursery provides 15,265 forest & fruit trees MADERA AGRIC: Vet Asadabad Ongoing EC /F.Gvt -- 88 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI MCPA MINES: 2 minefields Completed UNOCHA KS REAM Basic Post Sheengam Ongoing AID FPO AGRIC: Asadabad Ongoing NRC/NCA 1.91 -- -- PO INCOME: Skill Train. Asadabad Completed NRC/NCA 1 91 RAFA WATER: barhala Completed ISRA 8 89 12 89 1 culvert of 59 a lenght was built with stone masonry I concrete - irrigates 200 hectares of land - benefits 50 families SOS -PG EDUCAT: Teacher T. Ongoing EC/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through resource centers in schools / two & half month courses 1 15 day seminars & practical work in classrooms SOS -PG INCOME: BelpCraftmen Ongoing EC 'ISRA Survey Training Structure 4 villages -- 4 schools in Maonogai, Dam %alai, Asadabad A Nawabad 1 92 12 92 84,618 Sqm 11 88 -- -- 2 93 3 BBWs Poultry farm training of students to this work 7 92 6 94 Vocational training in 8 different handicraft skills Provision of toolkits & credit facilities to small enterprises. 25% of the beneficiaries are selected from vulnerable groups SOS -PG INCOME: Skill Train. UNO 4 villages Ongoing EC 2 93 EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 7 8? -- -- WE AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing FAO -- WIC CONST: Road Ongoing WRC -- 91 -- -- IA C B A R Marawara 6 94 Training of 26 trades by placement in apprenticeship. i school in Dewar, village. 2 tractors Construction of road DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 101 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 FUNDED ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY DURATION iACTIVITY - --BT -- Begin --End Completed WIC -- 91 -- 92 Ongoing WRC -- Asadabad Ongoing WRC -- -- -- -- 2 clinics Digging of 3 wells. ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- DESCRIPTION> Chaghasarai Kunar Other Asadabad WRC CONST: WRC HEALTH: Provine.Hosp WRC HEALTH: Basic Clinic WRC WATER: Drinking Asadabad Completed WRC -- -- -- 93 WRC WATER: Drinking Asadabad Completed UNDP -- -- -- 92 Germany 10 89 -- -- Re- energizing of Kunar Power House. Dawat surgical hospital (53 beds). . Digging of i well. Chapa Dara Kunar 30 -50 pts. OPD 1 day, ANH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Marchai Ongoing AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 100 villages Ongoing EC UNICF CRAA ÉDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 22 -- -- Narcotic awareness, i extension agent MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Kandy Ongoing EC /FAO -- 91 -- Distribution of 280 Kg maize ! 300 1g DAP & 188.17 Kg vegetable seed to 700 farmers MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Different villages Ongoing EC /FAO -- 91 -- -- - 2 teams - 4 vaccinators -- Distribution of 2950 Kg (85) wheat seed to 305 farmers 24.47 Kg forage crop seed to 11 farmers 1770 Kg of DAP i 166 Kg vegetable seed to 442 farmers & during 1992, MADERA AGRIC: Forestry Chaps Dara Ongoing Self -- 91 -- -- 3 forest agents contorl the forest & select the trees for cutting run village nurseries & talk to people & shuras. MADERA AGRIC: Vet Gulsalak Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination MADERA AGRIC: Vet Kandy Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination MADERA AGRIC: Machinery Kandy Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- 1 tractor is working 100 hours per month at a subsidised price MADERA AGRIC Research Kandy Ongoing EC /FAO -- 91 -- -- Trials of different varieties of wheat i maize & rice seed MADERA AGRIC: Research Gulsalak Ongoing EC /FAO -- 91 -- -- Trials of different varieties of wheat MADERA AGRIC: Research Kandy Ongoing EC /FAO -- 91 -- -- Trials of wheat & maize varieties, MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Kandy Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Selling of some agricultural tools & agrochemicals (BHC) zine phosphide & (DDVP) 25.036 at a subsidised price & maize & rice seed. advised 342 farmers about the use of agrochemicals during 1992. MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Gulsalak Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Selling of some agricultural tools & agrochemicals (BBC) zine phosphide & (DDVP) 14.99 Kg at a subsidised price & advised 119 farmers on how to use them during 1992 IA C B A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 102 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGEESI - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Chapa Dara Kunar MADERA AGRIC: Training Kandy Ongoing EC -- 91 MADERA AGRIC: Training Kandy Ongoing EC -- 91 MADERA AGRIC: Training Gulsalak Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Agricultural training of 1 staff. MADERA AGRIC: Training Kandy Ongoing EC -- 92 -- -- Agricultural training of 2 staff. MADERA. INCOME: Skiiì Train. Pamn Ongoing NEC -- MADERA WATER: FloodControl Kandy Completed EC -- 92 1 HEALTH: i: Basic Post Marchai Ongoing AID 3 88 -- Training of people from different project areas in forestry. -- -- ' -- 91 -- Training of 2 staff members from different projects in different agencies as ='arsvets & cold chain supervisors. -- -- Training of 10 carpet weavers. 93 Gabion working for the protection of agricultural land. ++ .SH RBS SOCIAL:Other Ongoing. FRc SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- VITA CONST: Road Chase Dara Ongoing AID 9 VITA WATER: FloodControl Saidoor Completed AID Kunar . 1!' 92 2 BMWs 93 Training of volunteers (community workers. 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Rehabilitation of 14 km road, benefit 10,000 families. 90 -- -- -- -- 2 Construction of 75 m retai, thg wail + gabion work, benefit 143 families. 93 Chawki AHSAO. HEALTH: Vaccination Chawki Ongoing ANB HEALTH: Basic Clinic Chawki Center Ongoing ITC MINES: Haber Completed Clearance 'UNICEF Germany ' UNOCHA 11 92 -- -- 10 89 -- -- 5 92 7 92 Polio /measles /D.P.T & T.T. 50 -90 pts. OPD / day. Destroyed 400 devices, cleared 454174 So / grazing land & village. CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness. i extension agent. IIRO HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Chawki Ongoing TIRO 11 88 -- -- 1 MD i 3 nurse - 30 pts. OPD I daily. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Chawki Ongoing FAO 5 93 11 93 Distribution of 0.35 NT rice seed & 1.87 MT DAP. ISBA AGRIC: Crop Product Chawki Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Chawki Ongoing FAO 3 93 ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Chawki Ongoing FAO 5 93 11 93 ISRA EDUCAT: Primary Chawki Ongoing ISRA 3 94 -- 89 -- -- Distribution of 0.03 MT peanut to progressive farmers. Distribution of 24 MT sugar cane seed & 0.85 MT DAP. Distribution of 0.35 MT rice seed & 2 MT DAP. 816 students / 15 teachers: DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION I Page: 103 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Kunar - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BY -- Begin - -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Chawki ISRA EDUCAT: Otter Chawki Ongoing IBA -- 89 -- -- I3RA HEALTH: Other Chawki Ongoing ISBA 2 90 -- -- LOO INCOME: Help Vulner. Chawki Ongoing LQO MADERA AGRIC: Forestry Chawki Ongoing MADERA AGRIC: Vet Chawki Ongoing EC/F.Gvt MADERA AGRIC: Machinery Chawki Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- 1 tractor is working 100 hours per month at a subsidised price. MADERA AGRIC: Research Chawki Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Triais of wheat & maize varieties. MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Chawki Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Selling of 17 g agrochemicals during 1992. MADERA AGRIC: Training Chawki Ongoing EC -- 91 -- - Extension work for veterinary treatment & agro- chemicals - training of 2 agricultural technicians in seed Quranïc center - 60 students & 3 teachers. Dispensary for school. -- 92 -- -- Orphanage: providing monthly cash to 150 orphans. -- 90 -- -- Distribution of 4,000 trees of forestry. 5 90 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. multiplication. 6 schools in Dewagal, gulmani, Shioqi, Chawki, Kotki & Narrang. Ongoing MAI -- Nour Gul Ulya Ongoing AID 2 89 -- -- HEALTH: Basic Post Chawki Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 2 BHNs RES SOCIAL:Commu.Particp -- Ongoing RBS 10 92 12 93 Center for disabled children. RBS SOCIAL :Form Committ. Ongoing RBS 10 92 12 93 Formation of social welfare committees. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93. -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.165 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on .88 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 6 schools in Aarchando Mazar, Chambail, Badal Lewat, galmani, ëhaki Qala(2). iIRC AGRIC: Completed FAO -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 6 MT DAP, 1.5 MT urea and 2 MT maize seed. MAI EDUCAT: Primary MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic MSH ACBAR Crop Product Chawki Center 1 MED. STUDENT 2ND, 1 BHW, 1 NURSE 3 ROOMS, 3 BEDS 7 mid -level His. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 104 A6aetrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Kunar -- STATUS -- FUNDED - DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Chawki WRC CONST: Pub.Building -- Ongoing WRC -- 92 - -. -- Construction of Chowki mosque. WRC CONST: Pub.Building Dewagal Ongoing WRC -- 92 -- -- Construction of Dewagal mosque. WRC WATER: Canal Completed FAO WRC WATER: Canal Completed FAO -- -- 12 92 Cleaning of Chawki canal. WRC WATER: Canal gechi Sufla Completed FAO -- -- -- 91 Cleaning of canal. WRC WATER: Canal Bachi Ulya Completed FAO -- -- -- 91 Cleaning of canal. WRC WATER: Canal Beber (Wier) Completed FAO -- -- -- 93 Construction of canal. WRC WATER: Structure Baber Completed FAO -- -- -- 92 Construction of Baber wash. WRC WATER: Structure Baber Completed FAO -- -- -- 93 Bank protection near Baber canal Weir(No. 2). WRC WATER: Structure Dewagal Ongoing FAO -- 92 -- -- Construction of Dewagal wash. WRC WATER: Structure Chawki Ealan Completed FAO -- -- -- 93 Construction of canal bank protection. WRC WATER: Structure Chawki Kalan Completed FAO -- -- -- 93 Construction of intake. WRC WATER: Structure Dewagal Completed FAO -- -- -- 93 Ban protection near Dewagal wash. WRC WATER: Structure Baber Completed FAO -- -- -- 93 Bank protection near Baber canal(No. 1). WRC WATER: Drinking Completed WRC -- -- -- 93 Digging of 3 wells. WRC WATER: Drinking Completed UNDP -- -- -- 92 Digging of 1 well. Ongoing Germany Completed UNDP -- 92 -- 92 8 89 -- -- : ' -- Repairing of 3 canals. 7 93 Dòngóm Kunar Char Gala ANB HEALTH: Basic Clinic CRR CONST: Road VITA CONST: Road 3 provinces Ongoing AID VITA WATER: Canal Dongam Completed AID AR -t 1 89 -- -- -- 4 93 60 -80 pts. OPD ! day. Road survey. Rehabilitation-of 34 km road, benefit 14,285 families. Cleaning of 2 km canal, benefit 286 families. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION ! Page: 105 A6actrep Date: 27!08!93 AGENCY SECTOR Kunar - - -- VILLAGES' - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin --End < ACTIVITY Kamdesh ANF HEALTH: Basic Clinic Mirdeh Ongoing Germany ARCON CONST: lamdesh Ongoing ARCON -- Repairing of Nooristan road. AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 33 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Kamdesh Ongoing MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Tree! Kamdesh Ongoing EC MADERA AGRIC: Vet Kamdesh Ongoing EC MAI EDUCAT: Primary Baz Gui ng_i ng N3^ HEALTH: Basic Post Gawhar Dash Ongoing AID EDUCAT: Primary Keshtuz Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- -- 7 schools Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 1 school in Pati Gui villages. Ongoing AID 1 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 33 km road, benefit 8,571 families. Ongoing WRC -- 91 -- -- Ongoing OXFAM SCA Road UNO EDUCAT: Primary :'ITA CONST: Road WRC CONST: Road any villages 10 89 -- -- 40 -50 pts. OPD / day. -- 91 -- -- Distribution -of 2,000 fruit trees. Selling of fruit & forest trees. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. -- .chord. ì Dff'(4 , 45 teachers / 1050 students Construction of Mirdish- Kamdish road. Khas Kunar Kunar AMA DESCRIPTION> HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Center 1 87 -- -- 1 MD ! 2 disp. / i lab tech / 1 TBA / 1 vaccinator -.100 -150 pts.OPD / day - general medicine / !TN i vaccine / lab / maìaria +TB control / 1 LHV & 1 Dai. ANH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Tamar Ongoing Germany ATC MINES: Clearance Khas lunar Completed UNOCHA 9 90 CRAA AGRIC: Vet lowli Gram Ongoing UNDP 1 92 -- -- CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness, i extension agent. DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages Ongoing EC /Self -- 93 -- -- 100 shallow wells & hand -pumps. MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Khas Kunar Completed FAO -- 91 -- -- Distribution of DAP 1 rice & maize seed. Ongoing MAI -- -- - 5 schools in Arazi Ulia, Khas lunar, Hakim Abad, Arazi Sufla, Tanal Blilages. MAI - EDUCAT: Primary !CHAR ' 410 89 -- -- 5 92 - 40 -80 pts. OPD / day. Destroyed 111 devices, cleared 131058 Sqm & village. Animal vaccination & treatment, 1 DYM / 2 paravets & 1 guard. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 106 AGactrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED - --BY -- <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Khas Kunar Kunar 18 schools in different villages. MAI EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing MAI MAWA WATER: Ehas Kunar Ongoing CIDA -- 92 -- 93 Reconstruction of 100 m Bella canal. MSi HEALTH: Basic Post Arazi Ulya Ongoing AID it 87 -- -- 4 BHWs MSF HEALTH: Vaccination Khas Kunar Ongoing AID/UN 12 89 -- -- 5 VACCINATORS COVER 24 VILLAGES IN ERAS SONAR RAFA AGRIC: Crop Product Diff. villages Completed FAO RAFA WATER: Canal Valley Completed FAO RATA WATER: Canal Khayber Completed FAO AN:. WATER: Structure Shinkoray Ongoing FAQ RAFA WATER: Structure Khayber Completed FAO 10 91 5 92 Construction of 30 m wall by store masonry - benefits 100 families (5 hect. of Iand). RAF. =. WATER: Structure Barabad Completed FAO 3 91 2 93 Construction o f weir & bank protection v! Elms Kunar canal. RAFA WATER: Structure Shinkoray Completed FAO F 02 8 92 Rehabilitation of Shinkoray wash on Hakim abad canal. .RAFA WATER: Structure Khayber Completed FAO 1 92 5 92 30 m gabion work - benefits 100 familioc(5OO hect. of of land))). RAFA WATER: Structure Tanar Completed FAO 12 92 2 93 Rehabilitation of Tanar wash on Hakim abad canal. RBS SOCIAL:Other Ongoing RBS 10 92 12 93 RDA WATER: Canal Ongoing WFP 7 93 12 93 Rehabilitation of 20,000 linear M canal - benefit 6,000 farming families. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 0.67 MT rice seed. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 0.3 MT wheat seed. 0.3 MT DAP & 0.3 MT Urea. SCP. AGRIC: Research Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 1 crop variety testing trial. TTP /GT2 INCOME: Skill Train. Ongoing TTPIGTZ 4 92 -- -- Training 80 people per year in carpentry and. masonry t4 months sessions). WRC CONST: Completed WRC Ongoing WRC Completed FAO Canal -- Distribution of 3 MT seed & 3 MT fer* . DISTRICT. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS AND WOMEN 5 -45 ve{ 8 90 10 90 Rehabilitation of 24 km canal - irrigates benefits ..00O people. ` 90 12 90 Rehabilitation of 12 km Cana. - irrigates 2390 hectares of land - benefits 1800 p ople. .. 93 -- -- Construction oi diversion wall YEARS. , . Formation of boy scouts group ( Islami Khadmatgar). r WRC Pub.Building -HEALTH: Basic Clinic WRC WATER: : C H A R Canal -- 43 Construction o mosque. 2 clinics -- 7 93 Repairing of 3 canals. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES f Page: 107 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY --- - -- SECTOR WRC WATER: Drinking FUNDED DURATION < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> - --BY -- Begin- -End Completed WRC -- -- -- 93 Digging of 3 wells. Completed AID 11 88 12 91 Reconstruction of Nawapass- Barikot road (B0 km) -128 culverts (787m) with machinery, Completed AID 11 88 12 92 Repair of Arandu Bailey Bridge (55 m) for heavy traffic - metallic -construction stone masonry 1:6 for abutment & -- STATUS -- -VILLAGES) - - -- Kunar Kunar ACLU CONST: Road ACLU CONST: Bridge Arandu pier. Crop Product Distribution of 3 MT wheat seed and 3 MT DAP. Completed FAO Completed AMI -- Completed UNICEF All parts Ongoing TAW Pub.Building -- Ongoing ISRA -- 92 Drinking Different villages Ongoing ISRA -- 92 -- 93 5 shallow wells. All parts Ongoing NSF -- 93 -- -- Monitoring & technical evaluation of microscopists. -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Other Completed FAO 2 90 Other Completed FAO 8 91 11 91 Topographic survey, long / cross -section of canals / hydrolic str. in %has-lunar / Nour Gal / Chawki & Sirkanay. Ongoing EC 2 93 Provision of toolkits & credit facilities to small enterprises. AIMA AGRIC: AKI -A HEALTH:Other DS HEALTH: Disabled Reh FWSAD SOCIAL:Other ISRA CONST: ISRA WATER: MSF-H HEALTH: Other RAFA AGRIC: Crop Product RAFA WATER: RAFA WATER: SOS -PG INCOME: HelpCraftmen -- -- 92 -- 92 5 93 Health survey of existing facilities. 6 93 A team conducted survey on disabled people in 35 selected villages. -- 91 -- 91 Advocacy / awareness / registry & feasability studies on disabilities. 5 92 -- 93 Construction of 10 mosques in diferent districts. 9 93 4 90 6 94 , Distribution of 6 MT wheat seed and 3 MT DAP. Topographic survey, long / cross- section of canals / hydrolic str. in Khas / Sirkanay / Chwaki & Nour Gul. 25% of the beneficiaries are selected from vulnerable groups. SOS -PG INCOME: Skill Train. Kunar -- Ongoing EC 2 93 Ongoing Germany 8 90 -- -- 6 94 Training of 26 trades by placement in apprenticeship. NarariB ANH HEALTH: Basic Clinic ARCON CONST: Road Narang Ongoing ARCON ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Narang Ongoing ARGON ATC MINES: Clearance Narang Completed UNOCBA IA C B A R Char Qala, ' -- 40 -60 pts. OPD / day. Repairing of Karang road. Construction of Narang mosque. 2 90 2 90 Destroyed 5 devices, cleared 1450 Sqm road. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 108 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End - < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Narang Kunar CRAA AGRIC: Vet Ghundo Ongoing UNDP 7 91 -- -- Animal vaccination & treatment. 1 DYM / 2 paravets & 1 guard. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Ongoing DACAAR 9 92 -- -- 6.5 vegetable seed i 278000 vegetable seedlings & 89 kg onion seedlings distributed to 909 farmers in 13 villages. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Completed DAI 6 92 10 92 0.5 MT rice seed & 450 kg CAP distributed to 55 selected farmers in 5 villages for seed multiplication. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Ongoing FAO 11 92 -- -- . 0.22 MT barley seed / 2 MT wheat seed & 2.22 MT DAP distributed to 87 selected farmers in 13 villages for seed multiplication. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Ongoing DACAAR 2 93 -- -- Vegetable nursery established in an area of 428 Sqm. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Completed FAO 5 92 10 92 13.5 MT DAP i 3 MT urea & 4.5 MT maize seed distributed to 90 farmers. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO /Self 5 91 12 91 Distribution of 30 kg vegetable seed to 240 farmers in ii villages. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO /Self 5 91 12 91 Distribution of 200 kg rice seed / 4.67 MT maize seed / 9.25 Mî DAP to 156 farmers in 9 villages. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Ongoing FAO /Self 11 92 -- -- Spinach & onion planted in an area of 220 Sqm for seed producted. DACAAR AGRIC: Forestry Completed FAO /Self '1 91 -- -- 5,000 encalyptus & 300 guava saplings DACAAR AGRIC: ,Machinery Completed FAO /Self .5 91 8 91 1 thresher - threshed 43.33 MT harvested wheat of 28 farmers in 3 villages. DACAAR AGRIC: Machinery 13 villages Completed FAO /Self 6 92 6 92 80 MT wheat harvest of 34 farmers in 5 villages threshed. DACAAR AGRIC: Machinery 13 villages Completed FAO /Self 11 92 11 92 DACAAR AGRIC: Research 13 villages Completed FAO /Self 7 92 10 92 2 maïze(19 var.) experiments conducted. DACAAR AGRIC: Research 13 villages Completed DACAAR 7 92 10 92. 1 rice field trial conducted. DACAAR AGRIC: Research 13 villages Ongoing FAO /Self 11 92 -- -- DACAAR AGRIC: Research 13 villages Completed FAO /Self 11 91 6 92 1 wheat yield trial, 4 wheat, 1 barley & 3 oat test plots conducted. DACAAR AGRIC: Plant Protec 13 villages Completed DACAAR 2 93 3 93 150 kg 2 -4 -D was used on 375 jeribs .of 217 farmers wheat fields.._ DACAAR AGRIC: Plant Protec 13 villages Completed DACAAR 2 92 3 92 200 kg 2 -4 -D was used on 500 jeribs of farmers wheat fields. DACAAR AGRIC: Training 13 villages Ongoing DACAAR 1 93 -- -- 305 farmers technically trained. DACAAR AGRIC: Training 13 villages Completed DACRRA 1 92 12 92 580 farmers technically trained. A C B A R are ready for distribution. 30.5 MT maize harvest of 25 farmers in 4 villages threshed. i wheat yield trial 14 var.. 18 wheat, 12 oat 1 barley observation lines & 4 wheat test plot. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 109 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Kunar DACAAR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Narang CONST: Shelter Nawabad Completed DACAAR 1 91 -- -- Production of RCC elements such as beams (3.5 m), lintels (2.5m & 1.5e) - for community housing - capacity 2,700 / month. DA "AAR CONST: Pub.Buiiding Narang Completed DACAAR -- 90 -- 90 Secondary school building DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Narang Completed DACAAE -- 90 -- 91 2 primary school buildings. D..0 A: WATER: Canal Several villages Completed DACAAR -- 89 -- 91 Narang canal: 13.5 km cleaned & 4 structures made. WATER: .anal Narang Completed DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages Ongoing INCOME: Help Vuiner. Narang Ongoing LEI -- 89 -- -- Orphanage HEALTH: Basic :n °r Narang 3ufl: Ongoing ADD 11 88 -- -- .. BNB Bar Narang Narang t. Ongoing .i i.. CA Ongoing EC /B.Gvt D._ - ^A^ik: LET u3F.. Biro -.n« t11/1.í+ HEALTH: Basic Clinic . e.a 1/ SOS EDUCAT: Teacher T. Kunar . . 3 92 6 91 Rehabilitation of 13.5 km canal - construction of 4 etructures. Gr. " ß3e .f - -- 82 shallow wells & y9 hand-pumps. ÿ mid -level HWe -- 84 -- -- Through resource centers in schools I two & half month courses 15 day seminars & practical work in ciassrome. Naray AT" MINES: Clearance Naray Dokalam ComT.°T°^ MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Barikot Ongoing MADERA AGRIC: Vet Hatay, Ongoing EC -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Vet Barikot Ongoing EC 11 89 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Vet Naray Ongoing EC 1 91 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicenee & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Machinery Barikot Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- MADERA AGRIC: Rese rch Barikot Ongoing EC /FAO MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Barikot Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Selling of 16 £g agrochemicale during 1992. MADERA AGRIC: Training Barikot Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Extension work for veterinary treatment & agrochemicais - training of i agriculture technician in seed multiplication. MADERA WATER: Drinking Barikot Completed EC -- 92 -- 92 Drinking water project (tank & 700 m pipe) - benefit 200 families. IACBAR UNOCHA 1 91 4 91 Destroyed 3 2C devices, cleared 596974 S9m agr .. land & grazing land. -- 90 -- -- Selling of 1,000 fruit trees. 1 tractor working 100 hours per month at a subsidised price. Trials of wheat maize & rice varieties. DATABASE OF EGO ACTIVITIES Page: 110 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 1 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet NAC CONST: Pub.Buiiding Kunar -- STATUS - - FUNDED- --BY -- DURATION :ACTIVITY Begin- -End Shahi Kot Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 1 BHW Barikot Completed NAC 7 91 1 building with 8 rooms - stone ! brick 5 92 timber : DESCRIPTION> iron sheet. Nour Gui ANH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Center Ongoing Germany CRAA AGRIC: Dara Mazar Ongoing UNDP CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness, i extension agent. HCI CONST: cub. Building Kara Mazar Completed HCI 12 90 6 91 Mosque building - cement .3R ". WATER: Structure Nour Gul Completed FA" Gy 5 93 Construction of intake. LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Nour Gui Ongoing LDI KAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 2 BHWs RASA CONST: Road Ongoing ARCON 4 92 -- -- Repair of Nour Gul -Mazar Dare road 8,200 m by hand tools. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.04 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0.93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. START AGRIC: Crop Product. 4 villages Completed UNDP 5 92 10 92 Improved maize seed multiplication. START AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Completed UNDP 5 92 10 92 Improved rice seed multiplication. START - WATER: Canal Nour Gul Ongoing FAO WRC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing WRC Bulak Ongoing Germany Kunar Vet Pech Adeet ' 60 -90 pts. OPD / day. 7 92 -- -- Animal vaccination & treatment, -- -- -- - :' 1 DVM ! L paravets & 1 guard. stone. 2-mid-level HWs - OPD. -- -- 3 schools in Nour Gal, Mia Qala & Qala Masood villages. Rehabilitation of Noue Gul canal (9.1 KC. 2 clinics . WI HEALTH: Basic Clinic ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Shangal Ongoing ARCON ATC MINES: Clearance Bar landy/Terani Completed UNOCHA IA C B A R 10 89 -- -- 10 89 -- -- -- 8 91 8 92 40 -100 pts. OPD / day. ' Construction of school. Destroyed 5 devices, cleared 32382 Sgm & grazing land. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 111 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY -VILLAGE(S)- - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Pech Kunar 2 teams - 4 vaccinators AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 44 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF :ARE RELIEF:Heip Returnee Manoogai /Waradish Completed AID 9 90 0 92 CARE SOCIAL:Form Committ. Pech Valley Completed AID 4 90 0 92 Formed local shuras & held periodic meetings discussing projects related affairs. DACAAR CONST: mara Pech Completed DACAAR 1 91 1 93 Repair of Chighan -Nangalam road(13km) - construction of 150 culverts - 10 km ret. wall - standard road - with Road .Distribution of 127 sets hand tools to returning families. machinery. DACAAR HC7 CONST: Road liEAd TH: .Fui. Post 'BI AGRIC: Fruit Trees MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product c ,_,_ vil.eges Ongoing DACAAR Ongoing H'.: Completed LBI /FAO Ongoing EC/ FAO , -- 91 -- 93 5 8: -- -- , . nurse - 2 beds. -- 91 -- 92 Distribution of 3500 trees (apple. apr,'At. almond & persimon ) -- 90 -- -- Distribution o. n/ War, Repair of 31 km road. of n 5i. ! .: seed Kg wheat .,eeo to 520 farmers. .Ar tc to-305 t4:: farmers 1770 Ag DAP !+^ , ..... rip. Kg vegetable .,eed seed to 146 farmers & 122 g forage crop seeds to 87 farmers. MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Mangelaa Ongoing EC /FAO -- -- -- -- Distribution of. 440 Kg maize & 250 Kg DAP to 88 farmers buring 1992. MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product 9 vi:lagee Onvin g EC -- 91 -- -- Distribution of 39 Ag different vegetable seeds. MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Nangalam Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Distribution of 197.04 Kg vegetable seed to 88 farmers. MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Nangalaa Ongoing -- 90 -- -- Selling of 2,500 fruit & forest trees. MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Weyga: Valley Ongoing -- 90 -- -- Nursery & selling of 2,500 fruit & forest trees. MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Wéygal Ongoing -- 91 -- -- Selling of fruit & forestry trees (2,500 seedlings). MADERA AGRIC: Vet mama Ongeing. EC -- 91 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Ve: Nangalaa Ongoing EC -- 90 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Ve: Wèygal Valley Ongoing EC -- 90 -- -- Veterinary treatment, selling medicines & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Machinery Nangalam Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- 2 tractors are working 100 hours per month at a subsidised price. MADERA AGRIC: Researon NangEiam Ongoing EC /FAO -- 90 -- -- Trials of different varieties of wheat MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Wama Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Agrochemicals (zine phosphide BBC & nogas) 2623 gas & advised 316 farmers about the use of agrochemical. MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Nangalam Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Agrochemicals EC ( zinc phosphide BBC & nogas) 14.098 Kg are against insects ' pests & rodents. DATABASE OF EGO ACTIVITIES Page: 112 maize & rice seed. A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - DURATION - --BI -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Pech Kunar MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Weygal Valley Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Selling of some agricultural equipment & agrocheiicals 7 ¡g of (BBC & DDVP) to control pest 6 rodents. MADERA AGRIC: Training Weygal Valley Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Agricultural training of 1 staff. MADERA CONST: Road Weygal Valley Ongoing EC /DACAA -- 92 -- ;- Construction of 45 Em MADERA CONST: Road Wane Ongoing WFP 8 92 -- -- 45 ta Wane pack animal road. MADERA CONST: Road Want Ongoing WFP 6 92 -- -- Construction of 40 ka pack animal road. MADERA CONST: Pub.Building Weygal Valley Completed EC 6 92 12 92 Construction of agriculture center with 4 rooms during 1992. MADERA INCOME: Skill Train. Weygal Ongoing NRC MADERA WATER: Canal Weygal Valley Completed EC 6 92 12 92 Repairing cf 620 m canal. MADERA WATER: Canal Pumbazaar Ongoing EC 3 93 -- -- Repairing of 4 ëm'Pumbazaar canal. MADERA WATER: FloodControl Want Ongoing ECIF.Gvt MADERA WATER: FloodControl Wodygram Ongoing EC 2 93 -- -- Gabion working 330 a / protects 1350 jeribs agricultural land & benefit 1273 farmers. MADERA WATER: Drinking Mouldesh Ongoing EC 7 92 -- -- 4 water supplying projects with 8 water storage tanks in different places. MADERA WATER: Drinking Shahilaa Completed EC 9 92 Shahilam water supply project with 2 water storage tank E 1900 a pipe. MADERA WATER: Drinking Manual Ongoing EC 7 92 -- -- MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI MAI EDUCAT: Primary Wandian Ongoing MAI -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Gandii Ongoing AID 10 88 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Garwa Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- NPO COMM Bridge Senzayee Ongoing NRC /NCA 3 -- NPO CONST: Bridge Pech Completed NRC /NCA NPO CONST: Pub.Building Bar bandy Completed NRC /NCA RBS SOCIAL:Coaau.Particp Ongoing RBS !ACM --- . road between Ningalaa & Want. Carpentry training with 4 carpenters & 20 students. -- 91 -- - 12 92 -- -- 2 93 Gabion working 170 m / protects 200 jeribs agricultural rand & benefit 84 farmers. Ningalaa water. supply project with 2 water tanks. '7 schools in Arnese, Hateen, Bar Mandy, ¡atar, ilPgraa, Saidor, Sandali & Gui Salale. 3 MED. TECH. 9 92 10 92 12 93 3 ROOMS 4 BEDS 4 BMWs 8 93 10 91 12 91 5 92 1 school. Construction of bridge:length 30 a.. Small bridges crossing canals. Clinic of small size running costs SCA. Center for disabled children. DATABASE OF HGO ACTIVITIES Page: 113 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY -VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- 9r, 92 -- 92 Provision .. ..165 MT a B rochemica';s. SCAA 93 -- 93 V ;'cals. Provision of 0.095Y MTII.agrr 4' ^hem) Completed vA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 60 villages. Ongoing SCA ' 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Sulaimanzi Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 5 schools 15 teachers EDUCAT: Primary sand Kale Ongoing ;re 7 90 -- -- 4 schools 9 teachers 1 350 students EDUCAT: Primary Kandy Ongoing Sre Etr Kandy Ongoing .CA 11 89 Pech Completed WFP 3 91 Completed SCA Plant Protec Ongoing AGRIC: Other SCA AGRIC: Other Sre EDUCAT: Primary SCA 3CA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: 3CA Ji cAnm11TY i:; ;: ..w ..., Pech Kunar -,n, DURATION Begin- -End .HEALTH: . Basic 1. Clinic . . -- 0 . 85 -- -- :Y schools ví teachers 240 students ::50 students 3 mid-level ñWe . 5'91 Distribution of 50 MT wheat to 800 families. START RELIEF:Food Items TPRPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Shahllam Completed FAO TPRPA CONST: Other Paroon Ongoing CIDA 7 9: -- -- Construction of Paroon Minor TPRPA CONST: Other Nangalam Ongoing ARCON 2 92 -- -- Construction of hydroelectric power station f power house. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 87 -- -- -- 93 -- -- Fruit trees distribution to farmers peach / apricot i apples, Power station + power house50 kv initial capacity) & rehabilitation of 900 mt canal. 11 schools in Gulsalak, Watla, Wama(2), Kantowa, Warsak, Saved Khel, Qandhari, Bulak Degal, Chambrak & Batkundi villages. Rehabilitation of 2.2 km foot path, benefit 357 families. VITA CONST: Road Senzayee Discontin AID 10 90 -- -- VITA CONST: Road Wama/Kantiwa Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- VITA CONST: Bridge Dag Carmol Completed AID -- VITA, WATER: Canal Manoogai Completed AID -- -- VITA WATER: FïoodControl Dak Ongoing AID WRC AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- -- -- WRC CONST: Bridge Eandagal Completed WRC -- 7 93 Construction of suspension bridge. WRC CONST: Bridge Man?og5i/Nangaiam Completed FAO -- 7-93 Construction of bridge. -- 12 92 1 93 4 92 -- -- 93 Rehabilitation of 2 km foot path road, benefit 3,500 families. Construction of 31 m bridge (concrete & masonry), benefit 2,000 families. Cleaning of 1.1 km canal, benefit 57 families. Construction of 115 m retaining walistone masonry), benefit 357 families. Distribution of 250 Kg rice seed & 200 Kg Urea. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 114 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Kunar -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Pech WRC CONST: Pub.Building -- Completed WRC -- -- -- 92 Construction of Nanogal mosque. WRC CONST: Pub.Building Chakdara Completed WRC -- -- -- 93 Construction of Chakdara madrasa. WRC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing WRC WRC WATER: Structure Naguman Completed WRC -- -- -- 92 Construction of retaining wall at Naguman river. WRC WATER: Structure Adizai Completed WFP -- -- -- 92 Bank protection Adizai canal. WRC WATER: Drinking Completed WRC -- -- -- 93 Digging of 3 wells. WRC WATER: Drinking Completed UNDP -- -- -- 92 Digging cf 1 well. 2clinics Sirkanay Kunar AMA EDUCAT: Primary Shirogai Ongoing OXFAM 3 89 -- -- 5 teachers - 200 students. AMA EDUCAT: Primary Ganjgal Ongoing OXFAM 1 89 -- -- 10 teachers - 500 students - 5 grades ( 2 classes in each grade). AMA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ganjgal Ongoing OXFAM 1 87 -- -- 1 MD 2 disp. I 1 LHV / 1 vaccinator 1 TBA í 2 CHWe / 1 malaria sup.- 50pts.OPD i day - general medicine ! MCH / van. ! malaria control. Destroyed 161 devices, cleared 671652 Sqs / grazing land i canal & road. ATC MINES: Clearance Sirkanay Completed UNOCHA 8 90 CRAA AGRIC: Vet Center Ongoing UNDP 1 92 -- -- CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Pashad Completed DACAAR -- 91 -- -- DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Pashad Completed DACAAR 1 91 7 91 School building (I1 rooms) - cement / sand / gravel i steel / wood. DACAAR WATER: Canal Sirkanay Discontin DACAAR 7 91 8 91 Rehabilitation of Sirkanay canal(6.5 km) - the project discontinued because of fighting. LBI AGRIC: Fruit Trees 7 villages Completed LBI!FAO -- 91 -- 92 Distribution of 3,500 trees (apple, apricot, almond & pears) to 600 farmers. MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Pashad Ongoing FAO -- 91 -- -- Multiplication of rice ! maize /wheat seed & distribution of DAP. MADERA AGRIC: Vet Pashad Ongoing EC 4 90 -- -- MADERA AGRIC: Machinery Pashad Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- A C B A B 6 91 Animal vaccination & treatment, 1 DVM / 2 paravets &.1 guard. - Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. Primary school building. Veterinary treatment, selling of medicines & vaccination. i tracter is working 100 hours per month at a subsidised price. DATABASE OF EGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 1 Page: 115 A6actrep Date: 27!08!93 AGENCT SECTOR Kunar VILLAGES) - - ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS- --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Sirkanay MANIA AGRIC: Research Peaked Ongoing NADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Pastead Ongoing . EC -- 91 -- -- Trials of different wheat / maize & rice varieties. EC -- 91 -- -- Selling of some agriculture tools & agrochemicals (BBC) zinc phosphide (DDVP aelathen) 20 Kg at a subsidised price & 370 farmers are advised about the use of agrochemicals. ëADERA AGRIC: Training Pashad Ongoing IC -- 91 -- -- Agricultural training of 1 staff: MADERA VATER: FloodControl Pashad Ongoing IC -- 91 -- -- 1 project for the protection of agricultural land with gabion. KAI DUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing NAI KSH HEALTH: Basic Post Shakal Ongoing AID 3 88,-- -- 4 BHWs kPO CONST: Pnb.Building Donahi Completed NRC /NCA 6 91 11 91 Primary school for boys & girls running cost SCA. :! A WATER: Canal Donahi Completed FAO/UNDP 10 89 3 90 5 km canal was repaired which irrigates 800 hectares of land - benefits 120 families. RAFA WATER: Canal - Completed UNDP/WFP 8 89 2 90 Rehabilitation of.8 km canal - irrigates 100 hectares of land - benefits 250 families. . 1 school. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Donahi Ongoing SCA 7 91 - S;A HEALTH: Basic Clinic Center Ongoing SCA 2 89 -- -- 6 mid -level HWs. VITA WATER: Canal Sirkanay Ongoing AID 1 91 -- -- Cleaning of 6.7 ka canal, benefit 1,000 families. VITA WATER: Canal Pashad Discontin AID 9 90 -- -- Cleaning of 5.2 ka canal, benefit 500 families. VITA WATER: Structure Sirkanay Ongoing AID 8 92 -- -- Construction of intake(gabion work). COOS!: Road Pashad Completed WIC -- 92 -- -- Construction of Pashad -Ihas lunar road (16 IC. Canal Barabad Completed WFP -- -- -- 92 Repairing of canals. Center Approved WHO -- 93 -- -- Sued Ahmad Ongoing AID 8 89 -- -- 3 NED. TECH., 1 FIRST AIDER, Lagai Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- 3 BBB Aliabad Ongoing AID/UN WRC WIC WATER: Kunduz -- 1 school / 5 teachers i 195 students Aliabad CBI CORST: NS HEALTH: Basic Clinic Pub.Building KS HEALTH: Basic Post BSI HEALTH: Vaccination . 10 89 -- _- Basic health center (4 rooms). COVERED BY ? ALOCAN VSF. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 116 4 ROOMS 4 BEDS SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. . A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6ih EDITION ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(S)- --- SECTOR AGENCI -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Aliabad Kunduz irrigation channel rehabilitation. 3 92 OXFAM WATER: Canal Aliabad Completed OXFAM 12 91 PRE AGRIC: Vet Transport Completed UNDP 11 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. UNO !DUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 7 87 VITA WATER: Poul &heshti Discontin AID Canal 92 6 93 -- -- 11 90 -- -- VFU with 1 DVM, i paravet & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. 12 schools in different villages. Cleaning of 5 km canal, benefit 200 families. Archi Kunduz AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 52 villages Ongoing ECÌUNICF 2 teams - 4 vaccinators AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 18 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF 2 teams. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qariuq Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Qar1ug Ongoing AID 12 90 -- -- MSH HEALTH: MCH Daftani Ongoing AID PRB AGRIC: Bandar Khwaja -Ghar Completed UNDP SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Nahri Kohna Ongoing SCA UNO EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID Kunduz Vet 3 92 -- -- 11 92 6 93 5 vaccinators 1 ROOM 3 MED. TECH., 3 BHWs 1 Nurse, 1 Med. Tech. 3 Rooms;women ! children under 5 care; health education and Dai training programs. VFU with 1 DVM, 1 paravet h i guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. 2 aid -level HWs 7 87 -- -- .7 schools in Dawran iati, Mohmand, Shahrawan(2), Nahr Kohna, Sanjani & Sharotian villages. Char LDara ARA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Bans Ongoing ARCON 12 92 -- -- Almond nursery 2,000,000 (l0 jeribs). CBR CONST: Pub.Building Center Approved WHO -- 93 -- -- Basic health center (4 rooms). MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qara Ehani Ongoing AID 8 89 -- -- 2 MED. TECH. 4 ROOMS 3 BEDS MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Mang Tepe Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. 3 ROOMS, 5 BEDS MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Mir Shaikh Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 3 BHWs OXFAM WATER: Nawabad Completed OXFAM 2 92 Irrigation channel rehabilitation. 1ACBAR DESCRIPTION> Canal 4 92 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 117 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6!I IDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Kunduz AGRIC: Vet SCA AGRIC: SCA ARCON ARCON MSH MSH MSH MSH SCA SCA SCA SCA UNO VITA VITA VITA DURATION Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Center UNDP 9 92 Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.14 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 88 villages. AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. Ongoing AID 1 87 -- -- 9 schools in Yateem, Ajenzai Sabzzli, Gulabi, Nawabad, Subhani, Basus, Mama Ebel, Char Shaheed & Qasab villages. Completed ODA/EC R 0- -- EDUCAT: Primary Kunduz A -AID FUNDED - --BY -- Completed SCA NO -- STATUS -- Char Dara PRB SCA - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGRIC: 6 93 VFU with 1 DVM, 1 paravet & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. Hazrat Imam Crop Product -- ^ 92 CONST: Pub.Buiïding Imam Sahib Ongoing ARCON WATER: Structure Imam Sahib Ongoing ARCON HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Imam Sahib Ongoing AID 8 89 -- -- HEALTH: Basic Post Daiwana Qeshlaq Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- HEALTH: NCH Imam Sahib Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- HEALTH: Vaccination Hazrat Iman Ongoing AID/UN Seed distribution multiplication :T:al ag extension in selected villages. . Construction of Bases school. -- Rehabilitation of Shahrawan Dan. 1 MED. TECH., 2 NURSE 4 ROOMS 7 BHtis 1 ECHO, 10 89 -- -- Women / children under 5 care: health education and Dai training program. COVERED BY TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. AGRIC: Plant Proteo Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.142 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- Ongoing AID 1 87 -- -- 11 schools in Eohdaman(2), Gumbad(2), Shahrawan, Islamabad, Banbaka, Hag Masjid, Farghan Tapa, Rawza Mubarak & Gharo. Rehabilitation of 14 km road, benefit 4,286 families.. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qatar Bain EDUCAT: Primary CONST: 5 mid -level HWs. Road Qatar Belag Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- WATER: Canal Gul Mohd Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 7 km canal, benefit 80 families. WATER: Canal Qara Eotorma Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 4 km canal, benefit 571 families. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES { Page: 118 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY -VILLAGE(S) - --- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED <ACTIVITY - --BY Begin- -End Discontin Cleaning of 6 km canal, benefit 1,428 families. Canal Gul Tapa 11 90 -- -- WATER: AID VITA Don Qeshlak Discontin Cleaning cf 4 km canal, benefit 571 families. Canal 11.90 -- -- WATER: AID VITA Canal Mohaman Discontin AID Cleaning of 8 km canal, benefit 100 families. WATER: 11 90 -- --. VITA Runduz DESCRIPTION> Khanabad Completed ODAIEC 8 92 7 93 villages. Seed distribution /multiplication i trial & ag. extension in selected -- A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product Rassus /Aktaeh Completed 8 93 Seed distribution Crop Product 7 94 AGRIC: ODA /EC. A -AID ODA /EC 8 92 7 93 AGRIC: -- Completed & Musazi. Seed distribution i multiplication i tría: & ag extension in Mullah Ghuiam Crop Product ODA /EC 8 93 7 94 AGRIC: 'Completed Seed distribution-/ multiplication Crop Product A -AID A -AID multiplication . tai & :,g extension. trial & ag extension in Moo i Shekhali I Khwaja Bolak / Aminul1ah /Panshiri I Kerghez. A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product A-AID AGRIC: Crop Product 8 93 7 94 Lower Chogha i Zelbur. Seed distribution I multiplication / trial & ag. extension in Upper Chogha / Completed ODA /EC Completed AID Completed ODA /EC .8 93 7 94 Qala / Janat Bagh / Kabuli Qeshlaq. Seed distribution / multiplication / trial & ag extension in Sahaq / Kohna -- ODA /EC 8 92 7 93 Seed distribution /multiplication / -- Completed - 7 90 12 90 Distribution of 30 MT improved seed / 7 MT Abi seed 14 MT lalgi seed 17 MT Urea 146 MT DAP to 1,701 families. trial & ag extension in Charsari / Michen Ihel / Dukon Adam Khan / Hasan Ihel / Laghmani. 7 93 Zard lama / Ezantop. Seed distribution ; multiplication / trial & ag extension in Chartut / -- Completed ODA/EC 8 92 ODA 7 91 -- -- 5:7 MT improved seed 15.7 MT DAP / 8 -- Ongoing 'farìs.: MT planted in 4 trial plots - 161 jeribs seed multiplication A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing the community).. 2 tractors (60 % of cost was paid by Afghanaid & the remaining by Machinery 7 91 -- -- AGRIC: AID A -AID ODA/IC 8 92 11 92 Construction of 3 bridges over Gawcush Bridge Completed Completed AID A -AID CONST: Janat Bagh 10 90 11.91 canal: Esantoq(10e), Mahfaïy (5e) & Tarakhel(6). in 8 villages. Rehabilitation of 6 km canal - irrigate 3,000 jeribs - benefit 800 families WATER: Canal 8 93 1,400 ha. Cleaning of 5 km of the Ihwaja Bolak canal to provide irrigation over WATER: ODA /EC A -AID Completed 7 94 Canal 8 92 Cleaning of 6 km of the Charsari canal to Canal Completed 7 93 WATER: ODA/EC A -AID Structure Completed ODA 8 91 10 91 A -AID A -AID WATER: provide irrigation over 600 ha. 1 spillway in Husain Khel / 1 spill way + 1 ret.wall (70m) in Kohna Qala / 1 aquedut (7.71) in Kilachi I i aquduct (3.5m) in Jan Qatghan. $TB EDITION ACBAR DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 119 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 AGENCY SECTOR Kunduz ---- VILLAGE(5) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION --STATUS- --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Khanabad A -Ai'' WATER: Structure A -AID WATER: A -AID -- Completed AID Structure Completed ODA/EC 8 92 7 93 Construction of retaining wall on Narai canal to prevent water losa to Gawcush canal. Canal irrigates 1,800 ha WATER: Structure Completed ODA /EC 8 93 7 94 Construction of retaining wall on the Bande Barq canal, irrigating 600 ha A -AID WATER: Structure Completed ODA/EC 8 93 7 94 Construction of offtake & retaining wall on Chogha canal to irrigate 600 ha A -AID WATER: Structure Completed ODA /EC 8 92 7 93 10 90 12 90 Cone.of 2 ret.walls, Janat Bagh (105m), Arbab Safar (95e) - both irr. 11,000 J. / benefit 2,300 families Cons.of spillway on Gawcush canal to increase water for 200 ha in Mullah Ghulam / Charsari / Dukon Adam Khan Musazi. A -AID WATER: FloodContrcl Arbat Safar Ongoing ODA/EC A -AIT WATER: FloodContrci Basa! Completed AID A-AID WATER: FioodControl Rassus /Aktach Completed ODA /EC 8 93 11 93 Construction of flood protection groynes on the Khanabad River to protect Ihanabad- Kunduz road from erosion. 10 90 11 90 8 93 46 km flood control for protection of 500 jeribe land - benefit 150 families 7 94 Construction of flood protection groynes on the Khanabad River to protect the Basus canal from Breach. canal irrigates 232 hect AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CBR CONST: Pub.Building CBR CONST: Pub.Building IAAAE WATER: Canai KWA INCOME: Skill Train. KWA Ongoing EC/UNICF -- -- -- -- 1 team - 3 vaccinators City Discontin WHO -- 92 -- -- Comprehensive health center (17 rooms) Khanabad Discontin ARCON -- 92 1 concrete middle school for 600 students Discontin ARGON Ehanabad Completed CIDA -- 91 -- 92 Carpet weaving training INCOME: Skill Train. Ihanabad Completed CIDA -- 90 -- 91 Lady tailor training NH HEALTH: Basic Post Qarya Laghman Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Ihanabad Ongoing AID /UN . - -- -6 92 -- Construction of canal - stone / cement & steel 4 88 -- -- 10 90 -- -- 10 BBWa. .COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. A SECOND TEAN WITH 4 VACCINATORS UNDER PMD SUPERVISION IMPLEMENTS IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS WITH VACCINES SUPPLIED BY THE TALOQAN VSF OXFAM WATER: Canal Khanabad Completed OXFAM 2 92 7 92 Irrigation channel rehabilitation PRB AGRIC: Vet City Completed UNDP 2 92 6 92 1 DVM / 2 paravets. RBS SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing ::S 1 93 -- - Training of social animators. SCA AGRIC: Completed 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 2.4. MT wheat seed & 2.4 MT DAP 1ACBAR Crop Product SCA DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 120 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 - 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Kunduz -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- Khanabad DURATION tACTIVITY Begin- -End Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.24 MT agrochemicals Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 107 villages SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 90 village: SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic. Hayat Abad Ongoing SCA SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ihanabad Ongoing SCA 1 85 -- -- UFO EDJCAT: Primary Ongoing ga._ . AID 7 St \:T C.1 .i. CONTI: Road 7 ltarjai :..,._....! VITA CONST: Road Lalaki Discontin AID VITA CONST: Road Char Toot Discontin AID 9 92. -- -- VITA CONST: Road Now Deh Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- VITA CONST: Bridge Khanabad Ongoing AID VITA WATER: Canal Chuqur Qashlaq Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 6 km canal, benefit 400 families. VITA WATER: Canal Angel Bashi Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 5 km canal, benefit 80 familiea WATER: Canal Banas Discontin AID 11 90 =- - Cleaning of 8 km canal, benefit 3,000 .VITA VITA WATER: Canal Boien Ongoing AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning Of 6 km canal, benefit 100 families WATER: Canal Bosazai/Shorab Discontin AID 11 90 -- - Cleaning of 6 km canal, benefit 200 families. VITA WATER: Canal Boien Agtash Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 6 km canal, benefit 100 families VITA VITA WATER: Canal Agtash Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 8 km canal, benefit 200 families VITA WATER: Canal Dara Shorab Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- WATER: Canal Iorochi Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- .Cleaning of 6 km canal, benefit 100 families VITA WATER: Canal Jangal Bashi Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 6 k canal, benefit 86 families VITA. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec .SCA AGRIC: SCA -- t,{ s:R,w!`P 1 A C B A R 1 MD, 1 nurse, 5 mid -level HWs, 1 i-ray tech., 11 89 -- - 6 DESCRIPTION> i dental tech 3 mid -level HWs schools in different `.'ill9g°s Rehabilitation of 22 km road, benefit 20C families, -- Rehabilitation of 2 km road, benefit 100 families 11 90 -- - Rehabilitation of 5.7 km road, benefit 1,429 families, Rehabilitation of 6 km road, benefit 200 families Construction of 19 m bridgeístone & concrete), benefit 14,285 families , families. Cleaning of 6 km cañal, benefit 200 families DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 121 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION -_J 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY VITA WATER: Canal Niakpi Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 4.5 km canal, benefit 100 families. VITA WATER: Canal Eshanha Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 4 km canal, benefit 200 families. ;:TA WATER: Canal Agtash Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Cleaning of 7 km canal, benefit 500 families. 32 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF Kunduz DESCRIPTION> Kunduz AVICEN HEALTH:.Vaccination ^ ;; CONST: Pub.Building Gul Tepa Approved WHO 2CA AGRIC: Vet Kilachi banani Discontin Dutch G. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ghourdaz Ongoing TIRf :SRA INCOME: Help Vulner. Kunduz Ongoing ISRA 9 92 -- -- EWA INCOME: Help Vuiner, Center Ongoing CIDA -- 92 -- 93 Orphans training. MSH HEALTH: Compr.Ciinic Gor Tapa Ongoing AID 10 88 -- -- i NURSE, i MED. TECH. MSH HEALTH: Ccmpr,CC::..ic Malarghi Ongoing AID 1 88 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Kunam Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- MSH HEALTH: MCH Qochi Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 3 Nurses; 1 Room; women / children 5 care; health education. and Dai training programs. MSH HEALTH Mahajer Seh Darak Ongoing AID 1 93 -- -- 2 MV / 1 Nurse, MS:: HEALTH: Vaccination Center Ongoing OXFAM INCOME: Skill Train. Center OXFAM RELIEF:Help Returnee OXFAM WATER: FRB MCH 1 team - 3 vaccinators -- -- 93 -- -- 9 89 Basic health center (4 rooms). 1 paravet. 1 93 -- 1 BHU. Assistance-to 875 orphans(monthlp allowance I health / education / clothing ! foot -wear etc).- 3 ROOMS, 3 BEDS 1 MD, 2 MED.TECH,1 LAB TECH ASST., 1 BHW 4 ROOMS 6 BEDS, LABORATORY 12 BHWs 1 Dai -Woman I children under 5 care, health education and Dai training program. AID /UN 10 89 -- -- COVERED BY TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. Completed OXFAM 12 91 12 92 Women's vocational training in carpet weaving. Center Completed OXFAM 10 91 12 92 Assistance with transport costs + protection for unregistered refugees returning from Baluchistan. Canal Asgalan Completed OXFAM 12 91 12 92 Irrigation channel rehabilitation. AGRIC: Vet Bander Cbardara Completed UNDP 12 91 SCA AGRIC: Crop. Product Ongoing SCA SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA IACBAR . . 6 93 VFU with 1 DVM, 2 paravets & i guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 1.32 MT rice seed. 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.165 MT agrochemicals. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 122 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 --- - -- 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Kunduz - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- - - -BY -- DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA EDUCAT: Primary SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary VITA CONST: Road VITA WATER: VITA VITA -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.165 MT agrochemicals. Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 79 villages. Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 79 villages. Funduz Ongoing SCA -- 93 -- -- Taloka /Aeheen Ongoing SCA 9 88 -- -- 4 mid -level HWs. Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 6 schools in lanum(2), Temiur Archan, Gui Tapa, Tapa Buride & Hazrat Sultan. 30 villages Ongoing AID 1 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 25 km road, benefit 5,000 families. Canal Galach Got Tapa Discontin AID 6 92 -- -- Cleaning of 12 km canal, benefit 1,142 families, WATER: Canal Bagh Meri Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- WATER: Canal Asgalan Discontin AID 7 92 -- -- Cleaning of 18 is canal, benefit 1,714 families. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.266 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. Ongoing AID 7 87 =- -- 2 schools in Eulukh Tapa & Tarmuz Guzar villages. Completed FAO 12 91 FAO/UNDP 11 92 -- 92 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP. FAO 12 91 12 92 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed / 9 MT DAP to 400 families in 6 villages. Kunduz Qala SCA AGRIC: Plant Protes SCA AGRIC: Other ONO EDUCAT: Primary Lag/man 11 schools Cleaning of 8 km canal, benefit 352 families. Zal -- Ali rig ear AGRIC: Fruit Trees APWO AGRIC: Crop Product 8 villages Completed APWO AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed ARCON AGRIC: Crop Product Broy Ongòing ARGON -- Main crops ARCO,' AGRIC: Crop Product Badi Abad Ongoing ARCON -- Main crops ARCON CONS!: Bridge Bozi Ongoing ARGON -- Construction of Abo,Zay bridge. ARCON CONST: Bridge binda Completed ARCON -- Repair of linda bridge. " DESCRIPTION> Kunduz SCA AFS FUNDED -- STATUS -- ACBAR . 2 92 Fruit tree distribution: 3,000 apricot, 1,500 peaches, 500 almond, 500 plums, 500 pears. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 123 A6actrep Date: 27/06/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION tACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Alingar Laghman ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Alingar Completed ARCON -- Construction of Alingar governor office ARGON CONST: Pub.Building Badi Abad Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Badi Abad secondary school ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Alingar Completed ARCON -- Construction of Alingar municipality ARCON WATER: Karez Shekb Sahez Completed ARCON -- Rehabilitation of Singer Karez DCA AGRIC: Vet Besram Ongoing Dutch G. 4 91 -- -- 1 paravet DCA AGRIC: Vet Adar Ongoing Dutch G. 4 91 -- -- 1 paravet GAF HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF /S -- 92 -- -- Mobile vaccination teat with 3 vaccinators, IHSAN WATER: Karez Lower Sangar Ongoing WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehcñiiitation of 5 karezes + repairing of tunnel & well (FFW -48 MT wheat) ION WATER: Karez Sangar Ongoing WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 8 karezes + repairing of tunnel & well (FFW -5O MT wheat). TIRO HEALTH: Basic Clinic Noorlam /Alingar Ongoing IIRO -- -- -- -- A BRU in Alingar village & a First Aid Post in Alingar village. LRO AGRIC: Crop Product Sav /Salab /Iuïman Completed CIDA /FAO 12 92 LRO AGRIC: Crop Product Sangar- Sufla /landa Ongoing FAO 6 93 12.93 Distribution of 0.1 maize seed / 0.5 MT fertilizer & rice seed for multiplication LRO AGRIC: Crop Product Sav /Salab /äulman Completed CIDA /FAO 6 92 11 92 Distribution of 10 MT maize seed & fertilizer for 500 women farmers in the mountainous aree: LRO AGRIC: Livestock Mango-Sangar /Niazi Completed TAF 2 92 7 92 Poultry project for 57 widows & disabled families. LEO AGRIC: Livestock Band -Sufia Ongoing TAF 10 92 9'93 Bee keeping project for 30 widows & disabled families LRO CONST: Bridge 3 villages Ongóing UNCHS 7 93 -- 94 LRO WATER: Structure Niazi Completed CIRA 1 91 7 91 Construction of .4 siphons on Ihowaja Ehel -e -sufla canal, benefit 1,500 farmers LRO WATER: Structure Adar/Warnata Completed CIDA 12 91 5 92 Construction of 1 flume / i siphon & 70 m long of retaining wall, benefit 800 farmers MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Alingar Ongoing EC /FAO -- 91 -- -- - " Distribution of 21 -25 MT wheat seed & fertilizer for 500 women farmers in the mountainous area 6 93 Repairing of 3 bridges / benefit 500,000 people Distribution of 1050 Kg improved varieties of wheat seed with 1220 Eg of DAP to 101 farmers / 2240 Kg improved varieties of maize seed with fertilizer to 389 farmers & 165 Kg summer.& spring vegetable seed. MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Alingar Completed Self MADERA AGRIC: Vet Alingar Ongoing EC /F.Gvt LCBAR 3 92 -- -- -- 88 -- -- Selling of 1,666 fruit & forest trees Veterinary treatment selling of medicines & vaccination DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 124 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION AGENCY SECTOR Laghman ----VÍLLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin --End -< ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> "Alingar varieties. MADERA AGRIC: Research Alingar Completed EC 12 92 -- -- Trials of wheat & maize MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Alingar Ongoing EC /F.Gvt =- 91 -- -- Selling of some agricultural tools & agrochemicals 26 Kg at a subsidised price & 1250 farmers are advised'about the use of agrochemicals. MAPERL AGRIC: Training Alingar Ongoing EC -- 92 -- -- Agriculture training of 4 staff. MADERA WATER: Canal Alingar Completed EC -- 92 -- -- Repairing of 7 canals. !LAPERA WATER: F1oodControl Alingar Ongoing EC /F.Gvt - 92 -- -- 8 different projects for the protection of agricultural land with the help of gabion. MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 7 schools in Pariana, Badey Abad, Ebwal Sufla, Eolat. Salsb Sufla, Qalatak & Sorwat - MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- 6 BHWs OMA MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA 6 92 12 92 Safety lessons - 1010 RDA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO RDA WATER: Structure Completed AID 6 92 2 93 ll.wash crossings built RDM AGRIC: Crop Product 7 villages Ongoing FAO 10 92 7 93 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP RDM AGRIC: Fruit Trees 7 villages Completed FAO 10 93 -- -- SC -US AGRIC: Other Ongoing FAO/UNDP 11 92 SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing SCA UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID Laghman Ehwaja Ehel Ulya Tingour people participated Distribution of 35.5. MT wheat 10 92 - Distribution of fruit trees apricot 2000 / peaches 500 / plum 1500 & persimon 500: Monitoring of activities of participating agencies on multiplication improved wheat seed 7 93 I MD / 2 mid -level HW -- 7 schools in 0th Jabar Ehel, Chatla, Raja!, Mondil, Gulmand, Manzgui Badi Abad & Taä villages 1 86 -- -- Alishing ACDO AGRIC: Crop Product Baku Alishang Approved FAO /UNDP -- -- Rice seed multiplication & distribution program ACDO AGRIC: Crop Product Basra Alishang Approved FAO/UNDP -- -- Maize seed multiplication & distribution AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product Alishang Ongoing FAO/UNDP 11 92 IACBAR 7 93 " program. Multiplication & distribution of 5 MT improved wheat seed & 5 MT fertilizer DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 125 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGKNCY Laghman ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - --BI -- Begin - -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Alishing -- Repairing of Alishing hospital. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Aiishang Ongoing ARCON DCA AGRIC: Vet Deb Ziarat Ongoing Dutch G. 4 91 -- -- i veterinarian. DCA AGRIC: Vet Kalatak Ongoing Dutch G. 4 91 -- -- 2 vaccinators. GAF HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF /S -- 92 -- -- TIRO HEALTH: Basic Clinic Alishang Ongoing TIRO LRO WATER: Structure 3 villages Completed CIDA MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Alishang Ongoing EC /FAO Mobile vaccination teas with 3 vaccinators. 1 BHU. 8 92 2 93 -- 91 -- -- Construction of 1 retaining wall(30 m) / 2 siphon & 1 flume, benefit 3,000 farmers. Distribution of 262 If improved wheat seed í 289 Kg DAP ! 560 Kg maize seed ! 27 Kg different of vegetable seed & 126 Kg Urea. 3 92 -- -- Selling cf 1,650 fruit & forest trees. MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Alishang Completed FAO MADERA AGRIC: Vet Alishang Ongoing EC -- 88 -- -- Veterinary treatment. selling of medicines & vaccination. MADERA AGRIC: Research Alishang Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Trials of wheat & maize varieties. MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Alishang Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Selling of 30 bB agrochemicals at a subsidised price. AGRIC: Training Alishang Ongoing EC!F.Gvt -- 91 -- -- Training of 2 agriculture technicians in seed multiplication. MADERA. MADERA AGRIC: Other Alishang Ongoing EC /F.Gvt -- 91 -- -- Extension work for veterinary treatment & agrocbericals. MADERA WATER: Canal Alishang Completed EC MAI &DUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI MSH HEALTH: Cospr.Clinie Sabrabad Ongoing AID 1 89 -- -- 1 MD, 1 LAB TECH ASST. MSB HEALTH: Basic Post Deb Gazi Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- 3 BHW MSH HEALTH: MCH Kalatak Ongoing AID 1 92 -- -- 2 Med.Tech. 1 Dai, 2 Rooms, women / children under 5 care: RDA WATER: Canal Ongoing WFP 3 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 19,300 linear M canal - benefit 1,597 families. SC -US AGRIC: Other Ongoing FAO/UNDP SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA ACBAR -- 7 92 1 93 -- -- -- - 11 92 7 93 0 93 -- 93 Repairing of 2 canals. '9 schools in Islamabad, Chamdal, bared, Patiq, noia, Keel, Neel, Zar basar & Dawlat Shah. 5 ROOMS, LABORATORY health education and Dai training programs. Monitoring of activities of participating agencies on multiplication improved wheat seed. Provision of 0.08 MT agrocheaicals. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 126 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Laghman ---- VILLAGEUS) -- -- -- STATUS -- FIRMED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin - -End DESCRIPTIOit> Alishing. -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicale. Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 75 villages. Ongoing SCA 2 90 -- -- 3 MD / 6 mid -level His / 1 Dental Tech. / 2 Lab Tech. 1 X-ray Tech. Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 14 schools in different villages. 9 91 -- -- 1 DM. 1 NURSE. 1.LAB. TECH. ASST. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary Islamabad Dawlateha Laghman MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Dawlat Shah Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Noorah Dawlat Shah Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: MCH Kashwak Najeei Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- 1 MD, Ilurse SCA AGRIC: Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Completed AMI 5 93 6 93 Health survey of existing facilities. 5 92 6 93 Advocacy / awareness / registry & feasibility studies on disabilities. Other 2 BHWs 2 Rooms: women / children under 5 care: health education and Dai training program. Laghman Laghman AMI -A HEALTH: Other FWSAD SOCIAL :Other All parta Completed TAF MSF -H HEALTH: Other All parts Ongoing NSF RDA RELIEF:Food Items Completed WFP SOS -PG INCOME: HelpCraftmen Ongoing EC Monitoring A technical evaluation of microscopista. -- 93 -- - Distribution of 200 MT wheat and other goods. 1 93 6 94 Provision of toolkits & credit facilities to small enterprises. 251 of the beneficiaries are selected from vulnerable groups. SOS -PG INCOME: Skill Train. Laghman Ongoing EC 1 93 6 94 Training of 26 trades by placement in apprenticeship. -- 7 91 Free distribution of 124 NT vbeat to 1240 families. Mehterlam AB RELIEF:Food Items Mehtarlam Completed WFP APWO WATER: Canal 9 villages Approved WFP APWO WATER: Canal 12 villages Ongoing WFP -- 93 -- -- 4 93 -- _ IACBAR DATABASE OF RGO ACTIVITIES Page: 127 f A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITIOR 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Mehterlam Laghman 6 93 Training of 20 students in carpentry & 20 studente in masonry (4 soothe). Bazaar Completed CIDA -- Ongoing ARCON Ongoing ARCON -- Animal food Mehterlam Ongoing ARCON -- Sheep fare Pub.Building lehterlam Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of-education center CONST: Pub.Building Mehterlam Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Islamic center ARCON CONST: Pub.Buiiding Mehteriam Ongoing ARCON -- Repairing of agricultural admin. building AR^(+N CONS": P',b.Buiiding M?Gt°rî.4m Ongoing ARCON ACON CONST: Other Mehterlam Ongoing ARCON -- -- - ARCON INCOME: Skill Train. Mehterlam Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- - ARCON WATER: Canal Mehterlam Ongoing ARCON ARCON WATER: Other Mehterlam Ongoing ARCON ARR RELIEF:Food Items Mehterlam Completed WFP ATA /AP HEALTH: Other Approved *Donors ATC HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Sarandoi Ongoing UNOCHA -11 92 -- -- ATC MINES: Clearance Dalii Alingar,' eya Completed UNOCHA 12 92 12 92 CAS AGRIC: Crop Product Center. Ongoing FAO 5 93 -- -- Multiplication of 3.5 MT rice, maize & DAP DCA AGRIC: Vet Mohd Ehel Ongoing Dutch G. 4 91 -- - 1 paravet DCA AGRIC: Vet Mehterlam Ongoing Dutch G. 4 91 -- 1 paravet GAF HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF /S IIRO HEALTH: Basic Clinic Maiden' Ongoing IIRO ISRA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Mehterlam Ongoing ISRA ARCAR INCOME: Skill Train. ARCON AGRIC: Crop Product ARCON AGRIC: Livestock ARCON AGRIC: Livestock ARCON CONST: ARCON '.ACBAR DESCRIPTION> 2 93 Main crops Repairing of Menterlam mosque -- Repairing of electricity station. Al -Moor center Repairing of Laghian canal -- Rehabilitation of water station 4 92 Distribution of 500 MT wheat -- 93 -- -- Tuberculosis control program. 4 92 -- 91 -- -- 6 nurses I 1 MD / treat definers & local people Destroyed 66 devices, cleared 24456 S4: & grazing land Mobile vaccination tea: with 4 vaccinators 1 BHU 9 92 -- -- 1 MD I 1 medical assistant / 1 lab tech. / helper DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 128 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Laghman - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin - -End DESCRIPTION>- tiehterlam ISRA INCOME: Help Vulner. Mehterlaa Ongoing ISRA 8 92 -- -- Assistance to 348 orphans(ionthly allowance / health / edacatio: / clothing I foot -wear etc). LR^ CONST: Center Ongoing DACHS 6 93 10 93 Provision of 800 doors & 800 windows for 800 manilla MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 4 schools in Haider Beni, Maidani, Qadaba & Hakim Abad. MCPA MINES: it ainefields Completed UNOCRA 11 92 12 92 236,059 age residential / / canals / roads & grazing lands MSH HEALTH: Basic;Post Kalakoat Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Mehterlaa Ongoing AID/UN 3 93 -- -- Shelter Survey 10 BHWs 4 VACCINATORS UNDER PMD SUPERVISION COVER 14 VILLAGES IN M ITIRLAM (901) AND ALISHING (905) DISTRICTS IN LAGHMAN PROVINCE. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 TEARS AND WOMEN 5 -45 SCA AGRIO: Crop Product Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 0.66 MT rice seed SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemical! SCA AGRIC: Plant Protes Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.34 MT agrochemicals SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA- 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 90 villagee AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages SCA HEALTH: Coapr.Clinic Manjuaa Ongoing SCA 4 90 -- -- 2 MD / 4 aid -level Hs / i Nurse SCA WATER: 30 villages Ongoing SCA/UNIC 1 93 12 93 100 wells - benefit 2,000 faailies SOS -PG EDUCAT: Teacher T. - Ongoing EC/B.Ovt -- 84 -- -- SOS -PG INCOME: RelpCraftaen Bazaar Ongoing IC Drinking TEARS Through resource centers in schools / two A half :oath courses ; 15 day seminars & practical work in classrooms , 1 93 6 94 Provision of 'toolkits & credit facilities to small enterprises. 252 of the beneficiaries are selected from vulnerable groups SOS -PG INCOME: Skill Train. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Bazaar Ongoing IC 193 Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- Training of 26 trades by placement in apprenticeship 6 94 11 schools in Nalawai, betel, Baraal, Sayed Qala, Noora, Mnnjaaan, Basraa, Maiden Rodet, Khan Qala, Fatehulla & Hakiaabad. Laghman tit) oriettali DCA AGRIC: MAI EDUCAT: Primary IACBAR. Vet Teteen Ongoing Dutch G. il 92 -- -- 1 vaccinator Nadho Ongoing MAI -- -- - 1 school -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 129 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Laghman - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION < ACTIVITY - --BY -- Begin --End 12 90 -- -- DESCRIPTION) Nooristan ASH HEALTH: Basic Post boltan Ongoing AID KPO INCOME: HelpCraftmen Nooristan Completed NRC /NCA 1 91 12 91 Help to skilled craftsmen. RAFA COAST: Road Dìff. villages Ongoing WFP 3 93 -- -- Pedisterial road construction 2nd stage. RAFA COAST: Road Completed WFP SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing SCA 6 89 -- -- 1 MD / 5 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- 2 schools in Pajkal & shaman villages. liangarach -- 10 91 1 92 3 BMWs Rehabilitation of 17 km road - Menjan- Pashal by hand tools - 3 local culverts. Qarghaie Laghman AMRAN AGRIC: Fruit Trees Bolan Completed FAO /UNDP 3 93 3 93 Distribution of 5,000 fruit tree saplings. APWO AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Completed FAO 1 91 1 91 Multiplication of 8 MT sugar care & 3 MT DAP. APWO AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Completed FAO 1 91 1 92 Distribution of 10 MT DAP, 10 MT urea to 188 farmers. APWO AGRIC: Fruit Trees 7 villages Completed FAO 2 92 2 92 Distribution of 6,000 fruit trees to 260 farmers. APWO WATER: Drinking 10 villages Ongoing ASC 2 92 -- -- ARO COAST: Road Char Bagh Completed WFP 2 93 4 93 9 km road, Charbagh to Surkhakan. ARO WATER: Canal Char Bagh Completed WFP 2 93 4 93 Rehabilitation of 8 km canal. ARR AGRIC: Crop Product 53 villages Completed SV 9 92 6 93 ARR WATER: Canal Nahri Karim Completed RAP 7 92 10 92 Cleaning of canal & gabion work. CRAA AGRIC: Vet Surkhakan Ongoing UNDP 9 92 -- -- Animal vaccination & treatment, 1 DV?! ! 2 paravete & 1 guard. ESAR COAST: Shelter Ongoing UNCHS GAF HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF /S HAFO WATER: Ongoing HCR TIRO HEALTH: Basic Post Ongoing TIRO -- -- -- -- First Aid Post. ISRA COAST: Ongoing ISRA -- 92 -- 93 Construction of 1 mosque. A C B A R Structure Pub.Building Surkhakan Char Bagh . -- -- 91 -- -- -- 'Distribution of 18 MT wheat seed / 21 AT Urea & 15 AT DAP. Manufacture and distribution of 4,000 concrete beams for housing / FFW 12 MT Mobile vaccintion team with 4 vaccinators. Construction of protection wall, stone masonry (760 m length DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 130 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 2 m width / 3 m height. -- -- 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Laghman -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin - -End DESCRIPTION> ©arghaie 75 students & 2 teachers. ISRA EDUCAT:, Primary Qalatak Ongoing ISRA 7 93 -- -- ISRA EDUCAS: Other Qalatak Ongoing ISBA 11 92 -- -- ISRA WATER: Drinking Ongoing ISRA MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Qarghaie Ongoing EC -- 92 -- -- Distribution of 2.6 1g improved vegetable seed / 180 1g DAP & 126 Kg urea. MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Qarghaie Ongoing FAO -- 88 -- -- Multiplication of maize / wheat & vegetable seeds. MADERA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Qarghaie Ongoing EC 4 91 -- -- MADERA AGRIC: Vet Qarghaie Ongoing EC -- 88 -- -- MADERA AGRIC: Machinery Qarghaie Ongoing EC 6 92 -- -- MADERA AGRIC: Research Qarghaie Ongoing EC -- 91 -- -- Trials of wheat & maize varieties & some agriculture equipment by a subsidised price. MADERA AGRIC: Plant Protec Qarghaie Ongoing ECIF.Gvt -- 91 -- -- Selling of 24 Kg agrochemicals to control insects & peste. MADERA AGRIC: Training Qarghaie Ongoing EC -- 92 -- -- Training of farmers on agrochemicals & veterinary - 1,800 farmers are advised. MADERA WATER: Canal Qarghaie Completed WFP Ni A EDUCAT: Primary Kasai Poor Ongoing MAI -- - MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Zangora Abdurahimz Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- OMAR MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCBA 6 92 12 92 Safety lessons - 11464 people participated. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 6.65 MT wheat seed, 6.65 MT DAP & 9.4MT Urea. SCA AGRIC: Research Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 1 crop variety testing trial of wheat. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.19 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.25 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing SCA ACHAR -- Dare Lam Quranic center - 75 orphans i 1 teacher & 1 volunteer. 8 93 5 92 - 1 jerib nursery - selling of 1.650 fruit & forest trees. Veterinary treatment. selling of medicines& vaccination. 4 tractors working 100 hours per month at a subsidised price. 9 92 7 92 4 shallow wells. -- Repairing of 4 canals. 1 school. 1 BBW 1 MD ! 6 mid -level HWs DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIIS Page: 131 A6actrep Date: 27/08/S3 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR a4_ " ^v Logar ANDS - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- - STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION tACTIVITY Begin --End - --BI -- DESCRIPTION> Azra CONST: Pub.Building Akbar Ebel Completed WHO 8 90 11 91 Construction of comprehensive clinic & running cost for 1 year (2 MD / 2 nurses / 1 dispenser / 1 lab tech. - OPD & treatment of war injuries). AR`. AGRIC: Crop Product EMAR CONST: Road EMAP. CONST: Pub.Building AGRIC: Vet :Rc'RPA :RC/RPA HEALTH: Vaccination :R"'RPA WATER: Canai Akbar Ehel Completed UNDP 5 91 10 91 Completed CIDA 8 91 7 92 Repair of Tanga- Wuluswali road (10 km), 2 km ret.wall, 6 culverts, 4 washes with hand tools & tractor Albar Ehel Completed ARCON 4 92 9 92 Construction of Madrasa building. Maroof Ehel Ongoing UNDP 6 92 -- -- Ongoing UNICEF Completed S! Zaman Ehel Distribution of 20 kg vegetable seed 1 2 MT corn seed / 2 MT fertilizer to 20 farmers 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and Treatment clinic, 2 paravets on"v,üiting 11 1 9 92 1 . . á' :ehPC' :....;t ;nn x year. at least . " Canai. L'wi .. tar getting l-2 years children & :ema l e aged 5-45 irrigate 10' ani-n..s, HALM C:mrr r.. '.in.. d.zna Mv: HEALTH: Basis Post .B 77 CARL WATER: Canal Mangal Completed CIDA 4 91 12 91 OR WATER: Structure Bengal Ongoing CIDA -- 92 -- -- RAFA CCORST: Pub.Buiidin Tatar Ongoing ARCON 1 92 -- -- Scbocl building(12 rooms) RAFA CONST: Pub.Building Osman Ebel Ongoing ARCON 1 92 -- -- Mosque building - stone masonry & PCC RAFA WATER: Canal Completed WFP 5 91 Rehabilitation of 24 canals - total length 2,200 m SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Kasol Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- 5 mid -level HWs. WRC AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO -- -- -- 93 Distribution of 1 MT maize seed / 1.5 MT Urea & 2 MT DAP WRC AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 93 ?.71Prrcir, Ebel Rehabilitation of 2.8 km canal & repair of diversion dam Repair of an aqueduct & a tunnel 9 91 AGRIC: Crop .roduct -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 93 WRC AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO - WRC AGRIC: Fruit Trees -- Ongoing FAr -- 9 WRC AGRIC: Livestock -- Discontin .AG -- -- -- -- -- -- 92 -- P3 6 ROOMS 4 BEDS. LABORATORY 4BHWs 1187 - - -- WRC ACHAR 7E7._ . LAB. TECH. A337. I benefit :nC families . irrigate 3,000 families Distribution of 32 MT seed & 32 MT DAP Distribution of 40 MT fertilizer Distributic: of 80 MT DAP retribution of 20,000 fruit trees Fe'ablishment of poultry farm (looted in 91) DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 132 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 STE EDITION ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY DURATION FUNDED < ACTIVIT7 DESCRIPTION: - - -B7 -- Begin - -End Ongoing FAO -- -- -- -- 1 tractor Completed FAO -- -- -- 92 Distribution of 105 MT wheat as emergency food assistance. 11 92 -- STATUS -- Azra Logar Machinery WRC AGRIC: WRC RELIEF:Food Items Baraki Logar Multiplication of 5 MT k 5 MT fertilizer. 7 93 ADAg AGRIC: Crop Product 1 village Ongoing UNDP AFRANE AGRIC: Machinery Barati Barak Ongoing *Donors AFRANE AGRIC: Research Baraki Barak Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- AFRANE WATER: Canal Baraki Barak Ongoing UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Irrigation repair. AGRIC: Crop Product Mohmand/Mashak Ehe Completed FAO/UNDP 10 91 '8 92 Distribution of 2MT Pak -81 ! 5 MT Blue Silver / 5MT Urea AHSAO ARSAO AGRIC: Fruit Trees Baraki Barak Completed FAO/UNDP AMI -A CONST: Pub.Building Baraki Rajan Ongoing AMI -A HEALTH: Med.Training -- Ongoing 7 tractors & 5 threshers -- -- -- - Variety á agronomical trials to know good variety k proper use of fertilizer k demonstration plots. . 2MT DAP in Momand 12 91 6 92 Distribution of 10.000 fruit trees (apple ; apricot ! peach), AMI/WHO 8 90 8 93 Construction of a 40 bed hospital building (concrete) AMI 7 92 12 93 Mashak í Nowberja PE coureú for mid -level. BWs it Logar each session 6 weeks ! 12 students per session ò ;30 students have been trained so far. 1 92 2 92 Distribution of 100 MT wheat to 252 families Completed WFP Barak( Barak Ongoing ARGON Pub.Building Baraki Barak Ongoing ARGON -- ARCON INCOME: Skill Train. Baraki Barak Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- Al -Argaa Bin Al -Argaa WATER: Earez Barak( Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of Barak karez, ARCON ARO CONST: Bridge Deh Mughulan Ongoing CIDA 10 92 -- -- 40 a foot bridges - 1 beam CONST: Pub.Building -- Approved CIDA -- 93 -- 93 Repairing of Shuhada high school (10 rooms) BDA CoAR AGRIC: Crop Product Baraki Ongoing RAP -- 92 -- 93 Multiplication of seed & fertilizer CoAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Baraki Ongoing FAO -- 92 -- 93 106 so nursery CONS': Pub.Building Baraki Ongoing WHO -- 90 -- 93 Rehabilitation of baratri hospital CoAR APWO RELIEF :Food Items AEON GMT: Pub.Building ARCOS CONST: ACBAR Construction of Padekhwab Shana intermediate school Construction of Holy Quran Bouse 'DATABASE OF IG0 ACTIVITIBS Page: 133 A6actrep Date: 27 /08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR- Logar ---- VIbLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End Completed DACAAR -- 89 -- 90 < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Baraki DACAAR CONST: Road EMAE CONST: Pub.Building Baraki Barak Completed ARCON GAF AGRIC: Vet Baraki Barak Ongoing BNZ 11 88 12 93 1 assist DVM / 4 paravets / 2 guards curative & preventive service. IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Approved UNICEF -- 93 -- -- 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 ISR! AGRIC: Crop Product Baraki Barak Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 50 Kg sung bean seed. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Baraki Barak Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 0.5 MT rice seed & 0.75 MT DAP for multiplication. ISEA AGRIC: Crop Product Baraki Barak Ongoing FAO /UNDP ISRP. EDUCAT: Primary Baraki Barak Ongoing ISRA 3 93 -- -- i .school for orphans - 120 students & 3 teachers. ISRA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Baraki Ongoing ISRA 9 92 -- -- 1 MD / 1 medical assistant / 1 lab tech. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Baraki Rajan Ongoing AID 5 88 -- -- 2 NURSES, 2 BHWS MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Chalozai Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 21 BMWs MSH HEALTH: MCH Baraki Barak Ongoing AID 1 90 -- -- .1 Diploma Nurse 1 Dai / 10 Rooms; Women ! children under 5 care; health education, Voluntary Health Sister (VHS) and 4 92 11 92 Repair of 15 ks road from Cbarkh to Baraki. 9 92 Construction of 1 secondary school building (18 rooms) - concrete. 7 93 Distribution of 5 MT DAP & 5 MT wheat seed to 200 farmers - 200 jeribs. helper. 3 ROOMS 2 BEDS Dal training programs. MSH HEALTH: MCH Chalozai Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Beraki Ongoing AID/UN 10 92 -- -- 9 88 -- -- 1 MCHO, Women I children under 5 care; health. education. 5 VACCINATORS COVER 121 VILLAGES IN BARAKI DISTRICT (501) OF LOGAR PROVINCE. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN -0-2 YEARS AND MORN 5 -45 IIARS. KPO INCOME: HelpCraftien OMAR MINES: Awareness RAR WATER: Karez Baraki Completed NRC /NCA 1 91 Baraki Completed UNOCHA 6 92 12 92 D villages Ongoing UNDP 6 91 -- 93 -- 93 Help to skilled craftsmen. Safety lessons - 151 28 people participated. Rehabilitation of 9 karezes (Abzokh Payn / Abzokh Bal I Zarsang 1 / Zarsang 2 / Kata Sanag / Sajawand Kalan / Baladah / Ebwaja Shekhan I Alif Khan). RAH WATER: Karez 18 villages Ongoing UNDP -- RAH WATER: Karez 18 villages Ongoing UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Karez rehabilitation. Rehabilitation of 18 karezes (Sadyed Inaytuliah Sohìb Zada ! M.Ghani I Bangash I Mola Inaan ford i Mola Inaam ! Kam I Balan'/ Pera Khel Kalan / Pera Ihel Khord / Quorban Kalan I Quorban ford / larval / Basher / Kabos KhordBabos Kalan / ford Iharr ! Kalan Kharr / Narredaly). DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIEF Page: 134 - - -- A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION SECTOR AGENCY Logar VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - -BY -- Begin- -End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Baraki Rehabilitation of 15,000 linear canal - benefit 3.000 farming famili RDA WATER: Canal Baraki Approved WFP 7 93 RDA WATER: FloodControl -- Ongoing WFP 6 93 10 93 RDW AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongging FAO -- -- -- -- Distribution of 10.2 MT improved wheat seed / 10 MT DAP / 10 Urea RDW AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO -- Distribution of 2.7 MT improved wheat seed / 3 MT DAP i 5 MT Urea SC -US AGRIC: Other Ongoing FAO/UNDP SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 66.5 MT wheat seed SCA AGRIC: Research Completed JCA 0 92 -- 92 11 crops variety testing trials of wheat, barley & triticale. SCA AGRIC: Research Ongoing SCA (i SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision cf . agrochemicals SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.13 MT agrochemicals SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 80 villages SCA EDUCAT: Primary Qalai Gul Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- -- 8 schools / 55 teachers / 1380 students SCA EDUCAT: Primary Chalozai Ongoing SCA 7 90 -- -- 5 schools / 35 teachers / 850 students SCA EDUCAT: Primary Baraki Barak Ongoing SCA 5 87 -- -- 9 schools / 60 teachers / 1450 students SCA EDUCAT: Primary Qalai Mai Ongoing SCA 4 86 -- -- 6 schools 139 teachers / 1080.students Sbekhi Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- SCE ; ALTH: Compr.Clinic -- 11 92 9 93 7 93 93 -- 93 M Construction of 750 M retaining wall Monitoring of activities of participating agencies on multiplication of improved wheat seed. 4 crops variety testing trial of dry beans, 11 of wheat. 1 MD, 2 mid -level HWs, 1 lab tech., 2 vaccinators, 1 first -aider SCA ! IEALTH: Basic Clinic Qalai Nahib Ongoing SCA 8.89 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Babors Ongoing SCA 5 86 -- -- 3 nurses. 6 mid -level HWs. 1 dental tech SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shah Mazar Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs / 2 Dental Tech./ 1 Lab Tech, SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Baraki Rajan Ongoing SCA SCA. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Cbehltan Ongoing SCA ACBAR -- -- -- - 3 89 -- -- 1 nurse, 4 mid -level HWs 8 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse i 1 Dental Tech./ 1 Lab Tech -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 1 Page: 135 ASactrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- FUNDED DURATION - -BY -- -- STATUS -- :ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Begin- -End Baraki Logar SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Charahi Deh Shekh Ongoing SCA 8 89 -- -- 1 nuree..4 mid -level HWe SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Deb Doshanba Ongoing SCA 5 89 -- -- 5 mid -level HWs, SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Pandeh Ongoing SCA SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Akhund Ehel Ongoing SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Dasht Charkh UNO EDUCAT: Primary 1 dental tech -- -- -- -- 3 mid -level HWs SCA 11 87 -- -- 8 mid -level Hs Ongoing SCA 9 88 -- -- 6 mid -level HWs / 2 Nurses Ongoing AID 3 87 -- -- 39 schools in different villages Rehabilitation of 31 km road from Baraki Rajan to Padkhab, benefit 14.285 families . ` 1 Lab Tech CONST: Road Baraki Rajan Discontin AID 8 91 -- -- TA MET: Road Qaiai Amir Discontin A :D -- -- -- VITA CONST: Bridge Qalai Bala Completed AID VITA CONST: Bridge Tagab Ongoing AID VITA CONST: Bridge Chehitan. Completed A:D. VITA CONST: Bridge Qalal Amir Discontin AID VITA CONST: Bridge Sayed Jan Ongoing AID VITA WATER: Canal Qalai Shadi Ehel Ongoing AID 10 92 -- -- Cleaning of 27 ka canal, benefit 14,286 families VITA WATER: - FldodControl AID 11 92 -- -- Construction of 84.1 retaining wall(gabion work), benefit 38 families Free distribution of 60 MT wheat to 600 families VITA . Logar ' -- -- -- -- 9 92 -- -- -- - Zaqum,Ehel Ongoing Eharwar Completed WFP -- -- V 9 92 . Rehabiliteion cf_11 km road. benefit 1,:00 fam.ilies. Construction of 15 m bridgeiconcrete & aasonryi, benefit 1428 families - Construction of 24 m bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 200 families Construction of 8 m bridge (concrete & masonry), benefit 1,500 famiiiea Construction of 20 m bridgeconcrete & masonry!. benefit 600 families Construction of 17 m bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 40 familie6 V Charkh AB RELIEF:Food Items AFRANE AGRIC: Research Charkh Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety k proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots CoAR AGRIC: Crop Product Charkh Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- 93 Multiplication of seed & fertilizer CoAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Charkh Ongoing FAO -- 93 -- 93 106 so nursery CoAR AGRIC: Other Charkh Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 91 -- 93 Repairing of agriculture machinery GAF AGRIC: Vet Charkh Ongoing 1ACBAR ` BMZ 8 91 7 87 12 93 1 DVN / 4 paravets / 2 guards curative & preventive service. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 136 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I AGENCY SECTOR . ----VILLAGE(S)--- - ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BI -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Charkh Logar 46 primary school teachers participated in pedagogical seminar .IRC EDUCAT: Teacher T. Charkh Completed -SV 1 93 1 93 IRC EDUCAT: Teacher T. Charkh Completed SV 2 93 3 93 IRC/ PA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO 10 92 2 93 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- iRC'?PA AGRIC: .Fruit Treea Completed AID 3 93 .4 93 Distribution of 556 saplings to 10 farmers IRC; RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing AID_ 4 92 -- -- Nursery with 1194 sqm planted with stone fruit r nut / apple seed and cuttings TRC'R14 AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- 1 tractor IRC!RP- - AGRIC: Research Completed AID /FAO 4 92 12 92 Improved wheat seed trials IRÇIRPA AGRIC: Training "Ongoing AID 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed must, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation, etc, 191 farmers trained IRC /EPA AGRIC: Other Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees., farm power IRCIRPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 4 91 -- IRC/RPA WATER: éarez Ongoing .SV IRC/RPA WATER: Earez IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking ISRA AGRIC: ISRA AGRIC: MAI EDUCAT: Primary $SH. HEALTH; Basic Clinic MSH HEALTH: Basic Post NT ÁGRIC: NPO INCOME: HelpCraftmen SC -US AGRIC: IACBAR - -- Mango . Mango Mango . éarezgai Ihojegoor /Ihawro Completed SV Crop Product Charkh Ongoing FAO/UNDP Crop Product Charkh Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- human Bhel Ongoing AID Dazaar Ihwaja Ha Ongoing AID Other . Seed multiplication: 0.43 mt wheat, 0.1 st DAP to 9 farmers 3 mobile vans visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & 10 91 9 7 6 88 ' Self Charban Completed NRC/NCA - - Ongoing FAO/UNDP Rehabilitation of 18 karezes, total 16.29 km, irrigate 7625 jeribs, benefit 1888 families 12 92 *Gravity -flow water supply, two systems, benefit 140 families 92 10 92 11 92 93 - females. aged 5 -45 'Rehabilitation of 2, karezes, total 2.55 km, irrigate 280 jeribs. benefit 48 families 10 91 -- -- SV Ongoing Seed distribution: 14.57 mt wheat, 15 mt DAP to 291 families -: Completed Livestock 53 primary school teachers participated in Maths seminar - Distribution of 5 MT DAP & 5 MT wheat seed to 240 farmers -. 200 jeribs Distribution of 0.5 MT rice seed & 0.75 MT DAP for multiplication 10 schools in Ceder, Charkh, Daht, Pingrai Balokhel Shaishir Mel; Shams gala, New Shahr, Blandgul Qala & Eajdara 1 NURSE, 2 MED TECH 11 87 -- -- 8 BMWs -- -- -- -- Honey bee project i ROOM 91 6 91. Help to skilled craftsmen 11 92 7 93 Monitoring of activities of participating agencies on multiplication of improved wheat seed 1 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 137 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Logar ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - -BY -- Begin- -End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Charkh Distribution of 50.25 MT wheat seed Ongoing SCA Plant Protes Ongoing .SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.14 HT agrochemicals AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 75 villages SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Qalai Naw ( Charkh) Ongoing SCA 9 88 -- -- 2 HD i 5 mid -level HWs ! 1 Nurse I 1 Dental Tech. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Bazaar Charkh Ongoing SCA 9 88 -- -- 5 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qalai Nirak Ongoing SCA 2 89 -- i nurse, -5 mid -level HWs SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Bazaar Charkh Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- VITA CONST Qalai New Ongoing Alr 8 91 -- -- SCA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: SCA Bridge -- 0 93 -- 93 - ' -- . i PHO nurse. 3 mid -level HWs 25 schools in different villages Construction of 62 m bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 400 families Khoehi Logar Cleaning of eine karezes AFRANE WATER: Karez Ihoshi Ongoing RAP ARC AGRIC: Crop. Product -- Ongoing *Donors 4 93 -- 93 Distribution of vegetable seedlings ARC AGRIC: Fruit Treed -- Ongoing *Donors 3 93 Distribution of fruit saplings ARC AGRIC Fruit Trees -- Completed *Donors 2 93 ARC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Approved *Donors 8 93 ARC AGRIC: Research Ongoing *Donors 3 93 8 93 Recording & data from wheat seed triais ARC AGRIC: Research Approved *Donors 8 93 8 93 Preparing of seed & fertilizer for next wheat seed trials ARC AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed *Donors 2 93 3 93 Testing 2 -3 new method of local material for pest & diseese control ARC AGRIC: Other Approved *Donors 9 93 10 93 Preparing of land & sowing ARC AGRIC: Other Cómpleted *Donors 2 93 Obtian amount of vegetable seed ARÇ AGRIC: Other Completed *Donors 2 93 1 A C B A R -- -- 93 -- 93 9 93 3 93 10 93 2 93 3 93 Designing extension education for horticulture Nursery establishment Designing extension education for vegetables DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 138 . A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION i FUNDED ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Logar ' - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- - - -BY- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Khoshi Construction of 4 mini bridges each length 5 m / tonnage 30 T /material use atone / cement & steel bar. 8'93 3 villages Ongoing *Donors 4 93 HEALTH: Basic Clinic Deh Bala Ongoing NOVIB 1 92 -- -- ARC HEALTH: MCH Deb Bala Ongoing NOVIB 1 92 -- -- ARC HEALTH: Education Deh Bala Ongoing NOVIB 1'92 -- -- ARC WATER: Structure 3 villages Ongoing *Donors 4 93 9 93 Construction of 7 outlets each length 10 m / material use stone /cement & gravel ARC ' WATER: Structure 3 villages Ongoing - *Donors 4 93 9 93 Gabion construction length 100 m ! material use stone & gabion box. ARC WATER: Structure Deh Bala Ongoing *Donors 4 93 7 93.. Construction of 40 m aqueduct / material use stone ! cement AEC WATER: Structure Deh Palen Ongoing *Donors 6 93 9 93 Construction of 13 m intake/material 1RC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 0.75 mt wheat, 0.75 mt DAP to 15 farmers IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 10 92 2 93 Seed distribution: 9.25 mt wheat, 9.25 mt DAP to 206 families IRC /RPR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Karen Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed AID 3 93 IR'C!RPA AGRIC: Forestry Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- Nursery with 9,000 cedar and pine seedlings IRC/RPA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- 1 tractor IRCÍRPA AGRIC: Research Completed AID /FAO 4 92 12 92 IRC!RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing AID 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed mutt, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 203 farmers trained IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other larezo Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- Model farm: seed eult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Center Ongoing UNICEF 11 91 -- -- 1 static vaccinator in ARC clinic, targetting 0 -2 years children & females 5 -45 years IRC!RPA WATER: Darya Ihan /Suliman Completed' SV 10 91 Rehabilitation of 2 karezes, total 2.24 km, irrigate 2100 jeribs, benefit 28), families MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Deh Bala Ongoing AID 9 90.-- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Dubandi Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- NPO INCOME: HeìpCraftmen Dubandi Completed NRC/NCA ARC CONST: ARC A C H A R Bridge' garez t Karezo Karezo . ------ 8 92 6 91 steel bar & sand cement & gravel use stone Nursery with 1898 som planted with stone fruit ,1 nut / apple seed and cuttings Distribution of 747 saplings to 11 farmers 4 93 ---11 91 i doctore! OPD i dental / lab facility / malaria control ! EPI by IRC . Improved wheat seed trill's 1 NURSE, 2 MED. TECH., i BBW 4 ROOMS,DENTAL 2 BHWs Help to skilled craftsmen. ----- DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 139 A6actrep Date : 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: AGRIC: SCA ' -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED cACTIVITY Begin- -End -- -BY -- DESCRIPTION> Khoshi Logar Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 Provision of 0.155 MT agrochemicalr Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Ongoing FAO -- 93 --.93 Ongfing ARCON Ongoing TAF Logar -- 92 Agriculture survey on 30 villages Logar AFRANE AGRIC: Crop Product ARCON CONST: Pub.Buiiding FWSAD" SOCIAL :Other ISR! CONST: Pnb.Buiiding Ongoing ISRA -- 92 MAMAR CONST: Road Completed CCSC -- 92 -- 92 Survey of 150 km road for FRCS NSF -H HEALTH: Other Ongoing NSF -- 93 -- -- Monitoring & technical evaluation of microscopists, Mohd Agha Ongoing Pvt -- 88 -- -- 1 tractor & 1 thresher Mohd Agha Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots Logar . ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Logar' -Logar All Parts All Parts liolici Multiplication of maize r sung bean & rice seed -- 5 92 -- 93 ' Islamic' center .Advocacy 9 93 awareness /registry & feasibility studies on disabilities Construction .of 13 mosques in (Baraki Barak Agha AFRANE AGRIC: Machinery AFRANE AGRIC: Research ARCAR INCOME: Skill Train. Center Ongoing UNDP 4 9310 93 ARCON AGRIC: Crop Product Lewa Rocket Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON WATER: Karez. Dara Ongoing ARCON -- Rehabilitation of Dara karez ARCON WATER: Karez Dado Ongoing ARCON -- Rehabilitation of Dado karez ARCON WATER: Canal Nar Kaman Ongoing ARCON -- Rehabilitation of Nar Eamran canal ARCON WATER: Canal Surkhab Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON WATER: Canal Dehnaw Ongoing ARCON ARCON WATER: Canal Zarghon Shahr Ongoing ARCON ARO AGRIC: Crop Product Mohd Agha Ongoing FAO/UNDP lACBAR . Charkh / Puli Alas) Training of 50 students in carpentry & 50 students' in masonry (6 months) Main crops Rehabilitation of Sorkh tab cans' Rrhabilitation of Dehnaw canal Rehabilitation of Zarghon Shahr canal -- 12 92 -- -- Multiplication of 5 MT wheat. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Palle, 140 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Logar - - -- VILLAGES) - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Mohd Agha 6 93 Cleaning of 13 canals - benefit 950 farmers ARC WATER: Canal Dehnaw Completed RAP 9 92 ATC MINES: Clearance 4 villages Completed UNOCHA 9 92 11 92 CARE CONST: Other Mohd Agha Completed AID&WFP 0 0 0 92 Renovation of Office / Warehouse with rooms /capacity of 17 ! 120 Rooms CARE WATER: Larez Mohd Agha Completed AID&WFP 4 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 73 larezes with total length 185km including other activities. CARE WATER: Canal' Mohd Agha Completed AID &WFP 0 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 13 Irrigation canals with total length 155km including other activities -CARE WATER: Drinking Mohd Agha Completed AID &WFP 0 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 3 Springs with total length 3km including other activities GAF AGRIC: Vet Mohd Agha Ongoing UNDP 4 90 6 93 1 DVM ; 2 paravet IAAAE CONST: u r. Building Pub iarghon Shahr Ongoing Self 5 92 -- -- IRC!:PA AGRIC: .Crop Product Completed FAO 10 92 IRCYRPA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 0.81 mt -wheat, 0.15' mt DAP to 17 farmers IRC'RP.A AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing AID 11 92 -- -- Nursery. with.1152 sqm Planted with stone fruit 1 nut / apple seed and cuttings IRC /RPA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing AID 6.92 -- -- 1 tractor IRC!RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing AID 1 92 -- -- I -2 day trng in seed must, nurseries, bees, poultry, foód preservation etc, 94 farmers trained IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other Mohd Agha Ongoing AID 11 92 -- -- Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination =- Approved UNICEF -- 93 -- -- 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 z year, targetting 0 -2 years, children & females aged, ISBA AGRIC: Crop Product Mohd Agha Ongoing FAO,NNDP 11 92 IRA AGRIC: Crop Product Mohd Agha Ongoing FAO MAI DUCAT: Primar; Ongoing MAI -- - MAWA AGRIC: Crop Product Mohd Agha Ongoing FAO. 11 92 MAWA AGRIC: Crop Product Mohd Agha Completed FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 92 1 MT maize seed MAWA AGRIC: Machinery MOO Agha Completed FAO -- 91 - Farm machinery MAWA RELIEF:Food Items Mohd Agha Completed WFP -- 91 -- 92. Destroyed 770 devices. cleared 112727 Sqm grazeland / canal & road comp. mt ' 1 guard curative & preventive service. Construction cf high school. . IACBAR ' Mohd Agha 2 93 7 93 5 93 10.93 -- -- 8 93 91 Seed distribution: 9.29 mt wheat. 9.29 mt DAP to 185 families 5 -4e Distribution of 5 MT DAP & 5. MT wheat seed to 200 farmers - 200 jeribs Distribution of 0.5 MT rice seed & 0.75 MT DAP for 5 schools in Deb Naw, Zarghun Shahr(3) & Fazel multiplication. Ehel Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed 10 MT wheat for flour DATABASE OF-NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 141 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TB EDITION AGENCY SECTOR Logar -VILLAGE(S) - --- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Mohd Agha MCPA MINES: EH Survey 15 minefields Completed UNOCHA HEALTH: Basic Post Dewalak Ongoing AID RAFA WATER: Canal Diff. villages Completed RAP 9 92 1 93 Cleaning of 10,000 m Noh. Agha canal RAFA WATER: Canal Diff. villages Completed RAP 9 92 1 93 Cleaning of 12,000 m of Zerghoon Shar canal RAF& WATER: Structure ;Diff. villages Completed RAP -- RAFA WATER: Structure Diff. villages Completed RAP -- -- -- -- RDA WATER: Karez Ongoing WFP SC -Us AGRIC: Other Ongoing FAO /UNDP SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Nohd Agha Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 22.92 MT wheat seed & 4.033 MT DAP SCE AGRIC: Crop Product Nohd Agha Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 100 MT wheat seed. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Zarghon Shahr Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 NT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Pmotec Mohd Agha Ongoing SCA 0 93 .-- 93 1 92 12 92 219,254 So / grazing / agri.canal / irrigation & canal 11 87 -- -- 8 BMWs Construction of canal structures Construction of canal structures 6 93 8 93 Rehabilitation of 9.300 linear N karez - benefit 230 farming families 11 92 7 93 Monitoring of activities of participating agencies on multiplication Of impioved wheat seed Provision 0.19 MT agrochemicals . SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Nohd Agha Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.155 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Zarghon Shahr Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages SCA AGRIC: Other Nohd Agha Completed SCA -- 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 88 villages SCA AGRIC: Other Mohd Agha Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 77 villages SCA CONS!: Pub.Building 1 village Ongoing SCA i 93 12 93 Construction of primary school SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Surkhab Ongoing SCA 8 88 -- -- 1 mid-level HW SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Surkhab Ongoing SCA 5 89 -- -- 6 mid -level HMIs / 1 Dental Tech./ 1 Lab Tech SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Surkhab Ongoing. SCA -- -- -- -- 4 mid -level HWs / 2 Nurses SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Zarghon Shahr Ongoing SCA 12 88 -- -- 7 aid -level HWs / 1 Nurse / 1 Lab Tech./ 1.Pbarmacist SJAWO AGRIC :, ,Crop Product Surkhab Ongoing FAO 10 92 -- -- Distribution .of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 NT DAP to 100 farmers Page: 142 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 SECTOR AGENCY UNC VITA -VILLAGE(S) - - -- EDUCAT: Primary CONST_: Zarghon Shahr Road Puli Logar ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 7 schools in Nulls Ebel, Zarghubn Shahr (6) villages. Ongoing AID 1 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 40 km road, benefit 2.857 families. DESCRIPTION> Alani ARRAN': AGRIC: Machinery Puli Alas Ongoing RAP -- 92. -- -- 2 tractors. AFF'AN_ AGRIC: Research Puli Alam Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety L agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. AFRANF WATER: Canal Puli Alam Ongoing UNDP -- 93 -- 93 irrigation repair. APWC RELIEF:Food Items 20 villages Completed WFP ARA AGRIC: Masera Ongoing AR CON ARC INCOME: Skill Train. Doghabad Disco tin NOV1B ARCAR AGRIC: Crop Product Padkhaw /Hori Sayed Ongoing INCA AGRIC: Vet Padkhaw DCA AGRIC: Vet DCAR Fruit Tree! 1 93 j á. . t 100 MT wheat was distributed to 1000 families. 93 ?nwePn. a_ cf 500 ,000 fruit tree! (apple apricot / almond . grape) - 20 j er. s . 91 6 92 Training of 50 people in auto wiring / blacksmithry / carpentry / tìnsmithry & masonry. FAO/UNDP 10 92 7 93 Multiplication of improved wheat seed (5 MT). Ongoing UNDP 11 92 -- -- Kulangar Ongoing UNDP HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid 5 villages Ongoing *Donors IRC EDUCAT: Teacher T. Pull Alas Completed SV IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 0.8 mt wheat, 0.1 mt DAP to 16 farmers IRC!RPA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO 10 92 Seed distribution: 4.10 mt wheat, 4.10 mt DAP to 82 families tRC!RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees SV ., -- -10 92 IRCIRPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed SV 3 93 4 93 Distribution of 550 saplings to 12 farmers IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed mult, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 100 farmers trained ïRC /RPA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SV 10 92 -- -- Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power IRC /RPA WATER: garez Completed AustCare 11 92 12 92 ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO/UNDP 11 92 Pull Alas Puli Alam Puli Alam Ongoing - 7 _ 4 89 -- 1 vaccinator. Central clinic with 1 vet. assistant / 4 paravet & 1 vaccinator, -- Dental sevices 95 -100 patients daily. -- 84 -- -- 6 93 7 32 primary school teachers participated in pedagogical seminar. 93 3 93.. a. 7 93 Nursery with 912 sqm planted with stone fruit f nut / apple seed and cuttings &habilitation of 3 karezes, total 4.52 km, irrigate 2100 jeribs, benefit 1530 families Distribution of 5 MT DAP & 5 MT wheat seed to 200 farmers - 200 jeribs. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 143 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 -- 6TH EDITION J ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Puli Logar ISRA AGRIC: KAI EDUCAT: Primary MSE HEALTH: Basic Post MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Crop Product -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITI Begin --End Alain Pull Alas Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Ongoing MAI -- Bahrain ghel Ongoing AID 12 87 -- -- 14 BHils Pull Alas Ongoing AID /UN 11 89 -- -- 5 VACCINATORS COVER 96 VILLAGES IN KOLANGAR \PULE ALAN (506) LOGAR PROVINCE. Distribution of 0.5 MT rice seed & 0.75 MT DAP for multiplication. 15 schools in different villages. WOMB 5 -45 ' DESCRIPTION> TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS AND YEARS. OMAR MINES: Awareness Kulangar Completed UNOCRA PRB AGRIC: Crop Product Kulangar Completed FAO 11 92 6 93 Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 100 farmers. RDM AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Completed FAO 11 92 6 93 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP. "^-vú AGRIC: Other Ongoing FAO UNDP 11 92 7 93 Monitoring of activi'jDQ of participating agencies on multiplication improved wheat seed. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Center Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.38 MT agrochemicaie. SCA AGRIC.: Plant Proteo Pull Alas Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochesicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Eulangar Ongoing_ SCA 0 93 -- 93 Próvision of 0.285 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Center Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrechemicais. SCA AGRIC: Other Pull Alas Ongoing SCA 0 92 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 79 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Eulangar Ongoing SCA O 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 100 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Pull Alas Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 - Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Center Completed SCA -- -- -- 92 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. SCA CONST: Pub.Building 3 villages Ongoing SCA 1 93 12 93 Construction of prisary schools. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Khwala Afghan Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- -- 12 schools ! 62 teachers 1 1950 students SCA DUCAT: Literacy Kulangar Approved SCA -- 93 -- -- 9 months / 125 women SCA DUCAT:. Teacher Kulangar Approved SCA -- 93 -- -- 2 months ! 5 female teachers SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Khasi Hindu Ongoing SCA 2 87 -- - T. . 6 92 12 92 Safety lessons - 15250 people participated. 1 MD i 12 mid -level Hßa 12 Dental Tech. I 1 Lab Tech. Page: 144 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 FUNDED ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- ---- VILLAGEtS) - --- DURATION - --BY -- Begin - -End 10 89 -- - <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Puli Alam Logar SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Qalai Jelga Ongoing SCA SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Dahana Reg Ongoing SCA SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Purak Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary AID 6 87 -- -- VITA CONST: Ongoing Road . Pull Alam Completed AID 1 MD / 2 mid -level HWa / 4 Nurses / i Lab Tech. 2 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse -- 2 mid -level BWs / Pharmacist 12 schools in different villages. Rehabilitation of 200 m road, benefit 4428 families. 9 92 Achin Nangarhar Construction of Achin clinic. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building -- Ongoing ARCON CRAA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Total Area Completed *Donors 3 92 CRAP: AGRIC:. Vet Kahl Ongoing UNDP 7 91 -- -- CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- KNF EDUCAT: Primary Iahi /Shadle / Pekha Ongoing DCP 5 93 12 93 LEI EDUCAT: Madrasa Abdul Del Sufla Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- Quran memorization center LEI EDUCAT: Madrasa Pekha Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- Quran memorization center LBI EDUCATI Madrasa Abdul Del Ulya Ongoing LBI -- 88 -- -- bran memorization center MAI EDUCAT: Primer? Abdul Khel/Mamand Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 2 schools. MCPA MINES: Kahi/Maidanak/Band Completed UNOCHA . Survèy ' -- 1 91 Distribution of fruit tree (apricot ¡ plum /apple j peach & pears). 8 92 Animal vaccination & treatment, 1 DVM / 2 paravets & 1 guard. Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. 3 schools / 25 teachers / 1,515 students. 8 m-fields, 2 in Maydanak(196,197sgm-grazing),2 in Iahi .2 91 (156,,6,940 sg m-grazing),4 in Bandar (137,545 sqm-road ) . 1 MD, 1 NURSE, I LAB. TECH. ASST. KSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Iahi Ongoing AID 9 91 - MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Foetal Ongoing AÍD 5 91 -- -- RDA WATER: garez Ongoing WFP 6 93 8 93 Rehabilitation of 9,950 linear M karez - benefit 755 farming families. RDA WATER: Tarez Achin Ongoing WFP 7 93 9 93 Rehabilitation of 13,600 linear M karez - benefit 860 families. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Pa Del Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- A C B A R -- i BHW 6 mid -4eval HWs. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 145 A6actrep Date: 27/06/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR UNO -VILLAGE(S) - - -- EDUCAT: Primary Nangarhar -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- :ACTIVITY 2 schools in Iahe & Mohammad Tangi villages. Bati Kot ARCON AGRIC: Crop Product Farm 3 Ongoing ARCON -- Increasing improved seeds. ARCH AGRIC: Crop Product Farm 2 Ongoing ARCON -- Main crops - 500 jeribs. ARCH AGRIC: Crop Product Farm 3 Ongoing ARCON -- Main crops ARCH AGRIC: Fruit Trees Farm 3 &4 Ongoing ARCH Olive rehabilitation. ARCON AGRIC: Fruit Trees Farm 2 Ongoing ARCON Gardens rehabilitation. ARGON AGRIC: Fruit Trees Xs *m 2 Ongoing ARCON ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Fare 2 Ongoing ARCON ARCH AGRIC: Livestock Farm 3 Ongoing ARGON ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Farm 2 Ongoing ARCON ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Farm 3 Completed ARGON ARGON AGRIC: Livestock Farm 3 Ongoing ARCON ARCOS AGRIC: Livestock Farm 2 Ongoing ARCON -- Cows farm.. ARCH AGRIC: Livestock Farm 2 Ongoing ARCON -- Sheep farm ARGON AGRIC: Machinery Farm 3 Ongoing ARCON - - Machinery for agriculture. ARCON AGRIC: Plant Protec Farm 3 Ongoing ARCON -- Insecticide spray equipment ARCON AGRIC: Other Farm 3 Ongoing ARCH ARCON AGRIC:' Other Farm 2 Ongoing ARCON ARCON AGRIC: Other Farm 3 Completed ARCON Ren a in ing of animals production well. Ongoing ARCON Construction cf horses building. Ongoing ARCON ARCON CONST: ouh.lyiding Farm ARCOK CONST: Pub.Buiïding Fart 3 lACBAR DESCRIPTION> 2.;,, ,> , . . ; , Nursery establishment. - - Animal food Fish farm -- Chicken farm -- Establishment of fish well. Fish pool Farm 3 lighting project -- Farm 2 electricty network & generators. . - - Repairing of Agriculture dept. building. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 146 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED - --BY -- <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Bati Kot -- Construction of chichen building. -- Construction of cows farm building. -- Construction of veterinary clinic building. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Farm 2 Completed ARCON ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Farm 2 Completed ARCON AR :ON CONST: Pub.Building Farm 3 Completed ARCON ARCON WATER: Canal Farm 2 Ongoing ARCON ARCON WATER: Drinking Farm 3 Completed ARCON -- ARCON WATER: Drinking Charasyab Completed ARCON -- ARCON WATER: Other Farm 3 Ongoing, ARCON -- ARCON WATER: Other Farm 2 Completed ARCON CRAA AGRIC: Vet Bati Kot Ongoing UNDP CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. ¡AU HEALTH: Basic Post Barikab Ongoing Pvt -- -- -- -- Health post for providing first aid to injured people and evacuating them to hospitals. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Bati Kot Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 0.025 MT cotton seed to progressive farmers. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Bati Kot Ongoing FAO 5 93 11 93 Distribution of 0.2 MT rice seed & 1.5 MT DIP. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Bat! Kot Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 0.39 MT-maize seed & 1.5 MT DAP. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Bati got Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 0.06 MT peanut to progressive farmers. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Bati Kot Ongoing FAO 3 93 3 94 Distribution of 16 MT sugar cane seed & 0.55 MT DAP. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing CRC 193 7 93 Distribution of 45 MT Urea in 3 districts (Bati-Kot / Rodat / Deb Bala). INF AGRIC: Crop Product Chandi/Lachapur Ongoing RAP 12 92 7 93 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP for 40 hectares of land. Bati got Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- -- ¡DUCAT: Medrase LBI ' . Cleaning of canal. Repairing of nursery well. "Repairing of Logar well digger. Rehabilitation of fare 3 well pumps. Repairing pumps -cf farm 2. 1 92 -- -- Animal vaccination & treatment, I DWI / 2 paravets & I guard. Quran memorization center M LDI HÉALTH: Compr.Clinic Barikab Ongoing LDI LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Farm 3 Ongoing LDI - MAWA AGRIC: Bati Kot Ongoing FAO li 92 ACBAR Crop Product z -- -- -- 8 93 General OPD & dressing. 2 rid -level HWs - OPD. Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 147 ABactrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar ---- VILLAGEtS) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY - --BI -- Begin- -End -- 92 -- 92 DESCRIPTION> ' Bati Kot Multiplication of 3 MT improved barley seed. MAWA AGRIC: Crop Product Bati lot Completed FAO "CPA MINES: Survey 1 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 237,955 Sqm residential. MMC HEALTH: Coipr.Clinic Barikab Ongoing NAC 3 89 -- -- 2 MD /4 paramedics - surgical services for war -wounded / OPD / dental. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Chardehi Ongoing AID 5 91 -- -- 1 BHW SC -US AGRIC: Ghaziabad Farm Completed tUN 11 90 ii 9i Fruit Trees Nursery establishment / prooning /grafting / plant prot. / spray insecticide ± pesticide / weeding / irrigation / vegetable protection. SC -US AGRIC: Machinery Ghaziabad Fare Completed r.4 #UN 12 9C 9C 11 91 . 91 2 tracto:v tractors SC -US AGRIC: Plant Protec Ghaziabad Farm Completed tUN 12 90 11 91. Distribution of 169 liters metasystaz 2 threshers. threshers 138 liters Gusataian / 60 kg inter- coal / 20 picks / 50 secateurs / 60 saws / 200 shovels to farmers. SC -US AGRIC: Training Ghaziabad Farm Completed *UN 12 90 11 91 10 courses per month for 850 farmers. SC -US WATER: Canal Ghaziabad Farm Completed SUN 12 90 11 91 Rehabilitation of 41.38 Em canal. AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 0.1 MT wheat seed. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec 'Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.09 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA -- 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other -- .Ongoing SCA' 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other -- Completed SCA -- 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. Approved FAO.'UNDP -- -- -- -- Rice seed multiplication & distribution program. Behsud Completed NOVIB 10 92 10 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4.5 Em canal. Repairing of Barak Goreeq road. SCA ' Behsud Nangarhar Crop Product ACDO AGRIC: ARC HEALTH: Basic Clinic ARCAR WATER: Canal Zangoiee Ongoing BCR ARCON CONST: Road Goreek Ongoing ARCON -- ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Wilaiaty Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON WATER: Canal Belandghar Ongoing ARCON -- IACBAR . ' Belandghar OPD /lab /dental / MCH & malaria control. 4 93 Repairing of Behsood mosque. Cleaning of Behsood canal. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 148 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION - ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Behsud ARCON WATER: Structure Behsud Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of Behsood Dam. ATC MINES: Clearance Karez Kabir Completed UNOCHA 10 92 10 92 Destroyed 36 devices, cleared 20612 591 canal & village. BCURA AGRIC: Crop Product Mugam Khan /Jni Da Ongoing FAO 4 93 10 93 Multiplication of 200 1g rice through 25 farmers. BCURA AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Ongoing FAO 4 9310 93 Multiplication of 400 Kg maize seed through 50 farmers. BCURA AGRIC: Fruit ;Trees Saracha/Karez Rabi Ongoing FAO /DCP 1 93 1 94 Distribution of 5,000 fruit trees to 50 farmers. CBR CONST: Pub.Building Tameerat Completed IIRO 1 93 5 93 Mosque with brick masonry and wooden I steel beams. CRAA AGRIC: Vet Tameerat Ongoing UNDP 7 92 -- -- CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Completed FAO 11 92 11`92 6.55 MT wheat seed & 6.55 MT DAP distributed to 614 farmers. DACAAR .AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Ongoing DACAAR 3 93 -- -- 17600 vegetable seedlings distributed to 87 farmers. AGRIC: Fruit 'Trees 10 villages Completed FAO 3 93 4,750 fruit saplings distributed to 142 growers. DACAAR AGRIC: Research 10 villages DACAAR 1 93 -- -- 15 wheat demonstration plots in 5 villages. DACAAR AGRIC: Plant Protec 10 villages Completed DACAAR 3 83 40 kg 2 -4 -D was used on 100 jeribe of wheat fields of 72 farmers for weed control purpose. DACAAR AGRIC: Training iD villages Ongoing, DACAAR 11.92 -- -- DACAAR HATER: Canal Mush Gumbad Ongoing DACAAR 92 -- 93 DESP AGRIC: Fruit Trees Romani Ongoing FRG 2 93 -- -- Tree nursery - 25,000 saplings in local varieties. MEP WATER: Canal Behsud Ongoing WFP 2 93 Cleaning of 612 Behsud canal IDA CONST: Pub.Building Perawal Approved ISRA IHSAN WATER: Canal Miran Completed WFP 1HSAN WATER: Canal Qali All Ongoing VIP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 7 is canal (FFW -25 MT wheat). IHSAK WATER: Canal Mula Khel Ongoing WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 6 km canal (FFW -30 MT wheat) IHSAN WATER: Canal Charmisa Completed WFP DACAAR . b-- ACBAR . Ongoing 3.93 3 93 5 93 253 farmers technically advised. Appx. 13 km canal cleaned 3 93 =- 93 -- 93 5 93 Animal vaccination & treatment, i DVM 12 paravets & 1 guard. 6 93 6 93 6 culverts constructed. FFW. Construction of mosque. Rehabilitation of 8 is canal. Rehabilitation of 3 Km canal - 3 structures. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 149 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 STE RDITIQN ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End - --BY -- DESCRIPTION> Behsud Survey MCP, MINES: MSH HEALTH: Basic Post 7 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 156,565 Sqf residential & Jamali Ongoing AID 4 90 -- -- 3 BBWs Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed. AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO /UNDP SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 8.15 MT wheat seed 8.15 MT DAP & 10.1 MT Urea. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.13 MT agrochemicals. SCf. AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. 54E 91 T C: Other Completed SCA { 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 52 villages. SC« WATER; Drinking .O villages Cwwi:°:°d J^4.I.,. o ß' r 93 _cr shallow wells - .erL'i START AGRIC: Crop Product 7 villages ^c:. + e d UNDP ., o2 6 93 Improved wheat seed .?t-r ?;rann Approved SCA -- 93 -- -- Completed . UNDP Chaparhar Ongoing 4 villages SA Nangarhar -- 92 -- 93 . °0i ;6z...La 2,000 . Chaparhar AEA CONST: Pub.Buìlding ARA AGRIC: Livestock ATC HEALTH: Mobile /F-á'id ATC MINES: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CRAA AGRIC: CRAA -- Reconstruction 'of school ±12 rooms) roofing with vaults & girders with stabilized bricks. 9 91 -- 92 Distribution of 12.000 chicks to 1,000 families. UNOCHA 12 92 -- -- 5 nurses / 1 MD ; treat definers & local people. Completed UNOCHA 7 92 12 92 29 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF 5 villages Completed *Donors 10 92 10 92 Distribution of 8 kg of turnip ! onion i spinach i radish & carrot seeds. EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness, 1 extention agent. CRAA! WATER: Kare, 11 villages Completed UNDP 6 92 11 92 Cleaning of 12 karezes, irrigated 2.000 jeribs. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR 3 93 -- -- 33400 vegetable seedlings distributed to 167 farmers. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR 3 93 -- -- Vegetable nursery established in an area of 105 Sum. DACHAR AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Completed FAO DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees 12 villages Completed FAO A C B A R Clearance Crop Product . -- 11 92 11 92 . 3 93 3 93 Destroyed 107 devices, cleared 105615 Sun road village & .1 teal - 1 vaccinator 10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP distributed to 555 farmers. 1.058 fruit saplings distributed to 73 faders. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 150 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED <ACTIVITY Begin- -End - - -BY- Chaparhar Nangarhar 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR 1 93 -- -- 3 93 i wheat demonstration plot in 1 village. DACAAR AGRIC: Research DACAAR AGRIC: Plant Protec 12 villages Completed DACAAR DACAAR AGRIC: Training 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building -- Ongoing DACAAR DACAAR, CONST: Pub.,Building Alagadari Ongoing DACAAR -- 93 -= -- Secondary school building DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- -- 120 shallow wells. GAF AGRIC: Vet Chaparhar Ongoing UNDP 10 91 6 93 1 assist DV! ISRA HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Chaparhar Completed ISRA 11 92 4 93 Mobile clinic - 1 MD & medical assistant. !!CPA MINES: 10 minefields Completed UNOCHA MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Mano Ongoing SAA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Chaparhar SCA ,AGRIC: Crop Product -- SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic SOS -PG EDUCAT: Teacher T. Nangarhar 3 93 11 92 -- -- 50 kg 2 -4 -D applied on 125 Jeribs wheat fields of 72 farmers. 241 farmers technically trained. Primary school building 2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service. 1 92 12 92 139,743 Sqm road /residential / & grazing. AID 5 91 -- -- 2 BHWs Completed SAA 1 92 Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 1.75 MT wheat seed, 1.75 MT DAP & 1.6 MT Urea. .SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.15 MT agrochemicals. Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.3 MT agrochemicals: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 50 villages. Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 97 villages. Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- 8 mid -level HWs ! 1 Lab Tech. Ongoing EC/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- Through resource centers in schools 1 two & half month courses / 15 day seminars & practical work in classrooms. Survey . Mesti Khel . 2 92 Distribution of 6,000 trees (different types) to 1,200 families. Darae Noor AC WATER: Structure Amla Ongoing UNDP APWO CONST: Other Bonta Discontin ARCON A C B A R DESCRIPTION> . 6 93 -- -- Retaining wall construction. 192 -- -- Lack of fund from ARCON Side. DATABASE.OF NGO ACTIVITIES --L Page: 151 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR -VILLAGE(S)- - STATUS - FUNDED DURATION -BY- Begin- -End . <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS Darae Noor Nangarhar ARGON CONST: Pub.Building Bonta Ongoing ARGON -- Repairing of Benta mosque. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Shokialy Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Shokiàly mosque. ARCON WATER: Structure Data Noor Ongoing ARCON -- Rehabilitation of Pipe culverts. AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 60 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- CIUP AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 92 GAF AGRIC: Vet Dara Noor Ongoing UNDP 4 90 6 93 1 assist DVM / 2 paravet ! 1 guard curative & preventive service. IHSAN AGRIC: Fruit Trees Center Ongoing FAO 3 93 3 94 Distribution of 5.000 fruit trees (Agricot :SEA EDUCAT: Other Dare Moor Ongoing 'SEA 4 93 -- -_ Quranic center - 91 students & % teachers. JAMS HEALTH: Compr.Cìinic Ongoing Self -- 91 -- -- MADERA AGRIC: -- -- - _1 team - 2 vaccinators Distribution of 5 MT DAP. plum amrud & peach). 15 health workers - 80 -120 patients OPD I day - lat facility. _t is planned to have 4 beds + x-ray. Crop Product Dara Noor Ongoing Fruit Trees Dara Noor Ongoing EC -- 92 -- -- Selling of 844 fruit & 1,718 forest trees. Dara Noor Ongoing EC -- 92 -- -- 1 tractor is working 100 hours per month at a subsidised price. . Distribution of 70 Kg wheat seed i 70 Kg DAP & 21 Kg vegetable seed to 65 farmers. EC /FAO MADERA AGRIC: MADERA AGRIC: 'Machinery MADERA AGRIC: Research Dare Noor Completed EC -- 91 -- -- Trials of wheat MADERA AGRIC Plant Proteo Dara Noor Ongoing BC -- 91 -- -- Selling of some agricultural tools & agrochemicals (BHC zinc phosphide DDVP melathen) 19 Kg at a subsidised price á ! maize & rice varieties. 200 farmers are advised about the use of agrochemical. MADERA AGRIC: Training Dara Noor Completed EC -- 91 -- -- Agricultural training of 2 staff during 1992. MADERA WATER: tares Dara Noor Ongoing EC /F.Gvt -- 92 -- -- Repairing of 11 karezes. MADERA WATER: Canal Dara Noor Ongoing EC /F.Gvt -- R Repairing of 11 Cana: intakes. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Amle Ongoing AID 5 91 -- -- 1 BHW PO INCOME: HelpCraftmen Dara Noor Completed NRC /NCA 2 93 3 93 Help to skilled craftsmen. - Completed UNOCHA 1 92 6 92 Safety lessons - 5176 people participated. Dara Noor Ongoing ORA OMAR MINES: ORA EDUCAT: Secondary 1ACBAR Awareness -- -- 92 -- -- High school - 741 students ! 35 teachers & cc- sponsored with SERVE. ßaABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES DATABASE Page: 152 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(S)-- -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin --End - --BY -- DESCRIPTION> Darae Noor Nangarhar Distribution of rice seed to farmers. RAE AGRIC: Crop Product All villages Completed FAO 7 92 11 92 RAH AGRIC: Crop Product All villages Completed FAO 6 92 10 92 ., Distribution of maize seed to farmers. RAE AGRIC: Crop Product Data Noor Ongoing FAO/UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication for 2.000 farmers. RAH. WATER: Canal Janjapoor Completed FAO 6 92 SERVE RELIEF:Other Various villages Ongoing T.Fund 1 93 12 93 Ongoing EC/UNICF -- Ongoing FA^f UNDn -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 5 M? wheat seed & 5 M^ fertilizer 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness. 1 extension agent. Nangarhar 8 92 Cleaning of canal - irrigates 1500 jeribe land. Food for work involving schools and a road construction project. Deh Ba1a 1 team - 1 vaccinator AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CIUP AGRIC: CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP DCA AGRIC: Vet Shpola Ongoing UNDP 4 92 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet And Ehel Ongoing UNDP 10 89 -- -- 1 advanced paravet (sub clinic) I 1 paravet & 1 vaccinator. ESAR CONST: Road Dara Completed DCP -- 92 -- -- Repair of 10 km road + 33 culverts. ESAR CONST: Road Dara Completed DCP 1 92 -- -- ESA, WATER: Karez Ghalani Completed WFP ESE WATER: Canal Sandalay Completed ESAE WATER: Canal Dare K ::AI ri T Priman EIJCA.. MAWA MAW AGRIC: Crop Product MAWA WATER: MAWA 69 villages Crop Product Central clinic with 1 vet. assistant 1 paravet & 2 vaccinators. Rehabilitation of 10 km road in Data - 5 culverts. -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of karez. WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of canal. Completed DCP 5 92 -- -- Ongoing !!Ai -- 4 Deh Bala Ongoing FAO il Ti; 93 Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed. Structure gham Deb Bala Completed CIDA -- 92 -- 92 Reconstruction of 100 m Sham diversion dam. WATER: Structure Deb Bala Completed CIDA -- 90 -- 90 Construction of 80 m diversion dam. KAWA WATER: Structure Deb Baia Ongoing FAO -- 92 -- 93 Reconstruction of 100 m protection wall. IBA WATER: Structure Ghukb Dara Completed CIRA -- 91 -- 91 Construction of 80 m diversion dam. r 1ACBAR . Rehabilitation of 6 km canal + 70 m siphon - irrigate 10,000 jeribs. .:en, k:.-, schools .,,,h c' in Mar .: ka:, 1Kam Palen, DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 153 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 Lfi1 Palen Pa.wn & At villages. tirguru. v:ï.age. 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Deh Bala Nangarhar MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Gorgori Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Shekh Maiden Ongoing AID 12 90 -- -- SAA WATER: Drinking Ughuz Ongoing SAA -- SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 3 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 3 mid -level HIE UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 2 schools in Morgai & Surkhi villages. YARA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO /UNDP -- Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP. .A RA AGPIC Crop Product laghi Band /Mar e" Completed FAO/?NDP Completed . Shpoia !ARA AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages TARA AGRIC: Crop Product -- AGRIC: Fruit Trees TARA Nan gar har MCPA' MINES: Nangarhar AHSAO AGRIC: DESCRIPTION? . 1 MED. TECH., 1 MED. STUDENT 1ST., 1 NURSEi 2 BHWs Provision of pipe system drinking water for 35 families: 1 Nurse / 1 Lab Tech.! 1 FA 1.1 Pharmacist 6 92 12 92 250 kg rice C e seed planted for redistributed to 30 farmers for 30 jeribs. FAO/UNDP 6 92 12 92 Distribution cf1 MT maize seed FAO 5 93 -- -- Multiplication .of maize seed Completed FAO /DCP 3 92 12 92 Distribution of 6,000 fruit trees to 600 farmers. Completed UNOCHA 2 91 2 91 4 mine fields, 3 in Tawda China (5,510 sq m- grazing land, 6,051 sq m-road) & 1 in Shoigar (120,000 sq a- road). Completed FAO/UNDP 11 91 7 92 Distribution of 4 MT Pak -81 wheat seed / 4 MT Urea / 4 MT DAP to 431 farmers in Ihawazi, Sayed Ihel, Worsak, Chore Ongoing . . ( , 3 MT DAP I 1 MT Urea to 66 farmers. 8 Ig for each farmer). Dorbaba Survey Tawda China /Sholga Goshta Crop Product Ihel villages. AHSAO AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO /UNDP -- 92 -- 93 -Distribution of 5 wheat seed (PS -85) & 5 DAP. AHSAO AGRIC: Crop Product 9 villages Ongoing FAO 10 92 -- -- Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP for 200 farmers. AHSAO AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO/UNDP 11 91 7 92 Distribution of 4 MT Pak -81 wheat seed / 4 MT Urea / 4 MT DAP to 431 farmers in Ihawazai, Sayed Ihel, Vorsak, Chora Ihel villages. AHSAO AGRIC: AHSAO HEALTH: Vaccination ERSA AGRIC: A C B A R Crop Product Crop Product 8 villages Completed FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 92 Multiplication of 1 MT improved maize seed / 3 MT urea. Ongoing UNICEF -- 93 -- -- Polio /measles /D.P.T & T.T. Completed FAO 4 93 5 93 Multiplication of seize & other seed. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 154 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 oak- 6TH EDITION ! ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS FUNDED DURATION BY Begin --End -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Goahta Completed NRC/NCA 1 93 1 .93 Farm mechanization (2 tractors). Canal Completed BCR 1 93 3 93 Rehabilitation of Goahta main canal intake(16 km) ! irrigates 15,000 jeribs & benefit 2.100 families. Structure Completed NRC/NCA 8 92 1 93 Siphon Charkhowar(45 m), Super Passages, Dry 'hover (21.5 m), Worse Ihowar (44.5 m) & intake of the main canal - ERSA AGRIC: Machinery ERSA WATER: ERSA WATER: -- benefit 4,000 families. 5 93 River bank retaining. 6 91--- i assist DYE ! 2 paravet ; 1 gurad curative & preventive service. .11 92 8 93 Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed. 2 93 2 93 Multiplication of 16 MT sugar cane. 4 93 ERSA WATER: FloodControl -- Completed NRC/NCA GAF AGRIC: Vet Goahta Ongoing UNDP MINA AGRIC: Crop Product Goahta Ongoing FAO - MAWA AGRIC: Crop Product Gosbta Completed FAO /UNDP Ongoing ABS 10 92 12 93 Training of volunteers (communuty workers). Completed SCA -- 92 -- 82 Distribution of 0.8 MT wheat seed, 0.8 MT DAP.& 1.05 MT Urea. 11 91 RES SOCIAL:Other SCA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AMC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AMC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- .93 Agriculture survey on 20 villages. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Gandagbar Ongoing SCA 8 88 -- -- 1 MD / 2 mid-level HWs i 1. Nurse DUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- 7 schools in Atte Ihozi, Ihoizi, Ihaga lbel(2), Wali, Alkali Iohi & Deena villages. UNO ' Nangarhar -- Hesarak 10 91 Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed & 20 MT fertilizer. 7 92 ADAg AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages Completed UNDP ADAg AGRIC: Crop Product 2 villages Completed UNDP ADAg AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Ongoing UNDP ADAg AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages Completed CIDA 7 91 10 91 Multiplication of 8 MT wheat seed & 1050 bags fertilizer. ADAg AGRIC: Fruit Trees 13 villages Completed DCP 3 92 12 92 Distribution of 6,500 fruit saplings to 400 farmer families. ADAg AGRIC: Fruit Trees 6 villages Ongoing DCP 3 93 2 94 Distribution of 10,000 fruit tree saplings. ADAg WATER: Jerez 3 villages Completed UNDP 1:92 4 92 Rehab. of 3.55 km karez - irrigate 5590 jeribs land & benefit 730 farmers. `ACBAR Multiplication of 1 MT maize seed & 2.5 MT 1 92 11 92 11 92 7 93 fertilizer.. Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed & 10 NT fertilizer. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION I Page: 155 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED DURATION < ACTIVITY - - -BY -- Begin --End Completed Pvt -- 92 -- 92 Completed DCP -- -- STATUS -- DESCRIPTION> Hesarak Structure ADP WATER: ARCO EDUCAT: Other Construction & repair of irrigation structures. Drug Awareness Event attented 400 people(mullahs / colanders I intellectuals I influential ! tribal elders & students). ANCO WATER: Canal ANCO WATER: Canal ANCO WATER: Canal Completed DCP Chartoot Ongoing DCP -- Completed DCP 10 92 1 93 -- 2 92 6 92 Rehabilitation of canal. Rehabilitation of Chartoot canal - benefit 4,460 people. Rehab.of 2 canals (Nawar -3.8 Lm & Langar Lhel -2.9 Lm) & Const.of 1 aqueduct- irrigate 1,140 jeribs & benefit 380 farmers. AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAOÌUNDP ARCON AGRIC: Other ueearak Ongoing ARCON Rehabilitation of agricultural load. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Hesarak Ongoing ARCON Repairing of main hospital. ARGON CONST: Pub.Building Hesarak Completed ARCON -- Repairing of Hesarak hospital. CONST: Pub.Building Hesarak Completed ARCON -- Construction of Hesarak mosque. DCA AGRIC: Vet Naar Ongoing Dutch G. IRC EDUCAT: Primary Bak Lhel/Malizai Ongoing IRC -- 90 -- -- KAWA AGRIC: Hesarak Ongoing FAO 11 92 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Jaw Ian Ongoing AID 11 89 -- -- OMAR MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA RDA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO 10 92 7 93 Distribution of 15 MT wheat & 15 MT DAP, SAA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Hesarak Completed SAA 1 92 2 92 Distribution of 6,000 trees (different types) to 1,200 families. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 0.15 MT wheat seed & 0.15 MT DAP. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Paghi Band Ongoing SCA 4 89 -- -- 1 MD , 6 mid -level HWs ! 1 Lab Tech. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Laji Gar Ongoing SCA 6 87 -- -- 5 mid -level HWs. START CONST: Hesarak Ongoing ACLU 1 93 -- -- Construction of structures of 52 Lm Jalalabad- Hesarak road. ARCO; . C H A R Crop Product Road -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 5 MT DAP. ARADA 7 91 -- -- 8 93 6 92 12 92 Centarl clinic with 1 vet. assistant 3 paravets & 2 vaccinators. 2 schools i 500 students. Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed. 2 BHWs Safety lessons - 6009 people participated. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 156 A6actrep Date: 27!08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY UNO -- -- VILLAGES) - --- EDUCAT: Primary Nangarhet] -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 7 schools in Nawar(2), Patloo, Alas Iashes, Ghokiza. Shekhan & Lajagar villages. Jalalabad AABRAR EDUCAT: Literacy City Ongoing *Donors 8 92 -- -- Literacy course to 20 students for one month. AABRAR HEALTH: Med.Training City Ongoing *Donors 8 92 -- -- One qualified nurse provides one, month first aid training to 25 students.. AABRAR HEALTH: Disabled Reh City Ongoing *Donors S 92 -- -- 2 trainers give bicycle training to 20 people a month. One bicycle mechanic deale with the repairs of bicycles & job training to the interested amputees. female / children) every day. AABRAR HEALTH: Disabled Reh City Ongoing *Donors R 92 -- -- 2 physical therapists provides physiotherapy to 2,5 patience (male AABRAR INCOME: Skill Train. City Ongoing *Donors 392'---- interested trainees are receiving juice making ACDG EDUCAT: Literacy City Ongoing TAF -- 93 -- -- Literacy course. Ann EDUCAT: Management City Ongoing TAF -- 93 -- -- Management / accounting & typing courses. ACM EDUCAT: Language City Ongoing TAF -- 93 -- -- English language course. ACDO EDUCAT: Language, City Completed TAF 11 92 4 93 English language development. ACRU AGRIC: 3 villages Completed UNCHS 12 92 4 93 3 incubators & poultry production. AICC EDUCAT: Madrasa City Ongoing Pvt 9 92 -- -- AMWS INCOME: Skill Train. City Ongoing MIL -- 93 -- 93 Tailoring course for 50 women(6 months) + literacy. ANH HEALTH: Provinc.Hasp PH Hospital Ongoing Germany- -- 92 -- -- 40 beds hospital with x -ray, Lab, dental, internal & surgical services. AOGH HEALTH: Provinc.Hoep Asir Shaheed Rd Ongoing *Donors 2 93 -- -- APWO WATER: Canal Completed IF? 1 93 4 93 Rehabilitation of 12 canals (FFW). APia WATER: Canal Completed WFP i 93 4 93 Cleaning of 12 canais inform of(food for work). ARCON AGRIC: Training Ongoing ARCON ARCON CONST: Shelter Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- Repairing of Mohajereen camps. ARGON CONST: Shelter Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- Pre -caste concrete factory. Livestock 4 villages . knife srarpning & cotton candy making for 1 month. Madrasa and training center for Islamic cultural purposes. 21 bed delivery complex - lab /.ultrasound - OPD: 60 -70 women / children / daily. Agriculture training center. 'DATABASE OF NGO ACTIViTIES Page: _157 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- --STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Jalalabad Repairing of Gary Moen mosque. ARCON COAST: Pub.Building Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON CONST: ' Pub.Building Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- Repairing of Jalalabad market mosque. AEON CONST: Pub.Building Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- Health unit ARCON CONS?: Other Farm Hada Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON CONST: Other Farm Hada Ongoing ARCON ARCON HEALTH: Disabled Reh Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON INCOME: Skill Train. Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON INCOME: Skill Train. Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- ARCON RELIEF:Non-Food Item Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCOlO SOCIAL:Other Farm Hada Ongoing ARCON - -- -- -- Jalalabad press ARCON WATER: larez Najm Algora Ongoing ARGON - -- -- -- Rehabilitation of Raja Algora karez. ARCON WATER: Canal Naja Algora Ongoing ARCON -- -- - ARCON WATER: Drinking Jalalabad Completed ARCON Nangarhar well digger preparation. ARCON WATER: Drinking Naja Algora Ongoing ARCON Rehabilitation of Raja Algora well. ARGON WATER: Drinking Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON Rehabilitation of province well & tank. ARCON WATER: Drinking Jalalabad Completed ARCON -- -- -- -- Repairing of province well. ARCON WATER: Drinking Jalalabad Completed ARCON -- -- -- -- Repairing of well. ARGON WATER: Drinking Jalalabad Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of Jalalabad well pumps. ARCON WATER: Drinking Jalalabad Ongoing ARGON -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of Jalalabad well. ARCON WATER: Other Jalalabad Completed ARCON -- -- -= -- Establishment of air compressor. I ACHAR DESCRIPTION> Construction of Al Mujahid health center. Repairing of Obai Bin Iaab school. Plastic factory. industrial complex. -- Artificial limb center _ Jalalabad textile project Al -Fateh center Mohajereen instant sheltering. Repairing of Naja Algora canal. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 158 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar VILLAGE(S)1- -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY-- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jalalabad ARCS DUCAT: Other City Ongoing ARDE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Center Ongoing ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product Center Completed FAO/URDP ARR RELIEF:Food Items City Completed WFP 5 92 -- -- ARR RELIEF:Food Items Jalalabad Completed WFP 4 92 ATA /!.P HEALTH: Other Approved *Donors ATC HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Sharwali Ongoing UNOCHA .:.[ AV10EN V. HEALTH: Other City Ongoing EC CAS HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Nahia 1 Ongoing CIDA 12 92 -- -- I MD ! 2 nurses CIUP INCOME: Skill Train. Center Ongoing CIDA -- 92 -- 93 Jalalabad shoe making training project. CRAA AGRIC: Sheshee Bag Completed *Donors DACAAR AGRIC: ,Crop Product 8 villages Completed FAO DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 8 villages Ongoing DACAAR 3 93 -- -- DACHAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees 8 villages Completed FAO 3 93 DACAAR AGR.IC: Research 8 villages Ongoing FAO /Self 1 93 -- -- Training . . BC 7 95 7 93 Training teachers in how to teach basic health education - funds channeled through IFRCS. Established nursery farms for different kinds of tree saplings. -- -- 91 -- 92 Production of improved wheat seed. Distribution of 210 MT wheat to 2,100 families (food security) 4 92 Distribution of 210 MT of wheat. -- 93 -- -- Tuberculosis control program. 5 nurses I 1 MD ;¡t rest deminers A local people. 5 92 -- -- 1 VSF (shared 1 93 -- -- 11 92 11 92 3 93 with NAC), 1 4 CC technician A 1 supervisor. supervisor. 1 dispenser / 100 pte. i day. 36 DVM / assist DWI trained on clinical diagnosis of pregnancy in cows for 12 days. 3.8 MT wheat seed & 3.8 NT DAP distributed to 319 farmers. Vegetable nursery established in an area of 135 Sgt. 2,545 fruit saplings distributed to 129 growers. Ezperiments: wheat yield trial 15 var. test plots of 9-var. of wheats 3 var. of oat & 3 var. of barley & 12 demonstration plots of wheat in 7 villages. DACAAH AGRIC: Plant Protec 8 villages Completed DACAAR 3 93 -- -- DACAAR AGRIC: Training 8 villages Ongoing DACAAR 11 92 -- -- 232 farmers technically trained. DACAAR GOUT: Shelter City Ongoing DACAAR 11 92 - Concrete beams 300. DACAAR WATER: tarez Farm Hada Completed DACAAR -- 92 -- 92 2 karezes cleaned. DACAAR RATER: Drinking City Ongoing UNICEF -- 92 -- 93 74 tube -wells with hand -pumps, output 22. DCA AGRIC: Vet Farm Hada Ongoing Dutch G. -- 8 92 -- -- . 60 kg 2 -4 -D applied on 150 jeribs wheat fields of 100 farmers. 1 veterinarian with medicine equipments & training facilities. Page: 159 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENGI Nangarhar - --- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED - --BY -- Begin- -End -- 93 -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> salalabad Maxillofacial & ENT / dental health center i dental training course for female trainees 150 -200 patients daily. DCAR HEALTH:. Compr.Ciinic -- Ongoing *Donors DESP INCOME: HelpCraftmen Center Ongoing FRG 6 91 -- -- Establishment of commercial bakeries & training in basic equipment. FNSAD SOCIAL:Other City Ongoing TAF 2 92 -- 93 Provision of money to disabled on monthly basis. GAA RELIEF:Food Items Farm Hada/Mumtaz B Completed GAA -- 93 -- -- Distribution of 300 MT food (wheat / chick pea i oil) to Kabul displaced families. GAC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Angur Bagh Ongoing FAO -- 92 -- -- Nursery GAC AGRIC: Livestock Angur Bagh Ongoing UNDP -- 92 -- -- Poultry production and distribution (30.000 chicks up to May 1993). RC HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Ongoing HCI 10 91 -- -- Mobile clinic, treatment for Kabul refugees i 18 schools & colleges students. Completed HCI IC 91 Ongoing HCI Completed HCI 10 91 Ongoing HCI -- -- -- -- Distribution of 150 tents for labul refugees. Distribution of 300 blankets. HEALTH: Disabled Reh -- RELIEF:Food Items ¡ICI RELIEF:Food Items HCI RELIEF:Non -Food Item gCI RELIEF:Non -Food Item Farm Bada/Mumtaz B Ongoing HCI -- -- -- -- HCI SOCIAL:Other Farm Hada/Mumtaz B Ongoing RCI -- HCI' HATER: Farm Hada Ongoing HCI - iCRC HEALTH: Other Ongoing ICRC -- 92 - Shekh Sahib Approved IIRO -- 93 -- 93 IDA . CONST: Drinking Pub.Building Distribution of 1,000 bags fiour(50 kg each) & 1,000 tin oil(5 kg each). 2 92 -- -- HCI Farm Hada/Mumtaz B Medical treatment for disabled people. 2 93 150 Sacrificed meat(Qurbani)for displaced people. 2 93 Hired 2 persons for the services of disabled people. Drinking water supply for labul refugees. -- -- -- -- ' Providing medical support to different hospitals. Construction of mosque. Distribution of food & fruit during the month of Ramazan in camps. IDA RELIFF:Food Items Mumtaz Bagh Completed Pvt. -- IDA FELIEF:Food Items Mumtaz Bagh Completed Pvt. 7 92 -- -- Distribution of 5 MT wheat. IDA RELIEF :Non -Food Item Mumtaz Bub Ongoing Pvt. 7 92 -- -- Distribution of food, medicines & Blankets for refugees in camps - benefit 100 families. IHSAN RELIEF:Food Items Camps Completed NFP 9 92 IHSAN NAM: Firqa Ongoing NFP 7 93 -- -- IACBAR --- Canal 9 92 Distribution of 300 MT wheat for the 3,000 displaced families who came from Kabul. Rehabilitation of 11 km canal (FFN -42 MT wheat). DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 160 A6actrep Date: 27/06/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar IIRO -- -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jalalabad HEALTH: Region.Hosp City Ongoing IIRO '12 92 -- -- 150 bed Children & female hoop: (Fatesa El- Zabra) - / orthopaedic / ob -gyn /ENT / Opthalmology / int.iedicine / paediatric / emergency ! ICU / plastic surgery ! dental services. TIRO HEALTH: Vaccination Jalalabad Ongoing IIRO -- Vaccination program (open cases). TIRO HEALTH: Vaccination Jalalabad Ongoing IIRO -- Vaccination program covered different parts of Nanagarhar i lunar IIRO HEALTH: Other .Various Ongoing IIRO -- 93 -- -- TIRO INCOME: Help Vulner. City Ongoing TIRO IMC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic City Ongoing AID HEAL T H: Med. T raining City Ongoi ng AID IOC INCOME: Help Vulner. Center Ongoing IOC IRC /RPA CONST: Sanitation Farm Hada /Mumtaz B Completed AustCare 9 92 1 93 Construction of 20 bathing facilities in 2 camps IRC /RPA CONST: Sanitation Farm Hada/Mumtaz B Completed AustCare 9 92 1 93 Construction cf 209 pit latrines in 2 camps IRC /RPA HEALTH: Education Farm Hada/Mumtaz B Completed Aust "ere 9 92 1 93 Basic health education messages on sanitation, vaste disposal, clean water etc ISRA CONST: Center Ongoing ISRA -- 92 9 93 Construction of 4 mosques. ISRA EDUCAT: Primary Jalalabad Ongoing ISRA 11 92 -- -- ISRA HEALTH: Coepr.Clinic Center Ongoing ISRA 9 92 -- -- 2 MD / 1 medical assistant / 1 lab tech. / I nurse / male & female helpers. ISRA HEALTH: Other Center Ongoing ONICEF 3 93 -- -- Establishment of emergency drop -in center for vulnerable childerm ISRA INCOME: Help Vulner. Center Ongoing ISRA` 9 92 -- -- Assistance to 1, ?36 orphans (monthly allowance / Health / education / clothing / foot -wear. ISRA INCOME: Skill Train. Center Ongoing ISRA 11 92 -- -- Vocational training center for 40 woven students(tailoring / sewing / literacy etc). ISRA INCOMES Skill Train. Center Ongoing ISRA 11 92 -- -- Vocational training center for 50 boy students(Auto Mech. / carpentry / tailoring ; welding / electricity / 7M( Pub,Building Laghman. Malaria control program in collaboration with WHO I UNHCR / MSF. Orphanage: provision of monthly cash to orphans. 93 -- -- Comprehensive clinic._ _ 3 93 M e di ca. training. . -- 93 -- -- Provision assistance to orphans. 1 School for orphans - 120 students 1 3 teachers & 2 teachers with Quranic center. capacity for 500 childern. agriculture). IRCS HEALTH: Disabled Reh City Ongoing BRCS LQO INCOME: Help Vulner. City Ongoing LQO -- 92 -- -- Orphanage: providing monthly cash to 750 orphans. MAMA INCOME: Handicrafts Center Ongoing Dutch -- 92 -- 93 Handicraft - use wool for carpet. 'ACBAR 9 92 -- -- 10 bed rehabilitation center - physiotherapy + orthopaedic workshop - plans to add paraplegic center. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 161 !6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar -VILLAGES) - --- --STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BY -- Begin --End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Jalalabad MF RELIEF:Food Items Farm Hada,Mumtaz B Ongoing MF -- 92 -- -- Providing food to Kabul displaced families. MF RELIEF:Non -Food Item Farm Hada/Jumtaz B Ongoing MF -- 92 -- -- Providing of tents MMC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic City Ongoing NAC 4 90 -- -- 3 MD+6 paramedics +l vaccinatorl lab tech.+1 female nurse - surgical / OPD / Lab / EPI / MCH / Dental. MMC HEALTH: Other City Ongoing RAP 5 92 -- -- Family Training Program: home visiting & instructing on hygiene, nutrition, ante -natal & post -natal care, first -aid & blanekets & other commodities to Kabul displaced families. ORS making. MSH HEALTH: Med.Training Jalalabad Ongoing AID 10.92 -- -- Institute of public health (IPH) training center transferred from Peshawar in 10/92 offering BHW, RHO, MCHO training, management & PHC seminars & workshops. MSH HEALTH: Other Jalalabad Ongoing AID Regional Health Administration (P.HA I -- administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and monitoring and supervision of the BHfis and health facilities under its jurisdiction n NAC AMC': NAC HEALTH: Vaccination NPO CONST: PDA Animal vaccination program. Center Ongoing MAC PH Hospital Ongoing UNICEF /S Pub.Building City Ongoing NRC /NCA 4 93 -- -- Construction of gynocological hospital for women. CONST: Pub.Building Medical Institute Ongoing IIRO 7 93 -- -- Construction of a mosque inside the Institute. RAH AGRIC: Forestry City Completed OV 6 92 6 92 Distribution of 19,000 non -fruft trees. RAH RELIEF:Non -Food Item City Completed 0V 5 92 5 92 Distribution of quilt to 1,250 refugees from Kabul. RBS SOCIAL:Form Committ. Ongoing RBS ROAOW INCOME: Help Vulner. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA EDUCAT: Management SCA SGAA Vet -- 90 -- -- A vaccine storage facility (300,000 vaccines capacity) - joint project with AVICEN - would cover eastern zone. 10 92 12 93 Formation of social welfare committees. -- 93 -- -- Orphanage & KG for orphans. Center Ongoing -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 1.076 MT rice seed. Crop Product Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 15.3 MT wheat seed, 15.7 MT DAP & 41.95 MT Urea. Research Ongoing SCA 0 93 --'93 20 crops variety testing trials of wheat & 2 of rice. Jalalabad Completed SCA 6 93 -- -- 7 days / 60 headmasters EDUCAT: Teacher T. Jalalabad Ongoing SCA 6 92 -- -- 3 months / 60 teachers HEALTH: Disabled Reh City Ongoing SGAA IAC B A R 10 92 -- -- Orthopaedic workshop and physiotherapy center. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 162 A6actrep Date: 27/06/93 6TH EDITION I SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- ACTIVITY' FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BI -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Jalalabad Nangarhar Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Establishment of poultry farm. INCOME: Skill Train. Approved EC -- 93 -- Carpentry, masonry & welding training. SOS -PG EDUCAT: Teacher T. Ongoing EC/B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- SOS -PG INCOME: HelpCraftmen Ongoing EC SJAWO AGRIC: SJAWO DESCRIPTIOI> Liveatock Center 3 villages 7 92 6 -- Through resource centers in schools ! two & half month courses / 15 day seminars & practical work in classrooms. 94 Provision of toolkits & credit facilities to small enterprises. 25% of the beneficiaries are selected from vulnerable groups. 7 92 Training of 26 trades by placement in apprenticeship. 6 94 SOS -PG INCOME: Skill Train. 3 villages Ongoing EC UMCA HEALTH: Med.Training Sarband Ongoing NAC -- 92 -- -- Training of 10 dais for 3 months. 3 batches (30 pecpis -- Approved SCA -- 93 -- Reconstuction of school(12 roots) roofing with vaults & girders with stabilized bricks. 6 villages Ongoing UNICEF -- 3 villages Completed UNOCHA Total Area Ongoing DCP Orígoiùg NRC /NCA 2 93 12 93 2 tractors. 5 93 10 93 Construction of wells. Kama Nangarhar Pub.Building -- AEA CONST: AHSAO HEALTH: Vaccination AT" MINES: CRAA DUCAT: Other ERSA AGRIC: Machinery ERSA WATER: Drinking -- Ongoing NRCINCA GAF AGRIC: Vet lama Ongoing UNDP MCPA MINES: Survey 4 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Sangar Sarai Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- SCA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed SCA 0 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 -- -- 92 Provision of o.4 MT agrochemicals. SCA. AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 50 villages. SCA CONST: Pub.Building Sangar Sarai Completed SCA 9 92 6 93 Construction of 1 boys school. SCA CONST: Pub.Building Sanger Sarai Completed SCA 9 92 6 93 Construction of 1 girls school. A C H A R have completed the course so far. Clearance --------------__ Polio /messies /D.P.T & T.T. 93 -- -- 5 92 11 92 -- 11 91 Destroyed 13 devices, cleared 13213 Sim road & canal. 9 92 6 Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. _ -- 93 92 12 92 92 -- 92 1 DVM / 2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service. 35,888 S9m irrigation I unknown & road. 3 BHWs Distribution of 78 MT wheat seed, 78 MT DAP & 110.1 MT Urea. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES her: 163 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION AGENCY SECTOR -VILLAGE(S)- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION STATUS- ---BY-- Begin--End (ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Kama Nangarhar SCA CONST: Pub.Building Sangar Serai Completed SCA 9 92 SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sangar Sarai Ongoing SCA 4 88 -- -- SCA WATER: Completed UNDP 8 92 UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- - Drinking Nangarhar .28 villages 6 93 Construction of 1 clinic. 4 mid -level HWs. 2 93 Construction'of wells - benefit 1,000 families. 1 school in Atam lalai. KhoBiani AAA AGRIC: Crop Product Waziri Ongoing FAO/UNDP AAA AGRIC: Crop Product Waziri Completed FAO /UNDP 5 92 .9 92 AAA AGRIC: Crop Product Waziri Completed FAO /UNDP 5 92 9 92 Rice seed multiplication. AAA AGRIC: Crop Product Zawa Completed FAO/UNDP 11 91 7 92 Multiplication of 15 MT wheat seed & fertilizer. AAA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Waziri Completed FAO/UNDP 3 92.12 92 Distribution of 6,000 fruit saplings. AAA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Waziri Ongoing FAO 3 93 12 93 Distribution of 6,000 fruit saplings. AA1 WATER: Canal Zawa Completed UNDP 3 92 6 92 Rehabilitation of 3 km canal - irrigates 4500 jeribs & benefits 1200 farmer families. AAA WATER: Canal Zawa Discontin UNDP 11 92 5 93 Rehabilitation of 4 km canal - irrigates 15000 jeribs & benefits 2300 farmer families. AB AGRIC: Fruit Trees Male Completed FAO 3 91 3 91 Fruit trees distribution (10,000 saplings). AB WATER: Canal Ehader Ebel Completed DCP 9 92 1 93 Canal reconstruction for 500 jeribs land. AB WATER: Canal All Ihel Completed DCP 9 92 1 93 Canal reconstruction for 150 jeribs land. ACDO AGRIC: Crop Product ' Ihoza Ihel Approved FAO /UNDP -- -- -- -- Rice seed multiplication & distribution program. ACDO AGRIC: Crop Product Pera Ebel Approved FAO/UNDP -- Maize seed multiplication & distribution program. AGRIC: Crop Product Bebar Ongoing FAO ACDO AGRIC: Crop Práduct Ihoza Del Approved FAO/UNDP -- -- -- - Maize seed multiplication & distribution program. ACDO AGRIC: Crop Product Bebar Approved FAO/UNDP -- - Maize seed multiplication & distribution program. ACDO AGRIC: Crop Product Pera Ihel Approved FAO/UNDP ACDO , 11 92 7 93 -- 2 93 -- -- -- Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed & fertilizer. Multiplication cf 10.5 MT maize seed. Distribution of 8 MT sugar cane & 0.25 MT DAP. Rice seed multiplication & distribution program. 'DATABASE OF 11G0 ACTIVITIES Page: 164 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY -VILLAGE(S) - -- SECTOR AGENCY --STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End II 92 <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIOR> Khogiani Nangarhar Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & fertilizer. 7 93 ACDO AGRIC: Crop Product -Wazir Khan Del Ongoing FAO/URDP ACDO AGRIC: Fruit Trees Wazir Khan Del Ongoing FAO /UNDP 4 93 -- -- Distribution of fruit trees apples ADAg AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Completed UNDP 1.992 11 92 Multiplication of 0.25 MT rice seed & 1.25 MT fertilizer. ADAg AGRIC: Crop Product 2 villages Completed UNDP 1 92 11 92 Multiplication of 1 MT 'aine seed & 2.5 MT fertilizer. ADAg AGRIC: Fruit Trees 4 villages Ongoing DCP 3 93 ARSAO AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ibermana Ongoing FAO 6 92 -- -- AMf2AN AGRIC: Crop Product Ihermana Ongoing .FAO /UNDP AMRAN SOCIAL:Other Many villages Completed Germany AMRAN WATER: Tala fiel Completed CIDA OH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Waziri. Ongoing Germany 1 87 -- -- 80 -120 pts. OPD / day. APWO AGRIC: Crop Product Waziri -6 villages Completed FAO /UNDP 5 92 11 92 Rice geed multiplication project (250 kg). APWO AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO II 92 11 93 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP. ARADA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAOÍUNDP -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 5 MT DAP. ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Hashim fiel Ongoing ARGON LRCON AGRIC: Livestock Bashi' Del Ongoing ARCON ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Ongoing ARCON -- Honey Bees ARCON WATER: ferez Completed ARCON -- Cleaning of 1 fm karez. ARDA AGRIC: Fruit Trees ARDA EDUCAT: Primary. laja Ongoing ARDA EDUCAT: Madrasa laja Ongoing AkDA WATER: Bazo- Khel Ongoing Canal Structure Ador -- 92 pears / peaches & plum. Distribution of 5,000 fruit trees saplings. 2 94 Fruit & forest trees nursery in 2 jeribs of land. Multiplication & distribution of 5 MT improved wheat seed & 5 MT fertilizer. 7 93 Assessment survey project relating to opium addicts. 8 90 10 9C Cleaning of 2.5 km canal. 10 90 12 90 Honey Bees -- Poultry farm Established nursery farms for different kinds of tree saplings. Ongoing -- -- -GAC 6 92 -- Established primary school in laja. -- Established Madrasa in laja. 8 92 Construction of 20 m (40 cu.m) Gabion water intake & cleaning 2 L canal - irrigate 8O4_ jeribs / benefit 300 families. IACBAR DATABASE OF RGO ACTIVITIES Page: 165 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH IDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar ARDA WATER: - - -- VILLAGE(S) -- -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Khogiani Structure Hawi Shar Ongoing GAC 6 92 Construction of 30 m (60 cu.m) Gabion water intake & cleaning 3 Km canal - irrigate 1,200 jeribe / benefit 400 8 92 families. ARDA WATER: Structure Wazir Ongoing GAC 6 92 8 92 Construction of 40m(80 cu.m) Gabion water intake & cleaning of 4 Km canal - irrigate 1,500 jeribs t benefit 600 families. ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product AGRIC: AGRIC: OAi?p A DP Qelaghou Completed FAO /UNDP 10 91 Completed FAO -- 91 -- 92 Production of improved wheat seed. Ongoing FAO/UNDP -- -- -- -- Production of improved wheat seed. Fruit Trees Ongoing FAO!DCP 12 91 -- - Distribution of 11,000 fruit saplings. Fruit Trees Completed D^ IFA( 4 Ongoing UNDP - -- -- -- Mule Completed UNOCHA Qelaghou 6 92 Distribution of4 MT Pak -81 / 2 MT Prisabak -85 ! 6 MT Urea / 6 MT DAP. Distribution of 6.50: fruit-trees - vánaf.: 400 families. .9' 12 92 . ARDP AGRIC: Livestock ATC MINES: Clearance AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 195 villages Ongoing ECÍUNICF CIUP CONST: Pub.Building Tirakhel Waziri Ongoing ARCON -- 92 -- -- A mosque building - cement & steel bar. CONST: Pub.Building Tirakhel Waziri Ongoing ARCON -- 92 -- -- A mosque building - cement & steel bar. CRR CONST: Road. Completed UNDP -- 92 -- 92 Technical survey of secondary roads. DCA AGRIC: Vet Samochi Ongoing UNDP 4 89 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Behar Ongoing UNDP 4 92 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Memia Ongoing UNDP 11 92 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Samochi Ongoing NAC 4 89 -- -- 2 paravet. DESP AGRIC: Fruit Trees Khogiani Completed FAO 2 93 DESP INCOME: Skill Train. Completed GTZ -- 92 -- -- GAC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Band Surinai Ongoing FAO -- 92 -- -- Nursery GAC AGRIC: Livestock -- Ongoing UNDP -- 92 -- -- Poultry production and distribution. Poultry distribution project. 12 92 12 92 Cleared 4000 Sqm 2 teams - 5 vaccinators 3 93 Central clinic with 1 advanced paravet. ' 1 paravet. Distribution of 6,000 local varieties saplings , providing training in grafting & curing in 5 villages. _Training of metal workers to produce & sell fuel -efficient cooking ; heating stoves. ;minimum 2 metal workshops;. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 166 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION S$CTOR AGENCY Nangarhar IC GAC GAC GAC GAG IAAAE IHSAN Baja Bazaar Ongoing -- -- -- Malikyar Hotak high school - 600 students. EDUCAT: Madrasa laja Bazaar Ongoing -- -- -- -- Faizul Islam Medrase - Hifzul Quran - 125 students. HEALTH: Distrct Beep baja Ongoing -- 92 -- -- 20 beds general hospital - lab/ OPD A vaccin. HEALTH: Basic Clinic /awe Ongoing HEALTH: Basic Clinic Wazir Ongoing CONST: Pub.Building laja Completed IWL 5 91 5 92 Construction of Mosque with 2 rooms- stone ,1 firebrick i wood A cement. Canal Nukur lhel Completed ARGON 2 92 4 92 Rehabilitation of 5 Im canal A construction of its intake. Structure Reshakai Completed ARCON 6 92.12 92 Construction of 70 m retaining gall. Structure Mule Completed ARCON 5 92 10 92 Construction of 300 m retaining wall A 20 a intake. Henla Completed ARCON 6 92 10 92 Construction of 8/18 a vier and 2 retaining walla each 20 m. lhader lhel /Zawa Completed SV 6 92 7 92 Gravity -flow water supply, two systems, benefit 1980 families laja Completed UNDP 12 92 4 93 Construction of intake retaining wail of 216 a long & benefit 3,500 farmers. Wazir /Ahmed Ebel Completed MAI' 6 91 8 91 In- service teacher training: 82 teachers were trained in 45 days seminar in Iuz Saber, $nrguri A Wazir Ahmed Ihel. Ihogiani Completed CIDA Structure Drinking Structure EDUCAT: Teacher T. NAVA CONST: Bridge , -- . -- Sub clinic of GAC hospital. -- -- -- -- Sub clinic of GAC hospital. -- 91 -- 91 ' Reconstruction of 6 bridges. ......,...___ . CPA NINES: ,Survey 2 minefields Completed UlIÖCEà 1 92 12 92 19,595 Sul road. NSB HEALTH: Basic Post lhader IIel/Zawa Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- i BBIì AGRIC: Research -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 1 crop variety testing trial of when A 1 of rice. AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.05 MT sgrochemicals. AGRIC: Plant Protes - Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.355 MT agrochemicals. SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 98 villages. SCA SCA SCA SCA AGRIC: SCA ACBA DESCRIPTION> EDUCAT: Secondary WATER: MAI Khogiand <ACTIVITI i school / 150 boys & 30 girls. WATER: LRO Begin- -End a--- -- -- -- -- WATER: IRC /RPA DURATION Ongoing WATER: IHSAN FUNDED --BY -- laja Bazaar WATER: IHSAN ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- EDUCAT: Primary WATER: IHSAN ---- TILLAGEES) - --- AGRIC: Other Other R------------- Ongoing Completed - DATABASE OF 1G0 ACTIVITIES Page: 167 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 -------- - - - - -- STB EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION? Khogiani Nangarhar Kaja/Tutu /Behar Ongoing SCA 6 93 12 93 Construction of primary schools. HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Lokhai Ongoing SCA 2 87 -- -- 1 MD ; 8 mid -level HWe ! 1 Lab Tech. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Pera Khel/Wazir Ongoing SCA 12 88 -- -- UNO- EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 20 schools in different villages. WOA AGRIC: Livestock -- Ongoing UNDP 3 91 -- -- Karakul breeding in Nangarhar. WROR WATER: Other Torghar Completed UNDP 3 92 -- 92 Technical survey of irrigation system (7 karezes & 30 canals): . SCA CONST: SCA 'Pub.Building 4 mid -level HWs. Kouz Konar Nangarhar : iPven & d:`.gn of nhewa & Shagi canals & structure. AF WATER: `:a!:;.î .hewLLi3hgLú i Completed FAO ARC A : WATER: Canal Shewa Ongoing F AO 10 92 Rehabilitation of 6.4 Km main 'canal, ATC HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Shewa Ongoing UNOCHA 11 92 -- -- 4 nurses I 1 MD / treat deminers & local people. ATC FINES: Shagai /Koari Completed UNOCHA 11 92 12 92 Destroyed 2236 devices cleared 408741 Sqm road & canal. AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 36 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- -- -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators GAF AGRIC: Vet Shewa Ongoing UNDP 11 91 6 93 1 assist DVM f 2 paravet 1 1 guard curative & preventive service. waM4R CONST: Shelter Ongoing UNCHS 2 93 8 93 Production of 5,000 41 beam. MAMAR WATER: Structure Completed FAO 1 93 5 93 Construction of 1 vier & culvart. MCPA MINES: Survey 6 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 424,955 Sqm road & MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Suruch Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 2 BHWs RAH AGRIC: Crop Product Kouz lunar Ongoing FAO/UNDP AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO 2 93 -- -- Distribution of sugar cane. RAH AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing FAO 2 93 -- -- Distribution of 5,000 trees. RAH WATER: Canal Shagai Completed FAO 8 92 IO 92 Cleaning of Shegay main canal irrigate more than 60.000 jeribs land. RAH VATER: Structure Shagai Completed FAO 8 92 10 92 Construction of temporary intake for Shagai main canal(60,000) jeribs. RAH . ACBAR Clearance 4 93 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication through 2600 farmers. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 168 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar ----VILLAGE(S)--- - --STATUS-- FUNDED ---BY-- DURATION Begin--End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Kouz Konar RAH WATER: Drinking Kouz lunar Completed TIRO RAH WATER: Drinking Shagai Ongoing IIRO 10 92 12 93 10 shallow wells for 10 villages of Shagai - 500 families. RSSA AGRIC: Crop Product Shewa Ongoing FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 10 MT wheat & 10 MT DAP. RSSA AGRIC: Crop Product Shewa Ongoing FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Maize seed multiplication (2 MT maize, 2.5 MT Urea, 3.5 MT DAP). RSSA AGRIC: Crop Product Shewa Ongoing FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Rice seed multiplication (.5 MT rice, 2 M: urea & 2.5 CT DAP). SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA EGA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing SCA Ongoing i- FAO V 3 Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- Completed FAO Completed WFP START AGRIC: UNo EDUCAT: Primary Center Fruit Trees Nangarhar 5 villages 3 93 1 93 20 shallow veils in 20 villages for 3.000 families. 0 92 -- 92- Distribution of 13.15 MT wheat seed, 9 MT DAP & 19.6 MT Urea. -- -- -- -- 4 P 93 i 93 MP 'S , i mid-level try ' 2 Nurses Fruit trees distribution (MOO eaplinga`.¡. 14ìi4iUü 44.... 4 schools in Badal. Shalwat, Shagandol & Keshmand villages. Lalpur AINA AGRIC: Crop Product APWO COAST: Shelter ARCON COAST: Pub.Building Tor Khan Ongoing ARCON ARCON CONS!: Pub.Building Rinow- Parchaw Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARGON COAST: Pub.Bnilding Chaknawor Ongoing ARCON -- ARGON WATER: Drinking or Thai Ongoing -- . ARCON -- 92 - 92 Distribution of 5 MT DAP. 8 91 11 91 Repair of 157 damaged bouses in 9 villages - food- for -work project (184 MT wheat). Construction of Torkham mosque. -- -- -- - Health unit Construction of Chaknwar school. Rehabilitation of Trokhan well ATC MINES: Clearance Lalpur /Daka Ulya Diecontin UNOCHA 2 91 4 91 Cleared 17,921 grazing land. ATC MINES: Clearance Lalpur /Daka Ulya Diecontin UNOCHA 2 91 4 91 Destroyed 2 devices, cleared 17921 Sul garzland. ATC MINES: Clearance Shamshad Laipnr Completed UNOCHA 12 91 3 92 Destroyed 41 devices, cleared 209677 Sqm road & bill. CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- GAF AGRIC: Vet Lalpur Ongoing UNDP 11 91 6 93 1 assist DVM / 2 paravet / i gurad curative -& preventive service. JCE AGRIC: Crop Product lama Daka Completed FAO/UNDP 10 91 5 92 Distribution of 4 MT improved wheat seed ! 4 MT DAP ! 4 MT Urea. A C B A R ----------_. Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 169 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDID - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --Ind DESCRIPTION> Lalpur 1 93 Multiplication of improved sugar cane seed. JCE AGRIC: Crop Product gama Daka Completed UNDP 4 92 JCE AGRIC: Crop Product Kama Daka Completed FAO /UNDP 4 92 10 92 JCE CONST: Pub.Building Renow -Parchaw Completed ARCON 11 91 7 92 Construction of clinic building - 5 rooms I stone / cement I RCC / steel beam. JCE CONST: Pub.Building Renow -Parchaw Completed ARCON 11.91 8 92 Construction of primary school - 8 rooms / stone /cement / RCC / steel beam. JCE COKST: Pub.Building gama Daka Completed ASRA 1 91 4 91 Consturction of mosque (stone f PCC slab / steel beam). JCR WATER: FloodControl Lalpur Completed CIDA 1 92 6 92 Construction of 13 dikes i 1200 cubic N gabion work / 1,000 hectares land. NxWA CONST: Road Tor Eham Ongoing CIDA MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Lalpur Ongoing AID 5 91 -- -- 1 BMW NSfi HEALTH: Basic Post Dada Sufla Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 2 BMWs OMAR MINES: Awareness Tor Ihnm Completed UNOCHA 6 92 12 92 Safety lessons - 53078 people participated. OMAR NINES: Awareness Completed UKOCHA 1 92 6 92 Safety lessons - 5049 people participated. SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Chaknawor Completed FAO/UNDP 3 92 3 93 Multiplication of improved sugar cane & extension courses. SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Chaknawor Ongoing FAO 6 92 11 93 Multiplication of 3 MT improved maize seed (Shaheen / EV / Kessan), 3.1 MT Urea, 9MT DAP (through 487 farmers). SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Chaknawor Completed FAO/UNDP 3 92 3 93 Multiplication of 50 KT improved sugarcane (CP/357), 2.5 MT Urea, 1.5 MT DAP, 05 kg fungicide (through 42 farmers). SC-US AGRIC: Crop Product Chaknawor Ongoing FAO/UNDP 11.92 7 93 Multiplication of improved wheat seed & extension courses. SJAWO WATER: Canal Mir Sanga Completed HCR 1 93 4 93 Rehabilitation of Mir Sanga main canal - irrigates 800 4eribs. 12 92 4 93 960 m protection wall. Nangarhar -- 93 -- 93 Distribution of maize seed / DAP / Urea. Repairing of Torkham -Jal alabad paved road in 3 phases. f44 km) . Mohmand Para ADAg WATER: FloodControl 6 villages Completed UNDP ARCM CONST: Pub.Building Basavol Sufla Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Sayed Alas primary school. ARCM CONST: Pub.Building, Ghazgai Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Hazrat Anas school. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Bila Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Bazrat Abbas primary school. #O ST: Pub.Building Basawol Ulya Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Aiman Khan school. ARCH . ACBAR ---- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 170 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION SECTOR. AGENCY Nangarhar ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION --STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIYITY DESCRIPTION> Mohaand Dara Ongoing FAO 4 93 -- -- 5;000 trees (Apricot, peach, plum & persimon). Completed WFP -- Digging 5 wells &-installation of water pupa. Completed WFP 5 92 6 92 15 shallow well for about 30 villages. Completed 'MOCHA 1 90- 2 90 Cleared 3,096 soil road / grazing land. Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. Shelter Basawol Ongoing DACAAR 11 91 -- -- RCC production beans - for community housing. CONST: Shelter Bazar New Completed DACAAR -- 92 DACAAR CONS?: Pub.Building Ghazgal Completed DACAAR -- 92 DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Basawol/Ghazgai Completed DACAAR 3 91 1091 DACAAR CONST: Sanitation Several villages Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- -- Sanitation: elements for baths(335 installed). DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages Ongoing UNDP /Slf -- 91 -- 93 153 wells improved & 59 hand -pumps. BSA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 10 92 12 92 Distribution of improved seed & fertilizer. ERSA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing NRC/NCA. 2 93 12 93 ERSA CONST: Road Completed NRC/NCA 8 92 10 92 BSA CONST: Pub.Building Ongoing NRC/NCA 2 93 ERSA WATER: Canal Completed NRC/NCA 8 92 10 92 Construction of Girdi Ghat canal (75 a). ERSA WATER: FloodCot(trol -- Completed NRC/NCA 7 92 10 92 Construction of 300 m retaining wall. GAF AGRIC: Vet Mohmand Dare Ongoing UNDP 4 90 6 93 1 DVM / 2 paravet / -1 guard curative A preventive service. JCR AGRIC: Crop Product Amber Ihana Completed 10 91 6 92 Distribution of wheat seed / DAP / Urea. JCE WATER: garez Amber Ebene Completed: ARCON 9 91 4 92 Cleaing of.5 harms (4 km). MAWA AGRIC: Crop Product Maitland Darn Completed FAO 2 93 2 93 Multiplication of 16 MT sugar cane. ARDC AGRIC: Fruit Trees 3 villages ARE WATER: Drinking Gerdi Ghaws ARE WATER: Drinking Gerdi Ghays ATC MINES: Clearance CRAA EDUCAI: Other DACAAR. CONST: DACAAP. -- . . FAO/UNDP 3 93 Production of 6116 concrete beams. 1 primary school building 8 93 .2 schools, 1 in Baswul (9 rooms) & 1 in Ghazgai (13 rooms) cement /steel / brick [gravel /wood /,stone. .Farm mechanization / nursery & traction (3 tractors & 2 threshers). Repairing of 1.3 km road & ,4 culverts. ,Rehabilitation of Daká primary school. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 171 ARactrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar. MSH ---- VILLAGE(S) -- -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Mahmand Dora HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Basawol Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- 1 MD, 2 ME:. TECH, 1 DENTIST -M.D. 1 LAB TICE ASST. 2 ROOMS 3 BEDS. LABORATORY, DENTAL, ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY, VOLUNTEER HEALTH SISTER ala.i ,'VHS) AND DAI TRAINING Y 1 WATER: Structure RBS SOCIAL: Form Committ. Se -Us AGRIC: Crop Product, Gerdi Ghaws , -- Ongoing FAO 11 92 Ongoing RBS 1092 12 93 Completed *UN 12 90 11 91 9 93 Construction cf intake retaining wall & cleaning. cf canal (2,000 jeribs). Formation of social welfare committees. Distribution of 475 MT impr. wheat / 3.65MT maize in Basawul ! Chaknawor / Guldag & parts of Batikot. Also dist. of 50 cans impr. veg. to 100 families. SC -US AGRIC: Livestock Mehrrand Dare Ongoing TAF 2 91 7 93 Training cf 165 women in poultry production. SC-US AGRIC. Llvestoci Basawcl/Hazar New Calpieted TAv 3 91 2 92 Poultry project !Jyvv. (150 woman SC -US CONST: Shelter Completed aN9 NFP 3 91 Lu 91 wi^w,i SM ~4'vks tnn 39 faüT?160 Repair & reconstruction of the 675 earthquake damaged hnLvy : in 4 villages - food-for-work project. . SC -US INCOME: Handicrafts SC -US Basawol/Hazar Now Completed RAP 4 92 INCOME: Handicrafts Completed RAP 3 91 12 91 800 women are involved in_handicraft / embroidery. Products are sold at SCF Craft Shop in .Peshawar. SC -US WATER: garez Completed RAP 6 91 12 91 Rehabilitation of 12 karezes. S2 -US WATER: Structure Completed RAP /WFP 6 91 12 91 Construction of 750.1 retaining wall - food- for -work project. SC -US WATER: FloodControl -- Completed RAP 6 91 11 91 Construction of 86 m flood control. SCA AGRIC: Plant. Protec -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.27 MT agrochemicals. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinio Gerd! Ghawe Ongoing SCA 11 88 -- - 1 MD /.2 mid -level HWs / 1 Lab Tech. SJAWO AGRIC: Ongoing UNDP -- -- -- -- Distribution of 22,000 chickens amongst farmers for breeding purpsoses SJAWO EDUCAT: Literacy Gerdi Ghaws Completed TAF. 7 90 3 93 Trainees of vocational center are offered literacy + numeracy. SJAWO INCOME: Skill Train. Gerdi Ghaws Completed UNDP 5 91 1 92 Training in blacksmith & carpentry for repairing / manufacturing agricultural tools for farmers in their area. YARA AGRiC: Ongoing PAO Many villages Completed USA Gora lob Completed UNOCHA Livestock Crop Product Nangárhar ARAN ATC Crafts for women (income gen.prog) 4,800 kits have been given to 400 women (kit producers) on payment basis. Distribution of sugar cane for 64 farmers. Naziyan SOCIAL:Other MINIS: 3 93 Clearance 8 91 10 91 12 90 12 90 Assessment survey project relating to opium addicts. Destroyed 1 device, cleared 390E 10 m roads. DATABASE OF EGO ACTIVITIES Page: 172 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITI ---- VILLA6W) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Naziyan Nangarhar Ghundi Ongoing UNDP 7 91 -- -- Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- lazebiar Completed MIL 6 91 12 91 INCOME: Help Vulner. Naziyan Ongoing LBI MAI _DUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing MAI MCPA MINES: Completed UNOCHA Vet CRAA AGRIC: CRAA EDUCAT: Other IAAAF CONST: LBI Pub.Building Survey -- 89 - 2 91 Animal vaccination & treatment, i DVM 12 paravets & 1 guard. Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. School building - local materials. -- Orphanage -- 4 schools in Sarobi, Lal Mandi, Lelmi & Spinazi villages. 34E-grazing) & 1 in 5 m- fields, 2 in Tarkha(9,970 so-gr. ,1 1.170 eqm- canal) / 2 in Marcha: (7,676 sçm -res. / 1,315 2 91 Sharmokhi(405e4a- ree.). MSS?. HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing AID Agam Ongoing ARCON Morchal 1 MD, 9 91 -- -- 1 NURSE, 1 MED. TECH. 3 ROOMSi Pachier /Agam Nangarhar Pub.Building Construction of Abo Hanifa school. -- ARCON CONST: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 27 villages Approved EC/UNICF -- 93 -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. DESP AGRIC: Fruit Trees Aga: Completed FAO /GTZ DESP CONST: Shelter Agam Completed DESP CONST: Energy Cons. Agam GAF AGRIC: Crop Product GAF AGRIC: GAF . 2 90 4 90 Distribution & planting of 6,000 fruit saplings in 5 villages. GTZ 12 91 6 93 Reconstruction of 600 residential rooms / roofs - air dried stabalized bricks are used. Completed GTZ -- 92 -- -- Saber Completed FAO 12 92 Fruit Trees Saber Ongoing BMZ AGRIC: Vet Pachir Agam Ongoing UNDP 4 90 6 93' 1 DVM / 2paravet i 1-guard curative & preventive service. ïRC /RPA CONST: Sanitation Completed AustCare 9 92 1 93 Construction of 100 double -vault surface latrines IRC /RPA HEALTH: Education Completed AustCare 7 92 12 92 INF AGRIC: Belo Ehel/Morgi /Sa Ongoing ISBA INN HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Pachir Agam /Saber Ongoing Crop Product DCP Integration of at least 1 fuel - efficient cooking 6 93 heating device into each constructed room.- Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 200 farmers. Distribution of 5,000 fruit trees (apricot 1 peach /plums / persïmon / pears). 11 92 Basic health education messages on sanitation, waste disposal, clean water etc 7 93 5 93 12 93 Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP for 40 hectares of land. 1 Doctor / 2 nurses & 67 Pte. OPD /day. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 173 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION AGBNCI SECTOR Nangarhar MAI Sc A SCA ADAg ADAg APWO ARCON ARGON ARCO$ ARGON ARCON ARDCD ITC AVICBN CRAA DURATION Begin --Ind cACTIVITY MAI Agas Ongoing MAI -- HIALTB: Basic Post 'midi Ihel Ongoing AID 5 91 -- -- 1 BM AGRIC: -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 0.25 MT wheat seed & 0.25 MT DAP. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- $3 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Approved FAO/UNDP -- -- Rice seed-multiplication & distribution program. Eot Baïdar Ehani Approved FAO /UNDP -- -- Maize seed multiplication & distribution program. 5 villages Ongoing UNDP 11 93 7 93 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT fertilizer. Completed UNDP 1 91 9 92 Distribution of .20,000 Fayo'e .chickens to 1800 families. Crop Product Plant Protec AGRIC: Other Nangarhar ADAg FUNDID --BY -- Ongoing AGRIC: SCA. ACDO Aga' IDUCAT: Primary ESE ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- AGRIC: AGRIC: --AGRIC: AGRIC: WATIR: WATER:- CONST: COlST: CONST: WHIR: MINIS: Crop Product lot Salim Ihel Crop Product Crop Product Livestock 6 schools in Shahi, Levai Mina, Marsha, Pachir Ulia, Pachir Sufla & Saber villages. 20 villages Earez 5 vi11ages Completed UNDP 8 92 1 93 Rehab. of 7.5 ka tarez - irrigate 1720 hectares land - benefit 6250 farmers. Structure Mahan Completed 'UNDP 4 92 8 92 Construction of dike & ,retaining wall. Baser Shahi Ongoing ARGON Completed ARCH Besar Shahi Ongoing ARCON. -- Construction of Sershahi mosque. Sadar Beearak Ongoing ARCO! -- Construction of Dar Alhoffaz school. Roghani Ongoing ARCO! -- Construction of Holy Quran Dar. Tahfeez. 14 villages Ongoing UNDP 7 93 12 93 14 karezes. Bait-Surkh Devil Completed UNOCHA 5 92 Destroyed 102 devices, cleared 36045 Sol / road & canal. 115 villages Ongoing IC/UNIC! Ongoing OUP Pub.Building Zerbacha Pub.Building Pub.Building Pnb.Building Aare: Clearance HIALTB: Vaccination AGRIC: 7 schools in Ihogi ianbo, Pira Ibel, Wazir -Ahmed Ihel, Sangani, Mirza Ihel, Qilfo & Nish villages. Rodat COAST:' Pub.Building CONS!: DESCRIPTION> Pachier /Agam DUCAT: Pri'ary MAI ACDO -VILLAGES) - - -- Vet . - -- -- Construction of Abdullah Bin Mesood secondary school. Construction of Zarbachah mosque. 6 92 -- -- -- -- 1 92 -- -- 1 teas - 1 vaccinator Aniaal vaccination & treatment, 1DVM / 2 paravets & 1 guard. ACBAR DATABASE OF 100 ACTIVITIES Page: 174 - - --- ABactrep Date: 27/08/93 6TB IDITIO! AGENCY -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR-- --- - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED STATUS- - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Rodat Nangarhar 7 91 -- -- Animal vaccination & treatment, i DVM / 2 paravets & 1 guard. Barro Ongoing UNDP Total Area Ongoing. DCP 1192 -- -- Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. Road Besar Shahi Completed UNDP -- 92 -- 92 Technical survey of secondary roads. Drinking Several villages Ongoing BCR /Self -- 92 -- 93 -78 wells improved & 33 hand -pumps. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Hesar Sbahi Ongoing IIRO -- -- -- -- 2 BHUs. HEALTH: Basic Clinic lot Ongoing IIF.O -- -- -- - BHt Vet CRAP AGRIC: CRAA EDUCAT: Other CRP: CONST: DACAAR WATER: IIRO IIRO AGRIC: Crop Product Rodat Ongoing FAO /ISRA 5 93 11 93 Distribution of 0.45 MT rice seed & 3 MT DAP. ISRz AGRIC: Crop Product Rodat Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 YG Y Distribution 4ív1' : of of r'r 025 VY' MTl cotton cottonYL seed to progressive farmers. L'av ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution Of 0.5 MT maize seed & 1.5 MT DAP. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO 5 93 11 93 Distribution of 0.2 MT rice seed & 1.5 MT DAP. ISRA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Rodat Ongoing FAO 3 93 11 93 Distribution of 10,000 fruit saplings. ISRA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Mirju Ongoing ISRA 9 91 -- -- 1 doctor / 1 assistant / I lab tech. / female & sale helpers. LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Hesar Shahi Ongoing' LDI -- -- -- - MAI EDUCAT; Primary tot Ongoing MAI - MAWA AGRIC: Crop Product Rodat Completed FAO MAWA AGRIC: Crop Product Rodat Completed AGRIC: Crop Product Rohl MAP AGRIC: Crop Product -- AGRIC: MAWA ' -- -- -- Y' 4 mid -level BÏs OPD. 1 school. -- 94 -- 90 Multiplication of improved rice seed. FAO -- 90 -- 90 Multiplication' of 10 MT wheat seed. Ongoing FAO . 11 92 8 93 Multiplication cf 10 MT wheat seed. Rodat Completed CIDA -- 90 -- 90 Multiplication of 15 Crop Product Rodat Completed FAO -- 91 -- 92 Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed. AGRIC: Fruit Trees Rodat Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Seedlings of 5,000 fruit trees. NAVA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Rodat Ongoing FAO -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 5,000 fruit trees (almond / apple / peach) to farmers. MAWA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Rodat Completed DCP -- 92 -- 92 5,000 fruit tree saplings project. MAWA _ MAWA ' ACBAR ' ki improved onion seed. DATABASE-OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 175 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 _---= 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY, SECTOR Nangarhar - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BT -- Begin- -End ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> - - -- Rodat ..NAWA WATER: Karez Rodat Completed CIDA -- 90 -- 90 Cleaning of 4 karezes. KAWA WATER: Structure Rodat Ongoing CIDA -- 92 -- 93 Reconstruction of 10 culverts. MAWA WATER: Structure Rodat Completed CIDA -- 91 -- 92 Reconstruction of 80 m diversion dam. MCPA MINES: Survey 4 minefield Completed UNOCHA 192 12 92 41,273 Su agri.ïand & road. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Metrani Ongoing AID ' 85 -- -- 2 BMWs PDA WATER: Karez Barro Ongoing WFP 5 93 3 karezes - FFW RDA WATER: Karez Completed WFP -- -- -- - Rehabilitation of 8,500 linear M karez.- benefit 550 farming fam,,44. -SAA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SAA -- 91 -- -- Distribution of 50 bags fertilizer & improved wheat seed (at the cost of Rä.45,000) to SAA teachers plus some poor . 8 93 farmers. SAA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Shahikot/Mazina Completed Self SAA AGRIC: Livestock Aza Ebel Ongoing SAA -- -- -- -- SAA EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing SAA 10 90 -- t- SAA EDUCAT: Secondary Ongoing SAA -- -- -- -- SCA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: Other SCA CONST: Pub.Building SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary Nangarhar DESP CONST: Narigarhar AAA AGRIC: -- 1 92 Distribution of 18,000 trees ( differen types) to 3,600 families in sot, Mazina & Shahi lot. 2 92 Bee Keeping farm (123 hives). ' 6 schools (1,200 students, 24 teachers) up to 3 grades. 800 students. %Completed SCA 0 92 Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Besar Shahi Ongoing SCA 6 Meeran Ongoing SCA 2 89 -- -- 5 did -level BWs / 1 dental Tech. / 1 Lab Tech. Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- 4 schools in Said Ahmed Ehel, Chaparhar, Jabha lot, Laghanjoi & Morgai villages. Completed GTZ -- 02 -- 92 Establishment of at least 30 bakeries in different parts of Nangarhar with improved bakery ovens. Completed MCI 11 90 Multiplication of 175 MT wheat seed & 420 NT fertilizer. -- 92 93 12 93 Distribution of 2.05 HT wheat seed, 2.05 NT DAP & 1.55 NT Urea. Agriculture survey on 108 villages, Construction of primary school with stone masonry (8 roofs). Several Diet. Other Sherzad Crop Product Hama Ehel 7 91- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 176 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SBCTOR Nangarhar ----VILLAGEiSI---- --STATUS-- FUNDED DURATION ---BY-- Begin--End tACTIVITY Sherzad AAA AGRIC: Livestock Tutu Completed UNDP 7 92 9 92 Poultry: distribution of 18,000 chickens. AAA WATER: Canal Hama Ebel Completed HCR 5 90 2 91 Rehabilitation of canal - irrigates 700 jeribs land. AAA WATER: Canal Tutu Completed HCR 8 89 12 89 lodi lhel Approved FAO /UNDP Tutu /Marki Ebel Completed HCR Crop Product Ongoing FAO /UNDP AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- Fruit trees & forest nurseries. AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed FAO 12 91 -- 92 Fruit trees & forest nurseries. WATER: Canal Completed HCR WATER: Canal Completed ACDO ARDP ARDP ARD: ARDP ARDP ARD? ARE ARR ARR ARR ARR ARR DCA DCA DCA DCA DESP GAC AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC AGRIC: AGRIC: Crop Product Crop Product Rehabilitation ,af 2 km canal - irrigates 4000 jeribs & benefit 800 farmer families. -- -- -- -- 5 90 Maize seed multiplication & distribution program. 5 91 Distribution of 155.46 MT Pak -81 / 105 MT DAP / 21e MT Urea. Production of improved wheat seed. 3 90 2 91 Irrigation repair. HCR 10 89 12 89 Irrigation repair. Distribution of 6 MT Pak -81 / i MT Prisabak-85 16 MT Urea 16 MT DAP tc 117 farmers in 3 villages. Crop Product Gandumak Completed FAO/UNDP 10 91 -- -- Crop Product Gandusak /Tutu/Rod Completed FAO /UNDP 6 92 10 92 -- Ongoing FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Crop Product Gandumak Ongoing FAO 6 93 10 93 Distribution of 0.15 MT maize seed 12.1 MT DAP. Fruit Trees Gandmak Ongoing FAO/DCP 1 93 12 93 Distribution of 5,000 budded tree saplings (2,000 apricot / 500 peach ! 1,000 plum / 250 fipple), to 96 families. Fruit Trees Gandumak/Tutu/Rod Completed DCP /FAO 3 92 1292 Distribution of 6000 fruit trees (apple i apricot / plum / peach Crop Product Distribution of 1 MT Shaheen maize seed ;' 3 MT DAP / 1 MT Urea Vet Qadir Ebel Ongoing OUP 4 92 -- -- 1 paravet. AGRIC: Vet Gandumak Ongoing UNDP B 91 - Central clinic with 1 veterinarian & 1 vet. assistant. AGRIC: Vet. Marki Ebel Ongoing UNDP Il 92 -- -- 1 vaccinator. AGRIC: Vet Tutu Ongoing UNDP 11 92 -- -- 1 vaccinator. CONST: Pub.Building lodiAhel Completed FRG 10 92 School construction (8 rooms) - local material. lodi Ehel Ongoing HEALTH: Basic Clinic ------------------ . -- 6 93 to 57 farmers. Distribution of 10 MT improved wheat seed & 10 MT DAP & Urea. AGRIC: A C B A R DESCRIPTION> pear) through 350 farmers. Sub clinic of GAC hospital. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 177 A6actrep Date: 27 /08/93 - -- 6TH EDITION i - - -- VILLAGE(S) - -° SECTOR AGENCY ACTIVITI FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- -BY Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Sherzad Nangarhar GAC HEALTH: Basic Clinic Marki Ehel TIRO HEALTH: . Basic Clinic Center/Tutu LBI AGRIC: Crop Product LBI AGRIC: LBI WATER: MAI EDUCAT: Primary MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic MS" Ongoing -- -- -- -- Sub clinic of GAC hospital. Ongoing IIRO -- -- -- -- 2 BHUe. 10 villages Completed FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP. Machinery Tutu Ongoing LBI -- 92 -- -- 2 tractors /1 trailer á 10 sprayers. Earez 5 villages Completed UNDPILBI -- 92 -- 93 Cleaning of 5 karezea (1310 11). Ongoing MAI - Gandumak Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- HEALTH: Basic Clinic Fedi Ebel Ongoing Al. 10 88 -- -- MSI? HEALTH: Basic Post Khair Marki Ihel -H Ongoing AID 3 PRE AGRIC: Livestock Gandumak Completed UNDP 2 93 SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.085 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 17 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic lodi Mel Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- VITA CONST: Road Gandumak Ongoing AID 7 1 villages Ongoing UNICEF 4 91 -- 5 92 Nangarhar , -- -- -- 88 -- -- 6 93 92 -- -- 12 schools in Wazir Tatang, Nakar bhel, Hashim Ihel, Ganduaak, Shamal, Bandai, Narai Jabba, Tutu (5) villages. 1 MED. TECH., 1 LAB. TECH. ASST. 4 MED. TECH. 3 ROOMS 3 BHWs Distribution of 14,000 bread of chicken to 700 families of Gandumak. 3 mid -level Ho I 1 Nurse / 1 Lab Tech. Rehabilitation of road from Gandumak to Mana ibel, benefit 3,200 families. Shinwar -- Polio /measles /D.P.T A T.T. AESAO HEALTH: Vaccination APWO AGRIC: Crop Product Ghani the' Completed FAO/UNDP ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Ghani Ehel Ongoing ARGON ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Deb Barak Ongoing ARCON Construction of Abdullah Bin Abbas intermediate school. ARCON CONK: Pub.Building Golayee Ongoing ARCON Construction of Golayee mosque. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Ghani Mel Ongoing ARCON ACBAR 8 92 -- -- -- -- -- Maize seed multiplication project (1 MT maize, 1 MT urea, 3 MT DAP). Hdney Bees Repairing of Ghani ihel clinic. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 178 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY Nangarhar FUNDED DURATION BY- Begin -End STATUS- <ACTIVITY CONST: Pub.Building Deli Sarak. Completed ARCON -- Construction of Abdullah Bin Abbas school. /IKON CONST: Pub.Building Golayee Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Aishaheed Tar Mohammad school. ARGON CONST: Other Ghani Ehel Ongoing ARGON ',WATER: larez Golayee Ongoing ARCON -- Rehabilitation of Golayee karez. ARCON WATER: Karel Ongoing .ARCON -- Rehabilitation of Ghani Ehel karez. ARDCD AGRIC.: Crop Product 3 villages Ongoing FAO/UNDP ABC!) Crop Product 3 villages .Ongoing FAO 4 93 ATC Clearance Ghani Ebel Ditcontin UNOCHA 2 91 Clearance Ghani Ebel Completed 'MOCHA Vet Ghani Ebel Ongoing UNDP A'C 744 , MIRES: 'AGRIC: . 12 92 7 93 Repairing of workshop. Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP te 100 farmers. C. 4 91 MT maize seed & 1 MT'DAP. Destreyed 1 device, cleared 7,107 zgt grazing land. Destroyed 1 devices, cleared 7107 Sqa grazing land. 7 91 Animal vaccination & treatment, 1 DVM / 2 paravets & 1 guard. -- CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- Narcotic awareness, I extension agent. IDA WATER: Canal Ghani Khel Ongoing Pvt. -- 92 -- RehaMitation of 1 Km canal. IIRO HEALTH: Basic Clinic Muni Khel Ongoing IIRO LBI EDUCAT: Madrasa Ghani Ebel Ongoing LBI MCP A MINES: Center Completed UNOCill 2 91 MS!! HEALTH: Compr.Clinie Golayee Ongoing AID 7 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Golayee Ongoing AID 11 89 i Bill RBS SOCIAL:Commu.Particp Ongoing RBS 10 92 12 93 Center for disabled children. SCL AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 0.1 MT wheat seed & 0.1 MT DAP. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.2 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 HT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing '3CA ACBAR DESCRIPTION> Shinwar. ARCON ARCON . -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR AGENCY Survey . -- BHU bran memorization center -- 89 0 2 2 mine fields (11,935 sq 92 1 MD, 1 doctor assistant, 2 medical tech., 1 lab tech assistant - 4 rooms & laboratory. 89 93 -- 93, Agriculture survey on 40 villages. DATABASE OF BOO ACTIVITIES Page: 179 Bactrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar UNO AGRIC: TARA Crop Product AGRIC: TARA Crop Product AGRIC: TARA Crop Product AGRIC: YARA Fruit Tree! AGRIC: Fruit Trees Nangarhar WI AGRIC: ACY AGRIC: ACDO AGRIC: ADAg AGRIC: ADAg AGRIC: ADAg AGRIC: ADAg CONST: AHDS 2 CONST: ANDS ARDS AHSAO ARRAN Crop Product Crop Product Crop Product Crop Product Crop Product Crop Product CORM Pub.Building ARDS. Pub.Building Pub.Building HEALTH: Basic- Post - HEALTH: Basic Post HEALTH: Basic Post HEALTH: Vaccination. AGRIC: FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION Begin --End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> -- Ongoing AID -- Ongoing FAO/UNDP Ongoing FAO 5 93 -- -- Multiplication of 300 Kg maize seed (8 Ig for each farmer). Ongoing FAO 5 93 -- -- Multiplication of 50 Kg sung beano (2.5 1g for each farmer). Ghani Ihel Ongoing FAO 3 93 -- 94 Distribution of 5,00 fruit trees. Ghani Ebel Ongoing FAO 3 93 -- 94 Distribution of 5,000 fruit trees. Ongoing FAO Ghani Ihel Ghani Ihel 9 90 -- -- 1 school in Ihwaja Ahmad Ihel village. -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 10 NT wheat & 5 MT DAP. Surkh Rod WATER:. Canal ANDS -- STATUS -- Shinwar EDUCAT: Primary TARA ARDS - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Crop Product Surkh Rod Iakr., Iatrak ' 4 villages 6 villages 5 villages 18 villages 11 92 7 93 Multiplication of wheat seed & fertilizer. Approved FAO /UNDP -- -- -- -- Maize seed multiplication & distribution program. Approved FAO /UNDP -- -- -- -- Rice seed multiplication & distribution program. Completed UNDP 3 92 3 93 Multiplication of 50 MT sugar cane & 4 MT fertilizer. Ongoing UNDP 3 93 2 94 Multiplication of 24 MT sugar cane & 0.8 MT fertilizer. Ongoing .UNDP 1I 92 7'93 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT fertilizer. Completed UNDP 11 $2 4 93 Rehabilitation of 44.75 km canal Baghbani Completed WHO -- -- -- -- Construction of BHU building. Asir Ihel Completed WHO -- Construction of BHU building. SJfamshapoor Completed WHO -- Construction of BHU building. 5hamshapoor Ongoing WHO -- Running cost for 1 year. Baghbani Ongoing WHO -- -- -- -- Running cost for 1 year. Ongoing WHO -- Running cost for i year. Ongoing UNICEF Ongoing FAO/UNDP Amir Ihel -10 villages Dehbala ' - --13 -- -2 93 12 93 irrigates 2576 ha.. land - benefit 1190 farmers. Polio /seasles/D.P.T & T.T Multiplication & distribution of 24 MT improved sugar cane seed & 850 kg fertilizer. ACBAR DATABASE OF 1G0 ACTIVITIBS 6TH EDITION Page: 180 A6acirep Date: 27/06/93 . ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR -- -- VILLAGE(S) - --- Nangarhar BRAN AGRIC: AFWO FUNDED --STATUS -- DURATION - - -BY -- Begin- -Ind <ACTIVITY Surkh Rod Crop Product Sultanpur Sufla Ongoing FAO/UNDP 11 92 AGRIC:. Crop Product -- Completed FAO 11 91 11 91 ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product Fatehabad Ongoing FAO/UNDP -- Production of improved wheat seed. ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO/UNDP -- Multiplication of improved rice seed. ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO/UNDP -- -- - -- Multiplication of improved maize seed. ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO/UNDP 3 92 3 93 Multiplication of improved sugar cane. ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO -- ARDP AGRIC: Fruit Trees -- Ongoing FAO 2 92 -- -- Distribution of fruit trees. ARE WATER: Canal Saydan Gharbi Completed UNDP 8 91 10 92 Cleaning of 6 canals. ARR WATER: Canal Sultanpur Sufla Completed IRC /RPA ARR WATER: Canal Sultanpur Completed IRC/RPA ARR WATER: Canal Completed IRC /RPA ATC MINES: Clearance 3 villages Completed UNOCHA AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 33 _villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- -- -- -- i team - 2 vaccinators CIUP AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed, 6.75 MT DAP. CRAA AGRIC: Vet Sultanpur Ongoing UNDP CRAA EDUCAT: Other Total Area Ongoing DCP 11 92 -- -- Narcotic awareness, 1 extension agent. CRR CONST: Road Completed UNDP -- 92 -- 92 Technical survey of secondary roads. DACAAR WATER: Canal Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- 93 Cleaning of Bazi Ihel canal. RRSE. AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing NRC/ICA 2 93 ERSA CONSTI Pub.Building Ongoing IRC/NCA S 93 12 93 ACBAR DESCP.IPTIOA> : Completed Bazid bhel -- . FAO/UNDP 7 93 Multiplication & distribution of 5 MTïmproved wheat seed & 5 M7 fertilizer. Distribution of 20 IT wheat seed f 20 MT DAP to 800 farmers in 10 vi:lages. -- 02 -- 92 11 92 Multiplication of improved sugar cane seed. Multiplication of improved sugar cane. Rehabilitation of 12 km canal. 1 93 8 92 10 92 -- 92 - -- 6 92.12.92 6 92 -- -- 1 94 Canal & spring cleaning. Rehabilitation of 8 km canal (Nahr Shahl). Destroyed 5009 devices 680662 So / grazing land / canal & road. Animal vaccination & treatment, 1 DVM / 2 paravets & i guard. Farm mechanization, ploughing & threshing(1 thresher. & 3 tractors). Construction- of 2 primary .school. DATABASS OF IGO ACTTIYITIBS Page: .181 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 67H EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED DURATION < ACTIVITY - --BY -- Completed NRC /NCA 2 93 3 93 Rehabilitation of Sayedan- e- Foladi intake (25 m), irrigates 3,000 jeribs & benefit 525 families. Completed NRC,'NCA 2 93 3 93 Rehabilitation of Dewaliad intake (100 a), irrigates 1.600 jeribs & benefit 280 families. Begin- -End Surkh Rod -- ERSA .WATER: Structure ERSA WATER: Structure ERSA WATER: Drinking -- Approved NRC /NCA -- 93 -- -- GAF AGRIC: Crop Product Balabagh Ongoing IRC 12 92 GAF AGRIC: Crop Product Balabagh Ongoing FAO IHSAN WATER: Garez Sia Sang Completed WFP 12 92 1 93 Rehabilitation of 3 karezes. IS:SAB WATER: Canal v.a Sang ang L4Completed a., . WFP 12-92 1 93 ., :H AN WA Canal Char Bagh Completed WFP 9J 4 .94 Rehabilitation of Bahia canal t! WATER: Structure Sia Sang. Completed WFP 12 92 1 93 Construction of 9 reservoirs. KNF AGRIC: Crop Product Saydan Arabi /Eushk Ongoing RAP 12 92 '7 93 MCPA MINES: Survey 28 minefields Completed UNOCHA MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Fatehabad Ongoing AID 12 87 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Baghtan Ongoing AID 12 90 -- -- MqH HEALTH: MCA Bagrami Ongoing AID 8 92 -- -- TUMAC DESCRIPTION> -- STATUS -- ' Construction of wells. 7 93 Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 200 farmers. 3 93 11 93 Distribution cf 16 MT sugar cane 550 MT DAP to 48 farmers. 5 water, courses & rehabilitation. ;'f : fords.. . ... .. k`¡ . 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP for 40 hectares of 1 92 12 92 land. 767,391 Sig / irrigation / C.V.agr. / road & ag.viliage. 1 MD 2 MED :TECH, 1 LAB TECH. ASST. 2 ROOMS, 5 BEDS 3 BHWs 1 MD, 1 MCHO, 2 Dai 3 Rooms, women / children under 5 care; health education Volunteer Health Sisters (VHS) and Dai training programs. NPO INCOME: Help Vulner. Surkh Rod Ongoing NRC /NCA` 4 93 -- 93 NPO WATER: Drinking Surkh Rod Completed NRC /NCA 3 93 OMAR MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA 6 92 12 92' Safety lessons - 15075 people participated. PDA CONST: Pub.Building Zulmabad Completed IIRO 2 93 Construction of a mosque PDA WATER: Canal Chaknowri Ongoing WFP 6 93 -- -- PRE AGRIC: Crop Product Sultanpur Ulya Completed FAO 12 92 RSSA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAOÌUNDP -- 92 -- 93 ACHAR 5 93 5-93 7 93 Assistance to vulnerable groups in community. Well with community participation. concrete). Rehabilitation of 7 km canal. Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 100 farmers. Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 182 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- , DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Surkh Rod Nangarhar Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 6.075 MT wheat seed, 6.075 MT DAP & 8.95 MT Urea. Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.27 MT agrochemicaïs. AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.125 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 112 villages. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- 1 MD 1 9 mid -level Bits / i Lab Tech. SCA EDUCAT: Teacher T. Ongoing EC,1B.Gvt -- 84 -- -- schools Through resource centers in schools SOS -PG UNO EDJGA Ongoing AID SCE AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: SCE -- Char Bagh Primary schooi in 3 NQ LL a£* a k t , month courses course two F half month .5 ay seminarsY & practical practical work in classrooms. village. Unspecified Nangarhar ACLU CONST: Road Torkham -Kabul Ongoing AID -- -- -- -- Repair of Torkham-Kabul highway. CONST: Bridge Torkham -Kabul Ongoing AID -- -- -- -- Construction ! reconstruction of aeveral bridges along Torkham - Kabul highway. ACLU READ SOCIAL :Other All parte Ongoing TAF 5 92 -- 93 ISRA WATER: Different villages Ongoing ISRA MSF -H HEALTH: Other Various Ongoing NSF-H HEALTH: Other All parta RDA Advocacy f awarenessíregistry & feasibility studies on disabilities. -- 92 -- 93 1? shallow wells. WHO -- 93 -- -- Malaria control including bed net distribution. Ongoing NSF -- 93 -- - Completed WFP -- -- -- -- Distribution of 200 MT wheat and other goods. RELIEF:Food Items RELIEF:Help Returnee Ongoing *Donors -- 92 -- -- Goods distribution on limited basis to assist in repatriation. SERVE SOS -PG INCOME: HelpCraftmen Ongoing EC Drinking ' 7 92 6 94 . Monitoring & technical evaluation of microscopists. Provision of toolkite & credit facilities to small enterprises. 25% of the beneficiaries are selected from vulnerable troupe. SOS -PG INCOME: Skill Train. Nimroz VARA AGRIC: liCBAR Ongoing EC Completed FAO 7 92 6 94 Training of 26 trades by placement in apprenticeship. 12 92 1 93 Distribution of 9 MT wheat seed k 9 MT DAP. Chakhansur Crop Product 30 villages DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 183 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGENT SECTOR Nimroz -- -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION - ---------------tACTIYITI Begin - -Ind Char Borjak HEALTH: Compr.Clinic -- Completed AID VARA EDUCAT: Primary Bandar Completed Comunity 7 91 VARA WATER: Bandar Completed Coaunity 9 91 11 91 7 minefieide Completed UNOCHA Mohd Seddiq Ongoing AID Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 71337 Sqn canal. Completed UNOCHA 1 93 42050 Sqm road/35743 Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- MCI DáSCYIPTIOA> Canal Nimroz 11 90 -- 8 - i MD I 1 lab -tech / 1 dental -tech I 1 sid -level MW do 1 first aider - Lab / First aid i dental & OYD. 91 1 school 12 teachers & 45 students. Cleaning of canal / irrigates 3,000 jeribs & benefit 300 families. Kang/Ktirki MCPA MINES: MSR HEALTH: Basic: Post SWAAD MINES: Clearance SWARD MINES: Clearance Survey -4 viiiagee sang 1 42 12 92 145,096 5qm irrigation. 12 88 -- -- 1 BHW 3 93 Sqa canal. UNi! EDUCAT: Primary Vim AGRIC: Crop Product 20 villages Ongoing FAO/UNDP VARA AGRIC: Vet 15 villages Completed UNDP 6 92 11 92 Aarez Completed RAP 1 91 Canal Ongoing RAP 9 90 -- -- Shishaba Ongoing AID 12 88 -- -- 1 BIN 25 villages Ongoing URN 12 92 -- -- 2 DVMs / 4 paravets - vaccination / de- worming & treatment training. 25 villages Ongoing FAO/UNDP 12 92 Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP. 3 villages Ongoing CIDA Nimroz CHA CHA MSH WATER: VATBR: HEALTH: Basic Post AGRIC: Nimroz VARA VAR AGRIC: 7 93 Multiplication of 10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP. 1 DYE / i paravet / 1 vaccinator. Khosh Rod Nimroz VARA 12 92 1 school in Sarlof village. 6 91 Rehabilitation of 5 karezes - irrigate 18,400 jeribs & benefit 422 families. Rehabilitation of 2 canals (total length 12 ka) in Shasbaba Pushta Basan. Nimroz Vet Zaranj Crop Product INCOME: Skill Train; 2'93 7 93 7 93 Carpet weaving training with 30 trainee' for 6 months. Page: 184 A6sctrep Date: 27 /08/93 ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin - -Ind Ai restan Oruzgan !ICI HEALTH: Basic- C1inic -- Completed AID 4 87 -- -- MSE HEALTH: Basic Post Qalandar Ihel Ongoing AID 10 87 -- -- IISH HEALTH: Vaccination Ajrestan Ongoiñg AID /UN 9 89 -- -- 1 lab tech I 1 dental tech & 1 mid -level Hit - Lab i OPD & dental. 7 ERR! 6 VACCINATORS COVER 22 VILLAGES IN AJRESTAN DISTRICT (2607) IN UROZGAN PROVINCE. AND WOMEN 5 -45 HEALTH: Basic Clinic SCA Oruzgan DISCRIPTION> Center Ongoing SCA YEARS. 3 mid -level HWa. Chorah 193 4 94 Distribution of 5C.75 MT wheat seed & 79 MT fertilizer to 966 farmers for muff ADA AGRIC: Crop Product All villages Ongeing NRC /RCA ADA WATER: garez 9 vi .a gPs Completed Rdi SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing SCA 0 92 -- 93 Distribution of 2.94 MT wheat seed, 2.4 MT DAP & 3.4 MT Urea. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 92 -- 93 Provision of 0.28 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.2 MT agrochemical!. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 'Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 98 villages. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- 1 school in Qala Rag. 12 villages Ongoing EC /UOICF -- -- -- -- 2 teams - 2 vaccinators Oruzgan -- 6 g Q (r- 744r4ng .lTP/remórt. rl 9 Ea"?zee irrigata 985 uP:. es s'; ^afio^ benefit 281 farmers. Dai. Aundi AVICBN HEALTH: Vaccination BURC AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Completed FAO 10 92 11 92 Multipli cation of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 200 farmers. GRC AGRIC: Fruit Trees 19 villages Completed FAO 11 91 11 91 9,000 fruit trees / tipple I apricot & peach saplings distributed for 309 farmers. GRC CORST: Road 15 villages Completed Public 8 90 12 $0 Repair of 100 km road by cooperation of public -GRC. GRC CONST: Pub.Building 90 villages Ongoing Spe.D 3 93 -- - Hospital with 10 rooms - stone & cement. GRC EDUCAT: Primary lhadir Ongoing GRC 6 92 -- -- 1 school in lhadir Dah lundi. MSE HEALTH: Basic Clinic Eshter Lee Ongoing AID 1 92 - A C B- A R TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 IEARS -- 3 M.T. 2 ROOMS DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 185 A6actrep Date: 27!08/93 6°H BD":ON ACTIVITY SECTOR IGENCY Oruzgan - - -- VILLAGE(S) - --- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End Dai Kundi MSE HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sang Moem Ongoing AIr 4 91 3 MED. TECH., i DENTAL TECH. ASST. M3S HEALTH: Basic Post Sang Takht Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- 3 BHWs SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Oruzgán LNnD ERIC:- rn nF Product Deb Rc ud Ongoing FA AMC ACMrC: Crop Product Det, Raud Ongoing FAn/JNPP 12 92 -- -- IMO µA?^: Crop Product _ Ongoing FAO/UND; 11 32 M^' HEALTH: Basic Pili.. Completed AID F 88 Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 3 BHWe SC ' HEALTH: Basic Post villages Miyandoo Multiplication r improved }hcUt seed. 12 92 .,..r ... ., Multiplication of F -- a nurse e . ,#,i,eat ,.r.. i. wheat seed Plant Protec Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.105 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: . Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.2 MT agroche L+...v icals iaiv. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 5 89 -- -- 2 mid -level HMIs / 1 Lab Tech. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 12'87 -- -- Temzan Ulya Ongoing AID 12 88 -- -- Gezab Ongoing AIDIUN Oruzgan Center HEALTH: Basic Poet MSH HEALTH: Vaccination -'aV. detta 1 & OPD. ' 6 schools in Tarak Timak(2), Miando(2), Sikzai & Band Toghi.. - 1 92 -- -- 1 BHW 4 VACCINATORS COVER 12 VILLAGES IN GEZAB AND WOMEN 5 -45 DISTRICT (2608), UROZGAN PROVINCE. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS YEARS. Kajran AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination BURC AGRIC: A C B A R 1t0 Gezab MSH Oruzgan 5 #^ }E. a Lc} tech & a meìa e e. -(jL+ AGRIC: ' 4 ROOMS. DENTAL Deh Raiad ARO MSH DESCRIPTION> Crop Product 49 villages Ongoing ECIUNICF -- 2 teams - 4 vaccinators 5 villages Completed FAO 10 92 11 92 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 200 farmers. DATABASE OF NO ACTIVITIES Page: 186 A6actrep Date: 27/0813 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENC°. Oruzgan GRC AGRIC: GRC VILLAGES)- - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Kai ran Fruit Trees 29 villages Completed FAO 3 91 RELIEF:Food Items 83 villages Completed UNDP 9 90 11 90 310 MT wheat for 1692 families. GRC RELIEF:Food Items 35 villages Completed WFP 5 90 6 90 50 MT wheat for 379 families due to shortage of food in the area. GRC WATER: 3 villages. Discontin UNDP/WFP 6 91 8 91 Cleaning of canal - benefit 180 farmers - discontinued due to conflict. MCI HEALTH: BasicrClinic Completed AID 4 87 -- -- 1 lab tech / 1 dental tech I 1 mid -level HW & 1 first Aider - Lab I OPD / dental & first aid. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shah Joy Ongoing AID 1 90 -- -- 2 MED. TECH.. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Dasht Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 2 BHWs Oruzgan Canai 15,000 fruit trees distributed for 445 farmer families. 4 91. i NURSE 1 ROOM, DENTAL C?ruzgan ADA. AGRIC: Crop Product All villages Ongoing NRC /NCA 1 93 4 94 Distribution of 80.5 MT wheat seed & 127 MT fertilizer to 1533 farmers for multiplication. ADA AGRIC: Machinery All villages Ongoing NRC /NCA., 1 93 4 94 7 tractors & 5 threshers to plough 7650 jeribs land. ADA AGRIC Plant Protec All villages Ongoing NRC /NCA 1 93 4 94 Spraying of 5.000 jeribs of orchard for the benefit of 2,500 farmers. ADA CONST: Sanitation 3 villages Ongoing NRC /NCA 5 93 4 94 Construction of 75 pit latrines & installation of 3 shallow wells for 75 families. ADA INCOME: Skill Train. 8 villages Ongoing EC 5 93 4 94 Training of 45 students in masonry / gabion weaving / pit latrine / pump maintenance / tractor repairing & veterinary. ADA WATER: larez Shah Agha Ongoing NRC /NCA 1 93 ADA WATER: Karez 7 villages Completed RAP 6 92 11 92 Cleaning & improvement of 7 karezes / irrigate 530 jerba k benefit 145 farmers. ADA WATER: Canal 3 villages Ongoing NRC /NCA 1 93 -- 93 Cleaning & deveplopme*t of canal / irrigates 5,000 jeiibe &benefit 1,500 farmers. GRC AGRIC: Crop Product 42 villages Completed FAO 9 92 11 92 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT fertilizer distributed for farmers`. MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic -- Completed AID 5 91 -- -- 2 first Aiders & 1 mid -level NW - Fire aid & OPD. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Sayedan Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 4 BHWs SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec - Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.3 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec - Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.3 MT agrochemicals. IACBAR 4 93 Cleaning & improvement of 30 karezes / irrigate 7,665 jeribs & benefit 648 farmers. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION J Page: 187 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End - --BY -- Oruzgan Oruzgan SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 87 villages SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 g -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 11 92 -- -- UNC EDUCAT: Psimary Ongoing AID 3 87 -- -- Oruzgan Center Elias Oruzga" 2 mid -level HWs. 8 schools in Balock(2), 'Mamba:- Deb Javz(2), Ehurma, Eakrak & Qali Kale villages. Shahrietan AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 34 villages Approved. SC,'UNICF -- 93 -- -- )c AGRIC: Vet Woi Jan Ongoing Dutch G. 12 92 -- -- 1 paravet. Da AGRIC: Vet Moher Ongcing Dutch G. 12 92 -- -- 1 paravet. MBE HEALTH: Basic Clinic Chaprasak Ongoing AD 9 91 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Bargar Hasan Reza Ongoing AID 9.91 -- -- KB HEALTH: Basic Post Char Sad Plana Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Olgan Ongoing SCA 11 89 -- -- Ongoing NRC/NCA Oruzgan DESCRIPTION> 1 team - 3 vaccinators 3 MED. TECH. DENTAL 2 MED. TECH. 1 BHW.i ' 3 BEVe 2 MD 1 4 mid -level HWs / 1 Lab Tech. Tirin ADA AGRIC: Crop Product All villages ADA CONST: Sanitation ' villages Ongoing NRC/NCA ADA INCOME: Skill Train. I villages Ongoing ADA WATER: Xeres 30 villages ADA WATER: Canal EAFA AGRIC: Crop Product IAHC 1 93 4 94 5 93 4 94 EC 5 93 4 94 Completed NRC/WFP 6 92 12 92 Cleaning & improvement of 30 karezes / irrigate 6396 jeribs & benefit 717 farmers. 11 villages Ongoing EC 5 93 Cleaning & development of 6 canals / irrigate 24,300 jeribs & benefit 4800 farmers. 15 villages Completed AID HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Tirin Kot Ongoing NOVIB 1AHC HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Mehrabad Ongoing NOVIB Ott HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Completed AID ' . 4 94 -- -- 11 91 Distribution of 80.5 MT wheat seed & 127 MT fertilizer to 1539 farmers for multiplication. ' Construction of 75 pit latrines & installations of 3 shallow wells for 75 families. Training of 25 students in masonry / gabion weaving / pit latrine & pump maintenance. Distribution of 50 MT DAP. 6 MLHWs / 10 beds / lab / small surgery / 40 patients OBI day. -- 1 88 -- -- 6 MLHWs / 10 beds / lab / small surgery 140 patients OPD / day. 1 mid -level HW / 1 X- ray -tech ! 2 dental -tech / 1 lab -tech & 1 fist aider. - X -ray I dental / lab / first aid & OPD. 4 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 188 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Oruzgan VILLAGE(S)- DURATION -_ FUNDED -STATUS BY- Begin- -End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Tirin MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic -- Completed AID 2 89 12 92 1 mid -level BW / 1 lab tech & i dental tech MSH HEALTH: Basic ?oat Surkh Murghab Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 3 BRWs RDA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 10 91 7 RDA WATER: Karez Completed WFP it 92 1 93 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.15 NT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIO: Plant Protec -Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.25 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 88 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. SWFAO AGRIC: Crop Product Center SWFAO AGRIC: Crop Product Tirin Kot SWFAO AGRIC: Fruit Trees :Thin Kot -r 'Ongoing FAO/UNDP 92 Multiplication of seed at the cost of Rs. 333.920. Rehabilitation of 16.3 is karez 10 92 -- 93 Ongoing FAO Completed FAO/HCR 10 92 Ongoing BC/UNICF -- 5 93 benefit 565 farming f *flies. Distribution of 10.MT improved wheat seed (pat 81) & 10 MT fertilizer. 9 93 3 - OPD t Lab & dental. Multiplication of sung bean & maize seed with fertilizer. 93 Distribution of 30,000 fruit trees to 2,000 families. -- Students Btirmal Pakteka AVICEN HEALTR: Vaccination 15 villages CARE SOCIAL:Fors Committ. Barial Completed AID 0 0 0 92 Formed 2 local sburas in different areas & held perìàdic meetings discussing CARE WATER: Canal Banal Completed AID -- 0 0 92 ' Repair of 2 canals in Nkali / Margha. CARE WATER: Structure Barmal Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Repair of Protection Walla in Nkali iaski & Margha with total length 630s. DCA AGRIC: Vet Sharif Khel Ongoing UNDP 11 92 -- -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Margha Ongoing UDR 5 91 -- -- Central clinic with l veterinarian & 2 vaccinators. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Barmal Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 5 BHWs START WATER: Barmal Completed UNDP 3 92 Rehabilitation of 7 Karates in different villages. Zarghun Shahr Ongoing UNDP 4 91 -- -- Karez AGRIC: ilACBAR 5 92 related affairs. 1 vaccinator. Dila Pakteka DCA ' - Vet 1 paravet. . DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 19 A6actrep Date: 27/08/9S 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY VITA WATER: - - -- VILLAGES) - --- Structure -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY - --BY -- Begin --End 11 92 -- -- Dila Ongoing AID Salowatta Ongoing AID 6 90 - Completed WFP 4 90 G omal!i @ña- Completed AID -- -- DESCRIPTION> Construction of 30 m intake(gabion work', benefit 700 families. Gayan Pakteka "5H HEALTH: Basic Post RAFA RELIEF:Food Items -- 2 BHWs 5 90 Distribution of 100 Nt wheat to 150 families to decrease the rate of wheat & help needy people. 0 0 92 Fred 3 local snsr. . it rïffarpi' area! & held periodic meetings discussing related Project! affairs. .' (} 92 Rehabilitation of canals in Eecakhel, 8 92 0 92 832m lone with be 0 92 Rehabilitation of canal ir, Eseakhel Jag' Wyala with total length 2.2km. Gomal Pakteka PM SOCr A? :FC r m ^ Ommitt CARE WATER: Canal Gomal/Rabat Completed AID CART, WATER: Canal Gomal'Raba. Completed AID CARE WATER: Canal Gomal/Rabat Completed AID CAR, WATER: Canal Gomal/Rabat Completed AID 7 92 -- 92 1.05k1 long with bed cleaning. .one protection wall and one intake. CARE WATER: Canal Gomal /Rabat Completed AID 9 92 -- 92 1.5km long with bed cleaning, one protection wall, one aqueduct and one culvert. CARE WATER: Canal Gomal /Rabat Completed AID 7 92 0 92 i.872km long with bed cleaning, 1 protection wall, 1 intake, 2.aqueducts, 2 E / barriers. CARE WATER: Canal Gomal /Rabat Completed AID " 91 0 92 1, 02km long with 3 erosion barriers. CARE WATER: Structure Gomal /Rabat Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Reconstruction of Protection Walls in Essakhel, Lanji Bel & Abas Ihel with atone masonry. CARE WATER: FloodControl Gomal/Rabat Completed AID -- -- -- 92 52 m long one erosion barrier. CARE WATER: FloodControl Gomal/Rabat Completed AID 0 92 50 m long one erosion barrier. 'CARE WATER: Other Gomal /Rabat Completed AID 0 92 3150 cu m capacity dam Reconstructed DCA AGRIC: Vet Sarobi'Zama Ongoing UNDP 4 92 -- -- 1 raravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Bair Menzi Ongoing UiiDP 10 90 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Mingatoy Ongoing UNDP 5 91 -- -- ESAR WATER: Earez -- Completed RAP 5 91 2 92 Rehabilitation of 14 karezes (8 km) - irrigate 1.350 jeribs benefit 270 families. ESAR WATER: Canal Completed RAP 5 91 2 92 Rehabilitation of 3 km canal - irrigate 200 jeribs & benefit 50 farmers. AT, B A R -- 0 8 92 -- 0 :O.r. i khel & Alas K el including intake & siphon. cleaning, one protection wall. one intake and one erosion barrier. Central clinic with 1 advanced paravet. DATABASE OF NGQ ACTIVITIES Page: 190 A6actrep Date: 27/08/33 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGEf S) - - -- DURATION FUNDED < ACTIVITY Begin --End - -=BY -- DESCRIPTION> Gomal Pakteka Ongoing EDUCAT: Primary HCI -- STATUS -- 5 89 -- -- HCI 8 girls school. in Sayed Ihel ! Gomal / Sperab ! !lillizai ! thani Qala ! Alizai tl ! tlangaroti ! Tera thei - 595 students ! 23 teachers. TPr -- 90 -- -- 2 schools 300 students. IRC EDUCAT: Primary Rabat!Shkin Ongoing MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Nawab Kali Ongoing AID 7 88 - RAFA RELIEF:Food Items Completed WFP 4 90 5 90 Distribution of 100 MT wheat to 150 families to decrease the rate of wheat & help thé needy people. RAFA WATER: Karez Completed W FP 12 84 2.91 Rehabilitation of 3 ka raz o in different villages - total length 5,434 AGRI"':. Plant Prot".ec. Completed SCA s 92 -- Provision AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 02 Provision cf 0.1 MT - n o chem i"a. s AGRI": Other Completed. CrA rr1 93 -- 92 0,213 #T . rocnemina. Q . schools u Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 3 schools in Ashkeen. Ehamgala & Barmali villages. Zoorz Ongoing AID 11 92 -- -- FloodControi Bakhti Completed AID -- -- FloodControl 11ohd Hasan Ongoing AID 11 92 -- -- Construction of 3O m retaining wall(stone work), benefit 30 families. -- Student teams - variable in number. EDUCAT.: Primary VITA WATER: FloodControi VITA WATER: VITA, WATER: Z 93 _ 69 teachers ! 1754 students 'i ii Amber Khel 15.000 people. Agriculture survey on 40 villages. 7 89 -- -- UNO Construction of 30 m retaining wallfstone work.),. benefit 24 families.. Construction of 40 m retaining wall(gabion work). benefit 65 families.. Jani Khel ALICEN HEALTH: Vaccination " 118 villages Ongoing ECÌUNICF nSH. HEALTH: Basic Post Jani Ihel Ongoing AID , -- 4 89 =- -- 2 BHWs. Katawaz Repairing of Barkhan well. ARCON WATER: Drinking Barkhan Completed ARCON ARCON WATER: Itrinking Zormat Khel Completed ARCON -- ARCON NATE?: Drinking Jehad Abad Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of well. ARCON WATER: " Drinking Sehar Bagh Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- - Rehabilitation of well. fBAP . benefit -- . SCA EDUCAT: Primary Pakteka ii i BHW Ongoing r Pakteka r1A -- . -- - Repairing cf well. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 191 A6actrep Date: 77!08!93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR ati6NCs ---- VILLAGE(6 - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End Katawaz Pakteka Rehabilitation of Iatawaz well pumps. ARCOR WATER: Drinking Iatawaz Ongoing ARCON ARDP AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO/UNDP ARDP AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed FAO -- ARDP HEALTH: Other Ongoing NAC -- -- -- -- ATC MINES: Mohd Hassan/Mast Completed UNOCHA AVICER HEALTH: Vaccination 20 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF HEALTH: C ompr C7 in c Iha ir ko; Ongo i ng TD: NEH HEALTH: Basic Post Pak Khel Ongoing AIi: 7 88 -- -- RAFA RELIEF:Food Items Completed WFP 4 90 SCA EDUCAT: Primary Ongc ing SCA 7 92 -- -- 4 schools i UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 16 schools in 15 different villages. *ri DESCRIPTION> Clearance . Bak Ihel -- Production of improved wheat seed. -- -- -- Distribution of 11.000 fruit saplings. CDD program. Destroyed 82 devices. cleared 248500 Sqm road. 9 90 12 90 1 team - 2 vaccinators -- 1 sed-level 1 MD 5 90 r 1 lab tech. , 1 F-a.der - OPD :a . 1 BHW Distribution of 200 MT wheat to 300 families to decrease the rate of wheat & help the needy people. 2', teachers 1 498 students Mata Khel Pakteka ARO WATER: Tarez Mata Ihel Completed UNDP 3 92 7 92 Cleaning of 16 karezes - benefit 200 farmers. GAF AGRIC: Vet Mata Ihel Ongoing UNDP 10 90 6 93 1 assist DYE / 2 paravet / 1 guard curative &preventive service. IMC CONST: Pub.Buiiding Center Completed WHO 5 B7 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Compr.Cïinic Mete Ine: Ongoing AID 4 *3 -- -- 1 MD MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Lagr,.r Ongoing AID 2 92 -- -- 1 BHW NAC AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO 3 93 8 93 Multiplication of improved wheat seed. NAC AGRIC: Research Completed NAC 9 91 8 92 Fertilizer response demonstration plots. NAC WATER: larez Completed NAC 12 91 -- -- .Hospital building. 17 karezes in different villages - Total length = 12.74kí including digging new tunnels ' wells k atone work - irrigate 8.330 J. NAC WATER: Iarez Completed NAC 6 91 -- -- / benefit 328 families. 20 karezes in different villages - Total length = 12.44 km including new tunnels / wells & stone work -irr.3.978 J. ben. 366 families. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 192 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION / FUNDS ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- Begin --End -- 91 -- 92 PARC CONST: Bridge Mata Ihel Completed' CIDA START CONST: Road Mata Ihel Completed Pvt loti Ongoing RAP Ongoing MAI Pakteka AFRANE RAI "SE AGRIC: Research CARE Detail survey of Sharan -Mata Than road(17.8 Em) -- 91 -- -- Variety &agronomical trials to-know the best variety in consideration of good yield & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots Sarak- Bazak!Tarakh HEALTH: Basic Poet Sade, Ongoing AID Spian Ongoing AID Completed CCSC -- 92 -- 92 Survey of 150 km road for ARCS. -- HEALTH: Basic Post CONST: CONS ?: WATER: ' 2 schools. 8 89 -- -- 3 BHWe Omna :BHW Pakteka Road Pakteka CARE 7 91 DESCRIPTION> Reconstruction of foot bridge. EDUCAT: Primary Pakteka MAMAR 6 91 ,-- <ACTIVITI Neka Ph.kteka M'SH DURATION - --BY -- SarhawzaRoad Sarhawza Completed AID Canal Sarhawza Completed 0 0 92 Reconstruction of Sra kot Road with total' length 7 ka. AID 8 92 0 92 3.336km long with bed cleaning, 161 protection salt and one intake. CARE WATER: Canal Sarhawza Ongoing AID 8 92 0 -- Bed cleaning 2070 cu m. CARE WATER: Other Sarhawza Completed AID 8 92 0 92 33600 cu a capacity Reservoir with Other Sarhawza Ongoing AID 8 92 0 -- 28000 cu a capacity Reservoir with 30 s protectio wall and one culvert. Storage Center Completed HCR -- 89 -- -- CARE WATER: ISAR CONS?: LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sarhawza Ongoing LDI -- EDUCAT: Primary Barham Ongoing SCA 7 87 -- -- Sarobi Completed AID SCA Pakteka CARE CONST: A C B A R 75 a protection well and one intake. Warehouse 1 aid -level HW / 1 lab tech I 1 OT tech - prostheses I dental service & OPD. 4 schools / 28 teachere / 768 students Sarobi Road -- 0 0 92 Reconstruction of Penskbwa Road(eec- 1Tlith total length 8 km. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 193 A6actrep Date: 27/98/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- . FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTiViTY Sarobi Pakteka DESCRIPTION> Begin- -End Completed AID 0 0 0 92 affairs.. Formed 3 -local shuras in different areas & held periodic meetings discussing'reïated Projects Sarobi CARE SOCIAL:Fort Committ. Sarobi Completed AID 0 92 Rehabilitation of canals in Dare with total length Canal 0 WATER: -- CARE Canal Sarobi Completed AID 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Ihargosh Canal including structures with total length 2.2km. WATER: -- CARE Canal Sarobi Completed AID 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of canals in Bandi Sapedar & banji Ihel Jaded including intake & siphon. WATER -- CARE Sarobi Completed AID 0 92 Rehabilitation of Lewani Canal including structures with total length 3.2km.. Canal 0 WATER: - -. CARE Completed AIL+ Rehabilitation of Dagari IC including 600m Soil Sarobi 0 92 WATER: Canal 0 CARE Structure Sarobi Completed AID 0 0 92 Reconstruction of Protection Walls in Abass Ihel, Bandi Sapedar & Lanji Ihel Jaded. WATER: -- CARE WATER: FloodControl Sarobi Completed AID -- -- -- 92 CARE WATER: FloodControl Sarobi Completed AID -- -- CARE Storage Center Completed HCR Warehouse CONS': -- 89 -- -- ESAS Sarobi Ongoing ISRA, 1 doctor / 1 assistant I 1 lab tech. I female & male helpers. HEALTH: Compr.Clinic 10 91 -- -- ISRA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sarobi Ongoing LDI -- - LDI MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Mastoy Ongoing AID Sarobi Completed CIDA ,0 92 -- -- 5 89 -- -- -- 89 -- 90 2.3km, erosion barrier, 1 reservoir & other structures. 60 m long one erosion barrier. 252 along one erosion barrier. 2 mid -level HWs - OPD. 2 BHWs Cleaning of karez. ^RC WATER: Iarez RAFA WATER: Karez Completed WFP/UNDP RAFA WATER: Iareí Completed WFP Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA Provision of 0.065 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: 0 93 -- 93 SCA Other Ongoing SCA Agriculture survey on 30 villages. AGRIC: 0 93 -- 93 SCA EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 5 schools in Marian, Manzai(Dinar Ihel), gala Mahd Than, Gadli, Pata Ihel villages. UNO Ongoing AID 2 schools in Sayed Ihel & Suri Ihel villages. &DUCAT: Primarf 6 8? -- -- UNO Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- -- Pakte:ka ARO? AGRIC: 8.90 10 90 12 89 2 91 Rehabilitation of 8 karezes in different villages Rehabilitation of 3 karezes in different villages - total length 11,500 m. total length 5,434 m - benefit 15,000 people. Sharan Crop Product Sharan Multiplication of 5 MT wheat. - 6TH EDITION 1 DATABASE OF $GO ACTIVITIES Page. 194 A6actrep Date: 2 ?/08/93 FUNDED ACTIVITY A^EN^Y -VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR -- STATUS -- DURATION - - -BY -- Begin- -End 10:91 {ACTIVITY Sharan Pakteka 6 93 1 assist DVM DBSCRIPTION> 2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service. Sharan Ongoing UNDP HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Sharan Ongoing LDI wc" HEALTH: Basic Post ghwaja Ehei Mirza Ongoing AID 2 92 -- -- AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 9 91 7 92 Distribution of 12 MT improved wheat seed ! 1.3 MT Urea & 13 MT DAP t NAC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed FAO -- -- 3 91 Distribution of 4,150 fruit trees (apple % apricot' to 391 NAC AGRIC: Other Completed NAC 9 ól á 92 NA: N -split demonstration. WATER: arez. Completed NAC 01 NA" -- -- CAF AGRIC: L:. Vet 24 bed hospital 1r' ¡n}-: aiJr iWßTy pPS (' E Completed t hik: AF^+K -- 91 -- 91 3 MD! ' 6 technicians 1 nurse - OPD !emergency care ! .ab & X-ray. 1 BHW 50 farmer! in 6 big villages. farmers :n 41 23 karezes in different villages - Total length _ 12.5 km including digging new tunnels I wells & stone work irrigate nk^ - .386 y! 4' iam; höne: i` 473 ,ae., - schools. . B 92 6 93 40 karezes. WATER: Parez Completed :omr..v.,. WATER: Earez Ongoing Drinking Completed ARGON á 92 6 93 WATER: 10 wells. Completed WFP 4 90 5 40 Distribution of 200 MT wheat to decrease the rate of wheat & help the needy people. Mha Ehel Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- -- 5 schools f 39 teachers / 1149 students -- 9? 21 karezes in MOhammad Ahel & Towta .China. RAFA RELIEF: Food Iteme SCA !DUCAT: Primary CONS?: Road Sharan Compl.eted UNDP/WFP 5 91 10 91 Repair of Sharan-Satrwaza road (10 Im). START CONST: Pnb.Building Sharan Completed NAC 8 91 11 91 Administration building construction for NAC field office. START Ongoing EC.nJNiCF Ongoing ARCON - Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- 43 Pakteka - Sultan Khan AVICBN HEALTH: Vaccination PRS WATER: tarez PRS WATER: Drinking 19 villages - Student teams - variable in number. -- -- 93 20 kartzes. 30 wells. 6TH EDITION ACHAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 195 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 AGENCY SECTOR Pakteka AB AGRIC: ACTIVITY FUNDED - STATUS- - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIO$>- tirgUun RELIEF:Food Items AFRANE -VILLAGE(S)- Research City Urgoun Completed WFP -- Ongoing RAP -- 91 -- 7 91 -- Free distribution of 232 MT wheat to 2320 families. Variety & agronomical trials to know the best variety in consideration of good yield & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. ATC AVICEN CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE CARE MINES: Clearance HEALTH: Vaccination AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: CONST: CONST: CORP: CONST: CONST: CONS!: CONST: Fruit Trees Forestry Other Road Road Road Shelter Shelter Storage Storage RELIEF:Help Returnee SOCIAL:Fors Committ. SOCIAL:Form Committ. Musa Ihel /Paraw viscontin UNOCHA 130 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Establishment of 4 Nurseries including all related activities. Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 0 93 Plantation of 43,000 trees along the 22km irrigation canals. Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 0 93 Rehabilitation of one Farm which cover 2 ha area including all related activities. Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Reconstruction. of 2 Roads with the total length 12km including other structures. Dora Ongoing AID 7 92 0 Pirkoti Completed AID 5 91 0 92 Urgoun Completed AID 8 92 0 92 40 Houses which was 80 rooms have been completed. Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 0 93 Construction of 27 Shelter / house with 54 rooms. Completed AID 8 92 0 92 3 warehouses in Urgoun, Pirkoti and Amber one village have been completed. Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 mt. Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Distribution of 40.5 Mt wheat / 411 sets hand tools to 411 returning families. Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Formed 47 local shuras in different areas & held periodic meetings discussing project related affairs. Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Formed 16 local shuras in different areas & held periodic meetings discussing project related affairs. Urgoun Urgoun Urgoun Urgoun Urgoun 5 90 12 91 -- -- -- Destroyed 584 devices, cleared 1148259 Sip / grazing land i airport i village & road. 1 team - 2 vaccinators 1.9 km long with 2 culverts, 6 causeways, 5 retaining walls, cutting & filling. 1 km long with 4 culverts, 6 retaining wails,cutting i filling i grading & levelling. `ACHAR DATABASE OF X6O ACTIVITI&S . 6TH IDITION Page: 196 A6ectrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- DURATION FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- CARE WATER: larez Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP CARE WATER: larez Urgoun Completed AID CARE WATER: Canal Shahnawaz Completed AID CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Ongoing AID CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Proposed CARE WATER: Canal Amburwan CARE WATER: Canal ' DESCRIPTION> Urgoun Pakteka CARE <ACTIVITY Begin- -End 0 93 0 93 Rehabilitation of 5 tarezes with total length ilkm including other structures. 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 5 Karam in Mia Sahib, Maidan -i- Hawaee & thanadar with total length 3km. 5 91 0 92 2ám long with 2 protection wails, 9851 canal desalting, and one Erosion Barrier. 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 5 canals in Mutriban. Mundak, Masondi, Masood, & Showgir with total length 8km. 7 92 0 -- 3.3km with bed cleaning, construction of 2841 2 protection walls, 10 erosion barriers 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of canals in Mati, Hagar. Mat, Fazilgai & Manz witc 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 10 canals in Haji M Gui. Satin. Pirkoti. Urgoun. Derag, Shagai. Pushtai&Shanawaz. AID &WFP 0 93 0 13 Rehabilitation of 10 irrigation canals with total length 22ám including other structures. Completed AID 7 91 0 92 5km long with desilting, one protection wall. one reservoir, and 2 Erosion barriers. Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 -- -- ' total length 5.85km. Rehabilitation of canals in Jabar kali, Omar khan, Eagi, thoram & Rab nvaz with total length 10km. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of canals in Gaum, Bondi, Gulki, Baji Zarif .& Shir Jan with total length 6kî. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of canale in Mundt Sadat, Karkali, Treen, Akram Gulshab & Chanokhwa with total length 4km. CARE WATER: Canai Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of canals in Perkoti, Mundah, Nawab, Turgul, & Gundeer with total length 9ka. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of lamran canal total length 1.9km. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Shah nawaz canal. with total length 2km. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Masood canal total length 3.5km. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Presht canal with total length 1.5km. -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 5 canal with the total length of 3 km. . CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID CARE WATER: Canal Dahana Completed AID CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of canals in Siasang, Jamal, Nazar, & than Aeek with total length 7ka. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Landi larez IC canal with total length 2.71m. 8 92 11 92 92 Page: 2.5ka long with bed cleaning one 115 a protection wall, and one intake. Rehabilitation of canals in Majid Jelani, Mia Shokor, Gailani, Abengaran & Ali Jan with total length 3k. 197 A6ectrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY', Pakteka - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Urgoun CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Amber One canal frith total length 5km. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Haji n. Gul canal with total length 1.5km. CARE WATER: Canal Balish Ongoing AID 7 92 0 -- 3.5km long with bed cleaning, one intake and 6 Erosion barriers. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Proposed AID -- 0 -O 92 CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Zawaw canal with total length 1.3km. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- O, 0 92 Rehabilitation of canals in blab meirza, Jusakhan, Marghasi, Iatakhel & Zawaw with total length 4.5km. CARE WATER: Canai Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0.92 Rehabilitation of Gulaki canal with total length 2k*. CARE WATER: Canal Urgh Spring Completed AID CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Showger length 1.3km. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Proposed AID -- 0 0,92 Rehabilitation of Saidoni canal total length. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Mir koti canal total length 1km. CARE WATER: " Canai. Urgoun' Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 5 canals in karez Hindu, 2:10ks, Loy karez tkm, handy karez 44* Tah karez tkm & Barok. CARE WATER Canal Urgoun Completed AID -- 4 O 92 Rehabilitation of canals in Shamatgai, Nazar gul, Matan, Bardamandi & Warghar with total Iength'204. CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Reconstruction of Protection Walls in Mutriban, Mundak, Masondi, Masood & Shawgir with total length 272 CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- O O 92 Repair of 5 protection\ walls in. tarez Hindu(BOi), Loy Rare; (34m), Landy (40m), Tab Tarez (2401). CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Repair of 5 protection walls in Cati (60m), nagar (120m), mat. (20m), and mans (40*) stone masonry. CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID. -- 0 0 92 Repair of 5 protection walls in_sula mirza (42m), juma khan (3241), marghasi(85m), katakhel(1051). WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Repair of Protection Walls in 4au*, Bondi, Gulak, Haji Zarif & Shir Jan length 1010*. CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed' AID - 0 0 92 Reconstruction of Protection Walls in Majid & Jelani, Mia Shokor, Gailani, Ahengaran & Ali Jan. CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Repair of 6 protection walls in pirkoti (120*), tunda (120m), nawab (5O1), turgu (187*) and gundeer. CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- O 0 92 Repair of 10 protection walls with total length 1200* in H.M.Gul / Batiu 1 Derag i Paniargha /Shagi / Shanawaz &a CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Repair of 5 protection walls in Jabar thel (90m), Omar Iban (100*), tagay (70s), Thoras (20m) and Rab Nawaz. CARE ' ACBAR ' 5 91 11 92 Rehabilitation of Manzki canal 1.349ka long with bed cleaning of entire bed, and construction of one siphon. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 198 A6aetrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY . SECTOR AGENCY VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Urgoun Paktskat CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Reconstruction of Protection Walls in Shamatgi, Nazar Gul, Matan, Bardamendi & Warghar CARE WATER: Structure Urgoun Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Repair of Protection Walls in Siasnng, Jamal, Nazar M. & than Aaak with total length 2301. CARE WATER: FloodControl Urgoun Completed AID -- 4 0.92 106 m long one erosion barrier CARE WATER: FloodControl Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Construction of 29 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil l Gabion work CARE WATER: FloodControl Masta, Ongoing AID 5 91 0 -- 751 long 2 erosion barriers. CARE WATER: FloodControl Urgoun Completed AID 0 0 92 173 m long CARE WATER: Other Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Construction of 2 Dam (reservoir) with capacity of 1800 cum. DACAAR CONST: Road Urgoun Completed DACAAR 5 90 12 90 -- erosion barrier constructed Repair of Urgoun - Sarobi romd(21 km ) - construction of 53 culverts / bridges - with machinery - maintenance completed for 92 Repair of 21 km road from Urgoun to Sarobi Completed DACAAR -- 90 --11 Center Completed UHILOG 12 90 Center Completed HCR -- 89 -- -- Completed UNDP 12 90 5 91 Survey of the whole irrigation system with complete data on karezes / springs f diversions & canals Urgoun Ongoing UNDP 10 90 6 93 1 assist DVM Pub.Building Center Discontin WHO 5 87 -- -- Hospital building, AGRIC: Fruit Trees gala Norullah Ongoing SV 3 91 -- -- Nursery with 4100 sqm planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings IRC/RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed SV 3 93 RC /RPA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing FAO IRC/RPA AGRIC: Research Completed SV /FAO 3 91 12 92 Improved wheat, barley and oat seed trials IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed suit, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 47 farmers trained IRC/RPA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SV 3 91 -- -- Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, pòultry, bees, farm power IRC /RPA WATER: garez Ongoing SV 11 91 -- -- DACAAR CONST: Road ESAR CONST: Stdrage ESAR CONST: Storage ESAR WATER: Other GAF AGRIC: Vet IMC CONST: IRC /RPA A coat galvanized corrigated sheet -hoúse (401t2O1b5a dimension & 250 MT capacity). WFP wheat is stored in it now 8 91 Warehouse 4 93 2 paravet 1 guard curative & preventive service. Distribution of 350 saplings to 7 farmers 1 tractor, 1 thresher 10 91 -- -- rt- CBAR Wale Norullah Qala Norullah Rehabilitation of 10 karezes, total 6.44 km, irrigate 1736 jeribs, benefit 750 families DATABASE OF HGO ACTIVITIES C Page: 199 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR AGENCY Pakteka DURATION FUNDED - STATUS - - -BY -- Completed HCR /SV Ongoing MAI <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Urgoun 6 90 Rehabilitation of 41 karezes, total 39.13 km, irrigate 15734 jeribs, benefit 5159 families 2 93 iRC/RPA WATER: 44Ái &DUCAT: Primary EH HEALTH: Compr.Ciinic Urgoun Ongoing AID 4 93 -- -- 1 MD, NSF. HEALTH: Basic Poet Pirkoti Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- 5 BHWs MSc HEALTH: Other Urgoun Ongoing AID 3 92 -- -- Regional Health Administration ÍRha! administrative center and depot for issue of salaries and supplies and ëarez 6 schools in ielook, Debi, Seri Maiden Darkai Ehwai, Sarobi A Alimzai villages. 1 LAi;.TECH. ASST., 1 M.T. LABORATORY SERVICES monitoring and supervision of the BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction Ntr AGRIC: Fruit Trees Urgoun Ongoing NRC /NCA 5 92 -- -- WPi,' CONST: Shelter Urgoun Ongoing NRC/NCA 4 t,NST: Pub.Building Urgoun Completed NRC¡NCA Í1PO MST: sanitation Urgoun Ongoing KPO INCOME: HelpCraftmen Urgoun NPO WATER: Canal NPO WATER: .FloodControl RATA G:. Cleaning of governmental garden in lava. -- -- Production of beau 1.5 m for roofing houses. 5 92 10 92 Middle school. NRC /NCA 5 92 -- -- Surface(pit latrines) for villages coop. with CARE. Completed NRC /NCA 1 91 12 91 Help to skilled craftsmen. Urgoun Completed NRC /NCA 7 92 Repair of canal - length 132 m. Urgoup Completed NRC /NCA 8 92 10 92 Completed WFP 4 90 5 90 Distribution of 200 MT wheat 12 89 2 91 Rehabilitation of 6 karezes in different villages - total length 1446? - benefit 30,000 people. " RELIEF.Food items - 9 92 Hinderance wall in old Urguon river. to 300 families to decrease the rate of wheat A help the needy people. &FA WATER: garez Completed WFP RATA WATER: tarez Completed WFP /UNDP 8 90 10 90 SCA AGRIC: ' Crop Product Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Distribution of 2.5 MT wheat seed & 2 MT DAP. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.23 MT agrocheaicais. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SL£ AGRiC: Otnei 'Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA Ongoing AID EDUCAY: Pridary AfkAR -- Center _ Rehabilitation of 15 karezes in different villages - total length 21,561 m. 8 mid -level HWs 3 Nurses 12 schools in different villages. 6 87 -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page' 200 A6actrep Date: 27/68/93 6TH EDITION - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - --BY -- Begìn- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> VITA WESTER: FloodControl Zama Completed AID -- 1 93 Construction of 80 m retaining walligabion work), benefit 114) families. VITA WATER: F1oodControi Fazel than Completed AID -- -- 2 93 Construction of 88 m retaining wall(gabion work), benefit' 106 Pakteka families. Wazakhwa 1 team - 2 vaccinators AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 150 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Gala Nohd Khan Ongoing AID 5 Bt -- -- RAFA RELiEF:Food 'test Completed WFP 4 90 RAFA WATER: Ongoing RAP 3 92 -- -- La EDUCA:: Primary START CONST: STAR? Dire: 2 BHWs Distribution of ZOO MT wheat to 300 families to decrease the rate of wheat & help needy people. 5 90 - Rehabilitation of 17 karezes - total length 34.5 km.- benefit 918-families. ... 41 teachers 976 students Chun: Or gvy ng Pub.Buiiding Wazakhwa Completed NRC 9 91 12 91 Construction of Wazakhwa high school building. WATER: Structure Wazakhwa Completed CIDA 3 92 -- -- Construction of water surface reservoir daa (1601 L. 4.5m H.). VITA CORSI': Road 4amaruddin. Diacontin AID C d: -- -- Unionization gi 76 km road, dopRiit 20,000 iamilìas. VITA WATER: Structure Borj Ongoing AID -- -- -- -- Construction of 120 VITA WATER: Structure Borg Completed AID -- -- 11 92 Construction of 401 intaketgabion work:), benefit 250 families. VITA WATER: FioodControl Grob Completed AID -- -- 11 92 Construction of 200 m retaining wall(gabion work(, benefit 230 families. VITA WATER: FloodControl Khairabad Discontin AID 8 91 -- -- VITA WATER: FloodControl Loy Wat Ongoing AID Construction of 72 m retaining wall(stone work), benefit 20 families. Ongoing ECr:F CF Student teams Compietec: SCA Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- Fruit nursery Ongoing ECIUNICF -- Student tears - variable in number.. Pakteka AVICEN Pakteka . ,' m intaketgabion work), benefit 10 families. Construction of 150 m retaining wall(gabion work), benefit 90 families. Wo1-Man7av HEALTH: Vaccination A(,IR:C: 6 schools 57 .-- -- 23 villages Other Agriculture survey on 3 villages. 0 92 -- 92 Yusuf Khel Fruit Trees ARCON AGRIC: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 7 villages DATABASE OF HGO ACTIVITIES Fage: 201 A6actrep Pate: 27/05'9: 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Pakteka - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED - - -BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Yusuf Khel -- 1 paravet Gui Abad Ongoing UNDP 12 92 -- -- Ninzi Ongoing UNDP 2 89 -- -- EDUCAT: Primary Mush Del Ongoing IRC -- 91 -- -- 200 students WATER: 3 villages Completed WFP -- 92 -- -- Survey of 13 karezes in Mist / Ihabin ! Yusif yhel villages. Zelok Completed UNOCHA DCA AGRIC: Vet DCA AGRIC: Vet IRC START . Other Pakteka Central clinic with 1 advanced paravet Zelok Clearance 9 91 11 91 Destroyed 35 devices, cleared 78950 Sum road ATC MINES: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 39 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- CARE WATER: tarez Zelok Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Kaska' Karez with total length 2.5km CARE WATER: Karen Zelok Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of CARE WATER :. Earn Zelok Completed AID -- O 0 92 Rehabilitation of Kam' Karez with total length 3.5km CARE WATER: Karez Zelok 'Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Ihorgi larez with total length 1.85kí CARE WATER: larez Zelok Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Narghasi larez with total length 3.2km, CARE WATER: larez Zelok Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Latal Karez with total length 4.64ka CARE WATER: Karez Zelok Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Bula! larez with total length 3.51ta CARE WATER: Canal Zelok Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Ali Khan Ihel canal with total length Oka CARE WATER: Canal Zelok Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Gulradin canal with total length 4.2ka CARE WATER: Other Zelok Completed AID -- 0 0 92 19360 cu MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Sharsai Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- 3 BHWs SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.085 MT agrochesicals SCA AGRIC: Other. Ongoing SCA O 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 9 88 -- -- 6 aid -level HWs ; 1 Nurse I 1 Lab Tech A C $'A R -----r Zelok . -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators Sarwati Karez with total length 4.7km. capacity Water dai (ReservoiriReconstructed. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - Page: 202 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED DURATION - --BI -- Begin --End Approved UNDP -- 93 -- -- Completed ONDP 4 92 11 92 93 -- STATUS -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Bak Paktia APR AGRIC: Livestock APR WATER: Canal AIR AGRIC: Crop Product 8 villages Ongoing FAO 1 ARR AGRIO: Crop Product 8 villages*, Completed FAO/UNDP 6 92 10 93 ARR AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages Completed FAO/UNDP ARR WATER: Tarez Mano Ihel Completed UNDP 2 ARR WATER: Canal Mano Ihel Completed ARR WATER: Canal Bak ARR WATER: Structure ARR WATER: Structure ARR WATER: BRR All villages 7 7,000 head poultry. Rehabilitation of 3 canals & construction of retaining yells Distribution of vegetable seed (tomato / pepper / egg plant) 93 Distribution of 2 MT maize(Shaheen) 16 MT DAP & 2 MT Urea to 180 farmers 10 92 6 93 Distribution of improved wheat seed (Pe -85) & 15 MT DAP 92 6 92 Rehabilitation of Nano lali karez -1.9 km & Plen Kehl tarez -2.5 ka UNDP 2 92 6 92 Rehabilitation of 600 m Katkai canal & 600 m Iamkai canal Completed UNDP 7 92 12 92 Nano Kbel Completed UNDP 2 Tarati Proposed WFP Structure Completed UNDP 2 92 WATER: Structure Proposed UNDP 5 93 -- -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Ongoing UNDP 1 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Completed UNDP 7 92 5 91 -- -- Center 92 6 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and Treatment clinic, 1 vet, 2 paravets 2 z one-month courses for village -based basic veterinary workers, 6 trained 5 93 IRC/RPA HEALTH: Other Approved HCR -- 93 -- -- Completed WFP 9 90 11 90 atone masonry & cement.: Rehabilitation of retaining wall in Bak village of Pattie 93 -- -- UNICEF ACBAR Rehabilitation of 400 a diversion dam 6 92 Ongoing WATER: Construction of 3 diversion walle -- 93 -- -- a.ALTH: Vaccination AB Rehabilitation of 100 a dam with stone masonry & cement 92 IRC /RPA Paktia Cleaning of canal & construction of diversion vail 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 a year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Sale of insecticide- impregnated bed neta for salaria prevention Chamkani Tarez Sarangor Construction of three karma (11W - 50 MT). DATABASE OF EGO ACTIVITIES ------- - - ---- Page: 203 A6actrep Date: 27 /08/93 6TB EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Chamkani Construction of mosques. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Babo Ehel Completed ARCON ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Chamkani Completed ARCON -- Construction of Chamkani school. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Made Ehel Completed ARCON -- Construction of Nada Ehel mosque. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Shnargi Completed ARCON -- Construction of Shnargi mosque. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Miri Ehel Completed ARGON -- Construction of Miri Khel mosque. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Nergesi Completed ARCON -- =- -- -- ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Chamkani Completed ARCON -- Construction of Chamkani hospital. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Darman Khel Completed ARCON -- Construction of Darman Khel mosque. ARCON EDUCAT: Madrasa Chamkani Ongoing ARGON -- -- -- -- ARCON WATER: Karez Shnargi Ongoing ARCON -- ATC MINES: Clearance 4 villages Completed UNOCHA GAF AGRIC :. Vet Chamkani Ongoing BIG 9 90 12 93 IRC EDUCAT: Primary Chaskani Ongoing IRC -- 91 -- -- IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 1 89 -- -- 3 mobile vaccs visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking Completed SV 5 93 -- -- Gravity -flów water supply, one system, benefit 85 families IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking Completed SV 4 93 LBI AGRIC: Crop Product 20 villages Completed FAO/UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 NT DAP. LBI AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Ongoing LBI /FAO -- 93 -- -- Multiplication of 250 Kg rice & maize seeds & 750 Kg DAP. LBI AGRIC: Crop Product 22 villages Completed LBI -- 92 -- 92 70 MT DAP to 3,000 farmers LBI AGRIC: Fruit Trees 14 villages Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 5,000 trees (apple, apricot, peach & pear). AGRIC: Machinery Shari Naw Ongoing FAO /LBI -- 91 -= -- 3 tractors / 1 thresher / 2 trailers & 25 sprayers. Chamkani Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- 60 bed hospital - fully equipped LBI LBI ' HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp IACBAR - Pirkoti 12 90 5 92 5 93 Construction of Nergesi mosque. Haqqania intermediate Dar Aloìom Repairing of Shnargi karez. Destroyed 913 devices,' 1 DVM / 4 paravets / 1-guard curative & preventive service. 2 schools / 400 students. females aged 5 -45 Gravity -flow water supply, three systems, benefit 470 families DATABASE OF BGO ACTIVITIES Page: 683118 Sqm / grazing land I canal & road. 204 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- DURATION FUNDED - --BY -- Begin --End Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- -- STATUS -- < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Chamkani Paktia Ghundi 2 BHWE BSA HEALTH: Basic Post SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Complete,. SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.26 MT agrochemicale. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.085 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villagee. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 2 echools in Patka & Tashnak villagee. WRC CONST: Ongoing WRC -- 91 -- -- Other Paktia Establiehrent of communication workshop. Dand Patarí ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Dand Paten Completed ARCON -- Construction of Salah Uddin mosque. ARCON CONST: Pub,Building Dand Paten' Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Danda Paten clinic. IBC EDUCAT: Teacher T. Dand Paten Completed SV iRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing UNDP IRC /RPA AGRIC Fruit Trees Completed 5V 3 93 IRC /RPA AGRIC:. Fruit Trees Paten Ongoing SV 3 90 -- -- Nursery with 2121 sqi planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings IRC /RPA AGRIC: Forestry Paten Ongoing SV 3 90 -- -- Nursery with 4,000 pine seedlings IRC /RPA AGRIC: Forestry Completed SV 3 93 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Sepan Ongoing UNDP IRC /RPA AGRIC: Research Paten Completed SV /FAO 3 90 12 92 Improved wheat seed trials IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed Ault, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 202 farmers trained IRC /RPA AGRIC Training Completed UNDP IRC /RPA AGRIC:, Other Paten Ongoing SV 3 90 -- -- Model farm: seed molt, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power IRC/RPA CONS?: Storage Sokhtah Completed UNDP 6 90 3 93 1 warehouse, 750 at capacity, built from cement, bricks, steel bars, iron sheets IRC/RPA CONST: Sanitation Completed SV 1 92 5 93 Construction of 42 double -vault surface latrines in 5 villages ACBAR 1 93 2 93 10 92 -- -- ' 4 93 4,93 10 91 -- -- 12 91 8 92 29 primary school teachers participated in Maths seminar. Seed multiplication: 1.15 mt wheat, 1.15 mt DAP to 19 farmers Distribution of 1,966 saplings to 34 farmers Distribution of 4,000 forestry tree seedlings in 8 villages 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and Treatment clinic, 2 paravets 2 x one -month courses for village -based basic veterinary workers, 6 trained DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 205 A6actrep Date: 2T/08/93 611 AGENC SBCTOR Paktia ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Dand Patan IRC /RPA HEALTH: Education Ongoing SV IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 IRC /RPA WATER: Karen Completed HCR /SV 11 89 12 92 Rehabilitation of 7 karezes, total 1.63 km, irrigate 2920 jeriba, benefit 880 families IRC /RPA WATER: bare: Lodi /Nawi Hasaa th Ongoing SV 6 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 karezea, total 0.48 ka, irrigate 360 jeribs, benefit 620 families IRC /RPA WATER: Canal Sultak /Ghundi Ongoing SV 6 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 canals, total 7.04 km, irrigate 2900 jeriba, benefit 810 families I'RC /RPA WATER: Canal Patan (Liwanay) Completed SV 6 92 Rehabilitation of 1 canal, 4 km, irrigate 3000 jeriba, benefit 250 families ?FIFA WATER: Drinking Completed AustCare 8 91 11 92 Gravity -flow water supply, four systems, benefit 238 families MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- 2 BMWs UNO EDUCAT: 'Primary Ongoing AID 3 87 -- -- 5 schools in Zigar, Saltak, lot Kali, Patan & Zawargi villages Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Ongoing RAP -- 91 -- -- Variety & Agronomical trials to know the best variety in consideration of good yield if proper use of fertilizer & Pa-lttia IRG %RPA AGRIC: 9 92 Dara Darang HEALTH: Vaccination Pattìa AFRANI Patan Basic health education aeaaagea on sanitation, nutrition, waste disposal, clean water etc 4 90 -- -- Gardaiz Research Gardaiz demonstration plots. ARCON AGRIC: Fruit Trees Gardaiz Ongoing ARCON ARCH AGRIC: Livestock Haji Ali Khel Ongoing ARCON - - Chichen farm. ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Center Ongoing ARCON -- Cows farm ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Gardaiz Ongoing ARCOK - - Honey Bees ARCOK AGRIC: Livestock Ongoing ARCH -- Honey Bees ARCON ,COAST: ARCON ARCON .Center Apple & gardens and poultry. Pub.Building Gardaiz Ongoing ARCO§ -- Repairing of Gardaiz hospital COAST: Other Center Ongoing ARCON -- !host electric St. maintenance COAST: Other Gardaiz Ongoing ARCON IACBAR Maintenance & training gen. workshop DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 206 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -STATUS- BY- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Gardaiz Paktia 12 92 -- -- Multiplication of 5 MT wheat. ARO AGRIC: Crop Product Gardaiz Ongoing FAO ATC MINIS: Clearance 3 villages Completed UNOCRA IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 10 92 IRC!RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit ;Trees Completed SV 3 93 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Sari Sang Ongoing SV 8 92 -- -- Nursery with 2290 sqm planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings IRC /RPA AGRIC: Research Sari Sang Completed SV /FAO 8 92 12 92 Improved wheat, barley and oat seed trials IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed molt, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 141 farmers trained IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SV 8 92 -- -- Model fars: seed molt, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Approved UNICEF ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Gardaiz Ongoing FAO ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Gardaiz Ongoing FAO /UNDP ISRA HEALTH: Cospr,Clinic Gardaiz Ongoing ISRA 9 92 -- -- 1 MD / 1 medical assistant / 1 lab tech. / helper. MSS HEALTH: Vaccination Gardaiz Ongoing AID/UN 4 93 -- -- 4 VACCINATORSIMPLENBNT UNDER PHD SUPERVISION. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YEARS AND WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS. NPO INCOME: Skill Train, Gardaiz Ongoing NRC /NCA 3 93 -- -- Vocational training in the handicraft skills. NPO SOCIAL:Other Gandaiz Ongoing NRC/NCA -- -- -- -- PRB AGRIC: Vet City Completed UNDP 4 93 SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 98 villages. VITA CONST: Road Gardaiz Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 44 km road from Gardez to Ghazni, benefit 30,000 families. Paktia Sari Sang 5 92 11 92 3 93 4 93 -- 93 -- -- 5 93 10 93 11 92 7 93 6 93 Deetroyed 367 devices, cleared 2686 Sin / village A road. Seed distribution: 3 st wheat, 3 at DAP to 51 families Seed multiplication: 1 at wheat, 1 at DAP to 10 farinera Distribution of 1,267 saplings to 17 farmers. 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 a year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Distribution of 145 6g seize seed & 600 Eg DAP. Distribution of 5 MT DAP & 5 MT wheat seed to 196 farmers - 196 jeriba. In the process of surveying. VFU with 2 paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. Gurbuz AB AGRIC: Crop Product Alida Completed FAO 5 92 9 92 Maize seed multiplication. AB WATER: Canal Saggi Earlkay Completed FAO 9 92 9 92 Canal cleaning & reconstruction for 400 jeribs land. A C B A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 1 Page: 207 A6áctrep Date: 27/08/93 6T1 EDITION] ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- FINDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Gurbuz AB WATER: Canal Sagai Qala Completed FAO 7 92 9 92 Canal cleaning & reconstruction for 500 jeribs land. AB WATER: Canal Shahida Completed FAO 8 92 9 92 Canal cleaning & reconstruction for 600 jeribs land, AB WATER: Structure Shahida Ongoing FAO 3 93 -- -- APWO WATER: Canal Bazaar Kali Completed FAO 3 93 4 93 ATC MINES: Clearance Gurbuz Completed UNOCHA 2 92 6 92 DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 9 villages Ongoing DACAAR 2 93 -- -- DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 9 villages Completed FAO DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees 9 villages Completed FAO DACAAR AGRIC: Research 9 villages Ongoing FAO /Self Flume structure for Shadida canal. Destroyed 36 devices, cleared 216044 Sqm road. Vegetable nursery established in 95 Sqm. 10 92 10 92 3 93 -10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP distributed to 400 farmers. 3 93 2,500 fruit saplings distribution to 60 growers. 11 92 -- -- Experiments: test plots of 7 var. of wheat, observation lines of 18 var. of wheat, 14 var. of oat & 10 var. of barley. DACAAR AGRIC: Training 9 villages Ongoing DACAAR 3 93 -- -- 60 farmers in 9 villages technically trained. IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Kotkai Ongoing UNDP 1 93 -- -- 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and Treatment clinic, 1 vet, 2 paravets. IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 2 92 -- -- 3 mobile vacce visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0-2 years children & IRC /RPA HEALTH: Other Approved RCR IRC /RPA WATER: Karez Ongoing SV 3 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 karezes, total 1.92 km, irrigate 1600 jeribe, benefit 360 families IRC/RPA WATER: Canal SV 4 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 1 canal, 1.95 km, irrigate 800 jeriba, benefit 100 families Completed SV 4 93 5 93 Rehabilitation of 3 canals, total 5.81 km, irrigate 2500 jeribs, benefit 390 families 9 92 Gravity -flow water supply, one system, benefit 400 families Shikhan ( Kaikai) Ongoing ' -- 93 -- -- IRC /RPA WATER: Canal IRC/RPA WATER: Drinking Bori Ebel Completed SV 8 92 MCPA MIKES: Survey 32 minefield Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Balai Ongoing, AID OMAR MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA 1 92 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 IA C B A R 11 88 -- -- 6 92 females aged 5 -45 Sale of insecticide - impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention 844,719 So / road / foot path & residential. 4 BNB Safety lessons - 6234 people participated. Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 208 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SCP. SECTOR AGRIC: - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- Other -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY ' DESCRIPTION> Begin- -End Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Hasan Ihel Ongoing IRC -- 91 -- -- 200 students. -- Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 0.4 at wheat, 0.4 mt DAP to 12 farmers Completed SV 3 93 3 91 -- -- Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Hasan Khel Paktia IRC EDUCAT: Primary IRC/RPA AGRIC: Crop Product IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Sikander Ihel Ongoing SV IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Moshaka Ongoing UNDP 10 91 -- -- 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and Treatment clinic, 3 paravets. IRC /RPA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- -- 1 tractor IRC /RPA AGRIC: Research Completed SV /FAO 3 91 12 92 Improved wheat seed trials IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed suit, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 169 farmers trained IRC/RPA AGRIC: Training Completed UNDP IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other Sikander Ihel Ongoing SV 3 91 -- -- Model farm: seed Ault, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power IRC /RPA CONST: Storage Wachaalogada Completed HCR 6 90 11 91 1 warehouse, 750 mt capacity, built from cement, bricks, steel bara, iron sheets IRC /RPA CONST: Sanitation Completed SV 1 91 12 82 Construction of 6 double -vault surface latrines in 3 villages IRC /RPA HEALTH: Education Ongoing SV 4 90 -- -- Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, waste disposal, clean water etc IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF IRC /RPA WATER: Iarez Completed SV/HCR 1 90 IRC/RPA WATER: Drinking Hasan Ihel /Ghoondi Completed SV 8 91 11 91 MAI EDUCAT: Primary Oshki/Mangara Toi Ongoing MAI MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Hasan Ihel Ongoing AID 4 89 - Jul Ihel Completed WFP 9 91 11 91 Paktia AB WATER: IA C B A R Sikander Khel 4 93 Distribution of 2,160 saplings to 52 farmers Nursery with 2510 agm planted with stone fruit / nut f apple seed and cuttings 5 93 12 91 2 x one -month courses for village -based basic veterinary workers, 10 trained 10 89 -- -- 2 93 . 3 mobile vaces visiting at least 3 a year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Rehabilitation of 14 kareaes, total 1.94 km, irrigate 1190 jeribs, benefit 840 families Gravity -flow water supply, two systems, benefit 880 families -- 2 schools. -- l BHW Jadran Canal Reconstruction of 3 canals k 5 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 209 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 intakes. 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jadran Paktia 5 91 6 91 Reconstruction of i canal & 1 karez - FFW (50 MT wheat) . AB WATER: Canal Jani Ihel Completed WFP ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Wadi Shvak Ongoing ARGON -- -- -- -- Honey Bees ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Danda Ongoing ARCOS -- -- -- Health unit ARCON CONST: Pub.Building -- Ongoing ARCON -- ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Nozi Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Alshaheed Abdullah school. ARCON WATER: Structure Jadran Completed ARCON -- Construction of Jadran wall. IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking Completed SV IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking Ongoing SV MAI !DUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Piangi Ongoing AID 5 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Soran Ongoing AID 8 89 PRB AGRIC: Vet Sperkai Completed UHF SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA HEALTH: Compr.CÌinic Said Ihe1 /Domanda Said Bel 4 92 -- -- 93 5 -- 5 93 93 -- -- lenstruction of Gill Zarak mosque. 3 mobile vans visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0-2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Gravity -flow water supply, three systems, benefit 350 families Gravity -flow water supply, two systems, benefit 215 families 3 schools in Miti, Sterkam & Easel Ihel. 93 -- -- 1 MD, -- -- 1 BEN 1 M.T. 92 6 93 VFU with 1 DVM, 2 paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 3 villages. Ongoing SCA 7 87 -- -- Completed AID 1 Completed AID 11 1 MD / 5 mid -level HWs. Jail Paktia ACLU CONST: Road ACLU CONST: Bridge Jaji 90 -- -- 11 89 12 91 Reconstruction of Jaji -Deb Now road (30 km) with machinery. Reconstruction of Bailey Bridge (10 m) for heavy traffic - metallic construction with stone masonry 1:6 of abutment & pier. 91 10 91 ATC MINES: Clearance Belawat /Ihazi Ehel Completed UNOCHA 7 GAF AGRIC: Vet Jaji Ongoing UNDP 5 90 IAAAB CONST: Pub.Building Taji Ali /Ali Ihel Ongoing MWL IACBAR 6 Destroyed 248 devices, cleared 70155 Sqm grazing land & road. 93 1 assist DVM / 2 paravet / i guard curative & preventive service. -- i mosque in Taj Ali - cement / steel bar I local materials (copleted), 1 school in Ali Ihel - 6 rooms. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 210 A6actrep Lo... 27/08 c? 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGE(S) -- -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jaji Paktia 4 91 9 91 Construction of Mosque with 2 rooms & 6 baths - stone / firebrick & cement. Chawni Completed IWL Ali Mel Ongoing IRC -- 91 -- -- 400 students. -- Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 0.6 st wheat, 0.6 mt DAP to 13 farmers Crop Product AGRIC: Fruit Trees Laski /Ghonzi Ahmed Ongoing SV IRC /RPA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing FAO Research Completed SV /FAO Improved wheat, barley and oat seed trials AGRIC: 3 91 12 92 IRC /RPA Training Ongoing SV 1 -2 day trng in seed cult, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 196 farmers trained AGRIC: 1 92 -- -- IRC /RPA Other Laski /Ghonzi Ahead Ongoing SV 2 Model farms: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, AGRIC: 3 91 -- -- IRC /RPA Storage Ali Ebel Completed HCR 1 warehouse, 750 mt capacity, built from cement, bricks, steel bars, iron sheets COKST: 6 90 12 91 IRC /RPA Sanitation Completed SV Construction of 3 double -vault surface latrines in 3 villages CONS!: 1 91 12 92 IRC /RPA Ongoing SV Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, waste disposal, clean water etc HEALTH: Education 4 90 -- -- IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- IRC /RPA WATER: Iarez Completed HCR /SV 1 90 12 92 IRC /RPA Canal Completed SV Rehabilitation of 3 canals, total 7.47 km, irrigate 245Ojeribs, WATER: 10 91 -- 92 IRC /RPA Drinking Completed SV Gravity -flow water supply, three systems, benefit 470 families WATER: 8 91 12 92 IRC /RPA CONS ?: Pub.Building Belawat Payan Completed ARCON 6 92 12 92 Construction of mosque with stone masonry. JCE COKST: Pub.Building Belawat Bala Completed ARCON 6 92 12 92 Construction of mosque with stone masonry. JCE LBI HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Jaji Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- MSR HEALTH: Basic Post Saperai Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- RDA WATER: Ali Ihel Approved WFP -- 93 --.93 HEALTH: Basic Clinic Chawni Ongoing SCA 5 89 -- -- 5 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse / i Dental Tech. /1 Lab Tech. / 1 Pharmacist SCA EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 90 -- -- 2 schools in Baldad Kali & Hassan Dara villages. UNO Pub.Building IAAAE COKST: IRC &DUCAT: Primary IBC /RPA AGRIC: IRC /RPA Tarez Laski /Ghonzi Ahmad 3 91 -- -- 10 91- -- -- Nursery with 8603 sqm planted with stone fruit nut / apple seed and cuttings 1. tractor bees, farm power 3 mobile vacs visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0-2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Rehabilitation of 22 karezes, total 3.68 km, irrigate 7210 jeribs, benefit 5025 families benefit 663 families 20 bed hospital - fully equipped 2 BHWs Rehabilitation of 5,700 Linear M karez - benefit 570 families. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 1 A C B A R Page: 211 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- .DURATION Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Jaji Maiden APWO CONST: Pub.Building Center Completed APWO 3 92 APWO WATER: Canal 7 villages Completed UNDP 4 92 11 92 ARCAR AGRIC: Livestock All villages Ongoing UNDP 4 93 ARCON CONST: Pub.Building JSji Baldan Completed ARCON CARI WATER: Canal Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 6 Irrigation canals with total length 42.1ka including other structures. WATER: Canal Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Showdeda Irrigation canal with total length 7.5km including other structures. HEALTH: Vaccination Approved UNICEF -- 93 -- -- 3 mobile yaces visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 HEALTH: Other Approved HCR -- 93 -- -- Sale of insecticide -impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention 1 minefield Completed UNOCHA CARE IRC /RPA IRC /RPA 9 92 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Shaweya Ongoing AID PRB AGRIC: Center Completed UNDP 4 93 UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 89 -- -- Paktia Poultry distribution: 7500 chinckens. -- MINES: Vet Rehabilitation of 7 canals - benefit 900 faiilies. 7 93 MCPA Survey Bosque construction. Construction of Jaji Hayden mosque. 1 92 12 92 57,548 Spa road. 11 88 -- -- 2 BHWs 6 93 VFU with 1 DVH, 2 paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. 2 schools in Rokyan & Sheikhan villages. Jani Khel ARGON CONST: Pub.Building Iotkai Ongoing ARGON ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Balkhel Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Balkhel school. ARCON CONST: Pub.Buìldìng Jani Ihel Completed ARCON -- Construction of Jani Ihel mosque. IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing UNDP IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed SV 3 93 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing SV 3 90 -- -- Nursery with 2222 aqm planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings IRC /RPA AGRIC: Forestry Completed SV 3 93 4 93 Distribution of 852 forestry tree seedlings to 56 farmers in 11 villages IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Discontin UNDP 10 91 1 92 1 Fare Anisal Vaccination and Treatment clinic closed following thefts from stores. 1ACBAR Maidan Ihola Construction of Salsas Alfarsi school. 10 92 -- -- 4 93 Seed multiplication: 1 at wheat. 1 mt DAP to 21 farmers Distribution of 988 saplings to 35 farmers DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 212 Aóactrep Date: 27/48/93 6TH BDITION I SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Paktia ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- Bad <ACTIVITT DESCRIPTION> Jani Khei 10 91 -- -- Ongoing FAO Completed SV /FAO Training Completed UNDP AGRIC: Training Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed mult, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 184 farmers trained IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other Maidan [hola Ongoing SV 3 90 -- -- Model farm: seed mutt, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fare power IRC /RPA CONST: Storage Maidan [hola Completed HCR 6 90 12 91 1 warehouse, 750 mt capacity, built from cement, bricks, steel bars, iron sheets IRC /RPA CONST: Other Maiden [hole Completed SV IRC /RPA HEALTH: Education Ongoing SV IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing IRC /RPA WATER: garez -- IRC /RPA WATER: Canal Palo [hei (Nishpa IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking MAI BDUCAT: Primary MSH IRC/RPA AGRIC: Machinery 4RC /RPA AGRIC: Research IRC /RPA AGRIC: IRC /RPA Maiden [hola 3.90 12 92 12 91 1 92 10 91 11 91 1 tractor Improved wheat seed triele 1 x one -month course for village -based basic veterinary workers, 5 trained 22 culverts 0 -- Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, waste disposal, clean water etc UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile vaccs visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children females aged 5 -45 Completed HCR /SV 11 89 10 92 Rehabilitation of 8 karezes, total 1.88 km, irrigate 1570 jeribs, benefit 570 families Completed SV 10 91 Completed SV Kotkai Ongoing MAI -- HEALTH: Basic Post Haaanzai Senzai Ongoing AID 11 89 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Bazi [hei Ongoing SCA 8 89 -- -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 10 87 -- -- 3 schools in Worgora, Mea Del & Rubat Hassan Zai villages. 5 km Musa khel road reconstruction. Paktia 4 90 3 92 8 91 11 92 Gravity -flow water supply, three systems, benefit 260 families i school. 2 BHWe .12 mid -level HWs, 1 lab tech. Khoet AB CONST: Road ghost Approved UNDP -- -- -- -- AB WATER: Structure [asay Completed FAO 10 92 ACLU CONST: Road [host Completed AID ACRU CONST: Pub.Building Domanda Ongoing UNDP IACBAR Rehabilitation of 1 canal, 2.47 km, irrigate 2000 jeribs, benefit 180 families 1 93 6 91 12 91 -- . Construction of 151 Gabion wall intake. Reconstruction of Miranaha -ghost road (4.55 km) with machinery. Repairing of a secondary school. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 213 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH BDITIOK I ACTIVITI SECTOR AGENCY AGRIC: -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BI -- Begin --End RAP -- 91 -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Khost Paktia AFRANE - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- (host Research Ongoing Variety & agronomical trials to know the best variety in consideration of good yield & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration of plots. Vaccination of B.C.G. AHSAO HEALTH: Vaccination Matoon Ongoing UNICEF P.PWO WATER: Canal (host Completed FAO ARCON AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing ARCON -- Main crops ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Ongoing ARCON -- Sheep farm. ARCON AGRIC: Livestock Ongoing ARGON -- Poultry farm ARCON CONST: Shelter Khost Ongoing ARCON -- Concrete factory ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Mogbil /Zikar Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Zikar school, ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Badam Bagh Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Badam Bagh farm building. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Khost Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Ihost hospital for IIRO. ARCON CONST:. Pub.Buildìng Ihost Ongoing ARCON -- Construction of Manda Aljihad school. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Mir Mandi Ongoing ARGON -- Construction of Gurbuz school. ARCON CONST: Pub.Buìlding Niazi Ongoing ARGON -- Construction of Niazi Sholian school. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Ihost Completed ARCON -- -- -- -- Construction of Hagani school. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Mogbil /Saltak Ongoing ARGON -- -- -- -- Construction of Saltak mosque. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Ihost Ongoing ARCON ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Ihost Completed ARCON -- Repair of Shura building. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building (host Ongoing ARCON -- Repairing of female hospital. ARCON CONST: Pub.Building [host Completed ARGON -- Construction of main mosque. ARCON EDUCAT: Madrasa Ihost Ongoing ARCON ARCON INCOME: Skill Train. Khasi Ongoing ARCON IA C B A R ' 11 89 -- -- 5 92 . -- - 9 92 -- -- -- Construction of Ihost municipality. Islamic university -- Al- Shohadaa center DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 214 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION? Khost ARCON INCOME: Skill Train. Ihost Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON INCOME: Skill Train. Ehost Ongoing ARGON -- ARCON WATER: Canal Haroon Ebel Completed ARCON -- -- -- -- ARCON WATER: Canal [host Completed ARCON -- - ARCON WATER: Drinking Ihoet Completed ARCON -- Repairing of Hindo weil. ACON WATER: Drinking Ehost Completed ARCON -- Repairing of Ihost market well. ARGON WATER: Drinking Badam Bagh Completed ARCON -- Repairing of well. ARGON WATER: Drinking Mandi Ihel Ongoing ARGON -- Repairing of Matoon well. ARO AGRIC: Crop Product Matoon Ongoing FAO 12 92 -- Multiplication of 10 MT wheat. ARO WATER: Earez Diri Ongoing UNDP 12 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 03 karezes. ARO WATER: Canal Diri Ongoing UNDP 12 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 canal - benefits 300 people. ARR WATER: Karez Tor Oba Completed UNDP ARS AGRIC Fruit. Trees 15 viilag ;e Completed ARS WATER ::Iarez 5 villages ARS WATER: Iarz ARS WATER: ARS . Machanic achool AI Shaheed vocational center. Rehabilitation of Haroon Ihel canal. -- -- Repairing of Ali Shir canai. 2 92 6 92 Rehabilitation of Jaila Ihel Iarez -2 km. FAO 10 91 2 92 Distribution of 6,000 trees. Completed NAC 12 91 6 92 Cleaning of 7 karezes(15.55 ka), irrigate 1155 jeribs & benefit 628 families. 4 villages Completed NAC 9 91 11 91 Cleaning of 4 karezes(3.44 km), irrigate 1230 jeribs & benefit 150 farmers. Karma 4 villages Completed UNDP 5 92 11 92 Rehabilitation of 8 karezes (7.59 km), irrigate 4,730 jeribs & benefit 940 families. WATER: Canal`. 5 villages Completed UNDP 5 92 11 92 Cleainig of 7 canals(17.2 km), irrigate 5,000 jeribs & benefit 1005 families. ARS WATER: Structure 4 villages Ongoing NAC ATC MINES Clearance bazgar Completed -- BRR CONST: had Ihost/3 Completed UNDP CARE AGRIC: Other Ihost Completed AID 0 CARE CONST: Road [host /Alisher /Saba Completed AID -- A C B A R 11 92 -- -- Construction Of 4 intakes (atone & cement) & irrigate 17800 jeribs: 5 92 6 92 Destroyed 56 devices, cleared 107620 Su road. 10 92 3 93 From 2 +400 to 6 +300 of Angur Ada_ Banyan road (17 culverts & wash) 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 2 Farms (Milma kot & Project Farm) which cover 78 ha area including all related activities. t 0 92 Reconstruction of Lacan, Batai & Trizai Roads with total length 31.1km including other structures. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 215 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 . 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SICTOR - - -- VILLAGI(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDID - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVIYY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Khost Paktia CARE CONST: Storage Ihost /Alisher /Saba Completed AID -- 92 CARE CONST: Other Boat Completed AID -- -- -- 92 Renovation of Warehouse with capacity of 1.800 mt. ) CARE WATER: Earez £host /Alisher /Saba Completed AID -- -- -- 92 Rehabilitation of Ghobdi A Mangas larez with total length 7 km including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal ghost Completed AID -- 0 92 Rehabilitation of 5 Irrigation canals with total length 15.4Ìm including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Ehost /Alisher /Saba Completed AID -- -- -- 92 Construction of one Erosion barrier with stone masonry with_the total length 57m CER WATER: Canal Chenjani Ongoing FAO -- 93 -- 93 Cleaning of canal. CDU CONST: Road Completed UNDP -- 92 -- 93 Repairing of road structure. CRR CONST: Road Domanda Completed UNDP 7 92 DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Ongoing DACAAR 2 93 -- -- DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Completed FAO DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees 5 villages Completed FAO DACAAR AGRIC: Research 5 villages Ongoing FAO /Self DACAAR AGRIC: Plant Protec 5 villages Completed DACAAR 3 93 DACAAR AGRIC: Training 5 villages Ongoing DACAAR 2 93 -- -- DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages. Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- - - 160 shallow wells A 87 hand- puipe. GAF AGRIC: Vet ghost Ongoing UNDP 11 91 1 assist DVM / 2 paravet / 1 gaurd curative & preventive service. IIRO HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp ; Ongoing . 0 3 93 10 92 10 92 3 93 3 93 11 92 -- -- IIRO Construction of 2 village level storehouses with capacity of 100 mt. 3 93 6 93 -- Conetruction of structures in 5 km road. Vegetable nursery established in an area of 7.2 SAm. 15 MT wheat seed & 27.1 MT DAP distributed_ to 842 farmers. 2540 fruit saplings distributed to 69 Revere. Test plots of wheat 7 varieties. 47.5 kg 2 -4 -D applied on 119 jeriba wheat fields of 157 farmers. 76 farmers'technically advised. 75 bed hoop (E1 -Fath) - General surgery i orthopaedic / ob -gyn / internal medicine / dental clinic. IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 10 92 3 93 Seed distribution: 14.1 st wheat; 14.1 at DAP. to 178 families IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 0.95 at wheat, 0.95 st DAP to 16 farmers IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed SV IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed AID IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing. SV Natoon (Pir halal : 3 93 4 93 Distribution .of 1,303 aaplinga to 30 farmers 3 93 4 93 Distribution of 952 aaplinga to 18 farmers 11.92 -- -- Page: Nursery with 1600 sal planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings 216 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(SI - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED -- STATÚS- -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin -=End DESCRIPTION> Khost Paktia IRC /RPA AGRIC: Forestry Completed SV 3 93 4 93 Distribution of 2,500 forestry tree seedlings to 25 farmers in 2 villages IRC /RPA AGRIC: Forestry Completed AID 3 93 4 93 Distribution of 3,795 forestry tree seedlings to 50 farmers in 15 villages IRC /RPA AGRIC: Forestry Matoon (Pir ¡alai Ongoing SV 11 92 -- -- Nursery with 2,240 mixed seedlings IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Center Ongoing UNDP 11 92 -- -- 1 Farm Animal Vaccination monitoring office IRC /RPA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Research Completed SV /FAO IRC/RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed molt, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc. 127 farmers trained ER /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing AID 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed suit, nurseries, bees, poultry. food preservation etc. 159 farmers trained IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other ; Matoon (Pir ¡alai Ongoing SV IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination -- Ongoing UNICEF IRC/RPA HEALTH: Other Approved HCR IRC /RPA WATER: Canal Completed SV /FAO 2 92 12 92 Rehabilitation of 16 canals, total 47.85 km, irrigate 17,200 jeribs, benefit 3512 families IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking Modi Khel (Sukbari Completed SV 193 1 93 Gravity -flow water supply, one system, benefit 20 families ISRA CONST: Pub.Building -- Ongoing ISRA -- 92. 9 93 Construction of 2' mosques. ISRA EDUCAT: Primary ¡boat ongoing ISRA 11 92 -- -- 1 School for orphans - 153 students & 4 teachers. ISRA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Matta -China Ongoing ISRA 12 91 -- -- 1 doctor / i assistant / 1 lab tech. I female & sale helpers. ISRA INCOME: Help Vulner. ¡host Ongoing ISRA 1 85 -- -- Assistance to 637 orphans(sonthly allowance / health i education / clothing I foot -wear. ISRA WATER: Completed FAO 3 93 Cleaning of canal - irrigates 100 hectares. MAI DUCAT: Primary Dosanda/Jani Del Ongoing. MAI -- -- -- -- 2 schools. MAMAR CONST: Road Ghulam Khan Gurbuz Ongoing CCSC 10 92 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 18 km road & construction of 50 structures. MCPA MINIS: Survey 13 minefields Completed UNOCHA MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ayoob ¡bel Ongoing AID A C B A R Matoon (Pir ¡alai Canal 1 tractor 11 92 12 92 Improved wheat seed trials Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees. farm power 11 92 -- -- 5 92 -- -- 3 mobile vans visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 -- 93 -- -- 5 93 1 92 12 92 10 88 -- -- Sale of insecticide -impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention 565,569 Spi agri.lands / residential & road. 1 NURSE, 2 MED. TECH., 1 LAB. TECH. ASST. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 217 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 2 ROOMS 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED --BY- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Khost KSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ihost MSH HEALTH: MCH Ihost ' Ongoing AID 3 88 -- Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- 4 BHWs I MD / 1 Women /children under 5 care; Lab. Tech. health education Voluntary Health Sister (VHS) and Dai training programs. HEALTH: Med.Training MSH Ihost Ongoing AID 10 92 -- -- Previously in Mires Shah the training center was shifted to thost in 11/92. Trained 102 BHWs (3 months initial training), 147 BHWs refresher training, 30 health workers attended management, PHC & CDD workshops & seminars. MSH ' ' HEALTH: Other Ihbst Ongoing 'AID i 92 -- -- Regional Health - Administration (RHA) administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and monitoring and supervision of the BHWe and health facilities under its jurisdiction. MSH HEALTH: Other Ihost Ongoing AID 10 92 -- -- Regional Health Administration (RBA) administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and for monitoring and supervision of the BHWe and health facilities under its jurisdiction NPO AGRIC: Fruit Trees Lhoet Completed NRC /NCA 3 92 10 92 Cleaning of government garden with fruit trees. NPO CONST: Bridge Ihost Completed NRC /NCA 5 92 Viaduct crossing river watering substantial area. NPO CONST: Shelter Khost Completed NRC /NCA 3 92 -- -- NPO INCOME: Skill Train. Ihoet Completed NRC /NCA 3 92 9 92 OMAR MINES: Awareness -- Completed UNOCHA ' i 92 6 92 Safety lessons - 12236 people participated. RAFA WATER: Canal Zagara Completed FAO 692 8 92 Rehabilitation of 1100 m canal. RAFA WATER: Canal Jeribi Luz Sewaki Ongoing FAO 2 93 -- -- RAFA WATER: Canal Pass Abu Khan Completed FAO 2 92 5 92 Rehabilitation of 3900 m canal RAFA WATER: Canal Zen Ghondai Completed FAO 6 92 8 92 Rehabilitation of 2700 m canal. RAFA WATER: Structure luz Abu than Completed FAO 8 92 12 92 Construction of retaining wall. RAFA WATER: Structure luz Abu Khan Ongoing FAO 3 93 -- -- Construction of structure & changing of river direction. RAFA WATER: Other Diff. villages Completed FAO 4 92 RBS: SOCIAL:Commu.Particp Ongoing RBS 10 92 12 93 Established center for disabled children. RBS SOCIAL:Form Committ. Ongoing RBS 10 92 12 93 Formation of social welfare RBS SOCIAL:Other Ongoing RBS 10 92 12 93 Training of volunteers (coaunity_workere). IA C B A R' 1 93 842 Production of concrete beans length 4.5 m for rote. 'Vocational training of etudente in handicraft; Rehabilitation of 4175 m canals, irrigates 200 hectares of land - benefits 529 families. Topographic survey for structures. DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES Page: 218 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 committees. 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Partie 'WATER: RDM ---- VILLAGE(S)-- -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin - -End DESCRIPTION> Khost Rehabilitation of canal - length 4.1 kt - benefit 200 families. Canal 5 villages Completed FAO 2 93 12 93 Completed FAO 2 93 4 93 Rehabilitation of Lawany canal - length 4.1 km - benefit 200 families. FAO 3 93 5 93 Slab / wall / beams / column of Dando canal benefit 200 families. Completed UNDP 9 92 2 93 Length 2.4 km, 19 culvert & Domanda -ghost road repair. RUM WATER :. Canal 5 villages RDM WATER: Structure 5 villages RDP CONST: Road Domanda/Ehost SCA AGRIC: Fruit Treee Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 3,986 fruit tree saplinge. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 1.02 MT agrochemicale. J'vG AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 7- 92 Agriculture survey on 122 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 12 88 -- -- SJAWO EDUCAI: Literacy Completed UNDP /Slf 9 92 3 93 Providing education to trainees in literacy & numeracy. SJAWO EDUCAT: Literacy Ongoing UNDP 3 93 -- -- Providing education to trainees in literacy & numeracy. INCOME: Skill Train. Ongoing UNDP 3 93 - Training of 100 students in the trades of carpentry & masonry for repairing I Manufacturing agricultural tools for SJAWO : Laken - Ongoing - 1 mid -level Ps I i Dental Tech./ 1 Lab Tech. failure of their area. START AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Ongoing FAO /UNDP 3 93 12 93 Sugar cane aultiplication (24 MT). START AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Completed UNDP 5 92-10 92 Improved rice seed multiplication. START AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Completed UNDP 5 92 10 92 Improved maize seed multiplication. START AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Completed UNDP 10 92 6 93 Improved wheat seed multiplication. START AGRIC: Fruit Trees 6 villagee Ongoing FAO 3 93 9 93 Fruit trees distribution (10,000 saplings). START WATER: Canal Matuon Ongoing FAO 12 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 15 canale. TPRPA CONST: Other Panzia Approved ARCON -- 93 -- -- To lake Panzia Mini hydel power station. TPRPA WATER: Canal Panzia Completed FAO ALBAR 7 92 .8 92 . Panzia casal cleaning. DATABASE' OF NCO ACTIVITIES Page: 219 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- DURATION -- -BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Khost TPRPA WATER: Canal Mony Completed FAO -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of Mony canal. TPRPA WATER: Canal Zifty Completed FAO -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of Zifty canal. TTP!GTZ INCOME: Skill Train. City Ongoing TTP /GTZ Dargai Ongoing AID -- Rehabilitation of 10 km road from Dargai to Ismaiel Khel, benefit 2,857 families. Dargai Ongoing AID -- Construction of 100 m retaining wall(gabion work), benefit 60 families. Ongoing FAO -- Cleaning of Kosh canal. VITA CONST: VITA WATER: WiC WATER: WROR CONST WATER: WROP, WOE WATER: Road FloodControl Canal Road Domanda Completed UNDP/WFP Other Abad Khans Completed Abad Khans Other Paktia IRC /RPA AGRIC: IRC/RPA AGRIC: IRC /RPA AGRIC: IRC /RPA, IRC /RPA IRC/RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA IRC /RPA . Fruit. Trees Forestry AGRIC: Research AGRIC: CONST: CONST: 5 93 Rehabilitation of a 1.6 k® road structures. UNDP 11 91 3 92 Technical survey of 1,600 m canal Completed UNDP 11 91 2 Completed SV 3 93 4 Laja /hole Ongoing SV 3 91 Laja Khola Ongoing SV 3 91 -- -- Ongoing FAO Completed SV /FAO 3 91 12 92 . Improved wheat, barley and oat seed trials Completed UNDP 7 92 1 x one -month course for village -based basic veterinary workers, 2 trained Ongoing SV 1 Laja /bola Ongoing SV 3 91 Laja ßhola Completed HCR 6 90 12 91 Davda Completed SV 1 Ongoing SV 4 90 Ongoing UNICEF 1 Laja Bola Training Training Other Storage Sanitation HEALTH: Education HEALTH: Vaccination ACBAR -- 93 -- Training 80 people per year in masonry & carpentry (4 months sessions j. -- 92 Fruit -frees Machinery AGRIC: 92 -- -- 92 1 reservoir I i aqueduct. Survey of -a karez ISuitani karez -446 m) + 4 springs. Laimaneal AGRIC: AGRIC: 4 93 Distribution of 807 saplings to 14 farmers -- -- Nursery with 4040 sqm planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings Nursery with 11,409 cedar and pine seedlings 10 91 -- - 1 tractor 8 92 92 -- -- -- -- 91 12 92 -- -- 89 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed mult, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 169 farmers trained Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fars power 1 warehouse, ?50 it capacity, built from cement, bricks, steel bars, iron sheets Construction of 2 double -vault surface latrines in 1 village Basic health education messages on sanitation, nutrition, waste disposal, clean water etc 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 DATABASE OF $GO ACTIVITIES Page: 220 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(S)-- -- SECTOR AGENCY --STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Iso===== IRC /RPA WATER: (area IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking Paktia Toudi Tak /Satu Toe Rehabilitation of 10 karezes, total 2.39 la, irrigate 910 jeribs, benefit 1220 families 4 92 Completed SV/BCR 1 90 Completed SV 8 91 11 91 i 93 3 93 Construction of 150 a breached section & intake. 1 93 3 93 Construction of 330 a breached section & intake. 1 93 3 93 Construction of 200m breached sectiont & intake. Gravity -flow water supply, two systems, benefit 63 families Mandozi AB WATER: Structure Salami Completed UNDP AB WATER: Structure Dilpurai Completed UNDP AB WATER: Structure Landwara Completed UNDP Sarband Leca Ongoing UNOCHA 12 92 -- -- 5 nurses i 1 MD / treat deminers & local people. -HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid ,0,ATC ' ATC MINES: Clearance 3 villages Completed UNOCHA 11 91 12 92 Destroyed 2023 devices, cleared 503800 So /,grazing land / road & canal. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Ongoing FAO 10 92 -- -- 2 MT wheat seed A 2 MT DAP distributed to 42 selected farmers for seed multiplication. DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Completed FAO 5 92 5 92 DACAAR AGRIC: Crop'Product 12 villages Completed FAO 6 92 6 92 DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed 90/Self 8 91 -- -- 0.7 MT rice seed / 0.5 MT DAP & 0.1 Mt urea distributed to 79 selected farmers for seed multiplication. 4.5 NT maize seed / 4.5 MT DAP & 3 MT-urea distributed to 260 farmers. Distribution of 16 kg vegetable seed to 117 'farmers A 80.000 seedlings of cauli - flower & cabbage to 264 farmere in 13 villages. Distribution of 80.75 MT improved wheat seed / 83.15 MT Urea / 75.06 MT DAP to 1,663 farmers in 12 villages. 11 91 -- -- Completed FAO /Self 12 villages Completed. DACAAR Fruit Trees 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR AGRIC: fruit Trees 12 villages Completed FAO 2 92 2 92 DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees. 12 villages Completed FAO 3 93 3 93 DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees 42 villages Ongoing DACAAR 3 92 -- -- Citrus nursery established in an area of 500 Sqa. DACAAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR 2 93 -- -- 1026 orange saplings distributed to 230 growers. DACAAR AGRIC: Forestry 12 villages Completed DACAAR 1 93 DACAAR AGRIC: Forestry 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR 1 92 -- DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product DACAAR AGRIC: Crop Product DACAAR AGRIC: DACAAR ACBAR 3 92 33.7 kg vegetable seed and-221,000 vegetable seedlings distributed to 1513 farmers. 3 92 Apricot nursery established in an area of 720 Sqm. 12 92 -- -- . 14,000 fruit saplings distributed to 1,475 growers. 5,000 fruit saplings distributed to 121 growers. 39,597 forest trees distributed to 2,810 farmers. 2 93 Forest nursery(150,000 plastic tube)established. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 221 Aóactrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION AMfIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia DACAAF DrA&E DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR Maki: DA.ìLj, ,.......r. ,,EAA DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR* DACAAE DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR DACAAR ----VILLAGE(S)---- FUNDED --STATUS-- ---BY-- DURATION Begin--End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Mandozi AGRIC: Research 12 villagee Completed FAO /Self 3 92 9 AGRIC: Research 12 villages Completed FAO /Self 7 92 9 92 Research 12 villages Ongoing FAO /Self 11 92 -- -- Experiments: 1 wheat yield triai 13 var. / 16 wheat / 24 barley & 19 oat varieties as observation lines. 12 villages Completed FAO /Self 11 91 Wheat yield trial 13 var., test plots of 9 var of wheat, 7 var. of alfalfa,68 observation lines of barley & 2 varieties of wheat as demonstration plots in 3 locations. 12 villages Completed DACAAR 3 93 3 12 villages Completed DACAAR 3 92 3 92 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR 1 93 -- -- Field rat control measure conducted on 43 jeribs of farmers field. 12 villages v .:a A Completed DACAAR 1 92 12 92 2,000 farmers technically adivsed. 12 villages Ongoing DACAAR 1 93 - 485 farmers technically advised. 12 villages Completed DACAAR 7 92 Completed DACAAR, -- Completed DACAAR 12 91 Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- 93 Mandozai Ongoing DACAAR -- Completed DACAAR 11 91 -- -- PCC production - beams(4 a), linteis(2 & 1.5 m) - for community housing. Shelter Matakhan Completed DACAAR -- 91 -- 92 Concrete beams 5,023 & lintels 3,788. Shelter Haider Bel' Ongoing DACAAR -- 91 -- -- Concrete beams 8,0335 & lintels 5,6619. AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: Ahi.,. AGRIC: AGRIC: CONST: CONST: CONST: ' CONST: CONST: CONST: CONST: Research Plant Protec Plant Protec Plant Protec Trainin Training Training Other Road Road Mandozei Road Shelter Shelter 8 92 Two rice experiments. (18 var.) conducted. 1 maize experiment (10 var. )conducted. 5 92 93 79.1 kg 2 -4 -D applied on 198 jeribs wheat fields of 148 farmers. 2.05 kg 2 -4 -D applied on -.443 teribs of 463 farmers. - 8 92 92 -- 613 shovel 92 1423 farmers in 11 villages. Repair of 15 km road in Manduzai. 10 92 91 -- i 837 sickle distributed to Rehabilitation of baduwai- Diipurai road (15 km) - construction of 67 culverts - with machinery. Repair of 15 km road in Ismailkhei(6.5 km completed). -- RCC production - beams(4p), lintels (2 & 4.5m) for community-housing. CONST: Pub.Building Haider Ehel Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- 93 1 primary school building CONST: Pub.Buiidìng Matakhan Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- 93 1 primary school building WATER: Canal Several villages Ongoing DACAAR -- 91 -- 93 Appx. 130 is canals cleaned & several structures made. Several villages Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- -- 160 shallow wells & 87 hand- pumps. WATER: Drinking Page: 222 A6rtr p Date: 1/48/93 ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Paktia -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Pi andozi 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and Treatment clinic, 3 paravets Ongoing UNDP 1 93 -- -- Training Completed UNDP 5 93 5 93 1 x one -month course for village- based.basic veterinary workers, Sanitation Ongoing SV 3 93 -- -- Construction of double -vault surface latrines HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 5 92 -- -- 3 mobile vaccs visiting at least 3 i year, targetting 0 -2 itere children & females aged 5 -45 IRC/RPA HEALTH: Other Approved HCR NINES: 19 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 938,921 Sgm agari. lands / rd.res.agr. / irrigation i .residential / grazing lands & road. MCPA EH HEALTH: Basic Post Matakhan Ongoing AID 4 82 -- -- 4 BHWs AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicale. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA Completed UNDP Ongoing ARCON IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet IRC /RPA AGRIC: IRC /RPA CONST: IRC /RPA Matakhan Survey Paktia " -- 93 -- -- : trained Sale of insecticide - impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention Musa Khel Musa Ihel 11 92 1 93 Construction of road / culverts / washes & fords. -- Repairing & maintenance of workshop. AB CONST: Road ARCON CONST: Other CONST: Road Musa Del Completed UNDP 8 92 11 92 Rehabilitation of 1.7 km road / 15 washes & retaining walls. ARR NINES: Clearance Musa Ihei Discontin UNOCHA 1 92 -- -- Destroyed 1 device, cleared 7740 Sgm road. ATC CARE WATER: Iarez Zoor Kot Coapleted AID -- CARE WATER: FloodControl Zoor Kot Completed AID -- -- -- 92 CONST: Road Completed UNDP -- 92 -- 92 Road survey. CRE AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed SV 3 93 93 Distribution of 1,404 saplings to 27 farmers IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Zoor Tot /Garda Kho Ongoing SV 3 90 -- -- Nursery with 4544 ma planted with stone fruit i nut IRC /RPA AGRIC: Forestry Zoor Kot /Gardi Kho Ongoing SV 3 90 -- Nursery with 20,455 mixed seedlings tRC /RPA IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Discontin UNDP 0 11 91 0 92 4 -- 2 92 Rehabilitatioq of Zorkot Iarez with total length 3.73km including other structures. Construction of one Erosion barrier with stone masonry with the total length 162m 1 at wheat, 1 st DAP to 22 farmers apple aeed and cutting', 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and treatment clinic closed as no suitable site found. Page: 223 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Patia ---- VILLAGE(Si - - -- FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY - STATUS -- - - -BY -- Begin- -End Ongoing FAO 10 91 -- -- DESCRIPTION> Musa Khel IRC/RPA AGRIC. Machinery IRC /RPA AGRIC: Research :oor Kot/Gardi Eho Ongoing SV /FAO IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training -- Completes UNDP IRC/RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing SV 1 92 -- -- 1 -2 day trng in seed Ault, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 369 farmers trained IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other Zoor Kot/Gardi Eho Ongoing SV 3 90 -- -- 2 Model farms: seed Ault, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power IRC /RPA CONST: Storage Lador Khula/Zoor K Completed HCR 6 90 2 warehouses, 750 mt capacity, built from cement, bricks, steel bars, iron sheets IRC /RPA CONST: Sanitation Ehar Lotai /Mawa Ka Completed SV 1 91 12 92 Construction of 20 double -vault surface latrines in 2 villages IRC /RPA CONST: Other Lador Ehula Completed SV 8 91 11 91 22 culverts IRC /RPA HEALTH: Education Ongoing SV 4 90 -- -- Basic health education messages on sanitation. nutrition. waste disposal, clean water etc IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile vaccs visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 IRC /RPA WATER: Earez Completed HCR 11 89 1 Rehabilitation of 10 karezes, total 1.52 km, irrigate 1477 jeribs, benefit 1445 families IRC /RPA WATER: Canal Completed SV 10 91 3 92 IRC /RPA WATER: Drinking Completed SV 8 91 10 92 Gravity -flow water supply, four systems, benefit 240 families MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 3 BHWs Gedawara Completed FAO 3 93 3 93 Distribution of 5,000 fruit trees. Paktia M?rgha /Ghalang Can Zoor Kot 1 tractor Improved wheat, barley and oat seed trials 3 90 -- -- 12 91 2 x one -month courses for village -based basic veterinary workers, 6 trained 8 92 9 91 92 Rehabilitation of i canal, 2.03 km, irrigate 2000 jeribs, benefit 250 families Nader Shah 'Fruit Trees AB AGRIC: AB WATER: Canal Gedawara Completed IRC /RPA 11 92 1 93 Canal cleaning & Intake construction. CARE CONST: Road Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Eo Coipleted AID -- 0 0 92 Reconstruction of Zanikhel & Darogai Roads with total length 1O.5km including other structures. CARE CONST: Storage Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Ko Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Construction of 1 village level storehous with capacity of 50 mt. CARE WATER: Earez Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Eo Completed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 4 Earezes with total length 8.2km including other structures. HCI WATER: Other Kapary Bala Completed UNDP/HCI 6 91 2 93 Sediment cleaning i construction of intake & retaining walls (gabion work) i siphons i irrigating 17,500 jeribs of land. IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION J Page: 2Y4 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 AGENCY SECTOR Paktia ---- VILLAGE(S)- - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED -- STATUS - - -BY -- DURATION Begin --End. (ACTIVITY DISCRIPTION>- Nader Shah IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF ii(C/RPA HEALTH: Other Approved HCR -- 93 -- -- IRC /RPA WATER: Canal Ongoing SV 4 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 6 canals, total 10.06 km. irrigate 5050 jeribs, benefit 890 families IRC!RPA WATER: Drinking Palusy Completed SV 2 93 Gravity -flow water supply,.one system, benefit 100 families MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Palusy Ongoing AID ii 89 -- -- SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Completed SCA 0 -- -- 92 Provision of 0.085 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA O -- -- 92 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. ñolalgo Ongoing RAP -- 91 -- -- Paktia 7 91 -- -- 2 93 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 x year, targetting O -2 years children & females .eyed 5 -45 Sale of insecticide - impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention 3 BHWs Paktia AFRANE AGRIC: DS HEALTH: Disabled Reh -- Completed UNICEF - MAI EDUCAT: Primary Darkaí Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 3 schools in Darakai Tarakhel, Darkai Kochian & Wazhla. HEALTH: Other All province Ongoing MSF -- 93 -- -- Monitoring & technical evaluation of microscopists. Completed UNOCHA -- -- -- -- Destroyed 2 devices, clerared 3323 Sqm grazing land. Ongoing UNICEF 10 89 -- -- 3 mobile vaces visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Qalandar Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- 4 93 !ISF -h Paktia Research Two teams conducted survey on disabled people in 50 selected villages, Qalandar ATC MINIS: IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Paktia ` 91/-- 91 Variety & agronomical trials to know the best variety in consideration of good yield & proger use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. Clearance Qalandar i BHW Sabari ARCAR AGRIC: Livestock All villages Ongoing UNDP ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Sabari Completed ARCON -- -- -- -- Construction of Sabari mosque. ARGON CONST: Pub.Building Sabari Ongoing ARCON -- -- -- -- Construction of Sabari mosque. DACAAR CONST: Shelter Yaqubi Ongoing DACAAR A C B A R 7 93 2 92 -- -- Poultry distribution: 7500 chickens. PCC production (4 i beams) for community housing. DATABASE OF pGO ACTIVITIES f Page: 225 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION] ACTIVITY - ---VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR AGENCY Paktia STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Sabari DACAAR CONST: Shelter Earesuna Completed DACAAR -- 91 -- 92 Concrete beams 7,076. DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Yaqubi Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- 93 Construction of primary school. DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Machei Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 -- 93 1 primary school building DACAAR WATER: Karen Sabari Completed DACAAR 10 91 Rehabilitation of 4 karezes - total length 4.35 km. DACAAR WATER: Canal Ongoing DACAAR -- 91 -- 93 Appx. 65 km canal cleaned. DACAAR WATER: Canal Yaqubi Completed DACAAR 10 91 Rehabilitation of 6 canals - total length 12.9 km. DAAAI! WATER: Drinking Several villages Ongoing DACAAR -- 91 -- -- 122 shallow well improved & 92 hand- pumps. IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 0.65 at wheat. 065 mt DAP to 13 farmers IRC RPA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO 10 92 Seed distribution: 10.4 mt wheat. 10.4 st DAP to 208 families IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing AID 11 91 -- -- IRC /RPA. AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed AID 3 93 4 93 Distribution of 1,140 saplings to 17 farmers IRC /RPA AGRIC: Forestry Completed AID 3 93 4 93 Distribution of 7,248 forestry tree seedlings to 277 farmers in 12 villages IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Ongoing UNDP 12 91 -- -- IRC /RPA AGRIC.: Machinery Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Research Ongoing AID /FAO IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Completed UNDP 7 92 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing AID 1 92 -- -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other Center Ongoing AID 11 91 -- -- IRC /RPA CONST: Sanitation Center Ongoing SV 3 93 -- -- Construction of double -vault surface latrines IRC/RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 4 92 -- -- 3 mobile vaccs visiting at least 3 x year, wetting 0-2 years children & females aged 5 -45 IRC /RPA HEALTH: Other Approved HCR IRC /RPA WATER: Ongoing SV IA C B A R Karez ßhel 'Several villages Center Center Center 6 92 6 92 3 93 Nursery with 3084 sqs planted with stone fruit / nut I apple seed And cuttings 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and Treatment clinic, 1 vet, 2 paravets 1 tractor Improved wheat, barley and oat seed trials 11 91 -- -- 5 2 x one -month course for village -based basic veterinary workers, 9 trained 93 -- 93 -- -- 3 93 -- -- . 1 -2 day trng in seed mult, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 179 farmers trained Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power Sale of insecticide - impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention Rehabilitation of 3 karezes, total 3.78 km, irrigate 2600 jeribs, benefit 420 families DATABASE.OF NO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION J Page: 226 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGEES) - - -- Paktia SV 4 93 -- -- Leon Khel /Yaqubi Completed SV 1 93 2 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 China Kalai Ongoing AID Awareness Completed UNOCHA 1 92 AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 Canal IRC/RPA WATER: Drinking MCPA MINES: Survey MSH HEALTH: Basic Post OMAR MINES: SCA Paktia <ACTIVITI Begin --End Ongoing WATER: . DURATION FUNDED - --BY -- DESCRIPTION> Sabari IRC /RPA SCA --STATUS -- 4 11 87 -- 93 -- 6 92 Rehabilitation of 3 canals, total 2.67 km, irrigate 1800 jeribs, benefit 400 families Gravity -flow water supply, two systems, benefit 800 families 60,923 Sum agri. land & irrigation. 1 BHW Safety lessons - 6008 people participated. Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Sayed Karam ARGON CONST: Pub.Building bayed Karam Ongoing ARGON -- -- -- -- Repairing of Sayed Karam hospital. ARD2 AGRIC: Fruit Trees -- Completed FAO 12 90 -- -- Distribution of 11.000 fruit saplings. ETC MINES: Clearance Sayed Karam Completed UNOCHA 9 IMC CONST: Pub.Buiiding Duo Ghundi Ongoing WHO 5 90 -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 10 92 3 93 Seed distribution: 9.25 mt wheat, 9.25 it DAP to 191 families IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 0.75 it wheat, 0.75 mt DAP to 15 farmers ÍRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Khoshal Ihel laser Ongoing AID 10 91 -- -- Nursery with 1050 sqm planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed AID 3 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Research Completed AID /FAO IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing AID IRC /RPA AGRIC: Other Ongoing AID IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 1 IRC /RPA WATER: Ongoing SV /AustC 7 92 -- -- IACBAk Karez Khoshal Khel Eamar Khoshal Ihel Kamer ' 92 10 92 93 10 91 1 4 -- 93 12 92 92 -- -- 10 91 -- -- 89 -- -- Destroyed 291 devices, cleared 38236 Sqm road. Clinic building. Distribution of 668 saplings to 10 farmers i tractor Improved wheat seed trials 1 -2 day trng in seed mult, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 59 farmers trained Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power 3 mobile vacca visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged a -45 Rehabilitation of 29 karezes, total 20.27 km, irrigate 17200 jeribs, benefit 11030 families DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: '227 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I AGENCI SECTOR Paktia - ---VILLAGE(S)- - - ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY-- Begin --End iACTIVITY DäSCRIPTION?- Sayed Karam 1RC /RPA WATER: tarez Good Gala /Mu1ah Kb Completed SV iSRA AGRIC: Crop Product bayed Karam Ongoing FAO /UNDP CPA MINKS: Survey 6 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 !!SE HEALTH: Compr.,Cïinic Ghundi Kali ,Ongoing AID 3 90 -- M5: HEALTH: Baeiic Post Rod Ahmadzai Ongoing AID 3 NAC AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 9 90 -- 91 Distribution of 13 MT improved wheat seed i 13 MT Urea & 13 MT DAP to 370 farmers in 26 villages. AGRIC: CroP Product -- Completed NAC 5 91 Distribution of 5 MT rainfed improved wheat seed ;Blue Silver) to 350 farmers in 26 villages. NAC AGRIC: Fruit Trees Competed FAO -- SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 3 89 WRC AGRIC: Completed FAO -- RAC Paktia -- Crop Product - ' 7 92 12 92 11 92 7 93 2 MED. TECH., 1 LAB. TECH. ASST. 7 91 Distribution of 3.900 fruit trees !apple ! apricot i to 190 farmers in l: villages. 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 119 villages. -- -- 2 schools in Machaigho & Karlakan villages. -- -- 92 Distribution of 20 MT seed & 20 MT DAP. Shamal UNOCHA 12 92 -- IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Shamal (Norozáii Ongoing AID 12 91 AGRIC: Forestry Shamal (Norozai) Ongoing AID 12 91 -- -- Shamal (Norozaï) Ongoing AID 12 91 -- -- Ongoing UNICEF IRC /RPA AGRIC: IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vacci ation Othe. 4 92 6 nurses i 1 MD / treat deminers It local people. -- -- -- Nursery with 4574 sqm planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings Nursery with 13,649 mixed seedlings ' Model farm: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, farm power -- -- 3 mobile vacs visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 HEALTH: Other, -- Approved HCR WATER: Shinki Ongoing SV 4 Said Khel Ongoing AID 8 87 -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Cana-ii MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRI-; Other !, ACHAR 3 ROOMS, LABORATORY 7 BHWs 9 91 Ongoing IRC /RPA 1 MD, 88 -- -- Charkhesht A 231,946 Sqt road; gr,c,ag & graz land. -- HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid IRC, Distribution of 5 MT DAP & 5 MT wheat seed to 147 farmers - 2O4 3eribe. 92 12 92 ATC IRC /RPA Rehabilitation of 2 karezes, total 1.73 km, irrigate 950 jeribs, benefit 480 families -- 93 -- -- Sale of insecticide- impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 1 canal, 2.2 km, irrigate 4000 jeribs, benefit 180 families -- -- 1 BHW DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 228 ACa: tree Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITI AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Shawak Paktia Ongoing UNICEF 4 92 -- -- 3 mobile vans visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Sawakey R/B Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 50 Ig mung be Crop Product Sawakey L/B Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 50 Ig sung bean seed for trial. AGRIC: Crop Product Sawakey R/B Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 0.03 MT peanut among progressive farmers. ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product Sawakey Ongoing FAO .5 93 10 93 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Beraim Ongoing AID 8 89 -- - Ongoing EC /Self -- 92 -- 94 Repair of 60 km road in Tangi Zadranïl3 it completed). Ongoing DACAAR -- 92 11 93 Repair of Tangi ladran read (160 km) / 170 culverta ! 6 km retaining wall / 50 cause rays with machinery. Ongoing UNICEF 6 91 -- -- IRC /RPA HEALTH Vaccination ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product ISRA AGRIC: ISRA seed for trial. Distribution of 1.08 MT maize seed & 2.5 MT DAP. 1 BHW Sperah Paktia DACAAR CONST: Road DACAAR CONST: Road IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination JCE AGRIC: Crop Product Diff. villages Completed FAO /UNDP li 91 6 9" Distribution of improved wheat seed / DAP / Urea. JCE AGRIC: Crop Product Diff. villages Completed FAO /UNDP 11 91 6 92 Distribution of improved rice seed i DAP i Urea. JCE' CONST: Road. Diff. veliages Discontin ARCON 1 92 12 92 JCE WATER: Canal Ser Kai Completed FAO 2 93 4 93 Rehabilitation of 4 km canal 150 hectares land / benefit 30 families. JCE WATER: Canal Lakan Completed FAO 12 92 3 93 Cleaning of 8 km canal / 300 hectares land í benefit 80 families. JCE WATER: Structure Karasi Discontin ARCON 4 92 12 92 JCE WATER Structure Laken Completed FAO 1 93 JCE WATER: Structure Lakan Ongoing FAO 6 93 -- -- MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Tangi Sultan Ihel Ongoing AID PRE AGRIC: Center' Completed UNDP A C B A R Vet Sperab 3 mobile vaccs visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Repairing of 37 ks road (Ihost - Shabak) with 6 structures. 20 m diversion structures í 300 hectares land / benefit 200 families. 5 93 Construction of 11 structures on canal. Constrrction of 3 structures / 360 hectares land / benefit 250 families, 8 schools in Jarr Ihel, Ihatak, Kotki, Balkh Khan (2), Markaz & Mata villages. 8 89 -- -- 12 92 6 93 2 BHWs ¡NU with 1 DVM, 2 paravete & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole dietr:ct DATABASE.OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 229 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia ---- VILLAGEES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Sperah RAFA WATER: Jerez RAFA WATER: Other SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Other SCA AGRIC: Other SJAWO AGRIC: Crop Product SJAWO AGRIC: SJAWO AGRIC: SJAWO UNO Completed WFP 4 90 5 90 Rehabilitation of 7 karezes in different villages - total length 1,000 m. Completed FAO 1 92 3 92 Topographic survey, long cross -section / hidro. str in Khost area. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 92 -- 93 Provision of 0.02 MT agrochemicals. Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 82 villages. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agricultùre survey on 30 villages. Ongoing FAO 5 93 -- -- Distribution of 8.49 MT maize / 8.05 MT rice / 0.1 MT lung bean & 2.5 MT DAP among the farmers for multiplication. Fruit Trees Completed FAO i 92 2 92 Fruit trees plantation - benefit 1,000 farmers families. Fruit Trees Completed FAO 3 93 4 93 Distribution of 5,000 fruit trees to the needy farmers. INCOME: Skill Train. Ongoing CIDA EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID Paktia Diff. villages -- - -- Carpentry training. -- 6 87 -- -- 2 schools in Sur Khak & Shadal villages. Tani AB AGRIC:. Crop Product Alida Completed FAO 4 93 4 93 Distribution of 5 MT wheat seed to 48 families. AB RELIEF: Food Items Ismail Del Completed WFP 2 90 7 90 Free distribution of 700 MT wheat to 2500 families. AB WATER: Canal Ismail 6hel Completed UNDP 1 92 3 92 Reconstruction of Dilpurai, landawara & Salonai canals. ABSAO AGRIC: Crop Product 12 villages Ongoing FAO 10 92 7 93 8 MT wheat seed 8 MT of DAP for 235 farmers under seed multiplication program. AHSAO AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO/UNDP 11 91 7 92 Distribution of 5 MT Pak -81 wheat seed i 5 MT Urea - 5 MT DAP to 239 farmers in Dargai, Senegal, Narasai, Ter Ihel & Worzele. ATC MINES: Clearance 3 villages Completed UNOCHA 12 91 CARE WATER: Canal Tani /Gorboz /Nad.Io Completed AID -- -- -- 92 Rehabilitation of 11 Irrigation canals with total length 38.4km including other structures. AGRIC: Vet Tani Ongoing UNDP 12 90 6 93 1 assist DVM / 2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service. AGRIC: Training Completed UNDP 5 93 5 93 l x one -month course for village -based basic veterinary workers, 3 trained -GAF IRC /RPA A C BAfl 7 92 Destroyed 1745 devices, cleared 337993 SQm Ì grazing land I village / road & canal. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 230 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TB EDITION VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Paktia ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End 4ACTIVITY Tani DESCRIPTION> 3 mobile vaccs visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 5 91 -- -- IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination -- Ongoing UNICEF IRC /RPA HEALTH: Other - Approved HCR IRC /RPA WATER: Warghar Ongoing SV MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI -- KAI EDUCAT: Primary Sor lot Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- MCPA MIKES: 8 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 417,240 Sqm agri. lands a road. MSE HEALTH: Basic Post Barur Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 8 BHWs :AMA:; MINES: Awareness Completed UNOCHA. i 92 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.325 MT agrochemicaïs. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.085 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ongoing SCA 3 88 -- -- 1 MD 12 mid -level HWs / 2 Nurses I 1 Lab. Tech. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 5 schools in Fakhri Shankai, Toot Ebel, Banda Ihel & Sperkai villages, VITA WATER: Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 5 km spring, benefit 2,193 families. Paktia Canal Survey Other Sperkai Dargai Tani - Sale of insecticide- impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 1 canal, 1.51 km. irrigate 850 jeribs, benefit 250 families 4 93 -- 4 schocis in Shti, Manira Kahola, Sultan Kahola & Ihiali. 1 schools. Safety lessons - ,6145 pe;pie participated. 6 92 Trayzai AFS AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Multiplication of 0.4 MT Maize seed & 1.5 MT DAP. AFS AGRIC: Crop Product Zechok Ebel Ongoing FAO 5 93 10 93 Multiplication of 0.1 MT sung bean & 1.0 MT DAP. AFS WATER: Canal Lakan Completed FAO 5 93 APWO AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Ongoing FAO 1 93 -- -- APWO AGRIC: Livestock All villages Approved UNDP -- 93 -- -- &PWO WATER: Canal Janpir I. Ongoing WFP 4 93 -- -- ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Alisher /Trayzai Ongoing ARGON ACBAR Cleaning of canal (4.2 Km) - benefits 200 farming 6 93 families. Multiplication of 5 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP. 7,000 head poultry. -- Construction of Ali Shir / Tirazi mosque. -- -- -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 231 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(S) -- -- Pak tia WATER: Canal ARCON- WATER: Canal ARF CONST: ARF WATER: AGRIC: FUNDED DURATION --BY -- Begin- -End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Tr- ayzai ARCON ARR ACTIVITY -- STATUS -- Qadam Ongoing ARCON Sidqi Ongoing ARCON Other Tarakai Ongoing SKI -- 92 -- -- Construction of ready -made beams i slab factory. Other -- Completed Self 1541 11 91 Detail survey of irrigation (karezes i canals ï dams) & buildings. Crop Product 5 villages Ongoing FAO ' -- Cleaning of Qadam canal. Cleaning of Sedqi canal. 6 93 10 93 3.17 MT agricultural inputs (Baize I rice ! peanut ; sung bean) distributed for multiplication. ARR AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Ongoing FAO 2 93 12 93 Distribution of 16 MT sugar -cane (CP -375) & ll bags DAP to 16 farmers. ARE WATER: Canal Trayzai Completed RAP 7 92 Canai cleaning. GAC WATER: Canal Landar Completed SAC 6 91 12 91 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Vet Center Ongoing UNDP IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Completed UNDP 7 92 2 92 -- - 9 92 1291 -- 5 93 Rehabilitation of i canal (5.5 km) with several syihons - irrigate 1,500 jeribs & benefit 200 families. 1 Farm Animal Vaccination and Treatment clinic, l vet, 2 paravets. 2 x one -month course for village -based basic veterinary workers, ,5 trained IRC /RPA HEALTH: Vaccination -- Ongoing. UNICEF IRC /RPA HEALTH: Other -- Approved HCR IRC /RPA WATER: Karez Laken (Dolan) Ongoing SV 3 93 -- - IRC /RPA WATER: Canal -- Completed SV 4 93 IRC /RPA WATER: Canal Lakan (Ayub Ihel) Ongoing SV 4 93 -- IRC!RPA WATER: Drinking Zera Ghondi Completed SV 2 minefields Completed MOCHA 1 92 12 92 23,795 Spi road, Ongoing AIDi 4 89 -- -- 1 BHW -- 93 -- -- . i 93 5 93 2 93 3 mobile vices visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 Sale of insecticide- impregnated bed nets for malaria prevention Rehabilitation of 1 karez, 0.96 km, irrigate 7000 jeribs, benefit 100 families Rehabilitation of 5 canals, total 9.49 kmt irrigate 4650 jeribs, benefit 540 families Rehabilitation of 1 canal, 2.3 km, irrigate 6000 jeribs, benefit 450 families Gravity-flow water supply, one system, benefit 80 families CPA MINES: MSH HEALTH: Basic Post 5CA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA U 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93. Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SNI COKST: Shelter Ongoing SNI 2 91 -- -- Per -cast factory - joint project with ARF - 9,000 produced 'sot of which have been distributed to the people at a Survey 'Belawat subsidized price - 6,000 'ore to be produced, , ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR . -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED - - -BY -- tACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Trayzai Paktia SOLAF WATER: Canal 12 villages Completed UNDP 2 92 11 92 29 km, irrigates 800 3eriba, benefits 1000 persone. SOLAF WATER: Structure 8 villages Ongoing WFP 3 93 -- -- Intakes up to 201 each with stone sand & gravel, cement, wood steel - benefit 1000 persone. START AGRIC: Crop Product Trayzai Completed FAO /UNDP 3 92 11 92 Improved maize seed and vegetables multiplication. START CONST: Road Trayzai Completed NRC START CONST: Road Alisher Ongoing NEC 3 92 -- -- Repair of Alisher -bhost road 3.5 is length. START CONST: Road Alisher Completed NRC 6 92 11 92 Repairing of Alisher -khost road (10 KC Ongoing UNICEF 10 90 -- -- - 5 92 Repair of Alisher -Ihost road (7 Em). Wolma Paktia IRC /RPA 12 91 HEALTH: Vaccination 3 mobile vaccs visiting at least 3 x year, wetting 0 -2 year° children & females aged 5 -45 Zormat Paktia -- -- -- Fuirt Nursery ARCON AGRIC: Fruit Trees Petan Ongoing ARGON CARE WATER: barez Zormat Completed AID ESAR CONST: Shelter Ongoing UNCHS èSAR COST: Shelter buïalgo Completed HCR 8 89 -- -- Pre -cast factory, provides roofing beams / slab for community a GAF AGRIC: Vet. Zormat Ongoing UNDP 4 90 6 93 1 assist DVM / 2 paravet / i guard curative & 'preventive servic TIRO HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Zormat Ongoing TIRO 9 89 - IRC /RPA AGRIC Crop Product -- Completed FAO 10 92 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Crag Product -- Ongoing UNDP 10 92 -- -- Seed multiplication: 1.2 st wheat, 1.2 at DAP to 18 farmers IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Guided Ihel /Stogen Ongoing AID 11 91 -- -- Nursery with 3902 age planted with stone fruit / nut / apple seed and cuttings IRC /RPA AGRIC: Fruit Trees -- Completed AID 3 93 IRC /RPA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing AID 6 92 - IRC /RPA AGRIC: Research Completed" AID /FAO IRC /RPA AGRIC: Training Ongoing AID Guided Ihel /Stogen 0 0 92 Rehabilïtation of Charkhawi & Dinmanan larezes with total length 4.7km including other structures. - -- Manufacture and distribution of 1,900 concrete beans for hòusinp. - 3 93 4 93 - 11 91 12 92 1 9Z - -- - 30,000 sg.ft. roofing materials distributed, 1 MD / 1 mid -level HW / 1 nurse / 1 lab tech - OPD I lab. Seed distribution: 8.6 at wheat, 8 -.6 st DAP to 234 families Distribution of 1,399 saplings to 18 farmers 1 tractor Improved wheat, barley and oat seed trials 1 -2 day trng in seed mult, nurseries, bees, poultry, food preservation etc, 190 farmers trained DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES AGENCY SECTOR AGRIC: IRC /RPA ACTIVITY FORDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Zormat Paktia IRC /RPA - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- Other Guldad Khel /Stogen 2 Model fares: seed mult, nurseries, vegetables, poultry, bees, fars power Ongoing AID HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF 8 90 -- -- 3 mobile veccs visiting at least 3 x year, targetting 0 -2 years children & females aged 5 -45 tRC /RPA WATER: Iarez Ongoing SV 6 92 Rehabilitation of 16 karezes, total 13.51 ka, irrigate 9495 jeribs, benefit 2198 families IRC /RPA WATER: larez Completed SV 6 92 12 92 Rehabilitation of 17 karezes, total 20.72 km, irrigate 10960 jeribs, benefit 2064 families MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Shekh Noor Ongoing AID 8 89 -- -- 3 BHWs RAC AGRIC: Crop Product 1? villages Ongoing FAO 11 92 NAC AGRIC: Forestry Dawlat Khan Ongoing NAC 10 92 10 94 NAC AGRIC: Other Completed NAC 9 91 NAC CORST: Pub.Building Sehak Ongoing NAC 10 92 9 93 Construction of secondary school (11 rooms). NAC CONST: Pub.Building Dawlat Khan Ongoing NAC 10 92 9 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). NAC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Tameer Ongoing NAC 5 93 -- -- Comprehensive health center with MD doctors. NAC RELIEF:Food Items Completed NAC 5 91 Distribution of 20 MT flour /400 tins ghee (5 kg / tin) 1 400 kg tea / 600 salt to 440 families (the area was attached 11 91 -- -- -- - 8 93 8 92 6 91 Improved wheat seed multiplication. Forestry tree nursery project. Seed demonstration plots.. by Kabul). RAC RELIEF:Food Items Completed NAC -- NAC WATER: Completed RAC 1 92 -- -- Larez Distribution of 49 MT flour / 2,050 blankets to 574 families (internal displaced families from around Gardaiz). 9 karezes in different villages - Total length 5 :7km including digging new tunnels / wells A stone work - irrigate 2,363 J. / benefit 188 families. PARC INCOME: Skill Train. lormat Completed CIDA -- 91 -- 92 Carpentry training. PARC WATER: Karez Zormat Completed CIDA -- 90 -= 91 Cleaning of karez. PARC WATER: Structure Makawa Completed CIDA -- 89 -- 90 Reconstruction of water catchment. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 119 villages. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 11 schools in Bazak, Turki Sahak, loti Ihel, Niazi Taghar, Painda Khel, Dawlat Iban, Nawi Koh, Sani ihel, Sahak, Azar Khel VITA CORST: A C B A R Road Naik. Nam Ongoing AID 7 90 -- -- Rehabilitation of 26 km road from Naik Name to Lolalgo, benefit 30,000 families. ---- DATABASE OF NGO AtTIVITIBS Page: 234 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 --- 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY VILLAGI(S) - - -- Paktia -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION cACTIVITY - --BY -- Begin- -End 10 91 -= -- DESCRIPTION> Zormat VITA WATER: Canal Kulalgo Discontin AID VITA WATER: Canal Guldad Ihel Ongoing AID VITA WATER: Canal Murad Ebel Ongoing AID VITA WATER: Structure Guided Ihel Ongoing AID VITA WATER: Structure Akhond Ihel Ongoing VITA WATER: Structure Baqi VITA WATER: Structure VITA WATER: VITA WATER: Cleaning of 3.6 km canal, benefit 57 fesilies. Cleaning of 1.5 km canal, benefit 286 families. Cleaning of 1.9 ks canal, benefit 86 families. -- 92 -- -- Construction of 25 a intake(gabion work), benefit 100 faoilies. AID -- Construction of 22 it intake(gabion work), benefit 214 faoilies. Ongoing AID -- -- -- -- Construction of 30 m intake(gabion work), benefit 571 families. Landi Shah Ongoing .AID Structure Bazid Khan Kaz Ongoing AID Structure Kohi Noor Ongoing AID Ehel 8 6 91 6 Construction of 150 m siphon(gabion work). -- -- 92 -- - -" 12 92 -- -- Construction of 18 n intake(gabion work), benefit 71 families. Construction of 20 m intake(gabion work), benefit 286 families. Bagram Parwan .Cleaning of Bagram canal. ARCON WATER: Canal Bagres Ongoing ARCON ARCOK WATER: Canal Mahigeer Ongoing ARGON HEALTH: Cospr.Clinic -- Ongoing GAF -- 91 -- -- OPD / 1 doctor / 2 nurses & 1 guard, GAF HEALTH: Vaccination -- Ongoing ïINICEF/S -- 90 -- -- Mobile vaccination tail with 3 vaccinators. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post brache Ongoing AID 5 89 -- -- 3 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Bagras Ongoing AID /UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM RUSHER VSF. FRB AGRIC: Vet Center Completed UNDP 5 92 SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.08 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0'93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. UNO EDOCAT: Prisery Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 8 schools in Chaikal, Rubat, Malo Malek, Markaz, New Deh, Gala Ihwaja, Ghuiam Ali & blander Ebel villages. Ongoing ARCON GAF , Parwan ARCON WATER: ACBAfl -- Cleaning of Mahaigeer canal. 6 93 SEE ROIHA/PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS. VFU with 1 DVM, 2» paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. Charikar Canal -- Cleaning of Ihawaja canal. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION I Page: 235 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(S) - --- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Charikar Parwan AViCEN HEALTH: Other Charikar Approved UNICEF -- 93 -- -- 1 VSF rehabilitation in the hospital. GAA RELIEF :Food Items -- Ongoing GAA -- 93 -- -- See GAA -R2 project in Kabul for details. GAF HEALTH: Vaccination Ongoing UNICEF /S -- 90 -- -- Outreach EPI program from Bagram. IAAAE CONST: Gualaner Khel Ongoing Self 4 92 -- -- Construction of Mosque. ISRA INCOME: Help Vulner. Charikar Ongoing ISRA l 85 -- -- Assistance to 356 orphans each month (health services KAI EDUCAT: Primary Khalazai Ongoing MAI MSF -F/B HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp Charikar Ongoing EC /MSF MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sayadan Ongoing AID 9 90 -- -- 4 MED. TECH. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Totua Dara Uiya Ongoing 4 90 -- -- 6 BMWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Charikar Ongoing AID /UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM PANJSHER VSF. PRB AGRIC: Vet Center T AID Completed UNIT 9 92 6 93 VFU with 1 DVM, PRB CONST: Road Completed CIDP. 11 91 2 92 Repair of Guibahar - Said` Khel road (12 km) + construction of 3 culverts - cement i stone & steel oar. PRB CONST: Pub.Building Center Approved . ARCON -- - 9 93 BHC (14 rooms) material - brick / steel bar & concrete. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Azizbig Ehel Ongoing SCA 9 88 -- -- 1 MD / 4 mid -level Hs / 2 Nurses SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Tout Dara Ongoing SCA 2 89 -- -- 4 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse / 2 Dental Tech./ 1 Lab Tech. / 1 PHO SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Dashti Ofyan Ongoing SCA 1 90 -- -- 14 mid -level Hs / 2 Nurses / Dental Tech. / 1 Lab Tech. SGAA _ HEALTH: Disabled Reh Center Ongoing WHO 7 90 -- -- Orthopaedic workshop manufacturing approx. 20 artificial limbs per month. UNO EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- 8 schools in Senjit Dara(2), Abdi Bai, Sadullah(2), Telanchi & DehQazi.villages. VITA CONST: Taghberdy Ongoing All 5 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 24 ka road, benefit 5,000 families. 5 93 Piping 100 m canals & repairing 24 a - benefit 2,000 farmers. Parwan Pub.Building Road 10 92 -- -- 1 school. 30 beds Í supply of medicines i sanitation & nursing care. 6 ROOMS, 3 BEDS, ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY, VOLUNTEER HEALTH SISTER (VHS) AND DAI TRAINING SEE ROKBA /PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS. 1 paravet & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. Ghorband A -AID WATER: Structure Qiachaq Completed ODA A -AID WATER: FloodControl Ferenjal Completed ODA lACBAR -- education / clothing / foot- wear). 6 93 10 92 il 92 45 a flood protection (stone /gabion). DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 236 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGR(S) - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION? Ghorband Parwan Ferenjal Completed ODA 10 92 11 92 94 a flood proteetion(stone/gabion',. HEALTH: Vaccination 259 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- -- -- -- 4 teams - 8 vaccinators GAF AGRIC: Vet Ghorband Ongoing BMZ 7 87 IAAAE CONST: Pub.Building Chardeh Ongoing Self 4 92 -- -- Construction of high school. IAAAE CONST: Pub.Building Siagird Ongoing Self 4 92 -- -- Construction of high school. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ghorband Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 7 BHWs PRC WATER: Canal Completed CIDA SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 SCA AGRïC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA '0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 83 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Ferenjal Ongoing SCA 7 86 -- -- 5 schools 1 35' teachers 1 880 students SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Chardeh Ongoing SCA 5 90 -- -- 11 mid-level HWs / 1 Nurse / 1 PHO UNO EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 15 schools in different villages: VITA CONST: Road Ghorband Discontin AID 12 90 -- -- VITA CONST: Bridge ; Mazana Ongoing AID 9 92 -- -- Construction of 13 n bridge(concrete i masonry). benefit 2,000 faille!. VITA WATER: Canal Gudan Ongoing AID 9 92 -- -- Cleaning of 2 km canal, benefit 50 families. VITA WATER: FloodControl Faragard Discontin AID 12 90 -- -- Construction of 150 m retaining Nall(gabion work), benefit 8,000 families: 10 91 -- -- Nurseries of 200,000 fruit trees (mulberry) - 10 jeribs - 1,000,000 (grapes) - 20 jeribs. A-AID WATER: AVICEN Parwan FloodControl - -- 91 -- 92 '` 1 DVM i 4 paravets / 2 guards curative & preventive service. Reconstruction of canal. Distribution of 2.55 MT wheat seed. 2.55 MT DAP & 2.55 MT Urea. 'Provision of 0.11 MT agrochemicals. Provision of 0.247 MT agrochemicals. Rehabilitation of 50 km road from Ghorband to Senjed Dare, benefit 20,000 families. Jabul Sarai ARA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Gulbahar- Munara Ongoing ARCON ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Deh Qazi Ongoing ARCON ¡ C H A R 12 93 Construction of Da Qazi school. DATABASE OF IiGO ACTIVITIES Page: 237 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jabul Saraj Parwan Gulbahar Cleaning of Hasht Mail canal. Ongoing ARGON Ongoing ARCON 65 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF Structure Jabul Saraj Completed RAP -- 92 -- 92 Construction of 22 aqueducts along Parwan canal. AGRIC: Vet Matak Ongoing UNDP 10 90 -- -- Centarl clinic with I vet. assistant ! 1 paravet & 3 vaccinator. GAF AGRIC: Vet Gulbahar Ongoing UNDP 10 91 MSH HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Jabul Saraj Ongoing AID ARCON WATER: Canal ARCON WATER: Canal AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CBR WATER: DCA -- -- -- Cleaning of Waziri canal. 1 team - 1 vaccinator 6 93 9 90 -- -- 1 assist DVM /2 paravet / 1 guard curative & preventive service. 1 MD i 1 anaesthisia tech assistant ¡ 5 medical tech i 1 nurse / i dental tech natant / 1 lab tech assistant 1 admin i 1 MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shutul Ongoing AID 9 90 -- -- 1 NURSE, 3 MED. TECH., MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Said Khel Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 5 BHWs MSH HEALTH: MCH Ashaba Sharif Ongoing AID 1 93 -- -- 2 MD, MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Jabul Saraj Ongoing AID /UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FROM PANJSHER VSF. PRE AGRIC Crop Product Said Del Completed RAP 5 92 1 93 Establishment of corn seed multiplication farm in 10 jeribs. PRE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Center Ongoing SEN 10 91 3 94 Establishment of fruit trees nursery in 2 jeribs the seedlings of which will be distributed to farmers. PRE CONST: Pub.Building gala Agha Completed ARCON 5 92 1 93 Madrasa with 36 classrooms &.l Mosque capacity 500 persons. PRE CONST: Pub.Building Gulbahar Ongoing ARCON 9 92 9 93 BHC (14 rooms) - brick /steel bar & concrete. PRE WATER: Canal Jabul Saraj Completed SOLAF 8 89 10-91 Cleaing of 10 ka canal & construction of 75 m washes. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 88 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 4 schools / 26 teachers / 590 students ACHAR Gozar Pay i DENTAL TECH. ASST. Women / children under 5 care, DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 238 1 X -ray tech assistant - 14 rooms i 15 beds I surgery / dental i lab / X -ray & OPD. A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 8 ROOMS, 5 BEDS, DENTAL. health education and Dai training program. SEE ROEHA /PANJSARE LISTING FOR DETAILS, Material - cement / brick & roof wood. 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Parwan -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jabul Sara SCA HEALTH: Coapr.Clinic Rasool Dad Ihel Ongoing SCA 1 89 -- -- 1 MD, 3 mid-level H. UNO EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 13 schools in Niaz Ihel, Iaaangar, Sayed Ihel(Munara), Hama Ehel, Gulbahar(2), Wash, Encho, Hayat Ihel. Fatah Khan Bel. Rehabilitation of IO ka road, benefit 3.500 families. VITA CONST: goad Inchou Ongoing AID 6 91 -- -- VITA CONST: Road Said Ehel Ongoing AID 11 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 6 km road from Said Ihel 'to Naunara, benefit 8,000 families. VITA CONST: Road Gulbahar Ongoing AID 11 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 12 ka road from Sadullah to Gulbahar, benefit 10,000 families. Kohe Safi Parwan AB RELIEF:Food Items Kohi Safi Ongoing WFP 4 93 -- -- KB HEALTH: Basic Post Kohi Safi Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Kohi Safi Ongoing AID/UN PRE AGRIC: Center Completed UNDP 11 92 Entire province Ongoing EC /ODA -- 92 -- 94 Parwan Vet 9 91 - -- 6 93 Distribution of 500 MT wheat to eligibles. 1 BHW COVERED FROM PANJSHER VSF. SEE ROEHA /PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS. VFU with 1 DVM, 2 'paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. Parwan Demining(including aine field survey and aine awarrness) in all districts. HT MINES: Clearance SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrocheaicais. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92. Provision of 0.255 MT agrocheaicais. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Parwan Salang -- - NSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Deb Yak Ongoing AID 9 90 - -. -- 4 medical tech., 1 doctor assistant - 4 rooms 3 beds. MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Aghel Ihel Agba Ongoing AID 7 90 -- -- 5 BIIWe MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Salang Ongoing AID/UN 9 91 -- -- COVERED FRON PANJSHER VSF. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 14 schools in different villages. Page: 239 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 SEE ROIRA /PANJSHARE LISTING FOR DETAILS. ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Parwan A -AiD - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIONS 3hekh Ali CONST: Bridge Dalian Shengerian Completed ODA 9 92 11 92 Construction of 4m & 25 tonnage bridgetstonesteel . cement). A -AID CONST: Bridge Dahan Botian Completed ODA 9 92 11 92 Construction of 4m & 25 tonnage bridge (stone r steel i cement). A -AID CONST: Bridge Dahan Kotak Completed ODA 9 92 11 92 Construction of 3m & 25 tonnage bridge (stone / steel i cement). A -AID CONST: Bridge Chochah Shibar Completed ODA 9 92 11 91 Construction of 41 & 25 tonnage bridge(stone 1 steel i cement). A -AID CONST: Bridge Sail Benak Completed ODA 9 92 11 92 Construction of 41 & 25 tonnage bridge( stone /steel i cement). A -AID WATER: FloodControl Tangai Lali Completed ODA 9 92 11 92 107 m flood protection (stone/cement). AViCEN HEALTH: Vaccination 105 villages Ongoing EC%UNICF INC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Shekh Ali Ongoing AID Bulool Ongoing Germany LEPCO HEALTH: Other -- -- -- -- 1 team - 3 vaccinators 5 90 -- -- -- -- -- 4 mid-level HWe 1 lab tech. -GPI Leprosy control center - lau. proviees health care for general patients i offer a full lab. testing service ! 1 leprosy technician ST 1 field asziatarit. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic MSH EAL; : Basic Post Färwan Shekh Ali Ongoing AID 190 -- -- 1 MED. TECH., i NURSE Derwas.. Ongoing .AID 4 89 -- -- 2 BHWe 8 ROOMS, 2 BEDS Shinwari DCA AGRIO: Vet Bagh Afghan Ongoing Dutch G. 4 89 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Shinvari Bazar Ongoing Dutch G. 3 89 -- -- Central clinic with 1 veterinarian. DCA AGRIC: Vet Data Ushtur Ongoing Dutch G. 11 92 -- -- 1 vaccinator. DCA AGRIC: Vet Ushtorshahr Ongoing Dutch G. 11 92 -- -- 1 vaccinator. DCA AGRIC: Vet Fandigistan Ongoing Dutch G. 6 89 -- -- l vaccinator & 1 paravet. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shewa Ongoing AID 6 88 -- - 1 NURSE, 3 MED TECH, 1 DENTAL TECH ASST. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Safi ßhei Ongoing AID 2 90 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post. Qagehal Ongoing AID 11 89 -- -- SCA AGRIC: Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 ACBAR Plant Protec 2 ROOMS, DENTAL 2 ROOMS i BED 1 BHW Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicaiE. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 240 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION SECTOR AGENCY AGRIC: SCA VILLAGE(S1 - - -- Other ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End Ongoing SCA <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Agriculture survey on 30 villages. 0 93 -- 93 Surkh Parses Parwan teams - 4 vaccinators -- AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 124 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF MSH HEALTH: Distrct Hoap Lolenj Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 1 MD ! 2 MED TECH / 1 ADMIN / i DENTAL TECH ! 10 BEDS / LAB / X -RAY / DENTAL / SURGERY. MSh HEALTH: Basic Clinic Gulak We Kafzar Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 3 MED. TECH., 1 DENTAL TECH. ASST. MSE HEALTH: basic Clinic Dawlat ghani Ongoing AID 6 90 -- -- 1 doctor assistant, i nurse, 1 BHW - 3 roots MSE HEALTH: Basic Post Xhwaia Parsa Ongoing AID 4 88 -- -- 3 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Surkh Parse', Ongoing AID /UN OXFAM WATER: Canal Loienj Completed OXFAM AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA -- 92 -- 92 SCA - COVERED FROM KAJAB VSF. 11 89 -- -- 2 9: DENTALI immunization. SEE KAJAB'GARDANDEWAL LISTING FOR DETAILS. irrigation channel extension. 3 92 . Provision of 0.13 MT agrochemicais. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Lolenj Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 3 schools f. 13 teachers i 620 students SCA EDUCAT: Primary Turkman Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 8 schools ! 53 teachers i 850 SCA HEALTH: Compr.Ciinic Turkman Ongoing SCA 9 92 -- -- 2 MD / 1 mid -level HW. UN° EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 14 schools in Shangarian, Lolenj(2), Miana Jai, Puli Sangi(2), Gumbad, students Parsa, Wand, Dalian Rebat, Turkman, Rubat & Baqi villages. 6 91 -- -- VITA CONST: Road Parsa Ongoing AID VITA WATER: Canal Loienj Completed AID -- - Samangan 9 92 Cleaning of 7 kt canal. Benefit 600 fatiliee. Dares Souf MAI EDUCAT: Primary Folad Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Dehi Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Data Souf Ongoing AID /UN NAC CONST: Shekha Completed NAC IA C B A R Rehabilitation of 8 km road, benefit 5.000 families. Pub.Building 11 90 -- -- 7 91 -- 92 i school. 5 BMWs COVERED FROM BALKH VSF. SEE MAZAR- I- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. A building of boys primary school (8'rooms) - local materials. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: '241 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Dara Souf Samangan NAC WATER: Drinking SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA EDUCAT: Primary UNO UNO Dara Soul Completed NAC 7 Completed SCA 0 92 -- Ongoing SCA 7 EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID Dara Souf Hazrat Samangan 91 8 92 -- Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. 92 8 schools / 32 teachers f 920 studente 91 -- -- 11 87 -- -- 2 87 3 schools in Debi, Ali Ihel & Chartaq villages. 12 schools in different villages. -- -- Sultan AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 13 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF IMC HEALTH: Compr.Ciinic Nawaqul Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Hazrat Sultan Ongoing AID /UN SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicaïs. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 10 villages. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 5 schools in Nomas, Haq Qambar, Iukcha, Aghahu A Ihwaja Gulab villages. Samangan -- -- 5 89 -- -- 11 90 -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators. 3 mid -level HWs / 1 lab tech. - OPD I lab. -- COVERED FROM BALIH VSF. SEE MAZAR-i- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. Khulm AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 15 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- 1 teat MAI EDUCAT: Primary Qarghan Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 1 school. MSF -F/ B HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Ihulm Ongoing MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Guzer Deh Wardagi MSH HEALTH: MCH MSH HEALTH: Vaccination 2 vaccinators EC/MSF i 93 -- -- 5 beds / 100 consults / day i 2 MD / 3 nurses & EPI. Ongoing AID 4 66 7 BEWs Ali Murad Haig Ongoing AID 1 Dull Ongoing AID/UN ' -- -- 93 -- -- 11 90 -- -- 2 MD, i Dai -Women / children under 5 care, health education and Dai training program. COVERED FROM BALER VSF. SEE MAZAR-I-SBARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. A SECOND TEAM WITH 5 VACCINATORS UNDER PMD SUPERVISION IS ALSO IMPLEMENTING IMMUNIZATION PROGRAMS WITH VACCINES SUPPLIED BI THE BALM VSF. NAC CONST: Pub.Building Ianjaboi Completed NAC 9 91 -- 92 NAC WATER: Structure Feroz Nakbahi Completed NAC 7 ACBAR 91 Girls school building - cement A local materials. 6 92 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 242 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITI SECTOR AGENCY -- -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Khulm Samangan Completed NAC 7 91 4 92 Drinking water for 80 families in Tapa Shekhi & 120 families in loh Takezar. Completed ARGON 8 92 1 93 Boye primary school with 6 rooms ! 2 administration rooms - brick / steel bar & concrete. Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.175 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.27 MT agrochemicals. Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 70 villages. Other Completed SCA 0 92 - -- 92 Agriculture survey on 78 villages. Dehi Werde Ongoing SCA 7 91 -- -- 6 schools / 19 teachers / 590 students Center Ongoing SCA 6 87 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse NAC WATER: Drinking PRB CONST: Pub.Buildìng SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA EDUCAT: Primary SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Samangan lhoja Burhan -- Ray I) ()fit) AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 44 villages Ongoing RC/UNICF -- -- -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators MAI EDUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 3 schools in Arafa Qul, Arafa Sufia & Arafa Surkh Qala villages. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ombulaq Ongoing AID '12 92 -- -- 2 BRiis NAC CONST: Road Eshpushta Completed NAC 8 91 SAC CONST: Pub.Building Sarbagh Completed NAC 7 91 -- 92 2 school SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.275 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.27 MT agrochemicals. AGRIC: Other.' -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 69 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 50 villages. UNO DUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 7 schools in Ghazì Murad Ihuran, Tabaqsari, Surkh Qala, Arbitol, Charmaghz Sarai, Do Ab & Hoye Do Ab 'has. Discontin ARCON SCA . Samangan CBR COKST: ACBAR Repair of 8 kn road between Banyan & Samangan. 9 91 buildings, 1 for girls (6 rooms), 1 for boys (B rooms) - cement & local materials. Samangan Pub.Building Sarbagh Complex (mosque / clinic & workshop). -- 92 -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 243 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITI SECTOR AGENCY -VILLAGE(S) - - -- AGRIC: DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End DACAAR 12 90 <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Samangan Samangan DACAAR -- STATUS -- FUNDID Completed Pl/ant Protec 5 91 Application of 50.06 MT BHC / Somicombialfa & diet. of 50 duster / 12 sprayers through 12 locust / sunpest control stations. See GAA -R2 project in Mazar for details. Ongoing GAA -- 93 -- -- Sarbagh Ongoing AID 5 90 -- -- HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Daree Zawandun Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- ME HEALTH: Basic Clinic Rabatak Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Aq Cheshma Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 2 MED. TECH. LABORATORY MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ihwaja Boor Ongoing AID 6 90 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. i ROOM Mj; HEALTH: Basic Post Shahn Qadeem Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 5 BHiis MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Markei Samangan Ongoing AID /UN NAC WATER: Canal Langer Ehel Completed NAC 891592 PRB CONST: Pub.Building Center Completed ARCON 8 92 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.37 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.37 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 81 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 60 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing SCA 7 89 -- -- 12 schools / 61 teachers / 1450 students UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 7 87 -- -- 20 schools in different villages. 10 91 101 GAA RELIEF :Food Items IMC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic MS&-. Takhar Sarbagh 11 90 -- -- 1 93 AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed AID A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product Dahn Bangi Completed AID 7 90 12 AGRIC: Crap Product -- Completed ODA /RAP 8 92 ° i NURSE, i MED.TECH. 4 ROOMS, 2 BEDS -1 NURSE. 2 MED. TECH. i COVERED FROM BALEH VSF. SEE MAZAR -I- SHARIF LISTING FOR DETAILS. Boys primary school with 6 rooms 2 administration rooms - brick- masonry steel bar & concrete. Bang i A -AID A-AID 2 mid -level Hic / i dentist / 1 lab tech / OPD i lab / dental. 9j 7 93 Multiplication of 2 MT improved seed / 1.43 MT DAP / 2.65 MT Urea in two farms. Distribution of 1.749 MT improved seed / 1.749 MT DAP / 2.65 MT Urea to 53 families. Seed distribution / multiplication / trial & ag extension in Jell ayor Ehord / Badakhshi + eshlaq / Qul Boraq / Sagaw Bangi / Chinzai. JACHAE DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 244 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH IDITION 1 SECTOR AGENCY Takhar A -AID WATER: - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - -BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) Bangi Structure Saqaw Bangi/Afaqi Completed ODA 10 91 12 91 2 ret.walls, Saqaw Bangi (74- irr.5,000 J. i benefit 600 fas. ), Afaqi (9Om- irr.5,000 J. benefit 450 farm. )- gabion t stone. A -AID WATER: Structure Completed ODA /RAF 8 92 7, 93 Cons.of Offtake- on Qul Baraq canal to irr.8O0 ha in Jalayor ëhard / Badakhshi Qeshlaq Choghul Qeshlaq / Qui Baraq / Saqaw Bangi / Cha Ab. A -AID WATER: Structure Karez Kalan Completed ODA 10 91 12 91 Repair of an aqueduct - irrigate 3,000 jeribs & benefit 400 families. Stone masonry. CBE CONST: PubBuilding Center Discontin ARCON -- 92 -- -- Concrete middle school for 600 students. CEE CONST: Pub.Building Center Discontin WHO -- 91 -- -- Basic health center (4 rooms). NSF HEALTH: Basic Post Jamal Qiya Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- NSF HEALTH: Vaccination Bangi Ongoing AID /UN 10 89 -- - ; ?EE AGRIC: Vet Center Completed UNDP 12 92 VITA WATER: FioodControl Bangi Ongoing AID Takhar ô 93 8 92 -- -- i BHW COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOE DETAILS. VFU with 1 DVi!, 2 paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole distric :. Construction of 70 m retaining wailistone work`?, benefit 30,000 families. Chah Al) 2 teams - 4 vaccinators AVICEN. HEALTH: Vaccination 18 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF MSH HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Chah Ab Ongoing AID 4 92 -- -- 1 MD, KSH HEALTH: Basic Post Anjeer Ongoing AID 9 88 -- -- 3 BHWs MSH HEALTH: MCH Chah Ab Ongoing AID 1 93 - i MD, MSH HEALTH :' Vaccination Chah Ab Ongoing AID /UN PRE AGRIC Vet Center Completed UNDP 9 91 6 93 VFU with i DVK, 2 paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. PRE AGRIC: Vet City Completed UNOP 9 91 4 92 1 DVK / 2 paravets. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec - Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Takhar ` -- -- -- -- -- 1 MAILARIA TECH. ASST., i K.T. 1 Nurse -Women / children under 5 care, COVERED BY TALOQAN VSF. 10 69 -- - 6 ROOMS, IN- PATIENT BEDS, IMMUNIZATION health education and Dai training program. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. Provsion of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. Chal CBR CONST: Pub.Building Chal Approved WHO -- 93, -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Chal Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- A C B A R 1 4TH YR NED.STUDENT, Basic health center concrete (4 rooms). 1 MED. STUDENT 3RD YR.. 2 MED. TECH., i DENTAL TECH. ASST. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 245 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 1 i NURSE HELPER 3 ROOKS. DENTAL 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCI SECTOR VILLAGES) - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End <ACTIVITI DESCRIPTION> MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Bazar Saye Ongoing AID 11 88 -- -- 2 BHÜE MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Chal Ongoing AID /UN 10 89 -- -- COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. Takhar Darqad MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Qarah Taipa Afhgan Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- i NURSE, i MED. TECH. MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Darqad Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 1 BHW MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Darqad Ongoing Takhar . AID /UN 10 89 -- -- COVERED BY TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. 2 teams - 4 vaccinators Eshkamesh AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CBR CONST: CBR CONST: MSH 19 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- Pub.Building Center Discontin WHO -- 92 -- Pub.Building Eshkamesh Discontin ARCON -- 92 -- -- HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Eshkamesh Ongoing AID 8 90 - ,-- -- Comprehensive health center (17 roes). Concrete middle school for 600 students. 1 MD / i BHW / i admin / 1 X -ray tech / 1 dental tech assistant / 1 anaestheeia tech assistant / 2 nurses / 1 lab tech assistant - 9 rooms 15 beds ! X -ray / dental i surgery i lab / OPD & immunization. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Teer Sak Chaim Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH :, Vaccination Eshkamesh Ongoing AID /UN RBS SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing RBS 1 93 -- -- Training of social animators. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 1 85 -- -- 3 mid -level HWs. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 8 87 VITA WATER: Ongoing AID 10 91 -- -- Cleaning of 7 ka canai, benefit 250 families. Destroyed 32 devices, cleared 17594 Sqa hill side. Takhar Canal Bangi Dara-e-lalan 4 89 -- -- 10 89 -- -- -- -- 6 BHWs COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS.i 7 schools in Saiab Bangi, Fakhrak, Alockak, Eokabelaq(2), Lhanaga Chal & Sar Bazar villages. Farkhar ATC MINES: Clearance Chashama Shir Fark Completed UNOCHA 12 91 CBR CONST: Pub.Building Center Discontin ARCON -- 92 -- -- One 15 bed hospital annexed with mosque. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Wardak Ongoing AID 11 88 -- -- 10 BHW 'ACBAR 3 92 DATABASE OF AGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION 4 Page: 246 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION Farkhar Takhar Eh HEALTH: Vaccination PEE AGRIC: PRE COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS.i Farkhar Ongoing AID /UN 10 89 -- -- Fruit Trees City Completed SEN 10 91 3 94 Nursery of fruit trees - distribution to farmers. AGRIC: Vet City Completed UNDP 9 91 4 92 Sub- clinic - i paravet. PEE AGRIC: Research Public Gardan Completed SEN 5 91 10 92 .PRE AGRIC: Plant Protec Shoor / Tagab Completed SEN 6 91 PRE CONST: Bridge Tangi Farkhar Completed UNDP 8 91 12 91 Rehabilitation of a bridge near Tangi Farkhar - cement & steel oar. PRE WATER: Canal Sang Atish Completed SOLAF 8 90 11 90 Cleaning of 8 k' canal & reconstruction of 51 t intake & retaining wall. Ongoing RBS 10 91 -- -- Training of physiotherapy technicians. 7 91 Research on potatoes (local variety) & 3 varieties of local bean (2 kg fro' each). Provision of 50 kg agrochemical to 50 farmers in 2 villages. .ES HEALTH: Other RES, HEALTH: Other -- Ongoing RES 10 91 -- -- Physiotherapy services. RBS SOCIAL:Animation -- Ongoing RBS 10 91 -- -- Training of social animators. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Distribution of 4 MT wheat seed & 4 MT DAP. 3CA AGRIC: Research -- Ongoing SCA 0 92 -- 93 3 crops variety testing trial of wheat, barley & triticaie. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.14 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 - Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92' Agriculture survey on 76 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Farkhar Ongoing SCA 10 85 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Coepr.Clinic Center Ongoing SCA 1 85 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Tagab Chap Ongoing SCA -- -- - TRC CONST: Farkhar Completed CIDA -- 91 -- 92 Reconstruction of road. TRC INCOME: Other Farkhar Ongoing CIDA -- 92 -- 93 Income generation project. TRC WATER: Abdara Ongoing CIDA -- 92 -- 93 Irrigation rehabilitation project. IACBAR Road Canal 93 16 schools / 87 teachers / 2010 students 2 MD / 7'id -level Hils. 2 mid -level HWs. - DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 247 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin - -End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> UNO DUCAT: Primary -- Ongoing AID 7 VITA WATER: tondal Ongoing AID 8 92 -- -- Construction of 200 m retaining vall(stone work). benefit 250 families. Completed ODA /RAP 8 92 7 93 Seed distribution / multiplication / trials & ag extension in Zardalu Dara / Aq Bolaq / Choghul / Sar Asyab / Takhar A -AID AGRIC: FloodControl 87 -- -- 7 schools in Lan Shahr, Mastan, Ardishpan, Shahr Farghar, /akin & Hanaoy villages. Kalafgan Crop Product -- Sarkragh. A -AID A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product WATER: Structure ATC MINES: Clearance AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CBE CONST: Pub.Building MCPA MINES: Survey MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic -- Completed AID CompietedODA /RA.P 3 villages 7 90 12 90 Distribution of 0.033 MT improved seed / 6.55 MT laimi seed i 0.033 MT DAP i 0.05 MT Urea to 132 families. 8 92 Construction of aqueduct to irrigate 600 ha. land in Zardaul Dara / Aq Bolaq / Choghul / Sar Asyab & Sarkragh. 7 93 Completed UNOCHA 12 91 Approved EC/UNICF -- 93 -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators Ealafgan Diecontin ARCON -- 92 -- -- Concrete middle school for 600 students. 2 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 Ealafgan Ongoing AID 1 88 -- -- 6 1 92 Destroyed 145 devices, cleared 41192 Sqm & village. 22,849 sqm 92 3 MED.TBCH., 1 MED.STUDENT 3RD TR, 1 DENTAL TICE ASST., 1 BHW CROONS, 3 BIDS, DENTAL MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Sar Asiyab Ongoing AID 11 88 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination talafgan Ongoing AID /UN 10 89 -- -- Ongoing AID 3 88 -- -- 4 schools in Zardalo Dara Sufis. Gaziztan, Sarak Bala & Zardalo Ulia villages. Distribution of 0.99 MT improved seed / 3 MT laimi seed / 0.99 MT DAP / 1.5 MT Urea to 90 families. UNO EDUCAS: Primary Takhar i BHW COVERED BY TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. Khwajaghar AGRIC: Crop Product Completed AID 7 90 12 9v AGRIC: Crop Product Completed ODA /RAP 8 92 WATER: FloodGontrol -- Completed ODA /RAP 8 92 7 93 Const.of flood protection ret.wall on Sharowan canal to protect canal from flash floods. Canals irrigates 500 ha. MCPA MINIS: Survey 2 minefielda Completed UNOCHA 1 92 1 92 3,119,63 5qm agri. land. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ihwajaghar Ongoing AID 8 89 -- -- HEALTH: Basic Post Hazer Bagh Qezel S Ongoing AID A -AID A -AID A -AID MSH I A C B A R 7 93 11 87 -- -- Seed distribution / multiplication / trial & ag extension in &czar Bagh / lazal Qua / Qechlaq / Qeshiaq Abdul Haq. 3 MED. TECH., i MED. STUDENT 3RD YR, i DENTAL TECH. ASST. 3 ROOMS, DENTAL 4 BHWa DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 248 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION l ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Khwajaghar Takhar MSH HEALTH: MCH Khwajaghar Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Khwajaghar Ongoing AID/UN PRE AGRIC: Vet City Completed UNDP 9 91 4 92 1 DVM / 2 paravets. PRB AGRIC: Vet Spinzer Club Completed UNDP 10 91 6 93 VFU with 1 DVM, 2 paravets & i guard providing veterinary services to the whole PRB CONST: Road Several villages Completed ARCON 5 92 12 92 Reconstruction of 50 kg road between Talogan - Ehoja Char & construction_ of 7 culverts &400 m retaining wall. PRB CONST: Pub.Building Bazar Bagh Completed ARCON 8 92 Boys primary school with 6 rooms / 2 administration rooms SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.19 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.165 MT agrochenicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Sar Rustaq Completed UNOCHA 12 91 8 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- -- -- -- Rustaq Approved WHO -- 93 -- -- Shari Nay Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- 1 93 -- -- 10 89 -- -- 1 93 2 MD, Women / children under 5 care; health education and Dal training programs. COVERED BY TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. - district, brick -masonry i steel bar 4 concrete. Rustaq Takhar Clearance ATC MINES: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CBR CONST: MSH HEALTH: Distrct Hoop Pub.Building 4 92 Destroyed 13 devices, cleared 70590 Sqm road. Comprehensive health center wooden roof (17 rooms ). 1 SPECIASLIST / 1 MD / 7 MED TECH / 1 BHW / 1 ADMIN / 1 LAB TECH ASST / 4 ROOMS / 6 BEDS / LAB / X -RAY / DENTAL / SURGERY / IMMUNIZATION. MSH 'HEALTH: Basic Post Bar Rustaq Ongoing AID 12 88 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Rustaq Ongoing AID/UN 10 89 - PRB AGRIC: Shari Nay Completed UNDP 9 92 RBS SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing RBS i 93 -- -- Training of social animators. SCA AGRIC: Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 83 villages. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Ongoing SCA 1 85 -- -- 2 nid -level HWs. 1 A C B A R Vet Other Cha lab -- 6 93 8 BHWs COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN FOR DETAILS. i VFU with 1 DVM, 2 paravets & I guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 249 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION (ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Takhar Takhar Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 0.24 MT rice seed. Research Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 3 crops variety testing trials of wheat, barley & triticale. AGRIC: Research Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 1 crop variety testing trial of dry bean, 2 of rice & 7 of wheat. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.15 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.165 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA WATER: Drinking Ongoing SCA 1 93 12 93 Wells - benefit 4.000 families. Completed AID 10 91 11 91 SCA AGRIC: Crop Product SCA AGRIC: SCA Takhar A -AID AGRIO: -- Center Talogan Crop Product -- Multiplication of 1.05MT improved seed / 2.25MT fert. - Qulours, 1.93 MT Apr. seed / 3.13 MT fert. - Chaehma Shit & 0.91 MT impr. seed / 1.95 MT fert. A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed AID 7 90 12 90 Completed ODA /RAP 8 92 7 93 Distribution of 39.93 MT improved seed / 20.4 MT lalti seed / 60.5 MT Urea / 39.93 MT DAP to 1,610 families. Seed distribution I multiplication / trial & ag extension in Okhund Zada / Mangali / Wakil Tora / Baji Nur /Jalali / Hai i Mohd Husain. A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product A -AID AGRIC: A -AID Khetayan 7 93 Completed ODA 8 92 Machinery Ongoing AID 7 90 -- -- 1 tractor. AGRIC: Research Completed AID 9 91 10 91 4 seed trial blocks - 12.48 kg improved seed / 17.86 kg Urea / 12.48 kg DAP. A -AID WATER: Canal Ongoing ODA /RAP 8 92 -- -- Const.of Sharowan canal ret.wall to increase water flow to areas in north ?slogan & Ihwaja Ghar suff.for 2,000 ha. A -AID WATER: Structure Completed ODA 10 91 11 91 Cons.of spillways in Shekhali / Qarando / Bagh Mir - irrigate 7,500 & benefit 750 families. A -AID WATER: Structure Completed AID 10 90 12 90 2 ret.walle, Ratak Frosh(104m- irr.13,000 J. Ratak Froshi /Majir . Seed distribution / multiplication i triais & agriculture extension. / benefit 3500 fat.), Majir Qeshlag (991- irr.30,000 J. / benefit 8,000 fat.)- gabion. A -AID WATER: Structure Ihoeti Sheratu Ongoing ODA 8 92 11 92 A -AID WATER: FloodControl Ihetayan Completed ODA 8 92 7 93 Construction of flood protection groynes to protect main road & 100 hectares of land. A -AID WATER: FloodControl -- Completed ODA/RAP 8 92 7 93 Construction of flood protection groynes on Taïogan River to protect Naahre Said canal which irrigates 2,000 ha. HEAR Construction Of a retaining wall on Dorahi River to protect village of 100 households. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION I Page: 250 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 VILLAGES) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin--End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Talogan Takhar Construction of flood protection groynes on Taiogan River to protect village of 50 households. 8 92 -- -- E-AID WATER: FloodControl Qarandu Ongoing ODA ARA AGRIC Fruit Trees City Ongoing ARCON 10 91 -- -- ARCON CONST: Shelter Ongoing ARCON -- ATC MIKES: Clearance Chashma Sher Bagaz Completed UNOCHA AV'ICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 113 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF -- -- CBR WATER: Canal Talogan City Completed RAP -- 92 -- 93 JCE CONST: Pub.Building Center Discontin ARGON 1 92 12 92 Construction of madrasa (brich i wood). MCP,. MINES: Survey 3 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 91 18,667 Su agri. land. MSS HEALTH: Provinc.Hosp Taiogan Ongoing AID 8 89 -- -- f apple plue % grape) - 25 jeribs. Destroyed 1533 devices, cleared 208521 So agri.ïand / village & hill side. -- 91 walnut Bricks factory 3 92 10 92 1 Nurseries of 600,000 fruit trees (peach i apricot 2 teams - 4 vaccinators Cleaning of 6 canals benefit 3430 families. 8 MD INCL.2 SPECIALISTS i PHARMACIST ! 8 NURSE & NURSE HELPERS / 4 LAB i ANAESTHESIA / BLOOD BANK / 2 ADMIN. X-RAY/MALARIA TECH ; 2 DENTAL TECH ASST. 18 MED TECH / 44 ROOMS, 40 BEDS,. SURGICAL(INC. ORTHOPAEDIC) I DENTAL 1 OPD / LAB X -RAY / BLOOD BANK I PHARMACY 1" TB CONTROL PROGRAM. MSH HEALTH: Basic Poet Takhta Eabruk Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 20 BHWs MSH HEALTH: MCH Talogan Ongoing AID 10 91 -- -- 2 MDs, 3 Nurses; 3 Rooms; women/children under 5 care; health education, Voluntary Health Sister (VHS) and Dai training programs. MSH HEALTH: Med.Training Taiogan Ongoing AID 6 88 -- -- Trained 175 BHWs (3 months initial course), 80 BHWs refresher training, 120 health workers participated in hanagement & MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Talogan Ongoing AID /UN 10 89 -- -- PHC seminars & workshops. 41 VACCINATORS (7 ADDITIONAL VACCINATORS PLANNED TO BE HIRED), 1 COLD CHAIN SUPERVISOR, 3 COLD CHAIN TECHNICIANS OPERATE UNDER THE SUPERVISION OF AN MD DOCTOR OUT OF THE VACCINE STORAGE FACILITY (VSF) IN TALOQAN COVERING 451 VILLAGES IN 20 DISTRICTS OF TAlHAR, BAGHLAN AND EUNDUZ PROVINCES. MSH HEALTH: Other. Talogan Ongoing AID 8 90 -- -- TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 YRS, WOMEN 5 -45 IRS. Regional Health Administration (RHA) administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and supervision and monitoring of the BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction. 1 93 PRB AGRIC; Crop Product Bagh Zakhira Completed RAP 5 92 PRE AGRIC: Crop Product Agricultural Farm Completed UNDP 5 91 12 92 PRB AGRIC: Crop Product Ehetayan Completed SEN PRE AGRIC: Vet City Ongoing UNDP CHAR 10 91 11 91 8 91 -- -- Establishment of rice -seed multiplication & demonstration fare & then distributed to 89 farmers. Multiplication of 100 kg rice seed(Basmati 385) to be farmers; Research on 3 varieties of local cotton. Distribution of 300 kg DAP & Urea to 100 farmer. 1 DVM :' 3 paravets. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 251 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Takha4r - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End tACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Talogan PRE AGRIC: Vet Center Completed UNDP 9 91 PRE AGRIC: Livestock Spinzar Farm Ongoing SEN 5 91 -- -- AGRIC: Training City Approved UNDP -- 93 -- -- Completed UNDP 8 91 12 92 Rehabilitation of Talogan- Farkhar road (45 km) + construction of 3 culverts. Completed ARCON 5 92 11 92 Reconstruction of 33 km road resurfaced out 59 km road between Talogan - lushes. Construction of 21 culverts & 400 m retaining wall & 5 washes. Completed ARCON 5 92 ii 92 Repair of Talogan- Eeshim road (35 km) + construction of 7 culverts & 5 washes with stone & steel bar. PRE PRE PRE PRE PRE CONST: Road COST: Road CONST: Road CONST: Several villages 6 93 VFU with 1 DVM, 2 paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. Dairy farm (20 local cows) - income generation project. Training 20 people in extension work for 60 months. Pub.Building City Completed UNDP 8 91 10 91 Vet. clinic building - cement & other local materials. Structure Namak Froshi Completed SEN 8 91 10 91 Reconstruction of 20 m intake along the Shahrawan canal. HEALTH: Other Ongoing RES 6 91 -- -- Training of physiotherapy technicians. HEALTH: Other Ongoing RES 6 91 -- -- Physiotherapy services. RBS SOCIAL:Anìmation Ongoing RBS 6 91 -- Training of social animators. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Talogan Ongoing SCA 10 89 -- -- SCA EDUCAT: Management Talogan Approved SCA 9 93 -- -- SCA EDUCAT: Teacher T. Talogan Ongoing SCA 12 92 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Jangawar (Dorahi) Ongoing SCA 1 89 -- -- 6 mid -level HWs / 2 Nurse i 1 Dental Tech. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Nahri Chaman Ongoing SCA 1 85 -- -- 4 mid -level HWs. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Namakab Ongoing SCA 1 85 4 mid -level HWs. HEALTH: Other City Ongoing *Donors CONST: Road Chashma Sher Ongoing AID 7 92 -- -- WATER: Canal Mucha Ebene Discontin AID 10 91 -- -- WATER: FloodControl Zargari Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- PRE RES RES SCA SCA SERVE VITA VITA VITA WATER: A C H A R 7 schools 7 days / 60 headmasters 3 months i 60 teachers -- 10 91 -- -- 44 teachers ! 1485 students Consultancy with SCA I DAP for blind rehabilitation - Field teams. Rehabilitation of 8.5 km road, benefit 427 families. Cleaning of 6 km canal, benefit 250 families. Construction of 300 m retaining walitetone work), benefit 2,857 families. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 252 A6actrep Date: 97/06/93 6TH EDITIOIi I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY -VILLAGE(S)- --- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Warsai Takhar 6 88 -- -- 5 BBWs M3ú HEALTH: Basic Post Batadan Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Warsaj Ongoing AID /UN PRB WATER: Trish Completed SEN 8 89 10 89 RBS HEALTH: Other Ongoing RBS 10 91 -- -- CBS HEALTH: Other Ongoing RBS 10 91 -- Physiotherapy services. EBS SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing RBS 10 91 -- -- Training of social animators. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Khanaqa Ongoing SCA 10 88 -- -- VITA CONST: Warsaj Ongoing AID 7 Completed ODA /RAP 8 92 Canal Bridge AGRIC: . 10 89 -- -- 92 -- -- COVERED FROM TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. i Cleaning 10 ka canal & construction 2 a intake & 3 a water passer. Training of physiotherapy technicians. 4 schools í 26 teachers 750 students Construction of 20 a bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 10,000 families. Yangi gala Takhar A -AID DESCRIPTION> Crop Product -- 7 93 Seed distribution / multiplication i trial & ag extension in Afghanya / Kaftar Ali / Alawdin Í Omer Ihel / Hazara / Tap Dana. A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product Safi Completed ODA 8 92 7 93 Seed distribution / multiplication / trial & agriculture extension. A -AID WATER: Structure -- Completed ODA /RAP 8 92 7 93 Offtake on Oser Ihel / Kaftar Ali canal to irr.1,400 ha in Afghaya / Kaftar Ali / Alawdin / Omer Ihel / Hazara / Top Ihana. 8 92 93 Constrution of flood protection retaining wall to protect village of 50 households, & 120 ha of ag. land. Safi Completed ODA HEALTH: Vaccination 21 villages Ongoing EC/UN1CF MSH HEALTH: Coapr.Clinic Khwaja Bahawoodin Ongoing AID M3R HEALTH: basic Post Baish Kapa Ongoing AID 11 87 -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Yangi Pala Ongoing AID/UN 10 89 -- -- PRE AGRIC: Vet City Completed UNDP 9 91 4 92 1 DVM i 2 paravets. PTE AGRIC: Vet Center Completed UNDP 9 92 6 93 VFU with 1 DVM, 2 paravets & 1 guard providing veterinary services to the whole district. PRE. AGRIC: Vet Center Completed UNDP 9 92 6 93 VFU functioning with 3 paravets to provide veterinary services to the whole district. A -AID WATER: AVICEN 1ACBAR FloodControl . 7 -- -- -- -- 9 91 -- -- -- 1 team - 2 vaccinators 1 MD, 1 MED. TECH.i '5 BBWs COVERED BY TALOQAN VSF. SEE TALOQAN LISTING FOR DETAILS. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 253 A6actrep Date: 27!08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Wardak AB CONST: AB ACRD - - -- VILLAGES ? - --- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BY -- Begin - -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Chak Road Goda Completed UNDP 10 91 8 92 Reconstruction of 5 km secondary road. RELIEF:Food Items Chak Completed WFP -- -- 7 91 Free distribution of 200 MT wheat to 200 families. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Berana Ongoing ASDAA -- 85 -- -- BHU with consultation & dressing facilities. Ongoing UNDP -- 92 -- -- For details see in ACRD karez rehabilitation project in Jaghatu. ACED WATER: Earez AFEANE AGRIC: Research Chak Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical triais to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & degonstration plots. CONST: Pub.Building Sewak Completed WHO 10 90 11 92 Construction of BHU building & running cost for 1 year (1 mid -level HW i 1 BHW - OPD & first aid covering 10,000 AHD3 people. CONST: Pub.Building ARGON AGRIC: Livestock ARCCN AGRIC: Machinery ARCON CONST: Pub.Building ARCON CONST: ARCON CONST: ARGON ARE AP-WO ARE -- Completed WFP Ongoing ARCON Ongoing ARGON Langar Ongoing ARCON Pub.Building Bomba. Ongoing ARGON Pub.Building Bombai tng_ :ng ARCON -- -- -- -- Construction of Chak mosqúe. DUCAT: Madrasa Bombai Ongoing ARGON -- -- -- -- Abdulïah Bin Abbas Dar Hoffaz. CONST: Road Eawtara -Sewak Completed UNDP 7 92 10 92 CONST: Road Sawak Completed UNDP 10 91 -- -- Repair of 5 km of Angur Ada - Bamyan road (Faffar - Baal - 3 culverts / 13 washes. -- -- -- -- 2 teams - 4 vaccinators - 6 91 10 91 Cows farm -- - 301 vi rages Ongoing EC /UNICE AVICEN HEALTH: Other Chak Ongoing EC DCA AGRIC: Vet Nowker Ehe1 Ongoing UNLF 89 -- DCA AGRIC: Vet Shahbaz Khan Ongoing UNDP 4 91 -- Vet Shaly Ongoing UNDP 4 89 -- -- CBAR Construction of Langar school. Construction of Bombai school. HEALTH: Vaccination AGRIC: Machinery for agriculture. -- -- -- AVICEN DCA Construction of mosque & madrasa building (FFW!. Rehabilitation of 5 km road i 13 washes & 3 culverts. 1 'V3F & 1 CC technician 1 vaccinator. 1 paravet. - 1 paravet. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 254 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Wardak - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Chak DCA AGRIC: Vet Churak Ihel Ongoing UNDP 4 89 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Berane Ongoing UNDP 9 90 -- -- Central clinic with 1 veterinarian & i paravet. ESA& CONST: Road Ongoing UNDP 10 91 -- -- GAC HEALTH: Distrct Hop Bombai Ongoing EC /IRC :üü HEALTH: Mobile/ F -Aid Shaikhabad Ongoing ICRC -- 92 -- -- LDI HEALTH: Compr.Ciinic Goda Bahadur Ongoing LDI -- LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic China Ongoing LDI 1 mid-level HW -OPD. MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI 6 school: in Lwaï, Tangi Maiden, Marc. 2hûl, Barbai & Abguzar vi iages. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Alah Sang Ongoing _AID MSH HEALTH: MCH Sia Ab Ongoing Al MSH HEALTH: Med.Training Bedarf Completed AID 9 84 -- -- -- -- Repairing of 5 km of Angur Ada - Bamyan road / Levelling & work on structures completed. 12 bed hospital - 4 MD 18 mid -level Hiss / 2 tech - OT 13 -ray / lab r dental service First Aid / Dispensary. i MD /1 mid -level HWs l 1 8 87 9 BMWs C 93 -- -- 2 MD, 10 90 3 93 80 pts. OPD I day. lab tech. - OPD I lab i dental service. 1 5th Yr Med, Student Women / children under 5 care, health education and Dai training programs. 12 BHWs trained in initiai 3 months course, 15 health workers received refresher (in- service) training, 20 RHOs received field related training. RES HEALTH: Other Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Training of physiotherapy technicians. RBS HEALTH: Other Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Physiotherapy services. RES SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Training of social animators. RDA AGRIC: Livestock Completed UNDP RDA WATER: garez Ongoing WFP 6 93 8 93 Rehabilitation of 94,600 linear M karez - benefit 288 farming families. RDA WATER: garez Ongoing WFP 6 93 8 93 Rehabilitation of 6,267 linear M karez - benefit 196 farming families. SCP, AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing SCA 0 53 -- 93 Distribution of 57.75 MT wheat seed. SCA AGRIC: Research Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 11 crops variety testing trials of wheat, barley & triticale. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.175 MT agrochericals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.455 MT agrochemicals. sACBAk 10 91 12 92 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 255 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION AGENCY SECTOR Wardak -VILLAGES) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED -- STATUS- -BI -- DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin -- End DESCRIPTION> Chak SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 60 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 88 villages. SCA CONST: Pub.Building 5 villages Ongoing SCA 1 93 12 93 Construction of primary schools. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Bedarf Ongoing SCA 10 84 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Shah blander Ongoing SCA -- SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Naikpaykool Ongoing SCA 5 88 -- -- SCP. HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Araban Ongoing SCA -- i MD 11 mid-level HWs SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ahmad Ehei Ongoing SCA 12 88 -- -- 1 MD 5 mid -level HWs. SCP. HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sewak Ongoing SCA 10 89 -- -- 11 mid -level HWs / 2 Nurses SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Lowar Ongoing SCA 11 88 -- -- 7 mid -level HWs / 1 Dental Tech. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shaikh Yasin Ongoing SCA 4 89 -- -- SCA HEALTH:. Basic Clinic Salar Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- SOLAF AGRIC: Machinery 13 villages Ongoing RAP 2 90 -- -- 5 tractors provide services for 2,000 persons. START AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Ongoing FAO/UNDP 3 93 Improved wheat seed multiplication. START AGRIC: Crop Product 24 villages Completed RAP 5 92 11 92 Vegetables rehabilitation in 24 villages. UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- 14 schools in different villages. VITA CONST: Road Eeboufar Completed AID -- -- 10 92 VITA CONST: Road Boon Ongoing AID 6 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 145 km road from Boon to Tezak, benefit 25,500 families. VITA CONST: Road Ganikar Ongoing AID 5 92.-- -- Rehabilitation of 15 km road, benefit 12,800 families. VITA CONST: Bridge Goda Ulia Ongoing AID 2 92 -- -- Construction of 19 km bridge (concrete & masonry), benefit 195 families. VITA CONST: Bridge Zama Ebel Ongoing AID 2 92 -- -- Construction of 21 m bridge(concrete & masonry), benefit 320 families. VITA WATER: Canal Chak Completed AID -- -- 10 92 'ACBAR 9 93 23 schools /160 teachers / 3710 students 1 MD / 9 mid -level HWs / 1 Nurse / i Lab Tech: / 2 Vaccinators 2 MD / 3 mid -level HWs / i Lab Tech. 3 Nurses ; 1 Dental Tech. / i Lab Tech. / 1 PHO 10 mid -level HWs / 1 Lab Tech. 10 mid -level HWs / 2 Nurses Rehabilitation of 10 km road, benefit 13,000 families. Cleaning of 4.8 km canal, 1800 families. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 256 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION SECTOR AGENCY VILLAGE(S) ---- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Chak Wardak VITA WATER: Canal 4 villages Completed AID -- -- 10 92 VITA WATER: Canal 3 villages Completed AID -- - VITA WATER: Canal Ginikar Ulia Completed AID -- -- WROR CONST: Road Goda /Omarzai Completed UNDP 10 91 10 92 WROR WATER: Structure Ongoing UNDP 196 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF Wardak 4 Cleaning of 45 ks canal, benefit 85 families. 10 92 Cleaning of 4.3 km canal, benefit 126 families. 11 92 Cleaning of 4.3 km canal, benefit 130 families. Repair of 5ìm road of Angur Ada- Bamyan road. Levelling has been completed. Protection against water erosion 1968 su gabion & 363 eu.m stone work). 93 -- -- Day Mirdad 2 teams - 4 vaccinators AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination DCA AGRIC: Vet Durani Ongoing Dutch G. 4 DCA AGRIC: Vet Babak Dorani Ongoing Dutch G. 9 91 LDI HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Tangi Sayedan Ongoing LDI -- -- -- -- Surgical hospital - 5 MDs / 9 mid -level HWs / B other HWs - OT / X -ray& lab. MAI DUCAT: Primary Rashidia Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- 1 school. MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Dalan Ongoing AID 11 88 - 7 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Day Mirdad Ongoing AID/UN 11 89 -- -- COVERED FROM LAJAB VSF. RBS HEALTH: Other -- Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Physiotherapy services. RES HEALTH: Other Ongoing RBS 9 RBS SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing RBS 9 91 SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.113 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 3 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- -- Discontin UNDP/WFP 10 91 7 92 Wardak ARU CONST: A C B A R -- -- -- -- 89 -- -- -- -- 91 - -- -- -- -- . i paravet. Central clinic with 1 veterinarian & i vaccinator. SEE LAJAB /GARDANDEAL LISTING FOR DETAILS. Training of physiotherapy technicians. Training of social animators. Agriculture survey on 50 villages. 7 schools in Dawlat Shah, Miran(2), Lalandar Muka, Babak, Noolfasha & anka villages. Gardandewal Road Behsud Road repairing.- discontinued because of security. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 257 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(S' - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin --End -- -- -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Gardandewal Wardak AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 219 villages Ongoing ECIUNICF AV ICEN HEALTH: Other Tezak Ongoing EC CCA CONST: Road Dahan -i- Abdula Completed UNDP/WFP 10 91 12 92 DCA AGRIC: Vet Dahan- i- Garamabad Ongoing Dutch G. 2 92 -- -- Central clinic with 1 advanced paravet & 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Dahan- i- Abdara Ongoing Dutch G. 4 92 -- -- 3 paravets. LEPCO HEALTH: Other Chakhakoor Ongoing Germany MSH HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Eule Ehish Ongoing AID ' 4 teams - 8 vaccinatora l VSF i 1 CC technician & 1 supervisor -- 12 90 -- -- 5 km of Banyan - Pakteka road i 15 culverts & 392 cub.m retaining wail. Leprosy control centers / provides care for general patients / i lab technician & 1 field assistant. 1 MD i 1 NURSE i 1 ADMIN. i 1 MED.TECH. i í X -RAY TECH.ASST r" 1 LAB TECH ASS! / 15 ROOMS i IN- PATIENT BEDS / X -RAY / LAB i IMMUNIZATION. MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Abdul thaleq Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Abdul thaieq Ongoing AID . 7 91 -- - 2 MED. TECH. 4 89 -- -- 1 doctor assistant, 2 nurses, i dentist -Mir., 1 lab tech. assistant - 2 Rrroms, dental services, immunization & IMMUNIZATION laboratory. IISH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Vardan Dewar Ongoing AID 9 91 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Tezak Ongoing AID 10 91 -- -- UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 4 87 -- -- 3 MED. TECH. i 2 BHWs 9 schools in Sabz Darakht, Daban Garab, Sia Buta, Zajoi; iawl Ehesh2), Ab Nugra, Dahan Sia Sang & Daban Hesar villages. VIT Vtr, CONST: Wardak Road Abi Nuqra Discontin AID 11 91 -- -- Rehabilitation of 65 km road, benefit 10,000 families. Approved IRCiRPA -- -- Cleaning of 24 karezes for 300 jeribs land. -- -- Multiplication of 0.5 MT barley &-5 MT DAP. JaBhatu AB WATER: tarez ACRD AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO --. 92 ACRD AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing FAO -- 92 -- 93 Multiplication of 3 MT PS -85 & 1.5 MT Faisalabad -85 wheat seed. ACRD AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO 11 91 -.- 92 Distribution of 5 MT Pak -81 i 2 MT Blue Silver i 100 kg Faisalabad -85 i 8 MT DAP i 8 MT Urea to be done in the next Jaghatu Spina Lila spring. ACRD AGRIC: ACBAR Fruit Trees Ongoing UNDP Orchard rehabilitation & setting up .fruit tree nurseries in 5 jeribs. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY AGRIC: -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jaghatu Wardak ACRD VILLAGEIS) - - -- Fruit Trees Spina Tala Completed FAO 8 90 11 90 Distrib.of 15,000 fruit trees (apple i almond / peacn plus i apricot) to 75 villages in Jaghatu & 5 in Chak / Sayedabad / Daymirdad. ACRD AGRIC: Fruit Trees Spina Bala Completed ACED 2 91 -- 92 non -fruit nursery(15 jeribs) -over 100.000 seedlings capacity - diff.seeds of peaches r almond 1 apricot í Fruit apple. ACRD AGRIC: Fruit Trees Spina Kala Completed FAO 8 91 ACRD AGRIC: Forestry Gol Mohammad Completed ACRD 4 91 5 91 ACED AGRIC: Livestock Shekh Ali Ongoing ACRD 8 91 -- -- -- 92 12,000 fruit trees (apple) - planted to be distributed next spring. Plantation of 50,000 paplar cuttings for propagation of species in the centrai regione.. Dairy farm:5 cows / bull- breeding services for vicinity villages. 300 sheep for income gen. i propagation of sheep population. ACRD AGRIC: Livestock ACE) AGRIC: Livestock ACRD AGRIC: Livestock Spina Kale Beber Ongoing ACRD Ongoing UNDP /Sif Ongoing ACED 8. 88 -- -- Bee- keeping project as income generation with a capacity of 120 nives. Poultry production & distribution with the capacity of 29,000 chickens 6 91 -- -- i year. Poultry farm with the capacity of 372 layer ; 100 turkey - an average of Afe. 127,000 is generated from this project Monthly. ACRD AGRIC: Machinery Spina Kale Ongoing ACED ACRD AGRIC: Plant Protec Spina tala Completed ACRD -- 84 -- -- 5 91 -- -- 9 tractors 4 8 threshers / 3 harvesters work at 30% discount from the market rate for the farmers. 289.5 lit.pesticides sprayed in 127 villages. Grafting & budding services are also provided in framework of plant protection. ACRD AGRIC: Other ACRD AGRIC: Other ACRD CONST: Pub. Building - Agriculture rehabilitation.. 2 91 Workshop for ag.machinery - 6 tech, (wiring / denting 1 lathing / engine) - also repairs vehicles. 7 87 1 hoop. (12 rooms )-MDM Funds / 1 vet center (6 roofs) -VSF Funds - local materials - 1 workshop (7 rooms) -ACRD Funds - -- -- Ongoing RAP Spina Kale Completed ACRD 1 91 Spina Kale Completed MDM /VSF 4 84 cement + local mat. ACRD HEALTH: Distrct Hosp Ghar Morgh Ongoing ASDAA -- 84 -- -- 20 bed hoop: 25 HWs - X-ray / anaesthesia i dressing / surgery -OT (4 oper. i month dental / MCH i TB control / vaccinations. ACRD HEALTH: Coapr.Clinic Kalandeh Ongoing ASDAA -- 83 -- -- ACRD HEALTH: Mobile /F -Aid Ialandeh Ongoing ASDAA -- 62 -- -- OPD with tab i dental i NCH services. TB control: 638TB lab tests conducted in 91. visits Ihwaja Uteri / Baralcat - Ghazni & Jaghatu / Chak / Daymirdad / Sayedabad -Wardak. ACRD RELIEF: Food Items Ongoing ACRD -- 92 -- 93 ACRD RELIEF :Food Iteae Ongoing WFP -- 1 A C B A R -- -- -- Distribution of 600 MT wheat under cereal bank program. Distribution of 25 MT wheat. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 259 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- DURATION FUNDED <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> - --BY -- Begin- -End Completed ACRD -- 91 -- -- Distribution of 22.8 MT wheat to 100 displaced families of Maidan. -- STATUS -- Jaghatu Wardak Spina Tala ACRD RELIEF :Food Items ACRD RELIEF:Food Items Completed AID -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 283.2 MT different food commodities. ACRD RELIEF:Non -Food Item Completed AID -- 92 -- 93 Distribution of 17,145 pieces of different clothing. ACRD WATER: tarez Ongoing UNDP -- 92 -- -- Rehabilitation of 80 karezes in Jaghatu / Sayedabad & Chal district. ACRD WATER: larez Spina Kale Completed RAP 6 90 AHDS CONST: Pub.Building Babar Khel Completed WHO 8 90 11 92 6 91 Rehabilitation of 81 karezes in 79 villages - irrigate 1,605 hectares land & benefit 2.459 families. Construction of BHU building & running cost for 1 year (1 mid -level HW / 1 BHW - OPD & first aid covering 5 -6 thousand people). Ongoing ARCON -- Milk cows farm 116 villages Ongoing ECt`UNICF -- 1 team -- 3 vaccinators Vet Shabihtak Ongoing UNDP 12 92 -- -- AGRIC: Vet Sadat Khel Ongoing UNDP 9 91 -- -- Central clinic with l vet. assistant & 1 paravet, DCA AGRIC: Vet Sadat Sar Band Ongoing UNDP 9 91 -- -- i vaccinator. EAFO AGRIC: Crop Product 43 villages Ongoing FAO /UNDP 3 93 -- -- Improved wheat, maize, mungbeans & fertilizer - multiplication. HAFO AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ongoing HAFO - BAFO AGRIC: Livestock Ongoing UNDP -- 91 -- -- Poultry program. HAFO NEC: Livestock Ongoing HAFO /FAO -- 90 -- 93 Animal husbandry (15 cows / 15 calves / 5 bulls) & distribution calves each year. HAFO AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing FAO /NAC LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic lalandah Ongoing LDI -- 5 mid -level HWs - OPD. MAI EDUCAT: Primary Qlaljina Ongoing MAI -- i school. MAI EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI -- 12 schools in different villages. L $DUCAT: Primary Ialandeh/Mulah /Dnh Ongoing MAI BEALTH: Basic Post Sadat Sar Band Ongoing AID Livestock ARCON AGRIC: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination DCA AGRIC: DCA A Ç B A R ----=----d- . -- -- -- 1 paravet. Fruit & vegetable nursery in 2 jeriba (20,000 fruit trees). 2 tractors / 1 thresher & 90 oxen are serving the farmers. 3 schools. 11 87 -- -- 13 BHWs DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 260 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(5) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED <ACTIVITY Begin- -End - --BY -- DESCRIPTION? Jaghatu Wardak RBS HEALTH: Other Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Training of physiotherapy technicians. RBS HEALTH: Other Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Physiotherapy services. RBS SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Training of social animators. RDA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO 5 92 7 92 Multiplication of seed at the cost of Ra. 150,000. RDA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed FAO 10 91 7 92 10,000 saplings RDA RELIEF:Food Items Completed WFP 10 91 12 92 Distribution of 168 MT wheat. WATER: Karen Approved WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4,400 linear M karez - benefit 950 farming families. RDA RDA WATER: Earez Ongoing WFP RDA WATER: garez Completed UNDP RDA WATER: tarez Ongoing WFP RUM AGRIC: Livestock 15 villages Ongoing UNDP RDW AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 0.25 MT wheat seed. AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO -- -- -- -- Distribution of 10.7 MT improved wheat seed / 11 MT DAP / 10 MT Urea. RDW SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.13 MT agrochemical!. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 60 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Aryabi la Ongoing SCA 7 87 -- - 10 schools / 60 SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Meari ghel Ongoing SCA 2 90 -- -- 1 MD / 11 mid -level HWe / i Nurse i 1 Lab Tech. SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Gandah Qol Ongoing SCA 9 89 -- -- 1 MD / 7 mid -level líWs / 1 Nurse / 1 Lab Tech. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Dewalak Ongoing SCA UNO EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID VITA CONSY: Ongoing AID Road Jaghatu Rashidan 7 93 9 93 -- -- -- -- . Rehabilitation of 20,000 linear M karez - benefit 15.000 families. Rehabilitation of 1107 linear N karez. 7 93 8 93 Rehabilitation of 20,000 linear M karez - benefit 15,000 families. 4 93 8 93 Distribution of 1,200 chickens, beneficiaries 1000, teachers / 1409 students 3 mid -level HWs. 3 87 -- -- 17 schools in different villages. Rehabilitation of 35 km road, benefit 9,252 families. Page: 261 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Wardak ADA AGRIC: AVICEN - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin - -End 10 81 (ACTIVITY DBSCRIPTIOK> Jalrez 21 villages Completed FAO!UNDP HEALTH: Vaccination 54 villages Ongoing EC!UNICF CARE CONST: Road Jairez Completed AID &WFP 0 0 0 92 Reconstruction of one Road with the total length 20km including other structures. CARE WATER: Karez Jairez Completed AID &WFP 0 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 2 Earezes with total length 3km including other activities. CARE WATER: Canal Jalrez Completed AID &WFP 0 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 14 irrigation canals with total length 35km including other activities. OCA AGRIC: Vet Siah Petaw Ongoing UNDP 5 89 -- -- Central clinic with 1 veterinary assistant & 3 paravets. DCA AGRIC: Vet Taman Ehei Ongoing UNI: 5 89 -- -- 1 paravet. LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Jairez Ongoing iDI MAI EDUCAT: Primary Shah Rokh Ongoing MA: -- -- -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sanglakh Ongoing AID 1 90 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Sarcheshma Ongoing AID 10 91 -- -- 3 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Jairez Ongoing AID /UN 11 89 -- -- Covered from lajab VSF. MWRA WATER: Structure Takana Completed CIDA -- 91 -- 92 Construction of erosion barrier. NAC CONST: Road Jairez Completed NAC 2 91 11 91 Repair of Jalrez -Nerkh road (15 km) Crop Product 7 92 Distribution of 11.32 MT improved wheat seed / 10.87 MT DAP & 17.66 MT Urea to 275 farmers for multiplication. 1 team - 2 vaccinators -- 1 mid -level HW 1 med. student - OP[. i school. 2 medical tech - 4 rooms, immunization, Volunteer health Sister (VHS) and dai training. See Kajab/Gardandewal Listing For Details. . SCA AGRIC: Plant Proteo Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.18 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA Q 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 50 villages. SCA EDUCAT: Primary Sanglakh Ongoing SCA 7 88 -- -- 9 schools / 55 teachers / 1358 students SCA EDUCAT: Primary Sarcheshma Ongoing SCA 7 91 -- -- 4 schools / 30 teachers i 868 HEALTH: Basic Clinic àala Hazratmir Ongoing SCA 8 88 -- -- 2 nurses, 2 mid -level HWs, 1 lab tech., SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic 4ewaiat Ongoing SCA 5 89 -- -- 4 mid-level HWs / 1 Nurse SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sieh Petaw Ongoing SCA 11 89 -- -- SOLAF AGRIC: 8 villages Ongoing FAO 3 92 -- -- SCA - IACBAE Crop Product students 1 PHO 1 Dental Tech. /3 Vaccinators 11 mid -level HWs i 2 Pharmacist Multiplication of 5 MT seeds & fertilizer. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 262 A6actrep Date: 27/0B/93 6TH EDITION M AGENCY SECTOR ACTIVITI FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BI -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITI DESCRIPTION> Jalrez Wardak SOLAF AGRIC: Fruit Trees 5 villages Completed FAO 12 91 3 92 10,000 fruit trees of two years distributed 80 cm high. SOLAF CONST: Road, 12 villages Completed RAP 5 91 8 92 11 km Jalrez to Darsarsi, 35 culverts 1m & 21 - 40 MT cement, sand & gravel, stone steel, wood. SOLAF WATER: Tarez 6 villages Completed WFP 7 92 12 92 40 km 600 Jeribs, 5000 persons. SOLE WATER: Canal 8 villages Completed WFP 7 92 12 92 20 km - irrigates 1000 Jeribs, benefits 5000 persons. SOLAF WATER: Structure 8 villages Completed *Donors 8 92 12 92 3 intakes (20 m each), stone, cement, sand & gravel steel pipe. SOLAF WATER: FioodControl 8 villages Completed *Donors 8 92 12 92 Retaining wall, stone, cement sand, gravel & wood 89.17 a length of road, 5000 persons. 0Hù EDUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 7 87 8 schools in Takana Bala, Iharoti Sufla, Iharoti, Qalacha(2), Takana(Puli Mehrab), Qaïa Naw & Sar Chashma villages. VITA CONST: Discontin AID 11 90 -- -- Babak /Surchab Completed FAO/UNDP 10 91 -- Road - Jalrez -- Rehabilitation of 61 km road from Jalrez to Parsa, benefit 71,428 families. Markaz Bee. Warciak - VILLAGE(S) - - -- Crop Product 7 92 Distribution of 2.5 MT improved wheat seed / 2.6 MT DAP & 3.9 MT Urea to 50 farmers for multiplication. ADA AGRIC: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 296 villages Ongoing EC/UNICF CCA EDUCAT: Primary Gero -e -Rozi Ongoing UNI /Novb 3 85 -- -- CCA HEALTH: Med.Training Iajab Completed OXFAM 6 91 CCA INCOME: Skill Train. Bad Asyab Ongoing NOVIB 11 91 -- -- Training / auto repairing / building J machinery, 30 trainees / year. CCA INCOME: Skill Train. Kajab Ongoing CIDA 11 91 -- -- Training of 64 women in carpet& Gelis weaving Naiad making & knitting also 40 women are trained in literacy. DCA AGRIC: Vet Abi Shiraz Ongoing Dutch G. 4 92 -- -- 3 paravets. MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Behsud Ongoing OXFAM /Fr 5 92 -- -- Distribution of 4,900 Kg of improved wheat seed i 4,900 1g Urea i 2450 Kg DAP to 700 farmers. MADERA AGRIC: Crop Product Behsud Ongoing OXFAM /Fr 5 92 -- -- Distribution of 4,900 1g wheat seed i 5250 Ig DAP & 4.900 Kg Urea to 1,400 farmers. MADERA AGRIC: Training Behsud Ongoing OXFAM /Fr 5 92 -- -- Agricultural training. of 1 staff / extension work for agriculture improvement & 800 farmers are advised to use the -- 5 92 3 teams - 6 vaccinators 7 teachers r 250 -300 students. 20 women were trained in 3 months as FHW & TBA. improved seed varieties. MADERA AGRIC: Training Behsud Ongoing OXFAM /Fr 5 92 -- -- Agriculture training of 1 staff / extension work to improve agriculture in the area & 780 farmers are advi$gd about new agriculture farming system. MADERA AGRIC: Other Behsud Ongoing OXFAM /Fr 5 92 -- -- Hiring of 5 jeribs land for nurseries i research & seed multiplication. Page: 263 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 AGENCY - - ---- SECTOR-- - ----- Wardak MADERA AGRIC: MSH ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Markaz Other ACTIVITY' FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY-- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Bes. Behsud Ongoing HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Ragol Ongoing -AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Safed Dever Ihana. Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Rawl Mir Chehil -S Ongoing AID MSH HEALTH: Med.Training `Center Completed AID MSH HEALTH: Vaccination" Iajab Ongoing AID/UN 5 OIFAM /Fr 92 - Hiring of 5 jeribs land for nurseries k research purposes. -- i MD, 2 MED. TECH., 1 LAB. TECH. ASST. 11 90 -- - 5 ROOMS, LABORATORY, IMMUNIZATION ' 9 91 -- 1 MED. TECH., 2 BHW, 1 NURSE, LABORATORY -- 2 BHWs 10 91 -- -- 1 89 1 49 BHSs trained in initial 3 months community health worker course k assigned to basic health posts. 92 15 VACCINATORS, 11 89 -- -- 1 COLD CHAIN TECHNICIAN OPERATE UNDER AN IMMUNIZATION SUPERVISOR WITH TRAINED IMMMUNIZATION TECHNICIANS TRAINED BY Al IMMUNIZATION TRAINER OUT OF THE VSF IN IAJAB (BERM AVAL) COVERING 221 VILLAGES IN 5 DISTRICTS OF WARDAI, PARWAN AND BANYAN PROVINCES. MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Markaz Beheud Ongoing' AID/UK MSH HEALTH: Other Iajab Ongoing AID 11 89 - 7 -- COVERED FROM IAJAB VSF. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 TEARS AND WOMEN 5 -45 YEARS. SEE IAJAB /GARDANDEWAL LISTING FOR DETAILS. Regional Health Adsinistration (RHA) administrative center and depot for issue of supplies and salaries and 90 -- monitoring and superviision of the BHWs and health facilities under its jurisdiction. RAC ;CONST: Pub.Building Gero-e-Rozi Completed RAC 11 91 6 92 School building (8 roomei - cement / stone / wood / brick. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Abdara Ongoing SCA 2 89 -- SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shash Burja Ongoing SCA 8 89 -- -- 4 mid-level HWs. UNO ¡DUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 6 87 -- 6 schools in lajab, Mumrak, Iamjab, Mula Ihel, Surkh Dawaz k Markaz villages. -- -- 6 aid-level Hie / 1 Nurse Maydan Shar :Wardak BRR CONST: Road Wardak Completed UNDP 7 92 10 92 CARE CONST: Road Maydan Shar Completed AID&WFP 0 0 0 92 Reconstruction of 2 Roads with the total length 15ka including other structures. CARE CONST: Other Maydan Shar Completed .AID&WFP 0 0 0 92 Renovation of Office / Warehouse with rooms / capacity of 15/500 Rooms / at. CARE WATER: Inez Hayden Shar Completed AID&WFP 0 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of one Tarez with total length 3001 including other activities. CARE WATER: Canal Maiden Shar Completed AID&WFP 0 0 0 CARE WATER Drinking Hayden Shar Completed AID&WFP 0 0 0 92 MAI DUCAT: Primary Ongoing MAI ACBAR ' 92 Survey of 176 ka road. Rehabilitation of 4 Irrigation canals with total length 40ka including other activities. Rehabilitation of 2 Springà with total length 651 including other activities. 2 schools in Tangi Shapla Ihel k Ibrahim Ihel. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Y 6TH EDITION I Page: 264 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Wardak - - -- VILLAG &(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Maydan Shar MSH HEALTH: Basic Clinic Kohna Banat Ongoing AID 4 89 -- -- NSR HEALTH: Basic Post Rusts' Khel Ws Cha Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Hayden Shar Ongoing AID/UN 1 doctor aasstant, 2 medical tech. - 4 roofs 3 beds, surgery. 5 HMIs 5 VACCINATORS COVER 19 VILLAGES IN HAYDAN SEAR 5 92 -- -- (401) DISTRICT OF WARDAE PROVINCE. TARGET GROUPS: CHILDREN 0 -2 IEARS AND WOMEN 5-45 YEARS. SCA AGRIC: Crop; Product Center Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 87.9 NT wheat seed. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product Kota Ashro Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 10 NT wheat seed. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Center Coapleted SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.65 HT agrochesicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Center Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.18 HT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Iota Ashro Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.175 MT agrochemicais. SCA AGRIC: Other Center Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 60' villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Hiss Awal Completed SCA 8 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 3 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Iota Ashro Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 50 villages. SCI AGRIC: Other Center Completed. SCA 0 92 -- 92 SCA &DUCAT: Priaary Kohn Buser Ongoing SCA 7 91 -- -- 11 schools / 80 teachers / 1727 students SCA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Farm Ihel Ongoing SCA 3 90 -- -- 1 MD / 7 lid-level Hs / 3 Nurses / 1 Lab Tech. ONO ¡DUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 8 87 --. -- 5 schools in Zewalat, Hala Ihel, Eagan Ihel, Barag T&natal Ebel villages Wardak ' Agriculture survey on 87 pillages. Nerkh CARE COKST: Road Nerkh Completed AID&WFP 0 0 0 92 Reconstruction of 1 Roads with the total length lOkm including other structures. CARE WATER: Karez Nerkh Completed AID&WFP 0 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 2 Aarezes with total length 14,7ìa including other activities. CARE WATER: Canal Nerkh Completed AIDAWFP 0 O 0 92 Rehabilitation of i Irrigation canals with total length 5km including other activities. CARE WATER: Drinking Nerkh Completed AIDAWFP 0 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of 3 Springs with total length 13.7ks including other activities. GAF AGRIC: Vet Nerkh Ongoing ONDP 10 91 7 93 1 DVH ! 2 pelmets / i guard. curative. a preventive service. IACBAR BA3ABASI OF NGO ACTIVITIES 638 BDITIOA 1 Page: 265 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGE(S) -- -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin --End ---<ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Nerkh Wardak ëarimdad Ongoing FAO /UNDP -- -- Multiplication of improved wheat seed & fertilizer. Durani Bini Badam Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- 3 BHWs Plant Protec Ongoing SCA Other Ongoing SCA Iarimdad Ongoing Bini Badam Crop Product HAFO AGRIC: MSH HEALTH: Basic Post SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic UNO EDUCAT: Primary 0 93 Provision of 0.19 MT agrochemicals. -- 93 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 60 villages. SCA 5 90 -- -- 4 mid -level Hill / 3 Nurses l 2 Vaccinators Ongoing SCA -- -- -- -- 8 mid -level HWs. Ongoing AID -0 7 1 0 schools in Tukarak, Badam, DadiliHusain shell, Omar Ihel, Titaar,Badaa, DehHayat, larimdad, Chaghdar & Chinzai 87 -- -- villages. Wardak Syed Abad ACR& WATER: Ere:, ADA AGRIC: Crop Product 7 villages ADA WATER: Karen 14 villages Completed NRC /NCA AFRAhE AGRIC: Research Tangi Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. AERANE AGRIC: Research Shash Qala Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomical trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. AERANE AGRIC: Research Sayed Abad Ongoing RAP 10 93 -- -- Variety & agronomicaI trials to know good variety & proper use of fertilizer & demonstration plots. AHI°S CONST: Pub.Building Mangalai Completed WHO Ongoing 'Completed . UNDP FAOiCIDA -- 92 -- -- For details see in ACRD kare: rehabilitation project in Jaghatu. 1 91 10 91 Distribution of 10 MT wheat seed & 10 MT DAP to 81 farmers for multiplication. '9 8 91. 5 92 90 11 92 Cleaning & improvement of 14 karezes i irrigate 20,271 jeribs & benefit 146 farmers. Construction of BHU building & running cost for i year (1 aid -level HW i BHW - OPD & first aid covering 18,000 people). T: Attiiv rub.Buiiding Dandokai Completed WHO -- 93 -- -- Construction of BHU building &running cost for 1 year (1 mid -level HW ! 1 BHW - OPD & first aid covering 5,000 people). APWU RELIEF: rood Items ARCON AGRIC: Crop Product ALA AGRIC: Machinery AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination CBAR 20 villages Completed WFP Hakim ghel Ongoing ARCON Ongoing ARCON Ongoing EC/UNICF 100 villages 1 -- -- 93 - 1 93 100 MT wheat distributed to 1000 families. -- -- Main crops -- Machinery for agriculture. -- 2 teams - 4 vaccinators DATABASE OF BGO ACTIVITIES - Page: 266 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Wardak ---- VILLAGE(5) - - -- -- STATUS =- FUNDED DURATION - --BI -- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION) Syed Abad CoAR AGRIC: Crop Product Sayed Abad Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- -- Multiplication of small amount of seed & fertilizer. CoAR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Sayed Abad Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- -- Distribution of saplings & 2 jeribs of nursery. CoAR AGRIC: Machinery Sayed Abad Ongoing RAP /FAO -- 92 -- -- 7 tractors MF & 6 threshers. LOAR CONST: Road Saved Abad Ongoing WFP -- 92 -- -- Repairing of 25 km road (Sayed Abad - Zenakhan; CoAR CONST: Bridgi Sayed Abad Ongoing WFP -- 92 -- -- Small village level bridge. CoAR HEALTH: Vaccination Sayed Abad Ongoing SV /AVICN -- 92 -- -- 31 villages in south Sayed Abad. DCA AGRIC: Vet Salar Ongoing UNDP 9 91 -- -- Central clinic with i veterinarian & 1 vaccinator. DCA AGRIC: Vet Sese Ongoing UNDP 9 91 -- -- 1 paravet. DCA AGRIC: Vet Shash Gaw Ongoing UNDP 8 89 -- -- 1 paravet. ESAR CONST: Road Saved Abad Completed HCR ESAR CONST: Pub.Building Shash Bata /Guli 1h Completed UNISCO -- 89 -- -- 5 92 12 92 Construction of Sayedabad -Baraki road (25 km). 2 school buildings each having 10 rooms with complete water supplies / savage system - stone masonry in cement & RCC roofs, Survey of the whole irrigation system with complete data on karezee Completed UNDP Sheniz Completed WHO 5 86 -- -- Hospital building. Sheniz Ongoing AID 5 87 -- -- 3 red -level / 1 dentist / 1 lab tech. - OPD Crop Product Shaikhabad Ongoing FAO /UNDP Crop Product Tangi Sayed Abad Ongoing FAO /ISRA 5 93 10 93 Distribution of 89.5 Kg maize seed & 450 Kg DAP. EDUCAT: Primary Sayed Abad Ongoing ISRA 3 93 -- -- 1 school for orphans - 120 students & 3 teachers. ISRA HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Sayed Abad Ongoing ISRA 9 92 -- -- 1 MD / i medical assistant ISRA INCOME: Help Vulner. Sayed Abad Ongoing ISRA 1 85 -- -- Assistance to 198 orphans(monthly allowance i health / education i clothing / foot -wear. ISRA WATER: Sayed Abad Ongoing ISRA 5 92 LBI EDUCAT: Madrasa Abdara Ongoing LBI ESAR WATER: Other IMC CONST: Pub.Building IMC HEALTH: Compr.Clinic ISRA AGRIC: ISRA AGRIC: ISRA IA C B A R Drinking 12 90 11 92 5 91 7 93 8 93 -- 89 -- -- springe diversions & canals. lab / i dental. ..Distribution of 10 MT DAP & 10 MT wheat seed to- 200 farmers - 200 jeribs. 1 lab tech. ; helper 1 shallow well. Quran memorization center DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 267 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Syed Abad Wardak LBï DUCAT: Madrasa Onkhi Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- Quran memorization center LEI DUCAT: Madrasa Sayed Abad Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- Quran memorization center LBI DUCAT: Madrasa Shaikbabad Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- Quran aesorization center LBI DUCAT: Madrasa Tangi Nardak Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- Quran sesorization center LBI INCOMH: Help Vulner. Sued Abad Ongoing LBI -- 89 -- -- Orphanage LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Sheniz Ongoing LDI -- LDI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Hassan Ihel Ongoing LDI 2 aid -level ifWe / 1 lab tech f 1 sed. student - OPD / lab. LINO HEALTH: Other Haider Ebel Ongoing Geraany Leprosy & tuberculosis control center f provide health care for general patients i a till lab. testing service / ` 1 mid -level HW. 1 leproRy technician & 1 field assistant. MAI EDUCAT: Primary =- Ongoing MAI -- -- -- -- MSR HEALTH: Basic 'Clinic Sayed Abad Ongoing AID 12 87 -- -- MSB HEALTH: Basic Post Shadi Ehel Ongoing AID 8 87 -- -- 29 BHüs RBS HEALTH: Other -- Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Training of physiotherapy technicians. RBS HEALTH: Other Ongoing RBS 9 91 -- -- Physiotherapy services. RBS SOCIAL:Animation Ongoing RBS 9-91 -- Training of social animators. RDA RELIEF: Food Items Completed WFP - -- -- RDK AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing FAO -- -- -- -- SCA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Distribution of 61.75 MT wheat seed. SCA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution of 23.315 MT wheat seed & i MT DAP. SCA AGRIC: Research -- Ongoing SCA O 93 -- 93 10 crops variety testing trials of wheat & 2 MT dry beans. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Ongoing SCA O 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.23 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.535 MT agrochemicals. CBAR 9 schools in Chopan, Iarokiel, Dare Onkhi, Qala Qazi, Ihankhel, Temor Ihel Payan & Doab Tangi. 1 NURSE, 2 MID. TECH. 1 LAB.TECH.ASST. 5 ROOMS, 1 BBD, LABORATORY Distribution of 150 MT wheat. Distribution of 11.8 MT improved wheat seed / 12 MT DAP / 18 MT Urea. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION I Page: 268 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 ACTIVITY ---- VII,LAGE(5) SECTOR AGENCY Wardak --- -- STATUS-- Syed Abad - FUNDED DURATION BY-BY- Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> ==== SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 60 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 169 villages. SCA DUCAT: Priaary Farakhlas Ongoing SCA 7 88 -- -- 8 schools / 50 teachers / 1576 students SCA EDUCAT: Management Shaikhabad Approved SCA 9 93 -- -- 7 days / 60 headaastere SCA EDUCAT: Teacher T. Shaikhabad Ongoing SCA 12 92 -- -- 3 months / 60 teachers SCA HEALTH: Coapr:Clinic Joi Zareen Ongoing SCA 8 89 -- -- SCA HEALTH: Coapr.Clinic Musa Ihel Ongoing SCA 11 88 -- -- 3 MD / 17 aid -level HWs /4 Nurses / 1 Dental Tech. í 1 Lab Tech. J 1 PHO 12 Vaccinators SCA HEALTH: Coapr.glinic Tanti Waren Ihel Ongoing SCA 10 88 -- -- 1 MD / 5 aid -level HWs / 1 'Nurse / i Lab Tech. I i Dental Tech. SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Mangalai Ongoing SCA SCA HEALTH: Basic Clinic Shaikhabad Ongoing SCA SCA WATER: 52 villages Ongoing SCA/UNIC I 93 12 93 Wells - benefit 2,100 faailies. SERVE HEALTH: Other Approved *Donors 3 94 -- -- Consultancy with Ongoing WHO 8 91 -- -- orthopaedic workshop - production of approz:24 artificial liaba per month - in eanjution.ith DAP/UN. Ongoing AID 5 87 -- -- 39 schools in different villages. 6 92 -- - Rehabilitation of 11 ka road, benefit 700 faailies. SGAA : ALTH: Drinking Disabled Reh Sayed Abad UNO EDUCAT: Priaary VITA CONST: Road Mehro Ongoing AID VITA CONST: Bridge Tangs Ongoing AID 1 MD / 4 aid -level Bfis / 2 Nurse / i Lab Tech. / 1 Pbarsaciat 11 aid -level HWs / 1 Nurse 3 aid -level HWe / 1 Nurse 1 i PHO -- I Disabled project far blind rehabilitation - field tease. Construction of 15 c bridge (concrete A aasonry), benefit 257 families. Wardak Wardak CCA INCOME: Skill Train. Various Ongoing CIDA 11 92 -- -- Training of 30 woven in spinning. DCAR HEALTH: Basic Clinic 7 villages Ongoing *Donora -- 84 -- -- Dental sevicee 80 -95 patients daily. ESAR CONST: Road Completed UNDP 5 91 ISRA AGRIC: Crop Product - Ongoing FAO /ISRA, 5 93 10 93 ISRA CONST: Pub.Building Different villagee Ongoing ISRA 5 92 ACBAR , Survey on part of Angur Ada -Banyan road ( 131 b) in_the districts of Zuraat, Sayed Abad A Chak. 7 91 Distribution of 95 le seize seed A 450 ág DAP. 8 93 Construction of 3 cosques. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIITIES Page: 269 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY MSF -H - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- All province HEALTH: Other DURATION FUNDED <ACTIVITY - - -BY -- Begin --End Ongoing MSF -- 93 -- -- Monitoring & technical evaluation of microscopists. Construction cf BHC building. -- STATUS -- DESCRIPTION> Arghandab Zabul ARDS CONST: Pub.Building -- Approved ARCON -- 93 -- -- ARCON CONST: Pub.Building Arghandab Ongoing ARCON -- ARRA AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO 11 92 12 92 ARRA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing CIDA 11 92 8 93 For details see ARRA Crop Production project in Qalat. ARRA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed FAO 3 93 4 93 For detials see ARRA Fruit Trees project in Shoh Joy. AÁ,RA AGRIC: Machinery Ongoing' FAO ARRA AGRIC: Other 216 villages Ongoing ARRA,'MCI INC: CONST: Pub.Building Mohd Agha Completed WHO 5 86 -- -- MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic Diecontin AID 3 88 MSH HEALTH: Basic Post Ongoing AID 11 87 -- -- SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.15 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protee Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.195 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. UNO DUCAT: Primary Ongoing AID 1 91 -- -= 1 school in Chiknak village. - Gazah ., -- -- - -- -- -- 5 93 Health unit Multiplication of 35 MT wheat seed to 700 farmers (280 villages) in Arghandab, Shoh Joy & Qalat. For detials see ARRA At project in Qalat. For detials see ARRA AO in Qala. Clinic building. 1 mid -level HW - OPD. 10 BHWe Atghar Zabul Distribution of 9.05 MT wheat seed, 19 MT DAP, 5 MT urea and'3 MT maize seed. SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Ghundi Completed UNDP 10 90 8 92 Distribution of 750 MT seed to 750 farmers. SC-US AGRIC: Vet Ghundi Completed UNDP 10 91 3 92 3 paravets, 3 vet. technicians providing vaccinations + basic wound treatment. SC-US AGRIC: Research Ghundi Completed UNDP 10 90 8 92 Extension services provided to 750 farmers. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA IA C B A R Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. 0 93 -- 93 DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 270 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(S)- --- SECTOR AGENCY SCA C AGRIC: Plant Protec 304 AGRIC: Other Zabul Da i Crop Product -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.28 MT agrochemicals. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. 39 villages Completed RAP 8 92 12 92 Distribution of 44.18 MT wheat seed / 32.9 MT DAP & 47 MT Urea to 940 farmere for multiplication. 109 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF -- -- Chopan ADA AGRIC: AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination HU AGRIC: Crop Product 60 villages Ongoing FAO -- 90 -- -- Distribution of wheat / maize i rice & vegetable seeds. HU AGRIC: Fruit Trees 60 villages Completed FAO -- 90 -- -- Fruit trees apple / apricot almond & peach. HU AGRIC: Vet 60 villages Ongoing UNDP -- 91 -- -- 3 paravets training 15 basic veterinary workers & treatment of animais. HU CONST: Pub.Buiiding Gazak Ongoing WFP/ODA -- 89 -- -- i school & 3 clinics. HU CONST: Storage Eharnai Completed WFP -- 92 -- -- 1 store at road head (60 MT wheat). HU EDUCAT: Secondary Ga °ak Ongoing ODA -- 89 -- -- 100 students i 7 teachers / 2 staff & grades 1 -7. HU EDUCAT: Teacher T. Gazak Completed ODA -- 90 -- -- Training of 10 teachers for 2 months with EIL. Quetta. HU HEALTH: Basic Clinic Abgoi /Masca Completed ODA /WHO -- 85 -- -- 3 clinic / 120 patients per day. HU HEALTH: Med,Training Abol/Gazak Ongoing ODA -- 85 -- -- 9 health workers / MLHW i ORW / periodic refresher .courses. HU HEALTH: Med.Training -- Ongoing WHO -- 93 -- 94 10 women to be given basic health training. HU HEALTH: Education Abgol Ongoing ODA/WHO HU HEALTH: Vaccination 60 villages Ongoing AVICEN ER HEALTH: Basic Post Showi Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 2 BHWs MSH HEALTH: Vaccination Dai Chopan Ongoing AID/UN 3 93 -- -- 4 VACCINATORS UNDER PMD SUPERVISION. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochesicals. SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochesicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. IACBAR 1 team - 3 vaccinators -- Male & female trainees. -- Target whole of Daichopan (4 male trainers). -- 91 -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 271 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 T ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR UNC - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- EDUCAT: Primary Zabul MCI HEALTH: Basic Post SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRIC: Sher Safa Plant Protec Plant Protec ' SCA AGRIC: UNV. Other EDUCAT: Primary Zabul MCI Road HEALTH: Basic Post SCA AGRIC: SCA AGRI .: SCA AGRIC: Ziyarat Mokorak Plant Protec Plant Protec Other bui AREA Mizan -Shahr Safe HEALTH: Basic Clinic M5t DURATION Begin- -End :ACTIVITY Ongoing AID 3 90 -- -- Completed AID 11 90 -- -- 1 EPI vaccinator Ongoing AID 11 89 -- -- 1 BHW Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.2 MT agrochemical!. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemical!. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Ongoing AID 9 88 -- -- - schools in Tughan & 5enjit villages. Approved AID -- 93 -- -- Completed AID 3 89 -- -- 1 lab -tech & 1 dental -tech. Ongoing AID 7 88 -- -- 2 BHWs Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.15 MT agrochemicais. Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Provision' of 0.117 MT agrochemicais. Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 30 villages. Ongoing CIDA DESCRIPTION> 1 school in Dahan Gazak. 1 lab tech ; i MD & 1 mid -level HW - EPI I Lab & OPD.' Mizan CONST: MCI' --BY- Jaldak HEALTH: Basic Post !SSE FUNDEL -- STATUS -- Repair of Sharer Safa-Mizan road. - Lab & dental. Qalat AGRIC: Crop Product 11 92 8 93 Distribution of 95 MT fertilizer to 1700 farmers in Qalat (91 villages), Shah Joy ji0 villages, & Arghandab f125 villages). ARRA ARRA ARRA ARRA AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: AGRIC: Crop Product Fruit Trees Vet Machinery 30" v.liages Completed FAO Completed FAO Completed Ongoing li 92 12 92 For details see ARRA Crop Production project in Arghandab. 3-03 4 93 For detiais see ARRA Fruit Trees project in Shoh Joy. UNDP 11 92 6 93 15 BVW / 3 paravets i 1 DVK FAO -- -- -- -- 2 tractors vaccination treatment & de-worming. 2 treashers i benefit 3,500 people (125 villages) in Galat Shoh Joy & Arghandab. ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES fiiH ED'al.'3E Page: 272 A6actrep :.ate: 27Ì0E19: ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Zabul ---- VILLAGEiS) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End < ACTIVITY Galat ARRA AGRIC: Plant Proteo 125 villages Ongoing CIDA 4Phr AGRIC: Other 216 villages Ongoing ARRA;'MCI N.CPA MINES: Survey 15 minefields Completed UNOCHA 1 92 12 92 SC:. AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA i! 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 M: agrochemicais. : 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicais. 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. Agriculture survey on 86 villages. Extension & plan: protection - benef :: 350 farmers in AGRIC: Plant Protec Completed SCA 30A AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Too;, L din Ongoing SCA 2 55 -- -- 31 villages Completed UNOCHA AGRIC: HEALTH: Bae1;, Clinic _. SWAK MINES: Clearance EDUCAT: Primary JN0/ Zabul 40 1 754,662 Sqm irrigation , 92 12 92 residential mid- level H. 127985 Sqm / 156898 Sqm houses 17570 Sqm road Alt AITroved ART ON -- 9: -- -- Construction of BHC building. For details see ARRA Crop Production project in Qalat. 3 88 -- -- aiat a Arghandab. agri.iand & road. Ongoing , 251217 Sgi cana:. 3 schools in Haji Ebaligdad, Spin Egharga & Gagari. Shari Joy AE DS, CONST: Pub.Buiiding ARRA AGRIC: Crop Product Ongoing CIDA 11 92 ARRA AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO 11 92 12 92 ARRA AGRIC: Fruit Trees Completed FAO 'Ongoing FAO ARRA 50 spray pumps & different kinds of chemicals. -- STA SCA DESCRiPTION'- AGRIC: -- Machinery 3 53 8 93 4 93 For details see ARRA Crop Production project in Argbandab. ' Distribution of 18,000 fruit trees ¡apple ¡ plum i peach -- -- -- - For detiils see ARRA A6 project in HEALTH: Basic Post Mudeer Cnge ing SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Shah Joy :Completed 'JNDP 10 90 8 92 Distribution of 75 MT seed to 750 farmers. SC -US AGRIC: Research Shah Joy Completed UNDF 10 90 5 92 Extension services provided to 750 farmers. óCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA ; 93 -- 93 Provision of 0.1 MT agrochemicals. SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA O 93 -- 93 Agriculture survey on 40 villages. SCA AGRIC: Other Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Agriculture survey on 89 villages. A C B A R 15 villages) in Shch Joy / Arghandab & Qalat. lat. MSH Y 89 -- -- apricot), v BHWs DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 273 A6actrep Date: 2748/93 6TE EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- Crop Product SWFAO AGRIC: UNO EDUCAT: Primary All villages -- STATUS -- FUNDED - - -BY -- DURATION < ACTIVITY Begin- -End 7 93 DESCRIPTIONS Il:.trition cf wheat seed & fertilizer. Ongoing FAO /UNDP 5 53 Ongoing AID 3 BE -- -- 5 sci,als in Kashmir Ehel, Manda. Kolar Khel, Chashma Hlial & Gala Ebel villages. Completed AID 1 89 -- -- 1 Shemalzai Zabul lab tech r 1 dental tech & 1 mid -level HW - Lab / dental & OPD. MCI HEALTH: Basic Clinic SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 9.05 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Completed FAC -- 92 -- 92 Distribution of 9.1+5 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product Surkai Tanga. Completed UNDP 10 90 8 92 Distribution of 75 MT seed tc 7K farmers. SC -US AGRIC: Vet Surkai Tangai Completed UNDP 10 91 3 3 paravets. 3 vit. technicians providing vaccinations * bash wound treatment. SC -US AGRIC: Research Burka: Tanga. Completed UNDP 10 90 8-92 Zabul -- ÿ'; Extension services provided to 750 farmers. Shinkai 1 team - 2 vaccinators AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 28 villages Ongoing EC /UNICF AVICEN HEALTH: Vaccination 28 villages Ongoing EC-UNICF MCI AGRIC: Shinkai /Atghar Completed CHC 7 88 MCI HEALTH: Distrct Hosp -- Completed AID 1 88 -- -- Other -- -- - - 1 89 1 team - 2 vaccinators Almond orchard spraying, karez cleaning, road repair in animal vaccination. i MD / 1 HL OT / 3 mid -level HWs i 2 Mi ward 1 1 lab -tech / 1 dental -tech & i X-ray-tech - OT / OPD / Ward / lab / dental & X-ray facilities. MR HEALTH: Basic Post SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product SC -US AGRIC: Crop Product SC -US AGRIC: Vet SC -US AGRIC: SCA SCA heftier, Ongoing AID it 89 -- -- Shinkai Completed JNDP 10 90 Completed FAO -- 92 -- 92 Shinkai Completed UNDP 10 91 3 92 3 paravets, 3 vet. technicians providing vaccinations + basic wound treatment. Research Shinkai Completed UNDP 10 90 8 92 Extension services provided to 750 farmers. AGRIC: Crop Product -- Completed SCA 0 92 -- 92 Distribution cf 3 MT wheat seed, 3 MT DAP & 3.23 MT Urea. AGRIC: Platt Prctec Completed SCA O 92 -- 92 Provision of 0.137 MT agrochemicais. 8 92 i BIN Distribution of 75 MT seed to 750 farmers. Distribution of 9.05 MT wheat seed and 10 MT DAP. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES IACBAR Page: 274 AEactrep D te: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY -- -- VILLAGE(S) - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin - -End Zabul SCA AGRIC: Plant Protec Ongoing SCA 0 93 -- 933 SCA AGRIC: Other Ongoing SCA 93 -- 93 Ongoing AiD 3 89 -- Ongoing AID 7 90 NO EDUCAT: Primary - Provision of 0.15 MT agrochemicais. Agriculture survey on 40 villages. 3 schools in Badin, ëamarthel & Ali Jirag villages. Zabul Zabul MCI DESCRIPTION> AGRIC: Other - 4 94 PVOSupport: ag rehab, (wheat production orchard rehab. i irrigation repairicaeh ..rot pilot projects i ag assessment i animal health. IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - -- Page: 275 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION PROPCloSED AND ACTIVITY ENCY SECTOR Badakshan SCA CONST: Pub.Building ', -AID AiD h-AID A -AID SAC NAC NAC NAC COHST: Canal WATER: Canal WATER: Canal WATER: Structure COST: Pub.Building CONST: Pub.Building CONST: Pub.Building WATER: Canal Badakshan NAC NAC CONST: CONST: CONST: Badake?hari NAC r.AC AGRIC: AGRIC: - --BY -- DURATION Begin --End .<ACTIVITY DESCRIPTIßN> 4 villages Proposed SCA -- 93 12 93 Faizabad Proposed ODA 10 93 12 93 Shahmery Proposed ODA 9 93 10 93 Rehabilitation of canal. Chat-ah Proposed ODA -- 9: 10 95 Rehabilitation of canal. Hafiz Mughul Proposed .ODA -- 93 h 94 Rehabilitation of canal. Nahia-3/Faizabad Proposed ODA -- 93 8 Proposed NAC 9 93 10 93 Proposed NAC -- 93 -- 93 Repairing of secondary school & construction of latrines. Proposed NAC -- 93 10 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). Yaftal Proposed NAC -- 93 Repairing of channel. Wardui Proposed NAC -- 33 -- 93 Repairing of secondary school. Wardui Proposed NAC -- 93 Repairing of primary school. dura Proposed DCP -- 93 10 93 Repairing of Khostak secondary school. Proposed NAC 10 93 12 93 Fruit tree & forest tree nursers. Proposed NAC -- 93 11 93 Seed testing & distribution. Construction of primary schools. Faizeibad Bridge WATER: FUNDED -- STATUS -- Badakshan Badakshan '. -AID ---- VILDAGE(S' - - -- 1.31Ezt-WEY1Ei3 A'1" I V S'3E°= Argu Kor Yaftal 9 Repair of bridge (vehicle). 93 Replacement foot bridge & small aqueduct. Repairing of secondary school. 93 Jurm Pub.Building Pub.Building Pub.Buìldìng 9 93 Iti.Pehem Fruit Trees Research Farmangholi Kuabuk DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES f,TH EDITION Page: 276 A6actrep Date: 01%09/93 ABNCY SECTOR VILLAGE(S)---- ACTIVITY FUNDED --STATUS- -BY -- DURATION Begin --End < ACTIVITY Keshem Badakshan I, CONST: Road beshem Proposed SCA 10 93 11 93 Repairing of local road. N3C CONST: Road Baluch Proposed SCA 10 93 11 93 Repair of Taìogan- Faizabad road. C CONST: Bridge Artinjelon Proposed RAG NAC CONST: Bridge Shaheed Khan Proposed CONST: Bridge Ashokan CONST: Pub.Building CONST: NAC 93 12 93 Reconstruction of vehicle bridge. NAC -- 93 11 93 Reconstruction of vehicle bridge. Proposed NAC 10 93 11 93 Reconstruction of vehicle bridge. Dare Jeem Proposed DCP -- 93 10 93 Construction of primary school (8 room). Pub.Building Charmaghz Dara Proposed SCA 7 93 11 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). CONST: Pub.Buiiding Dare Jeem Proposed SCA 9 93 11 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). NAC WATER: Structure bangorchi Proposed NAC -- 93 Superpassages & Tarnabs. NAC WATER: Structure Farmangholi Proposed NAC -- 93 NAC WATER: Structure Jarsbababr Proposed NAC -- 93 10 93 Repairing of superpassages & intakes. NAC WATER: Structure Shaheed Dan Proposed NAC 11 93 12 93 Check dam construction. NAC WATER: Structure Baluch Proposed HAG NAC WATER: Drinking Gandum fool Proposed UNICEF -- 93 11 Ragh Proposed DCP -- NAC h {.0 Badakshan SAC CUNST: 13adakshan A -AID A -AID AACRP 9 9 6 93 9 93 93 11 93 93 Construction of 80 m siphon. Construction of intake h siphon. Improving village drinking water supply. Ragh Pub.Building 93 11 93 Repairing of primary school (8 rooms). Sheghnan CONST: Bridge Darmarakht Proposed ODA -- 93 8 93 Replacement of foot bridge. CONST: Bridge Arakht Proposed ODA -- 93 8 93 Replacement of foot bridge. Proposed WFP -- 93 -- Baghlan WATER: ACBAR DESCRIPTION> Baghlan Canal Fabrika-Gridaw -- Rehabilitation of 35 is main canal (FFW - 200 MT). DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 277 h6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(Sl - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED Begin- -End -- 93 -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Puli Khumri Baghlan AACRP WATER: Canal Nahr Ajieer Proposed WFP VITA WATER: Structure Baba Nazar Surveyed AID -- 3 93 Rehabilitation of 60 Km main canal (FEW - 500 MT). Construction of 10 m intaketgabion work), benefit 17,142 families. Bamyan Bamyan ARRA DURATION - --BY -- benefit 250 farmers. WATER: Structure 6 villages Surveyed WFP /UNDP -- -- -- -- Wing wail 850 m i stone masonry CONST: Sanitation Varìuoe Proposed WFP /UNiC -- 93 -- -- Construction of 15 nets public toilet in Hazarajat Bazaars. -- 93 -- -- 1 female doctor / 2 female nurses / 1 female vaccinator / OPD & TBA training for 30 female trainees. r GAF HEALTH: Med.Training -- Proposed EC iAM SOCIAL:Commu.Particp -- Surveyed ¡AH para Ali Proposed CIDA -- 93 -- -- Training of 59 women in carpet & gelim weaving i Knitting & naiad making. 8 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP -- Multiplication of 3.2 MT maize seed i 4.8 MT DAP & 6 HT Urea. INCOME: Skill Train. Farah SWAARR Possibilities for community based development surveyed projects. Yakowlang Bamyan CCA - -- -- -- Bakwa AGRIC: Farah Crop Product -- Bala Balouk FRF WATER: Drinking 9 villages Proposed CIDA -- -- -- -- 19 wells with pumps & benefit 3840 families. SWAARR AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP -- Multiplication of 5.2 MT improved cotton seed / 10.4 MT DAP & 13 MT Urea benefit 260 farmer families. SWAARR WATER: Canal 4 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP -- -- -- -- Machinery CHA AGRIC: VARA HEALTH: Education INCOME: Handicrafts WATER: A Canal Tractor & other agricultural equipment. 33 villages Proposed RAP -- 93 -- 94 Zaranj Proposed WHO -- -- Proposed UNESCO Darabad Proposed UNDP /WFP -- -- Cleaning of 36 is canai / irrigates 20.000 jeribs & benefit 350 families. 8 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP -- -- Multiplication of 3.2 MT maize seed l 4.8 MT DAP & 8 MT Urea villages 40 lady TBAe. 100 people - embroidery. Farsi Farah SWAARR Cleaning of 8.1 km canal / irrigates 1,000 jeribs land & benefit 500 farmer families. Farah Farah VARA -- AGRIC: Crop Product DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES CTAR e Page: 278 A6actrep Date: 28/08/93 . 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY VARA ---- VILLAGB(S) -- WATER: Structure Gilmandin FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> - - -BY -- Begin- -End Proposed WFP/UNDP -- -- 300 a retaining wall - cement k bricks. -- -- Multiplication of 3.2 MT maize seed ì 4.8 MT DAP & 8 MT Urea. -- Construction of 55 is road for Sia Gosha -Gulistan Bazaar with 7 bridge. -- STATUS -- Gulistan Farah SWAARR AGRIC: Crop Product 8 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP VERA CONST: Road 20 villages Proposed RAP VARA INCOME: Handicrafts 5 villages Proposed UNESCO Canal Ghanbaran Proposed WFP Cleaning of 15 is canal / irrigates 3100 jeribs & benefit 280 WATER: -- VARA Structure 0 villages Proposed ARGON 6 Intakes k 2 river groynes (gabion work) & cement benefit 1,000 families. WATER: -- VARA -- -- -- -- 50 people - tailoring. families. Lash Jaween Farah Crop Product 24 villages Proposed RAP Distribution of seed & fertilizer. AGRIC: -- 93 -- -- CHA Fruit Trees 18 villages Proposed RAP Fruit trees distribution. AGRIC: -- 93 -- -- CHA Livestock 26 villages Proposed RAP Bee keeping. AGRIC: -- 93 -- -- CHA Livestock 11 villages Proposed RAP Poultry training. AGRIC: -- 93 -- -- CHA Livestock 12 villages Proposed TAF Poultry training. AGRIC: -- 93 -- -- CHA Research 13 villages Proposed RAP Agriculture research work. AGRIC: -- 93 -- -- CHA Plant Protec 22 villages Proposed RAP Plant protection. AGRIC: -- 93 -- -- CHA Other 23 villages Proposed RAP Saffron project. AGRIC: -- 93 -- -- CHA HEALTH: Vaccination 19 villages Proposed RAP - -. 93 -- -- Vaccination program. CHA INCOME: Other 13 villages Proposed NAC -- 93 -- -- Tailoring. CHA -- Purchaman Farah SWAÀRR AGRIC: Crop Product 8 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP VARA WATER: tarez 14 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 3.2 MT maize seed f 4.8 MT DAP A 8 MT Urea. Cleaning of 14 karezes length 47.5 is i irrigate 12,500 jeribs & benefit 1386 families. Page: 279 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 ACTIVITi AGENCY SECTOR Farah SRO AGRIC: GAF AFS CoAR GAF ARO ARR BRR BRR HTCRA START é ICMCIFAO -- RAP AGRIC: Vet Ab Band Proposed UNDP Proposed FAO -- 93 -- -- Iropased WFP -- 93 -- -- Proposed RAP -- 93 -- -- -- 93 AGRIC: WATER: <ACTIVITY -- Proposed DESCRIPTION> Multiplication of 37 MT wheat seed & 5 MT DAP to 750 families. -- 93 -- -- Deh Yale Fruit Trees 10 villages Canal. Rabat Distribution of 10,000 fruit saplings. Rehabilitation of 11.5 Em canal - benefits 700 families. Gelan AGRIC: Vet AGRIC: Plant Protec Gelan Proposed SV AGRIC: Vet Gelan Proposed UNDP 5 villages Proposed RELIEF:Food Items 5 villages Proposed WATER: Karez Ghazni AGRIC: Crop Product -- -- Ghazni Crop Product -- 93 -- -- Multiplication of 5 MT maize seed / 7.5 MT DAP & 10 MT Urea. WFP -- 93 -- -- 50 MT wheat seed for 200 farming faillies who received improved seed. Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- 5 villages Proposed RAP INCOME: Skill Train. Ghazni Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- WATER: Structure Ghazni Proposed UNDP -- WATER: Structure Proposed UNDP CONST: Bridge Proposed RAP Ghazni AFRANE Proposed Ab Band AGRIC: AFS 60 villages Vet Ghazni AFS DURATION Begin --End AGRIC: Ghazni CoAR FUNDED - --BY -- Ab Band Ghazni AYS -- STATUS -- Shindand Crop Product Ghazni CoAR - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SOCIAL:Other Center 'FAO /UNDP 9 93 6 Rehabilitation of 22 karezes. 94 Distribution of wheat seed & fertilizer. Engraving training center. 93 -- -- Flood protection wall. Construction of retaining wall. -- 93 -- -- Repair of bridge in Ghazni center. Jaghatu Jaghatu Proposed RAP -- 93 12 93 Rural development center. A C B A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 280 A6actrep Date: 29/09/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR -VILLAGE(S)---- FUNDED DURATION -STATUS- ---BY-- Begin--End -<ATTi 1T DEC7RIPTICK> Jaghatu Ghazni - - AERANE WATER: Canai Kakrak Proposed URN -- 93 -- -- NAC AGRIC: Other Kakrak Proposed NA3 -- 93 10 93 NAC AGRIC: Other Khogiani Proposed NAC -- 93 10 93 NAC CONST: Pub.Building Khogiani Proposed SAC 6 53 11 93 NAC ,CONST: Pub.Bilding District level Proposed NAC -- 93 11 93 Reconstruction of primary Ktoo: NAC CONST: Pub.Building Kakrak Proposed NAC -- 93 10 93 Construction of primary schnol fE Eicha Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 10 karezes. Sangi Masha Proposed UP -- 93 -- Rehabilitation of 6 karezet. Ghazni irrigation repair. Vegetable promotion prcE am. . Vegetable promotion project. Construction of clinic buildinr nCF!) Ja.ghori Earn CSFIA WATER: CSFIA WATER: -Karez KAG AGRIC: Crop Product Angori/4 Proposed RAP -- 93 -- 94 Wheat seed multiplication / demonstration plate KAG AGRIC: Livestock Angori/2 Proposed CIDA -- 93 -- 94 Poultry benefit 650 families. KAG CONST: Sanitation Angori/5 Proposed RAP -- 93 -- 93 Latrines construction. KAG CONST: Other Zeerak Proposed CIDA -- 93 -- 93 Electricity power plant benofit 8 LAG INCOME: Skill Train. Zeerak Proposed TAF -- 93 -- 93 20 trainees / 2 ccursv / knitting / 4 months. KAG INCOME: Skill Train. Zeerak Proposed TAF -- 93 -- 93 10 trainees / weaving / 5 months. &AG SOCIAL:Other Angori Proposed TAF -- 94 SCO AGRIC: Sangi Masha Proposed UNDP SCO DUCAT: Literacy Bosaid Proposed TAF SCO EDUCAT: Literacy Tabqus Proposed TAF -- 93 SCO EDUCAT: Literacy Dawood Proposed TAF -- 93 SCO INCOME: Handicrafts Sangi Masha Proposed TAF Livestock -- 53 -- ntrsery. families. Newsletter i Dan Improved breeding sikap, 93 -- -- For women / 2 teacCers & 50 students. For WOMO / 2 teach:rs 4 50 stuCents. - -- or women 2 teacers 6,adeotf, Tailoring center. IACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 281 Abactrep pate: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY -VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY FUNDED DURATION <ACTIVITY - --BY -- Begin --End Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- -- STATUS -- DESCRIPTION> Khwaja Omri Ghazni Rehabilitation of 25 karezes in Ihwaja Oiri i Zena Iban. ACED WATER: Larez CONST: Pub.Building Khwaja Omri Proposed GAF -- Reconstruction of boys high school (15 rooms). AEA CONST: Pub.Building Ihwaja Otri Proposed GAF -- Reconstruction of girls high school (15 roots). AEA AGRIC: Forestry Ihwaja Otri Proposed FAO/UNDP -- 93 -- -- `s small reforestation project + Introduction 10,000 seedlings. AFRANE HEALTH: Med.Training -- Proposed UNICEF -- 93 -- -- OPD / 1 female doctor / 2 female nurses / i guard & training of MCHO. GAF HEALTH: Med.Training -- Proposed EC -- 93 -- -- I female doctor/ 2 nurses / 1 fetale vaccinator i OPD &. TEA Training for 30 fetale trainees. GAF CONST: Pub.Building Barakat/Deh Hail. Proposed NAC -- 93 10 93 Reconstruction of Barakat secondary school. SAC CONST: Road Ihwaja Omri Proposed NRC -- 93 -- -- Rehair of road between center of Ghazni & Ihwaja Gmarì. START Miradina Proposed WFP /CBO -- 93 10 93 School building :15 rooms / 6 toilets - mud / stone / cement & wood. Maleetan Ghazni Pub.Building IAG CONST: EDUCAT: Secondary Miradina Proposed NOVIB -- 93 -- 93 1 school / 11 teachers & 440 students. EAG INCOME: Skill Train. Miradina Proposed TAF -- 93 -- 93 10 trainees / weaving i 5 months. EAG INCOME: Skill Train. Shenadeh Proposed TAF -- 93 -- 93 10 trainees / weaving / 5 soothe. IAG INCOME: Skill Train. Miradina Proposed TAF -- 93 -- 93 10 trainees in spinning for 5 months. LAG INCOME: Skill Train. Shenadeh Proposed TAF /DPI -- 93 -- 93. 10 trainees in spinning for 5 months. IAG Irrigation repair. Mogor Ghazni AFRANE WATER: Canal Honor Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Coil AGRIC: Livestock Hour Proposed RAP -- 93 -- -- CoAR EDUCAT: Primary Proposed SV -- 93 -- -- Co .R EDUCAT: Secondary Proposed SV CoAR HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Moor Proposed RAP -- 93 - -- Coil HEALTH: MCH Moor Proposed SV -- 93 -- District level clinic. -- 6TH EDITION A CB DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES R Page: 282 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 FUNDED ACTIVITY GAF AGRIC: Vet - - -- <ACTIVITY - --BY -- -- STATUS -- Mogor Proposed UNDP Nava Proposed RAP /SV DESCRIPTION> Nawa Ghazni CoAR - - --VILLAGES) SECTOR AGENCY DURATION Begin- -End AGRIC: Ghazni Vet -- 93 -- -- Qarabagh Distribution of 10,000 fruit saplings. 10 villages Proposed -- 93 -- -- AGRIC: Fruit Trees FAO AFS Rehabilitation of 15 Em karez - benefits 1380 families. 5 villages Proposed -- 93 -- -- WATER: Kara UNDP AFS Proposed Primary school building Zardalo -- 94 -- -- CONST: Pub.Building DACAAR DACAAR Proposed Wheat seed multiplication i demonstration & nursery. Crop Product Aliabad /3 -- 93 -- 94 AGRIC: RAP KAG Poultry rising for 13 months benefit 700 families. Livestock Nei gala Proposed -- 93 -- 94 AGRIC: TAF EAG School building: 15 rooms / 6 toilets - sud / stone / cement & rood. Pub.Building Jangalak Proposed -- 93 10 93 COAST: WFP /CBO KAG Pub.Building Talaki Proposed -- 93 10 93 CONST: WFP /CBO KAG BAG COAST: Proposed WFP /CBO School building:l5 rooms / 6 toilets - sud i stone / cement A wood. Shakinoka -- 93 10 93 Pub.Building Proposed Latrines construction. Sanitation Aliabad /6 -- 93 -- 93 CONST: RAP EAG 1 school / 7 teachers / 370 students. Jangalak Proposed -- 93 -- 93 DUCAT: Prism, NOVIB BAG Proposed 1 school / 9 teachers / 360 students. Shakinoka -- 93 -- 83 EDUCAT: Primary NOVIB KAG Proposed 1 school / 5 teachers / 200 students. Gar Murda -- 93 -- 93 EDUCAT: Primary EAG EAG Proposed 1 school 16 teachers / 330 students. Quliaquï -- 93 -- 93 EDUCAT: Primary NOVIB KAG Proposed 1 school / 9 teachers 1 455 students. Talaki -- 93 -- 93 ¡DUCAT: Primary NOVIB EAG Proposed 20 trainees / knitting / 2 courses for 4 months. INCOME: Skill Train. Nai Qala TAF. -- 93 -- 93 KAG Proposed 10 trainees i weaving for 5 months. Nai Qala -- 93 -- 93 INCOME: Skill Train. .TAF EAG Distribution of 6 solar cooker / 1 month trial for 6 families. Nai Qala Proposed -- 93 -- 93 INCOME: Other TAF BAG Aliabad /6 RAP -- 93 -- 93 Cleaning of 6 canals / irrigates 3620 Proposed IAG WATER: Canal . Page: School buildìng:25 rooms / 6 toilets - mud / stone / cement & wood. 283 A6actrep Date: 29/06/93 jeribs land á benefit 470 farmer families. FUME` ACT :BITY y1j _ ____.. AGENCY Zea Ghazni ARO WATER: ARO WATER: ARS WATE1.: CoAR AgiIU : CoAR ONO,.: CAR O F <ACTIVITY Proposed COP -- 93 -- Repairing and extension of Lena Khan Dac, FloodControl iena than Proposed RAP -- 93 -- -- Flood protection. FioodControl 4 villages Proposed UNDP -- 9,3 -- Construction of 100 m flood protection wail (stone & -- Vet Lena Khan Other Proposed RAP -- 93 -- -.. Proposed FP` -- 93 -- -_ SV St EAm Pro;Jsea St' Proposed UNIX Proposed US Di 3ecnr.ery vet. iena Khan Lai Earez Ghor DESCRIPTION> cement), protects 5,000 jeribs & benefits 2,000 families. -- 93 _._ ur -;: angal 8 villages - - - -- Cleaning of 6 karezes length 4 ke irrigate 800 jeribs & benefit 400 families. Taywara BiRC WATER: garez Helmand FRF WATER: Helmand SRO AGRIC: He inland ANB CONK: Helmand ARPD Begin --End 7,eros Khan Proposed WATER: CURATION - --BY -- Khan Structure (hor ARPD - - STATUS -- EPUCAT: Primary `.ERIC: BURG --- VILLAGE S - _- AGRIC: WATER: 12 villages Proposed UNDP Proposed UNDP - -- -- Cleaning of 10 karezes length 8 kc / irrigate 4,000 jeribe & benefit 5,000 families, -- Cleaning of 12 km canal i irrigates 3,000 jeribs land & benefit 250 families. Bust Canal Dagain Garmser Crop Product. 15 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP -- -- -- -- Multiplication of 3 MT maize seed / 7.5 MT DAP & 7.5 MT Urea Construction of school & hospital buildings. to 150 farmers. Helmand Pub,Building Center Proposed Germany -- -- -- -- Proposed FAO -- 93 -- Multiplication of 16 MT maize seed / 100 MT Urea iGMC -- 93 --.93 16 karezes - length 58 km - benefit 5270 fariere. Musa dala Crop Product Earn 25 villages 16 villages Proposed pACBAR / 50 MT DAP through'4020 farmers. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION Page: 284 Aëa treç D ate: 2P r: O8iK ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY HRAy AGRIC: - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- Crop Product Helmand 25 villages FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End Proposed FAO - -- STATUS -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Multiplication of 16 MT maize seed ï 15 MT DAP & 100 HT Urea benefit 756 families. Nad -Ali SWAARR AGRIC: Crop Product 10 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP SWARO WATER: Structure Babaji Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of. drainage. VARA HEALTH: Education Nara Proposed WFP -- -- -- - 25 lady TBAs for 4 months. VARA WATER: Narja Proposed UNDP -- -- - - - Cleaning of 10 km canal / irrigates 4.000 jeribs & benefit 900 families. Canal Helmand - - Pultiplication of 4 NT cotton seed / 10 MT DAP & 10 MT Urea benefit 200 farmer families. - Nahr Saraj HAFO WATER: Canal 1 area Proposed UNDP - Cleaning cf 16 km canai. 4Fù AGRIC: Crop Product 23 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP - Multiplication of 4 MT wheat seed SWARD AGRIC: Fruit Trees Spin Najit Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Fruit tree nursery & farmer training. 5WFAO CONST: Road Proposed HCR -- 93 -- Road repairing. Proposed DCP - -- Bee keeping A training Helmand ätêO AGRIC: Helmand Nauzad Livestock 5 villages - program. Nawae Barak. SRO AGRIC: Crop Product 15 villages Proposed FAO/UNDP 4WFAO WATER: Canal Soorkhudaz Proposed UNDP VERA WATER: Canai Gawargain Proposed UNDP /WFP Cleaning ci 25 ka cana. Helmand li CT DAP A 10 NT Urea to 200 farmera. , Multiplication of 3 MT maize seed -- 93 -- -- 7.5 MT DAP & 7.5 MT Urea to 150 farmers. Cleaning of canal. ,/ .000 jeribs A benefit 1190 families. irrigates Sarban Mala HAFO WATER: Structure Sangin Proposed DCP jen5truc HRAy AGRIC: Crop Product 25 villages Proposed FAO Ruitip ca;ion of 16 MT maize seer,; Proposed FÊ) tit; cation of 16 MT maize seed i 100 B' Urea ! 50 MT DAP through 3270 farmers Helmand ARPD AGRIC: ACBAR cf uL'; 6 a':Lnon. , 15 1áT DAP .c IUÛ MT Urod benefit 754 1aeiiiee. Waehare Crop Product 16 vid ages - DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 2g,` A6actrep Date: 29/06/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY BRCO WATER: Canal ARAA CONST: Pub.Building ARAA AGRIC: Crop Product ARAA CONST: Road Herat CONST: Herat DESCRIPTION> Excavation of Sahar Khiz canal - 1.5 m depth, 4 a width, 9 km length. Proposed ARCON Proposed AID -- 93 -- -- Reconstruction of primary school (10 rooms) use cement & sand. Proposed WFP/UNDP -- 93 -- -- Cultivation of governmental fars with different kinds of seed donated by FAO. Proposed WFP /UNDP -- 93 -- -- Repairing of 50 km road from Gozarh to Puehtun iarghon. Ionsan Surveyed NRC /NCA -- 93 -- -- Other construction. Kushk Proposed ARCON - -- -- -- Excavation of Kushk canal - 2 a width, 2 m depth, 2 ka length. Proposed AID -- 93 -- -- Reconstruction of primary school (10 roots) use cement & sand. Hospital equipment for the poly clinic of the area. Sahar Ihiz -- 4 villages -- Kohean Other Kushk WATER: Herat ARRA <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Gozarah Herat BRCO DURATION FUNDED - --BY -- Ghoryan Herat NPO -- STATUS -- Enjeel Herat CONST: Canal Zendajan Pub.Building 4 villages Bagrami Kabul . - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ARO HEALTH: Other Shewaki Proposed WFP -- -- -- -- ARO WATER: Canal laaari Proposed WFP -- ARO WATER: Structure Bagrami Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- One diversion dam. Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 7.120 I! karez - irrigates 2,500 J. land - benefits 390 families. Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of 7 karezes(14.78 km), irrigate 1860 Jeribs &benefit 353 families. Charaayab Kabul AFS WATER: Kabul AIS Cleaning of 8 km canal. WATER: IACEA R Tarez 4 villages Deh Sabz Tarez 6 villages DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: Y86 A6actrep Date: 27/08/93 6TH EDITION FUNDED ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGK(SI - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- <ACTIVITY Begin- -End Kabul Kabul DURATION - --BY -- DESCRIPTION> Rehabilitation of chichen farms. City Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- 94 City Proposed CIDA -- INCOME: Skill Train. Proposed Preservation of local Terminologies of different provinces. Center -- 93 -- -- SOCIAL:Other NRC BRR Proposed A provisional orthopaedic workshop. City -- 93 -- -- HEALTH: Disabled Reh ICRC ICRC Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 144 karezes. Proposed WFP -- 93 -- 93 Distribution of 76.5 MT wheat benefit 875 families. 3 villages ACRU AGRIC: ACRU Livestock Leather training center. PaBhman Kabul tarez ACRD WATER: ACRU RELIEF :Food iteae 10 villages Proposed FAO Distribution of 10,000 fruit saplings. Fruit Trees -- 93 -- -- AGRIC: Proposed Rehab. of 12.6 Is karez - benefits 940 families. larez Oria Ihel -- 93 -- -- WATER: WFP AFS Paghman Proposed Rehabilitation of talag Bagee karezes. Earn 4 93 -- -- WATER: UNDP BRR Paghman Proposed Establishment of 16 Nurseries including all related activities. Fruit Trees 0 93 -- AGRIC: AID &WFP CARE Forestry Proposed AID &WFP Plantation of 72,000 trees along the 36km irrigation canals. AGRIC: Paghman 0 93 -- -- CARE Proposed Rehabilitation of one Fart which cover 48 ha area including all related activities. Other Paghman 0 93 -- -- AGRIC: AID &WFP CARE Proposed Reconstruction of 5 Roads with the total length 40km including other structures. Road Paghman 0 93 -- -- CONSI: AID&WFP CARE Construction of 56 Shelter / house with 112 rooms. Shelter Paghman Proposed 0 93 -- -- CONST: AID &WFP CARE Proposed Construction of 3 village level storehouses with capacity of 150 mt. Storage Paghman 0 93 -- -- CONST: AID &WFP CARE Paghman 0 93 -- -- Earez. Proposed Rehabilitation of 30 Karezes with total length 48km including other structures. WATER: AID &WFP CARE Paghman Proposed Rehabilitation of 25 Irrigation canals with Canal 0 93 -- -- WATER: AID &WFP CARE Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 69 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, AF3 - ' -- total length 54km including other structures. compacted soil & Gabion work. CARE WATER: F oodeontrol Paghman Paghman Proposed activities. Rehabilitation of 4 Springs with total length 4km including other Drinking 0 93 -- -- WATER: AID&WFP CARE larez Surveyed WFP 16 karezes length 20 km irrigate 1000 jeribs benefit 2000 persons. WATER: 15 villages 1 93 -- -- SOLAF 15 villages Surveyed 3 canals length 5 km irrigate 1000 jeribs & benefit 2000 persons. Canal 1 93 -- -- WATER: WFP SOLAF -_ 6TH EDITION] ACBAx DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 287 A6aetrep Date: 29/08/83 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR SOLAP WATER: FloodControl Kabul ARDP SWARD AGRIC: WATER: IBA KMA RIFRA WFP <ACTIVITY 1 93 -- -- Constructed with 100 DESCRIPTION> stone / cement / sand & gravel - benefits 1000 persons. Fruit Trees -- Proposed -- 93 -- -- Vineyard project. Arghistan Drinking UNDP -- -- -- - Six 40 Bala Jar Proposed NCR -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of 5 karezee. HEALTH: Basic Post -- Proposed EC WATER: 11 villages Proposed UNDP Canal Ierz Proposed RAP -- 93.-- 93 Cleaning of 9 ka canal i irrigates 3,150 jeribs & benefits 300 farming families. Crop Product 40 villages Proposed FAO -- -- - -- Distribution of 70 MT wheat seed / 70 MT DAP / 120 MT Urea to 100 farmers. Proposed DCP -- Rehabilitation of 3 canals - benefits 36,000 people. Proposed UNDP/VFP - Installing Bio -Gas system of landahar 150 bed hospital. WATER: WATER: ÁGRIC: WATER: Kandahar VARA DURATION Begin- -End Proposed Kandahar EAFA Surveyed FUNDED - --BY -- 6 villages Kandahar AHDS 15 villages -- STATUS -- Shakar Dara Kandahar INA VILLAGEms) - - -- CONST: Kandahar Larez Daman larez Health post. -- Cleaning 28 km karez irrigate 4000 jeribs land & benefit 450 families. David Canal Kandahar Other Kandahar - -- Khakraiz ANDS HEALTH: Basic Post -- Proposed EC BURL WATER: 5 villages Proposed UNDP -- Kandahar well along with hand pump & benefits 600. tarez Health post. Cleaning of 3 karezes length 5 km / irrigate 2,000 jeribs land & benefit BOO families. Maruf ARPD HEALTH: Distrct Hoop 100 villages Proposed ICMC -- 93 -- 94 Hospital with 10 beds 110 patients dailïr / 5 med. staff & 5 unskilled staff. ARPD WATER: Karen 100 villages Proposed UNDP/WFP -- 93 -- - 10 karezes / length 15 km / irrigate 8500 jeribs / benefit 252 farmers & 80 labour families. ARPD WATER: tarez 40 villages Proposed UNDP/WFP -- 93 -- -- ACHAR . 40 karezes - length 30 km - irrigate 2764 jeribs & benefit 636 farmers. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 288 A6actrea Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ARPD WATER: Kandahar ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- garez 20 villages DURATION FUNDED -- STATUS -- Proposed <ACTIVITY - --BY -- Begin --Ind UNDP/WFP -- 93 -- -- DESCRIPTION> 20 tames / length 2.5 ka / irrigate 1500 jeribs / benefit 700 farmers. Maywand FRF WATER: Canal 3 villages Proposed UNDP -- Cleaning of 15 km canal / irrigates 5140 jeribs land & benefit 500 families. FRF WATER: Canal 5 villages Proposed UNDP -- Cleaning of 39 km canal / irrigates 1800 jeribs land & benefit 1,000 families. Proposed FAO -- Distribution of 70 NT wheat seed i 70 MT DAP / 120 HT Urea to 100 farmers for multiplication. -- Cleaning A repairing of 12 karezes. Kandahar KMA AGRIC: Paniwai Crop Product Kandahar HAFO WATER: HAFO .WATER: Kandahar BURC WATER: Kandahar 20 villages Shahwali Kot larez 14 villages Proposed UNDP Structure 4 villages Proposed UNDP 2 villages Proposed Construction of 4 dikes A intake. Shega Canal ' UNDP -- Cleaing of 2 canals / 12 km /irrigate 8,000 jeribs land & benefit 10,000 families. IC -- Health post. -- Multiplication of 15 MT improved potalo seed / 2.5 MT Urea / 2.5 NT DAP & 1.5 NT SOP fertilizer for 50 jeribs. Shorabak Proposed ARDS HEALTH: Basic Post SRO AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed ICMC /FAO -- SRO CONST: Shelter Narkaz Proposed HCR/WFP -- Construction of 628 residential houses for the returnees. SRO WATER: tarez 5 villages Proposed ICMC/WFP -- Cleaning of 7.8 km karez / irrigates 280 jeribs & benefits 294 farmers. SRO WATER: larez 3 villages Proposed ICMC/WFP -- SRO WATER: Canal 7 villages Proposed ICNC/WFP SRO WATER: Drinking 5 villages Proposed HCR Kandahar Cleaning of 77 km canal / irrigates 16300 jeribs & benefits 643 families. Digging of deep well & installation hand pump benefits 626 families. -- Spin Boldak FIF WATER: FloodControl 12 villages. Proposed UNDP SWARO WATER: larez Babuk Sahib Proposed DCP lACBAR Cleaning of 5.3 ka karez / irrigates 1050 jeribs & benefits 90 families. -- 700 m gabion & stone / protected 3,000 jeribs 7 benefit 600 families. -- 93 -- -- Cleaning & rehabilitation of 1 karez & 120 wells. DATABASE OF IGO ACTIVITIES Page: 289 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY AGENCY ---VILLAGE(S)---- SECTOR WATER: SWARD Structure Kapisa CONST: IAM -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - -BY -- Begin --End -- 93 -- 83 Shadezi Proposed UNDP Open Surveyed IAH 9 94 -- -- <ACTIVITY DESCRIFTION> Construction of 300 e diversion dal. Kapiea Other Kapisa Micro- hydropower plants. Paniiahare A-AID AGRIC: Fruit Trees Bazarak Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Fruit nursery A -AID CONST: Road Parandti Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 2.5 Ea roat from Seta - Dnagana & construction of 3 culverts i 1 bridge i 700 a retaining wall. A -AID CONST: Shelter Rokha Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Distribution of (3,000 beams / 100 windows /100 doors i 100 gates). A -AID CONST: Shelter Bazarak Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Distribution of )3,000 beams A -AID WATER: Canal Gangazak Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of canal - benefit 45 farmer families. A -AID WATER: Structure iohi Shaba Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 2 Ea canal'- benefit 45 farmer families. Kapisa I00 windows i 100 doors Panjsharel A -AID AGRIC: Crop Product Paryan Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Distribution seed A fertilizer. A -AID AGRIC: Plant Protec Paryan Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Chemical crop protectión. A -AID WATER: Canal Astana Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of canal - benefit 100 farter families. A -AID WATER: Canal Paryan Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of canal - benefit 300 farmer families, Surveyed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Chemical crop grotectioe. Kapisa AGRIC: A -AID Kunar Panjehare2 Plant Protec Dare Hazara Bar Kunar AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Proposed UNDP WATER: Canai Chagas Proposed UNDP RDP ' A C B A R 100 gates). Multiplication of 3 HT improved rice seed i 3 KT DAP & 3 MT Urea. -- Multiplication of 4 MT improved maize seed i 4 MT DAP & 4 KT Urea. Cleaning canal - length 17 kt - irrigate 1600 hectares & benefit 4,000 faillies, -- 93 -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Pate: 290 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY VILLAGE(SI - - -- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- DURATION FUNDED <ACTIVITY - --BY -- Chagtiasarai Kunar DESCRIPTION> Begin- -End Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 4 MT improved rice seed / 4 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea. 4 villages -- Multiplication of 4 MT improved raise seed / 4 MT DAP & 4 MT Urea. ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP ARRAN Pub.Building Center Proposed - CONST: Gersany ANH Asadabad Proposed Betablishsent of poultry far, in Asadabnd. Livestock -- 93 -- -- AGRIC: UNDP TPRPA Proposed Construction Watapur damaged school. Pub. :Building Bata Poor -- 93 -- -- CONST: WFP TPRPA Asadabad Proposed Training line an technicians / operators A electricians. Other -- 93 -- -- CONST: CIDA TPRPA Multiplication of 4. MT improved raise seed/ 4 MT DAP A 4 MT Urea. -- -- -- . Construction of school & hospital buildings. Chawki Kunar AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP -- -- -- -- ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Proposed UNDP -- ARRAN WATER: Canal Chawki Proposed Gersany -- -- -- -- ANH Chawki Proposed DCP .Peab Iuea master trainer drug awareness trainiat couse -..4 courses for 75 hams. HEALTH: Education -- 93 -- -- ISRA Multiplication of 3 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP A 3 MT Urea. Cleaning of small irrigation; canals. Kamdesh Kunar Pub.Building ARDP CONST: ARDP EDUCAT: Other ARDP HAM Other Proposed -- 93 -- -- Construction of health clinic building. Nooristan Proposed -- 93 -- -- Narcotic control program. Nooristan Proposed -- 93 -- -- TB control program. Narang Kunar Cleaning of small irrigation canals. ANB WATER: Canal Narang Proposed Gersany CONST: Pub.Building -- Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- ESAR WATER: Structure Narang Proposed FAO -- RAH Bar Narang BBU. Construction of intake k retaining rill. Nour Gul Kunar ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product lajando Proposed UNDP ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product tajando Proposed UNDP Multiplication of 3 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 NT Urea. Multiplication of 3 NT improved wise need / 3 MT DAP k 3 NT Urea. -- 6TH EDITION DATABASE OF 1GO ACTIVITIES ACBAR Page: 291 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR EAR CONST: Pub.Building Kunar TPRPA TPRPA TPRPA TPRPA ---- VILLAGE(S)- - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY -- Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Construction of Noor Gul High School. -- 93 -- -- Maize crop production. Pech AGRIC: Crop Product Pech Proposed FAO COAST: Other Dangalic Proposed EC /NAC WATER: Structure - Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Construction of culvert. WATER: FloodControl -- Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Construction of flood protection wall. Kunar -- Dangalic mini hydraulic power station. Sirkanay ESAR COAST: Bridge RAH AGRIC: Crop Product Kunduz Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Coche Baia Footbridge. All villages Proposed FAO /UNDP -- 93 -- 94 Multiplication of rice & maize seeds. Kunduz VITA CONST: Road Gor Tapa Surveyed AID -- 1 93 Rehabilitation of road, benefit 15,000 families. VITA WATER: Canal Gor Tapa Surveyed AID -- 1 93 Cleaning of 30 ks canal, benefit 10,000 faiilies. Laghman AC ARAN ARAN CIUP CIUP IHSAN IHSAN LRO LR0 DESCEIPTION> A1inBar WATER: Structure Mulayan Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Retaining wall construction. AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP -- -- -- - Multiplication of 3 MT improved laize seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea. Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 3 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea. Canal Proposed UNDP -- Rehabilitation of canal. Canal Proposed UNDP -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of canal. Alingar-Mehterlar Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 25 ks road (Alingar- Mebterlas). Mian ihel Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 karezes + repairing of tunnel & well. Abezai- Shasati Proposed UNDP -- UNDP -- 93 -- 93 AGRIC: HATER: WATER: COAST: WATER: WATER: WATER: 1ACBAR Crop Product Road tarez Structure Structure Tingour /Roghani lokhi Surveyed Construction of 2 siphon & retaining wall(30 s) Construction of 1 siphon on Kokhi canal. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: on Iachoor Shasati canal, benefit 3,000 farmers. 292 A6actrep Date: 29/06/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY' SECTOR AGENCY LRO WATER: - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- 6hvaja Ehel Sufla Structure -- STATUS - FUNDED DURATION --BY -- Begin- -End Proposed UNDP AVRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages Proposed UNDP AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP LRO WATER: 3 villages Surveyed -- Proposed UNICEF /S -Structure HEALTH: Vaccination Laghman AGRIC: Construction of 500 m retaining rail, benefit 1,500 farmers. -- 93 -- 94 Multiplication of 4 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea.. Multiplication of 4 MT improved maize seed / 4 MT DAP A 4 MT Urea. -- Construction of 1 flume & 2 siphon on Ahmadzai A Mandozai canal, benefit 2,500 farmers. Dawiateha Laghman TPRPA Mobile vaccination team with 3 vaccinators. -- 93 -- -- Laghman Crop Product Laghman Leghsan Proposed FAO -- 93 -- -- Maize crop production. -- -- -- -- Cleaning of Baba Saheb canal... Mehterlam ACRU WATER: Canal Baba Saheb Proposed WFP AVRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Proposed UNDP AVRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP ANH CONST: Pub.Building Center Proposed Germany CAS AGRIC: Crop Product Proposed UNDP CAS AGRIC: Livestock Center Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- - Poultry farm (50,000 chicks). RAH WATER: Structure Center Surveyed CIDA -- -- -- -- Construction of intakes, protection walls & siphons. WROR WATER: FloodControl -- Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Bank protection and reconstruction of loose (450 m). Proposed UNICEF /S -- 93 -- -- Mobile vaccination team with 3 vaccinators. Lághman GAF HEALTH: NCH Multiplication of 3 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 NT Urea. Multiplication of 3 MT improved maize seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 NT öres. -- Construction of school & hospital buildings. -- -- -- - -- . Wheat seed multiplication - autumn plantation. Nooristan HEALTH: Vaccination Laghman AAA DESCRIPTION> Alishing Laghman GAF <ACTIVITY Qarghaie Gorghai Surveyed NCH. Page: 293 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCI .. ---- VILLAGE(S)- -- --STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION '< ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Oarghaie Laghman -- - Qarghaie Haidar Khani canal. -- -- AAA WATER: Canal Haidar Khani Surveyed AAA WATER: Canal óandi Surveyed -- Kandì canal. AAA WATER: Canal Surveyed -- Surkhakan canal. AAA WATER: Canal Surveyed -- -- -- -- AAA WATER: Canal Surveyed -- Shangery canal. AB WATER: Canal -- 7 ka canal reconstruction. AEA CONST: Road AKA CONST: Bridge AEA CONST: AEA Abdulrahiazi Katz Aziz khan Proposed RAP Qarghaie Abdulrahiazi canal. Reconstruction of Kendrawar -Char Bagh road length 3 km. Surveyed -- -- -- -- Qarghaie Surveyed -- Repair of Qarghai bridge, heavy transportation capacity - steel / wood & cement. Pub.Building Haidar Khani Surveyed -- Reconstruction of aiddle school. CONST: Pub.Building Char Bagh Surveyed -- Reconstruction of primary school. ARA CONST: Pub.Building Char Bagh Surveyed -- Reconstruction of middle school (8 rooms!. All CONST: Pub.Building Qarghaie Surveyed AEA CONST: Pub.Building Bandrawar Surveyed AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP BRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages Proposed UNDP ARO CONST: Road Qarghaie Proposed WFP -- ARO WATER: Structure Qarghaie Proposed UNDP -- ARO WATER: FloodControi Qarghaie Proposed WFP ARR WATER: Canal Shalatic Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Canal cleaning Ì diversion wall / gabion work. ARR WATER: Canal Qarghaie Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Canal cleaning. CIUP WATER: Canal -- Proposed UNDP ESAR CONST: Pub.Building Mandrawar Proposed UNCHS tA C B A R -- -- -- - Reconstruction of high school (10 rooms). -- Reconstruction of middle school (10 rooms). -- Multiplication of 3 MT improved rice seed / 3 KT DAP & 3 MT Urea. Multiplication of 4 MT improved maize seed / 4 MT DAP & 4 KT Urea. .Repairing of 40 km road (Surkhakan- Meterlam). Gabion- stone -protection wall & - benefit 900 farmers. Gabion stone masonry- retaining wall (20 s) - benefit 400 farmers. Rehabilitation of canal. Rehabilitation of high school. -- 93 -- - DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 294 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY VILLAGES) - - -- FUNDED DURATION < ACTIVITY - --BY -- Begin- -End Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of canals. -- STATUS -- DESCRIPTION> ESAR WATER: Canal RAPO WATER:. Structure Qala Iot Proposed HCR -- -- -- -- Construction of 150 a protection wali(gabion work). START AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Proposed FAO/UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Improved rice/seize seed multiplication. Baraki Proposed FAO/UNDP -- 93 -- -- 3 smell reforestation project + Introduction 10,000 seedlings. Baraki Logar AFRANE AGRIC: AFRANE INCOME: Other Baraki Barak Proposed UNDP /RAP -- 90 -- -- AFRANE SOCIAL:Otheii Baraki Barak Proposed RAP -- 93 -- 93 Rural de=elopment center. AFS AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Proposed rAÚ/UNDP -- 93 -- -- Multiplication of 3 MT maize seed 14.5 MT DAP & 6 MT Urea. ARO WATER: Canal Deh Iahya Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 canals - stone masonry of a diversion das. CARE' AGRIC: Fruit Trees Baraki Barak Proposed A,ID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 13 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIC: Forestry Baraki Barak Proposed AIDIVFP 0 93 -- -- Plantation of 337,000 trees alonuthe 168ím irrigation canals. CARE AGRIC: Other Baraki Barak Proposed AID&WFP 4 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of one Fara which cover 5 ha area including all related activities. CARE CONST: Road Baraki Barak Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Reconstruction of 2 Roads with the total length 6km including other structures. CARE CONS?: Shelter Baraki Barak Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 33 Shelter / house with 66 rooms. CARE CONS?: Storage Baraki Barak Proposed AID&WFP '0 93 -- -- CARE WATER: tares Baraki Barak Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 15 &grazes with total length 35ka including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Baraki Barak Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 6 Irrigation canals with total length 74ím including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Baraki Barak Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 23 Erosion barriera with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. CHI WATER: Drinking Baraki Barak Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 Springs with total length llta including other activities. RAH WATER: Structure Various Proposed UN RAH WATER: Structure Baraki Barak Proposed UN RAH WATER: Structure Various Proposed UN ACBAR Forestry __Mechanical work shop for repairing all kinds of machines and instruments. Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 it. Construction of intakes in Deh Mughulan, Deb Sheká, Jul Chwla, Jul Shoshma -- -- Construction of intake & cleaning. -- Construction of retaining walls in Sheehan, Mohmand, Mohamed Omar, Faizullah Jut, Jul Qazi & Wardak. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: '295 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- < ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> ===MS Baraki Logar 'DURATION VITA CONST: Road Bardki Rasan Surveyed. AID -- 1 93 Rehabilitation of 3.3 km road, benefit 5,714 families. VITA CONST: Bridge Ghale than Surveyed AID -- 4 93 Construction of bridge (concrete & masonry), benefit 480 families. WROR WATER: Inez Baraki Barak Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 5 karezes. WROR WATER: Structure Baraki Barak Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Repaie of intake and protection wall. 5 villages Proposed UNDP -- 5 villages Surveyed Charkh Logar AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product Khoshi Logar WATER: ARS Multiplication of 4 MT improved maize seed / 4 MT DAP & 4 MT Urea. Iarez -Cleaning of 15.25 ka karezes, irrigate 1930 jeribs & benefit 420 families. -- -- -- -- Mahd Agha Logar AB WATER: Drinking larghon Shahr Proposed UNDP -- Installation of 100 hand pump wells. ACRU WATER: Canal Mohd Agha Proposed WFP -- Cleaning of canal. AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP -- - ARO WATER: Structure Dewalak Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Mohd Agha Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 23 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIC: Forestry Mohd Agha Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- flotation of 583,000 trees along the 292ks irrigation -canals. CARE AGRIC: Other Mohd Agha Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 Fards which cover 9 ha area including all related.activities. CARE CONST: Road Mohd Agha Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 - Reconstruction of 3 Roads with the total length 11km including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Mohd Agha Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 57 Shelter f house with 114 rooms. CARE CONST: Storage Mohd Agha 'Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 mt. CARE WATER: Iarez Mohd Agna Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 25 terms with total length 6lkm including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Mohd Agha Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 10 Irrigation canals with total length 130km including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Mohd Agha Proposed LID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 40 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. ACBAR -- - Multiplication of 4 MT improved maize seed / 4 MT DAP A 4 MT Urea. 2 stone masonry diversion dams. -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 296 46actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION SECTOR AGENCY Logar ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION VILLAGES) - - -- - -- STATUS - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Mohd Agha Rehabilitation of 7 Springs with total length 19ím including other activities. 0 93 -- -- CARE WATER: Drinking Mohd Agha Proposed AID&WFP DACAAR AGRIC: Other 15 villages Surveyed FAO /Self -- RAFA WATER: Canal Proposed -- -- -° -- -- RRR CONST: Pub.Bailding Proposed -- -- RRR WATER: Structure Proposed -- -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of Surkhab Dam for power and water. START AGRIC: Crop Product Proposed FAO /UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Improved maize seed multiplication. START AGRIC: Crop Product Mohd Agha Proposed ICMC -- 93 --.93 Vegetables rehabilitation. START AGRIC: Livestock 3 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Poultry husbandary. '° Puli Logar -- villages Data of survey which was conducted by DACAAR submitted to SCA for implementation of agricultural projects. -- 2 canals cleaned. . Construction of a guest house, a clinic and a school in Surkhab. Alam Rehabilitation of Logar river bank protectien wall. -- ACRU WATER: Structure lulangar Proposed UNDP APWO CONST: Pub.Building 8 villages Proposed WFP CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees, Puli Alam&Iulangar Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- CARE AGRIC: Forestry Pull Alaa&Iulangar Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- CARE AGRIC: Other Pull Alaa&Kulangar Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of one Farm which cover 6 ha area iacleding°nl1 related activities. CARE CONST: Road Pull Alaa&Iulangar Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Reconstruction of 2 Roads with the total length 8ka.isclading other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Pull Alaa&Iulangar Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Constructida of 37 Shelter / house with 74 rooms. CARE CONS': Storage Pull Alaa&Iulangar Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 at. CARE WATER: Iarez Puli Alaa&Iulangar Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 16 £ aretes with total length 39ka including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Puli Alaa&Iulangar Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 7 Irrigation canals with total length 83ks including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Puli Alaa&tulangar Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Constriction of 31 Erosion barriers with stoat ,asoary, coapacted soil & Gabion wort. CARE WATER: Drinking Puli Alaa&luiangar Proposed AID&WIP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 Springs with total" "length 13tí including other activities. RAH WATER: Karen Various Proposed UN Construction of l Mosque & school. -- 93 -- -- Establishment of 15 Nurseries including all related activities. . Plantation of 376,000 trees along the 188ka irrigation canals. Cleaning of 10 karezes (Objosb Payeen, Objosh Bala, Bangash & Mohd Ghani karezes in Dab Basu, Enaa, Rio Boar, -- Basheer, Mir Hal, Enayatullah karez in bpi, ' A C H A R DATABASE CF NGO ACTIVITIES Par: 297 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION 1 SECTOR AGENCI RAE WATER: Structure ---- VILLAGI(S)- -- - ACTIVITY FUMDID DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -Ind Babua Proposed UN -- -- -- <ACTIVITY Construction of Jui Balms intake. Achin Nangarhar Water reservoir. AAA WATER: Drinking Pekha Boar Surveyed BSAR CONST: Pub.Building -- Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- New school Lataband (Pekhool). BSAR CONST: Pub.Building Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Construction of 3 new classrooms. BSAR CONST: Pub.Building Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Construction of Lataband clinic (Attach to school). Proposed P1O /UNDP -- 93 -- -- Poultry project. AGRIC: Lataband -- Bati Rot Nangarhar ERSA DESCRIPTION> Livestock Nangarhar Behsud Surveyed -- -- -- Survey of a village for construction purposes. All CONST: Other ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Proposed U1DP ARE WATER: Canal Qasimabad /Baharaba Proposed UND? - BCURA WATER: Structure Iarez babir Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- 5 [m drainage protect 400 jeribe land. CAS AGRIC: Livestock Center Proposed UMDP -- 93 -- -- Poultry farm - 15,000. DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Bush Gunbad Propoeed DACAAR -- 93 -- - Primary school building DBSP CONST: Shelter Aga, Propoeed FRG .- 93 -- -- Construction of 100 houses IHSAN AGRIC: Crop Product Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Vegetable fars (6 jeribe). IHSAN AGRIC: Livestock Proposed OOP IBSAN CONST: Road Belandghar /iron Proposed NIP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 7 h road (Bland Ghar- Niran ). IHSAN CONST: Pub.Building Samba Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Construction of a primary school (9 rooms). IHSAN WATER: Canal Parental Proposed WFP -- -- -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 h canal. IHSAN WATER: Canal Shandaghar Proposed NIP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 km canal. `Perawal -- -- - Multiplication of 3 HT improved rice seed / 3 NT DAP A 3 NT Urea. -- -- -- Rehabilitation of major canals & construction of intakes & retaining valle. i room gar house. Poultry production. Pane: 298 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 -VILLAGE(S)- SECTOR AGENCY ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -STATUS- -BY- Begin --End <ACTIVITY -DESCRIPTION> Road Behsud Proposed BCR Length 1.33 km, 9 culvert i secondary feeder road. CONST: --.93 -- -- RDP AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Proposed FAO/UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Iiproved rice /Maize seed multiplication. START Nangarhar apart)r WATER: Canal Nondakorak Proposed ARGON -- Nondakorak canal. AAA AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 3 NT improved maize seed / 3 NT DAP i 3 NT Urea. ARRAN Structure Lananga Poor Proposed NCR Construction of i small dam (W.30 M i 11.3.65 b) A flood control. WATER: -- HAFO HTCRA WATER: Structure Shollana Proposed UNDP -- -- -- -- WOA AGRIC: Livestock Proposed UNDP -- Nangarhar Construction of intake. Poultry iiproveaent. Darae Noor AGRIC: Livestock Center Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Poultry: providing villager$ with chicken (egg producing breed). AC WATER: Structure Lundi Proposed UNDP --.93 -- -- Retaining wall construction. AC WATER: Lares Proposed UNDP -- -- -- -- tares cleaning project. APWO Shelter Dara Noor Proposed DCP Construction of shelter. CONST: -- MADERA COAST: Pub.Building Darn Noor Proposed DCP -- Repairing of Qalae Shahi Lycee. MADERA MADERA WATER: Canal Dare Noor Proposal DCP MADERA WATER: Drinking Dare Noor Proposed DCP -- Water supply. RAH AGRIC: Crop Product Dare Noor Proposed UA -- Improved seed distribution . RAH CONST: Road Sheva to Shokiali Proposed UN -- -- CONST: Pub.Building Bonta Proposed UN Construction of helth clinic. RAH CONST: Other Dare loor Proposed UN Reconstruction of flour sill. RAR RAB HEALTH: Basic Clinic Daru loor Proposed UN Running of c]Aic. RAH SOCIAL:Other Dare loor Proposed UN Creating Soc*1 Welfare Center. , -- -- -- - . Repairing of Jehanair canal. Repair of Ihesa to Shokialy road length 16 ka. ------ ---- --------- Page: 299 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 -- 0111 IDITION 1 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR ---- VILLAGE(S) -- -- Nangarhar -- STATUS -- . FUNDED DURATION - --BI -- Begin --End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Darae Noor RAH WATER: Tarez Dare Noor Proposed UN -- -- -- RAH WATER: Structure Various villages Proposed UN -- Repair of 24 Earers. Construction of Alai /gala Shahi, Manjena, Gulìna & Faqir Shah / Barkot, Laskanda Qalatak, Safar Qala, Janseer, lodga, Adil Shah, Jeran /Jonjapoor, êacbaran /gala Shahi & Gaiba/Nanjena. RAH WATER: Structure Qala Shahi /Amla Proposed UN RAH WATER: Drinking Data Noor Proposed UN Nangarhar -- Construction of intake & retaining wall. Spring water supply spates. Dell Bala ESAR CONST: Pub.Building ESAR WATER: ESAR -- Propoeed DCP -- 93 -- -- Construction of Papin Middle School. Canal Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Reconstruction of Rodkhana canal. WATER: Canal Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of Gorgry canal. ESAR WATER: Drinking Proposed FP -- 93 -- -- Drinking water supply Oghez. YARA WATER: Canal Proposed UNDP -- Irrigation repair. Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 2 NT improved Baize seed / 3 MT DAP & 2 MT Urea. Proposed FAO /UNDP -- 93 -- -- Poultry & kitchen garden. -- 93 -- -- Embroidery. Nangarhar Goshta AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product ERSA AGRIC: Livestock ERSA INCOME: Handicrafts Proposed UNESCO WORK AGRIC: Proposed UNDP Arkhai /Sarband Livestock Nangarhar -- Poultry distribution. -- 93 -- -- Canal rehabilitation. Hesarak ADP WATER: Canal Proposed WFP ANCO AGRIC: Livestock Proposed UNDP ANCO CONST: Pub.Building -- Proposed DCP -- Proposed DCP /UNDP Proposed DCP ANCO CONST: ANCO INCOME: Skill Train. Pub.Building . -- Establishment of poultry fare. -- Rehabilitation of high school - provides education facilities for 1,200 students grade 1 to 12. -- 93 -- -- -- Reconstruction of Hesarak district High School building. Establishment of vocational training center - 100 people in different skills (sesomry / carpestrr / tailoring & stone work) ACBAR . DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 300 A&actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY VILLAGES) - --- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION tACTIVITY - --BY- Begin- -End -- Hesarak Nangarhar -- Rehabilitation of 2 canals - benefit 1,656 people. -- Rehabilitation of Sarando canal - benefit 2,555 people. DESCRIPTION> Canal Shaykhan /Kassa Proposed DCP ANCO WATER WATER: Canal Sarando Proposed DCP ARCO Nawar /Langer Khel Proposed Reconstruction of phase II of Newer 6 Langer Khel canale. Canal -- 93 -- -- WATER: DCP /UNDP ANCO Proposed Rehabilitation of 4 canale (Kasai, Shaykhan, Sarando & Perjina ). Canal -- 93 -- -- WATER: DCP/UNDP ANCO Rehabilitation of Perjina canal - benefit 2,685 people. Canal : Proposed -- WATER: DCP ANCO Canal DCP Rehabilitation of .3 canals - benefit 14,560 people. WATER: Proposed -- ANCO Structure UNDP Construction of retaining wall. WATER: Proposed -- HTCRA Surveyed -- -- Health center for drug abuse control. City Jalalabad Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- Nangarhar Perjina Jalalabad -HEALTH: Other AAA Canal Nangarher canai rehabilitation. AB WATER: IDUCAT: Literacy City Proposed NAG -- 93 ACDO City Proposed NAC Management & accounting courses. ¡DUCAT: Management -- 93 -- -- ACDO City Proposed NAC English language course. ¡DUCAT: Language -- 93 -- -- ACDO City- Proposed RAP Health education for adults. HEALTH: Education -- -- -- -- ACDO Proposed . TAF Small size business for poor women. INCOME: Helperaftmen City -- -- -- -- ACDO INCOME: Other City Proposed TAF -- ACDO INCOME: Skill' Train. City Proposed CIDA -- 93 -- -- AFS Jalaladad Proposed WFP /RONC -- Fruit Trees -- -- Literacy course, Self -relaince women program. Training of 20 trainees for engraving. Rehabilitation of Sarajui harat garden A -- producing shadow, fruit 6 ornamental trees saplings. AHSAO AGRIC: City Proposed NRC /TAF Carpet weaving to 15 vomen(6 wontha). INCONI: Skill Train. -- 93 -- 94 AMWS Center Proposed -- Health clinic. HEALTH: Basic Clinic -- 93 -- -- ARDP City Proposed *Donors 1 BHU in Jalalabad 1 lady doctor / 1 helper & 1 dispenser. HEALTH: Basic Clinic -- 93 -- - CARP FVSAD HEALTH: Disabled Reh Center Proposed UNDP Wheel chair production. 6TH EDITION ACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES - ----- -- Page: .301 A6actrep Date: 29 /08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Nangarhar HCI WATER: ISRA HEALTH: Education PRS CONST: RDP RDP Livestock INCOME: Handicrafts RDP INCOME: Handicrafts SERVE RELIEF:Other START AGRIC: TPRPA Crop Product CONST: Other Nangarhar AAA ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO ACDO WATER: WATER: AGRIC: AGRIC: GOHST: CONST: CONST: CONST: WATER: WATER: WATER: - --BY -- DURATIO1 Begin --End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Surveyed HCI -- Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Pesh loan's master trainer drug course Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Anti -drug abase campaign through anti -drug publicity boards - 200 aignboards in Jalalabad & main roads. Proposed WFP -- -- -- 93 Cleaning of waste material in Jalalabad city. Proposed UNOCHA -- 93 -- -- Distribution of 250 colonies honey bee. Proposed UNESCO -- 93 -- -- Engraving benefit 120 persona. City Proposed NRC /NCA -- 93 -- -- Carpet craft benefit 22 persons. Various villages Proposed T.Fund -- 93 11 93 Distributionof food through food for work. 3 villages Proposed FAO/UNDP -- 93 -- 93 lèproved rice & maize seed'multiplication. Jalalabad Surveyed EC -- 93 -- -- Installation of telecommunication system in Jalalabad, Lagbaan L Lanar. Center Center Sanitation AGRIC: FUNDED -- STATUS -- Jalalabad Canal HEALTH: Education JSRA AAA ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- City City Survey of 18 canals in Jalalabad / Surkh Rod & Rodat. 4 courses for 100 Isaac. Khogiani Canal Other Livestock Livestock Road Road Pub.Building Pub.Building larez Canal Canal laja Waziri Proposed UNDP -- Rehabilitation of 4 canals (laja Waziri, Dobandi k Qeaghou).Landi, Proposed 'UNDP -- Springs. Proposed TAF Proposed TAE Proponed UNDP -- -- -- -- Construction of 20 be road. Proposed WFP -- -- -- -- Construction of Behar.road (5 ks). Proposed ISBA -- -- -- -- Construction of Wazir general Mosque. Proposed VIP Ador Proposed WFP Cleaing of karez. Lhoza Ihel lambo Proposed UNDP Cleaning of 3 ka canal. Mor Proposed WFP Cleaning of 3 km canal. Waziri Wazir Wazir Wazir Behar Wazir Wazir -- -- -- - -- -- Poultry distribution to 500 poor Afghans. Bee leaping project for 80-poor women. Construction of Wazir middle school with 8 rooms. ACBAR DATABASE OF ëGO ACTIVITI&5 Page: 302 Aóactrep Date: 29/08/93 --- -- iTB BDITIOA ACTIVITY - - -- VILLAGES) ---- SECTOR AGENCY -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Khogiani Nangarhar WATER: Canal ()sari gala Proposed UNDP -- Cleaning of canal (3 ka) . ACDO WATER: Structure Omani Tala Proposed UNDP -- Construction of intakes. ACDO ACDO WATER: Structure Khoza Khel lambo Proposed UNPP AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 3 NT improved maize seed / 3 MT DAP k 3 MT Urea. AMRAN MAN AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 3 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP k 3 MT Urea. ARDP EDUCAT: Other ARDP WATER: Tarez ARDP WATER: ARK Construction of intakes. Proposed -- 93 -- -- Narcotic control program. Qelahgou Proposed -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of karezes. Canal Qelaghou Proposed WATER: Canal Sakava Proposed ARDP WATER: Canal Behar Proposed KSAR CONST: Pub.Building -- IHSAN WATER: Canal IHSAN WATER: IHSAN irrigation repair. UNDP -- 93 -- -- Irrigation repair. DCP -- 93 -- 93 Behar irrigation repair. Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Construction of laja High School. Meals Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation bf 7 km canal in National garden, maintenance of garden k extension. Structure Maze Khel Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Construction of 1 intake k 70 a retaining wall. WATER: Structure Meals Proposed DCP -- -- -- -- Construction of 4 weirs. IHSAN WATER: Structure Sera Kali Proposed DCP -- 93 -- -- Construction of 1 intake k 120 m retaining wall. MAMAR WATER: Canal Proposed UNDP Nangarhar *Canal rehabilitation. -- Kouz Konar Shewa Proposed Repair of comprehensive health center. Pub.Building -- -- -- -- CONST: WHO ARDS Several villages Proposed DACHAR -- WATER: Canal -- 93 -- 93 DACHAR Several villages Proposed UNICEF 120 shallow wells. WATER: Drinking -- 93 -- -- DACAAR Crop Product louz lunar Proposed -- AGRIC: UN RAH Livestock louz Lunar Proposed -- AGRIC: UN RAH , Improved seed distribution. Poultry Fara. 6TH EDITION ACBAR DATABASE OF $60 ACTIVITIES Page: 303 Aóactrep Date: 25/08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Kouz Konar Nangarhar RAH AGRIC: Other Abdul Ihel Proposed UN -- -- RAH AGRIC: Other Abdul Ihel Farm Proposed UN -- Rehabilitation of Abdul Del Fars. RAH CONST: Road Sheila Proposed UN -- Repair of Qalatak road. RAR CONST: Pub.Building louz lunar Proposed UN -- Reconstruction of Sayed Jamaludin school & 6 primary schools. RAH CONST: Pub.Building, Gorik /Shagai /L.Iun Proposed UN -- Construction of a health clinic in Gorik, a clinic in Shagai &,three clinics in louz lunar. RAH SOCIAL:Other louz lunar Proposed UN -- Create Social Welfare Center. RAH WATER: Canal Sheila Proposed UN -- Cleaning of 7 branch canals. RAH WATER: Structure Sheila Proposed UN -- Repair of Siphon and bank protection. RAH WATER: Structure Shagai Proposed UN -- -- -- -- RAH WATER: Structure Various villages Proposed UN -- - RAH WATER: FloodControl Shagai Proposed UN -- -- -- -- Bank protection, siphon repair. RAH WATER: Drinking All villages Proposed UN -- -- -- -- Digging shallow wells. SERVE RELIIF:Otber Various villages Proposed T.Fund -- 93 12 93 Distribution of food through food for work. Nangarhar Reconstruction of 200s long culvert, flumes, control gates. -- -- Construction of intakes in Bar Lashkot, tachara, Islas Poor, Gorik, loty, Sheila & Shagai. Lalpur AFS AGRIC: Crop Product ERSA AGRIC: Livestock Nangarhar Silk Nora farm in Abdul Ihel 6 villages Proposed FAO -- 93 -- -- Multiplication of 90 MT sugar cane / 3 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea. Proposed FAO/UNDP -- 93 -- -- Poultry project. Mohmánd Dara RDP WATER: tarez Than Ihel Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of karez length 1.6 ka, irrigate 100 hectares laid & benefit 750 tallies. RDP WATER: Canal Mohmand Dara Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Length 3 ka, irrigate 250 hectares land & benefit 1500 families. -- Nangarhar Pachier/Agam AMRAN AGRIQ: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP ARAN AGRIC: Crop Product 4-villages Proposed UNDP ACBAR Multiplication of 4 MT improved maize seed / 4 MT DAP & 4 MT Urea. Multiplication of 3 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea. DATABASE OF EGO ACTIVITIES Page: 304 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY VOA AGRIC: Nangarhar - - -- VILLAGES) - --- Livestock -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION -tACTIVITI Begin --End Proposed UNDP -- Poultry improvement. DESCRIPTION> Rodat BRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 2 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 4 MT improved seize seed / 4 MT DAP & 4 NT Urea. AWN AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 3 MT maize seed / 3 MT DAP 8 3 MT Urea. APWO WATER: Structure Ihatwanoo Proposed UNDP ARDP WATER: Structure Besar Shahi Proposed -- AWA AGRIC: Livestock -- Proposed UNDP -- LRO WATER: Structure kodat Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Construction of an intake retaining wall, benefit 1,800 fermers. RDP WATER: Canal 5 villages Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Length 1625 s, irrigate 150 hectares land b benefit 900 families. SAA AGRIC: Machinery Aza Ihel Proposed SAA -- SAA CONST: Sanitation Aza Khel Proposed TPRPA AGRIC: Crop Product Ioz lot YARA AGRIC: Livestock Nangarhar RAH WATER: Gabion construction. -- 93 -- -- Poultry distribution. -- 1 tractor. SAA -- Construction of toilets. 1 toilet for women and children of each 10 families A for sen of each 10 feliiies. Proposed FAO -- 93 -- -- Proposed URN . Maize crop production. Poultry distribution. -- Several Diet. Drinking Proposed UN -- -- -- -- Digging shallow wells. Construction of a BO. Nangarhar; Sher25 ad All CONST: Pub.Building Mana Ihel Surveyed -- -- -- - AB WATER: larez Tutu Proposed DCP -- - ACDO WATER: Canal &odi Ihel Proposed CIDA ACDO WATER: Structure lodi Khel Proposed CIDA' Construction of small intakes. ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product Gandusak Proposed UNDP Multiplication of 4 MT improved rice seed / 4 NT DAP A 4 MT Urea. ARCO CORSI: Pub.Building Tutu Proposed DCP /UNDP ACBAR -- -- -- -- -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of 14 karezes. Constuction of lodo ihel canal. Reconstruction of Tutu primary & secondary schools buildings. DATABASE OF BGO ACTIVITIES Page: 305 A6actrep Date: 29/08 /93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY ---- VILLAGE(S)- --- FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Sherzad Nangarhar ARCO WATER: garez Tutu/Mama Ihel Proposed DCP/UNDP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 14 karezes in different villages (list of karezes available at ACBAR). ANCO WATER: Canal lodi Ihel/Mama he Proposed DCP /UNDP -- 93 -- - -. Rehabilitation of godi [bel k Mali Ihel canals. ARDP HEALTH: Other lodi Ihel Proposed -- 93 -- -- CDD project. -- 93 -- -- 120 shallow wells & hand -pumps. Nangarhar Shinwar DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages Proposed DACAAR YARA WATER: Canal Ghani ghel Proposed UNDP -- -- YARA WATER: Structure Ghani Ihel Proposed UNDP -- Nangarhar Excavating 2,0001 old channel. Constructing 500a retaining wall. Surkh Rod ASA CONST: Road Ghawchak Surveyed -- AEA CONST: Pub.Building -- Proposed RAP -- Office extension for MNC (4 rooms) with conventional material. AHD3 COST: Pub.Building Sultanpur Proposed WHO -- Repair of comprehensive health center. ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 3 MT Improved maize seed / 3äT DAP A 3 MT Urea. ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 6 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 4 MT improved rice seed / 4 MT DAP k 4 MT Urea. ARRAN WATER: Canal Zulmabad Proposed UNDP -- Irrigation repair. ARRAN WATER: Canal Bazid Ihel Proposed UKDP -- -- -- -- Irrigation repair. ARRAN WATER: Canal Zulmabad Proposed UNDP -- Zulmabad irrigation rehabilitation. APWO WATER: Canal Deh Walid Proposed WFP -- Canal cleaning(food for work). APWO WATER: Canal Sabzabad Proposed WFP -- Canal cleaning (food for work). ARDP CONST: Bridge Fatehabad Proposed -- -- 93 -- -- Construction of bridge. ARDP CONST: Pub.Building Fatehabad Proposed -- -- 93 -- -- Construction of Fatehabad school. ARDP CONST: Pub.Buiiding Fatehabad Proposed DCP -- 93 -- 93 Construction of Fatehabad middle school building. ARDP HEALTH: NCH Proposed -- -- 93 -- -- MCH project. ACBAR -- -- -- -- -- -- - Reconstruction of road length 2.5 km. DATABASE OF $GO ACTIVITIES Page: 306 A6actrep Date: 29/06/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- SECTOR AGENCI -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - - -BI -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Surkh Rod Nangarhar WATER: Karen Fatehabad Proposed -- -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of karezes. ARDP WATER: Canal Fatehabad Proposed DCP -- 93 -- 93 . Sawa irrigation repair. ARDP ARDP WATER: Structure Hakim Baba Proposed ARR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Char Bagh Proposed SV ARR WATER: Canal: Various Proposed WFP/HCR ARR WATER: Canal Proposed CAS AGRIC: Livestock 10 villages CIUP AGRIC: Crop Product CIUP AGRIC: CIUP 93 -- - -' 9 93 9 85 Gabion construction. Establishment fruit tree nursery in 5 jeribs land. -- Rehabilitation of 8 canals. UNDP -- Rehabilitation of irrigation system. Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- -- Proposed UNDP -- Improved maize production. Crop Product -- Proposed UNDP -- Distribution of sugar cane. Crop Product -- Proposed UNDP -- Distribution of sugar cane. AGRIC: AGRIC: Crop Product -- Proposed UNDP -- Improved rice production. CIUP CIUP AGRIC: Livestock Proposed UNDP -- -- -- -- CIUP AGRIC: Livestock Proposed .UNDP -- DACAAR WATER: Drinking MR AGRIC: USA AGRIC: ERSA INCOME: Handicrafts UFO WATER: F1oodControl IHSAN WATER: IBSAN -- -- -- -- 93 -- -- Poultry fare - 15,000. Distribution of chickens to the farmers. Poultry distribution. 100 shallow wells & hand -pumps. Proposed 6C Livestock Proposed UNDP Livestock Proposed FAO/UNDP -- 93 -- -- Proposed UNESCO -- 93 -- -- Shamshapoor Proposed BCE -- Canal Sabzabad Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 5 km canal. Canal Iakrak Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 5 km canal + repairing of 1 intake &siphon. WATER: WATER: Canal Nall Redd Proposed WFP -- 83 -- -- Rehabilitation of 3 ka canal + construction of intake & 1 portion. íHSAN WATER: Canal Zulaabad Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 6 ks canal. IHSAN 1 A C B A R' Several villages -- Poultry farm 'Poultry & kitchen garden. Embroidery. Construction of flood control(L.120 m / H.2 a). DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page:. 307 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Nangarhar VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End <ACTIVITY Sur0h Rod IHSAN WATER: Canal than Iali Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 km canal. PRS WATER: Canal Sultanpur Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- .Rehabilitation of irrigation canal. PRS WATER: Canál Qalai baroof Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of canal. PRS WATER: Drinking -- Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- RSSA AGRIC: Livestock -- Proposed UNDP -- Improved poultry production. AGRIC: Livestock -- Proposed UNDP -- -- -- -- Improved poultry production. RSSA WATER: Canal Iakokhel Proposed UNDP -- START AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP WOA AGRIC: Livestock Proposed UNDP -- WOA AGRIC: Livestock Proposed UNDP -- -- -- -- Poultry production for distribution. -- 93 -- 93 Blind rehabilitation program. RSSA , HEALTH: Disabled Reh Nimroz VARA Repair and cleaning of canal. Improved rice & maize seed multiplication. -- 93 -- 93 Women's poultry production. Unspecified Nangarhar SERVE DESCRIPTION> Saveral Districts Proposed KaIng /Kurki INCOME: Handicrafts 7 villages Proposed WFP -- Carpet weaving 104 women 1 looms per 2 ladies. -- Cleaning .of 15 km canal I irrigates 15,000 jeribs & benefit 1,000 families. -- Cleaning of 10 km canal I irrigates 12,000 jeribs & benefit 200 families. -- Cleaning of 21 km canal / irrigates 2,000 jeribs &`benefit 1260 families. Khosh Rod Nimroz VARA WATER: Canal Shishaba Proposed UNDP VARA WATER: Canal Lokhi Proposed UNDP/WFP VARA. WATER: Canal 3 villages Proposed WFP VARA WATER: Canal Iotalak Proposed UNDP/WFP -- -- -- -- Cleaning of 12 km canal / irrigates 800 jeribs & benefit 910 families. Proposed HCR -- 93 -- -- Construction of 50 houses for returnees. Nimroz SWARD CONS ?: . Zaranj Shelter -- - Zaramj ilOITIQg HT'd Z$ITIVIT9A ODN VO HEATH Page: 308 A6ectrep Date: 29/08193 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End < ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Chorah Oruzgan ANDS HEALTH: Basic Post -- Proposed EC -- -- -- -- Health post. SWFAO AGRIC: Choral) Surveyed UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Center for 80,000 annals. Livestock Dai Kundi Oruzgan Cleaning of 3 ka canal / irrigates 400 jeribs & benefit 500 families. BURC WATER: Canal 4 villages Proposed UNDP -- GRC AGRIC: Livestock 10 villages Proposed ICMC -- 93 -- -- 1,000 sheep for 100 families. GRC HEALTH: MCH Proposed CIDA -- 93 -- -- Training of 10 ALHVs for 9'oaths to work in Dai Lundi. GRC HEALTH: Other Proposed AID -- 93 -- -- Medical instruments for Dai lundi hospital GRC RELIEF:Non -Food Itea Proposed RANCO -- 93 -- -- Clothing for 500 families. 0ruzgan 90 villages Deh Raud ARO AGRIC: Vet Deh Baud Proposed UNDP -- 4 DVMs & 12 paravet. ARO AGRIC: Training Deh Baud Proposed FAO -- Agro- implements to 60 trainees. ARO CONST: Road Deh Baud Proposed UNDP -- Repairing of 169 km road (Kandahar - Deh- Raud). WATER: FloodControl Deb Baud Proposed UNDP -- Flood protection wall. ARO WATER: Drinking Deh Raud Surveyed -- City deep well water supply system. ARPD AGRIC: Crop Product 20 villages Proposed FAO -- 93 -- -- Multiplication of 20 MT rice seed / 50 MT Urea 25 MT DAP - 3678 farmers. AGRIC: Crop Product 25 villages Proposed FAO -- 93 -- -- Multiplication of 16 MT maize seed / 100 MT Urea / 50 MT DAP - 3005 farmers. BURG WATER: Canal 4 villages Proposed UNDP -- Cleaning of 9 HRAy AGRIC: Crop Product 16 villages Proposed FAO -- Multiplication of 16 MT seize seed 50 MT DAP A 100 MT Urea benefit 3,000 families. INORO AGRIC: Crop Product 15 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP 8 villages Proposed UNDP ARO ' ARPD , Oruzgan BURL WATER: ACBsAR ka canal / irrigates 3,000 jeribs & benefit 1500. families. Multiplication of 6 MT wheat seed & 2541T DAP to 100 farmers. -- -- -- -- Gezab Garez Cleaning of 3 karezes length 12 ka / irrigate 3,000 jeribs land A benefit 170 families. 6TH EDITION DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 309 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 ACTIVITI ---- VILLAGE(5) - - -- SECTOR AGENCY Oruzgan BURC WATER: Oruzgan AHDS WATER: Oruzgan - - -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End DESCRIPTION> ran 3 villages Canal Proposed OUP -- Cleaning of`5 km canal / irrigates 4,000 jeribs & benefit 1500 families. Proposed EC -- Health post. Oruzgan HEALTH: Basic Post Oruzgan BURC Kai -- STATUS -- FUNDED Shahrlstan 6 villages Canal Cleaning of 8 its canal / irrigates 2,000 jeribs & benefit 1600 families. Proposed UNDP Proposed EC -- -- -- -- Health post. proposed FAO -- 93 -- -- 16 MT Baize seed / 100 MT Urea / 50 MT DAP - 3230 farmers. Surveyed UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Center for 170,000 animals. Proposed ARCON -- 93 -- 93 New building for a hospital (6 beds). -- Tirin ANDS HEALTH: Basic Post ARPD AGRIC: Crop Product SWFAO AGRIC: Livestock SWFAO CONST: Pub.Building Pakteka 25 villages Tirin Kot Gomal Distribution of 27,000 chickens to 2,700 farming families. -- 93 -- -- AFS AGRIC: Livestock 20 villages Proposed UNDP CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Gomal /Rabat Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- CARE AGRIC: forestry Gomal /Rabat Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- CARE AGRIC: Other Gomal/Rabat Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 Farms which cover 3 ha area including all related activities. CARE CONST: Road Gomal /Rabat Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Reconstruction of 4 Roads with the total length 21km including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Gosai /Rabat Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 48 Shelter / house with 96 rooms. CARE, CONST: Storage Goaal /Rabat Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 mt. CARE WATER: Xarez Gomal /Rabat Proposed AID&WFF 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 8 Iarezes with total length 20ka ,including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Gomal /Rabat Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 20 Irrigation canals with total length 39km including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Goaal /Rabat Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 CARE WATER: Other Gatti /Rabat Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 6 Nurseries including all related activities. . Construction of 52 Erosion barriers' with atone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. 0 93 ACHAR Plantation of 77,000 trees along the 38km irrigation canals. Construction of 2 Dam (reservoir) with capacity of 1920 cum. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 310 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- ARDP CONST: Pub.Building ARDP WATER: Canal Pakteka ' WATER: FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Katawaz Pakteka ARO -- STATUS -- -- Proposed -- 93 -- -- Construction of animai clinic building. Proposed -- 93 -- -- Irrigation repair. -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 15 karezes. Matti Khel larez alata Ehel Proposed UNDP Sarhawza Pakteka CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Sarhawza /Zeiok /Nek Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 10 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIO: Forestry Sarhawza /Zelok /Nek Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Plantation of 120,000 trees along the 60kß irrigation canals. CARE AGRIC: Other Sarhawza/Zelok!Nek Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 Farms which cover 8 ha area including all related activities. CARE CONST: Road Sarhawza /Zelok /Nek Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Reconstruction of 6 Roads with the total length 33kn including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Sarhawza /Zelok /Nek Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 75 Shelter / house with 154' roons. CARE CONST: Storage Sarhawza /Zeiok /Nek Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 at. CARE WATER: Larez Sarhawza /Zelok /Nek Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 13 Earezes with total length 31kn including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Sarhawza /Zelok /Nek Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 30 Irrigation canals with total length 61kn including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Sarhawza /Zeiok /Nek Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 CARE WATER: Other Sarhawza /Zelok /Nek Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Pakteka 0 .Construction of 81 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. 93 Construction of 3 Dao (reservoir) with capacity of 3000 cum. Sharan ARO WATER: larez Sharan Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 30 karezes. ARO WATER: Structure Sharan Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Construction of water reservoir. ARO WATER: FloodControl Sharan Proposed RAP -- 93 -- -- 90 a flood protection wall. PRS WATER: tarez Surveyed WFP -- 93 -- -- 40 karezes. ACBAR DATABASE OF $GO ACTIVITIES Page: 311 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6Th EDITION 1 ArTIVITT AGENCY SECTOR - - -- VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS - -. FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION Begin- -End <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Urgoun Pakteka CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Establishsent of 4 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIC: Forestry Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Plantation of 43,000 trees along the 22ks irrigation canals. CARE AGRIC: Other Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Rehabilitation of one Fars which cover 2 ha area including all related activities. CARE CONST: Road Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Reconstruction of 2 Roads with the total length 12ks including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Construction of 27 Shelter / house with 54 rooss. CARE CONST: Storage Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 at. CARE WATER: laces Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Rehabilitation of 5 Karezes with total length like including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Proposed AID -- 0 0 92 Rehabilitation of Saidoni canal total length. CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Proposed AID -- 0 0 82 Rehabilitation of Maniki canal CARE WATER: Canal Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Rehabilitation of 10 Irrigation canals with total length 22ks including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Construction of 29 Erosion barriers with stone sasonry, cospacted soil & Gabion work. CARE WATER: Other Urgoun Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 0 93 Construction of 2 Das (reservoir) with capacity of 1800 cus. Taraki Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Construction of 3 diversion. walls. Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of retaining wall in Bak village of Paktia. Paktia . Bak ARR WATER Structure BRR WATER: Structure Paktia Gardaiz ACDO EDUCAT: Literacy Gardaiz City Proposed NAC -- Literacy course. ACDO EDUCAT: Managesent Gardaiz City Proposed NAC -- Managesent & accounting courses. ACDO EDUCAT: Language Gardaiz City Proposed NAC -- English language course. ARO WATER: dares Gardaiz Proposed ' WFP -- 93 -- -- CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- 93 Establishsent of 13 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIC: Forestry Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- 93 Plantation of 79,000 trees along the 4Oks irrigation canals. Page: Rehabilitation of 25 karezes. -312 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITI Begin --End DESCRIPTION> Gardaiz Paktia . ---- VILLAGE(S) - - -- CARE AGRIC: Other Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 2 Farms which cover 36 ha area including all related activities. CARR CONST: Road Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed- AID&WFP 0 93 -- 93 Reconstruction of 6 Roads with the total length 37km including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- 93 Construction of 66 Shelter t house with 132 rooms. CARE CONST: Storage Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- 93 Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 mt. CARL WATER: Iareá Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 12 tarezes with total length 28km including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 28 Irrigation canals with total length 57km including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID&WFP O 93 -- 93 Construction of 77 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. CARE WATER: Other Gardaiz /Jadran /Zor Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- 93 Construction of 2 Dam (reservoir! with capacity of 2970 cum. DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building -- Proposed DACAAR -- 94 -- -- School building DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Salam Ihel Proposed DACAAR -- 93 -- -- Primary school building DACAAR WATER: Iarez Several villages Proposed DACAAR -- 93 -- 94 Coordination with SCA, NAC & NRC. DACAAR WATER: Canal Several villages Proposed DACAAR -- 93 -- 94 Plan to coordinate with SCA, NAC & NRC. DACAAR WATER: Drinking Several villages Proposed DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 100 shallow wells & hand -pumps. -- 94 -- -- Primary school building " Gurbuz Paktia DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Gurbuz Proposed DACAAR GAF AGRIC: Vet Gurbuz Proposed UNDP Uaean Khel Paktiia ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product Paktia GAF AGRIC: Paktia AAA AGRIC: 3 villages Proposed UNDP Jadran Proposed UNDP Surveyed -- -- Multiplication of 3 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea. Jadran Vet Jail Maidan Other -- 93 -- -- Possibilities of establishment some nurseries / imtroductiom of improved seeds / bee hivesthoney production) / poultry iaprovment / fruit planta. Page: 313 A6actrep Date: 29 /08/93 ACTIVITY AGENCY SECTOR Paktia -VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED - --BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jaji Maidan AAA WATER: Canal Hasbim AAA WATER: Canal ARS WATER: CARE CARE Ihel Surveyed -- 93 -- -- Survey of 6 canal (Esara / Manzay ; Shagy / Mena Ihelo / Mare Ihelo / fathki). Ali Ihel Surveyed -- 93 -- -- Survey of 4 canal (Badak / Dand / fath / Bahlni l Canal 8 villages Surveyed -- AGRIC: Fruit Trees Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID&WFP 0 AGRIC: Forestry Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 . Cleaning of 24.2 ka canals, irrigate 2300 jeribs & benefit 630 faillies. 93 -- 93 Establishaent of 7 Nurseries including all related activities. -- 93 Plantation of 43,000 trees along the 22ka irrigation canals. i CARE AGRIC: Other Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID&WFP 0 CARE CONST: Road Musa Ehel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- 93 CARE CONST: Shelter Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID&WFP 0 CARE CONST: Storage Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- 93 Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 mt. CARE WATER: Tarez Musa Ehel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 7 Karezes with total length 15ka including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Musa Ehel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 15 Irrigation canals with total length 41ka including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- 93 Construction of 42 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. CARE WATER: Other Musa Ihel /Jaji Mai Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- 93 Construction of 2 Dam (reservoir) with capacity of 1620 cum. 5 villages Proposed UNDP . Baghi Fara Proposed FAO -- -- -- Paktia MAN AGRIC: Paktia 93 -- 93 Rehabilitation of 2 Fares which cover 19 ha area including all related activities. Reconstruction of 2 Roads with the total length 16ka including other structures. 93 -- 93 Construction of 36 Shelter / house with 72 rooms. Jani Khel Crop Product -- Multiplication of 4 MT improved maize seed / 4 MT DAP & 4 MT Urea. -- Fruit trees rehabilitation. Khost AB AGRIC: Fruit Trees ACRU AGRIC: Livestock 6 villages Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Distribution 20,000 seven weeks old chickens benefit 2,000 tallies. ACRU WATER: Tarez Pirana Kalai Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Cleaning, repairing & improvaent of karezes. IRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 4 HT improved maize seed / 4 MT DAP & 4 MT Urea. MAN AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Proposed UNDP -- Multiplication of 4 HT improved rice seed / 4 MT DAP & 4 MT Urea. ARR WATER: Canal Chulan-Peiran Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- 'ACBAR Canal cleaning í spring cleaning and construction of diversion walls. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 314 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6Th EDITION I ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY Paktia -VILLAGES) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDED DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End -- 93 -- -- 11 MT wheat seed. <ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> Ichost ARS AGRIC: Crop Product 13 villages Proposed FAO ARS WATER: Canal 6 villages Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- Cleaning of 15 canals(70.9 km), irrigate 11990 jeribs & benefit 909 families. BRE CONST: Road Bost Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- Domanda -Ihost road. BRR WATER: Structure Boat Proposed UNDP 9 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of protection wall. CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Ihost /Alisher /Saba Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 7 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIC: Forestry Ihost /Alisher /Saba Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Plantation of 41,000 trees along the 20km irrigation canals. CARE AGRIC: Other Ihost /Alisher /Saba Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 Farms which cover 18 ha area including all related activities. CARE CONST: Road Ihost/Alisher!Saba Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Reconstruction of 2 Roads with the total length 16km including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Ihost /Alisher /Saba Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 34 Shelter / house with 68 rooms. CARE CONST: Storage Ihost /Alisher /Saba Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of i village level storehouse with capacity of 50 at. CARE WATER: Iarez Ihost /Alisher /Saba Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 6 Karezes with total length 14ka including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Khost/Alisher/Saba Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- CARE WATER: FloodControl Ihost /Alisher /Saba Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 CARE WATER: Other Ihost /Alisher /Saba Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building !Akan Proposed DACAAR -- 94 -- -- Primary school building START AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed FAO /UNDP -- 93 -- 93 Improved rice & maize seeds multiplication. Proposed DACAAR -- 94 -- -- High school building Paktia DACAAR CONST: Paktia . 0 93 .Rehabilitation of 14 Irrigation canals with total length 29kÁ including other structures. Construction of 39 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. Construction of 2 Dam (reservoir) with capacity of 1530 cum. Mandozi Pub.Building Sarband Nader Shah CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Io Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 13 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIC: Forestry Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Io Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Plantation of 77,000 trees along the 38b irrigation canale. CARE AGRIC: Other Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.ko Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 2 Farms which cover 35 ha area including ali related activities. AACBAR DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page: 315 A6actrep Date: 29/08193 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BY -- DURATION < ACTIVITY begin- -find DESCRIPTION> Nader Shah Paktia CARI COAST: Road Tani /Gurbuz/Nad.Io Proposed AID&WEP 0 93 -- -- Reconstruction of 6 Roads with the total length 291uí including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Tani /Gurbuz /$ad.Lo Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- 93 Construction of 64 Shelter / house with 128 rooms. CARE CONST: Storage Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Io Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 1 village level storehouse with capacity of 50 mt. CARE WATER: Iarez Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Io Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 11 Earezes with total length 27km including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Lo Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 27 Irrigation canals with total length 55ka including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Tani /Gurbuz /Nad.Io Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 75 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. CARE WATER: Other Tani /Gurbuz!Nad,Io Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 2 Dam (reservoir) with capacity of 2880 cum. Paktia " Sayed Karam DACAAR COAST: Pub.Building -- Proposed DACAAR -- 94 -- -- School building DACAAR WATER: Tarez Several villages Proposed DACAAR -- 93 -- 94 Coordination with SCA, NAC & NRC. DACAAR, WATER: Canal Several villages Proposed DACAAR -- 93 -- 94 Plan to coordinate with SCA, NAC & ARC. Malazai Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- -- 2 diversion dais. Sperah Proposed DACAAR -- 93 -- -- 2 primary school buildings. Tani Proposed DACAAR -- 94 -- -- Primary school building Paktia ARO VATER: Paktia DACAAR CONST: Paktia DACAAR CONST: Paktia Shamal Structure Sperah Pub.Building Tani Pub.Building Trayzai IFS COAST: Shelter Lakan Proposed UNCHS DACAAR CONST: Pub.Building Risher Proposed DACAAR -- 93 -- -- Primary school building SOLAF WATER: Structure 8 villages Proposed WFP -- 93 -- -- 7 intakes / 20a each I stone sand & ravel ; cement i wood steel & benefits2,000 persons. A C B A R -- 200 Doors & 400 windows for distribution of returning refugees. DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH áDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGINCT Paktia - - -- VILLAGE(S) - - -- -- STATUS -- FUNDBD DURATION - --BY -- Begin- -End -- -- - <ACTIVITY Zormat ARRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 3 villages Proposed ONDP NAC AGRIO: Other Telmer Proposed NAC 8 93 11 93 NAC COMM Pub.Building Haaaazai Proposed MAC -- 93 11 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). NAC CONST: Pub.Building Guldad Ihel Proposed NAC -- 93 11 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). NAC CONST: Pub.Buflding loti Ihel Proposed NAC -- 93 11 93 Reconstruction 4 repair of primary school. NAC CONST: Pub.Building loti Ihel Proposed NAC -- 93 11 93 Construction of primary school (8 rooms). NAC HEALTH: Vaccination District level Proposed UNICEF /S NAC RELIEF:Help Returnee District level Proposed NAC -- 93 9 93 Emergency assistance to returnees. NAC WATER: Tarez 14 villages Proposed MAC 8 53 4 94 Cieaing of karez. Parwan DISCRIPTION> , -- Multiplication of 3 hT improved maize seed /- 3 MT DAP á 3 MT Urea. Vegetable proiotion project. Haan vaccination program. 8 93 -- -- Ghorband A-AID AGRIC: Crop Proddct Cbardeh, 3 Proposed ODA 9 93 10 93 Distribution of 10 MT ipak 81) wheat seed. A -AIg AGRIC: Crop Product Chardeh, 3 Proposed ODA 8 93 11 93 Multiplication of 0.5 MT (pak 81) wheat seed. A -AID NEC: Plant Proteo Chardeh, 3 Proposed ODA 3 94 Crop protection / spraying grapes / 1,000 jeribs ï pest disease. A -AID CONST: Hir- Iafshan Proposed ODA 9 93 10 93 Construction of 35 a foot bridge (cent / stone / beai). A -AID COMM Bridge Mulleay Proposed ODA 9 93 10 93 Construction of 14 m foot bridge (cement / stone / been). A -AID WATER: Structure Saddat Proposed ODA -- 94 t,; Construction of diversion weir (gabion / cement / stone). A -AID WATER: Structure Anger loche Proposed ODA -- 9á ÿ3 Construction of 7 a aqueduct (steel i cement). A -AID WATER: Structure lak Shal Proposed ODA 10 93 11 93 Construction of 130 a intake wall(gabion / stone) i benefit 500 families / irrigated 80 jeribs. A -AID WATER: Structure Sheer Proposed ODA -- 93 -- 93 Construction of 14 m aqueduct (steel I cement). A -AID WATER: Structure Gunbaf Proposed ODA 10 93 11 93 Construction of diversion weir (gabion / cement / stones) - b'ser t 250 families. A -AID WATER: FloodControl Saddat Proposed ODA 10 93 11 93 Construction of flood protection / protect 20 jeribs *bias / Bridge 4 94 Page: 317 A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 atoael. AGENCY -VILLAGE(S) -- -- SECTOR WATER: FloodContrci WATER: Parwan i CBR . WATER: Takhar CQNST: SCA -BY -- DURATION <ACTIVITY Begin --End Earez Shull Restoration of flooded irrigation eystem. Proposed RAP -- -- -- -- khi Safi Proposed UNDP - Solang Proposed RAP -- 93 -- 93 Restoration of flood affected irrigation system. Proposed SCA -- 93 12 93 Construction of primary schools. -- - Reconstruction of 14 - karezes. Salang FloodControi Eel-ikameeh Pub.Buildìng 4 vi:.agee Talogan Takhar CBR CONST: Road Taihar- Badakhsnan Surveyed CCSC -- 93 -- 92 Survey & design of the road from Tahitian to Eeshem. SCA CONST! Pub.Buiiding 4 visages Proposed SCA -- 93 12 93 Construction of primary schools. Gordan tlasjld Proposed WFP -- -- -- Proposed ASDAA -- 93 -- --. Propogation of honey bee. Chak Wardak CONST: AB DESCRIPTION> Kobe Safi Parwan AB FUNDED Jabul Saraj Parwan CBR ACTIVITY -- STATUS - Wardak Road Construction of 30 km secondary road. .aghatu Livestock ACRD AGRIC: ACRD HEALTH: Other Proposed ASDAA -- 33 -- -- Health preventive & sanitary program. ACRE INC ME: Handicrafts Proposed ASDAA -- 93 -- -- Promotion & devlopment of rural handicrafts. ACRD WATER: Drinking Proposed ASDAA -- 93 -- -- Improvement of drinking water resources. UFO WATER: Karez Proposed UNDP Wardak 16 villages Cleaning of 16 karezes. Jalrez CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Jairez Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 9 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIC: Forestry 'Aire.: Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Plantation of 38,000 trees along the 19km irrigation canals. CARE AGRIC: Other Jairez Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of one Farm which cover 26 ha area including all related activities. A C B A R DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES Page:. 318 R6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION ACTIVITY SECTOR AGENCY VILLAGES) - - -- FUNDED -- STATUS -- - --BI- DURATION cACTIVITY Begin- -End DESCRIPTION> Jalrez Wardak CARE CONST: Road Jairez Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Reconstruction of 3 Roads with the total length 21km including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Jairez . Proposed AID&WFP O 93 -- -- Construction of 30 Shelter / bouse with 60 rooms. CARE CONST: Storage Jairez Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 2 village level storehouses with capacity of 100 it. CARE WATER: Tarez Jalrez Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 16 Iarezes with total length 25íu including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Jalrez Proposed AID&WFP 0 33 -- -- Rehabilitation of 13 Irrigation canals with total length 28kí including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Jairez Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 36 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. CARE WATER: Drinking Jalrez Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 3 Springs with total length 3km including other activities. OHAID CONST: Pub.Building Sangiakh /gala Shah, Proposed ISRA -- 93 -- -- Construction of a mosque. SOLA! CONST: Road 10 villages Surveyed WFP -- 93 -- -- 11 km / Jalrez to Darsaai with 35 small & 3 big culverts. SOLAF WATER: Structure 10 villages Surveyed WFP -- 93 -- -- 2 intakes i 201 each / stone / sand & gravel / cement / wood & steel Proposed EC -- 93 - l female doctor/ 2 female -- 93 -- -- Markaz Bee. Wardak GAF 'benefit 5,000 persons. HEALTH: Med.Training -- - nurses / 1 female vaccinator I OPD & TEA training for 30 female trainees. Maydan Shar Wardak P5 WATER: Structure Wardak Proposed UNDP CARE AGRIC: Fruit Trees Hayden Shar /I. Ash Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 16 Nurseries including all related activities. CARE AGRIC: Forestry Hayden Shar /I. Ash Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Plantation of 69,000 trees along the 35k1 irrigation canais. CARE AGRIC: Other Hayden Shar /I. Ash Proposed AID&WFP O 93 - -- Rehabilitation of one Fara which cover 47 ha area including all related activities. CARE CONST: Road Hayden Shar /I. Ash Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 - - Reconstruction of 4 Roads with the total length 39ka including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Hayden Shar /I. Ash Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 54 Shelter Í house with 108 rooaa. CARE CONST: Storage Hayden Shar /á. Ash Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 3 village level storehouses with capacity of 150 mt. CARE WATER: Iarez Haydan Shar /I. Ash Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 30 Karnes with total length 47km including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Maydan Shar /I. Ash Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 25 Irrigation canals with total length 52km including other structures. ACBAR Tangi Saydan Retaining wall. DATABASE OF Page: 319 NGO ACTIVITIES A6actrep Date: 29/08/93 6TH EDITION AGENCY SECTOR -VILLAGE(S) - - -- ACTIVITY FUNDED DURATION -- STATUS -- --BY -- Begin- -End :ACTIVITY DESCRIPTION> CARE WATER: FloodControl Maydan Sharll. Ash Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 67 Erosion barriers with stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. CARE WATER: Drinking Maydan Shar /I. Ash Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 4 Springs with total length 4km including other activities. Nerkh Wardak CARR AGRIC: Fruit Trees Nerkh Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Establishment of 10 Nurseries including all related activities. ME"' AGRIC: Forestry Nerkh Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Plantation of 45,000 trees along the 22km irrigation canale. CARE AGRIC: Other Nerkh Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of one Farm which cover 30 ha area including all related activities. CARE CONST: Road Nerkh Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Reconstruction of 3 Roads with the total length 25án including other structures. CARE CONST: Shelter Nerkh Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 35 Shelter / house with TO rooms. CARE CONST: Storage Nerkh Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 - Construction of 2 village level storehouses with capacity of 100 mt. CARE WATER: Iarez Nerkh Proposed- AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 19 Karezes with total length 31km including other structures. CARE WATER: Canal Nerkh Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 16 .Irrigation canals with total length 34km including other structures. CARE WATER: FloodControl Nerkh Proposed AID &WFP 0 93 -- -- Construction of 42 Erosion barriers with- stone masonry, compacted soil & Gabion work. CARE WATER Drinking Nerkh Proposed AID&WFP 0 93 -- -- Rehabilitation of 3 Springs with total length 3km including other activities. ' -- s Sed Wardak Abad AMRAN AGRIC: Crop Product 4 villages Proposed UNDP Multiplication of 4 MT improved rice seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea. MAN AGRIC: Crop Product 5 villages Proposed UNDP Multiplication of 3 MT improved maize seed / 3 MT DAP & 3 MT Urea. P.RR WATER: Karez Haft Asia -Salar Proposed UNDP -- 93 -- 93 CoAR AGRIC: Livestock Sayed Abad Proposed RAP /FAO -- 93 -- CoAR EDUCAT: Primary Proposed SV -- 93 -- CoAR EDUCAT: Secondary Proposed SV -- 93 -- -- CoAR HEALTH: Compr.Clinic Proposed RAP /FAO -- 93 -- -- CoAR HEALTH: MCH Proposed SV -- 93 IACBAR Sayed Abad Rehabilitation of 8 ¡areas. -- ,District level clinic. -- -- DATABASE OF NGO ACTIVITIES 6TH EDITION q Page: 320 A6actrep Date: 29/08,93 6190,'67, .a:s;T 1»i:3A9i .6£ :aaed y SSIIIAIIOV 05N d0 NOIZIQS HZ9 ;tBSwaág 98uTpTtnq I21Tdaog V IOOQOS IO BOTIVn11911O0 pa9odoad 1a1ua0 euTPITuH''tud :ZSK00 TngEZ TngEZ esp Jo uotlonllsao4 -- -- E6 -- dQKtl pasodold MRS oozing alnlOnalS Tnr,eZ du pasodold aaesttTA 0I zalVg :ROM -- d/A pasodoad aaBViitA 9 IVnsO :111VA TRY -- pOàaAlnS sa82TITA 16 70121 dQK(1 :UNA MTV paitaAlnS aaBatlTA ZOc laltaHS :IS/MO MTV aaTITQS; ;EZ lTiaaag V puVi aqTlar 6ItZ aalsFT11T ! zalsl sV ELZ 10 8utusal4 azalel içoz Moog V agTlae ççOLi 0122T11T ! R 09I POINT sazazal z)i ;o uotlslTlTgegaa imam !VOGT aen - INOW 000'L) Io BoT1ar.1:9ao3 sOH IngeZ 4eTet9 9azalsl or IO eaTasaT4 -- -- E6 -- aOH podo aszTp pasodold -- -- E6 TnggZ P80S saBsitTA 09 ue3oqO IeQ alVVZVg S2r212z2H UT lalTo9 M(111(1.2409 çI Jo BoTlanalau04 -- -- B6 -- OIKNddA pasodoad aonTl2d LZIdIZOV` ^u!--uTSag IZVat10 --Lg--QSQlifld --Sf1bVWS-- LZIdI10V ----'.S!99V77IA---- :ZSNOO 11H T uoTlVltusS VOO lIep.zeM luep,zely <NOISdIHOSfl4 MAS mu! :aHIVA uezTW paltadal ¡ 9itng psol ox 91 OVdAS :agZVA Bop ueuc..3 s1aa1VI OçZ IT;auag V sqTlar 00ç2 salvBTllT / Tauaa ,l 9i ;o uol1VITITQ2gaa H!.% sOLOHS LOK99V .
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