On-campus arrests up
On-campus arrests up
University of South Carolina Scholar Commons October 10-2-2014 The Daily Gamecock, Thursday, October 2, 2014 University of South Carolina, Office of Student Media Follow this and additional works at: http://scholarcommons.sc.edu/gamecock_2014_oct Recommended Citation University of South Carolina, Office of Student Media, "The Daily Gamecock, Thursday, October 2, 2014" (2014). October. Book 2. http://scholarcommons.sc.edu/gamecock_2014_oct/2 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the 2014 at Scholar Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in October by an authorized administrator of Scholar Commons. For more information, please contact SCHOLARC@mailbox.sc.edu. 2014 dailygamecock.com UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH CAROLINA VOL. 116, NO. 29 • SINCE 1908 WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2014 On-campus arrests up Annual report indicates increase in liquor law, drug law-related arrests on campus Hannah Jeffrey @HANNAHJEFFREY34 Liquor law-related arrests and reported sexual offenses increased on USC’s campus in 2013, according to the university’s annual crime and security report released Wednesday. On-campus liquor law violations went from 10 in 2012 to 46 last year, contributing to a 25 percent increase in overall on-campus arrests in 2013. Of the 86 on-campus drug law-related arrests, 48 were in residence halls. Three of the four forcible sex offenses reported to USCPD were in on-campus residence halls. The four reports from last year are an increase from 2012, when there were two and 2011 when there was one. Reports for the 2013 calendar year were the first to include reports of domestic violence, dating violence and stalking, but USC’s statistics indicated no such offenses were reported. On-campus burglaries and motor vehicle thefts both saw lowered rates from 2012, as did residence hall fi res. In 2013, 13 counts of harassment and stalking were reported to the office of Sexual Assault and Violence Intervention & Prevention. There were 10 sexual assaults reported to SAV IP, as well as three reports of domestic violence and 37 reports of relationship and dating violence. These numbers are not included in the overall crime totals, as they have not been investigated or confirmed against the Department of Law Enforcement and Safety’s latest reporting and some come from anonymous tips. I n ter ms of t he SEC , USC ra n k s f if t h in fewest total number of on-campus crimes. (The University of Georgia is not included in this count, due to a difference in the format of the data.) Mississippi State University reported the fewest crimes on campus with 22, while the University of Mississippi reported the most with 130. Universities across the country are required Mississippi State Arkansas 50 SEC* On-Campus Texas A&M Crimes in 2013 *University of Georgia omitted Missouri USC Alabama Auburn Tennessee Florida Vanderbilt LSU Kentucky Ole Miss 100 by law to report campus, noncampus and public property crimes each year under the Clery Act. On-campus statistics represent crimes reported on property owned or controlled by the university; prop er t y “re a son ably cont ig uou s to ot her University owned property; and property used by the school in direct support or in relation to the university’s educational purpose.” DG Student shifts gears to movie making Dance school nationally recognized Program rated as ‘under the radar’ school in national dance publication Collyn Taylor @COLLYNPTAYLOR The South Carolina School of Dance was named as one of the top “under the radar” schools for ballet education by Dance magazine. Entering its seventh year, the school was ranked with Mercyhurst University and the College-Conservatory of Music at the University of Cincinnati as top nonconservatory schools to consider. USC was compared to Jiulliard, the University of Indiana and Butler University, schools known for their dance programs. After the recognition, director and founder of the USC Dance Company Susan A nderson said that her phone Courtesy of Brandon Davis DANCE • 2 Davis enlisted the help of the Richland County Sheriff’s Department to help film a car chase for his new movie. Filmmaker raises funds to support new movie production Collyn Taylor @COLLYNPTAYLOR “Don’t tell me what I can’t do.” For fourth-year Interdisciplinary St udies st udent Brandon Davis, it’s more than the saying he has tattooed on him. Dav is has a mov ie called “Shifting Gears” that he is trying to raise funds to make. To him, he’s more concerned about seeing what he can do rather than what people say he can’t do. He has met with the president of A MC to discuss t urning his script into a TV show, however the network pulled away when they saw the budget. “Even though I am passionate about it,” Davis said, “it’s hard to get someone to spend $26 million on a 13-episode run for somebody who’s never proven t hemselves before.” After that, he was in touch with an investor in New Jersey to turn the script into a movie. When he found out about that, he worked all weekend rewriting it, only sleeping for six hours during that time. A nd, much l i ke A MC , t he investor pulled out after seeing the budget. “That was so frustrating,” Davis said. “I had to take off of work, I had to rearrange my schedule to make this work only to fi nd out this guy was going to fade away after we hit him with the numbers.” But , Dav is doe sn’t let t hose things get him down. He said that he has a drive that is different and that keeps him going. For “Shifting Gears”, he was able to convince a police department to agree to do a car chase in Columbia with him. He said that he loves to fi lm trailers to show to people. “It was more rewarding to make the trailer and share it with people and hear them say, ‘Holy s---, you really got a police car and got it to chase you down the street,” Davis said. He is work i ng w it h A nt won Tanner from One Tree Hill and hopes to get Chad Michael Murray to work on t he f i l m if he get s enough money. He said that he hopes to raise $20,000 to get both, but he will DAVIS • 3 Courtesy of Kevin Bush The program houses 80 total dance majors. 2 Wednesday, October 2, 2014 Man at large after cutting woman’s cheek, throat Calhoun County Sheriff’s Department is still searching for a man who cut a woman’s throat, WIS reported. According to Sheriff Thomas Summers , 35-yearold Charles Lamont Winston, Jr., invited a woman over to his house late Tuesday night. After being in the house for a couple of minutes, t he woman t ried to leave. Before she cou ld, Winston cut her throat and cheek before she escaped. Summers said Winston has a history of mental ill ness a nd shou ld be considered ar med a nd dangerous. He also said t he at tack on t he woman was “seemingly unprovoked and brutal.” Summers said if anyone comes into contact with Winston they should not try to talk to him and should call 911 instead. Anyone wanting to remain anonymous can call Crimestoppers. —Compiled by Collyn Taylor, Assistant News Editor DANCE • Contd. from 1 “never stops ringing” with people wanting to be in the dance school. She sa id she a nd t he faculty can bring in great students and that contributes to the talent in the school — Anderson compares her faculty recruiting students to that of the football team w it h he ad coac h Ste ve Spurrier and his assistant coaches. “The dancers come here to be trained by the faculty ... I am like the Spurrier,” A nderson sa id. “I have put an incredible facult y underneath me, and the students come here to study with them.” The school focuses primarily on classic ballet, while most other universities focus on modern dance. “W hen you have a strong classical training Secret Service Director resigns after miscues Secret Service Director Julia Pierson resigned f rom her posit ion Wed ne sday, USA Today reported. The resig nat ion came af ter scr ut iny f rom lawmakers about her recent miscues in presidential security. Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson said that the Secret Service will now be evaluated by a panel of “independent experts.” Pierson will be succeeded by former Secret Service official Joseph Clancy, who will take over the position on an interim basis. The resignation came on the heels of a man climbing over the fence of the White House and making his way into the executive mansion before being caught. Off icials also said this week that an armed security guard with a felony record was allowed to board an elevator with President Barack Obama, which is a violation of Secret Service protocol. —Compiled by Collyn Taylor, Assistant News Editor Eight teens, one adult involved in murder case Eight teens have been arrested in conjunction with the deaths of two Bishopville teens, The State reported. Lee County Sheriff Daniel Simon said Wednesday that Dontrell Fortune, 18, and Shakez Bracey, 17, were shot and killed. The altercation occurred over drug money, according to the Lee County Sheriff’s Office. Police believe that Fortune and his two brothers shot and killed Bracey Friday and Bracey’s friends murdered Fortune in retaliation. Fortune was shot and killed Saturday morning. Bracey was reported missing when he didn’t return from school Friday. His body was found about a mile from Fortune’s home Tuesday afternoon. Along with the eight teenagers, a 48-year-old woman was arrested for being an accessory to murder. Those involved with the two shootings were charged with murder. One teenage accomplice was arrested for accessory after helping the others evade the police. —Compiled by Collyn Taylor, Assistant News Editor and foundation, your body is allowed to move in and out of any position and you have the security and the st reng t h to support it,” Anderson said. T he school ha s been able to br i ng big na me choreographers to teach dance and perform complex choreography like that of George Balanchine. A nderson said that the reason students come to the school is because of the different styles of dance they learn. “You want to go to an orchest ra bec au se t hey play Beethoven,” she said. “My dancers come here because they want to dance Balanchine and they want to have an incredible repertoire that pushes their career forward.” Courtesy of Kevin Bush DG The dance program offers several different types of choreography for students to learn and perform. Wednesday, October 2, 2014 DAVIS • Continued from 1 make a movie regardless of how much money is raised. Usually scripts are written and sold to big movie companies for them to produce. Davis said that he has no intention to do that. “I’m not doing it for the money; I’m doing it to do it, to show everyone my story that I wrote,” he said. After seeing his mom win a battle with breast cancer in high school, he says that he pulls some of his drive from her. Raised in a single-parent household, he wants to pay back his mother for all she did for him. He said that his mother would be his date to his fi rst movie premier. “I watched her struggle and she does everything that she can to help me out. I want to make her proud and show her that she raised her kid right and that he can be successful.” Davis launched a website for his movie earlier this week and is still fundraising for “Shifting Gears” and hopes to get the project off the ground 3 soon. Right now, he works at Longhorn Steakhouse in the Vista and as a movie critic for WACH Fox, a local TV station. But, he hopes he’ll be able to dedicate his full time to making movies soon. “I want to prove to myself and everyone else that says no or doubts it, I can.” Courtesy of Brandon Davis He didn’t just act in the trailer for “Shifting Gears” — Davis is directing it, too. You’ll like it a latte. 1210 Main Street Near Main and Gervais (803) 931-1200 | M-F 7am–5pm Sat 8am–Noon FirstCitizensCafe.com @fccafecola SOUTH CAROLINA STATE FAIRGROUNDS Add SCStateFair on Snapchat for exclusive College Day offers, contests, & sneak peeks of whats coming this Fall. DG Wednesday, October 2, 2014 HANNAH JEFFREY EMILY READY CODY SCOGGINS BELVIN OLASOV Editor-in-Chief Copy Desk Chief Asst. Photo Editor The Mix Editor SAMANTHA LOCKWOOD GREY KLEIN BEN CRAWFORD TANNER ABEL Managing Editor Asst. Design Director Viewpoints Editor Asst. Sports Editor USC’s crime data misleading ISSUE USC reported crime is on the decline. OUR STANCE There isn’t enough data to make a judgment yet. The story isn’t new: a college campus gets a rash of reported crimes at the beginning of a new year. Both the university and local police call press conferences to address the issue. Word of mouth spreads: “Crime wave on campus.” More people begin to carr y pepper spray walk ing home at night. Worried students talk to their parents. The university, in response, sends out year-by-year statistics evidently showing an overall decrease in crime to mollify student and parent alike. Some reported crimes turn out to be false. Others continue to be under investigation. Relieved by the comfort that the statistics provide, they once again feel secure for their children. Parents continue to pay tuition, and the university has avoided an unflattering media message. USC’s storyline basically follows this pattern: On Parents Weekend, the university released a two-page handout concerning crime on campus to try to quell parents’ troubled questions before they’re asked. The proffered statistics tell a simple story: from 2012 to 2014, the total reported crime has gone down each year. Combining the USC campus and USC area crime, the handout reports 518 offenses in 2012, 415 in 2013 and 281 in 2014. The page itself is mostly focused “We feel that the statistics presented in the handout paint an incomplete picture.” around the prominent bar graphs at the top of the page. It is an effective pamphlet. A visiting parent, fretting over the idea that they might have made a mistake sending their child to USC, is reassured by the graphs, clearly demarcating the decline in crime. While there are no discrepancies between the statistics offered by the pamphlet and the USC’s 2014 A nnual Securit y Report, there are numerous misleading factors concerning how the information is presented. First off, 2014 isn’t over yet. The huge jump from 415 crimes in 2013 to 281 this year is only representative of every month before October, which the university points out in a footnote. But for the last two years, October was the month with the most reported crime. While there is no guarantee that the same October crime “bump” will repeat itself this year, we feel that the statistics presented in the handout paints a incomplete picture. Printing it at a time when all the data isn’t yet available is inherently misleading, and serves to bolster the reputation of the university when the information simply isn’t in yet. Also, instead of zeroing in on the period when crime seemed rampant t his year (t he period between August and September), the pamphlet focuses on the entire year’s worth of crime, f urther muddying the picture. We feel that if the university feels the need to release a report about on-campus crime, one with a more complete statistical message that is released when all the facts are on the table, would paint a picture of crime at USC closer to the truth. Obama should focus on peace at home While president sets sights on overseas enemy, tensions between police, citizenry rise President Barack Obama stated that “a gulf of mistrust” exists between the citizens of America and their police forces at the Cong ressional Black Cauc us Fou ndat ion A n nua l Phoen i x Awards dinner earlier this week. There must have been a blue moon in the sk y that evening bec au se I ag ree w it h h i m emphatically. H is speech focused on t he racia l d ispa r it ies w it h i n t he criminal justice system, focusing on the August shooting of an unarmed African American teen in Ferguson, Missouri as but one example of a widespread problem. The disproportional targeting of African American youth “makes folks who are victimized by crime and need strong policing reluctant to go to the police because they may not trust them.” The numbers back him up on those claims. According to 2010 reports, 3.8 out of every 1,000 Caucasians in the United States are incarcerated, while the same figure for African Americans is a whopping 22 per 1000. Amongst males age 25-29, 14 per 1000 Caucasia ns a re i n detent ion centers and a mind boggling 89 per 1000 African Americans are locked up with them. If you’re not great at math, I’ll simplify that for you: almost 10 percent of African American males between 25 and 29 years old live behind bars and African A mer ica ns on t he whole are incarcerated at a rate almost si x t i me s t h at of Cauc a sia n Americans. W it h nu m b e r s l i k e t h at , it’s hard to deny that African Americans are facing punishment at a disproportionate rate. But simply ident if y ing/admitt ing that this discrimination exists is just the first step — the real focus needs to be on tracing the roots of the problem and weeding them out . T he s p e e c h President Oba ma gave was wonderful at drawing attention to t he s y mptom s but stopped short of Ross naming their cause, Abbott let alone prescribing Third-year business student a solution. President Nixon’s war on drugs was declared in 1971, the same time incarceration rates (of all races) began their rocket-like ascent from just over two per 1,000 in 1970 to just shy of eight per 1,000 now. W hen t he war on dr ugs wa s decla red by Pre sident Nixon in 1971, drug abuse was t r a n sfor med f rom a d isea se (like alcoholism) into a crime, police officers were transformed from keepers of the peace into sold ier s, fou r t h a mend ment search and seizure protections were transformed from natural rights into inconveniences, low income neighborhoods where d r ug s were ra mpa nt were transformed from homes into battlefields, and the residents of those neighborhoods (who were disproportionately minorities) were transformed from citizens in need of protection into enemy combatants. As a result, overall incarceration rates jumped from a (previously declining) two per 1,000 to the nearly eight per 1,000 we see now. Police officers can’t be blamed for disproportionately targeting minorities — Nixon added that to their job description 43 years ago. Minorities (and the population in general) can’t be blamed for distrusting the police in a nation with a higher imprisonment rate than Cuba, Rwanda, Russia, and Iran. President Obama should have an excellent understanding of the drug war’s role in creating this distrust; he’s admitted to smoking marijuana in his youth. Do you think he’d still trust the police after a blinding flashbang grenade exploded in his face, announcing a no-knock raid of officers in combat gear pointing assault rifles at him, all to stop him from smoking some bud? The only way to restore the trust Americans have lost in our police is to abolish the mentality of “the police versus the people.” The war on drugs was started by one President and can be ended by another. If he really wants to make a difference in police discrimination, President Obama should find some time during his busy schedule of starting wars in the Middle East to end the one we’re waging against our own people. Campus crime remains issue, lesser known events still occur Association with crime victims reinforces need for action Miss Jeffrey, I was highly disappointed to see your article t it led "Pr u it t: 4 repor ted cr i mes u nt r ue" head l i n i ng t he f ront of [ Monday's] Da i ly Gamecock. While it may be true that the four specific incidents mentioned in the article turned out to be mistaken, the article was very misleading in that it focused on only those four incidents and mentioned the numerous actual crimes committed against students only glancingly on the second page or not at all. T here is u ndoubted ly a c r i me problem centered around the USC campus, and it is because of my own experience and not because of social media that I no longer feel as safe as I once did on my campus. Several weeks ago, my roommate was robbed at gunpoint at 2:30 p.m. while coming home from class, right outside our apartment building in a student apartment complex across the street from the USC baseball stadium. Less than a week later, another girl I have known since my freshman year was robbed on Greene Street while walking home with two of her friends. These are just a few of the recent crimes that I know to be true because someone connected to me personally was one of the victims. As a junior, I have lived on or near this campus for over two years and have never before heard of a crime targeting someone connected to me personally, and I know many others can relate to that. In addition, these are not students who are making risky decisions such as coming home by themselves late at night or staying in Five Points until 3 a.m. T hese a re responsible st udent s ma k i ng responsible decisions who had f rightening crimes committed against them. To have their hardships downplayed on the front page of a newspaper that is supposedly their newspaper, a newspaper run by students for students, was extremely upsetting. Although it may be true that the particular crimes mentioned turned out to be untrue, there are still far more reports that are true. So why are we covering up the crime problem rather than dealing with it head on? Your article criticized social media outlets that "thrive on sensationalism," yet it sensationalized the idea that these four crimes were untrue, proclaiming it in a front page headline and calling the reports "stories" in bold print, while the important message of the article was buried further back on another page: "'Even if we have to go back in the end and say that didn't happen, that's OK,' Hickman said. 'We don't want people to feel like reporting things is bad if they aren't certain. It's better to err on the side of caution.'" There is a crime problem on this campus. Students present easy targets for crime because they frequently carry valuables with them and are less likely than nonstudents to carry weapons of their own due to campus regulations. Students should be on the alert and taking safety precautions, and they should never be afraid to report any suspicious circumstances. USCPD, CPD a nd t he u n iversit y need to be doing more to ensure t he safet y of our students and visitors to our campus, rather than attempting to cover up a problem and hide it from visiting parents. Most importantly, however, students should be supporting each other no matter what. That includes the students who write for The Daily Gamecock. —Written by Elizabeth Ernest, third-year fi nance and marketing student CONTACT INFORMATION IT’S YOUR RIGHT The goal of The Daily Gamecock’s V ie w p oi nt s page i s to st i mu late discussion in the University of South Carolina community. All published authors are expected to provide logical arguments to back their views. The Daily Gamecock encourages readers to voice opinions and offers three methods of expression: letters to the editor, guest columns and feedback on dailygamecock.com. Letters and guest columns should be submitted via email to editor@ dailygamecock.com. Letters must be 200 to 300 words in length and include the author’s name, year in school and area of study. We also invite student leaders and USC faculty members to submit guest columns. Columnists should keep submissions to about 500 words in length and include the author’s name and position. The editor reserves the right to edit and condense submissions for length and clarity, or not publish at all. A ll subm issions become t he property of The Daily Gamecock and must conform to the legal standards of USC Student Media. CORRECTIONS If you find an error in today’s edition of The Daily Gamecock, let us know about it. Email editor@dailygamecock.com and we will print the correction in our next issue. Offices located on the third floor of Russell House Editor-in-Chief HANNAH JEFFREY Managing Editor SAMANTHA LOCKWOOD Online Editor KATIE COLE Design Director BRITTANY WILT Managing Design Directors BIANCA CORREA GREY KLEIN RACHAEL MCGAHEE Special Sections Director KELLY VILLWOCK Special Editorial Director LOIS CARLISLE Copy Desk Chiefs EMILY READY RICHARD LIPKIN Asst. Copy Desk Chiefs DREW MUELLER MARY KATE GARMIRE Senior Copy Editor MARY HINNANT News Editor NATALIE PITA Asst. News Editor COLLYN TAYLOR Viewpoints Editor BENJAMIN CRAWFORD Asst. Viewpoints Editor KATHLEEN SCHIPANO The Mix Editor BELVIN OLASOV Asst. Mix Editors ARTIE BRASWELL ERIKA RYAN 4 EDITOR editor@dailygamecock.com NEWS news@dailygamecock.com VIEWPOINTS viewpoints@dailygamecock.com THE MIX mix@dailygamecock.com SPORTS sports@dailygamecock.com PHOTO photo@dailygamecock.com Newsroom: 777-7726 Editor’s office: 777-3914 Sports: 777-7182 Sports Editor DANNY GARRISON Asst. Sports Editors DAVID ROBERTS TANNER ABEL Photo Editors KAMILA MELKO HANNAH CLEAVELAND Asst. Photo Editor CODY SCOGGINS Student Media Director SCOTT LINDENBERG Faculty Adviser DOUG FISHER Creative Director EDGAR SANTANA Business Manager KRISTINE CAPPS Advertising Manager SARAH SCARBOROUGH Fax: 777-6482 Production Manager DEGAN CHEEK Creative Services ASHLEY CROMPTON RANNAH DERRICK LINA LEGARE KODY KRATZER Student Advertising Manager JAKE ROSE Advertising Representatives DAVID CHEETHAM THOMAS DIGENNARO MICHELE DRESSLER AMBER GRANT DREW HART IAN PEACOCK ERIN O’CONNELL HOLLY HEATON WRIGHT CLARKSON JOSHUA DAVISON Wednesday, October 2, 2014 5 ‘Ajax’ shows all sides of war Kendra Little / THE DAILY GAMECOCK Ajax’s madness serves as a commentary on the ravages of war, a more outsized complement to the story of A.J. and her struggle with PTSD and sexual assault. Longstreet production “Ajax in Iraq” tells dual stories of war’s impact Belvin Olasov @BELVINOLASOV According to “Ajax in Iraq,” the Iraq War and the Trojan War aren’t so different after all — they’re both wars, with all of the dehumanizing violence that implies. “Ajax in Iraq,” a war drama that will play at Longstreet Theatre from October 3-11, features two stories in parallel: that of A.J., an Iraqi soldier, and that of Greek hero Ajax. Thirdyear theater and English student Jaime Boller plays A.J., giving the character a brittle, toughened exterior. “She’s dealing with PTSD, she’s far away from home … She has to survive. In order to survive she has been having a coercive relationship with her sergeant, and this is very traumatic for her,“ Boller said. “It’s hard enough to be in the Middle East, but adding in sexual trauma and that abuse of power is even more for her.” It ’s t wo i mpor t a nt is s ue s, t he ef fect s of war a nd t he ef fect s of gender polit ics, converg ing onto one soldier. Peter Duffy, director of “Ajax” and head of the MAT program in theatre education, looked at the sexual assault aspects as universal, not military-specific. “The military is a microcosm of our culture as a whole, and I think they aren’t exempt from gender politics,” Duffy said. “I don’t think they deal with it at a more elevated rate than we do. You know, you just have to look at the NFL if you want to talk about gender politics in all kinds of ways. I don’t think the military is a special case, and I hope people don’t leave this play thinking we’re poking a stick in the eye of the military.” If the sheer seriousness of the subject matter is starting to scare you, don’t worry — the Iraq segments run sideby-side with the story of Ajax, told by gleefully anachronistic narrator Athena. His descent into madness comes from the tradition of Greek tragedy but blends in a more accessible theatricality. Ajax is an outsized hero, savage and noble all at once, and Athena toes the line between comic and terrifying. “To have this striking Athena who will says things like ‘bonkers’ and ‘bananas’ is really kind of fun,” Duffy said. The set is a map of Iraq cracked to pieces, giving the actors rugged terrain to explore. And explore they do — “Ajax in Iraq” is an unusually kinetic play, a style prompted by the climactic dance scene in the middle courtesy of Terrance Henderson. “He made it look primitive and primal a nd raw a nd beaut if u l … grotesquely beautiful, all at the same time,” Duffy said of the dance scene. “He is just incredibly creative and insight f u l a nd he’s just a master m o v e m e nt c o a c h . He c a n t u r n nondancers into dancers like —” he snaps his fingers, “that.” The dance scene represents the violence the female soldiers endure, a theme that encompasses both the ravages of war on the psyche and the potentially dangerous power held by army officials. A.J. bears the brunt of these abuses, which makes her a difficult character to portray. “I have had to be really caref ul get t i ng i nto cha rac ter w it h A .J. because it’s a tough thing to play someone who’s depressed — you have to be careful to not get into that headspace too much,” Boller said. “I’ve had to be really careful to say good night to her every night and try to leave her at the theater.” As the play progresses, its scope expands to critique the war as a whole and the way we treat our soldiers. Duffy sees the play as pro-soldier, not necessarily anti-war, but critical of the Iraq War. “There are absolutely times where military might is required, and thank AJAX • 6 HairWalk raises awareness with style Runway show serves as fundraiser, rallies support for survivors Erika Ryan @RIKA_RYAN W h i le c a ncer awa rene s s f u nd r a i ser s h ave traditionally been 5K run-walks, there are more ways to spread the message. Strutting your stuff on the catwalk can make the same impact. Alisa Barnes, a prominent hair stylist and salon boutique owner in Columbia, started the event in 2013. After being in the cosmetology business for 20 years, many of her clients going through chemotherapy and radiation for cancer treatment experienced hair loss, which struck a blow to their confidence. This inspired HairWalk, an event that celebrates elegance with a good cause — their mission is to help save lives while also boosting self-esteem. “I t hought it would be g reat if t he fash ion community, hair community and makeup artists could come together to fight cancer with style,” Barnes said. “Then, HairWalk was born.” When supporting the fight against cancer, knowing what you’re up against is enough to make a difference. For those stuck in a fashion rut, Barnes believes changing up your look is enough to spread awareness. “Every day that fits your style or your trend, you could look at yourself and say, ‘I can do something greater and create a bigger impact by joining this movement, Fighting Cancer with Style,’” Barnes said. Last year, HairWalk kicked off their event with 100 models, including 50 cancer survivors and around 500 attendees. With such a big turnout, $2,500 was donated to both Palmetto Health Foundation and South Carolina Oncology Associates. As a fundraiser, most of the money raised comes from ticket sales, but the organization is accepting donations in time, as well as money. HairWalk gets backing from a strong volunteer base. Models, designers, photographers and all general staff behind the scenes are positions held by supporters lending a helping hand. After the success of 2013’s HairWalk, the movement has expanded and will be hosted in Charlotte this year, as well as Columbia. This year, special guest Brandi Maxiell of VH1’s Basketball Wives LA will be featured at the event and will host a meet and greet Friday morning. While breast cancer predominately affects women, it impacts a number of men as well. HairWalk begins Friday, Oct. 3, with the Pink Tie Charity Sponsor and VIP Reception. The Pink Tie auction from HairWalk 2013 was meant to spread awareness and raise money for men that are diagnosed with breast cancer as well as supporters that have been affected in their roles as fathers, husbands or sons. This year, the reception is intended to bring together men who support those affected by breast cancer. The organization is encouraging guests to wear pink ties to show that “Real Men Wear Pink.” Although HairWalk’s end goal is to spread cancer awareness, the main event, HeadHunterz, is still a competition for the cosmetology students participating. Last year, each school presented their wigs on the runway with a particular element’s theme, and this year’s theme is “Animal Instinct”. This Friday, cosmetology students from the Paul Courtesy of HairWalk HAIRWALK • 6 The HeadHunterz competition has cosmetology students make wigs that go to cancer survivors. 6 Wednesday, October 2, 2014 WOW We’ve had a makeover. HAIRWALK • Continued from 5 AJAX • Continued from 5 Mitchell Beauty School on Gervais and Virginia College-Columbia will compete for the HeadHunterz 2014 Visionary Award. HairWalk may only be two years old, but Barnes is opt imist ic for this year’s turn out at the Columbia Metropolitan Convention Center this Friday night. She said this movement is something survivors need everywhere because spreading encouragement and awareness is the first step to winning the battle against cancer. “Wherever there’s a Macy’s, a Cato’s, a Nordstrom ... there should be a HairWalk,” Barnes said. God there are people willing to do that,” he said. “That being said … war’s not always the answer. It should be, to be cliché about it, a last resort.” Duf f y is i nterested i n t he reaction of college viewers to the play, considering their distanced relationship to the war. “I think, to a large degree, college viewers are desensitized to it. It’s been in the ether so much that it’s hard to take it all in and give it all equal measure,” Duffy said. “And so, I hope the play will make these people a little more real and will make the situation a little bit more tangible.” DG DG Find us at our new locations: • The corner of Blossom & Main St. • The front of Colloquium Cafe Kendra Little / THE DAILY GAMECOCK “Ajax” expands its scope to comment on structural problems affecting soldiers. Wednesday, October 2, 2014 7 TRAVEL BAHAMAS SPRING BREAK $189 for 5 Days. All prices include: Round-trip luxury party cruise. Accommodations on the island at your choice of thirteen resorts. Appalachia Travel. www.BahamaSun.com 800-867-5018 PHDUMB • BELVIN OLASOV KENKEN HOROSCOPES Aries Leo Sagittarius Expect the unexpected. D o n’t w a s t e a c e nt . Re-t h in k old beliefs. Med it at ion revea ls another level. Private conversat ions help. Don’t be stopped by past failures. Learn from your mistakes, and your status rises with new skills. A surprise job or income source emerges. Jump on a chance to fly. Stop for rest when you need it. Play to win! Don’t overspend or speculate, borrow or lend. Provide excellent service with a smile. Prov ide leadersh ip at w o r k . Tr y a n e w idea. Get eclectic and creative. Listen to all considerat ions before committing money, or it could get awkward. A bonus could fatten your wallet. Surprise your family with a treat. Taurus You’re in the mood to de-clutter. Get family involved, and lighten you r col lec t ive load. Re wa rd ef for t s w it h fun and treats. Deduct poi nt s for t a nt r u m s. Listen to other people’s id e a s . D a nc e i n t he newly cleared space. Listen to your intuition. Choose an exotic destination for your next adventure. Did lightning strike? It could feel that way. Rest and cool down. Play your cards close to your chest. Study and make plans. Virgo Gemini Libra Wait before making your move; conditions will improve. Exercise extra caution when driving, and watch out for surprises. Reevaluate your route and itinerar y. Handle paper work rega rd i ng shared resources. Reward your efforts with something fun. Ta k e e x t r a c a r e . D o n’t f o r g e t t o d o a n i mp or t a nt job at home. Unforeseen c i rc u m st a nce s cou ld preempt your plans. Be ca ref u l t r y i ng a new tech n ique or t r ick . Things may not go as ex pec ted. Ta ke deep breaths. Cancer Scorpio An unexpected c i rc u mst a nce cou ld frustrate a collaboration. Work interferes w it h travel. Take time outs to reduce stress. Don’t t a ke f i n a nc ia l r i sk s . A l low e x t r a t i me i n your schedule for the unforeseen. Compromise and work it out. Ta k e c a r e t o a v o i d m i s com mu n ic at ion s. Listen to a loved one’s considerat ions. Don’t ju st t h row mone y at a dome st ic problem. Create t i me for f u n. Adapt to changes and allow t ime to adjust. Think before speaking. Capricorn St a r t w it h t he mo s t difficult thing on your l i s t . D o n’t b e l i e v e ever y t h ing you hear, or make assumptions. Mechanical breakdown could slow the action. Conditions seem unstable. Grace under pressure raises you r con f idence a nd professional status. Courtesy of kenken.com Fill in the grid with the numbers 1-8. A number cannot be repeated in any row or column. Numbers within the same heavily-outlined region must produce the number given in the top left corner of the region when combined with the operation symbol given. 10/01/14 Aquarius Don’t make expensive promises or waste cash. Hold onto what you have. Identify new resources. Introspection and planning save time a n d m o n e y. D r e a m about your next advent u re. You get a surprise win. Pisces Don’t get intimidated. Take on a leadersh ip att it ude. Things may not go as plan ned, but you r f r iend s a re here for you. Listen to intuition. This is a test. Resourceful efforts pay dividends. @thegamecock 10/1/14 1 2 3 4 For solutions to today’s puzzle, go to dailygamecock.com or download our app! ACROSS 1 Short trips 5 Daylong march 10 Baseball cards unit 14 Swiss river 15 Stereotypical dog name 16 __ Bator, Mongolia 17 *Steady, unobtrusive background sound 19 Pixar fish 20 “Roots” hero __ Kinte 21 China’s Mao __tung 22 Gap rival 23 The Blue Jays, on scoreboards 24 *Highly charged, as a topic 26 Bustle of activity 28 Kids’ touching game 30 Automaker with a four-ring logo 31 *Sleeper sofa 34 Soothing words 38 Bk. before Job 39 Slow-moving tree-hanging animal 41 Fingered, as a perp 42 Arnaz-Ball studio 44 *Nouveau riche 46 Feudal slave 48 Chou En-__ 49 Intractable beast 50 *Especially favorable agreement 54 Dallas sch. 56 Shopping meccas 57 D-Day craft 58 They’re often cluttered in offices 61 Entr’__ 62 Mr. who debuted 5/1/1952, or in a way, what the first word of the answers to starred clues can be 64 Hershey’s toffee bar 65 __ Gay: WWII plane 66 “See ya” 67 Sugar pies 68 Heat-resistant glassware 69 Out of control DOWN 1 Taloned bird 2 Pacific island on which much of “Lost” was filmed 3 Hard copies 4 Contentious confrontation 5 Directional ending 6 Dental whitening agent 7 French ordercarrying craft 8 Former coin of Spain 9 Cockney’s “in this place” 10 Strict observance of formalities 11 Warning 12 Brief acting role 13 Familiar 18 Only planet with exactly one moon 22 Sensei’s teaching 25 Baloney 26 Scored a hole-inone on 27 Unit of reality? For solutions to today’s puzzle, go to dailygamecock.com or download our app! 29 Silly 32 Con men 33 King of the ring 35 On and on and on and ... 36 Average marks 37 Ice cream brand 40 Revealing, like the heart in a Poe title 43 “We’re in!” 45 Mess up 47 More than a misdemeanor 50 Hard tennis shot 51 Screwball 52 “Your Song” singer John 53 Fur tycoon 55 Zubin with a baton 59 Green Hornet’s sidekick 60 State west of Minn. 62 Get-up-and-go 63 Income __ Wednesday, October 2, 2014 8 Women’s soccer hopes to rebound Olivia Barthel / THE DAILY GAMECOCK Freshman Savannah McCaskill has helped set up chances on offense, co-leading South Carolina with three assists and leading the team with 11 shots on goal. No. 24 Gamecocks take on Alabama, LSU this weekend Connor Hazelton @CONNORHAZELTON After dropping two home games last week and falling in the top-25 polls to No. 24, the Gamecocks look to rebound this weekend as they take on Alabama and LSU. Sout h Ca rol i na lost to fel low conference foes Missouri and No. 22 G eorg ia last week , dropping its record to 8-3-0 with a 1-2 SEC record. Head coach Shelley Smith touched on some of the things the G amecock s need to improve on in practice this week before they deepen into their SEC schedule. “ We h a d t o w o r k o n o u r aggressiveness in the attacking third, overall our compet it iveness and playing to compete and win,” she said. “They stepped up and worked extremely hard, and if they train like they did [Tuesday] morning, we’re going to win many more games this fall.” Smith also added that practices gain higher intensity during a losing streak. “Somet i mes it t a kes losses to realize what your weaknesses are and what you need to work on,” she said. “It can be a good thing, and we can turn it around from losses instead of making it another loss. I think that’s where this team’s at, and I think we’re ready to go and compete on Friday.” Senior goalkeeper Sabrina D’Angelo took last week’s 1-0 loss to G eorg ia espec ia l ly ha rd a nd is look i ng to b ou nce back t h is upcoming weekend. “It was a tough one to swallow — we’re a better team than that,” she said. “It sucks I let in such a bad goal, which lost the game for us. We have to regroup as a team and come back to be ready for this weekend coming up.” The Gamecocks were undefeated at home last year, but since then have dropped three of their first seven home games on the season. “ It ’s been ou r goa l to w i n at home, so I think that’s something we have to look at and fix because [a home loss] should never happen,” D’Angelo said. South Carolina travels to Alabama (7-3-1) on Friday, and then returns home for its game against LSU (46-2) on Sunday. Smith mentioned that having two games in a weekend is never easy, but it’s something you have to get used to. “It’s difficult, Sunday games are not great,” she said. “In the SEC we know that, we as coaches try to spread out games as best we can. That’s why there are games where you see some weekends where you have one game. No one likes the Sunday games, but you have to rely on your depth and your fitness you came in the preseason with and just dig down to see who wants it more. You never actually get used to the Sunday games, but you know what to expect.” Volleyball to face Bulldogs The Gamecock volleyball team w ill make a trip down to Mississippi State (512, 0-2 SEC) to take on the Bulldogs. Friday’s matchup will test whether South Carolina (11-3, 1-1 SEC) can rebound from its fi rst conference loss against Kentucky this past Sunday. Freshman Taylr McNeil and sophomore Koko Atoa-Williams have paired up to lead the team on offense. McNeil has accumulated 191 kills while Atoa-Williams has compiled 143 kills. In two SEC matches against Mississippi a n d K e nt u c k y, M c Ne i l h a s le d t h e Gamecocks with 31 kills combined. Senior Mikaela Christiaansen has done the dirty work to keep points alive with 48 digs in the two conference games. She leads the team with 234 digs on the year. South Carolina will look to get an upper hand quickly against Mississippi State, as the Bulldogs have yet to show that they can compete in a tough SEC. —Compiled by Tanner Abel, Assistant Sports Editor T h i s sea son , S out h Ca rol i n a has received some exceptional play from freshman midfielder Savannah McCaskill, who is tied for the team lead in assists with three, and has added a goal to her resume as well. She is probably due to tally up more goals, as she also leads the team in shots on goal with 11. “I think she’s a tremendous player. She’s a freshman that’s come into a tough environment, and we’ve put a lot on her to play right away for us, and she’s done very well,” Smith said. “She’s shown the abilit y she has, and she’s just a good overall soccer player. We’ve needed her in the attack, and she’s done well to set up plays.” Sophomore forward Sophie Groff and junior forward Raina Johnson h ave a l so paced t he G a meco ck offense with four and three goals, respectively. A f ter ret u r n i ng home f rom Alabama, South Carolina takes on LSU this Sunday at 1 p.m. DG Women’s tennis heads to Princeton Invitational T he women’s ten n is tea m w i l l travel to Princeton, New Jersey for the Princeton Invitational that runs Friday through Sunday. The Gamecocks started out the season strong, posting a combined 23-5 record at the Milwaukee Tennis Classic wit h sophomore Caroline Dailey getting the title of singles cha mpion a nd sen ior Megha n Blevins earning the runner-up nod in singles. Dailey and freshman Megen Cochran also won the doubles’ title in Milwaukee. In the Furman Fall Classic, South Carolina cooled down a little bit, as head coach Kevin Epley’s group went 5-5 in singles play this past Sunday. Cochran and Dailey repeated their Milwaukee success with a doubles title over Alabama while Blevins and sophomore Brigit Folland received a doubles title for knocking off a pair from Vanderbilt. Cochran and Blevins are tied for the best record overall on the team in singles, as each has started out 5-1. —Compiled by Tanner Abel, Assistant Sports Editor Olivia Barthel / THE DAILY GAMECOCK Senior Mikaela Christiaansen leads the Gamecocks with 234 total digs this year and 48 in conference play.
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