Coeur d` Alene High School Theatre Department Presents Where is


Coeur d` Alene High School Theatre Department Presents Where is
Coeur d'Alene School District 271
Coeur d’ Alene High School Electronic Newsletter
March 26, 2015
Volume 1, issue 5
Events Calendar
Coeur d’ Alene High School Theatre Department Presents
3/27 - 4/3 Spring Break
Where is Charlie?
4/6 - Classes Resume
An Original Vaudeville Comedy in Two Acts
4/7 - Graduation Ticket Sign-up
4/8 - Senior Project Practice
4/10 -Cap and Gown Pick Up
4/10 - Gold Cord Presentation
The three time Idaho State Drama
champions, Coeur d’Alene High
School Theatre Department, is proud
to produce an original vaudeville comedy in two acts, Where is Charlie?
The original
musical num4/13 - Football Parent Meeting 6pm
bers, various
time periods,
4/14 - PTA Meeting 6pm
and overall
spectacle in this
4/15 - Senior Project Presentations
This debut production explores the
production is
4/16 - Blood Drive
original American art form of vaudesure to AMAZE!
villian performance with singing,
The show runs
4/18 - Senior Prom CDA Resort
dancing, storytelling, pantomime,
at 7 p.m. on
tricks, and more! This is the second
4/20 - Senior Parent Meeting 6pm
April 23, 24, 25,
original production for the CHS Thea- 30th and May 1st and 2nd in the Coeur
4/20 - Girls BB Meeting 7pm
tre Department this year. If you
d’Alene High School Fahringer Audimissed our production of 7th Genera- torium. Located at 5530 N. Fourth
4/22 - 2016 Senior Party Meeting
tion: A Christmas Carol, here is your
Street, Coeur d’Alene. Tickets are $7/
4/23 - 4/25 - Spring Drama 7pm
second chance to witness this group of adults, $6/students and seniors, and $5
young performers captivate their au4/27 - Mother / Daughter Tea 6pm
for CHS students with an ASB card.
dience with a fresh new take on an
Tickets can be purchased at
4/30 - 5/2 Spring Drama 7pm
iconic American art., or by phone at
5/7 - 5/8 Hanging Basket Sale
208-769-2999. Tickets will also be sold
Where is Charlie? follows a group of
three young ladies as they wish to at- at the door one hour prior to curtain.
5-7 - 5-8 PTA Collection Truck
tend a vaudeville show; however, they
soon discover that Charlie Chaplin,
Inside this issue:
the main star, is nowhere to be found. Thank you for your support of the arts in
Coeur d’ Alene!
Business Education Facts
2 With a little convincing, the girls decide to search for Charlie while being
New Class Japanese 3
thrown into the depths of the producStudents of the Month
3 tion as performers of their own.
4/11 - White Out Dance 7-10pm
Senior Class of 2016
From the Attendance Office
Senior Project / Senior Party
CHS Annual Flower Sale
MacKenzie River Pizza
Fundraiser Voucher
Unknown to the actors on the stage,
Charlie Chaplin helps guide the cast
to discover that they don’t need fame
to be the star of their own act. Charlie
reveals individual stardom is present
5 within all when you trust and believe
in yourself.
V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 5
Top Ten Facts Every Parent Should Know About Business Education
Business Education courses offer something for everyone! Help your son or daughter become a well-rounded individual able to
cope not only with the complexities of academics but the practical necessities of life.
1. Develop “Life Skills” Needed by All Consumers - Business courses help students develop skills and knowledge used in important decisions later in life such as buying a house or car, choosing the appropriate insurance, filing tax returns, and directing
their personal and professional lives.
2. Expand Your Teenager’s Education Opportunities - Business courses add new dimensions to learning through hands-on experiences. Most students learn better this way.
3. Offer Your Son or Daughter a Path to Success - Nationwide, 50 percent of all students who begin four-year college programs do
not complete them, with 25 percent leaving during their first year. Business courses are insurance for economic productivity.
4. Help Your Child Acquire Lifelong Skills and Habits to Apply to Any Career - Self-confidence, self-awareness, good work habits, problem solving, critical thinking, punctuality, reliability, teamwork, technology skills, and leadership are learned in business
classes. These help instill the self-assurance young people need to set and achieve their career goals.
5. Provide Your Teenager Opportunities to Apply Academic Content - Business courses enable students to apply theoretical
knowledge to practical problems in real-life situations — applications that will be used for a lifetime.
6. Provide Two Educational Options in One – College Prep and Career Prep - Business courses include academic subjects needed
to meet the entrance requirements of colleges and universities. They also include subjects that meet entry-level job requirements of
employers in fields related to the courses.
7. Pretest Career Interests Before Going to College - Encourage your teenager to explore career interests through the many courses
we offer in our Business Education department.
8. Help Your Daughter or Son Pay for College - The skills acquired in business courses help students get better, higher-paying jobs.
Students can work full-time and earn more money — more quickly — to pay for college.
9. Broaden Your Teenager’s Lifelong Work and Study Options - After taking business courses, your teenager has the option to go
to work, go to college, or do both, whenever he or she is ready! Business courses prepare individuals for well-paying, satisfying
careers in fields such as information technology and international business.
10. Develop a Solid Foundation of Practical Virtues Necessary for Getting Along with Others - Business courses can help students
recognize and deal with questions of right and wrong, as well as issues of honesty and respect for others.
NEW CLASS for 2014-15: JAPANESE 3
Have you heard that Japanese is the easiest language to learn at CHS? Don’t let the fancy characters fool you. Sentence
structure and pronunciation are simple and straight forward. Music, Miyazaki, and food make up for having to learn a
new alphabet. It looks great on school and job applications. Japanese offers a boost to your future business career and
gives you the key to the gateway of Asia.
Japanese 3 is going strong, as more than half the class prepare to go to Japan this summer. In their 3rd year of studying, students have been invited to the small village of Tsumagoi. Students will be staying with families there for over a
week. 9th graders from Tsumagoi have been coming to Coeur d’Alene for the past 25 years-now it is our turn!
Don’t miss out. Get signed up for Japanese 1 next year. All grades (9-12) are welcome. For those looking for a third language, many students do well taking 1st year Japanese while in the 3rd or 4th year of another language. Contact
カリスター先生(Mr. Callister) at if you have questions.
V O LU M E 1 , I S S U E 5
March CHS Students of the Month
Kaitlyn Gunnerson
Riley Ellingsen
Kasey Peach
CDA Rotary
Hayden Rotary
Panhandle Kiwanis Club
Senior Class of 2016……..
Attention Parents of Juniors (otherwise referred to as the Graduating Senior Class of 2016). It is time to begin
the planning and coordination activities for the 2016 Alcohol Free Drug Free Senior Party hosted by us parents.
The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, April 22, 2015 at 6:30 in the Commons. Our biggest fundraising
event is the Hanging Flower Basket Plant Sale, which occurs in the CHS parking lot the Thursday and Friday before Mother's Day. We NEED parents to help with the pre-sales of baskets, the unloading and delivery of baskets
for a few hours these two days. If both parents could attend the meeting it would be awesome as we are looking for
new ideas, energy and creativity in planning this event! We are a bit behind schedule in fundraising and planning
efforts so please come to the meeting. If you have questions, please contact Kristin Kerr in the Library or Paula
Lyon 208.819.1266.
Sideline Cheerleading Tryouts for 2015-16
Wednesday, April 22: Mandatory pre-tryout meeting at 6:30 pm in the CHS commons
Monday, April 27-Wednesday, April 29: Mandatory Tryout Workshops from 3:15-5:15 in Jordan Court
Thursday, April 30 and Friday, May 1: Open gym and mandatory interviews from 2:50-5:00 in Jordan
Saturday, May 2: Tryouts from 9:00 am-12:00 pm in Jordan Court
For more information, please visit the CHS cheer webpage located on the CHS website.
Chess Club
Chess Club meets every Tuesday in Room 305. If you have any questions please see Ms. Stylc
Page 4
Below you will find helpful instructions from the
Attendance Office
**When your student will be absent for the day, we ask that you notify the school that day.
This can be done by choosing; 1) E-mail from a parent or guardian to 2) Call the attendance office at 765-6409. 3) Excuse absence electronically using Skyward. If you are not able to do one of the following, you can send your student to school with a note. Please note that we need your note within 2 days of your student being absent in order to be excused.
**When your student has an appointment in the middle of school hours and needs to leave the school.
This can be done by sending your student to school with a note; stating the time and date, full name of student,
parent signature and explanation for your student’s dismissal. The student brings the note to the attendance secretary in the morning and is issued a student campus pass that they show to their teachers at the appropriate time.
From there they can leave. When students return they will need to check back in with the attendance secretary
prior to going to class. (Notes from doctor’s appointments are helpful, but not necessary.)
**When you need to get your student suddenly out of school.
You can call the school in advance, giving us plenty of time to run for your student, and we can have your student
waiting for you to pick them up.
Please know that the attendance office needs to be contacted by a parent, and students need to report to the attendance office PRIOR to them leaving the school. Students leaving the school without prior approval will be
marked truant. Refer to Student handbook on Truancy
**Please note that students who miss more than 9 absences in a semester must pass the EOCA’S ( end
of course assessments) in order to retain credit for their class, regardless if they are passing the class
or not.
** To receive a Verification of Compliance from the State of Idaho for Drivers education/permit, the same guidelines as EOCA’s are followed. It is so important for your students not to miss too much instruction time. We encourage you to view your student’s attendance records on Skyward regularly.
Senior Project Presentations April 15, 2015
180 community members will be volunteering their time for Senior Presentations. Thank
you in advance for having your Senior present, punctual and prepared on their BIG DAY!
Senior Party Tickets
Parents: The deadline to purchase senior party tickets for you Seniors Graduation party is coming up!! The
deadline is April 30th. The cost for the all-night party is $55.00. Your student can purchase the ticket in the attendance office. You don’t want to miss it!
Senior Parents:
Please join us for our next Senior Parent Meeting/Grad Party Planning, Monday, April 20th @
Stay informed about Senior Year Activities by joining
our Facebook page: CHS 2015 Senior Parent Group.
Page 5
To Perry & Terry Finlay, owners of Country Cleaners in Hayden for their very generous donation of services to Corbin's Closet located in the Viking Vault. We sincerely appreciate
your kindness and generosity in supporting a program that provides professional dress clothing
to young men for Senior Project, Graduation, DECA, Debate, Orchestra and other educationally
based presentations!
Annual CHS flower sale
($35 each/6 or more $32 each)
Just in time for Mother’s Day!
Thursday, May 7th & Friday, May 8th
From 9:00 am until they sell out- come early for best selection
Coeur D’Alene High School
4th St. parking lot, near the softball fields
Sale proceeds to benefit:
CHS Class of 2016 Drug and Alcohol Free Graduation Party
Contact: Paula at 819-1266
Page 6
Artists received 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place at the regional competition for their Patriotic Art
Illustrations. This competition was sponsored by the Ladies Auxiliary for the Veterans of Foreign Wars. The Artwork from our 1st place artist will now compete in Boise at the state competition.
Please Congratulate our fantastic Viking Artists:
1st place – Abby Stanchfield – CHS 10th grade
2nd place – Aubrey Harwood – CHS 11th grade
3rd place – Riley Helal – CHS 11th grade
1st. Place - Abby Stanchfield
2nd. Place - Aubrey Harwood
3rd. Place - Riley Helal
Have a fun evening out at MacKenzie River Pizza and support
Coeur d’ Alene High School activities.