Alçak Gerilim Prafudrları Zayıf Akım Kabloları Klemens
Alçak Gerilim Prafudrları Zayıf Akım Kabloları Klemens
Alçak Gerilim Prafudrları Zayıf Akım Kabloları Dış Yıldırımlık ve Topraklama Sistemleri Klemens ve Otomasyon Ürünleri Teknolojik El Aletleri Hakkımızda ERS ELEKTRİK, 2003 yılında, Elektrik ve Enerji sektöründe, teknolojik gelişmeleri yakından izleyerek ve sektörde öne çıkan yenilikleri takip ederek, hizmet anlayışına yükselen bir ivme kazandırıp siz değerli müşterilerine layık olduğu hizmeti üretmek, birlikte ilerlemek ve projelerinize artı değerler katmak üzere çalışma misyonunu belirlemiştir. About Us ERS ELEKTRİK, has set out its working mission in 2003 with the vision of rendering services to its esteemed customers, to move ahead together and to add surplus values by bringing an acceleration to its service mentality by closely monitoring developments and innovation in Electricity and Power industry. KURUMSALLAŞMA ve MARKALAŞMA sürecimizin önemli bir yapıtaşı olarak; KADROMUZUN yurtdışı merkezli firmalarda edindiği tecrübeleri de sektöre aktararak, tüketici ihtiyaçlarına yüksek seviyeden cevaplar vermek yolunda oldukça avantajlı ve bir fikir önde anlayışı ile yüksek kaliteli hizmet vermeye başladığını söyleyebiliriz. As one of the major milestones of our INSTITUTIONALIZATION and BRANDING process; we can claim that our PERMANENT STAFF also by adding experiences they have gained from companies resident abroad began to render high quality services with the understanding of one opinion ahead on the way to given higher level responses to consumer requirements. 2013 yılına gelindiğinde ise yurt dışı pazarlarda yer edinmek amacıyla yapmış olduğu dış ticaret aktivitelerine daha başka bir boyut kazandırarak 2013 yılı ocak ayında Erbil'de yatırım yaparak ofis kurmuş, hizmetlerini ve çözüm ortaklarını yurtdışına taşımıştır. In year 2013 by gaining a differentiated dimension to its foreign trade activities for the purpose of obtaining a prestigious place in foreign markets has invested to Erbil in January 2013 and established an office and moved its services and solution partners to abroad. Her geçen gün sektöründe ilerleyerek teknolojik anlamda yerli ve yabancı ürünler konusunda ülke ekonomisine hizmet sunarak portföyünü genişletmiştir. It was widened its portfolio by rendering service to country economy for domestic and foreign products by moving ahead every day in the industry. Son yıllarda distribütörlükleri arasına Citel Fransız ve J.Proepster Alman teknoloji devi firmalarını katarak, IEC standartlarına haiz ileri teknoloji ürünlerle Yıldırım ve Aşırı gerilimlerden korunma yolunda Türkiye’de Mühendislik, uygulama ve satış hizmetini bir arada veren sayılı firmalardan biri olmuştur. Teknolojik el aletleri konusunda Bünyemize 2013-2014 yıllarında kazandırdığımız Scorpio Teknolojik El Aletleri markası ile de Sektörel olarak: Yenilenebilir Enerji, Havacılık, Otomotiv, Diğer Endüstriyel kullanımlar gibi alanlara ürünler sunarak: Müşteri Memnuniyetini ön planda tutan açılımlara imza atmış bulunuyoruz. Bunu gerçekleştirirken Mühendislik desteğimizle, müşterilerimizin ihtiyaçlarına doğru ürünler sunulması ve müşterilerimizin doğru yönlendirilmesi, onların projelerinde kullanılmak üzere kaliteli ve ekonomik ürünlerle tanıştırılmaları için gereken maksimum hassasiyeti gösteriyoruz. In recent years, it became one of the unique companies rendering Engineering, implementation and sales services together in Turkey for Lightning and Overvoltage protection for advanced technology product having IEC standards by adding technology giant companies such as French Citel and German J. Proepster among its distributorships. With the Scorpio Technologic Hand Tools brand which we have brought in years 2013-2014 in industrial basis we have appended our signature to expansions giving particular importance to customer satisfaction by presenting products to fields such as Renewable Energy, Aviation, automotive, Other Industrial uses. While realizing these we paid particular attention to present correct products for our customers’ requirements and correct guiding for our customers and maximum care to allow them to meet quality and economic product to be used in their projects. ERS Elektrik yukarıda saydığımız hizmetleri verirken müşteri ihtiyaçlarını karşılamak amacıyla, piyasadan gelen talepleri sürekli analiz ederek, sektörün nabzını tutmağa çalışmakta buradan elde edilen verilerle, rekabetçi, kaliteli ve uygun fiyatlı yapısını destekleyen yenilikçi ürünleri ürün portföyüne koyarak, müşterilerimizin taleplerine zamanında cevap verecek stok yapısını da oluşturmuştur. ERS Elektrik; while rendering aforementioned services with the purpose of meeting customer requirements trying to keep its fingers on the pulse of industry by continuously analyzing market demands, has established a stock structure to timely respond to our customers’ requirements by adding innovative products supporting competitive, quality and suitable price understanding to its product portfolio. ERS elektrik Türkiye’de tek distribütörü olduğu markaları Yurt dışında, Türki Cumhuriyetler, Kıbrıs, Irak, Katar, Dubai, Sudan ve bir çok ülkeye İhraç ederek, ortak projeler kanalıyla, yakın coğrafyamıza ürün tedariği ve mühendislik hizmetleri sunmaktadır. ERS elektrik, with the title of exclusive distributor in Turkey by exporting products of brands to Abroad, Turkic Republics, Cyprus, Iraq, Qatar, Dubai, Sudan and many countries renders product supply and engineering services in nearby geography via joint projects. Başlıca ürün grupları arasında; yıldırım ve aşırı gerilimden korunma sistemleri ve çözümleri, AG-OG şalt ürünleri, OG köşkleri, trafo ve jeneratör grupları, Otomasyon ürünleri, Enerji kabloları, Zayıf akım ve Enstrüman kabloları, AG Panoları, Aydınlatma armatürleri, Elektrik bağlantı sistemleri bulunmaktadır. Firmamız ana ilke olarak, teknolojiyi ve yeni ürünleri yakından takip ederek müşterilerimize yüksek performanslı çözümler sunmayı benimsemiştir. There are lightning and overvoltage protection systems and solutions, LV-MV switching products, MV Kiosks, transformer and generator assemblies, Automation products, Power cables, Weak Current and Instrument cables, LV Panels, Lighting fixtures, Electricity coupling systems among the major product groups. Our company as a primary principle adopted to serve high performance solutions to our customers by closely monitoring technology and new products. Bu felsefe ile firmamız aşağıda belirtilen hususları ilke edinmiştir. With this philosophy of company has adopted following issues as principles. - Müşteri ihtiyacının tam olarak yerine getirilmesi - Etkili ve uygun Fiyat politikası - Hızlı ve Zamanında Teslim ve Servis - Yüksek kalitenin sağlanması - Tüm ihtiyaçları kapsayan Çözüm Yelpazesi - Fully meeting customer requirements - Effective and convenient Price policy - Fast and Timely Delivery and Service - Meeting High Quality - Solution Range Covering All Requirements 3 GmbH External lightning protection Insulated lightning protection Earthing material ely f a s ! s y Alwa e idea ahead on 4 External lightning protection system Internal lightning protection system 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 Main earthing terminal Roof conductor holder for ridge tiles Multi-clamp Air termination rod with insulated stand-off Air termination rod Rod holder Roof conductor holder Pipe clamp KS clamp Gutter clamp Snow guard clamp Wall conductor holder Downpipe conductor fastener Isolating spark gap Disconnecting clamp flat/round Tape conductor holder Insulation Saddle clamp Down conductor Earth electrode Diagonal-cross clamp Spacer for conductor 23 House connection box 24 Electricity meter 25 Surge arrester 26 Distribution board 27 Equipotential bonding conductor 28 Water supply 29 Gas supply 30 Oil tank 31 Oil tank ventilation 32 Bathtub 33 Gas meter 34 Water meter 35 Central heating 36 Shower 37 Wastewater pipe 38 Electronic device 39 Surge arrester type 3 40 Telephone system 5 Interesting facts about insulated lightning protection systems Generally, we differentiate between insulated and partially insulated lightning protection systems. Partially insulated systems are more common. To design such a system, the well-known mesh method is used to install an air termination system. The area with the roof installations is then equipped with additional insulated air termination devices. A decisive advantage of insulated or partially insulated lightning protection systems consists in the fact that no partial lightning currents can penetrate into the building. J.Pröpster offers an easy-to-assemble and well proved lightning protection system that guarantees maximum protection for your equipment. An insulated and/or partially insulated lightning protection system includes the following components: 1. Insulated air termination pole, including: Air termination tip a) Stand/fastening pipe (stainless steel V2A) ø 42.3 mm with wall mounting clamp (stainless steel V2A) b) Insulated support GRP ø 48 mm, vertical with clamping component and two insulated shields c) Air termination tip aluminium ø 10 mm, length 0.75 m d) Insulated stand-off GRP ø 32 mm, horizontal with clamping component 2. Insulated stand-off for air termination rods and conductors 3. Insulated supports to increase the height of the conductor leading Clamping component 4. Lightning protection air termination pole (stainless steel V2A) free standing 5. Lightning protection air termination pole (stainless steel V2A) for wall mounting Insulated shields 6. Lightning protection air termination pole (steel, hot galvanized) for block foundation Please ask for our special catalogue “Insulated lightning protection” with examples of applications. For further questions regarding the objects described or if you need detailed planning advice for your upcoming projects, our technical consultants will be pleased to assist you. Insulated support Insulated stand-off Clamping component Insulated Clamp Stand/fastening pipe made of Stainless steel V2A 6 Insulated stand-offs light-weight design Individual combinations! 490 587 490 588 490 585 V2A V2A St/tZn 490 587 S V2A 490 588 S St/tZn 490 586 V2A 490 591 St/tZn 490 591 S V2A 490 592 St/tZn 490 592 S V2A 490 593 St/tZn 490 593 S V2A 490 589 V2A 490 594 V2A 111 430 S St/tZn 490 580 GRP 490 590 V2A e.g. 490 591 111 430 St/tZn . 490 584 V2A 913 825 913 831 1 pc. Stand-off ISO-Type 16plus with heavy duty terminal clamp VA V2A - 25m V2A - 50m 490 581 S1 St/tZn 490 581 S3 V2A 490 581 S2 St/tZn 490 581 S4 V2A Air termination rod Alu-Optimal ø 16/10 mm; 2.0 m lg. 111 430 S3 St/tZn Note: All Fixing bushes for GRP Ø 16 mm in aluminium! Concrete base round 16 kg with support plate Ord. example: 490 581 Alu light-weight insulated stand-off Fixing side object: (Length “L” please select) Solid rod GRP Fixing side conductor or air termination rod: 1x Ord. no. 490 592 S 1x Ord. no. 490 580 1x Ord. no. 490 581 S3 Fixing side conductor or air termination rod: Fixing bush Insulated lightning protection Ord. no. 490 581 S2 Fixing bush with fastener for fixing air termination rods ø 16 mm and down conductors ø 8-10 mm to the solid rod GRP ø 16 mm. Specification Length PU Fixing bush aluminium, for GRP ø 16 mm; for air termination rods ø 16 mm with fastener steel, hot galvanized, for ø 16 mm 40 mm 25 with fastener stainless steel V2A, for ø 16 mm 40 mm 25 490 581 S2 490 581 S4 Fixing bush aluminium, for GRP ø 16 mm; for down conductors ø 8 - 10 mm with fastener steel, hot galvanized, for ø 8-10 mm 40 mm 25 with fastener stainless steel V2A, for ø 8-10 mm 40 mm 25 with female thread M6 40 mm 25 490 581 S1 490 581 S3 490 581 Ord. no. Example of application: Ord. no. 490 581 S1 Ord. no. 490 581 7 Insulated conductor support (complete SET) to raise the conductor leading Insulated conductor support 16-plus Insulated conductor support, to raise the conductor on flat roofs with plastic base 2 kg and Niro-Clip for ø 8 mm Type A (fl). Specification Conductor support GRP ø 16 mm for air termination conductor ø 8 mm / 50 mm² Height 0.2 m 0.3 m 0.4 m Insulated-length 0.17 m 0.27 m 0.37 m PU 1 1 1 Ord. no. 490 000 490 001 490 002 *) Type A (fl) = fixed conductor leading Ord. no. 490 001 Insulated conductor support, to raise the conductor on flat roofs with square concrete base 16 kg, stainl. st. wedge, support plate and Niro-Clip for ø 8 mm Type A (fl). Specification Conductor support GRP ø 16 mm for air termination conductor ø 8 mm / 50 mm² Height 0.6 m 0.7 m 0.9 m Insulated-length 0.45 m 0.55 m 0.75 m PU 1 1 1 Insulated conductor support 16-plus Ord. no. 490 003 490 004 490 005 *) Type A (fl) = fixed conductor leading Ord. no. 490 003 Insulated conductor support 32-stable Insulated conductor support, to raise the conductor on flat roofs with round concrete base 25kg, support plate and clamping frame V2A for ø 8 mm. Specification Conductor support GRP ø 32 mm for conductor ø 8 mm / 50 mm² Height 1.1 m 1.3 m Insulated-length 0.94 m 1.14 m PU 1 1 Ord. no. 490 007 490 008 Air termination tips for insulated conductors on request. Example of application: Ord. no. 490 000 Ord. no. 490 007 Insulated lightning protection Ord. no. 490 003 Ord. no. 490 007 GRP-attic JP-plastic attic made of GRP, for replacing metal attics with non-conducting material to control the separation distance. Specification GRP-flat section (light grey) 450x3 mm GRP-angle section (light grey) 60x40x3 mm Ord. no. 490 700 Length 3.0 m 3.0 m PU 1 1 Ord. no. 490 700 490 701 PU 1 1 Ord. no. 490 702 490 703 Note: flat and angle section are without bore holes and rivets (see page 93). Accessories Cleaning spray for GRP surfaces Elastic universal adhesive and sealant 8 Ord. no. 490 701 Air termination pole free-standing to a max. height of 12.0 m Air termination pole- stainless steel V2A with aluminium air termination tip. Multi-component, on each other plugable system with screw retention. Type Height of pole Pole parts JP-LPH 3.0 F 3.0 m 2-part, 1.5 m / 1.5 m JP-LPH 3.5 F 3.5 m 2-part, 2.0 m / 1.5 m JP-LPH 4.0 F 4.0 m 2-part, 2.5 m / 1.5 m JP-LPH 4.5 F 4.5 m 2-part, 3.5 m / 1.0 m JP-LPH 5.0 F 5.0 m 2-part, 3.5 m / 1.5 m JP-LPH 5.5 F 5.5 m 2-part, 4.0 m / 1.5 m JP-LPH 6.0 F 6.0 m 3-part, 2.0 m / 2.0 m / 2.0 m JP-LPH 6.5 F 6.5 m 3-part, 2.5 m / 2.0 m / 2.0 m JP-LPH 7.0 F 7.0 m 3-part, 3.0 m / 2.0 m / 2.0 m JP-LPH 7.5 F 7.5 m 3-part, 3.5 m / 2.0 m / 2.0 m JP-LPH 8.0 F 8.0 m 3-part, 4.0 m / 2.0 m / 2.0 m JP-LPH 9.0 F 9.0 m 3-part, 4.0 m / 2.5 m / 2.5 m JP-LPH 10.0 F 10.0 m 3-part, 5.0 m / 2.5 m / 2.5 m JP-LPH 11.0 F 11.0 m 3-part, 5.0 m / 3.5 m / 2.5 m JP-LPH 12.0 F 12.0 m 3-part, 6.0 m / 3.5 m / 2.5 m Additional air termination pole heights on request! Base frame PU 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ord. no. 912 000 912 001 912 002 912 003 912 004 912 005 912 006 912 007 912 008 912 009 912 010 912 011 912 013 912 015 912 019 Air termination pole base frame for concrete bases 300 x 300 mm. For holding air termination poles ø 42 mm (max. 4.0 m pole height). Specification Stainless steel V2A Ord. no. 499 000 Footprint ca. 650 x 650 mm PU 1 Ord. no. 499 000 Air termination pole base frame with 3 safety braces for 3 round concrete bases. For holding air termination poles ø 42 mm (max. 5.5 m pole height). Ord. no. 499 005 Specification Stainless steel V2A Footprint ca. 1350 x 1350 mm PU 1 Ord. no. 499 005 Air termination pole base frame with 3 safety braces for 6 concrete bases round. For holding air termination poles ø 60 mm (max. 8.0 m pole height). Specification Stainless steel V2A Ord. no. 499 006 Footprint ca. 1850 x 1850 mm PU 1 Ord. no. 499 006 Air termination pole base frame with 3 safety braces for 10 concrete bases round For holding air termination poles ø 60 mm (max. 10.0 m pole height). Ord. no. 499 007 Specification Stainless steel V2A Footprint ca. 1850 x 1850 mm PU 1 Ord. no. 499 007 Air termination pole base frame - SET incl. 36 concrete bases with 4 safety braces and turnbuckle. For holding air termination poles ø 60 mm (max. 12.0 m pole height). Insulated lightning protection Specification Stainless steel V2A Footprint ca. 3400 x 3400 mm PU 1 Ord. no. 499 009 PU 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ord. no. 103 103 103 101 103 110 103 118 499 100 499 101 Ord. no. 499 009 Concrete base Concrete base Specification Concrete base round with female thread M16 for the base frame Ord. no. 103 103 Ord. no. 499 100 Concrete base 300 x 300 x 60 mm Concrete base 300 x 300 x 80 mm Support plates (Ord. no. 103 102) see page 22. Weitght 12 kg 16 kg 20 kg 25 kg 12 kg 16 kg 9 Air termination pole Location in different wind load zones! Example: Map of Germany! Zone 1: Locations with ground level up to 600 m above MSL The right base frame for your air termination pole and the appropriate concrete base Ord. no. for base frame / number of concrete base Zone 1 Zone 2 (to 130 km/h) 3.0 m (Ord. no. 912 000) JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 100 3.5 m (Ord. no. 912 001) JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 100 4.0 m (Ord. no. 912 002) JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 100 4.5 m (Ord. no. 912 003) JP-499 005 / 3x JP-103 101 5.0 m (Ord. no. 912 004) JP-499 005 / 3x JP-103 101 5.5 m (Ord. no. 912 005) JP-499 005 / 3x JP-103 110 6.0 m (Ord. no. 912 006) JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 6.5 m (Ord. no. 912 007) JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 7.0 m (Ord. no. 912 008) JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 7.5 m (Ord. no. 912 009) JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 101 8.0 m (Ord. no. 912 010) JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 110 9.0 m (Ord. no. 912 011) JP-499 007 / 10x JP-103 118 10.0 m (Ord. no. 912 013) JP-499 007 / 10x JP-103 118 11.0 m (Ord. no. 912 015) JP-499 009 / complete SET 12.0 m (Ord. no. 912 019) JP-499 009 / complete SET Ord. example: 10 Zone 4 (to 150 km/h) (to 170 km/h) (to 190 km/h) JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 100 JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 100 JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 101 JP-499 005 / 3x JP-103 110 JP-499 005 / 3x JP-103 110 JP-499 005 / 3x JP-103 118 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 101 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 110 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 118 JP-499 007 / 10x JP-103 118 JP-499 007 / 10x JP-103 118 JP-499 009 / complete SET JP-499 009 / complete SET JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 100 JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 101 JP-499 000 / 8x JP-499 100 JP-499 005 / 3x JP-103 118 JP-499 005 / 3x JP-103 118 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 101 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 110 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 118 JP-499 007 / 10x JP-103 118 JP-499 007 / 10x JP-103 118 on request on request on request JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 100 JP-499 000 / 4x JP-499 101 JP-499 000 / 8x JP-499 101 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 103 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 101 JP-499 006 / 6x JP-103 118 on request on request on request on request on request on request on request Pole 4.5 m for wind load zone 2 air termination pole: base frame: concrete base: support plate: Zone 3 JP-912 003 JP-499 005 JP-103 110 (3x) JP-103 102 (3x) Insulated lightning protection Height of air termination pole Photovoltaik Applications 11 Surge protectors for RENEWABLE ENERGY 1 DLA2-12D3 Dataline SPD 3 DS60VGPV DC Type 1 SPD Iimp 12,5kA 2 PV ON GRID DS50PV-XXX DC Type 2 SPD Imax 40kA DS50PV-XXX/G DS250VG-690 DC Type 2 SPD Type 1 SPD Iimp 25kA DS43S-690 Type 2 SPD Imax 40kA DLA2-12D3 Dataline SPD 2 PV OFF GRID 3 DSXXX-XXDC DC Type 2 SPD 1 12 WIND TURBINE Surge Protectors for Photovoltaic systems Most photovoltaic module manufacturers guarantee their materials for 20 years or more.The ROI of photovoltaic generation facilities connected to the low voltage network is therefore calculated over this long period of time. But these systems are often highly exposed to lightning and power surges, which can greatly reduce the required operating time. Implementation of appropriate protection solutions is strongly recommended. Several points must be considered to analyze the risk «Lightning and Power Surges»: Due to the exposed nature of the PV array, the threat of «lightning» is more common. The risk is multiple: direct effect (lightning strike on the panels) and indirect (surge on cells, solar chargers / inverters), on other lines (data). The operating loss must be taken into account, especially at sites of high power capacity. When the PV system is located on industrial sites, the risk of switching overvoltages must also be taken into account. The level of risk is directly related to the lightning density and exposure of local lines Protection of PV installation The photovoltaic grid-connected low voltage power lines may be subject to overvoltages on different networks: AC network: surge protectors are necessary, and in most cases, mandatory on the AC output of the PV inverter which is connected back to the AC power grid. AC surge protectors for PV installation Depending on the type of networks, the presence of lightning rod or primary surge protectors existing, CITEL also offers a complete range of solutions to protect the AC portion of the PV system. Installations with lightning rods A Type 1 surge protector, specifically dimensioned to handle direct lightning current is required at the service entrance of the installation (main switchboard). Arresters like the DS130R provide a high energy surge capacity in a compact size and are easily serviced with pluggable modules. Standard installation In the absence of lightning rod , the implementation of a type 2 SPD is generally preferred,but, in some cases, it is compulsory depending on the level of lightning in the area (Ng> 2.5). The DS40 type 2 arrester range offers a modular solution adapted to these applications. For medium and small size facilities with limited space available, the DS240/DS440 provides a high surge capacity in a reduced footprint. Input protection of PV inverter Guide UTE C15-712-1 requires the implementation of an additional SPD on the AC input of the PV inverter, if it is more than 10 m from the surge protector origin. The DS215/DS415 surge protectors provide this protection for these applications and can be installed either directly into the distribution panel or in a dedicated, standalone enclosure solution. Surge protectors for low current The PV system can be interconnected to various low-current networks including probes, sensors, and monitoring equipment. In these cases, the implementation of suitable surge protector is highly recommended: The DLA range performs this function and surge protector is available for any type of telecom or data line connections DC network: surge protectors are required or mandatory on the input of the PV inverter or the input PV modules. Low current network: if the PV inverter is connected to low voltage signal lines (probes, sensors, monitoring) then SPD devices are recommended. 13 DC surge protectors for PV installation The DC input of the PV inverter has to be protected according to the recommendation of the UTE C15-712-1 Guide. CITEL has designed a complete range of Type 1 and Type 2 surge protectors for these applications that are compliant with the rigorous UTE C61740-51 product standard (or future NF EN50539-11). Type 1 surge protector When the installation is equipped with non-isolated lightning rods (see UTE C61-740-52), it is mandatory to install SPD dimensioned for a direct lightning wave form (10/350µs). In these cases, CITEL has developed a range of high energy Type 1 surge protectors: Series Description Characteristics Page DS60VGPV Type 1+2 surge protector for PV High energy VG Technology 65 DS50VGPV Type 2 surge protector for PV Pluggable VG Technology 66 DS50PV Type 2 surge protector for PV Pluggable 67 CPV Surge protector Many panel for PV configurations 68 DS60VGPV series : Type 1 SPDs may withstand up to 12.5 kA 10/350µs, it incorporates CITEL’s exclusive, patented «VG Technology». Type 2 surge protector In most installations, the SPD will be necessary or obligatory and will be of type 2. CITEL offers 2 ranges with pluggable module design: Surge protectors panels for PV installation DS50PV/51 series : based on the use of specific varistors, providing a protection in common mode or differential and common mode. To complete its offer and meet the needs of users, CITEL offers a rangeof surge enclosures for PV applications. The CPV range of enclosures are intended for installation at the AC output or DC input of the PV inverters and can includeType 1 or Type 2 surge protection, circuit breakers for array strings and a single disconnection device. Many configurations are available. DS50VGPV series : This version is based on VG technology, guarantying a total absence of leakage current and maximum reliability. Protection by surge protector panel «CPV» Pac Pdc DDR D S C AC surge protector DC surge protector Differential circuit breaker Disconnection SPD DC isolator Connector PV CPV240 CPV50 L AC DDR D N + DC t o Pac V 14 S - t o Pdc V C DS50PV/51 and DS50VGPV/51 series Pluggable module Disconnection for simplified maintenance. Standardized marking Connectors Significant physical separation screw terminal blocks: guarantee insulation between polarities even for high DC voltages Versions 2 diagrams available DS50PV/51 and DS50VGPV Remote signalling Option to remotely monitor the status of the surge protector. Simplified cabling thanks to a single terminal for monitoring all poles. DS60VGPV/51 series Earth Double connector for optimized connection ground network. Connectors Significant physical separation screw terminal blocks: guarantee insulation between polarities even for high DC voltages VG Technology Efficiency and reliability maximum Status signaling Remote signalling Standard feature to remotely monitor the status of the surge protector. Simplified cabling thanks to a single terminal for monitoring all poles. In case of safety disconnection, the indicator switches to red: SPD to replace. 15 Protection of Photovoltaic installations Residential Photovoltaic installation The UTE C 15-712-1 guide indicates the minimum level of protection for installations against surges originating from lightning. For small power plants (residential and small commercial), AC input (connection to the grid) and DC out should be protected. The implementation of the SPD may be mandatory for some cases but not for all. However, if the reliability and longevity of the PV system are the primary objective then the implementation of surge protectors is recommended. - DLA >10m MJ8 DU T25 0VG- 300 ZP ou DS 50V 00 GPVS-1 0 DS 60VG PV-100 0 Tertiary/Industrial Photovoltaic installation Commercial or industrial sites can integrate very large photovoltaic systems into their power generation strategy. These applications are vulnerable to lightning and transient surges which can cause significant downtime and losses. The implementation of SPDs at key locations throughout the facility is necessary to ensure the reliable operation of the plant. Photovoltaic Power Plant Photovoltaic power plants have a high risk of lightning strikes due to their large surface area and exposed location. This means expensive, sensitive equipment is vulnerable to lightning strikes resulting in direct replacement costs and operation downtime losses. DS DS MJ8 16 DS - C AT 5 E 60VGPV-100 0 60VGPV-100 50V GPVS-1 00 0 0 D L A -0 6 D 3 DS2 53VG-30 0 Type 1+2 PV Surge Protector DS60VGPV/51 series • Type 1+2 Surge Protector for Photovoltaic • VG-Technology • No leakage, no operating currents • Improved life expectancy • Impulse currents Iimp 12.5 kA/pole @ 10/350µs • Common and Differential mode protection • Remote Signaling • UTE C61-740-51 and prEN 50539-11 compliance DS60VGPV-xxxG/51 DS60VGPV-1500G/51 Network voltage Dimensions - Electrical diagram Characteristics (in mm) CITEL part number DS60VGPV-600G/51 DS60VGPV-1000G/51 DS60VGPV-1500G/51 Network voltage 90 70 Uocstc 600 Vdc Protection mode * +/- -/+ CM/DM 1000 Vdc 1250 Vdc CM/DM CM/DM Max. operating voltage Ucpv 720 Vdc 1200 Vdc 1500 Vdc Current withstand short circuit Operating current Iscwp Icpv >1000 A none >1000 A none >1000 A none Ipe none non none Follow current Nominal discharge current If In none 20 kA none 20 kA none 20 kA Maximum discharge current Iimp 12.5 kA 12.5 kA 12.5 kA Max. Lightning current by pole Imax 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA Protection level CM/DM* (at In) Up 2.2/2.8 kV 3.4/4.9 kV 3.4/6 kV to the voltage Ucpv Leakage current 90 to the voltage Ucpv 15 x 8/20 µs impulses 10/350 µs withstand 8/20µs withstand 9 Disconnector Thermal Disconnector +/- -/+ MI Ft Ft t° t° GSG GSG GSG C 14 11 12 GSG: Gas-filled spark gap V : High energy MOV Mi : Disconnection indicator Ft : Thermal fuse t° : Thermal disconnection mechanism C : Contact for remote signal internal Mechanical characteristics Dimensions see diagram Connection Screw terminal for 6-35 mm² wire Disconnection indicator 1 mechanical indicator Remote signaling (DS60VGPVS) 250V/0.5 (AC) - 125V/3A (DC) Mounting symmetrical rail 35 mm Operating temperature -40/+85 °C Protection class IP20 Housing material Thermoplastic UL94-V0 Standards compliance UTE C61-740-51 France Parafoudre pour réseau PV - Essai de Classe I et II prEN 50539-11 UL1449 ed.3 Europe USA Parafoudre pour réseau PV - Essai de Classe I et II Type 4, Type 2 location - Pending Part Number DS60VGPV-600G/51 -- DS60VGPV-1000G/51 3958 DS60VGPV-1500G/51 3956 * ) CM = Common mode (+/PE or -/PE) - DM = Differential mode (+/-) 17 Type 2 PV Surge Protector DS50VGPV-G/51 series • Type 2 Surge Protector for Photovoltaic • VG-Technology • No leakage, no operating currents • Improved life expectancy • Impulse currents In/Imax : 15/40 kA • Common Mode and Differential protection • Remote Signaling (option) • UTE C61-740-51 and prEN 50539-11 compliance DS50VGPVS-xxxG/51 DS50VGPV-1500G/51 Network voltage «S» option remote signalling status Dimensions - Electrical diagram Characteristics (in mm) CITEL part number 80 +/- +/- Network voltage Protection mode * Max. operating voltage Current withstand short-circuit Operating current Ucpv Iscwpv Icpv DS50VGPV-600G/51 600 Vdc CM/DM 720 Vdc >1000 A none DS50VGPV-1000G/51 1000 Vdc CM/DM 1200 Vdc >1000 A none DS50VGPV-1500G/51 1250 Vdc CM/DM 1500 Vdc >1000 A none Ipe none none none If In none 15 kA none 15 kA none 15 kA Imax 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA Up 2.2/3.4 kV 3.5/6 kV 3.4/6.8 kV Uocstc to the voltage Ucpv Leakage current to the voltage Ucpv 90 Follow current Nominal discharge current 15 x 8/20 µs impulses Max. Lightning current by pole 8/20µs withstand Protection level CM/DM* (at In) Disconnector 9 44 54 74 +/- -/+ MI Ft Ft t° MI t° GSG GSG GSG C 14 11 12 GSG: Gas-filled spark gap V : High energy MOV Ft : Thermal fuse t° : Thermal disconnection mechanism C : Contact for remote signal 18 Thermal Disconnector internal Mechanical characteristics Dimensions Connection Disconnection indicator Remote signaling Mounting Operating temperature Protection class Housing material Standards compliance UTE C61-740-51 prE?50539-11 UL1449 ed.3 France Europe USA see diagram Screw terminal for 2.5-25 mm² wire 1 mechanical indicator Option DS50VGPVS - Output on changeover contact symmetrical rail 35 mm -40/+85 °C IP20 Thermoplastic UL94-V0 Parafoudre pour réseau PV - Essai de Classe I et II Parafoudre pour réseau PV - Essai de Classe I et II Type 4, Type 2 location - Pending * ) CM = Common mode (+/PE or -/PE) - DM = Differential mode (+/-) Type 2 PV Surge Protector DS50PV/51 series • Type 2 Surge Protector for Photovoltaic • In : 15 kA • Imax : 40 kA • Pluggable module • Remote Signaling (option) • UTE C61-740-51 compliant DS50PVS-xxxG/51 Tension PV Uocstc «S» = option remote signalling status Dimensions - Electrical diagram Characteristics (in mm) CITEL part number DS50PV-500/51 DS50PV-600/51 67 +/- DS50PV-800G/51 DS50PV-1000G/51 -/+ +/- -/+ Maximum PV voltage Protection mode * Max. operating voltage Current withstand short-circuit Operating current DS50PV-500/51 Uocstc 500 Vdc MC Ucpv 600 Vdc Iscwpv >1000 A Icpv < 0.1 mA DS50PV-600/51 600 Vdc MC 720 Vdc >1000 A < 0.1 mA DS50PV-800G/51 800 Vdc CM/DM 960 Vdc >1000 A < 0.1 mA DS50PV-1000G/51 1000 Vdc CM/DM 1200 Vdc >1000 A < 0.1 mA Ipe < 0.1 mA < 0.1 mA none none In 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA 15 kA Imax 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 2.2 kV 2.8 kV 2 / 3.6 kV 2.2 / 4.4 kV to the voltage Ucpv Leakage current to the voltage Ucpv 90 Nominal discharge current 15 x 8/20 µs impulses Max. discharge current max. withstand 8/20 µs Protection level CM/DM* (at In) Up Disconnector 9 44 54 36 60.8 DS50PV-500/51 DS50PV-600/51 +/- DS50PV-800G/51 DS50PV-1000G/51 +/- -/+ -/+ MI Ft MI Ft t° Ft Ft MI t° t° t° GSG C C 14 11 12 14 11 12 GSG: Gas-filled spark gap V : High energy MOV Mi : Disconnection indicator Ft : Thermal fuse t° : Thermal disconnection mechanism C : Contact for remote signal (option DS50PVS-xxx/51) MI Thermal disconnector internal Mechanical characteristics Dimensions Connection End of life mode Disconnection indicator Remote signaling of disconnection Mounting Operating temperature Protection class Housing material see diagram by screw terminal : 2.5-25 mm² disconnection of the SPD from PV line by mechanical indicator Option DS50PVS-xxx/51 - output on changeover contac symmetrical rail 35 mm -40/+85 °C IP20 Thermoplastic UL94-V0 Standards compliance prEN50539- 11 Guide UTE C61-740-51 Parafoudre pour réseau PV - Essai de Classe II Parafoudre pour réseau PV - Essai de Classe II Part number DS50PV-500/51 DS50PV-600/51 DS50PV-800G/51 DS50PV-1000G/51 480121 480421 480281 480381 * ) CM = Common mode (+/PE or -/PE) - DM = Differential mode (+/-) 19 PV Surge protector panels PV surge protector panel - AC side CPV240 series CITEL part number CPV240-230-xxx-DDR Network tension Maximum current Network connection (intput/output) Un Security Thermal disconnector Visualization of disconnection Surge protector Overcurrent protection Protection against indirect contacts 230 V mono 16 A - 25 A - 32 A 6 mm² max. internal indicator lightning branch circuit breaker in surge protector by line circuit breaker (calibre 16 or 32 A) by differential circuit breaker 30mA Type 2 surge protector DS240-230/G Max. operating voltage Nominal discharge current Max. discharge current Protection level (CM/DM) Uc In Imax Up 255 Vac 20 kA 40 kA 1,5/1,25 kV Characteristics case • Photovoltaic surge protector panel • UTE C15-712-1 compliance • AC network connection • Line and differential circuit-breaker PV surge protector panel - DC side CPV50-xxx-xxA-xST series Protection level Dimensions (H x L x P) mm Enclosure material Access equipment Shift cable IP 55 198 x 255 x 108 Polycarbonate UL 94VO Transparente door by cable glands CITEL part number CPV50-500-40A-3ST CPV50-600-40A-3ST CPV50-800-40A-3ST Number of strings Max. PV voltage Uocstc Max. PV current Imppstc Network connection (input/output) DC switch Fuses protection by strings 3 500 Vdc 25 A terminal 6,5/10 mm² yes option DS50PV-500/51 600 Vdc 15 kA 40 kA 2,2 kV Type 2 surge protector Max. PV voltage Nom. discharge current Max. discharge current Protection level Ucpv In Imax Up 3 600 Vdc 25 A terminal 6,5/10 mm² yes option DS50PV-600/51 720 Vdc 15 kA 40 kA 2,8 kV 3 800 Vdc 25 A terminal 6,5/10 mm² yes option DS50PV-800/51 960 Vdc 15 kA 40 kA 2/3,6 kV Characteristics case • 3 string surge protector panel • 500, 600 and 800 Vdc • Max. current : 25 A • Sectionnement PV surge protector panel - AC/DC side CPV240-50 series Protection level Dimensions (HxLxP) Enclosure material Type of handle IP65 305 x 225 x 125 mm ABS PC external lockable CITEL part number Network Network voltage Max. current (xx) Connection (inverter/network) CPV240-50-230-xx-DDR Un/Uocstc Security Thermal disconnector Visualization of disconnection Surge protector Overcurrent protection Protection against indirect contacts Type 2 surge protector Tension de régime permanent max. Nominal discharge current Max. discharge current Protection level Ucpv In Imax Up AC single phase network 230 V mono 16A - 25A -32A 6 mm² max. in screw terminal 2 strings - DC network 600 Vdc 25A 6mm² max in terminal resort type MC connector internal surge protector surge protector indicator SPD’s breaker by line circuit breaker by diff. circuit breaker 30 mA DS240-230/G 255 Vac 20 kA 40 kA 1,5/1,25 kV internal surge protector surge protector indicator not necessary without without DS50PV-600/51 720 Vdc 15 kA 40 kA 2,8 kV Characteristics case • AC/DC combined surge protector panel • Differential circuit breakers • Disconnection and connection of PV modules 20 Dimensions (H x L x P) Enclosure material Protection level Access equipement Shift cable 420 x 298 x 140 mm Polycarbonate UL94 VD IP55 Transparent door by cable glands Surge protector for PV Offgrid site DS2x0-xxDC series • Surge protector for PV offgrid site • 12 at 350 Vdc • Compact • Imax: 10 at 40 kA • Pluggable module • Remote signalling (option) for additional information, see page 56 Characteristics CITEL part number DS220-12DC DS220-24DC DS230-48DC DS240-75DC DS240-95DC DS240-110DC DS240-130DC DS240-220DC DS240-280DC DS240-350DC DC nominal voltage Un 12 Vdc 24 Vdc 48Vdc 75 Vdc 95 Vdc 110 Vdc 130 Vdc 220 Vdc 280 Vdc Max. operating voltage Uc 24 Vdc 38 Vdc 65 Vdc 100 Vdc 125 Vdc 150 Vdc 180 Vdc 275 Vdc 350 Vdc 460 Vdc Nominal discharge current In 10kA 10 kA 15 kA 20 kA 20kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA 20 kA Max. discharge current Imax 20 kA 20 kA 30 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA 40 kA Protection level (at In) Up 250 V 250 V 300 V 390 V 450 V 500 V 620 V 900 V 1200 V 1400 V Protection level (at 3kA) 195 V 195 V 230 V 280 V 310 V 370 V 510 V 690 V 920 V 1000 V Dimension (width) 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm 18 mm Protection of Isolated (offgrid) PV systems The exposure and location of remote sites powered by isolated PV systems not connected to the AC network are at a very high risk of failure due to transient surges. Unlike the sites connected to the distribution network, PV equipment failure at a remote site will result in a total operating loss: thus, the implementation of appropriate surge protection is strongly recommended. The selection and installation of surge protectors for isolated sites in the future will be defined in the UTE C15712-2 guide. CITEL surge protectors for remote sites are available in voltages from 12 to 350Vdc. 350 Vdc Surge protection for PV powered remote site External generator (optional) * Group-Wind-BT Network t o t o AC surge protector Equipments external remote Pumps-Lighting... PV modules AC t o * t DC o DC DC AC internal charges Solar charge controler DC surge protector Battery t o * t o DC internal charges *) surge arrester at the terminals of the necessary equipment away from more than 10 m of the facility 21 22 AC AC Surge Protectors ACSurge SurgeProtectors Protectors 3-phase Type 2 surge protectors 3-phaseType Type22surge surgeprotectors protectors 3-phase Citel range Citelrange range Citel 3-phase network 3-phasenetwork network 3-phase SPD Configuration SPDConfi Confi guration SPD guration Max. AC operating voltage Max. AC operating voltage Max. AC operating voltage Nominal discharge current Nominaldischarge dischargecurrent current Nominal Maximal discharge current Maximaldischarge dischargecurrent current Maximal Connection Connection Connection Mounting Mounting Mounting Dimensions (width) Dimensions(width) (width) Dimensions Remote signaling Remote signaling Remote signaling DS440-230/G DS440-230/G DS440-230/G 230/400 V 230/400VV 230/400 3-phase+N 3-phase+N 3-phase+N 255 V 255VV 255 20 kA 20kA kA 20 40 kA 40kA kA 40 Screw terminal Screw terminal Screw 25 mm²terminal max 25 mm² max 25 mm² max DIN Rail DINRail Rail DIN 36mm 36mm 36mm Option Option Option DS44-230/G DS44-230/G DS44-230/G 230/400 V 230/400 VV 230/400 3-phase+N 3-phase+N 3-phase+N 255 V 255 VV 255 20 kA 20 kA kA 20 40 kA 40 kA kA 40 Screw terminal Screw terminal Screw 25 mm²terminal max 25 mm² max 25 mm² max DIN Rail DIN Rail Rail DIN 72mm 72mm 72mm Option Option Option single-phase surge single-phaseType Type2 surgeprotectors protectors single-phase Type 22surge protectors Citel range Citelrange range Citel Single-phase network Single-phasenetwork network Single-phase SPD Confi guration SPDConfi Confi guration SPD guration Max. AC operating voltage Max. AC operating voltage Max. AC operating voltage Nominal discharge current Nominaldischarge dischargecurrent current Nominal Maximal discharge current Maximaldischarge dischargecurrent current Maximal Connection Connection Connection Mounting Mounting Mounting Dimensions Dimensions(width) (width) Dimensions (width) Remote Remotesignaling signaling Remote signaling 3-phase surge 3-phaseType Type1 surgeprotectors protectors 3-phase Type 11surge protectors DS240-230/G DS240-230/G DS240-230/G 230 V 230VV 230 Single-phase Single-phase Single-phase 255 255V 255 VV 20 kA 20kA kA 20 40 kA 40kA kA 40 Screw Screwterminal terminal Screw terminal 10 10mm² mm²max max 10 mm² max DIN Rail DINRail Rail DIN 18mm 18mm 18mm Option Option Option Citel Citelrange range Citel range Single-phase Single-phasenetwork network Single-phase network SPD Confi guration SPD Configuration SPD Configuration Max. Max.AC ACoperating operatingvoltage voltage Max. AC operating voltage Nominal Nominaldischarge dischargecurrent current Nominal discharge current Lightning current 10/350µs Lightning current 10/350µs Lightning current 10/350µs Connection Connection Connection Mounting Mounting Mounting Dimensions Dimensions(width) (width) Dimensions (width) Remote signaling Remote signaling Remote signaling DS215-230/G DS215-230/G DS215-230/G 230 V 230 VV 230 Single-phase Single-phase Single-phase 255 255 V 255 VV 55 kA kA 5 kA 10 10 kA kA 10 kA Screw Screw terminal terminal Screw terminal 10 10 mm² mm² max max 10 mm² max DIN Rail DIN Rail Rail DIN 18mm 18mm 18mm Option Option Option DS134R-230/G DS134R-230/G DS134R-230/G 230/400 230/400VV 230/400 V 3-phase+N 3-phase+N 3-phase+N 255 255VV 255 V 20 20kA kA 20 kA 12,5 12,5kA kA 12,5 kA Screw Screwterminal terminal Screw terminal 25 25mm² mm²max max 25 mm² max DIN DINRail Rail DIN Rail 72mm 72mm 72mm Option Option Option DS134VG-230/G DS134VG-230/G DS134VG-230/G 230/400 230/400 VV 230/400 V 3-phase+N 3-phase+N 3-phase+N 255 255 VV 255 V 20 20 kA kA 20 kA 12,5 12,5 kA kA 12,5 kA Screw Screw terminal terminal Screw terminal 25 25 mm² mm² max max 25 mm² max DIN DIN Rail Rail DIN Rail 72mm 72mm 72mm Option Option Option 23 24 PHOTOVOLTAICS CRIMP HAND TOOLS FOR PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION PROFESYONEL UYGULAMALAR IÇIN SΙKΙŞTΙRMA EL ALETLERI MADE IN GERMANY 25 PHOTOVOLTAICS PHOTOVOLTAICS Under the term photovoltaics, one understands the direct transformation of light energy to electrical energy by means of solar cells. More and more "green electric power" is generated by solar powered systems. Due to existing safety regulations, the requirement profile for the technically perfect installation of solar panels is very demanding. These requirements are met to its full extent with the SCORPIO solar tool system, and an electrically efficient and durable connection is guaranteed. Besides the high-quality crimp, you can cut and strip the respective wire to the desired length with the "Clip & Strip" unit. This unit can be mounted into the tool handles of these tools. Thus, the whole process is combined in one tool, which increases the application advantages and also the manageability during the mounting of the solar panels. FOTOVOLTAİK Fotovoltaik, ışık enerjisinin güneş pili aracılığıyla doğrudan elektrik enerjisine dönüştürülmesidir. Fotovoltaik tesisleri aracılığıyla git gide daha fazla "yeşil akım" elde edilmektedir. Mevcut güvenlik talimatları nedeniyle fotovoltaik tesisinin teknik açıdan kusursuz kurulumu için gereksinim profili çok yüksektir. Fotovoltaik alet sistemi ile bu gereksinimler geniş kapsamlı olarak yerine getirilir ve elektrikli olarak iletken ve daimi bir bağlantı sağlanır. Yüksek sıkıştırma kalitesinin yanı sıra "Clip&Strip" kesim ve soyma başlık parçası ile de ilgili kablo istenilen uzunlukta kesilip sıyrılabilir. Bir alet ile böylece tüm kablo işlemesi gerçekleştirilir, bu da uygulama avantajını ve montaj sırasında aletlerin kullanılabilirliğini yükseltir. 26 FEATURES ÖZELLİKLER + Tool with precise radial closing motion + Hassas radyal kapanma hareketli alet + crimp die sets can be changed without tools + Sıkıştırma ek parça seti aletsiz değiştirilebilir + Precision due to special profile geometry + Özel profil geometrileri sayesinde hassasiyet + With device for mounting the cutting and stripping system "Clip & Strip" + Kesme ve soyma sistemi için yuva tertibatı Clip & Strip + Releasable ratchet ensures the complete crimp process + Low handle force thanks to an optimal force transmission + Ergonomic soft-handles with slip-off protection + Completely made of high-tempered special steel, specific stressed parts are specially heat treated Stripping & Cutting unit "Clip & Strip" Kablo soyma ünitesi + Tam sıkıştırmayı garanti altına alan kilitleme sistemi + Optimum güç aktarımı sayesinde düşük el kuvveti + Kaymayı engelleyen ergonomik yumuşak saplar + Yüksek mukavemetli özel çelik malzemelerden imal edilmiş takımların yük altında çalışan kısımları ısıl işlem ile ertleştirilmiştir Toolkit CK 100 LS-Solar Araç seti CK 100 LS solar CK 100 LS die set and locator Ek parçalı ve konumlandırıcılı CK 100 LS TOOL TYPE ALET PART-NO. SIPARIŞ-NO. APPLICATION UYGULAMA CRIMPPROFILE SΙKΙŞTΙRMA PROFILI CK 100 LSP 0166-70013 Basic tool with long handles and locator holder Uzun saplı ve konumlandırıcı yuvalı temel alet Clip & Strip Solar CK 100 1164-05100 Stripping and cutting unit for solar cables Solar kablosu için kesim ve soyma ek parçası CK 100/CS 30-Die set Solar 1,5/2,5 mm² 1867-31100 Photovoltaic terminals MC 4 1,5/2,5 mm² Multi-Contact Fotovoltaik kontakları MC 4 1,5/2,5 mm² Multi-Contact 1,5 mm² 2,5 mm² CK 100/CS 30-Die set Solar 4,0/6,0 mm² 1867-30100 Photovoltaic terminals MC 4 4,0/6,0 mm² Multi-Contact Fotovoltaik kontakları 4,0/6,0 mm² Multi-Contact 4,0 mm² 6,0 mm² CS 30-Die set MC 3 1867-14100 Photovoltaic terminals MC 3 2,5/4,0/6,0 mm² Multi-Contact Fotovoltaik kontakları MC 3 2,5/4,0/6,0 mm² Multi-Contact 2,5 mm² 4,0 mm² 6,0 mm² CS 30-Die set MC 4 1867-13100 Photovoltaic terminals MC 4 2,5/4,0/6,0 mm² Multi-Contact Fotovoltaik kontakları MC 4 2,5/4,0/6,0 mm² Multi-Contact 2,5 mm² 4,0 mm² 6,0 mm² CS 30-Die set Solar 4,0 mm² 1863-52103 Photovoltaic terminals 4,0 mm² Lumberg Fotovoltaik kontakları 4,0 mm² Lumberg 4,0 mm² CS 30-Die set Solar 6,0 mm² 1863-53103 Photovoltaic terminals 6,0 mm² Lumberg Fotovoltaik kontakları 6,0 mm² Lumberg 6,0 mm² Locator Solar 1867-30006 Locator for a perfect located terminal Kusursuz kontak konumlandırması için konumlandırıcı PROFILEGEOMETRY PROFIL GEOMETRISI TERMINALS KONTAK 1,5 - 2,5 mm² 4,0 - 6,0 mm² 27 CK 90 CRIMP HAND TOOLS FOR PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION PROFESYONEL UYGULAMALAR IÇIN SΙKΙŞTΙRMA EL ALETLERI MADE IN GERMANY 28 CK 90 SERIES CK 90 Tools of the CK 90 series are suitable for different applications (terminals and cross-sections). For insulated and non- insulated terminals as well as for the application of wire end ferrules, tools are at your disposal which offer an optimal price/performance ratio and guarantee a high-quality crimp. This series with its realeasable ratchet fulfils all requirements of the service field. „CLIP & STRIP“ As an accessory the cutting and stipping unit „Clip & Strip“ can be mounted in the handles of the CK 90 system without any additional tool, transforming this service tool into a real multitalent. CK 90 SERISI CK 90 serisi çok farklı uygulamalar için uygundur. İzolasyonlu ve izolasyonsuz kontaklar ve de damar uç kovanları işlemesi için en uygun fiyat-performans ilişkisine sahip olan ve yüksek kaliteli sıkma sağlayan aletler mevcuttur. Entegre edilmiş, kilidi açılabilir zorunlu kilit ile birlikte bu yapı serisi servis alanının tüm gereksinimlerini karşılamaktadır. “CLIP & STRIP” Kesme ve soyma ünitesi “Clip & Strip” ek olarak alet kullanmadan CK 90 sistemlerinin saplarına yerleştirilebilmektedir ve servis aletini çok yetenekli bir hale getirmektedir. 29 FEATURES ÖZELLİKLER + With device for mounting the cutting and stripping system „Clip & Strip“ + Kesme ve soyma sistemi için yuva tertibatı Clip & Strip + Releasable ratchet ensures the complete crimp process + Ergonomic soft-handles with slip-off protection + Completely made of high-tempered special steel, specific stressed parts are specially heat treated Einrasten Kilitleme TOOL TYPE ALET + Tam sıkıştırmayı garanti altına alan kilitleme sistemi + Kaymayı engelleyen ergonomik yumuşak saplar + Yüksek mukavemetli özel çelik malzemelerden imal edilmiş takımların yük altında çalışan kısımları ısıl işlem ile ertleştirilmiştir Cutting Kesme PART-NO. SIPARIŞ-NO. APPLICATION UYGULAMA Stripping Soyma CRIMP-PROFILE SΙKΙŞTΙRMA PROFILI mm² AWG 0164-02001 red/blue/yellow DIN cable lugs, pin cable lugs, tabs and receptacles circular connectors and receptacles butt and parallel connectors Kırızı/mavi/sarı izolasyonlu DIN kablo pabucu, pim kablo pabucu, yassı soket, yassı soket kovanı, yuvarlak soket, yuvarlak soket kovanı, darbeli ve paralel konektör 0,5 - 1,0 1,5 - 2,5 4,0 - 6,0 20 - 18 16 - 14 12 - 10 0164-03038 Flat push-on receptacles and tabs without insulaton sleeves for DIN nominal width F2,8/F4,8/F6,3/F9,5 as well as various different electronic terminals F2,8/F4,8/F6,3/F9,5 DIN soket genişlikleri ve diğer farklı elektronik kontakları için izolasyonsuz yassı soketler + yassı soket kovanları DIN 46247 0,25 - 0,5 0,5 - 1,0 4,0 - 6,0 1,5 - 2,5 24 - 20 20 - 18 12 - 10 16 - 14 0164-04034 Non insulated cable lugs with closed crimp barrel (w-pressing) Kapalı sıkıştırma kovanlı izolasyonsuz kablo pabucu (w-presleme) 0,1 - 0,35 0,5 - 1,0 1,5 - 2,5 4,0 - 6,0 10,0 - 16,0 26 - 22 20 - 18 16 - 14 12 - 10 8-6 CK 90L-RKS 0,75-16,0 0164-07001 Cable lugs Boru kablo pabuçları 0,75 - 1,5 2,5 4,0 6,0 - 10,0 16,0 18 - 16 14 12 10 - 8 6 CK 90 L-RKS 6,0-16,0 0164-13001 Cable lugs Boru kablo pabuçları 6,0 10,0 16,0 10 8 6 0164-11015 Wire end ferrules with and without insulation sleeve Uyarınca izolasyon yakalı ve yakasız damar uç kavanları DIN 46228 0,14 - 0,5 0,75 - 1,5 2,5 4,0 6,0 10,0 16,0 26 - 20 18 - 16 14 12 8 6 CK 90 L-AE 10,0-50,0 0164-12011 Wire end ferrules with and without insulation sleeve Uyarınca izolasyon yakalı ve yakasız damar uç kavanları DIN 46228 10,0 16,0 25,0 35,0 50,0 8 6 4 2 1 CK 90 L-AE 50,0-95,0 0164-14007 Wire end ferrules with and without insulation sleeve Uyarınca izolasyon yakalı ve yakasız damar uç kavanları DIN 46228 50,0 70,0 95,0 1 2/0 3/0 CK 90-441 CK 90-65 CK 90 - 66 CK 90-AE 21plus 30 PROFILEGEOMETRY PROFIL GEOMETRISI TERMINALS KONTAK 31 Management Neumarkt, 2015-03-16 J.Pröpster GmbH Regensburger Straße 116 92318 Neumarkt Germany certifies that ERS Elektrik Elektronik Otomasyon SiS. Inş. ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. Ivedik Organize Sanayi Bölgesi 1467. Cadde, Elektrokent Iş Merkezi, No: 2/12, OSTIM-ANKARA / TURKEY is our representative for Kuwait, Quatar, Libya, Iraq, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Turkey which is authorized to commercialize our products. Yours sincerely J. Pröpster GmbH Special Manufacturer for Lightning Protection and Earthing Materials Dipl.Ing. J. Pröpster jun. - CEO - J. Pröpster sen. - CEO - J.Pröpster GmbH Special Manufacturer for Lightning Protection and Earthing Materials Regensburger Straße 116 ∙ 92318 Neumarkt i.d.OPf. Telefon (09181) 25 90 - 0 ∙ Telefax (09181) 25 90 - 10 Basım Tarihi: 27 / 03 / 2015 Basım Adeti: 3500 Adet
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