White Clay Bicycle Club Membership Brochure
White Clay Bicycle Club Membership Brochure
JOIN TODAY Membership Application Send in form below or join online (Active.com - pay by credit card). Go to WCBC website: www.whiteclaybicycleclub.org Mail to: WCBC Membership, Joe Wujcik 48 Stardust Drive, Newark, DE 19702 Dues: (make check payable to WCBC) ▢ Individual Adult $20/Year ▢ Household $25/Year ▢ Junior (under 18) $10/Year Total Enclosed $___________ ▢ New Member ▢ Returning Member Name:( F i r s t , L a s t ) _______________________________________ Gender: ▢ Male ▢ Female DOB: ____/____/____ Other Members: _______________________________________ _______________________________________ _______________________________________ Address: ______________________________ City: __________________________________ State: _______________ ZIP:______________ Phone #: (____)_________________ cell/home (____)_________________ cell/home E-mail(s): ______________________________ _______________________________________ (Check all that apply) I’d be interested in: ▢ Leading Rides ▢ Helping with major rides ▢ Club Leadership, Board Member Please indicate your biking interest(s): ▢ Road/touring ▢ Tandem ▢ Racing ▢ Mountain biking ▢ Exercise Fitness ▢ Bike Safety/Education ▢ Bicycle Advocacy Questions? E-mail: membership@whiteclaybicycleclub.org Benefits of WCBC Membership Ride calendar on website updated daily. Our monthly e-newsletter, Tailwind, keeps you updated on cycling events, club news, photos, advocacy & more. Free classified ads. 2014 W H I TE C L A Y BI C YC L E C L U B Invitations to annual banquet & picnic. Club meetings held first Monday of the month. Special programs scheduled. Many riding and social opportunities. Secondary insurance coverage on club rides. Discounts at local bike stores: Bike Line Stores, Wooden Wheels, Henry’s Bicycle Shop, Garrison’s Cyclery of Centerville, The Bike Boutique, EMS & Performance Bike (club discount events) Support bicycling advocacy. Strong involvement in regional, state and national level. Representation at Bike Delaware public hearings, Delaware Bicycle Council and community events. Member of League of American Cyclists, Adventure Cycling Association. www.whiteclaybicycleclub.org join the fun! WCBC has a long history of hosting Major Rides 2014 WCBC Events Calendar Icicle Metric Century Saturday, March 29 Stretch your legs on a fun ride after the long, cold winter (35, 50 & 100 K) National Ride of Silence Wednesday, May 21 10 mile silent ride honoring injured and fallen bicyclists to raise awareness that we all “Share the Road” Delaware DoubleCross Sunday, July 6 Ride the entire width of Delaware and back, on mostly flat terrain (31 & 62 miles). White Clay Bicycle Club (WCBC) was started in 1973, and has since grown to over 400 members. We come in all shapes, sizes and abilities with one common passion – a love of cycling and the great outdoors! We have continued for over 40 years to reach out to the community to promote safe recreational bicycling activities, offering many the opportunity to participate in and grow in the sport of cycling. Particular emphasis is placed on advocating the rights of bicyclists on the local, state and national levels. The Ride Calendar posted on our website is always up-to-date and, though we are based in Northern Delaware, many of our rides extend into Pennsylvania, Maryland and New Jersey. Bike Trips, Social Events & Community Involvement Shorefire Century Saturday, August 16 Ride beautiful, scenic routes (35,65 &100 miles) flat to gently rolling farmland in Central Delaware. Savage Century Saturday, October 11 Ride the most scenic and hilly routes in the area (40, 60, 75 & 100 miles) - longer routes are more challenging. Link to the WCBC Website & Ride Calendar www.whiteclaybicycleclub.org Rides for all abilities WCBC Events have marked routes, SAG support, food stops and more Dedicated Ride Le aders Wh i te C l ay Bicyc le C l ub. . .Fi t ne s s, Fr ie n d s & Fu n