Boltz Middle School Boltz Middle School
Boltz Middle School Boltz Middle School
Boltz Middle School Newsletter October 2014 Letter from the Principal Dear Parent or Guardian of Boltz Middle School Student: I hope this letter finds you well. By the time you are reading this, we will have completed the first quarter of the school year. We had an amazing turn out for conferences and it was wonderful to see our families fill the building. If you did not have a chance to attend parent teacher conferences, I encourage you to contact teachers to address any questions or concerns you may have. Throughout the school year, we will continue to conduct safety drills and evacuations. The purpose of regular practice is to ensure that we are prepared in the event of a real emergency. Thank you for your help in the mornings at the dropoff lane. Please remember to pull all the way down along the red curb before letting your child out of the car. Students can only be dropped off from the inside lane, where it is safe to access the sidewalk. I am appreciative of the parent community and the support you have shown us over the years. Thanks to your support, we raised over $12,000 during our Back to Boltz Walk-A-Thon! This money will go directly back to classrooms and be used on our students this school year. Last year we used funds to purchase classroom books, fund fieldtrips, and buy much needed supplies. We are thankful for your on-going support. Advertising in this newsletter does not imply endorsement by Poudre School District. Best Regards, Penny Stires Principal Boltz Middle School Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 1 Boltz Counseling Corner WANT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT an opportunity for students to receive FREE tuition for college Come to the PSD Concurrent Enrollment Night to learn more about this program November 10th, 2014, 6-7pm Fossil Ridge High School Commons/Roundhouse This session is open to all Poudre School District parents of 6th-12th graders. Diane Campbell, Fossil Ridge HS College Counselor/Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator Janie Wald, ASCENT program district coordinator Leslie Kulbeck, Front Range Community College Concurrent Enrollment Coordinator The Boltz counseling office is HIGHLY recommending 8th grade parents go and hear about this great opportunity for your kids!!!!! Testing Information Colorado Measures of Academic Success (CMAS) The new tests measure new learning expectations outlined in the new standards (Colorado Academic Standards). Many Colorado teachers helped develop the new tests. The new tests will be given this year in: Science: grades 5, 8 and 12 Social studies: grades 4, 7 and 12 English language arts: grades 3 through 11 Math: grades 3-8 and three times in high school These tests replace the old fill-in-the-bubble tests with new interactive and engaging tests taken online. Because these are different tests, they’ll have different scores. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 2 Testing Information (continued) New levels of achievement: distinguished command, strong command, moderate command and limited command. These new tests measure performance against higher expectations. With higher expectations, fewer students will initially achieve at the highest levels. With fewer students achieving at the highest levels at first, it doesn’t mean students are suddenly performing worse. Rather, we’ve raised the bar of expectations. The new tests measure deeper learning and critical thinking skills. Students began taking new science & social studies last spring; 12th graders will take them this fall. All students will take English & math in March. Different Types of Tests Different types of tests are routinely given to students throughout the year. A balanced approach to testing gives teachers, parents and students ongoing feedback about student performance along the way. We want just enough feedback to know how well students are doing and not too much to overburden schools and students. Here are the most commonly use types of tests: Summative tests are given at the end of something – a course, unit or grade level – once all the instruction has happened and makes sure every student actually learned what they were supposed to through-out that timeframe. This is our evidence of learning. Benchmark/Interim tests are given periodically throughout the year and happen “in the middle of learning” so teachers, students and parents can understand how well students are progressing and if there are any gaps in understanding so adjustments can be made to address the gaps. Formative tests are similar to the interim tests, but much more informal. These quick checks allow teachers to see if students understand specific concepts and if there need to be adjustments in instruction so student best comprehend Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 3 Electives Information Orchestra Reminders Thank you so much for all who showed up to our Fall Concert! The kids did great and I look forward to the Holiday Concerts in December. Please mark your calendar with the following dates: 6/7th Grade: Thursday, December 4th 7pm 8th Grade/Chamber Orchestra: Tuesday, December 9th 7pm (dress rehearsal after school on Monday, December 8th 2:30-4:30pm) All students in orchestra need to have the following supplies: small binder, rosin, class book, and tuner. If you have questions about where to get any of these supplies please send me an email. Practice cards with parent signatures will be due EVERY Tuesday/Wednesday. Please help your student set up a regular practice schedule and sign the practice cards weekly. Melissa Claeys: OR 970-472-3768 Boltz Art! A lot of great things happening in art lately!! For 6th grade, we are just now wrapping up our project based on cave paintings. After looking at cave paintings from around the world, students were introduced to texture and shape, and were then asked to apply it into their own personal “cave” paintings. We related the process to street art, creating stencils out of pictures that we found and eventually making our own stencils. We crumpled, ripped and stepped on big sheets of paper, and some of us were able to use clay to emulate a rocky texture. We then used natural materials—much like the old cave men and women—to stain the surfaces of our texture. Students had a blast getting messy with coffee grounds to get our desired effect! Overall, the project has been challenging, but with our challenges we have learned a lot! 7th and 8th grade Art II and Art III has been exploring Pop Art for the past couple of weeks. With some background information on what Pop Art is, we discussed controversy within a famous pop artist’s work—Roy Lichtenstein. Most students saw him as a man who copied other ideas, while others recognized that he followed the rules of pop art. After a conversation of what makes a true artist, we stepped into the technique of contour line. Using popular images in our lives in combination to personal pictures, our task is to create a Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 4 Boltz Art (continued) work of pop art that follows its general characteristics. The outcome so far has been inspiring to say the least. 7th and 8th grade Pottery and Sculpture wrapped up our “Personal Phoenix” project and have moved on to Mask Making. After observing the main functions of masks (ritual, disguise, transformation, and protection), and looking at how they have been used in our society, we got a chance to research a mask making process of our choosing. After this, we wrote down steps and started the process of making a basic template to build off of for our upcoming masks. Featured Art Life with the Seasons By Arianna Lepori The shadow flew over the land. The air whistled and a strong breeze scattered the drying leaves. A screech sent animals scattering. A bright scarlet feather dropped into the landscape soaring by. The bird, huge and majestic, was blotted out for a single moment, causing a second of distress. The wings flapped, the noise reverberating off of the hills covered in orange and red leaves. The feather that had fallen started to lose its color. The bird screeched once more before the feathers began to drift down. The shadow slowed down. A thump sounded from the crackling leaves. The feather had rotten and began to spark. It combusted. An explosion blew trees into a nearby village. The bird hard lit up and exploded. A delicate pile of soft gray ash piled on the new clearing. Gentle, beautiful white flakes started drifting down. The land turned white and blindingly bright. The cold lasted for months. The people and animals struggled to survive. The air warmed, streams trickled from the hills that started to Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 5 Life with the Seasons (continued) show small green sprouts. A lump formed in the soaked grey pile. A tiny, vulnerable bird emerged. It flapped its wings. A spark hit the tiny bird’s foot. It lit up the bird. It became a ball of fire. It flapped into the sky. It grew as it got hotter, the hills lush and teaming with life. It screeched, stronger than before. It soared high, the flamed coating it burned bright as if burning the memories of when the bird had been falling apart. The remembrance of the wings and the feathers falling off, the chill that set in. The smell of rot and smoke the bird had scented before it combusted. Those memories melted away, the breath taking bird burned brighter than ever. Showering the world with a golden light. A new beginning only made the bird stronger and braver, more confident than before. Loteria By Joshua Volpe From the fire I rise only to die again and again, different force but still the same person. My glee is like the feather of a phoenix, it lights up a room. My first try at regenerating, it didn’t work. So my son, I will give you the knowledge through my ashes. My Phoenix By Sadie Valdez Deep in the forest lay a small blue egg. Cracking and shaking as it’s formed with two legs. Fully formed and covered with feathers, Burst into flames and sent to the nether. Slowly reborn the little bird lives. Blue and gold feathers, the bird finally gives. Soaring through the sky it flies. Its beady black eyes, Colorful little artifacts it spies. Claws like a hawk, picks the pencils up. Three, four, five and six. All different colors, looking like sticks. Fluffy feathers, the colors get stuck. Stuck there forever, just like hard muck. Dying its feathers orange and red. After years of living, it’s once again dead. It burst into flames, one blue feather remained. The owner, an artist, was very pained. Given the colored pencils the blue feather soars. Up in the sky, everyone adores. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 6 I am Phoenix Poem By Ingrid Villalba I am phoenix I fly through my imagination. I am a phoenix that gets reborn and learns from its mistakes. I am phoenix I soar through the learning experiences. I am a colorful, bright phoenix. I am phoenix. I build friendships. I am a small, loving phoenix. I am phoenix. I share knowledge throughout my experience I share love through my actions. BOLTZ CHOIRS Our choirs just had a very successful Fall Concert, and now we’re gearing up for our Holiday Concert! We will be performing on Thursday, December, 18 at 7PM at Fort Collins High School. It’s hard to believe that Christmas is just right around the corner! Our Show Choir will be performing with the other middle school choirs in the district on November 13th, during the school day. This is a fun collaboration, and it’s always a good experience for the kids. We listen to all of the other choirs perform, and then each choir gest a 30 minute clinic with one of the high school choir directors. It’s a great learning experience for the students, and always fun to see what the other schools are doing! Upcoming Band Dates December 4 – 6/7th band and orchestra concert @ Boltz. Students arrive at 6:30pm, concert begins at 7pm. Tuesday, December 9 – Winter Collage Concert Rehearsal after school @ Boltz. Parents should plan to pick up students from school at 4pm. Wednesday, December 10 – Winter Collage Concert @ Boltz. Students arrive at 6:30pm, concert begins at 7pm. German 1A - Fall, 2013 The 7th grade German 1A students are well on their way to learning German. So far, we have learned daily greetings and phrases. We have learned to introduce ourselves and others. We have devoted time primarily to those introductions as well as viewed a Foto Roman provided through the text. This allows students to listen to authentic German speakers. Furthermore, students are learning the various forms of verbs and how to use them in sentences to create new meanings. The two primary verbs are heißen (to be named) and sein (to be). We have also begun the study of all regular verbs and the conjugation pattern. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 7 German 1A - Fall, 2013 (continued) We are also delving into the genders of the German nouns – der, die, and das. This is quite different from our English language since all of these words mean “the.” Soon we will begin our study of school: subjects, grades, likes, dislikes, etc. Students recently read an article and wrote a short paragraph about the similarities and differences between the American and German school systems. They discovered that even though there are many differences, there are also many similarities. German - Fall, 2014 The 8th grade German 1B students have reviewed daily greetings and phrases. We have spent a great deal of time reviewing speaking on the topics of introduction of self and school. We have incorporated descriptive language – both physical and personality vocabulary. We have also reviewed the topic of school – what courses we take, what our favorites are, and grades we receive. This has also involved time telling. Our next topic will be leisure activities. We will review our adverbs so that we can tell when, how often, to what extent we take part in the activities. Our emphasis has been on conversation about various topics. With this performance target in mind, we will continue to progress toward not only fluency but accuracy. Our next big effort will be to begin our Keypal Project with the students in Großefehn, Germany. The students attend a Gesamtschule in northeastern Germany and are usually in grades 7-8. We will correspond by writing in German and they will write back in English. This plays an extremely important role in students learning to write authentically in the German language. Explorations in Deutsch So if you just had a few weeks to learn a world language, what would you want to know? Well, you could begin with: “Guten Morgen!” “Hallo!” “Wie geht’s?” and “Auf Wiedersehen!” Explorations in German students are well on their way to learning a bit of Deutsch. The semester began with greetings, letters (speeded alphabet) numbers, and time telling. We just went to the computer lab where students typed short introductory biographies which are now posted (along with photos) outside of Frau McGrew’s room. When you are at Boltz, come and see them. We have just learned how to state our age and when our birthdays are. This means they know the numbers and months of the year. Along with this we have learned a German birthday song and celebrated the October birthdays. We sing to the birthday “kids” and then they get a German birthday stamp and a pencil with “Viel Glück zum Geburtstag?” In the weeks ahead, we will study colors, clothing and the geography of Germany and its neighboring countries. Students will also learn how to speak about their favorite activities or interests: sports, music, and hobbies. We will also study a short unit on school. Students will learn to talk about their various courses stating which course is their favorite. They will also learn the similarities and differences between our school system and the schools in Germany. The quarter will end with the study of places in a city and the vocabulary of following directions. With luck, they will be able to locate shops for clothes, food, and a bathroom if in Germany. We will also study the Christmas traditions, song, and foods. Tschüß! Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 8 Technology and Engineering Update In the Technology and Engineering courses we have finished our first projects and are stepping it up a notch. The 6th grade students will be working on Inventions. Each student will come up with a plan for something new. Then they will have to build a model, make a poster, and write a paragraph describing their wonderful new invention. The 7th grade students are designing mousetrap powered racecars. They are trying to get their cars to travel precisely 10 feet on our tile floors. The 8th grade students are designing and building CO2 powered racecars. The fastest ones will go 40 MPH real speed!!! We will have races and a car show when we are all done building. It’s going to be a great quarter!! Robotics In the Boltz Robotics classes, we have finished learning the basics. The students know how to build robots, add sensors, and program them to do tasks. Now it’s contests, contests, and more contests. Using the First LEGO League competition tables and props from the last several seasons, we are teaming up to attack new challenges. Teams will build robots, program them, and try to achieve as many points as possible on the competition tables. We will probably even make up our own competitions. It’s going to be competitive but fun!! From the School Nurse Hello Boltz families! I would like to introduce myself. My name is Erin Camper, RN and I am the school nurse this year at Boltz. I am super excited to be putting my nursing knowledge and my love of working with children to use in this role and to be supporting your students here at Boltz! I will be at Boltz on Mondays most weeks. Day to day medical needs are taken care of by our wonderful Heatlh Tech., Mrs. Tomanek and the office staff under my guidance. I look forward to working with them and with you, as parents, to keep our students safe and healthy this year! Team Six Science In science, Mr. Garcia and Baumgartner’s classes are currently focusing on the relationships between organisms and their role in the environment. During this unit, the students are learning about how organisms interact with each other and their environment in various ways to create a flow of energy and cycling of matter in the ecosystem. The ecology unit will be wrapping up soon. Please have the students refer to their interactive notebooks to study and master the key terms in the ecology unit. 6th grade math: Connected 2XL We have wrapped up our work with integers, rational numbers, identifying irrational numbers and exponents. November will take us into our next big unit where we will work on equivalent expressions and percents. During first quarter we spent much of our time getting used to explaining our answers and discussing the math. This will continue to be a focus, as we communicate more about our answers instead of merely getting the right answer. Connected Math 1 As we move into November we will have finished our unit on Fractions and Decimals. Please have your student continue to work on the specific skills where they are making lower than a 3. If you look at the rubrics that are handed back with their tests and retakes you can tell which skills they still need practice with. One place you can find this practice is Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 9 Team Six Khan Academy. Each student has already signed in and will only need to search for the skill they need to practice. For example, they may need to practice subtracting decimals. We will begin ratios here soon. Please continue to check with your student to make sure they have pencils and supplies. We are getting to the time of year when students start to forget to bring the basics to class. Also have your student show you their grades in StudentVue to check if they are keeping up. Time is moving quickly! We had a great first quarter and are looking towards a better 2nd quarter. Thank you, Your 6th grade math team Geography In Geography we will be investigating the factors that affect climate. Ask your student what they are. Students will also be creating a paper on their culture. It is focusing on traditions, celebrations, food, clothing, sports and anything else they do. As the quarter progresses, we will begin our unit on Canada. English In 6th Grade English, we are studying characterization as we read Rules. Students will be reviewing the parts of speech and learning how to boost their words to make their writing more descriptive. Narrative writing is also in the near future. Students will review plot, dialogue, and narrative techniques for writing a story. We're excited that so many students are participating in the 40 Book Challenge! Keep up the good work! Team 7 Geography As we wrap up the first quarter, geography students have established a nice foundation of skills and terminology which we will use as we journey around the Eastern Hemisphere! In second quarter you can look forward to a better understand of the European Union as well as Russia and the former republics of the Soviet Union! English Looking ahead to Quarter Two, we will begin our Power of One Unit, including a novel study of Roll of Thunder, Hear My Cry by Mildred Taylor. Students will be researching a Civil Rights Activist and writing an essay with citations over his or her life. In addition to our Power of One unit, students should continue to read every day for our Phoenix 40 Book Challenge. Math CM2 In CM2 students have started our Proportionality and Linear Relationship Unit with looking at the concepts of similarity. Students will discover the properties of similar figures and explore relationships among figures that have been stretched or shrunk by a scale factor. We will investigate real-world applications such as estimating the height of tall objects by using shadows and similar triangles. Here are some strategies for helping your child work through the ideas in this unit: Talk about real-world encounters with similarity. Look at your child’s “interactive notebook.” Encourage your child to complete all practice work. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 10 Team 7 (continued) CM2XLStudents in CM2XL have been working on the properties of exponents and will wrap up our unit of rational numbers/irrational numbers by identifying and estimating values of irrational numbers. Then we will be moving on to our Proportionality and Linear Relationship Unit by looking at the concepts of similarity. Students will discover the properties of similar figures and explore relationships among figures that have stretched or shrunk by a scale factor. We will investigate real-world applications such as estimating the height of tall objects by using shadows and similar triangles. Here are some strategies for helping your child work through the ideas in this unit: Talk about real-world encounters with similarity. Look at your child’s “interactive notebook.” Encourage your child to complete all practice work. Algebra Students in algebra have just completed their unit around equations. Moving on we will be focusing on defining, evaluating and comparing functions. In addition, students will be extending their knowledge of linear relationships and discovering other forms to write the equation of a straight line. Here are some strategies for helping your child work with ideas in this unit: Discuss how two thing may or may not be related to each other. How would this look on a graph? Continue to use Khan Academy as a resource Look at your child’s “Interactive Notebook Science 7th grade Science is rockin' right along! Our geology unit is in full swing and we continue to study how convection is responsible for plate motion, volcanoes, earthquakes, and the tectonic plate theory. Ask to see your student's interactive notebook and help them keep up on the new vocabulary. This unit concludes with a District Common Assessment and they will get more information on this as it gets closer. Team 8 Mrs. McGrew’s English Class The 8th grade students in Mrs. McGrew’s English classes are presently working on the short story and expository writing unit. The primary focus is to understand the elements of fiction as seen in the stories we read. In addition, students are learning the correct writing format for and expository introductory paragraph and a support paragraph. The students have also been taught the techniques of peer editing – not an easy task. With each essay students are given a rubric that shows how the essays will be graded. The most recent rubric has the following “standard indicators”: strong introduction, vocabulary/word choice, style & structure, mechanics/usage, and textual evidence. The end goal is to complete a multi-paragraph essay at the conclusion of this unit Algebra 1 Students are finishing up solving and applying multi-step equations and inequalities. Teachers continue to stress to students the importance of daily practice by completing all homework. The good habits they develop now will support them through the rest of their math courses. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 11 Team 8 (continued) Mrs. Hulse’s Geometry Class We will start studying the properties of parallel lines. The postulates and theorems we learn now will carry us into proofs regarding triangle congruence. Around Halloween students will be exposed to Billy Bob’s Road Kill Café, which introduces triangle congruence theorems. Ask them about the food at Billy Bob’s. Algebra 2 Class These students are finishing up a new-review unit on Quadratic Functions. Using things they learned in Algebra 1 and incorporating more technology to gain a deeper understanding of the applications and uses for Quadratics. History Your 8th grade U.S. History student is wrapping up their successful Colonial Newspaper project. Each of your students wrote 4 different assignments. The project asked them to understand our history during the Colonial period and then create newspaper articles and opinions covering the things they learned. Be sure to ask them about their final products! Next we will discuss our upcoming November election. This election will support our State Standards in Civics and launch us into our next unit. After reviewing the American Revolution we will study the formation of our new governmental system. The time spent studying the U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights is fun and exciting for students as they understand their role as citizens. Please talk with your students about your experiences under our system, especially how the Bill of Rights has affected your family's history. Your student will not study these critical ideas on self-government until well into their high school years. It is so important that we work together to develop our young citizens. We thank you for your support. Boltz Middle School's Math Nights What: Who: Where: When: Family fun with numbers, games, contests, challenges, prizes, snacks, and more!! You, your family, your Boltz friends, and a parent or guardian Boltz Middle School Media Center Nov 19 6:30-8:00 pm Warnings: You might laugh, have fun, and maybe...just maybe... love math!! Math Night Agenda Estimation and Name Tags Warm-Up Riddle Engineering project Riddle Estimation Winner Raffle Winner The Gifted and Talented (GT) program at Boltz needs help from our Phoenix community! You can make a difference for our GT students! It’s easy! Our 2014-2015 GT team is looking for short-term mentors for GT students who are wanting to learn more about a particular career or field during this upcoming school year. This is not a year-long commitment, so please don’t let the potential time commitment of being a mentor scare you off. The student just wants to interview you either here at Boltz or on-site (with a parent present) at your job. I need professionals in the fields listed below to be willing to let a 6th, 7th, or 8th grade GT student interview you somewhere between December and March. These students have chosen careers of great interest to them, so you will have a willing audience when you are speaking. Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 12 1. Team 8 (continued) General Overview of What is Asked of our GT Mentors: 1. Students will be required to call you on the phone to make first contact. Since teens are more comfortable with texting and emailing, we want them to practice their less used one-on-one verbal communication skills with this first contact. (Note: Students also have to write their interview questions and have them approved by one of the staff on the GT Team before they can ever get your contact information, so your student will be prepared for your interview.) 2. Interviews need to be done in person, preferably here at Boltz on a school day. However, you will have to set that up with your student(s). If there is a chance for a job shadow with you at your job, that can be arranged as well; however, know that a parent is required to accompany the student to your place of business. Like last year, if you meet with this student anywhere but here at Boltz, know that a parent is required to accompany the student. 3. Mentors will be required to register on the Poudre School District website as a district volunteer. This is a very easy process that can be done on the PSD website. Mentors we need to find for our 2014-2015 GT students to interview: A National Park ranger An athletic coach at a more national level (ex: CSU coach, Eagles hockey coach, etc.) Mechanical engineer Geologist A private investigator A chef or someone else in the culinary world Sports broadcaster Veterinarian Actor/actress (student hopes to find someone who has acted on TV or auditioned for TV) Chemical engineer Singer/songwriter An author If you are someone who wants to volunteer to mentor a GT student doing career research, please contact our GT ALP Specialist, Mrs. Kirstan Morris whose contact info is listed below, and let her know that you’d be willing to mentor a Boltz student. You can also email Kirstan if you have an idea of a person to call (i.e. a close friend or relative with one of these careers). Thank you! Kirstan Morris, ALP Specialist for GT Program at Boltz Middle School, Deb Morrison, Coordinator of GT Program at Boltz Middle School, Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 13 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 14 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 15 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 16 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 17 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 18 Boltz Middle School | 720 Boltz Drive, Fort Collins, CO 80525 | phone (970) 472-3700| fax (970)472-3730 page 19
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