sales of both premium and machine-made flavored cigars appear to
sales of both premium and machine-made flavored cigars appear to
CATEGORYUPDATE Among the seven different versions of premium flavored cigars offeled by General Gigar's CAOare these thlee: Caramelo Joe, Earth Nectar and Moontrance. AND MACHINE-MADE SALESOF BOTHPREMIUM APPEARTO BE ROBUST FLAVORED CIGARS By Mike Smith ost of the cigars I write about are the regular rvith both premium and machine-madeversions.Many new tobacco ones I cover in my column in this offerings areout there to replacethe vacuum left by the flavored magazine.Every couple of years,I check in on the cigaretteban. Lots ofthe offeringsarearound cigarettesizeand favored side of things. The banning of flavored cigarettes some evencome in a flip-top box. Note that unlike cigarettes, toward the end of 2009 had many people worried thar it theseproducts do not have 200 or so chemicalsin addition might be the fate of flavored cigarsaswell, even though thev to the tobacco. They contain natural tobacco, with flavorings, are a quite different animal. with the sometimesexception of the wrapper which can be a The FDA ban stipulated that these regulations n-right homogenized tobacco and paper blend to facilitate products machine manufacturing. also afrect flavored tobacco other than cisarettes. Many different companies are in the According to their web site at, "FDA is also favored cigar businessthese days. On the examining options for regulating both menthol cigarettes and flavored tobacco products premium side, there are CAO, Heavenly other than cigarettes."So far, that hasn't Cigar, the Miami Cigar Croup, Drew g Estate,Torano, and Oliveros, to name a happened and it's really converting few of the more well known. Some are part of that dead market into growth For the flavored cisar market. To date, more boutique or limited production like there is every reasonto keep offering the Gd's Cigars, Havana Honeys, Cojimar, products, particularlv rvith its growth. If Lars Tetens, and Bucanero. By far, the you are cautious,stock for a shorter amount largest number of selections and high White from Swediah Owl, of time than you miehr ordinarily. Maybe sales volumes are with the mass market, Match, has found Elood machine-made varieties produced by such you buy flavored products for a month's suocess with its four supply rather than a vear. companiesasSwisherInternational, General key fiavors as well as its Sweets products. Salesfor flavored ciears appear to be strong, Cigar Company, Swedish Match, Altadis CATEGORYUPDATE The flavored cigars in CheYenne's Body Shots and Derringierlines will continue to be a Palt of the overall $owth in the ciElarindustrY, the company says. and the Alria Company. The companies interviewed for this article have indicated different levels ofpositive feedback for the segment, ranging from stable to growing very strongly' FlavoredGigiarBusiness "Strongl" CAO was one of the first manufacturers to seriously getting into premium, favored cigars.Their list of flavorsnow i.r.lnd., Caramelo Joe, Cherrybomb, Moontrance, Eileenk Dream, Gold Honey, Earth Nectar and Bella Vanilla. Dan Carr President of General Cigar, tells us, "\7e are enjoying increased demand acrossour entire flavored cigar franchise' Our favored cigar businesscontinues to increaseprimarily becausewe have the most unique and comprehensive favor taste reducesthe barriers to entry for a given product, making it more appealingto a wider rangeof consumers." fu far as marketing their Havana Honeys line, Dan says, "Regarding Havana Honeys, to capitalize on the social nature of flavored cigars, we're taking Havana Honeys out of store, to events acrossthe country. This includes music and wine festivals,BBQ/grilling eventsand golf tournaments which we often participate in, in cooperation with our retailers.This allows us to bring the favored cigar experience to the casual smoker and helps to drive consumersto retail." As for the future of the segment, Dan tells us, "\fhile it's difficult to speculate,the demand for flavored cigars is strong and we anticipatethat this will continue.Justasthe traditional the premium cigar category faces regulatory challenges, 'We as favored cigarwill continue to sharesimilar challenges. right our protect to continuing to are committed a company to enjoy all premium cigars,through our support of industry organizationssuch as the IPCPR and CRA, and through our dedicatedteam of lobbyists." New Flavors, New Packa$in$ Terryn Kinnev oi Heavenly Cigars tells us they now have a lineuo of 10 flavors in 4 sizes,with 2 additional rotating ,."ron"l flavors.Ther-have iust revampedthe packagingand brought out a brand nes' size.Shorry (4 x 40), in all flavors' Their packagingchaneehasbeen*'ell receivedby the retailer, as the box ii no..' a verrical lavout. saving shelf space'Their favor nameshavechangedro refiectthe possibilin'thatFDA will get their r,r'avon requirine name chanqesto eliminate food names (like their tbrmer Heavenlr'\ anilla - norv called Blu Thboo). range in the industry." After having exponential gros-th tor severalyears,Terry He adds, "\fhen General Cigar took over CAO earlier "Our business is steadv and consistent' this year, we recognized that there is a unique segment of the says that now, tbr smokersof all ages."fu market that demands flavored cigars and we wanted to help Flavoredcigarsare nos' a market goes on to sa\''"Branding is key for retailers to be successfulin this niche. \7e therefore opted to far as their Larketing. she s'ell-known brand image to take a price decreaseacrossour favored cigar portfollo. Ou1 us the HeavenlyAngels bring a is key. Our colors allow produ.t, are now competitively priced within the favored the consumers'minds. bur packaging all other cigars,aswell as our premium cigar segment and we attribute the recent growth of us to stand out in the cros'd of beautiful new black boxes. Obviously, having a great cigar, CAO Flavours to this initiative." true to its favor descriprion is our ultimate mission!" fu to favored V4ren asked how the marketing was different for -\bu will now find that evencigar cigars,he said,"Generallyspeaking,the favored cigarconsumer the olaceof favored cigars. tanilla from time to time. Flavored a llght ur! will afi.i,o.t"dos ,h. favored cigar smoking occasion is different from ".rd what you'll find traditionally within the premium cigar category. As such, flavored cigars require a unique approach to marketing, Demographically, enjoyment of flavored cigars is more of a social pleasurewhich appealsto a wide variety of adult consumers. Through unique flavors and aromas, flavored cigars offer a welcome change of pace to the casual cigar smoker. To draw on a common parallel between the premium cigar category and ihe premium spirits industry, flavored cigarsmake just asthe InteFcontinental Trading Go. recently introduced its line of oHM filtered the tasteof the product more accessible' same holds true for spirits like vodka. Accessible cigars in five llavors to the market. CATEGORYUPDATE Theseofferingsfrom HeavenlyCigals,includingRumand Gherry Gherubsand a 20-countbox of BeeStinEls,are a small part of th6 successfuldiversilicationof tho industry,the companysays cigarsare an important part of diversifyingin this market." Tatiana has been making excellent favored premium cigars for years. La Aurora in the Dominican Republic produces them. In addition to the more complex Thtiana Mocha, theret also a Thtiana favored cigar named \Waking Dream. That one provides a different mist by using oak-barrel-aged Dominican tobaccosinfused with herbs and flavorsof vanilla cream, hazelnuts and single malt whisky. They definitely have a place as a premium flavored cigar in many tobacco shops. Drew Estate(JonathanDrew) hasa unique brand of cigars perhaps best known by his Acid cigars.Theseare unlike any others in that the different versions of the sticks are made (secret sauce) with herbs and who knows what infusions. They produce the very successful Java cigar, infused mocha, cocoa and java, for Rocky Patel. These are in a class all their own and continue to be very successfulas high-end premiums. Demand Should Keep Growing Shargio Patel, President of Inter-Continental Tlading, told us, "The future is looking bright for flavored cigars. The demand will always be there. Like I said before, if the costs of cigarettes keep rising, which I'm sure rhey will, then the higher demand for flavored cigars will grow that much more. I am sure there will be plenry more regulatory changes, but the demand for flavored cigars will never disappear." He seesdemand increasins for a d e f i n i t er e a s o n ", l n m y o p i i i o n , I believe the filtered cigar market is growing at a rapid rate. Due to the high costsof cigarettes,a lot of people are turning to filtered cigars as an alternative to savebundles of money. I believe that the higher the costsofcigarettes are, rhe larger the filtered cigar market will grow." ICT has recent new offerings in this market. "\7e recently introduced our OHM Filtered Cigars to the market. They are made in the USA. OHM Filtered Cigars are made in five different favors (Red, BIue, Menthol, Vanilla, and Cherry). Our cigarscome in hard fiptop boxes." CEO of Cheyenne International, Bill Greiwe, says, "Cheyenne is a leading manufacturer of cigars in America. Our products include a full line of Cheyenne brand cigars as well asDerringer and Bodyshot cigars. The flavored selections are distinctive and formulated to meet the expanding desire for choicesamong adult Americans in all products." His thoughts on the future for flavored cigars are, "OTP (Other Tobacco Products) in general will continue ro grow and cigars as a whole will continue to be a meaningful part of that and the favored cigar segment will be a part of that growth. It is hard to predict regulation however the cigar segment has been around a long time and I believe it will continue to be with us for a long time." As to differences in marketing for flavored cigars, "Effectively marketing cigar products to your adult consumers is not that different than other products, it requireseducating your salesforce so that they can inform your customersabout the options available to them." Future Regulations Are Key From more of a retail side of the house,Smoker Friendlyt Mary Szarmach says, "The demand for flavored cigars continues to increase,especiallysince the flavored cigarette categoryis gone. I definitely think the regulatory focus will be on flavored cigars. The future growth of this category hinges on future regulations." She believes that, "Flavored cigars fill the need of the American consumer. If you look at soda,waters,tea and coffee, liquor, candy, etc., the core lines have exploded with flavors." Brenda Fisher, National Sales Manager for Lil Brown Smoke Shack tells us, "I still seenew favored cigars being introduced into the market everyyearso the industry is increasing. At our company, it is stable for the moment, but we are stafting to see an increase in demand for flavored cigars." She describesher product as, "Sweet Air is a lighdy favored vanilla A&T Tobacco features extensive flavor selections that makesthe tastesmooth and mild." in several ciglar lines such as Dark Horse, Hats Off and Double Diamond, On the marketing side of things, she CATEGORYUPDATE says, "I think flavored cigars give vendors more opportunities to be creativewith visual marketing tools." In addition to their SweetAir product, they also sell a variety of other manufacturers' cigars including Swisher,lffhite Owl & Game, Black & Mild, Prime Time, SF Private Label, Al Capone, Phillies, Dutch Master, Diarum and Dream. One of the larger players is SwedishMatch' Brian Love, the Marketing Director Mass Market Cigars, for SwedishMatch, describestheir favored products, "Our \7hite Owl brand which participates in the Homogenized Tobacco Leaf (HTL) segment' focuseson four lX/hite key favors (Strawberry,Peach,Grape & \White Grape). Grape is one of the fastestgrowing favors in the market and features a distinguished green wrapper' \Vhite Owl also has two Sweetproducts including the-White Owl Sweetsand new popular'ffhite Owl Green Sweets. fu well, the brand has an unfavored line of products. Two of the biggest frontmarks are'White Owl Invincible & New Yorker. The Game brand by Garcia yYegacompetes in the Natural Leaf segment and has four flavors (Peach,\fine, \Vhite Grape & new Grape) along with two unfavored products Game Green & Game Palma. Our Garcia y Vega brand primarily concentrates on the unfavored natural leaf segment." Flavoredcigalillos,like these from White Owl' havebeenvery successfulin the marketplace. He also has a different view to the question of if the market for favored cigars was growing, "The biggest definer to what is growing or not growing is the size of the cigar rather than favored or unflavored. Cigarillos style cigars in both Natural Leaf and HTL are growing while larger cigars like Blunts and Palmasare generally decreasing." Theyhave abit ofadifference in theirmarketingaccordingly. Brian says, "'W'e market our products to legal tobacco age (LTA) consumers based on the individual brand strategy 'flavored' 'unfavored' basis. Our \Vhite Owl or rather than on brand contains both favored, sweet and unfavored products within the line. LfA consumert affinity differs greatly from Lil BrownSnoke Shackbline of VisionHunterflavoredfiltered cigarsincludesEarthrWater'File and gweet Air. geography to geography and thus we market our products to meet LTA consumert demand for different product profile (i.e. size, flavor/sweet/unflavored, NL/HTL) in each areaof the country." Enhancingthe Smokin$ ExPorlonee The Swedish Match way of determining a new product is also different, "New favors that are introduced to the market need to sadsfr a real LTA consumer need rather than 'ne# just be or a novelry. They must enhance the smoking 'Sfhen we pioneered \Vhite Grape back in 2007, experience. many industry panicipans thought that it was just another 'grape' cigar. Vith our slow burning green wrapper and complimentary white grape favor, the importance of this flavor to both our company and rhe industry has continued to gain sffength year over year." Altadis (Imperial Tobacco) has dso been introducing new flavored cigars over the last couple of years. The company's Havana Sweets'range boasts honey and Irish cream favors. Their Miami Suites line includes Amaretto, Honey, Honey Berry, Irish Cream, and Rum. Their Dutch Masters Cigarillos and Coronas lines have almost a dozen different favors. The Phillies Blunts and Mini-blunc boast of half a dozen favors. The cigarillos sizeofFerseven more. Theseare all in their massmarket division. Swisher International is one of the largest producers of machine-made flavored cigars, with their Swisher Sweets brand including such favors as grape, wine, strawberry and peach in cigarillo and mini-cigarillo sizes. They also offer flavors in their Santa Fe, Optimo, Goodies, Blacftstone and King Edward brands. Swisher'sJacksonville, Florida facility is still the worldt largest cigar factory, producing more than 14 million cigars per day. As always, as long as regulations dont prohibit it, the customers will drive the markets. If youre not stocking a selectionofflavored cigars,you arelikely missing a significantly growing segment of the tobacco products business.If youre watching the trends, you want to make sure your selections lean toward the smaller sizesas that portion is also growing for natural tobacco flavors as well as others. Listen to your customers as any great retailer always does. TR