The Freshwater Trust Reference Site Survey Protocol
The Freshwater Trust Reference Site Survey Protocol
Riparian Survey Program For use in Eugene Water & Electric Board’s Voluntary Incentives Program Final Report I: Reference Site Survey Protocol April 25, 2014 Prepared by The Freshwater Trust Version 1.1, August 8, 2014 Clarifications, expansions, simplifications, and other revisions to this protocol have been made from the original version based on feedback gained from the implementation experience of desktop and field analysts at 13 forested reference sites. Prepared by: Olivia Duren Kaola Swanson Julia Bond Monique Leslie For additional information, contact: The Freshwater Trust 65 SW Yamhill St., Suite 300 Portland, OR 97204 503.222.9091 Acknowledgements The authors would like to thank the VIP partners for their valuable input and guidance essential to this project. In particular, the experience and feedback of a core review team has been crucial for refining survey methods and advising development of the riparian function scoring approach. We thank review team members Karl Morgenstern, Nancy Toth, and Kris Stenshoel from the Eugene Water & Electric Board; David Richey from Lane Council of Governments; Jared Weybright from the McKenzie Watershed Council; and Rebecca Ley from the Upper Willamette Soil and Water Conservation District. The methodologies presented in these reports reflect their recommendations. Table of Contents Table of Contents .......................................................................................................................................................4 A Riparian Survey Program in the McKenzie River Subbasin .....................................................................................1 VIP Study Area ........................................................................................................................................................1 Scope of a Reference Site Survey Program ............................................................................................................4 Selecting Reference Sites .......................................................................................................................................4 Selecting Riparian Function Metrics and Survey Methods.........................................................................................5 Measuring Riparian Function at Reference Sites .......................................................................................................6 Desktop and Field Data Collection Methods ..............................................................................................................8 Data Collection Approach .......................................................................................................................................8 Survey Timing and Roles in Implementation ..........................................................................................................8 Survey Locations .........................................................................................................................................................9 Choosing Reference Sites .................................................................................................................................... 10 Delineating Reference Sites................................................................................................................................. 10 Recording Site Metadata ..................................................................................................................................... 12 Delineating Units within the Reference Site ....................................................................................................... 17 Recording Unit Metadata .................................................................................................................................... 17 Measuring Riparian Function Metrics ..................................................................................................................... 19 Riparian Buffer..................................................................................................................................................... 19 Landscape Connectivity ....................................................................................................................................... 20 Land Use .............................................................................................................................................................. 21 Presence of Roads ............................................................................................................................................... 23 Floodplain Connectivity ....................................................................................................................................... 24 Streambank Erosion Potential ............................................................................................................................. 25 Large Wood in the Channel ................................................................................................................................. 27 Presence of Tributary Confluences ..................................................................................................................... 28 Presence of Special Instream Habitats ................................................................................................................ 28 Presence of Current or Historic Anadromous Salmonid Habitat ........................................................................ 29 Presence of Wetlands.......................................................................................................................................... 30 Presence of Special Terrestrial Habitats .............................................................................................................. 32 Canopy Tree Height ............................................................................................................................................. 33 Canopy Closure .................................................................................................................................................... 34 Canopy Cover....................................................................................................................................................... 35 Riparian Forest Seral Stage .................................................................................................................................. 35 Snag Abundance .................................................................................................................................................. 38 Downed Large Wood in the Floodplain ............................................................................................................... 39 Unvegetated Ground ........................................................................................................................................... 39 Native Vegetation Composition .......................................................................................................................... 39 Invasive Plant Species Cover ............................................................................................................................... 40 Photo Documentation ............................................................................................................................................. 41 Quality Assurance/Quality Control .......................................................................................................................... 42 Data Management................................................................................................................................................... 42 Data Analysis ........................................................................................................................................................... 42 Next Steps................................................................................................................................................................ 43 Protocol Review and Adaptation ............................................................................................................................. 44 References Cited...................................................................................................................................................... 45 Appendix A – Recommended Number of Reference Sites in each HUC 5 Watershed ........................................... 50 Lower McKenzie River Watershed (HUC5) - Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites............................................................................................................... 50 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek Watershed (HUC5) - Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites........................................................................................................ 51 Horse Creek Watershed (HUC5)- Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites............................................................................................................... 52 Upper McKenzie River Watershed (HUC5) - Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites............................................................................................................... 53 Blue River Watershed (HUC5) - Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites. ...................................................................................................................................... 54 Appendix B – Proposed Reference Sites and their Priority ..................................................................................... 55 Appendix C – Field Gear Check List ......................................................................................................................... 59 A Riparian Survey Program in the McKenzie River Subbasin The Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) is implementing a Voluntary Incentive Program (VIP) that will support private landowners in maintaining ecologically important riparian areas in the McKenzie River subbasin by providing incentive payments for protection. This effort will help EWEB protect drinking water quality for users within its service area, while also protecting high-quality riparian areas crucial for salmon and other wildlife habitat. Riparian areas serve as a critical component of a healthy stream network by helping support good water quality, biodiversity and ecosystem productivity, and by mitigating disturbance events within the watershed. EWEB has partnered with The Freshwater Trust to develop a pilot riparian survey program. This program will begin by surveying reference sites in high-quality riparian areas along perennial streams in the subbasin to help define those characteristics that constitute an ecologically functional riparian system. A reference site is a location that exhibits least-degraded conditions, representing the “best of what’s left” for a given area (SER, 2004). Reference site surveys will help define attainable conditions in high-quality riparian forests in the McKenzie River subbasin under present conditions. The best sites can help define maximum potential conservation value of riparian areas in the McKenzie River subbasin, thereby serving as a benchmark or illustrating desired future conditions of local riparian forests. However, even the best reference sites may not support fully functional riparian systems because many of the landscape-level processes that historically shaped vegetation composition, structure, and riparian function have been altered since Euro-American settlement; for these reasons, a site may be most appropriately referred to as a “disturbed reference”. Reference sites represent presently attainable riparian conditions, and can help define maximum potential conservation value of riparian areas in the McKenzie River subbasin. In Phase I of this project, The Freshwater Trust developed recommendations for the scope of a reference site survey program in the McKenzie River subbasin. The objective was to identify the number of reference sites needed to adequately evaluate the variability among sites supporting high quality riparian areas, within the limits of available program resources. The current phase of this project, Phase II, will be implemented in two steps. First, The Freshwater Trust will design a protocol to guide evaluation of riparian function at reference sites. Reference site surveys will help describe higher-functioning riparian zones for the subbasin, and will support development of a riparian function scoring system. In the second step, The Freshwater Trust will develop a more streamlined protocol to assess riparian function and protection value at properties of willing landowners interested in being included in the VIP. In coordination with these efforts, the Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) will develop protocols to direct implementation of geospatial analyses. Finally, third, a scoring system will be developed to quantify riparian forest function. A review team comprised of staff from EWEB, Lane Council of Governments (LCOG), the McKenzie Watershed Council, and the Upper Willamette Soil and Water Conservation District will implement the survey and provide feedback useful for refining all parts of the program. Lessons learned from this pilot will be used to guide development of an expanded VIP program. This report describes the first step of developing a protocol by which riparian function can be evaluated at reference sites in the McKenzie River subbasin. VIP STUDY AREA The focus area for this pilot project is defined as the area within the VIP boundary. The VIP boundary delineates the 50-year floodplain (areas with a 2% likelihood of being flooded in any particular year) adjacent to the 1 McKenzie River and lower parts of its larger tributaries within the McKenzie River subbasin (fourth-field Hydrologic Unit Code [HUC]). The VIP boundary was produced by LCOG using the Riparian Buffer Delineation Model (Abood and Maclean, 2012), which defines areas around a river or stream with similar hydrological and ecological characteristics, focusing on geomorphology. These areas include the modeled 50-year floodplain, plus mapped wetlands features and wet soils that are adjacent to the floodplain (Abood and Maclean, 2012). The VIP boundary was expanded as needed to a minimum of 60 ft on either side of the waterway (personal communication with D. Richey, Senior GIS Analyst at LCOG). The VIP focus area includes five watersheds (fifth-field HUCs) within the McKenzie River subbasin (Figure 1): Lower McKenzie River watershed McKenzie River/Quartz Creek watershed Blue River watershed Horse Creek watershed Upper McKenzie River watershed Two other watersheds in the McKenzie River subbasin are excluded from the VIP pilot project area. The Mohawk River watershed is omitted because it is located below EWEB’s water intake, and therefore riparian protection here is less directly related to EWEB’s drinking water source protection program. The lower portion of the Lower McKenzie River watershed below the intake was also excluded. The South Fork McKenzie River watershed is omitted because it does not contain any area within the VIP boundary. 2 Figure 1. HUC 5 watersheds, perennial rivers and streams, and land ownership within the McKenzie River HUC 4 subbasin. 3 SCOPE OF A REFERENCE SITE SURVEY PROGRAM No single reference site will represent the historic range of variation acceptable in high-functioning habitats (SER, 2004). In Phase I of this project, The Freshwater Trust developed recommendations for the number and distribution of reference sites that would reasonably capture variability in high-functioning riparian areas in the McKenzie River subbasin, while also working within the constraints of resources available for surveys. A digital dataset of current land cover and land use types in the subbasin was analyzed in GIS to identify riparian vegetation types in which protection sites and matching reference sites could be located. We then recommended the number of reference sites to be surveyed based on unique combinations of HUC 5 watershed membership and riparian vegetation type, with additional options to provide scalability in effort needed for this portion of the program. (See the Phase I: Sample Size Analysis report [The Freshwater Trust, 2013].) Out of several suggested strategies, EWEB chose an approach in which certain vegetation types designated by the Oregon Conservation Strategy (ODFW, 2006) are automatically included in the protection program in recognition of their disproportionally high conservation value. Therefore, no reference sites are needed for these vegetation types. These vegetation types include white oak forest (Douglas-fir is also assumed to be a component), native grassland, native shrubland and wetland. (Although native shrubland was not included with the other high-value habitats by the Oregon Conservation Strategy, EWEB chose to add this vegetation type in recognition of its relative rarity.) Mixed conifer-hardwood forest comprised the remainder of the riparian area within the VIP boundary. (Montane conifer forest occurred only in higher-elevation areas outside the study area). The number of reference sites surveyed in mixed conifer-hardwood forest was weighted by the area of that vegetation type in each watershed, with a minimum of two sites in each of the five watersheds. Based on this strategy, riparian function surveys were recommended for a minimum of 14 reference sites in the McKenzie River subbasin. Surveys will include two sites each in the McKenzie River/Quartz Creek, Horse Creek, Upper McKenzie River, and Blue River watersheds, and six sites in the Lower McKenzie River watershed. (See 4 Appendix A – Recommended Number of Reference Sites in each HUC 5 Watershed for an overview of land cover and land use types, vegetation types, and recommended number of reference sites in each HUC 5 watershed. For full analysis methods and recommendations, see the Phase I: Sample Size Analysis report [The Freshwater Trust, 2013]). Additional sites may be surveyed as time and resources allow. SELECTING REFERENCE SITES An initial list of 39 reference sites was developed by EWEB partners and The Freshwater Trust at the November, 2013, monthly VIP meeting, and using an interactive web map of the project area developed by The Freshwater Trust. Reference Site Criteria Individual reference sites were chosen at locations that matched as many of the following criteria as possible, while recognizing that the availability of suitable reference sites was limited, and no sites were likely to be found that met all site selection guidelines. Good reference sites were those that: Were adjacent to a perennial stream, Were within the same general area as the VIP boundary (i.e., within the 50-year floodplain), Appeared to support high-quality riparian forest (e.g., good native species diversity, structural diversity, low invasive species cover), Had low fragmentation, good landscape connectivity, and minimal human disturbance, Appeared to have a floodplain width of at least 60 ft, to help ensure that measures related to floodplain functions were applicable to all sites, and Were accessible. Sites located on public land or in conservation ownership were preferred to reduce the time and other resources needed to gain access for surveys. Because reference sites were not randomly selected within a watershed, they are not meant to be representative of the watershed as a whole. Prioritizing Reference Sites Following the recommended number of reference sites in each HUC 5 watershed, at least two high priority sites were identified in each watershed except for the Lower McKenzie River watershed, in which six high priority sites were identified. The proposed reference sites, filtered by the reference site criteria, were prioritized by EWEB partners and The Freshwater Trust as high, medium, and low using desktop analysis and local knowledge. Sites were prioritized by: Accessibility (i.e., in public or conservation ownership, not requiring a boat, not requiring a long hike in), Spatial distribution (sites adjacent to each other were less likely to both be deemed high priority), and Representativeness of the basic environmental diversity in the subbasin, such as stream size. The list of prioritized reference sites is provided in Appendix B – Proposed Reference Sites and their Priority. Surveying Reference Sites In some cases, reference sites identified through desktop analysis will be revealed to be unsuitable during field visits. Criteria for accepting, rejecting, or moving sites identified through desktop analysis are discussed below, in the “Survey Locations” section. 5 Selecting Riparian Function Metrics and Survey Methods The goal of this protocol is to evaluate riparian function at reference sites in the McKenzie River subbasin by measuring a set of metrics that together describe riparian function. A metric is a value resulting from analyzing or synthesizing one or more measurements taken at a site. The metrics that describe riparian function in this protocol, and the methods used to measure them, were selected to meet a distinct set of objectives. As much as possible, metrics and methods were chosen that were: Rapid to measure This protocol was developed to require 3-4 hours or less of field assessment time per reference site. This criterion was a driving force behind protocol development. This brief time precluded more intensive data collection measures, such as setting up plots or transects. Metrics measured using categorical, presence/absence, or visual estimation methods were preferred. Science-based and credible Metrics were chosen that were directly related to riparian function, and are likely to be sensitive to differences in function. Measurements were likely to be objective and repeatable among observers. Measurements were assigned to relatively broad categories so that evaluations of function were more likely to be resistant to differences among observers, precise location at which measurement was estimated, the time of survey, etc. Transparent Methods and metrics were likely to be easily understood by a variety of stakeholders, including experienced staff and landowners. Assessment methods were straightforward and could be implemented by landowners to gauge riparian function on their own properties. Desktop analysis could be completed using sophisticated technology (e.g., GIS), but this was not required. Methods used minimal or inexpensive equipment or readily-available digital data, reducing technological barriers. Efficient Measurements were useful for evaluating multiple riparian functions. Adaptable Methods and metrics considered a variety of riparian conditions. Although riparian function is expected to be fairly similar among reference sites, methods and metrics were developed to be easily adapted to the range of variability that may be encountered on landowner sites. This protocol adapted approaches from other published survey methodologies whenever possible, particularly the Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Stream Visual Assessment Protocol (NRCS, 2009) and the draft Oregon Stream Functional Assessment Methodology (Czarnomski and Skidmore, 2013). This was done in hopes that data produced using this guidance would be reasonably compatible with data produced using other widely implemented methods. Methods for assessing riparian forest function focus mainly on terrestrial areas because landowners often have more control over these conditions on their properties. Although instream conditions are crucial to overall water quality and ecological health, individual landowners may have relatively little influence on them. For this reason, this protocol does not include an assessment of common measures of instream function such as hydrology, 6 aquatic macroinvertebrates, or channel unit types. Other protocols that more intensively evaluate instream function, such as the Oregon Stream Functional Assessment Methodology now being developed (Czarnomski and Skidmore, 2013) may serve as a useful complement to the riparian assessment protocol presented below. Measuring Riparian Function at Reference Sites Riparian areas are transitional zones between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems, and perform important functions that link land and water (Allan and Castillo, 2007). Primary riparian functions include protection of water quality, biodiversity and ecosystem productivity, and mitigating disturbance events within the watershed. Twenty-one metrics (Table 1) were selected to describe these functions in reference site riparian areas based on the objectives described above. 7 Table 1. Metrics selected to describe riparian function at reference sites. Riparian Function Metric (Indicator of riparian function) Water Quality sediment/nutrient/pollutant filtration, water temperature/oxygen Biodiversity wildlife use, sensitive species conservation Ecosystem Productivity groundwater recharge, nutrient retention, instream productivity Disturbance Protection water storage/flood control, slope stability Riparian buffer x x x x Landscape connectivity x x x Land use x x x x Presence of roads x x x x Floodplain connectivity x x x x Streambank erosion potential x x x In-channel large wood x x x Presence tributary confluences x x x x x Presence special instream habitats x Presence anadromous salmonid habitat x x x Presence wetlands x x x x Presence special terrestrial habitats x Canopy tree height x x x x Canopy closure x x x x Canopy cover x x x x Riparian forest seral stage x x x x x x Snag abundance Floodplain downed large wood x x x Unvegetated ground x x x x Invasive plant species cover x x x x Native vegetation composition x x x x 8 Desktop and Field Data Collection Methods DATA COLLECTION APPROACH Methods by which riparian function is assessed were designed to be straightforward and implementable using minimal or inexpensive equipment or readily-available digital data and tools. This approach was intended to reduce technological barriers and allow a range of stakeholders to apply this protocol. The desktop and field analysis methods below are written to allow use of the most readily available technology or equipment. When more sophisticated technology such as GIS scripts or rangefinders are available, however, the efficiencies they allow may be taken advantage of by trained users whenever possible. The Lane Council of Governments is developing a complementary protocol to this one to direct implementation of geospatial analyses using GIS tools (LCOG, 2014). SURVEY TIMING AND ROLES IN IMPLEMENTATION Reference site surveys at 13 sites will occur during the 2014 growing season under full canopy cover conditions. As much as possible, desktop analysis of riparian function at each site will be completed prior to field surveys so that desktop measurements can be confirmed on the ground during field surveys. Desktop analysis will be implemented by LCOG, and field surveys will be implemented by the McKenzie Watershed Council (McK WSC), the Upper Willamette Soil and Water Conservation District (UW SWCD), and EWEB ( 9 Table 2). LCOG will also develop maps for each reference site to be used during field surveys. A variety of survey approaches will help improve and evaluate data quality. As early as possible in the data collection process, all field crews will survey two sites together to allow for discussion and consensus building around assessments of particular metrics. An additional four to six sites will be surveyed independently by multiple crews to allow a direct quantification of measurement precision. Although this sample size will be limited, this allows an evaluation of variability among values of the same metric collected at the same site, by different surveyors. This information will be used in decision-making around retaining or omitting metrics in the protocol implemented in expanded VIP site assessments. Finally, the effects of reference site size will be explored by repeating surveys at two sites, using different site sizes. This will allow for a limited evaluation of variability between values of the same metric collected at the same site, at different site sizes. In general, sites will be randomly assigned to each survey lead, to avoid surveyors concentrating on those environments with which they are most familiar. Out of respect for existing landowner relationships, however, privately-owned sites will be surveyed mostly by McKenzie Watershed Council staff. 10 Table 2. Survey approach and roles in implementation. Approach Desktop Analysis Lead Simultaneous field surveys of same sites Independent surveys of same sites Repeat survey of same sites, different site sizes Independent field surveys of different sites Independent field surveys of different sites Total # Sites LCOG LCOG Field Survey Lead McK WSC UW SWCD EWEB McK WSC UW SWCD EWEB EWEB (surveys McK WSC sites) EWEB (surveys UW SWCD sites) # Sites Notes 2 Field staff surveyed sites together. 2 1-2 1-2 LCOG McK WSC or UW SWCD 2 LCOG McK WSC 2-3 LCOG UW SWCD 2-3 Repeat desktop and field surveys occured within the same month so as to represent similar growing conditions. Most privately-owned sites were surveyed by McK WSC. 13 Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) – led by David Richey, Senior GIS Analyst McKenzie Watershed Council (McK WSC) – led by Jared Weybright, Projects Coordinator Upper Willamette Soil and Water Conservation District (UW SWCD) – led by Dave Downing, Watershed Technical Specialist Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) – led by Kris Stenshoel, Vegetation Program Coordinator Survey Locations Reference sites will be located adjacent to the perennial river or stream expected to first intercept runoff from a property. Reference sites will also be located to capture maximum riparian function. In cases where there is a perennial side channel, the result of these conditions is that sites are likely to be placed along the side channel. In most cases, however, side channels are expected to be lacking and sites will be located along the mainstem of a perennial river or stream. Surveys of riparian function will focus on the area within reference site boundaries. Each reference site will be further divided into units, each of which will be surveyed separately for riparian function. The sections below describe how to delineate reference sites and units, and the descriptive data (metadata) to collect for each site and unit. Although not directly measuring riparian function, metadata can be crucial for accurately interpreting the meaning of other measurements. 11 CHOOSING REFERENCE SITES Desktop and field analysts will first target those sites identified as high priority (Appendix B). In some cases, however, reference sites identified through desktop analysis may be revealed to be unsuitable during field visits. Reference sites may be rejected in the field if: Sites are inaccessible or unsafe to survey, or Current conditions suggest that sites do not match many of the reference site selection criteria (while recognizing that no sites are likely to be found that meet all site selection guidelines). In particular, sites may be rejected or moved in the field if floodplain width turns out to be less than 60 ft. In some cases, the reference site can simply be moved slightly within landowner boundaries. In the case that a new reference site needs to be selected, surveyors should choose one of the next highest priority sites from the list (Appendix B) that is within the same watershed. Field surveyors should use their best professional judgment when deciding to reject or move reference sites. Because desktop analysis is likely to have already have been completed for the targeted reference site, however, these changes should be avoided if possible. If field surveyors decide to move a site, they will need to complete new site metadata, and desktop analysis will need to be completed following the field survey. DELINEATING REFERENCE SITES The purpose of a reference site is to evaluate riparian function at that site, to develop a benchmark against which landowner sites can be compared. The best sites can help define maximum potential conservation value of riparian areas in the McKenzie River subbasin and illustrate desired future conditions of local riparian forests. A ‘site’ is an artificial concept that draws superficial boundaries around patches of the landscape. These boundaries sometimes have little association with ecological patterns, and site size may not always match the scale at which some natural functions occur. Nonetheless, we must carve out a patch out of the landscape on which to focus if surveyors are to evaluate riparian function for a specific area. The reference site size recommended by this protocol was selected for consistency with typical landowner taxlot size, so as to provide the most relevant benchmark for comparison. Evaluating function within a similarly sized area at both reference and landowner sites recognizes that many riparian functions vary with scale; this approach was intended to reduce differences in level of function between reference and landowner sites that were simply due to site size. The effect of reference site size was explored by repeating surveys at two sites, using different site sizes, as described in the preceding section. Reference sites will be approximately rectangular in shape, but should never extend beyond the land ownership boundaries indicated by taxlots. The reference site width will extend perpendicularly from the nearest bank of the river or stream, and inland 330 ft, or to the edge of the 50-year floodplain (as indicated by the full VIP boundary), or to the edge of the taxlot, whichever is narrower. The 330-ft width was a relatively conservative number chosen based on a meta-analysis of 222 studies that recommended a minimum riparian buffer of 330 ft where inland land uses were high intensity (Hansen et al., 2010). 12 In the rare case that a reference site is outside the general area covered by the VIP boundary, the edge of the 50-year floodplain will be estimated by extending the nearby VIP boundary to the site. The edge of the 50-year floodplain can also be identified by considering the following: For alluvial rivers, the floodplain is often indicated by a distinct topographic break in slope at the valley margin (Figure 2), and Alluvial river floodplains may contain evidence of historic channel locations, such as disconnected backwaters. Figure 2. Generalized example of hydrological zone boundaries in a riparian area (from Hoag et al., 2001).The boundary of the 50-year floodplain occurs at the break between the transitional zone and the upland zone. The reference site length will extend parallel to the river or stream to 450 ft or to the edge of the taxlot, whichever is narrower. The 450-ft width was chosen based on The Freshwater Trust’s analysis of river frontage lengths of privately-owned taxlots (i.e., potential landowner sites), which indicated that 75% of these taxlots have river frontages of 450 ft or smaller (the 25th percentile was 112 ft river frontage, the median/50th percentile was 209 ft, and the average was 530 ft). A reference site with dimension 330 ft by 450 ft is about 3.4 acres, which is smaller than the 5-50+-acre taxlot size that may be the most effective target for protection through the VIP program (K. Morgenstern, Drinking Water Source Protection, McKenzie Collaborative VIP meeting March 14, 2014). A 3.4-acre reference site, however, is within the 1-5 acre range that comprises most taxlots within the VIP boundary (analysis by D. Richey, Senior GIS Analyst at the Land Council of Governments, presented at the VIP meeting March 14, 2014). As noted above, the effects of reference site size will be explored by repeating surveys at two sites, using different site sizes. These sites will be surveyed using the standards width of 330 ft, but surveys will be repeated using a length of 450 ft and of 200 ft (the latter is near the median river frontage length of potential landowner sites). 13 RECORDING SITE METADATA The sections below describe data collection methods for each piece of metadata (descriptive data about the site). The attributes below should be completed for the whole site, regardless of whether the site will be divided into multiple units. Data collection for most metrics involves both desktop and field analysis. In this section and for all sections describing data collection, methods are described first for desktop analysis, and then for field analysis. Complete GIS methods are provided in Appendix D. Duration of survey This information will be useful for evaluating resources needed to implement a larger program. Desktop Staff will enter the time (in 24-hour format) the desktop survey began and ended for the site. Field Staff will enter the time (in 24-hour format) the field survey began and ended at the site. Date surveyed and staff who surveyed Desktop Staff will enter the date the site was surveyed using desktop methods, and the name of the surveyor who completed the analysis. Field Staff will enter the date the site was surveyed in the field, and the name of the surveyor who completed the analysis. Basemap data source and date Basemap data such as a geo-referenced aerial image provide a representation of the reference site at one point in time. Knowing the source (e.g., aerial image, Light Detection and Ranging [LiDAR] data) and date of background imagery can be useful for resolving any discrepancies between desktop analysis results and conditions encountered on the ground. Desktop Staff will note the basemap data source(s) used for desktop analysis and the dates of these sources. The same source should be used for making field maps as is used in desktop analysis. Field This metric does not have a field survey component. Site name Desktop Staff will enter the site name, using information found in the Potential Reference Sites list (Appendix B). The site naming follows this convention: “HUC 5 name” “Reference site#” (e.g., Lower McKenzie 2). All reference sites are assigned a number in the Potential Reference Sites list (Appendix B); this number orders sites from west to east within the McKenzie River 14 HUC 4 subbasin. The site name includes the watershed in which the site is located to provide a quick way to assess general site position within the subbasin, and as a secondary identifier in case of entry errors in the site number. Field New site names should only need to be entered in the field if a new site is being surveyed that is not on the Potential Reference Sites list. If a new site is being added, enter the name according to the conventions described above, and assign the site a number of at least 100 or higher. Site priority The relative priority of a site will be indicated to guide field surveyors toward surveying those sites deemed to be highest priority based on expert opinion and desktop analysis. Desktop Staff will indicate if a site is high priority, based on the Potential Reference Sites list (Appendix B). If a site is medium or low priority, this field will remain blank. Field Site priority should only need to be entered in the field if a new site is being surveyed that is not on the Potential Reference Sites list. If a new site is being added, it will be not be high priority, and this field can remain blank. Site location coordinates Desktop Staff will enter the latitude and longitude of the site (in decimal degrees). Coordinates should use the NAD83 datum and the Oregon State Plane South projection in international feet. Field Field surveyors will use site location coordinates to navigate to the reference site. Surveyors should ensure that their GPS unit is set to decimal degree format, and to the NAD83 datum and the Oregon State Plane South projection in international feet. New site coordinates should only need to be entered in the field if a new site is being surveyed that is not on the Potential Reference Sites list (Appendix B). HUC 5 watershed membership Desktop Staff will enter the name of the HUC 5 watershed in which the site is located. The watershed of each site is provided in Appendix B, Potential Reference Sites. HUC 5 membership can also be identified at: Field HUC 5 watershed membership should only need to be entered in the field if a new site is being surveyed that is not on the Potential Reference Sites list. If a new site is being added, enter the watershed membership according to the conventions described above. Level III ecoregion membership 15 Ecoregions are areas that support similar ecosystems because they have similar type, quality, and quantity of key environmental characteristics such as geology, physiography, vegetation, climate, soils, land use, wildlife and hydrology (USEPA, 2013). Most of the project area is in the West Cascades ecoregion. Some sites in the Lower McKenzie River HUC 5 watershed, however, are in the Willamette Valley ecoregion. Desktop After referring to Level III ecoregion data (available at, surveyors will choose either the West Cascades or the Willamette Valley ecoregion, depending on site location. Field This metric does not have a field component. River name and mile The site location described by river name and mile may help clarify the area surveyed in situations where a site is near the confluence of two streams. Desktop Staff will enter the name of the perennial river or stream on which the site is located, along with the river mile. Stream names and river miles can be found at the interactive map located at Field This metric does not have a field component. Stream gradient and order Because streams of different size have capacity for different riparian functions, basic stream characteristics will be recorded to guide data analysis. Desktop Surveyors will record the gradient of the stream on which the site is located based on data available on The Freshwater Trust’s interactive web map of the project area (available at 203e9a9e611; click on the ‘River Gradient’ layer). Stream gradient was assigned to segments of 2,000-ft length by calculating slope from segment start elevation, end elevation and horizontal distance. (The 2,000-ft length was chosen to balance both site-level and larger-scale resolution.) Gradient was then classified into three categories (adapted from Rosgen, 1996). Surveyors will record the overall gradient of the site in one of the following categories: <1.4% 1.4-5.0% >5% Surveyors will also record the order of the stream on which the site is located (Figure 3). Stream order indicates “the relative position of stream segments in a drainage basin network: the smallest, unbranched, intermittent tributaries, terminating at an outer point, are designated order 1; the junction of two first-order streams produces a stream segment of order 2; the junction of two second-order streams produces a stream segment of 16 order 3; etc.” (USFS, 2010). Stream order should be assessed from waterlines on a 1:24,000-scale topographic map, aerial image, or National Hydrography Dataset drainage network (the latter is available at Figure 3. Illustration of stream order (from USFS, 2010). Field This measure does not have a field component, because measurements taken at field scale are likely to be inaccurate. Site elevation Elevation will be described at the level of the site under the assumption that this characteristic will not substantially differ among units within the same site. Desktop Site elevation, in feet, can be derived from a Digital Elevation Model in a GIS, or found using Google Earth. Field Desktop data sources often more accurately represent elevation than do hand-held GPSs. If a new site is being added for which desktop analysis was not completed, surveyors will record the site elevation, in feet, by reading this value off of a GPS. 17 Site aspect and slope Desktop Surveyors will estimate the overall aspect of the site by producing an aspect raster in a GIS, by inspecting topographic lines on a map, or by reviewing hillshade on a mapping program such as Google Earth. Surveyors will record the overall aspect of the site in one of the following categories: Flat NW N NE E SE S SW W Surveyors will estimate the overall slope of the site, in degrees. A slope raster can be produced in a GIS, or slope can be calculated using Google Earth by using: Arctan ([elevation at inland boundary – elevation at boundary near stream]/horizontal distance to inland boundary) Surveyors will assign the site to one of the following slope categories: <5° 5-10° >10° Field Desktop methods used to measure site aspect and slope are preferable to field methods as these attributes may be difficult to measure accurately at the field scale. These characteristics may need to be measured in the field, however, in the case that desktop analysis appears inaccurate, or if a new site is being added to the survey. Surveyors will measure overall aspect of the site using a compass (declination should be set to 15° E), and assign the site to one of the aspect categories listed above. If necessary, surveyors will estimate the overall slope of the site (in degrees) perpendicular to the stream channel, using a clinometer (as is often included in a compass) or another tool. Site notes Brief notes concerning overall site characteristics or history can be invaluable for interpreting data. Surveyors may record any additional information that may influence the outcome of riparian functional assessments, such as known disturbance history, access issues, instrument malfunctions, etc. Surveyors may also record any notable site features such as in-channel log jams or other stream features, , or any other features or concerns not recorded in the metrics. Desktop Staff will enter site notes as needed. 18 Field Staff will enter site notes as needed. DELINEATING UNITS WITHIN THE REFERENCE SITE The reference site may be further divided into units, which are portions of the site with relatively homogenous conditions. Units will be delineated using vegetation height. Each unit within a reference site will be surveyed separately for riparian function, and each unit will be assigned its own function value. Desktop Following Oregon Department of State Lands guidelines (ODSL, 2009), contiguous areas within the reference site that have median vegetation height of at least 15 ft (i.e., are tree-dominated; FGDC, 1997) and are 0.25 acres or larger will be delineated into separate units1. Areas that are less than 0.25 acre in area can be ignored (i.e., dissolved into the surrounding unit). For the purposes of reference site surveys, only forested areas will be surveyed for riparian function. Because most reference sites are entirely mature riparian forest, most sites will have only one unit. Multiple units within a site are more likely to occur when landowner sites are surveyed in a later part of this project. Note that units comprising habitat of high conservation value (wetlands, native herbaceous grassland, native shrubland, oak woodlands or savannas) will be included in VIP protection where they are found and will not require full surveys. Vegetation height can be estimated from LiDAR data, and can be confirmed by inspecting aerial images (e.g., available through Google Earth). If further desktop analysis shows unit boundaries as represented by LiDAR data to be inaccurate, analysts should modify boundaries to accurately represent areas of homogenous land use and vegetation height. Field Surveyors in the field will confirm that the boundaries around a unit of forested land with similar vegetation height accurately represent the area actually occupied by forested land on the ground. Any land use that is not the same as the land use of the overall unit (forested land, in the case of reference sites), and occupies 0.25 acre or greater, should be excluded from the riparian forest survey. This 0.25 acreage is equivalent to 104 ft x 104 ft (32 m x 32 m). If surveyors discover areas with different land use or vegetation height that should be separated into a separate unit or excluded from riparian forest surveys, surveyors will walk a polygon around the area using a GPS (polygon feature in a Trimble GPS or a tracks feature in a Garmin or recreational grade GPS; tracks can be later converted to a polygon using desktop analysis). Surveyors should calculate the area, in acres, of the new, separate unit, and reduce the area of the forested unit by this amount (see ‘Unit area’, below). The fact that unit boundaries were revised in the field should be recorded in the unit notes, and communicated to desktop analysts. RECORDING UNIT METADATA Unit name The unit name will be used in concert with the site name so that each unit adopts the stream order, topography, etc. of the site, but also has a unique identifier within the site. 1 GIS methods used in the pilot used a cell size of 1 ft and grouped vegetation patches 14 ft or closer together; patches <0.25 acre were then screened out. Internal gaps within patches were dissolved if <0.25 acre. Edges of resulting units were smoothed to a 3-ft tolerance. Complete GIS methods are provided in Appendix D. 19 Desktop Reference sites will occur only in forested land. Each unit within a site will be named with a letter. For example, a site with two forested units, units would be named Unit A – forest and Unit B – forest. Field New unit names should only need to be entered in the field if a new site is being surveyed that is not on the Potential Reference Sites list. If a new site is being added, enter the unit name according to the conventions described above. Unit area The area of the riparian forest being assessed may be useful for evaluating the effect of site size on riparian function assessment outcomes. Desktop The area of the unit, in acres, will be measured using a GIS or Google Earth tool. If field analysts discover that unit boundaries need to be revised, unit area will be recalculated. Field Unit area will be recorded based on desktop analysis. If, however, a new unit is delineated in the field, the area (in acres) of the riparian forest unit should be reduced by the size of any new units. If the GPS used in the field is not able to calculate area on the fly, unit area will need to be calculated and updated once back in the office. Unit location coordinates Desktop Staff will enter the latitude and longitude of the unit (in decimal degrees). Coordinates should use the NAD83 datum and the Oregon State Plane South projection in international feet. If field analysts discover that unit boundaries need to be revised, unit location coordinates will be revised. Field Field surveyors will use unit location coordinates to navigate to the correct unit within the site. Surveyors should ensure that their GPS unit is set to decimal degree format, and to the NAD83 datum and the Oregon State Plane South projection in international feet. New unit coordinates should only need to be entered in the field if desktop analysis has not already been completed for the unit. Unit notes Brief notes concerning overall characteristics or history specific to the unit can be invaluable for interpreting data. Surveyors may record any information that may influence the outcome of riparian functional assessments, such as known disturbance history, access issues, instrument malfunctions, etc. Field surveyors should also note if unit boundaries developed through desktop analysis need to be revised based on field visits, and the reason for that revision. Surveyors may record any notable unit features such as sizeable wetlands, presence of oldgrowth forest, indications of leaking septic tanks, presence of snags or downed wood that’s too small to record otherwise, confidence in downed wood counts given weed cover, prominent invasive species on site, or any other features or concerns not recorded in the metrics. 20 Measuring Riparian Function Metrics The sections below outline a brief rationale for why each selected metric is an important indicator of riparian function, and describes data collection methods for each metric. Data collection for most metrics involves both desktop and field analysis; methods are described first for desktop analysis, and then for field analysis. If at all possible, desktop analysis should be completed prior to field surveys. Data produced by desktop analysis can then be ground-truthed in the field to ensure that riparian function is evaluated based on the most up-to-date conditions. For metrics that are recorded in categories, surveyors should revise desktop estimates only if field conditions appear to diverge enough from conditions as represented by desktop analysis as to put the unit in a different category. If conditions fit more than one category, surveyors should choose the category representing the lowest level of function. Except where indicated, conditions should be evaluated within each unit within a reference site, so that a value for riparian function can be assessed for each unit. A preliminary walk through of the unit should be completed before field surveying begins, allowing the surveyors to familiarize themselves with the unit as a whole. In general, data on field observations should be recorded after surveyors walk through the unit at least once. If at all possible, surveyors should walk through the unit a second time or more while estimating a particular metric. Field surveyors should ensure that they have all the needed documentation and equipment prior to leaving for the field visit to avoid the need for improvisation once on site (see Appendix C, Field Gear Checklist). RIPARIAN BUFFER The capacity of a riparian area to sustain ecological function increases with size (NRCS, 2009). Riparian buffers provide essential services including terrestrial habitat, shade and cooler water temperatures, reduced bank erosion, sediment retention, nutrient filtration, and contribution of large wood and debris to support in-stream habitat complexity (Wegner, 1999; Naiman and Decamps, 1997; Osborne and Kovacic, 1993). Many studies have tried to identify the optimum width of riparian buffers to provide a specific service (Osborne and Kovacic, 1993). The recommended NRCS minimum buffer width for filtration of sediments, nutrients and pesticides is 35 ft (NRCS, 2010). Another study suggested that, while specific functions of a riparian buffer are dependent on the plant species that comprise that buffer, buffers in North America between 35 ft and 100 ft may effectively maintain water temperatures (Osborne and Kovacic, 1993). However, a meta-analysis of 222 studies indicated that wider buffers are more protective of biodiversity. This meta-analysis recommended scaling buffer width to account for inland land use so that a minimum buffer of 330 ft would be used in situations of high land use intensity, 230 ft for moderate intensity, and 130 ft would be used for low land use intensity (Hansen et al., 2010). The approach outlined below evaluates the proportion of the floodplain within the unit occupied by a riparian buffer; this recognizes the value of wider buffers while also avoiding penalty to sites with narrow floodplains. Buffers of certain vegetation types can be better at providing specific ecosystem services. For example, forested buffers provide better shade over streams and contribute wood to support instream habitat complexity (Hansen et al., 2010). Other services, however, can be provided by a range of vegetation types: forest, grassland, and wetland are all effective at filtering near-surface nitrogen, phosphorous, and sediment (Wegner, 1999). Nonnative types are may not be as good as native communities at some ecosystem services such as preventing erosion (Maze, 2013) or providing wildlife habitat (Hansen et al., 2010). For the purposes of this project, buffer 21 width will include only forest because other vegetation types (e.g., native grassland vs. non-native grassland) cannot be distinguished using LiDAR and other remote sensing data The width of the riparian forest buffer will evaluated for the site as a whole, and the value of this measurement will be assigned to all units within the site. Desktop After defining the site (described above), desktop surveyors will calculate the width of the riparian forest buffer. Desktop assessment of buffer should be conducted using LiDAR data analyzed in GIS, if available. If LiDAR data are not available, desktop measurements of the buffer should be conducted using measurement tools provided in remote sensing applications (e.g., Scribble Maps, Google Earth, ArcGIS). Surveyors will measure the width of riparian forest vegetation at three representative points within the site (upstream end, middle, and downstream end). At each point, buffer width should be measured from the point closest to the stream bank, along a line perpendicular to the stream, outward to the site boundary. Gaps in riparian vegetation larger than 25 ft should be omitted from the measurement (this is about the canopy width of one full grown riparian tree). Surveyors will record the riparian forest buffer width in one of the following categories: > 300 ft > 200 to ≤ 300 ft > 120 to ≤ 200 ft > 60 to ≤ 120 ft To be considered for protection value, riparian buffers will average more than 60 ft in width to be consistent with minimum requirements of many riparian ordinances and regulations (Community Planning Workshop, 2009). This distance should be measured from the Ordinary High Water Line (line to which high water ordinarily rises annually, excluding very high water), but can be approximated as the top of bank or the beginning of vegetation for measurements using desktop analysis. Field Buffers measured from an aerial photo or LIDAR data should be confirmed on the ground. If field conditions substantially differ from those expected (i.e., a different buffer category would be assigned to the site based on field conditions), the buffer should be re-measured in the field. Surveyors will measure the new forest buffer width at three representative locations in the site as described above for desktop analysis, but will measure using pacing or chaining2 from the normal water line or bankfull elevation. Surveyors will average the three measurements and assign one of the categories described above. In some cases, the riparian forest as observed on the ground may extend beyond the modeled VIP boundary. For the purposes of this project, however, assessment of buffer width and other metrics should be for the area within the VIP boundary. LANDSCAPE CONNECTIVITY Longitudinal connectivity of riparian areas supports terrestrial and aquatic biodiversity, providing essential travel corridors and seasonal inputs of organic matter (Wegner, 1999; NRCS, 2007). It is typically easier and cheaper to 2 Pacing or chaining is a method commonly employed in forestry, where the surveyor calibrates their average pace (one step with each foot is equal to one pace) by walking consistently and measuring the distance covered by 10 paces (Bardon, n.d.). 22 restore or maintain existing connected riparian corridors than to create new ones, but overall quality of habitat is increased when fragmented patches are restored with native vegetation (Bentrup et al., 1999). The method of evaluating landscape connectivity below considers whether the unit is important for creating contiguity with adjacent areas. Desktop Using measuring tools, surveyors will estimate the percent of the outside edge of the unit within 200 ft of adjacent natural cover (Czarnomski and Skidmore, 2013), defined as vegetation that is > 3 ft tall (ideally, natural cover would also be mostly native, but this information is not often available during desktop analysis). In some cases, natural cover may be across a waterbody. Surveyors will record the connectivity of the unit with adjacent natural cover in one of the following categories: >75% of the unit is within 200 ft of adjacent natural cover 51-75% of the unit is within 200 ft of adjacent natural cover 25-50% of the unit is within 200 ft of adjacent natural cover <25% of the unit is within 200 ft of adjacent natural cover Field Landscape connectivity is ideally measured using desktop analysis, because measurements are difficult to estimate in the field. Surveyors should confirm desktop measurements in the field, and only re-measure if conditions appear to have substantially changed from aerial images (i.e., the unit would be placed in a different category based on current field conditions). Surveyors will estimate the percent of the unit within 200 ft of adjacent natural cover (defined above), and record the unit in one of the categories listed above. LAND USE Agriculture, grazing, commercial forestry, urbanization, and industrial land uses can each significantly impact water quality. For example, approximately 50% of sediment, phosphorus, and nitrogen loading in the United States is attributable to agricultural sources (Allan and Castillo, 2007). Grazing by domestic livestock (or high population densities of native ungulates) can reduce vegetative cover and increase erosion, prevent natural recruitment of riparian vegetation, and increase levels of fecal coliform bacteria, nitrogen and phosphorus in streams and rivers (Hubbard et al., 2004; Medina et al., 2005). Timber harvest and associated road building may affect streamwater concentration of nitrates, calcium, magnesium potassium, turbidity and temperature (Likens et al., 1970). Urbanization and associated increase in impervious surface can lead to significant decreases in base flows to streams (Simmons and Reynolds, 1982) and degradation of macroinvertebrate communities (King et al., 2005), often indicating pollutant increase (Walsh et al., 2001). Even in rural areas, industrial land uses such as improperly managed mining operations near riparian areas can lead to heavy metal pollution, increased conductivity, sedimentation and acidification in streams and rivers (Sams and Beer, 2000). 23 Desktop Human development Surveyors will indicate the proportion of land within the unit occupied by human development (partially following Czarnomski and Skidmore, 2013): 0-<25% of area within unit is occupied by human development 25-<50% of area within unit is occupied by human development >50% of area within unit is occupied by human development Human development can be identified from aerial photos based on the following anecdotal evidence (Moburg, 2008). Many indicators of human activities often have linear or angular shapes when viewed from above. Alternatively, LiDAR reflectivity (intensity) can be used as an indicator of asphalt, gravel, building footprints, etc. This approach would not be able to identify area of structures or roads under vegetation canopies, and would not be able to differentiate lawn, row crops, or other ‘unnatural’ vegetation from ‘natural’ vegetation. These potential issues, however, can be resolved when field surveyors ground-truth the value for land use selected during desktop analysis. Human development indicators: o Tree harvesting (tree stumps) o Park/lawn (irrigated grass, recreational equipment) o Pavement/cleared lot o Pipes (inlet/outlet) o Mining o Landfill/trash o Buildings o Outhouse in floodplain Agricultural development Surveyors will indicate the proportion of land within the unit occupied by agricultural activities (partially following Czarnomski and Skidmore, 2013): 0-<25% of area within unit is occupied by agricultural activities 25-<50% of area within unit is occupied by agricultural activities >50% of area within unit is occupied by agricultural activities Agricultural activities can be identified from aerial photos based on the following anecdotal evidence (Moburg, 2008). Many indicators of human activities often have linear or angular shapes when viewed from above. Remote sensing approaches would not be able to identify area of structures or roads under vegetation canopies, and would not be able to differentiate lawn, row crops, or other ‘unnatural’ vegetation from ‘natural’ vegetation. These potential issues, however, can be resolved when field surveyors ground-truth the value for land use selected during desktop analysis. 24 Agricultural activities indicators: o Presence livestock o Presence crops (e.g., crop furrow lines, circular or linear mowing or irrigation patters, irrigation equipment such as wheel lines, pipes, sprinklers) Field Human development Surveyors will indicate the proportion of land within the unit occupied by human development in the categories above. Human development can be identified in the field based on the following anecdotal evidence (Moburg, 2008): Human development indicators: o Tree harvesting o Park/lawn o Pavement/cleared lot o Pipes (inlet/outlet) o Mining o Landfill/trash o Buildings o Evidence of leaking septic tank o Wastewater pipe emptying in or near stream o Outhouse in floodplain Agricultural activities Surveyors will indicate the proportion of land within the unit occupied by human development in the categories above. Agricultural activities can be identified in the field based on the following anecdotal evidence (Moburg, 2008): Agricultural activities indicators: o Presence livestock (e.g., hoofprints, dung, water troughs, cattle gates), or livestock appear to have unlimited access to stream for some portion of the year o Presence crops (e.g., tilled earth, monoculture plant species, irrigation ditches or equipment such as wheel lines, pipes, sprinklers). PRESENCE OF ROADS A watershed analysis of the Vida/McKenzie Watershed Analysis Unit (in the Lower McKenzie watershed) found that 6-35% of roads in this watershed routed runoff directly into streams (BLM, 1996). Roads affect water quality and stream channel and habitat characteristics by changing hydrologic regimes and sediment delivery. Roads can increase the chance of slope failure and mass wasting several fold (BLM, 1996), and can increase channel incision and bank erosion by concentrating water runoff from hillslopes into roadside ditches, particularly if ditches or erosion gullies flow into or near streams (Beechie et al., 2005). Sediment can cover gravels used for spawning by salmonids, and fill pools and widen channels, resulting in increased water temperature and degraded habitat for some macroinvertebrates and salmonids (Beechie et al., 2005). If road 25 traffic is high, petroleum byproducts, heavy metals, and other chemicals produced by vehicles may enter nearby waterways. Desktop Surveyors will record the presence or absence of roads within the unit as indicated by one or more of the following data sources: GIS data of mapped roads from the Oregon Geospatial Enterprise ( LiDAR Bare Earth layer Scribble Maps or Google Earth aerial images A road on the boundary of a unit may be recorded as present. Because paved roads are likely to have higher traffic and contribute more impervious surface, surveyors will also indicate whether 50% or more of the road length within the unit is paved. Field Although desktop analysis should provide preliminary indicators of road presence, field surveyors should verify that this information corresponds to the most up-to-date conditions within the unit. For example, it is possible that newly constructed roads are not available on digital datasets. Desktop methods may also fail to detect older roads. After walking the unit, surveyors will record the presence or absence of any roads within the unit. The presence of old roads, skid trails, and any other road without woody vegetation growing in the roadbed should be recorded. Because paved roads are likely to have higher traffic and contribute more impervious surface, surveyors will also indicate whether they estimate that 50% or more of the road length within the unit is paved. FLOODPLAIN CONNECTIVITY Dams, levees, and development within the floodplain reduce interactions among streams and rivers, associated wetlands and ponds, groundwater and riparian systems, changing the movement of water, sediment, nutrients, wood and wildlife through the watershed (Pess et al., 2005). Loss of habitat for aquatic species such as listed salmonids is a major consequence of floodplain encroachment and disconnection, as is the loss of other habitats of high conservation value such as wetlands and wet meadows. Levees and development constrain river channel movement, which in turn can result in lower water tables from less frequent floodplain inundation and increased channel incision (Pess et al., 2005). Riparian vegetation may lose access to lowered water tables and die (NRCS, 2009). Floodplains can become disconnected (no longer inundated) when overbank flow is prevented by levees, dams, fill, berms or elevated road or railroad beds. Disconnected floodplains can reduce exchange between surface water and the hyporheic zone, thereby decreasing the retention and storage of water that would normally mitigate peak flows, sustain summer base flow, and regulate stream temperature (Pess et al., 2005). Rivers or streams may also become disconnected from the floodplain by impervious structures that take up space and reduce water infiltration, and increase runoff peak discharge and total amount, carrying pollutants to water bodies and further exacerbating channel incision (NRCS, 2009). 26 Floodplain connectivity will be described in terms of the proportion of the site prevented from interacting with the stream due to structures preventing overbank stream flow, and the extent of impervious surfaces within each unit of the site. Desktop Proportion of floodplain prevented from interacting with stream This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Extent of impervious surfaces While inspecting aerial images of the unit (e.g., on Google Earth or in a GIS) or LiDAR data, surveyors will note the extent of impervious surfaces (e.g., building footprints, driveways, etc.) that are likely to block infiltration of water into the floodplain. Surveyors will record the proportion of the unit occupied by impervious surfaces in one of the categories below (adapted from Czarnomski and Skidmore, 2013): <20% 20-<50% 50-80% >80% Field Proportion of floodplain prevented from interacting with stream While walking the site, surveyors will note the presence of any structures that prevent the waterway from overflowing its banks onto portions of the site’s floodplain during high water events, including levees, revetments, dams, fill, berms or elevated road or railroad beds, etc. Surveyors will record the estimated proportion of the floodplain prevented from receiving overbank flow in one of the following categories: <50% 50-80% >80% If such a structure is present but on-site indicators are observed that suggest that the stream is overflowing its banks for a distance inland of at least 0.5 times the width of the active stream channel, surveyors should assume that <50% of the floodplain is prevented from interacting with stream. Such indicators of overbank flow include the presence of fine sand or silt deposition on floodplain, organic litter wracked on floodplain or in floodplain vegetation, or scour of floodplain surfaces (Czarnomski and Skidmore, 2013). Extent of impervious surfaces While walking the unit, surveyors will confirm the results of desktop analysis indicating the proportion of the unit that is occupied by impervious surfaces likely to prevent infiltration, including building footprints and paved or highly compacted areas, in one of the categories above. STREAMBANK EROSION POTENTIAL Although healthy stream systems naturally move within the floodplain over time, degraded streams may experience excessive bank erosion when riparian vegetation is lost, hydrology or sediment inputs have changed, or the stream has become disconnected from its floodplain (NRCS, 2009). Excessive bank erosion and sediment 27 input into waterways degrade water quality and habitat for aquatic species (Rosgen, 2001). Severe bank erosion can also result in loss of land and infrastructure, and change water tables (NRCS, 2009). Streambank erosion potential will evaluated for the site as a whole, and the value of this measurement will be assigned to all units within the site. Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Field Field assessment of bank erosion potential was adapted from a revision of the Bank Erosion Hazard Index (BEHI) (originally developed by USEPA, 2006) that removes the need to measure bankfull height in the field (Rathbun, 2011). To assess the level of streambank erosion, the surveyor will walk along the length of the streambank along the site, and visually estimate the overall state of four streambank characteristics, illustrated on Figure 4 below: Bank angle along the surface from bankfull to top of bank, Density of roots in bank. This characteristic is most easily observed in cuts, but can be assumed to be 100-55% if the bank is fully vegetated. Surface protection (% of bank covered by plant roots, downed logs, branches, rock, etc.), and Ratio of root depth to bank height (average). This characteristic is most easily observed in cuts, but can be assumed to be 100-50% if the bank is fully vegetated. After visually assessing each streambank characteristic, the surveyor will determine which risk category (low, moderate, high, or extreme) best represents that streambank characteristic, based on Figure 4. In this figure, the top row represents low risk for each characteristic, the 2nd row represents moderate risk, the 3rd row is high risk, and the bottom row represents extreme risk characteristics. 28 Figure 4. Stream bank erosion potential. In the field, the surveyor will assess each of the four streambank characteristics and determine the appropriate risk rating (low – top row, moderate – 2nd row, high – 3rd row, extreme – bottom row) corresponding to the observed streambank conditions. LARGE WOOD IN THE CHANNEL Large downed wood in the active river channel is essential for fish habitat and other functions. Once recruited instream, very large wood contributes to pool formation, sediment retention, island formation and hydrologic diversity (BLM, 1996; Collins et al., 2012), all of which increase fish habitat. Smaller wood can also help accumulate sediment needed for establishment by species such as cottonwood and willow (Collins et al., 2012), and organic matter that provides cover and food for macroinvertebrates. Large wood in the active channel will evaluated for the site as a whole, and the value of this measurement will be assigned to all units within the site. Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. 29 Field Surveyors will record the presence or absence of large downed wood within the active channel along the site. Large wood has minimum 12 inches diameter anywhere along the bole and minimum 25 ft length (Maser et al., 1979; USFS, 2010). To be counted, the bole (tree stem) or rootswell (transition point between the bole and the roots) must be at least partly within the bankfull channel and so be expected to interact with the water during bankfull conditions. Large downed wood with only roots in the active channel should not be counted. PRESENCE OF TRIBUTARY CONFLUENCES River confluences represent areas of ecologically important dynamic zones where substantial changes in physical and chemical process occur (Roy, 2008). The result of the interaction between the two flowing waterbodies can have both a local impact on the river, and alter its downstream characteristics (Roy, 2008), including water volume, water chemistry, and inputs of sediment and organic matter (Rice et al., 2008). The physical changes to the water and river channel can have implications for water quality, temperature, and hyporheic flow, which in turn affect biological communities (Rice et al., 2008). The presence of tributary confluences will evaluated for the site as a whole, and the value of this measurement will be assigned to all units within the site. Desktop Confluence presence within a quarter-mile upstream or downstream of the edge of the site should be determined by examining the NHD ( or NHD plus ( digital data layers. Tributaries present on the opposite bank from the site were included in the evaluation. Field Field analysts will indicate the presence of a tributary within the site. (Confirming presence indicated by desktop analysis is not necessary because desktop analysis will be based on data extending one-quarter mile beyond the site, and will include tributaries on the opposite bank.) PRESENCE OF SPECIAL INSTREAM HABITATS Healthy stream channels provide a diversity of features that allow for variation in sediment deposition, substrate sorting, flow velocities and channel depths. This type of habitat complexity increases the ability of fish species to adapt to fluctuations in stream flow (Bustard and Narver, 1975), stream temperature (Petersen, 1982) and food availability (Lister and Finnigan, 1997). Alcoves, side channels, and seasonally connected ponds or gravel pits are particularly important for spawning and rearing habitat for juvenile salmon species (Groot and Margolis, 1991; Nickelson et al., 1992). Some of these important features are described below (descriptions adapted from Alsea et al., 2000; Moore et al., 2010; ODFW, n.d.). Alcove: An alcove is a water body that maintains a downstream connection to the main channel at summer low flow, but has no upstream connection during low flow. They are often formed when a midriver gravel bar enlarges and connects to one of the banks, forming a point bar. As time passes, the point bar often elongates downstream and vegetation begins to develop. Older alcoves have streamside point bars that support mature woody vegetation. Substrate is typically sand and organic matter. Alcoves may also be formed by eddy scour flow near lateral obstructions during extreme flow events, or by beaver activity. Alcoves are used by juvenile Chinook salmon for refuge and feeding, especially in winter and spring. 30 Side channel: A side channel is laterally displaced from the main channel with clearly identifiable upstream and downstream connections to the main channel. Side channels vary significantly in length, from tens of feet to miles. Side channels can be shallower with lower velocity than the main channel and therefore may be more likely to support a large population of aquatic insects. Also, side channels are often more sinuous than the main channel and therefore include a variety of habitat features, including complex edges and eddies. Side channels may be used by juvenile Chinook salmon for refuge and feeding, especially in winter and spring. Bare substrate within the active river channel: The size of rocks, gravels and other materials in the riverbed is more diverse at areas with bare substrate. Young Chinook salmon congregate in areas with bare substrate, especially where diverse velocity patterns occur. The presence of these features will evaluated for the site as a whole, and the value of this measurement will be assigned to all units within the site. Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Field Those special instream habitats located within the active channel will be evaluated for the site as a whole, while those special instream habitats that may be found inland from the channel will be evaluated for each unit within the site. After walking the length of the active channel along the site, surveyors will record the presence of alcoves, islands and the presence of exposed bare substrate (gravel, cobble, etc.) within the active channel. (Sand, muck, or silt should not be recorded, as these substrate types tend to be less desirable for salmonids.) After walking each unit within the site, surveyors will record the presence of side channels seasonally connected ponds or gravel pits, or other special instream habitats within each unit. PRESENCE OF CURRENT OR HISTORIC ANADROMOUS SALMONID HABITAT Because many anadromous salmonid species are sensitive to habitat degradation of waterways and their floodplains, areas believed to be suitable habitat for these fish can serve as indicators of higher ecological function. For example, survival of Pacific salmon and steelhead, and the aquatic macroinvertebrates on which they depend, is impaired by certain metals and pesticides in the water (NOAA, 2012). This metric will be estimated at the level of the site, and the same value for the presence or absence of anadromous salmonid habitat will be assigned to each unit within the site. Desktop GIS analysis will identify habitat presence or absence directly adjacent to the site based on data provided by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (Fish Habitat Distribution, These data indicate areas of suitable habitat thought to be used currently (within the past five reproductive cycles) or historically by wild, natural, and/or hatchery salmon, steelhead, trout or whitefish populations (these data omit cutthroat trout distribution). Data are based on field sampling and modeling in combination with the best professional opinion of natural resources agency staff biologists. Although there is not always perfect alignment between fish passage barrier presence 31 and fish distribution upstream, biologists have made substantial effort to cross-references fish habitat distribution data with available fish passage barrier data (personal communication, Jon Bowers, GIS Coordinator, Fish Division, ODFW). Field This metric does not have a field analysis component. PRESENCE OF WETLANDS Wetlands provide a number of ecological benefits to aquatic systems, including flood storage, stormflow modification, groundwater recharge, nutrient cycling, and improved water quality (Mitsch and Gosselink, 2007). The presence of wetland hydrology (flooding, ponding and saturation) and soil inundation for long periods during the growing season can lead to development of anaerobic (low oxygen) conditions, contributing to the conditions necessary for the development of hydric soils (USDA Soil Conservation Service, 1994; USACE, 2010). Riparian-wetland soils perform multiple ecological functions, including water storage, water infiltration, pollutant filtering, nutrient cycling, carbon sequestration and energy dissipation (Lewis et al., 2003). Desktop Based on our experience implementing this survey protocol, available GIS data (such as the National Wetlands Inventory data) appeared to have low accuracy in mapping wetlands at the scale required. For this reason, desktop analysis of the presence of wetlands is omitted. Field The presence of wetlands will be identified in the field, without reliance on available GIS data. In most cases, field surveyors will not be professional wetland scientists; preliminary identifications of any areas that appear to be wetland is meant to simply recognize the value of these important habitats to riparian protection, and does not hold any legal or regulatory status. Identification of potential wetlands will be limited to more obvious areas that have strong wetland indicators. While walking the unit, the surveyor will identify the presence of any wetlands by noting the indicators described in Table 3. For the purposes of this survey, wetlands should be located outside the active river channel, above bankfull. Wetlands are sometimes present in off-channel locations at the toe of a slope, alongside rivers, or in depressional areas. Wetlands may be indicated by hydrology, such as soils saturated at or near the surface for most of the growing season, or by vegetation, such as high cover of dominant plant species such as skunk cabbage that have a wetland indicator status of obligate or facultative wet. The presence of wetlands within the unit should be recorded if either or both of the following hydrology or vegetation indicators of wetlands are observed away from an active river or stream channel. Wetland hydrology indicators Surveyors will make note of the presence of indicators of wetland hydrology (Table 3). 32 Table 3. Wetland hydrology indicators for the Western Mountains, Valleys, and Coast Region (adapted from USACE, 2010). Complete descriptions of each indicator are available at Wetland Hydrology Indicators Group A – Observation of Surface Water or Saturated Soils Surface water High water table (within 12” of soil surface) Saturation (soils often mucky or have ‘rotten egg’ smell) Group B - Evidence of Recent and Relatively Long-term Inundation Algal mat or crust Surface soil cracks when dry Inundation visible on aerial imagery taken during growing season Salt crust Aquatic invertebrates Wetland vegetation indicators Surveyors will make note of the presence of plants with a wetland indicator status of obligate or facultative wet; if such plants comprise at least 20% of the total vegetation cover in the area being considered, then the field analyst will record wetland vegetation indicators as present. (To find species indicator status, see the National Wetland Plant List for the Western Valleys, Mountains and Coast Region at; species not listed are assumed to be upland.) Some common plants associated with wetlands are provided in Table 4. 33 Table 4. Wetland Indicator Status of selected plants in the Willamette Valley and West Cascades ecoregions. Common name white alder Oregon ash willow Pacific ninebark Douglas spiraea American water plantain common camas impatiens skunk cabbage field mint seep monkeyflower watercress water parsley western buttercup arrowleaf groundsel tufted hairgrass meadow barley reed canarygrass slough sedge spikerush rush bulrush, club-rush Scientific name Trees Alnus rhombifolia Fraxinus latifolia Salix sp. Shrubs Physocarpus capitatus Spiraea douglasii Forbs Alisma triviale (syn. A. plantago-aquatica) Camasia quamash Impatiens sp. Lysichiton americanus (syn. L. americanum) Mentha arvensis Mimulus guttatus Nasturtium officinale (syn. Rorippa nasturtiumaquaticum) Oenanthe sarmentosa Ranunculus occidentalis Senecio triangularis Grasses Deschampsia cespitosa Hordeum brachyantherum Phalaris arundinacea Ferns/Sedges/Rushes/etc. Carex obnupta Eleocharis sp. Juncus sp. Scirpus sp., Schoenoplectus sp. Wetland Indicator Statusa FACW FACW Some species are FACW FACW FACW OBL FACW FACW OBL FACW OBL OBL OBL FACW FACW FACW FACW FACW OBL probably FACW or OBL probably FACW or OBL most are FACW or OBL a From the National Wetland Plant List for the Western Valleys, Mountains and Coast Region at PRESENCE OF SPECIAL TERRESTRIAL HABITATS Certain unique features such as hollow trees, caves, mines, cliffs, and talus fields are important habitat for certain wildlife species (Brown, 1985). Riparian areas often support disproportionately high species biodiversity, and provide important movement corridors for wildlife (Brown, 1985; NRCS, 2009). Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Field After walking through the unit, surveyors will record the presence of any of the following special terrestrial habitats (after Brown, 1985): 34 Caves or mines (openings >3 ft deep) Cliffs (vertical rock >15 ft tall) Talus/scree (fields bigger than 15 ft x 15 ft of accumulated rock debris) Hollow trees or trees with cavities (in trees >15 inches diameter at 4.5 ft from the ground) CANOPY TREE HEIGHT The height of riparian trees is correlated with support of ecological conditions including soil moisture, air temperature, wind speed, and relative humidity (Naiman et al., 2000). Additionally, taller trees can be farther from the waterbody and still effectively contribute organic material to the stream through litterfall, as well as provide shade and over the water to help regulate water temperature (Naiman et al., 2000). Desktop Height of trees in the overstory canopy within the unit will be estimated based on the most recent LiDAR data available (see the Oregon LiDAR Consortium for data sources, Tree heights are calculated using GIS by subtracting the ‘Bare earth’ value from the ‘First return’, or ‘highest hit’ value. The tree height data should then be reclassified according to the height categories defined below. The surveyor will then assign the unit to a height category based on the median tree height within the unit. The height categories below are adapted from expected heights of representative riparian tree species (red alder and Douglas-fir) within the project area at ages corresponding to the open sapling-pole forest developmental stage (stand age approximately 15-30 years); closed sapling-pole or small sawtimber stage (stand age approximately 30-80 years); and the large sawtimber or old growth stage (stand age approximately 80 years or more) (Pollock et al., 2005). (Stages defined by Brown [1985]; see “Riparian Forest Developmental Stage” section, below, for a description of forest developmental stages). Unit canopy tree height categories are: >80 ft 40 - 80 ft <40 ft Field Height of trees in the overstory canopy estimated for the unit based on desktop analysis of LiDAR data should be confirmed in the field in the case that conditions have changed since the date of the data source (e.g., part of the unit has been logged). If conditions appear to have substantially changed, the surveyor will assign the unit to a height category by visually estimating the median canopy tree height within the unit (i.e., the height at which half of the canopy trees are shorter and half are taller). Ideally, heights would be measured with a Rangefinder able to measure height, but can also be visually estimated. (For visual comparison, a building story and a school bus are both about 10 ft tall.) 35 CANOPY CLOSURE A tall, multilayered canopy buffers weather extremes (i.e., wind, insolation and fluctuations in temperature), providing stable, within-stand microclimates important to many species that depend on riparian forest habitat (Chen et al., 1999). Tree canopy near waterways provides shade, blocking solar radiation and maintaining cooler water temperatures. Canopy is often measured by either canopy closure or canopy cover. Canopy closure is the proportion of a hemisphere blocked by tree canopy, whereas canopy cover is the proportion of the sky blocked by the vertical projection of tree canopy (Jennings et al., 1999; Figure 5). High canopy closure is an indicator that sufficient leaves, twigs, and other organic materials are being supplied to streams to support the macroinvertebrates and other components of the aquatic food web (NRCS, 2009). Canopy closure is more directly related to light availability, microclimate, and other ecologically important factors than is canopy cover (Jennings et al., 1999). Desktop Canopy closure readings will be recorded at two locations within the unit: at the upstream end of the unit nearest the stream, and at the downstream end of the unit nearest the stream (regardless of whether the unit boundary itself is along the stream). These locations were chosen so as to be far enough apart (80 ft) as to be unlikely to capture canopy of the same tree in both readings; therefore, readings can be reasonably expected to be independent. (Very small units may only be large enough for one measurement.) Canopy closure will be measured in the field, but GPS coordinates for the locations at which canopy closure measurements are read will be produced using desktop analysis. Field Canopy closure will be determined using a convex spherical densiometer. The mirror of a convex densiometer is subdivided into a grid of 24, ¼-inch squares engraved onto the surface. Surveyors will mentally divide each square again into four ⅛-inch x ⅛inch squares, each with an imaginary dot in the center, for a total of 96 dots that can be counted within the engraved grid. Figure 5. Comparison of canopy closure (a) with To estimate canopy closure, the surveyor will hold the canopy cover (b).From Chianucci, Chiavetta, instrument level (indicated by the level bubble on and Cutini, 2014, accessed at: instrument) at elbow height, just far enough away from the body such that the surveyor’s head is just outside the 39-007. grid. The surveyor then counts the number of dots representing the smaller (1/8” x 1/8”) squares of canopy openings up to a total of 96. The count is then multiplied by 1.04 to obtain the percent of overhead area not occupied by canopy. The difference between this percentage and 100% is the estimated percent canopy closure. At each measurement location, the surveyor will repeat this count while facing each of the cardinal directions (N, S, E, W). The four canopy closure readings resulting from these counts will be averaged to produce a canopy closure measure for the location. 36 Canopy closure readings will be recorded at two locations within the unit that are at least 80 ft apart: at the upstream end of the unit on the boundary nearest the stream, and at the downstream end of the unit on the boundary nearest the stream (regardless of whether the unit boundary itself is along the stream). Coordinates for these locations will be produced using desktop analysis, and the surveyor will navigate to each of these locations using a GPS. Surveyors should also try to observe whether any of the canopy measured from one location is also measured at the second location, and indicate whether both locations are evaluating some of the same canopy. This will help evaluate whether measures are truly independent. In the case that surveyors cannot take canopy closure measurements at the predetermined location due to access or other issues, they will move away from the center of the unit along the unit boundary nearest the stream, and measure canopy closure at the nearest accessible location within the reference site. Surveyors will record the GPS coordinates of the new location. CANOPY COVER Canopy cover is a similar measure to canopy closure and is also a good indicator of stream shading, source of allochthonous inputs, and other functions. While canopy closure is usually measured in the field using a hemispherical field of view, canopy cover is often measured using desktop methods where the tree canopy is viewed as a vertical projection over the ground, such as when seen from above in an aerial image or as represented by LiDAR data. Canopy cover is a good indicator of tree volume or basal area, and is not dependent on tree height, unlike hemispherical measures such as canopy closure (Jennings et al., 1999). Canopy closure measured in the field will be compared with canopy cover measured in desktop analysis. Desktop Canopy cover readings will be recorded at the same two locations within the unit at which canopy closure is measured in the field: at the upstream end of the unit nearest the stream, and at the downstream end of the unit nearest the stream. Preliminary canopy cover measures were collected over a radius of 150 ft from the measurement point, although this radius will be reviewed to help ensure that canopy cover is measured using desktop methods over approximately the same space captured by the spherical densiometer in the field. This will help achieve the purpose of comparing canopy cover with canopy closure. Canopy cover will be estimated as the percent of the area at each measurement location that is covered by canopy. Field This metric does not have a field analysis component. RIPARIAN FOREST SERAL STAGE Riparian forests develop similarly to upland forests, progressing through stand initiation after a stand-replacing disturbance; to stem exclusion where small, dense trees compete for light and resources, shading out the understory; to the death of some trees and understory re-initiation in canopy gaps; and finally to a forest supporting large trees, multi-story canopy structure, and large downed wood that may be recruited into streams (Pollock et al., 2005). Because disturbance is often frequent and environmental conditions are heterogeneous in riparian forests, riparian areas frequently consists of diverse patches of successional states and structures, contributing to overall biological and functional diversity (Pollock et al., 2005; Collins et al., 2012). Large trees and structural diversity found in older forests are essential habitat for many protected species (Brown, 1985), and larger downed wood on the forest floor is more effective at creating pools and other habitat once it is 37 recruited instream (Collins et al., 2012). Riparian forest seral stage is also roughly indicative of total amount of riparian vegetation. Riparian vegetation contributes to roughness in the floodplain that slows flow during flood events (NRCS, 2009). Clearing riparian forests can result in increased runoff peak discharge and total amount, carrying excessive sediment and nutrients to water bodies and increasing channel incision (NRCS, 2009). The seral stage of riparian forest within the unit will be determined largely on the basis of structure (canopy layers and a diversity of tree sizes, including some larger and taller trees), with canopy tree DBH or canopy cover playing a less important role. Hardwood-dominated riparian forests tend to have smaller average diameter than conifer-dominated riparian forests and often have less developed canopy structure. Hardwood-dominated riparian forests may therefore tend to be assigned to earlier developmental stages, and correspondingly lower value for some functions. Although hardwood-dominated riparian forests are ecologically valuable in the Pacific Northwest, conifer-dominated riparian forests tend to have higher value for some functions. For example, wood from conifer species tends to remain in the river valley for a longer time before decomposing or being washed downstream (Collins et al., 2012); conifer species often reach larger diameters and produce larger downed wood important for creating instream habitat; and conifer or mixed conifer-hardwood forests tend to have higher plant and animal diversity, plant height and structural diversity, and amounts of downed wood (Brown, 1985). Further, conifer and mixed conifer-hardwood forests in later developmental stages are valuable protection targets because these seral stages have been greatly reduced in extent relative to historic conditions by forest management practices (BLM, 1996). Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Field Surveyors will place the forest in one of four developmental categories, guided by visually assessing canopy structure and health, and measuring tree DBH (diameter at breast height). Canopy structure Using Figure 6 as a guide, staff will record the number of overhead dominant canopy, subdominant canopy, and subdominant tree/tall shrub canopy layers (i.e., excluding young tree and shrub reproduction not yet overhead). Subdominant tree/tall shrub canopy layer Figure 6. Tree canopy layers. This figure illustrates a complex canopy structure with three canopy layers (from Brown, 1985). 38 Canopy tree DBH The average diameter of canopy trees can help guide surveyors in choosing a forest development category, although many forests with complex structures will not yield an average DBH that seems to reflect of the appropriate developmental category. DBH can be used to decide between developmental categories when the choice is otherwise unclear. To measure DBH, surveyors will walk through the unit and choose a tree that appears to represent the average DBH of trees (across all species) in the upper canopy layers. Using a DBH tape, surveyors will measure the diameter of the tree bole (trunk), in inches, at about 4.5 ft above the ground on the uphill side of the tree. (Surveyors should ensure that they are using the side of the tape scaled to measure diameter from circumference.) Bulges, deformities, branches, or other irregularities should be avoided. Surveyors will record the average canopy tree DBH in one of the following categories (after Brown, ed., 1985): <1” 1-9” 10-21” >21” If there is uncertainty that the chosen tree is not representative, or the diameter is near the edge of the range for a particular seral stage, more trees may be measured and the average DBH adjusted accordingly. Riparian forest developmental categories Based canopy structure and diameter of trees in the upper canopy layers, surveyors will assign the riparian forest unit to one of the following categories using Figure 7 as a guide (adapted from Brown, 1985 and BLM, 1996): Recent clearcut or other severe disturbance: area is expected to support forest development, but is currently dominated by herbaceous plants or shrubs; often contains tree seedlings or saplings <10 ft tall. Open sapling-pole: trees are >10 ft tall but overhead canopy cover is still relatively low and shrubs may still be dominant. Few overhead canopy layers, simple structure. Small, dense trees compete for light and resources; understory is often shaded out and poorly developed. Closed sapling-pole/small sawtimber: Some structural complexity starts to develop, 1-2 overhead canopy layers, but many trees of similar size; high overhead canopy cover (60-100%) may prevent development of much understory, although understory may be starting to fill in a bit. Average canopy tree DBH may be somewhat variable but few trees are larger than 21”. Large sawtimber or old growth: A diversity of tree sizes contributes to complex structure. Some canopy openings allow development of multiple (2+) overhead canopy layers and more diverse understory; may be many snags and downed large wood. Many trees with DBH 21” or larger usually present. 39 Figure 7. Forest developmental stages. (Reproduced from Maser et al., 1979). Large sawtimber and old growth stages will be considered together for the purposes of riparian function surveys. Forest developmental categories were developed mainly with conifer-dominated forests in mind, and complex riparian forests do not always fit well in the category descriptions. In general, the number of canopy layers and a diversity of tree sizes, including some larger and taller trees, tend to be more important than average canopy tree DBH or canopy cover for assigning the forest developmental category. Live crown ratio Unusually dense forests may have trees so close together that the live crown (green canopy) of many trees is not able to fully develop. This may be an indication that forest health is suffering. Based on visual assessments, surveyors will indicate whether, on average, the length of the live crown appears to be less than 20% the length of the trees within the unit. SNAG ABUNDANCE Snags (standing dead trees) are valuable habitat for terrestrial wildlife such as cavity-nesting birds and bats, and for creating fish habitat when they fall into streams. The absence of snags is a major limiting factor for many species in the study area (BLM, 1996). Snags with a diameter of at least 15 inches diameter and a height of at least 10 ft are most useful for wildlife habitat (Brown, 1985), and 15-inch diameter downed wood is effective in pool formation on channels up to 50 ft wide (Pollock et al., 2005), such as on many tributaries to the McKenzie River. Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Field Field staff will count and record the number of standing snags (minimum 15 inches DBH and 10 ft tall) within the unit. (DBH is measured using a DBH tape around the diameter of the bole at about 4.5 ft above the ground on the uphill side of the tree. Bulges, deformities, branches, or other irregularities should be avoided.) Fallen trees that are still somewhat upright (e.g., caught in the crotch of another tree) should be counted as snags rather 40 than downed wood. Surveyors will also record the presence of numerous snags smaller than the minimum size to be tallied. Although of lower wildlife value, such snags contribute to nutrient cycling and other services, and indicate less intensive stand management. DOWNED LARGE WOOD IN THE FLOODPLAIN Downed large wood is important as habitat and cover for many terrestrial wildlife species (e.g., amphibians), provides for tree regeneration sites, and plays an important role in carbon and nutrient cycling (BLM, 1996; Collins et al., 2012). Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Field After walking through the unit, surveyors will count the number of pieces of large wood within the unit (for the purposes of this project, all of the unit will be within the floodplain, as it is defined by the VIP boundary). Large wood has minimum 12 inches diameter anywhere along the bole and minimum 25 ft length (Maser et al., 1979; USFS, 2010). Large wood that has already been recorded as present in the active channel can be included again in floodplain wood tallies if it extends into the unit. Fallen trees that are still somewhat upright (e.g., caught in the crotch of another tree) should be counted as snags rather than downed wood. Surveyors will also record the presence of numerous pieces of downed wood smaller than the minimum size to be tallied. Although of lower wildlife value, such smaller downed wood contributes to nutrient cycling and other services, and indicates less intensive stand management. UNVEGETATED GROUND Unvegetated ground can affect water quality by contributing to sediment delivery through surface erosion (Beechie et al., 2005). Unvegetated ground is also an indicator of low plant root density; roots are important for reducing bank erosion, particularly under high flows (NRCS, 2009). Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Field Combined cover of bare ground, litter, wood, rock, non-vascular plants and other ground substrate that is not live vegetation will be visually estimated after walking through the unit, and recorded in one of the following categories: <25% unvegetated ground 25-<50% unvegetated ground 50-75% unvegetated ground >75% unvegetated ground Note that open water should not be included in the estimate of unvegetated ground. NATIVE VEGETATION COMPOSITION Different tree and shrub species have different rooting habits , streambank stability characteristics and erosion control abilities (e.g., Crowe and Clausnitzer, 1997) that contribute to the collective ability of a riparian forest to 41 support water infiltration, biochemical processing, erosion control and other functions (NRCS, 2007). A mix of native riparian species also supports higher biodiversity of mammals, birds, amphibians, insects and other wildlife dependent on riparian habitats (NRCS, 2007). Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. Field Vegetation composition will be recorded in terms of native tree and shrub diversity, dominant native woody species in the canopy and understory layers, and predominant forest type. Native tree, shrub and woody vine diversity While walking through the unit, surveyors will tally the number observed of native tree species, and the number of shrub and woody vine species. After the USDA (n.d.), shrubs are species that usually grow up to 13-16 ft tall and with multiple trunks. Trees are species that usually are taller than 16 ft and tend to have a single or few main trunks. Dominant native woody species Surveyors will record up to three dominant native woody species in the tree canopy layers (roughly above head height), and up to three species in the understory layer (about head height and below). Dominant species are those with estimated cover of at least 20%. Surveys can also optionally record other common native species to characterize the riparian forest community. Riparian forest type Surveyors will assign the riparian forest unit to one of the following categories based on the species composition of the tree canopy: Conifer forest (≥75% of the tree canopy is conifer) Hardwood forest (≥75% of the tree canopy is hardwood) Mixed conifer-hardwood forest (neither conifer nor hardwood comprises ≥75% of the tree canopy). INVASIVE PLANT SPECIES COVER Riparian forests are often easily invaded by aggressive exotic plant species due to their relatively high natural disturbance frequency (Pollock et al., 2005). Invasive plant species displace native species and degrade habitat quality for dependent wildlife species (Lucchetti et al., 2005). Invasive plant species often have shallow, simplified rooting structure that is not as effective at reducing erosion as native species (Maze, 2013). Higher invasive species cover is also likely to be correlated with lower native plant species cover, which may reduce wildlife habitat availability (Maze, 2013). Desktop This metric does not have a desktop analysis component. 42 Field Surveyors will visually estimate invasive plant species cover by walking through the unit, and recording average invasive species cover within the unit in one of the following categories (after NRCS, 2009): <20% cover 20-50% cover >50% cover Plant species considered as invasive are those listed on the Oregon Department of Agriculture’s noxious weed list (see, plus reed canary grass (Phalaris arundinacea). Surveyors should bring a copy of this noxious weeds list, and any needed plant identification guides, into the field. Surveyor should also bring a visual percent cover guide to increase accuracy (e.g., Surveyors will also record which invasive species are present. Photo Documentation Field surveyors will help illustrate riparian function at reference sites by taking photos. These photos will be useful for communicating with landowners about characteristics of healthy riparian areas. Each photo should be labeled with a brief description of what the photo is meant to illustrate (e.g., “structural diversity with abundant large downed wood”). Field surveyors should take photos that document the functions that field metrics are designed to measure, such as: Floodplain connectivity, evidence of active floodplains, and structures/impervious surfaces that reduce floodplain connectivity, Ranges of streambank erosion potential and the features (root density, bank angle, etc.) that help determine streambank erosion potential, Instream habitats that contribute high ecological value (side channels, alcoves, tributary confluences, etc.), Terrestrial habitats that contribute high ecological value (wetlands, snags, large trees, talus, caves, etc.) Well-developed riparian forests with multiple overhead layers, mature trees, and well-developed understory, as well as forests that are less well-developed, Large wood present in the active floodplain of reference sites, and examples of large wood instream that contribute to pool formation and other instream habitat, Riparian forests dominated by diverse native plant cover, and riparian forests where invasive plant species are common, and Anything else that helps demonstrate the functions contributed by healthy riparian forests (filtering, erosion control, wildlife habitat, flood control, pollination resources, shade and water cooling, etc.). Keeping in mind that photos may be used for educational or outreach materials, surveyors should take care with photo framing and lighting to produce useable material. 43 In addition, surveyors should take photos that can be helpful for resolving questions around interpretation of riparian function within reference sites. Any time there is a question about a metric category or measurement, surveyors should photograph the feature so the photo can later be used to aid discussion and arrive at consensus on decisions around metric evaluation. Quality Assurance/Quality Control Surveys will only be implemented by experienced desktop analysts and field surveyors familiar with this protocol. Before going into the field, staff should ensure that all vegetation monitoring equipment (Appendix C) has been gathered to reduce the need to improvise in the field. As a first-cut quality control and to help ensure completeness of data collection, desktop and field surveyors will review and confirm data after completing the survey of each unit within a reference site. Validation rules in place within the digital data collection application will also help confirm that data entries are within expected ranges and formats. As discussed earlier, data collection precision will be increased through simultaneous surveys early in the data collection season, in which multiple crews survey a site together to allow for discussion and consensus building around decision-making. Data precision will also be directly evaluated by having different crews independently survey the same set of four to six sites, to allow an evaluation of variability among values of the same metric collected at the same site, by different surveyors. This information can be used in decision-making around retaining or omitting metrics in future revisions of the protocol. Data Management As soon as possible after returning from the field, staff will upload the data from the digital data collector (iPad or equivalent) into the online database. The online database is hosted on The Freshwater Trust’s server, and is maintained on a regular basis with regular updates and versioning. Data will also be available to desktop and field analysts through a reporting function in the monitoring application. If surveyors collected tracks or polygon data in the field (e.g., if unit boundaries needed to be remapped based on field conditions), these shapefiles should be named according to the reference site name (e.g., LOMR2) and emailed to desktop analysts at LCOG. If photos were taken with a camera other than the internal iPad camera, these photos should be downloaded and named according to site and the feature illustrated (e.g. LOMR03_snag), and uploaded to the appropriate location in the online database. Data Analysis A system for scoring riparian function within each unit of each reference site will be developed simultaneous with desktop and field surveys. Several methods are possible. Scoring could be accomplished using a straight system in which each metric is given a score on a 1 to 10 scale, and metric scores are averaged to reach a unit score (e.g., NRCS, 2009). Or, some metrics may be deemed more important than others, and weighted so that they contribute more heavily to the final unit score (e.g., Czarnomski and Skidmore, 2013). As part of the scoring process, reference sites will also be reviewed for whether they had the opportunity to provide the function being scored (e.g., floodplain connectivity should only be relevant for sites with a floodplain). 44 Metrics will also be individually evaluated for utility by reviewing each for: precision and repeatability among surveyors (for sites at which surveys are repeated), sensitivity/resolution – metrics are capable of differentiating among sites of differing riparian function, and the suggested range of values was appropriate for actual site conditions, transparency and clarity of survey methods and results by a wide range of users, including landowners; methods can be used by non-specialists to produce accurate results operational efficiency – methods are not overly time intensive other indicators of utility as based on feedback from desktop and field analysts. Next Steps Successful completion of EWEB’s VIP pilot will depend on collaboration among all partners. Next steps for project implementation are outlined below. Next steps in VIP pilot project implementation Training session in protocol and use of digital monitoring application with LCOG, McK WSC, UW SWCD, EWEB, others interested Timelines Mid May to early June Reference site survey desktop preparation, desktop and field data collection, data QA/QC and upload into online database Mid May to late July Develop riparian function scoring system for reference sites, synthesize data Early June to late July and score sites Develop desktop and field protocol for riparian function assessments at landowner sites Early April to late July Finalize 12-14 landowner sites, gain access, schedule sampling visits Mid May to late July Landowner site survey desktop preparation, desktop and field data collection, data QA/QC and upload into online database Early August to mid September Develop riparian function scoring system for landowner sites, synthesize data and score sites Mid September to late November Final report – survey protocols, site assessments, and recommendations December 31st, 2014 Lane Council of Governments (LCOG) – led by David Richey, Senior GIS Analyst McKenzie Watershed Council (McK WSC) – led by Jared Weybright, Projects Coordinator Upper Willamette Soil and Water Conservation District (UW SWCD) – led by Dave Downing, Watershed Technical Specialist Eugene Water & Electric Board (EWEB) – led by Kris Stenshoel, Vegetation Program Coordinator 45 Protocol Review and Adaptation This reference site survey protocol was developed as part of a pilot test of EWEB’s Voluntary Incentive Program, and may be revised as needed to improve efficiency, data quality, or other objectives. Feedback from desktop and field analysts will be crucial for revising this pilot protocol for implementation at landowner sites, and perhaps for future implementation at new reference sites. Desktop and field surveyors will be asked to maintain a project notebook and record observations on suggested changes to specific metrics such as transparency and clarity of survey methods, efficiency, apparent metric sensitivity to differences in riparian function, difficulties in assessing metric value, whether suggested ranges in metric values were appropriate for actual site conditions and any other observations on ways this protocol may be improved. 46 References Cited Abood, S., and A. Maclean. 2012. Modeling and classifying riparian ecotones via GIS utilizing geophysical and vegetative inputs: a new approach. AWRA 2012 Summer Specialty Conference. Riparian Ecosytems IV: Advancing Science, Economics, and Policy. June 27-29, 2012. Denver, CO. Allan, J. D. and M. M. Castillo. 2007. 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LOWER MCKENZIE RIVER WATERSHED (HUC5) - Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites. % Of Targetc Riparian # Reference Sites Original Land Cover/Land Use Typea Acresb Simplified Vegetation Type Acres in HUC 5 Selected Program Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest Red Alder Forest Douglas Fir/White Oak Forest Oregon White Oak Forest Grass-shrub-sapling or Regenerating young forest Palustrine Forest NWI Palustrine Forest Palustrine Shrubland NWI Palustrine Shrubland NWI Palustrine Emergent Urban Agriculture Open Water Total Target Riparian Area in HUC 5 (acres) Total # Reference Sites Needed in HUC 5 9763 1932 390 186 127 2715 286 35 16 2 119 220 1619 1545 15571 Mixed conifer/hardwood forest Douglas-fir/white oak forest 12085 77.6 6 313 2.0 None - conserve all sites. Native grassland unknown Native shrubland unknown Unknown (17.4 or less) Unknown (17.4 or less) Unknown (17.4 or less) None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. n/a (lower conservation value, excluded) Regenerating forest n/a Palustrine forest 321 2.1 None - conserve all sites. Palustrine shrubland 18 0.1 None - conserve all sites. Palustrine emergent n/a n/a n/a 119 n/a n/a n/a 0.8 n/a n/a n/a None - conserve all sites. n/a n/a n/a 6 sites a Source: Oregon Current Vegetation Types digital dataset (Northwest Habitat Institute, 2000). Land cover/land use types present on private land (i.e., types in which conservation sites could be located) are included, while types present only on public land are omitted. b Area occupied by each vegetation type includes all land within 120 ft of a perennial stream. c Target riparian area includes all vegetation types in which conservation sites may be located, and excludes cover types outside the scope of a riparian conservation program, such as open water and agricultural areas. 52 MCKENZIE RIVER/QUARTZ CREEK WATERSHED (HUC5) - Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites. Acres Simplified Vegetation Type Acres % Of Target Riparian in HUC 5 # Reference Sites - Selected Program True Fir-Hemlock Montane Forest 187 Montane conifer forest 187 6.6 0 (no Montane conifer forest within VIP boundary) Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest Red Alder Forest 1933 192 36 Mixed conifer/hardwood forest 2161 76.5 2 Original Land Cover/Land Use Type Grass-shrub-sapling or Regenerating young forest Open Water Total Target Riparian Area in HUC 5 (acres) Total # Reference Sites Needed in HUC 5 478 262 2826 Native grassland unknown Native shrubland unknown Regenerating forest n/a n/a n/a Unknown (16.9 or less) Unknown (16.9 or less) Unknown (16.9 or less) n/a None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. n/a (lower conservation value, excluded) n/a 2 sites a Source: Oregon Current Vegetation Types digital dataset (Northwest Habitat Institute, 2000). Land cover/land use types present on private land (i.e., types in which conservation sites could be located) are included, while types present only on public land are omitted. b Area occupied by each vegetation type includes all land within 120 ft of a perennial stream. c Target riparian area includes all vegetation types in which conservation sites may be located, and excludes cover types outside the scope of a riparian conservation program, such as open water and agricultural areas. 53 HORSE CREEK WATERSHED (HUC5)- Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites. % Of Target Riparian # Reference Sites Original Land Cover/Land Use Type Acres Simplified Vegetation Type Acres in HUC 5 Selected Program Subalpine Fir-Lodgepole Pine Montane Conifer True Fir-Hemlock Montane Forest Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest Red Alder Forest Grass-shrub-sapling or Regenerating young forest NWI Palustrine Forest NWI Palustrine Shrubland NWI Palustrine Emergent Alpine Fell-Snowfields Open Water Total Target Riparian Area in HUC 5 (acres) Total # Reference Sites Needed in HUC 5 18 Montane conifer forest 1675 35.2 0 (no Montane conifer forest within VIP boundary) Mixed conifer/hardwood forest 2719 57.2 2 1657 2617 81 21 168 64 94 26 1 6 Native grassland unknown Native shrubland unknown Regenerating forest n/a Palustrine forest Palustrine shrubland Palustrine emergent n/a n/a 64 94 26 n/a n/a Unknown (3.5 or less) Unknown (3.5 or less) Unknown (3.5 or less) 1.3 2.0 0.5 n/a n/a None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. n/a (lower conservation value, excluded) None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. n/a n/a 4753 2 sites a Source: Oregon Current Vegetation Types digital dataset (Northwest Habitat Institute, 2000). Land cover/land use types present on private land (i.e., types in which conservation sites could be located) are included, while types present only on public land are omitted. b Area occupied by each vegetation type includes all land within 120 ft of a perennial stream. c Target riparian area includes all vegetation types in which conservation sites may be located, and excludes cover types outside the scope of a riparian conservation program, such as open water and agricultural areas. 54 UPPER MCKENZIE RIVER WATERSHED (HUC5) - Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites. % Of Target Riparian # Reference Sites Original Land Cover/Land Use Type Acres Simplified Vegetation Type Acres in HUC 5 Selected Program Subalpine Fir-Lodgepole Pine Montane Conifer True Fir-Hemlock Montane Forest Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest Red Alder Forest Grass-shrub-sapling or Regenerating young forest NWI Palustrine Forest NWI Palustrine Shrubland NWI Palustrine Emergent Lava Flow Open Water Total Target Riparian Area in HUC 5 (acres) Total # Reference Sites Needed in HUC 5 50 Montane conifer forest 1118 16.0 0 (no Montane conifer forest within VIP boundary) Mixed conifer/hardwood forest 4215 60.3 2 1068 4071 112 32 1497 21 100 42 1 10 Native grassland unknown Native shrubland unknown Regenerating forest n/a Palustrine forest Palustrine shrubland Palustrine emergent n/a n/a 21 100 42 n/a n/a Unknown (21.4 or less) Unknown (21.4 or less) Unknown (21.4 or less) 0.3 1.4 0.6 n/a n/a None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. n/a (lower conservation value, excluded) None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. n/a n/a 6993 2 sites a Source: Oregon Current Vegetation Types digital dataset (Northwest Habitat Institute, 2000). Land cover/land use types present on private land (i.e., types in which conservation sites could be located) are included, while types present only on public land are omitted. b Area occupied by each vegetation type includes all land within 120 ft of a perennial stream. c Target riparian area includes all vegetation types in which conservation sites may be located, and excludes cover types outside the scope of a riparian conservation program, such as open water and agricultural areas. 55 BLUE RIVER WATERSHED (HUC5) - Land cover and land use types, simplified vegetation types, and recommended number reference sites. % Of Target Riparian # Reference Sites Original Land Cover/Land Use Type Acres Simplified Vegetation Type Acres in HUC 5 Selected Program True Fir-Hemlock Montane Forest Douglas Fir-W. Hemlock-W. Red Cedar Forest Mixed Conifer/Mixed Deciduous Forest Red Alder Forest Grass-shrub-sapling or Regenerating young forest 132 Montane conifer forest 132 3.3 0 (no Montane conifer forest within VIP boundary) Mixed conifer/hardwood forest 3267 80.7 2 3202 61 4 650 Native grassland unknown Native shrubland unknown Regenerating forest Open Water Total Target Riparian Area in HUC 5 (acres) Total # Reference Sites Needed in HUC 5 10 n/a Unknown (16.1 or less) Unknown (16.1 or less) Unknown (16.1 or less) None - conserve all sites. None - conserve all sites. n/a (lower conservation value, excluded) n/a 4049 2 sites a Source: Oregon Current Vegetation Types digital dataset (Northwest Habitat Institute, 2000). Land cover/land use types present on private land (i.e., types in which conservation sites could be located) are included, while types present only on public land are omitted. b Area occupied by each vegetation type includes all land within 120 ft of a perennial stream. c Target riparian area includes all vegetation types in which conservation sites may be located, and excludes cover types outside the scope of a riparian conservation program, such as open water and agricultural areas. 56 Appendix B – Proposed Reference Sites and their Priority Access information has not been completed for low priority sites under the presumption that they are unlikely to be surveyed. An interactive map of these sites is available at: Site Name (Number orders sites West to East) Preliminary Site a Name Site Notes Priority (private) Springfield Oxbow (MRT owned) is adjacent, to W on inside bend of river High Lower McKenzie Lower McKenzie 3 (LOMR3) (private) Island with large side channel, several nice spots. High Lower McKenzie Lower McKenzie 4 (LOMR4) (private) large buffers High Lower McKenzie High Lower McKenzie Lower McKenzie 2 (LOMR2) Lower McKenzie 5 (LOMR5) Lower McKenzie 13 (LOMR13) Lower McKenzie 14 (LOMR14) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 20 (MRQC20) Blue River 23 (BLUE23) (private) Martin Creek (BLM) Ben and Kay Dorris State Park (ODOT) Elk Creek trib (public) Blue R Parks and Rec District Trib side channels, intact forest Late Successional Reserve. sm, steep, fish-bearing. Public land. Rose St appears to go through site, but no other sites suitable. Understory likely to be dominated by invasive ivy. Access Notes a Latitude a Longitude a HUC 5 Watershed High Hike up thru public land from Goodpasture Rd 44.1196890 -122.5247666 Lower McKenzie High Hwy 126 44.1303323 -122.5228140 Lower McKenzie High Elk Cr Rd past High School 44.1579714 -122.3642872 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek High Rose St 44.1566444 -122.3361587 Blue River 57 Site Name (Number orders sites West to East) Preliminary Site a Name Blue River 24 (BLUE24) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 27 (MRQC27) Blue River Parks and Rec 2 Horse Creek 29 (HORS29) Horse Creek floodplain (USFS) Upper McKenzie River 33 (UPMR33) Horse Creek 36 (HORS36) Upper McKenzie River 38 (UPMR38) Upper McKenzie River 39 (parking) (UPMR39) Lower McKenzie 7 (LOMR7) Lower McKenzie 8 (LOMR8) Site Notes Public land, no access permisison needed. Understory likely to be dominated by invasive ivy, but no other sites available. McK R (Delta CG, USFS) McK R (USFS) public Lost Creek lower Parking for Lost Creek sites (38 and 41) (private) City of Eug Koldar Isl(?) Access Notes High Rose St then Walk upstream from Blue R Community park High floodplain, braiding, hardwoods. 2639-116 trail. Side channels.The side channel is part of the McKenzie River floodplain that is well over 150 feet wide at this site. High High just below confluence mid-order, midgradient, fish High parking n/a cottonwood gallery, low canopy, dynamic understory may be dominated by invasives Med access intact forest, side channels a Priority High Med access Delta Campground, Old Growth trail NF 164 (through neighborhood)/King Rd and 2639-100. 2639-116 now a trail. N Bank Rd/Rd -280.Park bf gate on private land. NF-2638 (Horse Creek Rd), park on public land Park at Hwy 126 or Rd 2600-345 Latitude a Longitude a HUC 5 Watershed 44.1583993 -122.3338413 Blue River 44.1657873 -122.2848180 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 44.1705163 -122.1746443 Horse Creek 44.1820084 -122.1155385 Upper McKenzie River 44.1556580 -122.0966830 44.1884558 -122.0643374 Horse Creek Upper McKenzie River 44.1877172 -122.0618268 Upper McKenzie River Lower McKenzie ? From Rodman Isl to E. Access requires a boat (EWEB can provide). Be prepared to survey. 44.0750463 -122.7620777 Lower McKenzie 58 Site Name (Number orders sites West to East) Lower McKenzie 9 (LOMR9) Lower McKenzie 12 (LOMR12) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 15 (MRQC15) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 22 (MRQC22) Upper McKenzie River 34 (UPMR34) Upper McKenzie River 41 (UPMR41) Upper McKenzie River 39 (parking) (UPMR39) Lower McKenzie 1 (LOMR1) Lower McKenzie 6 (LOMR6) Preliminary Site a Name Site Notes Priority City of Eug Rodman Isl(?) Waterboard Bark (City Eug) intact forest, side channels altered hydrol, just above dam Med access Med hydrology HJ Morton State Park public, mature, side channel Med access McK R (public) off rd 1900-408 Med public Lost Creek Upper (USFS) Parking for Lost Creek sites (38 and 41) flat enough? mid-order, midgradient, fish Med parking n/a Lower McKenzie 10 (LOMR10) Lower McKenzie 11 (LOMR11) Demo forest Leaburg Dam Rd Hwy 126, wade across side channel Hwy 126 to Quartz Cr Rd bridge, then Rd 1900-408 under powerline, hike down to site Hike upstream on MckKenzie R Trail Park off Hwy 126 or Belknap Spr Rd Latitude a Longitude a Relatively intact, not sure about access check location. tributary, intact forest location unsure. sm. crk w some nice forested area Low - access HUC 5 Watershed 44.0776823 -122.7461132 Lower McKenzie 44.1392337 -122.6066062 Lower McKenzie 44.1252150 -122.3820756 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 44.1511051 -122.3364995 44.1825938 -122.1099090 44.1862863 -122.0599171 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek Upper McKenzie River Upper McKenzie River 44.1877172 -122.0618268 Upper McKenzie River Low, a bit outside project area (private) Lane Co Leaburg Forest/Johnson Crk (EWEB) Med a Access Notes ? Off Deerhorn Rd thru public land, then wade. Access requires a boat (EWEB can provide). Be prepared to survey. Lower McKenzie Reached by boat (EWEB can provide); overland access through unresponsive landowner. 44.0618026 -122.8878626 Lower McKenzie Low, not in floodplain 44.1118555 -122.6722559 Lower McKenzie Low - not in floodplain 44.1154286 -122.6512846 Lower McKenzie 59 Site Name (Number orders sites West to East) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 16 (MRQC16) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 17 (MRQC17) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 18 (MRQC18) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 19 (MRQC19) McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 21 (MRQC21) Blue River 25 (BLUE25) Blue River 26 (BLUE26) Upper McKenzie River 28 (UPMR28) Preliminary Site a Name Elk Creek Elk Creek Elk Creek trib (public) McKenzie High School Blue R confluence McKenzie School District public McKenzie R main (USFS) Site Notes Late Successional Reserve. sm, steep, fish-bearing. public. flat? matches other VIP? Late Successional Reserve. sm, steep, fish-bearing. McKenzie School District - will need access permissions. confluence may skew? owner? Priority Access Notes a Latitude a Longitude a HUC 5 Watershed Low, outside floodplain 44.1586487 -122.3758529 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek Low 44.1560394 -122.3713014 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 44.1630820 -122.3662613 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 44.1524369 -122.3657224 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 44.1522829 -122.3430119 McKenzie River/Quartz Creek 44.1598156 -122.3323607 Blue River 44.1637408 -122.3318564 44.1761183 -122.1826695 Blue River Upper McKenzie River Low, outside floodplain Low - near parking and field Low - access Narrow floodplain floodplain only 50 ft wide, too narrow Low, narrow Low Walk upstream Lucky Boy Rd then cross river. Location flexible. Low - access Wade across river Low - no floodplain? 44.1613272 -122.1431659 Horse Creek 44.1598340 -122.1369861 44.1868253 -122.0963049 44.1886229 -122.0693730 Horse Creek Upper McKenzie River Upper McKenzie River 44.2032437 -122.0409201 Upper McKenzie River Horse Creek 31 (HORS31) Horse Creek floodplain (USFS) field ver. field-ver. midgradient, mid-order, fish, hardwood Horse Creek 32 (HORS32) Upper McKenzie River 35 (UPMR35) Upper McKenzie River 37 (UPMR37) Horse Creek side channel (USFS) field-verif. mid-order, mid-gradient, fish Low - no floodplain? Public Low Bigelow flat enough? Likely a highfunctioning site Upper McKenzie River 42 (UPMR42) Upper McK R (USFS) Access from rd 2650 near Frissell Boat Ramp Low Low extreme E end of project area in Paradise campground Access thru private or wade across river a Some information has been redacted for privacy of non-public land holders. 60 Appendix C – Field Gear Check List Printed site map or aerial image (backup for iPad) Compass with correct declination (15° E) Landowner contact information, access permission, access stipulations Clinometer (may be included on compass) Road gazetteer, directions to site Measuring tapes (min. 50 ft) to calibrate pacing Densiometer Printed copy of survey protocol and list of reference sites iPad data collector, associated cables/charger, cleaning cloth, water proof/resistant case (with case opener and case user’s guide), harness, stylus DBH tape (preferably with straight inches on one side) StreamBank Monitoring application User Quick Guide Mophie Juice Pack Powerstation PRO or equivalent mobile device charger, Mophie charger, and user’s guide High accuracy GPS with batteries/charger Radios for each staff with batteries/charger (optional) Backup camera with batteries/charger Rangefinder with ability to measure height (optional) First aid kit Field notebook for recording protocol feedback and other observations; also serves as backup for data collection Percent cover guide Invasive plant species list (ODA noxious plant species + reed canary grass) Wetland plant and other plant identification guides Mechanical pencils Flagging Sharpie 61