A New Year Note - Windbridge Institute


A New Year Note - Windbridge Institute
A New Year Note
from the Windbridge Institute
January, 2015
We are grateful and pleased
to be able to share with you
once again everything we
were able to accomplish at
the Windbridge Institute over
the last year. We are especially proud of these accomplishments since, as usual,
they occurred with a very limited budget, no marketing
department, no university
affiliation, only two full-time
researchers, and a handful of
stellar volunteers.
In this note, we have included
a 2014 Year‐in‐Review includ‐
ing highlights of Windbridge
Institute research, news,
events, media, publications,
conferences, and members’
newsletter features with links
to the original materials
where available.
We have also included a peek into what is in store for the Windbridge Institute during 2015, its eighth year in existence.
Please feel free to pass this note on to others who may be interested.
We look forward to sharing our progress with you in the coming
months. Please make sure you visit our website for lots of ways to
stay connected.
Best wishes for a year filled with stability, tranquility, and civility,
Julie and Mark
Julie Beischel, PhD
Director of Research
Mark Boccuzzi
Director of Operations
The Windbridge Institute
NYN 2015
©2015 Windbridge Institute, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
What’s Inside:
Main Areas of Research at
the Windbridge Institute
Windbridge Institute Major
Research findings to Date
2014 Year in Review:
Independent Research
Funded Research
Exploratory Research
Institute News
New Service: PsiForms
Winds of Change
Newsletter Features
Windbridge Institute
in the Media
Looking Forward: 2015
Events, Conferences...
Why Windbridge?
About the Institute
Page 1
The figure above diagrams the major research areas at the Windbridge Institute and how they intersect:
Basic Parapsychology
This program explores traditional parapsychological topics (i.e., telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, and
mind-matter interactions) as well as experimenter effects, alternative healing, intention, our connection
to each other, and the potential that exists within each of us.
Life After Death
The survival of consciousness hypothesis proposes that at least part of an individual's personality or consciousness continues to survive after the death of the physical body. The Windbridge Institute is interested in all areas of survival research but is, at this time, primarily focused on studying mediums and the
information they report, investigating technologies that may be useful in enhancing interaction and communication with the deceased [i.e., electronic voice phenomena (EVP) and instrumental transcommunication (ITC)], addressing reports of haunting and apparition phenomena, and exploring afterlife cosmology.
Animal Consciousness
Non-human animal consciousness research investigates a variety of phenomena including animal psi, the
human-animal bond, and survival of animal consciousness after physical death.
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Windbridge Institute Major Research Findings to Date
Below is a brief overview of our research findings since we founded the Institute in 2008. Where available, references (p. 4)
are linked to the original articles.
The Source of Psi Problem and Psi Mediated Experimenter Effects continue to hinder experimental parapsychology.
They also have a direct impact on Survival research. As such, we are continuing to explore how experimental outcomes are affected by the implicit and explicit beliefs, desires, expectations, and enthusiasm of experimenters and
participants (11, 15).
A mediumship reading involves a complex dynamic between the sitter, the medium, and the invited discarnate. Each
can potentially impact the success of a reading (1, 5).
Some mediums, under blinded and controlled conditions, can report accurate and specific information about deceased people. In addition, this finding has been replicated. However, we cannot currently identify the source of the
information mediums report. Thus, we call this phenomenon Anomalous Information Reception (AIR) (3, 4, 8).
Qualitative as well as blinded and randomized quantitative research with modern, American, secular mediums has
demonstrated that the experience of receiving communication from the deceased involves phenomenological characteristics different from those that occur while retrieving psychic information about the living. Thus, an argument
can be made that these are different tasks and could provide support for the Survival Hypothesis (i.e., that mediums
are communicating with the dead) (4, 10, 14).
Electroencephalograms (EEGs) of modern, American, secular mediums suggests that the experience of communicating with the deceased may be a distinct mental state that is not consistent with brain activity during ordinary recollection, perception, or imagination. Thus, the claims that mediums are fabricating information or recalling facts previously acquired about the target discarnate are not supported. In addition, given that the process of modern mental
mediumship involves real-time verbal communication, EEG, which is susceptible to muscle movement artifacts, may
not be well-suited for studying this phenomenon when accuracy data is needed. Further experiments exploring the
neuroscience of mediumship using different brain imaging techniques are currently in the planning stages (13).
An informal survey of the health of mediums demonstrated that the incidence of disorders such as autoimmune diseases, diabetes, and migraines far exceeds that of the general population. To explore the health impacts of performing readings, research examining the effects on various components in the mediums’ blood as well as basic psycho‐
physiological measures is currently underway (4).
Preliminary research has demonstrated that receiving a mediumship reading may have a profoundly positive healing
effect on those who are suffering from traumatic grief as the result of the loss of a loved one. We are currently
crowdfunding support to conduct a large-scale clinical trial to further explore mediumship as a possible treatment
option (www.afterlifescience.com) (2, 4, 6, 9).
Using a fully-blinded protocol similar to that employed to test mediumship accuracy during readings for deceased
people, exploratory and on-going research has demonstrated that some mediums can report accurate and specific
information about deceased companion animals as well (4, 7).
A recently completed pilot study indicates that it may be possible to collect information about the afterlife using a
controlled, double-blind experimental protocol (3).
Research has demonstrated that when a discarnate is invited to interact with different types of electronic devices
under controlled conditions, the output of those devices changes. However, given the Source of Psi Problem, we cannot yet definitively attribute these changes to the invited discarnate (12).
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Windbridge Institute Major Research Findings to Date (cont.)
1. Beischel, J. (Ed.) (2014). From the mouths of mediums vol. 1: Experiencing communication.
2. Beischel, J. (2014). Assisted after-death communication: A self-prescribed treatment for grief [Extended abstract].
Journal of Near-Death Studies, 32, 161–165.
3. Beischel, J. (2014, November). Among mediums: Results from 10 years of research. Presented at the eighth annual
conference of the Forever Family Foundation, Durham, North Carolina.
4. Beischel, J. (2013). Among mediums: A scientist's quest for answers.
5. Beischel, J. (2013). Meaningful messages: Making the most of your mediumship reading.
6. Beischel, J. (2013, October). Assisted after-death communication: A self-prescribed treatment for grief. Presented at
the ACISTE 2nd Annual Conference: Therapeutic Issues of Spiritually Transformative Experiences, Washington, DC.
7. Beischel, J. (2012, June). Anomalous information reception by credentialed mediums regarding non-human animal
discarnates. Presented at the 31st Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Boulder, Colorado.
8. Beischel, J., Boccuzzi, M., Biuso, M., & Rock, A. J. (submitted). Anomalous information reception by research mediums under blinded conditions II: Replication and extension. EXPLORE: The Journal of Science & Healing.
9. Beischel, J., Mosher, C. & Boccuzzi, M. (2014-2015). The possible effects on bereavement of assisted after-death
communication during readings with psychic mediums: A continuing bonds perspective. Omega: Journal of Death
and Dying, 70(2), 169-194. doi: 10.2190/OM.70.2.b
10. Beischel, J., Rock, A., & Boccuzzi, M. (2013, June). The source of mediums information: A quantitative phenomenological analysis. Presented at the 32nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Dearborn, Michigan.
11. Boccuzzi, M. (2011, June). Three methods for examining experimenter effects in investigations of psychokinesis. Presented at the 30th Annual Meeting of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Boulder, Colorado.
12. Boccuzzi, M., Beischel, J., & Gebhart, R. (2012, August). Invited ostensible discarnate interactions with electronic
equipment: A pilot study. Presented at the 55th Annual Convention of the Parapsychological Association, Durham,
North Carolina.
13. Delorme, A., Beischel. J., Michel, L., Boccuzzi, M., Radin, D., & Mills, P. J. (2013). Electrocortical activity associated
with subjective communication with the deceased. Frontiers in Psychology, 4: 834. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00834
14. Rock, A. J., Beischel, J., & Cott, C. C. (2009). Psi vs. survival: A qualitative investigation of mediums' phenomenology
comparing psychic readings and ostensible communication with the deceased. Transpersonal Psychology Review,
13, 76-89.
15. Windbridge Institute. (n.d.) Whose psi is it? Determining the impact of psi experimenter effects [Research brief].
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2014: A Year in Review
Independent Research
Bereavement and Mediumship (BAM) Study
Funded by: Crowdfunding
As a first step in discerning who might and might not benefit from mediumship readings, we have designed a randomized clinical trial (the BAM Study). Only with controlled research such as the BAM Study can the grief community
effectively determine if receiving mediumship readings is helpful, harmful, or neither for different fractions of the
bereaved. This study is being funded solely by interested individuals through a crowdfunding initiative.
Status: As of today, over 100 people have contributed a total of $12,964 towards the $35,000 needed to complete
the study. Our deepest thanks go out to everyone who has helped. While we still need to raise the remaining funds
to finish and publish the study, we have used the funds we have raised for putting the groundwork for the study in
place. For more information, please visit: http://www.afterlifescience.com/
Funded Research
Grants from these funding organizations are competitive awards. Submissions are reviewed by other researchers and
experts who determine which projects have the best protocols and will contribute the most to the field.
Hematological and Psychophysiological Correlates of Anomalous Information Reception in Mediums
Funded by: Bial Foundation
The aim of this two year study is to systematically investigate the biological components of anomalous information
reception (AIR) by modern-day, mental, credentialed mediums. The grant will allow us to collect data from five Windbridge Certified Research Mediums (WCRMs).
Status In Progress.
AIR by Mediums Regarding Non-Human Discarnates
Funded by: Survival Research Committee of the Society for Psychical Research (SPR)
This study employs established, published methods from mediumship research to determine if Windbridge Certified
Research Mediums can report accurate and specific information (that is, accomplish anomalous information reception or AIR) about the deceased companion animals of living sitters.
Status: In Progress.
Investigating Possible Electronic Interactions with Discarnates
Funded by: Helene Reeder Memorial Fund for Research into Life after Death
The project involves replicating and extending Mark Boccuzzi’s work on Invited Ostensible Discarnate Interactions
with Electronic Equipment. The current study focus on completing more trials and collecting more information about
the source of the effects and will also test an Infrared Absorption Detector (IRAD).
Status: Publication in preparation.
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Funded Research (cont.)
The VISTA Project
Funded by: Forever Family Foundation
If the afterlife exists, can we, the living, ever really know what it is like? Most of what
we currently understand about the nature of the afterlife has been gleaned from
sources including religious texts, channeled material, mediumship readings, and reports from near-death experiences. While these accounts are important, they are,
nonetheless, anecdotal in nature. Since those reporting the information knew they
were describing the afterlife, there is no way for us to know if the descriptions are
completely accurate, or somehow filter by the lens of the experiencers’ own biases
and beliefs.
The goal of the VISTA project is to attempt to collect information about the afterlife under controlled, blinded, randomized conditions. To accomplish this, Windbridge Institute researchers have partnered with Dr. Dominique Surel,
Professor and Dean of Faculty at Energy Medicine University (EMU), and the EMU Remote Viewing Research Institute. Using Controlled Remote Viewing (CRV), researchers are tasking remote viewers with providing information
about a range of targets that include both living and deceased people. The viewers are provided with a Target Coordinate (a random string of six characters; example: 8392Y8) and asked to provide information about the target. Viewers are blinded to any other information about the targets, including that they may be viewing a deceased person.
Status: Preliminary data for this project has been collected and is currently being analyzed. After the analysis is complete, an article will be prepared for publication.
Potential Application of Digital Infrared Thermographic Imaging in the Investigation of Macroscopic
Psychokinetic Phenomena During Field Investigations of Physical Mediumship
Funded by: Parapsychological Association’s Gilbert Roller Fund
In 2013, Windbridge Institute researcher, Mark Boccuzzi, was awarded a grant for a project that explored the potential application of digital infrared thermographic imaging in the investigation of macroscopic psychokinetic phenomena during field investigations of physical mediumship.
Status: The project is complete and the final report has been approved by the funder. We are now in the process of
preparing an article for potential publication. In general, the study demonstrated that thermal imaging provides researchers with a powerful tool for documenting the activity in the often restrictive environment of the séance room
without violating the requirements set by the medium. This approach allows investigators to maximize controls while
still optimizing the conditions for phenomena to occur. Additionally, new advances in thermal imaging technology
provide a wide range of cost-effective options for researchers that didn’t exist just a few short years ago. Ultimately,
however, the types of controls and technology that are allowed in the séance room are decided upon by the medium
being studied.
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Exploratory Research
The funding from grants and crowdfunding covers the costs of specific, large-scale research projects. However,
smaller, more exploratory projects and day-to-day operating costs are covered by memberships and private contributions. Here are some of the exploratory studies we conducted in 2014, many of which will continue during 2015.
Kirlian Photography: In 2012 we received the generous donation of a Kirlian Device from Images SI
(www.imagesco.com). The device is now used in a series of on-going experiments.
The Physiology of Micro-Psychokinesis (PK): This study looks at electroencephalograph (EEG) and heart rate
variability (HRV) during micro-PK tasks.
Predicting the Future with Big Data: We are currently collecting and analyzing public social media posts from Twitter
and Facebook in an attempt to finds trends that might be used to predict large events.
Macro-Psychokinesis Testing: As a follow-up to our earlier macroPK research, we have started to prototype a test chamber that will
allow us to track and measure the movement and distribution of
airborne particles.
Lasers are used to highlight the surface of the test chamber during
video-recorded sessions. The full-color video is converted into 8bit black and white images for analysis (upper-left). Movement is
then measured using Particle Image Velocimetry (upper-right).
Intensity data are turned into 3D surface maps (lower-left) and
Intention Target Maps (lower-right).
A short video can be seen here:
ITC: Blinded Manual Radio Sweep: Radio (or Frequency) Sweep
Instrumental Transcommunication (ITC) is a controversial technique that involves the constant “sweeping” of frequencies by a
radio receiver. Most modern Radio Sweep is accomplished by using specialized radios, like the P-SB7, that automate the process.
However, automation may be limiting or removing the intuitive
(mediumistic) abilities of the operators. These abilities could be
helpful in the communication process. The current test employs a
multitrack recorder which allows one operator to control the
sweep without feedback while a second operator engages in realtime communication.
Psi Testing: Multiuser 3D Environments: The image to the right is
a screen capture of a prototype level we are developing to train
and test intuitive skills for search-and-rescue teams that are working with psychics. This is part of our basic science research into
using real-time, immersive, multiuser computer applications to
test and train people in using their intuition to successfully complete time-sensitive, high-risk tasks.
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Exploratory Research (cont.)
Multiplayer Psi Apps: Windbridge Institute researcher Mark
Boccuzzi is experimenting with multi-player apps that will
allow groups of friends to practice and test their skills on psi
tasks. Players will be able to compete head-to-head or collaborate in order to accurately predict the outcome of a future event, sense remote staring, and other psi tasks. Players
can choose to upload their results to a central database for
The results from all of these studies will be submitted for publication in peer-reviewed journals once data collection
and analysis are complete. To be notified about the status of these and other studies and to learn about opportunities for volunteer research participants, please be sure to join our email list.
For a full list of research projects, please visit http://www.windbridge.org/current.htm
Institute News
Team News
In June, Windbridge Institute Co-founder and Director of Research, Julie Beischel, PhD, was re-elected for a second
three-year term to the Council of the Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE).
Dr. Beischel also continued to serve as Adjunct Faculty in 2014 in the School of Psychology and Interdisciplinary Inquiry (PII) at Saybrook University.
In October, Windbridge Institute Co-founder, Mark Boccuzzi, was a guest lecturer for the third year at Pima College’s
PSY224 class: Investigating Paranormal Psychology.
Growth in Public Outreach
On average, the Institute’s public outreach increased by just over 19% in 2014. We saw growth in the number of new
email list sign-ups, website hits, social media “likes” and follows, and new memberships. Our thanks to all our mem‐
bers, friends, followers, and colleagues who helped get the word out about our work!
Windbridge Institute on Social Media
NYN 2015
Windbridge Institute:
Julie’s page:
Mark’s page:
Windbridge Institute:
Windbridge Institute:
Afterlife Science:
Mark’s Channel:
Blogger :
Julie’s Blog:
Mark’s Blog:
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Institute News (cont.)
The Open Source Initiative
One of our highest priorities is to conduct research that can be easily replicated and built upon by others. To achieve
this we have been moving away from commercial products (like Stata, MatLab, and MS-Office) and toward the increasing number of alternative open source software and hardware solutions. By taking this approach we hope to
ensure that everyone, from citizen scientists to university-based researchers, can replicate our research protocols
and tools.
Our most frequently used Open Source software tools:
Audacity (http://audacity.sourceforge.net/)
FreeBASIC (http://www.freebasic.net/)
FreeMat (http://freemat.sourceforge.net/)
ImageJ (http://imagej.nih.gov/ij/)
Joomal (http://www.joomla.org/)
LibreOffice (http://www.libreoffice.org/)
Lua (http://www.lua.org/)
MySQL (http://www.mysql.com/)
Octave (https://www.gnu.org/software/octave/)
OpenCV (http://opencv.org/)
PHP (http://php.net/)
Processing (https://processing.org/)
Python (https://www.python.org/)
R (http://www.r-project.org/)
SciLab (http://www.scilab.org/)
WordPress (https://wordpress.org/)
These base programs are often expanded with Open Source libraries that are used for a wide-range of computing
tasks including machine learning, analyzing physiological data, linguistic analysis, data mining social networks, Big
Data analysis, data visualization, etc. We also use a number of the specialized programs and web-based tools on an
as-needed basis.
Our most frequently used hardware platforms:
Arduino (http://www.arduino.cc/)
Raspberry Pi (http://www.raspberrypi.org/)
While these platforms are primarily used for our OpenITC Project, they have also been deployed as controllers to
auto-trigger cameras and lasers and to collect and log psychological and environmental data.
While we have not yet been able to transition completely to an Open Source ecosystem, we are excited to keep moving in that direction.
Our Raspberry Pi development platform was generously donated
by a Windbridge Institute Member. Thank you!
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New Service: PsiForms
The Power of Consciousness: PsiForms from PsiArt.net
In May of 2014 we launched a new service available at www.PsiArt.net
Explaining this service and the creation of the beautiful PsiForms pictured here requires a review of a few facts:
Research, most notably from the Princeton Engineering Anomalies
Research (PEAR) Lab, has demonstrated that the minds of living people can have an effect on electronic equipment, specifically random
event generators (REGs).
Recent studies conducted at the Windbridge Institute under blinded
and randomized conditions have demonstrated that the minds of
deceased people may also be able to interact with other types of
electronic equipment. In house, we call those studies Equipment
Study I and II.
Windbridge Institute co-founder Mark Boccuzzi, a computer software developer by training, recently began exploring data visualization (DV) techniques which use software to display data in new and
interesting ways in order to enhance our understanding of the data
beyond what we could learn from simple graphs or statistics.
An Afterlife Connection PsiForm
While Julie was at a conference in Gettysburg in March, Mark took that quiet weekend to explore writing some
specialized DV software (because that’s how software developers relax). During the development of the soft‐
ware, Mark's exploration evolved from creating a scientific visualization of the data into the creation of artistic
images influenced by the data. He wrote software that transformed the data output from the types of equipment
used in the Equipment studies into colorful images. He then invited discarnates he knew to interact with the
equipment and his software transformed the resulting data into what he termed Afterlife Connection images
(see above).
When Julie saw the images, she wondered what transformed data from a REG collected while she concentrated
on a specific intention would look like. Mark wrote a second piece of software that transformed REG data into
colorful Intention images, or ‘PsiForms,’ with a slightly different aesthetic than the Afterlife Connection PsiForms.
The Afterlife Connection PsiForms produce (unexpectedly/serendipitously) a ‘boundary’ that people have experi‐
enced as representing the veil between this world and the next, our connection to it, its reflection in our world,
and other concepts. The Intention PsiForms (see below) contain colors slightly more saturated and shapes more
discrete than in the Afterlife Connection PsiForms.
Mark and Julie collected REG data while they focused on the intentions
of Hope, Gratitude, and Abundance. The resulting Intention PsiForms
can be seen here.
The feedback we received from those who saw the images led us to offer the creation of PsiForms as a service to bring beauty, mystery, and
inspiration into the lives of others.
An Intention PsiForm
Our goal at the Windbridge Institute is to focus on applied research; that
is, to develop ways to make people’s lives better on a daily basis. We
believe that art can do that, especially art that allows people to explore
the non-local impact of our intentions or art that serves as a reminder of
our continued connections to those who have passed. This is art informed by science.
If you are interested in your own custom Intention or Afterlife PsiForm, please see the next page.
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PsiForms (cont.)
Turn the Power of Mind and Spirit into Art at PsiArt.net
Those interested in receiving their own custom PsiForms can schedule sessions and either focus on an intention
(Intention Art) or invite a deceased loved one to interact (Afterlife Connection Art) while we collect data from the lab
Because the effects of consciousness are not bound by location, there’s no need to come to our lab. It works from
wherever you are in the world. To receive your PsiForm as an image file by email which you can print, use as a desktop image on your computer, post to social media, etc., follow the three steps below.
Step 1: Schedule. Go to www.PsiArt.net to schedule a 10-minute online session to reserve your time with the
specialized equipment in the Windbridge Institute lab.
Step 2: The Session. During your scheduled session, we will collect data from laboratory equipment while you
(from wherever you are) concentrate on your intention or invite your deceased loved one to participate.
Step 3: The PsiForm. Using our specialized software, we will transform the data we collect during your session
into a custom PsiForm. We will email you the digital file of your PsiForm to serve as a beautiful and permanent
keepsake of your experience that can inspire you every day.
All sales support research.
Enlargement, printing, and framing options (on acrylic, metal, or canvas) as well as PsiForms printed on cell phone
cases, greeting cards, and throw pillows are also available at an additional cost.
PsiArt.net Testimonials:
"It was really fascinating how my intention was clearly represented in the PsiForm."
"Scheduling my session was fast and easy."
"This was a validation of their presence in my life."
"I couldn’t be any happier with my experience!"
"The PsiForm had profound meaning for me."
"It was a beautiful experience."
"It’s very exciting to see intention manifested as a creation of artwork in this way."
"This is SOOOOOoooo cool!"
Also see an excerpt from an article by Windbridge Certified Research Medium Daria Justyn
about her experience with a PsiArt.net Intention session on page 20.
To learn more or to schedule your session, please visit www.PsiArt.net.
Have questions? Email us at art@windbridge.org or click here for the PsiForm FAQs.
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Windbridge Institute researchers participated in the following events in 2014.
Everybody's Psychic: Discovering Your Psychic Potential and What to Do With It
Evolver Learning Lab Webinar
January 15-February 19, 2014
Hosted by David Metcalfe and Craig Weiler
Live, interactive, online video course
Guest speakers included “some of the leading thinkers in the fields of Parapsychology and Anomalistic Science” such
as: Jim Carpenter, William Bengston, Chris Carter, and Windbridge Institute’s Julie Beischel. Dr. Beischel talked about
current research and findings and was able to respond to face-to-face questions from attendees through their webcams.
Finding Ghosts: Qualitative, Quantitative, Clinical, and Spiritual Approaches to Paranormal Investigation
Windbridge Institute Workshop
July 12, 2014
Glendale, Arizona
Windbridge Institute research team members Mark Boccuzzi and Chad
Mosher, PhD, and Windbridge Certified Research Medium Dave Campbell presented a full-day workshop titled “Finding Ghosts: Qualitative,
Quantitative, Clinical, and Spiritual Approaches to Paranormal Investigation.”
The workshop covered current investigation methods used by parapsychologists, clinicians, and mediums to study and document cases of
reported haunt phenomenon. Attendees participated in interactive
discussions and took part in hands-on psi experiments that demonstrated
Other topics included: emphasizing the use of proper research methods for both the collection and analysis of data;
examples of data collected in the field and the lab; matching education and training to the investigator’s research
goals; understanding the potential impact of experimenter psi on investigations; and ethical considerations for investigators. Attendees received a certificate of completion at the end of the workshop.
Workshops like these are only possible with the support of our amazing volunteers! A big Thank You to Katie, Mikal,
and Ryan for all their help!!
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Windbridge Institute researchers were presenters or attendees at the following 2014 conferences. (For citations of
specific presentations and other publications, see page 14.)
Exploring the Extraordinary (EtE) Conference
March 21-23, 2014
Gettysburg College, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania
EtE was founded by post-graduate researchers at the University of York in the
UK. This 6th (and first in the US) EtE conference was organized by EtE’s Dr.
Hannah Gilbert (photo: center) and Dr. Charles Emmons, Chair of the Sociology Department at Gettysburg College (photo: right).
On Friday, March 21, Dr. Beischel (photo: left) gave the keynote address at
the EtE conference. Her talk, titled "A Scientist Among Mediums: Intriguing
Findings from 10 Years of Laboratory Research," also served as the J.H.W.
Stuckenberg Memorial Lecture at Gettysburg College and was free and open
to the public.
Dr. Beischel talked about the data we have collected that demonstrate certain mediums’ abilities to report accurate information about both human and
non-human discarnates under blinded conditions as well as the importance of
research examining the impact of mediumship readings on the bereaved.
Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) 33rd Annual Conference
June 5 – 7, 2014
San Francisco, California
Julie says, “For the first time in a long time (if not ever), I attended a con‐
ference without presenting any research. This year focused on publications rather than data collection for us (as the cycle can) and so I went to
the annual Society for Scientific Exploration (SSE) conference in early June
to attend the Council meeting (where I learned that I was elected to serve
for three more years), hear about new and exciting projects, and spend
time with colleagues and friends but not worry about giving a presentation. (I didn’t even bring my ‘conference boots.’)”
For more information, see: http://www.scientificexploration.org/meetings/2014-SSE-Program.pdf or the Summer
2014 issue of the Windbridge Institute members’ newsletter, Winds of Change.
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Conferences (cont.)
Tenth Anniversary Forever Family Foundation Conference
An Afterlife Convention: A Melding of Organizations Investigating Life Beyond Physical Life
November 6-10, 2014
Durham, North Carolina
On November 8th and 9th, in celebration of its 10th anniversary, Forever Family Foundation (FFF) held its 8th (and
last) Annual Afterlife Convention in Durham, North Carolina.
The theme was “A Convergence of Noted Organizations Dedicated to the Investigation of Life Beyond Physical Life”
and all the big names in survival research were there:
Carlos Alvarado represented the Parapsychological Association and presented: “Seeing the Dead: Early Studies of
Deathbed Visions.” Cal Cooper represented the Society for Psychical Research and presented “Telephone Contact
with the Dead and other Unique Methods of After Death Communication.” Sally Rhine Feather represented the Rhine
Research Center and presented “Continuing Psi Experiences Suggestive of an Afterlife.” Jim B. Tucker represented the
Division of Perceptual Studies at the University of Virginia and presented “Return to Life: Children’s Memories of Past
Lives.” Nancy Zingrone represented the Parapsychology Foundation and presented “Is There Anybody In There? Evi‐
dence for Survival from Hauntings and Apparitions Research.”
As the current president, Loyd Auerbach represented FFF and he presented “Never Been Slimed: Recollections of a
Ghostbuster” and finished off the conference with a lively demonstration of his psychic entertainment as Professor
Dr. Beischel represented the Windbridge Institute and presented “Among Mediums: Results from 10 Years of Re‐
search.” In addition to discussing the Information, Operation, and Application mental mediumship research programs
at the Windbridge Institute, she also covered the current status of our physical mediumship, instrumental transcommunication, ghosts and hauntings, and afterlife cosmology research programs as well as the PsiArt.net project.
After hearing her presentation, John Kruth, Executive Director of the
Rhine Research Center noted, “The research that is currently being
done at the Windbridge Institute is the best research being done in the
field of parapsychology.”
To learn more about the Forever Family Foundation, visit
Citations for Invited Presentations
Beischel, J. (2014, March). Keynote: A scientist among mediums: Intriguing findings from 10 years of laboratory research. Exploring the Extraordinary 6, Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
Beischel, J. (2014, November). Among mediums: Results from 10 years of research. Eighth annual conference of the
Forever Family Foundation, Durham, North Carolina.
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Beischel, J., Mosher, C. & Boccuzzi, M. (2014-2015). The possible effects on bereavement of assisted after-death
communication during readings with psychic mediums: A continuing bonds perspective. Omega: Journal of Death
and Dying, 70(2), 169-194. doi: 10.2190/OM.70.2.b
[Link to abstract]
In this article (accepted for publication in July, 2013), Windbridge Institute researchers state:
it would be beneficial for healthcare providers, counselors, caregivers, social workers, mental health professionals, chaplains, grief workers, palliative and hospice care professionals, volunteers, and other supportive individuals to be aware of the basics regarding the relationship between mediumship readings and grief in order to best
serve the bereaved population. (p. 170)
They suggest that an “unbiased awareness regarding assisted post-death experiences gained during readings with
psychic mediums—one based on current research rather than historical stereotypes or popular culture depictions”
would be clinically helpful (p. 171). They discuss grief in general and the discrepancy that exists “between the poten‐
tially serious risks of complicated grief and the presence of effective treatments that may be offered to the grieving” (p. 172). The authors note:
In contrast to psychotherapeutic and pharmaceutical therapies, non-traditional interventions and experiences
have been repeatedly demonstrated to positively and dramatically impact grief in individuals after the death of
a loved one. These include both spontaneous and induced phenomena. Though these types of after-death experiences have been described with words like “paranormal” and “extraordinary” or even associated with delu‐
sion and psychopathology, the reality is that spontaneous experiences of after-death communication are quite
common. (p. 173)
Beischel, Mosher, and Boccuzzi also define medium (vs. psychic); differentiate mental and physical mediumship;
briefly review mediumship research; discuss the mediums who participate in research at the Windbridge Institute
and their ethics and reading styles; and review the three types of information most often reported by mediums. They
hypothesize how assisted after-death communication during readings with mediums fits well within the continuing
bonds model of grief and report findings from an exploratory study with 83 participants that demonstrated
“recollections of noteworthy relief from grief after mediumship readings” (p. 189). The authors conclude with a dis‐
cussion of future research directions including
a randomized clinical trial [called the Bereavement And Mediumship (or BAM) Study] utilizing a standard randomization scheme, waiting list control group, group assignment method, quantitative grief instrument, and
statistical analysis to examine the impact of a reading on the sitter’s recovery from grief over the loss of a loved
one... Only with controlled research such as the BAM Study can the grief community effectively determine if
receiving mediumship readings is helpful, harmful, or neither for different fractions of the bereaved. (p. 190)
The authors further “suggest a scenario in which credentialed mediums work together with licensed [mental health
professionals] in addressing the acute grief experiences of the bereaved who may benefit from readings” (p. 190).
We believe this scenario is a necessary and practical solution to the increasing use of mediumship readings by
the general public and the limited demonstrable efficacy of traditional grief therapy. We are currently working
on bringing it to fruition through controlled research and training material development. (p. 191)
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Publications (cont.)
In this new book series, From the Mouths of Mediums: Conversations with Windbridge Certified Research Mediums
(WCRMs), Julie Beischel, PhD, gathers insight on various topics from mediums tested under controlled conditions and
who provide real readings to real people nearly every day.
In the first book in the series, Vol. 1: Experiencing Communication, 13 WCRMs discuss:
how they experience communication from the deceased;
what suggestions they have for people interested in experiencing communication on their own; and
why it might be that someone has not heard from their loved one.
They also share some extraordinary examples of communication experienced by their clients as well as their own personal stories of connection.
The WCRMs who contributed to Vol. 1 were Ankhasha Amenti, Traci Bray, Dave Campbell,
Carrie D. Cox, Joanne Gerber, Daria Justyn, Nancy Marlowe, Sarah McLean, Tracy Lee Nash,
Troy Parkinson, Ginger Quinlan, Eliza Rey, and Kim Russo (The Happy Medium).
This collection should not be considered controlled research as it reflects a conversation
among the mediums as a group which is often not possible during studies in which individual
participants are interviewed, surveyed, etc., and averaged or compared. These are their own
experiences in their own words, free from the assumptions and judgments of the current scientific paradigm.
Note: To keep the price low, From the Mouths of Mediums is available exclusively as an Amazon Kindle book. No print
version is available. You can download and read Kindle books instantly on almost any tablet, smartphone, computer,
or other device. Download a free reader app here.
Praise for Vol. 1 of From the Mouths of Mediums...
“Highly informative and deeply provocative for both the experienced and inexperienced, this inspirational and com‐
forting book demonstrates that mediums are just people, too, and not the oft-portrayed unrealistic versions seen in
various media.”
--August Goforth, psychotherapist, medium, and co-author of The Risen: Dialogues of Love, Grief, & Survival Beyond Death
“Dr. Beischel gets inside the very souls of 13 living mediums and lets us see the world through their eyes. We see
how they can tell they are making contact with the deceased. We learn the part that we, the living, must play if we
are to communicate with our loved ones. And we get more than a glimpse of the world they live in. Finally, we see
what we must do if we aspire to mediumship ourselves. All this and so much more. A fascinating account in plain layman’s language.”
--Stafford Betty, author of The Afterlife Unveiled: What the Dead are Telling Us About Their World and Heaven and
Hell Unveiled: Updates from the World of Spirit
“Vol. 1 of From the Mouths of Mediums offers a fascinating insight into the processes and experiences of spirit medi‐
ums. Far from the shadowy figures demonized by outspoken skeptics, the Windbridge Institute-approved mediums
interviewed for this book are shown to be caring, feeling human beings with as much curiosity about what they do as
the scientists that are currently studying them.”
--Greg Taylor, author of Stop Worrying! There Probably Is an Afterlife
Get your copy of Vol. 1 of From the Mouths of Mediums here.
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Publications (cont.)
Beischel, J. (2014). Advances in quantitative mediumship research. In A. J. Rock (Ed.), The
Survival Hypothesis: Essays on Mediumship (pp. 177-195). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Excerpt: “...I strongly recommend that we , as a community, agree to use the Windbridge
Institute methods to perform proof-focused studies or that someone publish another set of
effective methods that we can all agree to use. Until mediumship researchers adopt a common protocol that has been shown to achieve positive results while controlling for all sensory sources of information, the limited time and resources available to study mediums will
continue to be squandered.”
Beischel, J., Boccuzzi, M., & May, E. C. (2014). Mediumship and its place within parapsychology. In A. J. Rock (Ed.),
The Survival Hypothesis: Essays on Mediumship (pp. 275-284). Jefferson, NC: McFarland.
Excerpt: “Examining the mediumship process using modern methods and technologies provides a unique and specific
endeavor within the field of parapsychology. The continued study of mediumship remains important for several reasons and may hold several advantages over the study of other parapsychological topics. These include the existence
of a specialized and skilled participant population; the occurrence of psi as part of the phenomenon regardless of the
true source; a collection of experimental methods allowing researchers to mimic the natural phenomenon in the
laboratory while also controlling for all sensory explanations for positive results; large demonstrable effect sizes; an
opportunity for researchers to confront their own implicit biases regarding the investigation of controversial topics
not explainable by current scientific paradigms; and a unique platform for addressing the survival of consciousness
Beischel, J. (2014). Assisted after-death communication: A self-prescribed treatment for grief [Extended abstract].
Journal of Near-Death Studies, 32, 161–165.
[Link to full paper PDF]
This Special Issue of the Journal of Near-Death Studies (JNDS) includes proceedings from the second annual conference of the American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE, pronounced
‘assist’) which took place near Washington, D.C., October 3-5, 2013. Included in the issue is the cited Extended Abstract by Julie Beischel, a condensed version of the presentation she gave at that conference.
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2014 Winds of Change Features
The following discuss featured articles from the Windbridge Institute Members’ quarterly e-Newsletter, Winds of Change.
Anomalous Attention: Thoughts on Presenting Parapsychology to the Public
by David Metcalfe
Excerpt: “...Archival work shows that the popular interest in parapsychology and re‐
lated areas has been much more influential than we would assume based on how the
topic is treated in today’s media... Ignoring the empirical evidence for the strong opin‐
ions of vocal skeptics the mainstream media slowly lost interest in the possibilities of
human potential, and by the mid-1990’s funding and attention had fallen away from
the paradigm shaking research being conducted by parapsychologists around the
world... The growth of digital media has allowed parapsychology to speak for itself, and
reach the public directly with amazing research and empirical evidence that expands
our understanding of our place in the world... With direct access to the research being
conducted by pioneers like the Windbridge Institute, we are all at the cutting edge of a
new science of life which promises to bring us to the edge of human potential and beyond.”
David Metcalfe is a contributing editor for Reality Sandwich, The Revealer, and The Daily Grail. You can follow David’s
work on-line by visiting: http://twitter.com/davidbmetcalfe and http://realitysandwich.com/x/mind/
“Psi” and Science
by Charles F. Emmons, PhD
During Charlie Emmons’ presentation titled “Moving Experiences and the Experience Movement” at the 2014 Society
for Scientific Exploration (SSE) Conference, the audience of scientists and scholars erupted into spontaneous applause during his talk. We then asked Charlie, who is Chairperson of the Department of Sociology at Gettysburg College and who had invited Julie to give the Keynote address at the Exploring the Extraordinary conference in March, to
write up the applause-worthy section for Winds of Change. Here is an excerpt:
“I take ‘psi’ to be a scientific concept used by parapsychologists and others to
refer to mysterious information sharing and actions at a distance not understood
currently in mainstream science... ‘Psi’ is not the only scientific concept that
stands for a lack of understanding of anomalous phenomena... Science is about
exploring the unknown. ‘Psi,’ ‘dark energy,’ and ‘dark matter’ are all place-holder
concepts for what we don’t yet understand about the universe, which is a lot... In
a way, we know more about psi than we do about dark energy and dark matter.
Most people, after all, have had subjective experiences of the so-called paranormal... Part of the ideological excuse for the deviant label, namely that psi is an
empty explanation (because we can’t demonstrate a mechanism for it), doesn’t
hold water.”
Charlie Emmons, PhD, is Chairperson of the Department of Sociology at Gettysburg College. His books include: Chinese Ghosts and ESP (1982), Guided by Spirit: A Journey into the Mind of the Medium (2003, with Penelope Emmons),
Science and Spirit: Exploring the Limits of Consciousness (2012, with Penelope Emmons), and Chinese Ghosts Revisited
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2014 Winds of Change Features (cont.)
Choice Compass: I’m afraid, but I want it... How do I choose?
by Julia Mossbridge, PhD
Julia Mossbridge is a neuroscientist at Northwestern University. In her downtime, she invented
an app called Choice Compass, which uses smart phones to record changes in heart activity
while people think of two contrasting life choices; it then tells them which choice is more joyful.
In this article, Dr. Mossbridge writes about how she realized that Choice Compass really can be
a transformative tool and how it worked for her during a major life choice. For more information, visit: www.choicecompass.com
The Changing Language of Ghost Hunting
by Mark Boccuzzi
One of the goals of the workshop “Finding Ghosts: Qualitative, Quantitative, Clinical,
and Spiritual Approaches to Paranormal Investigation” (July, 2014) was to encourage
paranormal investigators to think about all the potential sources of data to which
they have access but may not be analyzing such as investigation requests. In this article, Mark discusses the striking changes in the content and tone of the investigation
requests he received between 1999 and 2006 (Group 1) vs. those received 2007 to
2014 (Group 2). Using Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count (LIWC, pronounced ‘Luke’)
text analysis software, Mark demonstrated a decline between the two time periods in
words associated with Positive Emotions and a general increase in words associated
with a range of negative states including anxiety and sadness. There were also more
references to health (e.g., ‘pain,’ ‘injury,’ ‘illness,’ ‘headache’) and religion (e.g.,
‘spirit,’ ‘demon,’ ‘god’) in Group 2. Mark also saw significant decreases (see graph
below) between the groups in language associated with cognitive processes (e.g.,
‘consider,’ ‘think,’ ‘maybe,’ ‘could’), insight (e.g., ‘wonder,’ ‘question,’ ‘aware,’
‘prove,’ ‘define’), and inclusiveness
(e.g., ‘we,’ ‘with’) while there is a
significant increase in language associated with causation (e.g.,
‘made,’ ‘because’). “So, what hap‐
pened between 1999 and 2014 to
cause these changes? A lot. The
world is a complex place and I think
trying to pin down simple causes
would be naïve. If, however, I were
to take a guess, I would consider
two main factors: 1) the explosion
of paranormal-themed reality enter*p <.0002, z-ratio test (two-tailed)
tainment television shows and 2)
the way we now use electronic media
to communicate.”
Mark Boccuzzi is Co-Founder, Researcher, and the Director of Operations at the Windbridge Institute.
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2014 Winds of Change Features (cont.)
My Journal of Walking between Worlds
by Daria Justyn, Windbridge Certified Research Medium
In the Summer 2014 issue of Winds of Change, Mark introduced
PsiArt.net, a project that allows him to visualize data collected
from equipment in our lab as colorful images called PsiForms.
Data is collected during two types of sessions: Afterlife Sessions
in which a deceased loved one is invited to interact with the
equipment and Intention Sessions in which a living person focuses on manifesting a specific intention. After a customized session, the resulting image is emailed for easy printing on a home
printer or other digital use (see page 10). In this article, Windbridge Certified Research Medium Daria Justyn discussed her
experience with a PsiArt Intention Session, her specific intention,
and how the resulting image (pictured right) reflected the intention she had set.
Here is an excerpt: “The researchers entangle your energy with laboratory equipment and gather data during your
session. Then, using computer software, the data are transformed into a custom piece of artwork. I think of it as biofeedback with your energy instead of your body... When I received the email with the Intention PsiForm attached, it
was all there for me.”
Why Science is Wrong about Psychics and Mediums
by Alex Tsakiris
This article featured and excerpt from the book Why Science is Wrong...about Almost Everything by Alex Tsakiris. In Why Science is Wrong Alex shares what he’s learned during over 200
interviews with some of the world’s leading consciousness researchers and thinkers. In doing
so, he reveals “what the best research is saying about ‘big picture’ science questions and how
they affect our understanding of the limits of science in general.” This article included por‐
tions from a more extensive chapter focusing on a Skeptiko interview with Dr. Julie Beischel.
Alex Tsakiris is a successful entrepreneur turned science podcaster. In 2007 he founded
Skeptiko.com, which has become the #1 podcast covering the science of human consciousness.
Winds of Change is a quarterly publication of The Windbridge Institute and is provided free to our members. We include articles from a variety of authors writing on topics that relate to the mission of the institute. Views presented
by authors are their own and do not necessarily reflect those of The Windbridge Institute.
To gain access to these articles along with the entire Winds of Change archive, please consider becoming a member
of the Windbridge Institute. You can lean more about memberships by visiting:
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Page 20
Windbridge Institute in the Media in 2014
Windbridge Institute Researcher on America Now TV
An interview with Windbridge Institute Director of Research, Julie Beischel, PhD, aired on a segment titled “Can a psy‐
chic help you through your grief?” on the national television show America Now with Leeza Gibbons and Bill Rancic.
They overstated the research findings a bit, but, overall, it was not a bad segment. Unfortunately, this clip is no
longer online.
January 30, 2014
Signs of Life Radio Interview
“The Potential Within the Body, Mind & Spirit”
Windbridge Institute Co-founders Julie Beischel, PhD, and Mark Boccuzzi interviewed on Forever Family Foundation’s
weekly internet radio show, Signs of Life.
You can listen to an Mp3 of the interview here:
May 4, 2014
A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words by Katie Mullaly
Interview with Windbridge Institute Co-founder, Mark Boccuzzi
July 31, 2014
Signs of Life Radio Interview
“The Afterlife Science Lab”
Windbridge Institute Co-founders Julie Beischel, PhD, and Mark Boccuzzi interviewed on Forever Family Foundation’s
weekly internet radio show, Signs of Life.
You can listen to an Mp3 of the interview here:
July 21, 2014
The Psi Show
Windbridge Institute Director of Research, Julie Beischel, PhD, was interviewed on The Psi Show.
You can listen to a recording of the interview here:
October 22, 2014.
Coast to Coast AM
Windbridge Institute Director of Research, Julie Beischel, PhD, was interviewed by George Noory on Coast to Coast
You can listen to a recording of the interview here (a membership to Coast to Coast is required to access it):
November 14, 2014
Q.Psience Project Internet Radio
Windbridge Institute Co-founder and researcher, Mark Boccuzzi was interviewed by Jill Hanson.
You can listen to an Mp3 of the interview here:
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Page 21
Windbridge Institute Books
Available exclusively at Amazon.com*
Among Mediums: A Scientist’s Quest for Answers
Dr. Julie Beischel forfeited a potentially lucrative career in the pharmaceutical industry to pursue rigorous
scientific research with mediums full-time. Among Mediums is an accessible, bite-sized review of her 10-year
journey and the answers she discovered along the way. $4.99 Buy Now
“The finest and clearest piece you will find on this subject.” –Sami Longo-Disse, M.Div, PhD, Grief Counselor
“Science writing at its best.” –Larry Dossey, MD, Author of One Mind
Meaningful Messages: Making the Most of Your Mediumship Reading
Meaningful Messages provides 10 helpful hints to keep in mind as you prepare for, experience, and reflect on
a reading from a medium. Having realistic expectations and a clear understanding of the process will make
the whole experience go more smoothly for the (at least) three people involved: you, the medium, and your
deceased loved one. $0.99 Buy Now
“Great advice. Well thought-out. Easy to read.” –Chance Houston, paranormal investigator
From the Mouths of Mediums Volume 1: Experiencing Communication
In FMM1, 13 mediums discuss how they experience communication from the deceased; suggestions for how
you can experience communication; and why it might be that you have not heard from your loved one. Mediums who contributed: Ankhasha, Traci, Dave, Carrie, Joanne, Daria, Nancy, Sarah, Tracy Lee, Troy, Ginger,
Eliza, and Kim (The Happy Medium). $3.99 Buy Now
“Highly informative, provocative, inspirational, and comforting.” –August Goforth, psychotherapist, medium
Learn more at:
*To keep prices low, these books are available exclusively on Amazon.com as Kindle e-books; no print versions are
available. You can download and read Kindle books instantly on almost any tablet, smartphone, computer, or other
NYN using
2015 free reader apps available
Institute, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Page 22
2015: Looking Forward
There is much in store for the Windbridge Institute in 2015. Take a peek at our plans regarding research, publications, and events and conferences below.
2015 Events, Conferences, and Meetings
Does Consciousness Survive Death? Evidence from the Laboratory
with Dr. Julie Beischel
An invited presentation for the Living At Your Peak Consciousness Series of the Vail
Monday, March 23 2015, 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Vail, Colorado, USA
Tickets: $25 in advance, $35 at the door, $10 Students/Teachers
Although mediums---individuals who experience regular communication with the deceased---are often stereotyped as charlatans based on the historical prevalence of
such characters, modern mediumship research includes studies of the accuracy of
mediums’ statements under controlled conditions as well as examinations of their
psychology, physiology, neurobiology, and experiences. Dr. Beischel will discuss her
work with a team of 18 laboratory-tested mediums. Her research findings provide empirical evidence for the nonlocality of consciousness as well as the ability of people (mediums and non-mediums alike) to connect with minds no
longer bound by the physicality of the brain.
For more information and to register, visit:
After-Death Communication: Instructions, Discussions, and Demonstrations
A Vail Symposium Workshop
Tuesday, March 24 2015, 3:00pm - 7:00pm
Vail, Colorado, USA
$50 (space is limited, pre-registration is encouraged)
During this unique workshop, you will hear about spontaneous, induced, and assisted after-death communications
(ADCs) and learn specific techniques that you can use to hear directly from your loved one. In addition, Windbridge
Certified Research Mediums Traci Bray and Eliza Rey will discuss their experiences, respond to questions, and provide messages from those who have passed to attendees during gallery-style readings*.
For more information and to register, visit:
*‘Gallery-style’ readings means that readings will be random and not everyone will receive a message. Also, the messages that are given are a
representation of the work and should not be considered the same as what one would receive in a full, private session.
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2015: Looking Forward (cont.)
2015 Research
In addition to wrapping up some of our current studies and continuing work on the Bereavement and Mediumship
(BAM) study, we have a couple of new, and exciting projects in the works! Sorry, we can’t tell you about them just
yet, but be sure to sign-up to our email list for periodic updates on new projects, events and publications.
2015 Publications
We have several research papers in the works, including the results from our study “Investigating Possible Electronic
Interactions with Discarnates” funded by the Helene Reeder Memorial Fund for Research into Life after Death as
well as the results from a previous project titled “Process- and Proof-focused Investigation of Anomalous Information Reception by Mediums: A Two-Part Quantitative Study” funded by the Bial Foundation.
To be notified regarding the status of these publications, please join our email list.
Thank you for your interest in our work!
We look forward to sharing more progress with you during 2015.
Be sure to get involved and stay connected!
Mark, Julie, and the Windbridge Institute Team
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Why Windbridge?
Why is the existence of the Windbridge Institute important? Let us convince you. We are...
Innovative: We study topics like life after death, mediumship, haunt-related phenomena, and animal psi which are considered
“outside” of mainstream science (to say the least). We are interested in non-local consciousness, understanding our connection to each other, and unlocking the potential that exists within each of us.
Efficient: We keep our overhead low and have no marketing department, editorial staff, development department, administrative staff, or public facilities. Around here, a little support goes a long way for research.
Far Reaching: We perform both basic and applied research. We are dedicated to understanding the true nature of the phenomena we study and then applying what we have learned to solve real-world problems by developing new training methods,
treatment modalities, and technologies.
Unique: We are one of the only organizations in the world performing world-class, peer-reviewed scientific research regarding
life after death and the only one that includes an elite group of certified mediums as part of the research team. If we can't do
this research, who will?
Independent: We have no endowments, receive no state or federal funding, and have no university affiliations. While this
situation sometimes makes us feel like we are out here on our own, it also gives us the flexibility to ask whatever research questions we feel are important and to follow the data, wherever it might lead.
Effective: Over the last seven years, we have published articles in peer-reviewed journals including the Journal of Parapsychology, Australian Journal of Parapsychology, Frontiers in Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology Review, Journal of Scientific Exploration, Omega: Journal of Death and Dying, and Journal of Near-Death Studies, and have presented research at the Toward a
Science of Consciousness, Exploring the Extraordinary, American Center for the Integration of Spiritually Transformative Experiences (ACISTE), and Forever Family Foundation conferences and at scientific meetings of the Society for Scientific Exploration,
the Parapsychological Association, the Rhine Research Center, the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and
Energy Medicine, the Society for the Anthropology of Consciousness, Atlantic University, and the Institute of Noetic Sciences.
Open: When our studies are complete, we actively get the results into the world as quickly as we can -- regardless of whether
the results are positive or negative. We post our findings and methods on our public website, our blogs, through social media,
and in our e-newsletter (with members-only “In Plain English” translations).
Connected: Our international Scientific Advisory Board includes 18 researchers, authors, editors, and experts in their fields; we
are members of several professional organizations; and we perform collaborative research with other institutions.
Respected: Here is what others have said about the Institute and our work...
“The research that is currently being done at the Windbridge Institute is the best research being done in the field of
—John Kruth, Executive Director, Rhine Research Center
“The research that takes place at the Windbridge Institute has been judged by international peers to be important
and reflects the Institute's commitment to conducting world-class science.”
—Dean Radin, PhD, Senior Scientist, Institute of Noetic Sciences
“Beischel herself has played a major role in strengthening the methods used in this field and her research exemplifies
her rigor and sophistication.”
—Daryl Bem, PhD, Professor Emeritus of Psychology, Cornell University
Join today!
NYN 2015
Visit our website to learn more about memberships.
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New Products from the Windbridge Institute!
[Because the different fulfillment companies offer different selections, the items below are organized by site.]
Visit www.cafepress.com/windbridge for:
T-shirts, pajamas, purse hangers, mugs, clocks, journals, calendars, and more!
Visit www.fineartamerica.com for:
Canvas, acrylic, metal, and framed prints of PsiForms for Gratitude, Hope,
and Abundance as well as greeting cards, phone cases, and throw pillows!
Visit www.PsiArt.net to schedule your
custom Afterlife or Intention Session!
Turn the power of mind and spirit into custom artful keepsakes!
Works from wherever you are! Resulting custom PsiForms are emailed to you
for easy home printing and can also be applied to the items above.
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About the Windbridge Institute
The Windbridge Institute for Applied Research in Human Potential
is an independent research organization consisting of a community
of scientists of varied backgrounds, specialties, and interests investigating the capabilities of our bodies, minds, and spirits and attempting to determine how that information can best serve all living things.
Members of our international Scientific Advisory Board review research questions and protocols and provide feedback and suggestions based on their expertise.
At this time, the Windbridge Institute is primarily interested in research regarding the survival of consciousness hypothesis; that is,
the theory that an individual's consciousness or personality continues to exist, separate from the body, after physical death. We are
also interested in traditional parapsychological topics (i.e., telepathy, precognition, clairvoyance, and mind-matter interactions); animal consciousness, animal psi, and the human-animal bond; applied intuition and intention; and complementary and alternative
therapies for personal and planetary health as well as our connection to each other and the potential that exists within each of us.
For more information, visit www.windbridge.org or email us at
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Useful weblinks:
About Us: www.windbridge.org/about.htm
Current Research: www.windbridge.org/current.htm
The Windbridge Institute on Facebook: www.facebook.com/Windbridge.Institute
Opportunities at the Windbridge Institute: www.windbridge.org/opportunities.htm
Publications: www.windbridge.org/publications.htm
Become a Member: www.windbridge.org/members.htm
Windbridge Certified Research Mediums: www.windbridge.org/mediums.htm
Visit the Windbridge Institute Bookstore by Amazon.com
Here are some books we couldn’t stop talking about in 2014. Visit the bookstore for more recommendations.
All proceeds support independent research at the Windbridge Institute.
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