PROJECT SUNSHINELS sixth AnnuAl Benefit CeleBrAtion
PROJECT SUNSHINELS sixth AnnuAl Benefit CeleBrAtion
Perfo rm a nce by Bu r t Bac ha r ac h w i t h h i s ba n d a n d TH r e e s e n s at i o n a l s i n g e r s Project S u n s h i n e’s sixth A n n ua l Benefit C e l e b r at i o n Tuesday, May 19, 20 09 6 :30pm Cocktails 7:30pm Dinner Cipriani 42nd Street 110 East 42nd Street ( Bet ween Lexington & Park Avenues) New York Cit y Festive Cocktail Attire A NI G HT O F M AG ICA L M U SIC AN D FA B U LOU S P RI Z E S Masters of Ceremony Cat Greenleaf, NBC Magee Hickey, CBS Maurice DuBois, CBS auctioneer C. Hugh Hildesley, Sotheby’s Honorary Chairs Khaliah Ali Abigail Breslin Jamie Lee Curtis Natalie Dessay David Diehl Helen Ficalora Ginny Hilfiger Michael Kors Patti LaBelle William Lauder Sonia Manzano Bar Refaeli Dionne Warwick Stuart and Jane Weitzman Gala Vice Chairs Rick Cummings AnnaMaria DeSalva Vernon Evenson Daria Myers Alissa Pollack Floyd Rappy Robin Wilpon Wachtler Auction Chairs Tammyann Alvino-Przybyski Ben Formby Ann Moore Featured M usic al Performanc e Bur t Bacharach with his band and three sensational singers Six-time Grammy Award Winner and legendar y composer Award C eremony Celebrit y guests honor Projec t Sunshine’s Outstanding Volunteers Presentation of The Lillian Vernon Volunteer Ser vice Award Special salute to NY Giant ’s David Diehl, Projec t Sunshine Volunteer “Projec t Sunshine volunteer s not only bring smile s to the face s of our patient s , they are a vital par t of the healing proces s . Seeing those amazing , yellow tee shir t s come through the hospital door s ins tantly brightens the environment .” — Par tner Facilit y, Miami Children’s Hospital B e n e f i t Co mm i t t e e Saul Berkowitz Jill Gould Jill Newman Pierre Bouvard Michael Greenberg Peggy O’Dea Michael Bur ton Melissa Hammel Amy Saperstein Laura Capra Deborah Jackson Mark Schonfeld, Esq. Sally Cook Corinne Keller Car yn Stoll Jonathan Cr ystal Andre Kikoski Joyce Stroud Jetinder Dedyal Yoo Jin Kim Marcie Stuchin Kate Doerge Andrew Kluger Julie Feldman Ben and Lea Lipman Craig and Jennifer Tamchin Stuar t Fishman Kathleen Longo Michael Gallagher Lucille McGovern Adam Geiger Anelle Miller Jackie Giusti Jeffrey and Susan Moerdler David Golush Julie Muraco Steven Trenk Rober t Vogliano Joseph Weilgus Howard Weiser Abby Zeichner Zezé Preview and bid on exciting auc tion item s at w w w.projec t sunshine.cmarket .com P roj e c t Sunshine Boa rd o f D i recto rs Project Sunshine Staff James Chung President, Reach Advisors Beatrice Kernan, Executive Director Rick Cummings President, Radio Division, Emmis Communications Andrew Kluger Chairman and CEO, Hawaii Air Ambulance Billy Macklowe President, Macklowe Properties Marcie Stuchin Author, President, Chrysalis Design Group Chatri Trisiripisal Chairman and Chief Investment Officer, Izara Capital Management AnnaMaria DeSalva Worldwide Director of Healthcare, Hill & Knowlton Tom McAuley Chief Investment Officer, North Sound Capital Vernon Evenson Partner, EvensonBest Daria Myers Senior Vice President, Global Innovation and Sustainability, Estée Lauder Companies Alison Turen Floyd Rappy President, Rappy & Company Dionne Warwick Shimon Katz Chairman, Associated Resources LLC Partner, Southgate Properties LLC Corinne Keller Former Partner, PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Amy Saperstein Founding Executive Director, Project Sunshine Yoo Jin Kim Managing Director, Thomas H. Lee Capital Mark Schonfeld Partner, Burns & Levinson LLP Nancy Spielberg Lillian Vernon Founder, Lillian Vernon Corporation Robin Wilpon Wachtler Joseph M. Weilgus Founder, Project Sunshine CEO, New Legacy Howard Weiser Partner (retired), PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP Lisa Stamm, Director of Development Emily Daman, Development Manager Jamie Bloom Meier, Program Manager Sally Cook, Special Advisor, Project Sunshine Book Club Caitlin Moses, Senior Program Coordinator Naomi Remis Sugar, Senior Program Coordinator Lauren Fuller, Development Officer Elizabeth Colley, Program Coordinator Jing Li, Program Coordinator Heidi Csokas, Administrative Coordinator Canada Office Laura Thomson, Manager, Project Sunshine Canada Project Sunshine empowers a dynamic and dedicated corps of over 10,000 volunteers to bring programming — recreational (arts), educational (tutoring and mentoring) and social service (HIV and nutritional counseling) — to 60,000 children facing medical challenges and their families in 75 major cities across the U.S., and in five international satellite sites: Canada, China, Israel, Kenya and Puerto Rico. 108 West 39th Street, Suite 725, New York, NY 10018 212-354-8035 or 866-P-SUNSHINE w w w. p r o jec t s u n s h in e.o r g Invitation Design © 2009 Rappy & Company, Inc. Printing: Royal Press Corp.
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