To view the Spring 2013 Issue click here


To view the Spring 2013 Issue click here
The Ross County
(740) 772-1936
Web Site:
Spring 2013 ISSUE
Upcoming Events & Programs
2013 Annual Meeting
Monday, April 22 — The Ross County Historical Society’s
117th annual meeting for Society members will be held at
7:00 p.m. Included will be the annual business meeting
with reports from the president, treasurer & director; the
election of members to the board of trustees; and the
recognition of volunteers. In addition, the recipients of the
Society’s 2013 Nolan Scholarships will also be introduced,
and the Society will present the 2013 First Capital Historical
Awards in recognition of efforts to preserve Ross County’s
history. The featured speaker will be Andy Verhoff, head of
the Ohio Historical Society’s Local History Office. Refreshments will be served.
2013 Spring Speakers Series
Commemorating the Sesquicentennial of the
Emancipation Proclamation
Wednesday, May 1, 7:30 P.M., Lincoln, His Cabinet &
Emancipation, featuring Gary Kersey, Lincoln historian &
collector, Wilmington, Ohio.
Wednesday, May 15, 7:30 P.M., John Parker: Former
Slave, Underground Railroad Conductor, Inventor &
Entrepreneur, featuring Anthony Gibbs, Living Historian
& Manager of Community Sales, Ohio Historical Society,
Wednesday, May 29, 7:30 P.M., An Evening with the
Great Emancipator: Abraham Lincoln Reflects on His
Proclamation, featuring Gerald A. Payn, Lincoln historian
& portrayer, Wooster, Ohio
All three programs are open to the general public free of
charge. Refreshments will be served. Please see page 3
for additional information.
Celebrating Paint Street History Tour
To help save the Mary Worthington Macomb Mill House
Saturday & Sunday, May 4 & 5, 1-5 p.m.
Sponsored by the Chillicothe Restoration Foundation
(Includes the Franklin House Museum on Saturday only)
Get tickets & info at Schlegel’s, 80 N. Paint St., Chillicothe
2013 Museum Hours
April — December:
Tuesday — Saturday 1 p.m. to 5 p.m.
2013 McKell Library Hours
Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday, 1 to 5 p.m., year ‘round
Closed major holidays
On March 7,
2013, the Ross County Historical Society
launched its very own
Facebook page—an
exciting new way for
us to share information and interact
with our members
and the public about
our organization, its
museums, archives/
library, programs and
Above: the current profile picture events, as well as
for Society’s Facebook page.
important dates in
Ross County and
Chillicothe history. To date we have posted pieces on our
Statehood Day Open House, some recent acquisitions,
photos of unknown Civil War soldiers in our archives, and
the Great Flood of 1913.
We encourage all of you to visit our Facebook
page regularly and keep up-to-date on our latest news
(between installments of this newsletter) and please feel
free to actively participate in our conversations
Society Acquires Civil War Drum
At left is an
original Civil War
snare drum the Society recently acquired
at a local auction. It
was originally carried
by Pvt. Leonidas
Manlove, a field musician in Company H,
89th Ohio Volunteer
Infantry who hailed
Ross County, Ohio.
The drum is now on
exhibit in the Ross County Civil War gallery in the Museum. Learn more by visiting our new Facebook page (or
better yet, by visiting the museum).
Spring 2013 — PAGE 2
President’s Report, by Bob Nelson
The Society’s 117 Annual Meeting will be held on
April 22nd and it will give us the opportunity to review the
accomplishments of the past year as well as look forward to
the challenges of the New Year. Business and financial
reports will be presented as well as special recognition of
all volunteers. Once again we will proudly recognize the
recipients of our First Capital Historical Awards as well as
the two students who will receive Nolan Scholarships which
will help them achieve their academic goals. Complete information regarding the meeting will soon be mailed to all
I am really pleased to report that we have
had excellent attendance at our numerous activities this
past year, including the Speakers Series, the Christmas
Open House, and the Statehood Day Open House.
I am also pleased to report to you that our Artifact
Preservation Facility building program is right on schedule.
Fund raising has been difficult, but we are close to reaching
our goal. Final building plans have been completed by the
architect, and we are now waiting for bids from prospective
contractors. Our goal is to have the new building completed this year. We will keep you posted.
Director’s Report, by Tom Kuhn
As you can see on page one of this newsletter, we
have a busy schedule planned for this spring — to which
must be added the third grade class field trips by the city
and county schools set for May.
Please plan to join us at our Annual Meeting on
Monday, April 22 when we will elect board members for
new terms, recognize several individuals for outstanding
contributions to preserving our local history, and introduce
the recipients of our 2013 Nolan Scholarships. We will
also welcome our old curator Andy Verhoff, now the head
of the Ohio Historical Society Local History Office, for
some insight on the state of local history in Ohio.
Then please join us in commemorating the 150th
anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation by attending
our Spring Speakers Series programs for three outstanding
speakers on the subject.
Finally, you are invited to become a member of our
new Facebook page and get all the latest information
about what we are up to in a more timely basis than ever
Welcome New Members
The Society welcomes the following new members since the
last issue of the Recorder (names are in alphabetical order):
Jim & Charlotte Christopher
James Climer
Bret Garrison
Michael Hill
Mark Justice
Mr. & Mrs. James Phillips, Jr. & family
Donald & Patricia Pollock II
Bob & Ruth Stultz
Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Waltz
Tim & Cathy Whalen & family
Dr. & Mrs. Eric Wissler & family
Ross-Chillicothe Convention & Visitors Bureau
New Life Members
Artifact Preservation Facility
Contribution Reply Form
Ross County Historical Society
45 West Fifth Street
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601
Yes, I/we will support the Ross County Historical Society’s Artifact
Preservation Facility Construction Project. Enclosed is my/our taxdeductible contribution for the following amount: $_______________.
Contribution Categories
___Benefactor’s Club
$100,000 and over
___Director’s Club
$50,000 — $99,999
___Curator’s Club
$10,000 — $49,999
___Conservator’s Club
$5,000 — $9,999
We welcome the following individuals who have recently
become life members of the Ross County Historical Society:
___Registrar’s Club
$1,000 — $4,999
___ Preservationist’s Club
$500 — $999
Campbell Kasper Gittrich
Tanner Bailey Gittrich
Eleanor Heishman
Catherine Nicole Schilder
Olivia Magdalena Schilder
___Collector’s Club
$100 — $499
Memberships Make Nice Gifts
Memberships to the Ross County Historical Society make
thoughtful and inexpensive gifts. Buy them for the history
buffs you know by returning the form on page 7. Benefits
include free admission to each of our museums and the
McKell Library plus discounts at the museum store.
The Society’s Wish List
We thank Marvin Jones for donating computer equipment,
and Bob & Darleen Nelson for a tablecloth & sheets.
___Curatorial Assistant’s Club
$10 — $99
(Please make your check payable to the Ross County Historical Society.
If you choose to donate appreciated stock, please contact our office.
I/we also wish to pledge an additional gift of $______________ by the
following date______________.
City & State________________________________ Zip___________
___I choose not to be publicly recognized for my gift.
The Ross County Historical Society wishes to thank you for your contribution. Your gift is tax deductible to the extent permitted by law.
A Friendly Reminder
The use of articles, photographs, and other items in the Recorder is prohibited without the express written consent of
the Board of Trustees of the Ross County Historical Society, 45 W. 5th St. Chillicothe, OH 45601.
Spring 2013 - PAGE 3
Spring Speakers Series 2013
Commemorate the Sesquicentennial of the
Emancipation Proclamation
at the Ross County Heritage Center
45 West Fifth St., Chillicothe
Free & Open to the Public
Lincoln, His Cabinet & Emancipation
Featuring Gary Kersey, noted Lincoln historian, Wilmington,
Wednesday, May 1, 7:30 p.m.
Abraham Lincoln, in all his greatness, could never have put forth his historic
Emancipation Proclamation without the approval of his cabinet. The freeing of
the slaves would have an immense impact on each and every cabinet member. They would have to come to grips with their own feelings and beliefs for
the good of the country. Gary Kersey will highlight the personal stories of
those directly involved in the first step toward the eventual passing of the 13th
amendment. Cabinet members Smith, Stanton, Wells, Blair, Seward, Chase,
and Bates would all contribute and create quite a story. Kersey’s knowledge
of Lincoln and the Civil War has led to speaking engagements across the
country, including the Civil War Institute at Gettysburg College. Please join us
in welcoming him back for his third engagement here.
Featuring Anthony Gibbs, Living Historian & Manager of Community
Sales, Ohio Historical Society, Columbus.
Wednesday, May 15, 7:30 p.m.
Travel back in time and experience the abolitionist movement and struggle for freedom within the Underground Railroad. Meet John Parker, ex-slave, inventor, entrepreneur, and conductor of the Underground Railroad. Learn all about the songs, signs, and dangers of escaping the “wretched” institution of slavery. John Parker will have everyone on the edges of
their seats as he recalls his experiences helping hundreds of enslaved men, women, and
children cross the Ohio River into a new life of freedom. After John Parker tells his story to
convince the audience to help the abolitionist movement, he (Anthony Gibbs) will return
back to the present and discuss the legacy of the Underground Railroad.
An Evening with the Great Emancipator:
Lincoln Reflects on His Proclamation
Featuring Gerald A. Payn, Lincoln historian & portrayer, Wooster,
Wednesday, May 29, 7:30 p.m.
By the second year of the Civil War it became obvious the South was not going to give
up and rejoin the Union. Worse yet, there was the possibility that England and other
European powers might ally themselves with the South. Mr. Lincoln felt the necessity
to change the focus of the war. On September 22,1862, just five days after the Union
victory at the Battle of Antietam, he announced the Emancipation Proclamation freeing
all persons held as slaves in any states then in rebellion against the federal government. Now with the war being waged to free slaves rather than just to restore the Union, what other nation would ally itself with the Confederacy? Lincoln presenter Gerald
Payn will provide a captivating first person portrayal of Lincoln reflecting on his greatest
(and most controversial) accomplishment as President and Commander-in-Chief.
Spring 2013— PAGE 4
From the Library, by Pat Medert
And the Rains Came
On March 26, 1913, one hundred years ago, the
state of Ohio experienced the most destructive flood in the
state’s history. Heavy rains fell for three days prior to that
fateful day when torrential downpours fell on much of the
state. Chillicothe was one of the cities hardest hit as raging
waters from the Scioto River raced through the town. By
the time the water had receded, eighteen people had lost
their lives, others died later from exposure and other effects
of the flooding, thousands were left homeless, and property
damage was more than a million dollars.
There are copies of two letters in the archives written by Harold Howson to Jim, surname unknown, in which
he describes events in Chillicothe at the time of the flood.
(Howson lived on Church St. and owned a drugstore located at the southwest corner of Water and Walnut St., in the
former Clinton House Block.) The following is abstracted
from a letter begun on March 27, a day after the heaviest
Marianne Franklin and I managed to get down to
McElroy’s [714 E. Main St.] in a grocery wagon and I saw a
dead man in a tree and a boy who had died of exposure in
a tree, having been out all night tied to another tree away
out in the water. He died in a man’s arms. Five of them
were in a tree all night, as indeed were a hundred others.
Hundreds died. Ed Wenis, Editor of the Gazette, says that
between one and two hundred died.1 George Goodchild
and wife and two children and an English family named
Wood were drowned, Sam Vanscoy and a family named
Carnes, and scores and scores of others. Young Charley
Henn broke a hole through the ceiling and then through the
roof and got his mother out onto the roof, and Charley Mills
rescued them. The water extended from Enderlin’s grocery
on Water Street [northeast corner at High St.] to Mount Logan. The river rushed down Park and Walnut Sts., something terrible to behold. It was cold then and is worse now,
being in a heavy and cold snow.
Our foundation in the Clinton House has a break
about ten feet high and twenty long ripped out and everything is washed into Wamser’s cellar, tons and tons. The
debris from our five cellars is ten feet high in his cellar.
Then there is a ten foot hole under the partition wall between Aid and the next room ten feet across and ten feet
deep. I think the wall will hold though. There is a big hole
washed out of the wall right by the furnace in our front cellar. Corpses have been going by all day. When Ralph [an
employee] and I saw the water rising so rapidly and begin
pouring into our cellar we worked like dogs and got most of
the stock up on the counters. I have not had a meal since
yesterday morning. Mother went to the Buchhammers today and Aunt Sally and Marian go to bed at five thirty to
keep warm. We have two lamps in the house, but there is
no oil in town, and I don’t know when this letter will leave as
all the bridges are out. I feel shaky, and tin cans are falling
around in the cellar. I feel nervous about the walls and as
we have only four little candles in the store and everything
is so ghostly I will quit until tomorrow….The town is in total
darkness, and everyone is carrying a lantern.
Clinton House, 1907
Friday 28th—Our furnace in the cellar has tipped
over and I find that is over an old cistern and all has caved
in. I think our loss will be $500.
It is said that Ed Bier and his family are all
drowned. There was a man in the East End named Lee2
who had a wife and two children. She had a broken ankle.
He left in the early night to get a boat to get them out but
got marooned on the roof of a a house and could not get
back. His wife, suffering with her broken ankle, and two
children stood on a narrow mantle piece all night and after
tying an apron around the oldest boy, aged nine years, he
worked over to a floating dresser and got her a hat pin and
she pecked the plaster off and then the lath until she made
a hole in the ceiling and then she stuck the children up
through it, finally pulling herself up into the attic, and during
the day they were rescued after nearly freezing during the
Many were frozen besides those who were
drowned. A transfer wagon load of corpses was upset and
all swept away this morning. There are now 48 bodies
down street, and more being gotten out each hour. I think
the loss is bound to be about one or two hundred, for so
many houses were washed away filled with people. There
were 37 people in the Wagner house in the extreme East
End and they brought a woman on a stretcher making 38,
who were washed away.
The river is now falling, and hundreds of country
people are flocking into town. A relief train has just come
from Greenfield and was able to go to the High St. Railroad
bridge. The tracks (B. & O.) are washed out from the Kite
Track [extreme north end of High St.] to several miles east
of the city. There was a train load of people standing in the
depot since Tuesday night. The water came into the cars
and all the passengers were taken upstairs in the Depot.
Mrs. Smith and Ruth were rescued in a boat from the second story of their house. Mrs. Hirn and Emma threw a
clothes-line out of their second story window to George and
he grabbed it, being pulled into the house. Charlie Limle
(old) was drowned in the Ritter’s yard. St. Paul’s Church is
filled with people, as we have a coal fire there and hot air,
not depending on water, so are all right. All of the churches
and halls are open. Mrs. George Warner has just come in
(continued on page 5...)
Spring 2013 — PAGE 5
(continued from page 4)
and bought a bottle of Peacock’s Bromides for a number of
women who are in the Elks’ Hall; they are having nervous
chills. Hickory St. is 24 feet deep in front of Willard Story’s,
[15 S. Hickory St.] but his house is not hurt….
licothe the next day, reaching Chillicothe at 7:30 a.m. He
...after working in the store until 8 o’clock I went to
Mary Story’s and played auction [bridge] with her and Marianne and Charlie Tomlinson. The river at home when I got
there was only fifteen feet, and no one seemed particularly
concerned, so after finishing playing bridge and going to
the Elks’ for a little lunch I went home and to sleep. At five
o’clock next morning I heard the riot alarm but thought
nothing of it except that probably the militia was being
called out to help the German market gardeners in the East
End out, as some few of those houses in the low land about
three miles southeast of us have been flooded when nothing else was. Then when I had slept a little more I heard
the riot alarm again, but still thought nothing of it. Soon,
however, I heard someone in the street yell “The water is
waist deep in Schumacher’s grocery.” At that I jumped out
of bed in a hurry, for water had never been on Park St.
since white man had been in Chillicothe. After dressing I
ran to the telephone and asked Ralph if there was any water down our way. He said that the water was very near the
store and was approaching the cellar, being at that time
over the cement pavement. I told him that I would be right
down, and he said I would have to go down to Fourth St.
hill and around that way. I flew down to the Fourth St. hill
and up to Mrs. Madeira’s corner. When I got to the corner
of Second and Walnut I could not get near the store, as
Walnut St. was a running river over a foot deep, so I took
off my shoes and stockings and went into the water and up
the square to the store. The water was pouring like mad
into the grating-covered areas around our five rooms, and I
saw the river pouring over the canal tow-path at every point
and a boat could go over it anywhere. A little strip of ten
feet was still out of water, and a rabbit from the City Park
was on it running from one end of this narrow strip to the
other, and the space kept getting smaller and smaller, and
finally he had but a little spot to squat on; soon the water
struck him and he gave one leap and was swept down Walnut St. The rabbit escaped to the hill just back of Miss Eva
Pearson’s (124 Bellview).
...The town was hit terribly hard and we can’t realize that comfortable and respectable Chillicothe is well nigh
ruined to look at it, and our City Park which was so pretty is
simply gone; I don’t see how they can ever fix it up again.
There are seven houses stranded in it now…. The river
simply swelled over its banks everywhere and didn’t break
at any point, but at that there are no levees left at all….
As I told you before, the water extended from
Enderlin’s grocery on Water St. clear across the valley to
Mt. Logan. The water extended in the other direction to
Hopetown, and I could look across a stretch of over four
miles. We cannot realize that the water really was as high
as it was. It is rather hard to write a coherent story of this
business, as so many things happened, and I’ll write more
Hickory Street, South of Main Street
About 1000 or 1500 people are in here from Washington C.H. and Greenfield—sightseers. Charley Franklin
got a 9 year old girl out of a house dead, and Fritz Brewer
and others just found and got two women (dead) out of the
fence corner by Briel’s [870 E. Main St.]. They are finding
them right along. Six are just below me at Bonner’s
[funeral home] in caskets prepared for burial now. The river was 7 ft. deep on Park St., 4 ft. in the Amos Smith
house, 2 ft. in the Story’s, Sproats, Nyes, etc. [all on W.
Second St., east of High St.] High, Church and Vine Sts.
are all right.
West Second Street, East of High Street
The early estimates of a high number of deaths proved to
On April 9, Harold wrote again to Jim explaining his be wrong.
movements just prior to and the day of the inundation. He 2This actually was the family of Clem Search who lived at
had gone to Columbus on March 24th and returned to Chil-
Spring 2013 — PAGE 6
From the Photo Archives, by Lisa Uhrig
Bonner Family Undertakers
The Bonner undertaking establishment began in
1876, when Mathias Bonner and his partner, Louis
Thomann, went into business on East Second Street. In
January 1877, Bonner took controlling interesting and
moved the business to 63 West Second Street. He moved
the business again in 1882, to his home located at 223
South Walnut Street. Bonner began to include embalming
as part of his services in 1889.
Above, a horse-drawn hearse originally belonging to the
Bonner Funeral Home appears in a photograph taken in
Yoctangee Park (perhaps prior to, or following, the 1938
Northwest Territory Sesquicentennial parade through
downtown Chillicothe). The hearse is now part of an exhibit of historical vehicles in the Ross County Heritage
The advertisement above appeared in Wiggins and McKillop’s Scioto Valley Directory, 1878.
In 1892, Mathias took his sons — John, George,
and Mathias, Jr. — as partners and expanded the business
by buying a white hearse to match the black hearse he
already owned. His horses, harnesses, and drivers’ uniforms matched the respective hearses.
Mathias Bonner died November 6, 1893, and his
sons continued to operate the business. In 1895, the sons
moved the business out of the family home and back to
their previous location at 63 West Second Street.
Also in 1895, the three sons took Thomas Murphy, The motorized hearse bearing the Bonner name dates
Jr. as a partner and the establishment then became known from about 1910-20.
as Bonner and Murphy. They later opened additional funeral homes in Frankfort and Kingston. When the business
closed in the early 1930s, it was located at 82 West Main
Street, Chillicothe.
Multiple horse-drawn vehicles line up in front of Bonner
Funeral Home’s last location at 82 West Main Street. Perhaps they are part of a funeral procession.
The Bonners owned other businesses in Chillicothe including the livery stable, above, located at 71 East Second
Recent Acquisitions of the Museum and Library
(Listed in order received since the last issue of the Recorder)
87. Book – CHE-LE-CO-THE- Glimpses of Yesterday, 1896, donated by Janice
88. Booklet – The Gold Bar, Fourth Officers Training School, Camp Sherman,
Ohio, 1918, RCHS Purchase.
89. Book – Old Fields in Peace and War Rebecca Van Meter’s Diary 1855 1865, edited by Sidney Williams Gooding, 2012; Map – “West Virginia Civil War
Trails of Hampshire, Hardy & Grant Counties”; Map – “2011 – 2012 Hardy County, WV”, donated by Eleanor Heishman.
90. Music Box – from the Ater family, c. 1895, donated by Shirlee Ater.
91. Books – (7) from Mead Central Research Library, donated by Glatfelter Corporation, via John Blind.
92. Christmas Lights with replacement bulbs – mid 20th century; Toy Machine
Gun – handmade, WWII, donated by Joe Betsch.
93. Christmas Candles & original boxes – (2) electric, c. 1970; Tree Skirt – white
felt, c. 1970, donated by Gary Argabright.
94. Book – History of the Johnstown Flood ; Valentines Card – pop-up; Photograph – Rev. Keaton family, no date, donated by Lyn Allen.
95. Snare Drum – Civil War, belonged to Lee Manlove, 89th O.V.I, RCHS Purchase.
96. CD – with photograph of Hallsville General Store & Hotel, 1900; Booklet –
The Mead Corporation Annual Report, 1937, donated by Steven J. Patrick.
97. Photographs – WWI, from an unidentified Chillicothe army officer, mounted
on period photo album page, RCHS Purchase. (last accession of 2012)
01. Children’s Books – (3) various authors; Church Directory – 2007 First Presbyterian Church Chillicothe, Ohio, donated by Jane Hilty. (first accession of 2013)
02. Greeting Cards, Postcards & Printed Material – 1920-1930; Book – Buckeye
Tile Co. Manufactures of Floor Tile; Toys, Dolls, Pencil case & other items – c.
1920, donated by Pat Medert.
03. Photograph – (framed) panoramic view of “11th Dept. Encampment U.S.W.V.,
Chillicothe, O., June 22-24, 1914”, RCHS Purchase.
04. Photographs & Documents – (scanned copies) of local interests, collected &
donated by, Mark Howell.
05. Clothing & Accessories – (men’s & women’s), early 20th century, donated by
Slate Run Historical Farm.
06. Paintings – (3) floral still lifes, c. 1940, by Richard F. Erdmann; Christmas
Cards – 2012, donated by Jane Hilty.
07. Bread Bag – “Wonder Bread”, 2012, donated by Tom Kuhn.
08. Booklet – The Civil War Token Journal, Fall 1988; Tokens – (10) Civil War
tokens from Chillicothe, 1863, donated by Mary A. Daniel.
09. Greeting Cards & envelopes – (7) 1943 & 1944, donated by Gary Argabright.
10. Coverlet – “Chillicothe Catholic Community”, images of local churches &
schools, 2000, donated by Ronda Vickers.
11. Toy’s – wooden rolling pin & potato masher, c. 1880, donated by Helen Markley.
12. Ribbons – (8) Unioto Institute, Premium ribbons, 1942; Ribbons – (3) Ross
County Picnic & Junior Fair, Premium Ribbons, 1944, donated by Pat Heierman.
13. Sheet Music – (38) c. 1900, donated by Ann Salomone.
14. Photographs – (2) b & w prints, of the 1946 Chillicothe Sesquicentennial Parade, donated by Keith A. May, Sr.
15. Printed Material – information related to the Hopewell & Harness families,
donated by Eleanor Heishman.
16. Greeting Cards – (44) various dates, 1923 – 1965; Newspapers – (2) Honolulu Star-Bulletin, December 7, 1941 & Bangor Daily News, August 15, 1945; Mobile –advertising, “Mead on The Move”; Photograph – Mead Central Research
Center, donated by Al & Pat Heierman.
17. Books – (2) Life, 1887-88 & 1889; Nightgown – (women’s), white cotton, c.
1900, donated by Donna Stevens.
Spring 2013 — PAGE 7
The Ross County Historical
Society Welcomes
__ New Member
__ Renewal
City, State, Zip________________
Are you interested in volunteer work?
I have enclosed a check made out to
the Ross County Historical Society
for $___________________.
( ) My employer will match this gift.
Employer’s name:_______________
Junior (12 & under) ......... $10.( )
Teacher ........................... 15.( )
Individual ......................... 20.( )
Family ............................. 30.( )
Contributing..................... 75.( )
Group/Club or
Business ......................... 100.( )
Life (per person).............. 500.( )
Patron ............................. 750.( )
Benefactor ...................... 1,000.( )
Your benefits as a member of the
Ross County Historical Society
Quarterly newsletter
10% discount in museum store
Free admission for museum
visits by member and out-oftown guests
Free admission to many Society
Reduced fees for workshops and
special programs
The Ross County Historical Society
is a non-profit 501(c)(3) institution.
Your gift may be tax deductible
Please make checks payable to:
45 West Fifth Street
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601-3227
(740) 772-1936
Non-Profit Org.,
U.S. Postage
Ross County Historical Society
45 West Fifth Street
Chillicothe, Ohio 45601-3227
Chillicothe, Oh 45601
Permit No. 230
Spring 2013 — PAGE 8
Officers and Trustees of
the Ross County
Historical Society
Bob Nelson ............................... President
Henry Herrnstein ......... 1st Vice President
Erc Picciano ............... 2nd Vice President
Tim Barada ............................... Secretary
Bob Casari ................................ Treasurer
Tom Kuhn ................... Executive Director
Ron Bowen .................................. Trustee
Vic Cleary..................................... Trustee
Lewis Coppel ............................... Trustee
Alan Davis .................................... Trustee
Richard Enderlin .......................... Trustee
Chris Harrod................................. Trustee
Robin McKell ................................ Trustee
Pat Medert ................................... Trustee
Laversa Motes ............................. Trustee
Julia Pierson ................................ Trustee
The RCHS Welcomes Junior Member...
Name_____________________________Telephone # ____________
Address __________________________________________________
City________________________State______Zip Code ____________
Birthdate_______________________Grade in School _____________
Parent/Guardian’s Name_____________________________________
Parent/Guardian’s Signature __________________________________
What are your hobbies? _____________________________________
Are your parents members of the Historical Society? - Yes
Is this a gift membership? - Yes
- No
- No
From Whom? _____________________________________________
Address __________________________________________________
Please send $10 with this form to
The Ross County Historical Society
45 W Fifth Street
Chillicothe, OH 45601-3227

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