Discovette - Discovery Bay Corvette Club
Discovette - Discovery Bay Corvette Club
October, 2012 Newsletter of the Discovery Bay Corvette Club Discovette Special points of interest: Laura’s Car Show Pictures Christmas Brunch Flier Bones and Brew Flier Inside this Issue Events Article 5 Help Our Troops 18 Car Show Pictures 19 Heritage Homecoming 20 Land Parade Flier 21 Discovette Discovery Bay Corvette Club Executive Board 2012 Officers President Nelson Friesen 925-516-1577 buginarug@msn.com Vice President Rich Allen 925-240-1055 richard.allen@sbcglobal.net Treasurer Joyce Friesen 925-516-1577 happyfete2@comcast.net Secretary Marilyn Allen 925-240-1055 marilyn.allen@sbcglobal.net Events Denise Zupan 925-326-2992 denisezupan@att.net Publications Susan Jones 707-374-5051 corvettesue322@yahoo.com WSCC Rep. Gary Moreland 707-374-6880 gmoreland@frontiernet.net Public Relations Elaine Stark 925-634-0503 yelatoy@sbcglobal.net Quartermaster Lowell Onstad 925-516-8468 ljonstad@comcast.net Member-at-Large Calvin Jones 925-301-7088 vettime322@yahoo.com Appointed Positions Webmaster Ralph Cernera 925-240-5971 ralphc@tcg-rep.com Sunshine Person Marilyn Allen 925-240-1055 marilyn.allen@sbcglobal.net NCM Ambassador Gary Moreland 707-374-6880 gmoreland@frontiernet.net Newsletter Ads Susan Jones 707-374-5051 corvettesue322@yahoo.com Meeting Schedule: First Thursday of each month, except when otherwise noted. Location: Board Meeting: General Meeting: Discovery Bay Yacht Club 6:30 PM 7:30 PM Next meeting: November 1, 2012 All members are urged to attend the meetings and guests are always welcome! Page 2 Mailing address: P.O. Box 1158, Discovery Bay, CA 94505-1158 www.discoverybaycorvetteclub.com Discovette Discovette President Nelson Friesen President’s article for October, 2012 Fall is here and winter is just about upon us. So let’s get out there for the last runs of the year. Next month the deLeon’s are leading a run to Bosco’s in Sunol. Out last run of the year is the Christmas Brunch Run led by the Realph’s. The final list of nominees to serve on the 2013 board was selected at the October meeting. Since all the nominees are running without opposition, there is no need for a ballot this year. I wish to thank all the nominees for stepping forward to serve on the board. New badges with the new board members names and positions will be given out at the Christmas run. I really want to give special thanks to our secretary, Marilyn Allen. By following her minutes, it makes the job of conducting each meeting easier for me. aydpoolservice@gmail.com 925-584-1928 Page 3 Discovette Vice President Rich Allen Hello to all Discovery Bay Corvette members. It looks like the summer is finally coming to a close. Only a couple weeks ago we were basking in 90+ degree weather and now we’re back in the low 70’s. What a change. The end of summer also brought the close to this year’s WSCC car shows. Other than our car show which I talked about in last month report, I want to thank all those who attended the Fairfield Car Show. It looked like everyone had a great time. Our club took a couple of 1st places and had some very interesting raffle prizes. The last of this year’s WSCC car shows was put on by Santa Clara Corvettes in Los Altos. What a great turn out. Almost 200 cars showed up and there was lots of competition in all classes. Thanks to everyone in our club that was able to make the show. We only took one 1st place, but I think everyone had fun. We still had some judging concerns (seems no one knows about proper, lack of, or over use of tire dressing) probably a good topic for WSCC. All in all, Good Venue, Good Food, Good Music lots of shops, and great weather. We had a fantastic turnout for the Heritage High School Homecoming Parade. Everyone likes the line of Corvettes escorting the Mayor, Principal, School Board Representatives, etc. I heard lots of positive comments from the school staff and the School Board member. The kids really enjoyed riding in the cars. These are the things that give our club a good name in the community. Thank you again to everyone that attended. Last month was also the time we nominated new board members. We finalized our new members at the October meeting and they should be ready to start with the coming of the next year. Thank you goes to all the outgoing board members for their support and help. As we move into the holiday season, the next major item on our agenda is the Discovery Bay Lighted Christmas Street Parade. This year’s parade is scheduled for December 1st and the theme for this year’s parade is “Out Of This World”. The first formal planning meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, Oct 23rd at Denise & Mark`s home. We need to decide if we want to do another round of “Santa and His Sleigh” or try some other theme. This will be a topic of discussion at this meeting. If anyone has any new ideas or wants to be part of the planning committee, please join us on Oct. 23rd. We also need to start thinking about next year’s runs. If anyone has an idea or wants to coordinate a run next year, please let Denise know. The President’s mystery run is scheduled for January (more information to follow), but other than that the calendar is open. As always, I would like to hear from club members as to how you think we are doing as a new board and what needs to be addressed (issues, activities, etc.). Only with your inputs can we make the club better. I will ensure that any and all inputs are taken to the board for discussion and personally get back to you with an answer. Please email me any of your inputs, issues, questions, or concerns. Richard.allen@sbcglobal.net Rich Allen Live, Laugh, and Drive … Make friends and have fun. See you around the curve Page 4 Discovette Events Denise Zupan RUNS / EVENT SCHEDULE October 23, Planning Meeting for the DBCC’s 3rd Annual Lighted Christmas Land Parade Zupan’s home at 2085 Largo Court Discovery Bay, 7:30 pm 510 326-2992 We need all your ideas and help, plus it is a lot of fun and great way to start the holiday season! November 11, Paul and Trudy’s run to “Bosco’s Bones & Brew” in Sunol. See flier in our newsletter or contact Paul de Leon (925) 783-0914. This place has a dog that pee’s beer! No lie Deadline is Wednesday October 31. December 1, Discovery Bay’s Lighted Christmas Land Parade. After the parade we will host a pot luck dinner at our home. All members are welcome to the pot luck dinner even if you do not participate in the parade. December 2, Dick and Bernie’s Holiday Lunch Run. See the flier for details. Make sure to check our website for other club’s fliers, runs and events. Let’s talk about next years runs and events. So far this is what I know for the first couple of months. Rumor has it that Nelson is having his President’s Run in January. Details are top secret but I hope he gives us a date soon. I’m planning another bowling event sometime in February. I need a couple of volunteers to help me out. So please call me 510 326-2992 or tell me at one of our meetings. The rest of the year is wide open. As soon as I get the 2013 WSCC Calendar of Events I will know more events and dates to share with you. So now we all need to help with sponsoring a run for the rest of the months, March - December. Here are just a few ideas we could do: - Have an overnighter somewhere (Lake Tahoe, Down South, Up North.....) - Wine tasting - Drive to the coast - Drive over the Golden Gate Bridge - Take a tour of some breweries - Go to a casino - Create our own Back Roads Adventure I know all of you have some place that would make a beautiful, fun run. Let me know the place and together we can make it happen. With 2012 coming to an end soon, I hope that you were happy with the events that we did have. I will try even harder to make our 2013 events exciting and fun. I could not have done it with out all of you helping me out. So with that I want to say; Thank You very much for all you do and for making our club exciting and fun! See all of you at our next fun meeting Denise Page 5 Discovette Western States Corvette Council Calendar of Events – 2012 DATE EVENT NAME March 3/31 Autocross (BEGINNERS) April 4/01 Autocross Fools Day 4/28 Autocross Onion Peel 21 4/29 Autocross Nord Fjord 62 May 5/06 Car/Park Show Legend 32 5/10-13 ALMS Corvette Racing V 5-11 ALMS Banquet V 5/19 Autocross Marina Mayhem 5/20 Autocross Marina Mayhem 5/26 Run to the Lake V 5/27 Car/Park Show June 6/02 Car/Park Show Vett Magic 37 6/03 Drags Vette Magic 37 6/09 Autocross Onion Peel 22 6/10 Autocross Nord Fjord 63 6/16 Car/Park Show VetteORama 42 6/23 Autocross Marina DoubleXX July 7/01 CONVENTION Medford, OR 7/02 “ SCC 7/03 “ SCC “ “ 7/04 “ SCC “ “ 7/05 “ SCC “ “ 7/06 “ SCC “ “ 7/21 Autocross Marina Trouble2 August 8/11 Autocross Marina Mash Up 8/12 Autocross Marina Mash Up 8/18 Autocross Onion Peel 23 8/19 Autocross Nord Fjord 64 8/25 Car/Park Show Glass Fantastic September 9-05/6 Fun Run/Track Day V 9-07/9 Grand Am Racing V 9/08 Car/Park Show Summerfest 9-16 Car/Park Show Salute 4 9/23 Car/Park Show Spectacular October 10/13 Autocross Onion Peel 24 10/14 Autocross Nord Fjord 65 Revised: March 12, 2012 Page 6 TYPE/SANCTIONED CLUB SPONSOR CONTACT PHONE VS VVV/NBCA Mike Walter 707-449-4702 1S VVV 1S VVV 1S NBCA Mike Walter Rich Willhoff Eric Larson 707-449-4702 530-318-0696 707-974-4296 1S NCCA WSCC WSCC 1S SCC 1S SCC COLC 1S COLC Steve Logan Buzz Marston Buzz Marston Mim Petersen Mim Petersen John Yde John Yde 415-425-3105 408-353-3500 408-353-3500 408-313-8990 408-313-8990 707-459-6247 707-459-6247 IS NCCA V NCCA IS VVV 1S NBCA 1S DVC 1S SCC Stephen Logan Chuck Gerughty Rich Willhoff Eric Larson Dave Spellman Mim Petersen 415-425-3105 650-799-1975 530-318-0696 707-974-4296 925-678-4588 408-313-8990 VS SCC Sandy Mendia David Wilson 408-888-0643 408-464-4444 IS SCC Mim Petersen 408-313-8990 S SCC 1S SCC 1S VVV IS NBCA 1S GPC Mim Petersen Mim Petersen Rich Willhoff Eric Larson Jim Neylan 408-313-8990 408-313-8990 530-318-0696 707-974-4296 925-676-1422 WSCC/NCM WSCC/NCM 1S DBCC 1S CCC IS SCC Buzz Marston Buzz Marston Bob Anderson Jan & Jerry Kougel Ron Minearo 408-353-3500 408-353-3500 925-634-0857 707-633-2641 408-859-8302 IS VVV 1S NBCA Rich Willhoff Eric Larson 530-318-0696 707-974-4296 Discovette Secretary Marilyn Allen Minutes from the October 4, 2012 Meeting President, Nelson Friesen, called the meeting to order at 7:40 pm. He welcomed Steve Gilpin from Glass Packs and Jim Brown the main mechanic from Abel Chevrolet. He went on to apologize for the last meeting where a discussion of a donation for CHP Officer Youngstrom took place. The By-Laws state that any request for a charitable donation must be presented in writing for Board consideration at least thirty days prior to presentation to the general membership approval. He went on to thank everyone who participated in the Heritage Homecoming by driving their Corvettes. He received a thank you from the Principal for our participation. He further stated that he was still having shooting pains in his back from Shingles. Vice President, Rich Allen, welcomed everyone and again thanked Bob and Lowell and their team of volunteers for all their hard work putting on our car show. It was a great success and we received many complements for all our efforts. He went on to further thank Brentwood Golf Carts for providing their golf cart and transporting ours to the event. It was a huge help with tallying. He thanked Abel Chevrolet for bringing two cars to the show and for their continued support. He thanked those that attended the Fairfield car show and stated that they had a very interesting raffle and also those who attended the Santa Clara Car Show. The competition at Santa Clara was very difficult as there were so many cars in each class and division. There were over 185 cars at their show. Rich commented on our participation in the Heritage Homecoming and said it was a lot of fun to see the enthusiasm of the students and a great way for us to support the community. He further thanked the outgoing Board Members for all their work this past year and will be welcoming the new members next month. He reported that we would be participating in the Lighted Street Parade this year and the theme would be “Out of this World”. There will be a meeting October 23rd at the Zupan’s home for those interested in helping and/or participating in the parade this year. Treasurer, Joyce Friesen, was absent from the meeting and Nelson reported on the profits made from the car show. We yielded about 40% in profits from our car show. He further reported the total expenditures for the month of September and said we were in very good shape financially. A motion was made and seconded to approve the treasurer’s report for the month of September. Motion passed to approve the Treasurer’s report for September. Secretary, Marilyn Allen, asked for approval of the minutes from the September meeting. A Motion was made and seconded to approve the September minutes. Motion passed. She went on to state that she had sent sympathy cards out to Kathy Doty on the loss of her mother, Pam Dooley on the loss of her brother, Loretta Cruz on the loss of her husband Mel who was a former of our club. She stated that she had received a lovely thank you card from Loretta expressing her gratitude for Discovery Bay Corvettes kind thoughts and for remembering her husband. A sympathy card was also sent to the family of the CHP officer, Ken Youngstrom from Cordelia. Events, Denise Zupan, was absent from the meeting and Marilyn reported on the upcoming events. She thanked those that attended the Fairfield and Santa Clara Car Shows. She hopes more will attend car shows next year. After some discussion at our Board Meeting we have canceled the run planned by Elaine to Emeritus Assisted Living in Tracy scheduled for October 27th. Paul and Trudi have a run planned for November 11th to Bosco’s Bones and Brews in Sunol. Flyers are available on the website and will be in our next newsletter. December 1st will be our third year participating in the Discovery Bay Parade of Lights. The theme is “Out of this World”. There will be a meeting on October 23rd at the Zupan’s home at 7:30 pm for all that are interested in participating in the parade. December 2nd will be our Christmas Luncheon put on by Bernie and Dick Realph to the “Dead Fish” restaurant. Flyers will be in the next newsletter. Please check our website for all WSCC and DBCC registration forms for upcoming events. The President’s Mystery Run will be in January—date to be determined by our President. She asked if there was any interest in repeating last years bowling event. Marilyn asked for a show of hands. About 8 people raised their hands showing support of a bowling event. This might take place in February. Anyone interested in putting on an event for next year please let Denise know. Publications, Susan Jones, asked that everyone please submit their articles to her for the newsletter by the 15th of the month. If you wish to submit an article that is longer than one page, please let her know in advance so she can allow room for it. Please remember to submit pictures for the newsletter. Page 7 Discovette Member at Large, Calvin Jones, reported that the plans for the Inaugural next year are on schedule. NCM, and WSCC Events Representative, Gary Moreland, reported that this will be the last time he will be reporting as the Events Representative for WSCC. David Wilson from Santa Clara will be his replacement. He reported that there will be a series of 13 shows on Corvettes on the Speed Channel coming up on Wednesday nights. Please check your local listings for the exact time and date. He reported that Dick and Bernie Realph and Gary are eligible for awards at the WSCC Banquet this year. October 6th there will be a show called Wings and Wheels in Rio Vista. Any car is eligible to enter. So far they have 70 cars registered. Paul deLeon has volunteered to attend the WSCC Meeting October 27th. At the general meeting they will vote on the budget. They want to reduce the dues because they have a surplus of revenue from other donations. Gary stated he has sent a letter to the WSCC outlining the reasons why this would not be a good idea. His reasons are: 1. The Board hasn’t fully finalized their budget. 2. Good will is soon forgotten, 3. Dues to WSCC are included in our membership dues which have already been collected and would result in a need to reimburse members. 4. If at the end of the year they see that there is indeed a surplus than the dues can be reduced for the following year. 5. What is the rush? Gary asked how we wanted to address this issue. A motion was made, seconded and approved to go along with the suggestions Gary had written. David Gatt offered his thanks and appreciation for all the great work Gary has done for us as our WSCC Representative. Public Relations, Elaine Stark, said that she had been in contact with the Brentwood Press about our current events. Quartermaster, Lowell Onstad, stated that we can now order the mesh type club shirts with raglan sleeves for $20-$22 depending on the size. He has several sizes with him tonight for purchase. Sunshine, Marilyn Allen, stated that Nelson has shingles and is here with us tonight despite being in a great deal of pain. She also stated that Nelson has gotten a “new to him” red 1968 Cadillac Convertible. She stated that Denise had “retired” again and perhaps would have some extra time to do more fun things. She and Mark are on vacation to the Los Angeles/San Diego area this week. Ted and Elaine are back from Kauai for a much needed vacation. Congratulations to Rich Allen for taking first place at the Santa Clara Car Show. Good job Rich. You had as lot of competition this year and you were the only one from our club to receive a top award. Thank you Elaine for providing treats for this meeting. Webmaster, Ralph Cernera, was absent from the meeting but his wife Diana reported that he is still hoping to receive biographies from our Board members. She stated that Steve Walde will be racing this Saturday in Isleton and hoped several members would come and support him. Lee Doty went to a car show in Livermore and won the Judges Award for his ‘37 Chevy. All flyers have been posted on the Web site for our events and those from other clubs. Ralph has a link to the WSCC web site to make it easier for everyone. Old Business, Nelson stated that this was the month to nominate new board members. The President, Vice President and Member at Large positions are the only ones that are two year terms. The following members have been nominated and have accepted their nominations: Treasurer—Brian Enbom Secretary---Marilyn Allen Events---Denise Zupan Publications—Susan Jones WSCC Representative—Dick Realph Public Relations—Elaine Stark Quartermaster—Lowell Onstad The position of Sunshine is an appointed position. New Business, there was no new business Ted Stark won the 50/50 raffle of $32.50 There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 8:45 pm. Respectfully submitted by Marilyn Allen Members in attendance: Gary Moreland, Rich & Marilyn Allen, Calvin & Susan Jones, Nelson Friesen, Lee & Kathy Doty, Lowell & Joanne Onstad, Diana Cernera, Ted & Elaine Stark, Dave Gatt, , Lee & Lin Brant, Bob & Sue Anderson, Dick & Bernie Ralph, Rich & Patti Brunetto, Joe & Kathy Pimentel, Don & Sandy Ramos, David Harris, Terry Berardy, Butch Asbe, Jerry Hardt and Laura Solis, and Lin & Lee Brant. November treats will be provided by Delia and Kathy Doty Page 8 Discovette DISCOVERY BAY CORVETTES ANNUAL CHRISTMAS LUNCH RUN DECEMBER 2, 2012 THE DEAD FISH LOCATED IN CROCKET IT’S ALL ABOUT THE KIDS! PLEASE BRING AN UNWRAPPED GIFT FOR A CHILD! KEEP IN MIND THAT THE OLDER CHILDREN ARE OFTEN FORGOTTEN! Gift cards are cool too! MEET: 10:00 AM @ SAFEWAY SHOPPING CENTER BY THE CHASE BANK PRICE: $20.00 PER PERSON, (NO CORKING FEE IF YOU CHOOSE TO BRING WINE OR CHAMPAGNE) CHOICES: CRAB ENCHILADA BRAISED BONELESS SHORT RIB SHRIMP LOUIE CRAB LASAGNA NORTH BEACH LASAGNE (MEAT) 1 1 1 1 1 OR OR OR OR OR 2 2 2 2 2 CHOICES INCLUDE SALAD, COFFEE TEA AND SOFT DRINKS (CIRCLE YOUR CHOICES) MAIL CHECKS TO: BERNIE REALPH, 2145 PRESTWICK DR. DISCOVERY BAY CA 94505 (DEADLINE NOV. 24TH) QUESTIONS CALL: 925-634-0729 NAME: Page 9 Discovette NCM & WSCC Rep Gary Moreland NCM Top 10 Reasons to be a Member of the National Corvette Museum TAX DEDUCTIBLE! Wouldn’t you rather give the NCM the money? Brick & bench purchases are not only DONATIONS, but also DISCOUNTED. FREE SUBSCRIPTION to “America’s Sports Car”, the NCM’s awesome magazine. DISCOUNTED registration on Museum events, road tours & other functions. FREE MUSEUM ADMISSION. SAVE build sheets, window stickers RESEARCH your Corvette utilizing the ARCHIVES & LIBRARY. DISPLAY your car, only members can have their car displayed in the museum. CORVETTE STORE DISCOUNTS, will more than cover your annual dues. SUPPORTS THE HOBBY, and Corvette history. CHRISTMAS IS COMING GUYS-REMEMBER A HAPPY LIFE IS A HAPPY WIFE! Now available in the NCM store-Corvette Ladies Georgetown Stripe Shirts featuring, Vertical stripes-side panel bias-princess seams-rolled cuffsChest pockets with button flaps-embroidered C6 Corvette script on left collar & 100% cotton-only $64 before member discount!! NOW LADIES, DON’T FORGET TO SET THE dvr TO Speed Channel Wednesday night for your fella. So he can watch “VETTE”, a 13 week Corvette series. Many happy Corvette raffle winner & working their way towards “TED” 2013 427 Cnv’t, The Villages, FL #289/838: 2013 GS Northville, MI #522/1431 2013 Cnv’t, Birmingham, AL; 2013 GS, Patchogue, NY #781/1266 2013 ZL-1 Camaro, Scottsville,NY #1485; 2013 Z06/427/GS, Denver, CO #1076/1158. WSCC Paul de Leon has volunteered to represent our club at the 10-27-2012 WSCC general meeting. Thank You Paul. Two of our members will receive Year end awards for Car Show participation, Dick & Bernie, and me, the Dog. We had good increase in the number of our members showing this year, but most did not get to enough shows to qualify. Gary “Big Dog” Moreland Page 10 Discovette Public Relations Elaine Stark The run to Emeritus Assisted Living in Tracy has been postponed until sometime in Spring. It seems like everyone is having a very busy October. Hopefully, when we do it in the Spring, we can get our club into the Tracy newspaper. Also, the Contra Costa times had a great picture of Joe Pimentel driving the Homecoming King and Queen at Heritage High School. We got a nice “Thank You” letter from the Principal and the students appreciated our participation. Quartermaster Lowell Onstad Winter is coming! It will be getting cold on the bay! So don’t you need to order a nice Corvette jacket to keep you warm??? They are available. Also I have shirts available in lots of colors and you can put the DBCC logo on them or leave them plain. It is up to you! Call me or see me at the next meeting to see what is available! Professional cleaning for your Corvette Details starting at $59! aydautowash@gmail.com Page 11 925-584-1928 Discovette 10/15 10/19 10/28 10/29 10/29 Lee Allen Joe Pimemtel Lee Brant Diana Cernera Verna Clark 11/01 11/03 11/11 11/12 11/28 11/29 Gary Moreland Calvin Jones Pam Dooley Linda Marin Ron Anderson Tony A.J. Silva Lafayette Auto Body, Inc. 3291 Mt. Diablo Blvd. Lafayette, CA 94549 925-283-3421 Fax 925-283-3579 Randy Sandlin Email:LAFAUTOBODY@AOL.com Page 12 Discovette Sunshine Marilyn Allen Sunshine Report Health up-date Nelson has shingles and has been suffering from severe shooting pains in his back. Good News Nelson has a “new to him” 1968 red Cadillac Convertible. Lee Doty took a Judges Award or his ’37 Chevy at a recent Livermore Car Show As always we wish everyone in our club good health and fun times. If anyone has information about our members that they would like to share, please let me know. For now, enjoy the sunshine. Fall will be here soon. Marilyn Page 13 Discovette Thank you, Laura. Your pictures are awesome! Page 14 Discovette (800)669-1329 For all your automotive needs! www.DriveAbel.com Page 15 Discovette Page 16 Discovette PAUL & TRUDY’S BOSCOE’S BONES & BREW LUNCH RUN!!! Date: Sunday, November 11th Time: Meet at the Yacht Club parking lot at 9:45 am Leaving at 10:00 SHARP! $27 PER PERSON (Includes tax and 18% tip) Each person needs to choose one entrée by circling it: Lasagna Veal Parmigiana w/ Pasta Broiled Half Spring Chicken with Mashed Potatoes or Pasta Shrimp Louie Salad and Clam Chowder Broiled Salmon in Lemon Butter Sauce w/ Rice New York Steak w/ Baked Potato Seafood Sauteed w/ Rice Broiled Prawns w/ Rice Each Entrée Includes the Following: Coffee and Iced Tea Rolls Tossed Green Salad Seasonal Vegetables Ice Cream CHECKS PAYABLE TO: DBCC Send your check and entrée selection(s) with this flier to: Rich Allen, 5720 Gateway Court, Discovery Bay, CA 94505 Please PRINT your name here: _______________________________________ Deadline: Thursday November 1st You will not want to miss out on the dog that pees beer!!! Page 17 Discovette The troops all over the world who are fighting for our rights need our help! DBCC is collecting items to send to them. Please bring the following items to our next meeting: Baby wipes Nuts, gum, hard candy Small bottles of shampoo and soap Sue Anderson is working with a group called Operation Creekside that boxes and mails these items out. You may contact her if you have any questions. Let’s really come through on this one. We take things for granted and the troops don’t have many of the comforts we consider a necessity. A package from home will go a long way to make a soldier or sailor feel good. Page 18 Discovette Z Page 19 zz z zz Discovette Thanks Rich A. for the pictures! Page 20 Saturday, December 1st Planning Meeting Tuesday, October 23rd 7:30 pm The Zupans 2085 Largo Ct. Discovery Bay 510-326-2992 Potluck after the parade at the Zupans Page 21 PO Box 1158 Discovery Bay, CA 94505