The Dragon Hunt


The Dragon Hunt
The Dragon Hunt
a dragon
a mud
some grass
some water
a cave
a house
to catch
big / small
wet / dry
dark / light
long / court
cold / hot
to hunt
Oh no, grass, long green grass.
We can’t go over it!
We can’t go under it!
We can’t go round it!
We must go trough it!
Swish, swish, swish!
We’re going on a dragon hunt.
We’re going catch a big one.
We’re not scared.
Oh no, water, cold wet water.
We can’t go over it!
We can’t go under it!
We can’t go round it!
We must go trough it!
Splash, splash, splash!
Oh no, mud, black sticky mud.
We can’t go over it!
We can’t go under it!
We can’t go round it!
We must go trough it!
Squelch, squelsh, squelsh!
Oh no, a cave, a big dark cave.
We can’t go over it!
We can’t go under it!
We can’t go round it!
We must go trough it!
Shh, shh, shh
Oh no, a dragon, a fierce fiery dragon!
Through the cave: Shh, shh, shh!
Through the mud: Squelch, squelsh, squelsh!
Through the water: Splash, splash, splash!
Through the grass: Swish, swish, swish!
Phew, Phew, phew, back home!
Kr-Kr, and the story is finished.

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