·.ทท.· .. ~·BUilDING P·ERMil •
·.ทท.· .. ~·BUilDING P·ERMil •
·.··.·.. ~·BUilDING P·ERMil DEPA~TME'NT or 't>Ut~,orNo • IM~rv; o,~t~~oeN • Remarks I certify that I havn d this application and sto:~ that the cobove infor~~~----------------..,...---------1 motion Is corrccr. I ogrec '" comply to all City Ordinr.mce• and State l<1ws -:==:~E~~:c===r=~~~==~===Jt~~!Qr:==:t -:: relating to building construction. I certify that in the performance of the above work I shall not employ any prHsan in violation of the labor Code of California relating to Workman's Compensation Insurance. I fc•rthcr agree To hold tho City of Gordtm Grove free ond harmless from any lia· -------------+-··------i--"""'"•"'--''----""--·--1 Roof Shtg. --·----- ---·-------JL·~~~L-~.:::~~:-::=::::::= Rougn Frr.rme ------·-· --·---1------ loth or Drywall . l·as. Brown Ct. P Other _F_in_~_f _____________ Utility Release blllty arising out of iniury or bodily damage rc•ulting from work p<>r· relout'lnt to this permit. CONTRACTORS SIGN l\I:LOW that I am " licensed contractor nnd tiwt my locense Is in full fqrce form~d ------------iVc~;;;;~:"-'-"::.:-=..:...::..:= .,..- - ----:4-~' .-'--~..:-- ./// / ...--·.. ·:::0.:-!..::'... B ~::.:c.:-~~;~.'..:~-----·_.:_ ___ _. --'-· ./.. KUthoriz:ed Ag!:!nt 1 OWNER-OUILDER SIGN BElOW DatEr i'> .J,>;j I C<!rtlfy that I om cxcm~ot from the provisions of Ch. 9, Div. 3, 6 ond P. Code (Contractor's Licon>" L:;:w) because (chcck on")' I om :he owner of the ..>bovc property and will pcrsonolly porlocm the above work. I anl the ownor of tho c.bovc properly ond I will cMiroct to hov•, off lJQ_::i~_:-.::_!~-fj,~~~::::::::=::::._--------1 of the abovo work pcrfonnod by licensed conll'oUor$. O I om tho owner of tiH' t~bovo proporty ond will crnpk•y pmst•ns to pMform ,10 above work with wo9on ''s their r-:)1~ compcnr,orion. I will furnish ·-'--------··---- ·-----·-·-·----·1 in,uranco for m" emplayoos "' rcquirod by the• lobor Code of Co\ltorni':l. -.---·-------1---------------------l PLUMBING PERMIT .. CIT'f OF G A R.D'E N G R 0 V E .... ) ..::...... 537.-1200 -- -·PERMIT FEES lYI'I OF fiXTUitl 011 ltiM Water Closet (Toi111t) • ',--··· ·-~ 17"<" $1.SO ···- Bath Tub Floor Drain Dish Wash13r Drinking Fountain -L-+- l.SO BUILDING PERMIT Owner ~' PlANNING lz':,EN- -~-:_- _--_n__--__ --~-~-------~-~E-~A~~.~~a~EA~p:•so~J~~----=-_-I··-~R-ONT. 1.... 'f'- j , __!) 0 PLANNING PARK. SPACES ACTION REQUIRED Zo~i;~p-(;"p~~yed By _.Y':.}2 Date ;;:-, --~-·-,G_-_H_T_I.--R-EA_!l_ _.M_a_ll,-tn"ii!d:!.':'"l-t..__?-'44:1.! LEFT_-__-__1'-_ -------- 8: l t( -_C}_ '3 d 1 t(_ I Tel. No.~" I -. ~-ity-~~~ ~:S _:.; ·" (~~~;.--- tUo 15t2.J/.:.I;!)Jd.. N·(;)t!--:..r- __ )i1._;_!1-·Ha.,:r!.!:2__ I·rei. Stoto Lie, t-lo. No. Arch. [] Engr. Pi\lliling Acfdmn- ---c~;y-· -------------zipt~- Remarks: Roof I am a lic~n:;~d contrCJctor <md ~hcj my licoo-::f is in lull fol .:o J .certify thot Shtg. ~ - - - 1 an,cl effect. Rough Frome ----·----------11-------'-j--.....:......:.._____:_.:..:_-J j ; I/' j / COntractor · · Authori~ed At~ont Lath or Drywall OWNER-BUILDER SIGN BELOW -------.--.----------l--------l---------...,--1 1 certify that I an; exempt from ihc pl'ovi•ions of Ch. 9, Plos. Brown Ct. Code (Contractor's license taw) bccc,usc (check one): -0-th~~-------------1----l l -F-in_a_l_______ ' -----·--··----·-------·t "'" V UT R1 _1_1_11~-~-~~~-e--------·--·---- H~~ - · ·· ·· ~'/(. 3 ; VAlUATION tt?lteNd~~W~~--L~~~t ~~1.: $ ....,.-----·------.....;f..;E;;:E;,;S:;.. Pion ......:.. · _.., · , 'I; !!f.. Doto Div. 3, B and r.·. 0 _,4- ___,_ . _ ~i'TU ' (/0 / LeO)}thW (.eA.i:;:rt::::!_ s:;£{~_H._.A,ILf;~~~tD'" I am the owner of the "bovc properly cmd will personally porform the above work. 0 I om the owner of 1he above prop~rty and I will controct to have (111 of the above wark performed by licensee! controclors. 0 I am tho owner of the above properly cmd will crnploy per'"'" to pcrform the above work with wages as th~ir solo Ca.>ipc"'"tion. I will iurni,h inwroncc for my employee$ as required by tho le1bor Code of C.alifornio, Sigm>h~r<> By Autl;,-;, ,.~J AuO.u----·----·-··i)~,"i;; .. If work is not M':n•tccl wirhin 60 dtlys from dote of i~su~ or if abandoned Owner'• Building £~e.C:k ________.__$____________P~_t:_~i~;··-----...J_~fJ'i) -·· for moro than 120 days, this ;;~~~~~l~l';wll and void. Bond $ Exp1rot1on ----..,..---·-·-·-·------····------·---·------..--...- ..- ···---------· ....... ---~·-"···~····-~·-""'--·- '""'"' ·-·"-r··#);§~-fr--~-·--··--~-- ~~e;i~~ BLDG. Perlmi~~~~~~:~:~o~y T ~ IP~/f-{1 , -~~~~~~;-··-·---~------. . . - . . .::~:;~·5----· ···-·--·~·............... BU~LDING ~ ~~'; ::~;~/~~ 2/ _['q~~~ ~~~]~:~~~~,~~~ PERMIT PLOT PLAN I;).,S.tment of IMilding GITY OF GARDEN GROVE NAMI: OF CONSTRUCTION L.I::NDL!;R • 1 0 6 JI3~~J;;r;. AN~ OR• fcH L.UGAL. Oli:5CRIPTIONI /E"(.I)c.f__w______ L.OT TR~CT JOB OE:~Cf<IPTION IPL.EAGE: CHECK) 0 0 Now. []Addition Alteration [J Ropalr USE DIMENSION PLOT PLAN COMPI..ETELY SHOWING AI.L SLOGS. ON THE LOT AND THEIR USE. :F!ll._'•/ ~-~ .,.~....!--:~----·-·~-··--• i. ; 1 •••••o• :. , ' .· 4 ~ 1-1 I ~ t . a~.c~ ' . ,...,.-) . I ', ............. ... . ~, ·-s;...;.., .. · } ! ~ i$~,Jt.-;-:--......._...;..._ _:..;,.;._~_.,;._.......;:;..,......-.....o--....,.....,.,.~ . :~~~. ~-1 . :i . • ... . r;t.: ,: fltf, . -I II .. , i ' ,.;-.!1 .). .•...-.J~~.. tT.R:!. CAL ......, ,.. - GROVEj;S~!;-IJO~t•') HOCffE I'IRML.Y, I>E PE:RMITTf'.D, N~..t.'Jfeo ~EE diD,E NUM8ER .01 OR £loiLL POINT Pt::~~. PRES~ COPIES AJ'lEBELF..OIFJI.E, FEE WILL CHARGEDNO!FERA5U11E5 WCRK IS -~ j A J---~~~~;,~:~~PHONE ~·~~lAti~lh-C-orru·----- ---- m E4CH TYPE!WRITI'.R ~::;~~R~~ ~-·~~!:?.~\.:¥:. :,l,ELbr~c(f~'~b .PHONE: 53"/•4200 ---- USE SURE ALL A OOUBLI:. STARTF.P BE FORI! PERMIT IS ISSUED. r1 A:K~I 1£/"fR~---__ --t;;:ow;:;-.,;;;ER;-- &how Residel!lli!..UI & H) sg. ft. II" INSTRUCTION! PERMIT DEPA"RTM"E~T OF BUIL.. OING AND SAF,.~TY GARDEN LOT ... , ---==:-:-:-:::=::7"""'--:-=:--=-:-=-:=::-=::-::-~~~·-::-:~~~--- _ Gai'Qge, Ruid. (J) !9..:_1t. .oos p:-------T.Ane.b~~-~"' ---~ · ~-~JlX.Jl.Q9Q._ NEW DUILOIN'; OR EXISTING GUILOING OCCUPANI;'f lJSE Of BUILOIN~ Ah'r, Servlce, ~hose_ _.______.L__,___ t-~1._9.Q.. ...__ _L,r>C lo!!}~~J-RE' ,' REMOOtL AO[A NUJB,'~ OL~Nr. ' -!!.•~Ice, Three Phas!··-------·-1-·-1.00 ') ".\1'C:~i no.FT. so.n ~ /.f;_., d:£u~ M.t'ers, Single Phose . ~ l.OO O'E'i'ffcTRICAL CONTRACTOR 1 PH NO: . 1-lf!-t;. Meters, Three Phase Pole, Power, Lighl, etc. .----'---'-"""-'<--'-~~b-PoneiSi l 41 Sub-P!Inels 3 ~ Outlets 1st 20 Outlets Over 20 ' 1.00 ' 2.00 --1-· J 1.00 1.00 i!O .20 -·- ______ V~_c.__S..t.ein_ ACJDRE · /__ , 'e.{2. 4/ ~0 or :•our• £L. 5 El ectr1 c -~2-.S..o..... M.e~H>.Se___ VA L.l AT ION 1\lJG 15-69 "-t~ -~~ " ..P..::....a:..:..enJ.11A 11 003 ...,·/a:L-ClJ. ....L 7 ~_L:f!"' _. . M** * ir 35.10 ---·------- No[]" 0 No .' • ,. ' ' • 'I _1•_,_,._.'.._ ... _____ ~-:-~.~------·-L._..__i.'~ -~..:!__~-- . BUILDINI··.,PERMIT ..... ctTY of,:oAtmeN:GRQ"I Public Ylarks--• o.votopment --· , ; Inspection Requests 638-6771 .' General lnformatlo~J 638-6661 '\ for Applicant to Fill in APPROVAL I~' .."-._..~~ .~!1? =L--- jsouNoiNSULA.t~N =l!E~::~·G4~ t;.v~~~~----~~'i!J~/I ZIP 9~/?PJ s - Compe~~Mtlo~ · _... · til!. lneuranGa Polley N'ttfi;.7~ Expiration OaJ;e ...-,.r • · - 0 1 c-nlfy 1hatlntht perform•~ of the work for which this fermit ''·j WATE .. ASSMT. l'r:'i: (FT.) ._..' -~-,.,. ' .. wot:tK.iz.Ec.'r ~L. c;;;'J.SJ.I · iteUed, 1 ll!all not .,.,ploy any parson In any manner so •• to bocomtOESCRIBE ·-' aub).c:t ·to ttla W1)1"ktr'l Companution laws of California. Tn as:: rv-. ... c NOTE: If, aft:;r m•klng auch ~-•rtlfl~ate, th• applicant for the parrr•it should bacoma subject to· the Workar'e~ Comptnhtion provlalont of this codo, h;J lhall forthwith comply with the provisions of Sectio(l 3700 « h;s permit lhaiJ be dMmad revoka.J. · 0 I certify 1hat I h8va r-.:1 this ..,plication and nate _thl!t the above In~ forrnatiof>;.ls cotr«t. I ..,.. . to comply wltb&ll CitY ordln;o,nc• and Smta 1..•11 ralatlntll to pandlno construction. I further agrua to hold the City of Garden Grove fr. . and harml- from any liabilitY arl• out of injury or bodlly~am... resulting from work performltd ttl is •_A,.KWAY.TREE FEE_ I'AFII< 8t REC. FEE (OIST. D.. AIH ASSMT. FEE (OIS'J: I certify ttlat ttla following Contractor's llcenM No·----· . 8fld Cl-'flcatlon Ia in full force and effect. (~INY) CONT,.ACTOfl- •uSIN··· llliiFK·'i'll'£ii*cr-- ,___ A I ,.~"':z~::~.~::T:~J~-- TAX·CaLIIITJ~I.C:ATit NO. - DATK RELOCATION II:X .. UtAT.ON DATE I cwtlfy thet I 11m ex.,.pt from Section 7031,5 of the Busln"' and ·P'rofe.lonel -Coda, Olvl•lon 3, Cha.-tar 9, Contractors' Llcanse L•w, , U!'.<let' tt1a foll-int ~lon: .......... " ~ Owner: ~tion 70<14 0 . Minor work undar.$100: Section 1048 0 Employtc~ wotlcint for W811811 only: S.Ction 7053. 0 -·-- · -Other':_ _- ' - - - - - - - - - - - ' - · - - - - - - - - · ,... ::T:::J:..~::I"l~.':.~"·" Dl.-r• 1- ....--'-'""i".. "!'f---.--·-· SHOW NO .. TH A" ROW, I'"OPIE .. TY LINES AND ADJAt.;ENT STREETS, •··.··r-~.,.~~.,.-~----~'!""1--"""'!.i·.·,-"""'!--'!"-'""i"--~~~--~~.,..---~-r- :.' i I ~-. -~·-·~u' . "' I '.! . ,•· • 'i!E'I<J srt.uG, 1 ~ , • ~~ . .I :56Je'.vJ t;E· SrA-TttCJ~ .. N .... ·~---~.J ~ . ,:,_1 I' '' I, J. I, I· -~rllr'.llil'"::tbl•lftllriD~;,.,--- "-~~ ,·..,_ ·'•".. AltttiWhta·......,.-. f'll• I~ W.lftftfiM..... IIIiltlil jt__....*Mi IIOI'I'tOt, .lil.aililililiilolioOiiililoool""'-iiio.lo"""'M""""Oollt.MIIIi,..__ _ _ _ _ _. llllijill·,..: • •:ftttfl'ft.;.... !r.. ·b.lcetthtthwoll .•,; ·•'*'• .i. ' ~l*l [i a-rt iiF G-AfiDIN oRovE ,, c) .,..._, ,, ~o.-.L - ~c. BUI~DIIIG ~ ~CWG.ks.. 6 - -- Dtvelop'fnent ~ - OCC\J· PANCV OCC. LOAD TYPE usE z_oNE FIRE ZONE 1 _ _ Eav Proj. Setbacks JfRONT LEn ~"'.:... RIGHT . APPROVAL .. e:AR /I ( ,., .......-! • ~ ,# DATE ..QJs~ LA.. D-USE APPROVED BY .. EMARKS: • - ·~- ---- ----- INSPECTOR 1.:atE4-z Eoc~tv FOUNDATION & LOCATioN 1Lo· --- --- ----- -- CONCRETE FLOOR REINFORCING . . RooF sHTG ROUGH FRAME IO.C.SANT.OIS., IFEE REQ'D. . I .... T.. I '" ..... """ Q- () • ~.::,;)../ ... "-' .;i,y -. t e;nJ:::~ ..1 T~~ IAII.ING AO'Dlft: a ITEl... N0--1'/.A _,.. ?lf I~ ~9':?-o'D • M .a __.A_..&..- 1"1"7 e·. tt· lllf,. OWNER CITY liP P.e>IJ!3c:x,jf~rft? ¢h,JAI,J~j 'i'"ZScr:-:. INSULATION, ENERGY LATH OR DRYWALL PLAS. BROWN CT. S,~,ACH ......:;) .... ~ -..:•\.j.·"JI!...::. NGR.ADDRESS #" ~AILING _,._ . - -~r~L~y:'C'0/ff, ~ ~~ :!:~~:PI~~ -- NV, I SMOKE DETECTOR f'EE REQ'O. ·.... DATE SOUND INSULATION . G.G.SANT. 015.1 I For Applicant to Fill in Jltlf'.L /9 _ --r General Information 638-6661 ADDRESS Fl RE SPRINK. -• fiLANNING ACTION - ••'-• Inspection Reque~ts 638-6771 INSPECTION RECORD ft ··- PERMIT - ~ ~}0:, ' k #t.ll Ut! E ·')"tA -- 1 h":• c:;;::.A...I '· ~f='Ef> 1 ~'):t Q{) coTv ~-~<SA..LV-"~'5-;:p_M:~J o~- rl STATe: LIC. NO ft.: TYPI!; -.. - ZJ~$tl.q.C~~~~ C:.£ Ji'!5'"7"'Ji;. :U:: ... =·"·~·~-~""'""' VAI.IQATION . I .. I:Q'D , .... OVIDEO ,.,: ~AfiCEL ,.Afl ~~,- LAND UsE FINAL /_..,~- FINAL , _ ~~~--------~~~~~~~R~Ev.~.~C~ODE~~~~A~M~O~U~N7.T~--Jluj,~~~~L~IT~VRELEASE ~---- po-·~e--:.-~~----SJ-..1--:--t-..:......~-r---_;__---:-r. . . . . .-"-l--'---"!-'---'----'-l ~~ WATER BOND _PARKWAY TREE FEE PARK. REC. FEE (OIST. DRAINASSMT.FF,E IOIST. . ___ F.E:E .__ 2 tf~~> .<--·._ .. _ _ ;·---.:::m'rJ"'·;·P'I:ANCHEC-K --- f.' INE --.,,; . /'~ tif;uANCE' lBSi2 oiO' -..tt:"), · -....1=. .Q_ 4¥' tt.7 ......--Co-' 1: A u • ... .,( ,_, . #-· l .. TOTAL FEES - _ _ _ (,JftiJifyl la_ 7' J ~~ · / ..., _1 (;,. ..::;a. NEW 0 J- t!) <::Jy ~-- --..,....--! ~ I t;.; ~-' ~ 0 ALTEH.)i{ REPAIR _j_ No. OF _ STORIES - · T .1 ,~ . C.1~ & ADD'N (SQ F ' 0 DEMOI_ISH 0 NO. OF DWELLING ·UNITS _ _ _ _ __ II work is '!ot started within 120 days_ from ~ate _of is~ue or if ror morP than 120 days, thos permot wol! bo null and TAX CERTIFICATE IN ORMATION · .·· aJ~t 9-z_ )' ' - CDNTIIIACTOft .u .... E •• oAYK ~t"\11 ""'' • ...,_u-., votd. !-'-A:'-:F~E::-::-E-'-M::-:-':A:-:Y~B-:':-;:E-'C~H:-:A:-:R:::-G=ec::O::-:F::-:0::-:R:-:::R:-::E:---:-:IN:7S:::-P:::-e=c-=,-:-:-l0:::-:-N:-::D:-:-U""E::-.-:::-T0 I C41rtlfy that the following CO'Itrector's LicenM .No. and Cl-lflcation Ia in full force and effect. 8LOG. I".:.:RM T FEE 1'"}i%t l . __ .I'E -...-.7"1''7 l c:::::; ab~ndoned - VAJ;:.~AifON PROPOSED BLDG. USE .aor•• -I .I"LAN .. ETEtniQ~ ...~ ...-.. State Compen~etlon lnturanc:e Polk:y No:2/£Q.f33 Elcplration Dio.te . 0 I cartify that In the performance of the work for which this ermlt is iKued, I shall not employ any PllrSOn in any m•nner so as to btcome IUbJec:t to_ th~ Worker)_ Compen~ti()n laws of California. NOTE: If, after making such cartificate, the applic~rot for ~he permit should become subjiiCt to the Work•r's Compensation provisions of this code, he shall forthwith comply with the provisions of Section 3700 or h;s P.rmit shall be dHmed revoked. 0 I c•tlfy that I have reed this application and stat• that the above In· formation it correct. I agrM to comply with all Cltv ordinancH and State ~---ntlatint to1)ending -conatructlon.-1 futlher to 'hold the CitY of. G~~tden Grove frM and harml- from any liabilitY ari~ lnt ou of Injury or bodily darnega resuhlng from work performed relw to iJ it. W.ATUI ASSMT. FEE ifT:r f-.------- --·~··· WORKER'S COMPENSATION REQUIREMENTS WATER AHMT. FEE IACRG.l - ':·-,·-- -~ Pe.?o/ ~~b':rH:~~::~.~~:"::f~:'" '1'AX C-111-ftTII"'ICATE_NO. NEGLIGENCE, INCOMPLETE WORK. OR FAILURE TO MAKE CORF1ECTIONS. DAT. RELOCATION IUf.P'IfiA'TION.OATI!' . . - - I cllrtify that I am exempt from sec ..tlon 703..1.5 of .the ButlnHs and IAPRESE. N. TSBLDG. ProfMSional Code, Oiollsion 3, Chaptar 9, Contr!l<:tors• Lleen.. Law, , DDRE 5 under me followlntt Section: ----------------------i Owner: Section 7o.M 0 Minor wO..k undor 1_!00: Section 1048 0 MOVING· EmplolfM working for w.... only: Section 70!53 0 CONTRACTOR ~ Othar: ._• ·CioJWINTJ ,.."NIIYY OWNI<II · I_ ... NATUII•I , .,. ""0-I!"TY OWNKII AU,.if'OIItaao A•afCT ·I>A'I'C iAOORESS I . _ ..1 D1l~O\l07•U~79 P'.JBLICWORKS & DEVELOPMEN'r ·--~= ·····- 'I•; ·~tZi~ .10• D ... CitiPTION /241. .:5£: C4.uof?/ GI1'Y SHOW NOitTH Alt ... OW, PAOI'KitTY LINKS AND ADJACKNT STREET•• .i I I i ; f-----~----.,___;,......;_,_...._1. 1 .:--~-----·-,·--·---··---"·----+ I -~-.-· ' ' I ' . r_,_LJi • ·I, ~ ~ '. ...,--······· r' 0 I Inspection ~ests 741-5332 1:1 INSPECTION RECORD r~ -, ~".c" -~t~PE ~ ~ I::: I I . IrA£ FfiONT I LEFT ~. RKlHT I: :.:. --1 APPROVAL ·- M.41i! =-FL=ATKJN PRE INSPEcnoN DATE Oeneralhlformation ;~/ 741·5307 f. Fer Aop!ica11t to Fill ir, I INSPECTOR ~-~~~-----·----------....., ~'s l_3t,;.4-?q a ,.....,.j en =·.: &;·.~ ~A~·-·: _ .. ''""7___ : E:_uc.J! d i .2:2 F<; 'f (::} 1... " '-· , ;_. ··~-,,,, - I£H:OAC!NG ~ MASof..J:ly PL.AN$ ACTIOH DATE CNi~E....:_ - AOOFSHTG Sh~d r~·.\ Lf.,N)Ul;E A01JGH FP.AME AI"''RCii/E) 8Y I£W.R(S. /f:- -~- I IGG!W~~ FEE~u~· I ~NG I II REQ'D I """" I ...,.,.....,.....,n ~ I IOCS.ll.l'>ITrAS FtEREQ'D I I PJOR:8.. v.:P ·-~ ~··~- ~ R.lW DE!.""'Ii""" ..rr'.r"'J . ----·· ,PRE Gc.·«TE lPReoeCK FEES ANO BONDS IREv.cooel ~~c AMOUNT =lPReF>~R I I= I I ! I j I r---------------------------~--------~--------~~--~~<8 ~TER~ v.an;;; /.5-EI,(' "EE ,;:; 1 ~ !. 1'-z~ I State Compensation No.~ Z lns.:rance PolicJ D ; ~~lty that in the "7PE£ FEE ;::~: -' ··..:.-; ~(;;4) S2C-:V} ===±= 60 . . /: 'fj,':}C:::, •1 '> ·-::-···.-;.; ..===J . = c . = ·.cc.. -1·-~a.-..~. ~.-~='EF\ .:::1 :J& . . .,. ,,)ss ,.. :_::. ~LS ~~}~~..$ ~:: ·=:e COP+:~t.::,· .... ~ ~~sswe.sr'A»d~ --~ ____ ":J.~•U :, U~I'.G comply with the I -------. e;,:G ::.:;;:-:._,- -;:~::_ /t.~ ~-: i :s~_:.;r ..(C /d ; ;;._:;..:.-·: ~. TOTAL!. FEES ~L-j \'G .L ~....~-~-Z-f~ ~-- :.~-! r2 7 j;c;;~y:~ '&IZ ~n:~·'Sons of. L... ..J er\1· ~c.c::· PfiE&<ST Sli:G l:s:: ' !t-.r"· ., ....r----~ ·-"-,-..,...=--~v~~ ~ 'Re:rnt: \..i~ I -In/ 4-t: .3op ~ ,<5? 1 S+'-i. I c-<-.::p·::oED J EL:.(_. :_;s£ .....::...._ ,·, r)'l> t.. ----~-l______ ..::.:_ _____. .__ ~ .. &?~.t!cn 37C~ ::~:·---.~-;~;;__; ~;2-;"~~ ·;:::e.:.:~_: j · 43 t\ u..~t·\df?.,.~ ..j \e t '-· -+ . ~~ ·,, f 1 . +L·<~-\ 1:_ ~ ~~~~'~FZi;;:~~;;yL:~2~ ~"'~"~ ~.,,~. =.~;'<'~.c--~ 1 15c._::. BUSINESS TAX CERTIFICATE INFORMATlON I c~, tJfy th.Jt the icJir:·;.o.·~nq Contrac:or .s :.....-::·.·"':.•: ~4r; an~ Class.Jfrc:atton 15 1n 'ul• '"'":.''"'-·~ -· ·! ~.n,-. IYJ"-Jo:;- .:)j- I i ; ,_:;. ~;;;;;~~::~~,:~:~;;: ~·' ,~~~~~=:~= ~· "~-~ 0 ~~~ ~tify that I have :-r;a:.:: 1n1s appliCGtlorj a!"l.j s~at-e- :---~~ :~::~~=~·~:~:EE ~ ~ ..- .Exch;':>::n Oa:'=6 ~li? ;:t!""i.:Jrma~e o1 th.e ·,•.-r:;..r,r; ~Ct.' 'N:t~h !r:.s =-=-rr:: s 1$$<..'~-::: NO~t5~;~~~1t;~~~;i~~~1~:~r;~ =-EE !Dr;;."7 DP~ • .:SSV"" ~E:C;~-:'" ~ An.:~/;~· i.~::.~,-----------------------i---------------t·~~-+--~~-----1 vA.'E'<.r.&9MFEErAf'..?G· P~i<14J;<! 5U ~- 'B.·.:..ckh~\rs~ '{ '). ~- (_, :=:, '1 ' I'I..As. CAO'>V!I; CT ~-~--- A~"·:..~. ·-----?~;.:~ \/o;~\ci- k~Q:~~~c' ~~.t.:"c.::::::ss Lo.TH I N. Bn.t·k..~..... ,t- 511 INSUu>noN. ENERGY l:lRYwt.u_ CU"iHiJI:;!VH If -~·.•:,:.. '::-_/ -·.-:~•:· ~ I ~I'J.I~.l!WP£ C':-.. ~ .;;-,1..:-~:; 0~ .c.:.r•1-1o~<:l~: "'' •• • ::E~ ~.~.:.. ~~=..3: .. "::~·~~~ ,_.,_·.;...r.<:_ BJSl'~!S'; UY ·:·,_,...-t=::,.r.":'f riO ~ I=-;;:.&~ ·~Xt~r::~r 1''Jm &-char~ ?JJ. : :.· :r.e S,.;s\r.::~.: Cr..r....r£-. DrJtSfOn 3 Chnc1r~! ~· Contractor~ Lxc-,-.._s-:? ,__2,..,. ._.-'"'!]-£-' ·-.:,. ".::.• 0f~~~r Sechon iC.t~i. h.1tnot ,.i":Jr'r' ;,;~·c-:" :320':- 3-.::-·:··:" Pio.l£'-9 v~S-r!-:mg !~r ,,.. ;~r:.F:-:~ :_,nly ~etten 7'J5 3 I c-:--..-o::fy th6! I (Jf"'l = = Otrer '.JW~!f· f !SI::0N..J01'1J>iE o-"' ;;:;.;'Ill- I ~I'll!£:; J"!Ji~-<'Jt_z£: .~:..:·•· .,:_. .. ~:~ ' ' ~- /,• : •o : >-l ::.. l~~~~,~r:_~_ ~·-- · 1M( I.''~·, 'c•j,·'·.~ PPOP£RT"' ~ .. - A.CC'"=··'; 'lEL.OCATION '•, :- ' ~'""""""" , .....;~--~ ;· ---~ .. --- "' ''f~',...-"'.1'"' '·lT'I"' 'Inspection~ General Information 741-5332 741-5~107 FO!'" Applicant to Fill in » INSPECTION RECORD P.Cil occu- T'!'l'E PUK:'f ~~ ~ """~ &!~too...-... oo; f)!;E LOAD \'1PRNK !FRONT APPR~AL L.~TT~ l-EFT p~ ~crx::>N :;:;:;:;:m;~:,·~-REINFOflCING IMSONflY PlAN" lt.."'TTIN "~· ;G<l:C . ROOF SHTG I I DATE _ A!lOAEsS ~w .-I_/?~ 9.2~..ld~/Ll_ INSPECTOP, • , =~ ""~' ' ~--~ ~ ]i'"S"~ 4 7 0 A c.--~ / / ...-, L O'I"'EA J_;,.c;._,';/' "" , - -yr7~ ,F.00) • 'WUNG ADDRESS I - - ~~ _l_ -· .' --~-- ~~/j ~ ;/./. ~ n~~~ .Ji1 • ~~_,a;rttO.t"l/T'Ur.ST ~--------------------~kDRYmtW..:.::"-LL~---1----~~--:--- ~GR LJe~ ---~~~W.-------,,--~- !.ANDUSE ROuGHFAA•.'IE API'ROJEDs-r INSULATION'. ENEF:G_t AEw.RKS; ARCH lATH I'! / -. MAJUr.JG ADORES.:: c .• ·" • • PlAS. BRO'N~'Il CT ~ G.G.SNITCIS i'EE AEO'O. I I I OCSNITiliS FEE REO'O. l. -----'--- - -- c~~ I .....· oott j<tLNO I - 1 ! ~·1=~~~~~±~>jf,~- - IVAUOATlON REO'O !.:·:· ~;-;~·~f\ I'I'J1CEL WF ISS I Rr# ~,.;::.:==---,-------t:_::_:...:.crr;'_""____. PRE PLA."TE< --,+---~- --- ST:60f.O ~BGtC ~ 'IIJ"..R ASSI.!T: FEE "-CFIG i ! A ···--- 1::.... ~. ' -, .~~~~~.s. ~-L:4'~, '!:'tt - -- I WORKER'S COM ! State In rano: Po:c1 f :.: ?AAK & PEC ~EE ·tx.=:-~ ; ,.----------------''-----; :.P..J..:t-· ~~~,,- ;::-'C" '""':":::.-r -·~-·- C- 1. N P.EOUIREM_ TS ~fit! !b.:ii'b•HL.f-~ E,;::.~<:":rJn Date ~ cer-~f';· tr-~: m ?f..i'J-, VI/if <FEE FE i U;j, c==xr=v:;ruJi? hi'' -c. "':1 'liliT'ER ASSMT. FEE ,FT l v·-· P£rforma~..; r;~ ~F.~ Y.~'i"'1i-'..;h ~it ~ ; J} )-~ ) r.arr;cEcSs •,,_,.,, f!"Y ;,~~~;ty ar~;~,,;;·-~ ·f mr;, 'damage reS<•'~'-:: ~-------------~---__;_::c__ ;:.:.t:.~l:-;;;;:; ;-s,.s,.:.;t.;.~:= et.LG ~- "/A~L;.7c•. ~ v -~ i--z~ TOTAL FEES , , ;<JI' )- / t) __ f::--t..j \.... ~ ~} ~~~:; .... -;-'"'~ }/ I J1 1f AflD ,, 0 u; ~. ~.~~=--~: pfO'jB-B •'•':lf;.._l'..'2 ' am '''"'''''! lrorn &!cr.o:o:- - :!31 only 5£.-'-Ct..o.)r;_ 5 ~· !'--:'"':'e.:· ~~?~~~,; 7~~~.f1o ') r/)~:~~;~~:s ,.;;:r~~c~'s226'"s~~;o~ ··:·::~i :::/Ctr.er for Y/0(j!f3 OIION71f'"~·J'(~T'f(l-f/;;iii"'-- ____ -· -:53 C ,::,·-:,11.1";".J~EJH";O".-i~.YOrfiNEP .0::12..&.:./TH~t··zi:, .&.~[it~ ~--,-- ADDRE-;;-- - - " .. 1 8~ -~~.lrJ,~,·. ·· ·~ -;.:'• ·:~:~··~·~,[~' ···,';-- ,.~·--, , 'E VI; ;,,. . ---------:he Bus1ness ,,. ;: _ <'[ -:;t._1rtt"! ~~-JI. '.'~<£. ..,,,, ,., C!""''"" ..,, :h~: :..~o~o ,...-~ vmrk~~ot lor more :113n 1HU I certlf; 1 SY ""·.:-.. ~'~~R~HrA _,.,.....,....,.. ISO FT. J · j a:...rr:·~~~Z!:< -!-~ . .__ I __::__..;,''--t BJ j J PVJ<'OSEC 1 , , .1'1 PRESENT - - 1 - j fLOG the:: 1/(.;r"V. (f;: this · USE BLC:f_j q.::E shaH "'C~ 2:~>~1 arr1 person ir: ;!i'!f -'::-:.t·~-fl:."f' r,r; ~.. -t:1 oecome subj?:·O ·--: -,.-'Werk.~ s C:r.r,(.:n5.atl0n laws cJ (,.J" ..(.·,r-1,:: DESCRIBE. VI' r,"' . .,_ '; ~· ~ _ NOTE:-_· " •• .,. -·''';'nr; scr-h cen,t.c,:r, •• ,, ;.r;r,:v:.;;;-· '? tr.-, pern11t sr.ou'r: ·:.:.. . TO BE~ oor -" " ~- ~_/ wb1e·~~ !~ :~8 V/orlo-.er ~ ~ompr:n~t.r,:- :/~.;."t~;::. ',. ':" ·~n!s cod_e. he ~hall ic,_~~ ~~ · _ ~, ~ "§.:.~ co:r:~~-,.. '.Ji-:':_'""= !t)a9 DfOVISKJns cf &:G~o~- JlfJ :.~"' ~i:~- perm1t shall be -~~:··:' --·. _L ~-"" . re•m..-.;;-j . ' ...... ~,.-A.rr.-0'1 0 1o::d-1 H..~~! ha·1e r':'ad th1s ~ppf!Ca~.():... ;;rt'~ -:;::.2~e :t8.~ the above tnfor:-r:;:~ {=·- ·~ corr~.i.. 1 <::.;.~:::! to comply ~h a;! (.;t'f ,.,...,,,;~:a:-.t:.-:·: anj ..state laws "'=!;:r ,·<: -: ~ ~ _ per.c.;--,;:;:;.-.:.;ructJ0n.l_furthe~agre-::·.:.ri'.A~;::.. ,.._ ofGardenGrovr- r::-.._ ) / ,:??J~S I ':.:·:~::·::~~:: :/ 1 --- •.i<, RELOCATION ,~; 1 ; ' ~ ... J'· .. TOM URAM OIRECTOfl L Utili EHLIHG, M.O. I..,. ill TH Ofi'ICER E.H'YiftOH..DH At, 1-AL nt DMIIOH ROBERT E WERRVMAI<I.. R. S. MPtt PUBUC HEALTH SERVICES ~t~,u...:; •mmr~!o Po OOK J~ "!.~.Af~ t A ANA CA 9'2702 ENVIRONMENTAL. HEALTH DIVISION 1725 W. 17TH STREET SANTA At-4A, CAUFOANIA 92706 (714} 834-8356 September 21 1988 Frank Fossati Shell P.O. Box 4848 Anaheim. California 92803 Subject: Soil Contamination Located At 13642 Eucl'id, Garden Grove, Califlwnia 92643 Dear Mr. Fossati Based on inspections and field tests conducted on August 2, 1988 it has been determined that gasoline contaminated soil is present at the subject location. This Agency is authorized to enforce the State Hazardous Waste and Under·ground Storage Tank Laws and Regulations and, under contract with the State Water Resources Control Board, is responsib1e for oversight of cleanup of soil and ground water contamination resulting from unauthorized releases from underground storage tanks. By this letter. you are directed to concluct an investigation to assess the extent and significance of contamination at the site specified in the subject above. The objective of this site investigation is to provide sufficient information to evaluate 1) the sensitivity of the site. 2) the potential threat of exposure to humans. 3) remedial actions and/or alternative mitigation strategies. At a minimum this investigation should include: 1. A clear delineation of the nature and extent of soil and ground water contamination. 2. A hydrogeological characterization including depth to ground water, and. if ground water is contaminated. site specific determination of ground water gradient. The proximity to wells and surrounding land uses; ana future use of the site itself. 4. The potential impacts of contamination to public health and the environment. . PERMIT - .. . .. CHARGED IF WORK iS STARTED BEFORE PERMIT ..... TY OF GARDEN GROVE ---------PERMIT FEES ----TYPI: OF FIXTURE Oil ITEM No. --- Water Closet (Toilet) I:ACH :L ' /. Lavatory (Wa~h '-·;. : '·' - ~:Slop Sin~, ·. . W,asher . · 1Dtsh . ., ·..-~. I ·, 'I I j · '.' - ···~ l j '·,., Drinking Fountain i Urinal !Gas System - I· 1.50 !' ! . 1 50 ll l.SOt .I I l 5.00 I lSingle Dwe!l<ns)~ Only 1 ! Swimming Pool Piping J j i.,..., . !Water Softeners :-- I ! ' l I I Water Lateral 1.50 Backflow Protective Devices 2.00 r-~hone 54Lf Use of B!dg. f----'--:-------- -Yalidation i hereby ati<nowlod;o--the .above is correct .a!':d pro~rl:f tb I ,.,;1 Hccn~·!~d :J'li ~h.Jf ·l , ,/? y' ) i iNSPECYO!i! ,..,.,..,.,. / DAtE APPROVALS ~ i J i ( ROUGH PLUMBING j "! G~.SP!PING GAS VENT ---- SEPTIC TANK or Cesspcol -/ ~. ~--------- i +--~~- I ' --------- _i----~---__:_~-- I·' ,J.'.td?2 ..Jd !~-.-· ! ' --1-----~---~--~- -----t---~ --------·-- -t-- -- SEWER GAS TEST MAIN DRAIN AND VACUUM LINES --- 'l . -·- GROUND PLUMBING ----- I un~:"~r cf CeHfor.nia, or .,.-,, ' ' SOit PiPING l 1;\ri~h s~~k! /2~~L~~~ ~r· /'?0~:?'(.' Addreu l reghH'r-et!i •m the legal owner of the .tbove d-escribed prc;=:erty.r or;d I C£?rtifb' tJutt ht the ~rfcrmmnce of ~he wcrk for whic:h ihi:t pcrrn~f is ~s.s.;.~cd G shi.'IH noi emp {)y ll'l~' pencn In vlc~atic:n of tha wcrkr:1en1 1o c:~~er..set~on f-'lws of the State of Ca~ifomia.. l'ermlffee 1.50 ~ackwash - Trap . Plumbing Contract ---------Contractor's Addre --------·---- Signature of 2.00! 1.50 _7_ I hereby C!!rtify tho! I un 1.so I Automatic Washing Mach. fJ c r uired b y tho Ci.ty c:f Garden Grove ar.d/a:r 1.50 1 Sand Traps Blk. No. Tract No. regul•tins plumbin;. fn"' I f 1.50 --"_;___ - - - - - - - - - ---i $'12. New Bldg. +---------t ! 1.50 i Outle~ ' Lawn Sprinklers 1 ~-- : '• I, 1.50 I I House Sewer -- 1 t 1.;)··o··-1-. ·:·- 11.501 ' -1 . • ! Fl()orSink ~: ~- ~ ] Floor Drain . 001 ' > ~ ,--~0 ____lj.5o I • - I I _ : tot No. No. ~>~k] .~. ,~i -~j-· c.: _-.~- ~;-~'- /.Jc; "'J )_ ~wner I 1.50 -., '· • '-"2 ·- 1;50 ' Laundry Tub··:-or Tray . - .. . 't ·I .:., .. ::·~ Disposa,l _L_J_Water Heater _L Basin) Permi~ Owner's Address 1.50 --- ( ! 1.50 Kitdien SioJc -· Qa~bage ~,be, 1.50 Bath Tub -Shower For Applicant to Fi II in Job Address FEE $ S1.50 IS ISSUED. 537-4200 ~ - INSTRUCTION: USE TY?E:WRITER Ofl BALL POINT r'EN, PRESS FIRMLY, BE SURE ALL COPIES ARE LEGIBLE. A 0\'lUI:lLE FEE l'llLL BE NO ERASURES PER.MiTTED. ·--- ~----- - - WATER HEATER I TOTAl FEE Permit Authorized By 1. lNSPiCTOR BACKWASH 2 Issuance of Permit -""' ~IJl ... $ Date ltJ 1'7f 00 '\1'.:) -[2 -IJ_ WATER LATERAL FINAl UTIUn' CO. NOTIFIED l -~/ :..~·:::;/ 2) , •. --/ '{::·.-~:.. ,...·{~:;:/" ,, 1 JSE ZONE :Zoning Approved By ··/E. ~M Dote Mailing Ad reS$ _ J .:1- J ] ... !:, 1 City lip No. ~--fru 1,.V.>\ t-t:t.c' \1 "'-- G::>At:-1Xli 0ti[·'I)C "101 -1...- l'emarks: ~· -:;Wc=cot:.:::e•..;.As.::::sm::.:::.:..t • .:..:fe.::..e- - - - - - l - - - - + - - · - 1 ' - - - --J:•::...L--1 · fire Hydrant f.F. Fee _VI -r ·1- ~~~~~~~R~W?-(1<JC( ('1.(f1S. "1):. E-.L{jG J 3 ._,. 4 2. -Cj ~--t"-..£-=-.-!.-A-:.~(1;>---- NEW (g"" ADD'N [J AlTER. 0 REPAIR 0 DEMOLISH 0 Landscape 8ond ·s p ~) sq .~, ( ~ FLooR AREA A -'7. ""'""" 1STORIES~ No. oF No. oF uwauNG __;~=~==----....,-&-lf-r-=o:~~---"'--'=-----'------I(SQ. FT.) ~-"?Vv . UNITS Porkway Tree Fee 4&<..., L·l _R_e_m~a_r_k~s-------.,.,-.......--~------------1 RECORD .. . . ----.. . .-----.,.------------.. . .-__:_,_...___-1 INSPECTION .· - I c:ert·ifv that I have read this oppfication and state that the above informotion is correct. 1 ogre-e to comply 1o all City Ordinances and State lows relating to building construction. I certify that in the performance of the =-:=:-::-::o:::cA:-:Pc-'P:--It'-=Oc.V_A...:.t-::----±:::o...,.-,c.D:c:A...:.T.;.:E=--.,--+----.,--,::'N='S:...P...:.ECT..;:..:..O-"'.:='R-,--.,-,--J _above wo..J: I shaH. r.ot employ a_.'ny ,person in vio~ofion of the labor Code. Foundation •·• ·. · ~ "' · ·. ' · · ·- ,. ··: ·. · . .,:of· Ca1Jfom•a· relot.ng to Workman s Compensot•on tnsurance. 1 further ,...,.0 t·100 ~. "'J~ J._~,. agree to hold the City of GOrqen Grove free ond harmless from any !; 0 .:. l and ~~~..,..~~~~----~t_~l.~~~-z;..~·~-w~·~e~·~~!_.,_·=·.. ,WLJ~cL:I~~-:::..::::::::::::-..:::::~.~ biHty <:;rising out of injury or'bodily damage resulting from work per• _R_.e_i_n_fo_·r_c_i_n_g____~···F-----::•_'·._··+----'__··_•_·_·__· _··--l~~·(~leV'~.to•tt>;. ·~.i Roof.Shtg. ., -~· ,_ '···':'P:~/':;.;,.: pe~~TRACTORS SIGN BELOW .... ···. :}·certify tiJgt I a?/ o licensed o~ntroctor and that my lice~e is in full force ..,. . . .. Of\d eff~ct. ,. :.:: .: _:_: _:. :.:. .: :._:_____--t~.:z_:___+_:~~'L.:_..:!:..,..~:=~:::::::::_:_._-1·~~,L i' ~ " . . I /.· <..' f \. .·• fJ /... :.: ' • •• • ,. f--.t'i :~.:_··~u2g~h;-~~ra;;;_.~~--·e"~ ·"'~-~/·1f''f1:l~~~-·;1-q."'~~-Q~-~~'-~-~.__==;·~~· ~~~~~··::..,.....:J~ · - lt'JI/.IV."'ifj -,~: - . Coqficc;lqt_ · - ~-:;:;;:;...._. ·-=·( •.1 / By\J!IU..!,~ Authorized Agent· tr...<.J:<...t;..,._._,._.,,., IJ Dote .. ' · .J...:.'-' D --~ · ~~ 1·£.-··.•~,...-.·.~~-~ (!=--f_:;!Jr-· -· ·_·_. • TIC- I~'- 0ev<'· ~,p...,.........;;;r ....,. ,l<!rm Cf ryWOll& ;.." 1 2 ·.r'1"!~~ ~~ · dWNER-BUILDER SIGN llF:toW Pies. Brown Ct. ~- ,· t certify that t om exempt from the provisic-ns of Ch. 9, Olv. 3, B and P. - ·=-=====--f C.:> de (Contractor's license low) because (check or.e): .:_:::::._:::_:::~:_::..:..:.___}J.J'!:=::..;-:J-~-:::,.,./e~~~:!'-1-~':;:~~·;,.~,:~~TC:::'. . her Ot .· , j· .. Final 1/(J ~U,--"'C 0 . abov-e I am the owner of the above property and will work. . r _ l-U · ~ personally perform the .. 0 I om '!he owner of the above property and I will contract to hove all ,.. ·"··.. of the abo.ve work performed by licensed contractors. -""--"-'-"'--------fL='--==--+---c.c.=------+,-I·O l·:a·ir(ih·; owner of the above property and will employ persons to per· Utility Release I ·. 1 . . . • . . _ fann the above work with wages as their sole compensation. I will furnish -.{-A_L_U_A_T-IO_N_N_O_T_E·:-IN_C_L~UOE LABOI, MAT. $ '. •\i:;j ~..-:ihf1:-:,J:...-'i' ,:--· l~t{f'I'P'·tor "!Y ·ernploye~.<:!S required by the Labor Code of Colifomio. · /1C. " ... ~ Pib~ Check Bond ·" WIR lNG, PLUMB., HEAT., ETC. ...!,;:;:::::::t:=.:~~~!::;~:::::=l - r-tf~S J flO ,~ $ $ ....,., J ,_- '"· J * A,-..;,' c.,._ J •, , _.. Building Agent ·---D;ie- Is not storted within 60 doys from date of issue or if abandoned for more than I~() days, this permit will be nut! and void. $"t A r ~" Pe,~rm~i~t;-...:_~·:..:.·.!'J:Jl·6-f~l:....-.::::::~----·----.:rFir~'Ti'nN-------1 Expiration Date RELOCATION I ..---~.,........,...,.........,.._._,:-=--~~-~~~:...J--'-~·"::.··· II-P:-R-ES.,..E..,..N_,.T....,.~.,..,LD_,G,_.-------------------------· ·· · ... · · · ···· ·· ADDitE5S · · ·· · ----·---...-------·-·11.,il.·illm-..u:ilit.~OI·:,ili l .•.•.'!'",_.._.. .._..Aii i oi i oRii Essii il·_....,.._............. . -t~·.. lill"llilliiiBt•d•g•,tllilins•p•ec•t~-/~·-C""'.·.... "' ....M........,........_··_.~..Ii_;.·.... ·"' ...... · _.·~.....~,.~f-~::~:·j:':.··.lliil~ Permit Authorized.By ~.,; ,q=-~:-.,-.~_:-,~-=~:-ig-n?-,-u,-tt-.- - - · - - - B yAt~rhorized · If work .. llii:·, f!:::/ Date .,..., ..., ,, , ...............,.!.:'.'! . . .BUilDlN G. P.E.R MlT __ PH. 537-4200 FlltE · ZONE occ. LOAD Remarks _____~;-:;;;;;;:;;;::;:;::;-;;;;:::;:;:;;~---------t~~l ... . . . . . .. read this opplkor_ion and stat" that the above infor- .. motion is correct. I agree to comply to all City Ordinances and State laws ----~;;;;;;;::-;;:-;--~-~--;~;:;;---;-----;;:::;;;;:;;:::;:;;:;---·-1 relating to building construction. l certify that in the performance of the =--~ :.:.:.::..;.;:..:.:._~-+-__::.:...:;.::__ _!-_ _ _.;;..:=.:..=..:..;:;.:.::.._ _ _-l_abt:>'!':E!.:WOTkl s_hall not emplqy O"Y per&.<>n in violation of the Labor Code.. 7 California relating to Workman's Compensation lnswance. I further to '•old the City of Gorden Grove free and harmless from any lie· arising__out of injury_ .or boclily damage resuhing from work perc.. , relevant to this permit, Reinforcing CONTRACTORS SIGN BElOW } -onrn--l.icense•d contractor and that my license is ir full force "Roof-Shtg. OWNER-BUILDER SIGN BELOW Plos. Brown Ct. 1· certify that l om exempt from the provisions of Ch. 9, Div. 3, S and P. Code (Contractor's License Low) because (check one): .I am the owner of the above propllrty and will personolly perform the Other above work. O I om the owner of the above property and l will contract !o hove all ~-~~in:_:.-~a~l______:_~-fLJ2,~U~LJq....:i..{..J,~=::::::::==:::::-~ of 1he above work performed by licensed contractors, 0 I om the owner of the above property and will employ persons to perform the above work vtith wages as their sole compePsotion. f will furnish -:--:---,----:-:-:-,..,.-,-.,.--..:......-.,.-.-.,.-,~,........;c...,..~~-----....-....-----+Insuronce for my employees as requ:red by the Lobar Code of Caliiornio. ------------------[----------"-----------------~ O IJILDING PE.IT PLOT PLAN ..... ·..1! pul)i.l. . Of ....... ertt· .. OF .•ARDEN . . . &ROVE , ' ·.. ' . . . I L.OT 'a LOCK T!'f:ACT J-~~~~~------·-----~~~----i:~IT~Y~.~--~--~~~J~Q~&~O~E~S~C~Rril~P~T~I~O~N~t~P~l~t&As~E~CH~E~CKKti---------------------L---------------, 0 New 0 Addition ~t«ation 0Repcir 0Mo"a 0Demuliosh ?..:c~: l q !I ____::.,co . '·· .. ~ , .~; . : .. ' ... ' . .. .. ' ~ '· I '!'I . ___,.....,. ~ ·-· t.. .. ,..... ·.{; ,. I I' . - BING PERMIT INSTRUCTION: USE TYPEWRITER OR BALL POINT PEN, PRESS FIRMLY, BE SURE ALL C8PIES ARE LEGIBLE.,... NO ERASURES PERMITTED. A 0 UBLE FEE WILL Be. ~-· 1".-'i CITY OF GARDEN GROVE CHARGED IF WORK IS STARTED BEFORE PERMIT ISSUED. 537-4200 For to Fill in IS Permit No. PERMIT FEES TYrE Of FIXTURE 01 ITEM EACH Water Closet (Toilet) ~th I $ $1.50 Blk. No. 1.51) Tub Shower 1.50 Lavatory ('Nash Rasin} 1.50 Kitchen Sink 1.50 Garbage Disposal 1.50 Laundry Tub or Tray 1.50 Water Heater 1.50 Slop Sink 1.50 Plumbing Contra::_~AfL}a_L1/ Contractor'~ Add~ess<;,~ f?];:_j£]?}/'- r Llt..JiJFJ:ll'' Ld.." v~~v::Z. City Lie. No. .50 1.50 1.50 1.50 1.50 Drinking Fountain 1.50 l.50 Gas $ystem - Ou11ets 5.00 9) 2.00 __/ --------- PERMIT .•. PLU-MBING ... .- ;,;,·. C1TY OF GARDEN GROVE PERMIT FEES .... I - INSTRUCTION: USE TYPEWRITER OR BALL POINT PEN, PRESS FIRMLY, BE SURE ALL COPIES ARE LEGIBLE, NO ERASURES PERMITTED. A DOUBLE FEE WILL BE ... '" -·· . I -TYPE OF FIXTUIIE 01 ITEM fiAC:H Water Closet (Toi!et) For " -•• Bath Tub 1.50 Shower 1.50 lavatory (Wash Basin) 1.50 Kitchen Sink 1.50 Garbage Disposal 1.50 Laundry Tub or Tray 1.50 Water Heater 1.50 Floor Sink ·-·--·---- 1.50 Dish Washar 1.50 Drinking Fountain 1,50 Urinal 1.50 Gas System - Outlets 1.50 House Sewer 5.00 j'Single Dwelling) lawn Sprinklers J.., - NewBidg. -~ ---- -----~-- . --y. /f>t -f'' "7 ?y; ._t::_Q__J::_/_.,//J.·· - .:$/?9'-'- 3 _~i~-~~---~~: ---------~------- --~ ---------··- -------- ----- Old Bldg. -- 0 - --:;~:L 2-7-78 -----n-674tJ*·~:·-i; ~~~·[:H-.Ou Validation I hotreby - th~t-1 have re~d ·Ibis opplicatlon • .;d state- that 1he above is com1<t ond l!iJree to comply with ell ordinances and Stale Ia~ regulating plvmbiRSI. I 15""o I hereby cettify tho! I om properly registered witn and/or ll<ens<>d ~• requirwd by the City of G•rden Grove anti/or Siale of California, <:>r tho! I am th• kgal owner c;f the •hove described property, and I certify that in tha fo:rfwm•nce of the work fo.- which lhls permit is i•suecl I •hall nol ..,p oy •nf; penon In vloletion ·of th• worr.man's cc>:np.-nsetlon I&Wl! of fflli Stah! of Co ifomla. Signature of Permittee )"1'1.C.. .,_ \ • 6?G?-c~ '-.J Add.-- .............. j Swimming Pool Piping 1.50 GROUND Pl.UMBING Sand Traps 1.50 .... . "'"''"'" DATI -~ SOIL PIPING Only --. ----- ----- Plumbing Contrac:to•__ ~)l.j' _/[/.:;.~::};7_,(_ __ 2.00 ' - Phone 33?- 9_?/ Use of Bldg. l$-o Blk. No. ---------- ----- -- Contra~\Jr s At1ar~~_y~P98L t>/;:__1) r 1------ I ------- f< LliJ/1:.~ l?_ __ - 1.50 -- f-----· 1.50 I 'Floor Drain '' --------~- Owner's Address --- - ,-· Tract No. --- I l,s-t> ~~~1 F-lJC I ~0 Lot No. Owner IS Permit No. to Fill in ~~~ress /3 ~ 7 2 FEE $ $1.50 Slop Sink I CHARGED IF WORK IS STARTED BEFORE PERMiT ISSUED. 537...4200 f ~ 2e.~//J !-:;_;. 'Jt.J ·~~~>/ . e.,.;~ ROUGH ,DJIIURit.Jr.:. ---- GAS PIPING Automatic Washing Mach. --Water Softeners 1.50 Backwash - Trap 1.50 Water Lateral 1.50 Backflow Protective Devices 2.00 ------····--- GAS VENT 1.50 --·---------·--- SEPTIC TANK or Cesspeol SEWfR GAS TEST MAIN DRAIN AND VACUUM LINES WATER HEATER BACKWASH ' ••nc• ,pf. Permit .; .TOTAL FEE 2 '' :·'. ,r.rmtf .. .._ • .. ly .. . }i.~ $ ' 00 ll lao ~·te z~ ·2.7-1o ~:Lo~(/i· ·. ·. '·' ,~, ,;.,:'··~lib·,:·;.",,··.·.·.. y; , .:L :~ • .; •. WATfR LATERAL .... flNAl ' ·UTILITY CO •.rtu uru:u ;:.;.·.·,t:1u!:. ,· - '', ./• 1 l? t..--3 ~~I) 1-C·{~:./ ka ~.:z , . ~'J. p£ ~• ,·,,' ldg •.~•rt it;: ,1,' ,, ,:;' ' ~(;'.1'5~ ' . '~·"""'···' ... \ !.'. ~._· -· ... -:.:. ~ ~ ~ . BUlLDlN_G .P.ERMIT . -- DEPARTMENT Of BUilDING & SAFETY. GARDEN GP.OVE "FIRE ZONE .. ~- USc ZONE E OCCUPANCY 0 4--· ·11EMAR!::S -- ... PH. 537-4200 .s=:r tl 0 SETBACKS EAVE PROJ. l I LEFT I I I I RIGHT E PARK. SPACES REQUIRED II EAR ~- ........ Parcel Mop fi.IW .1 I I Dedi~ation ! i lk'1ds Provided Water Bond Water Assmt. Fee · ltmdSCGJ)e Bond DESCRIBE WORK TO BE DONE OATE FlOOR AREA (SQ. FT.) ('"~ (- -?1 .. and Location r ~-!- q:_J cl '---~- Reinforcing ---4lo:::::;-- ""-. be· RoofShtg. Rough Frame """ !;:-.. lath or Drywall --- I Utility Release WIRING, FLUMB., HEAT., ETC. ~- Plan Check $ $ •' L/ .j,.- P~mit Authorized By ·lktg. folf)tiictor ,··J · ki.:.······' : •.,_.. . ' $ ~OD FEES Building ~f) Permit ~ Expiration ... .Date.. e~ k~ -.:~i~~ ..,) -:.·, ....-:~.) .r~~~ ·;.::·,7 ~.~ '~.---.-: ~ ;··--.T.:-~.j .r~r ---··--------~- 1 Ll NO. OF DWElliNG , UNITS r¥6: .J:.\ J~ · ~-v~! ~ J .. ~Authorized Agent "'"'\(:.~or I ( OWNER-BUILDER SIGN BELOW I certify that I am eYempt from the provisions of Ch. 9, Div. 3, B and P. Code (Contractor's Lcense low) because (check one): '-~_/:;.=fJ ii.!- ·r·-·--;C. I . I VALUATION NOTE: INCLUDE LABOR, MAT. (. c 1!.._1 am the owner of the above property and will I . 0£ ~Jk "Zi Final ~(..C) --1- f O!J -~ REPAIR Q DEII'oOliSH JNO. OF . STORIES con;;:~ctor -- I' Other ,., r_~~c-.Fil:::::::: AlTER.1>(_ :! ~effect. ~ J ' lclu:.r:,V~- I ti? _. I.:;,.-:-?c;. Plas. Brown Ct. Bond j (· BlDG. U!;C I certify ~hot I hove re:::d this opphcalion and state that the above informotion is correct. I ogreo tv comply to all C:ty Ordinances or.d Sto'e laws relating to building CO•'strvction. I .:certify that in the perfo,---,10nce of the above work I sholl not employ an)' person in violation of the Lobor Code of California relating to Workmen's Compensation I nsl..lrance. I further agree to hold the City of Garden Grove i•·ee and harmless from any liability orising out of ir.iury or bodily domoge resulting from worr performed relevant to this p•rmit. CONTRACTORS SIGN BELOW I -o>rtify that I om a licen$ed contractor and thot my l;ce"nse~t force · INSPECTOR I Zip No. . ~ '··· EA. t2- :r- I - ::uJ-.U~ ____________ i PtiOPOSED ) l ADD'N r; NEW Q INSPECTION RECORD APPROVAL ~N~.-ei:.!-J.o. ~~4 City .... 7"7 _-,.., Validation Remarks Fcund.Jtion 9i'V1e ·L.l~!-J'"\ -~~ j ~J __j _ i I k,; + nss -~~4 UE ZiF No. t 1 Stale Lie. No. , TeL No..:..:::::Ow:Hl-4-".Z.. Zip No. City ---· -6~.) I .0 j- ~I I Porkwov Tree ft>e \CJ cO l i I Fire Hvdrant F.F. Fee Mailin~t,7dres~ l ll l 'h{3 No.\ 1 Moiling Address PRESENT BLDG. ! f\ I ., "Tt--I I Street Bond •. .. .e -~ A Jl'Y'rl~~g___ ' \ \ ----·· I I ~-{ lt.!ctor~oV~ ~ l¥'.1 if~~ PUBLIC WORKS - 1:2 ;.Y1 \A/_.(" 'D.elli:.]QO~ Fcf{,rch. ngr. iJ?I~ j I Tmct No. \Clboo Date 7/31/?c Jtj_.£4it.£( -; 7 1 ~emarks :(.f)N{), 1tz ' C 1.:. ?£:..2: ;./..K· p_ Req"d \~b~lc Mai'ljng Address \).... ·zoning Approved ~y Amount "r 1 J..(" \- Lot No. PLANNING FRONT IPerm~ttJ OOf Job Address, CCC. LOAD L . A n J. 5 t!.• L.I p '()8- ?c PlANN!NG ACTION J.L_ ~-'1../TYPE ~ INST;.;>JCTION: Fill IN AREA WITHIN HEAVY tiNES USE TYPEWRITER OR BA!.L POINT ?EN. PRESS FIRMLY. BE SURE A>.t COPIES AI!E lEGIBtE, NO ERASURES PERMITTED. A DOUBLE ffE WILL SE CHARGED If WORK IS S'rARTED BEFORE !'ERMIT IS ISSUED. ' I I 0 I am the owner of the above property and will employ persons to perform the above wa1k with wages as their sole compensal•on. I will furn'sh insurance for my employees as required by the tobor Code of Colifornta. ··-~ ~ --- - $~ ., j .. 0 pers.:>noll·f pe,form lhe above work. I om the owner of the above property and I will contract to hove oil of the above work perfmmed by licensed contractors. !!y -Owner's Sign'llure Auiborized Agent Do'o If work ls nat started within 60 days from dote of issue or if obondoned for more than 120 days, thia permit will be null and void. e>--t> ..-- RElOCATION !'RESENT BlDG. o;e. .i1·y~,_~:D:: !~!?~~.::;~ . ., -~ Abti~ESS ' ' . . ,.. ----· ' ADDRESS ' !, 1,-,., . •. '·, .::~sTATE ' , · " ·". ' ' ' '·. . I,", [iJ 0' 714 P Street 515 v~.; Ness San F;o,,ciseo, CA 94102 0 . ' or ,c·AuroANtA :STATE' FIR:EMA~SHAL' Avenue S!lcra~)flnto, lOi' Sou!h Brcad•,n:Jy Las tlngel~s. CA 90012 CA 95814 CERl'IFICATE OIF COMPLETI10N NEW CLOTHES CLEANING ESTABLISHMENT SBDC Lie. No. . . .• • . has completed the· installa,tion of a do'tlles cleaning establishment as p1er approved plans and/or permit dated . Jlr · • •• and the arrangement of machine1:y, equipment and devices is in. accordance with Chapter 2, Part 2, Division 12 of the HeaH.h and Safety Code, and Chapter l, Title 19, California Adniinistrative Code. 10, lltOJ ,. ' ' ,. \' I •• ' ·,·.· 'I • Thisestablishment .shali Qe maintained fu.Uy in accordance with the provisions of the docume..'1ts ·. set fotth above; togethe~ with all other applical;)le state, county, or local law~ and ordinances. No .· changM or additions codstruction or equipment shall be undertaken ·.vithout the express approval in of the State Fire Marshal •. : ···.,, . NOTE: . · ' . '. · · ' to and Purstlant the ,proVisions of the Business >professions Code; a state license for ()peration, together :with a "n~w esta~lishment" fee may be required by the State Board Dry. Cleaners. S~e enclose({, no tic~· fr~ni ~e.Sta~e BAArd of Dry Cleimers (FM-1). · of ~:--·;_,.~·-. !-. ~';·;··· '"·,' l'; ., -,~· '.','' '" . -· . . ·· .·.:-·~:1:';•·::-.: ...... ;-_: " ... ,,., ... ~ ; ALBER'r E.. ~OLE .·State Fir~ Mar~hal .,. ...... By ~ . ............. . ...-=... I • ~ .... ! t..A,II.~ ··-····· FORM C~-3 . Rev. 12-69, . J: ~·. • ..... ' . Senior Deputy· ,.. ..• : F' -. * BUILDING PERMIT QTY OF GARDEN GROVE D81Mcp.Mnt Services Department Inspection Requests Gen~ral Information 638-6771 €38-6661 For Applicant 10 Filltn INSPECTION RECORD ----- --------r APPROVAL ·~~\ ,rs'··o &-o,' t; -----1 -~ ,:__-_;(:' p ~- ;::~J$<:.,.- 1 c:... 14; -- c ·1-~-- . 0::) ;! _ _ _ _ , _ ,r, . __ - __:_ ___ -.:.._·~i.-'. L"'f"'"''~""" H.;tO'lG' !______ -,. 7 ~ b . J .·7 r_. . . . -.., • lu £'-'?R -:x~-!-1U'c,r •.,._C.. ~(-_t:"-.. -~ 1!.4fL'~,.._, ,\_:".i:;;~ ._<. • • :c~ .:~:!~7:A ?-~6~~7 & Electric Box 2865 . k· At--~· WORKER'SCOMPENSATIO REQUIREMENTS L....;', 1=-··..,;_ ~ ---- ,..... • r ;;-":~- ·:~':'""761643 - 86 _>.. .. ·!1 .£1-<..<J) 1 • ..::.;:: - - - - - - w ~;,~~;:~~ :;;:::~~-~~~{;;~~;;r;_~-~-~-~;!;j:·;~: ::·r-~~·;;r·t~:~::~;;··=~ ... ,.. , ... . r-~aff:~-.~~~~~~~~~~~: ~t~,.:~ ;~~'::·.,_a .:-..._.~ ·-. . -...: ·.. ••· ...,cc ·.... _•• '!:'5 :-·.-:... t.:~ ...·', ..... _ ·~· C G:;=;~'::~-~~-:;_: ·:::::r:.,.::..,,;_• i ::--·:··.'};:;,to,•::_t;; -· -:..=-.."f: -:~ ....-:?"? · -, ,., :• :-:,..··_:~\- • · ·· • ,.. ,. ., ~ -~ ~- .... ':> _________ 47_~371 ____ r k ,- j...._ ••~·" ·~· '-'\\.:/-~\::: i""?'. ~··:. , .::.:=- ._... \ ...'-~ . :, ~ . . -~ .. r:. ~ -rI'V.l-;~ "'-S:.T__________ J::::.':'.:.""'l:-:1<-:..:::. [:£ < .:::;s::_ w ~ ...., ~-~- :v ~.E \C ~~~ ~T \ t--~. f,::.A..-,.JE~ ~/ E~i-:-:. ·""lcf·,T ( P/4/87 E" . . • . . n~' .~.r~-:-- ,--,_;! C'~ r.C :; _ ;~--, . A~D A r'(:~ ~Tl c.:·~.... A L ~~1:./~~~,A- (~7 ~ · ... ,l ..l . •t-.• ACEC.. 1.v/ I~,\.,..Jr·. ... ,,,_.,. :...·•1• .t 1•• ...._ •- - ·1~: ;:·· •.,... ,. ;"' ~-·· :-~JJG :r-.:-..s .::.:-v:~:.-~~!::n ·:no t:;~,HP ~t·,~t ~:,~? ..::t:o.~= -:':~·-·:.: .. -:: :;.;~p. 1 n-:t"1 ,:::.: C!; _,...:·:G,•;...:;Jl-.:::ts. d'l::! 5:.!~::7 .:!;,:_. •t.::,~ -~·-~ ~ :3.:.--r:.?t: S-G-..'2 '".c:-- :::·-:~~ :::-•~-.:~;i.,~.,? ;:-:,~.s-- ........~7"3".'1 l !'-,__-.. tn.~--~ -.::;:-,'-?~ ~.-.- !ii>:! t ...,c- .~,h ~-4 ':$! 'a_.7 :::2.. ~ ::. 1 ,,_."'"; : ' l. ~....,• ":!2<"";~;;'1? ~c:•SL-.t,,..-: '• 4 ., ~~:o:.¥-: -~-..:~~:....:..;!:_-,.: ~ :-:::: '- Z,Q_l_4 -~- ----;;:;-------- -..--1: . I ; ~ !L, ,.. . (-·1 t TOTIIL _;. ;·' FEES . •-· ~,-~ .,----) ----- ~ ~- ~-: ::.~.-;~;:. 1.;. -~-,. -·-.. 1 :::c:·~~. ·~· •cr a~-7 t:~<-e ~-:~,.; -'r..-r w~s .:)n~y ~''~r 7':/J p - "1t s~ i 1;\_'"!·_f ..l\;. ! , ":_.'-•THA:- -----·--~·- !l'o;•;r£::itT(.-..,,.~;R ···" ,_,,-..c-.zr:J M.r,.,r ,;;:,t .... L'·;I:.~ C;~ ,.:. :11~: ~·~~~1-.'---~·- 1'\,1 J:: ----------------- .. :s:-J".;.J,"!;J"f . ' .:.:::·--[ ,. ~~~A··· '~ ~ . •._; .. ·, ·:: ;.t ~~ ~ RELOCATION ...-,-,--- -r;_,- -~, ::. ,Jf ·-:c. _ c.: .\ ~.-.•, ---.-_._~.-;;; i),_~ 'C-•(·"'nn~ !fClnl &~chur, -_;_ :- ~E£ ;~11::0 ------- s ...... J.._,'-r _.__ ..... l.::~:P ;11< i._"":» ,..- l(>-t:··- ~~~-,~~~;; ;~~~;;s ~ c-J~!fs~~s ..;~:,:~j~~;J~l·;~;-!~~::~.~-,,:.-_.~~;d~ ~--~~ :~-: ---~~;::--,.~~-~ A _____ ;-~·-, T.Ji:.G·..·::=·~. -· ~ ·1-~>' ~-·-. •, ,v-;-r .. .' H ------~-· --~'- • !-'..--s •..,;·::s.•o~.-,ctll"'-·-''i"'::. \ .:-er:...:.; ~...a;: C~fier '- ....,. ~,..,..-= :::.o-•r, -:r-______ .._.,....~::: .;..-:.~ .. ::--:·· JO-f;l,loj"!'"_ ::..'"--~4 ' SlNESS TAX CERTIFICATE INFORMATION . . . ,. ·.• jj' Santa Fe .~ ~4>7 ----- ACC·~.r~~r. i.~L. ·•.: --------___ _j -----'I l _j "· :,a· ".. ·. r· . i . . , i . .J !'11 ·- : ''• f \· \J' "j U.l' ' E.<, ~T r--1 c-. LAU t...,. CY ""7"1---:?-\ I --~ ----1 I '. ',I' '." _I l.. \ ------L'--~--..~~----------..1 I i ' ~ •· !'I . :··· ~ ~ l j ~· II lt·l i'' ··!li .-1 13ulldil'lg I~IIJ.·M;> A~~~~~~'"··•a r>.,nn·11"1' ....1 1 , I Ctlrf.I,'V the H;fotrtv'ltll1h ."\I~H1bf11~ [ 0 fJHlplld~· tH1·I ~.1•'···~' ~\,, • lnspi!CtiOI1 RPquPH' PLUMBIN~ P~~MIT ()/:.~ FEES { Gen·~r.il 63S6n1 1 / lnf,__,, ··•,!'',,(\ C31l 6oG! 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I cert;fv tt,at ·n the per':" ce~a 1vork ~or 1.\ohn:t-· ~-- s ce· -~ · 9 issued. shall not employ ,ny p<'rson n I af"'V rn,;mner ~o a'! ·:) :-e;:- -- i to the V'lcn<er s Comp.en<>ation ta\·~s of c.~l rc-···qa ;\JOTE: 1t. after ~~al( n.g sun ct:•··,· J"tJ, rhe :t:JOI: .)""'' • • ....._ sho.J;,; b~.:,.Jt"lcl 'i;..~'JCCi: :_: t"'e ;,;: t! > ,:_,~,--~ t ... S.!{ • • _, of t...,.15 t:ode. he s~r;'l1ortj"\ vnt', -~·· ,':v .·.•T"" ....., ··.::.•s·_·.-,s · · 3 iOC r h ... ; ,.. • ·•· .l: • ,, ,,,.. ,, •• · • ••· SUbjeCt • 1 rt no" ,. t't' ~t ,1: •• a 'l'o; 1!-~: -! .;_ . ----"--:{.._ "'- .,... tvrrhtH .'H.• ·~~.. __ _ - -- ~--- -- ·-- >. ·~-- .... ____ f:{2t("r,.~ - - - - ~- ---~ t~ ~,. ____________ _.__.. _______ -- .)!"'1-~ f!!"'~·~·t~! 'f u .. ,. :;-.l(! 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