"[{o one wer quite knsws wbat to expect from a first uisit to tbe Florida
"[{o one wer quite knsws wbat to expect from a first uisit to tbe Florida
NED oeLOAC- By Ned Del.oach "[{o one wer quite knswswbat to expect from a first uisit to tbeFlorida springs." his is undersundable be than I causeeach of the more sink L tzo diveable springs. and clearwater rivers found scaneredin the state'snorthem and centralwoodlands is a unique creationwith its own character and captivatingmystique. Their common bond is cool, fresh,clearwater-the singular feature that ses them apart and defines eachas a naturalwonder. The rare water comes from a network of underground rivers that weaves like a web inside Florida's extensivebed of Suwanneelimestone. The hidden rivers are replenished by rainwater that slowly trickles through the porous rock until distilled to perfedion. Only then does it ioin the aquifer-a moving reservoir crystalpure. fr @ oceanRealm cult to describe. The only way to con-prehend their uncommon beautY is : make a personal trek south to Florida . spring country and see them for yourselSuch an exPedition is a simPle m:: ter requiring linle more than basic scur. or snorkeling equipment, a guidebu.. and a flair for adventure. 'Most sprinF. are located in the backwoods, far frc rVendy's Burger and clear TV receptic:It is a great place to get away, unsvii-.: relax and enioy an unspoiled piece -: our earth. A trip through a beautrisouthem hardwood forest is an inexpe:' sive,enjoyablefamilyvacation. There ,:: plenty of activitiesto keep the familv bu:' Sightseeing,camping,swimming, fi sht: a sipbon clearn'i:=: Becauseof their varied sizes, shapes canoeing and tubing down bY all. enjoYed be can nms diffiand settings,springs and sinks are Springsare formed when this groundwater break to the surface through a geological weakness. liVherethis occurs, clear pools form. The overflow is channeled into surface streams, called runs, that wind alonga path of least resistance toward a nearby river. A run's size depends on the amount of water feeding the basin. Some are so large that they are used as navigable waterwzlys. Occasionallythe earth collapsesinto the aquifer, forming slnks These deep openings fill but do not overflow like springs. Instead,the water feeding into the basin channelsback into the ground through a downstream opening, called nfortunately,a widesPread rivers. Such flooding can last for weeks. misconceptionabout sPring It is wise to call aheadbefore planning diving haslingeredforYears. your visit. N{ostspring basinsare 10 to 20 feet l'lmy sport divers and instructors alike vent and taper up to shallow water the at gring diuingwith .:rll confuse the term pool's edge. A few have depths the at asso-'dt'edtu)ing.Accordingly,many still ,i0 to 80 feet, while Forty Fathom from -rrte the spring pools with danger. Ocala plunges to 240 feet. near Grotto the In reality, a sPring basin offers is excellentat all sites. This Snorkeling fresh The .lt-est diving imaginable. to get a firsthandview of way is the best great or n'ater pools have no currents communities that spend fish the active sudden by .lepths and are unaffected hidden near grassbeds their day most of replr.eatherchanges. The undeserved 'rution for danger comes fiom the occa- or under lily pad fields. .ional drownings that occur inside the .avesthat feed the Pools Eachyear a few untrained cavedivers iveable spring sites can be venture into the tunnels, beyond sundivided into firur grouPs: safworld's the iighCs glow. Suddenly, wild springs, commercial perilextremely est diving tums into an and state parks, parks, county diving to fail divers ous situation. The unwary largestnumber The attractions. tourist and a stone by realize the hazard created situwild-not remain pools still forest of escape occurs, ceiling. If an emergency commercially or area in a developed ated retraclng exact is not simply up, but an operated.You simply drive to thesebasins of the route taken during the swim into and do asyou like. There are no rules,no the the the dark chamber, Over Years hassles,and no time schedules;you are tragedies number of such unnecessary on your own. Two key. the is has declined. Education the tave diving training organizations' National SpeleogicalSociety-Cave Diving Section (NSSCDS)and the National Associationof CaveDivers (NACD) work diligently to warn sport divers about the dangersof underwater caves' Their ongoing efforts have been a great service to our sport. Neither group solicits students, but if a diver is determined to explore the caves,both provide proper ffaining. Those open water divers who are not troubled by confined spacesshould feel safe exploring the first cavem room in the larger caves. Stay within sight of the entrance light and there is little danger. leave underwater lights on the surface;this preventsbeing enticed into the tunnel's darkness. Looking out from a cave entranceon a blue, sunlit pool is one of the underwaterworld's most dra' maticvistas.It alone is wonh a trip inside' Diving triPs to the sPrrngscan be planned for anY season ln the warm summer months the cool 72 -8 degree water gives a refreshinglift; in the winter its unfluctuatingtemperaturefeelsq'arm as a bath. However,after periods of prolonged rainfall many spring areas are inundatedbyblackwater from the swollen NED DeLOACH Visionsout of a dream - fisb swimming tbrougb tbeJorest (top) are actually ueryreal Jisb suimming in tbe crystal clear waters at Bream Spring Belou' a diuer peers into Deuil'sEye bcsin at Ginnie Sprtngs Most spring basins are 10 to 20 Jeet deep at tbe uent, tapsring up to sballow water at Pool's edge. RICHARDCOLLINS 6l