31st Annual EAU Congress - European Association of Urology
31st Annual EAU Congress - European Association of Urology
31st Annual EAU Congress 11-15 March, Munich, Germany Announcement of the General Assembly and practical EAU information Table of contents Practical information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 EAU General Assembly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Agenda EAU General Assembly. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Minutes EAU General Assembly, Madrid 2015. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Meet the nominees . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 New Active members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Junior members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Affiliate members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Junior International members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Active International members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Medical Student members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . New Senior members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cancellations. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Deceased members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Proposal Honorary members. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 27 35 36 43 46 47 47 48 48 Current Offices. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 General Assembly - March 2016 3 Practical information Website: Please check out the EAU website at www.uroweb.org EAU Booth: The EAU booth is located at F40 In this booth, special areas are created for: • EAU Membership Registration • Payment of EAU membership dues • Information on all EAU activities • Information on all EAU publications • Young Urologists/Residents Corner (ESRU, YAU and the Training, Education and Career development initiative) • Information on the 32st Annual EAU Congress in London, 24-28 March 2017 • The EAU Gift Shop where you can purchase exclusive EAU souvenirs • Historical Exhibition • Information on the EAU Research Foundation • European Board of Urology • European Urology - Accredited Continuing Medical Education. Publications available: - De Historia Urologiae Europaeae 23 The 23rd volume of the series on the History of European Urology, published by the EAU History Office, is proudly presented at the 31st Annual EAU Congress in Munich. (available free of charge for EAU members attending the congress, also available for purchase) - Forbidden Fruit: Sex, Eroticism, Art by Johan J. Mattelaer Former EAU History Office Chairman Dr. Johan Mattelaer delves into the cultural aspects of urology and sexology once again in this new, attractively illustrated volume. Over the course of thirteen chapters Forbidden Fruit explores the depiction of the human body and eroticism in worldwide art. (available free of charge for EAU members attending the congress, on a first-come, first-served basis) - Medical Treatment of Urological Malignancies; C. Stief, K. Fizazi, C. Evans The results of the 2014 EAU-ICUD International Consultation on the Medical Treatment of Urological Malignancies, held at the 6th European Multidisciplinary Meeting on Urological Cancers (EMUC14) in Lisbon, presented as a fully-updated volume. An comprehensive 600-page single volume with chapters covering the medical treatment of systemic therapy for all common urological cancers (available in digital form on a USB stick, free of charge for EAU members attending the congress) 4 General Assembly - March 2016 - Books from the Classical Library in Urology (available for purchase) •Mariano Santo of Barletta - Golden Booklet on the Extraction of the Bladder Stone by Incision •Julián Guitiérrez de Toledo - Treatment for the Stone and Pain in the Side or Renal Colic • Selected Passages on Urological Surgery - From Hippocrates to the XVI Century • Who was Who in Urology? • Ambroise Paré and Urology • Fabricius Hildanus - Lithotomy of the Bladder • Vincenz Kern - The Stone Problems of the Urinary Bladder and the Bladder Incision - Books from the Art Collection (available for purchase) • From Ornamentation to Mutilation • Classical Writings on Erectile Dysfunction • Sexological and Other Less Logical Stories • Urine. Urination Catherisation Collection, the liquid white gold • Europe – The Cradle of Urology The EAU Guidelines (Extended) (available free of charge for EAU members attending the congress, also available for purchase) EAU Members can order a free copy following the congress - only postage charges of € 22,50 apply for members living in Europe. Postage charges for members living outside of Europe are € 25,00. The EAU Pocket Guidelines (free for EAU members at the JANSSEN PHARMACEITICA booth D44 and available for purchase at the EAU booth F40) General Assembly - March 2016 5 The EAUN Evidence-based Guidelines for Best Practice in Urological Health Care Booklet (All available in PDF, some available in hard copy at eaun@uroweb.org) • • • • • • • • Incontinent Urostomy Continent Urinary Diversion Kontinente Harnableitung (Available for purchase) Transrectal Ultrasound Guided Biopsy of the Prostate Catheterisation Indwelling catheters in adults - Urethral and Suprapubic Catheterisation Urethral intermittent in adults (Available for purchase) Intravesical instillation with Bacillus Calmette-Guérin and mitomycin C in non-muscle invasive bladder cancer (Available for purchase) The Male External Catheter – Update (Available free of charge in Munich while stock lasts) All publications can be purchased online at: http://www.uroweb.org/publications/ 6 General Assembly - March 2016 EAU General Assembly Venue:ICM & Messe Munich, Room Madrid Date: Saturday, 12 March 2016 Time: 07.30-08.30 A.M. The Secretary General of the European Association of Urology convokes all EAU members to attend the General Assembly, which will take place during the 31st Annual Congress of the EAU in Munich in Room Madrid of the ICM & Messe Munich from 07.30–08.30 A.M. The General Assembly is scheduled at a time when everyone can attend. It is indeed essential that all members are present. General Assembly - March 2016 7 Agenda EAU General Assembly Saturday 12 March 2016: 07.30 till 08.30 A.M. Room Madrid 1. Welcome by the EAU Secretary General 2. Approval minutes General Assembly of 21 March 2015, Madrid, Spain 3. General report by the EAU Secretary General, Prof. C. Chapple, Sheffield (UK) 4. Report by the EAU Treasurer, Prof. M. Wirth, Dresden (DE) 5. Specific reports on the EAU Offices by the EAU Executive 6. Approval of the new EAU Office Chairman for the Section Office and History Office 7. Report by the Secretary General on the EAU Membership Office • Approval new EAU members • Approval new Honorary members 8. Other business 9. Announcement of the 32nd Annual EAU Congress in London, 24-28 March 2017 8 General Assembly - March 2016 Minutes EAU General Assembly March 21, 2015, Madrid, Spain 1. Welcome by the Secretary General The Secretary General opened the meeting and welcomed attendees. 2. Approval minutes General Assembly of 12 April 2014, Stockholm, Sweden The minutes of the 2014 General Assembly were approved as a true record of the meeting. 3. General report by the Secretary General, P-A. Abrahamsson On behalf of the EAU Board and Executive, the Secretary General expressed gratitude for an excellent Scientific Congress Programme for the meeting, both to the Scientific Congress Office under the chairmanship of Arnulf Stenzl and the Video Congress Committee under the chairmanship of Aurel Messas. He also thanked all of the office chairs and offices for their input, not only for the scientific programme but also for their work over the last year, and additionally thanked the EAU Staff for their work. Prof. Abrahamsson noted that at the end of the meeting Prof. Chapple, Sheffield (UK) would be introduced as the new Secretary General, and that during the assembly the election of the Adjunct Secretary General responsible for Science would take place. 4. Report by the EAU Treasurer and Audit Committee, M. Wirth The treasurer reported that the costs related to the EAU Offices and other activities totaled € 5.712.720. The revenues were € 4.061.547, leaving the association with a negative result of -/- € 1.651.173. The total costs of the 2014 EAU meetings were € 9.022.127 and the revenues added up to € 14.780.771, resulting in a profit of € 5.758.644. The costs related to the EAU programmes were € 14.734.847 and the total revenues added up to € 18.842.318, leaving a financial result of € 4.107.471. The EAU assets as of 31 December 2014 were € 65.206.102. The statistics showed an increase, however the future cannot be foreseen and interest rates are low which makes it more difficult to make money out of investments; therefore more has been invested in bonds. The Treasurer showed the compilation reports from the different auditors. General Assembly - March 2016 9 The presentation of the Treasurer was concluded by requesting the General Assembly to discharge the EAU Executive Committee and the Executive Management for the policy implemented in the preceding financial year (2014) and this was agreed by the General Assembly. The Treasurer proposed keeping the membership fee unchanged: € 120 per year for Active members. However, from 2016 € 25,- will be charged when ordering the printed version of European Urology Today to cover a part of the postage costs. 5. Specific reports on the EAU Offices by the EAU Executive 5.1Prof. Wirth reports on the Offices related to Communication being: - History Office -Publications History Office The History Office – chaired by Dirk Schultheiss – was making preparations for the “World Congress”, to be held in conjunction with the 31st Annual Congress in Munich, 2016. Additionally, they had organized a Historical Exhibition named “Revolutionizing Urology” and a Thematic Session titled “Hispanic Urological Tales” for the 2015 congress. They had published the 22nd Volume of “De Historia Urologiae Europaeae”. The 2015 congress gift was written by Dr. Mattelaer et al and was titled “30 Milestones in Urology”. Moreover the History Office was continuing to work on the research project “Urology under the Swastika”, and planned to launch the website “The European Museum of Urology” (history.uroweb.org) in 2015. Publications The Editor-in-Chief, James Catto, and the entire editorial team were given credit for helping European Urology become the top ranking Journal in the field of Urology & Nephrology and all general Surgical Journals, with an Impact Factor of 12.480, which is the highest IF according to ISI Thompson. There were over 1 million PDF downloads in 2014, more than 1.5 million visits to the newly updated website, over 7,000 Facebook followers, and over 5,600 followers on Twitter. European Urology also has apps available for iPhone, iPad and Android. Prof. Wirth noted that European Urology now consists of EUFocus, EUPatient and EUSupplements. European Urology Today offers 5 issues per year and is mailed out to members and can be downloaded from Uroweb. Alongside this, EUT offers 3 issues at the Annual EAU Congress. This Congress News edition is produced on-site by the EAU Communication Office. 10 General Assembly - March 2016 With regard to online communication, the EAU website (www.uroweb.org) had been redesigned and contained the latest information on EAU activities such as daily updates, Education Online, CME-accredited education online and the EAU Guidelines. The new website is now also accessible via tablet and smartphone, can be personalized so items of interest can be saved in a personal library, and there is now better integration of news, events and education. The weekly “EAU newsletter” provides updates on all EAU news and announcements in one format. The digital newsletter is provided to all EAU members and affiliates by e-mail. Subscription management is done via Uroweb and all members were urged to contribute to the newsletter by sending their comments and/or suggestions to newsletter@uroweb.org. Urosource is the single largest knowledge base available in the field of urology with over 50,000 items of scientific content. It contains meeting resources, surgical videos, e-courses, Guidelines, articles from European Urology, and has advanced access for members. Prof. Wirth also showed other social media where EAU is active, such as Facebook and Twitter. The Patient Information project had been extended again and now offers 3 new topics: Kidney Cancer, Urinary Incontinence and Prostate Cancer. Erectile Dysfunction and Bladder Cancer are scheduled to be added in 2015. The website is available in 12 languages. This is a multi-stakeholder project with involvement of different national societies, EAUN, EAU Sections and the Young Urologists Office. 5.2With regards to the Offices related to Science, Prof. Artibani reports on: - Scientific Congress Office - Section Office - Regional Office Scientific Congress Office The Scientific Congress Office – chaired by Arnulf Stenzl – received a record number of abstract submissions for 2015; in fact more than 4,000 abstracts were sent. The format of the meeting had not been changed; a few sessions were added this year. Prof. Artibani thanked Arnulf Stenzl and the members of the Scientific Committee for their excellent work. General Assembly - March 2016 11 Abstracts Papers Videos Accepted Berlin 2007 3337 3233 104 33% Milan 2008 3454 3296 158 31% Stockholm 2009 3392 3254 138 32% Barcelona 2010 3788 3599 189 29% Vienna 2011 3779 3607 172 34% Paris 2012 3303 3121 182 36% Milan 2013 4168 3883 285 29,2% Stockholm 2014 4269 3979 290 29,2% Madrid 2015 4260 3968 292 28% Prof. Artibani showed the numbers of the sessions this year in Madrid, and these numbers were more or less the same as compared to previous years. Berlin 2007 Total sessions 88 Oral 20 Poster 60 Video 8 Milan 2008 84 14 62 8 Stockholm 2009 81 12 61 8 Barcelona 2010 86 12 66 8 Vienna 2011 100 92 8 Paris 2012 101 93 8 Milan 2013 100 90 10 Stockholm 2014 102 92 10 Madrid 2015 100 90 10 Section Office The Section Office is chaired by Luis Martinez-Piñeiro and consists of the following Sections: ESAU ESFFU ESGURS ESIU ESOU ESTU ESUI ESUP ESUR ESUT EULIS ERUS (EAU Section of Andrological Urology) (EAU Section of Female and Functional Urology) (EAU Section of Genito-Urinary Reconstructive Surgery) (EAU Section of Infections in Urology) (EAU Section of Oncological Urology) (EAU Section of Transplantation Urology) (EAU Section of Urological Imaging) (EAU Section of Uropathology) (EAU Section of Urological Research) (EAU Section of Uro-Technology) (EAU Section of Urolithiasis) (EAU Robotic Urology Section) It is not likely that the structure of the Sections will change in the near future, but from 2015 all EAU members are given the opportunity to apply as an affiliate of a Section. The Board of the Section will then decide if one can become an associate member of the Section. This decision will be based on pre-determined criteria. 12 General Assembly - March 2016 In 2015 the Sections would be having the following meetings: •Oncology: ESOU, 16-18 of January 2015, München • Stones: EULIS meeting in Alicante (Spain), 3-5 September, 2015 • Robotics - ERUS: 12th Meeting, Bilbao, Spain, 15-18 September, 2015 • Research: ESUR, World Congress 10-12 Sept, Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 2015 Regional Office The Regional Office – under the leadership of Bob Djavan – had been very successful in engaging, organizing and supervising meetings in specific European Regions in order to offer a scientific/clinical/research platform, with an increase of 40% in 2014. In 2014, the office organized the EAU Baltic Meeting, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23-25 May 2014 (251 participants); the 14th Central European Meeting (CEM) in Cracow, Poland, 10-12 October 2014 (281 participants); and the 10th South Eastern Meeting (SEEM), Belgrade, Serbia, 24-26 October 2014 (378 participants). For 2015 the following meetings were planned: the 2nd EAU Baltic Meeting in Riga, Latvia, 29-30 May; the 5th Central European Meeting (CEM), Budapest, Hungary, 2-4 October; and the 11th South Eastern Meeting (SEEM), Antalya, Turkey, 6-8 November. The new format of the meetings had been very well received and this was to be further improved for 2015. Like last year, there was to be a Best Poster session at the EAU congress and Award winners were to be considered as challengers for the Davos meeting. The main change regarding the Regional Office was the Regional Scientific Working Group. This working group has the aim to further professionalize and streamline the process of the composition of the scientific programme and the handling of abstracts. Future activities would involve the further improvement of: • Country competition; • EAU Highlight sessions with SCO • Abstract/Poster and Video Awards; • HOT sessions in laparoscopy, endourology, and robotics with ESUT • Fellowship Coordination with EUSP • ESU courses • YUO sessions • Cooperative research groups • Basic Science project with ESUR • Identification of future leaders and inclusion in EAU activities General Assembly - March 2016 13 As it was his last official opportunity in the post of Adjunct Secretary General, Prof. Artibani wanted to use the occasion to look back at a few activities he was involved in: He was involved in the introduction of the bylaws of the Search and Nomination Committee. This was an important step in assuring the best possible future of the organization, introducing a clear and transparent process by which present and future leaders are selected. The Section Bylaws were established with the help of Astrid Venhorst initially, and with Luis Martinez-Piñeiro. The Sections started as a means to protect borderline areas of our specialty, but became - and are still - the backbone of our organization. Now they are founded in clear regulations regarding activities, positions and budgets. Over the past 3 years ERUS was transformed successfully from an independent society into the EAU Section of Robotic Surgery. This was established with the help of Prof. Mottrie and the Board members of ERUS. During this Annual Meeting in Madrid the EAU Robotic Curriculum was to be officially launched, providing an innovative structure and programme in Robotic Surgery for urologists. Although Live Surgery sessions are the most attended sessions at the Annual Meeting they have been debated and their educational value challenged. They have actually been disbanded by some scientific organizations around the world. The EAU introduced the Live Surgery Endorsement policy with clear regulations, with the main goal of assuring patient safety, and also establishing a prospective database which could provide answers to unanswered questions and provide outcomes with educational value. In 2014 the new concept of the Section and Regional Meetings as Gate Openers was formed for all those who would like to be involved in the EAU Organization and become an Affiliate first and after that potentially a Board Member of a Section, or to be selected during a Regional Meeting. This opened the gate to rise the steps of the ladder of the EAU and to be involved on a higher level within the EAU structure. Finally, another project Prof. Artibani was heavily involved in was the EAU-ICUD E-book on Minimal Invasive Urological Surgery, which was to be presented during this Annual Meeting. The e-book was contributed to by more than 100 experts worldwide. Prof. Artibani thanked the Executive and EAU Management for being able to contribute to the development of the Organization and introduced Prof. F. Montorsi, Milan (I) as his successor. 14 General Assembly - March 2016 5.3Prof. Van Poppel reports on the Offices related to Education being: - Education Office - EU-ACME Office - EUSP Office - Guidelines Office - Young Urologists Office Education Office The Education Office (ESU) – chaired by Joan Palou - had been very active, organizing 15 ESU courses at National Society Meetings in 2014, as well as 3 major ESU Masterclasses. For 2015, the Office had already planned 15 courses at National Societies and several Masterclasses: • ESU-Weill Cornell Masterclass in General Urology, Salzburg (A) • ESU Masterclass on Lasers in Urology, in collaboration with ESUT, Barcelona (ES) • ESU Masterclass on Female and Functional Reconstructive Urology, in collaboration with ESFFU, Berlin (D) During this Annual Congress in Madrid, the ESU was involved in organizing 45 ESU courses and different hands-on-training courses (including new topics such as URS, bipolar TURP, Robotics, Urodynamics, Green Light Laser, Botox, Suturing and Social Media). Additionally the ESU had organized E-BLUS courses and exams, ESU courses at the EAUN meeting, and the Education & Innovation booth. The ESU had also organized the European Urology Forum in Davos (CH); the European Urology Residents Education Programme (EUREP), Prague (CZ); ESU courses at EAU Regional Meetings (EAU Baltic, CEM, SEEM); ESU courses at the EMUC and at EAU Section meetings (ERUS, ESAU); and the ESU-ESO active surveillance collaborative meeting (2014). In China, the ESU organized the Chinese European Urology Education Programme (CEUEP), Beijing (CN); the ESU Residents education programme at CAU (CAUREP); and the ESU-ASU teaching course, Hong Kong (HK). ESU also organized various Hands-On-Trainings and EBlus trainings and exams at different National and International events. There were new plans for EAU Education Online, an EAU Guidelines quiz and Online Courses regarding Overactive Bladder and Prostate Cancer. E-BLUS and E-BRUS was ongoing, European training in Basic Laparoscopic and Robotic Urologic Surgery for residents and urologists, and all courses are CME accredited. There was work in progress regarding a Masterclass on Operative management of BPO and a Masterclass on Operative management of Bladder cancer. Onsite Workshops were being designed, there is an undergraduate curriculum in urology, a curriculum in hands-on training, and finally the European Urology Focus. General Assembly - March 2016 15 EU-ACME Office The EU-ACME Office is chaired by Rien Nijman. As of 2014, there were 17.595 EU-ACME members, and 18 national urological societies had joined as well as 3 international urological societies. Future activities include increasing awareness of the services of the EU-ACME office, promoting the programme amongst national urology associations not yet participating, further promotion of the CME online (Multiple Choice Questions), data exchange between EU-ACME and national CME/CPD databases, disseminating Good Clinical Medical Practices and finally forming an EU-ACME working group to accredit host centres for the Scholarship Programme, together with the EBU. EUSP Office The EUSP Office – led by Vincenzo Mirone – now offers a new a new grant model in collaboration with the EAU Research Foundation. With this grant the EUSP will try to attract young researchers to come to Arnhem (EAU Central Office) for a 3 month period and then afterwards an additional 3 month period in the center linked to the European study coordinator, in order to retrieve data, publications and reports from the extensive database. There will be a maximum budget provided of €15.000. The Short Visit programme allows a visit to prepare for the 1 year Laboratory-Clinical Scholarship, whilst the Clinical Visit can last from 3 weeks up to 3 months. In 2014 the EUSP Office launched a new and updated website making it easier to apply for a scholarship. The website contains a list of host centers from across Europe, specialized in both basic and clinical research. Finally, new guidelines had been developed for evaluating candidates, aligned with the experience, skills and necessities of today’s young European urologists. The main objectives for 2015 were to update the relevance and effectiveness of the Scholarships offered, to update the list of accredited host centres with new criteria in collaboration between the EUSP–EBU–EAU Section Offices. Additionally the Office aimed to further increase awareness of the EUSP and to increase interaction with the YUO, the EUREP and ESU Courses, and the National Societies. Guidelines Office The Guidelines Office is under the guidance of James N’Dow and has installed two new dedicated Committees to support EAU Guidelines Development. The first is the Methods Sub-Committee, Chaired by Prof.Dr. R. Sylvester, and including the Associates Support Group, Chaired by Prof.Dr. T. Knoll. The second is the Dissemination sub-Committee, Chaired by Prof.Dr. C. Llorente. This committee includes the New Media support group, chaired by Prof.Dr. M. Ribal. 16 General Assembly - March 2016 The EAU Guidelines had been updated again this year and have a standardized format that will be further progressed. The different panels achieved a text reduction of 500 pages and blinded peer review was introduced. The Guidelines are also available in a pocket app. In terms of dissemination activities, there has been formal endorsement from the National Urological Societies. So far 26 National Societies have done so and the Guidelines Office would like to increase this number. The Office is also active on social media platforms. In terms of Quality Improvement activities, the Guidelines Office was working on the structured introduction of Systematic Reviews for all topics, the organization of Expert Panel Workshops (1.5 day sessions), and the identification and training of young doctors in systematic review work (3-day sessions, 42 Associates are trained so far). Projects for 2015/2016 consisted of further quality improvement, collaboration with urological associations, partnerships with other guidelines producers, assessment of the impact of the EAU guidelines on urological care, and development of patient friendly versions (lay summaries). Young Urologists Office The YUO – chaired by Michiel Sedelaar, represents the specific educational and training needs of residents and young urologists starting their career. The target groups of the YUO are students, residents (ESRU), young urologists (< 40 years old and/or within 5 years of finishing residency), and young academic urologists (YAU). The YUO has a new up-to-date website and had organized the Residents and Young Urologists Day at the congress in Madrid. The YUO is trying to set up a Leadership Programme for young academic urologists and in addition were working on TEC, a Training, Education and Career development initiative, which is accessible through the social media. Cooperation with the ESRU – the partner of the YUO - was getting more solid and the aim was to have the ESRU incorporated within the EAU and have YUO-ESRU collaboration. ESRU representation in the YUO Board was already very active at this point. How the future collaboration between YUO and ESRU would look was still to be defined, but a new logo in the EAU style had already been designed. General Assembly - March 2016 17 The Young Academic Urologists – chaired by Francesco Sanguedolce – are part of the Young Urologists Office and have 9 working groups covering various diseases: • BPH (Chair: Cosimo de Nunzio) • Urothelial Cancer (Chair: Evanguelos Xylinas) • Endourology & Urolithiasis (Chair: Francesco Sanguedolce) • Men’s Health (Chair: Paolo Verze) • Functional Urology (Chair: Jean-Nicolas Cornu) • Paediatrics (Chair: Selçuk Silay) • Prostate Cancer (Chair: Gianluca Giannarini) • Renal Cell Carcinoma (Chair: Sabine Brookman-May) • Robotics (Chair: Nicolòmaria Buffi) This working group was very active; producing databases, doing analysis, producing high impact publications, was involved in the Sections and has many new applicants. However, not all European Countries were represented and for that reason the group was actively lobbying for new membership. All different chapters and their working groups were congratulated on their work achieved so far. 5.4Prof. Abrahamsson reports on the Offices related to Governance being: - Strategy Planning Office - International Relations Office - Membership Office Strategy Planning Office The Strategy Planning Office – under the guidance of Prof. Didier Jacqmin – aims to increase EAU visibility and to ensure that the EAU is recognized as a key partner for any urology-related activities within a European Union setting. In connection with Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) and the European Commission, a number of important activities were being discussed such as the clinical trial regulations adopted in 2014, the amendments to Data Protection on, for instance, Medical devices legislation IVD and Mobility of Health Care Professionals in the EU. The EAU Guidelines were being promoted to the Commission, EAU members were being placed in the scientific committees of the EU Commission, and finally the EAU was actively taking part in the European Reference Networks (cross border healthcare directive). 18 General Assembly - March 2016 The EAU is a partner of the European Alliance for Personalized Medicine (EAPM) where Prof. Jacqmin is a Board member (Treasurer). The EAU had attended and would attend the following events as part of the ongoing activities of the SPO: • Brussels 9-10 September 2014: Integrating Personalized Medicine into EU strategy (EAPM), 193 participants including 13 MEPs, 10 Commission representatives, 1 for EMA. • Brussels 25 November 2014: ETHEL Symposium EESC. • Brussels 25 February 2015 workshop: Personalized medicine – Towards the goal of prevention and access to treatment for all (EAU participants), 5 MEPs, 1 Commissioner (Phil Hogan). • Brussels 25 November 2015 meeting: Value of diagnostic information in personalized medicine, 39 participants mainly from diagnostics devices companies. There was also participation in different Working groups of the EAPM and these were some of the most important activities: • Big data, Education and training of health care professionals • Early access and better decision making • Research road map for Personalized Medicine • Regulatory affairs task force • Launching of the Oncology Clinical Trial panel (EAPM, EORTC, ESMO, EAU, EANM, EHA) 1.Methodology 2. Validation of molecular diagnostic and imaging technologies 3. Clinical Trial framework 4. Patient protection International Relations Office The Chair of the International Relations Office – Prof. Christopher Chapple – emphasized that our core business is in Europe and in order to further develop our close collaboration with European national societies, a network of EAU Liaisons had been established by European national societies. The Office had continued to strengthen its collaborative links with countries beyond Europe. Exchange programmes have been held with Canada, USA, China, Japan and Australia & New Zealand. As in previous years, the EAU had contributed to meetings of the National Societies both in and outside Europe by giving lectures, organizing joint scientific sessions, promoting and supporting exchange programmes and establishing membership contracts. Together with the SIU and the AUA, the EAU had initiated a philanthropic mission in Africa and planned to continue to develop that further under the umbrella of the EAU. General Assembly - March 2016 19 As in previous years there were joint sessions during the ‘Urology Beyond Europe’ programme with: • Caucasus / Central Asia • Arab Association of Urology (AAU) • Confederación Americana de Urología (CAU) • Federation of ASEAN Urological Associations (FAUA) • Iranian Urological Association (IUA) • Japanese Urological Association (JUA) • Korean Urological Association (KUA) • Maghreb Union Countries • Pan-African Urological Surgeons’ Association (PAUSA) • Société Internationale d’Urologie (SIU) • Urological Society of India (USI) • World Chinese Urologists 6. Approval of the election of EAU Adjunct Secretary General Science, Prof. F. Montorsi, Milan (I) The Search & Nomination Committee had nominated one person as mentioned in the GA Booklet (this information was - according to the Bylaws - also provided to the EAU members before the meeting). With a majority of votes the General Assembly approved the election of the Adjunct Secretary General for Science: Prof. F. Montorsi from Milan, Italy. 7. Report by the Secretary General on the EAU Membership & Nomination Office Membership Office The Membership Office, chaired by Igor Korneyev, presented the following numbers on EAU memberships: Active7697 Junior3525 Active International 2677 Junior International 532 Affiliated414 Senior685 Honorary64 Total EAU members February 2015: 15.594 20 General Assembly - March 2016 The General Assembly took a minute of silence for the deceased members. Czech Republic: Hanus, Miroslav Germany: Ackermann, Rolf Murtz, Gerd Greece: Lampanaris, Panagiotis Ireland: Fitzpatrick, John Italy: Bono, Aldo Vittorio The Netherlands: Krol, Evert Russia: Shangichev, Alexander South-Africa: Heyns, Chris Spain: Sole-Balcells, Francisco Xavier United Kingdom: Nilay, Patel Thomas, Kevin James Uruguay: Cepellini, Raul Approval of new EAU members With a show of hands the GA approved the new EAU members as mentioned in the booklet. Approval of new Honorary members With a show of hands the GA approved the new Honorary members as mentioned in the booklet. The new Honorary members were Ladislav Jarolim from the Czech Republic, Keong Tatt Foo from Singapore and Gopal Badlani from the United States of America. Approval of new membership category for medical students With a show of hands the GA approved the new EAU membership category for medical students. 8. Other business Presentation by Peter Mulders on the EAU Research Foundation The EAU Research Foundation is the place where clinical science and laboratory science meet in an attempt to create an efficient and innovative trial design that will automatically lead to better trial management. The EAU Research Foundation was working in a number of sub-committees. General Assembly - March 2016 21 The Clinical Studies Committee performs urology trials in Europe with significant impact. Running Projects were: 1) ZEUS. Reported at the annual EAU Congress in Milan, 2013. An article with the final analysis had been published in European Urology in March 2015. Further analyses of the ZEUS database will probably be extended by a young academic urologist and/or a EUSP Fellowship. 2) MAGNOLIA. Study recruitment stopped because of the clinical development of the MAGE-A3 vaccin and was terminated by GSK Biologicals. Patients continue active study treatment. 3) NIMBUS, NMIBC reduced frequency of BCG instillations: this was recruiting in Germany and the Netherlands and would be starting up in the UK and Spain. New Proposed Projects were: 4) MDV3100 in PSA recurrence after local therapy PCA 5) Anti-PDL1 antibody in bladder cancer 6) Tasquinimod in CRPC A new investigator-initiated non-oncology trial was needed and was under evaluation. The Registry committee initiates relevant registries in all urology disease areas that will have an impact on treatment decisions. Running Projects were: 1) EVOLUTION. BPH-GSK: over 2000 patients included; registry report available, publications pending (YAU, EUSP); abstracts presented SIU, ICS 2014 and AUA 2015. 2) EASE. European Active Surveillance of Small (<4 cm) RCC 3) GPIU. UTI nosocomial infections and urosepsis registry 4) SERPENS. UTI-Cubist/Merck: (Epidemiology and outcomes of Gram negative urosepsis) New Projects were: 1) ECLIPSE. Focal therapy PCa- prospective registry 2) ESFFU-EAU RF European AUS/Sling registry The Basic Science Committee promotes translational research for urologists from bench to bedside. The database for urology translational research centres contains 23 European urology basic research centres. The Basic Science Committee grant application for a 3 year career development post-doctoral position in Urological Research for PhD was successful for the third year. The Committee was working actively in collaboration with the clinical trials division on projects and side studies. Side studies were the markers in MIBC, NMIBC, RCC and CRPC. 22 General Assembly - March 2016 The use of a validated database management system at the EAU central office (XClinical®) would be an opportunity to implement the registries and to expand investigator-initiated oncology and non-oncology urology clinical trials and registries. The Research Foundation interacts with patient communities (e.g. EUROPA UOMO) and the European Union but the aim is to intensify basic research interaction with urology. Communication with the Research Foundation can easily be done via the updated website that also contains the projects and publications. Introduction by Prof. Abrahamsson of Prof. Chapple as the new EAU Secretary General Prof. Abrahamsson introduced Prof. Chapple to the General Assembly as the new EAU Secretary General. Prof. Chapple thanked Prof. Abrahamsson for his commitment and enthusiasm over the years. 9. Future Congresses: The next congress will be the 31st EAU Annual Congress in Munich from 11-15 March 2016 The Secretary General gave a heartfelt thanks to the Chairs for their time, enthusiasm and dedication to the EAU. The Secretary General welcomed all to Munich for the 31st EAU Congress, 11 – 15 March 2016. The Secretary General closed the General Assembly. Please send all questions, remarks, suggestions, proposals, etc. directly to the Secretary General of the EAU: Mr. E.N. Van Kleffensstraat 5 6842 CV ARNHEM The Netherlands T +31 (0)26 389 0680 F +31 (0)26 389 0674 E c.chapple@uroweb.org General Assembly - March 2016 23 Meet the nominees For the position of Chairman of the EAU Section Office Prof. Jens Rassweiler, Heilbronn (DE) Jens Rassweiler has worked in senior positions within the EAU for several years. Since 2007, he was Chairman of the EAU Section of Uro-Technology (ESUT), the former society he helped found in 1999. From 2000-2010 Rassweiler was a Board member of the European School of Urology, and since 2013 he has been a prominent voice on the EAU’s Committee for Live Surgery. Prof. Rassweiler is also a consulting editor for European Urology and the 2013 winner of the EAU Hans Marberger Award. In 1992, Prof. Rassweiler was the first German surgeon to perform laparoscopic nephrectomy. He has been head of the Department of Urology and Paediatric Urology at the SLK Kliniken Heilbronn, University of Heidelberg since 1994. He has several (honorary) memberships of prominent national and international medical societies and is a leader in the field of laparoscopic surgery. The EAU Search & Nomination Committee believes his experience as a Section Chairman and his stature in the field makes him the best possible candidate for this position on the EAU Board. For the position of Chairman of the EAU History Office Prof. Philip E.V. Van Kerrebroeck, Maastricht (NL) Philip Van Kerrebroeck has been a regular contributor to the activities of the EAU History Office by giving lectures and presenting posters at EAU meetings. He has also contributed to several of its publications. He became a member of the office when Dr. Mattelaer formally stepped down in 2013. That year, Van Kerrebroeck also hosted the History Office Fall Meeting in Antwerp, designing a scientific programme with broad appeal. Van Kerrebroeck was a coordinator of the EAU-EBU East-West programme (1990-1996) and board member of the European School of Urology (1996-2004). He has frequently presented during the scientific programme of the EAU annual meeting and is a reviewer for European Urology. Philip Van Kerrebroeck has been a Professor of Urology at Maastricht University since 1996, having previously worked in the department of Urology in Nijmegen with Frans Debruyne, after receiving most of his education in his native Belgium and the US. He is former Chairman of the department of Urology Department at Maastricht UMC+ (1996-2013), and continues to work there as a full time clinical urologist. He has a specific interest in Functional Urology and Neuro-Urology, was the first Chairman of the European Society for Female Urology, and published over 300 peer-reviewed articles. He has a strong passion for the history of Urology, and published five books in that field. 24 General Assembly - March 2016 New Active members till 2 February 2016 Austria Akkad, Thomas Samir Hauer, Werner Karwandgar, Matiullah Sedlmayer, Felix Belarus Buldyk, Yury Bosnia and Herzegovina Supic, Aleksandar Bulgaria Idris, Abdulhasib Musbah Kanchev, Stanko Stoev, Ventsislav Croatia De Both, Tomislav Popovic, Alek Cyprus Philippou, Prodromos Denmark Gauger, Pia Mindaugas, Ziukas Topcu, Sükrü Oguzkan Estonia Mjazina, Tatjana France Almeras, Christophe Ariane, Mehdi Mokhtar Mourey, Eric Tligui, Mohamed Georgia Alexandre Khuskivadze, Alexandre Germany Akbarov, Ilgar Burger, Rainer Decker, Michael Hassler, Andreas Khalfallah, Ibrahim Mendjeritski, Alexandre Mihalache, Ioan George Novotny, Vladimir Petry, Achim Sokolowsky, Lars Stanoi, Alin Vesa, Nikolaus Werner, Thorsten Yaghchi, Riman Greece Moiragias, Christos Raptidis, Grigorios Stavropoulos, Marios Zavradinos, Dimitrios Hungary Brousil, Ervin Fabos, Zoltan Kardos, Robert Kazmer, Tibor Seres, Zoltán Sukosd, Farkas Szigeti, András Imre Szijjarto, Ferenc Ireland Al Belushi, Amna Al Hallage, Wael Floyd, Michael Israel Burbara, Yousef Elias, Ibrahim Gershbaum, Meyer David Gilad, Ron Hidas, Guy Holland, Ronen Keller, Thomas Kessler, Oded Khukhim, Michael Kotcherov, Stanisvlav Lindner, Uri Manes, Aaron Murad, Asali Ofer, Yaron Sabler, Itay Marat Shoval, Yishai Sternberg, Itay Yusim, Igor Italy Al Rawashdah, Samer Fathi Abdelkareem Berdondini, Paulo Castagnetti, Marco De Stefanis, Paolo Giuseppe Filocmo, Maria Teresa Militello, Andrea Nole, Franco Pacifico, Carmen Giuseppe Rosini, Roberto Tomaselli, Vincenzo Claudio Trippitelli, Ricardo Valerio, Salvatore Kazakhstan Umbetov, Renat General Assembly - March 2016 25 Macedonia Dalipi, Arsim Moldova Tanase, Dorin Norway Hoye, Ingrid Hunderi, Leif Arne Poland Kalwas, Paweł Krawczynski, Michal Ledniowski, Grzegorz Marek, Zawadzki Piwonski, Maciej Purpurowicz, Zbigniew Puszynski, Michał Portugal Paulo, Rosa Pereira, António Luis Martinho Matos Romania Botond, Nagy Maxim, Radu Aurel Miron, Ariton Oana Andreea Munteanu, Vlad Cristian Muresanu, Horia Mustafa, Hamza Fathalla Pitik, George Pop, Dan Alin Rosoga, Dan-Gabriel Russia Antokhi, Vadim Butnaru, Denis Cherepanov, Denis Chernysheva, Daria Firdoivs, Ashurov Kapsargin, Fedor 26 Khan, Umar Hayat Kolmakov, Anton Kychakov, Alexander Lukashov, Oleg Mirzaev, Elnur Nazarov, Evgeny Nesterovich, Stanislav Novikov, Alexey Pomeshkin, Evgeny Ponomarev, Alexey Roslik, Sergey Shmelkov, Ilya Shneiderman, Grigoriy Tedeev, Rustam Vasilevskiy, Rodion Vishnevskaia, Vera Vodolazov, Igor Slovakia Hoštáková, Denisa Spain Alonso-Gregorio, Sergio Avargues, Ana Budía Alba, Alberto Caballero Romeu, Juan Pablo Cabrera Meiras, Fernando Casuscelli, Marcello Cepeda, Marcos Conde-Sanchez, JoseManuel Diez Razquin, Maria Elena Esquena, Salvador Falcon Barroso, Javier Garde García, Hector Hernández Escobar, Sandra Leibar, Asier Lloret Gimenez, Bartolome López León, Víctor Manuel Martín Osés, Eduardo Ocon, Elisa Quicios, Cristina General Assembly - March 2016 Regueiro Lopez, Juan Carlos Rodriguez Antolín, Alfredo Sanz Sacristan, Fransisco Javier Sweden Edström, Nils Elzanaty, Saad Folkestad, Bengt Haendler, Leif Switzerland Keller, Isabelle Sonja Kwiatkowski, Maciej Monni, Fabio Prause, Lukas Richter-Wenkel, Maud Thoms, Andreas Michael Turkey Acar, Oguz Gulerce, HüseyinZeki Ozkaya, Fatih Ozsoy, Emrah Yüksel, Mustafa Ukraine Golovko, Sergii Ilyuk, Iryna Sabadash, Maxim Shchukin, Dmytro United Kingdom Afzal, Naveed Akulin, Sergei Corr, John Elbatta, Mishal Gallagher, William Ghiblawi, Salaheddin Gupta, Mukesh Chandra Henderson, James Mahmalji, Wasim Manolidis, Theodoros Nettleton, Jeremy Rahman, Syed Shields, William Suresh, Kothandaraman Thangavelu, Mohanarangam Uzbekistan Safaev, Yodgorbek New Junior Members till 2 February 2016 Albania Recica, Fisnik Armenia Chakhoyan, Azat Kocharyan, Artur Simonyan, Araik Austria Augustovic, Peter Duba, Catharine Eredics, Klaus Faber, Mike Fischer, Florian Foggensteiner, Josef Gattringer, Sabine Grahovac, Ivana Gschliesser, Tanja Günther, Lara Franziska Hauser, Verena Hölzel, Rudolf Kolroser, Georg Korn, Stephan Marcus Leitner, Stephan Maddaluno, Davide Mahne, Nina Marlin, Daniel Müller, Barbara Mutschmann - Sanchez, Sarah Ölsböck, Theresa Rabitsch, Adalet Radon, Cornelia Sailer, Eva Salmhofer, Aigul Schachtner, Jörg Richard Schauer, Stefan Gerhard Schillfahrt, Florian Seles, Maximilian Stolzlechner, Michael Strasser, Christa Trubel, Sophina Wagenhuber, Lisa Azerbaijan Ismayilov, Hikmet Belarus Ewre, Wewe Khilimon, Dzmitry Kornev, Kirill Plotnikov, Philipp Semenov, Sviataslau Belgium De Vrij, Maxine Miranda, Ana Muilwijk, Tim Van Parys, Benjamin Bulgaria Doykov, Mladen Elenkov, Angel Georgiev, Georgi Mladenov, Boris Croatia Grbesa, Katarina Nikles, Sven Šanjek-Muren, Tvrtko Tryfonos, Konstantinos Czech Republic Cipkalova, Milena Gregusova, Alexandra Hruška, František Janakova, Stanislava Koldová, Markéta Novak, Vojtech Pírek, Jirí Pitra, Tomas Plincelnerova, Lenka Prouza, Antonin Stejskal, Jirí Straka, Oliver Študent, Vladimir Studnicna, Lucie Vasquez Soares Coelho Gouveia, Rodrigo Vicenová, Katarína Denmark Albertsen, Signe Aria, Sherida Anvari Catarina Alves, da Silva Djurhuus, Sissal Sigmundsdottir Eichner Christiansen, Frederikke General Assembly - March 2016 27 Hansen, Sabrina Toft Hoffmann, Jasper Lasse Salomon Jensen, Jacob Madsen, Mathias Nielsen , Susanne Picardi, Gartiga Thaya Von Rosen, Ida Erika Wieborg Estonia Koroljova, Jekaterina Mikkal, Märt Okas, Rauno Finland Keskinen, Aaro Kuokkanen, Jukka Kuusinen, Pekka Reunanen, Lauri Sammaltupa, Heli Väätäinen, Hanna France Aider, Tarik Al Balushi, Khalid Alhammadi, Abdalla Annoot, Arthur Atme, Rayan Baron, Maximilien Beurrier, Sarah Bey, Elsa Binhazzaa, Mouath Caillet, Kevin Campagna, Jennifer Chebbi, Ala Delpech, Pierre-Olivier Delporte, Gauthier Demichel, Natacha El Bakri, Adnan Fellmann, Marie Fraisse, Guillaume Freton, Lucas 28 Gautier, Basile Gerbaud, Florian Giwerc, Antholy Jacquet, Romain Jeglinschi, Stefan Khene, Zine-Eddine Labyad, Abdessamad Leroux, Pierre-Adrien Maulaz, Pierre Messaoud, Mohammed Amine Mouton, Martin Nicolas, Marc Pasquier, Damien Pinar, Ugo Poujade, Lucie Regnier, Pierre Renoulleau, Adrien Saintyves , Thibaut Seizilles de Mazancourt, Emilien Tambwe, Ricky Vallee, Maxime Vesval, Quentin Georgia Todua, Davit Germany Abayazied, Moataz Abbara, Nawar Abed, Hussein Abu Libdeh, Khalil Achilles, Susanne Adams, Fabian Akdeniz, Sevim Akti, Cengiz Alalem, Sameh Alawi, Bachar Albert, Felix Alhaj Salem, Ihsan Al-Kailani, Zaid Alnatour, Majdi General Assembly - March 2016 Alnatour, Majdi Anudu, Joseph Arnouk, Kinan Attenberger, Johann Babics, Adrian Baier, Hannah Balzer, Maximillian Bassler, Sven-Olaf Batarseh, Yazan Baumunk, Alexandra Becker, Susanne Belkner, Nadine Berthold, Martin Blanchard, Kristin Blobel, Conrad Block, Svenja Christina Bloedorn, Larysa Bockmann, Anna-Christina Bohlken, Hiltila Brand, Kora Brandt , Piotr Bremer, Johanna Breunig, Carsten Buchler, Annette Buchner, Catharina Casucelli, Jozefina Cebulla, Angelika Chatzigiannis, Christos Christin, Stoica Chu, Kong Fai Cloer, Christian Da Costa, Inês Dahlkamp, Lisa Maria Dalinghoff, Mark De Boer, Matthias Dogan, Serkan Drivas, Dimitrios Eberhard, Ferdinand Edwebi, Elaref Mohamed Bashir Ehrsam, Nadja Eich, Kilian Eichenauer, Till Ekrutt, Jonas Elsässer, Julia Enders, Melanie Enke, Susan Esch, Lukas Fehling, Patrick Fensterle, Michael Fiolitakis, Marios Folkmanis, Kristofs Forke, Adrian Frischemeier, Annika Gangan, Ion Ganzemüller , Julian Gasch , Claudia Gerlach, Thomas Gierse, Andrea Gild, Philipp Globa, Tetiana Gotz, Victoria Grabbert, Markus Grimm, Annaeva Grundl, Sebastian Haas, Christoph Hahn, Oliver Hanschke, Julian Hartinger, Jeremias Henrici, Marcus Hepermann, Linda Janina Herberg, Pilipp Herbort, Markus Hillmer, Andreas Himmler, Maren Hoernecke, Carl Christian Hohberg, Anna Christin Hollwegs, Sebastian Hoppe, Eva Maria Horneff, Anke Horsthemke, Philip Hubich, Sebastian Hupe, Marie Christine Hushi, Elton Iamandi, Bogdan Ickenroth, Barbara Iwanicki, Lukasz Stanislaw Jäger, Jens Janzik, Janne Jigarov, Hamzat Jokisch, Jan-Friedrich Kabaca, Zafer Kabst, Barbara Kaczmarczyk, Nicole Kahlert, Christin Kalogirou, Charis Karthein, Julia Kauffmann, Caroline Kerscher, Friderike Khalili Harbi, Njuscha Khoja, Safwan Kirchhofer, Carolin Klein, Kristopher Thomas Klopfer, Annika Knaus, Andreas Kohl, Martin Kohl, Tobias Konig, Justus Konstanz, Vera Konz, Katharina Kotter, Jana Koul, Rohit Kovelenov, Pavel Krause, Julia Krediet, Jorien Tannette Kremer, Marcel Stephan Krsteski, Rashko Kubel, Esther Kushner, Julien Laaser, Ben Timo Daniel Lantos, Balint Lawinksi, Jakub Leitsmann, Conrad Lenertz, Andrea Lindenau, Wilhelm Lippka, Yannick Lohrmann, Nina Machado, Marlene Mager, René Maher, Safi Mahle, Nasim Majewski, Matthaus Malathon, Daniel Mangold, Georgia Mansour, Josef Marie, Ahmed Marks, Phillip Massouh, Kinan Matalon, Daniel Matani, Muhammed Mehlhose, Mark Meister, Benjamin Mestan, Walburga Meyer, David Meyer, Victoria Mischinger, Johannes Mociran, Miwai-Vlad Mohamad Al Taieb, Al Farkash Moritz , Christina Mowius, Louisa Mulfinger, Philipp Muller, Doreen Müller, Matthias Johannes Nakoff, Constantin Namet, Basel Nawroth, Tim Nieberle, Maria Niedernostheide, Claus Nordheider, Ann-Kathrin Nowak, Holger Nyerges, Julia Obkircher, Heike Olbricht, Tobias Othman, Ali Paffenholz, Pia Pecqueux, Carine Pfaffenholz, Pia Pfisterer, Dana Polotzek, Susanne Pompe, Raisa Popa, Ana-Maria Cristina General Assembly - March 2016 29 Pottmeyer, Julia Prins, Wiebke Prisacari, Alexandru Prues, Sandra Pulsfort, Ann Kathrin Reinbrecht, Christine Renner, Theresa Resch, Julia Rieder, Michaela Rietze, Alexander Ringelspacher, Erich Hermann Rodenbeck, Ann-Kristin Rodina, Bogdan Rolle, Catharina Rosellen, Jens Rosenbaum, Clemens Rosenhammer, Bernd Rothmund, Simone Ruminksi, Lukasz Rusevka, Kristina Sadat- Khonsari, Maryam Sander, Marielouise Sanger, Sarah Laura Sanko, Jury Schaal, Kathrin Schifano, Paola Schindler, Gernot Schlager, Daniel Schlumberger, Gina Schluter, Hinrika Schmidt, Jana Schmitz, Eva-Maria Schnapp, Leonie Schneider, Katrin Schneller, Jonas Schnorrer, Cornelia Schott, Florian Schramm, Frederik Schroter, Ferdinand Schubert, Tina Schulz, Gerald Bastian Schüttfort, Victor 30 Selmayr, Susanne Senger, Pia Shaalan, Mohamed Siegel, Michael Sieger, Nadine Siegers, Julia Siepmann, Stephan Sinthofen, Nina Skowronek, Ronja Spandri, Stefano Stahl, Linda Steinemann, Sarah Stojanoski, Gjoko Storz, Enno Strauss, Joachim Sukhanov, Iurri Tack, Katharina Tanhaeivash, Roozbeh Tehrani, Nawied Thiel, Robert Todea, Iohut Trabert, Leona Traceviciute, Justina Trieschmann, Domenic Ueberdiek, Stefan Umbach, Roland Van der Graaf, Teunette Verkin, Vanessa Vetterlein, Malte Von Hardenberg , Jost Von Landenberg, Nicolas Von Walter, Philipp Wagner, Sabina Weber, Ruth Weisbach, Lars Weiss, Hagen Oliver Westhoff, Niklas Wiemer, Laura Wiens, Kristina Zenker, Christine Zeuch, Vikram Zimmermann, Kristin General Assembly - March 2016 Greece Apostolidis, Ioannis Arif, Halil Belantis, Charalampos Fragkoulis, Charalampos Gatsos, Sotirios Goulimi, Evangelia Kigitzi, Engin Kolvatzis, Merkourios Kotopoulos, Georgios Kypraios, Charalampos Mitsos, Panagiotis Paschalidou, Eleni Triantafyllidis, Georgios Tsavdaris, Dimitrios Venetsanos, Filippos Xouplidis, Kyriakos Hungary Altenni, Mohammed Bata, Anikó Constantinescu, Sebastian Csapó, Judit Fehér, Ádám Miklós Ganyecz, Máté Gáti, Zsolt Hajdú, Erzsébet Halász, Csaba Hüttl, András Juhász, Anett Kenyeres, Balázs Keresztes, Tamás Kertész, László Róbert Kovács, Miklós Kuti, Kinga Andrea Liptay, Péter Magyar, András Mészáros, Máté Mezei, Tünde Molnár, Csaba Artúr Monostori, Zoltán Nyiri, Sándor Ráfi, Tamás Sarlós, Donát Péter Soós, Lilla Szalontai, Ágnes Szauer, Orsolya Tóth, Fruzsina Tóth, Péter Balázs Varga, Dániel Vargha, Judit Vecsei, Anna Zotter, Zsuzsanna Ireland Mac Craith, Eoin Omer, Shawgi Quinn, Michelle Israel Shabataev, Valentin Zu’bi, Fadi Italy Baldesi, Ramona Bianchi, Lorenzo Boeri, Luca Butticè , Salvatore Calandriello, Mattia Castagna, Guila Maria Catellani, Michele Cavallone, Barbara Chiriacò, Giovanni Clementi, Maria Chiara Corongiu, Emanuele Corsi, Paolo Corti, Stefano Dalmasso, Ettore De Angelis, Paolo De Francesco, Piergustavo De Lorenzis, Elisa De Marchi, Davide Dell’Oglio, Paolo Di Gianfrancesco, Luca Di Maida, Fabrizio Falcone, Marco Frizzi, Jacopo Gedeshi, Xhoa Giampaoli, Marco Iannetti, Alessandro Kungulli, Afrovita Lepri, Luca Lombardo, Riccardo Luka, Meri Luperto, Elia Manno, Stefano Mantica, Guglielmo Marchioni, Michele Martorana, Eugenio Marzotta, Lucilla Matera, Matteo Mattevi, Daniele Milanesi, Martina Minaglia, Francesco Mineo Bianchi, Federico Minja, Anila Mittino, Irene Morlacco, Alessandro Muscara, Graziella Panarello, Daniele Pappalardo, Rosa Parmigiani, Alberto Parnanzini, Daniele Proietti, Flavia Quadrini, Francesca Ragonese, Mauro Riccio, Riccardo Righetto, Marialaura Rizzo, Michele Ruffo, Antonio Scafuro, Chiara Scurria, Salvatore Soscia, Gian Luca Zukerman, Ziv Kosovo Elshani, Armend Fejza, Kushtrim Qeli, Nafi Sejdiu, Armir Xhibexhiu, Halil Kyrgyzstan Kurmanbekov, Nurbol Latvia Ribenieks, Kaspars Vlaznevs, Maris Lithuania Astrauskas, Marius Domarkas, Algirdas Gudauskas, Tomas Peciulyte, Greta Žibutis, Aurimas Malta Farrugia, David Moldova Plesacov, Alexei Vladanov, Ivan Montenegro Vukovic, Marko Netherlands, The Buijs, Mara De Bruijn, Roderick De Vries, Allert De Waard, Dorien Gjaltema-Vogelaar, Caroline Hermans, Tom Jairam, Ranjana Rijksen, Dirk Scheltema, Matthijs Ter Haar, Ronald General Assembly - March 2016 31 Valk, Frank Van Der Doelen, Maarten Van Putten, Kim Werdmölder, Freek Zhang, Kai Norway Breuer, Rafael Georg Tenneboe, Hogne Poland Barycki, Daniel Bednarek, Paweł Binek, Bartosz Buras - Pitek, Justyna Chodor, Dominik Chowaniec, Witold Czekaj, Adrian Czeszak, Stanisław Drobot, Rafal B. Gacki, Grzegorz Gierek, Michał Hackemer, Pawel Hessel, Tadeusz Kaczmarek, Krystian Kmita, Maciej Kozikowski, Mieszko Krajewski, Wojciech Krenz, Bartosz Krukowski, Jakub Kupis, Łukasz Kupski, Tomasz Lenartowski, Maciej Lewandowski, Wojciech Majcherczyk, Konrad Malewski, Wojciech Mika, Paweł Olszewski, Michał Ossolinska, Anna Ossolinski, Krzysztof Piszczek, Radosław Salwa, Slawomir Soltys, Krzysztof 32 Stelmach, Pawel Sujecki, Damian Szczypior, Mihał Wagner, Grzegorz Warzecha, Marcin Wasik, Stanisław Portugal Alexandre, Pedro Antunes, Hugo De Sousa Morais, Nuno Dinis Paquim Alfarelos, Joana Eliseu, Miguel Fernandes, Francisco José Lemos Almeida, João Marques Pinto, André Ramos, Sónia Sousa Passos, Pedro Romania Al Jenby, Shihab Allahnoor, Safiollah Andras, Iulia Andresanu, Andrei Balcan, Georgiana Xenia Bencherki, Ali Bloju, Marin Buzlea, Calin David Cealan, Alexandru Cheorpeaca, Bogdan Chirculescu, Mihaela Victoria Ene, Mihai Andrei Gavrila, Dragos Ionut Gavrilita, Maxim Gorun, Gigi Dimitri Grelus, Alin Ioan Guliciuc, Madalin Ianiotescu, Ioan Stelian Iliescu, Armand Ion, Andrei Cristian Ionica, Adrian General Assembly - March 2016 Majbar, Emir Manole, Gheorghe Marc, Vlad Octavian Marcu, Radu Dragos Mihai, Bianca Georgina Moldovan, Maria Veronica Moldoveanu, Oana Nacer, Karim Nedelcu, Diana Cristina Nicola, Alexandru-Theodor Okemba-Ngala, Paula Gracia Parliteanu, Bogdan Gabriel Parlog, Mihai Picu, George Marian Pitea, Alexandru Popa, Stefanita Rosulescu, Corneliu Alexandr Rusu, Christian Sandu, Silviu Sandulescu, Andrei Stefan Silvestru, Victor Simon, Vasile Spiridonescu, Bogdan Suvaiala, Marian Ionel Tanase, Valentin Claudiu Tucicovschi, Vlad-Mihai Vrabie, Radu Tiberiu Russia Budanov, Artem Demeyev, Zhandos Dovzhanskii, David Kazbutalov, Aidar Kupriyanov, Euvgeniy Makarchenko, Aleksandr Martyanova, Natalia Mekhdiev, Orkhan Mustafaev, Malik Nikishov, Evgeny Osadchinskiy, Alexandr Osetnik, Vladislav Prokopovich, Maxim Reva, Igor Sadykov, Islam Stroganov, Roman Sultonshoev, Franklin Telegin, Ivan Serbia Antic, Aleksandar Dimitrijevic, Vladan Popov, Mladen Radovanovic, Milan Slovakia Demetrova, Kristina Dzurkocova, Dominika Galadova, Karina Gasparik, Jan Giraltos, Tomas Gojdic, Marek Harmanos, Michal Krisko, Ondrej Lenhartova, Dagmar Lukacova, Erika Novakova, Monika Poláková, Lucia Protsovskyy, Andriy Skrovinova, Martina Spankova, Livia Trudic, Franitsek Ulicny, Alexander Slovenia Auda, Jure Malukoski, Dimce Taskovska, Milena Trošt , Peter Spain Almonte, Harold Alvarez Diaz, Pedro Armas Alvarez, Azucena Lirio Arnal Chacon, Gonzalo Barahona Centeno, Karol Arleny Capdevila, Marta Carvajal Buitrago, Diego Fernando Centeno Álvarez, Clara Costa Planells, Marc Cuello Sánchez, Leslie Durán, Andrea Fabià Mayans, Ariadna Fernandez Puertas, Belen Fernandez Ramon, Caterina Fumero Gorrín, Cathaysa Garcia, Esther Garcia de Manuel, Gemma García Sanz, Miguel Gomáriz Camacho, Alba Gracia Francis, César Jesús Hernández, Casandra Huertas, Juan Gabriel Juarez Del Dago Anaya, Pablo Martínez Morales, María del Mar Mosquera Seoane, Teresa Mqirage, Mohammed Ortega Polledo, Luis Enrique Palomera Fernandez, Meritxell Parejo Cortes, Victor Perez Cadavid, Santiago Perez Sanchez, Miriam Poza Fernández, Alba Pozo Salido, Carmen Azahara Pulido Fonseca, Lina Alexandra Rius Bilbao, Leire Rivero Esteban, Juan Antonio Rodriguez Villamil, Nelly Janeth Roldan Chavez, Fiorella Lizzeth Salvatierra Perez, Cristina Saucedo Giménez, Inés Severino Ortiz de Zarate, Karmele Tapia Herrero, Ana María Urbieta Anza, Ane Varilla, Clemencia Sweden Bergman, Martin Glombik, Dominik Nordlund, Per Sofia, Eldh Ying, Thomas Switzerland Baier, Pascal Bausch, Kathrin Cermak, Stefanie Durrer, Kalgini Fankhauser, Christian Fiechter, Stefanie Flegar, Luka Gross, Oliver Högger, Dominik Charles Höhn, Andrej Huber, Philipp Markus Maletzki, Philipp Marini, Lorenzo Mauerhofer, Esteban Mayor, Grégoire M’Baya Kabongo, Olivier Meier, Mara Isabella Ollig, Katharina Rühle, Annika Schell, Gabriel Schregel, Christoph General Assembly - March 2016 33 Skuginna, Veronika Staubli, Mirjam Turkey Ayranci, Ali Culpan, Meftun Degirmentepe, Recep Burak Duvar, Serdar Erkan, Anil Gazel, Eymen Hajiyev, Parviz Kaba, Selcuk Kandemir, Emre Kucukyangoz, Ahmet Kutluhan, Musab Ali Ozdemir, Yavuz Sabuncu, Kubilay Sam, Emre Savun, Metin Seker, Kamil Gökhan Senel, Cagdas Sezer, Ali Tahra, Ahmet Tokuç, Emre Tosun, Muhammed Yildirim, Umit Yildirim, Çaglar Yildiz, Hüseyin Alperen Yilmaz, Burak 34 Ukraine Asaboro, Caleb Balatskyy, Oleksiy Baralo , Bohdan Chepuznatyi, Myklaikv Kononenko, Oleksii Pikul, Maksym Vikarchuk, Mark United Kingdom Abdelmoteleb, Haitham Abdulmajed, Mohamed Ismat Akhtar, Waseem Al Rishan Al Zouebi, Ibraheem Amer, Tarik Ansari, Asif Babu, Asrit Barclay, Jonathan Baston, Emma Bedi, Nishant Bruce, Eilidh Cashman, Sophia Chan, Katie Craciun, Marius Derbyshire, Laura Eyre, Katie Fishleigh, Emma Hann, Gemma Harris, Andrew Harrison, Michael Heers, Hendrik General Assembly - March 2016 Hendry, Jane Hillen, Matthew Ismail, Mohamed Johnston, Thomas Kailavasan, Mithun Kraszewski, Mateusz Langston, Josh Lee, Su-Min Luk, Angus Chin On Mackenzie, Kenneth Mahesan, Tharani Manley, Kate Martyn-Hemphill, Clarissa Mcphee, Arthur Morton, Helen Mukherjee, Ankur Mukhtar, Bashir Nehikhare, Osayuki Noah, Anthony Pavithran, Nevil Mallet Sarkar, Debashis Tanabalan, Chandran Tay, Andrea Thakare, Niyukta Tourky, Mohamed Vissamsetti, Bharat Whittaker, George Wong, Susan Siu-Wan Yajnik, Kumar Yassin, Musaab Uzbekistan Hoshimov, Nodir New Affiliated Members till 2 February 2016 Australia Dat, Anthony Galvao, Daniel Narra, Maruthi Stork, Andrew Austria Puhr, Martin Belarus Yakushevich, Siarhei Brazil de Braganca Lopes Fernandes , Marilyse Canada Taussky, Daniel Violette, Philippe Wagg, Adrian Chile Roman, Cristobal China Li, Bo Croatia Grgic, Mislav Fahmy, Mohamed Abdel Baky Sayed-Ahmed, Mamdouh France Ceraline, Jocelyn Maurice, Cyril Pratabuy, Gilles Cutrupi, Antonio Danco, Giulia Fonticoli, Laura Notaro, Laura Lucia Verweij, Fabrizio Japan Ken, Lee Germany Aicher, Wilhelm K. Alexandrova, Daniela Alhubaishy, Bandar Hanel, Ina Mahmud, Walid Rheinwald, Markus Stankovic, Mladen Syre, Guido Kazakhstan Abatova, Aigerim Greece Georgiou, Christos Tougiannidis, Sokratis Malta Debattista, Carina Indonesia Satyagraha, Paksi Iraq Abdulla, Goran Czech Republic Kment, Václav Ireland Pennington, Stephen Taha, Mohamed Denmark Flores Morales, Amilcar Israel Mousa, Ali Egypt Badawy, Ahmed El-Kousy, Mohammed Italy Berte, Rolando Bramati, Annalisa Ceglia, Antonio Kuwait Abdullatif Alarbid, Abdullah Malaysia Mohd Badri, Abadi Sufaat Netherlands, The Bakker, Ingrid Buijs, Jeroen Dokter, Elisabeth Hessels, Daphne Hulsen, Tim Lines, Georgins Zhang, Kai Norway Stensvold, Andreas Pakistan Sarfraz, Ahmad Philippines Valeza, Carlos M. General Assembly - March 2016 35 Poland Borkowska, Edyta Smolenski, Witold Stangel-Wojcikiewicz, Klaudia Slovenia Pusnik, Dusan Portugal Guerra, Adalgisa Pantarotto, Marcos Switzerland Cathomas, Richard Müller, David Gonsalves, Michael Habib, Abul Kmk James, Nicholas Jelley, Clare O’neill, Carole Penton, James Rees, Jonathan Saki, Zakaria Solomon, Eskinder Russia Enikeev, Dmitry Kubin, Nikita Sinelnikov, Lev Ukraine Cherkasov, Dmitro Unguryan, Alexander United States of America Kobayashi, Ken Lemack, Gary United Kingdom Al-Roubaie, Jamil Cascales Garcia, Maria Almudena Ehsanullah, Syed Ali Gallagher, Kevin Uzbekistan Rakhimov, Makhsudbek Vakhabov , Iskandar Singapore Chu, Romeo Sumarsono, Budiwan Spain Villa Guzmán, José Carlos Vietnam Hon, Bui New Junior International Members till 2 February 2016 Brazil Abi-Acl Xavier, Jose Marx Abrahão, Lucas Meira Abrahão, Rafael Fernandes Aires De Sousa, Wildebert Albuquerque Martins, Thiago Almeida Oliveira, Bruno Alves Bezerra Jr., Eraldo Alves da Costa Vassallo, Gabriel Alves Silva, Eduardo Augusto Ambar, Rafael Favero Américo de Campos Souza, Pedro 36 Andrade Oliveira, Ciao Eduardo Andrade Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo Andrighetto Neto, Oswald Pio Añez Ugarte, Wendy Antonucci Fonseca, Victor Araujo Simões, Alex Area Leao de Andrade, Aecio Nayron Assis De Oliveira, Thiago Bruno Assumpcao Zambelli, Flavio Assuncao Barreto, Emerson Ricardo General Assembly - March 2016 Auad, Pericles Rios Augusto De Conceição, Leonardo Augusto Maia Pena, Sérgio Azevedo de Souza, Eduardo Baptista De Souza Banca, Lelio Barbero Gabriotti, Luís Francisco Barbosa Silva, Wellington Barboza Corguinha, Gustavo Barreto De Arruda, Thyêgo Barreto de Farais, Galvane Barreto Torres, Andre Luis Bastos Ribeiro, Luis Fernando Batagello, Carlos Alfredo Batista Modesto Silva, Nathanael Bentani, Noureddine Beserra Sousa, Rodrigo Bianchi Florindo, Henrique Donizetti Bolzan Rosignollo Filho, Jose Luis Bonafe Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo Borba Ferreira de Souza, Lucas Bordenali, Gustavo Borges Silva, Victor Hugo Bosco Dorazio Souza, Eladio Bottignon Dias, Daniel Braga, Matheus Maciel Brandão Vasco, Matheus Brandeburski Loss, Leonardo Briggs, Bruno Bruce Souza, Vinicius Brunetto Neto, Antonio Buta, Rafael Oliveira Buttignolli Duarte, Sávio Cabral Cognette, Marcel Cabral Mesquita, Francisco Jose Caetano Prata, Raphael Calixto de Pina Gomes Mello, Diego Antonio Camilo Silva, Douglas Gregorio Campos Calais, Luiz Gustavo Campos Fontoura, Bruno Canuto Pereira, Gilfred Caprini Oliveira, Joao Victor Cardoso de Oliveira, Elder Cardoso Pantaleão, Thiago Marinda Cardoso Pereira, Santhiago Carvalho de Moura Braz, Anderson Carvalho Ipe Da Silva, Rafael Carvalho Leão Barretto, Nilo Jorge Carvalho Machado, Thiago Carvalho Ribeiro, Daniel Carvalho Santos, Rodrigo Carvalho Teixeira, Ricardo Vinicius Carvolho e Mota, Camilio Cassau de Sa Freire, Felipe Catizane Soares, Guilherme Cavalcante, Alexandre Cavalcante de Farais, Jose Hidelbland Cavani Neto, Antonio Cezar de Castro Figueiredo, Levi Chaguri, Annuar Jose Ciarlegio Carneiro de Camargo, Murilo Humberto Codagnone Neto, Vicente Coelho da Cruz, Cassio Conte, Paulo Henrique Pereira Corrêa, Wagner Pablo Correa Botene, Martim Correa Fulgencio, Gil Vicente Cotait Neto, Michel Covas Moschovas, Mario Covre Argolo, Hermano Crippa de Almeida, Luis Gustavo Cruvinel de Freitas , Fernando Cunha Ferreira, Thiago Augusto Cunha Thomaz, Joao Da Costa Carneiro, Gustavo Henrique Da Costa Carvalho Neto, Paulo Da Costa Filho, Arnoldo Velloso Da Costa Nunes, Joao Felipe Da Cruz dos Santos Silva, Edilson Fernando Da Cunha Recuero, Saulo Da Fontoura Beltrão, Lauro Da Rocha Neto, Hilton Da Silva, Jose Ronaldo Da Silva, Rodrigo Da Silva, Carolina Da Silva Calisto, Sergio Luis Da Silva Camacho, Felipe Da Silva Figueiredo, George Jose Da Silva Pires, Rodrigo Da Silva Rosa, Rafael Da Silva Salvador Jr., Edson Dallacqua Santiago, Jose Henrique De Aguiar Ribeiro, Augusto Cesar De Alencar Veloso, Hiarly De Almeida, Henrique Simoes De Almeida Junior, Marcos Edigar De Araujo, Eduardo Augusto De Araujo Porto, Luiz De Assis Lira Neto, Alcides De Barros Filho, Eriberto De Campos, Joao Paulo De Carvalho Cardillo, Athos De Carvalho Cavalcante, Hermano General Assembly - March 2016 37 De Carvolho Fazoli, Arnaldo Jose De Faria Jr., Geraldo Xavier De Franca Neves, Antonio Augusto De França Tavares Rocha Junior, Luiz De Freitas Carvalho, Emanuel De Gomes Marques, Gustavo Inacio De Hollanda Ferreira Neto, Alberto Antonio De Matos Moraes, Bruno De Melo Arimatea Rosa, David De Melo e Silva, Carlos Eduardo De Moura Bezerra, Vilson De Oliveira, Rafael Silva Felipe De Oliveira Costa, Tiago De Oliveira e Almeida Silva, Diego De Oliveira Ferreira, Daniel De Oliveira Moraes, Diego De Oliveira Nobile Toninello, Bruno De Queiroz, Gilvan Furtado De Sá Nunes, Luis Henrique De Souza Novais, Pierre De Souza Oliveira, Gilberto Rangel De Souza Rodrigues, Ivanclecio De Toni, Miriam De Toni, Romulo Diniz Rodrigues, Vinicius Domingues Marques, Rafael Eduardo Dos Santos de Aguiar, Luiz Feliphe 38 Dos Santos Silva, Rodrigo Doyun Cha, Jonathan Espinheira Santos, Victor Esteves Guedes, Carlos Eduardo Fabris Lacerda, Gabriel Falcão Bredow, Michel Faria Dutra, Igor Farias Santana, Alcidezio Favaretto Filho, Rodolfo José Fernandes, Fernando Fernandes Arruda, Eduardo Fernandes Gomes, Thiago César Fernandes Valentim, Guilherme Henrique Ferreira Amaral, Matheus Ferreira Zwetkoff, Breno Fichel, Ricardo Figueiredo Carneiro, Vinicius Figueiredo Mello, Marcos Filho, Nury Jafar Abboud Fontes De Bragança, Ricardo José Francisco Heins, Filipe Franco Bezerra, Raphael Freitas Câmara, Pedro Freschi, Gustavo Furtado Faria, Lucas Gabriel Nascimiento, Edson Henrique Garafo Stabile, Diego Barbosa Garcia Franca, Kaio Rodrigues Gelelete Mayolino, Pedro Genelhu de Abreu Cobe, Diego Gomes de Souza, Eduardo Gonçalves, Rafael Pauletti General Assembly - March 2016 Goncalves Baptista, Andre Luiz Goncalves de Oliveira, Guilherme Ribeiro Goncalves Faria, Flavio Gondim Oliveira, Rhaiana Grando, Talvã Noberto Guilherme Bertoli, Joao Guimarães Carellos Silva, Vanessa Guimaraes Carvalho, Bruno Ribeiro Guimaraes de Carvalho, Aline Haas Vieiralves, Rodrigo Henrique Hennich, Michael Christian Ramos Henrique de Campos, Eduardo Hogenys Bezerra De Alencar, Walter Hota, Thiago Ismail, Ahmed Jahn da Silva Abreu, Fernando Jaudy, Thiago Rachid Jeczmionski, Ricardo Angelo Kinchescki, Roberto Kushiyama Teixeira, Gabriel Lang Motta, Guilherme Lange Agra, Alexandre Lavor Bezerra, Diogenes Leal, Gustavo Miranda Lemos Filho, Nehemias Lemos Moreira, Pedro Henrique Lievana Mangolin, Fernando Lima Diniz, Andre Luiz Litaiff Padilha, Thiago Locali, Rafael Fagionato Loiola Silva, Lívio Antonio Lopes dos Santos, Guilherme Campelo Lopes Garcia, Andre Ricardo Lopes Monteiro, Rafael Lugon Silva, Rafael Luiz Pereira, Jonatas Luttigards Santiago, Anderson Macaferri Rodrigues, Bruno Maciel Grossi, Thiago Roberto Macri Bogaz, Tito Mai Jurado, Marcelo Maioli Penello, Angelo Malta, Rafael Maistro Maltz Schul, Alex Marchi , Liar Tiago De Marmiroli, Rafael Marques, Jason Alves Marques Calazans, Leonardo Martins e Silva, Cassius Martins Lampa Junior, Valdir Martorano Priante, Giancarlo Matsumoto, Fabiano Maurizio Nery, Fabio Medina Felici, Eduardo Mendes Leães, Leticia Mendes Nogueira, Andre Luiz Mendes Tome, Alberto Santiago Meneghin, Paulo Vinicius Menegotto Comin, Vagner Meneguette Gomes De Souza, Vinicius Menna Baretto, Rafael Germanos Mesquita, Orlando Jose Constantini Messias, Alexandre Carlos Messina Medeiros, Pedro Henrique Milani Da Costa, Thiago Millanao Drugowick, Francisco Mira Gon, Lucas Miranda, Ralph Caldas Miranda Rodrigues, Felipe Augusto Monteiro de Barros Medeiros, Roberto Monteiro Lobountchenko, Tassia Monteiro Sato, Alexandre Augusto Moreira Mapurunga, Bruno Moreno, Raphael Rodgger Bergamin Moura Santos, Everaldo Mourão, Thiago Camelo Munhoz Piche, Luiz Felipe Murucci Oliveira Magalhães, Marcelo Nascimbem Ferraz, Tarso Nascimento Villarinho, Joao Paulo Nazareth de Lana, Bruno Neto Pereira, Lucas Neves Ferreira, Tiago Nicoleti Gabriotti, Estefania Ninis De Souza, Tiago Ribeiro Nishimoto, Ricardo Hissashi Nogueira de Almeida, Felipe Fernandes Nogueira Lessa, Thiago Nogueira Miranda, Diego Noleto, Murilo Matteucci Oliveira Bernardes, Josinelio Henrique Oliveira de Matos, Carlos Henrique Oliveira Fialho, Jose Diogo Oliveira Lage, Paulo Henrique Oliveira Rodrigues, Ruytemberg Omram Ahmed, Samir Ormonde Mendes, Carlos Henrique Ornellas de Souza, Paulo Ortega Sanchez, Carlos Weverton Otavio Batista Andrade, Luiz Otsuka, Vinicius Kenji Otton de Paiva Fernandes, Manuel Padovani, Julio Augusto Paiva, Matheus Miranda Paixão Sá, Pedro Henrique Panizzutti Barboza, Marcelo Parente Da Rocha, Leonrado Patavino, Guilherme Alonso Daud Pedralli Jr., Jair Pereira Costa Jr., Julio Pereira Das Posses, Samira Pereira de Azevedo, Bruno Perlingeiro, Lucas Ramos Perondi Vergílio, Thiago Roberto Peterson De Melo Lima, Ronnie Petriz de Assis, Daniel Piccirilli Madeira, Joao Gabriel Pigatto Filho, Gino General Assembly - March 2016 39 Pinto, Rodrigo César Pioli De Freitas, Raphael Augusto Pires Montenegro, Vitor Emanuel Pompermaier, Jorge Antonio Pretti Fantin, Joao Paulo Rabelo Gomes De Carvalho Pires, Sóstenes Ramolho de Andrade Melo, Claudio Galeno Ramos Santos, Diogo Ramos Souza, Charles Reschke, Leda Rezende de Souza, Alexandre Ribeiro de Lima, Diego Augusto Ribeiro Meduna, Rafael Ribeiro Rossini, Ricardo Ribeiro Vieiralves, Rodrigo Rocchetti Pajolli, Pedro Ivo Rocha Perrone, Fernanda Rodrigues, Matheus Alessi Rodrigues Martins, Yves Melo Rodrigues Tavares, Anderson Ronacher, Tarcísio Rubin, Vinicius Saboya Brito Dal Col, Luciana Saliba Cezar Correia, Filipe Albarez Sanches Emerick, Guilherme Santos Boaventura, Marcos Alex Santos de Campos, Gabriel Souza Santos Lima, Wesley Luiz Santos Patto De Góes, Luccas 40 Sávio De Sá Alves, Wenner Sbrissia e Silva Gouveia, Denise Schlittler Neves, Lucas Schneider Goulart, Marcelo Sfier Galdino, Lucas Shiomi da Cruz, Jose Arnaldo Siebra Coelho, Marcos Oliveira Sifuentes, Vitor Nogoceke Silva De Oliveira, Tarcisio Silva Pereira, Suhayl Silveira Brazao Jr., Eder Silveira Dini, Felipe Silveira Mendes, Jorge Vinicius Silveira Telles, Mauricio Souza Constantin, Davi Souza Henriques, Raphael Souza Junior, Nilson Svaisser Carneiro, Joao Paulo Tavares Santos, Rômulo Teixeira e Silva, Luciano Teixeira Henriques, Joao Victor Terziotti, Fernando Tessaro Rocha, Sander Tomio Fujike, Dennis Tourinho Barbosa, Rafael Rocha Trindade d’Andrea Espinheira, Leonardo Tuboi, Mayra Ulisses Nogueira, Victor Ungari Juc, Rodrigo Vallim, Mateus Berriel Vasilceac, Fabio Augusto Veira Morais de Oliveira, Gabriel Veloso de Moura, Helton General Assembly - March 2016 Veras de Albuquerque, Emanual Vetorazzo Filho, Jose Eduardo Vieira da Silva, Mikael Vildomar Belmiro Jr., Jose Vischi Paluello, Davi Waked de Brito, Denis Welter Neto, Leonardo Wilbonh De Barros, Sahna Xavier, Murilo Yoichi Kuwano, Andre Yoshifumi Seimaru, Guilherme Augusto Zaim, Munir Zambaldi Tunes, Maurício Zanina Neto De Oliveira, Pedro Zanutto, Tiago Antonio Zapata Sanchez, Margarita Rosa Zapparoli Padovani, Pedro Zarinello Ferezin, Ivan Zeraick Da Costa , Paulo Jose Zini Pinho, Gotardo Zuccolo Barragat de Andrade, Andre Felipe Afghanistan Rahman, Farid Algeria Abachi, Abdoullah Aljabaly, Mohammed Bousahla, Redouane Brougui, Hichem Mahroug, Omar Mohammedi Tail, Yousef Younes, Benfedallah Argentina Santillan, Diego Armenia Melkonyan, Nairi Australia Al-Bermani, Osama Churchill, James Kong, Jennifer Lee, Wai Gin Namdarian, Benjamin Perera, Marlon Strahan, Stephen Bahrain Khashaba, Shehab Brazil Gatti, Marcio Peres, Yoann Pierre Polotto, Pedro Paulo Lopes Da Silva Prata, Raphael Silva Morais, Adriano Caldeira Silva Silva, Maria Isabel Canada Kinnaird, Adam Chile Fleck-Lavergne, Daniela China Gu, Dee Colombia Gomez Meza, Jorge Eduardo Lopez Gonzalez, Marcella Helena Ossa Santamaria, Jaime Camilo Egypt Abozamel, Ahmed Ali Ibrahim, Mohamed Elbahr, Hany Elsawahly, Diaa Essam El Din, Mohammed Hana, Mina Ibraheem, Nazeer Khalifa, Ahmed Khalil, Mahmoud Mostafa, Hossam Obada, Mohamed Sharaf, Mahmoud Abdel Hakim Sheba, mostafa Tag el Din, Ahmad Germany Abdelsalam, Ahmed Aispuro, Jose Mustafa, Haitham Honduras Quijada, Edin Hungary Arthanareeswaran, Vinodh Kumar Adithyaa India Bansal, Ankur Bisalehalli Halappa, Rakesh Dias, Brendan Gaur, Saurabh Gudaru, Kalyan Kapadia, Aseem Krishnappa, Pramod Kumar, Nishant Kumar Singh, Ritesh Mallya, Ashwin Manasa, T. Pradeepkumar, Kasi Rajan, Karthik Sharma, Adittya K Tanwar, Raman Vedala, Suresh Babu Indonesia Aslim, Octoveryal Rahman, Muhammed Ridhaniar Suryawan, Joko Anom Tirtayasa, Pande Made Wisnu Verdini, Vinny Widia, Fina Iran Mahdavi Zafarghandi, Masoud Najafi, Saman Iraq Almusawi, Murtada Alzobaie, Ali Khalaf, Yousif Khazaal, Ahmed Wahid, Saman Ireland Elmusharaf, Elimam Japan Fukuda, Teruo Narita, Takuma Jordan Abushamma, Faris Alghazo, Omar Al-Hammouri, Tarek Gaashan, Malek Odeh, Ahmad Korea, South Kim, Jiwon General Assembly - March 2016 41 Kuwait Alkandari, Mohammad-H Lebanon Abou Chedid, Wissam Abou Ghayda, Ramy Ayoub, Elias Bou Kheir, George Bourgi, Ali Degheili, Jad Ghandour, Rashed Saoud, Ragheed Zakhia El Doueihi, Robert Mexico Alquicer Hernández, Veronica Alvarez Mejia, Hector Castaneda Caballero, Roberto Carlos Castro Zazueta, Said Contreras Dias, Antonio de Jesus Cordoba Carrillo, Javier Alejandro Escamilla Gonzalez, Gustavo Aelohim Figueroa Monge, Jesus Francisco Flores Aguilar, Aaron Miguel Gómez Caro, William Humberto Heinze, Alexander Hernandez Hernandez, Rigoberto Hassay Hernandez Rios, César Javier Herrera Gonzalez, Miguel Angel Huertas Cárdenas, Karen Isabel Jimenez Santillan, Carolina 42 Juarez Avila, Joel Landa Salas, Jason Damian Lozano Kaplun, Sergio Madrid Beltran, Luis Humberto Madrid May, Gustavo Enrique Martinez Alonso, Ivan Azael Ochoa Leon, Gaston Ornelas Gomez, Alejandro Palafox Garcia, Ramon Pineda Gaona, Andric Eduardo Quintero Leon, Miguel Angel Rodriguez Rizo, Andres Ricardo Romo Randolph, Miguel Alejandro Ruiz Larios, Oscar Alejandro Salas Melgarejo, Rafael Sanchez Corona, Hugo Tapia Costilla, Victor Manuel Trillo Padilla, Ivan Velazquez Orozco, Jorge Abraham Velez Cardenas, Felipe de Jesus Zatarain Rodriguez, Rene Morocco El Gachbour, Salah Eddine Fettahi, Abdelaziz Jendouzi, Omar Wakrim, Badreddine Oman Al Hashimi, Intisar General Assembly - March 2016 Pakistan Ahmad, Shaman Ali, Azfar Anwar, Moin Panama Gonzalez Alfano, Claudia Lee, Eugenia Paraguay Recalde Lara, Cesar Qatar Alalao, Osama Saudi Arabia Alfakhri, Abdullah Saleh Algarni, Kamal Alkhureeb, Mohammed Assiri, Hassan Salem, Ali Taeyb, Mustafa South Africa Opondo, Dedan Spain Carrillo Zamora, Cesar Ignacio Taiwan Chen, Wei-Jen Huang, Tzu-Hao Ou, Yin-Chien Tajikistan Zamuddinov, Musluhuddin Tunisia Chakroun, Marouene Fki, Wassim Hmida, Wissem Saadani, Helmi Alanzi, Jaber United States of America Dibianco, John Michael McMahon, Gregory O’Malley, Padraic Reddy, Balaji Sood, Akshay Srivastava, Abhishek New Active International Members till 2 February 2016 Algeria Hamadi, Abdenacer Kouicem, Hichem Argentina Perez, Juan Australia Dodds, Lachlan Ischia, Joseph James King, Dennis Moretti, Kim Lewis Osgood, Lisa Rashid, Prem Thomas, Joseph Vela, Ian Bahrain Shahin, Adnan Brazil Amato De Mesquita, Alexandre Andrade, Murilo Ferreira Andrade Dias Coutinho de Souza, Eduardo Aquiles, Henrique Bezerra, Carlos Carneiro, Arie Carvalho des Reis, Rodrigo De Lima, Hudson Dorea, Leandro Dos Santos Vieira, Marcelo Galvão, Anderson Gurgel do Amaral Pinheiro, Danilo Heitzmann, Luis Claudio Livramento dos Santos, Julio Henrique Marins, Carlos Eduardo de Godoi Maroccolo, Marcus Morales, Claudio Morato De Toledo, Luis Gustavo Nanci De Carvalho, Paulo Cesar Nóbrega Botelho, Parsifal Oliveira, Vladmir Oliveira, Humberto Pereira Lopes, Eduardo Pimentel Zitenfeld Cardha, Fishiler Pinheiro de Oliveira, Vladmir Rodrigues Netto, Mauricio Santos, Joao Emerson Alencar Scarda Vasco de Huez, Cid Oravo Silveira, Romulo Soares, Daniel Souza, Rogerio Tomas Filho, Mandel Eliezer Villares Da Costa, Luiz Alexandre Wroclawski, Marcelo Brunei Altawil, Samer Burma Myint, Phone Canada Khoury, Elie Pouliot, Frederic Zorn, Kevin Chile Bermúdez, Hugo Salas Sironvalle, Mauricio Sepulveda, Francisco China Bai, Zhi-Ming Chen, Junjie Cheng, Gong Chong, Tie Feng, Yougang Fu, Yao-Wen Qiao, Liang Shen, Zhou-Jun Shi, Jia-Qi Tang, Wei Wang, Qin-Zhang Wang, Ping Wang, Jiansong Xu, Zhong-Hua Yang, Bo Yang, Si-Xing General Assembly - March 2016 43 Zeng, Guohua Zhang, Jiayi Zhang, Yao-Guang Zhang, Xiaoping Zhang, Jin Zhihui, Zou Zhou, Zhansong Zhou, Li-Qun Colombia Gomez Lloreda, Eugenio Perea Figueroa, Jorge Edison Urdaneta Pignalosa, Guillermo Congo, Democratic Republic of the Kampanga, Mobile Costa Rica Garzona Meseguer, Danilo Lopez Arias, Ever Roy Ecuador Parra Ramos, Francisco Egypt Elhennawy, Ibrahim Laymon, Mahmoud Moussa, Ayman El Salvador Fuentes Valencia, Alex Germany Abd Ali, Furat Guatemala Castillo Martínez, Gery Roberto Recinos Gutiérrez, José David Alejandro 44 India Ali, Qutubuddin Ghosh, Bastab Govindasamy, Thirumalai Ganesan Kodakkattil, Sreerag Malhotra, Vineet Maniyur, Raghavendran Nair, Kiran Rasal, Dhaval Rath, Debadarshi Verma, Anil Yadav, Rahul Indonesia Adi, Kuncoro Azis, Abdul Bakri, Syarif Darsoyono, Sidharta Hutauruk, Eric Sebastian Palinrungi, Muhammad Asykar Rahwanto, Anggie Seno, Tomy Soelistyo, Johannes Iran Abadpour, Behrang Abedinzadeh, Mehdi Eslahi, Ali Farshi Haghroo, Alireza Heydari, Mohammad Keshavarz, Abbas Moghtadernejad, Soheil Rashahmadi, Nader Riazi, Naser Shahab, Elahe Vazirnia, Alireza Iraq Ahmed, Hthayyim Alkarrawi, Raid Al-Khursan, Muntader General Assembly - March 2016 Almusawi, Faqed Al-Saffar, Ibtissam Al-Zerkani, Ahmed Barzanja, Hoshmand Mohammed, Jamil Rashid, Aso Omer Japan Haga, Nobuhiro Hirano, Tetsuya Kakizaki, Hidehiro Kamba, Tomomi Kimura, Go Koga, Shoji Kondo, Yukihiro Maeda, Yuji Miyagi, Tohru Miyake, Takeshi Miyazawa, Yoshiyuki Nakamura, Kogenta Naya, Yoshio Ohyama, Chikara Omori, Yohei Sadahira, Takuya Shigekatsu, Maekawa Shiozaki, Keito Takahashi, Sayuri Tominaga, Yusuke Uemura, Motohide Yasui, Takahiro Jordan Al-Kadi, Hakem Shaban, Ahmad Korea, South Bae, Sangrak Lebanon Ajoub, Farid Beydoun, Sanni El Jaam, Mohamad Rabah Farhat, Ali Ghaddar, Yehya Harran, Robert Khawli, Raja Nasr, Ramy Njeim, Antoine Nohra, Joe Obeid, Khaled Malaysia Lim, Teck Chin Mexico Allende, Carlos Cereceres, Diego Armando Gonzalez Blanco, Salomón Hermosillo, Cesar Hernandez Ordonez, Octavio Francisco Hernandez Porras, Andres Jimenez Vazquez, Ivan Lopez Samano, Virgilio Mendoza Carrillo, Erick Mendoza-Lucio, Luis Rivera Garcia, Vicente Santaella Torres, Felix Serrano Brambila, Eduardo Torres Gomez, Jesus Javier Morocco Beddouch, Amorqurane El Fassi, Mohammed Jamal El Khader, Khalid El Mcherqui, Mostafa Mellas, Soufiane Reffad, Jalal Tazi, Mohammed Fadl Nigeria Adejare, Ifedayo Irekpita, Eshiobo Oman Hamad Jamal, Hekmat Hamad Daghistani, Anwar Junejo, Noor Nabi Mabrouki, Mohamad Mahmoud Abdalla, Haitham Elsayed Obied, Ali Soliman, Mohamed Ahmed Pakistan Ahmad, Mumtaz Ahmad, Mumtaz Gul, Bakhtawar Ishfaq , Muhammad Murtaza, Badar Singapore Lie, Kwok Ying Paraguay Chen Liang, Cheng Hung Codas Villalba, Gustavo Adolfo Recalde Ortiz, Julio César Peru Aguilar, Ivan Cardenas Sanchez, Miguel Angel Tapia Augustin, Carlos Philippines Bolong, David Puerto Rico Colon Rivera, Juan Qatar Abdalfattah, Osama Al Attar, Ruchdi Elsheikh, Mohamed Hussain, Salam Anwar Omran, Abdelfttah Saudi Arabia Ahmed, Tayseer AlFaqih, Nasser Salah Alharbi, Abdulsamad Alshammari, Ahmad Binsaleh, Saleh Channa, Kashif Ahmed South Africa Choonara, Salim Engelbrecht, Matthys Naidoo, Anesh Stander, Joggie Van Der Walt, Christiaan Sri Lanka Edirisinghe, Kanchana Harippriya Nandasena, Namantha Taiwan Fan, Yu-Hua Huang, Steven Kuan-Hua Wang, Bo-Ren Tunisia Kerkeni, Walid Kid, Rochdi United Arab Emirates Agrawal, Vipul Botros Boktor, Ashraf Dani, Dani Hameed, Shameer Pandya, Rishikesh United Kingdom Kodera, Ahmed Seneviratne, Lasantha General Assembly - March 2016 45 United States of America Alanee, Shaheen Cheetham, Philippa Gilbert, Daniel Luchey, Adam Martin, Frances Mckinney, Timothy Mcvary, Kevin Rajamahanty, Srinivas Scoll, Benjamin Terrell, John Tomasini, Jeffrey Williams, Heinric Vietnam Dung, Mai Ba Tien Hoai Bac, Nguyen Nguyen Hoai, Bac New Medical Student Members till 2 February 2016 Andorra Wang, Ju Iraq Abdulrahman, Hiwa Slovenia Majcen, Vito Austria Lamacova, Karolina Lyatoshinsky, Pavel Ireland Foley, Robert Gorman, Laura Sweden Nyberg, Viktoria Belgium Dewaide, Rosina Van Opstal, Ellen Italy Bonassisa, Silvia Calleris, Giorgio Brazil Adriano Da Silva Filho, Wilton Kosovo Karpuzi, Jeton Cyprus Charalampous, Ioannis Germany Grosse Siemer, Robert Haider, Karim Sultan Heister, Simon Zeuschner , Philip Hungary Béres, Bence Horváth, Anna Csenge 46 Latvia Petry, Tim Romania Burghelea, Dan Moga, Margareta Rahota, Razvan George Russia Taratkin, Mark Saudi Arabia Almaimani, Anas General Assembly - March 2016 Switzerland Maderthaner, Lydia Taiwan Lu, Chin-heng Ukraine Bodjre, Kouame Eloi Frejus United Kingdom Chan, Luke Curry, Emma Khan, Raheej Moore, Sacha United States of America Bauman, Tyler Juthani, Mayur Qi, Robert New Senior Members till 2 February 2016 Armenia Aghajanyan, Ivan Belgium Carpentier, Paul Debroek, Francis Canada Jewett, Michael Sweden Ranch, Thomas France Ballanger, Philippe Botto, Henri Devonec, Marian Switzerland Bolle, Jean-Francois Germany Beckert, Rainer Pauthner, Harald Syria Kayal, Saad Egypt Ramses Tawfik, Bishay Tarek, El Morsy Netherlands, The Blitz, Wouter Felderhof, Erik van Capelle, Jan Willem Finland Stenman, Ulf-Hakan Norway Haukaas, Svein Andreas United Kingdom Corbishley, Cathy Halsall, Andrew Kirollos, Magdi Nash, Charles Prasad, Krishna Venezuela Parra, Gonzalo Cancellations till 2 February 2016 Argentina Finkelstein, Diana Croatia Bosnjak, Marinko Austria Gutschi, Thomas Czech Republic Prikryl, Michal Belgium Landuyt, Nele Maisin, Fabienne Naome, Daniel Denmark Petersen, Lars Brazil D’Ancona, Carlos Ferraz, Breno Novotny, Rodrigo France Lefki, Shimsi Mugnier, Camille Germany Bruning, Fabian Drozdzynski, Peter Jonas, Daniel Loeser, Andreas Muller, Tilko Reimann, Philip Schauerte, Carsten Simonis, Kathrin Stattmayer, Wiebke Greece Sotiriadis, Dimitrios India Bhalla, Vidur Garg, Sudhanshu General Assembly - March 2016 47 Italy Notaro, Laura Puppo, Paulo Netherlands, The Ananias, Hildo Bierkens, Sander Buijs, Jeroen De Goeij, Rien Joosten, Erik Kolijn, Kimberly Kramer, Guus Runneboom, Willemien Schenk, Ellen Portugal Haddad, Sergio Russia Belousov, Igor Okorie, Chukwudi South-Africa Lighthelm, Dirk Spain Castellanos Gonzalez, Luiz Molina Escudero, Roberto Sweden Karlsson, Robert Rydberg, Lena United Kingdom Gundeti, Mohan Kapasi, Faiyaz Lovegrove, Catherine Whittaker, George United States of America Ellison, John Deceased Members till 2 February 2016 Spain Arroyo Soto, Ignacio Proposal Honorary Members till 2 February 2016 Austria Janetschek, Gunther Marberger, Michael China Sun, Ying-Hao 48 Iran Hosseini, Jalil Sweden Abrahamsson, Per Anders Russia Tkachuk, Vladimir United Kingdom Parsons, Keith General Assembly - March 2016 Notes General Assembly - March 2016 49 Current offices EAU Board Executive Committee Secretary General C. Chapple, Sheffield (GB) Adjunct Secretary General Executive Member related to Science F. Montorsi, Milan (IT) Adjunct Secretary General Executive Member related to Education H. Van Poppel, Leuven (BE) Treasurer and Executive Member related to Communication M. Wirth, Dresden (DE) Board Members C. Chapple, Sheffield (GB) B. Djavan, Vienna (AT) D. Jacqmin, Strasbourg (FR) I. Korneyev, St. Petersburg (RU) L. Martínez-Piñeiro, Madrid (ES) V. Mirone, Naples (IT) J. N’Dow, Aberdeen (GB) R. Nijman, Groningen (NL) J. Palou, Barcelona (ES) D. Schultheiss, Giessen (DE) M. Sedelaar, Nijmegen (NL) A. Stenzl, Tübingen (DE) Offices related to education EAU Education Office (ESU) Chairman J. Palou, Barcelona (ES) Members M. Babjuk, Prague (CZ) M. Drake, Bristol (GB) M. Kuczyk, Hanover (DE) E. Liatsikos, Patras (GR) O. Traxer, Paris (FR) B. Van Cleynenbreugel, Leuven (BE) H. Van Der Poel, Amsterdam (NL) J. Van Moorselaar, Amsterdam (NL) 50 General Assembly - March 2016 Consultant D. Pushkar, Moscow (RU) Ex-officio Members L. Martínez-Piñeiro, Madrid (ES) H. Van Poppel, Leuven (BE) EU-ACME Office Chairman R. Nijman, Groningen (NL) Members M. Aitchison, London (GB) A. Figueiredo, Coimbra (PT) S. Müller, Bonn (DE) P. Nyirády, Budapest (HU) J. Palou, Barcelona (ES) H. Van Poppel, Leuven (BE) European Urological Scholarship Programme Office Chairman V. Mirone, Naples (IT) Members T. Borkowski, Warsaw (PL) M. Burchardt, Greifswald (DE) S. Larré, Reims (FR) M. Ribal, Barcelona (ES) J. Witjes, Nijmegen (NL) Ex-officio Members L. Martínez-Piñeiro, Madrid (ES) G. Patruno, Rome (IT) J. Schalken, Nijmegen (NL) H. Van Poppel, Leuven (BE) Guidelines Office Chairman J. N’Dow, Aberdeen (GB) Members M. De Santis, Coventry (GB) T. Knoll, Sindelfingen (DE) C. Llorente, Madrid (ES) R. Sylvester, Brussels (BE) Ex-officio Member T. Loch, Flensburg (DE) H. Van Poppel, Leuven (BE) Young Urologists Office Chairman M. Sedelaar, Nijmegen (NL) Member L.G. Martinez Bustamante, Izola (SI) Chair Italian Resident Organisation F. Esperto, Rome (IT) Chair UK Resident Organisation C. Blick, Oxford (GB) Chair Turkish Resident Organisation S. Sarikaya, Ankara (TR) Chair German Resident Organisation P. Paffenholz, Cologne (DE) Chair Spanish Resident Organisation A. Melnick, Barcelona (ES) Chair Residents Workgroup Spain J. Gómez Rivas, Madrid (ES) Chair ESRU G. Patruno, Rome (IT) Past Chair ESRU J. Vasquez, Frederiksberg (DK) Representatives YAU M. Silay, Istanbul (TR) N. Buffi, Milan (IT) E. Xylinas, Paris (FR) Representative EUSP S. Larré, Reims (FR) Ex-Officio Member H. Van Poppel, Leuven (BE) Young Academic Urologists Chairman M. Silay, Istanbul (TR) Members S. Brookman-May, Munich (DE) N. Buffi, Milan (IT) J-N. Cornu, Rouen (FR) G. Ploussard, Paris (FR) F. Sanguedolce, London (GB) P. Verze, Naples (IT) E. Xylinas, Paris (FR) Ex-officio Member M. Sedelaar, Nijmegen (NL) Offices related to science Regional Office Chairman B. Djavan, Vienna (AT) Ex-officio Members C. Chapple, Sheffield (GB) F. Montorsi, Milan (IT) General Assembly - March 2016 51 Scientific Congress Office Chairman A. Stenzl, Tübingen (DE) Members P. Albers, Düsseldorf (DE) A. Alcaraz, Barcelona (ES) C. Bangma, Rotterdam (NL) A. Briganti, Milan (IT) F. Burkhard, Berne (CH) Z. Culig, Innsbruck (AT) A. De La Taille, Creteil (FR) D. De Ridder, Leuven (BE) W. Feitz, Nijmegen (NL) M-O. Grimm, Jena (DE) T. O’Brien, London (GB) P. Radziszewski, Warsaw (PL) M. Rouprêt, Paris (FR) J. Sønksen, Herlev (DK) B. Tombal, Brussels (BE) Consultant M. De Santis, Coventry (GB) T. Knoll, Sindelfingen (DE) Ex-officio Members J. Catto, Sheffield (GB) C. Chapple, Sheffield (GB) B. Djavan, Vienna (AT) L. Martínez-Piñeiro, Madrid (ES) F. Montorsi, Milan (IT) J. N’Dow, Aberdeen (GB) J. Palou, Barcelona (ES) H. Van Poppel, Leuven (BE) M. Wirth, Dresden (DE) Video Congress Committee Chairman A. Messas, Nanterre (FR) Members A. Carbone, Latina (IT) F. Gómez Veiga, Salamanca (ES) J-T. Klein, Heilbronn (DE) F. Van Der Aa, Leuven (BE) 52 General Assembly - March 2016 Section Office Chairman L. Martínez-Piñeiro, Madrid (ES) Chairmen Sections ERUS: A. Mottrie, Aalst (BE) ESAU: W. Weidner, Giessen (DE) ESFFU: J. Heesakkers, Nijmegen (NL) ESGURS:R. Djinovic, Belgrade (RS) ESIU: T. Bjerklund Johansen, Oslo (NO) ESOU: M. Brausi, Modena (IT) ESTU: A. Figueiredo, Coimbra (PT) ESUI: J. Walz, Marseille (FR) ESUP: A. Lopez-Beltran, Cordoba (ES) ESUR: K. Junker, Homburg (DE) ESUT: J. Rassweiler, Heilbronn (DE) EULIS: K. Sarica, Istanbul (TR) Ex-officio Member F. Montorsi, Milan (IT) Offices related to communication History Office Chairman D. Schultheiss, Giessen (DE) Members C. Alamanis, Athens (GR) J. Elo, Helsinki (FI) R. Engel, Linthicum (US) L. Fariña-Pérez, Madrid (ES) J. Felderhof, Hoofddorp (NL) P. Figdor, Vienna (AT) A. Figueiredo, Coimbra (PT) A. Jardin, Paris (FR) R. Jungano, Naples (IT) S. Musitelli, Pavia (IT) P. Rathert, Düren (DE) I. Romics, Budapest (HU) M. Skopec, Vienna (AT) R. Sosnowski, Warsaw (PL) P. Thompson, London (GB) P. Van Kerrebroeck, Maastricht (NL) A. Verit, Istanbul (TR) Ex-officio Member M. Wirth, Dresden (DE) Offices related to governance International Relations Office Chairman C. Chapple, Sheffield (GB) Consultants D. Castro-Diaz, La Laguna Santa Cruz Tenerife (ES) P. Coloby, Cergy Pontoise (FR) F. Cruz, Porto (PT) J. Thüroff, Mainz (DE) Ex-Officio Members B. Djavan, Vienna (AT) F. Montorsi, Milan (IT) H. Van Poppel, Leuven (BE) M. Wirth, Dresden (DE) Membership Office Chairman I. Korneyev, St. Petersburg (RU) Strategy Planning Office Chairman D. Jacqmin, Strasbourg (FR) Members S. Buntrock, Bad Wildungen (DE) B. Malavaud, Toulouse (FR) H. Hashim, Bristol (GB) C. Surcel, Bucharest (RO) Ex-officio Member C. Chapple, Sheffield (GB) Search & Nomination Committee 2015/2016 Chairman C. Chapple, Sheffield (GB) Members F. Debruyne, Arnhem (NL) V. Mirone, Naples (IT) F. Montorsi, Milan (IT) J. Palou, Barcelona (ES) M. Wirth, Dresden (DE) Additional EAU Foundation for Urological Research Chairman P. Mulders, Nijmegen (NL) Members T. Bjerklund Johansen, Oslo (NO) M. Colombel, Lyon (FR) A. Tubaro, Rome (IT) B. Watson, Dublin (IE) W. Witjes, Arnhem (NL) Ex-Officio Member V. Mirone, Naples (IT) Academy of Urology Chairman F. Debruyne, Arnhem (NL) Members P. Alken, Mannheim (DE) L. Boccon-Gibod, Paris (FR) A. Borkowski, Warsaw (PL) U. Jonas, Hanover (DE) P. Van Cangh, Brussels (BE) R. Vela Navarrete, Madrid (ES) European Urology Official journal of the EAU Editor in chief J. Catto, Sheffield (GB) General Assembly - March 2016 53 Plenary Sessions • Thematic Sessions • Abstract Sessions 31st Annual EAU Congress 54 General Assembly - March 2016 www.eau16.org • Section Meetings #EAU16 • Live Surgery Sessions • ESU Courses • Exhibition European Association of Urology PO Box 30016 6803 AA Arnhem The Netherlands T +31 (0)26 389 0680 F +31 (0)26 389 0674 eau@uroweb.org www.uroweb.org