Annual report for the year 2014


Annual report for the year 2014
Annual report for the year 2014
The mission of Linhart’s Foundation is an opened commu-
01 ⁄ 20 Linhart’s Foundation is based in Prague 1 at 33 Dlouhá St.
nication between the artists‘ community and the public; rising
To fulfill its purposes in a continuous manner, Linhart’s
up general cultural awareness; searching for cultural continui-
Foundation collaborates closely with 10:15 Management, s.r.o.
ty in the contemporary art with a special focus on supporting
founded in 1995 and with the civic association DEAI/Setkání
anything new.
o.s. founded in 2004.
Linhart’s Foundation disagrees with any form of discri-
10:15 Management, s.r.o. secures the management of Expe-
mination because of race, sex, ethnicity, age, social position,
rimental Space Roxy/NoD. DEAI/Setkání o.s. creates programs
amount of financial resources, religion, political beliefs, physi-
for Experimental Space Roxy/NoD and also for Communication
cal appearance and mental or physical handicap. The founda-
Space Školská 28. Possibilities of collaboration with relevant sub-
tion believes in nonviolent ways of advancement. The scope of
jects in Asia, Vietnam opened up in 2006. A collaboration with
foundation’s activities is worldwide.
Tibetan exiles and Dalai Lama Trust was initiated in 2014.
Basic Information
7a Report on partnership activities in Roxy/NoD
Performance indicator in 2014
Foundation’s Assets
Teatro NoD
Foundation’s Purposes
Events NoD
Galerie NoD
Video NoD
Mini NoD
Overview of Foundation’s Activities
1 Program “Support for art in public space” 05
7b Report on partnership activities in Školská 28
Financial management of Linhart’s Foundation
Štěpán Beránek – Armageddon
Markéta Zdebská – a prototype of the cover
for pianos on the street List of grants paid in 2014
2 Program “LinhArt Fund” to support artists in need
List of donors in 2014
3 Project Tibet Open House 07
Management costs of Linhart’s Foundation
4 Individual grants of the foundation
Informantion on the financial management in 2014
Plans for the year 2015
Slovo závěrem
5 Renting the spaces to managing
02 ⁄ 20 entities and the mutual relations
6 Renting the foundation’s collection
7 Program team of Roxy/NoD
Basic Information
Foundation’s Assets
Foundation’s Purposes
The Foundation is registered in the foundations’ register main-
Foundation’s assets consist of the collection of art represen-
The common denominator for all the activities of Linhart’s
tained by the Municipal Court in Prague, section N, entry 72
ting 127 items of the following authors in the total value of
Foundation is support of cultural development. This support
2.150.000 CZK.
does not limit to the offer of a “roof over the head” for the
already existing projects, but it is mostly aimed towards
Managing Board: Jan Mayer (the chairman), Daniel Bergmann,
Petr Pištěk, Vladimír de A. Lima,
Z. Franta Svoboda
Gail Sagman
artistic projects that are just emerging. The aim and feeling of
Tomáš Skalický, Martin Vitouš
Jaroslav Mayer
Agáta Mayerová
Linhart’s Foundation do not slide on the surface, but it fulfills
Laco Garaj
Roman Havelský
its mission truly thoroughly.
Karolína Mitášová
Martin Kuča
The purpose of Linhart’s Foundation is to provide financial
David Saudek
Boleslav Neuberg
contributions and a necessary background to the broad range
Supervisory Board: Martin Černý, Richard Heger
Otto Placht
Martin Mainer
of projects in the following areas:
Phone and fax: 224 82 82 85
Tomáš Kudelka
Shane E. Stevens
• development of Czech alternative art, free artistic
Richard Konvička
Vincent Venera
Denisse Davis
Josef Malejovský
Address: Dlouhá 33, 110 00 Prague 1
expression and creative surrounding
• international cultural exchange of projects and
scholarship residences
Bank account:14934-111/0100
Excerpts of the collection are presented on the website:
• education in the field of culture, like symposiums,
workshops, lectures
Identification Number (IČO): 496 27 201
• propagation of cultural activities, especially those that
Assets: The detailed list is presented as the foundation’s property list in
• documentation of artistic activities, preferably those
develop communication between artists and the public
2 150 000, – Kč (Základní kapitál při vzniku)
the foundations’ register maintained by the Municipal Court in
initiated or supported by the foundation
Prague. More:
Operational staff of the foundation:
The administrator, Martin Kolář takes care about the
foundation’s activities as a half-time post. Petr Pištěk, the board
member contractually takes care about the archive, registering
the collection, cataloging and documenting artworks and
exhibitions. Patricia Havlová, the previous administrator takes
care about the cashbox as a quarter-time post.
Martin Kolář – administrator
Patricia Havlová – cashier
Petr Pištěk – archivist
03 ⁄ 20 Overview of Foundation’s Activities
The common denominator for all the activities of Linhart’s Foundation is support of cultural development. This support does
not limit to the offer of a “roof over the head” for the already
existing projects, but it is mostly aimed towards artistic projects that are just emerging. The aim and feeling of Linhart’s
Foundation do not slide on the surface, but it fulfills its mission
truly thoroughly.
04 ⁄ 20 1.
Program “Support for art in the public space”
Program “LinhArt Fund” to support artists in need
Project Tibet Open House, a cultural embassy of Tibet in the Czech Republic
Individual grants of the foundation
Renting the spaces to managing entities:
Roxy/Nod, Školská 28 (and the mutual relations with Linhart’s Foundation)
6. Renting the foundation’s collection
7. Program team of Roxy/NoD
* Report on activities in Roxy/NoD
* Report on activities in Školská 28
Program “Support for
art in public space”
Štěpán Beránek
Michelin-starred restaurant Sansho sponsored the refreshments.
Nathaniel Marhold, the project’s coordinator invented this pro-
The first accomplished project is a sculpture installation of MA
gram of the foundation during his scholarship. Together with
Štěpán Beránek entitled Armageddon. Štěpán decided to install
Martin Kolář, the foundation’s administrator they prepared a
it between the church and the adjacent bell tower on the Petr-
public call for projects of artists up to 35 years old, including
ské Náměstí Square. Untraditional monumental sculptures of hu-
the related administrative agenda of forms, posters and the
mmingbirds attacking a rotten flower in decline were placed in
promotional campaign. The managing board established a
the beautiful quiet zone around the church.
Markéta Zdebská
A prototype of The cover for pianos on the
selecting commission from the dramaturgical team of Roxy/
The material that was used to create the installation is very inte-
The second supported project was a prototype of the cover for
NoD. In December 2013, the commission chose two projects
resting. The sculptures are created from the tractors’ tire tubes
pianos on the street, the Ondřej Kobza’s project. The architect,
among the eight submitted proposals. Each of the projects
sewn together and strengthened with the montage foam and
Markéta Zdebská created a very practical and simple design of the
was given the foundation’s grant in the amount of 35.000 CZK.
colored by piercing it with colorful wires. The material is highly
wooden cover for pianos to be placed not only on the Náměstí
The projects were accomplished in the first half of 2014.
resistant. As you can check, the installation survived the winter
Míru Square. She had found an investor for the material, the com-
The project received from Linhart’s Foundation a 35.000 CZK
2014/2015 unharmed.
pany Novatop s.r.o., so the Linhart’s Foundation grant helped her
For more information about the call please check the founda-
The installation on the church and the bell tower gained unex-
to cover the costs of production and propagation of the prototype.
tion’s website:
pected support of the local priest Lukáš Lipenský. A significant ef-
Also this project is still running and you could see the cover in
fort has been made also for the paperwork to receive permission
2015 on the Náměstí Míru Square. Nobody needs to cover the
from the restorers.
piano in a plastic sheeting any more. It is enough to unlock the
Varhan Orchestrovič Bauer wrote music directly for the installati-
cover that after its opening changes into both, a shelter and a
on and it accompanied the opening. He performed a composition
seating for pianists passing by.
entitled Armageddon 1 on the organ in the Church of Saint Peter
Currently, the second cover based on the prototype is in produ-
together with his band. Later, the musician continued his perfor-
ction for the next outdoor piano.
mance with a composition entitled Armageddon 2 and the other
The project received from Lindart’s Foundation a 35.000 CZK
jazz-rock pieces on the outside podium placed under the bell
tower. Adam Halaš from NoD moderated the opening; the local
05 ⁄ 20 2
“LinhArt Fund”
to support artists
in need
In 2014, in the framework of LinhArt Fund program the board
member, Daniel Bergmann granted a financial gift in the
amount of 120.000 CZK. The money was released from the
foundation’s budget in the framework of this program in 2012
(100.000 CZK) and in 2013 (20.000 CZK) for the underground
poet and musician, Pavel Zajíček who recovers after the consequences of the stroke.
06 ⁄ 20 3
Tibet Open House
We are working on opening a new Tibet culture centre using
the successfull model of centers ran by the organization „Dalajlama Trust“ that are today found in most of large cities known
as the „Tibet House“.
We are continuing on the tradition of having a good relationship with His Holiness Dalaylama and the members of the tibetian government in exile during the years 1989-2011, witch
was highly supported and connected by the former president
of Czech Republic Václav Havel and a major part of our political
As the place of realization we have decided for the Communicational center Školská 28, that has so far worked very successfully not only in art or socializing, but has also had an
impact on the quality of interpersonal relationships. This is why
we at this moment want to create our now emerging centre in
these spaces, that will be conceptually enhanced. Due to the
history and the position of the object this center is not only
known publicly, but is also very well economically sustainable.
We are planing to open in year 2017
07 ⁄ 20 4
Individual grants
of the foundation
In 2014, except the foundation’s projects, 3 other donations
1. 8.000 CZK in total to the band Monikino Kino and Ivo Pospíšil
2. The foundation’s granted 10.000 CZK for the activities of
were granted in the total amount of 18.000 CZK:
for their performance at the traditional Christmas party of Lin-
the civic association Fair Art, created in the Czech Republic by
hart’s Foundation where we invited all the friends of Linhart’s
Martin Leskovjan and Ondřej Stupal following the example of
Foundation and the working teams of Roxy, NoD and Školská
VLANY – Volunteers Lawyers for the Arts in New York (www.
28. We invited also the political representatives of Prague City
Council and the district Prague 1, the Ministry of Culture, the
director of Czech Television, representatives of the Jewish
Fair Art is a non-governmental and a non-profit organization
Community of Prague and many other representatives of our
providing a legal assistance for artists and art organizations,
partner organizations.
next to the education and other services in the field of art law.
It provides the legal consulting from 2013. From April 2014 the
This year’s gifts were Memory games created of Roxy’s archival
organization’s activity concentrates on the structured collabo-
posters, mostly the historical pieces from the 1990s.
ration with the network of lawyers who take over the preprocessed cases in the framework of their PRO BONO activities.
Fair Art won 2013 Social Impact Award in the competition of
socially beneficial projects.
08 ⁄ 20 5
Renting the spaces
to managing entities
and the mutual
Linhart’s Foundation understands background for projects’
In order to run Roxy and NoD, the managing organizations were
The Roxy space is rented from 1993 and the space NoD
realization also as the specific space. The spaces Roxy and
established: 10:15 Management s.r.o. and DEAI/Setkání o.s.
from 1998. Linhart’s Foundation survived also a total flood of
NoD in Dlouhá 33 inherently belong to Linhart’s Foundation as
The rented spaces in Dlouhá 33 were entrusted to them. Jaro-
Roxy in 2002. Also thanks to the great loan of the managing
children to their mother. The foundation more or less directs
slav Stanko was nominated for the commissioner of DEAI/Se-
board’s member, Daniel Bergmann, the spaces were revived
their programs and they have always determined its image. It
tkání o.s four years ago. He is also the only executive of 10:15
and reconstructed in a record time in 2011. See the article by
is Linhart’s Foundation that provides a long-term and stable
Management s.r.o. For these reasons, Jaroslav Stanko is also
Adam Gebrian:
rental of the spaces in Dlouhá 33 from the Jewish Community
the main manager of the space Roxy/NoD.
of Prague (MATANA a.s.).
Members of DEAI/Setkání o.s. and shareholders of 10:15
Management s.r.o. are only the members of the foundation’s
The third space for realizations, Communication Spa-
managing board or Linhart’s Foundation itself. Thanks to this,
ce Školská 28 was added in 1999. Jan Mayer, the managing
the control over the managing organizations is ensured.
board’s chairman subleased it to the managing organization
All the information about 10:15 Management s.r.o. is pub-
DEAI/Setkání o.s. that provides a program in Školská 28 through
licly available in the companies’ register; the information about
the team of Dana Recmanová. Although Jan Mayer rents this
DEAI/Setkání o.s. you can find in the association’s annual re-
non-living space of the gallery located in the courtyard of Škol-
ports, here:
ská 28 as a physical person, he specially wanted to put its activities under the umbrella of Linhart’s Foundation and that is why
it is placed here on the list of activities under the number 8.
The income from renting Roxy and NoD makes around 1/3
of the regular annual income of Linhart’s Foundation.
09 ⁄ 20 6
the foundation’s
The collection of artworks mentioned already in “Foundation’s
Assets”, the introductory part of the annual report, extended by
the other accessions of the collection like Gold Bone by Jiří David that you can see over the bar in the NoD café, is commercially rented to 10:15 Management s.r.o. for 60.000 CZK per
month. Most of the artworks are placed in the offices of Roxy
and NoD.
The income from renting the collection in 2014 was 720.000
CZK. This income makes 2/3 of the regular annual income
of Linhart’s Foundation.
10 ⁄ 20 7
Program team
of Roxy/NoD
To strengthen its position in Roxy/NoD, Linhart’s Foundation
hired a program (dramaturgical) team and keeps it directly
under its wings. However, the main manager of the team is still
Jaroslav Stanko.
The team has 6 members and it consist of:
Adam Halaš – dramaturg of Teatro NoD
Lenka Senová – dramaturg of dance music in Roxy
Adéla Sejkorová – dramaturg of bands’
concerts in Roxy and in NoD
Jiří Machalický – curator of Galerie NoD
Veronika Zajačiková – curator of Video NoD and NoD Mini
Daniel Bacho – marketing manager of Roxy
The services of this team are rented to DEAI/Setkání o.s.
The spending of this team in 2014 was 2.548.915 CZK.
The income for the services of this team in 2014 was
2.548.915 CZK.
11 ⁄ 20 7a
Report on partnership
activities in Roxy/NoD
Performance indicator in 2014
Performance indicator
year 2014
total number of actions (concerts/productions/performances/exhibitions) on the own stage
from this
own ensemble or production/co-production
renting/services for other organizers
number of productions for kids (from the total number of productions/performances/concerts)
number of rooms and its capacity
total number of visitors
percentage of visitors
number of premieres/openings
average price of a ticket in CZK
entrance fee in CZK (from – to)
202 587
The program of Experimental Space Roxy/NoD consists of four
The year 2014 was very successful and it attracted a large
Thanks to such attitude, the dramaturgy fulfills its aim to
basic programs. The musical dramaturgy is concentrated on the
number of visitors thanks to the variety of its dramaturgy. The
address the broadest public possible; it created conditions and
artistic production in the main space of the Roxy club and it is
dramaturgy was based on genres diversity like in the previous
presumptions for initiatives in the field of music art of all the
led by Lenka Senová and Adéla Sejkorová. The rest of the artistic
years and it continued in the spirit of its long-standing tradition
genres. Last but not least, it responds also to the current is-
production takes place in the theatre and gallery space of NoD.
presenting largely to the audience also the new artists and the
sues as human rights, drug addiction, ethnical and social is-
The artistic director of NoD is Adam Halaš. We concentrate the
music styles that are required by the young generation.
sues through the form of music projects connected to creative
program of Experimental Space NoD on four dramaturgic lines
The musical dramaturgy used all the proven resources and
visual images.
that meet in different cross over or composed projects.
the previous experiences including connections with domestic
The Roxy club’s modern space was steadily improved also
The main program is created by the theatre dramaturgy – TEA-
and foreign experts in the field of music and it very successfully
during this year so that it also gives a chance to stand out the
TRO NoD, by the dramaturgy of composed evenings and cross
followed up the previous concepts of the recent years’ clubbing
art of VIDEOART and VJING. We have connected with interna-
over projects – EVENTS NoD (light lab, new music, audiovisual
culture. It focused on the progressive music styles that appeal
tional group of artists gathered under the name KinocirKus to
evenings, lectures, discussions), the program of exhibitions –
mainly to the young, demanding audience and it exceptionally
make most of our electronic events expand with the perfect
GALERIE NoD that includes gallery MINI NoD (this exhibition
concentrated on broadening foreign concerts of the best current
visual scenography of installations, 3D panoramic mapping as
space serves mainly to present works of students from Pra-
world-known artists of electronic music. However, space was also
well as the creative design of the entire space. Thanks to this,
gue and other cities). The fourth line creates VIDEO NoD that
traditionally given to all the other music genres like rock, ska, hip
a lot of actions gained a new dimension. Those unique installa-
presents the contemporary videoart. The curator of GALERIE
hop, jazz, blues, funk, ethnic music, world music and alternative.
tions, constant improvement of technology and the visual ma-
NoD is Jiří Machalický, the curator’s program of VIDEO NoD
For these purposes we have managed to create the high-
terials brought by artists allow visitors to enjoy the experience
and MINI NoD creates Veronika Zajačiková.
-quality and modern background of technical equipment that
with all their senses. Taking part in the actions accompanied
For more information about the program please check the
enables performances of foreign, world-known artists as well
visually in such a way brings not only a cultural experience, but
annual reports of DEAI/Setkání o.s. that could be downloaded
as the domestic music projects with the above-standard requi-
also it becomes a real rapture from the ordinary reality.
from the website:
rements. However, the dramaturgy still focuses on giving equal
space also to the independent or beginning artists as well as
12 ⁄ 20 the experimenters.
Teatro NoD
91 productions including 10 theatre premieres were performed
in 2014 in the framework of TEATRO NoD’s dramaturgy. The theatre
dramaturgy actively participated in the program of few theatre festivals (festival příští vlna . . . next wave, Czech Dance Platform festival, Malá Inventura Festival of New Theatre, and festival Apostrof).
Experimental Space Roxy/NoD produced its own multi-ge-
nre festival BE TWENTY TWO. In the framework of this festival
three foreign projects were presented (KEN MAI – Dhyana / Meditation, DO-THEATRE – Gofmaniana: Dust of Dreams and STANISLAVA CHROBÁKOVÁ REPAR – Slovenka na kvadrát).
For a long time TEATRO NoD creates a platform for the con-
temporary non-verbal theatre. There is no stable scene for the contemporary mime art in Prague. In the framework of its program,
TEATRO NoD—next to the genre of physical and movement theatre
(One Step Before the Fall Spitfire Company, Waiting Room Farma
v jeskyni, The Body Present Jindřiška Křivánková, Jana Kozubková
and Lucie Ferenzová)—presented purely non-verbal performances
like Anna Kukuczková’s graduation performance (Music and Dance
Faculty of the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague – HAMU) O
tom se nemluví, another graduation performance of Department
of Pantomime at HAMU Kolonia 1 by Tomáš Kasprzyk and Valérie
Radzová, and also it presented a successful performance Push the
Button of the mime group Mime Fatale.
TEATRO NoD regularly presented a successful, authorial theat-
re project Six Billion Suns by Eva Rysová and Ondřej Novotný
inspired by the Alzheimer disease.
Apart from the aforementioned productions presented in the framework of TEATRO NoD, the other theatre projects were premiered or performed in 2014 like Kabaret Shakespeare by Lucie
Trmíková, David Prachař and Jan Nebeský, Generace FB by Jan
Čtvrtník and Hedvika Řezáčová, Smrt a dívka by Filip Nuckolls, Já
hrdina by Studio Damúza, Requiem by Lenka Bartůňková, Electra
by Jan Vrána and Černá ovce by the family of Viktoria Čermáková.
TEATRO NoD successfully took part in the project the Night of
the Theatres 2014 presenting an improvised marathon Nejsme
idioti?! directed by Martin Zbrožek.
13 ⁄ 20 Events NoD
Galerie NoD
97 projects were presented in 2014 in the framework of the
Already in 2013 the concept of exhibiting changed. Two new
Thanks to this shift of the concept of the exhibitions’ pro-
EVENTS NoD’s dramaturgy, next to the dozens of smaller events
projects were added to the existing programs. Next to the
gram, the part responsible for art and the visual came closer
produced as VIDEO ART gallery. In the framework of the dra-
main space Galerie NoD and Café NoD, where the program
to the theatre and the music part, because the system of “st-
maturgy the collaboration with few festivals took place (Queer
established its rules already, a new program Video NoD and a
ages” was implemented here as well. It brought opportunities
Eye, Prague Pride, Strings of Autumn festival, Arcolor), next to
gallery NoD Mini were created.
to meet new approaches and it broadened the scene presen-
the organizations supporting new musical thinking (Prague
However, in 2014 the focus of Galerie NoD and Café NoD
ted in Experimental Space Roxy/NoD.
Philharmonia – Krása dneška).
also shifted into a more diverse one. The other curators were
Since the beginning of 2014 the dates of the exhibitions—
Among the most significant projects of EVENTS NoD in
invited and they got an opportunity to present themselves with
that until 2014 used to last two to three weeks—prolonged.
2014 there were for example: the regular evenings of Urban
two or three projects. It created differently oriented blocks to
Small catalogs with Czech and English texts were created to
Beats, the concert of a talented musician James Harrise, the
show the connections between Czech and foreign art. The con-
each exhibition, as there is more time for the preparation.
concert of a band called Never Sol and a musical formation
temporary art was presented from the new perspective and
Monikino Kino, the launch of the CD of Lena Yellow and a band
the entire program turned into more varied and diverse one.
Johannes Benz, the musical evenings Trumpet’n’Bass, the mu-
In the first half of the year Viktor Čech’s artworks were
sical production of an alternative group ILLE, the music festival
exhibited. He is an artist known from interesting projects and
Struneři, the concert of a young and progressive group Voila,
Galerie NoD had already hosted him. The blocks presenting
and more.
projects of the invited curators interrupted exhibitions of the
The event of the year 2014 was the festival mentioned al-
significant personalities from different generations of Czech
ready above BE TWENTY TWO, a common project of all the
and foreign art scene. Those artists significantly influenced the
contemporary art’s appearance and their creation since many
years connects to the foundation’s activity.
14 ⁄ 20 Video NoD
Mini NoD
The original space of the main gallery transformed at the end
One could talk about plasticity of the Video NoD gallery that
NoD Mini (a gallery under the stairways) started in August
of the year 2012 into a functional, independent gallery space
confronts rigidity not only thanks to its technical possibilities,
2012 and it works as a residential space for starting curators.
exclusively devoted to videoart. That included the independent
but also because of its approach. It also invites viewers to
At the beginning of 2013 (January – March) the program of
program and production. The gallery Video NoD offers a so-
compare qualities and approaches of specific artists.
Ondřej Čech took place. It was focused on the students of art
lid concept and the high-quality program in the context of vi-
Gallery VIDEO NoD (Latin: videō /vidēre /vīdī /vīsum – to
academies in Prague. The curator, Veronika Zajačiková decided
deoart and in the spirit of experiment. That is why it is rightly
see, to watch) started its activity on November 19, 2012 with
to continue focusing on the non-Prague scene and the foreign
referred as a unique project not only in the Czech scale.
the concept focused on the showcase of artworks experimen-
ting with the moving image. It complements the program of
The uniqueness of the space lies also in the presentations’
In March 2014, an open call for the starting curators was
possibilities that try to introduce an uneasy-to-understand
Galerie NoD in an innovative way.
announced. The residential internship was offered to the pro-
theme of Czech videoart. The video gallery offers to authors
jects of Tereza Kopecká, a student of the Curatorial Studies at
a direct confrontation of their creations and thanks to the agi-
December 2014.
A unique technology of 360° projection is available since
Faculty of Art and Design at JEP University in Ústí nad Labem
le rhythm of two-week cycles of the exhibitions it challenges
and to Sára Davidová, a graduate of Charles University in Pra-
them to elaborate an artistic dialog. In the framework of the
program authors can implement a site-specific project created
for the space or adjust the older works to the new space and
context. Respected authors could gain a retrospective insight
into their existing works and the younger generation could experience working with new technologies.
15 ⁄ 20 7b
Report on partnership
activities in
Školská 28
A year-round exhibition project Communication Space Školská
In total, 16 original exhibition projects were realized (5
media. Most of the time the program of the gallery was eva-
28 includes exhibitions and accompanying educational pro-
in the framework of “White Wall”), next to 100 concerts, cre-
luated very positively as initiative and interdisciplinary-focused
grams with creative residencies of visiting artists. According to
ative workshops, performances, projections, presentations
in its dramaturgy of exhibitions and also in its educational pro-
us the program fulfilled the aims and the dramaturgical con-
and discussions in the framework of the dramaturgy that
gram and the presentations’ character. The exhibitions with the
cept of the gallery in 2014. Usually one-month exhibitions in
contains both – presenting and educating. During the year
intensive program that consists of presenting-educating parts
the interior of the gallery were complemented by the exteri-
there were 4 three-months residencies and 1 one-month resi-
create an extraordinary platform for meetings and the creative
or projects of “Bílý nástěnka” (“White Wall”) and “Galerie Díra”
dency of the foreign artists. They had an opportunity to present
collaboration of the program’s participants giving them also
(“Gallery Hole”). “White Wall” offers space to present works that
themselves; to meet and to get involved in the contemporary
opportunities to present themselves. It allows the public to
are designed for the presentation in the public space. “Gallery
culture scene.
meet the authors’ works and learn about the contemporary
Hole” extends opportunities to exhibit artworks of the artists
The exhibition project and the accompanying programs ex-
art’s current topics and forms.
exploring the audio art.
ceeded the context of genres and the local culture following
into the direction of broadening the community and the more
some parts of the accompanying program are free of charge;
intensive international collaboration. Currently, the interest to
the program is bilingual – 90% of the press releases and the
collaborate with the gallery from the Czech Republic and from
program brochures are translated into English that reflects in
abroad is so great that we are not able to integrate the offers.
the regular attendance of the gallery by foreigners: tourists and
In particular there is an interest in curator-oriented internatio-
the ones that live in Prague and who are interested in taking an
nal collaboration on exchanges, exhibitions and residential pro-
active part in the program. We prepare workshops or programs
jects, next to an interest to present artworks in the gallery. In
for the families regularly. While preparing special actions, we
collaboration with Norwegian and Icelandic partners we have
collaborate with residents of the house and the nearby culture
applied for financing a common project in the framework of
institutions (Fotograf Gallery, ArtMap, Mlok Association, Hrač-
the Norway Grants program.
kotéka, Kolíbka Café, etc.).
The interest in the exhibitions and in the accompanying
Thanks to the permanent collaboration with the other NGOs,
projects we have observed over generations and in different
also this year differently focused minorities were very often
16 ⁄ 20 Školská 28 has a wheelchair access; the exhibitions and
using the space (gender, children and youths, seniors, families
with children, creative technical workshops, etc.). We give great
space in our program to students’ projects. We are actively
involved in Erasmus – a European project of students’ and working internships thanks to which the foreign students take part
in the management of the gallery. This year 4 internships of
the foreign students of art schools were accomplished in the
framework of this program.
In 2014, the gallery received 34 exhibition projects af-
ter an open call for submission the projects for the period
6/2015 – 6/2016. An advisory forum consisted of Mgr. A. Doc.
Pavel Mrkus, Mgr. Blanka Švédová, Mgr. Jozef Cseres and Mgr.
A. Michal Kindernay recommended 6 projects which the gallery
included into its plan for the next year.
Thanks to the four-year grant of Prague City Council given
for the years 2014–2017, much longer planning was possible
and it stabilized the program. It was reflected in a slight increase of the gallery’s visitors showing also a stable interest of
the public in the program. We try to keep the contact with the
public by the regularly up-dated website in Czech and English,
next to the facebook page, the newsletter send by e-mail, the
distribution of printed programs and the actualization of the
program of various servers. Some exhibitions and programs
we complement with documentary interviews with the artists;
it is presented on the website of Školská 28, on the,
hisvoice, etc.
The interest of media is very regular: Czech Radio Vltava
informed about the program 5 times, Czech Television informed about it 4 times (Události v kultuře, ČT24); the programs
and exhibitions were reflected regularly by the other media
– both, the on-line (aktuálně.cz, scéna) and the printed ones
(Lidové Noviny, A2, His Voice, Ateliér, FlashArt). The reflection
on many years of the activity of Školská 28 was presented for
instance in Art & Antiques or artyčok tv.
For more information please check the annual report of Školská 28 on the website:
17 ⁄ 20 Financial management
of Linhart’s Foundation
List of grants paid in 2014
Management costs of Linhart’s Foundation
Information on the financial management
Hnutí Brontosauři v Himalájích
The Linhart’s Foundation statute limits the management costs
30.000 CZK
in the article X., stating: “The total annual costs that are co-
10.000 CZK
nnected to the management of the foundation cannot exceed
Material use
Markéta Zdebská – cover for pianos on the street 35.000 CZK
50% of the total donations given to the foundation annually by
Energy use
Štepán Beránek – project Armageddon
40.000 CZK
the third parties.” According to the law from the time of crea-
Services 7,536.296,– CZK
8.000 CZK
ting this statute (1999) all the foundation’s grants are under-
Klára Hendrychová – project Tibet Open House 32.316 CZK
stood as a main activity that includes, except the foundation’s
155.816 CZK
grants, also the activity of Roxy/NoD program team.
Linhart’s Foundation in the fiscal year 2014 spend for its main
activity 3.002.474,67 CZK in total. The costs connected directly
Provided grants
155.816,– CZK
to managing the foundation in 2014 were 1.032.493,52 CZK
Tax from the income
107.350,– CZK
– publishing of a book
Fair Art o.s. – support of the organization
Artists for the foundation‘s Christmas party
List of donors in 2014
Jan Mayer – donation for the project
Tibet Open House
100.000 CZK
Daniel Bergmann – donation for the program
LinhArt fund
Zdeněk Fáňa Svoboda – a regular donation
10,924.280,– CZK
Material expenses
15.984,– CZK
15.984,– CZK
0,– CZK
Personal expenses
466.910,– CZK
Other expenses
2,495.772,– CZK
Depreciation of tangible
and intangible assets
146.152,– CZK
that makes 34,38% in relation to the expenses of the foundation’s activity.
11,282.753, – CZK
120.000 CZK
Incomes from the main activity 3,298.355,– CZK
2.500 CZK
Other incomes
232.500 CZK
Received donations and contributions
Exceptional incomes
5,161.903,– CZK
232.500,– CZK
2,589.995,– CZK
Full annual accounts are attached to this report.
Financial grants – are explained in detail in the part “Foundation’s
The annual accounts for the year 2014 were verified by an
18 ⁄ 20 auditor.
Plans for the year 2015
Preparation of the new website presentation
Working on the archive and the representative records of 27 years of the foundation’s history
Re-codification of the foundation’s statute in accordance to the new Civil Code
Development of the foundation’s program “Support for art in public space”
New forms of supporting the foundation’s projects
Support to the projects already established and developed in Roxy/NoD and Školská 28
Announcement of new programs with new, current topics in line with the foundation’s purposes.
Program LinhArt Fund to support older generation of artists in need
Preparation of the summary publication about Galerie NoD in 1999–2015.
19 ⁄ 20 Conclusions
The set of the projects that was created thanks to the help
and assistance of Linhart’s Foundation would not be that rich
or developed in the future without an important support of
numerous companies, individuals and institutions.
Linhart’s Foundation wants to thank to all the supporters,
mostly to Prague City Council, Ministry of Culture of the Czech
Republic, to the teams of Roxy/NoD and Školská 28 for their
devoted and consisted work, and also to a number of friends,
supporters and collaborators.
Prague, 20th June 2015
20 ⁄ 20 approved by Jan Mayer,
the chairman of the managing board
1. Annual accounts till 31.12.2014