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Calling ALL Girls…
…we are so thrilled to bring to you these
God’s Women of Influence…“Free to be ME!”
conferences. Our purpose is to ‘Showcase’
The Master Designer Who will be presented
in so many facets. You will be graced with
‘the Glory and Presence of God’ while you have
the opportunity to become engaged with the
speakers, musicians and Grammy nominee
Christian artist as they move under the
‘Influence’ of the Holy Spirit. You will find
these ladies warm, gracious, touchable, and
deeply in love with Jesus!
From teenage young women to the ‘Gracefully
Golden’; we are in for a real treat! The Call
has been made…be sure and Answer; it is a
GOD thing!
“FREE to be ME!”
•3-4pm........ Check-In
•4-5pm........ PRE CONFERENCE
Getting to know you!
(Ladies/Girls…you are invited to come meet the
“GWoI Team” and get acquainted with new friends;
visit the promotional tables, the Main Street Treasure
store and enjoy some yummy finger-foods!)
•6pm........... Doors open / Late check-in
•7-9:30pm... “Free to be ME!” begins
Worship / Speaker: JANET Paschal
•9-11am .... Worship & Session
JANE Goodrich & JANET Paschal
Speaker: JEANNIE Daly
Girls of Power, Grace & Destiny!
•11:30-12:30 ... Session
JANE Goodrich / Speaker: KATHIE Sommerfeld
•12:30-2pm.... Lunch
•2-3pm........... Session
JANE Goodrich / Speaker: JUDI Murphy
•3:30-5‘ish’..... TABLE TALK! (with “GWoI Team’’!)
•5-7pm........... Dinner
•7-9:30pm...... Closing Session
WORSHIP / Speaker: JANET Paschal
P.O. Box 2029, 8537 State Hwy. 76
Branson West, MO 65737
Tel: (417) 338-8537 • Fax: (417) 338-8545
e-mail: GWoI@GodsWomenOf Influence.org
www.GodsWomenOf Influence.org
...calling ALL girls
Janet Paschal
Janet is acclaimed internationally as a
gifted songwriter, vocalist and author.
Janet has ministered worldwide for more
than two decades, occupying a place
among the genre’s top musical artists.
One of today’s most sought after and admired Christian artist, Janet has received
multiple Grammy and GMA nominations. In 2005 she was named
Diamond Awards Soloist of the Year. Known for her gentle humility,
authentic warmth and engaging graciousness, Janet’s sweet spirit has
uniquely endeared her to the countless devoted fans who enthusiastically follow her career. Yet it is her unwavering faith that has been
the greatest source of inspiration to all who have been blessed by her
journey throughout the years.
Diagnosed with cancer in 2005, Janet came to experience an even
more profound dimension of God’s grace and strength. During those
months of daunting illness, Janet sensed that God was broadening
her scope of ministry. The result is a series of women’s events and
retreats which open the way for more personal, in-depth interaction
with the many wonderful women Janet meets on tour.
Bill Gaither recently released a compilation of Janet’s performances from the Homecoming tapings titled, “The Best of Janet Paschal.”
In addition, Janet recently returned to the studio where she completed her first ever hymns project titled “Sounds Like Sunday.”
Jeannie Daly
Jeannie has been defined as a woman
of excellence, who is passionate in her
pursuit to serve Christ; and that passion
overflows as she ministers the ‘truth’ of
God’s Word. She will captivate you with
God’s Truth as she shares biblical promises that will set you free from bondage
on your journey to becoming the woman God desires and created
you to be. She received ‘God’s calling’ upon her life in her 20’s, and
God has placed yet another vision in her heart; this time for ‘The
Girls’ (teenage to mature women)…sharing with them the message
of Hope…“Free to be ME”!
She is a ‘God’ taught pianist; a worship leader; and her passion
for worship will bring you into a whole new realm of intimacy with
Father God. She has been a speaker for 13 years at the Above &
Beyond Victory Conferences.
Jeannie & her husband, Dale, have spent their years together in
ministry. From birthing and serving in churches in the S. Calif. area
as well as birthing ‘CRA Ministries, Int’l’ 22+ years ago. They have
traveled the country sharing the Good News throughout the Motorsport World. In 2001 Jeannie was named ‘Woman of the Year’
within this venue.
In 2010 God gave them yet another vision, ‘to move the ministry
to Branson, MO’. Once again God opened new doors for birthing
another church, Faith Center as well as this exciting God’s Women
of Influence Int’l conference ministry!
Jane Goodrich
Jane can’t remember a time in her life
when music wasn’t present. At a young
age she began singing with her musical
family and traveling the country spreading the Gospel with her parents and 5
siblings. This rich musical heritage sets
the stage for her passionate presentation
of the message that she feels strongly about.
For the last 30 years, she has helped to build the music program
at Christ Temple Church in Huntington, WV where she has directed and sung with this nationally known choir. Over the last several
years, she has ignited a solo career with the release of her debut solo
project, “Just Another Day In The Kingdom.” Jane continues to work
with the music program in Huntington and also accepts engagements sharing her own music.
Her sincere, heartfelt vocals and burning desire to bring a message of hope and joy to a world that’s in desperate need is evident
from the moment that she takes the stage. You will be blessed!
Judi Murphy
Judi is our enthusiastic, tenacious and
animated, yet ‘rock solid’ team member.
She is absolutely passionate about being
a woman of prayer and being near to the
Father heart of God!
You will be captivated by her tumultuous marriage that escalated to a ‘neardeath’ experience; yet she never wavered with ‘Faith in her Father
God’! God miraculously brought her AND her husband through
and they live a tremendously successful life in business (her husband being named Custom Homebuilder of the Year 2011 in America); in motor-sports (her husband being four time world champion in drag racing); but more importantly in their Faith with their
Source being Christ!
Kathie Sommerfeld
Kathie brings a quiet but yet amazing
strength to the God’s Women of Influence
Team! Kathie and her husband founded
and are still active today in the world
renowned ‘Kreg Tool’ company. While
God has mightily used them in intuitive
creations; Kathie recognizes that her
greatest blessing has been that of accepting Christ as her Lord and
Savior and moving into a deepened relationship with Him during a
‘desperate time of her married life’.
Kathie’s life of transformation is very dear to her heart and she
is truly grateful for the faithfulness of her Heavenly Father and accredits her past, her present and future to Him. One of her greatest
desires is to develop and encourage ‘Girls in The Faith’!
Registration Form
Name:_ _____________________________
Number Attending:_____________________
Date Arriving:_______ Departing: ________
Honeysuckle Inn . . . $55.00 (ask for the God’s Women of Influence/CRA special rate)
3598 Shepherd of the Hills Expy.
Branson, MO 65616
417-335-2030 x 201
(Complimentary continental breakfast included.)
Bradford Inn . . . Rates start at $74.00
3590 State Hwy. 265
Branson, MO 65616
(Let them know you are part of the God’s Women of
Influence/CRA group and you will not be charged taxes.
A wonderful warm breakfast is included with this rate.)
Branson is a ‘vacation-ministry’ hot spot.
Be sure and secure your rooms early!
Early Registration $40
if received by August 1, 2012
Regular conference price: $45
Branson, MO airport code: BKG
Springfield, MO airport code: SGF
Method of Payment: Check or Credit Card
Ck r
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Exp. Date _ _/_ _
Sec. Code _ _ _
P.O. Box 2029, Branson West, MO 65737
For additional questions, you may contact the
CRA/God’s Women of Influence Office at (417)338-8537
or e-mail: GWoI@GodsWomenOfInfluence.org