Morane-Saulnier type N
Morane-Saulnier type N
8010 eduard PLRSTIC KITS Morane-Saulnier type N 1/48 SCALE PLASTIC KIT • PLASTIC MODELLBAUSATZ MAQUETE EN PLASTIQUE A COXSTRUIRE • PLASTIKOVt MODEL PLASTIC PARTS - PP \ - = PINS V/INDSHIELD FOIL vE !-_ C.-5 -'•--'•-- PHOTO ETCHED DETAIL PARTS - PE ^ 8010 M O R A N E - t y p e N ZEC-. E-r~ oo oo 111 F-DUARD M.A. (c) 1B94 OPTIONAL FACULTATIF NACHBELIEBEN VOLBA GRAY SRIS GRAU SEDA BEND PLIER SIL VOUS PLAIT BITTE BIEBEN OHNOUT BLACK NOIR SCHWARZ CERNA OPEN HOLE FAIRE UN TROU OFFNEN VYVRTAT OTVOR STEEL ACIER STAHL OCEL SYMETRICAL ASSEMBLY MONTAGE SYMETRIQUE SYMMETRISCHE AUFBAU SYMETRICKA IWONTAZ LIGHT GRAY GRIS CLAIR HELLGRAU SVETLE SEDA Z 0 ANOTH L INCISION DER EINSCHNITT ZAREZ WOOD BROWN BRUN BOIS HOLZBRAUN HNEDE DREVO REMOVE RETIRER ENTFERNEN ODRIZNOUT SILVER ARGENTO SILBER STRIBRNA MORANE-SAULNIER TYPE N Xem pfesne znamo, kolik kusu letounu Morane-Saulnier N bylo vlastne vyrobeno, je mozne, ze jich bylo pouze 49 kusu. Presto byl tento typ pouzivan letectvi tfi statu a na fronte lispesne bojoval vice nez rok. Je to take mozna nejslavnejsi typ firmy Morane-Saulnier, snad proto, ze je mylne spojovan se slavnym francouzskvm pilotem Rolandem Garrosem. Traduje se, ze na nem Garros bojove letal a byl na nem sestfelen. A take, ze Garrosiiv vynalez, na vrtuli namontovane ocelove kliny, odrazejici kulky kulometu stfilejiciho skrz vrtuli, inspiroval A.Fokkera k vynalezu synchronizatoru, umozfiujiciho prostfeiovat vrtuli bez rizika jejiho poskozeni, Toto vse je bohuzel legendou. Garros na tomto typu nikdy bojove neletal, pouzival hornoplosny Morane-Saulnier L. Garros sice uspesne pfedvadel prototyp Morana N na leteckem mitingu v Aspern u Vidne, ale po vypuknuti valky na bojove pouziti typu N nikdo nepomyslel. Teprve kdyz byl Garros v dubnu 1915 sestfelen, objevil se na fronte prototyp s napisem Le VengeurYMstitel/ na trupu, pilotovany Garrosovym pfitelem E.Gilbertem. Pote byla objednana mala se'rie a stroje, oznacene jako MoS.6C.l se dostaly do vyzbroje nekolika eskadril. Letali na nich i velmi slavni piloti, jako Jean Navarre nebo slavny akrobat Pegoud, ktery na Moranu N vybojoval sest vitestvi. Britsky letecky sbor, RFC, pouzival Morany N, vyzbrojene kulometem Lewis, az do srpna 1916. Slouzily u 1., 3. a pfedevsim u 60.squadrony. Britove typ N nazyvali Morane Bullet. V dubnu 1916 ho porovnavali ve cvicnem souboji s ukofistenym Fokkerem E.III. V tomto souboji se Morane ukazal jako lepsi letadlo ve vsech parametrech, presto vsak nebyl u pilotu obliben pro spatnou podelnou stabilitu a tim narocnou pilotaz. Pomerne dlouho pouzivalo mirne modifikovane Morany N, vyzbrojene kulometem Maxim, ruske letecvo. Rusove uvazovali i o licencni vyrobe, ale ta se neuskutecnila. ROZPETf DELKA VYSKA VZLETOVA HMOTNOST TECHNICKA DATA 8.15m MAXIMALNIRYCHLOST 5.83 m VYSTUP DO 1000 M 2.25m VYSTUP DO 4000 M 444kg DOSTUF 152 km/h 4 min 45 min 4000m MORANE-SAULNIER TYPE N It is not known exactly how many Morane-Saulnier type N's were actually manufactured. It is possible there were only as few as 49 of them. Despite this, they were used by the airforces of three countries and fought successfully at the front line for over a year. It is probably the most famous aircraft of the Morane-Saulnier company, perhaps because it was erroneously associated with the famous French pilot Roland Garros. The legend has it that Garros flew one in battle, and was shot down in it. It also says that Garros invented propeller-mounted steel wedges, which deflected the bullets from the machine gun shooting through the propeller arc. This inspired Ant. Fokker to invent the sv-chronizer. which allowed the bulle:s to pass through the propeller arc without the risk of damage. ..":?. •_;-::mrarelv. is ;-js: a myth. Garret never iew Morane N in battle, he used the topwing Morane-Saulnier type L. Garrt; d::; successfully :; the rrttityce .:: Mcraite X at an aviation nteetir.z at A;t:err.. near ">V;er.r.a. ?^;"e'"er. a^ter the "~ar :r:/.e tut. ::; :ane :; was not ccrslderei. 'twas rr.'.y atter Sarrts ;ht: ~-."~ : n^Anr:! lr-lr rat h:s frier.: .-..--ihhert. nilctea the tontlme r_ret:tyre "."ith :':^ (~~:~'^'' he "en^rur The .-."er.zer :n tne :u;e.ace. v :..t-.-.-i-.g this, a small productitn run "v=s t r d e r e d ntarh-a " '. -: '^ '. ana terante nart :f the arnta:taent :•: several units. Thev were a'.sc d;v~ ;-.- verv farrttui \'l- :? su:h as /ean \a~~arre ana :ne tantcus pre-war acrobat Pegoud. wh: vras achieved ;Lt-: !-dds t n a ".!:rane X. The British Airfcrce. ?drC. u?ed h':ratte \"; ^r~^i "t'dt L-v.-:; ntathine gun; unid August 1916. They served in the 1st. Srd and most tf ad. : th i a u a d r t n . The British cadet; Tyne N" Morane Bullet. In April of 1916, they co-pared it in a meek dattde v.dth a cantured Fckher E.I". In this match-up, the Morane proved itself to he the better aircraft in all parameters. Despite this, it was not favored by the pilots, due to its low longitudinal stability and thus difficult ctntrol. For a relatively long time, slightly modified Morane N's, armed with the Maxim machine gun. were used by the Russian airforce. The Russians considered manufacturing them under licence, but that never happened. TECHNICAL DATA WING SPAN 8.15m MAXIMUM SPEED 152km/h LENGHT 5.83m 1000 M CLIMB 4 min HEIGT 2.25m 4000 M CLIMB 45 min FLIGHT WEIGHT 444kg LEVELLING OFF 4000m 8010\ MORANE-SACILNIER type N PAINTING & MARKING GUIDE MS 393> Escadrile MS. 12, flown by Jean Navarre, 1915 u MS 394, probably Escadrile MS. 12, 1915 RED LINE MS 394 ONLY
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