C ool C lassics S ummerconcertseriesret


C ool C lassics S ummerconcertseriesret
2nd Quarter
Summer 2015
C o o l C l a s s i c s S u m m e r
c o n c e r t s e r i e s r e t u r n s f o r
i t s n i n t h s e a s o n !
Sat & Sun 1-4pm
Closed Mondays
& Holidays
After hours tours
available by
Call Ammie to
schedule your
event at the
Sheerar Museum!
I S S U E :
Renovation Projects
Volunteers Needed
...from the Director
Night at the Backstage
2015 Associates
The Cool Classics Summer
Concert Series is returning in
July for its ninth season. Starting on July 10, a concert will
be held each Friday night
through July 31. Each concert
will begin at 7:30 pm and will
last approximately one hour.
Although it is a free concert
series, seating is limited to the
first 200 people in attendance.
Each year, the Cool Classics
bring musical relief to Stillwater when the “arts and culture
scene is a little quieter.” This
year, musicians from Norman,
Tulsa, and Stillwater will
perform at the Sheerar Center
Ladies at Play features
Miranda Arana, Shanda
McDonald, and Kathy Dagg
from Norman, Okla. These
newcomers to the Cool Classics, promise to bring an
energetic and adventurous
performance to the series.
Returning for their seventh
appearance in Cool Classics
are Appassionata Viola & Harp
Duo. This highly praised Tulsa
based duo is sure to wow the
audience with their blend of
classical chamber music and
modern classics.
Stillwater’s own young and
gifted Grice Duo will also be
making their debut perfor-
mance in the concert series.
Beth and Jacob are students
of Mahlon Halleck, the founder
of the Cool Classics.
Returning for their ninth
appearance are Cool Classics
Veterans Trio Aleszky. The trio
features professional musicians from Tulsa who remain a
perennial crowd favorite.
This season has been made
possible by a grant form the
Arts and Humanities Council of
Stillwater as well as public
donations. The receptions
made possible by the following
sponsors: Judith Karman
Hospice, Stillwater League
of Women Voters, Town and
Gown Theatre, and Osher
Lifelong Learning Institute.
For more information
About the Cool Classics
Summer Concert Series,
contact the museums office
at 405-377-0359. ■
P a g e
S t i l lw a t e r
M us e
I m p r ov e m e n t & P r e s e rva t i o n
P r o j e c t s T h i s J u n e
This summer, the Museum is addressing two much needed
major projects for improving the facility and how it cares for
and presents Stillwater’s history and culture. Collections storage will be improved with new shelving and the front steps of
the Sheerar Cultural Center will undergo repairs.
Collections Storage Shelving Project
The museum is closed from June 15 until July 14, 2015 to
allow for the Collections Storage Shelving Project to be completed. During this time, staff members are cleaning out collections storage areas and assembling new metal shelving for the
space. This project has been made possible by a grant from
the Buel J. Staton Charitable Trust.
The previous storage conditions were not ideal for the
preservation of artifacts. With the limited space that is available, boxed and unboxed artifacts were stacked on top of each
other increasing movement of objects as well as the chance of
dropped artifacts. The more an artifact is moved, the more it
deteriorates and the higher probability that it will be inadvertently damaged. The previous wooden shelving also releases
gasses that affect the preservation of the artifacts.
The new metal shelves will allow for better organization of
the collection areas. Artifacts will no longer be stacked or even
sitting on the floor. This in turn will minimize the chances of
damages to the artifacts .
Overall, the metal shelves will allow for the museum to better serve its mission in preserving artifacts.
Director Ammie Bryant and Museum Attendant Matthew Bates work to
clear out the collections storage room to make way for new metal shelves.
Sheerar Cultural & Heritage Center Steps
Thanks to a donation from a private donor, the steps and the hand railing on
the north side of the building are undergoing much needed repair. Through the
years, elements have caused cracks and other damage to the steps. The renovations will not only increase the safety of the steps, but it will also increase the
aesthetics of the building.
Because the bottom four steps are the most damaged, they have been
removed and will be rebuilt. The upper steps will be cleaned and patched. Once
all of the steps are redone, they will be coated with a slip-resistant paint. The
handrails will also be removed, cleaned, repainted, sealed, and then reinstalled.
The overall goal of the project is to increase the safety of the steps while
preserving as much of the original steps as possible. While the construction is
ongoing, entry to the auditorium is limited to the west ramp located by the
Sheerar Heritage Garden. The steps are scheduled to be finished and reopened
in time for the first Cool Classics performance on July 10, 2015; however, if the
project is delayed the Cool Classics will carry on with entry to the Auditorium via
the west ramp or the museum level stairway access.■
2 n d
Q u a r t e r
P a g e
Vo l u n t e e r s
Volunteer Position: Oral History Transcriptionist
A transcriptionist types what is spoken directly to him or
her from an audio recording to create a written record. The
Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History is looking for a few good
volunteers interested in helping to preserve oral history related
to the Sister-City relationship between Kameoka, Japan and
Stillwater, Oklahoma.
The Museum will be working with the OSU Library Oral
History Project to collect oral histories from people who have
been involved in the sister city program over the past 30 years.
Volunteers are needed to transcribe the recordings of these
interviews. The transcription takes about six hours per 1 ½
hour of interview time. Volunteers will be asked to type the
interview word-for-word in order to preserve the oral history for
. . . F r o m
T h e
N e e d e d !
future generations.
This oral history project will be an important element in A
Story Unfolding: The 30th Anniversary Celebration of Two
Sister Cities — Kameoka, Kyoto, Japan and Stillwater,
Oklahoma, United States a new exhibit planned to open at the
Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History on Sunday, October
25, 2015.
Interested volunteers should
contact Museum Director
Ammie Bryant at
377-0359 or email
for more information. ■
D i r e c t o r ,
This has been
another year full
of change at the
Museum of
Stillwater History.
Some have been
external like the
repair of the front
steps. Everyone
can see the
Ashlie Hight and Ammie Bryant
change as it
takes place and
will note the wonderful results when the project is complete.
Other changes have been behind the scenes. Right now the
Museum is closed to the public so that we can empty out the
original collections storage room to make way for new metal
shelves. When we are finished, the average visitor off the street
won’t know this work took place because it’s
located behind “staff only” doors. But this work is vital to our
mission to collect, preserve, and present Stillwater’s history.
Another big change coming this month is the exit of our Registrar, Ashlie Hight. Ashlie’s work caring for our collections has
been behind the scenes. Ashlie has been with the
Museum for over seven years and yet very few of our supporters
or visitors have had the opportunity to know her and her work.
So I would like to introduce you to Ashlie before she leaves us to
go onto her next adventure.
Ashlie began working at the Museum in the spring of 2008
A m m i e
B rya n t
as a student under Registrar Adelia Hanson. I didn’t meet Ashlie until January 2009 when she was an intern—the first student
intern I ever had work under my supervision. She set the
benchmark high for all the interns who have followed her.
After completing her internship, we hired her as a
part-time Registrar’s Assistant for our Registrar Sarah McBride
who took over the position from Adelia when she retired. Ashlie
remained with us until she graduated with her MA in Museum
Studies in 2010.
After graduating, Ashlie moved to Texas to be near her
family and search for a full time job, but soon she returned to
Stillwater where she found a position with the OSU Library.
When she came home to Stillwater, she immediately returned to
working with the Sheerar as a volunteer.
Then, when Sarah McBride resigned as Registrar in the fall
of 2012, we only had to look to Ashlie to step into the role. She
maintained her full-time position with the OSU Library and
worked 10 hours each week in the evenings and weekends at
the Sheerar Museum for the past three years. Now, she is ready
to move onto the next chapter of her life.
Ashlie’s goal was to improve the level of care the
Museum’s collections receive and she has successfully done
that by working to improve and standardize our procedures. She
also worked to find new storage space in our already filled to the
brim historical building by improving the efficiency of the space
used for storage.
Those of us who had the opportunity to work with Ashlie
will miss her dedication, work ethic, and sense of humor. We
wish Ashlie the best of luck in her future endeavors.■
2 n d
Q u a r t e r
P a g e
N i g h t
t h e
Bac k s tag e
A Night at the Backstage took place on June 14, 2015 with the help
of many volunteers and sponsors. During this special event, guests
enjoyed art, history, food, a silent auction, and an appearance by
26th President, Theodore Roosevelt. A Night at the Backstage was
held in support of the Sheerar Museum’s operations. Thanks to a sellout crowd, donations, and silent auction sales, the event netted over
$9000 for the Sheerar Museum! Thank you, thank you, thank you! ■
Left: Night at the Backstage committee members pose with Andy Warhol's iconic
portrait of Teddy Roosevelt.
Left to right: Barbara Dunn, Judy Ringwall, Elizabeth Carver-Cyr, Vickie Sturgeon,
Judy Hoberock, Ann Enix, Kay Keys. Front right: Julie Teubner
Ac k n o w l e d g e m e n t s
Gayle Robinson & Julie Teubner, co-chairs
Invitation Design:
Barbara Dunn
Invitation Mailing:
Kay Keys
Ticket Sales:
Gladeen Allred
Lou Watkins
Auction Items:
Judy Ringwall
Gayle Robinson
Lou Watkins
Ammie Bryant
Vicki Sturgeon
Elizabeth Cyr
Barbara Dunn
Ann Enix
Nancy Patton
Adelia Hanson
Gerry Nelson
Julie Teubner
Dr. Clarance Benes
as President Roosevelt
Pat Jaynes
Backstage Venue:
Russ and Julie Teubner
Marsha Forbes
Staff and Volunteers:
Ammie Bryant, Director
Ashlie Hight, Registrar
Matthew Bates
Jordyn Ackerman
Rebecca Canaan
Dennis Cyr
Matthew Dunn
Rob Robinson
Brown’s Bottle Shop
Food Pyramid
Silent auction donors:
Patty Armbruster
Clarance Benes
Bill & Marry Bryans
Bill & Barbara Dunn
Ann Enix
Jennifer Glenn
Adelia Hanson
Marilyn Heath
Brian Hobbs, Garden Party
Judy & Larry Hoberock
Priscilla Kinnick
Elizabeth Konigmacher
Billy McCollom
Nancy Patton
Carol & Dennis Preston
The Rancher’s Club
Judy Ringwall
Gayle & Rob Robinson
Cathy Southwick
Jude Tolar
The Wooden Nickel
Additional Donations:
John & Nancy Allford
Bill & Roberta Armstrong
Dorothy Carmain
Judy & Larry Hoberock
Terry & Martha Miller
Russ & Julie Teubner
Above: Russ Teubner shared
the history of the building
and its renovations.
Left: President Theodore
Roosevelt gives a campaign
(Performed by Dr. Clarance
Benes of Pawnee Nation
2 n d
P a g e
Q u a r t e r
Many thanks to the
Associates who have made
their contributions to the 2015
Associates Drive. These donations support the Sheerar
Museum’s operations each
year. Without this support, the
Museum could not remain
open and continue its mission
to collect, preserve, and
present Stillwater’s history.
It’s not too late to become
an Associate in 2015. Just fill
out the response card on the
back of this page and return it
with your payment to the
Sheerar Museum at 702 S.
Duncan, Stillwater, OK 74074.
Or call 405-377-0359 to make
your donation by phone.
Bill & Barbara Dunn
Gerald & Harriet Thuesen
Ruth & Roy Sturgeon
Patty & Steve Armbruster
Karen Gallagher & Bob
Bob White
John & Nancy Allford
Dick & Malinda Berry Fischer
Dick & Marilyn Heath
Kent & Barbara Houck
Lynn & Ava Osborn
Jon & Nancy Patton
Frances & Tim Smalley
Dianne & Walter Adams
Gladeen Allred & Ed Long
Baker Animal Clinic
Judi Baker
Eneth (Sally) Banks
Jim & Joyce Barnes
Nancy & Jim Beckstrom
2 015
Karen & Ken Bell
Jim & Louise Bellatti
Bill Bernhardt
Jim & Ann Berry
Bill & Mary Bryans
Dorothy Carmain
Gary & Jane Clark
Scott & Karen Dean
Dick & Ann Simma
Patrick & Kathy Dorr
Jonathan Drummond
Jim & Ann Enix
Sidney & Margaret Ewing
Veta Jo Fenimore
Dale & Donna Folger
Mary Alice Foster
Stephanie & Roger Fry
Roger W. Gose
Rodette & Rick Green
Anne & Michael
Jim & Ann Halligan
Burns & Ann Hargis
Robert Henrickson
Dave & Jo Hessel
Lynda Hillier
Judy & Larry Hoberock
Jill Holmes
Gerald & Chris Horn
Ann Houston
Judy Hull
Judy & Don Hutchison
Kay Woodruff Keys
Betty Dahms Lewis
Caroline & John Linehan
Phyllis Luebke
Robert & Carol Maciula
Phyllis Mayberry
Steve & Lynne Miller
Terry & Martha Miller
John Mills & Sue Bonner
Barbara & Jim Motes
Darrel & Barbara Overholt
Connie Pirtle
Robert & Vicki Phillips
Lynn Pitts
Alan & Brenda Plaxico
Eddie & Jan Polk
Paul & Brenda Porter
Dick & Carol Ann Powell
Dennis & Carol Preston
Ned & Esther Raun
Sydney Reding
Donna J. (Dee)
Paul & Alice Richardson
Judy Ringwall
Gayle & Robert Robinson
Sharon & Roy Scott
Alan & Jeri Seefeldt
Dick & Cynthia Shawley
Leanita Shelby
Ted & Laura Smith
Wendell & Sue Stephens
Richard & Marsha Teague
Bill & Cat Thompson
Stan Tucker & Michael
Bill & Judie Varnum
Wes & Lou Watkins
Joe Weaver
Bob & Grace Wettemann
Keith & Dolores Willett
Nancy Andrews
Cara & Ron Beer
Dennis & Loretta Bertholf
Baker & Nan Bokorney
Fern Bowling
Charles & Elizabeth Bruce
Bob & Norma Burk
Walter & Diane Coffey
K. & Sandy Cohlmia
Kevin & Beverly Collin
Steve Cundiff
Elizabeth & Dennis Cyr
Marti Dermer
Jane & Sam Earnest
Pat Ferchau
Cleo & Joanne Fowler
Gerry Frank
Gary & Nancy Franklin
Mary Lois Frye
Richard Giles
Jennifer & Allen Glenn
Steven & Helen Koons
Frances K. Griffin
Adelia & Bert Hanson
Janet Hargrove
Vic & Jody Hayes
Charles & Carol Headrick
Debbie Hernandez, Charlie’s
Discount Drug
Pat Jaynes
Lori & Dan Kimball
Gene Longworth
Martha & Roger McMillian
Elfriede Miller
Patricia Mullins
Gwenith Piersall
Mona Pratt
Glade & Faye Ann Presnal
Darrel & Ruby Ray
Chris & Lynda Reynolds
Karen & John Severe
Surekha Sheorey
James Showalter
Joyce & Frank Steindl
Bill & Toni Stone
Robert & Charlene Swaim
Betty & Larry Tower
Avonelle White
Harry Wohlert
Jane & Jim Anderson
Eddie & Ruby Basler
Linda J. Bentley
Browning Society
James Burtschi
Bob Chapman
Rick & Annette Cowell
Rebecca Groom te Velde
Tabitha Doescher & Josh
Martin & Janet Hagan
Christine Harris
Mary Sue Hill
Helen E. Jordan
Elizabeth Konigmacher
Mike & Elaina Lyle
Bill & Rayora Moore
Kay Murphy
Shirley (Peggy) Murphy
Judy Nelson
Larry & Beverly Perkins
Jim & Jackie Plaxico
Al & Betty Rutledge
Harold & Mary Lou Sare
Dorothy Schrader
Carol Sollik
K. Kay Stewart
Vickie Sturgeon
Ken Wade and Myr-Lou
Rollins Wade
Gayle & Pat Ward
Judy White
Judy Williams
Jo Ann Martindale
Rosalyn Weston■
702 S. Duncan St.
Stillwater, OK 74074
Email: Info@sheerarmuseum.org
PLEASE JOIN US! Your donations allow the Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History to remain open, free to the public, and offering
quality educational and cultural programs to the Stillwater Community.
I (we) accept your invitation to become a Sheerar Museum of Stillwater History Annual Associate in 2015
Name _____________________________________________________________________________
Address ___________________________________________________________________________
ur Mission:
The mission of the Sheerar
Museum of Stillwater History is to
receive and collect the material
culture of Stillwater, Oklahoma,
dating from prehistoric times, but
especially from the 1880s to the
present; to preserve those materials for the future; to study them to
derive information about the past;
and to use the knowledge resulting
from such study to present to the
public the history and culture of
the area through all effective
City _______________________ State______ Zip_________ Phone __________________________
Email (to receive updates on events, exhibits, etc.) ________________________________________
Category of Support:
Stakeholder ($5,000 — $10,000)
Underwriter ($2,500—$4,999)
Benefactor ($500 — $999)
($100 — $499)
($50 — $99)
($25 — $49)
($15 — $24)
Please make payable checks to:
Sheerar Museum
(we also accept Mastercard or Visa) 702 S. Duncan Street, Stillwater, Oklahoma 74074
(405) 377-0359 info@sheerarmuseum.org
Thanks to these 2015 Corporate Sponsors!
Gold: McCollom’s Interiors
Silver: Bancfirst, Bank NA, Brooner’s Floor Center, Credit Bureau Services Association, Kerns Construction,
Raymond James & Associates