East End - MP Collections
East End - MP Collections
Price List September 2009 Sofas Low Tables Bookshelves Small Armchairs Work Seats Desks, Tables and Cabinets Doors Accessories Covers OFFICE COLLECTION UPDATING 09.2012 INCLUDING PRICE LIST NOVELTIES AND INCREASES Price List September 2009 General terms and conditions of sale 1 - DEFINITIONS 1.1 “Customer”: the signer of the purchase order sent to Matteograssi S.p.A. 1.2“Products”: all the goods marketed by Matteograssi S.p.A. forming the subject-matter of the purchase order sent by the Customer. 1.3 “Contracts”: all the current and future sale contracts between Matteograssi S.p.A. and the Customer due to the acceptance, by issuing the order confirmation or by starting to perform, the purchase order sent by the Customer to Matteograssi S.p.a. 2 -PURPOSE 2.1 The General terms and conditions herein, subject to any exceptions explicitly approved in writing by Matteograssi S.p.A. and by the Customer (hereinafter also referred to jointly as “Parties” or individually as “Party”), govern all the current and future Contracts of which they are integral part. 2.2 The General terms and conditions herein replace any other General terms and conditions previously undersigned by the Parties. 2.3 Any general terms and conditions of purchase of the Customer are not applied to the Contracts unless expressly approved in writing by the Parties. 3 - PURCHASE ORDERS AND THEIR ACCEPTANCE Each purchase order sent to Matteograssi S.p.A. will have to be undersigned by the Customer or by its representative. Matteograssi S.p.A. reserves the unquestionable right to accept or not each purchase order received from the Customer through order confirmation in writing or by executing it. 4 - PRICES 4.1 Unless otherwise agreed in writing between the Parties, the prices of the Products are those indicated in this price list, that cancels and replaces the previous agreements and is the only reference for the Customer for formalising the order. Matteograssi S.p.A. reserves the right to change the said price list at any moment and without prior notice. 4.2 The prices indicated in the price list do not include the costs relevant to any assembly and installation of the Products in the purchaser’s premises. In the events mentioned in articles 5.3 and 5.4, transport expenses will have to be added to the prices indicated in the price list according to the terms therein provided. 4.3 Matteograssi S.p.A., in order to maintain and improve the quality of its own Products, reserves the right to make changes at any moment to the materials, finishing and elements forming the Products, without damaging the aesthetic and functional aspect. 5 - DELIVERY TERMS AND METHODS 5.1 The delivery terms of the Products notified to the Customer when accepting the purchase order are a non-essential indication of the shipment week of the goods from the factory and entrusting to the forwarding agent; therefore, if these terms expire and the Products are not fully or partially delivered, Matteograssi S.p.A. shall not be liable for any damages suffered by the Customer due to the delay. In case of failure to deliver the Products after 60 (sixty) days from the delivery date approximately indicated to the Customer when the order is accepted, the Customer shall be entitled to withdraw from the contract, except for a cause not attributable to Matteograssi S.p.A. and without prejudice, in any case, to the absence of any other responsibility with reference to the latter. 5.2 The delivery of the Products occurs with ex reseller clause for the following countries: Italy, Austria, France, Germany, Spain (excluding the islands), Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg and Switzerland. 5.3 For the following countries: United Kingdom, Ireland, Portugal, Spanish islands, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark, a 3% contribution for travel expenses is requested on the list price, which shall be applied in the invoice. 5.4 For all the other destinations, the Products are delivered ex factory. 6 - PRODUCT TRANSPORT In the events mentioned in articles 5.2. and 5.3 Products travel with reliable forwarding agents of Matteograssi S.p.A. The Customer, when delivering the Products, must immediately make sure that they are complete and that their quantities and type correspond to those indicated in the purchase order accepted by Matteograssi S.p.A. Any lack of completeness or any difference from the purchase order must be indicated, affixing the relevant reserve, on the delivery document T.D.D. or on the carriage note, countersigned for approval by the forwarding agent. These documents must be immediately sent to Matteograssi S.p.A. 7 - CONDITIONAL SALE 7.1 Pursuant to articles 1523 and following of the Civil Code and also when an instalment payment of the price has not been agreed upon, Matteograssi S.p.A. sells its own Products with conditional sale until the full payment of the price by the Customer. 7.2 If an instalment payment of the price has been agreed upon, the failure to pay even one instalment whose amount is equal to or greater than the eighth part of the overall price due, will imply the Customer’s loss of the benefit of the term with regard to the following instalments and Matteograssi S.p.A. will be able to obtain the cancellation of the contract. In this last case, any amount already paid by the Customer will be withheld by Matteograssi S.p.A. by way of indemnity, except for the reparability of the subsequent damage. 8 - PAYMENT TERMS AND METHODS 8.1 The terms of payment will be agreed upon by the Parties in the purchase order. 8.2 Il The failure to pay or delayed or incomplete payment even of only one invoice authorises Matteograssi S.p.A. not to carry out the other purchase orders received from the Customer and already accepted, as well as to request compensation for any suffered damage. 8.3 In case of failure to pay or delayed or incomplete payment, the Customer will be obliged to pay, for each outstanding invoice, the interests provided by Legislative Decree no. 231 of October 9th, 2002. 9 - RETURNS Any Product returns will have to be previously authorised by Matteograssi S.p.A. at its own exclusive discretion and upon the Customer’s specific request. The transport of the Products for which Matteograssi S.p.A. authorises the return is carried out by Matteograssi S.p.A. itself, or by its own reliable forwarding agent. The Customer is obliged to package properly the Products to be returned before delivering them to the forwarder, under penalty of being charged the damages that may occur owing to transport. 10 - NOTIFICATIONS Each notification and/or declaration of the Customer intended for Matteograssi S.p.a concerning the Contracts or their performance will have to be sent to the following address: Via Padre Rovagnati n. 2 - 22066 Mariano Comense (CO) – Italy. 11 - CONFIDENTIALITY AGREEMENT The Parties mutually undertake not to use or disclose to third parties the secrets of businesses or activities of the other Party with which they may become acquainted when performing the Contract, except for those that are already normally disclosed. 12 - AMENDMENTS AND ADDITIONS Any amendment, addition, completion or correction to the General terms and conditions herein must be made in writing and accepted by both Parties. 13 - COMPETENT COURT AND APPLICABLE LAW The Court of Milan has the sole jurisdiction as to any dispute arising in relation to the validity, interpretation, execution and/or cancellation of the Contracts and/or General terms and conditions herein. The applicable law is Italian Law. QUALITY CERTIFICATION Matteograssi S.p.a. works within a Quality System in compliance with the UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 standard certified by the Swiss Company “S.Q.S. Association Suisse pour Systémes de Qualitè et de Management”. GUARANTEE OF CONFORMITY The Products subject-matter of the Contracts are covered by the “legal guarantee of conformity” set forth in articles 128 and subsequent of Legislative Decree no. 206 of September 6th, 2005 (the so-called “Consumption Code”, in which Legislative Decree no. 24/2002 has converged and that in turn had acknowledged Directive 1999/44/CE), as modified and widened by the following provisions. The guarantee consists in the restoration of Product conformity by repairing or replacing them, according to the terms and methods provided by the aforesaid regulation. The guarantee is valid for 6 years from the delivery date of the Product for supporting structures and leather covering; it is valid for 3 years from the delivery date of the Product for fabric covering and for all the components (hardware, mechanisms, additional sliding parts, etc.). The report of any conformity defect of the Product must be sent to Matteograssi S.p.A., as provided by art.10, no later than 2 (two) months from when the defect is discovered, enclosing a copy of the guarantee certificate together with a copy of the fiscal purchase document. Any conformity defects of a Product or of its part do not exempt the Customer from the obligation to collect the remaining ordered Products. The guarantee is not valid for defects deriving from an improper use of the Product or from an improper cleaning and maintenance operation. As for this last aspect, refer to the “Products suggested for maintenance” guide enclosed with each Product. The guarantee is not valid for the Products and for parts of Products that present a normal wear and tear or have been tampered or modified by subjects not explicitly authorised in this sense by Matteograssi S.p.A. Technical Information Covers High Quality (HQ). Cuoio Miura (CM). Coach hide . It is produced from bullskin exclusively of European origin. The part normally used is the back, thickness is from 2,2 to 2,4 mm. It is chrome and vegetable tanned, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with polyurethanic pigments. Pelle Sweet (cat. S). Soft leather. Fullgrain cowskin exclusively European origin, natural grain. Thickness is from 1,8 to 2,0 mm, obtained with chrome and vegetable tanning, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with aniline. Cuoio Classic (CU). Coach hide. It is produced from fullgrain cowskin exclusively of European origin. The part normally used is the shoulder, thickness is from 3 to 4 mm. It is vegetable tanned, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with aniline and semi-aniline depending on the colour. Pelle Pure (cat. U). Soft leather.Fullgrain cowskin exclusively of European origin with smooth natural grain. Thickness is from 1,4 to 1,6 mm, obtained with chrome and vegetable tanning, dyed in the tub with pure aniline. Cuoietto (CS). Soft leather. Fullgrain cowskin exclusively European origin. Thickness is from 1,8 to 2,0 mm, obtained with chrome and vegetable tanning, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with aniline. Pelle Nabuk (cat. N). Natural grain cowskin, suede finish, exclusively European origin. Thickness from 1,1 to 1,3 mm, obtained with chrome tanning , dyed in the tub with pure aniline. Pelle Soft (PS). Soft Leather. Cowskin with thickness from 1,4 to 1,6 mm., obtained with chrome tanning, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with polyurethanic pigments. Pelle Fire (PF). Soft Leather. Cowskin with thickness from 1,1 to 1,3 mm., obtained with crome tanning, dyed in tub with pure aniline and finished with polyurethanic pigments, fire resistant "Classe 1". Pelle Smooth (PT). Soft leather. It is produced from smooth grain cowskin of European origin with thickness from 1,0 to 1,2 mm. Obtained with chrome tanning, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with polyurethanic pigments. Pelle Light (PL). Soft Leather. Fullgrain cowskin of European origin with thickness from 1,4 to 1,6 mm., obtained with chrome and vegetable tanning. Dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with aniline and semi-aniline depending on the colour. Pelle Forest (PR). Soft Leather. Fullgrain cowskin exclusively European origin. Thickness is from 1,4 to 1,6 mm, obtained with chrome tanning, dyed in the tub with pure aniline. Natural grain suede with manual forming. Legenda on Covers CM: CU: CS: Cuoio Miura Cuoio Classic Cuoietto HQ: PS: PF: PT: PL: PR: Pelle Soft Pelle Fire Pelle Smooth Pelle Light Pelle Forest C.O.M.: Customer own material S U N Pelle Sweet Pelle Pure Pelle Nabuk Technical Information Wood finishes Glasses Mat Lacquer (H) Closed pore pigment base , embossed mat polyurethanic finish. It is available in all the colours of the collection. Persia Walnut (N) (Junglas regia). Semi-open pore mat antiyellowing transparent polyurethanic finish. Oak (Q) (Quercus alba). Open pore mat finish, semi-transparent for stained graphite (QG) and for bleached (QS), pigment base for lacquered black (QN) and for lacquered grey (QY). The varnishes used for the finish are the following: - antiyellowing polyurethanic for stained graphite (QG); - acrylic for bleached (QS); - polyurethanic for lacquered black (QN) and lacquered grey (QY). It is available in all the colours of the collection. Clear glass. Transparent, bevelled clear glass. Thickness as per price list. Satined. Bevelled glass obtained by acid processing. Thickness as per price list. Bronze. Bevelled and tempered bronze glass, with varnishing on reverse side. Thickness as per price list. Smoked. Bevelled and tempered smoked glass, with varnishing on reverse side. Thickness as per price list. Black. Bevelled and tempered glass black painted on the reverse side. Thickness as per price list. White. Bevelled and tempered extralight glass white painted on the reverse side. Thickness as per price list. Our wooden products are qualified by the brand Vero Legno. This brand guarantees the client on the authenticity of the wooden product against any imitation (www.verolegno.it). As specified in the price list, some products are supplied with tempered glass. For others it is possible to get the tempered version upon request. General notes on wood The wood used by Matteograssi, thanks to its authenticity certificate, can show differences in colour shades, in veneers in the same furniture and in particular between two pieces of furniture. Exposure of the product to light and time will change the colour shades. Epoxy painted (A). Finishing obtained with epoxypolyester resins base applied with a film from 80 to 120 micron thickness and stoved. Available in the colours of our metal finishes collection. Anodizing (B). Finishing obtained with a patented process of electroimpregnation. This finish is exclusive for aluminium parts. The thickness is from 10 to 20 micron. Available in the colours of our metal finishes collection. Chrome Plating (D). Finishing obtained with galvanic process of two nickel-plating layers and one surface chrome layer. The whole thickness is from 10 to 20 micron. Available in the colours of our metal finishes collection. Burnishing (E). Finish obtained through manual oxidation of the metal or through immersion. It is protected on the surface with a transparent epoxy painting. Polished Aluminium (L). Finishing for aluminium parts obtained with vegetable fibre polishing and polishing paste. Satined Nickel Plating (M01). Finishing obtained with galvanic process of multi-layer nickel-plating, with one stained layer on the surface protected with epoxy trasparent varnishings. The whole thickness is about 20 micron. Black polished Nickel Plating (M02). Finishing obtained with galvanic process of multi-layer black nickel-plating, with epoxy trasparent varnishings on the surface. The whole thickness is about 20 micron. Satined stainless steel (W). The glazing of the stainless steel is one finish obtained directly on the same material, by a light brushing in one direction and with a rotating metallic brush, always in one direction. Legenda on wood finishes H: N: Q: HB HC HG HN NC mat white lacquered "Laccato opaco bianco" mat creta lacquered "Laccato opaco creta" mat grey lacquered "Laccato opaco grigio" mat black lacquered "Laccato opaco nero" Persia walnut "Noce Persia naturale" QG QN QS QY oak stained graphite "Rovere tinto grafite" oak black lacquered "Rovere laccato nero" whitened oak "Rovere sbiancato" oak grey lacquered "Rovere laccato grigio" Marbles and granites Bianco Carrara marble. White/Grey marble with white veins and natural glossy or polyester finish. Origin: Tuscan Alps (Italy). Nero Marquinia marble. Black bottom marble with white veins and polyester finish. Origin: Guipuzcoa (Spain). Nero Assoluto granite. Fine and uniform grain black granite, natural polished finish; the surface may have lighter shades, on a darker background, Origin: South Africa General notes on glasses Metal finishes Legenda on metal finishes A: A42 Semi-polished black "Nero semilucido" A43 Dark grey "Grigio scuro" A45 Golden "Dorato" A48 Light grey "Grigio light" A49 Aluminium grey "Grigio alluminio" A51 Titanium "Titanio" A52 White "Bianco" B: B01 Natural "Naturale" D: D20 Chrome Plating "Cromatura" E: E01 Burnishing "Brunitura" L: L01 Polished Aluminium "Alluminio lucidato" M: M01 Satined Nickel Plating "Nichelatura satinata" M02 Black polished Nickel Plating "Nichelatura nera lucida" W: W01 Satined stainless steel "Acciaio inox satinato" Notes and suggestions General Information on Covers Coach hide and soft leather of first quality selected by Matteograssi S.p.A can often show on surface small imperfections as scars, scratches, roughness or be different in colour shade or in degree of glossiness. This is synonym of a procedure which fully respects the natural quality of the material, without any artificial treatment for pore covering, due to its dye in the tub. Different shades from one skin to another and on the same skin or small imperfections cannot be considered as conformity defects or material defects. Exposure of the products to light and the passing of time will change the colour of the cover used. Cover stitchings are made with polyester yarn, cotton fibre-reinforced and twisted. The edges of the products in coach hide are finished in the following colours: - brown for coloniale, biscotto and natural coach hide - black for all other colours The use of some qualities of leather (CS - Cuoietto) could involve, sometimes, changes on the type and number of stitching. Our covers in CU are purchased exclusively from tanneries members of the Association "Vera Pelle Italiana Conciata al Vegetale" (Genuine Italian Leather Vegetable Tanned). Stain Repellent Superficial Treatment for Soft Leather and Coach Hide. Stain, water and oil repellent treatments with a basis of resins are the most advanced superficial protection available today on the market. Treated soft leather or coach hide remains protected against stains, without changing its own look, touch and colour. The treatments are totally inert, they do not cause any sort of allergic reaction and improve the reaction to fire of the treated materials. The superficial protection is perfectly transparent to UV-rays and does not affect the natural shade of colour. On request the stain repellent treatment is possible on all the products; on some products it is a standard version and is specified in the technical information. However the same treatment is still possible also after the purchase of the product, since it is not permanent. Certifications complying with Fire Safety Regulations All products in this price list can be supplied, upon request, with different price quotations than the ones indicated in the price list and if a minimum quantity is reached, with certifications that state they comply with Fire Safety Regulations in force such as classe 1IM / CAL117 / BS5852 / M2. Method for Measurement of Seat Heights and Product Sizes The measurement of the height of office chairs has been undertaken in accordance with standard UNI EN 1335-1, "seat height" measurement corresponding to the measurement "a" indicated in the standard. These height refers to chairs with bases on wheels, excluding those fitted with "GRR" mechanisms, measured with bases on glides. It must also be pointed out that the "width" and "depth" measurement indicated in the price list for the swivel chairs have been made by excluding the overall base dimensions. The measurement of the height from the ground of padded chairs (armchairs, small armchairs and sofas) has been calculated by summing the average between the minimum height (the highest point of the rear strip of the cushion) and the maximum height (the top of cushion). For all other chairs models not included in the categories cited above and for the measurement of each product in the price-list, the measurements have been made on the maximum overall dimensions. All measurements indicated in this price-list, excluding the ones measured according to UNI EN 1335-1, the tolerance admitted is ± 2%. Advice on Price list Consultation This price list has been prepared in order to facilitate order compilation and also to provide all the necessary information regarding technical, construction and dimension features. For each model, the top margin of the page will indicate the special technical characteristics of the same, the minimun order quantities and the surcharge for any special finishes or measurements. As regards the metal and wood finishes and the leather categories, they are classified in groups which can be identified by means of the legenda shown above and are visible in the special colour cards. Indice catalog reference product typology Sofas Armchairs and sofas model description page 2Leather 2-Zip Domino Elémentaire Jazz KO Korium Openside Strato 17 18-21 22-30 31 32-35 36 37 38-43 44 Tables Low tables Strato 45 Bookshelves Bookshelves 2Leather 46-49 Small Armchairs Small Armchairs Aretè Britt Coco Chair Court Derby Elémentaire Esquire Kelly Korium MG 50 51,52 53 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 Carol GR Carol Mizar Zoe Kompass Kube Meeting 60-62 63 80-90 91 64-67 68-74 75-79 Work Seats Office seatings Area seatings East End Writing desks Tables Drawer units Cabinets Conference tables Metron Tops writing desks 93 Rectangular tops 94 Square tops 95 Round tops 96 Legs and side panels 97 Accessories 97-99 Drawer units 100 Low cabinets 101,102 High cabinets 103 Equipment and 104 accessories Modular 105-107 Rectangular 108 Special size tops 109 Writing desks and Coach hide covered 110-113 tables In glass 114 Cabinets Container cabinets 115 116,117 Drawer units Drawer units 118 Bases and tops Bases for special size tables Tops for special 119,120 size tables Bases for glass tops 121 Glass tops in special 121 size catalog reference product typology model description Must Desks Tops for writing desks Bases for desks Accessories for desks Tops for tables Bases for tables Accessories for tables Tables Wave Cabinets Theatre Doors Accessories Accessories Covers page 123 124 125,126 127-129 130-132 133,134 135-137 Cabinets 138 Accessories Drwawer units and 139,140 low cabinets 141,142 Loomy Glass tops Desk pad T.Net 143 144 145 146 Coach hide/leathers 147 Cleaning products 148 Sofas Low tables Bookshelves Small armchairs Work Seats East End Metron Must Wave Theatre "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness Accessories of low price is forgotten." (Benjamin Franklin) Covers 2Leather Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2005 cover: soft leather frame: shell in rigid polyurethane foam shell padding: polyurethane foam of different densities seat cushion padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with doublelayer padding swivel base: satined stainless steel or chrome plated steel glides: no-slip, plastic Upholstered swivel armchair covered with soft leather. 2L01 low lounge chair PM1 maintenance set included. PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 86 (33 7/8") 83 (32 3/4") 79 (31 1/8") 43 (17") W PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.259,00 2.455,00 2.776,00 D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.492,00 2.690,00 3.010,00 49 (19 1/4") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 17 2-Zip Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: wood padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: black epoxy painted steel feet: plastic Upholstered armchairs and sofas covered with soft leather. PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) ZS01 armchair 101 (39 3/4") 88 (34 5/8") 68 (26 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 3.315,00 3.939,00 4.572,00 ZS02 2 seater sofa 166 (65 3/8") 88 (34 5/8") 68 (26 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 4.316,00 5.181,00 6.086,00 ZS03 3 seater sofa 216 (85 1/8") 88 (34 5/8") 68 (26 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 5.402,00 6.509,00 7.691,00 ZS04 4 seater sofa 296 (116 5/8") 88 (34 5/8") 68 (26 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 6.832,00 8.226,00 9.715,00 ZS31 bench 65 (25 5/8") 37 (14 5/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 1.190,00 1.404,00 1.613,00 65 (25 5/8") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 18 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) 2-Zip Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: wood padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: black epoxy painted steel feet: plastic Modular sofas. Upholstered elements and covered with soft leather. PM1 maintenance set included. metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) ZS11 central element 65 (25 5/8") 88 (34 5/8") 68 (26 3/4") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF/ PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 1.874,00 2.229,00 2.597,00 ZS12 central element "large seat version" 90 (35 1/2") 88 (34 5/8") 68 (26 3/4") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 2.219,00 2.646,00 3.096,00 ZS13 2 seater central element 130 (51 1/4") 88 (34 5/8") 68 (26 3/4") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 2.891,00 3.484,00 4.123,00 ZS35T end element 84 (33 1/8") 84 (33 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 1.478,00 1.749,00 2.032,00 ZS35A low corner element 84 (33 1/8") 84 (33 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 1.478,00 1.749,00 2.032,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 19 2-Zip Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: wood padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: black epoxy painted steel feet: plastic Modular sofas. Upholstered elements and covered with soft leather. PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) ZSA corner element 88 (34 5/8") 88 (34 5/8") 68 (26 3/4") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 2.925,00 3.447,00 3.963,00 ZS21 lounge seat 65 (25 5/8") 153 (60 1/4") 68 (26 3/4") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 2.776,00 3.287,00 3.810,00 ZS22 lounge seat 90 (35 1/2") 153 (60 1/4") 68 (26 3/4") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 3.247,00 3.871,00 4.517,00 ZS35 bench 'large seat version' or end element 84 (33 1/8") 84 (33 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 1.592,00 1.878,00 2.154,00 ZSB armrest 18 (7 1/8") 84 (33 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 824,00 980,00 1.145,00 51 (20 1/8") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 20 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) 2-Zip Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: wood padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: black epoxy painted steel feet: plastic Modular sofas. Upholstered elements and covered with soft leather. ZS210 composed of: ZS220 composed of: ZS240 composed of: ZS250 composed of: PM1 maintenance set included. height seat cm (in) metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) 2 x ZS13 1 x ZSA 2 x ZSB 237 (93 3/8") 237 (93 3/8") 68 (26 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 10.352,00 12.374,00 14.497,00 2 x ZS13 1 x ZSA 1 x ZS21 1 x ZS35 1 x ZSB 302 (119") 304 (119 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 13.896,00 16.558,00 19.315,00 2 x ZS13 1 x ZS35A 1 x ZS35 1 x ZSB 302 (119") 237 (93 3/8") 68 (26 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 9.674,00 11.574,00 13.575,00 2 x ZS12 1 x ZS22 1 x ZS35 1 x ZSB 372 (146 5/8") 153 (60 1/4") 68 (26 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 37 (14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 10.099,00 12.020,00 14.005,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 21 Domino Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic Sofas upholstered and covered with soft leather. DM02 2 seater sofa DM03 3 seater sofa DM04 4 seater sofa PM1 maintenance set included. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish 149 (58 3/4") 79 (31 1/8") 65 (25 5/8") 35 (13 3/4") A 219 (86 1/4") 289 (86 1/4") 79 (31 1/8") 65 (25 5/8") 79 (31 1/8") 65 (25 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 22 covers PRICE VAT excl. PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.065,00 3.399,00 3.874,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.551,00 3.891,00 4.360,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.921,00 4.448,00 5.192,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 4.237,00 4.771,00 5.514,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 4.758,00 5.479,00 6.492,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 5.274,00 5.994,00 7.014,00 A A ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Domino Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic Sofas upholstered and covered with soft leather. DMP02 2 seater bench DMP03 3 seater bench DMP04 4 seater bench PM1 maintenance set included. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish 140 (55 1/8") 72 (28 3/8") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") A 210 (82 3/4") 72 (28 3/8") 35 (13 3/4") 280 (110 3/8") 72 (28 3/8") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") covers PRICE VAT excl. PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.005,00 2.210,00 2.497,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.386,00 2.591,00 2.878,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.485,00 2.773,00 3.183,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.649,00 2.943,00 3.346,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.971,00 3.346,00 3.844,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.370,00 3.745,00 4.266,00 A A ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 23 Domino Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic Sofas upholstered and covered with soft leather. PM1 maintenance set included. width cm (in) DM43 3 seater back to back sofa DM44 4 seater back to back sofa 219 (86 1/4") 289 (86 1/4") depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) 152 (59 7/8") 152 (59 7/8") 65 (25 5/8") 65 (25 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") height seat cm (in) 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 24 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 7.131,00 8.122,00 9.515,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 7.799,00 8.784,00 10.178,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 7.770,00 7.952,00 10.863,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 8.614,00 9.827,00 11.525,00 A A ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Domino Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic Modular sofas upholstered and covered with soft leather. PM1 maintenance set included. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. DM12 2 seater element sofa 140 (55 1/8") 79 (31 1/8") 65 (25 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 35 (13 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR PCF HQ 2.508,00 2.843,00 3.071,00 3.318,00 DM13 3 seater element sofa 210 (82 3/4") 79 (31 1/8") 65 (25 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 35 (13 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.358,00 3.891,00 4.636,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 4.201,00 4.923,00 5.936,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.737,00 3.100,00 3.604,00 DM14 4 seater element sofa DMAI Internal corner element sofa 280 (110 3/8") 79 (31 1/8") 123 (48 1/2") 65 (25 5/8") 123 (48 1/2") 65 (25 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 25 Domino Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic PM1 maintenance set included. Modular sofas upholstered and covered with soft leather. DMAE External corner element sofa DMCI Internal curved element sofa DMCE External curved element sofa DMP12 2 seater element bench width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 123 (48 1/2") 123 (48 1/2") 65 (25 5/8") 35 (13 3/4") 179 (70 1/2") 174 (68 1/2") 140 (55 1/8") 92 (36 1/4") 92 (36 1/4") 79 (31 1/8") 65 (25 5/8") 65 (25 5/8") 65 (25 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 26 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. PS/PF PT/PL/PR 2.362,00 2.673,00 HQ 3.112,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.890,00 3.276,00 3.815,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.620,00 2.971,00 3.463,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.548,00 1.753,00 2.040,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Domino Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic Modular sofas upholstered and covered with soft leather. PM1 maintenance set included. metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) DMP13 3 seater element bench 210 (82 3/4") 72 (28 3/8") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.028,00 2.315,00 2.725,00 DMP14 4 seater element bench 280 (110 3/8") 72 (28 3/8") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.515,00 2.890,00 3.411,00 DMPA corner element bench 123 (48 1/2") 123 (48 1/2") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.525,00 1.730,00 2.016,00 DMPC curved element bench 174 (68 1/2") 83 (32 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") 35 (13 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.677,00 1.905,00 2.228,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 27 Domino cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 PM1 maintenance set included. Modular sofas upholstered and covered with soft leather. width cm (in) DMB/SX DMB DMB additional armrest DMB/DX right end armrest DMB/SX left end armrest DMPD/SX DMPD additional foot DMPD/DX right end foot DMPD/SX left end foot depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) covers PRICE VAT excl. DMB/DX 5 (1 3/4") DMPD 70 (27 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") A D/M 294,00 552,00 A D/M 235,00 423,00 DMPD/DX 5 (1 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") 18 (7 1/8") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 28 metal finish ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Domino Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic PM1 maintenance set included. Examples of compositions width cm (in) DM210 composed by: DM230 composed by: 2 x DM13 1 x DMB/DX 1 x DMB/SX 1 x DMB 2 x DM12 1 x DM13 1 x DMAI 1 x DMAE 1 x DMB/DX 1 x DMB/SX 4 x DMB depth cm (in) 435 (171 3/8") 79 (31 1/8") height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 65 (25 5/8") 35 (13 3/4") 544 (214 3/8") 404 (159 1/8") 65 (25 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") 35 (13 3/4") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 7.598,00 8.664,00 10.154,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 8.372,00 9.438,00 10.928,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 15.237,00 17.114,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 16.785,00 18.662,00 21.300,00 A A 19.752,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 29 Domino Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 cover: soft leather base frame: steel armrest: steel plate, chromed, satined nikel plated or powder varnished padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic PM1 maintenance set included. Examples of compositions width cm (in) DM220 composed by: DM240 composed by: 1 x DM13 1 x DMP13 1 x DMB/DX 1 x DMB/SX 1 x DMB 1 x DM12 2 x DMCE 2 x DMCI 1 x DMB/DX 1 x DMB/SX 4 x DMB depth cm (in) 430 (171 3/8") 79 (31 1/8") 710 (279 3/4") 196 (77 3/8") height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 65 (25 5/8") 35 (13 3/4") 65 (25 5/8") 51 (20 1/8") 51 (20 1/8") 35 (13 3/4") covers PRICE VAT excl. A PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 6.268,00 7.088,00 8.243,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR 7.042,00 7.862,00 HQ 9.017,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR 15.292,00 17.101,00 HQ 19.638,00 D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR 16.840,00 18.649,00 HQ 21.186,00 A ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 30 metal finish (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Elémentaire Design: Jean Nouvel - 2004 cover: soft leather frame: wood padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex feet: plastic Upholstered sofas and soft leather covered. PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) EM01 armchair 82 (32 1/4") 86 (33 7/8") 83 (32 3/4") 66 (26") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 2.810,00 3.329,00 4.171,00 EM02 2 seater sofa 142 (56") 86 (33 7/8") 83 (32 3/4") 66 (26") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 3.625,00 4.346,00 5.518,00 EM03 3 seater sofa 202 (79 5/8") 86 (33 7/8") 83 (32 3/4") 66 (26") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 4.440,00 5.364,00 6.853,00 EM10 footrest 60 (23 5/8") 53 (20 40 (15 3/4") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 789,00 931,00 1.173,00 /8") 7 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 31 Jazz Design: Matteo Nunziati - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) back and base support: dark chrome plated steel Double height adjustable back. Upholstered sofas and soft leather covered. JZ02L 2 seater sofa JZ03L 3 seater sofa PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 140 (55 1/8") 99 (39") 68/75 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 4.708,00 5.162,00 5.913,00 210 (82 3/4") 99 (39") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 5.785,00 6.418,00 7.458,00 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 5.507,00 6.074,00 6.996,00 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.219,00 3.496,00 3.939,00 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.952,00 4.338,00 4.966,00 (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") JZ06L/SX JZ06L/SX 3 seater sofa with short left back JZ13L 3 seater bench 210 (82 3/4") 99 (39") 68/75 140 (55 1/8") 95 (37 3/8") 68/75 210 (82 3/4") 95 (37 3/8") 68/75 (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 32 covers JZ06L/DX JZ06L/DX 3 seater sofa with short right back JZ12L 2 seater bench 68/75 metal finish PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Jazz Design: Matteo Nunziati - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) back and base support: dark chrome plated steel accessories: coach hide covered aluminium Upholstered modular elements and soft leather covered and accessories. Double height adjustable back. PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 135 (53 1/4") 135 (53 1/4") 68/75 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 6.387,00 6.849,00 7.599,00 JZAEL external corner element 135 (53 1/4") 135 (53 1/4") 68/75 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 5.827,00 6.215,00 6.842,00 JZ51 middle low table 30 (11 7/8") 95 (37 3/8") 20 (7 7/8") CM CU 623,00 751,00 JZ61 tray for the seat 26 (10 1/4") 54 (21 1/4") 12 (4 3/4") CM CU 395,00 524,00 JZ62 tray for the backrest 52 (20 1/2") 34 (13 3/8") 12 (4 3/4") CM CU 352,00 481,00 JZAIL corner element (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 33 Jazz Design: Matteo Nunziati - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) back and base support: dark chrome plated steel Double height adjustable back. Upholstered sofas and soft leather covered with button-back. PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) JZ02C 2 seater sofa 140 (55 1/8") 99 (39") 68/75 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 5.674,00 6.240,00 7.174,00 JZ03C 3 seater sofa 210 (82 3/4") 99 (39") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 6.990,00 7.137,00 8.805,00 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 6.719,00 7.285,00 8.208,00 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.662,00 3.939,00 4.419,00 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 4.744,00 5.144,00 5.796,00 (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") JZ06C/SX JZ06C/SX 3 seater sofa with short left back JZ06C/DX 3 seater sofa with short right back 68/75 covers JZ06C/DX 210 (82 3/4") 99 (39") JZ12C 2 seater bench 140 (55 1/8") 95 (37 3/8") 68/75 JZ13C 3 seater bench 210 (82 3/4") 95 (37 3/8") 68/75 68/75 (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 34 metal finish PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Jazz Design: Matteo Nunziati - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) back and base support: dark chrome plated steel accessories: coach hide covered aluminium Double height adjustable back. Upholstered sofas and soft leather covered with button-back. PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 135 (53 1/4") 135 (53 1/4") 68/75 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 7.236,00 7.698,00 8.448,00 135 (53 1/4") 135 (53 1/4") 68/75 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 6.769,00 7.156,00 7.783,00 JZ51 middle low table 30 (11 7/8") 95 (37 3/8") 20 (7 7/8") CM CU 623,00 751,00 JZ61 tray for the seat 26 (10 1/4") 54 (21 1/4") 12 (4 3/4") CM CU 395,00 524,00 JZ62 tray for the backrest 52 (20 1/2") 34 (13 3/8") 12 (4 3/4") CM CU 352,00 481,00 JZAIC corner element JZAEC external corner element (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") (26 3/4" - 29 1/2") metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 35 KO Design: Kunihide Oshinomi - 2000 cover: soft leather frame: wood padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. Steel springs. lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex feet: chrome plated zamak Armchair and sofas upholstered and covered with soft leather. PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) KO21 armchair 95(37 3/8") 85 (33 1/2") 72 (28 3/8") 56 (22 1/8") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.778,00 4.277,00 5.101,00 KO22 2 seater sofa 168 (66 1/4") 85 (33 1/2") 72 (28 3/8") 56 (22 1/8") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 5.120,00 5.834,00 7.014,00 KO24 3 seater sofa 238 (93 3/4") 85 (33 1/2") 72 (28 3/8") 56 (22 1/8") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 6.609,00 7.544,00 9.069,00 KO23 2 seater sofa - large seat version 195 (76 7/8") 85 (33 1/2") 72 (28 3/8") 56 (22 1/8") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 5.693,00 6.485,00 7.790,00 KOP21 bench 70 (27 5/8") 54 (21 1/4") 40 (15 3/4") 40 (15 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.613,00 1.771,00 2.032,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 36 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) Korium Design: Tito Agnoli - 1978 cover: coach hide - soft leather frame: oval section tubular steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex glides: black polyamide moulded Armchair and sofas with coach hide covered frame and cushions covered with soft leather. KM3/1 armchair KM3/2 2 seater sofa KM3/3 3 seater sofa PMI maintenance set included. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 94 (37") 86 (33 7/8") 77 (30 3/8") 43 (17") 154 (60 5/8") 216 (85 1/8") 86 (33 7/8") 86 (33 7/8") 77 (30 3/8") 77 (30 3/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 43 (17") 43 (17") metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM + PS/PF CM + PT/PL/PR 4.214,00 CU + PS/PF CU + PT/PL/PR 4.965,00 CM + PS/PF CM + PT/PL/PR 5.817,00 CU + PS/PF CU + PT/PL/PR 6.690,00 CM + PS/PF CM + PT/PL/PR 7.867,00 CU + PS/PF CU + PT/PL/PR 9.000,00 4.559,00 5.309,00 6.340,00 7.211,00 8.574,00 9.707,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 37 Openside Design: Franco Poli - 2002 cover: soft leather frame: steel and chipboard panels seat padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. Steel springs. back padding: moulded polyurethane foam with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) feet: black painted solid wood Sofas upholstered and soft leather covered. PM1 maintenance set included. width cm (in) PN112/SX left 2 seater sofa height seat cm (in) 87 (34 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 5.667,00 6.509,00 7.888,00 255 (100 1/2") 87 (34 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 6.147,00 7.040,00 8.497,00 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 6.713,00 7.722,00 9.383,00 203 (80") DX - right SX - left PN123/SX left 3 seater sofa 255 (100 1/2") 87 (34 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") PN123/DX right 3 seater sofa ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 38 covers DX - right PN112/DX right 2 seater sofa PN113 3 seater sofa metal finish PRICE VAT excl. height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) SX - left depth cm (in) (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Openside cover: soft leather frame: steel and chipboard panels seat padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. Steel springs. back padding: moulded polyurethane foam with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) feet: black painted solid wood Design: Franco Poli - 2002 Sofas upholstered and soft leather covered. PM1 maintenance set included. width cm (in) SX - left PN011/SX left 1 seater sofa height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 117 (46 1/8") SX - left 87 (34 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 3.404,00 3.902,00 4.727,00 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 4.178,00 4.776,00 5.760,00 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 4.566,00 5.218,00 6.289,00 DX - right 192 (75 5/8") 87 (34 1/4") PN012/DX right 2 seater sofa DX - right SX - left PN013/SX left 3 seater sofa covers DX - right PN011/DX right 1 seater sofa PN012/SX left 2 seater sofa metal finish PRICE VAT excl. depth cm (in) 244 (96 1/8") 87 (34 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") PN013/DX right 3 seater sofa ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 39 Openside Design: Franco Poli - 2002 cover: soft leather frame: steel and chipboard panels seat padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. Steel springs. back padding: moulded polyurethane foam with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) feet: black painted solid wood Sofas upholstered and soft leather covered. PM1 maintenance set included. width cm (in) SX - left PN021/SX left 1 seater sofa depth cm (in) height seat cm (in) 162 (63 7/8") SX - left 87 (34 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 4.191,00 4.813,00 5.834,00 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 4.880,00 5.600,00 6.780,00 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 5.206,00 5.988,00 7.266,00 DX - right 192 (75 5/8") 87 (34 1/4") PN022/DX right 2 seater sofa SX - left PN023/SX left 3 seater sofa DX - right 244 (96 1/8") 87 (34 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") PN023/DX right 3 seater sofa ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 40 covers DX - right PN021/DX right 1 seater sofa PN022/SX left 2 seater sofa metal finish PRICE VAT excl. height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Openside cover: soft leather frame: steel and chipboard panels seat padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. Steel springs. back padding: moulded polyurethane foam with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) feet: black painted solid wood Design: Franco Poli - 2002 Sofas upholstered and soft leather covered. SX - left PN031/SX left 1 seater sofa PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) PN032/SX left 2 seater sofa 117 (46 1/8") 162 (63 7/8") 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 4.191,00 4.813,00 5.840,00 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 4.874,00 5.594,00 6.775,00 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 5.262,00 6.042,00 7.316,00 DX - right 192 (75 5/8") 162 (63 7/8") PN032/DX right 2 seater sofa SX - left PN033/SX left 3 seater sofa covers DX - right PN031/DX right 1 seater sofa SX - left metal finish PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) DX - right 244 (96 1/8") 162 (63 7/8") 64 (25 1/4") PN033/DX right 3 seater sofa ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 41 Openside Design: Franco Poli - 2002 cover: soft leather frame: steel and chipboard panels seat padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. Steel springs. back padding: moulded polyurethane foam with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) feet: black painted solid wood Sofas upholstered and soft leather covered. PM1 maintenance set included. width cm (in) SX - left PN132/SX left 2 seater sofa depth cm (in) height seat cm (in) 203 (80") 162 (63 7/8") SX - left 64 (25 1/4") 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 6.313,00 7.273,00 8.854,00 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 6.701,00 7.710,00 9.371,00 64 (25 1/4") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 7.378,00 8.510,00 10.373,00 DX - right 255 (100 1/2") 162 (63 7/8") 64 (25 1/4") PN133/DX right 3 seater sofa SX - left PN233/SX left 3 seater sofa DX - right 255 (100 1/2") 162 (63 7/8") 64 (25 1/4") PN233/DX right 3 seater sofa ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 42 covers DX - right PN132/DX right 2 seater sofa PN133/SX left 3 seater sofa metal finish PRICE VAT excl. height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Openside Design: Franco Poli - 2002 cover: soft leather frame: steel and chipboard panels seat padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. Steel springs. lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) feet: black painted solid wood Benches upholstered and soft leather covered. PM1 maintenance set included. metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) PN001 bench 105 (41 3/8") 75 (29 1/2") 37(14 5/8") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 2.025,00 2.296,00 2.739,00 PN002 bench 180 (70 7/8") 75 (29 1/2") 37(14 5/8") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 2.646,00 2.997,00 3.582,00 PN003 bench 232 (91 3/8") 75 (29 1/2") 37(14 5/8") 37(14 5/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 3.127,00 3.551,00 4.247,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 43 Strato Design: Mauro Lipparini - 2004 Sofas upholstered and soft leather covered. cover: soft leather frame: steel base, upper frame in wood seat support: polyurethane foam seat padding: feather cushions with polyurethane foam inlay back and armrests padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: epoxy painted, chrome or nickel plated steel rod glides: plastic PMI maintenance set included. Upon request the models SA02, can be shipped knocked-down with an extra charge of 5%. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish SA06 armchair 148 (58 1/4") 102 (40 1/8") 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 40 (15 3/4") A/D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 4.781,00 5.372,00 6.338,00 SA04 2 seater sofa 218 (85 7/8") 102 (40 1/8") 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 40 (15 3/4") A/D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 6.012,00 6.830,00 8.177,00 SA01 large armchair (love seat) 178 (70 1/8") 102 (40 1/8") 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 40 (15 3/4") A/D/M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 5.206,00 5.871,00 6.959,00 SA02 2 seater sofa - large seat version 278 (109 1/2") 102 (40 1/8") 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 40 (15 3/4") A/D/M PS/PF PL HQ 7.094,00 8.091,00 9.721,00 ARMCHAIRS AND SOFAS 44 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) Strato Design: Mauro Lipparini - 2004 top: glass thickness 10 mm (3/8"), satined and black painted base: epoxy painted, chrome or nickel plated steel rod glides: plastic Low tables with satined and painted glass, steel base. SA31N square low table with black painted glass SA32N rectangular low table with black painted glass The table is shipped knocked-down. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish 102 (40 1/8") 102 (40 1/8") 33 (13") A/D 2.696,00 M 3.169,00 A/D 3.120,00 M 3.545,00 150 (59") 75 (29 1/2") 33 (13") covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) LOW TABLES (Prices in Euro) September 2009 45 2Leather Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2005 cover: coach hide frame: medium density panels inside bookholders: polished stainless steel drawers: coach hide Bookshelf: modular system covered with coach hide. DESCRIPTION width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) covers PRICE VAT excl. Modular system with 2 superimposable modular elements, width cm 100 and cm 150, depth cm 30, the elements can be free standing or wall-hung with special hardware. The elements can be rotated 180° and can thus be combined both in height and in width to create multiple combinations element width cm 100 100 (39 3/8") 30 (11 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") element width cm 150 150 (59 1/8") 30 (11 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") example of bookshelf on castors. Maximum limit for superimposed modular elements: two example of bookshelf on feet to be positioned on the floor Maximum limit for superimposed modular elements: three example of bookshelf with several superimposed freestanding elements. If the bookshelf elements are positioned against a wall, special hardware is supplied to prevent the bookshelf from falling down example of bookshelf with several elements superimposed by the width. Each element in width 100 cm carries a maximum load of 29 kg. Each element in width cm. 150. carries a maximum of 48 kg. The load refers to each modular wall-hung element. BOOKSHELVES 46 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 2Leather Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2005 cover: coach hide frame: medium density panels inside bookholders: polished stainless steel drawers: coach hide Bookshelf: modular system covered with coach hide. 2L10M modular wall-hung or wall element width cm 100 2L10C modular element width cm 100 2L15M modular wall-hung or wall element width cm 150 2L15C modular element width cm 150 width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) 100 (39 3/8") 30 (11 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 150 (59 1/8") 150 (59 1/8") 30 (11 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 1.189,00 CU 1.589,00 CM 1.293,00 CU 1.780,00 CM 1.558,00 CU 2.050,00 CM 1.656,00 CU 2.272,00 BOOKSHELVES (Prices in Euro) September 2009 47 2Leather Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2005 cover: coach hide frame: medium density panels inside bookholders: polished stainless steel drawers: coach hide Bookshelf: modular system covered with coach hide. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) covers PRICE VAT excl. 2L21P adjustable feet set 125,00 2L21R 4 castors set 299,00 2L10EF hardware for modular wall-hung element width cm 100 80 (31 1/2") 2 (3/4") 24 (9 1/2") 209,00 2L15EF hardware for modular wall-hung element width cm 150 130 (51 1/4") 2 (3/4") 24 (9 1/2") 244,00 46 (18 1/8") 27 (10 5/8") 8 (3 1/8") 2L51 drawer in coach hide 2L52 drawer in coach hide 46 (18 1/8") 27 (10 5/8") 18 (7 1/8") BOOKSHELVES 48 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 CM 247,00 CU 357,00 CM 328,00 CU 512,00 2Leather Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2005 cover: coach hide frame: medium density panels inside bookholders: polished stainless steel drawers: coach hide Bookshelf: modular system covered with coach hide. Examples of compositions. PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) covers 2LCM02 example of wall bookshelf composed of: 4 x 2L15M 1 x 2L21P 150 (59 1/8") 30 (11 7/8") 122 (48 1/8") CM CU 6.354,00 2LCM03 example of wall-hung bookshelf composed of: 2 x 2L15M 2 x 2L15EF 200 (78 3/4") CM CU 3.602,00 CM 6.397,00 CU 8.182,00 CM 6.397,00 8.182,00 2LCM04 example of wall-hung bookshelf composed of: 2 x 2L10M 2 x 2L15M 2 x 2L10EF 2 x 2L15EF 2LCM05 example of wall-hung bookshelf composed of: 2 x 2L10M 2 x 2L15M 2 x 2L10EF 2 x 2L15EF 32 (12 5/8") 300 (118 1/4") 32 (12 5/8") 250 (98 1/2") 32 (12 5/8") 60 (23 5/8") 90 (35 1/2") 60 (23 5/8") CU 8.324,00 4.587,00 BOOKSHELVES (Prices in Euro) September 2009 49 Aretè Design: Franco Poli - 2009 cover: coach hide with patented cutting frame: chrome plated steel padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam seat: moulded rigid polyurethane foam glides: plastic base: swiveling, chrome plated steel Small armchair and armchair in coach hide with patented cutting. PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers AR02 swivel small armchair 60 (23 5/8") 54 (21 1/4") 81 (31 7/8") 46 (18 1/8") D CM CU 1.574,00 1.752,00 AR10 armchair 72 (28 3/8") 64 (25 1/4") 82 (32 1/4") 44 (17 3/8") D CM CU 1.607,00 1.875,00 AR12 swivel armchair 72 (28 3/8") 64 (25 1/4") 80 (31 1/2") 44 (17 3/8") D CM CU 1.817,00 2.070,00 SMALL ARMCHAIRS 50 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Britt Design: T.Wise - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: wood and steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (Polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex legs and base: chrome plated steel Padded small armchair covered with soft leather. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) TT20 padded small armchair with steel legs 60 (23 5/8") 62 (24 3/8") 72 (28 3/8") TT20/2 padded small sofa with steel legs 110 (43 1/4") 62 (24 3/8") TT21 padded small armchair with steel base 60 (23 5/8") TT21/2 padded small sofa with steel base 110 (43 1/4") PRICE VAT excl. height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 61 (24") 40 (15 3/4") D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.755,00 1.988,00 2.370,00 72 (28 3/8") 61 (24") 40 (15 3/4") D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.543,00 2.900,00 3.477,00 62 (24 3/8") 72 (28 3/8") 61 (24") 40 (15 3/4") D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.883,00 2.117,00 2.499,00 62 (24 3/8") 72 (28 3/8") 61 (24") 40 (15 3/4") D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.641,00 2.997,00 3.582,00 SMALL ARMCHAIRS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 51 Britt Design: T.Wise - 2008 cover: soft leather frame: wood and steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (Polypropylene) 100% cotton fibre belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex legs and base: chrome plated steel spider base: chrome plated steel Padded small armchair covered with soft leather. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) TT30 padded small armchair with steel legs 60 (23 5/8") 62 (24 3/8") 78 (30 3/4") TT31 padded small armchair with steel base 60 (23 5/8") 62 (24 3/8") 60 (23 5/8") 60 (23 5/8") TT34 padded small armchair with spider steel base and swivel system TT40 padded small armchair, on castors metal finish covers 67 (26 3/8") 46 (18 1/8") D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.768,00 2.001,00 2.382,00 78 (30 3/4") 67 (26 3/8") 46 (18 1/8") D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.896,00 2.130,00 2.511,00 62 (24 3/8") 78 (30 3/4") 67 (26 3/8") 46 (18 1/8") D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.993,00 2.237,00 2.637,00 62 (24 3/8") 78 (30 3/4") 67 (26 3/8") 46 (18 1/8") D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.817,00 2.142,00 2.690,00 SMALL ARMCHAIRS 52 PRICE VAT excl. height seat cm (in) (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Coco Chair Design: Eoos - 2003 cover: coach hide frame: steel padding: hight density flexible polyurethane foam belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex glides: black polyamide moulded This product complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Small armchair entirely covered with coach hide. CC03 chair with armrests coach hide covered width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) 59 (23 1/4") 53 (20 7/8") 80 (31 1/2") 46 (18 1/8") 65-68 (25 5/8"-26 3/4") metal finish PRICE VAT excl. covers CM 942,00 CU 1.331,00 Court Design: Piero Lissoni - 2003 cover: soft leather frame: steel padding: moulded polyurethane foam cushion: polyurethane foam with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (Polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: epoxy painted, chrome or nickel plated tubular rod glide: PVC Padded small armchair with steel base. CO11 padded small armchair with steel base width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) 61 (24") 57 (22 1/2") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") PRICE VAT excl. height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 46 (18 1/8") A/D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.438,00 1.633,00 1.953,00 M PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.470,00 1.659,00 1.980,00 SMALL ARMCHAIRS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 53 Derby Design: Eoos - 2000 Padded small armchair covered with soft leather. cover: soft leather frame: rigid polyurethane foam with metal inlay padding: cold moulded polyurethane foam with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (Polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex legs: round section ø 20 mm (3/4") in chrome plated or aluminium grey epoxy painted (A49) steel castors: black polyamide ø 40 mm (15/8") 50 kg. (lb 110,23) load each, monodirectional, for soft floors (carpets, etc.) A finish is available only in Aluminium Grey A49. PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 64 (25 1/4") 59 (23 1/4") 77 (30 3/8") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") A/D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 1.810,00 2.005,00 2.325,00 DY02P small armchair on feet entirely covered with 64 (25 1/4") soft leather 59 (23 1/4") 77 (30 3/8") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") A/D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.325,00 2.619,00 3.102,00 DY02R small armchair on 2 back castors entirely 64 (25 1/4") covered with soft leather 59 (23 1/4") 77 (30 3/8") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") A/D PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.247,00 2.540,00 3.024,00 DY01 small armchair SMALL ARMCHAIRS 54 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Elémentaire Design: Jean Nouvel - 2004 cover: soft leather frame: wood padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding. lining: 100% cotton fibre and 70% cotton fibre - 30% PP (Polypropylene) belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex glides: plastic Padded small armchair and small sofa covered with soft leather. metal finish PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) covers EM31 armchair 70 (27 5/8") 80 (31 1/2") 83 (32 3/4") 66 (26") 45 (17 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 2.461,00 2.945,00 3.727,00 EM32 small sofa 120 (47 1/4") 80 (31 1/2") 83 (32 3/4") 66 (26") 45 (17 3/4") PS/PF PT/PL/PR CS/HQ 3.175,00 3.828,00 4.885,00 SMALL ARMCHAIRS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 55 Esquire Design: Luigi Massoni and Giorgio Cazzaniga - 1989 cover: soft leather frame: preformed wood and beech bent plywood padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex glides: adjustable-slip device, nickelplated pin, with rubber shock absorber castors: black polyamide ø 40 mm (15/8") 25 kg. (lb 55,1) load each (for ES5) Special sizes upon request Padded small armchair and small sofa covered with soft leather. height seat cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) ES5 small armchair 71 (28") 66 (26") 82 (32 1/4") 65 (25 5/8") 48 (18 7/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.997,00 3.422,00 4.127,00 ES6 small sofa 120 (47 1/4") 66 (26") 82 (32 1/4") 65 (25 5/8") 48 (18 7/8") PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 3.963,00 4.610,00 5.661,00 SMALL ARMCHAIRS 56 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) Kelly Design: Piero Lissoni - 2010 Armchair upholstered and covered with soft leather, with coach-hide backrest and armrests. KE31 small armchair On demand, without any surcharge, it is possible to completely cover the steel supporting frame in coach-hide, having the same finish of the shell. cover: soft leather and coach-hide base frame: steel backrest and armrests: steel supporting frame with backrests and armrests in coach hide doubled with stiff Nylon/ cotton fabric and polyurethane base padding: polyurethane foam of different densities cushion padding: goose feather with polyurethame foam inlay lining: 100% cotton fibre belts: flat section in polypropylene foam inlay feet: chrome plated steel, gloss black nichel plated or coach hide covered PM1 maintenance set included. depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) finiture metalli 60 (23 5/8") 63 (24 7/8") 74 (29 1/8") 44 (17 3/8") D/M02 CM PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.157,00 2.239,00 2.373,00 CU PS/PF PT/PL/PR HQ 2.456,00 2.538,00 2.673,00 65 (25 5/8") SMALL ARMCHAIRS finiture metal cuoio finish PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) covers SMALL ARMCHAIRS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 57 Korium Design: Tito Agnoli - 1978 cover: coach hide - soft leather frame: oval section tubular steel padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam, rigid nylon/cotton backing belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex glides: black polyamide moulded Small armchairs and small sofa with coach hide covered steel frame, cushions covered with soft leather. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) KM1 small armchair 64 (25 1/4") 55 (21 5/8") 86 (33 7/8") 47 (18 1/2") KMC small cushion in soft leather 42 (16 1/2") 48 (18 7/8") 6 (2 3/8") KM2/1 small armchair with soft leather cushion 78 (30 3/4") 63 (24 7/8") 85 (33 1/2") KM2/2 small sofa with soft leather cushions 128 (50 3/8") 63 (24 7/8") 85 (33 1/2") 66 (26") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 43 (17") 43 (17") SMALL ARMCHAIRS 58 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers CM CU PRICE VAT excl. 1.300,00 1.854,00 PS/PF PT/PL/PR 230,00 282,00 CM + PS/PF CM + PT/PL/PR 1.835,00 CU + PS/PF CU + PT/PL/PR 2.452,00 CM + PS/PF CM + PT/PL/PR 2.738,00 CU + PS/PF CU + PT/PL/PR 3.483,00 1.892,00 2.509,00 2.852,00 3.597,00 MG Design: Centro Studi - 1979 cover: coach hide frame: round section tubular steel, epoxy painted, chrome glides: black polyamide moulded Steel small armchairs with seat and back in coach hide. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. MG5/AR small armchair with tubular armrests, seat and back in coach hide 56 (22 1/8") 56 (22 1/8") 80 (31 1/2") 45 (17 3/4") A/D CM 443,00 CU 570,00 MG5/B small armchair with armrests, seat and back in coach hide 61 (24") CM 465,00 CU 596,00 MG6/AR small armchair with tubular armrests, one piece seat and back in coach hide 56 (22 1/8") CM 490,00 CU 612,00 MG6/B small armchair with armrests, one piece seat and back in coach hide 61 (24") CM 522,00 CU 654,00 56 (22 1/8") 56 (22 1/8") 56 (22 1/8") 80 (31 1/2") 80 (31 1/2") 80 (31 1/2") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") 45 (17 3/4") 45 (17 3/4") A/D A/D A/D SMALL ARMCHAIRS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 59 Carol GR cover: coach hide frame: oval section tubular steel padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish mechanism: adjustable or tilting mechanism (tilting with locking device in 5 positions for CR6GRTB), gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (11/8") swivel or back returning pipe ø 21 mm (7/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg. (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors: (excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip 2. self-braking 3. no-slip and self-braking width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish CR5AGRF small armchair with aluminium base, fixed seat height 58 (22 7/8") 57 (22 1/2") 77 (30 3/8") 44 (17 3/8") CR5AGRR small armchair on glides with aluminium base, fixed seat height and back returning mechanism 58 (22 7/8") CR5AGR small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable seat height 58 (22 7/8") CR5AGRT small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat 58 (22 7/8") CR6AGRF small armchair with aluminium base, fixed seat height 58 (22 7/8") CR6AGRR small armchair on glides with aluminium base, fixed seat height and back returning mechanism 58 (22 7/8") CR6AGR small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable seat height 58 (22 7/8") CR6AGRTB small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat with locking device in 5 positions 58 (22 7/8") Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1987 Swivel small armchairs in steel entirely covered with coach hide. 57 (22 1/2") 57 (22 1/2") 57 (22 1/2") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 76 (30") 62 (24 3/8") 61 (24") 43 (17") PRICE VAT excl. CM 1.667,00 CU 1.967,00 CM 1.705,00 CU 2.005,00 CM 1.725,00 (30 3/8" - 34 1/4") (24 3/8" - 28 3/8") (17 3/8" - 21 1/4") CU 2.025,00 76/83 CM 1.732,00 CU 2.032,00 CM 1.888,00 CU 2.266,00 CM 1.934,00 CU 2.313,00 77/87 (30" - 32 3/4") 90 (35 1/2") 89 (35 1/8") 62/72 61/68 (24" - 26 3/4") 62 (24 3/8") 61 (24") 44/54 43/50 (17" - 19 3/4") 44 (17 3/8") 43 (17") CM 1.960,00 (35 1/2" - 39 3/8") (24 3/8" - 28 3/8") (17 3/8" - 21 1/4") CU 2.339,00 89/96 CM 1.992,00 CU 2.370,00 90/100 62/72 61/68 (35 1/8" - 37 7/8") (24" - 26 3/4") 44/54 43/50 (17" - 19 3/4") WORK SEATS 60 covers (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Carol GR Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1991 Swivel armchairs in steel with coach hide covered seat, back and armrests, cushions covered with soft leather. CR9AGRT armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat CR9AGRS armchair with aluminium base, adjustable seat height and reclinable back CR10AGRT armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat CR10AGRS armchair with aluminium base, adjustable seat height and reclinable back cover: coach hide - soft leather frame: oval section tubular steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish mechanism: adjustable or tilting mechanism, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (11/8") swivel or back returning pipe ø 21 mm (7/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg. (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide molded Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors: 1. no-slip 2. self-braking 3. no-slip and self-braking width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish 66 (26") 65 (25 5/8") 88/95 45/52 66 (26") 66 (26") 66 (26") 59/68 60/67 (34 5/8" - 37 3/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17 3/4" - 20 1/2") 88/95 57/64 44/51 (23 1/4" - 26 3/4") (34 5/8" - 37 3/8") (22 1/2" - 25 1/4") (17 3/8" - 20 1/8") 69 (27 1/8") 63/78 102/109 (40 1/4" - 43") 102/109 (24 7/8" - 30 3/4") (40 1/4" - 43") 60/67 45/52 (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17 3/4" - 20 1/2") 57/64 44/51 (22 1/2" - 25 1/4") (17 3/8" - 20 1/8") covers PRICE VAT excl. CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 2.967,00 3.120,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.295,00 3.448,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.323,00 3.476,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.651,00 3.804,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.281,00 3.469,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.651,00 3.839,00 CM+PS/PF 3.651,00 CM+PT/PL/PR 3.839,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 4.020,00 4.209,00 WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 61 Carol GR Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1991 Swivel armchairs in steel with coach hide covered seat, back and armrests, cushions covered with soft leather. CR11AGRT armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat CR11AGRS armchair with aluminium base, adjustable seat height and reclinable back cover: coach hide - soft leather frame: oval section tubular steel padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish mechanism: adjustable or tilting mechanism, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (11/8") swivel or back returning pipe ø 21 mm (7/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg. (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide molded Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors: 1. no-slip 2. self-braking 3. no-slip and self-braking width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish 66 (26") 61 (24") 112/119 45/52 60/67 (44 1/8" - 46 7/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17 3/4" - 20 1/2") 66 (26") 55/78 112/119 57/64 44/51 (21 5/8" - 30 3/4") (44 1/8" - 46 7/8") (22 1/2" - 25 1/4") (17 3/8" - 20 1/8") WORK SEATS 62 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 covers PRICE VAT excl. CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.420,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.818,00 4.027,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.790,00 3.999,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 4.188,00 4.397,00 3.629,00 Carol Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1991 cover: coach hide - soft leather frame: oval section tubular steel, epoxy painted or chrome plated padding: polyurethane foam of different densities with double-layer padding belts: flat-section in polypropylene and latex glide: black polyamide moulded Small armchairs with exposed steel frame or covered with coach hide, seat and back in coach hide, cushions in soft leather. CR7 small armchair with exposed frame and armrests covered with coach hide CR8 small armchair with coach hide covered frame PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 59 (23 1/4") 62 (24 3/8") 84 (33 1/8") 47 (18 1/2") A D CM+PS/PF CM+PS/PF 2.364,00 2.404,00 A D CM+PT/PL/PR CM+PT/PL/PR 2.469,00 2.514,00 A D CU+PS/PF CU+PS/PF 2.632,00 2.671,00 A D CU+PT/PL/PR CU+PT/PL/PR 2.737,00 2.782,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 2.313,00 2.424,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 2.691,00 2.802,00 61 (24") 64 (25 1/4") 86 (33 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 47 (18 1/2") WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 63 Kompass Design: Eoos 2010 cover: soft leather or fabric internal frame: acciaio pressopiegato struttura a vista : black epoxi-painted press-formed steel padding: cold moulded polyurethane foam armrest: frame in rigid polyurethane foam covered with leather and fabric pivoting board for armrest: rigid polyurethane foam with black varnished die cast aluminium joint, safety push closing system technical prearrangement: armrests are prearranged to install simoultaneous translation equipment and polling systems. This product can be covered with our standard fabrics and leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the italian fire regulations in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 o M2 standards width cm (in) metal finish The price is given upon specific request Floor-fixed seating covered with soft leather or fabric. 56 [22 1/8"] depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) PRICE VAT excl. covers 56 [22 1/8"] 47 [18 1/2"] 24.5 [9 5/8"] 20.5 [8 1/8"] 35.5 [14"] 67.5 [26 5/8"] 65.5 [25 7/8"] 45 [17 3/4"] 67 [26 1/2"] 89 [35"] 63.5 [25"] 26.5 [10 1/2"] 51 [20 1/8"] 90 [35 1/2"] 38 [15"] 90 [35 1/2"] 30.5 [11 7/8"] 24.5 [9 3/4"] 65.5 [25 7/8"] 49.5 [19 3/8"] 33.5 [13 1/4"] 90 [35 38 [15"] 90 [35 1/2"] 24.5 [9 5/8"] 1/2"] RAGGIO MINIMO R.600 [236 3/8"] WORK SEATS 64 WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Kompass cover: soft leather or fabric internal frame: acciaio pressopiegato struttura a vista : black epoxi-painted press-formed steel padding: cold moulded polyurethane foam armrest: frame in rigid polyurethane foam covered with leather and fabric pivoting board for armrest: rigid polyurethane foam with black varnished die cast aluminium joint, safety push closing system technical prearrangement: armrests are prearranged to install simoultaneous translation equipment and polling systems. This product can be covered with our standard fabrics and leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the italian fire regulations in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 o M2 standards width cm (in) depth cm (in) metal finish KS56MODU seduta modulo singolo 47 (18 1/2") 65.5 (25 7/8") 89 (35") KSB0TPDX / KSB0TPSX bracciolo terminale destro o sinistro 7.5 (2 7/8") 26.5 (10 1/2") 67 (26 1/2") KSB0TPDE / KSB0TPSE bracciolo terminale destro o sinistro elettrificato 7.5 (2 7/8") 26.5 (10 1/2") 67 (26 1/2") KSB0TNDX / KSB0TNSX bracciolo terminale destro o sinistro con numerazione fila 7.5 (2 7/8") 26.5 (10 1/2") 67 (26 1/2") KSB0TNSE bracciolo terminale con numerazione fila elettrificato 7.5 (2 7/8") 26.5 (10 1/2") 67 (26 1/2") 7.5 (2 7/8") 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") Design: Eoos 2010 The price is given upon specific request Floor-fixed seating covered with soft leather or fabric. KSB0TPST bracciolo terminale sinistro con tavoletta height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) covers PRICE VAT excl. 45 (17 3/4") WORK SEATS WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 65 Kompass cover: soft leather or fabric internal frame: acciaio pressopiegato struttura a vista : black epoxi-painted press-formed steel padding: cold moulded polyurethane foam armrest: frame in rigid polyurethane foam covered with leather and fabric pivoting board for armrest: rigid polyurethane foam with black varnished die cast aluminium joint, safety push closing system technical prearrangement: armrests are prearranged to install simoultaneous translation equipment and polling systems. This product can be covered with our standard fabrics and leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the italian fire regulations in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 o M2 standards width cm (in) depth cm (in) metal finish KSB0TESE bracciolo terminale sinistro con tavoletta elettrificato 7.5 (2 7/8") 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") KSB0TNST bracciolo terminale sinistro con tavoletta e numerazione fila 7.5 (2 7/8") 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") KSB0TSST bracciolo terminale sinistro con numerazione fila con tavoletta elettrificato 7.5 (2 7/8") 26.5 (10 1/2") 67 (26 1/2") KSB0CENT bracciolo centrale 7.5 (2 7/8") 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") KSB0CEEL bracciolo centrale elettrificato 7.5 (2 7/8") 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") KSB0CETA bracciolo centrale con tavoletta 7.5 (2 7/8") 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") Design: Eoos 2010 The price is given upon specific request Floor-fixed seating covered with soft leather or fabric. height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) PRICE VAT excl. WORK SEATS WORK SEATS 66 covers (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Kompass cover: soft leather or fabric internal frame: acciaio pressopiegato struttura a vista : black epoxi-painted press-formed steel padding: cold moulded polyurethane foam armrest: frame in rigid polyurethane foam covered with leather and fabric pivoting board for armrest: rigid polyurethane foam with black varnished die cast aluminium joint, safety push closing system technical prearrangement: armrests are prearranged to install simoultaneous translation equipment and polling systems. This product can be covered with our standard fabrics and leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the italian fire regulations in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 o M2 standards width cm (in) depth cm (in) metal finish KSB0CEET bracciolo centrale con tavoletta elettrificato 7.5 (2 7/8") 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") KSBCCENT bracciolo centrale per curva variabile 26.5 (10 1/2") 67 (26 1/2") KSBCCEEL bracciolo centrale per curva elettrificato variabile 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") KSBCCETA bracciolo centrale per curva con tavoletta variabile 26.5 (10 1/2") 67 (26 1/2") KSBCCEET bracciolo centrale per curva con tavoletta elettrificato variabile 30.5 (11 7/8") 67 (26 1/2") Design: Eoos 2010 The price is given upon specific request. Floor-fixed seating covered with soft leather or fabric. height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) covers PRICE VAT excl. KS00NUME elemento numerazione posto KSLUCO elemento luce cortesia WORK SEATS WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 67 Kube covers: soft leather or fabric frame: black epoxy painted steel padding: moulded polyurethane foam legs: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel, with two different inclinations tilting board for seat back: medium density embossed black or aluminium grey; external steel frame covered with soft leather or fabric or epoxy painted; supporting brackets in epoxy painted die cast aluminium, safety push closing system; max. loading capacity 30 kg. armrest: die cast aluminium covered with soft leather or fabric Design: Eoos - 2002 Engineering: Studio Ugolini Compasso d'Oro ADI award Guide to the drawing up of the order. width cm (in) depth cm (in) pivoting board for armrest: board and pivot in epoxy painted aluminium; max. loading capacity 15 kg. seat back panel: chipboard panel covered with soft leather or fabric, in epoxy painted steel or veneered chipboard panel technical equipments: armrests and seat back panels can be prearranged to install simultaneous translation equipments and/or polling systems height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) The price is given upon specific request. height seat cm (in) metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. Seating system on beams; seating units from 1 to 5 seats with two different interaxial distances of the seat, 560 mm (22 1/8") or 630 mm (24 7/8"). Seating groups: with left or right end unit, with both end units, without end units (central seating units). Both seats and legs can have different inclinations ( seat/seat back and seat back/floor), in order to be adapted to different purposes. 71/78 (28" - 30 3/4") 183/204 (72 1/8" - 80 3/8") 127/141 (50" - 55 1/2") seating with both end units 112/126 (44 1/8" - 49 5/8") 56/63 (22 1/8" - 24 7/8") 239/267 (94 1/8" - 105 1/4") 290/330 (114 1/4" - 130") 112/126 (44 1/8" - 49 5/8") seating with left or right end unit 112/126 (44 1/8" - 49 5/8") 112/126 (44 1/8" - 49 5/8") seating without end units Example for drawing up an order according to the solution shown below (see pages 56 - 60 for main elements and accessories): no.1 KB54SX no.1KB54CE no.1 KB54DX n°1 KB54CE n° 1 KB54SX n° 1 KB54DX Plan and examples of different arrangements. 90 (35 1/2") 53,5 (21 1/8") R1200 (472 3/4") Curve solution: minimum radius required 56/63 (22 1/8" - 24 7/8") WORK SEATS 68 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Kube Design: Eoos - 2002 Engineering: Studio Ugolini Compasso d'Oro ADI award Guide to the drawing up of the order. covers: soft leather or fabric frame: black epoxy painted steel padding: moulded polyurethane foam legs: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel, with two different inclinations tilting board for seat back: medium density embossed black or aluminium grey; external steel frame covered with soft leather or fabric or epoxy painted; supporting brackets in epoxy painted die cast aluminium, safety push closing system; max. loading capacity 30 kg. armrest: die cast aluminium covered with soft leather or fabric width cm (in) depth cm (in) pivoting board for armrest: board and pivot in epoxy painted aluminium; max. loading capacity 15 kg. seat back panel: chipboard panel covered with soft leather or fabric, in epoxy painted steel or veneered chipboard panel technical equipments: armrests and seat back panels can be prearranged to install simultaneous translation equipments and/or polling systems The price is given upon specific request. height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish PRICE VAT excl. covers Side view and dimensions; examples of the different arrangements for flat floors, steps or sloping floors. 36,5 (14 3/8") 90 (35 1/2") 53,5 (21 1/8") 26 (10 1/4") 73 (28 3/4") 64 (25 1/4") 91,4 (36") 77 (30 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") 27 (10 5/8") Some examples of customized solutions: Assembling on stocking rails Wall-hung system Maximum height advised for steps when seat back tilting board is required: cm 5 (2") WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 69 Kube Design: Eoos - 2002 Engineering: Studio Ugolini Compasso d'Oro ADI award Floor-fixed seating system on beams covered with soft leather or fabric. Seat interaxial distance 560 mm covers: soft leather or fabric frame: black epoxy painted steel padding: moulded polyurethane foam legs: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel, with two different inclinations tilting board for seat back: medium density embossed black or aluminium grey; external steel frame covered with soft leather or fabric or epoxy painted; supporting brackets in epoxy painted die cast aluminium, safety push closing system; max. loading capacity 30 kg. armrest: die cast aluminium covered with soft leather or fabric pivoting board for armrest: board and pivot in epoxy painted aluminium; max. loading capacity 15 kg. seat back panel: chipboard panel covered with soft leather or fabric, in epoxy painted steel or veneered chipboard panel technical equipments: armrests and seat back panels can be prearranged to install simultaneous translation equipments and/or polling systems The price is given upon specific request. (22 1/8") width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) KB51UN single seating unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 71 (28") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB51DX/KB51SX single seating unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 63,5 (25") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB51CE single central seating unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 56 (22 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB52UN 2 seater unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 127 (50") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB52DX/KB52SX 2 seater unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 119,5 (47 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB52CE 2 central seater unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 112 (44 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB53UN 3 seater unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 183 (72 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB53DX/KB53SX 3 seater unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 175,5 (69 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB53CE 3 central seater unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 168 (66 1/4") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") WORK SEATS 70 This product can be covered with our standard fabrics or leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 or M2 standards. (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. Kube Design: Eoos - 2002 Engineering: Studio Ugolini Compasso d'Oro ADI award Floor-fixed seating system on beams covered with soft leather or fabric. Seat interaxial distance 560 mm covers: soft leather or fabric frame: black epoxy painted steel padding: moulded polyurethane foam legs: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel, with two different inclinations tilting board for seat back: medium density embossed black or aluminium grey; external steel frame covered with soft leather or fabric or epoxy painted; supporting brackets in epoxy painted die cast aluminium, safety push closing system; max. loading capacity 30 kg. armrest: die cast aluminium covered with soft leather or fabric pivoting board for armrest: board and pivot in epoxy painted aluminium; max. loading capacity 15 kg. seat back panel: chipboard panel covered with soft leather or fabric, in epoxy painted steel or veneered chipboard panel technical equipments: armrests and seat back panels can be prearranged to install simultaneous translation equipments and/or polling systems The price is given upon specific request. (22 1/8") width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) KB54UN 4 seater unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 239 (94 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB54DX/KB54SX 4 seater unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 231,5 (91 1/4") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB54CE 4 central seater unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 224 (88 1/4") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") 295 (116 1/4") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB55UN 5 seater unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood KB55DX/KB55SX 5 seater unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 287,5 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB55CE 5 central seater unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 280 (110 3/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") (113 1/4") This product can be covered with our standard fabrics or leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 or M2 standards. metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. SEAT BACK ACCESSORIES KB50TP tilting board covered or epoxy painted, 56 (22 1/8") lower panel epoxy painted or covered 51 (20 1/8") 2 (0 3/4") KB50PO object holder unit in fabric or leather, black epoxy painted frame 22 (8 5/8") 1 (0 3/8") 55 (21 5/8") WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 71 Kube Design: Eoos - 2002 Engineering: Studio Ugolini Compasso d'Oro ADI award Floor-fixed seating system on beams covered with soft leather or fabric. Seat interaxial distance 630 mm covers: soft leather or fabric frame: black epoxy painted steel padding: moulded polyurethane foam legs: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel, with two different inclinations tilting board for seat back: medium density embossed black or aluminium grey; external steel frame covered with soft leather or fabric or epoxy painted; supporting brackets in epoxy painted die cast aluminium, safety push closing system; max. loading capacity 30 kg. armrest: die cast aluminium covered with soft leather or fabric pivoting board for armrest: board and pivot in epoxy painted aluminium; max. loading capacity 15 kg. seat back panel: chipboard panel covered with soft leather or fabric, in epoxy painted steel or veneered chipboard panel technical equipments: armrests and seat back panels can be prearranged to install simultaneous translation equipments and/or polling systems The price is given upon specific request. (24 7/8") width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) KB61UN single seating unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 78 (30 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB61DX/KB61SX single seating unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 70,5 (27 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB61CE single central seating unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 63 (24 7/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB62UN 2 seater unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 141 (55 1/2") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB62DX/KB62SX 2 seater unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 133,5 (52 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB62CE 2 central seater unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 126 (49 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB63UN 3 seater unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 204 (80 3/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB63DX/KB63SX 3 seater unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 196,5 (77 3/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB63CE 3 central seater unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 189 (74 1/2") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") WORK SEATS 72 This product can be covered with our standard fabrics or leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 or M2 standards. (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. Kube Design: Eoos - 2002 Engineering: Studio Ugolini Compasso d'Oro ADI award Floor-fixed seating system on beams covered with soft leather or fabric. Seat interaxial distance 630 mm covers: soft leather or fabric frame: black epoxy painted steel padding: moulded polyurethane foam legs: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel, with two different inclinations tilting board for seat back: medium density embossed black or aluminium grey; external steel frame covered with soft leather or fabric or epoxy painted; supporting brackets in epoxy painted die cast aluminium, safety push closing system; max. loading capacity 30 kg. armrest: die cast aluminium covered with soft leather or fabric pivoting board for armrest: board and pivot in epoxy painted aluminium; max. loading capacity 15 kg. seat back panel: chipboard panel covered with soft leather or fabric, in epoxy painted steel or veneered chipboard panel technical equipments: armrests and seat back panels can be prearranged to install simultaneous translation equipments and/or polling systems The price is given upon specific request. (24 7/8") width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) KB64UN 4 seater unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 267 (105 1/4") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB64DX/KB64SX 4 seater unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 259,5 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB64CE 4 central seater unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 252 (99 1/4") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") 330 (130") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB65DX/KB65SX 5 seater unit with left or right end unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 322,5 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB65CE 5 central seater unit, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood 315 (124 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 91,4 (36") 67 (26 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") KB60TP tilting board covered or epoxy painted, lower panel epoxy painted or covered 63 (24 7/8") 51 (20 1/8") 2 (0 3/4") KB60PO object holder unit in fabric or leather, black epoxy painted frame 62 (24 3/8") 22 (8 5/8") 1 (0 3/8") KB65UN 5 seater unit with end units, seat back panel covered, or in epoxy painted steel, or in wood (102 1/4") (127 1/8") This product can be covered with our standard fabrics or leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 or M2 standards. metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. SEAT BACK ACCESSORIES WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 73 Kube Design: Eoos - 2002 Engineering: Studio Ugolini Compasso d'Oro ADI award Floor-fixed seating system on beams covered with soft leather or fabric. covers: soft leather or fabric frame: black epoxy painted steel padding: moulded polyurethane foam legs: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel, with two different inclinations tilting board for seat back: medium density embossed black or aluminium grey; external steel frame covered with soft leather or fabric or epoxy painted; supporting brackets in epoxy painted die cast aluminium, safety push closing system; max. loading capacity 30 kg. armrest: die cast aluminium covered with soft leather or fabric width cm (in) depth cm (in) KB00TB pivoting board for armrest 24,8 (9 3/4") 27,2 (10 3/4") 9,5 (3 3/4") KB00LD/KB00LS left or right end unit with row lighting 8 (3 1/8") 26 (10 1/4") pivoting board for armrest: board and pivot in epoxy painted aluminium; max. loading capacity 15 kg. seat back panel: chipboard panel covered with soft leather or fabric, in epoxy painted steel or veneered chipboard panel technical equipments: armrests and seat back panels can be prearranged to install simultaneous translation equipments and/or polling systems height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) The price is given upon specific request. height seat cm (in) 53 (20 7/8") KB00BT armrest simultaneous translation equipment mod. Philips LBB 3524 KB00ST seat back simultaneous translation equipment mod. Philips LBB 3524 KB00BV armrest polling systems mod. Philips LBB 3541 KB00SV seat back polling systems mod. Philips LBB 3541 KB00SP seat numbering element KB00EB beam light KB00ET transformer WORK SEATS 74 This product can be covered with our standard fabrics or leathers or with customer owned materials. This product, if covered with soft leather PF, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 or M2 standards. (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. Meeting cover: coach hide, soft leather or fabric frame: epoxy painted special section extruded drawn aluminium bases: epoxy painted die cast aluminium armrests: epoxy painted die cast aluminium supports: epoxy painted die cast aluminium seating unit: oval section drawn steel covered with coach hide/soft leather or in perforated aluminium sheet padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam with rigid nylon/cotton backing glides: black plastic moulded, adjustable and with rubber shock absorber low table top: marble 20 mm (3/4") thickness, polyester polished finish Special sizes upon request EXAMPLES width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers CMT3C 2 coach hide seater solution with low table 200 (78 3/4") 63 (24 7/8") 77 (30 3/8") 42 (16 1/2") A CM CU 3.889,00 CMT4C 4 coach hide seater solution 263 (103 5/8") 63 (24 7/8") CM 5.476,00 CU 6.749,00 Design: Centro Studi - 1991/99 Multiple seating solutions. Seating system on beam. Seating units in steel covered with coach hide/soft leather or aluminium sheet. Convenience tops can replace seating units. 77 (30 3/8") 59 (23 1/4") 59 (23 1/4") 42 (16 1/2") Solutions below are considered with painted armrests and white marble Bianco Carrara marble tops. 'Meeting' model is shipped knockeddown. A CMT4A 4 aluminium seater solution 263 (103 5/8") 59 (23 1/4") 77 (30 3/8") 59 (23 1/4") 41 (16 1/8") A CMT5A/SC 4 aluminium seater solution with cushions in coach hide and low tables 314 (123 3/4") 62 (24 3/8") 79 (31 1/8") 59 (23 1/4") 43 (17") A CMT7C 5 coach hide seater solution with corner low table 288/224 (113 1/2" - 88 1/4") 63 (24 7/8") 77 (30 3/8") 59 (23 1/4") 42 (16 1/2") A PRICE VAT excl. 4.525,00 3.586,00 CM 5.827,00 CU 6.667,00 CM 9.142,00 CU 10.733,00 WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 75 Meeting Design: Centro Studi - 1991/99 Multiple seating solutions. Seating system on beam. Seating units in steel covered with coach hide/soft leather or aluminium sheet. Convenience tops can replace seating units. frame: epoxy painted special section extruded drawn aluminium bases: epoxy painted die cast aluminium glides: black plastic moulded, adjustable and with rubber shock absorber armrests: epoxy painted die cast aluminium central and end element: epoxy painted special section extruded aluminium This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 or M2 standards. 'Meeting' model is shipped knockeddown. width cm (in) ELEMENTS Special sizes upon request depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. 60 cm (23 5/8") 30 cm (11 7/8") MT2 beam for 2 seats with bases 114 (44 7/8") 3,5 (1 3/8") 9 (3 1/2") A 1.010,00 MT3 beam for 3 seats with bases 178 (69,9") 3,5 (1 3/8") 9 (3 1/2") A 1.148,00 MT4 beam for 4 seats with bases 241 (94,9") 3,5 (1 3/8") 9 (3 1/2") A 1.264,00 MT5 beam for 5 seats with bases 305 (120") 3,5 (1 3/8") 9 (3 1/2") A 1.480,00 28 cm (11") MT18 beam with base for corner top MT18N - MT18B 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 9 (3 1/2") A 1.031,00 MT16 junction element for "back to back" seating units 96 (37 7/8") 4 (1 5/8") 14 (5 1/2") A 123,00 4 (1 5/8") 39 (15 3/8") 43 (17") A 103,00 MTB/ET side end armrest with end element for straight bars 11 (4 3/8") 39 (15 3/8") 43 (17") A 218,00 MT/EC central element for straight bars connection 14 (5 1/2") 3,5 (1 3/8") 9 (3 1/2") A 151,00 MTB1A armrest WORK SEATS 76 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Meeting Multiple seating solutions. Seating system on beam. Seating units in steel covered with coach hide/soft leather or aluminium sheet. Convenience tops can replace seating units. cover: coach hide, soft leather or fabric seating unit: oval section drawn steel covered with coach hide/leather or in perforated aluminium sheet (MT1A) seat padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam with rigid nylon/ cotton backing set cushions padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam with steel sheet backing headrest cushion padding: cold molded polyurethane foam with steel plate insert backing supports: epoxy painted die cast aluminium ELEMENTS width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish MT1A seating unit in perforated aluminium sheet 58 (22 7/8") 60 (23 5/8") 60 (23 5/8") 39 (15 3/8") A MT1ACC seating unit in perforated aluminium sheet with coach hide cushions 58 (22 7/8") 62 (24 3/8") 61 (24") 41 (16 1/8") A MT1ACP seating unit in perforated aluminium sheet with soft leather cushions 58 (22 7/8") 62 (24 3/8") 61 (24") 41 (16 1/8") A PS/PF PT/PL/PR MT1 seating unit in coach hide 59 (23 1/4") 62 (24 3/8") 60 (23 5/8") 41 (16 1/8") A CM CU 868,00 1.186,00 MT17 high back seating unit in coach hide 59 (23 1/4") 72 (28 3/8") 91 (35 7/8") 41 (16 1/8") A CM CU 1.098,00 1.579,00 MT17RCL reclinable seating unit in coach hide 59 (23 1/4") 86 (33 7/8") 82 (32 1/4") 41 (16 1/8") A CM CU 1.118,00 1.592,00 Design: Centro Studi - 1991/99 Special sizes upon request This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 or M2 standards. 'Meeting' model is shipped knockeddown. The reclinable seating unit can be used only with "back to back" solution together with the junction element MT16. covers PRICE VAT excl. 395,00 CM 807,00 CU 1.017,00 787,00 861,00 WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 77 Meeting Design: Centro Studi - 1991/99 cover: coach hide, soft leather or fabric footrest: oval section drawn steel covered with coach hide/leather padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam with rigid nylon/cotton backing footrest support: epoxy painted steel cushions padding: high density polyurethane foam Multiple seating solutions. Seating system on beam. Seating units in steel covered with coach hide/soft leather or aluminium sheet. Convenience tops can replace seating units. ELEMENTS width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) MT17CP headrest cushion covered in soft leather for MT17 and MT17RCL 49 (19 1/4") 2 (7/8") 12 (4 3/4") MT20RCL footrest covered in coach hide for MT17RCL 59 (23 1/4") 79 (31 1/8") 26 (10 1/4") height seat cm (in) WORK SEATS 78 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish A covers PRICE VAT excl. PS/PF 112,00 CM 846,00 CU 907,00 Meeting Design: Centro Studi - 1991/99 low table top: marble 20 mm (3/4") thickness, polyester polished finish under top frame: black painted veneered plywood supports: epoxy painted die cast aluminium Special sizes upon request This product, if covered with soft leather PF , coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Upon request, it can comply with CAL117, BS5852 or M2 standards. Multiple seating solutions. Seating system on beam. Seating units in steel covered with coach hide/soft leather or aluminium sheet. Convenience tops can replace seating units. 'Meeting' model is shipped knockeddown. covers PRICE VAT excl. ELEMENTS width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish MT9 convenience top in white marble Bianco Carrara 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 23 (9") tavolo 40 (15 3/4") A 366,00 MT8 convenience top in black marble Marquinia 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 23 (9") tavolo 40 (15 3/4") A 458,00 MT11 convenience top in white marble Bianco Carrara 58 (22 7/8") 23 (9") tavolo 40 (15 3/4") A 366,00 MT10 convenience top in black marble Marquinia 58 (22 7/8") 23 (9") tavolo 40 (15 3/4") A 458,00 MT18B convenience corner top in white marble Bianco Carrara 77 (30 3/8") 77 (30 3/8") 23 (9") tavolo 40 (15 3/4") A 669,00 MT18N convenience corner top in black marble Marquinia 77 (30 3/8") 77 (30 3/8") 23 (9") tavolo 40 (15 3/4") A 727,00 MT19B convenience top in white marble Bianco Carrara 58 (22 7/8") 28 (11") 23 (9") tavolo 40 (15 3/4") A 304,00 MT19N convenience top in black marble Marquinia 58 (22 7/8") 28 (11") 23 (9") tavolo 40 (15 3/4") A 375,00 WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 79 Mizar cover: coach hide, coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts for seating, with cushion cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish shell support: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: adjustable/tilting mechanism, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg. (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished finish or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors: 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and self-braking width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish MZ04CAGRT small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat 56 (22 1/8") 57 (22 1/2") 79/86 43/50 L MZ04TAGRT small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat and cushions in fabric 56 (22 1/8") MZ04PAGRT small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat and cushions in soft leather 56 (22 1/8") MZ05CAGRT small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat 56 (22 1/8") MZ05TAGRT small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat and cushions in fabric 56 (22 1/8") MZ05PAGRT small armchair with aluminium base, adjustable height and tilting seat and cushions in soft leather 56 (22 1/8") Design: T.Wise Eng. - 1998 Swivel small armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, available also with cushions covered in fabric or soft leather. 61 (24") 61 (24") 60 (23 5/8") 65 (25 5/8") 65 (25 5/8") 61/68 (31 1/8" - 33 7/8") (24" - 26 3/4") 79/86 61/68 (31 1/8" - 33 7/8") (24" - 26 3/4") 79/86 61/68 (31 1/8" - 33 7/8") (24" - 26 3/4") 89/96 61/68 (35 1/8" - 37 7/8") (24" - 26 3/4") 89/96 61/68 (35 1/8" - 37 7/8") (24" - 26 3/4") 89/96 61/68 (35 1/8" - 37 7/8") (24" - 26 3/4") (17" - 19 3/4") 43/50 L (17" - 19 3/4") 43/50 (17" - 19 3/4") 43/50 (17" - 19 3/4") 43/50 L L L (17" - 19 3/4") 43/50 (17" - 19 3/4") WORK SEATS 80 This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. (Prices in Euro) September 2009 L covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 1.331,00 CU 1.533,00 CM+G 1.663,00 CU+G 1.780,00 CM+PS/PF 1.763,00 CU+PS/PF 1.888,00 CM 1.379,00 CU 1.602,00 CM+G 1.724,00 CU+G 1.854,00 CM+PS/PF 1.829,00 CU+PS/PF 1.967,00 Mizar cover: coach hide, coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts for seating, with cushion cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam shell support: die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: reclinable back, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished, chrome plated or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors(excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and selfbraking This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers MZ04CAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height 56 (22 1/8") 57 (22 1/2") 83 (32 3/4") 62 (24 3/8") 43 (17") L CM CU 1.263,00 1.465,00 MZ04CAGRR small armchair with base (on glides)and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and back returning mechanism 56 (22 1/8") 57 (22 1/2") 82 (32 1/4") 61 (24") 42 (16 1/2") L CM CU 1.293,00 1.497,00 MZ04CAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height 56 (22 1/8") 57 (22 1/2") 83/90 62/69 43/50 L CM CU 1.312,00 1.515,00 MZ04TAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in fabric 56 (22 1/8") 61 (24") 83 (32 3/4") 62 (24 3/8") 43 (17") L CM+G CU+G 1.602,00 1.717,00 MZ04TAGRR small armchair with base (on glides)and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height , back returning mechanism, cushions in fabric 56 (22 1/8") 61 (24") 82 (32 1/4") 61 (24") 42 (16 1/2") L CM+G CU+G 1.626,00 1.742,00 MZ04TAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in fabric 56 (22 1/8") 61 (24") 83/90 62/69 43/50 L CM+G CU+G 1.644,00 1.761,00 56 (22 1/8") 61 (24") 83/90 62/69 43/50 L CM+G CU+G 2.149,00 2.265,00 Design: T.Wise Eng. - 2002 Swivel small armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, available also with cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ04TAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in fabric (32 3/4" - 35 1/2") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") (32 3/4" - 35 1/2") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") (32 3/4" - 35 1/2") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") PRICE VAT excl. WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 81 Mizar Design: T.Wise Eng. - 2002 Swivel small armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, available also with cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ04PAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ04PAGRR small armchair with base (on glides)and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height, back returning mechanism, cushions in soft leather MZ04PAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ04PAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in soft leather cover: coach hide, coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts for seating, with cushion cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam shell support: die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: reclinable back, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished, chrome plated or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors(excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and selfbraking This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 56 (22 1/8") 61 (24") 83 (32 3/4") 43 (17") L CM+PS/PF 1.698,00 CU+PS/PF 1.823,00 CM+PS/PF 1.725,00 CU+PS/PF 1.848,00 56 (22 1/8") 56 (22 1/8") 56 (22 1/8") 61 (24") 61 (24") 61 (24") 82 (32 1/4") 83/90 62 (24 3/8") 61 (24") 62/69 42 (16 1/2") 43/50 L (32 3/4" - 35 1/2") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 83/90 62/69 43/50 (32 3/4" - 35 1/2") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") WORK SEATS 82 L (Prices in Euro) September 2009 L PRICE VAT excl. CM+PS/PF 1.745,00 CU+PS/PF 1.868,00 CM+PS/PF 2.280,00 CU+PS/PF 2.404,00 Mizar cover: coach hide, coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts for seating, with cushion cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam shell support: die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: reclinable back, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished, chrome plated or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors(excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and selfbraking This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers MZ05CAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height 56 (22 1/8") 60 (23 5/8") 93 (36 5/8") 62 (24 3/8") 43 (17") L CM CU 1.318,00 1.539,00 MZ05CAGRR small armchair with base (on glides)and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and back returning mechanism 56 (22 1/8") 60 (23 5/8") 92 (36 1/4") 61 (24") 42 (16 1/2") L CM CU 1.342,00 1.565,00 MZ05CAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height 56 (22 1/8") 60 (23 5/8") 93/100 62/69 43/50 L CM CU 1.361,00 1.583,00 MZ05TAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in fabric 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 93 (36 5/8") 62 (24 3/8") 43 (17") L CM+G CU+G 1.663,00 1.792,00 MZ05TAGRR small armchair with base (on glides)and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height , back returning mechanism, cushions in fabric 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 92 (36 1/4") 61 (24") 42 (16 1/2") L CM+G CU+G 1.687,00 1.817,00 MZ05TAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in fabric 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 93/100 62/69 43/50 L CM+G CU+G 1.705,00 1.835,00 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 93/100 62/69 43/50 L CM+G CU+G 2.211,00 2.340,00 Design: T.Wise Eng. - 2002 Swivel small armchair with shell covered with coach hide and cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ05TAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in fabric (36 5/8" - 39 3/8") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") (36 5/8" - 39 3/8") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") (36 5/8" - 39 3/8") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") PRICE VAT excl. WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 83 Mizar Design: T.Wise Eng. - 2002 Swivel small armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, available also with cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ05PAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ05PAGRR small armchair with base (on glides)and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height, back returning mechanism, cushions in soft leather MZ05PAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ05PAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in soft leather cover: coach hide, coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts for seating, with cushion cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam shell support: die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: reclinable back, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished, chrome plated or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors(excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and selfbraking This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 93 (36 5/8") 62 (24 3/8") 43 (17") L CM+PS/PF CU+PS/PF 1.763,00 1.902,00 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 92 (36 1/4") 61 (24") 42 (16 1/2") L CM+PS/PF CU+PS/PF 1.790,00 1.927,00 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 93/100 62/69 43/50 L CM+PS/PF CU+PS/PF 1.810,00 1.947,00 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 93/100 62/69 43/50 L CM+PS/PF CU+PS/PF 2.345,00 (36 5/8" - 39 3/8") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") (36 5/8" - 39 3/8") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") WORK SEATS 84 PRICE VAT excl. (Prices in Euro) September 2009 2.483,00 Mizar Design: T.Wise Eng. - 2002 Swivel small armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ06TAGRS small armchair with base, armrests and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in cushions in fabric MZ06PAGRS small armchair with base, armrests and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in soft leather cover: coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam shell support: die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: reclinable back, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished, chrome plated or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors(excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and selfbraking This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 123/130 62/69 43/50 L CM+G CU+G 2.524,00 2.696,00 56 (22 1/8") 63 (24 7/8") 123/130 62/69 43/50 L CM+PS/PF CU+PS/PF 2.678,00 2.861,00 (48 1/2" - 51 1/4") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") (48 1/2" - 51 1/4") (24 3/8" - 27 1/8") (17" - 19 3/4") PRICE VAT excl. WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 85 Mizar cover: coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam shell support: die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: reclinable back, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished, chrome plated or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors(excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and selfbraking This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish MZ09TAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in fabric 63 (24 7/8") 62 (24 3/8") 84 (33 1/8") 45 (17 3/4") L MZ09TAGRR small armchair with base (on glides)and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height , back returning mechanism, cushions in fabric 63 (24 7/8") MZ09TAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in fabric 63 (24 7/8") Design: T.Wise Eng. - 2002 Swivel armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ09TAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in fabric MZ09PAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ09PAGRR small armchair with base (on glides)and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height, back returning mechanism, cushions in soft leather MZ09PAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ09PAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in soft leather 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 62 (24 3/8") 80 (31 1/2") 84/91 60 (23 5/8") 56 (22 1/8") 60/67 41 (16 1/8") 43/50 (33 1/8" - 35 7/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 84/91 60/67 43/50 (33 1/8" - 35 7/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 84 (33 1/8") 80 (31 1/2") 84/91 60 (23 5/8") 56 (22 1/8") 60/67 45 (17 3/4") 41 (16 1/8") 43/50 (33 1/8" - 35 7/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 84/91 60/67 43/50 (33 1/8" - 35 7/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") WORK SEATS 86 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 L L L L L L L covers PRICE VAT excl. CM+G 2.408,00 CU+G 2.597,00 CM+G 2.436,00 CU+G 2.624,00 CM+G 2.457,00 CU+G 2.645,00 CM+G 3.044,00 CU+G 3.231,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 2.423,00 2.541,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 2.611,00 2.729,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 2.457,00 2.576,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 2.645,00 2.764,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 2.478,00 2.597,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 2.667,00 2.785,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.064,00 3.183,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.252,00 3.372,00 Mizar cover: coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam shell support: die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: reclinable back, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished, chrome plated or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors(excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and selfbraking This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish MZ10TAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in fabric 63 (24 7/8") 68 (26 3/4") 100 (39 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") L MZ10TAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in fabric 63 (24 7/8") Design: T.Wise Eng. - 2002 Swivel armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ10TAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in fabric MZ10PAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ10PAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ10PAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in soft leather 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 100/107 60 (23 5/8") 60/67 43/50 (39 3/8" - 42 1/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 100/107 60/67 43/50 (39 3/8" - 42 1/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 100 (39 3/8") 100/107 60 (23 5/8") 60/67 45 (17 3/4") 43/50 L L L L (39 3/8" - 42 1/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 100/107 60/67 43/50 (39 3/8" - 42 1/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") L covers PRICE VAT excl. CM+G 2.736,00 CU+G 2.953,00 CM+G 2.785,00 CU+G 3.001,00 CM+G 3.372,00 CU+G 3.587,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 2.744,00 2.890,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 2.959,00 3.106,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 2.792,00 2.939,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.009,00 3.156,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.378,00 3.525,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.595,00 3.742,00 WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 87 Mizar Design: T.Wise Eng. - 2002 Swivel armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ11TAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in fabric MZ11TAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in fabric MZ11TAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in fabric MZ11PAGRF small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, fixed seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ11PAGR small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height and cushions in soft leather MZ11PAGRS small armchair with base and shell support in aluminium, adjustable seat height, reclinable back, height adjustable lumbar support and cushions in soft leather cover: coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam supported by rigid nylon/cotton backing and flat-section in polypropylene and latex belts cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam shell support: die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated base: 5 star base in die cast aluminium with polished finish or chrome plated mechanism: reclinable back, gas cylinder with taper ø 28 mm (1 1/8") castors: revolving castors in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) glides: black polyamide moulded armrests: die cast aluminium, polished, chrome plated or coach hide covered Castors and glides upon request we can deliver glides or the following types of castors(excluded version GRR): 1. no-slip - 2. self-braking - 3. no-slip and selfbraking This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". Extra charge for chrome plated finish Euro 228,00 VAT excl. Extra charge for one pair of armrests covered with CM/CT/CU: Euro 149,00 VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 63 (24 7/8") 68 (26 3/4") 115 (45 1/4") 45 (17 3/4") L CM+G 3.009,00 CU+G 3.252,00 CM+G 3.057,00 CU+G 3.302,00 CM+G 3.623,00 CU+G 3.868,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.016,00 3.183,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.260,00 3.428,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.064,00 3.231,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.308,00 3.476,00 CM+PS/PF CM+PT/PL/PR 3.651,00 3.818,00 CU+PS/PF CU+PT/PL/PR 3.895,00 4.063,00 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 68 (26 3/4") 115/122 60 (23 5/8") 60/67 43/50 115/122 60/67 43/50 L (45 1/4" - 48 1/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 115 (45 1/4") 115/122 60 (23 5/8") 60/67 45 (17 3/4") 43/50 L L (45 1/4" - 48 1/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") 115/122 60/67 43/50 (45 1/4" - 48 1/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") WORK SEATS 88 L (45 1/4" - 48 1/8") (23 5/8" - 26 3/8") (17" - 19 3/4") (Prices in Euro) September 2009 L PRICE VAT excl. Mizar Design: T.Wise Eng. - 1998 Small armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, available also with cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ07BC small armchair with exposed frame MZ07BT small armchair with exposed frame and cushions in fabric MZ07BP small armchair with exposed frame and cushions in soft leather cover: coach hide, coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather frame: round section tubular steel, epoxy painted, chrome or nickel plated shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam with rigid nylon/ cotton backing cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam glides: black polyamide moulded This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 57 (22 1/2") 58 (22 7/8") 84 (33 1/8") 45 (17 3/4") A D M CM CM CM 1.099,00 1.213,00 1.369,00 A D M CU CU CU 1.288,00 1.403,00 1.558,00 A D M CM+G CM+G CM+G 1.346,00 1.461,00 1.615,00 A D M CU+G CU+G CU+G 1.455,00 1.570,00 1.725,00 A D M CM+PS/PF CM+PS/PF CM+PS/PF 1.502,00 1.626,00 1.792,00 A D M CU+PS/PF CU+PS/PF CU+PS/PF 1.620,00 1.742,00 1.908,00 57 (22 1/2") 57 (22 1/2") 62 (24 3/8") 62 84 (33 1/8") 84 (33 1/8") 66 (26") 66 (26") 66 (26") 46 (18 1/8") 46 (18 1/8") WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 89 Mizar Design: T.Wise Eng. - 1998 Small armchairs in steel, shell covered with coach hide, available also with cushions in fabric or soft leather. MZ07MC small armchair with exposed frame MZ07MT small armchair with exposed frame and cushions in fabric MZ07MP small armchair with exposed frame and cushions in soft leather cover: coach hide, coach hide and fabric, coach hide and soft leather frame: round section tubular steel, epoxy painted, chrome or nickel plated shell: oval section drawn steel shell padding: high density flexible polyurethane foam with rigid nylon/ cotton backing cushion padding: moulded polyurethane foam glides: black polyamide moulded This product, if covered with soft leather PF, coach hide CM, CT or CU, complies with the fire regulation in force "classe 1IM". depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) metal finish covers 57 (22 1/2") 60 (23 5/8") 95 (37 3/8") 45 (17 3/4") A D M CM CM CM 1.150,00 1.265,00 1.420,00 A D M CU CU CU 1.369,00 1.483,00 1.640,00 A D M CM+G CM+G CM+G 1.403,00 1.518,00 1.673,00 A D M CU+G CU+G CU+G 1.524,00 1.640,00 1.794,00 A D M CM+PS/PF CM+PS/PF CM+PS/PF 1.570,00 1.693,00 1.859,00 A D M CU+PS/PF CU+PS/PF CU+PS/PF 1.699,00 1.822,00 1.988,00 57 (22 1/2") 57 (22 1/2") 63 (24 7/8") 63 (24 7/8") 95 (37 3/8") 95 (37 3/8") 66 (26") 66 (26") 66 (26") 46 (18 1/8") 46 (18 1/8") WORK SEATS 90 PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Zoe Design: Franco Poli - 2010 cover: coach-hide with patented cutting frame: steel padding: flexible polyurethane foam with high resistance seat: cold moulded polyurethane foam base: powder varnished steel frame mecanism: gaslift for height adjustment castors: polyammide Ø 50 mm with 50 kg load (lb 110.23) Chair in coach-hide with patented cutting, steel star base width cm (in) depth cm (in) height height overall cm (in) arm. cm (in) height seat cm (in) ZE20 chair in coach-hide with patented cutting, fixed base 51 (20 1/8") 54 (21 1/4") 78 (30 3/4") 46 (18 1/8") ZE21 chair in coach-hide with patented cutting, height adjustable base 51 (20 1/8") 54 (21 1/4") 73/80 (28 3/4" -31 1/2" ) 41/48 (16 1/8" -18 7/8" ) metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM CU 624,00 715,00 CM 716,00 CU 808,00 WORK SEATS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 91 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 EAST END collection, designed by Piero Lissoni, is a collection of meeting tables, writing desks and various cabinets for executive offices. A very rational project, in the name of understatement, with an extreme formal simplicity, for multi-purpose working environments: EAST END can be large or small meeting tables, or an office where small cubic cabinets are matched with sideboards or compact containers, fixed to the wall or freestanding, on light and elegant feet. The natural elements chosen for this collection such as wood, coach hide or soft leather, enhance the craftmanship that lies behind the product and make EAST END an almost residential line. Guide to the drawing up of the order. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. In order to fill-in correctly the orders, it's necessary to follow the below indicated instructions for each type of product, both for the choice of basic single components and for accessories. Writing desks and conference tables (basic elements) 1) Select the tops among the various proposals in the price list for: - writing desk see page 78 - single tables see from page 79 to 81 2) Select the legs according to the product. Description of the legs: see page 82; 2.1 writing desks: - 4 cylindrical legs - 2 cylindrical legs and 1 side panel - 2 side panels 2.2 single conference tables - 3 and 4 cylindrical legs Writing desks (acccessories) Select the accessories as side top and CPU holder see page 84, side panel and cable holder see page 83, cables way hole Ø 5 cm (2") and cables way hole Ø 8 cm (31/8") see page 82, hanging drawer units or on castors see page 85, Cabinets Select the cabinets among the ones listed from page 86 to page 88, the support equipment and the accessories for the cabinets see page 89. OFFICE FURNITURE 92 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 frame: natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium tops: medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment Legs and side panels for writing desks see page 82. Accessories for writing desk tops see from page 82 to 84. East End model is shipped knockeddown. When ordering please specify the position of the cables way hole (DX right or SX left). Writing desks covered with coach hide or soft leather. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) EE007P soft leather top 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") EE008P soft leather top 200 cm 200 (78 3/4") EE009P soft leather top 240 cm EE007 coach hide top 180 cm EE008 coach hide top 200 cm EE009 coach hide top 240 cm SX EE018SX/EE018DX coach hide top 220 cm covers 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 2.597,00 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 2.653,00 240 (94 1/2") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 3.127,00 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B CM 2.339,00 CU 2.939,00 CM 2.528,00 CU 3.204,00 CM 2.828,00 CU 3.637,00 PS/PF 3.147,00 CM 3.092,00 CU 4.020,00 240 (94 1/2") 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") 5 (2") A/B A/B DX EE018PSX/EE018PDX soft leather top 220 cm SX PRICE VAT excl. metal finish 200 (78 3/4") wood finish 220 (86 5/8") 115/85 5 (2") A/B 220 (86 5/8") 115/85 5 (2") A/B (45 1/4" - 33 1/2") DX (45 1/4" - 33 1/2") OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 93 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 frame: natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium tops: medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment. Legs and side panels for writing desks see page 82. Rectangular tops for single tables in soft leather or coach hide. East End model is shipped knockeddown. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) EE026P soft leather top 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") EE027P soft leather top 200 cm 200 (78 3/4") EE029P soft leather top 240 cm EE026 coach hide top 180 cm EE027 coach hide top 200 cm EE029 coach hide top 240 cm covers 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 2.702,00 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 2.875,00 240 (94 1/2") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 3.030,00 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B CM 2.381,00 CU 2.980,00 CM 2.555,00 CU 3.231,00 CM 2.813,00 CU 3.623,00 240 (94 1/2") 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") 5 (2") OFFICE FURNITURE 94 PRICE VAT excl. metal finish 200 (78 3/4") (Prices in Euro) September 2009 wood finish A/B A/B East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 frame: natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium tops: medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment. Legs and side panels for writing desks see page 82. Square tops for single tables in soft leather or coach hide. East End model is shipped knockeddown. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) EE114P soft leather top 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") EE044P soft leather top 160 (63") EE047P soft leather top wood finish PRICE VAT excl. metal finish covers 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 1.830,00 160 (63") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 3.420,00 200 (78 3/4") 200 (78 3/4") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 4.886,00 EE114 coach hide top 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B CM 1.662,00 CU 1.997,00 EE044 coach hide top 160 (63") 160 (63") 5 (2") CM 3.072,00 CU 3.915,00 EE047 coach hide top 200 (78 3/4") 200 (78 3/4") 5 (2") CM 4.565,00 CU 5.897,00 A/B A/B OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 95 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 frame: natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium tops: medium density panels covered with soft leathe or coach hide with stain repellent treatment Legs and side panels for writing desks see page 82. East End model is shipped knockeddown. Please consider the use of 3 legs for tops EE032-EE032P-EE034-EE034P and 4 legs for tops EE037-EE037P. Round tops for single tables in soft leather or coach hide. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. EE032P soft leather top 125 (49 1/4") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 2.758,00 EE034P soft leather top 150 (59 1/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 3.874,00 EE037P soft leather top 172 (67 3/4") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 4.913,00 EE032 coach hide top 125 (49 1/4") 5 (2") A/B CM 2.318,00 CU 2.758,00 CM 3.643,00 CU 4.307,00 CM 4.509,00 CU 5.339,00 EE034 coach hide top EE037 coach hide top 150 (59 1/8") 172 (67 3/4") 5 (2") 5 (2") OFFICE FURNITURE 96 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 A/B A/B East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 Legs for writing desks and conference tables, side panels and vertical flexible cables way for writing desks. cover: coach hide or leather legs: circular section drawn aluminium, natural anodized, epoxy painted or covered with coach hide side panels: sandwich wood equipped with inner cable way, coach hide or soft leather covered glides: aluminium, adjustable vertical flexible cables way: flexible plastic material with floor fixing system cables way: natural anodized aluminium The price of cables way hole included the hole on the writing desk top. width cm (in) EE051 natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium leg EE052 coach hide covered aluminium leg East End model is shipped knockeddown. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) 6 (2 3/8") 68 (26 3/4") 6 (2 3/8") 68 (26 3/4") wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. 83,00 A/B CM 120,00 CU 161,00 EE054P side panel covered with soft leather for writing desks EE007-EE008-EE009-EE007PEE008P-EE009P 6 (2 3/8") 100 (39,4") 68 (26 3/4") PS/PF 1.244,00 EE053P side panel covered with soft leather for writing desks EE018-EE018P 6 (2 3/8") 115 (45,3") 68 (26 3/4") PS/PF 1.445,00 EE054 side panel covered with coach hide for writing desks EE007-EE008-EE009-EE007PEE008P-EE009P 6 (2 3/8") 100 (39,4") 68 (26 3/4") CM 1.278,00 CU 1.725,00 EE053 side panel covered with coach hide for writing desks EE018-EE018P 6 (2 3/8") CM 1.501,00 CU 2.004,00 115 (45,3") 68 (26 3/4") EE059 vertical flexible cables way 5 (2") 70 (27 5/8") EE705 cables way hole Ø 5 cm (2") 5 (2") 2 (0 3/4") 155,00 EE708 cables way hole Ø 8 cm (3 1/8") 8 (3 1/8") 2 (0 3/4") 170,00 78,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 97 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 metal cables holder: bent aluminium sheet, natural anodized (B01) modesty panel: aluminium sheet, natural anodized, epoxy painted or coach hide covered Metal cables way and modesty panel to be fixed to writing desks. East End model is shipped knockeddown. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) EE055 metal cables way for wiring for writing desks EE007-EE007P 139 (54 3/4") 16 (6 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") 99,00 EE056 metal cables way for wiring for writing desks EE008-EE008P 159 (62 5/8") 16 (6 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") 99,00 EE057 metal cables way for wiring for writing desks EE018-EE018P 179 (70 1/2") 16 (6 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") 114,00 EE058 metal cables way for wiring for writing desks EE009-EE009P 199 (78 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") 128,00 EE061 modesty panel for desks EE007-EE007P 163 (64 1/4") 1 (0 3/8") 47 (18 1/2") A/B 448,00 EE062 modesty panel for desks EE008-EE008P 183 (72 1/8") 1 (0 3/8") 47 (18 1/2") A/B 482,00 EE063 modesty panel for desks EE018-EE018P 200 (78 3/4") 1 (0 3/8") 47 (18 1/2") A/B 511,00 EE064 modesty panel for desks EE009-EE009P 223 (87 7/8") 1 (0 3/8") 47 (18 1/2") A/B 539,00 EE065 modesty panel for desks EE007-EE007P 163 (64 1/4") 1 (0 3/8") 47 (18 1/2") A/B EE066 modesty panel for desks EE008-EE008P EE067 modesty panel for desks EE018-EE018P EE068 modesty panel for desks EE009-EE009P 183 (72 1/8") 200 (78 3/4") 223 (87 7/8") 1 (0 3/8") 1 (0 3/8") 1 (0 3/8") 47 (18 1/2") 47 (18 1/2") 47 (18 1/2") OFFICE FURNITURE 98 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 wood finish metal finish A/B A/B A/B covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) CM 783,00 CU 1.027,00 CM 859,00 CU 1.139,00 CM 929,00 CU 1.229,00 CM 1.006,00 CU 1.349,00 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 side top frame: natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium top: medium density panel covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered support for PC: epoxy painted steel sheet Legs for side top see page 82. East End model is shipped knockeddown. Legs ordering for the side top are: 2 legs in case the top is fixed to the desk, 4 legs for a free standing solution. Side top for writing desks and CPU holder. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) EE011P soft leather side top 115 cm. / 45,3" 115 (45 1/4") 60 (23 5/8") EE011 coach hide side top 115 cm. / 45,3" 115 (45 1/4") 60 (23 5/8") wood finish PRICE VAT excl. metal finish covers 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 1.313,00 5 (2") A/B CM 1.173,00 CU 1.424,00 EE109/V CPU- Holder - vertical 24 (9 1/2") 51 (20 1/8") 55 (21 5/8") A 339,00 EE109/O CPU- Holder - horizontal 50 (19 3/4") 51 (20 1/8") 19 (7 1/2") A 328,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 99 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 Aluminium drawer units, natural anodized or epoxy painted, with coach hide covered fronts. Can be fixed to writing desks. cover: coach hide drawer unit: wooden frame covered with natural anodized aluminium sheet (B01) or epoxy painted aluminium sheet; 2 or 3 drawers, coach hide covered fronts, ball sliding telescopic guides and cylinder lock internal equipment drawers: pelican drawer (upper drawer) castors: black polyamide Ø 50 mm (2") 50 kg. (lb 110,23) load each width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) EE070 hanging drawer unit with 2 drawers for writing desks 43 (17") 58 (22 7/8") 30 (11 7/8") EE071 hanging drawer unit with 2 drawers for writing desks, with file holder in lower drawer 43 (17") EE072 hanging drawer unit with 3 drawers for writing desks 43 (17") EE073 drawer unit on castors with 2 drawers, with file holder in lower drawer 43 (17") EE074 drawer unit on castors with 3 drawers 43 (17") 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 58 (22 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") 60 (23 5/8") 60 (23 5/8") OFFICE FURNITURE 100 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 wood finish PRICE VAT excl. metal finish covers A/B CM 1.457,00 CU 1.523,00 CM 1.647,00 CU 1.738,00 CM 1.823,00 CU 1.921,00 CM 1.568,00 CU 1.659,00 CM 1.732,00 CU 1.829,00 A/B A/B A/B A/B East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 cover: coach hide frame and shelves: chipboard panels in veneered oak wood or medium density, painted or lacquered in standard finishes drawers: moulded painted sheet with coach hide covered front drawers, ball sliding telescopic guides and cylinder lock internal equipment drawers: pelican drawer (upper drawer) Bases, castors, equipment and accessories for low cabinets see page 89. Wooden low cabinets with coach hide doors or drawers and open spaces. EE082 door cabinet with front in coach hide and inside shelf width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish 100 (39 3/8") 58 (22 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") H Q EE083DX/EE083SX cabinet with 2 drawers and open space with shelf, with file holder in lower drawer: open space on the right-EE083DX open space on the left-EE083SX EE084DX/EE084SX cabinet with 3 drawers and open space with shelf: open space on the right-EE084DX open space on the left-EE084SX 100 (39 3/8") 58 (22 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") H Q 100 (39 3/8") 58 (22 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") H Q EE085DX/EE085SX cabinet with 2 drawers and door with shelf, file holder in lower drawer: with door on the right-EE085DX with door on the left-EE085SX 100 (39 3/8") 58 (22 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") H Q metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 1.883,00 CU 2.050,00 CM 2.492,00 CU 2.659,00 CM 2.240,00 CU 2.327,00 CM 2.862,00 CU 2.949,00 CM 2.419,00 CU 2.511,00 CM 3.040,00 CU 3.133,00 CM 2.474,00 CU 2.653,00 CM 3.108,00 CU 3.287,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 101 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 cover: coach hide frame and shelves: chipboard panels in veneered oak wood or medium density, painted or lacquered in standard finishes drawers: moulded painted sheet with coach hide covered front drawers, ball sliding telescopic guides and cylinder lock internal equipment drawers: pelican drawer (upper drawer) Bases, castors, equipment and accessories for low cabinets see page 89. In the cabinet EE087 the height of the sliding shelf for the keyboard is 56 cm (221/8") from floor with base EE101 and 64 cm (251/4") from floor with base EE102. Wooden low cabinets with coach hide doors, drawers and open spaces. EE086DX/EE086SX cabinet with 3 drawers and door with shelf: with door on the right-EE086DX with door on the left-EE086SX Cabinet EE087 is not wall-hung. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish 100 (39 3/8") 58 (22 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") H EE105 coach hide back finishing panel for low cabinets 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 59 (23 1/4") 2 (0 3/4") 53 (20 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") OFFICE FURNITURE 102 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 2.653,00 CU 2.844,00 CM 3.262,00 CU 3.453,00 H CM CU 2.978,00 3.072,00 Q CM 3.656,00 CU 3.748,00 CM 452,00 CU 628,00 Q EE087 cabinet for computer with 3 drawers, open space with shelf and sliding keyboard platform, double bottom for cable-housing and removable coach hide covered back metal finish East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 2001 frame and shelves: chipboard panels in veneered oak wood or medium density, painted or lacquered in standard finishes doors: coach hide covered locks: cylinder sliding rails: extruded aluminium with slides in plastic handles: anodized aluminium base: rectangular section drawn steel epoxy painted with adjustable feet Sliding file holders for cabinet EE222 see page 89. East End model is shipped knockeddown. High wooden cabinets on steel bases, sliding doors covered with coach hide. EE222 cabinet with coach hide sliding doors with 2 inside shelves per compartment The metal support bases is included in the price. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish metal finish 200 (78 3/4") 46 (18 1/8") 112 (44 1/8") H A Q A covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 7.501,00 CU 8.054,00 CM 8.946,00 CU 9.500,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 103 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 base: rectangular section drawn steel epoxy painted with adjustable feet castors: black polyamide Ø 75mm (3") 100 kg. (lb 220,46) load minifridge: capacity 45 lt. sliding file holder: black painted steel. Can be fixed to the side panels of the cabinets East End model is shipped knockeddown. Cabinets equipped with minifridge must be positioned so as to leave free one of the two air grates. When ordering specify the position of minifridge (DX right or SX left). Please specify when ordering in which compartment file holders are to be positioned. Bases, castors and cabinets equipments. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) EE101 metal base for low cabinets 100 (39 3/8") 42 (16 1/2") 12 (4 3/4") A 452,00 EE102 metal base for cabinet EE087 100 (39 3/8") 42 (16 1/2") 20 (7 7/8") A 524,00 EE103 set of 4 castors 10 (4") EE104 wall fixing set for wall-hung cabinets (excluded EE087) wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) 191,00 60,00 EE108/110 minifridge 110 Volt (only for low cabinets EE082-EE085EE086) 45 (17 3/4") 48 (18 7/8") 47 (18 1/2") 1.449,00 EE108/220 minifridge 220 Volt (only for low cabinets EE082-EE085EE086) 45 (17 3/4") 48 (18 7/8") 47 (18 1/2") 1.449,00 EE110 sliding file holder for cabinet EE222 94 (37") 36 (14 1/8") 10 (4") OFFICE FURNITURE 104 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 367,00 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 Guide to the drawing up of the order. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. Modular conference tables. 1) Select the required top among the proposal see page 91 and 92: Examples of compositions for modular conference tables and legs positioning 2) Select the required legs considering the description on page 92; for a correct selection of the necessary quantity of legs and the correct position according to the solution required, see page 92. The tops are fixed together thanks to a set of plates EE020 (page 92); these tops can be used without legs as connection between tables. Equipped conference tables Single conference tables are available equipped with legs and in different shapes and sizes (page 93). Special size conference tables It is possible to order special size conference tables (page 94). OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 105 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 frame: natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium tops: medium density panels soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered Legs for conference tables see page 92. For a correct selection of the necessary quantity of legs for modular conference tables see page 92. Tops for modular conference tables in soft leather or coach hide. East End model is shipped knockeddown. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) EE026P soft leather top 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") EE027P soft leather top 200 cm 200 (78 3/4") EE029P soft leather top 240 cm EE026 coach hide top 180 cm EE027 coach hide top 200 cm EE029 coach hide top 240 cm PRICE VAT excl. metal finish covers 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 2.702,00 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 2.875,00 240 (94 1/2") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 3.030,00 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B 200 (78 3/4") 240 (94 1/2") 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") 5 (2") wood finish A/B A/B CM 2.381,00 CU 2.980,00 CM 2.555,00 CU 3.231,00 CM 2.813,00 CU 3.623,00 EE112P soft leather top 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 1.767,00 EE114P soft leather top 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 1.830,00 EE044P soft leather top 160 (63") 160 (63") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 3.420,00 EE047P soft leather top 200 (78 3/4") 200 (78 3/4") 5 (2") A/B PS/PF 4.886,00 OFFICE FURNITURE 106 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 frame: natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium tops: medium density panels soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered leg: circular section drawn aluminium , natural anodized, epoxy painted or coach hide covered Legs for conference tables see page 92. For a correct selection of the necessary quantity of legs for modular conference tables see this page. Modular conference tables in soft leather or in coach hide. Layout for legs quantity. Legs for conference tables. East End model is shipped knockeddown. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish EE112 coach hide top 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") EE114 coach hide top 100 (39 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 5 (2") A/B EE044 coach hide top 160 (63") 160 (63") 5 (2") EE047 coach hide top 200 (78 3/4") 200 (78 3/4") 5 (2") PRICE VAT excl. metal finish covers A/B CM 1.544,00 CU 1.822,00 CM CU 1.662,00 A/B CM CU 3.072,00 3.915,00 A/B CM 4.565,00 CU 5.897,00 EE020 set of plates for fixing modular tops (1 set per junction) 1.997,00 67,00 Layout of the legs positioning for modular tables according to the frame arrangement: EE051 natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium leg 6 (2 3/8") 68 (26 3/4") EE052 coach hide covered aluminium leg 6 (2 3/8") 68 (26 3/4") 83,00 A/B CM 120,00 CU 161,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 107 East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 frame: natural anodized or epoxy painted aluminium leg: circular section drawn aluminium , natural anodized, epoxy painted or coach hide covered tops: medium density panels soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered East End model is shipped knockeddown. Extra charge for coach hide covered aluminium legs: CM Euro 48,00 each excl. VAT CU Euro 84,00 each excl. VAT Conference tables with aluminium legs. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. EE912 soft leather top for 10 seatings 320 (126 1/8") 120 (47 1/4") 73 (28 3/4") A/B PS/PF 5.791,00 EE922 soft leather top for 10/12 seatings 360 (141 7/8") 160 (63") 73 (28 3/4") A/B PS/PF 7.110,00 EE913 coach hide top for 10 seatings 320 (126 1/8") 120 (47 1/4") 73 (28 3/4") A/B CM 5.387,00 CU 6.594,00 CM 7.318,00 CU 9.140,00 EE923 coach hide top for 10/12 seatings 360 (141 7/8") 160 (63") 73 (28 3/4") OFFICE FURNITURE 108 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 A/B East End Design: Piero Lissoni - 1998 frame: epoxy painted aluminium tops: medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment Charge for legs see page 92. East End model is shipped knockeddown. Curve composition: minimum radius required 60 cm (23 5/8"). Minimum requested surface for round and oval tops is 3,5 m² (38 ft2) and 4,5 m² (49 ft2) for rectangular and square tops. Tops for special size conference tables. Price refers to the overall size. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish PRICE VAT excl. metal finish covers EE602 soft leather top A PS/PF 2.583,00 EE603 coach hide top A CM 2.820,00 CU 3.092,00 round top without legs (price per m²) oval top without legs (price per m²) EE606 soft leather top A PS/PF 2.911,00 EE607 coach hide top A CM 3.114,00 CU 3.386,00 rectangular or square top without legs (price per m²) EE612 soft leather top A/B PS/PF 2.081,00 EE613 coach hide top A/B CM 2.095,00 CU 2.367,00 EE650 Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 8 single sockets or no. 4 double sockets The cap can be epoxy painted or coach hide covered 16 (6 1/4") 16 (6 1/4") Prices upon request 15 (5 7/8") 26 (10 1/4") OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 109 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide bases: wood covered with coach hide, metal fixing plates, black epoxy painted aluminium glides tops: multilayer wood, oak or walnut solid wood edges stained in standard finishes, coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered Special sizes see pages from 103 to 105 for single components and indications for special items. Writing desks and conference tables with coach hide covered top and bases. MR24A writing desk with type A bases and top in coach hide Writing desks and conference tables are shipped knocked-down. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish 240 (94 1/2") 110 (43 3/8") 73 (28 3/4") Q CM CU 9.700,00 10.935,00 N CM CU 9.700,00 10.935,00 Q CM CU 13.698,00 14.919,00 N CM CU 13.698,00 14.919,00 Q CM CU 13.188,00 14.668,00 N CM CU 13.188,00 14.668,00 MR16A conference table for 5 seatings with type A 160 (63") bases and top in coach hide 73 (28 3/4") MR32A conference table for 10/12 seatings with 320 (126 1/8") 110 (43 3/8") type A bases and top in coach hide 73 (28 3/4") OFFICE FURNITURE 110 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide bases: wood covered with coach hide, metal fixing plates, black epoxy painted aluminium glides tops: multilayer wood, oak or walnut solid wood edges stained in standard finishes, coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered Special sizes see from pages 103 to 105 for single components and indications for special items. Conference tables with coach hide covered top and bases. Conference tables are shipped knockeddown. width cm (in) MR36A conference table for 14 seatings with type A bases and top in coach hide depth cm (in) 360 (141 7/8") 170 (67") height overall cm (in) wood finish 73 (28 3/4") Q N MR48A conference table for 18 seatings with type A bases and top in coach hide 480 (189 1/8") 190 (74 7/8") 73 (28 3/4") Q N metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 25.064,00 CU 27.744,00 CM 25.064,00 CU 27.744,00 CM 33.206,00 CU 37.204,00 CM 33.206,00 CU 37.204,00 extra charge for MR36A and MR48A tables with central inlay: Q/N wood 12% satined glass 17% black granite Nero Assoluto 22% OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 111 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide bases: wood covered with coach hide, metal fixing plates, black epoxy painted aluminium glides tops: multilayer wood, oak or walnut solid wood edges stained in standard finishes, coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered modesty panel: black epoxy painted sheet covered with coach hide Special sizes see from pages 103 to 105 for single components and indications for special items. Writing desks and conference tables with coach hide covered top and bases. MR24B writing desk with type B bases and top in coach hide Writing desks and conference tables are shipped knocked-down. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish 240 (94 1/2") 110 (43 3/8") 73 (28 3/4") Q N MRB/MP modesty panel for MR24B writing desks MR32B conference table for 10/12 seatings with type B bases and top in coach hide 106 (41 3/4") 5 (2") 45 (17 3/4") 320 (126 1/8") 110 (43 3/8") 73 (28 3/4") Q N OFFICE FURNITURE 112 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 9.233,00 CU 10.474,00 CM 9.233,00 CU 10.474,00 CM 511,00 CU 650,00 CM 12.783,00 CU 14.339,00 CM 12.783,00 CU 14.339,00 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide bases: wood covered with coach hide, metal fixing plates, black epoxy painted aluminium glides tops: multilayer wood, oak or walnut solid wood edges stained in standard finishes, coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered Special sizes see from page 106 for single components and indications for special items. Conference tables with coach hide covered top and bases. Conference tables are shipped knockeddown. width cm (in) MR36B conference table for 14 seatings with type B bases and top in coach hide depth cm (in) 360 (141 7/8") 170 (67") height overall cm (in) wood finish 73 (28 3/4") Q N MR48B conference table for 18 seatings with type B bases and top in coach hide 480 (189 1/8") 190 (74 7/8") 73 (28 3/4") Q N metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 23.738,00 CU 26.529,00 CM CU 23.738,00 26.529,00 CM 28.867,00 CU 32.571,00 CM 28.867,00 CU 32.571,00 extra charge for MR36B and MR48B tables with central inlay: Q/N wood 12% satined glass 17% black granite Nero Assoluto 22% OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 113 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide base: wood covered with coach hide, stainless steel fixing plates; black epoxy painted aluminium glides top: bevelled clear glass 15 mm (5/8") thickness Special sizes see from pages 103 to 105 for single components and indications for special items. Writing desks and tables with glass top and coach hide covered bases. Conference tables are shipped knockeddown. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) MR24CB writing desk with type B bases and top in tempered glass 240 (94 1/2") 100 (39 3/8") 73 (28 3/4") CM CU 6.239,00 6.770,00 MR26CB conference table for 8/10 seatings with type B bases and top in tempered glass 260 (102 1/2") 100 (39 3/8") 73 (28 3/4") CM 6.659,00 CU 7.188,00 OFFICE FURNITURE 114 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide frame: chipboard panels veneered oak or walnut wood painted in standard finishes glass shelf supports: circular section stainless steel shelves: bevelled clear glass 15 mm (5/8") thickness minifridge: capacity 45 lt. Special sizes upon request Cabinet is shipped knocked-down. Cabinets equipped with minifridge must be positioned so as to leave free one of the two air grates. When ordering, please specify the position of the minifridge (DX right or SX left). Extra charge for tempered glass to be calculated on overall sizes: Euro 247,00 per m2 excl. VAT Wooden cabinets with coach hide parts. MR506/1 cabinet with doors in coach hide; clear glass shelf, 2 clear glass shelves inside width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish 200 (78 3/4") 54/34 73/60 Q (21 1/4" - 13 3/8") (28 3/4" - 23 5/8") N MR508/1 cabinet with 2 doors, 1 large drawer, and 4 drawers with lock; clear glass shelf and 1 clear glass shelf inside 200 (78 3/4") 54/34 73/60 (21 1/4" - 13 3/8") (28 3/4" - 23 5/8") Q N metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 8.256,00 CU 8.605,00 CM 9.142,00 CU 9.490,00 CM 9.797,00 CU 10.168,00 CM 10.725,00 CU 11.096,00 MR108/110 minifridge 110 Volt for MR506-508 45 (17 3/4") 48 (18 7/8") 47 (18 1/2") 1.449,00 MR108/220 minifridge 220 Volt for MR506-508 45 (17 3/4") 48 (18 7/8") 47 (18 1/2") 1.449,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 115 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide frame: chipboard panels veneered oak or walnut wood painted in standard finishes drawers: black anodized aluminium with ball sliding telescopic guides castors: revolving, in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg. (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) locks: cylinder Special sizes upon request Wooden drawer units with coach hide parts. MR501 drawer unit with front drawers in coach hide width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish 56 (22 1/8") 54 (21 1/4") 60 (23 5/8") Q MR502 drawer unit with front drawers in coach hide 56 (22 1/8") 43 (17") 54 (21 1/4") 54 (21 1/4") 60 (23 5/8") 60 (23 5/8") 43 (17") 54 (21 1/4") 60 (23 5/8") 3.194,00 3.285,00 CM 3.448,00 CU 3.540,00 Q CM CU 3.285,00 3.455,00 N CM 3.540,00 CU 3.709,00 CM 2.881,00 CU 2.952,00 CM 3.122,00 CU 3.194,00 CM 2.946,00 CU 3.076,00 CM 3.200,00 CU 3.331,00 Q Q N OFFICE FURNITURE 116 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 PRICE VAT excl. CU N MR502/C drawer unit with front drawers and top in coach hide with stain repellent treatment covers CM N MR501/C drawer unit with front drawers and top in coach hide with stain repellent treatment metal finish Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 Special sizes upon request cover: coach hide frame: chipboard panels veneered oak or walnut wood painted in standard finishes drawers: black anodized aluminium with ball sliding telescopic guides castors: revolving, in black polyamide ø 50 mm (2"), 50 kg. (lb 110,23) load each, suitable for soft floors (carpets, etc.) locks: cylinder Wooden drawer units with coach hide parts. MR503 drawer unit with front drawers in coach hide width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish 96 (37 7/8") 54 (21 1/4") 60 (23 5/8") Q N MR503/C drawer unit with front drawers and top in coach hide with stain repellent treatment 96 (37 7/8") 54 (21 1/4") 60 (23 5/8") Q N metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 4.839,00 CU 4.995,00 CM 5.250,00 CU 5.406,00 CM 4.989,00 CU 5.282,00 CM 5.401,00 CU 5.694,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 117 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide bases: wood covered with coach hide, metal fixing plates, black epoxy painted aluminium glides Bases covered with coach hide for special size conference tables. Extra charge 10% for cables way predisposition only with base type B. ELEMENTS width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) MRA1 base type A only for MRS2 14 (5 1/2") 48 (18 7/8") 65 (25 5/8") MRA5 base type A for MRS1 and MRS3 MRA6 base type A for MRS3 and MRS4 MRB1 base type B only for MRS2 and MRS4 MRB3 base type B only for MRS4 14 (5 1/2") 19 (7 1/2") 14 (5 1/2") 14 (5 1/2") 24 (9 1/2") 65 (25 5/8") 38 (15") 65 (25 5/8") 57 (22 1/2") 65 (25 5/8") 100 (39 3/8") 65 (25 5/8") OFFICE FURNITURE 118 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 1.529,00 CU 1.690,00 CM 853,00 CU 943,00 CM 1.550,00 CU 1.732,00 CM 1.501,00 CU 1.864,00 CM 2.116,00 CU 2.555,00 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide top: multilayer wood, solid wood edges painted in standard finishes, coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered Tops for special size conference tables. Tops prices per m2 refer to the maximum overall sizes. width cm (in) MRS1 square top in coach hide (price per m²) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish 8 (3 1/8") Q N MRS2 rectangular top in coach hide (price per m²) 8 (3 1/8") Q N MRS3 round top in coach hide (price per m²) 8 (3 1/8") Q N MRS4 round sides top in coach hide (price per m²) 8 (3 1/8") Q N metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 3.448,00 CU 3.742,00 CM 3.448,00 CU 3.742,00 CM 3.448,00 CU 3.742,00 CM 3.448,00 CU 3.742,00 CM 4.760,00 CU 5.053,00 CM 4.760,00 CU 5.053,00 CM 3.664,00 CU 3.958,00 CM 3.664,00 CU 3.958,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 119 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide top: multilayer wood, solid wood edges painted in standard finishes, coach hide with stain repellent treatment covered Tops for special size conference tables. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. extra charge for central inlay tops MRS1, MRS3 and MRS4 wood Q/N 12% satined glass 17% black granite Nero Assoluto 22% MR650 Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 8 single sockets or no. 4 double sockets The cap can be epoxy painted or coach hide covered 16 (6 1/4") 16 (6 1/4") Prices upon request 15 (5 7/8") 26 (10 1/4") OFFICE FURNITURE 120 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Metron Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1992 cover: coach hide supports: circular section stainless steel, glued to the glass top bases: wood covered with coach hide, metal fixing plates, black epoxy painted aluminium glides Bases covered with coach hide for writing desks and tables with tops in glass. MRB2 base type B for tops in clear glass with glued supports width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) 14 (5 1/2") 57 (22 1/2") 71,5 (28 1/8") wood finish metal finish covers CM CU PRICE VAT excl. 1.788,00 2.052,00 Metron top: bevelled clear glass 15 mm thickness, available on design ( 5/ 8") Tops prices per m2 refer to the maximun overall size. Requested surface dimensions are from a minimum of 1 m² (11 ft2) to a maximum of 4 m2 (43 ft2). Extra charges for tempered glass to be calculated on overall sizes: Euro 235,00 per m2 excl. VAT Tops in clear glass for special size. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CRI110 square or rectangular clear glass: price per m2 1,5 (5/8") 851,00 CRI99 round or special on design clear glass: price per m2 1,5 (5/8") 949,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 121 Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 Guide to the drawing up of the order. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. In order to fill-in correctly the orders, please follow the below instructions, both for choosing the basic components and the accessories. Writing desks and tables (basic elements) 1) Select the top among the different proposals in the price list for: - writing desks see page 108 - tables see page 112 to page 114 2) Select the base according to the writing desk top: - open bases see page 109 - bases partially closed by side panels see page 109 3) Select the bases according to the table top: - open bases see page 115 and 116 - bases closed by side panels see from pages 115 to 117 Writing desks (accessories) Select on pages 110 and 111 the accessories such as side top, vertical flexible cables way, cables way hole Ø 5 cm (2") and cables way hole Ø 8 cm (3 1/8"), vertical telescopic set to connect the electric power/data/microphones/video equipment Tables (accessories) Select on pages 118 and 119 the accessories such as the vertical flexible cables way, cables way hole Ø 5 cm (2") and cables way hole Ø 8 cm (3 1/8"), vertical telescopic set or cables cubbyto connect the electric power/data/microphones/video equipment OFFICE FURNITURE 122 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 tops: tempered glass with black painted on reverse side, thickness 15 mm (5/8"), or medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment Tops for writing desks in glass or covered with coach hide or soft leather. Accessories for writing desks tops see page 110 and page 111. The writing desks and the bases are shipped knocked-down. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) MU001CRN glass top painted on reverse side 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 1,5 (5/8") 1.377,00 MU002CRN glass top painted on reverse side 210 cm 210 (82 5/8") 100 (39 3/8") 1,5 (5/8") 1.595,00 MU003CRN glass top painted on reverse side 250 cm 250 (98 3/8") 110 (43 1/4") 1,5 (5/8") 2.016,00 MU001P soft leather top 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 3 (1 1/8") PS 2.073,00 MU002P soft leather top 210 cm 210 (82 5/8") 100 (39 3/8") 3 (1 1/8") PS 2.339,00 MU003P soft leather top 250 cm 250 (98 3/8") 110 (43 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") PS 2.862,00 MU001C coach hide top 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 3 (1 1/8") CM CU 2.576,00 CM CU 2.953,00 CM CU 3.972,00 MU002C coach hide top 210 cm MU003C coach hide top 250 cm 210 (82 5/8") 250 (98 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 110 (43 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") 3 (1 1/8") metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) 1.872,00 2.136,00 2.925,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 123 Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 bases: epoxy painted or chrome plated steel side panels: medium density panels and multilayer beech wood covered with soft leather or coach hide glides: adjustable or no-slip plastic glides Epoxy painted or chrome plated bases for writing desks, with or without side panels. Accessories for writing desks tops see page 110 and page 111. The writing desks and the bases are shipped knocked-down. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish MU001BS base for writing desk top 180 cm 140 (55 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 2.483,00 3.291,00 MU002BS base for writing desk top 210 cm 170 (67") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 2.528,00 3.344,00 MU003BS base for writing desk top 250 cm 210 (82 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 2.587,00 3.513,00 140 (55 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A A PS CM CU 3.546,00 3.581,00 3.902,00 D D PS CM CU 4.314,00 4.349,00 4.670,00 A A PS CM CU 3.713,00 3.734,00 4.119,00 D D PS CM CU 4.481,00 4.502,00 4.886,00 A A PS CM CU 3.895,00 3.923,00 4.391,00 D D PS CM CU 4.781,00 4.815,00 5.276,00 MU001BP base with panels for writing desk top 180 cm MU002BP base with panels for writing desk top 210 cm MU003BP base with panels for writing desk top 250 cm 170 (67") 210 (82 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") OFFICE FURNITURE 124 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) Must side tops and frame: medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment castors: revolving castors in nylon with rubber ring, ø 40 mm (1 5/8") load 35 kg (lb 77,16) each. vertical flexible cables way: plastic cables way: aluminium with aluminium closing cap, soft leather or coach hide covered Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 The side top and drawer unit of the model MU051DX and MU051SX are shipped knocked-down. The side tops are not to be used with glass tops for writing desks. The cables way hole is not available on glass tops. When ordering please specify the position of the cables way hole (DX right or SX left) inside or outside. Accessories for writing desks. MU050DX metal finish depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) covers 136 (53 1/2") 60 (23 5/8") 69 (27 1/8") PS CM CU 2.758,00 2.381,00 3.114,00 136 (53 1/2") 60 (23 5/8") 69 (27 1/8") PS CM CU 5.758,00 5.541,00 6.434,00 MU050SX MU050DX side top for writing desk with CPU holder on the right MU050SX side top for writing desk with CPU holder on the left MU051DX PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) MU051SX MU051DX side top for writing desk with drawer unit with 4 drawers on the right MU051SX side top for writing desk with drawer unit with 4 drawers on the left MU059 vertical flexible cables way 5 (2") right outside cables way DX Operator side 71,00 70 (27 5/8") left outside cables way SX left inside cables way SX right inside cables way DX Operator side Operator side Operator side MU705 cables way hole Ø 5 cm (2") for tops covered with soft leather and coach hide 5 (2") 2 (0 3/4") A D 157,00 157,00 MU708 cables way hole Ø 8 cm (3 1/8") for tops covered with soft leather and coach hide 8 (3 1/8") 2 (0 3/4") A D 170,00 170,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 125 Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 vertical telescopic set: aluminium frame and plastic material with blue led light and stainless steel cap When ordering please specify the position of vertical telescopic set. Accessories for writing desks. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. Basic equipment of element MU660: - n. 2 power sockets model Shuko MU660 vertical telescopic set to connect the electric power equipment 10 (3 7/8") 10 (3 7/8") 0-16 (0 - 6 1/4") 882,00 Basic equipment element of MU661: - n. 2 power sockets model Shuko - n. 2 audio sockets jacks 3,5 mm - n. 2 data sockets RJ45 CAT5 - n. 1 socket VGA 15-pin MU661 vertical telescopic set to connect the electric power/data/audio/video equipment 10 (3 7/8") 10 (3 7/8") 0-30 (0 - 11 3/4") OFFICE FURNITURE 126 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 1.655,00 Must tops: tempered glass with black painted on reverse side, thickness 15 mm (5/8"), or medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment Accessories for tables tops see page 118 and page 119. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish MU001CRN glass top painted on reverse side 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 1,5 (5/8") 1.377,00 MU002CRN glass top painted on reverse side 210 cm 210 (82 5/8") 100 (39 3/8") 1,5 (5/8") 1.595,00 MU003CRN glass top painted on reverse side 250 cm 250 (98 3/8") 110 (43 1/4") 1,5 (5/8") 2.016,00 MU004CRN glass top painted on reverse side 300 cm 300 (118 1/8") 120 (47 1/4") 1,5 (5/8") 2.601,00 MU001PT soft leather top 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 3 (1 1/8") PS 1.956,00 MU002PT soft leather top 210 cm 210 (82 5/8") 100 (39 3/8") 3 (1 1/8") PS 2.213,00 MU003PT soft leather top 250 cm 250 (98 3/8") 110 (43 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") PS 2.736,00 MU004PT soft leather top 300 cm 300 (118 1/8") 120 (47 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") PS 3.853,00 MU001CT coach hide top 180 cm 180 (70 7/8") 100 (39 3/8") 3 (1 1/8") CM 1.739,00 CU 2.444,00 CM 2.011,00 CU 2.828,00 Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 Tops for tables in glass or covered with coach hide or soft leather. MU002CT coach hide top 210 cm MU003CT coach hide top 250 cm MU004CT coach hide top 300 cm 210 (82 5/8") 250 (98 3/8") 100 (39 3/8") 110 (43 1/4") 300 (118 1/8") 120 (47 1/4") 3 (1 1/8") 3 (1 1/8") 3 (1 1/8") covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 2.624,00 CU 3.671,00 CM 3.386,00 CU 4.725,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 127 Must tops: tempered glass with black painted on reverse side, thickness 15 mm (5/8"), or medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment Accessories for tables tops see page 118 and page 119. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish MU011CRN glass top painted on reverse side 130 (51 1/8") 130 (51 1/8") 1,5 (5/8") 1.278,00 MU012CRN glass top painted on reverse side 160 (63") 160 (63") 1,5 (5/8") 1.834,00 MU013CRN glass top painted on reverse side 200 (78 3/4") 200 (78 3/4") 1,5 (5/8") 2.893,00 MU011P soft leather top 130 (51 1/8") 130 (51 1/8") 3 (1 1/8") PS 1.956,00 MU012P soft leather top 160 (63") 160 (63") 3 (1 1/8") PS 2.472,00 MU013P soft leather top 200 (78 3/4") 200 (78 3/4") 3 (1 1/8") PS 3.769,00 MU011C coach hide top 130 (51 1/8") 130 (51 1/8") 3 (1 1/8") CM 1.774,00 CU 2.444,00 Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 Tops for tables in glass or covered with coach hide or soft leather. MU012C coach hide top MU013C coach hide top 160 (63") 200 (78 3/4") 3 (1 1/8") 160 (63") 200 (78 3/4") 3 (1 1/8") OFFICE FURNITURE 128 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 2.333,00 CU 3.287,00 CM 3.456,00 CU 4.899,00 Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 tops: tempered glass with black painted on reverse side, thickness 15 mm (5/8"), or medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide with stain repellent treatment Accessories for tables tops see page 118 and page 119. width cm (in) metal finish Tops for tables in glass or covered with coach hide or soft leather. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) covers PRICE VAT excl. MU021CRN glass top painted on reverse side 130 (51 1/8") 1,5 (5/8") 1.393,00 MU022CRN glass top painted on reverse side 160 (63") 1,5 (5/8") 2.051,00 MU023CRN glass top painted on reverse side 200 (78 3/4") 1,5 (5/8") 3.007,00 MU021P soft leather top 130 (51 1/8") 3 (1 1/8") PS 1.844,00 MU022P soft leather top 160 (63") 3 (1 1/8") PS 2.352,00 MU023P soft leather top 200 (78 3/4") 3 (1 1/8") PS 3.518,00 MU021C coach hide top 130 (51 1/8") 3 (1 1/8") CM CU 1.662,00 2.178,00 MU022C coach hide top 160 (63") 3 (1 1/8") CM CU 2.178,00 2.932,00 MU023C coach hide top 200 (78 3/4") 3 (1 1/8") CM CU 3.274,00 4.412,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 129 Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 bases: epoxy painted or chrome plated steel side panels: medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide glides: adjustable or no-slip plastic glides Accessories for tables tops see page 118 and page 119. The table bases are shipped assembled, with the exception of models MU013BS, MU013BP, MU014BS and MU014BP that are shipped partially knockeddown. Epoxy painted or chrome plated bases for tables, with or without side panels. The removable base panels are shipped separatly from the base. depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish MU011BS base for table top of 180x100 cm 140 (55 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 2.325,00 3.102,00 MU012BS base for table top of 210x100 cm 170 (67") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 2.390,00 3.187,00 MU013BS base for table top of 250x110 cm 210 (82 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 3.553,00 4.786,00 MU014BS base for table top of 300x120 cm 260 (102 1/2") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 3.559,00 4.851,00 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A A PS CM CU 4.041,00 4.076,00 4.586,00 D D PS CM CU 4.787,00 4.823,00 5.332,00 A A PS CM CU 4.370,00 4.391,00 5.025,00 D D PS CM CU 5.102,00 5.122,00 5.758,00 MU011BP base with panels for table top of 180x100 cm MU012BP base with panels for table top of 210x100 cm 140 (55 1/8") 170 (67")) 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") OFFICE FURNITURE 130 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 bases: epoxy painted or chrome plated steel side panels: medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide glides: adjustable or no-slip plastic glides The table bases are shipped assembled, with the exception of models MU013BS, MU013BP, MU014BS and MU014BP that are shipped partially knockeddown. Epoxy painted or chrome plated bases for tables, with or without side panels. MU013BP base with panels for table top of 250x110 cm MU014BP base with panels for table top of 300x120 cm Accessories for tables tops see page 118 and page 119. The removable base panels are shipped separatly from the base. PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish covers 210 (82 3/4") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A A PS CM CU 6.414,00 6.393,00 7.216,00 D D PS CM CU 7.356,00 7.335,00 8.158,00 A A PS CM 6.845,00 6.866,00 D D CU PS CM CU 7.942,00 7.963,00 7.984,00 9.058,00 260 (102 1/2") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") MU021BS base for table top of130x130 cm (square or round) 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 2.012,00 2.698,00 MU022BS base for table top of160x160 cm (square or round) 103 (40 5/8") 103 (40 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 2.520,00 3.461,00 MU023BS base for table top of200x200 cm (qsquare or round) 130 (51 1/8") 130 (51 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") A D 2.652,00 3.879,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 131 Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 bases: epoxy painted or chrome plated steel side panels: medium density panels covered with soft leather or coach hide glides: adjustable or no-slip plastic glides The table bases are shipped assembled, with the exception of models MU013BS, MU013BP, MU014BS and MU014BP that are shipped partially knockeddown. Epoxy painted or chrome plated bases for tables, with or without side panels. MU021BP base with panels for table top of 130x130 cm (square or round) MU022BP base with panels for table top of 160x160 cm (square or round) MU023BP base with panels for table top of 200x200 cm (square or round) The removable base panels are shipped separatly from the base. PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) metal finish covers 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") A A PS CM CU 3.211,00 3.225,00 3.456,00 D D PS CM CU 3.943,00 3.958,00 4.188,00 A A PS CM CU 4.014,00 4.041,00 4.565,00 D D PS CM CU 5.053,00 5.081,00 5.604,00 A A PS CM CU 4.641,00 4.627,00 5.283,00 D D PS CM CU 5.953,00 5.939,00 6.594,00 103 (40 5/8") 130 (51 1/8") 103 (40 5/8") 130 (51 1/8") 70 (27 5/8") 70 (27 5/8") OFFICE FURNITURE 132 Accessories for tables tops see page 118 and page 119. (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Must vertical flexible cables way: plastic material cables way hole: aluminium with aluminium closing cap, soft leather or coach hide covered vertical telescopic set: aluminium frame and plastic material with blue led and stainless steel cap Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 The cables way is not available on glass tops. When ordering please specify the position of the cables way hole (DX right or SX left). When ordering please specify the position of vertical telescopic set. Table accessories. width cm (in) MU059 vertical flexible cables way depth cm (in) 5 (2") right outside cables way DX height overall cm (in) metal finish PRICE VAT excl. covers 71,00 70 (27 5/8") left outside cables way SX Operator side right inside cables way DX Operator side left inside cables way SX Operator side Operator side MU705 cable way Ø 5 cm (2") for tops covered with soft leather and coach hide 5 (2") 2 (0 3/4") A D 157,00 157,00 MU708 cable way Ø 8 cm (3 1/8") for tops covered with soft leather and coach hide 8 (3 1/8") 2 (0 3/4") A D 170,00 170,00 Basic equipment for element MU660: - n. 2 power sockets model Shuko MU660 vertical telescopic set to connect the electric power equipment 10 (3 7/8") 10 (3 7/8") 0-16 (0 - 6 1/4") 882,00 Basic equipment for element MU661: - n. 2 power sockets model Shuko - n. 1 audio sockets jacks 3,5 mm - n. 2 data sockets RJ45 CAT5 - n. 1 socket VGA 15-pin MU661 vertical telescopic set to connect the electric power/data/audio/video equipment 10 (3 7/8") 10 (3 7/8") 0-30 (0 - 11 3/4") 1.655,00 OFFICE FURNITURE (Prices in Euro) September 2009 133 Must Design: Rodolfo Dordoni - 2006 frame: black epoxy painted sockets plate set in steel soft coach hide covered cap: black epoxy painted aluminium covered with soft coach hide steel with leather or extruded leather or When ordering please specify the position of the cables cubbies. The price of the cables cubbies includes the arrangement of the table top and does not include the electrical equipment. The sockets plate set cover and cap are always matched with the cover top. Table accessories. MU660M Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 4 single sockets or no. 2 double sockets.Manual cap opening MU660A Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 4 single sockets or no. 2 double sockets.Authomatic cap opening MU670M Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 8 single sockets or no. 4 double sockets.Manual cap opening MU670A Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 8 single sockets or no. 4 double sockets.Authomatic cap opening MU680M Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 8 single sockets or no. 4 double sockets.Manual cap opening MU680A Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 8 single sockets or no. 4 double sockets.Authomatic cap opening MU690M Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 12 single sockets or no. 6 double sockets.Manual cap opening MU690A Cables cubby prearranged for electric power/data/microphones/video equipment, with either no. 6 single sockets or no. 12 double sockets.Authomatic cap opening depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) 23 (9") 11 (4 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 386,00 23 (9") 11 (4 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 500,00 47,5 (18 3/4") 11 (4 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 516,00 47,5 (18 3/4") 11 (4 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 630,00 60 (23 5/8") 11 (4 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 598,00 60 (23 5/8") 11 (4 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 712,00 73,5 (29") 11 (4 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 690,00 73,5 (29") 11 (4 3/8") 16 (6 1/4") 804,00 OFFICE FURNITURE 134 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) Wave Design: Gordon Guillaumier - 2006 cover: coach hide frame: coach hide covered medium density panels with black lacquered inner part; black lacquered back doors and drawer fronts: medium density panels with black lacquered inner part and wave shaped handle in rigid polyurethane foam, covered with coach hide shelves: black lacquered medium density panels drawers: chipboard panels melamine-coated; ball sliding telescopic guides base: frame in black painted steel with feet in stainless steel and plastic glides Accessories and locks for cabinets see page 123. The cabinets are shipped assembled with the exception of the models WV051/WV052/WV055 that are shipped knocked-down. Cabinets completely covered with coach hide. Locks only upon request. WV020 cabinet with 2 doors and inner shelves WV021DX WV021DX / WV021SX cabinet with 1 door with inner shelf and 2 high drawers: door on the right - WV021DX door on the left - WV021SX WV022 cabinet with 4 high drawers WV032 cabinet with 6 high drawers width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) 128 (50 3/8") 56 (22") 69 (27 1/8") wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 4.904,00 CU 5.525,00 WV021SX 128 (50 3/8") 128 (50 3/8") 192 (75 5/8") 56 (22") 56 (22") 56 (22") 69 (27 1/8") 69 (27 1/8") 69 (27 1/8") CM 5.347,00 CU 5.968,00 CM 5.825,00 CU 6.452,00 CM 7.763,00 CU 8.605,00 CABINETS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 135 Wave Design: Gordon Guillaumier - 2006 Cabinets completely covered with coach hide. Locks only upon request. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) WV041 cabinet with 4 high drawers and 2 open units with shelves 128 (50 3/8") 56 (22") 133 (52 3/8") WV043 cabinet with 2 doors with inner shelves and 4 high drawers 128 (50 3/8") WV051 cabinet with 2 doors with inner shelves, 2 drawers and 3 open unit with shelves 192 (75 5/8") WV052 cabinet with 6 high drawers and 3 open unit with shelves 192 (75 5/8") 56 (22") 56 (22") 56 (22") 133 (52 3/8") 133 (52 3/8") 133 (52 3/8") CABINETS 136 Accessories and locks for cabinets see page 123. cover: coach hide frame: coach hide covered medium density panels with black lacquered inner part; black lacquered back doors and drawer fronts: medium density panels with black lacquered inner part and wave shaped handle in rigid polyurethane foam, covered with coach hide shelves: black lacquered medium density panels in the unit with door and smoked glass 8 mm (3/8") thickness in the open units back of open unit: smoked mirror drawers: chipboard panels melamine-coated; ball sliding telescopic guides base: frame in black painted steel with feet in stainless steel and plastic glides (Prices in Euro) September 2009 The cabinets are shipped assembled with the exception of the models WV051/WV052/WV055 that are shipped knocked-down. wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 7.613,00 CU 8.409,00 CM 8.292,00 CU 9.350,00 CM 9.898,00 CU 10.909,00 CM 10.806,00 CU 11.817,00 Wave Design: Gordon Guillaumier - 2006 Cabinets completely covered with coach hide. Locks only upon request. WV055 cabinet with 3 doors with inner shelves and 6 high drawers Accessories and locks for cabinets see page 123. cover: coach hide frame: coach hide covered medium density panels with black lacquered inner part; black lacquered back doors and drawer fronts: medium density panels with black lacquered inner part and wave shaped handle in rigid polyurethane foam, covered with coach hide shelves: black lacquered medium density panels in the unit with door and smoked glass 8 mm (3/8") thickness in the open units back of open unit: smoked mirror drawers: chipboard panels melamine-coated; ball sliding telescopic guides base: frame in black painted steel with feet in stainless steel and plastic glides width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) 192 (75 5/8") 56 (22") 133 (52 3/8") The cabinets are shipped assembled with the exception of the models WV051/WV052/WV055 that are shipped knocked-down. wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. CM 11.863,00 CU 13.253,00 CABINETS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 137 Wave Design: Gordon Guillaumier - 2006 Accessories. cover: coach hide frame: coach hide covered medium density panels with black lacquered inner part; black lacquered back doors and drawer fronts: medium density panels with black lacquered inner part and wave shaped handle in rigid polyurethane foam, covered with coach hide shelves: black lacquered medium density panels in the unit with door and smoked glass 8 mm (3/8") thickness in the open units back of open unit: smoked mirror drawers: chipboard panels melamine-coated; ball sliding telescopic guides base: frame in black painted steel with feet in stainless steel and plastic glides depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) WV108/110 minifridge 110 Volt (the price includes the cabinet adjustment) 45 (17 3/4") 48 (18 7/8") 47 (18 1/2") 1.378,00 WV108/220 minifridge 220 Volt (the price includes the cabinet adjustment) 45 (17 3/4") 48 (18 7/8") 47 (18 1/2") 1.378,00 60 (23 5/8") 36 (14 1/8") 10 (4") WV110 sliding file holder WV150 fixed file holder for high drawer wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) 263,00 263,00 WV200DX single lock for right door 60,00 WV200SX single lock for left door WV200CSDX multiple lock for 2 top superimposed right high drawers 100,00 WV200CSSX multiple lock for 2 top superimposed left high drawers CABINETS 138 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Wave Design: Gordon Guillaumier - 2006 Drawers units and low cabinets on castors, coach hide covered doors and drawers, black lacquared or coach hide covered structure. Doors and drawers with locking device. WV001 drawer unit with 2 drawers, file holder in the lower drawer WV002 drawer unit with 3 drawers width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) 43 (17") 56 (22") 53 (20 7/8") 43 (17") WV003 door cabinet with inner shelf WV004DX cover: coach hide frame: black lacquered or coach hide covered medium density panels; black lacquered inner part doors and drawer fronts: medium density panels with black lacquered inner part and wave shaped handle in rigid polyurethane foam, covered with coach hideshelves: black lacquered medium density panels drawers: moulded and painted steel sheet and chipboard panels melamine-coated; ball sliding telescopic guides internal equipment of drawers: pelican drawer in the upper drawer and file holder in the lower drawer castors: revolving castors in nylon with rubber ring ø 40 mm (1 5/8") 35 kg (lb 77,16) loading capacity each 86 (33 7/8") 56 (22") 56 (22") 53 (20 7/8") 53 (20 7/8") wood finish metal finish covers PRICE VAT excl. HN CM 2.077,00 HN CU 2.142,00 CM 2.390,00 CU 2.717,00 HN CM 2.483,00 HN CU 2.548,00 CM 2.789,00 CU 3.116,00 HN CM 2.495,00 HN CU 2.625,00 CM 3.200,00 CU 3.716,00 WV004SX WV004DX / WV004SX cabinet with 2 drawers and open unit with shelf, with file holder in the lower drawer: open unit on the right - WV004DX open unit on the left - WV004SX 86 (33 7/8") 56 (22") 53 (20 7/8") HN CM 2.730,00 HN CU 2.796,00 CM 3.325,00 CU 3.774,00 CABINETS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 139 Wave Design: Gordon Guillaumier - 2006 Drawers units and low cabinets on castors, coach hide covered doors and drawers, black lacquared or coach hide covered structure. Doors and drawers with locking device. cover: coach hide frame: black lacquered or coach hide covered medium density panels; black lacquered inner part doors and drawer fronts: medium density panels with black lacquered inner part and wave shaped handle in rigid polyurethane foam, covered with coach hideshelves: black lacquered medium density panels drawers: moulded and painted steel sheet and chipboard panels melamine-coated; ball sliding telescopic guides internal equipment of drawers: pelican drawer in the upper drawer and file holder in the lower drawer castors: revolving castors in nylon with rubber ring ø 40 mm (1 5/8") 35 kg (lb 77,16) loading capacity each width cm (in) WV005DX wood finish 56 (22") 53 (20 7/8") HN HN covers PRICE VAT excl. 86 (33 7/8") CM CU 3.096,00 3.161,00 CM CU 3.690,00 4.140,00 86 (33 7/8") 56 (22") 53 (20 7/8") HN HN CM CU 3.037,00 3.167,00 CM CU 3.631,00 4.147,00 CM CU 3.402,00 3.533,00 CM CU 3.997,00 4.512,00 WV007SX WV007DX / WV007SX cabinet with 3 drawers and door with inner shelf: door on the right - WV007DX door on the left - WV007SX 86 (33 7/8") 56 (22") 53 (20 7/8") CABINETS 140 metal finish WV006SX WV006DX / WV006SX cabinet with 2 drawers and door with inner shelf, with file holder in the lower drawer: door on the right - WV006DX door on the left - WV006SX WV007DX height overall cm (in) WV005SX WV005DX / WV005SX cabinet with 3 drawers and open unit with shelf: open unit on the right - WV005DX open unit on the left - WV005SX WV006DX depth cm (in) (Prices in Euro) September 2009 HN HN Theatre Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1997 Doors and doorposts in wood covered with coach hide. Profiles in stained solid wood. cover: coach hide frame: solid and multilayer wood profiles: top profile, ledge and counterledge in solid wood, mat black lacquered top closing element: black epoxy painted aluminium profile lock: type Patent or on request type Yale hinge: brass with chrome plated finish handle: type Mixa by Colombo with chrome plated finish, partially coach hide covered WIDTH opening THS21 door H. 210 with stain repellent treatment Special sizes upon request For special doors, please specify overall sizes of casing (L1, H1) and wall thickness (P). Please specify when ordering, the opening of the door (DX right or SX left). Installation is not included in the price of the door. covers HEIGHT casing overall opening casing overall wall thick. L L1 L2 H H1 H2 P cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) 80 90 106 210 214 217 10 (31 1/2") (35 1/2") (41 3/4") (82 3/4") (84 3/8") (85 1/2") PRICE VAT excl. (4") CM CU 8.546,00 10.159,00 P door opening right DX H1 H2 H door opening left SX L2 L L1 DOORS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 141 Theatre Design: Carlo Bartoli - 1997 Doors and doorposts in wood covered with coach hide. Profiles in stained solid wood. cover: coach hide frame: solid and multilayer wood profiles: top profile, ledge and counterledge in solid wood, mat black lacquered top closing element: black epoxy painted aluminium profile lock: type Patent or on request type Yale hinge: brass with chrome plated finish handle: type Mixa by Colombo with chrome plated finish, partially coach hide covered WIDTH opening THO21 door H. 210 with stain repellent treatment Special sizes upon request For special doors, please specify overall sizes of casing (L1, H1) and wall thickness (P). Please specify when ordering, the opening of the door (DX right or SX left). Installation is not included in the price of the door. covers HEIGHT casing overall opening casing overall L L1 L2 H H1 H2 P cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) cm (in) 80 120 129 210 214 217 10 (47 1/4") (50 7/8") (82 3/4") (84 3/8") (85 1/2") P door opening right DX H1 H2 H door opening left SX L2 L L1 DOORS 142 wall thick. cm (in) (31 1/2") (Prices in Euro) September 2009 PRICE VAT excl. (4") CM CU 9.421,00 11.086,00 Loomy Design: Franco Poli - 2006 cover: coach hide with patented cutting frame: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel with vertical rods in chrome plated steel. Free standing screens in coach hide with patented cutting. PRICE VAT excl. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) covers LM105 free standing screen in coach hide with patented cutting 104 (41") 40 (15 3/4") 180 (70 7/8") CU 2.163,00 LM100 free standing screen in coach hide with patented cutting 104 (41") 40 (15 3/4") 210 (82 5/8") CU 2.283,00 ACCESSORIES (Prices in Euro) September 2009 143 Glass tops top: bevelled clear glass 15 mm thickness, available on design (5/8") Tops prices per m2 refer to the maximun overall size. Requested surface dimensions are from a minimum of 1 m² (11 ft2) to a maximum of 4 m2 (43 ft2). Extra charges for tempered glass to calculate on overall sizes: Euro 247,00 per m2 excl. VAT Tops in clear glass on design. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) covers PRICE VAT excl. CRI110 square or rectangular clear glass: price per m2 1,5 (5/8") 851,00 CRI99 round or custom-shaped clear glass: price per m2 1,5 (5/8") 949,00 ACCESSORIES 144 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 Deskpad Design: Centro Studi - 1980/1995 cover: coach hide Minimum quantity: 5 pcs Deskpad in customized size and shape, price per m²: CM : Euro 971,00 excl. VAT CU : Euro 1.217,00 excl. VAT A personal logo can be printed upon request on deskpad. Stitched deskpad in coach hide. SM1 deskpad in coach hide with stitching SM2 deskpad in coach hide with stitching SM3 deskpad in coach hide with stitching SM4 deskpad in coach hide with stitching width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) covers PRICE VAT excl. 60 (23 5/8") 40 (15 3/4") 0,35 (1/8") CM 153,00 CU 217,00 CM 198,00 CU 286,00 CM 248,00 CU 375,00 CM 115,00 CU 151,00 70 (27 5/8") 80 (31 1/2") 40 (15 3/4") 50 (19 3/4") 60 (23 5/8") 33 (13") 0,35 (1/8") 0,35 (1/8") 0,35 (1/8") ACCESSORIES (Prices in Euro) September 2009 145 T.Net Design: Franco Poli - 2006 cover: coach hide with patented cutting frame of free standing screen: coach-hide covered steel frame of hanging screen: fixing base floor/ceiling: aluminium grey epoxy painted steel with lateral rods in stainless steel with details in satined nickel The hanging screen can be maximum heigh of 400 cm and will be hanging in tension: the wals and ceiling have to be able to support this stress. Free standing or hanging screen in coach hide with patented cutting. The free standing element can be a maximum height of 250 cm. width cm (in) depth cm (in) height overall cm (in) TN110 hanging screen in coach hide with patented cutting (price per m2) TN120 free standing screen in coach hide with patented cutting (price per m2) 4 (1 5/8") ACCESSORIES 146 (Prices in Euro) September 2009 covers PRICE VAT excl. CU 853,00 CM CU 978,00 1.097,00 Coach hide / Soft leather Cuoio Miura (CM). Coach hide. It is produced from bullskin exclusively of European origin. The part normally used by Matteograssi S.p.A is the back, thickness is from 2,2 to 2,4 mm. It is chrome and vegetable tanned, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with polyurethanic pigments. Cuoio Classic (CU). Coach hide. It is produced from fullgrain cowskin exclusively of European origin. The part normally used by Matteograssi S.p.A is the shoulder, thickness is from 3 to 4 mm. It is vegetable tanned, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with aniline and semi-aniline depending on the colour. Cuoietto (CS). Soft leather. Fullgrain cowskin exclusively European origin. Thickness is from 1,8 to 2,0 mm, obtained with chrome and vegetable tanning, dyed in tub with pure aniline and finished with aniline. Available in the following colors: Nero, Testa di moro, Dune and Gesso Pelle Soft (PS). Soft leather. Cowskin with thickness from 1,4 to 1,6 mm., obtained with chrome tanning, dyed in tub with pure aniline and finished with polyurethanic pigments. Pelle Fire (PF). Soft leather. Cowskin with thickness from 1,1 to 1,3 mm., obtained with crome tanning, dyed in tub with pure aniline and finished with polyurethanic pigments. Fire resistant leather "Classe 1". Pelle Smooth (PT). Soft leather. It is produced from smooth grain cowskin of European origin with thickness from 1,0 to 1,2 mm. Obtained with chrome tanning, dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with polyurethanic pigments. Pelle Light (PL). Soft leather. Fullgrain cowskin of European origin with thickness from 1,4 to 1,6 mm., obtained with chrome and vegetable tanning. Dyed in the tub with pure aniline and finished with aniline and semi-aniline depending on the colour. Pelle Forest (PR). Soft Leather. Fullgrain cowskin exclusively European origin. Thickness is from 1,4 to 1,6 mm, obtained with chrome tanning, dyed in the tub with pure aniline. Natural grain suede with manual forming. High Quality (HQ): Pelle Sweet (cat. S). Soft leather. Fullgrain cowskin exclusively European origin, natural grain. Thickness is from 1,8 to 2,0 mm, obtained with chrome and vegetable tanning, dyed in tub with pure aniline and finished with aniline. Pelle Pure (cat. U). Soft leather.Fullgrain cowskin exclusively of European origin with smooth natural grain. Thickness is from 1,4 to 1,6 mm, obtained with chrome and vegetable tanning, dyed in tub with pure aniline. , Pelle Nabuk (cat. N). Natural grain cowskin, suede finish, exclusively European origin. Thickness from 1,1 to 1,3 mm, obtained with chrome tanning dyed in the tub with pure aniline. Prices upon request Upon request stain repellent treatment is possibile on coach hide and soft leather. CM Cuoio Miura, coach hide supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx.1,20 m² (13ft2) PT pelle smooth, soft leather supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx5 m² (54 ft2) CU Cuoio Classic, coach hide supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx.1,20 m² (13ft2) PL Pelle Light, soft leather supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx. 5 m² (54 ft2) CS Cuoietto, soft leather supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx.4/4,5 m² (43/49 ft2) PR pelle forest, soft leather supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx 5 m² (54 ft2) PS Pelle Soft, soft leather supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx.4/4,5 m² (43/49 ft2) HQ High Quality, soft leather supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx. 5 m² (54 ft2) PF "Pelle Fire", soft leather supplied as complete skin corresponding to approx 4/4,5 m² (43/49 ft2) PRICE VAT excl. T.A. stain repellent treatment for coach hide and soft leather: charge per m² 71,00 COVERS (Prices in Euro) September 2009 147 Cleaning products Basic maintenance set: including a cleaning fluid Soft Cleaner 100 ml., a preservative cream Leather Cream 100 ml. Soft Cleaner: soft cleaning fluid Leather Cream: preservative cream Strong Cleaner: strong cleaning fluid Leather Vital: water proof preservative cream Colour: touch up cream; available only for coach hide colours Ink Away: ink, lipstick and pen stains remover Leather Degreaser: oil and grease stains remover Do not use maintenance products on HQ leather and coach hide 'Naturale' PRICE VAT excl. PM1 Basic maintenance set (Soft Cleaner + Leather Cream) 77,00 PM2 Soft Cleaner 140 ml. 38,00 PM3 Leather Cream 140 ml. 40,00 PM4 Strong Cleaner 140 ml. 44,00 PM5 Leather Vital 140 ml. 48,00 PM6 Colour 50 ml. please specify the colour required 31,00 PM7 Ink Away 44,00 PM8 Leather Degreaser 300 ml. 71,00 MAINTENANCE 148 (Prezzi in Euro) Settembre 2009 Notes Notes ® matteograssi spa Via Monte Grappa 66/68 P.O. Box n.57 Paina I - 20833 Giussano (MB) Tel. +39 0362 86621 www.matteograssi.it - info@matteograssi.it
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