lake vista news july 2014
lake vista news july 2014
CELEBRATING KE VISTA’S SEVENTY-FIFTH ANNIVERSARY KE VISTA 75 NEWS July 2014 Gardens of the Month ARDEN LARGE G LE PET IT J AR DIN N T GARDE SECRE WWW. us ass 63 Spanish Fort 3 Spanish Fort n& lee h Kat Dwight & 83 Flamingo KEVISTAPROPERTYOWNERS.COM L Roy Meb Nor ton lle She ura id yM Call Our Trained Experts & Experience The Difference ® HOME OF THE $650 TERMITE DAMAGE REPAIR GUARANTEE! Monthly Payment Plans • Drywood Termite Fumigation WE DO IT ALL... TERMITES • ROACHES • RATS & ANTS TOO! THE BEDBUG SPECIALIST Serving the New Orleans Metro Area 504-834-7330 2329 EDENBORN AVE. METAIRIE, LA 70001 FROM THE President’s DESK by LVPOA President LYNN LONG As of this writing, we are in full swing with two major projects in Lake Vista. The first project is our volunteer efforts to improve the landscapes throughout the parks. The second is the 75th Gala to be held this fall that will help fund those efforts. If we can combine attendance at the gala with some good volunteer hours, we will be on our way to enjoying more beautiful green spaces, one of the most positive attributes of our neighborhood. As always, thanks to Milton Reese and Dominique Laan for spearheading the planting and pruning efforts. At the spring semi-annual meeting, we discussed some revisions to the Lake Vista by-laws. Those changes are being fine-tuned and you will receive notification of a meeting soon to cast your vote. Also at the spring meeting, Susan Guidry gave us the latest update on the Lakefront street repairs. There were no specific dates given at the time. I have since met with our new councilperson, Jared Brossett, and the best estimates are for repairs to occur between Fall 2014 through Fall 2016. However, there is no way at this point to know if your particular street will be in the beginning or the end. The delays are partly due to coordination with the Sewerage and Water Board, with the goal of making all repairs simultaneously. Stay tuned for more specific information. The PCCP construction is ongoing. The project seems to be on schedule. If you have any questions, their contact info is in this newsletter and you are invited to visit with them each month at St. Dominic’s for a presentation on all three construction projects. If you are new to Lake Vista and are not a member of the association, I encourage you to join. Your $50 membership fee goes towards the beautification of the neighborhood. We are also always looking for volunteers to serve as block captains, help with some gardening chores and various parties and events that we host. Also, I encourage you to send me your email address so that we can communicate easily between newsletters. Sign up to and visit the website,, for additional information about Lake Vista and your neighbors. In This Issue... LAKE VISTA GARDEN CLUB GARDENS OF THE MONTH COVER FROM THE PRESIDENT’S DESK BY LYNN LONG 1 LAKE VISTA GARDEN CLUB’S 65TH ANNIVERSARY 2 THE BEGINNING OF THE LAKE VISTA GARDEN CLUB 3 LVPOA BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE UPDATE 4 STRAWBERRY PANNA COTTA RECIPE ARE YOUR STREET LIGHTS OUT? 5 LVPOA FINANCIAL STATEMENT 6 CONSTRUCTION UPDATE: 30 DAY OUTLOOK FOR ORLEANS AVENUE STATION 7 LVPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS JOIN LVPOA 8 ADVERTISE IN LAKE VISTA! 9 MEMORIES OF BREEZE PARK 10 LAKE VISTA GARDEN CLUB’S by Yvonne Miestchovich McCulla S ixty- ve Years Ago, my aunt, Olivia Vaccaro, became a charter member and was elected the rst president of the Lake Vista Garden Club. My Aunt and other early Lake Vista residents formed to ll a need of the new and rapidly growing Lake Vista section of New Orleans. The Garden Club was founded on the principal of helping Lake Vista residents improve their gardens with informative and knowledgeable speakers at monthly meetings as well as members supporting their neighbors in improving their gardens. A n early resident of Lake Vista and the founding member of the Lake Vista Garden Club, Olivia Tricon Vaccaro, was born October 1893 to Louis Tricon of Marseilles, France and Mary Elizabeth Baumgartner of New Orleans. She graduated from Mobile In rmary and became a nurse with the Red Cross Nursing Service. Miss Tricon was a nurse in Italy and Mr. Joseph Vaccaro was a soldier in France. They met in Louisiana before World War I and were married after the War. O livia and Joe lived in Uptown and Old Metairie before choosing a lot in Lake Vista. They built their English Tudor Style home at 17 Breeze Park, now known as 17 Warbler Street. This beautiful home still stands today. After Uncle Joe’s death, Olivia resided there until the early 60’s and remained a lakefront resident and member of the Lake Vista Garden Club until she died August 21, 1988. Now, 65 years after my great Aunt, Olivia Tricon Vaccaro and 45 years after my mom, Lorraine Mader Miestchovich, served as president, I am very honored to become President of the Lake Vista Garden Club. I am proud to live in Lake Vista and hope all of you are also! I was born and raised on Crane Street, lived on Dove St., Hawk St. and now Flamingo St. I just change bird streets! I tease people all the time that I will die in Lake Vista - next stop- Lake Lawn (cemetery)! Keep your yard and gardens well manicured-TAKE PRIDE! We have the best neighborhood in New Orleans, and it keeps getting better. Gatherings: The Lake Vista Garden Club meets on the rst Friday of every month from September-May from 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. Topics Discussed: The Garden Club invites speakers to discuss owers, birds, and gardening. We also do hands on gardening demonstrations and host plant exchanges. Who can join: Any female homeowner may become a member of the Lake Vista Garden Club. It’s a great way to meet your neighbors. Special Projects: • Arbor Day: planting to replace missing/damaged trees in Lake Vista’s parkways. • We maintain the perimeter and internal garden beds along with the LVPOA. • Replacement of missing lane signs • Maintenance of the Lake Vista Bird Sanctuary • Lake Vista Garden of the Month awards • December door decorating contest • Fundraising to support the beauti cation efforts • Donations of services, time, auction items, or money are greatly appreciated to support the LV Garden Club’s beauti cation efforts. The Beginning of the Lake Vista Garden Club LVPOA Beautification Committee Update Accolades, appreciation and gratitude are due to two of our most generous Volunteers in Lake Vista: Mr. & Mrs. Vincent Palumbo, the owners of Terminix, a well-respected Company which services many of us already in Lake Vista. Terminix has agreed to treat our magnificent Live Oaks within the Parks at no charge for the next three years. Stephanie Hilferty is due a "standing ovation" for spearheading this effort to it’s final form. Residents, this is a huge step in our ongoing efforts to replant and maintain the treescape that is Lake Vista!! Each of you are urged to send a "Thank You" to the Palumbos. Beautification endeavors directed towards bringing our breezeways and Parks back to a level enjoyed prior to Katrina and the freezes of '89-'90 is underway with a more finalized plan anticipated this summer. We will need many more volunteers to accomplish our vision. Other projects will begin soon as well. Milton Reese Dominique Laan Co-Chairs LVPOA Beautification Strawberries with a little bit of Heaven By Charlotte Rivet Your family and guest will love this delicious summertime dessert-- Panna Cotta and Strawberries with unusual “Secret Ingredients”. See if your family and guests can taste what are your “Secret Ingredients” in this easy end of the meal delight. 1⁄2 packet (1 teaspoon) unflavored Gelatin powder 1-1⁄2 tablespoons cold water 1-1⁄2 cups heavy cream, divided 1 cup plan whole-milk yogurt 1 teaspoon pure vanilla extract 1/2 vanilla bean, split and seeds scraped 1/3 cup sugar, plus 1 tablespoon 2 pints (4 cups) sliced fresh strawberries 2-1⁄2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar 1 tablespoon sugar 1⁄4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper Freshly grated lemon zest, for serving In a small bowl, sprinkle the gelatin on 1-1⁄2 tablespoons of cold water. Stir and set aside for 10 minutes to allow the gelatin to dissolve. Meanwhile, in a medium bowl, whisk together 3⁄4 cup of cream, the yogurt, vanilla extract and vanilla bean seeds. Heat the remaining 3⁄4 cup of cream and the 1/3 cup of sugar in a small saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium heat. Off the heat, add the softened gelatin to the hot cream and stir to dissolve. Pour the hot cream-gelatin mixture into the cold cream-yogurt mixture and stir to combine. Pour into 4 (6-8 ounce) ramekins or custard cups and refrigerate uncovered until cold. When the Panna Cottas are thoroughly chilled, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate overnight. Combine the strawberries, balsamic vinegar (secret Ingredient), 1 tablespoon sugar, and pepper (secret ingredient)30 minutes to 1 hour before serving. Set aside at room temperature STREET LIGHT OUT? If the street light on your street or lane is out, please send info to me by letter or email. Please include: STREET NAME, or LANE NAME and POLE NUMBER (May be several feet up on the pole). Send to: or Bob Romero 6500 Beauregard Ave. • New Orleans, LA 70124 DOESN’T TAKE A HURRICANE TO KNOCK OUT POWER LAKE VISTA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. 5.5 KW COLEMAN PORTABLE GENERATOR BALANCE SHEET Will Run Refrigerator, Lights, Fan, Window A/C $350 504-669-3030• ASSETS As of April 28, 2014 CURRENT ASSETS Checking/Savings General Small Business Savings Guard Small Business Savings General Account Guard Account Total Checking/Savings 9,818.46 36,197.58 12,459.82 2,936.96 61,412.82 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS 61,412.82 OTHER ASSETS Deposits-Utility TOTAL OTHER ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS LIABILITIES & EQUITY EQUITY Opening Balance Equity Retained Earnings Net Income TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES & EQUITY If you or anyone you know is interested in buying or selling, contact me for your professional real estate services. Free market analysis for selling! Free emails of properties for buying! Free Market Tracker! Yvonne Miestchovich McCulla Cell 504-909-2222 Email: ® 7039 Canal Blvd. Web Site: New Orleans, LA 70124 Top Multi Million Dollar Latter & Blum Lakefront Agent Office 504-282-2611 Ext 39132 Lake Vista Resident for over 50 years Each ERA office is independently owned and operated THIS NEWSLETTER WAS CREATED BY PAUL R. CABOCHE graphic design A CONCIERGE DESIGN + PRINTING EXPERIENCE 985.640.4430 PAULNEWORLEANS@GMAIL.COM 50.00 50.00 61, 462.82 13,556.03 56,187.00 8,831.85 61,462.82 61,462.82 PROFIT & LOSS January 1 - April 28, 2014 Ordinary Income/Expense INCOME Advertising Income Association Dues Association Dues 2014 Total Association Dues Interest Income TOTAL INCOME Gross Profit EXPENSE Lake Vista Newsletter Lake Vista Website Insurance - D&O Liability Professional Fees Accounting Total Professional Fees Beautification Expense Landscaping Maintenance Grass Cutting Beautification Expense - Other Total Beautification Expense Neighborhood Events Easter Egg Hunt Total Neighborhood Events Postage Expense Other Postage Expense - Other Total Postage Expense Supplies Bank Charges Taxes Franchise Total Taxes Utilities-Electric Expense Total Expense NET ORDINARY INCOME OTHER INCOME/EXPENSE Other Income Bank Credit TOTAL OTHER INCOME NET OTHER INCOME Net Income . 2,100.00 13,450.00 13,450.00 8.92 15,558.92 15,558.92 1,387.57 320.00 2,432.00 325.00 325.00 440.00 470.00 450.75 1,360.75 374.47 374.47 293.76 6.68 300.44 48.13 52.50 80.00 80.00 48.62 6,729.48 8,829.44 2.41 2.41 2.41 8,831.85 Construction Update PERMANENT CANAL CLOSURES & PUMPS 30 day outlook for Orleans AVENUE Station •Nighttimeoperationswillcontinue.Nightshiftwillworkfrom5p.m.to3:30a.m. •Installationofcofferdamwalls.Piledrivingactivity.Elevatednoiselevels. •Deliveryofpile.FlatbedtrucksenteringandexitingsitefromLakeshoreDr. •Cofferdamexcavationto-46’willbegin.TruckswillbeenteringandexitingthesitefromLakeshoreDr. • Our next construction update meeting will be held on Wednesday, July 9 at 5 PM at the same location. • Did you know that…If all of the permanent pile used across all three sites of the project were laid end to end, it would stretch more than 48 miles? • PCCP Constructors is planning a Public Appreciation Day in early August. Please look for more details to be released in the coming weeks. Plan on bringing the whole family for some food, beverages, activities and updates from the job team. STEVE BARNES Affiliated with Harry Kelleher & Co., Inc. 5720 Salmen St., Harahan, LA 70123 Phone 504-828-0400 Fax 504-828-0300 WRITING INSURANCE for •HOMEOWNERS: including Larger Homes with Personal Articles, Floaters, Flood & Excess Flood. •RENTAL PROPERTY •MOTORHOMES •LIABILITY •BUSINESS •AUTO •BOAT LVPOA BOARD OF DIRECTORS LYNN LONG, PRESIDENT • 504-669-0576 STEPHEN D. VILLAVASO, 1ST VICE PRESIDENT • 504-343-9096 MATTHEW SHERMAN, 2ND VICE PRESIDENT • 504-289-7799 JIM KERRIN, TREASURER • 504-261-6328 STEPHANIE HILFERTY, CORRESPONDING SECRETARY • 504-450-2318 BOB ROMERO, BOARD AT LARGE • 337-781-1554 BILL EDELMAN, BOARD AT LARGE • 504-828-9511 MICHAEL MOFFITT, BOARD AT LARGE • 504-606-6290 CHARLOTTE RIVET, BOARD AT LARGE • 504-288-6755 • 504-256-6755 JENNIFER WARDEN HERBERT, BOARD AT LARGE • 504-304-4299 CHRIS MILLER, BOARD AT LARGE • 504-259-8090 MILTON REESE, BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE • 504-616-3627 DOMINIQUE LAAN, BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE • 504-236-301 Join Us! KE VISTA PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION Just provide us with the information below and mail with your payment to: LVPOA TREASURER, P.O. Box 24430 • New Orleans, LA 70184-4430 Name__________________________________________ Address________________________________________ Telephone______________________________________ E-mail__________________________________________ PLEASE PRINT CLEARLY Application also available online at: ADVERTISE IN KE VISTA ADS PUBLISHED QUARTERLY • NEWSLETTERS ARE DELIVERED TO 700 HOMES SIZE FULL PAGE HALF PAGE HALF PAGE QUARTER PAGE BUSINESS CARD ORIENTATION VERTICAL HORIZONTAL VERTICAL VERTICAL HORIZONTAL DIMENSIONS 8” X 10.5” 5” X 8” 10.5” X 3.75” 5” X 3.75” 2” X 3.5” BLACK AD $800 /Yr. $520 /Yr. $520 /Yr. $260 /Yr. $100 /Yr. COLOR AD $1100 /Yr. $675 /Yr. $675 /Yr. $345 /Yr. $145 /Yr. AD PLACEMENT BLACK & WHITE ADS WILL APPEAR IN THE INNER PORTION OF THE NEWSLETTER. FULL COLOR ADS WILL APPEAR ON THE INSIDE FRONT COVER, INSIDE BACK COVER, OR BACK COVER. r k a P e z e e r B f Memories o s back memories g in br ys a lw a rk reeze Pa mper around B a sc n re d il ch d n raised five , Brian, and I d Watching my gra n a sb u h y M park. were n playing in this re d il ch n lived in since we ow ve y a h m e of w se ou h e the sam r and on Snipe Street, se ou h r ou dditions and wea in a y n n re a m d child re u d has en of lthough the house A o. g a rs a the beautiful view ye is t 36 n a st n co married ed in as rema , one thing that h d ks and oo br r ou ed is ew of towering oa vi s es el tear as we ra m ti a is t dow. I d y living room win m om fr , creating haunte rk ll a ba P e g n yi a Breez pl n re s of child s of gs back memorie in br t a th s wonderful world se er ou h h ot d n a , es familiar cl on bicy ed to be delivered d ain, ee n t a th rs pe a amed up. The K re d s 90 houses, newsp d n a s 80 of the rk reeze Park gang B e th t a dren made this pa th il on ch ti a ra ra er F imagin d n , Dew, a all, Neel, Smith st or F , d sense of self, and s, oo w on er ti h a in g a im r Weiler, S ured thei fe place that nurt sa e Park a s a w it ; d n u ew crop of Breez n a s es n it their playgro w to d are blesse as their e years later, we iv -f ty ir h this lovely space T . im a ip cl to on friendsh so t around, bu h ll as they toddle a sm ry embrace them wit ve d n ow a n r , a lk so fo s g on n ti u a yo agin will make their im rk a ndrew, P e ez re B t a ndchildren – A ra g y m of own. I hope th e re th this park st a lifetime. On la l il w Kain Brown's t a ia th Z s n ip te of re a friendsh s te playma and play. Their ve ay in the li – n ro a h S ake Vista and pl L in ve Anna, and li o h w n dchildre any Weiler gran m s, n li ol R r, te h daug , ll grandchildren park, the Forsta y, and many Reese and Emer iends who have wonderful new fr w a. They will gro moved into the are the new Oak tree much faster than ted in January, n a pl b lu C en rd the Ga e giant oak that th d ce a pl re h ic h w New tree - new fell last summer. but many crop of children, ies of this treasured memor e Park. beautiful Breez man (Courtney ra -Priscilla Ferra tian Wight ); Matthew and Chris er ht ug htman da ’s in Ka ia (Z ughters), Cecilia Wig da ’s ra rra Fe (L-R) Rollins Brown y m (A on and Anna Smith ra’s son) pose for a Weiler’s sons); Shar Kraft (Elizabeth Ferra ew dr An d an ), er ht ug (Courtney Weiler’s da d Oak tree. ar the newly-plante ne e ur ct pi rk Breeze Pa