In this issue... • Featured Member: Michael Lupton • Wine Country


In this issue... • Featured Member: Michael Lupton • Wine Country
In this issue...
• Featured Member: Michael Lupton
• Wine Country
• Porsche Women Gone Wild
• Autocross Fun
Garey Cooper
(714) 264-0530
Inside this issue
Savic Wine Tour Expose
11 Featured: Michael Lupton
12 2nd Annual Ladies Christmas Soirée
26 Where We’ve Been & Who Showed Up
Production Editor
January 2012
Maryann Marks
Advertising Director
Cooper Boggs
(714) 505-3662
Classified Ads Editor
Gail and Jacquie wishing you a Happy
New Year
Bob Weber
Technical Writer
Lee Rice
Contributing Writers
Dennis & Rick Neff
Garey Cooper
Lori Ruben
Michael Lupton
Nicole Boggs
Sam Berro
Toni Schmidt
Lisa runs autocross & revs in a new season
Contributing Photographers
Dennis & Rick Neff
Garey Cooper
Jean Humphry
Judy Savic
Lisa Goestch
Lori Rubin
Pamela Horton
Tom Calvert
Ladies Group
Calendar of Events
Frozen Fingers Ralley
Looking for Event Phtographers
Autocross Drivers Clinic
Krispy Kremes
Porsches & Pancakes
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Upcoming Events
Making new friends on the wine tour
25 35
President’s Message
Editor’s Notes
Rice’s Ramblings
Goodie Store
Autocross Corner
Breakfast Club/New Members
List of Advertisers
On the Cover: Michael Lupton
Pandemonium is published monthly. Deadline for materials is the 1st of the month for publication in the next month’s issue.
Subscriptions for PCA members of other regions are $30 per twelve issues. Non-members may subscribe at $35 for twelve issues, payable in advance.
Pandemonium is the official publication of Orange Coast Region, Porsche Club of America. Any statement appearing in the Pandemonium is that of the author,
and does not constitute an opinion of the Porsche Club of America, the Orange Coast Region, Inc., its Board of Directors, the Pandemonium editors or its staff.
The editorial staff reserves the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Permission is given to chartered regions of PCA to reprint articles in their newsletter if credit is given to the author and the Pandemonium. Publication office: 19401 Sandpebble Circle, Huntington Beach, CA 92648. Bulk Rate class postage
paid, Santa Ana, ca.
Postmaster: Address change to PCA/OCR Membership,, 5081 Hamer Lane, Placentia, CA 92870.
2012 OCR Calendar of Events*
1 Deadline February Pando
7 Breakfast Club / Board Meeting
12 Woody’s BurgerBahn
21 Krispy Kreme
28 Porsches and Pancakes
TBD OCR AutoX Awards Party
Deadline March Pando
Breakfast Club / Board Meeting
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme
OCR AutoX Drivers Clinic
OCR AutoX El Toro
Porsches and Pancakes
Deadline April Pando
Breakfast Club / Board Meeting
OCR AutoX El Toro
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme
Porsches and Pancakes
Deadline May Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Woody’s BurgerBahn
AutoX-El Toro
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches and Pancakes
OCR Board Meetings
All members are welcome to OCR Board
Meetings, held after the breakfast meeting
at Original Mike’s
We thank them for their support.
Deadline June Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Garden Tour
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme Gathering
AutoX-El Toro
Porsches and Pancakes
Deadline July Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
AutoX-El Toro
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches and Pancakes
Deadline August Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme Gathering
AutoX-El Toro
Porsches and Pancakes
September 2012
25 Deadline September Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Woody’s BurgerBahn
AutoX-El Toro
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches and Pancakes Hearts and Garages Tour
Deadline October Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
AutoX-El Toro
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches and Pancakes
October 2012
Deadline November Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches and Pancakes
November 2012
Deadline December Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
AutoX-El Toro
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches and Pancakes
December 2012
Deadline January Pando
Breakfast Club & Board Meeting
AutoX-El Toro
Woody’s BurgerBahn
Krispy Kreme Gathering
Porsches and Pancakes
* Event dates subject to change.
Note: Italicized text represents events
outside of Orange Coast Region sponsored
events. Links to Zone 8 events can be found
Got a suggestion?
Need a question answered?
Just want to vent?
This email will go straight to the board of directors:
Let us know what’s on your mind and we
will share it at the next board meeting.
Anyone wishing to inform the club of special
circumstances, illness or loss please send the
information to this email also.
President’s Message
Story by Nicole Boggs
New Year, New Board, and New
President. It’s my last message as OCR
President. By the time this magazine is in
your mailbox, my term will have expired.
As I write this, it is still December and I
am proud to lead our dynamic Orange
Coast Region of
PCA. What I have
most enjoyed about
my time as President
is encouraging eager
new leaders to jump
in, sometimes head
first, to the deep,
dark depths of OCR
leadership. Whether
you have planned a
tour, started a new
monthly event, or
taken on an important
volunteer role within
a committee, you
made a significant impact on our club.
Thank you!
plenty of great volunteer roles. Over
the past month, I’ve dabbled in
organizing the 2012 Concours, with
Cooper taking over the advertising
reigns from Fast Freddy and Gracie,
big shoes to fill, and maybe even
helping our neighbors to the north
plan PCA Escape in 2013.
One of the things I am truly
looking forward to is going to
breakfast and sharing a good story
over a cup of coffee with one of you.
Our club has so many great members
who I really refer to as friends. I
look forward to seeing you at an
upcoming event in 2012!
As I transition out of the presidency, I
am looking forward to being involved
with OCR in other ways. The club has
A leisurely tour w/ some easy enroute Photo ID Questions, to BIG BEAR
for a festive luncheon, via a routing you probably haven’t driven.
Optional return route via the ‘Crestline-backdoor’.
3rd Sunday in February
February 19, 2012, (WEATHER PERMITTING),
Backup date: February 26, 2012
Contact Information
OCR Executive Board
Past President - Nicole Forrest Boggs
714-633-2978 -
Past Vice President - Gordon Williams
Secretary - Bonnie Delgado
Member at Large - Pando Editor
Garey Cooper -
OCR Board Appointments
Advertising Coordinator
Nicole Forrest-Boggs
Advertising Director
Cooper Boggs
Autocross Co-Chairs
Christine Newcomer
Chuck Bartolon
Autocross Registration
Julian White
Treasurer - David Piper
Membership Director - CL Jarusek
Member at Large - Ken Fredrickson
Charity Director
Peggy Huddleston
Concours Director
Norm Follis
Goodie Store Manager
Monica Asbury
Judy Lech
Ladies Committee Liaison
Maryann Marks
Pando Classified Ads Editor
Bob Weber 714-960-4981
Pando Production Editor
Maryann Marks
Rally Director
Larry Moore
RennList Master
Pete Lech
Social Media Chair
Gary Labb
Sponsorship Director
Bob Scheussler
Tech Activities Director
Cooper Boggs
Web Coordinator
Bob Scheussler
Zone 8 Chairs
Zone 8 Representative
Michael Dolphin
Zone 8 Autocross Chair
Neil Heimburge
Zone 8 Concours Chair
Joe Nedza
Zone 8 Club Race Coordinator
Vince Knauf
Zone 8 Driving Instructor
Time Trial & Drivers Ed Chair
Paul Young
Zone 8 Rally Chair
Tom Gould
Zone 8 Region Coordinator
Gary Peterson
Zone 8 Rules Coordinator
Tom Brown
Zone 8 Treasurer
Linda Cobarrubias
Zone 8 Webmaster
Ken Short
Editor’s Notes
Story by Garey Cooper
Garey & Blanche getting ready to go out
Auld Lang Syne and All That
Out of Orange County Airport, or “SNA”
as its officially named in FAA speak,
the jets boom out of the airport and in
the sky. Over the OCR tower they go,
never thinking that below the New Year
means Porsche fun galore. Of course,
the Orange Coast Region Nabobs can’t
hear a thing, insulation thick above their
heads to hold out the din. The only sound
they want to hear is a well exercised flat
six, singing from turn to turn.
Can you believe it is 2012? It usually
takes me about two to three weeks to stop
writing the late, last year before writing
in the new year begins to be automatic.
And occasionally I will say to someone,
“I recently had a conversation with…”
only to realize that “recent” is five years
ago. And just how recent is recent? It’s
hard to read history or politics from
anywhere over fifty years ago and have
the author describe the “modern day”,
which was modern then, but now? When
does modern become passé? Oh well,
best not to ponder but just get out yonder
with the club, your club, the Porsche
club in 2012.
Thoroughly Modern Porsche
The new Porsche 911 (aka the 991) has
now been announced. It has the two
“Ls” and a “W”. That is longer, lower
and wider. It will be the largest 911 ever
made but at the same time is lighter than
the outgoing chassis series, the 997. I
recall this happened when water as a
cooling medium occurred to Porsche
in the previous century when we went
from the last oil/air cooled 911, the 993,
and went with the “new” 911, the 996.
Confused? Well I confess, it can all get
to be daunting with chassis numbers
and types and through it all Porsche
continuing to call them 911s. And just
like the 993 to 996 migration in 911, we
have at once a drop in displacement and
an increase in power. That is, the first
series of 996 had 3.4 liters displacement
while the outgoing 993 um… er “911”
had 3.6 liters displacement.
Coopers Theorem on the immutable
logic of 911 designs
Well it is my theory but saying “theorem”
sounds so much more elegiac that I’m
going to stick with that word in the
paragraph lead. But here is the deal. The
“Country Club” sets that can afford things
like 911s of any era belong to, you guessed
it, Country Clubs. What do they do there?
Of course they golf! So when you look at
(Continued on Page 33)
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Hot off the Press!
The Savic Wine Tour 2011 Expose!
Story by By Lori Rubin & Sam Photos coutesy of Tom Calvert, Jean Humphry, Lori
Rubin, The Reinholdts & Judy Savic
Sam and Lori at Los Olivos
Every year we look forward to our
favorite PCA event - The Savic Wine
Tour. Seeing old friends, the cars, the
roads, the camaraderie, the food, the wine,
and of course, the Bear Joke. It truly is
an event not to be missed. Having been
unable to attend last year due to the twins
21st birthday, we were especially looking
forward to this year’s tour.
For us, the saga began the Sunday
before the event. We were innocently
cleaning up our Carerra cab only to find
that it had a very dead battery. Gee, after
7+ years, don’t they last forever? Now
on Sunday evening, where can one get
a battery? Recalling the ads from that
well known automotive center with the
famous battery replacement service,
we took our precious cab in for a new
battery. After 15 minutes of waiting in a
room with ancient magazines, Sam went
to check on the car and, to his horror,
noticed smoke coming from the engine this cannot be good. The battery expert
installing the battery was apparently
oblivious to the smoke until a fellow
mechanic and Sam strongly suggested
he disconnect the battery, and quick!
Unfortunately, it was too late. The battery
tech did in fact connect the positive to the
negative and the negative to the positive
and fried the alternator and who knows
what else. The next day our ailing cab
was towed to the Porsche dealer in Long
Beach where upon the service manager
relayed to us that it would be a mere 2
weeks before the car could be sorted
through and repaired. So there we were
at the eleventh hour without our wine
tour car. We could take the Cayenne, but
it is not the best choice for the keeping
up with Bob on the windy roads and the
‘71 early car is not the most comfortable
with stiff suspension, no heat, no air and
no radio. So, Sam cleverly persuaded the
insurance adjustor to rent us a Porsche for
the weekend - a 2011 Cayman. Hooray!
Can’t wait to drive it on the twistys.
In the past we have enjoyed driving
up early with Bob and Judy, but they were
leaving extra early this year to finalize all
the tour preparations and we couldn’t get
away until Friday. People don’t realize all
the planning, preparations and attention
to detail that Judy and Bob put into their
tours to ensure everyone has a great time.
Even now, with 45 cars participating, the
Savics somehow continue to do outdo
themselves year after year.
Sam sent out an email blast to see
if any willing guinea pigs might want
to join us on the drive up. We received
8 brave responses. So, at dawn’s light
on the morning of November 4, 2011,
Sam and I set out to meet our posse of 8
fellow Porsche enthusiasts - the Behnkes,
Bellavias, Burns, Ellis’s, Heinleins,
Meeks, and Huddlestons - a fantastic
group eager to embark on another
unforgettably fabulous weekend in Paso
Sam led a small group tour up on Friday
We trekked along some great roads
with only an occasional drizzle here and
there to our lunch destination, The Cold
Spring Tavern. If you’ve never been to the
tavern, it is definitely worth a visit. Built
in 1865, the tavern was a stagecoach stop
on the San Marcos Pass. You cannot miss
the original rustic building and when you
walk in, the fireplace is always burning
some wonderful, aromatic timber for
your dining on a hearty meal.
After a photo-op and lunch, we
drove the back roads through Santa Ynez,
passing some wineries that we had visited
on previous Savic wine tours. We always
remember our first wine tour and what a
fantastic experience it was. A few roads
were those that Paul Kramer led us on the
month before on the way to Rennsport.
The drive was picturesque and at a mild
pace to warm us up for Bob’s run coming
the next day. We ended the drive in Paso
at one of our favorite wineries for a welldeserved pre-tour tasting.
We pulled into the official Savic
Wine Tour headquarters, La Quinta Inn,
just in time to find a good parking spot
in the reserved corral. The lobby was
amass with old and new friends – so fun
(Continued on Page 14)
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Rice’s Ramblings:
New 991-CIS Backfirevalve-Vacuum NLA-Arnold
Story by Lee Rice
Welcome 2012 and with this New
Year we will be seeing the new “911”- the
991 for real. Will the new 991 be anything
loved like the 911 of old? That will be for
time to tell.
The early photos and first reports
claim many virtues. I think the 991 will
be as different from the 997 as the 996
was from the 993.
The New Year seems the right time to
reflect upon the good fortune we all share
as Porsche owners and drivers. Reality
brings true that any drive in a Porsche, a
911 anyway, is fun. Whether driving to
work, taking the kids to school, taking
the dog for a vet visit or running errands.
You name it. It is still a thrill to drive a
911almost anywhere.
During Christmas time, I have been
putting a red bow on my Porsche’s hood
for 40 years now. This is just to show
that I am celebrating one of my blessings
in having such a rewarding car to drive.
Enjoy your Holliday, family, and
Nasty technical issues:
A question regarding “ 993 started
smoking after I did an oil & filter change.
And it also smelled bad –stinks!”
Later the owner was advised to
replace (again) the after market oil filters
he bought for a “good deal” and only
use genuine Porsche filters. After having
done that, the smoking problem was
Do you like the new Porsche 911-991
Just because an oil filter fits the
mounting doesn’t mean it is the right
filter. Porsches dry sump 911 (993)
engines are “dry sump” where the oil
used for lubrication and cooling is
collected and pumped OUT of the engine
to a filter, oil cooler and then back to
the oil tank. Porsche’s dry sump return
system handles the large volume of oil,
foam and air that is pumped OUT of the
engine. That filter is made specifically to
filter this particular high volume / low
pressure oil and filter it.
(Continued on Page 16)
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Featured Member: Mike Lupton
A Change of Direction… in Cars
Story by Michael Lupton
Michael & Connie Somers @ Opolo Vineyards
Michael and his most recent Porsche - 2008 911 Turbo Cabriolet
As 2011 draws to a close, so too
does my first year as a member of the
Orange Coast Region (OCR) of the
Porsche Club of America. And what a
memorable year it was!
Most recently, the experience of
driving my Porsche, a 2008 Turbo
Cabriolet, at speed, in convoy with 42
other Porsches through the rolling hills
and country roads of Paso Robles was
truly exhilarating. Yes, it was billed as a
wine tour but, by far, the highlight of the
two-day event was the early morning
drives. High-speed engine revs echoing
through the hills and valleys as we
accelerated out of tight turns and onto
long straights, now this is what driving
a Porsche is all about.
A young Michael cruzin’ in his 1976 911S
overlooked were the fabulous luncheons
and dinners where new friendships were
established with fellow OCR members
over sumptuous meals and great wines.
The hilltop Opolo Winery was the
magnificent setting for the Saturday feast
(as it was characterized by our organizers,
Bob Savic and his lovely wife, Judy).
And what a feast it was! Roasted whole
lamb and pork cooked on the spit over
charcoal and paired with excellent
wines. Truly delicious! And the views!
The surrounding countryside of hills and
valleys dotted with trees and vineyards
brought back memories of past visits to
Tuscany. A large white tent surrounded
by the many beautiful Porsches, almost
45 in all, provided the setting for a great
wine tastings were
followed by a sit
down dinner served
in the subterranean
aging room of the
Robert Hall Winery.
Surrounded by large
oak barrels and the
fragrance of aging
wines, we were
served a delicious
three course meal
amid the laughter and camaraderie of all
the participants. Needless to say, I will be
returning to Paso Robles next year.
In October, it was off to Monterey
for the Rennsport reunion. Staged at
the famous Laguna Seca Raceway, it
was three days of everything Porsche.
Witnessing the North American debut
of the all-new Carrera, the 991. Seeing
1300 Porsches grouped by model in the
Porsche coral. Wandering through the
marketplace where every imaginable
automotive accessory was available.
Watching the races at the infamous
“corkscrew” turn. Viewing the vintage
race and show Porsches. Seeing all
the famous drivers in the Porsche
paddock. These were but a few of the
great experiences Rennsport offered the
Porsche enthusiast.
While in the area, we made sure to
stimulate the economy by frequenting the
great restaurants and shops in Carmel,
along with a visit to the aquarium in
Monterey. This was followed by a run up
the coast for a visit with old friends in
Napa Valley and, of course, some great
wine tastings. We concluded this eight
day trip in Sausalito and all of it was
centered on the great Porsche driving
experience (not to mention the Porsche
packing experience).
My most memorable experience of
this past year also has it roots in OCR.
(Continued on Page 22)
Porsche Party Pretties!
Story by Toni Scmidt
Toni seems happy with her first pick in the
ornament stealing game
Now this is what they mean when they say, “It’s not the cars, it’s the people!”
Everyone arrived at the beautiful home
of Connie Somers with an ornament to
trade and her festive holiday spirit, ready
to mingle and have fun, eat, drink and
be merry, and fun was had by all. Jokes
and stories were told and pictures were
taken. Old friends enjoyed meeting new
friends and a plan was hatched to start a
Porsche Ladies Book Club in the coming
year (are there many Porsche books???).
The ornament exchange was lively, with
many of the coveted, glittering prizes
“stolen” over and over again. We will
have to play this game again next year!
There was a potluck assortment of
delicious homemade treats, most notably
a magnificent chocolate cheesecake made
by baker extraordinaire Marry Morales.
Many heartfelt thanks to Maryann
Marks for organizing the party and
making it very easy for the busiest of us
Decorations were extensive & included the
“pet” cat and baby grand with its own room
to participate by sending out multiple
reminders and shopping for us, and to
Connie Somers for generously opening
up her warm and inviting home to 23
women, several of whom she met for the
first time as we arrived on her doorstep.
We have all agreed we will try to rope
her into volunteering next year again.
For all the ladies who missed this
truly enjoyable evening, please try to
Patricia Lynn Taylor was all smiles and was
louded as THE instructor to get for AX
Cindy Nimitz enjoys her first choice!
Maxine kept everyone LOL as usual
Nicole does not look as happy
(Continued on Page 23)
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Wine Tour
(Continued from Page 6)
The 1st night’s BBQ was sumptuos
to catch up and see everyone. The Inn
offered delicious hors devours and a wine
tasting in the lobby, which Bob and Judy
arranged, and after we checked into our
room – the hotel is nearly brand new - we
dined on a wonderful Santa Maria BBQ
buffet – also arranged by our hosts.
Before turning in, he rounded us up
for a briefing on the weekend’s agenda.
As he always says, “Now that you are
here, you belong to me. For the rest of
the weekend, you will obey!” By now
everyone had seen his sheriff’s badge
and authentic Colt 45, borrowed from
Eddie and Christie, so knew he meant
Saturday morning we congregated
in the lobby before 8:00 a.m. to enjoy our
serve yourself breakfast – the scrambled
eggs & bagels were great and Sam made
his own personal waffle. At 8:00 a.m.
sharp, Bob collected us together for the
official driver’s meeting. He and Judy
detailed the day’s agenda and the rules
about responsible driving and wine tour
participation and then we were off! The
tour has increased in size so much now
that Bob has designated deputies and
split the caravan into two groups. Group
1, the Daredevils, was lead by Bob
and Judy with Theo and Doug Russell
taking up the back. Group 2, the Fast
Group, was lead by veteran aces, Linda
and Norm Hollinger with the Calverts
heading up the rear.
As always, with driving gloves in
hand, Bob and Judy led us on a fantastic
hour and a half back road adventure
through the Paso countryside at a solid
pace. Don’t let that 95 horsepower
concours 356 fool you. Bob is a master
Sherrif Bob lays down the law - safe driving and no passing each other
at driving the twistys. Cars with 3-4
times the power were struggling to keep
up with him. The drive was scenic,
at times a little foggy, but smooth and
adrenaline raising as we cruised through
the dales and valleys. It was great to get a
sporting drive in before the one weekend
in the year we find ourselves tasting wine
by 10:00 a.m.
Alan & Tom are ready for a foggy take off
First stop after a foggy and twisty morning drive
The first stop was Adelaide Winery,
which always has nice wines. With 90
people, we overran the tasting room so
they opened up the Barrel Room for us.
We met some interesting new friends
and tasted some great wines, especially
whites this year.
The next stop took us to Pasolivo for
a private tour of their olive oil processing
facility. The hospitality room offered
complimentary olive oil tastings, many
infused with citrus flavors, as well as
tapenades and jams. We perused various
gifts including candles, table wares,
The Olive Oil factory tour was a big hit
(Continued on Page 15)
Wine Tour
(Continued from Page 14)
chocolates, and more. A nice stop before
Lunch was phenomenal! It was
hosted by Opolo Winery. We parked on
a tented mesa overlooking the vineyards
and orchards with all their changing
colors and were treated to a Serbian
feast. Oysters on the half shell, Serbian
sausages and wine to start, followed by
a whole lamb on the spit and pork BBQ,
salad, cake, and of course, more wine.
The atmosphere was electric. Porsches
lined up across an expansive lawn. Great
food, great wines and after lunch Bob
brought out the customary cigars which
inspired some very creative photography
not suitable for Pando publication! We
posed for our group photo - which was no
small feat with 90 of us, before heading
on to our afternoon destinations, Jada
Winery and Rocky Creek Winery.
After Jada, Sam and I took a slight
diversion to a small boutique winery with
the Pando’s ace editor, Garey Cooper
and his multi-talented bride, Maxine.
Needless to say, it was a terrific afternoon
(Continued on Page 20)
Opolo wines, Porsche Cars, Serbian Feast, red, red wine...
The Hongs, The Coopers, The Hustings and Connie & Mike
(Continued on Page 20)
“Amazing! I didn’t think it was possible to make the seats
look like new!” (Barry, Fullerton)
Barry was just like many of you; he loved his car and wanted it to look its’ best and was
disappointed with the way his leather seats looked. They weren’t in bad condition but they
were showing the signs of wear. He didn’t want to spend the $1500.00 + labor* or more that
it would take to replace the leather and so he thought he would just have to live with it. He
didn’t and neither do you! He called Pioneer Leather Restoration, Inc. Since his leather
was in good condition except for the appearance, we came to his home and re-applied the
finish coating that is found on all upholstery leather. Three hours and $295.00** later you see
what his reaction was.
Call today to make your Porsche leather seats look like new and, as a bonus when the
work is performed, mention this ad and we will give you for free a leather cleaning and conditioning kit (A $12.95 value). All work is guaranteed.
* Source GAHH Upholstery
** Prices may vary by vehicle. Call for a free estimate.
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Rice’s Ramblings:
(Continued from page 8)
The 964 and 993 use two oil filters.
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Always replace the oil filter(s) at
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I finally found something useful for the
993 Carrera under engine cover. I shield
my air compressor for rain. It is in my
opinion useless on a Southern.California
3.3 & 3.6
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Free initial consultation
Free referrals to all other fields
PCA/OCR member
Autocross Corner:
Thankful in November
Story and photos by Dennis & Rick Neff
Steve Equina and Ken Frederickson join in Steve
Abbott’s track-walk exercises
Margie Evarts finishes fast on the way to class
Flying L Racing serving delicious tacos & lunch faire
Despite week long forecasts of rain, we
barely getting split in the standings by
were thankful to be met Sunday morning
Dan Stone in his 997 C4S. Just on their
with a clear and beautiful November
heels was Lawrence Hoan in his 2001
autocross day. Really, is there anything
911 Turbo.
more fun than a glorious day exploring the
capabilities of your Porsche and honing
your driving skills? We think not.
November being the month of
giving thanks, we offer deep thanks for
the generosity of series sponsor, Walter’s
Automotive Group and series support
sponsor, Global Motorsport Group
(GMG), as well as contributions by
Autowerkes, Bill Brewster Automotive, Daniel Buecker demonstrates excellent car
Computer Integrated Machinery, Cape position in Novice 3
Auto Repair, Fairview Mortgage Capital,
Rich and Antonio Festa drove their
Racing Lifestyle, and Vision Motorsports.
2009 911 to the top two slots in Novice
Special thanks to November’s event
2 with Tory Evarts 2012 Boxster S
sponsor Flying L Racing, represented by
challenging in third. At the end of the
Lisa Taylor and Tom Ridings.
day, MS class competitor Hideki Okano
As usual, Steve Abbott’s track-walk
in his 2007 Boxster had bested Akira
started the day with driving insights and
Kogawa in his 2003 Boxster S by just
humor. This included a novel technique
.169 seconds!
of simulating steering wheel position to
help connect the physical activity to the
mental. The course was a little damp
at the outset, but as the day progressed
the track dried out and the competition
heated up.
This month there were three
especially competitive classes. Novice
3 was, perhaps, the most competitive
with the Bueckers, first-place Daniel and Novice 2 winner Rich Festa barreling down the
his father David driving a 2007 GT3, home stretch
Several new attendance records
were set during 2011 with lots of new
PCA-OCR members stepping out for
the first time. Up to 30% of the attendees
requested and received instruction which
is available for as long as a participant
feels it is needed or intermittently just to
improve and hone even the most advanced
skills. Out instructor core is one of the
best in the state. Even seasoned drivers
will ride with an instructor once in a
while in an effort to whittle of another
second or two.
Thanks go out to all of the instructors
for their dedication and contributions
which allowed PCA-OCR autocross to
successfully meet this demand.
Coming Up
Preparing for potential record attendance
again in 2012, the next Instructor Training
Clinic will be offered on February 4, 2012.
Any drivers interested in contributing to
the club’s Autocross effort by becoming
an instructor at some point are welcome
to attend this clinic as a step toward
joining the instructor corps. In addition
to the satisfaction of helping the club
and helping others learn, instructors get
to meet new & interesting people, learn
while teaching and receive more seat
time, which never hurts!
(Continued on Page 28)
Porsches really do
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Wine Tour
(Continued from Page 15)
Cigars abounded with no issue of gender bias
and following Garey in his GT3 made it
all the better. As we pulled back into
the hotel parking lot, we looked at each
other and realized we had another hour
of daylight left and we hadn’t yet taken
the rented Cayman out to put it through
its paces. So we drove back up to Peachy
Canyon for a little loop and back. Wow!
Well balanced car - we need to get one of
these Caymans in our stable!
The regulars live it up in the caves
This year dinner took place in
the caves of Robert Hall Cellars. The
approach to the hospitality room passed by
a grand fountain followed by wide steps
to a high ceilinged room filled with light
and surrounded by wine barrels. Judy
and Bob carefully selected our caterer
and we sat at round tables decorated
Rain smiles and umbrellas, where’s the rainbow?
by Judy. It was a
delicious meal of
steak and salmon
for us. We just
don’t know how
they do it!
Dinner gave
us the opportunity
to meet some
make new friends.
Maxine Cooper warmed up the audience
with several hysterical jokes and then, of
course, all were re-indoctrinated through
Bob’s recital of the long anticipated Bear
Story. There are no words to describe
this story or your reactions to it. You just
have to attend a wine tour to experience
the story for yourself.
Sunday morning, Bob gave us a little
break from the early start and called the
driver’s meeting for 8:30 a.m. Luckily
it was also turn back our clocks night,
so we were actually awake at 8:30. We
followed our fearless leader on another
glorious ride through meandering
roads and romantic scenery to our
first tasting at Tobin James - another
former stagecoach stop that looks like
an old western saloon. We happened
to latch on to a very colorful Italian
pourer who kept our glasses filled
with some wonderful wines, including
many special wines that weren’t
normally available for tasting.
helps to be standing next to Bob at the
bar- shhh!) Tobin James has a notable
embroidered yellow star logo and they
offer embroidered stickers of this logo.
We don’t know how or to whom they
are distributed, but we couldn’t help
but notice that the logo stickers kept
mysteriously showing up on the clothing
of various individuals on interesting
areas of their body. I think by the time
we were leaving, Bob had one on his
backside! If you are ever at Tobin James,
just remember, you’ve been warned!
Our farewell lunch was at a terrific
winery and B&B, the Wild Coyote. The
owners run everything themselves. The
entire winery was designed and built
by the owner, a Berkeley architecture
grad, also the winemaker. The wines are
outstanding. Our tasty lunch was organic
tri-tip and chicken, foccacia rolls, salad
and brownies. It started sprinkling, so
everyone put up their umbrellas and Judy
tells me she got some fantastic photos.
After lunch, Sam and I headed back
to Westwood to meet the twins for their
22nd birthday dinner. The rest of the
tour, however, went on to Paso Porto
specializing in port aged with brandy.
The cellar gave a tour of their process
and I hear that it began to hail ¼” pellets
so Bob, ever prepared, pulled out the
cigars! Thanks again to Judy and Bob
for another fantastic tour. Hope to see
you next year!
The views were as breathtaking as the roads
were to drive
Tour organizers, Bob & Judy Savic with their
fearless cohorts Linda & Norm Hollinger
Group photo on Page 25)
Do You Like to Take Photos?
The Pademonium Tower Team
Is Looking for YOU!
We are looking for those members who frequent events
and always take photos, or want a reason to.
Must like to take faces and know who they are.
(Just think, it will give you an opportunity to meet everyone)
Featured Member:
(Continued from page 11)
runways. At the end
of the day, I drove
away with a much
greater understanding
of what my car was
capable of and how
many advancements
Porsche had made
in the 997 compared
to my previous five
While exploring
the marketplace at
and I stopped at the
The Rennsport track was an all consuming experience
first booth “Autobahn
Adventures” of Mark
My true passion in my retired lifestyle is
and Tina Trewartha. I had seen their
golf. Through my membership at Mesa
advertisements and was intrigued by this
Verde Country Club, I have continued
driving experience including a chance to
this passion that dates back some fifty
visit the factory in Stuttgart.. At the booth
years when my late father taught me
we met fellow members Jay and Marjorie
the game at the age of twelve. At Mesa
Warren, who said they had experienced
Verde, I had the good fortune to meet
this trip some five times already and were
and play golf with Gary and Maxine
signing up for next year’s adventure. A
Cooper. If you are active in OCR, no
resounding endorsement! Upon learning
further introduction of the Coopers is
that next years trip was made up of 80%
required. Great people, great friends.
returning customers including good
But I digress.
friends Gary and Maxine Cooper, we
Back to my most memorable
were sold. Connie and I will be driving
experience for 2011. Maxine was kind
the all new 991 Carrera that just debuted
enough to introduce me to another
(I get the high speed autobahns and
Porsche enthusiast, Connie Somers.
the mountain passes in Switzerland,
Connie is the owner of her own late
Connie gets to drive out of and back
model Carrera cabriolet and an active
into Frankfurt. JUST KIDDING!). So
member for many years in the Grand Prix
the OCR experience continues and new
Region (L.A. and Long Beach) of PCA.
memories for 2012 are just around the
And much more importantly, Connie is
next bend.
the beautiful blonde accompanying me
As a young guy
on all of the above Porsche experiences.
growing up in the
Imagine That!
San Fernando Valley,
Not to be overlooked in my first
my friends and I lived
year memories was the driver education
and breathed cars, the
experience at El Toro last February. I’m
faster the better. The
sure many of you have experienced
sixteenth birthday and
this program of figure eights, slalom,
your driver’s license
and short track driving. If not, I highly
represented a right
recommend it. The instructors had me
of passage. Finally
throwing my beloved Porsche around in
you could get away
a fashion I would never have dreamed
from your parents
of! No curbs, no poles and no trees
and create your own
equals NO FEAR! With what felt like
identity. Weekends
reckless abandon, the instructors had
were for cruising
me powering through controlled drifts
Bob’s Big Boy drive 1976 911S
and doing three sixty spins over soaped
in located in Toluca
Lake where everybody seemed to have
a hot car. Winding your way through the
back parking lot and down the row of
parked diners was the best way to show
off one’s pride and joy. Encountering
other similar minded enthusiasts, the
common challenge was, “let’s race for
pink slips.” Of course, no one ever did
but it sure sounded good, especially if
there were some young girls around to
In my second year of college at
CSUN (then known as Valley State
College), I tagged along with a friend’s
father to the wholesale auction lot and
acquired a 1965 Corvette Stingray using
my entire life’s savings of $2,200. Due to
front end body damage, easily repaired,
this was a great acquisition and most of
my friends were envious. Several years
later my prized Stingray was in a repair
shop that burned to the ground in a matter
of minutes. My car was totally destroyed
along with four others.
The insurance proceeds produced
my first Porsche, a 1968 912, purchased
used for $4,100 when it was just one year
old. I was hooked on the light weight
responsiveness of this early Porsche. I
eventually had to sell this car to finance
my way through grad school. This was a
good decision leading to my becoming
a C.P.A. In 1976 a friend of mine and
I started our own firm in Century City.
Needing a symbol of success to attract
new clients to our fledgling firm, we each
went out and leased a new car. Mine was
(Continued on Page 30)
Porsche Party:
(Continued from page 12)
join us next year! We are such a friendly and
diverse group that it is easy to make friends
and have a good time. And for all you guys
reading this and wondering, the house tour
did include the garage, and it was a nice home
for Connie’s beautiful 911.
There were cars of all sorts
Stealing was abundant and part of the fun
Marry Morales is intent on finding the perfect
ornament for her tree
Janine taught Maxine a new joke for next
years repetoire
More group horsing around looking fabulous.. Its the PEOPLE!
OCR Membership
[5 years or more]
44 Years
Ole & Dana Barre
37 Years
Thomas & Cris Pestolis
35 Years
Craig Riley
34 Years
Bruce Sansone & Emily Schilling
33 Years
James & Susie Jaqua
32 Years
Gregory Smith
31 Years
Peter & Maria Juul
Bruce & Bernice Belo
30 Years
Paul Friedman & Tamara Rubel
27 Years
Keith & Beth Guidus
25 Years
Tony & Diana Ferry
24 Years
Bartholomew & Clark Genovese
20 Years
John Mulvihill
Carl & Allyson Akins
Valdemar & Nancy Ascencio
19 Years
Lee & Christine Berglund
Steven & Lisa Callahan
18 Years
Jamoke & Jacque Kaylor
17 Years
Rudolf & Inge Bume
Mark & Tina Trewartha
Greg & Carrie Haskin
16 Years
Bart & Tina Zandbergen
15 Years
Kevyn Kelso
Steven & Carla Marvin
14 Years
Garey & Maxine Cooper
Kenneth & Paula Nilsson
Thomas & Elsie Lorenz
13 Years
Scott & Brian Schock
Steven & Herma Brenneis
Max Tucker
James & Debra Johnston
12 Years
Bary & Janice Schlieder
Rick & Rebecca Johnson
Edward & Eileen Kramer
11 Years
Richard & Maureen Moran
David & Jennifer Palmquist
William & Candace Cain
10 Years
Steve & Clarisse Abrahams
Terence & Lynice Rabun
Terry & Baerbel Rogers
Jeff & Cathy Rold
Donald & Martie Zingg
9 Years
Robert & Maureen Zehntner
Griffith Williams
Athena Paras & Michael Naber
Michael Hamill
Michael McCoy & Laura Lyons
Joe & Karen Nedza
Jerry Babic
8 Years
Lance & Joan Hultgren
Preston Dyer & Ana McFadden
Steven & Lisa Hunter-Eguina
7 Years
Clark & Dawn Severson
Tom & Danielle Ottenstein
Tony Rotundo & Kamran Jabbari
William & Deborah Hurry
Ernest & Debra Maurer
William & Ed Lachmar
Randy & Amy Gates
Adam Nguyen & Bobby Ahn
6 Years
Richard & Janet Eckelman
Said & Michelle Rezaian
Marion & Matthew Smith
Terry & Kristie Anderson
Barry Berg & Calleen Ringstad
Mike & Kathy Gordon
Bob & Elaine Wilt
Richard & Roberta Hoole
New Members and Transfers
Bob Anderson & Shelley McCartney
Placentia/1970 911T
Anthony Bartolic
Newport Beach/2006 Cayenne S
Thomas Basciano
Rancho Santa Margarita/2008 Carrera S
Ira Broome
Temecula/1997 993 C4S
Arthur Carter
San Clemente/2001 Boxster S
Troy & Margie Evarts
Irvine/2012 Boxster
Kirk Kovaleff
Huntington Beach/2011 C4S
Andrew & Linda Miceli
Newport Beach/1982 911
Behnam Mohammadi & Neema Shafigh
Irvine/2007 911 Turbo
Nathan & Melody Mohasesi
Mission Viejo/2006 911
Richard Wong
Santa Monica/2006 Carrera S
Lawrence Hoan & Lien Nguyen
Diamond Bar/2001 911 Turbo
Transfer from Santa Barbara(SBA)
Richard Meeker
Corona Del Mar/2011 Cayenne Turbo
Transfer from San Diego(SDO)
The Rennlist
A Request for updated emails!
The Rennlist is our communication
tool to reach members with
Announcements, Event Reminders and
Information deemed Important.
If you are not receiving emails from
our Region or if you want to change,
update or add additional email
addresses, please send any new email
addresses or changes directly to Pete
Lech. He will be happy to include you
in the rennlist e-blasts!
Thank You
Contact: Pete Lech:
Membership Questions?
• General Membership • Change of Address /
Car /Phone
• Where is my Pando?
• Joining PCA/OCR
• They spelled my
• IntraRegion Transfers
NAME wrong!
• Potential Member Referrals
Contact: CL Jarusek
Breakfast Club/New Members
Photos by Pamela Horton
Each month the Club meets at Original Mike’s Restaurant in Santa Ana for Breakfast and to view each other’s cars. Our new
members attending the December 2011 breakfast are pictured below with their Porsches. Location details for the Breakfast Club
appear on the back cover of this magazine.
Grant Gustafson Black - 2009 Carrera
Terry Bastillos WHITE 1981 911SC Targa Chiffon
Tim Harris 1988 Red Carrera
2011 Goodie Store Team Extraordinaire
2011 Wine Tour Wonders
We went to
Julian with
Greg &
Burger Bahn drew a fast
Past Presidents Gary Cooper, Frank Goodyear, Pete Lech,
Armand Gastello and Nicole Cooper-Boggs all attended the
50th anniversary party
Peggy ran a fabulous charity event Garage Tour for Semper Fi
Autocross ha
d a stellar
awards party
We cleaned our cars up real
nice for the concours - and
The Nezdas tied with The
Lechs for Best in Show
We Rallied - Larry tried to
explain but we were so
Monica and Norm planned the
two best events in 50 years!
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Cell: 949.292.9235
Email: 26060 Acero Mission Viejo, CA 92691
(Continued from Page 17)
We look forward to seeing you all
during the new autocross season.
Lisa Taylor goes to the whip as she rounds a cone!
If interested, please send an e-mail to to reserve your spot.
Next year’s autocross will be
governed by a new set of competition
rules designed to add excitement through
increased competition. It willl create a
very exciting field.
The 2012 Zone 8 PCA Competition
rules can be downloaded from: http://
pdf. Study these early to learn what has
The Zone 8 Car Model List contains
the relevant specifications by model for
classifying your car under the new rules.
It will give you an idea of who you will Flying L’s Koa sums up the day with a smile.
be competeing against in 2012 (besides
yourself.) This list can be found at: http://
If you would like a reference of
Happy New year from
what to expect in each class or categorie
for these, you can view examples of each
your autocross team!
complete car classifications at: http://
Rice’s Performance Porsches
Specializing in 911 & 930
Service & Upgrades
Porsche Engine Specialist
OEM Porsche Parts, ARP,
Bosch, KKK Turbos, RUF
PHONE (714) 539-1042
Auto-X - who was there? - Early December Pictures
Autowerks Lunch
Autowerks Owners
Ed McRae in his new Cayman
Cindy & Bob Nimitz at their trailer
Featured Member:
(Continued from page 22)
a metallic silver 1976 911S. Nicknamed
the “silver bullet” for my driving style
(faster than a speeding bullet), I soon
learned what happens if you backed
off the accelerator going through a fast
turn in a rear engine car. Jan and Dean’s
famous song “Dead Man’s Curve” came
to mind very quickly.
A new 1984 white Carrera cabriolet
was my next Porsche. With a particularly
strong U.S. dollar against the German
mark, importers were buying new
Porsches in Germany and shipping them
over to the U.S. After conversion to
California safety and emission standards,
you still could save a significant amount
over purchasing a new Porsche from
a local dealer. The added bonus of an
additional 10% horsepower was what
sold me and the difference was very
noticeable in acceleration.
I tried to locate photos of my other
two Porsches, a guards red 1987 Carrera
cabriolet and a gleaming black 1995
993 Carrera cabriolet but alas, I was
unsuccessful. Something to do with
divorce, I believe. When I asked my ex if
she might know where the photos could
be, her response was not suitable for
publication. But I can assure you, I am
most certainly not sitting on them despite
her suggestion as to where I should put
By the time you read this, the
holidays will be behind us. I hope all of
you enjoyed them and, I wish you and
your families a happy and healthy new
year! Oh, and another memorable year in
the Porsche family!
Racing at Rennsport
Michael & Connie arrive in Paso Robles for the wine tour
Loving driving those hills and dales full of twistys
A standout on the tour
PCA OCR 2012 Walter’s Porsche Autocross Season
Starts with the OCR Walter’s Drivers’ Clinic on
Saturday February 18th,
& our 1st Autocross Championship of the Series on Sunday the 19th,
Both at El Toro Field in Irvine.
Registration will open January 2, 2012
Editors Corner:
(Continued from Page 5)
the 911 competitions for the upper crust
consumer’s disposable income, (before
the feds get a hold of it anyway) you find
that they can all, almost all, carry golf
clubs! So the new 911 grows in dimension
perhaps enough to carry the Mr. and Mrs.
to the club with a couple of sets of Taylor
Made right behind them in the larger rear
bin, or whatever the marketers call that
space today. You roll through the gates to
the bag boys and your “significant other”
(whoever it is, they are significant in a
community property state like California)
easily reclining in the leather sports seat.
Instead of being propped precariously
behind a barely balanced set of golf clubs
praying that there are no accidents where
a collision can result in an inseparable
mix of human and golf gear. Very messy,
not to mention you can bend a 5 iron.
It reminds me of the time when Mrs.
Cooper and I were playing golf with a
gentleman in a business golf game here
in Southern California. When we were
done, he announced that he needed to
ride with us to the restaurant, with his
clubs, as his wife was going to meet him
there. She having much more important
matters to attend to at the local mall;
like making sure the latest styles were
well represented in the closet on “her”
side. Simple math indicated this meant 3
people and 3 golf bags. The less simple
math was how to get all six animate
and inanimate objects into a 1995 993
With the benefit of time and the
lessening of the bruising, I can tell
you emphatically that this feat can be
accomplished But the accomplishing
I think Blance brought up the rear or ... The End!
is not meant to mean it is done well, or
even half well. I can only say what the
parking attendant at the restaurant said.
He stated he’d not seen one car so loaded
since he’d seen twenty clowns get of a
car at the circus, and with us there were
only three clowns. He told us all he saw
was, “golf clubs and eyeballs” as we
drove up.
So, I’m assuming the new 911 will
carry golf clubs with ease. And perhaps
even lumber, or brick and cement for that
new fence you’re planning. Is it a sports
car? I guess we’ll have to wait until some
one of our intrepid club members buys
one. And they will as you know.
To See and be Seen
So, that is a nexus paragraph to segue
into the best club activity to be seen or
see the new cars, or the old cars, or the
not so old cars, or the REALLY old cars.
That would be “Original Mikes” in Santa
Ana for the monthly club breakfast.
We’ve had Carerra GTs, 917s, and I’m
sure we’ll get to see a 991 quite soon.
So come on out, have some things they
tell us are eggs and hobnob with your
Porsche Pals. See what’s new, what’s old
and what’s bold.
Or, whither thou goest in 2012? The club
has big plans for the new year but they are
only plans without your participation. Get
off the sofa and drop the Wii controller and
come on out. I’m going to look back on
2011 in a future column because it’s been
a vintage year with our 50th anniversary
and all. But yesterday is called yesterday
because it’s already happened, and what’s
happening is now. So be happening and
be now with the Orange Coast Region of
the Porsche Club of America. I hope to
meet you soon.
Pamela Horton
R e s i d e n t i a l R e a l e s tat e b R o k e R
PoRsche club membeR since 1984
scan the QR code with any
smartphone to Visit our
Web Page > >
Pamela Horton & Amanda Horton
Classified Ads
FOR SALE: 930- 911 TURBO
’84 911 Turbo RUF Cabriolet, White/
White lthr, 45K miles. All records,
documents available. $65,000. Debby
760/964-6868; LAR
’87 911 Turbo Coupe, Guards Red/Black
lthr, 50K miles. Concours winner. $42,000.
Dan 303/520-4567; ldcarlson@comcast.
net. CRR. (2)
’88 911 Turbo S Factory Slant Nose
Coupe, Cassis Red/Linen lthr, 10.9K mi.
Rare. The real deal steel slant nose Factory
Turbo from Porsche Special Wish program.
Ordered new from Champion Porsche,
Pompano Beach Fla. 3.3L, 4 spd. Entered in
many PCA and Parade concours. $125,000.
Dave Mohlman 305/582-9723. MBR (2)
’97 RUF 911 Turbo Coupe, 8.9K miles. The
real deal RUF Turbo from Pfaffenhausen!.
Concours condition. $169,900. Kevin.
MBR (2)
’97 911 TurboS Coupe, Grand Prix White,
3.9K miles! $155,000. Robet 239/6494155; FCR (2)
2002 911 Twin Turbo Coupe, Seal Grey
Metallic/Graphite Grey lthr, 58.7K mi. 6
spd, 2 owner CA car. All original paint.
$39,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ OCR (2).
‘09 Porsche 997 Carrera Twin Turbo,
Sport Chrono, Black/Black lthr, 20K
mi. Tiptronic S, 1-Owner SoCal Car.
No Accidents/No Paintwork. Factory
Warranty. $129,990. Paul 714/335-4911; OCR (1).
FOR SALE: LATE MODEL 911-993-986-996‘91 C2 Carrera 2 RS America conversion.
Grand Prix White/All Black lthr. 50K mi.
Appears as NEW. Full OE RS America
conversion w/OE RSA parts. Sunroof,
Tiptronic, always a SoCal car from Vasek
Polak Porsche Hermosa Beach. No collision
or paint work, all original. 100% garage
queen, weekend driven for concours &
shows. 2010 PCA Zone 8 overall Full
Concours winner. Lots of special detailing
and powder coating. Everything sorted,
needs nothing. Engine numbers indicate
this is a head sealed engine, not the earlier
non-sealed type that were prone to leaking.
Many detailing and show photos available
on request.
Porsche COA, factory AC, dash is perfect,
factory trip computer, CD, cruise control,
power steering, OEM front & rear sway
bars, flawless unused tool kit, flawless
unused spare & air compressor, lowered and
aligned to euro specs, full corner balanced,
distributor kit & belt done, belts & fuel filter
done, oil and filter at 50K, stainless brake
lines & fresh fluid done, speed bleeders,
valve covers and seals are new, new fog
lamps, new turn signals & rear reflector,
Cup air box & stock air box, new Bilstiens
& H&R Green springs, like new 7” & 9”
OE Cup wheels, 7mm spacers, RS center
caps, like new Conti’s, all new OE alloy
lug nuts, secondary muffler bypass, late
964 duel spring wiper arms, zero leaks,
new brake rotors-vented, new wear sensors,
RSA rear brake calipers, fresh no dust brake
pads, RS strut bar, keyless entry and alarm,
late model teardrop power mirrors, factory
RS motor mounts, reinforced engine cross
member, RSA sport seats, RSA Tail, RSA
trunk carpet, RSA door panels, RSA center
console, RSA rear package & seat delete,
Rennline alloy floor boards, custom CoCo
floor mats, OE Porsche car cover, OE
Porsche bra, mirror bra. Items not on car
but available: Factory rear under tray and
sheet metal, rear engine cover/motorized
spoiler, secondary muffler. $34,950. David:
562.201.4802. OCR (2)
member owned, previous Porsche CPO
car. $27,990. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ OCR (2).
2002 911 Carrera Coupe Black/Graphite
Grey lthr, 104K mi. 6 spd. SoCal Car.
$22,490. Paul 714/335-4911; paul@ OCR (2).
2006 Boxster, Black/Black lthr/Black top,
60K mi. Tiptronic S, integrated handsfree
phone, Satelite radio, Bose Surround
Sound System w/ CD, heated seats.
Porsche Preferred Package Plus, bi-xenon
headlamp package, Porsche windstop,
TPMS, 4 new Hankook tires on Carrera
alloy whls w/colored crests, new front
brake rotors. All manual books . $25,000.
Pierre 949/439-9425. OCR (2)
FOR SALE: 911--1970s
‘75 911 Carrera Targa, 47K mi. Black/
Black lther. 1 of 569 76-76 Carreras
imported (only 174 Targas) beyond exc
condition. Orig engine and trans. $47,000.
jmskelding@ TVR (1).
996 911 Carrera Coupe, Seal
Grey Metallic on Graphite Grey lthr, 40K
mi. 6 spd. Original paint, SoCal car. PCA
(Continued on Page 36)
Classifieds Contd:
FOR SALE: 911-1980s
‘80 911SC Weissach Edition Coupe, 30K
mi. Platinum. All orig, one owner CA car.
$35,000. Michael. 949/481-9705; mikel@ OCR (2)
‘85 911 Wide Body M491 Cabriolet,
White/Black lthr. All original. Very rare
Factory M491 option 930 wide body
look 911. The real deal. Original Fuchs
w/new tires. 16” fronts/17” rears w/hand
painted Porsche centers. CD/DVD player.
Bluetooth, Satellite radio. Concours
condition. $30,000. Nancy, ndbank@; 714/337-4240. OCR (2)
Index of Advertisers
Aase Motors------------------------------------------- 32
Access Insurance Bonds------------------------------ 27
Al Reed Specialty Polishing-------------------------- 28
American Collectors Insurance---------------------- 34
Anaheim Hills Auto Collision------------------------ 7
Autobahn Adventures--------------------------------- 31
AutoKennel--------------------------------------------- 27
Autowerkes--------------------------------------------- 33
Bell Helmets-------------------------------------------- 27
Bill Brewster--------------------------------------------- 9
Cape Auto Repair-------------------------------------- 27
Circle Porsche-----------------------------------------IFC
Cooper Classy Car Care------------------------------ 10
David Piper, CPA-------------------------------------- 2
Doorshield---------------------------------------------- 7
Einmalig------------------------------------------------ 23
European Collision Center--------------------------- 8
Fabricante Auto Body------------------------------- IBC
Factory Werks------------------------------------------ 16
Fairview Mortgage Capital--------------------------- 32
Glistening Perfection---------------------------------- 13
Hergesheimer------------------------------------------- 21
Integrity Motorcars-------------------------------------- 5
Law Offices of Joe Nedza---------------------------- 16
Leland West Insurance Brokers -------------------- 13
Mains & Clark----------------------------------------- 7
Pamela Horton, Real Estate Broker----------------- 34
Pelican Parts-------------------------------------------- 28
Pioneer Leather Restoration-------------------------- 15
Racing Lifestyles-------------------------------------- 29
Rice’s Performance Porsche-------------------------- 28
State Farm Insurance/Bill Petersen----------------- BC
Sundial Window Tinting------------------------------ 34
TC’s Garage---------------------------------------------- 9
Ultimate Shield----------------------------------------- 7
Walter’s Porsche----------------------------------- 18-19
Wells Fargo Advisors------------------------------------ 9
Would You Like to Advertise in Pandemonium?
For Rates and Availability Call Cooper or Nicole Boggs at 714.505-3662
or send an email to Cooper at
FOR SALE: 914-6/914
‘70 Porsche 914-6 Road & Race Car:
#9140431029 Certificate of Authenticity;
3.6 L. 964 engine w/50mm PMO Webers,
Electromotive twin-plug ignition, WEB
cams, Patrick aluminum flywheel,
lightweight clutch, headers/muffler; sideshift 901 trans w/904 main shaft and close
gears, w/Quaiffe LSD; 911SC suspension
w/Twin-Turbo Big-Red brakes; Kinesis 8
& 9 1/2 by 17 wheels w/Goodyear Eagle
F-1 GSDS tires; plus a whole page list
of additional mods. Includes original
engine/trans cases. $53,000 is less than
half the build cost. Jim Jaqua jjaqua@ 949/637-0675. OCR (1)
Classified Ad Rates
PCA Members - No charge for 2 times in the Pandemonium
(2 consecutive months, photos free)
Non-PCA Members - $10 for 2 times
in the Pando (2 consecutive months;
$5 extra for a photo)
Make checks payable to: PCA/OCR
Please contact Bob Weber at 714-960-4981
at 714-960-4981 or
Ed McRae & Rob Deck
26341 Dimension Drive
Lake Forest, Ca 92630
Serving all of Southern
Phone: (949) 859-8639
Benz Certified
Collision Shop
Proud Sponsor of
Proud Partner of
Porsche Club of America
Orange Coast Region
P.O. Box 6726
Huntington Beach, ca 92615-6726
Dated Material: Please deliver by 1/5/2012
Current Resident
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