News Letter January 2016
News Letter January 2016
Quality Improvement Secretariat (QIS) Ministry of Health & Family Welfare 14/2 Topkhana Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh Email: Contact number: +88-02-9586820 Inside this issue: Divisional Workshop on “Universal health Coverage & Quality of Care” 1 Video documentation on „community 2 participation model‟ for quality of care services Issue: 13 January 2016 Divisional Workshop on “Universal health Coverage & Quality of Care” January 10,2016 Venue: Khulna Medical College Hospital 3 Pre-testing of TQM Operation Module National advocacy and sensitization workshop on MBFFI District advocacy and sensitization 4 workshop on MBFFI Workshop on community participa- 5 tion model Quality Improvement Secretariat has been organizing workshops at divisional levels on quality of care for developing awareness on QI initiatives. For Khulna and Barisal divisions, the workshop was held in Khulna Medical College with participation from both divisional and district managers, consultants and principal from the tertiary Medical college hospitals and representatives from local DPs and NGOs. Divisional meeting with DP repreJoint monitoring visit in MBFFI sites Workshop on clinical audit in BSMMU Refresher training at Suhrawardy Hospital National committee meeting MBFFI project on Advisor Md. Ashadul Islam Additional Secretary and Director General Health Economics Unit Chief Editor Dr. Aminul Hasan Focal Person Quality Improvement Secretariat Editor Dr. Shayema Khorshed Consultant, QIS Panel of contributor Dr. Harun-Or-Rashid Consultant, QIS Medical Officer, QIS Dr. Anawar Sadat Dr. Nazmul Haque Dr. Pranab Kumar Roy Dr. Tonamy Chakma Md Ashadul Islam, Additional Secretary and DG. HEU briefed on the recent initiatives of MoHFW on Universal health coverage and related quality agenda. Dr Md Aminul Hasan, Deputy Director,HEU and focal person of Quality Improvement Secretariat gave an overview on the formation and modalities of Quality Improvement committees at different levels as per the National strategic planning. Participants discussed on challenges and opportunities of committee formation and its activation at their local levels. The participants agreed on sending the committee list to the secretariat within a month‟s time. Page 2 Video documentation on „Community Participation‟ in improving quality of care Date: January 09,2016 Venue: Jhenaidah District Hospital Quality Improvement Secretariat is leading the process of developing a video documentary on the community participation model for improving facility service quality. UNICEF is providing support and technical assistance for this activity. A local agency has been given the task for capturing the events. The spot of the video documentation is Jhenaidah District Hospital as it„s a role example of community participation for improving the health care services of health facility. The QIS-UNICEF team jointly discussed and finalized a set of questionnaire to be asked to different interviewees planned for the documentary. The team arranged a pre-briefing session and technical consultation meeting prior to the shooting event. On the January 9th,2016 the video team conducted a one day shooting on Jhenaidah District Hospital. The objective was to capture the interviews of local stakeholders, service providers and the community elites. The team also captured hospital infrastructure and other related areas of improvement At Jhenaidah district hospital the video team captured a joint meeting of the community elites and the service providers and managers of the facility thereby reflecting the role of the community involvement in th edocumentary. Mr Farid Ahmed, Communication Specialist, UNICEF provided technical directions to the video team during the process. Dr Md Aminul Hasan, Focal Person, Quality Improvement Secretariat provided comprehensive guidance for capturing the video in line with the objective of the documentary. He provided on spot direction to capture the appropriate objective related events. The second part of the video shooting event in Dhaka was completed by the same team after interviewing the national level stakeholders. Md Ashadul Islam, DG HEU provided his continuous support and guidance for the documentary for accomplishment as per the objective. Issue: 13 Pre-testing of TQM Operation Module Date: January 17-19,2016 QIS has facilitated the process of developing a TQM operational module in Bangla targeted for training the providers at all levels especially focusing the resource pool members and the Quality Improvement Committees (QICs). The module will focus on the thematic relevant areas (such as motivation, leadership, communications etc) of TQM along with the technical aspect of it. In this regards, QIS formed a working group consisting of different stakeholders with expertise and experience. The working group came up with a draft module through successive working group meetings. QIS organized a pre-testing of the draft module in Tangail involving participants from the district hospital as well as 3 upazila health complexes from the SSK piloting facilities. The pretesting event was of 3 days duration as planned for the original training drafted. The inauguration ceremony was held on the January 17th,2016 in presence of the Civil surgeon of Tangail as a chief guest and the District Hospital Superintendent ,Dr Nur Mohammad as special guest. Dr Md Aminul Hasan briefed on the objective of the training and the TQM concept. The 3 day pretesting was very much interactive and participatory. External consultant and trainer Md Lutfor Rahman and Shuraiya Farzana facilitated the training session focusing on the conceptual part using different interactive ways in the process. QIS team memebrs Dr Harun-Or-Rashid and Dr Shayema Khorshed briefed on the 5s concept and related linkage with the quality issues. Page 3 Venue: Tangail Bourae Page 4 National advocacy and sensitization workshop on Mother Baby Friendly Facility Initiatives Date: Jan 25,2016 Venue: CIRDAP Conference room Quality Improvement Secretariat (QIS) is leading GoB-BMGF-UNICEF partnership initiative of 'Mother-baby friendly facility initiatives (MBFFI)' for quality Improvement of MNH services. Through this intervention, a comprehensive QI model will be piloted in targeted heath facilities (in Kurigram district). QIS organized a National Advocacy and Sensitization Workshop to share the project outline with the key stakeholders. The workshop was held at the CIRDAP Conference Room, Dhaka. The Additional Secretary, Hospital and Nursing, MoHFW Mr Foyez Ahmed was present as the Chief Guest of the event. Mr. Md. Asadul Islam, Director General (Additional Secretary) of HEU briefed the objectives of the workshop. The global background of the initiative was elaborated by Dr Ziaul Matin, Health Specialist UNICEF. Mayang Sari, Nutrition Specialist, UNICEF highlighted on the nutritional component of this initiative. Dr. Aminul Hasan, Deputy Director HEU and Focal Person of QIS in his presentation gave an overview on the comprehensive QI model to be tested as a part of this initives including a timeline. He discussed on the specific QI components including the EMEN standards, 5s –CQI-TQM etc and its linkage with the recent QI initiatives of the government. Dr. Shayema Khorshed, Consultant QIS discussed on the EMEN standards and the selected core criteria adapted for Bangladesh context by a working group formed and facilitated by QIS. The participants shared their experiences and comments related to this quality initiatives. In the concluding session, special guests and chief guest of the event gave speeches. Page 5 District Advocacy and Sensitization workshop on Mother Baby Friendly Facility Initiatives Date: Jan 30,2016 Venue: Kurigram District Hospital Quality Improvement Secretariat (QIS) is leading GoBBMGF-UNICEF partnership initiative of 'Mother-baby friendly facility initiatives (MBFFI)' for quality Improvement of MNH services. Through this intervention, a comprehensive QI model will be piloted in targeted heath facilities (in Kurigram district). Following the National Advocacy Workshop, QIS organized a district Advocacy and Sensitization Workshop in Kurigram to share the MBFFI project outline with the local stakeholders and providers. The workshop was held at the Kurigram District Hospital Conference Room. The event was chaired by the District Hospital Superintendent Dr Ajay Kumar was the chairperson of the event . Among the guests of honour there were participants from DGHS,QIS from different units. Dr Joynal Abedin, the Civil Surgeon of Kurigram district and the Director, Rangpur Medical College Hospital , Dr Barkat ullah were also present as distinguished guests . Dr Ziaul Matin, Health Specialist, UNICEF shared the global background of the initiative and Mayang Sari, Nutrition Specialist, UNICEF highlighted on the nutritional component of this initiative. Dr. Aminul Hasan, Deputy Director HEU and Focal Person of QIS in his presentation gave an overview on the comprehensive QI model to be tested as a part of this initives including proposed timeline for implementation. He discussed on the specific QI components including the EMEN standards, 5s –CQI -TQM etc and its linkage with the recent QI initiatives of the government. Dr. Shayema Khorshed, Consultant QIS discussed on the EMEN standards and the selected core criteria adapted for Bangladesh context by a working group formed and facilitated by QIS. Page 6 Workshop on community participation model Date: January 09,2016 Venue: Jhenaidah District Hospital Developing a Community Participation Model for Quality of Care is one of the important initiative of Quality Improvement Secretariat. With the aim to achieve the objective ,a workshop was held in Jhenaidah district hospital with the service providers of the hospital and the community leaders. The event was divided into two sessions. The first session was on Universal Health Coverage. Md Ashadul Islam, DG HEU presented on „Universal Health Coverage‟. The objective of the second session was to share the experience of community stakeholders. These are those stakeholders who are taking active part in community mobilization for the improvement of Jhenadah hospital service delivery. Dr Emdadul Haque, the committed leader and pioneer of community participation briefed on community participation in Jhenaidah perspective and his relevant initiatives. Dr Md Aminul Hasan, Deputy Director HEU and focal person of QIS presented on a model of community participation in Bangladesh perspective. Participants took active participation in the meeting and there was positive and supportive comments from different level community participants.. The main objective of the session was to develop a structured community participation model for Jhenaidah, which might be scale up countrywide. LAMB Hospital Visitation Date: January 29,2016 QIS team visited LAMB hospital on its 40th Anniversary Celebration on January,29,2016. LAMB hospital has been in place with wide reputation as a model health delivery facility especially targeting the rural poor in Bangladesh. Dr Md Aminul Hasan,focal person Quality Improvement Secretariat visited the hospital facility and met Dr. Antje, Hospital Medical Director, and Mrs. Keiko Butterworth, LAMB Board Member. There was in-depth discussion on areas to improve responsive health services and quality of care in this hospital. On 29th January,2016 he also participated in a rally organized . In the main event, Dr Aminul Hasan was the special guest and gave his speech on how this modest work can be strengthen in future. Venue: LAMB, Parbatipur Page 7 Newsletter Title Workshop on clinical audit Date: January 07,2016 Venue: BSMMU auditorium To Introduce Clinical Audit is one of the core objectives of the approved strategic planning on Quality of Care for public, autonomous & private health care facilities. As a part of the action plan, a workshop on “ Introduction of Clinical audit in BSMMU” was held on Dr Milton hall in BSMMU. Prof Dr Md Kamrul Hasan, Vice chancellor, BSMMU presided over the session. ProVC, Prof Dr Sharfuddin Ahmed, Prof Dr Shahidullah Sikder and Secretary General of Bangladesh Medical Association Prof Dr Iqbal Arsalan were the special guests in the occasion. Md Ashadul Islam DG, HEU welcomed the participants and briefed on the mandate of Quality Improvement Secretariat . Dr Md Aminul Hasan, Focal person of Quality Improvement Secretariat, presented on “ Clinical audit” . He specially focused on the concept , steps and process of introduction of clinical audit. Refreshers training for Work Improvement Teams of ShSMCH QIS is implementing a QI program in Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical college Hospital since July, 2015. Total 43 Work Improvement Teams ( WITs) have been formed for this purpose. After 6 months of implementation, QIS arranged a refreshers training for the teams with the aim to revitalize their efforts and refreshing 5S concepts and work modalities. The training held from 04 January to 07 January, 2016 at the ShSMCH conference room. Dr Harun Or Rashid, consultant QIS and the Medical officers of the QIS team conducted the training. National committee meeting for Mother Baby Friendly Facility initiatives Quality Improvement Secretariat (QIS) is leading GoB-BMGF-UNICEF partnership initiative of 'Motherbaby friendly facility initiatives (MBFFI)' for quality Improvement of MNH services. In this regard, a comprehensive QI model will be piloted in targeted heath facilities (in Kurigram district) as a part of this initiative. To achieve the target outcome, QIS formed a national level committee for effective planning of this initiative. QIS organized a committee meeting which was presided over by Dr Md Aminul Hasan, DD HEU and Focal Person, QIS. There was discussion on the the project planning and the follow up activities. The participants by areas discussed on their planned activities in relation to previously shared work plan. Mayang Sari, Nutrition specialist UNICEF discussed on the nutritional component of this initiative. Volume 1, Issue 1 Joint monitoring visit on (GoB-UNICEF) in MBFFI project implementation site Quality Improvement Secretariat (QIS) is leading GoBBMGF-UNICEF partnership initiative of 'Mother-baby friendly facility initiatives (MBFFI)' for quality Improvement of MNH services. Through this intervention, a comprehensive QI model will be piloted in targeted heath facilities (in Kurigram district). QIS and UNICEF team jointly participated in a monitoring visit with the local GoB team from January 31February 02,2016, The team was lead by the Civil surgeon,Kurigram and the Kurigram District Hospital Superintendent . There were different mode of transportation to reach different UHCs that included the hard to access areas. The team visited community clinics to watch the nutritional services provided from there and the MIS related activities, The team visited jointly the Kurigram district hospital as well as all 4 selected Upazila Health Complexes of MBFFI project implementation site . The focus was to observe existing available services for specific maternal, newborn services and nutritional component. In all UHCs and the DH, the maternal newborn areas, IMCI corber, ANC PNC corner were specifically visited. There was discussing on exiting HRs ar different facilities ad the train needs of the providers Page 8 Page 9 Newsletter Title Divisional Meeting with DP/ NGO representatives for Quality Mapping QIS planned to coordinate with the DPs and the NGOs for facilitation of the QI activities nation wide. In this regards, the team conducted a mapping exercise to chalk out the DPs and NGOs supported areas. Through one to one advocacy at national level, QIS facilitated the co-ordination process. In the next phase, the team planned to start the dialogues with the local DP/ NGO representatives to understand opportunities and challenges of the process. QIS conducted two divisional meetings with the DP/ NGOs in Khulna and in Rangpur division. In the Khulna meeting, DG HEU Md Ashadul Islam was present. Dr Md Ziaul Matin, UNICEF Health Specialist and Mayang Sari, Nutrition Specialist were also present in Rangpur divisional meeting. Both the meetings followed same modalities. The meeting started with brief introduction of the representatives from different organizations. The participants shared their work areas and major programme activities especially related to quality of care. Dr Aminul Hasan briefed on the meeting objectives. He shared the background of formation of the Quality Improvement Secretariat and development of the National Strategic Planning. He said that the prime activity of the DP/NGO representative will be to facilitate the regular conduction of these meeting including the documentation and necessary follow up. Dr Aminul Hasan mentioned that the DP/NGO representatives will be co-opted as members of the committees though a „Government Order‟ with detailed indication of their activities so that they will be empowered and entitled to facilitate the required support for the QI committees. Dr Aminul Hasan also informed that there will be a divisional meeting soon where the detailed planning will be finalized.