- McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership
- McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership
Professional Development Opportunities 2013 Bu ild i ng a bri gh t e r fu tu re for child ren, on e le a d e r at a t i m e . Greetings, Individuals enroll in the McCormick Center’s training programs for many different reasons—some are overwhelmed by the daily demands of their role and need guidance and support; others are looking for fresh and innovative ideas to incorporate into their programs. While many of our professional development events are held at our new training facility in Wheeling, Illinois (just 20 minutes from O’Hare airport), you’ll see we offer customized training across the country. Because we are part of National Louis University, you can earn college credit that can be applied to an undergraduate or graduate degree. Many of our trainings may also apply toward credentials in your state system. Let us help you identify and capitalize on your strengths and develop personal goals for professional advancement. We hope you will find some offerings in this brochure that meet your needs. If not, please give us a call to see how we can work with you to fill those needs and, together, build a brighter future for children, one leader at a time. Warm regards, Sue Offutt, Ph.D. Executive Director About Us The McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership at National Louis University is dedicated to building the leadership capacity of the early childhood workforce. The activities of the McCormick Center encompass four areas: professional development to increase the knowledge and competency of early childhood leaders; evaluation to measure and improve the quality of early learning programs; research to enhance the knowledge base on key workforce and professional development issues; and public awareness to promote greater understanding of the critical role of early childhood leaders in the provision of quality services for children and families. Founded in 1985, the McCormick Center builds on National Louis University’s 125-year history of accomplishments in the field of early childhood education. From its founding as a vital force in the kindergarten movement of the 1880’s, NLU has remained rooted in educational progressivism and dedicated to advocacy for children and social change. The McCormick Center is committed to these same ideals. Inspiring Early Childhood Leaders PROGRAM administrators Directors of for-profit and nonprofit, public and private, part-day and full-day community-based programs Executive directors, site managers, and education coordinators of Head Start and Early Head Start programs Early childhood coordinators of school-based pre-K programs Assistant directors, supervisors, and emerging leaders Leadership training is empowering. We offer training designed to transform you from the inside out giving you the knowledge, skills, and confidence you need to administer an exemplary early childhood program. FAmily child care providers Licensed family child care providers Family child care network coordinators Operating a successful family child care business requires specialized knowledge and expertise. We can help you build the knowledge and skills you need to create a financially stable, stimulating, and nurturing environment for the children in your care. trainers and technical assistance specialists Professional development coordinators CCR&R trainers and technical assistance specialists Organizational consultants Coaches and mentors College instructors Trainers and technical assistance specialists are change agents, lifting expectations and nurturing best practices in the field. To do this you need valid and reliable tools to measure, monitor, and improve early childhood program practices. We can help you learn how to support organizational change, improve program operations, and encourage facilitative leadership in early childhood programs. Customized Training to Meet Your Needs The McCormick Center offers customized training on a variety of topics to expand your leadership capacity and management skills. Select from the following menu of possibilities or give us a call and we’ll work with you to design a high-impact professional development experience for your conference or quality improvement initiative. POSSIBLE TRAINING TOPICS: Developing a Risk Management Plan Creating a Healthy Organizational Climate Appreciating Individual Differences How to Keep Your Orientation from Being a Real Snooze Creating and Maintaining Family Partnerships Contracts and Handbooks The Director’s Role as Change Agent Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care Providers Program Administration Scale for Child Care Providers Supporting Directors as the Gatekeepers to Quality Making the Most of Meetings Creating an Effective Conflict Resolution Policy Working with Staff to Create a Shared Vision The Power of Professional Learning Communities Let us provide the specific trainings you and your organization need to grow and flourish. Professional Development Opportunities Aim4excellence™ online national director credential This online national director credential, equivalent to 9 semester hours of college credit, is self-paced, easy-to-navigate, interactive, and relevant to your work. The credential covers the essentials of operating a high-quality early childhood program. NAEYC recognizes Aim4Excellence as an alternative pathway for meeting the director qualifications for programs pursuing NAEYC accreditation. Aim4Excellence also links to a number of state professional development systems and QRIS systems. Credit and noncredit options are available. Participants may register for all nine modules to earn their credential or select a few modules to build competence in a specific area. Modules: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Leading the Way Recruiting, Selecting, and Orienting Staff Promoting Peak Performance Managing Program Operations Building a Sound Business Strategy Planning Indoor and Outdoor Environments Supporting Children’s Development and Learning Creating Partnerships with Families Evaluating Program Quality For more information, go to http://aim4excellence.nl.edu or call 800.443.5522, ext. 5155. technology training It is easy to feel overwhelmed with the pace of technology developments impacting the early childhood field. Whether you’re a computer whiz or need a little hand holding and step-by-step instruction, the McCormick Center’s Technology Training will move you to the next level. Check our website for more information about upcoming offerings: McCormickCenter.nl.edu TAKING CHARGE OF CHANGE™ (TCC) LEADERSHIP INSTITUTE Leading an organization through change that drives quality improvement is a complex job. If you need fresh ideas or want to learn more strategies to improve your program, join us for our 21st year of Taking Charge of Change. This 9-month leadership development program for Illinois center directors will empower and inspire you to embrace the change process. Through engaging in-depth sessions you’ll explore topics that will help you strengthen your leadership style and learn how to promote peak performance, enhance shared decision making, and build a strong organizational climate. And, with the support of a mentor, you’ll develop and implement a program improvement plan that will put you on the path to achieving your vision of program excellence. Six-day residential summer institute August 5 – 10, 2013 Three-day residential fall institute November 14 – 16, 2013 Program improvement presentationsMay 14, 2014 Three-day professional developmentMay 15 – 17, 2014 Leadership Connections conference For more information, contact Safiyah Jackson at 847.947.5056 or sjackson27@nl.edu. TAKING CHARGE OF CHANGE™ TRAIN-THE-TRAINER Designed to provide trainers outside of Illinois with the tools needed to create sustainable change in early childhood programs. Participants learn how to deliver the Taking Charge of Change model in their home states. Six-day residential summer institute August 5 – 10, 2013 Three-day residential fall institute November 14 – 16, 2013 Project Presentations May 14, 2014 Three-day professional developmentMay 15 – 17, 2014 Leadership Connections conference For more information, contact Sue Offutt at 847.947.5233 or sue.offutt@nl.edu. to register go to McCormickCenter.nl.edu Professional Development Opportunities PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION SCALE The Program Administration Scale (PAS) measures the quality of leadership and management practices in center-based programs. The McCormick Center offers five levels of PAS training ranging from a brief two-hour overview of the instrument to a four-day intensive reliability training for assessors seeking certification. All trainings can be customized to meet the needs of your local or state quality improvement initiative. A complete listing of PAS trainings is available on our website. PAS RELIABILITY Trainings February 19 – 22, 2013 July 15 – 18, 2013 Location: McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership National Louis University, Wheeling, IL For more information, or to schedule a training in your area, contact Jill Bella at 847.947.5059 or jill.bella@nl.edu. For Illinois QRIS applicants Getting Ready for the PAS Webinars Attendance at both 2-hour sessions is required to receive credit. April 22 and 24, 2013 July 9 and 11, 2013 For more information, contact Carmen Adamczyk at carmen.adamczyk@nl.edu or 847.947.5133. Ask about our new self-paced online module, Getting Ready for the PAS This introductory module offers a convenient way to learn about the PAS and prepare or a formal assessment. The module will be available for individual use. In addition, projects and states may purchase the module for a reduced fee. The module will be available winter 2013. to register go to McCormickCenter.nl.edu BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION SCALE FOR FAMILY CHILD CARE The Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care (BAS) measures the quality of professional and business practices in family child care programs. The McCormick Center offers five levels of BAS training ranging from a brief two-hour overview to a three-day intensive reliability training for assessors seeking certification. All trainings can be customized to meet the needs of your local or state quality improvement initiative. Training is also available in Spanish. A complete listing of BAS trainings is available on our website. BAS reliability Trainings March 6 – 8, 2013 September 17 – 19, 2013 Location: McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership National Louis University, Wheeling, IL For more information, or to schedule a training in your area, contact Robyn Kelton at 847.947.5057 or robyn.kelton@nl.edu. INARS March 28, 2013 June 19, 2013 For more information, contact Carmen Adamczyk at carmen.adamczyk@nl.edu or 847.947.5133. Professional Development Opportunities FAMILY CHILD CARE INSTITUTE From Babysitter to Business Owner March 23 & May 18, 2013 Elevate your child care business from the conventional to the exceptional! This two-part institute will guide you in identifying, setting, and measuring goals to get the business results you are looking for. Participants will learn about best practices for budget management, focused marketing, and communication with parents. The institute will be facilitated by Patricia Dischler, President of the National Association for Family Child Care, author of From Babysitter to Business Owner, and a former family child care provider. Join us for an opportunity to document your professional, marketing, and communication goals. Session I: March 23, 2013, 8:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership National Louis University, Wheeling, IL Session II: May 18, 2013, 8:30 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. Leadership Connections Conference Westin Hotel, Wheeling, IL For more information, contact Safiyah Jackson at 847.947.5056 or sjackson27@nl.edu. Patricia Dischler FALL MANAGEMENT INSTITUTE Directors as Partners in Building Multi-Sensory Learning Environments October 18 - 19, 2013 Empower your staff to build learning environments that honor individual differences, respect every child’s culture, and acknowledge family members as equal partners in a child’s education. This institute is based on research and proven strategies for including dual language learners and those with special needs in a balanced early childhood classroom setting. Explore how to provide pedagogical leadership in your role as director. Leave with ideas to help your teachers provide rich learning environments for preschool children that engage their families. Clarissa Willis The institute will be facilitated by Clarissa Willis, Senior Vice President of Education for Kaplan Early Learning. Clarissa is the senior author of the new curriculum Learn Every Day and five other comprehensive curriculum projects. Dr. Willis is a former kindergarten teacher and believes in the process of educating all children through exploration and discovery. Location: McCormick Center for Early Childhood Leadership National Louis University, Wheeling, IL For more information, contact Safiyah Jackson at 847.947.5056 or sjackson27@nl.edu. to register go to McCormickCenter.nl.edu Professional Professional Development Growth Opportunities Opportunities Explore topics of interest in-depth and walk away with practical and useful strategies to implement in your program. Leadership Connections™ National conference Don’t miss out on this highly acclaimed national conference. Leadership Connections brings together early childhood administrators, family child care providers, trainers, technical assistance specialists, and policymakers to hear inspiring keynote speakers, take part in a public policy forum, attend skill-building clinics, and network with other leaders in the field. May 16 – 18, 2013 Westin Hotel, Wheeling, IL This year’s event features keynote speakers Janine Driver and Simon T. Bailey and other inspirational presenters such as Ron Lally, Kay Albrecht, Holly Bruno, Michael Brandwein, Camille Catlett, Toni and Robin Christie, and many more. Is your organization interested in hosting a preconference meeting at Leadership Connections? Let us help arrange your organization’s meeting at the Westin. Then you and your participants can join us for the conference. For more information about advertising, registration, or sponsorship opportunities, contact Conference Coordinator, Donna Jonas at 847.947.5058 or donna.jonas@nl.edu For information about exhibiting in the Marketplace, contact Lorena Rodriguez at 847.947.5054 or lorena.rodriguez@nl.edu. Want quick access to the registration site? Scan this code with your smart phone for an easy link! Research and Resources Director’s Link is a quarterly newsletter for early childhood administrators with informative articles and practical resources to promote program improvement. Sign up to receive this free resource at McCormickCenter.nl.edu. Research Notes, published quarterly, provide a quick-read summary of research relating to important early childhood administrative, professional development, and workforce issues. Sign up to receive this free resource at McCormickCenter.nl.edu. Program Evaluation Tools The Early Childhood Work Environment Survey (ECWES) assesses ten dimensions of the organizational climate of early childhood programs. The resulting Work Environment Profile provides a summary of workers’ perceptions of organizational practices with suggestions for strengthening the quality of work life in programs. For information on how to conduct an organizational climate assessment of your program, go to McCormickCenter.nl.edu. Margaret Job Satisfaction Profile for _________________________________________ PART I. Facets of Job Satisfaction SAMPLE High 50 40 30 20 Low 10 Co-worker relations Supervisor relations PART II. Congruence with Ideal Is my ideal 25 20 Somewhat like my ideal Working conditions Pay/promotion opportunities PART III. Satisfactions and Frustrations Satisfactions opportunity to learn new skills 1. ____________________________ watching children grow and learn 2. ____________________________ 15 Frustrations 10 Not like my ideal at all Work itself 5 PART IV. Occupational Values challenge 1. ____________________________ parents who have unrealistic 1. ____________________________ expectations for their children low pay 2. ____________________________ PART V. Committment Very committed security 3. ____________________________ 10 8 altruism 2. ____________________________ Committed 6 4 Not committed 2 To the center To the profession The Early Childhood Job Satisfaction Survey (ECJSS) is a career guidance and goal-setting tool for early childhood practitioners seeking greater insight into the factors that support job fulfillment. Access this free resource on the McCormick Center’s website, McCormickCenter.nl.edu. Also available on our website is ordering information for Measuring Attitudes in the Early Childhood Setting, the technical manual for the ECWES and ECJSS. Resources The Director’s Toolbox Management Series includes six books on important and timely topics related to early childhood administration. They are perfect as a selfpaced guide for the busy director eager to learn practical suggestions for improving administrative effectiveness or as a resource for workshop presenters. Trainer’s guides are also available. Ordering information for these and other resources can be found at McCormickCenter.nl.edu. Advisory Board Kay Albrecht Blakely Bundy Bee Jay Ciszek Leonette Coates Tom Copeland Jerry Cutts Nina Duenas Stacie Goffin Ed Greene Luis Hernandez Holly Knicker Tom Layman M. A. Lucas Karen Ponder Luz Maria Solis Margie Wallen Lana Weiner Cass Wolfe Tanya Woods Funders Let’s Connect Like us on Facebook http://on.fb.me/MCECLFacebook Abbott Bright Horizons Family Solutions Chicago Department of Family Support Services Community Foundation of the Great River Bend Fred and Marcia Emmett Follow us on Twitter https://twitter.com/MCECL Exchange Press FDC Foundation Harrison and Company Illinois Action for Children Illinois Department of Human Services Illinois Network of Child Care Resource and Referral Agencies Connect on LinkedIn http://linkd.in/MCECLLinkedIn Illinois State Board of Education Josephine P. and John J. Louis Foundation Kaplan Early Learning Company Lakeshore Learning Materials Robert R. McCormick Foundation Michael W. Louis Charitable Trust New Horizons W. Clement and Jesse V. Stone Foundation Taproot Foundation Circle us on Google Plus http://bit.ly/MCECLGooglePlus LEADERSHIP CONNECTIONS™ Amazing! It’s a chance to meet with like-minded professionals in the field and discuss the latest research and best practices. A must attend—I wouldn’t miss it! ~ Sam Smith, Sacramento, CA Program Administration Scale This training confirmed for me how critical systems are to support early childhood leadership and program quality for young children. ~ Marsha Matthews, chicago, IL Taking Charge of Change™ My mentor saw something in me that I did not see in myself—that I am a leader and have the power to make a difference. ~ Tiffany Green, chicago, IL Aim4Excellence™ These online modules provide training that makes a difference in preparing new directors. Now there is a framework to follow—no more trial and error. ~ Naomi Lincoln, Silvis, IL McCormick Center for early childhood leadership At national Louis university | 6200 Capitol Drive | Wheeling, Illinois 60090 McCormickCenter.nl.edu