Books By Mail Large Print Catalog


Books By Mail Large Print Catalog
Books By Mail
Rural Services
Large Print
(Updated 5/2008)
We are now offering our Books By Mail patrons Gale Group InfoTrac Resources! In
an effort to bring electronic information resources to as many New Mexicans as possible,
the New Mexico State Library is providing databases of magazines and journals to
libraries and patrons via the Internet. The New Mexico State Library has chosen
InfoTrac, a highly regarded resource of content-rich authoritative information through the
Internet. The InfoTrac databases contain over 4,277 magazines and journals, 2,969 of
them with full-text and full-image with the remainder offering abstracts to the articles.
InfoTrac is a product of Gale Group, a major vendor of library magazine and journal
subscriptions to libraries.
Access to the databases is controlled through specific usernames and passwords which
are established for constituent libraries and patrons throughout New Mexico. Each library
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the journals and magazines it includes in the databases.
*We ask that you mention you are a Books By Mail patron when contacting the
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Mark Adams 1-800-477-4401 or
Teresa Martinez (505) 476-9781 or 1-800-395-9144
For information on how to use the database contact:
Reference 1-800-876-2203
For information from the New Mexico State Library visit the web site at
Send us your NAME and ADDRESS and the Catalog Numbers of the books you
wish to read.
New Mexico State Library
1209 Camino Carlos Rey
Santa Fe, NM 87507-5166
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are unable to return your books by the due date, please send a note or call 1-800-3959144 giving us the Title, Author, and Due Date. These books will be renewed for an
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Some delays in filling orders are unavoidable when a new catalog or
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Reordering the book(s) will only delay orders that much longer. We appreciate
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Books in Spanish are available for children and adults. Some editions
are bilingual.
When ordering titles with the prefix “LP” (Large Print) please specify that you only want
the titles in Large Print, otherwise, if the title is available in regular print, it will be
substituted, and if it is not, we will send you the “LP” title. We hope this will minimize
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BOOKS-BY-MAIL provides library services to those who are not reached by public
libraries. Call our toll free number 1-800-395-9144 and leave your requests on the 24
hour recording. Give us your name, mailing address, the catalog numbers of the books
you wish to read. If calling to renew a book, give us the same information mentioned
above along with the original due date of your book(s).
This program was funded with a grant from the Institute of Museum and Library Services
which administers the Library Services and Technology Act.
P.O. Box 1163
Tucumcari, NM 88401
Counties: Chaves, Curry,
De Baca, Eddy, Guadalupe,
Harding, Lincoln, Quay,
Roosevelt, San Miguel
1000 Main Street NW, Bldg. 16-A
P.O. Box 97
Cimarron, NM 87714
Counties: Colfax, Mora, Rio
Arriba, San Miguel, Taos, Union
Los Lunas, NM 87031
Counties: Catron, Cibola,
McKinley, Sandoval, Santa Fe,
Socorro, Torrance,Valencia
3130 B. Hwy 180 East
Silver City, NM 88061-7704
Counties: Catron, Grant,
Hidalgo, Luna, Otero, Sierra
The Bookmobiles are a part of the Rural Services Program. Contact
the Bookmobile headquarters in your area for the Bookmobile
schedules. Users of the Rural Services Program may also take
advantage of the Talking Book Library, which provides audio material
for the blind, reading disabled, physically handicapped and some
homebound people. For more information about this program call 1800-456-5515.
What is the 3 letter code at the beginning of each book description? These category codes will
give you more specific information about the books that you are borrowing (Not every category
will appear in each catalog). *Please Note: Previous Catalogs are still available to order from.
Happy Reading!
Current Events
General Fiction
Personal Finance
Graphic Novels
Historical Fiction
Home Repair/
Juvenile/Ages 5-8
Juvenile/Ages 8-12
Juvenile/Ages 13-18
Latin Fiction
Multi cultural
Movie/TV Tie-In
New Age
Native American
Occult Fiction
PAR Parenting/
PHI Philosophy
PHO Photography
POE Poetry
POL Politics
POP Popular Culture
PDY Psychology/
Self Help
REC Recovery
REF Reference/
REL Religious
RFL Reference/
Foreign Languages
ROM Romance
SCI Science
SEX Sexuality
SFF Science Fiction
SOC Sociology
SPA Spanish
SPO Sports/
SUS Suspense
SW Southwest
TAX Tax Preparation
TRD Travel/Domestic
TRF Travel/Foreign
TRU True Crime
WES Western
WOM Women’s Studies
XMS Christmas
*Please note: Older large print catalogs are still available to
order from.
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larger story of corruption and intrigue
reaching deep into the heart of the
ADV Against Cold Steel
Hoyt, Edwin P.
When Stephen Decatur received his
commission to captain after the firing
of the Philadelphia, he had little time
to bask in glory. The spring of 1804
saw the bloody continuation of the
Tripolitan Wars, and the bashaw of
Tripoli was not about to give up
Mediterranean piracy and forced
tributes without a battle. And battle
was precisely what the U.S. Navy had
in store for him. Before the merciless
summer sun surrendered to an arid
Barbary autumn, Captain Stephen
Decatur would lead one of the most
brilliant gunboat attacks ever logged in
the annals of naval history.
ADV Stonewall's Gold
Mrazek, Robert J.
It is the final winter of the war, and in
the wake of an infamous order issued
by General Grant, Union armies have
laid waste to the majestic Shenandoah
Valley. It is then that a stranger arrives
in the small village of Port Republic.
When someone begins desecrating the
graves of soldiers buried near
Jackson's former headquarters, Jamie
Lockhart uncovers an incredible secret
that could very well cost him his life.
Pursued by men who would kill for
what he possesses, fifteen-year-old
Jamie embarks on a quest that will test
the limits of his courage and
ADV The Good German
Kanon, Joseph
With World War II finally ending,
Jake Geismar, former Berlin
correspondent for CBS, manages to
wangle one of the coveted press slots
for the Postdam Conference. His
assignment: a series of articles on the
American occupation of postwar
Berlin. His personal agenda: to find
Lena, the German mistress he left
behind at the outbreak of the war.
When he stumbles onto a murder, an
American soldier, he things he has
found the key that will unlock his
Berlin story. What he finds instead is a
ADV Drop Zone
Salazar, Michael
Elite Air Force Special Forces Para
rescue Team operative Jason Johnson
is teamed with a hotshot Marine for a
perilous mission. Johnson must drop in
war-torn Bosnia to find evidence of the
ethnic cleansing of thousands of
civilians through the use of a deadly
nerve toxin, and bring back a sample
so an antidote can be created. But there
are those who will do anything to see
his mission fail.
ADV The Adventures of
Huckleberry Finn
Twain, Mark
Mark Twain's story about a young boy
and his journey down the Mississippi
was the first great novel to speak in a
truly American voice. Recounts the
adventures of a young boy and an
escaped slave as they travel down the
Mississippi River on a raft.
ANI Marley & Me
Grogan, John
John and Jenny were just beginning
their life together. Then they brought
home Marley, a wiggly yellow fur ball
of a puppy. Life would never be the
same. Marley grew into a barreling,
ninety-seven-pound steamroller of a
Labrador retriever. He crashed through
screen doors, gouged through drywall,
and stole women's undergarments.
Obedience school did no good, Marley
was expelled. But just as Marley
joyfully refused any limits on his
behavior, his love and loyalty were
boundless, too. Marley remained a
model of devotion, even when his
family was at its wit's end.
Unconditional love, they would learn,
comes in many forms.
ANI The Lost Pet Chronicles
Albrecht, Kathy
Kat Albrecht is the only lawenforcement based pet detective in the
United States. Since 1997, Albrecht
and her search dogs have located lost
cats, dogs, ferrets, turtles, horses, and
other species using techniques that are
normally used to solve missing person
investigations. Full of heartwarming
and inspiring tales of rescue, The Lost
Pet Chronicles tells the story of Kat's
unlikely career path and of how
discovering the work she loved
transformed her from a dissatisfied cop
into a woman with a true personal and
professional calling.
ANI Let Sleeping Vets Lie
Herriot, James
The trials and anecdotes of a Yorkshire
veterinarian as he ponders the
questions of who is more difficult,
animals or their owners.
ANI Vets Might Fly
Herriot, James
The intrusion of World War II and his
sudden call to duty in the RAF leave
James herriot musing whimsically over
the simpler days in the Yorkshire
Dales he left behind.
ANI Shy Boy: The Horse That
Came in from the Wild
Roberts, Monty
This moving book tells a story of how
famed horse gentler Monty Roberts
met and eventually tamed his beloved
horse Shy Boy. Their unique
relationship began when Shy Boy was
a wild mustang. Monty trekked for
three days across 100 miles of high
desert, working his magic across the
shimmering heat, until he connected
with this wild horse on the open range.
The mustang came home with Monty,
until one year later, when they returned
to the plains and Monty set Shy Boy
free and gave him a choice: return to
his herd or stay with Monty.
BIO Jackie After Jack
Andersen, Christopher
Jackie Kennedy was only thirty-four
when Camelot ended with a blaze of
gunfire on November 22, 1963. Here
Christopher Andersen draws on
previously sealed archival material and
newly declassified documents to paint
a sympathetic, yet often startling
portrait of Jackie in all her complexity.
Alone after Dallas, Jackie summoned
the strength and dignity to go on.
BIO Sweet Caroline: Last Child
of Camelot
Andersen, Christopher
Through it all, the sole surviving
member of Camelot's First Family,
Caroline Kennedy, has remained
largely a mystery. Until now.
Christopher Andersen draws on
important sources to provide a full,
compelling portrait of Caroline, the
young wife and mother left to carry on
in her legendary family's name.
BIO Tuesdays with Morrie
Albom, Mitch
Upon learning of his former college
professor and mentor's impending
death, Mitch Albom, award-winning
sportswriter, "New York Times"
bestselling author, and TV
commentator, visited Morrie Schwartz
every week. "Tuesdays with Morrie" is
Albom's extraordinary chronicle of
their time together, a book filled with
laughter, sadness, joy, and peace.
BIO The Day Diana Died
Andersen, Christopher
The death of Diana, Princess of Wales,
is a defining benchmark in history.
More than a year after the fatal car
crash, millions around the world still
remain in shock. During the sixteen
years since her wedding to Prince
Charles, she had evolved from "Shy
Di" to the most famous person in the
BIO All Over but the Shoutin'
Bragg, Rick
A haunting memoir by a Pulitzer
Prize-winning journalist, "All Over but
the Shoutin'" presents a gripping
account of people struggling to make
sense and solidity of life's capricious
promises. As he tells the wrenching
story of his own family's life in the
dirt-poor Alabama hills, where he got
out, but has never been quite about to
leave, Bragg attempts to both atone for
and to avenge the mistakes and
cruelties of his past.
world. For all her fame, much of the
human drama that swirled around her
death remains veiled in intrigue. The
author draws upon important sources,
many of whom have agreed to speak
here for the first time, to re-create the
events leading up to that fateful night.
BIO The Day John Died
Andersen, Christopher
Retracing the life and tragic death of
John Kennedy, Jr., this illustrated
biography of an American icon begins
in the Kennedy White House and
covers his romances with Madonna
and Daryl Hannah, his relationships
with family members, his magazine,
and much more.
BIO Marilyn: The Last Take
Brown, Peter
Two veteran Hollywood journalists
join forces to tell the complete story of
Marilyn Monroe's final days. Based on
thousands of newly discovered
documents, hours of footage from her
last film, and over 300 revealing
interviews, this is an astonishing
account of what really happened
during the last 14 weeks in the life of
Hollywood's legendary sex goddess.
BIO Princess Grace
Bradford, Sarah
Princess Grace will be remembered as
a fairy-tale heroine, the shy convent
girl from Philadelphia who achieved
stunning success as an actress, then
abandoned her career in films, at age
twenty-six, to marry the ruler of a tiny
principality perched high above the
Mediterranean Sea. Only a woman
trained and devoted to duty could have
given it all up for an even greater role:
Her serene Highness, Princess Grace
of Monaco.
BIO Sharing Good Times
Carter, Jimmy
In this wonderfully evocative volume,
former United States president and
Nobel laureate Jimmy Carter writes
about the things that matter most, the
simple, relaxed days and nights that he
has enjoyed with family and friends
through the years and across
BIO Memories: The
Autobiography of Ralph Emery
Emery, Ralph
Here is Ralph Emery's uplifting and
true tale of his rags-to-riches life, from
a farm in Tennessee to the star-studded
world of Nashville.
BIO Anne Frank: The Diary of
a Young Girl
Frank, Anne
Discovered in the attic in which she
spent the last years of her life, Anne
Frank's remarkable diary has since
become a world classic, a powerful
reminder of the horrors of war and an
eloquent testament to the human spirit.
BIO Turning Point
Carter, Jimmy
It has been said that Jimmy Carter is
the only man ever to have used the
presidency as a stepping-stone to
greater service. This is the story of
why Carter first sought office in 1962,
and what he has accomplished since
BIO Autobiography of
Benjamin Franklin
Franklin, Benjamin
This book is the straight-forward life
story of a typically American character
endowed with the great powers
developed by self education, who
exerted vast influence as a citizen and
statesman for his own day and for the
future of his country.
BIO I Am What I Ate. . .and
I'm Frightened!!!
Cosby, Bill
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0361)). Bill Cosby wants food
lovers to know that they are not alone.
Here, Cosby reflects back on his own
sixty-five years of dining at the
banquet of life.
BIO A Lotus Grows in the Mud
Hawn, Goldie
In this candid and unconventional
memoir, Goldie invites us to join her
in a look back at the remarkable people
and events that have touched her. It is
a joyous spiritual journey of the heart
in search of enlightenment. With the
effervescent humor and generosity that
are familiar to everyone, Goldie talks
about the lessons she's learned and the
wisdom she feels she's been given, in
the hope of giving something back.
BIO Bob Hope: My Life in
Hope, Bob
Bob Hope celebrated his 100th
birthday, and to mark the occasion he
collaborated with daughter Linda on
this extraordinary collection of his best
jokes and anecdotes. The result is a
compelling and hilarious portrait of the
twentieth century's greatest entertainer
and a true national treasure.
BIO Don't Shoot it's Only Me
Hope, Bob
The great entertainer's memoirs of the
personalities he has known along with
his personal triumphs.
Hepburn, Katherine
Katherine Hepburn breaks her silence
in this absorbing memoir.
BIO Nancy Reagan:
Unauthorized Biography
Kelley, Kitty
The daring behind-the-scenes look at
the former First Lady.
BIO Seldom Disappointed
Hillerman, Tony
(Also available in regular print
(AH-0403)). This is a splendid
memoir, an affectionate and
unvarnished recollection of the life of
one of America's best-loved writers
today. Beginning with his upbringing
in Depression-era Oklahoma, this book
spans Hillerman's tour of duty in
France in World War II, his newspaper
career, and his now legendary entry
into publishing. Photo inserts.
BIO Education of a Wandering
L'Amour, Louis
From his decision to leave school at 15
to roam the world, to his recollections
of life as a hobo, a cattle skinner, a
merchant seaman, and a bare-knuckled
prize fighter, here is Louis L'Amour's
memoir of his life-long love of
learning, a love that shaped him as a
story teller and as a man.
BIO West with the Night
Markham, Beryl
"West with the Night" is a fascination
and a mystery. Briefly, the book is an
episodic account of some thirty Africa
years, from childhood to 1936, in the
life of an amazing woman.
BIO John Paul the Great
Noonan, Peggy
The author brings her sharp
observations, acute sensibility,
warmth, and wit to the life of the pope
and shows the personal effect his
journey had upon her and millions of
others. Written with heart and depth,
this is at once a moving elegy and a
brilliant celebration of a man whose
life taught others how to live.
BIO My Life with Groucho:
Growing Up with the Marx
Marx, Arthur
The remarkable, sometimes tragic
story of this Hollywood legend is told
here with gritty, compelling, but
honest detail by Groucho's son, Arthur.
BIO Leap of Faith
Noor, Queen
This is the story of a young American
woman who became wife and partner
to an Arab monarch. It provides a
compelling portrait of the late King
Hussein and his lifelong effort to bring
peace to his war torn region, and an
insider's view of the growing gulf
between the United States and the
Arab nations. It is also the refreshingly
candid story of a mother coming to
terms with the demands the king's role
as a world statesman placed on her
family's private life. But most of all it
is a love story, the intimate account of
a woman who lost her heart to a king,
and to his people.
BIO 'Tis: A Memoir
Mc Court, Frank
The sequel to the Pulitzer Prizewinning "Angela's Ashes, " McCourt's
glowing memoir chronicles his story
from impoverished immigrant to
brilliant raconteur and schoolteacher, a
tale of survival as vivid, harrowing,
and often hilarious as its bestselling
BIO Mornings on Horseback
Mc Cullough, David
From the diaries and letters of the
Roosevelt family, David Mc Cullough
sketches a brilliant and intimate
portrait of the young Teddy Roosevelt
and his growth to manhood.
BIO 90 Minutes in Heaven: A
True Story of Death & Life
Piper, Don
Recounts the extraordinary experience
of a Baptist minister, Don Piper, who
was pronounced dead at the scene of a
tragic car accident and experienced the
glories of Heaven for 90 minutes, but
who miraculously came back to life,
where he endured a long and painful
FAM Every Woman's Marriage:
Igniting The Joy and Passion You Both
Ethridge, Shannon
Across the country, countless women live
as "desperate housewives," committed to
marriage yet longing for a deeper more
intimate connection with their husbands.
The latest release in the bestselling Every
Woman's series offers hope and help for
those ready to stop the blame game and
pursue the marriage of their dreams.
Drawing on real-life stories from both
men and women, as well as lessons from
their own less-than-satisfying early years
of marriage, authors Shannon and Greg
Ethridge offer penetrating insights about
what it takes to nurture a dynamic
marriage. On every page, readers will
find practical tools and wise biblical
counseling for transforming a listless
marriage into a vibrant, exciting
BIO Make Room for Danny
Thomas, Danny
Danny Thomas shares the laughter and
tears from his early days in Chicago
nightclubs to his successful television
CKG Easy Elegant Dining
Alkire, Gratia
A collection of elegant recipes
especially created for the physically
challenged and visually impaired and
for anyone who wishes to make
memorable dinners with ease.
FAN Sweet Starfire
Krentz, Jayne Ann
She is Cidra, an ethereal beauty, sheltered
by a spiritual race but belonging to
another people. He is Teague Severance,
a rugged adventurer used to taking and
getting what he wants. Side by side on a
dangerous quest, they will soar from the
shimmering towers of Cidra's home to the
mining towns of the galaxy's outback, to
the deadly jungles of the planet
CKG Weight Watchers Healthy
Life-Style Cookbook
Weight Watchers Int.
An exciting new cookbook with over
250 new health recipes that taste great
but without all the calories and fat.
FAN Harry Potter and the HalfBlood Prince
Rowling, J. K.
(Harry Potter, Book 6) (Also available
in regular print (AS-0052)). Sixthyear Hogwarts student Harry Potter
gains valuable insights into the boy
Voldemort once was, even as his own
world is transformed by maturing
friendships, schoolwork assistance
from an unexpected source, and
devastating losses.
FAN Harry Potter and the
Chamber of Secrets
Rowling, J. K.
(Harry Potter, Book 2) (Also available
in regular print (BB-2986)). In the
second book of the Harry Potter series,
the author takes up where she left off
with Harry's second year at the
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry. Old friends and new
torments abound, including a spirit
named Moaning Myrtle who haunts
the girls' bathroom, an outrageously
conceited professor, Gilderoy
Lockheart, and a mysterious force that
turns Hogwarts students to stone.
FAN Harry Potter and the
Order of the Phoenix
Rowling, J. K.
(Harry Potter, Book 5) (Also available
in regular print (AO-326)). The
phenomenal bestseller is now in
paperback. In his fifth year at
Hogwart's, 15-year-old Harry faces
challenges at every turn, from the dark
threat of He-Who-Must-Not-BeNamed to the rise of Ron Weasley as
the keeper of the Gryffindor Quidditch
FAN Harry Potter and the
Prisoner of Azkaban
Rowling, J. K.
(Harry Potter, Book 3) (Also available
in regular print (BB-3125)). The third
book in J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter
series catapults into action when the
young wizard "accidentally" causes the
Dursleys' dreadful visitor Aunt Marge
to inflate like a monstrous balloon and
drift up to the ceiling. Fearing
punishment from Aunt Petunia and
Uncle Vernon (and from officials at
Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and
Wizardry who strictly forbid students
to cast spells in the nonmagic world of
Muggles), Harry lunges out into the
darkness with his heavy trunk and his
owl Hedwig.
FAN Harry Potter and the
Goblet of Fire
Rowling, J. K.
FAN Harry Potter and the
Deathly Hallows
Rowling, J. K.
(Harry Potter, Book 7) The heart of
Book 7 is a hero's mission, not just in
Harry's quest for the Horcruxes, but in
his journey from boy to man, and
Harry faces more danger than that
found in all six books combined, from
the direct threat of the Death Eaters
and you-know-who, to the subtle perils
of losing faith in himself. Attentive
readers would do well to remember
Dumbledore's warning about making
the choice between "what is right and
what is easy," and know that Rowling
applies the same difficult principle to
the conclusion of her series.
(Harry Potter, Book 4)(Also available in
regular print (AE-0086)). The 4th book of
the Harry Potter series, Harry Potter
wants to get away from the pernicious
Dursleys and go to the International
Quidditch Cup with Hermione, Ron, and
the Weasleys. He wants to dream about
Cho Chang, his crush. He wants to find
out about the mysterious event that's
supposed to take place at Hogwarts this
year, an event involving two other rival
schools of magic and a competition that
hasn't happened for a hundred years. He
wants to be a normal, fourteen-year-old
wizard. Unfortunately for Harry, he's not
normal, even by wizarding standards.
And in his case, different can be deadly.
FAN Harry Potter and the
Sorcerer's Stone
Rowling, J. K.
FIC Invitation to Provence
Adler, Elizabeth
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1220)). Invited to attend a family
reunion in Provence, Franny Marten
leaves behind her unfaithful boyfriend
to enjoy the region's beautiful
landscapes and partake in its exotic
cuisine, but her visit is rendered
dangerous by someone who would
prevent her discovery of family
(Harry Potter, Book 1) (Also available in
regular print (BB-2836)). Harry Potter
has never played a sport while flying on a
broomstick. He's never worn a cloak of
invisibility, befriended a giant, or helped
hatch a dragon. All Harry knows is a
miserable life with the Dursleys, his
horrible aunt and uncle, and their
abominable son, Dudley. All that is about
to change when a mysterious letter
arrives by owl messenger, an invitation to
a wonderful place he never dreamed
existed, there he finds friends, aerial
sports, and magic around every corner.
FIC The Traveler's Gift
Andrews, Andy
FIC A Little Less Than Kind
Armstrong, Charlotte
At fifty, David had everything he ever
wanted: the presidency of a large
corporation, a luxurious mansion, and
marriage to Abby, all made possible by
the death of his best friend, Abby's
husband. But Abby's son, finding the
arrangement less than ideal, was
determined to prove his stepfather a
David Ponder feels like a total failure.
Once a Fortune 500 company executive,
he now works for minimum wage while
his wife out-earns him cleaning houses.
Just when he thinks he's hit bottom,
David has an extraordinary experience.
Traveling back in time, he meets leaders
& heroes at crucial moments in their
lives. From some of the wisest people
who ever lived, he receives seven secrets
for success, and a second chance.
Elizabeth, Countess of Dansmere, has to
contend with the attentions of two
handsome gentlemen. The dashing count,
Oswald Gulbridge, who wants to marry
her. But her sister's neighbor, the wealthy
Mr. Dominick Markham, wants only
revenge, for he shares a secret with
Elizabeth which could ruin them all.
FIC Blooming All Over
Arnold, Judith
While Manhattanite Susie Bloom, the
owner of Bloom's deli, contemplates
marrying Casey, the bagel master from
Queens, her cousin Rick, an aspiring
filmmaker, features her in an
infomercial, which launches a
surprising career, forcing Susie to
make a difficult decision. Sequel to
"Love In Bloom's," (LP-2779).
FIC Vinegar Hill
Ansay, A. Manette
Oprah's Book Club. Dutifully
accompanying her unemployed
husband back to her in-law's cold and
loveless house, Ellen Grier finds that
she must struggle to keep her
passionate spirit alive as she searches
for the inner strength to endure an allpervading darkness that threatens to
destroy everything she is and everyone
she loves.
FIC Love in Bloom's
Arnold, Judith
The Blooms have run the family deli
for generations, and Grandma Ida isn't
about to let anything change that. So
when her son, the president, meets an
untimely demise, the iron-willed
matriarch appoints her granddaughter,
Julia, who enters the inner sanctum of
Bloom's, family rivalries, outrageous
discoveries, and piles of delicious
FIC A Scandalous Secret
Andrews, Beth
FIC Plains of Passage
Auel, Jean M.
Ayla's saga continues as she and
Jondalar set out on horseback across
the windswept grasslands of Ice Age
FIC Fallen Woman
Barker, Ann
When Fay Prescott travels to Old
Drove House to take up a position as
duenna to Rachel Proudfoot, she
settles in happily and even arouses the
romantic interest of the local vicar. But
Fay has a past from which she cannot
escape, and the arrival of Sir Jackson
Hooper as a houseguest throws
everything she was trying to achieve
into jeopardy.
FIC The Simple Truth
Baldacci, David
John Fiske is a hard-driving former
cop who defends the very people he
once put away. Sara Evans is the sharp
young attorney with a cottage on the
Potomac and everything going her
way. Brought together by the case of a
convicted killer, they desperately try to
unravel a secret that reaches into
Washington's power base: one simple
truth that is killing everyone who gets
too close to it.
FIC Altered Images
Barry, Maxine
Everything is not as it seems at one of
Oxford's most prestigious colleges. On
the hunt for an art forger, Lorcan
Greene is bedazzled by talented
student Frederica Delacroix, but what
is the secret she is hiding? And
Morgan is everything Annis isn't
looking for in a man, so why is she so
attracted to him?
FIC The Girls' Guide to
Hunting and Fishing
Bank, Melissa
As a teenager, Jane Rosenal wonders
who makes the rules for love. As an
older sister, wiser woman, she turns to
a book called, "How to Meet and
Marry Mr. Right." In a series of
smartly comic, affecting, and
insightful episodes, this book follows
the life lessons of Jane as she
maneuvers her way through love, sex,
and relationships, and learns when to
fish, and when to bait.
FIC Scarhill
Beeson, Jane
Kate Merlin has farmed Scarhill, on
the remote Devon Moors, for more
than fifteen years. Now, abandoned by
her husband, with two children to
raise, she has no choice but to sell.
After initially accepting a neighboring
farmer's offer, Kate sells to a rich
London family. But the arrival of the
Deneuves has a devastating effect on
the local community.
FIC Beast
Benchley, Peter
Bermuda becomes the scene of horrific
death and blood-chilling terror when
human abuse of marine life leads to
deadly disaster.
FIC Light a Penny Candle
Binchy, Maeve
A story of two very different families
and one very special friendship.
FIC Quentins
Binchy, Maeve
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0093)). While filming a
documentary about Quentins, a famed
Dublin restaurant, Ella Brady explores
the changing face of the city from the
1970s to the present day as she
captures the stories of the people who
have made Quentins a center of their
FIC Open House
Berg, Elizabeth
Oprah's Book Club. A woman recreates her life after divorce by
opening up her house and her heart.
Samantha's husband has left her, and
after a spree of overcharging at
Tiffany's, she settles down to
reconstruct a life for herself and her
eleven-year-old son. Money is tight
and to meet her mortgage payments,
Sam decides to take in boarders. It is a
love story about what can blossom
between a man and a woman.
FIC Tara Road
Binchy, Maeve
Oprah's Book Club. Binchy's most
successful novel yet. A million-copy
bestseller, is the story of two women,
one from Dublin, the other from
England. For one fateful summer, they
exchange houses and lives, discovering
deep secrets about each other and
FIC Copper Beech
Binchy, Maeve
Carved on the Copper Beach that
embraces the school yard in Shancarrig
are declarations of love, hope, and
identity, the youthful dreams of
children who played there.
FIC Dances with Wolves
Blake, Michael
Lt. John Dunbar is sent to an
abandoned army post on the western
frontier and gradually befriends and
learns to respect the Comanche
FIC Echoes
Binchy, Maeve
Divided as children by Ireland's rigid
class structure. Clare and David meet
again as adults and rediscover their
lost love.
FIC All the Flowers are Dying
Block, Lawrence
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2182)). A man in a Virginia
prison awaits execution for three
hideous murders he swears, in the face
of irrefutable evidence, he did not
commit. A psychologist, who claims to
believe the convict, spends hours with
the man in his death row cell, and
ultimately watches in the gallery as the
lethal injection is administered. His
work completed, the psychologist
heads back to New York City to attend
to unfinished business.
FIC Emma's Secret
Bradford, Barbara T.
On her deathbed Evan Hughes's
grandmother tells her to go to London,
where Emma Harte holds the key to
her future. But Emma Harte has been
dead for 30 years. In London, Evan
turns up at a flagship store in
Knightsbridge looking for a job.
Everyone notices the resemblance
between owner Paula O'Neill, Emma
Hart's granddaughter, and the young
American. When a cousin of Paula's is
smitten with Emma, it becomes
imperative to find out Evan's lineage.
As Bradford lets the story unfold in the
present and the past, Kate Reading
divulges Emma's family secrets one by
one in a soothing, languorous voice
and soft accents. Reading performs
each scene with practiced aplomb and
lets the multifaceted story gradually
reveal itself.
FIC Bridge Over the River
Boulle, Pierre
The magnificent story of Colonel
Nicholson, who built a perfect bridge,
for the enemy.
FIC A Sudden Change of Heart
Bradford, Barbara T.
Best friends since childhood, Laura
Valiant and Claire Benson find solace
in each other as Claire struggles to
cope with sudden tragedy and Laura's
investigation into artwork stolen by the
Nazis suddenly leads to Claire's
divorced husband's family.
FIC Where You Belong
Bradford, Barbara T.
Val Denning is a young American
photojournalist on the frontlines of
Kosovo, where she and two colleagues
are covering the war. In a nightmarish
ambush, all three are shot, leaving
Val's lover Tony dead. Soon Val
realizes she was lied to by the man she
loved and that another man, a friend,
has loved her for years. Val must start
unraveling mysteries of a man's life
and of her own childhood.
FIC Heartswap
Brayfield, Celia
Flora drinks herbal tea, meditates, and
believes in the abundance of the
universe. Georgie drinks black coffee,
drives a car called Flat Eric and
believes in hard work. But they agree
about a lot of things. They're both
getting married. They know all men
are victims of their own biology, but
they're not choosing Hillary Clinton
for a role model. Which means they've
got the biology thing sorted out. So
when their old boss bets them they
can't seduce each other's fiancés,
they're up for it. Will it all go horribly
FIC Closed Eye
Brookner, Anita
The story of a woman whose powers
of submissiveness and self-denial are
suddenly tested by the dizzying
prospect of sexual awakening.
FIC Parting Shots
Bright, Freda
Parting shots traces a forty-something
woman's journey through divorce and
out into a world where she must learn
to survive, and thrive on her own.
FIC French Silk
Brown, Sandra
A successful lingerie entrepreneur is
suspected of murdering a televangelist
in this sultry contemporary southern
FIC Jane Eyre
Bronte, Charlotte
One of the most popular books for
readers of all ages, this timeless and
compassionate story of an orphan girl
who became a governess in a doomed
household, may well be the most reread novel in the English language.
FIC The Alibi
Brown, Sandra
A Saturday night encounter with a
mysterious woman is the start of a
living nightmare for would-be D.A.
Hammond Cross, especially when she
turns out to be the prime suspect in a
high-profile murder case. Cross now
faces a moral dilemma, and a haunting
question: Is she innocent of the crime,
or was he set up as the perfect alibi?
FIC The Da Vinci Code
Brown, Dan
(Also available in regular print (AO0095)). Harvard symbologist Robert
Langdon and French cryptologist
Sophie Neveu work to solve the
murder of an elderly curator of the
Louvre, a case which leads to clues
hidden in the works of Da Vinci and a
centuries-old secret society.
FIC White Hot
Brown, Sandra
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1268)). Returning to her
Louisiana hometown after the suicide
of her younger brother, Danny, Sayre
Lynch examines the turbulent
relationship between Danny and their
favored older brother and begins to
suspect that Danny was murdered.
FIC Four Blondes
Bushnell, Candace
Four very different women endure
romantic intrigues, betrayals, liaisons,
and victories as they seek love amid
the playgrounds of the rich and
FIC Shadow of a Doubt
Caughlin, William J.
A once spectacular lawyer, now an
alcoholic has-been, tries one last case
in hopes of redeeming his once
illustrious career.
FIC Letters from Cleo and
Browne, L. Virginia
From dreaming of catnip fields and
tummy rubs to driving their mommies
crazy, Cleo and Tyrone keep a busy
schedule. This is a love story, with
Cleo and Tyrone playing the starcrossed lovers kept apart by their
owners. They're vain, self-centered,
and manipulative, but somehow, in
spite of all their scheming ways, Cleo
and Tyrone still manage to wrap their
furry little paws around your heart and
hold on.
FIC Circle of Quilters
Chiaverini, Jennifer
When the departure of two Elm Creek
Quilts founding members prompts an
influx of new applicants, the artists'
retreat considers several candidates,
including a history lover, a chef, and a
gifted teacher.
FIC Patriot Games
Clancy, Tom
After saving the Royal family from a
terrorist attack, Jack Ryan earns a
knighthood, and the undying enmity of
the terrorist group responsible.
FIC Leaving Cold Sassy
Burns, Olive Ann
Readers will treasure this final glimpse
of Will Tweedy and feisty young
school-teacher who captures his heart;
of a town that so movingly captured
the heart and imagination of America;
and of Olive Ann Burns, a writer who
didn’t get a chance to finish her tale.
FIC What Looks Like Crazy on
an Ordinary Day
Cleage, Pearl
Oprah's Book Club. After more than a
decade of living the high life, Ava
Johnson returns to the sleepy little
community in Northern Michigan
where she grew up. But what Ava
perceives as an end is only the
beginning, because there is too much
happening in her small hometown to
ignore. A highly readable fiction debut
in the tradition of Terry McMillan and
Connie Briscoe.
FIC Nurse on Trial
Converse, Jane
Jennifer Mellin, R.N., is on trial, before
the world, before her own conscience.
For she was the last person to see her
mother, ex-movie star, alive. Exhausted
by caring for her hypochondriac mother,
her professional senses numbed by a
never-ceasing tirade of hysterical
demands, had Jennie in fact given her
mother Angela the wrong pills from the
vast array of bottles in the medicine
cabinet? Was Angela's death the result of
foul play?
FIC Blindsight
Cook, Robin
Under a haunting aura of suspense,
forensic pathologist Dr. Laurie
Montgomery discovers a darkly
corrupt scheme of murder, high-level
cover-ups, and inescapable fear.
FIC Dangerous Kiss
Collins, Jackie
When a member of her family is
gunned down in a random holdup,
Lucky Santangelo hunts for the killer
throughout Los Angeles. But her quest
for revenge tests her relationship with
her husband. Then suddenly into her
life comes a man from her past, a man
with a dangerous kiss.
FIC Toxin
Cook, Robin
On a special night out, a
father/daughter outing for burgers and
fries turns into tragedy as the girl
becomes fatally ill and dies as a result
of E. coli poisoning. Taking a leave
from his practice, Dr. Kim Regis is
determined to find out who is
responsible for his daughter's death.
Not only does he hit a brick wall of
silence, he soon meets with violence as
thugs attempt to stifle his inquiry.
FIC Lady Boss
Collins, Jackie
Santangelo is back and ready to take
on Hollywood.
FIC Vector
Cook, Robin
Forensic pathologists Jack Stapleton
and Laurie Montgomery match wits
with New York City cab driver Yuri
Davydov, a former technician with the
Soviet biological weapons program
and disgruntled émigré, who unleashes
a deadly reign of terror on the streets
of Manhattan.
FIC Roses Will Bloom Again
Copeland, Lori
Fifteen years ago, Lully broke up Sam
and Emma's intended marriage, and
Sam watched Emma go without a
fight. Now the same woman's dying
wish has thrown Sam and Emma back
into each other's lives. As they work
together to restore the crumbling
Mansi Mansion, can they find the will
to finish what they started so long ago?
FIC Vital Signs
Cook, Robin
Marissa Blumenthal uncovers a bizarre
international conspiracy that uses the
latest reproductive technology to
render women infertile. . .and worse!
FIC Timeline
Crichton, Michael
When archaeologists make a shocking
discovery at a medieval site, they are
swept off to the headquarters of a
secretive multinational corporation that
has developed an astounding
technology. Then the group gets the
chance to not only study the past but
also to enter it.
FIC Last of the Mohicans
Cooper, James F.
At the center of the novel is the
celebrated 'Massacre' of British troops
and their families by Indian allies of
the French at Fort William Henry in
1757. Around this historical event,
Cooper built a romantic fiction of
captivity, sexuality, and heroism, in
which the destiny of the Mohican
Chingachgook and his son Uncas is
inseparable from the lives of Alice and
Cora Munro and of Hawkeye the
frontier scout.
FIC Sahara
Cussler, Clive
In this action-packed thriller, Dirk Pitt
finds himself in the African Desert,
saving a beautiful woman in distress
and trashing the bad guys.
FIC Shifting Calder Wind
Dailey, Janet
(Also available in regular print
(AO-0129)). After recovering from a
brutal attack, Chase Calder arrives at
the Triple C Ranch to find out who
wants him dead and places his trust in
his daughter-in-law Jessy Calder,
swearing her to secrecy about his true
toward power, politics, or the roles that
they have been summoned to play.
Antoinette gives birth to four children,
two of whom will outlive her; she falls
in love; and she dies at the guillotine.
FIC Forms of Shelter
Davis-Gardner, Angela
Beryl Fonteyn chronicles her years
growing up in Virginia and North
FIC The Royal Pain
Davidson, Mary J.
In a world nearly identical to ours,
where Russia never sold Alaska to the
U.S., the rough, beautiful country is
ruled by the famously eccentric
Baranov family. Oldest daughter
Princess Alexandria, whose acid wit
and chronic insomnia have turned her
into a tabloid darling, is a palace
problem. Now Miss Royalpants is
insisting that marine biologist Dr. Shel
Rivers, who just wants to be left alone
in his lab, wait on her hand and
dimpled foot.
FIC Life with Father
Day, Clarence
Clarence Day's father stories are
enduringly established among the
beloved classics of American
FIC Flirting with Pete
Delinsky, Barbara
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0306)). Three years after a tragic
accident leaves her mother comatose,
Casey Ellis loses the psychologist
father she barely knew and is
astonished to learn he has left her his
posh Boston townhouse, a situation
that leads her to discover her father's
harrowing experiences with a
mysterious woman named Jenny.
FIC Versailles
Davis, Kathryn
Fourteen-year-old Marie Antoinette is
traveling from Austria to France to
meet her fiancé, the mild, abstracted
Louis. He will become the sixteenth
Louis to reign in France, and
Antoinette will be his queen, although
neither shows a strong inclination
FIC Looking for Peyton Place
Delinsky Barbara LP-3148
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0068)). The death of her mother
brings writer Annie Barnes back to the
New Hampshire mill town of her
youth to investigate the pollution
caused by the local paper mill, a
contamination that may have been the
cause of her mother's fatal illness.
FIC The Last Days of Dogtown
Diamant, Anita
Among the inhabitants of Dogtown are
Black Ruth, an African woman who
dresses as a man and works as a stone
mason; Mrs. Stanley, an imperious
madam; Oliver Younger, who survives
a miserable childhood; and Cornelius
Finson, a freed slave whose race
denies him everything. At the center of
it all is Judy Rhines, a fiercely
independent soul, deeply lonely, who
nonetheless builds a life for herself and
inspires those around her to become
more generous and tolerant
FIC The Summer I Dared
Delinsky, Barbara
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0930)). The only survivors of a
devastating boating accident off the
coast of Maine, Julia, Noah, and Kim
struggle with their brush with death,
their feelings of guilt, and their
changed perspectives on their lives.
FIC A Tale of Two Cities
Dickens, Charles
The two cities, a lethal, vengeful Paris
during the French Revolution and a
leafy, tranquil London, are only one of
the novel's stark dichotomies, which
are continued as Syndey Carton and
Charles Darnay are drawn toward their
separate destinies, their lives touched
by the same woman.
FIC The Woman Next Door
Delinsky, Barbara
A poignant novel of deception,
betrayal, love, and faith follows three
couples whose lives are thrown into
turmoil when their beautiful and much
younger neighbor, who has been
widowed for a year, announces that
she is pregnant, forcing each of the
wives to reevaluate their marriages and
FIC Out of Africa
Dinesen, Isak
Dinesen's love for Africa and the
Africans who worked on her land is
brought to life in this version of her
best-selling book.
FIC The Mercy of Thin Air
Domingue, Ronlyn
In 1920s New Orleans, smart and
fearless Raziela Nolan is in the throes
of a magnificent love affair when she
suddenly dies in a tragic accident.
Immediately after her death, she
chooses to stay between, a realm that
exists after life and before whatever
lies beyond it. From this remarkable
vantage point, Razi narrates the story
of her lost love, as well as the
relationship of Amy and Scott, a young
couple whose house she haunts
seventy years later.
FIC House of Sand and Fog
Dubus, Andre
(Oprah's Book Club) House of Sand
and Fog opens with a highway crew
composed of several nationalities
picking up litter on a hot California
summer day. Massoud Amir Behrani, a
former colonel in the Iranian military
under the Shah, reflects on his jobsearch efforts since arriving in the U.S.
four years before.
FIC With Your Crooked Heart
Dunmore, Helen
In powerful and diamond-sharp prose,
Helen Dunmore writes a Dickensian
story of two brothers who come from
nowhere and want everything. Paul
and Johnnie are born twelve years
apart in a one-bedroom flat in Barking.
Their ascent to money and power
looks easy from a distance, but it burns
those who get too close. When Paul
marries Louise, Johnnie is part of the
contract. Their daughter Anna, is
tangled in it from birth.
FIC Millstone
Drabble, Margaret
At a time when sex is de rigueur, this
is the 60s, after all, in newly energized
London, and illegitimacy taboo,
Rosamund Stacey finds herself
pregnant after her only sexual
encounter. Despite her fierce
independence and academic brilliance,
Rosamund is naive and unworldly and
the choices before her are terrifying.
But in the perfection and helplessness
of her baby she finds an unconditional
love she has never known before, and
the realization that motherhood and
independence are not mutually
FIC People Like Us
Dunne, Dominick
When a journalist and confidant of
New York society's elite puts his plan
into action, high society finds out the
hard way what happens when its
intricate rules are broken.
FIC Tuscany for Beginners
Edward-Jones, Imogen
Having abandoned a dreary cheating
husband and an even drearier English
town, Belinda Smith has found her
very own Tuscan valley in the sun.
Running Casa Mia, her own too, too
divine bed-and-breakfast, La Contessa
of the Valley finds that life couldn't be
more perfecto! Until, that is, the arrival
of Lauren, a beautiful, feisty Wall
Street ballbreaker who intends to open
a place just like Belinda's, only much
more glamorous.
supervise the sports program, along
with handsome Roger Gates. Once
there, the women are both affected by
the poverty of the natives and the
power that voodoo still holds over
them. Then, disaster strikes the hotel
when valuable jewelry starts
disappearing from hotel rooms, and
evidence points to an inside job.
FIC Susannah is Missing
Edwards, Jane
One day Andrea Collins and her 15-yearold sister Susannah are living happily
with their mother and grandfather, and
the next Susannah is kidnapped. The
kidnappers are cunning enough to make it
look like no crime has been committed,
but they hadn't counted on Anna's
tenacious and resourceful spirit. Teamed
up with Jim Faraday who's also on the
criminals' trail, they find Susannah, only
to discover that their nightmare has just
FIC Ghost of Castle Kilgarrom
Edwards, Jane
Mixing business with pleasure,
genealogist Tara Delevan goes to
Ireland to look up the ancestors of a
client and to find out why her fiancée
Neal Riordan has extended his visit
with relatives at Castle Kilgarrom.
Tara's arrival there causes quite a stir.
She bears an uncanny resemblance to
an 18th-century woman who is said to
haunt Kilgarrom's halls. But Tara soon
discovers that Kilgarrom is teeming
with mystery and secrecy, and at its
core are Neal and his cousin Eileen.
FIC The Memory Keeper's
Edwards, Kim
Dr. David Henry is forced by a
blizzard to deliver his own twins. His
son is perfectly healthy, but his
daughter has Down's syndrome.
Rationalizing it as a need to protect his
wife, he asks his nurse to take the baby
away to an institution. Instead, the
nurse disappears into another city to
raise the child herself.
FIC Island Interlude
Edwards, Jane
Denise O'Shea and Natalie Engstromm
both have the same destination: the
Hotel Caribe Azure, a luxury hotel in
the Caribbean. Once there, they are to
FIC The Quiet Rebel
Erle, Joanna
Escaping from scandal to Elswick,
Elise Hilliard is dismayed to find out
how small and quiet is this Sussex
village. Worse is the discovery that
landowner Nicholas Mariott, the most
influential man locally, knows of the
scandal and is prejudiced against her.
FIC The Locket
Evans, Richard P.
Michael Keddington develops a
special bond with Esther, a woman
who lives in the nursing home where
he works when he loses his lover, and
she will teach him lessons about love
and forgiveness when he is falsely
accused of abusing residents of the
FIC The Loop
Evans, Nicholas
The Loop opens when a pack of
wolves makes a sudden and savage
return to Hope, Montana, where a
century before they were slaughtered
by the thousands. Now an endangered
species, they reawaken the hatred that
will tear a town apart. At the center is
a dangerous liaison between wolf
biologist Helen Ross and Buck Calder,
son of the rancher who is Helen's most
powerful opponent.
FIC The House of the Scorpion
Farmer, Nancy
In a future where humans despise
clones, Matt enjoys special status as
the young clone of El Patrâon, the 142year-old leader of a corrupt drug
empire nestled between Mexico and
the United States.
FIC The Girl at the Lion D'Or
Faulks, Sebastian
In mid-Thirties France, seeking asylum
from her past, a penniless orphan turns
up as a waitress at a tatty hotel by the
sea. Befriended by the local
landowner, the girl entrusts him with
the highly charged scandal that in the
Great War left her parentless. Her
longing to be loved seduces him into
tackling his own problems. A powerful
story of love and conscience in a small
French town.
FIC A Perfect Day
Evans, Richard P.
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0237)). Laid off from his sales
rep job, Robert Paul decides to pursue
his dream of becoming a writer and
unexpectedly pens a best seller, but
when his new world compromises his
marriage, he receives unexpected
guidance from a stranger.
FIC Saratoga Trunk
Ferber, Edna
The alluring Clio Dulaine travels from
Paris to New Orleans in the 1880'S,
hoping to find a rich man to marry.
Instead, she falls in love with Texas
cowboy Clint Maroon. The ambitious
pair set out for Saratoga, home of the
fabulous racetrack where fortunes are
quickly made and as easily lost.
Intrigued, Clint decides to make his
fortune in railroads in Texas, with the
help of Clio's fabulous beauty, the
couple goes on to greater things than
even they imagined.
FIC Mama's Bank Account
Forbes, Kathryn
This is one of the most beguiling and
best loved books ever to appear on the
American Literary scene. Full of
wisdom, affection, warmth and humor
it established "Mama" as everybody's
favorite wife and mother.
FIC Death to the French
Forester, C. S.
It is the Peninsular War, and
Wellington's outnumbered army must
retreat before the invading French.
Separated from his regiment, Rifleman
Matthew Dodd finds himself alone in
the Portuguese hills. Hunted down by a
group of French infantry, he stumbles
across a band of guerrillas and sees a
way to turn the tables on his pursuers.
FIC White Oleander
Fitch, Janet
(Oprah's Book Club) (Also available
in regular print (AC-0209)). This is
the unforgettable story of Astrid's
journey through a series of foster
homes and her efforts to find a place
for herself in impossible
circumstances. Each home is its own
universe, with a new set of laws and
lessons to be learned. With
determination and humor, Astrid
confronts the challenges of loneliness
and poverty and strives to learn who a
motherless child in an indifferent
world can become.
FIC The Phantom of
Forsyth, Frederick
With the help of the woman who had
originally freed him from torment, the
Phantom of the Opera escapes by ship
to America to begin a new and secret
life that leads him to power and
wealth, until a mysterious death-bed
message transforms his life once again.
FIC Passing By Samaria
Foster, Sharon E.
The date is 1919, a time of unrest and
drastic change. For Alena, though, life
in Mississippi is perfect, and she prays
she will never leave her home. But a
horrible discovery leads her to
challenge all she believes. Sent to
Chicago, the outspoken young woman
struggles to find herself and the one
true thing that will save her.
FIC The Corrections
Franzen, Jonathan
After almost fifty years as a wife and
mother, Enid Lambert is ready to have
fun. Unfortunately, her husband, is
losing his sanity to Parkinson's disease,
and their children have long since
flown the family nest to the perils of
their own lives. Desperate for some
pleasure to look forward to, Enid has
set her heart on an elusive goal:
bringing her family together for one
last Christmas at home.
FIC Field of Thirteen
Francis, Dick
Four-time Edgar Award winner Dick
Francis presents a "fast-paced"
collection of thirteen tightly-plotted
tales featuring murder, mystery, and
mayhem in the horseracing world.
FIC A Question of Guilt
Fyfield, Frances
When Eileen Cartwright becomes
obsessed with her lawyer, she plots to
murder his wife, hiring a hospital
janitor to do the job. Bumbling and
remorseful, he is quickly caught. But
Eileen's wealth and cunningly
meticulous planning make
involvement harder to prove.
FIC Sullivan's Island
Frank, Dorothea
Born and raised on the idyllic
Sullivan's Island, Susan Hayes
navigated through her turbulent
childhood with humor, spunk, and
characteristic Southern sass. But years
later, she is a conflicted woman with
an unfaithful husband, a sometimes
resentful daughter, and a heart that
aches with painful memories. As
Susan faces an uncertain future, she
realizes that she must go back to her
past, the only place she can truly call
FIC The Prodigy
Gansky, Alton
Toby, born to an unwed teenager in
North Carolina, demonstrates
miraculous powers to heal people and
control weather at an early age, but
when a radio talk-show host profiles
Toby as a Messiah figure, events spin
out of control.
FIC Shapes in the Mist
Gater, Dilys
Tania Forrester, a drama student in
London, is amused when her
roommate decides to join a coven. But
events take a sinister turn with the
appearance of a disturbingly
charismatic woman called Opal. What
does she want? And why is Tania
experiencing visions of doom and
disaster on some ancient seashore lost
in the mists of the past?
inhabitants of this unique California
valley in which families have deep and
tangled roots and hide dangerous
FIC Taste of Honey
Goudge, Eileen
(A Carson Springs Trilogy, #2) (Also
available in regular print (AJ-0067)).
Gerry Fitzgerald confronts a painful
secret when the daughter she gave up
for adoption twenty-eight years earlier
comes into her life, seeking answers,
while her best friend, Samantha Kiley,
embarks on a scandalous love affair
with a much younger man.
FIC Divining Women
Gibbons, Kaye
Autumn, 1918: Rumors of peace are
spreading across America, but not as
fast as Spanish influenza. Maureen
Ross, well past a safe childbearing age,
is experiencing a difficult pregnancy.
Her husband, Troop, cold and careless
of her condition, has battered her spirit
throughout their marriage. Into this
loveless marriage comes Troop's niece
to help in Maureen's last weeks of
confinement. Horrified by Troop's
bullying, she realizes that her true duty
is to protect her aunt.
FIC Wish Come True
Goudge, Eileen
(A Carson Springs Trilogy, #3) When
a beloved Carson Springs woman
fights a murder charge, all the
residents in this lush California valley
rush to her aid.
FIC The Fourth Perimeter
Green, Tim
Former secret service agent Kurt Ford
is elated when his son Collin follows
in his footsteps, but is shattered when
Collin is found dead. When his son's
death is ruled a suicide by police, Kurt
uncovers evidence that his son was
murdered, and the president of the
United States is involved.
FIC Stranger in Paradise
Goudge, Eileen
(A Carson Springs Trilogy, #1) In the
first volume of a new Carson Springs
trilogy, a woman falls in love with a
much younger man, igniting a storm of
disapproval and dismay among the
FIC The Hostage
Griffin, W. E. B.
Presidential Agent Charley Castillo
investigating the death of an American
diplomat in Argentina, the kidnapping
of the diplomat's wife, and a scandal
tying the United Nations to Iraq.
FIC East of the Mountains
Guterson, David
FIC Driven
Griffiths, W. G.
Imagine a serial killer who has been
slaying for decades, centuries,
millennia. Whose greatest delight is
claiming as many innocent victims as
he can, and whose weapon is a car.
Gavin Pierce is a Long Island detective
who loses his grandfather in a drunk
driving accident. As he probes the
case, what he finds chills him to the
FIC The Big Sky
Guthrie, Alfred B.
A retired doctor who has been diagnosed
with terminal cancer decides to travel one
last time into the wild country of
Washington state and then to end his life
on his own terms. But, as with all quests,
the Fates intervene.
The Big Sky is a story as great as the land
that inspired it, sweeping westward from
Kentucky, up the Missouri River into
Indian Country. Towering above the
novel is Guthrie's unforgettable hero,
Boone Caudill, a true mountain man
driven by a raging hunger for life and a
longing for the blue sky and brown earth
of the big, wild places. A legend before
he turns 20, Boone becomes a powerful
White Savage, an untamed life force that
only one woman, the beautiful daughter
of a Blackfoot chief, would dare to love.
FIC Sisterchicks do the Hula!
Gunn, Robin J.
Wherever there's chocolate, there's
sure to be a sisterchick celebrating, and
this trip to Hawaii is no exception.
Best friends Hope and Laurie are on an
audacious mission to commemorate
their fortieth birthdays in style. Surfing
and sailing, sushi and snorkeling, these
two macadamia nuts from the
mainland sample it all, unhindered by
a surprise little stowaway.
FIC Disobedience
Hamilton, Jane
Henry Shaw, a high school senior, is as
comfortable with his family as any
seventeen-year-old can be. His father
teaches history with a socialist tinge at
the Chicago private school Henry and his
sister attend. His mother, who plays
piano in an antique music group, is a
loving, attentive wife and parent. When
he stumbles on his mother's email
account, however, Henry discovers
undeniable evidence that she is having an
FIC The Dream Chasers
Hammond, Melinda
When Vivyan Lagallan decides it's
time to settle down, Fate has other
ideas for him, in the form of spirited
Miss Eustacia Marchant. Eustacia is
determined to marry Rupert Alleyne,
while Vivyan is engaged to the
beautiful and highly respectable Helen
Pensford. Then, into the mix, comes
Vivyan's adventuring colleague, intent
on making a respectable alliance.
manipulation. In a moment of chance,
two lives are about to intersect, and
two obsessions are about to be
FIC The Reconstructionist
Hart, Josephine
Jack is a psychiatrist, dedicated to
others, to the examination of other
people's pasts and the reconstruction of
their lives. He has so absorbed himself
in the problems of other people that he
has not quite come to grips with his
own, to the detriment of his marriage
and his own unexamined past. When
he and his sister Kate are summoned to
Ireland for the sale of the family home,
the burden's of the family's heritage
return in full force as terrible truths
FIC Not a Day Goes By
Harris, E. Lynn
John "Basil" Henderson has always
played the field, on the pro football
circuit and as an equal-opportunity
lover. Now retired and a sports agent,
he decides to settle down with the
beautiful Broadway star, Yancey
Harrington Braxton. But this insatiable
opportunist joins forces with her
unconscionable mother to dig up
Basil's most guarded secrets.
FIC House of the Seven Gables
Hawthorne, Nathaniel
This 1851 classic novel, centering on
an ancient New England mansion and
its inhabitants, concerns the expiation
of the sins of the fathers through the
love and goodwill of succeeding
generations. The evil takes root when
greedy, piratical colonel Pyncheon
obtains the property for the House of
the Seven Gable by accusing Matthew
Maule of witchcraft. Years later, a
visiting country causing and an
enigmatic young boarder reverse the
tide of misfortunes surrounding the
FIC Afterburn
Harrison, Colin
Charlie Ravitch is an international
corporate tycoon, a former Vietnam
POW and husband and father on the
hard side of 50 who's on a quest for
immortality, and for a woman who can
make every dream come true.
Christina Welles is a prison parolee,
cunning and well-schooled in the art of
FIC Scarlet Letter
Hawthorne , athaniel
In the puritan atmosphere of colonial
New England, Hester Prynne is forced
to wear a scarlet A (for adultery) for
giving birth to an illegitimate daughter.
The child's father, the minister Arthur
Dimmesdale, knows peace only after
he has been shamed into confessing.
Hester, however, acknowledging no
sin, cannot find such peace. Here is a
masterful account of religious and
sexual oppression, hypocrisy, and
intrigue by one of the giants of
American fiction.
FIC Twilight
Heitzmann, Kristen
Cal Morrison was the best firefighter
the town of Montrose had seen, until a
tragedy left him with a fear he couldn't
shake. When Laurie Prelane arrives
with two small children in tow, Cal's
memories of a love once lost are
stirred, even though he's no longer the
person she knew. But why has she
returned? Laurie thought marriage
would give her everything she longed
for, but that dream's been shattered.
Can Cal still be the hero she so
desperately needs?
FIC Mother of Pearl
Haynes, Melinda
Oprah's Book Club. The story
revolves around twenty-eight-year-old
Even Grade, a black man who grew up
an orphan, and Vaulable Korner, a
fifteen-year-old white girl who is the
daughter of the town whore and an
unknown father. Both Even and
Valuable are seeking the family, love
and commitment they never had and
their search ultimately takes both of
them to places they never dreamed
they'd go.
FIC True Courage
Henderson, Dee
(Uncommon Heroes #4) FBI agent
Luke Falcon has a dead woman on his
hands, a fresh victim from his old
adversary, Frank Hardin. But even that
case will have to wait when Luke's
extended family disappears over Labor
Day weekend. Fifth-grade teacher
Caroline Lane cares deeply for Luke,
but she's not certain she can handle the
pressures of dating someone in his line
of work. When foul play strikes his
family, she gets a far closer view of
those pressures than she ever wanted.
FIC True Devotion
Henderson, Dee
(Uncommon Heroes, #1) Lifeguard
Kelly Jacobs knew time for her rescue
was running out as the sea surged and
pulled, stinging her with cold. When
she had nearly given up hope, Kelly's
best friend Navy SEAL Joe "Bear"
Baker plucked her from the sea. Then,
in Joe's arms, Kelly said the wrong
thing, and now their friendship hangs
in the balance. But the man who killed
her husband is closer than Kelly or Joe
realizes, and they're both about to
discover that God is a refuge.
deployment catapulting off the deck of
the USS George Washington in an
F/A-18 Hornet. Major Bruce "Striker"
Stanton, Air Force Pararescue Jumper,
had been pulling pilots and Special
Forces soldiers from behind enemy
lines for twelve years. Deployed to
different locations, they kept their
relationship alive with love letters.
Then Gracie's fighter jet went down in
a dogfight, and now Bruce has one
mission: get Gracie out alive.
FIC Eagle has Flown
Higgins, Jack
A Soviet general attempts to rescue the
failed assassin of Winston Churchill.
FIC True Honor
Henderson, Dee
(Uncommon Heroes, #3) Darcy St.
James retired from the CIA two years
ago with an Intelligence Star for Valor.
Then September 11 happened. Friends
died. And her nation needed her back.
Now Darcy is hunting down a man
who knew September 11 would
happen. Her intelligence is keeping
Sam "Cougar" Houston's SEAL team
deploying around the world. But Sam
can't afford to take Darcy's contacts at
face value, one of them wants her
FIC Eye of the Storm
Higgins, Jack
A deadly cat-and-mouse game
between a master terrorist and a
special forces agent unfolds in this
heart-stopping thriller.
FIC The White House
Higgins, Jack
The master of intrigue and suspense
reunites the unforgettable team of his
bestseller "The President's Daughter"
to stop an unidentified assassin, a
woman who walks the streets of
Manhattan, stalking the members of a
secret political organization, and
killing them, one by one.
FIC True Valor
Henderson, Dee
(Uncommon Heroes, #2) Lieutenant
Grace "Gracie" Yates spent her
FIC At Risk
Hoffman, Alice
After she contracts Aids, 11-year-old
Amanda, her family, and her friends
struggle with the bitter truth of her
illness and the hysteria it creates in
their small community.
FIC Hellfire in Tripoli
Hoyt, Edwin P.
Lt. Stephen Decatur, U.S.N., was the
captain of one of two small American
ships anchored off the seaport city of
Tripoli on a February night in 1804.
For years, the Barbary Pirates had been
based here, a plague to shipping. Now
they had captured an American frigate,
imprisoned her captain, and planned to
use the ship against the Americans!
But Decatur had planned well for this
mission. Here is the true, exciting and
dramatic story of Decatur's exploits
that cold winter night, exploits which
Lord Nelson called the most daring of
the Barbary War. No one thought he
could achieve his goals and live to
fight again.
FIC Local Girls
Hoffman, Alice
This is about a family torn apart by
tragedy and divorce. Told in
alternating voices, these stories are
both disturbing and healing, each a
lesson of survival and a reminder of
the ties of blood and the power of
FIC Daughter of Deceit
Holt, Victoria
The coming of World War I and a
bizarre twist of fate lead beautiful
Noelle back to her past, into unsolved
mysteries, and finally to her true love.
FIC The Pearl
Hunt, Angela
Diana Sheldon, a professional radio
counselor, had it all: lovely family,
successful career, nice home. Then a
freak accident changes everything, and
she views the world through new eyes
of grief. When a research foundation
offers to restore her loss through a
medical marvel, Diana sees the answer
to her family's anguish, never
dreaming that healing might prove
more destructive than hurt.
FIC Now You See Her
Howard, Linda
Up-and-coming painter Paris Sweeney
finds herself painting a vivid murder
based on a series of disturbing dreams.
But when her friend Chandra is killed
in a similar fashion, Paris and her lover
become the prime suspects.
FIC The Cider House Rules
Irving, John
Raised from birth in the orphanage at
St. Cloud's, Maine, Homer Wells has
become the protégé of Dr. Wilbur
Larch, its physician and director. There
Dr. Larch cares for the troubled
mothers who seek his help, either by
delivering and taking their unwanted
babies or by performing illegal
abortions. Meticulously trained by Dr.
Larch, Homer assists in the former, but
draws the line at the latter. Then a
young man brings his beautiful fiancée
to Dr. Larch for an abortion, and
everything about the couple beckons
Homer to the wide world outside the
hotel guests were not so fortunate.
Already suspect as an American, Amy
finds that her nationality freezes the
social climate as she steps in to assist
the family.
FIC Le Divorce
Johnson, Diane
Divorce follows this smart, sexy
American abroad as she arrives in
Paris to visit stepsister Roxy, a poet
whose marriage into an aristocratic
French family assured her of a coveted
place in Parisian society. But all is not
as it should be in the Persand
household: Roxy's husband has just
left her for the Czechoslovakian wife
of an American lawyer. Could "le
divorce" be far behind?
FIC Exit Wounds
Jance, J. A.
Sheriff Joanna Brady probes the
macabre death of a loner and her 17
dogs and discovers that secrets of the
past can run deeper and darker than
she's ever imagined.
FIC The Known World
Jones, Edward P.
Henry Townsend, a black farmer and
former slave who falls under the
tutelage of William Robbins, the most
powerful man in Manchester County,
Virginia. Making certain he never
circumvents the law, Townsend runs
his affairs with unusual discipline. But
when death takes him unexpectedly,
his widow, Caldonia, can't uphold the
estate's order and chaos ensues. In a
daring and ambitious novel, Jones has
woven a footnote of history into an
epic that takes an unflinching look at
slavery in all of its moral complexities.
FIC L'Affaire
Johnson, Diane
Amy Hawkins, who has made her
fortune at the top of the NASDAQ,
sets off to Europe to find culture, her
roots, and maybe a cause to devote her
considerable fortune to. A few days
into her trip, Amy is nearly swept
away by an avalanche. Two of the
FIC Love Me
Keillor, Garrison
FIC Estella
Knight, Alanna
When Larry Wyler's first novel becomes
a hit, he leaves his wife, Iris, behind,
buys a fabulous Manhattan apartment and
moves into an office at "The New
Yorker." But Wyler's follow-up novel
bombs badly and then comes a long spell
of writer's block. Then comes an
invitation to write a newspaper advice
column. As he doles out wisdom he
slowly, painfully finds a measure of
clarity for his own life.
In this tale of love, loss and redemption,
Estella has become a woman consumed
by a love she sought to deny. As ward to
the eerie Miss Havisham, Estella passed
her childhood amidst the decaying
splendors of Satis House. Though born
with breathtaking beauty, she was
schooled in cruel pride.
FIC Black Dog
Laird, Thomas
Black Dog lives in the deep pit of the
human soul, where desolation and
depression also hang out. Chicago
detective Jimmy Parisi is fighting against
fatigue and homicide burnout as he tracks
a killer who is using a crude needle to
drain the blood from young women
before leaving them to die.
FIC The Poisonwood Bible
Kingsolver, Barbara
Fiery evangelist Nathan Price takes his
wife and four daughters to the Belgian
Congo in 1959. They carry with them
all they believe they will need but soon
find that all of it, from garden seed to
scripture, is transformed on African
soil. This is the remarkable story of
one family's undoing and
FIC The Tribune
Larkin, Patrick
Lucius Aurelius Valens, a soldier in
the service of Rome, was once a
tribune of the Sixth Legion, but he has
angered those who can take his
position, and his life. To avoid further
trouble, he accepts the command of the
Third Gallic Cavalry Regiment
stationed in far-off Galilee. There
Lucius expects a life of long, tedious
patrols through the outlying province.
No sooner has he arrived, than he
stumbles on a massacre of soldiers and
the man they were protecting, a Roman
senator and ally of the emperor.
FIC Captains Courageous
Kipling, Rudyard
The classic story of a spoiled rich boy
who is lost overboard on a transatlantic
crossing and saved by the men aboard a
fishing boat. After much protest, Harvey
Cheyne finally learns what it means to
work for a living. This novel has
delighted readers of all ages since the day
of its publication and ranks with the best
books ever written about the sea and
those who sail upon it.
FIC Absolute Friends
Le Carre, John
This epic tale of loyalty and betrayal
spans the lives of two friends, ex-spies,
from the riot-torn West Berlin of the
1960s to the grimy looking-glass of
Cold War Europe to the present day of
terrorism and new alliances.
FIC Leaving Patrick
Leith, Prue
Patrick and Jane are a husband and wife
who increasingly live in different worlds.
Patrick is not abusive nor is he unfaithful,
but is this it? Forever? Jane is terrified
that it is, so at 36, she walks out on her
marriage, embarks on a passionate affair,
and makes a bid for the top in her firm.
Patrick, meanwhile, falls for baby-faced
Stella, who could lose him more than his
restaurant business. But has Jane
mistakenly thrown away true love?
FIC To Kill a Mockingbird
Lee, Harper
"To Kill a Mockingbird" is about
conscience-how it is instilled in two
children, Scout and Jem Finch; how it
operates in their father, Atticus, a
lawyer appointed to defend a negro on
a rape charge; and how conscience
grows in their small Alabama town."
FIC The Mercy Rule
Lescroart, John T.
Vowing to spend more time with his wife
and kids, Dismas Hardy is hesitant to
take on the case of Graham Russo, a
could-have-been-great baseball player
indicted for the murder of his father, Sal.
Everyone knows that Sal was dying and
had to be Wen morphine injections for
his suffering, but Graham insists he
wasn't the one who administered the fatal
overdose. Was it suicide, mercy, or
FIC When They Took Away the
Man in the Moon
Lehrer, Kate
Reese is a high-powered political
consultant with a reputation for
rescuing candidates from their own
bungling. She's 45, twice divorced, and
a closet romantic who can't understand
why love continues to elude her. As
she enters the critical phase of a
campaign for a candidate who may not
be all he appears to be, H. A. grapples
with her mother's sudden stroke.
FIC The Preacher's Daughter
Lewis, Beverly
(Annie's People #1) Annie Zook, the
preacher's eldest daughter, is expected
to join the Amish church, but at 20 she
is 'still deciding. Because of the strict
rules that guide the Plain community,
she must continually squelch her
artistic passion, although it has become
her solace.
FIC Call of the Wild
London, Jack
Having been stolen away from his
comfortable life with his loving
family, Buck, part St. Bernard, part
Scotch shepherd, is forced to work on
a dog sled team in the fierce conditions
of the Klondike, where he must forget
his happy past and turn to his animal
instincts in order to survive in his new
FIC Beautiful Dreamer
Lowell, Elizabeth
FIC A Night to Remember
Lord, Walter
At 11:40 p.m. on April 4, 1912 the
"Unsinkable" Titanic struck an iceberg
and began to sink. By 8:50 a.m. on
April 15 it was all over. The great
ocean liner was lost on its maiden
voyage, the last of 705 survivors had
been pulled out of the freezing sea. In
the nine hours in between, 2,207
people faced together the supreme
crisis in their lives.
FIC Lost Lake
Margolin, Phillip
Vanessa Kohler is a tabloid reporter
living and working in Washington,
D.C. She writes fantastic stories about
a vast government conspiracy to cover
up a secret military unit headed by
General Wingate, a popular
presidential candidate. Most dismiss
her as a crackpot. But a few powerful
men know better, and they've gone to
great lengths to discredit her. By
chance Vanessa discovers that a key
player, long assumed dead, may be
living under a new identity. She knows
he holds the key to proving her theory,
and demonstrating General Wingate
may not be the man he appears to be.
The Nevada ranch that Hope Gardener
loves is dying thanks to the worst drought
in the state's history. Hope needs a
miracle, and one day it comes in the form
of Rio, a man who seems out of time in
the modern-day West. He brings with
him a reputation for finding water in any
desert, but he finds something in Hope,
whose passion tempts him to defy his
own rules.
FIC Beneath the Sun
Lorrimer, Claire
It was a routine flight to Africa, but the
passengers, including a honeymooning
couple, were destined never to arrive.
Hijacked at gunpoint, the pilot is
forced to land in the desert where, in
blistering heat and with remote chance
of rescue, the passengers face
imminent death.
FIC Compelling Evidence
Martini, Steve
Brilliant defense attorney Paul
Madriani wrestles with the toughest
case of his career.
FIC Loving Daughters
Masters, Olga
Set at the end of World War I, this is a
FIC At Weddings and Wakes
Mc Dermott, Alice
A moving novel about the times and
trials of a close-knit Irish-Catholic
family, as seen through the eyes of two
young girls and their brother.
remarkable story of love, disappointment,
frustration, and desire, as two sisters
fall in love with the same man.
FIC Lost Highways
Matlock, Curtiss A.
Meet Rainey Valentine: thirty-five,
twice divorced, a woman with broken
dreams but irrepressible hope. When
her mother dies she inherits a truck, an
old barrel-racing mare, and a lifetime
supply of Mary Kay cosmetics. Rainey
packs it all up and heads off, leaving
Valentine, Oklahoma in her rearview
mirror. Then, somewhere outside
Abilene, she finds him, a man as lost
as she is.
FIC A Day Late and a Dollar
Mc Millan, Terry
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0236)). McMillan's high-spirited
novel introduces the Price family:
matriarch Viola, her sometimeshusband Cecil, and their four adult
kids, each of whom sees life, and one
another, through thick and thin and
entirely on their own terms.
FIC The Interruption of
Mc Millan, Terry
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0185)). The perfect wife and
mother of three grown children,
Marilyn Grimes struggles to deal with
the problems of midlife, an empty nest,
wildly fluctuating hormones, too many
demands on her time, and too little
room for herself, as she struggles to
recall some of her own postponed
dreams and reinvent her marriage,
friendship, family, and herself.
FIC The Touch
Mc Cullough, Colleen
At its center are Alexander, who fled
poverty in Scotland to make his
fortune in the American and Australian
gold fields; his wife Elizabeth, a
sixteen-year-old cousin sent from
Scotland; and his mistress, Ruby, who
is unknown to Elizabeth and is a
partner in Alexander's rapidly growing
FIC Waiting to Exhale
Mc Millan, Terry
Robin Stokes is a successful insurance
professional recovering from a deadend love affair. "They say love is a
two-way street. But I don't believe it,
because the one I've been on for the
last two years was a dirt road." After
months of depression, shopping, and
dating all the wrong men, she's getting
by with a little help from her friends,
and still determined to fine the Real
FIC The Zero Game
Meltzer, Brad
Bored and disillusioned with their jobs
as senior staffers to a respected
congressman, Matthew Mercer and
Harris Sandler become involved in the
clandestine Zero Game, but when
someone close to them turns up dead,
they discover the sinister intent of the
"game" and realize that they are
intended to become the game's next
FIC Sleeping Beauty
Michael, Judith
When Anne returns to her hometown
for her grandfather's funeral, she
discovers forgotten connections,
repressed hate, and a family battle that
could end or save her chances for love.
FIC Evening Star
Mc Murtry, Larry
The further adventures of Aurora
Greenway are examined in this
stunning sequel to "Terms of
FIC Night Whispers
Mc Naught, Judith
In this gripping tale of murder and
betrayal, Sloan Reynolds is invited to
meet the father she never knew. Fear
and resentment keep her away until
she learns that he and several of his
associates are being investigated for
everything from fraud to murder. A
dedicated policewoman, Sloan soon
finds herself infiltrating her own
FIC Annie's Rainbow
Michaels, Fern
Stumbling upon a bag filled with a
half-million dollars in cash on her
graduation day, Annie Daisy Clark
decides to use the money to secure her
future, but vows to pay back every
penny, but a ten-year college reunion
embroils her with a decade-old robbery
and an enraged thief out to reclaim his
FIC Crown Jewel
Michaels, Fern
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0346)). The "New York Times"
bestselling author delivers an
emotionally charged and surprising
tale of two very different brothers and
the one woman who loves them both
and holds the key to a family secret.
FIC Vendetta
Michaels, Fern
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2072)). The Sisterhood, a group
of friends who will do anything for
each other, helps one of their own,
Myra Rutledge, seek revenge against
the playboy son of an ambassador
who, after killing Myra's pregnant
daughter in a hit-and-run accident, was
never punished for the crime.
FIC Pretty Woman
Michaels, Fern
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2178)). Three years after she
marries womanizing gold-digger Kent
Bliss, against the advice of her best
friend Vickie, Rosie Gardener Bliss
kicks her husband out of the house,
only to discover that she has in her
possession the winning ticket for a
$302 million-dollar lottery, and sets
out to lose weight, regain her selfesteem, reconcile with Vickie, and fall
in love again.
FIC Weekend Warriors
Michaels, Fern
(Revenge of the Sisterhood, #1) (Also
available in regular print (AO-0220)).
Angry and depressed that justice was
not served for her daughter's death,
Myra recruits a group of female
vigilantes to help women who have
been victimized by the legal system,
beginning with a woman who was
FIC Mexico
Michener, James A.
Mexico is the magnificent story of an
American journalist who travels to
report on two great matadors, and is
swept up in the story of his Mexican
FIC The Jury
Michaels, Fern
(Also available in regular print (AR2607)). When Paula Woodley has had
enough of the broken bones and
shattered self-esteem caused by her
abusive husband, she turns to the
women of the Sisterhood, an
organization where women right
wrongs and bring about justice, for
FIC Tales of the South Pacific
Michener, James A.
Enter the exotic world of the South
Pacific, meet the men and women
caught up in the drama of a big war.
The young Marine who falls madly in
love with a beautiful Tonkinese girl.
Nurse Nellie and her French planter,
Emile De Becque. The soldiers,
sailors, and nurses playing at war and
waiting for love in a tropic paradise.
FIC A Theory of Relativity
Mitchard, Jacquelyn
(Also available in regular print
(AB-0379)). When his beloved sister
and brother-in-law are killed in a car
accident, Gordon McKenna assumes
he will help raise their orphaned baby
daughter, until the child's paternal
grandparents launch a scandalous
custody battle.
FIC Christmas, Present
Mitchard, Jacquelyn
FIC While I Was Gone
Miller, Sue
(Oprah's Book Club). The author
delivers an exquisitely suspenseful
novel about how casually a marriage
can be destroyed and how a good wife
can place all she holds dear at risk.
David Connors had it all, a promising
career, a beautiful wife, and a loving
family, until a tragic accident on the
holiest night of the year, Christmas Eve,
changes his life forever. For David,
Christmas is no longer a season of hope
and good cheer. Instead it becomes one
of grief and despair. Even three years
later, it is a grief he can no longer live
with. However, an unexpected visit from
St. Nicholas and the magical adventure
that follows can change everything!
FIC The Sinister Swaps
Minshull, Evelyn
Welcome to Willow Bend, the home of
feisty red-headed widow Gracie Lynn
Parks, choir member, master chef, and
sleuth. With the help of her friends in
the choir of Eternal Hope and her cat,
Gracie unravels mysteries while
cooking and praying to God. Everyone
at Eternal Hope is mystified by strange
ransom notes for lollipops and flowers
and Christmas in the summer, and
Gracie tries to get to the bottom of it.
FIC Man Trap
Moffat, Gwen
In a remote Highland glen, single mother
Ruth Ogilvy is losing the battle to keep
her daughter focused on schoolwork
rather than on the laird's student son. The
laird himself is set on outshining
Balmoral when he opens his castle and
grounds to the public. Then the young
lovers disappear, and the day ends on a
spectacular note of horror.
FIC Girl in the Mirror
Monroe, Mary A.
Born with a horribly disfigured face,
Charlotte Godowski spends her first 20
years shunned by her peers and
controlled by her mother until a
settlement from a sexual harassment
suit permits her to change her life
forever. A jaw transplant and
reconstructive surgery transforms
Charlotte into a ravishing beauty,
which leads her to Hollywood and
instant stardom. There, she trades her
controlling mother for a controlling
agent, but finds romance with a
handsome Mexican landscape
designer, Michael Mondragon. When
Charlotte's body begins to reject the
implants, she learns that she will die if
they are not removed. But Charlotte
prefers death to losing her looks, her
career and the man she loves.
FIC Time Lottery
Moser, Nancy
Three people will be chosen to use the
Time Lottery to make history, and to
change their own. These three winners
will receive a second chance at life.
They will be transported back in time,
into an Alternate Reality, their
Alternity, armed with only their hopes
and dreams. One person will kill to
take the place of one of the winners.
FIC Bailey's Café
Naylor, Gloria
Welcome to Bailey's Café, a magnet
for a variety of society's drifters, each
with a story to tell.
FIC Tea & Tiramisu
Nelson, Karen
Miranda is house-sitting for her
daughter and her Italian son-in-law in
Venice on the edge of the Grand
Canal. The Palazzo Bobolino seems to
have attracted a selection of British
waifs and strays, all determined to
experience the "real" Italy. Miranda
has fallen once before for Venice's
false charms, and she's not about to
make the same mistake twice. Venice
may have passion and a flair for
melodrama, but Miranda would much
rather settle for tea and toast than a
cappuccino any day of the week.
FIC Jordan's Star
Morris, Gilbert
Bound for the Oregon frontier, Jordan
Bryce and her new husband, Colin,
face danger from both man and nature.
All that separates them from disaster is
seasoned leadership, skillful guidance,
and the hand of God. For Jordan, the
journey is a passage from the romantic
ideas of a teenager to the wisdom and
character of womanhood. But nothing
can prepare her for the test that awaits
beyond the journey's end.
FIC Mutiny on the Bounty
Nordhoff, Charles
The story of H. M. S. Bounty, which
set sail from England in 1787, bound
for Tahiti. In charge was Lieutenant
Bligh, a harsh taskmaster. Interminable
storms lengthened the voyage, rations
ran low, and as his temper increased,
Bligh raged at his underfed and
embittered crew. The halcyon days
that followed their eventual arrival in
Tahiti, the soothing influence of the
women, and the fresh food, quieted the
men. But shortly after the return
voyage had begun, Bligh's tyranny
once more brought rebellion to the
breaking point, and with the island still
fresh in their memory, the men
suddenly rose in mutiny.
FIC Back Roads
O'Dell, Tawni
(Also available in regular print
(BB-2938)). Oprah's Book Club. With his
abusive father dead (at the hands of his
mother), and his mother in jail (for a
crime most people seem to regard as a
good deed), 19-year-old Harley Altmyer's
family is somewhere beyond
dysfunctional. College is out, he's got
three needy younger sisters on his hands.
Can he rise to the occasion? More
important, will the sexy mom of his baby
sister's best friend provide a muchneeded tumble in the hay?
FIC How to Make an American
Otto, Whitney
Otto interweaves stories of a California
quilting group with seven sets of
instruction in the quilting process,
ultimately conveying the significant
passages in women's lives.
FIC Beasts
Oates, Joyce C.
Set in an apparently idyllic New
England college town, "Beasts" is the
story of Gillian Brauer, a student who
falls in love with her professor, his
Bohemian lifestyle, and
antiestablishment attitudes, and what
happens when she falls under his spell.
FIC The Dive from Clausen's
Packer, Ann
Carrie Bell has lived in Wisconsin all her
life. At twenty-three, she's beginning to
feel suffocated by her good but
unexceptional life. She longs for a
change, an upheaval, a chance to begin
again. That chance is granted to her,
terribly, when her fiancé is injured in an
accident. Now Carrie has to question
everything she thought she knew about
FIC The Happy Room
Palmer, Catherine
Sent off to boarding school at a tender
young age, each of the Mossman
children believed their parents had
abandoned them. Now, drawn together
by their sister's tragic illness, they
must face the truth of their past. As
Peter and Julia make peace with each
other and with their parents, they
discover the God who never left them.
touchingly recounts her romance with
his father, and the unparalleled joy that
having a family has brought her. As
Katie reads on, it becomes clear that
the baby's father is the lover who has
just left her.
FIC When the Wind Blows
Patterson, James
Frannie O'Neill is a talented
veterinarian whose husband was
recently murdered. Shortly after she
comes across an amazing discovery
near her animal hospital, Kit Harrison,
a troubled and unconventional FBI
agent arrives on Frannie's doorstop.
Reluctant partners, the pair pursues
clues that lead to danger, and murder.
FIC Man and Boy
Parsons, Tony
Harry Silver has it all, a beautiful wife,
a wonderful son, a great job in the
media, but in one night he throws it all
away. Just yesterday, Harry gave
himself a shiny red sports car for his
thirtieth birthday. Today he faces the
baffling questions of a suddenly single
dad. How do you wash a four-yearold's hair? Should he eat green
spaghetti for breakfast? Man and Boy
is by turns funny, sharp, warm and
FIC Dark Lady
Patterson, Richard N.
In a steel-mill town on the verge of an
economic comeback, two prominent
men are found dead within days of
each other. In each case, the known
character of the man seems grossly
more contradicted by the
circumstances of his death. But, as
assistant county prosecutor Stella Marz
discovers, the victims and their deaths
may be connected in ways that no one
would ever suspect.
FIC Suzanne's Diary for
Patterson, James
Katie Wilkinson has found the perfect
man at last, but one day, he disappears
from her life, leaving no explanation
but a diary for her to read. The diary
was written by a new mother as a
keepsake for her baby son. In it she
FIC Silent Witness
Patterson, Richard N.
FIC Another View
Pilcher, Rosamunde
Patterson's most stunning novel to date
offers a powerful portrayal of the
complexities of male friendship, of the
darkest recesses of love, and of the ways
in which the past stakes it claim upon the
present. When attorney Tony Lord
returns to his hometown to defend his
former high school best friend who's been
accused of murder, Tony is plunged into
the unfinished business of his past.
There are only two men in Emma's life,
her father, a remote artist who leaves her
in boarding school and sees her every few
years, and Christo, who has been her
stepbrother for a few months and now
wants to get to know her. But until Emma
can understand what she means to them,
there can be no room for love.
FIC Winter Solstice
Pilcher, Rosamunde
FIC Guardian of the Horizon
Peters, Elizabeth
Recounts the adventures of Amelia
Peabody and the Emerson family in 1907
and 1908, a period following their
banishment from the Valley of the Kings,
during which Ramses, hopelessly in love
with Nefret, finds his plans interrupted by
a plea for help from Prince Tarek from
the Lost Oasis.
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0168)). Retired London stage
actress Elfrida Phipps never anticipated
going off with a man, but after a
devastating tragedy, Oscar Blundell asks
for her companionship. Joining them at a
Victorian house in Scotland are a broken
hearted young woman, a teenage
runaway, and a stranger who arrives
during a snowstorm.
FIC Ain't She Sweet?
Phillips, Susan E.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0223)). The girl everybody loves
to hate has returned to the town she'd
sworn to leave behind forever. As the
rich, spoiled princess of Parrish,
Mississippi, Sugar Beth Carey had
broken hearts, ruined friendships, and
destroyed reputations. But fifteen years
have passed, now she's come home,
broke, desperate, and too proud to
show it.
FIC Fortune's Hand
Plain, Belva
Rob McDaniel, a teacher with noble
intentions, comes into some money
enabling him to go to law school.
Upon graduation he lands a job with a
prestigious firm and marries the
daughter of the senior partner, leaving
behind the hometown girl he had
planned to wed. His career skyrockets
but then takes a shocking turn that
changes his life, his family's life and
reverberates into the next generation.
FIC Treasures
Plain, Belva
A reckless act and an unpredictable
twist of fate threaten everything the
Osborne siblings hold dear. Now they
must choose to walk alone and watch
their dreams die, or work together to
salvage what they treasure.
FIC Dream Country
Rice, Luanne
Years ago, Daisy Tucker traveled to
Wyoming's Wind River Mountains to
find inspiration for her art. Instead she
found rancher James Tucker. Their life
together was paradise until their threeyear-old son, Jake, vanished.
Heartbroken, Daisy left with Jake's
twin sister, Sage. Now, 13 years later,
Sage runs away, and Daisy turns to
James to mend her family, and her
FIC The Neighbor's Wife
Purser, Ann
Andrew and Annie Bishop and their
four children have long dreamed of a
place like the Old Rectory in Round
Ringford, of a village in the heart of
England with timeless rituals like
church fetes, bonfire night, conquer
fights and pub gossip. But they don't
understand the delicate web of
relationships which holds such a place
together, and that sets in motion a
tragic train of events that will test the
village to its heart.
FIC Redeeming Love
Rivers, Francine
Francine Rivers skillfully retells the
biblical love story of Gomer and
Hosea as a tale set against the romantic
backdrop of the California Gold Rush.
The heroine, Angel, is a young woman
who was sold into prostitution as a
child. Michael Hosea is a godly man
sent into Angel's life to draw her into
the Savior's redeeming love. Angel
expects nothing from men but betrayal.
She survives by keeping her hatred
alive and what she hates most are the
men who use her, leaving her empty
and dead inside. Then she meets
Michael Hosea, a man who seeks his
Father's heart in everything. Michael
obeys God's call to marry Angel and to
love her unconditionally.
FIC The Paid Companion
Quick, Amanda
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0650)). In order to pursue his
quest to catch a killer while keeping
the high-society husband-hunters at
bay, the Earl of St. Merryn hires the
sensible Elenora Lodge to pose as his
fiancée during the upcoming London
FIC The Atonement Child
Rivers, Francine
In one horrific, terrifying moment,
Dynah Carey's perfect life is shattered
by rape, her future irrevocably altered
by an unwanted pregnancy, her doting
family torn apart. Her seemingly rocksolid faith is pushed to the limits as she
faces the most momentous choice of
her life, to embrace or end the
untimely life within her.
FIC The Ground Beneath Her
Rushdie, Salman
Vina Aspara, a famous and muchloved singer, is caught up in a
devastating earthquake and never seen
again by human eyes. This is her story,
and that of Ormus Cama, the lover
who finds, loses, seeks, and again finds
her over and over throughout his own
extraordinary life in music.
FIC Carolina Moon
Roberts, Nora
Returning as an adult to her South
Carolina hometown, Tory Bodeen
plans to put the past behind her and
open a home-design shop. Following
the murder of her friend, Hope,
unsolved to this day, she is determined
to find a measure of peace. But her
return will be more difficult than she
expected because Hope's killer is
nearby as well.
FIC The Ancaster Demons
Russell, Norman
To the folks of late-Victorian
Ancaster, the ancient figures of angels
carved on the cathedral tower are
guardians. But the stubborn Dean
Girdlestone sees them as idols and
orders their destruction. Resentments
come to the surface, and on the night
of the Ancaster Revel, the Dean's
murdered body is discovered.
FIC The Reader
Schlink, Bernhard
Oprah's Book Club. Hailed for its
coiled eroticism and the moral claims
it makes upon the reader, this
mesmerizing novel is a story of love
and secrets, horror and compassion,
unfolding against the haunted
landscape of postwar Germany.
FIC Icy Sparks
Rubio, Gwyn
(Oprah's Book Club) After years of
living in a children's asylum for having
spontaneous jerks and spasms, Icy
returns home and is quickly befriended
by Miss Emily, who cares for her and
teachers her the ways of life,
transforming Icy into a new person and
forever changing her view of the
FIC Killer Smile
Scottoline, Lisa
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1152)). When she receives
personal threats and an associate is
murdered, young lawyer Mary
DiNunzio realizes that her latest case,
involving a World War II internment
camp suicide, may have deadly
modern-day ties.
when their husbands are killed in
separate "accidents." An important link
between the victims rises up from their
ashes: each was employed by Kingsley
International Group (KIG), the world's
largest think tank.
FIC The Last Time They Met
Shreve, Anita
At a literary festival, Linda Fallon
meets Thomas Janes for the first time
in years. But this is no chance meeting,
Thomas has planned this reunion with
the woman he once had a passionate
affair with. It had ended disastrously,
so what good could come from
rehashing the past.
FIC The Lovely Bones
Sebold, Alice
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0187)). As Susie Salmonshe
looks down from heaven she tells us,
in the spirited voice of a fourteen-yearold, a tale that is both haunting and full
of hope. Susie watches life continuing
after her brutal death: her loved ones
holding out hope she'll be found, her
killer covering his tracks. As months
pass without leads, she sees her family
contorted by loss. With compassion,
longing, and a growing understanding,
she sees them face the worst, then, in
time, pass through the grief and begin
to mend.
FIC The Pilot's Wife
Shreve, Anita
When her husband, a pilot, dies in an
airplane crash off the Irish coast,
Kathryn Lyons finds herself in the
media spotlight as rumors abound of
her husband's shocking secret past.
FIC Colony
Siddons, Anne River
Maude arrived at "Retreat" that first
summer a 19-year-old bride whose
Southern origins and gypsy-like beauty
mark her as an outsider. Years later,
now a confident matriarch, she
attempts to preserve the elite colony's
FIC Are You Afraid of the
Sheldon, Sidney
(Also available in regular print (AR1099)).Two women become reluctant
allies in a game of cat-and-mouse
FIC Heavenly Date and Other
Smith, Alexander
Journeying from Portugal, to Australia,
to southern Africa and other exotic
settings, this irrepressible collection of
short fiction by the author of The No. 1
Ladies' Detective Agency explores a
wide range of romantic encounters, in
all their diverse forms.
FIC The Healing Quilt
Snelling, Lauraine
When her Aunt Teza faces a second
bout with breast cancer, Kit Cooper
resolves to raise money for a new
mammogram unit by creating a
magnificent king-sized quilt to be
sewn and auctioned by the women of
Jefferson City. The women hold quiet
suffering triggered by painful
circumstances in common. Together
they experience the curative powers of
The Healing Quilt.
FIC Red Square
Smith, Martin C.
Arkady Renko returns to Moscow and
begins an investigation that will lead
him down the corridors of corruption,
dirty dealing, and to the new lords of
FIC A Walk to Remember
Sparks, Nicholas
During his senior year, the last thing
Landon Carter anticipates is Jamie
Sullivan, the sweet, pious daughter of
the town's Baptist minister. What he
undergoes is a change of heart that will
forever alter the course of his life.
FIC The Brushstroke Legacy
Snelling, Lauraine
Although everything in her life seems
to be falling apart, Ragni Clauson
agrees to fix up her greatgrandmother's cabin out in the
Badlands. As Ragni and her rebellious
teenage niece, Erika, work together,
they begin to uncover the art, and the
life of Nilda, Ragni's greatgrandmother who lived in the cabin in
the early 1900s.
FIC Message in a Bottle
Sparks, Nicholas
Thrown to the waves and to fate, the
bottle could have ended up anywhere.
But it found its way to Theresa
Osborne, divorced and the mother of a
twelve-year-old son. The letter inside
is signed "Garrett," and is an
expression of his love for a woman he
has lost. Challenged by the mystery,
Theresa searches for Garrett, and takes
the reader along on a hunt about love.
FIC The House on Hope Street
Steel, Danielle
When Liz Sutherland's husband is
tragically killed on Christmas morning,
she is suddenly alone and facing
painful questions in the wake of an
unbearable loss. Over the next year,
Liz learns what it means to live again,
not only for herself but for her
children, and about cherishing small
miracles and believing in big ones.
little skill at hunting, fishing, or
growing food in the new land, the
colonists had to make peace with the
often warring Indian nations if their
colony was to survive.
FIC Gulliver's Travels
Swift, Jonathan
The unusual voyages and travels of
Englishman Lemuel Gulliver carry
him to such strange locales as Lilliput,
where the inhabitants are six inches
tall: Brobdingnag, a land of giants: an
island of sorcerers and a nation ruled
by horses.
FIC Pearl
Steinbeck, John
For the diver Kino, finding a
magnificent pearl means the promise
of a better life for his impoverished
family. His dreams blind him to the
greed that the pearl arouses in him and
his neighbors. Baring the fallacy of the
American dream, that wealth erases all
problems, Steinbeck's classic
illustrates our fall from innocence.
FIC Saving Fish from Drowning
Tan, Amy
On an ill-fated art expedition into
Burma, 11 Americans leave their
Floating Island Resort for a Christmasmorning tour and disappear. Through
twists of fate, they encounter a tribe
awaiting the return of a leader and the
mythical book of wisdom that will
protect them from the ravages of the
Myanmar military regime.
FIC The Fair Vision
Stewart, Eleanor
Most of the 102 passengers on the
"Mayflower" traveled in one main
cabin that measured 25 x 80 feet. They
were Separatists, whose goal was to
attain freedom, personal, social,
economic and spiritual. They had
financed their passage by indenturing
themselves to the London merchants
who paid their fare. With little
understanding of the local wildlife,
FIC The Bonesetter's Daughter
Tan, Amy
As a child, Ruth was subjected to her
mother's notions about curses and
ghosts and her repeated threats to kill
herself. But now LuLing Young seems
happy. Struggling to hold onto the
past, LuLing begins to write all that
she can remember of her life as a girl
in China. When Ruth discovers the
papers, she finds each page reveals
secrets about a mother's heart that
LuLing cannot tell her daughter.
they wait together to find out which
husband survived, the women come to
know each other and learn how to cope
with the tragedy.
FIC Walden
Thoreau, Henry D.
"I went to the woods," Thoreau said,
"Because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life,
and see if I could not learn what it had
to teach, and not when I came to die,
discover that I had not lived."
FIC The Joy Luck Club
Tan, Amy
In 1949 four Chinese women drawn
together by the shadow of their past,
begin meeting in San Francisco to play
mah jong, invest in stocks, eat dim
sum, and "say" stories. They call their
gathering the Joy Luck Club. Nearly
forty years later, one of the members
has died. When her daughter comes to
take her place, she learns of her
mother's lifelong wish, and the tragic
way in which it has come true.
FIC Tennyson's Gift
Truss, Lynn
This book is an imaginative cocktail of
Victorian seriousness and farce that reimagines the world of the nineteenthcentury English poet laureate, placing
him in the midst of eccentric company
that includes dodgy Charles Dodgson
(aka Lewis Carroll).
FIC The Adventures of Tom
Twain, Mark
Come along with Wishbone as he
sniffs out hidden treasure with Tom
Sawyer and Huck Finn in the
adventures of a mischievous young
boy and his friends growing up in a
Mississippi River town in the
nineteenth century. Includes illustrated
notes throughout the text explaining
the historical background of the story.
FIC The Widows of Wichita
Thomas, Jodi
(Also available in regular print
(AJ-0259)). Five women gather at a
West Texas hospital after an oil rig
accident kills four men and burns the
one survivor beyond recognition. As
FIC Digging to America
Tyler, Anne
A chance encounter between two
families, the Donaldsons, and the
Iranian-born Yasdans, at the Baltimore
airport, as both couples await the
arrival of an adopted daughter from
Korea, prompts an examination about
what it means to be an American while
the lives of the two families intertwine
over the years.
define, something to give meaning to
the rest of his life, Kincaid takes to the
road again. In an old truck named
Harry, with his dog Highway beside
him, he begins a long winding run
back to Roseman Bridge.
FIC The Book of Deborah
Whitehouse, Maggy
Two thousand years ago a man was
crucified for revealing ancient and
wondrous knowledge to the House of
Israel. At the foot of the cross, as he
died, was a woman, raised as his sister,
who had grown, learnt and taught with
him throughout his ministry. You will
never have heard of her. This is her
FIC Frangipani
Vaite, Celestine
In Tahiti it's a well-known fact that
women are wisest and mothers know
best. But it's Materena Mahi who really
knows best of all. Everyone, everyone
except Materena's daughter, that is,
seems to think so. Materena is
determined that her girl will grow up to
be a smart, considerate, take-no-nonsense
young woman. But when Leilani meets
Hotu, a handsome boy and a heartbreaker
for sure, Materena must figure out what's
best for her daughter , and for herself.
FIC Singing Stones
Whitney, Phyllis A.
Disturbances from the past menace the
present as a child psychologist finds
herself drawn to her ex-husband's
FIC A Thousand Country
Waller, Robert J.
Robert Kincaid finds himself left with
little but memories; memories of a
lonely existence lived mostly on the
road, and memories of Francesca
Johnson, the woman whose passion he
stirred so briefly and so powerfully.
Searching for something he can't
FIC Star Flight
Whitney, Phyllis A.
A woman searches for the truth about
her movie star grandmother's
mysterious death.
FIC Bridge of San Luis Rey
Wilder, Thorton
"The Bridge of San Luis Rey" opens in
the aftermath of an inexplicable
tragedy, a tiny foot-bridge in Peru
breaks, and five people hurtle to their
deaths. For Brother Juniper, a humble
monk who witnesses the catastrophe,
the question in inescapable. Why those
five? Suddenly, Brother Juniper is
committed to discover what manner of
lives they led, and whether it was
divine intervention or a capricious fate
that took their lives.
HEA Angela Lansbury's
Positive Moves
Lansbury, Angela
The popular star shares her approach
for living life to its fullest! "My
personal plan for fitness and wellbeing."
Historical Fiction
HIF White Doves at Morning
Burke, James Lee
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0313)). Despite their misgivings
about "the Cause," Willie Burke and
his best friends, three young men from
New Iberia, Louisiana, enlist in the
Confederate Army and head off to war,
in a novel drawn from the author's own
family history.
HEA 10 Golden Rules for Good
de Vries, Jan
Designed to help readers maximize the
benefits of a healthy lifestyle, this
book combines a routine of healthy
eating and exercise with an
understanding of the environment and
the hidden hazards caused by
pollution. In today's society, the effect
of diet and environment on well-being
is becoming increasingly clear. Stress
and lack of exercise are now
recognized as significant factors in the
development of cancer and many
degenerative disorders. Here the
author, who has ten clinics throughout
the UK and Ireland, offers a step-bystep guide to good health.
HIF The Hornet's Nest: A Novel
of the Revolutionary War
Carter, Jimmy
A novel of the American South during
the Revolutionary War follows Ethan
Pratt, his wife Epsey, and their
neighbors, Kindred and Mavis Morris,
as they become caught up in the
conflict and the problems confronting
local Indian tribes.
HIF Doomsday Rider
Compton, Ralph
HIF Isaac's Storm: A Man, a
Time, and the Deadliest Hurricane
in History
Larson, Erik
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0090)). A senator's daughter has
joined a doomsday cult and it'll take a
man like Buck Fletcher to get her back.
To find her, Buck must elude a band of
Chiricahua Apaches on the warpath and
bring the cult leader madman a little
doom of his own.
Isaac Cline was a scientist who believed
he knew all there was to know about the
motion of clouds and the behavior of
storms. The idea that a hurricane could
damage his home city of Galveston,
Texas, was to him "an absurd delusion,"
so he ignored the unusual weather
patterns, ominous signs, and warnings
from Cuban meteorologists about an
approaching storm. Within hours, at least
8,000 people would lose their lives in
what is still the nation's deadliest natural
disaster, and Isaac would suffer his own
unbearable loss.
HIF Siena Summer
Crane, Teresa
In 1918 as the Great War comes to a
close, a young girl named Poppy Brookes
lightens the heart of a wounded soldier
with her friendship. But it is her older
sister, Isobel, who captivates Kit Enever
and ensnares him. A decade later,
arriving in Siena to nurse her pregnant
sister, Poppy finds a disturbing
undercurrent in their relationship, and an
equally disturbing third party on the
scene: an enigmatic Frenchwoman as
calculating as she is beautiful. In the
verdant Tuscan landscape, Poppy's own
venture into love is overshadowed by
bitterness from the past and a tragic
desire for revenge.
HIF The Wolf of Wierdmoor
MacKie, Mary
As governess to the undisciplined
Alexander, Georgiana Forrest's life is a
constant battle. Red-haired, outspoken,
and chafing against the rules of Victorian
society, she dreams of a more pleasant
future. After a final battle with her young
charge, Georgiana is summarily
dismissed, with little hope of finding
another post. But it is then, with her
fortunes at their lowest ebb, that the
handsome Piers Cheviot steps in. From
London Georgiana is transported to
Moorhollow, the Cheviots' country house
in the wilds of Yorkshire. Her dreams
appear to be coming true, but all is not as
it seems.
HIF Morning Tide
Gunn, Neil
Hugh MacBeth is twelve years old and
lives in a small Scottish fishing village. It
is at that tender age that Hugh begins to
realize his mother's sadness and fear that
he and his brothers will follow their
father to the sea. This is the story of a
young boy learning to be a man.
HIF Ogilvie at War
Mc Cutchan, Philip
After six years in northwest India,
Captain James Ogilvie and his
regiment assume that their long stint
overseas has come to an end. Then
they are informed that instead of
heading for home, they are bound for
South Africa to aid the Kimberley
Relief Force in the Boer War. No
sooner have they arrived than Ogilvie
is involved in a daring project to
rescue a precious diamond known as
the "Red Daniel" from the heart of
besieged Kimberley.
HIF Morgan's Run
Mc Cullough, Colleen
Following the disappearance of his
only son and the death of his beloved
wife, Richard Morgan is wrongly
convicted of a crime and exiled to
England's 18th-century penal colony in
Australia. Morgan refuses to surrender
to his fate, and begins a soul-trying test
to survive in this hostile new land
where, against all odds, he would find
a new love and a new life.
HIF Captain at Arms
Mc Cutchan, Philip
The Pax Britannica has become a very
fragile thing on the Northwest
Frontier. Armies of Pathan warriors
stand ready to annihilate Peshawar as a
first step to driving the British out of
the Indian sub-continent. But if an
officer could infiltrate their ranks,
danger might yet be averted. Being a
spy is something James Ogilvie, now a
captain in the Queen's Own Royal
Strathspeys, hasn't tried before.
Disguised as an arms dealer, he sets
out across the Indus to talk his way
into the confidence of the Pathan
leaders and their fanatical holy men,
the sadhu.
HIF Beyond the Gathering
Oke, Janette
After following his father's footsteps to
become a Canadian Mountie, Henry
discovers that his job comes at a high
emotional cost, while his sister,
Christine, leaves their family home to
seek a new life in Edmonton, only to
find herself torn between love and
faith, in two love stories set in the
Canadian West.
HIF The Winter Queen
Stevenson, Jane
Seventeenth-century royal-in-exile
Elizabeth of Bohemia pursues a
clandestine relationship with Pelagius,
an African prince and former slave,
against the politically unstable and
war-threatened climate of the period.
HIS Sea of Glory: America's
Voyage of Discovery: The U.S.
Exploring Expedition, 1838-1842
Philbrick, Nathaniel
America's greatest frontier was not the
West; it was the sea. In 1838, an
enormous expedition headed by the
young, brash Lieutenant Charles
Wilkes set out for the Pacific Ocean
with six ships and hundreds of sailors
on what would turn out to be a widereaching journey of adventure,
discovery, and controversy. Using
diaries kept on board, historian
Nathaniel Philbrick uncovers the dark
saga that the official reports never told.
HIS The Gangs of New York
Asbury, Herbert
Looking at the lurid side of organized
crime from the 1800's to Prohibition,
this is a tour through a now
unrecognizable city of abysmal
poverty and habitual violence. Asbury
presents the definitive work on this
subject, an illumination of the gangs of
old New York that ultimately gave rise
to the modern Mafia.
HIS Night Lives On
Lord, Walter
New thoughts, theories, and
revelations about the Titanic.
HOR Dawn
Andrews, V. C.
In her fine new Virginia school, Dawn
Langchamp feels happy and safe. But
nothing is what it seems. Now Dawn
and her older brother Jimmy have a
chance for a decent, respectable life,
and Dawn's precious secret, hope to
study singing can come true. Then
Dawn's mother suddenly dies.
HIS 1776
Mc Cullough, David
This is the story of the Revolutionary
War during the nation's tumultuous
beginning, and those who fought for
what we assume to be our rightful
heritage and precious ideals. This is a
narrative history at its best, bringing to
life an extraordinary period and a vast
array of extraordinary characters on
both sides of the conflict.
HOR Midnight Whispers
Andrews, V. C.
Christie struggles to break the cruel
bonds of the past, and to defy the curse
that has haunted Cutler's Cove for
HOR Twilight's Child
Andrews V. C.
Can Dawn finally realize her dreams in
Cutler's Cove, or will her family
destroy her happiness?
HOR The Girl Who Loved Tom
King, Stephen
Lost in the Maine woods, a nine-yearold girl keeps hope alive by listening
to Red Sox pitcher Tom Gordon on her
walkman radio while the sun sets and a
dangerous stalker draws nearer.
HOR Cell
King, Stephen
(Also available in regular print (AS0728)). Mayhem and violence are
unleashed around the world when a
pulse from a mysterious source
transforms all cell phone users into
savage, unthinking, homicidal
maniacs, and only a small band of
"normies" who somehow avoided the
technological attack can stop the
HOR False Memory
Koontz, Dean
(Also available in regular print
(BB-3030)). It's a fear more paralyzing
than falling. More terrifying than
darkness. More horrifying than
anything you can imagine. It's the one
fear you cannot escape, no matter
where you run, no matter where you
hide. It's the fear of yourself. It's real.
It can happen to you. And facing it can
be deadly. "Fear for your mind".
HOR Hearts in Atlantis
King, Stephen
Here, in five interconnected narratives
that span from 1960 to 1999, King
draws a stunning portrait of the darker
sides of American life after the
Vietnam War.
HOR Forever Odd
Koontz, Dean
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0513)). In the unique world of
Pico, Odd, an unforgettable hero who
lives between the living and the dead
takes a stand against evil in a battle
where there are no innocent
HOR The Dark Half
King, Stephen
The master of horror returns with
another toe curling gem. Evidence
indicates that Thad Beaumont whose
novels seem to be the product of a
twisted imagination, may just be guilty
of a series of monstrous murders.
HOR One Door Away from
Koontz, Dean
(Also available in regular print
(AE-300). When Micky Bellsong
encounters Leilani Klonk, a disabled
girl with a fierce spirit, and Leilani's
stepfather Preston Maddoc, who
believes that aliens will heal Leilani by
her tenth birthday or take her with
them, she finally finds the meaning,
hope, and purpose in her troubled life,
but when the family disappears,
Micky, along with a detective drawn to
her courage and passion, embarks on a
arduous mission, filled with evil and
danger, to find them.
HOR Violin
Rice, Anne
The demonic ghost of a Russian
aristocrat uses his magic violin to
enchant the exquisite Triana and
transport her to a terrifying realm
where they join a battle of wills, in an
evocative tale of seduction.
HUM Cat and the Curmudgeon
Amory, Cleveland
The continuing saga of how Amory, a
self-described curmudgeon, copes with
his cat, Polar Bear.
HUM Big Trouble
Barry, Dave
The scene is Miami. In ritzy Coconut
Grove, the teen son of Eliot, a
newsman turned adman, sneaks up to
spritz a cute girl with a Squirtmaster
9000 to win a high school game called
Killer. Meanwhile, two hit men sneak
up to kill the girl's abusive step dad,
Arthur. Arthur cheated his bosses at
corrupt Penultimate, Inc., which
equipped a Florida jail with automatic
garage-opener gates that accidentally
freed prisoners in a lightning storm.
HOR Seize the Night
Koontz, Dean
Moonlight Bay, California is a
peaceful, picturesque small town until
children begin disappearing. The
police aren't much help since they've
been corrupted behind the shuttered
walls of adjacent military base, Fort
Wyvern. Christopher Snow is
convinced that the children are alive
and that their disappearances have to
do with secret research conducted deep
within Fort Wyvern. But there are
extremely violent and powerful forces
protecting Fort Wyvern, and they will
stop at nothing to keep its secrets
HUM Dave Barry is not Taking
This Sitting Down!
Barry, Dave
(Also available in regular print
(AC-0328)). Dave Barry Turns 50
takes on the dangers of improperly
sized brassieres, low-flow toilets, day
trading, school science fairs, the IRS,
the airlines, pine sap transfusions for
tired Christmas trees, and more.
HUM Cosbyology: Essays and
Observations from the Doctor of
Cosby, Bill
The national bestseller from the
funniest man in America, who looks
back at his life, bit by bit. In this
wonderfully funny collection of standup material that touches on everything
from childhood and marriage to
school, sports, and work, Cosby
returns to his early days of comedy to
give readers a look at the funny side of
HUM Tricky Business
Barry, Dave
A cash cow, top-heavy cruise ship
whose sole function is to carry
gamblers three miles from the Florida
coast, take their money, then bring
them back so they can find more
money, gets into the biggest storm in
years. What happens to the passengers
in the midst of this is the story of this
astonishing, wicked book.
HUM Happy to be Here Stories
and Comic Pieces
Keillor, Garrison
Garrison Keillor's comic observations
on American life make everyone
happy to be here.
HUM Sometimes I Wake Up
Grumpy. . .And Sometimes I Let
Him Sleep
Linamen, Karen S.
If you feel stressed, disillusioned, or
simply worn-out by life, take heart.
The author delivers humor that will lift
your spirits and insights that will help
you experience true healing.
HUM Sleeping Beauties
Cheek, Mavis
Tabitha's Beauty Parlor is a haven. The
women who cross its portals enter a
perfumed world where never a harsh
note is struck. To Tabitha, beauty is a
broad canvas from which she will
draw out what she can. But when
Chloe, Tabitha's trainee, sets out to
prove that she can give her clients the
makeover of a lifetime, the quest for
feminine perfection achieves hilarious
Miserable and lonely, Mary discovers
a walled garden. It is in the "secret
garden" that many lives are
Juvenile Ages 88-12
JVI Tuck Everlasting
Babbitt, Natalie
(Fiction) Granted eternal life after
drinking from a magic spring, the Tuck
finds that living forever at one age is
less a blessing than it might seem.
JVI Stealing Freedom
Carbone, Elisa
(Fiction) A novel based on the events
in the life of a young slave girl from
Maryland who endures all kinds of
mistreatment and cruelty, including
being separated from her family, but
who eventually escapes to freedom in
JVI Caddie Woodlawn
Brink, Carol R.
(Fiction) (Also available in regular
print (BB-0658)). This beloved story
follows the frontier adventures of
Caddie Woodlawn, a tomboy growing
up in Wisconsin during the 1860's, and
explains how Caddie saves the
settlement from an Indian massacre.
JVI Chasing Redbird
Creech, Sharon
(Fiction) It started out as an ordinary
summer. But the minute thirteen-yearold Zinny discovered the old,
overgrown trail that ran through the
woods behind her family's house, she
realized that things were about to
change. Newbery Medal winner
Sharon Creech intricately weaves the
tale of a young girl who sets out in
search of her place in the world, and
discovers it in her own backyard.
JVI A Little Princess
Burnett, Frances
(Fiction) Presents an abridged version
of the tale of Sara Crewe, a pupil at
Miss Minchin's London school, who is
left in poverty when her father dies but
is later rescued by a mysterious
JVI Secret Garden
Burnett, Frances
(Fiction) (Also available in regular
print (BB-0887)). Nine-year-old Mary
Lennox has no one left in the world
when she arrives at Misselthwaite
Manor, her mysterious uncle's drafty
mansion on the edge of the moors.
JVI Walk Two Moons
Creech, Sharon
(Fiction) On a long car trip from Ohio
to Idaho, 13-year-old Salamanca Tree
Hiddle regales her grandparents with a
story about her friend Phoebe, who
receives a message from a potential
lunatic and must cope with the
disappearance of her mother. Beneath
Phoebe's story is Sal's own, and her
search for her own mother who left for
Idaho one sunny morning and never
JVI My Side of the Mountain
George, Jean C.
(Adventure) A young boy relates his
adventures during the year he spends
living alone in the Catskill Mountains
including his struggle for survival, his
dependence on nature, his animal
friends, and his ultimate realization
that he needs human companionship.
JVI Old Yeller
Gipson, Fred
We called him Old Yeller. The name
had a sort of double meaning. One part
meant that his short hair was a dingy
yellow, a color that we called "Yeller"
in those days. The other meant that
when he opened his head, the sound he
let out came closer to being a yell than
a bark.
JVI The Cat Ate My Gymsuit
Danziger, Paula
(Fiction) When the unconventional
English teacher who helped her
conquer many of her feelings of
insecurity is fired, thirteen-year-old
Marcy Lewis uses her new-found
courage to campaign for the teacher's
JVI Summer of My German
Greene, Bette
(Fiction) When German prisoners of
war are brought to her Arkansas town
during World War II, twelve-year-old
Patty, a Jewish girl, befriends one of
them and must deal with the
consequences of that friendship.
JVI Because of Winn-Dixie
Di Camillo, Kate
(Fiction) When ten-year-old India
Opal Buloni moves to Naomi, Florida,
with her father, she doesn't know what
to expect, least of all, that she'll adopt
Winn-Dixie, a dog she names after the
supermarket where they meet. And
with this unusual and confident friend
by her side, Opal soon finds herself
making more than a few unusual
JVI Everything on a Waffle
Horvath, Polly
(Fiction) Primrose simply knows her
parents did not perish at sea, but can't
convince the other residents of Coal
Harbour. But true sanctuary can
always be found at a restaurant called
The Girl on the Red Swing, where
everything, including lasagna is served
on a waffle.
JVI A Wrinkle in Time
L'Engle, Madeleine
(Science Fiction) This is the story of
the adventures in space and time of
Meg, Charles Wallace, and Calvin
O'Keefe (athlete, student, and one of
the most popular boys in high school),
in search of Meg's missing father.
JVI Giver
Lowry, Lois
(Fiction) (Also available in regular
print (BB-0960)). Jonas's world is
perfect. Everything is under control.
There is no war or fear or pain. There
are no choices. Every person is
assigned a role in the community.
When Jonas turns twelve he is singled
out to receive special training from the
Giver. The Giver alone holds the
memories of the true pain and pleasure
of life. Now it's time for Jonas to
receive the truth.
JVI Triss
Jacques, Brian
(Fantasy) (Also available in regular
print (AK-0161)). (A Novel of
Redwall) Triss the squirelmaid,
Shogg, and Welfo escape from slavery
at Riftgard and are pursued across the
sea toward Redwall by Princess Kurda,
Prince Bladd, and a band of
freebooters who seek the rumored
treasure of Brockhall.
JVI From the Mixed-Up Files of
Mrs. Basil E. Frankweiler
Konigsburg, E. L.
(Also available in regular print
(BB-0959)). (Fiction) For thirty-five
years E. L. Konigsburg's story about
Claudia, the girl who ran away from
home to the Metropolitan Museum of
Art, has entranced readers of all ages.
JVI Sarah, Plain and Tall
Mac Lachlan, Patricia
(Fiction) (Also available in regular
print (BB-0891)). Their mother died
after Caleb was born, their house on
the prairie is quiet now, and papa
doesn't sing any more. Then papa puts
an ad in the paper, asking for a wife
and he receives a letter from one Sarah
Elisabeth Wheaton, of Maine. Sarah
decides to come for a month. Will
Sarah be nice? Will she like them?
Will she stay?
JVI Touching Spirit Bear
Mikaelsen, Ben
(Fiction) At fifteen, Cole Matthews
has been fighting and stealing for
years. The punishment for smashing
Peter Driscal's skull into the sidewalk,
his most recent crime, is harsh. This
time, Cole will have to choose between
prison and Native American Circle
Justice. He will live either behind bars
or in isolation for one year. Cole
chooses Circle Justice.
"beans" who live above them. Only
Pod is allowed to venture into the
house above, because the danger of
being seen by a human is too great, yet
Arrietty won't listen.
JVI Winter Room
Paulsen, Gary
(Fiction) A young boy growing up on
a northern Minnesota farm describes
the scenes around him and recounts his
old Norwegian uncle's tales of an
almost mythological logging past.
JVI Monster
Myers, Walter D.
(Fiction) Steve Harmon's black. He's
in jail, maybe forever. He's on trial for
murder. And he's sixteen years old.
Steve: "Sometimes I feel like I have
walked into the middle of a movie.
Maybe I can make my own movie. The
film will be the story of my life. No,
not my life, but of this experience. I'll
call it what the lady prosecutor called
me . . . MONSTER."
JVI Holes
Sachar, Louis
(Fiction) (Also available in regular
print (AK-0039)). The National Book
Award and Newbery Medal-winning
novel is the basis for Walt Disney's
new motion picture adaptation starring
Shia Le Bouf and Sigourney Weaver.
Believing his family is under a curse,
Stanley Yelnats is sent to a harsh
correctional camp in the Texas desert
where he finds his first real friend, a
treasure, and a new sense of himself.
JVI Borrowers
Norton, Mary
(Fiction) Underneath the kitchen floor
is the world of the Borrowers, Pod and
Homily Clock and their daughter,
Arrietty. Matchboxes double as roomy
dressers and postage stamps hang on
the walls like paintings. Whatever the
Clocks need in their tiny home, they
simply "borrow" from the human
JVI Milkweed
Spinelli, Jerry
(Fiction) He's a boy called Jew.
Gypsy. Stopthief. Runt. Happy. Fast.
Filthy son of Abraham. He's a boy who
lives in the streets of Warsaw, who
steals food for himself and the
orphans, and who believes in bread,
and mothers, and angels. He wants to
be a Nazi someday, with tall, shiny
jackboots and a gleaming eagle hat of
his own. Until the day that suddenly
makes him change his mind.
she soon becomes a major news story,
gets an appointment to the U.N., and
discovers that the president's son has a
crush on her.
JVY Through the LookingGlass: And What Alice Saw There
Carroll, Lewis
(Fiction) Through the Looking-Glass
tells of Alice's experiences when,
curious about the world behind the
mirror, Alice climbs over the mantel
into the looking-glass world, where
everything is reversed.
Juvenile Ages 1313-18
JVY I Am the Cheese
Cormier, Robert
(Fiction) In this complicated, chilling
novel of the savagery of modern
society, Adam mentally relives his past
while facing the interrogation and
trauma of his present life as a guest of
the government.
JVY Princess & the Pauper
Brian, Kate
(Fiction) Julia isn't like the other
students at the Rosewood School. She
takes a bike to school, and goes home
every night to her mom and her cat in a
run-down apartment. While the others
obsess over a visit from some princess,
Julia worries about keeping a roof over
their heads. Then Princess Carina
shows up at Rosewood, and Julia finds
her answer.
JVY Bud, Not Buddy
Curtis, Christopher
(Fiction) When 10-year-old Bud
Caldwell runs away from his new
foster home, he realizes he has
nowhere to go but to search for the
father he has never known: a legendary
jazz musician advertised on some old
posters his deceased mother had kept.
Curtis has given a fresh, new look to a
traditional orphan-finds-a-home story
that would be a crackerjack readaloud.
JVY All-American Girl
Cabot, Meg
(Fiction) (Also available in regular
print (AP-0080)). After happening
upon a situation where she ends up
playing an important role in saving the
president's life, Samantha Madison's
simple life is turned upside-down as
JVY Ginger Pye
Estes, Eleanor
(Fiction) The disappearance of a new
puppy named Ginger and the
appearance of a mysterious man in a
mustard yellow hat bring excitement
into the lives of the Pye children.
JVY Julie of the Wolves
George, Jean
(Fiction) (Also available in regular print
(SW-0774)). Protected by a wolf pack
while lost on the tundra, a 13-year-old
Eskimo girl begins to appreciate her
heritage, and the oneness with nature that
modern man is destroying.
JVY Girl Named Disaster
Farmer, Nancy
(Fiction) After the death of her
mother, Nhamo is left a virtual slave in
her small African village. Upon
learning that before her 12th birthday
she must marry a cruel man with three
other wives, Nhamo desperately
decides to run away.
JVY The First Part Last
Johnson, Angela
(Fiction) Sixteen-year-old Bobby and his
girlfriend, Na, had planned to put their
baby, Feather, up for adoption, but
Feather becomes impossible to
JVY After the Rain
Mazer, Norma F.
(Fiction) After discovering her
grandfather is dying, fifteen-year-old
Rachel gets to know him better than
ever before and finds the experience
JVY Johnny Tremain
Forbes, Esther
(Fiction) (Also available in regular
print (BB-0818)). A young apprentice
silversmith is caught up in the danger and
excitement of Boston in revolt just before
the Revolutionary War, in events leading
to the Boston Tea Party and the Battle of
JVY Blizzard's Wake
Naylor, Phyllis R.
(Fiction) Ever since fifteen-year-old
Kate Sterling's mother died four years
ago, nothing has been the same. Filled
with resentment and sadness, Kate has
shut herself off from the world and her
family. Zeke Dexter is heading home to
begin a new life after completing his
prison term, but he is filled with anxiety.
Will anyone in his small town be able to
forget his shameful past, or the crime he
committed, and let him start anew?
JVY Hole in My Life
Gantos, Jack
(Biography/Autobiography) The author
relates how, as a young adult, he
became a drug user and smuggler, was
arrested, did time in prison, and
eventually got out and went to college,
all the while hoping to become a
JVY Island of the Blue Dolphins
O'Dell, Scott
(Fiction) This is the story of Karana,
the Indian girl who lived alone for
years on the Island of the Blue
Dolphins. Year after year, she watched
one season pass into another and
waited for a ship to take her away.
JVY Airborn
Oppel, Kenneth
JVY Where the Red Fern
Rawls, Wilson
(Also available in regular print (BB892)). (Literature) Old Dan and
little Ann, a boy and his two dogs. A
loving threesome, they ranged the dark
hills and river bottoms of Cherokee
Country. Old Dan had the brawn, little
Ann had the brains and Billy had the
will to train them to be the finest
hunting team in the valley. Glory and
victory were coming to them, but
sadness waited too. Close by was the
strange and wonderful power that's
only found, where the red fern grows.
(Science Fiction) Matt Cruse is a cabin
boy on the Aurora, a huge airship that
sails hundreds of feet above the ocean,
ferrying wealthy passengers from city to
city. In a swashbuckling adventure
reminiscent of Jules Verne and Robert
Louis Stevenson, Kenneth Oppel creates
an imagined world in which the air is
populated by transcontinental voyagers,
pirates, and beings never before dreamed
of by the humans who sail the skies.
JVY Stargirl
Spinelli, Jerry
(Fiction) From the day she arrives at
quiet Mica High School the hallways
hum with the murmur of "Stargirl,
Stargirl." The students of Mica High
are enchanted. At first. Then they turn
on her. Stargirl is suddenly shunned.
JVY My Life in Dog Years
Paulsen, Gary
(Non-Fiction) Gary Paulsen has
owned dozens of unforgettable and
amazing dogs in his lifetime. In each
chapter of this wonderful book, he tells
the story of one of these special
animals, among them Snowball, the
puppy he owned as a boy in the
Philippines; Ike, his mysterious
hunting companion; Electric Fred and
his best friend, Pig; and Josh, the
smartest dog in the world.
JVY Surviving the Applewhites
Tolan, Stephanie
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0063)). (Fiction) Rumor has it
that Jake Semple burned down his old
school. Only one place will take him
now, a home school run by the
Applewhites, a chaotic family of artists.
Jake thinks surviving this one will be a
breeze. But is he really as tough or as bad
as he seems?
JVY Dicey's Song
Voigt, Cynthia
(Fiction) The four Tillerman children
finally have a home at their
grandmother's rundown farm on the
Maryland shore. It's what Dicey has
dreamed of, but after watching over
her three younger siblings for so long,
it's hard to let go. Who is Dicey, if
she's no longer the caretaker for her
family? As Dicey experiences the trials
and pleasures of making a new life, the
past comes back with devastating
LIT Mayor of Casterbridge
Hardy, Thomas
(Also available in regular print (BB2829)). Thomas Hardy's exploration
of his most tragic hero, Michael
Henchard, is the classic tale of overambition. From his drunken sale of his
wife and baby at a country fair to his
subjugation of a farming village,
Henchard's life is an epic attempt to
bring the world to heel as he hides
even from himself all vestiges of
emotional vulnerability.
LIT Ivanhoe
Scott, Sir Walter
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0175)). England is in turmoil,
torn by fierce and bitter hatreds
between Norman and Saxon. Rival
claimants to the thrown have caused a
civil war. Prince John, taking
advantage of Richard's absence
fighting in the Crusades, plots to make
himself crowned king. But Richard
returns and vows to take his revenge
on John.
LIT Great Gatsby
Fitzgerald, F. Scott
The timeless story of Jay Gatsby and
his love for Daisy Buchanan is widely
acknowledged to be the closest thing
to the Great American Novel ever
LIT Fried Green Tomatoes at
the Whistle Stop Café
Flagg, Fannie
Folksy and fresh, endearing and
enduring, Fried Green Tomatoes at the
Whistle Stop Cafe tells the tale of two
women and the cafe they ran in
Whistle Stop, Alabama, offering
barbecue, coffee, love, laughter, and an
occasional murder.
LIT Treasure Island
Stevenson, Robert L.
(Also available in regular print
(BB-0831)). An old treasure map
begins an exciting voyage with Long
John Silver, the dangerous pirate
MOT Matters of the Heart
Bynum, Juanita
MOT The Healing Path
Allender, Dan B.
None of us escapes the heartache and
disappointments of life. To live is to
hurt, and we all have the wounds to
prove it. Regardless of how we've been
hurt, we all face a common question:
What should we do with our pain?
Suffering doesn't have to rob us of joy.
It can lead us to life, if we know the
path to healing.
In a sometimes longish essay, the author
chronicles her personal journey from
excessive ambition and agitated
helplessness to true enlightenment. For
years she ignored signs from God to slow
down before she was led to the Bible
passages that she shares throughout the
program. Bynum is a warm, sincere
writer whose message of honesty and
connection with God sometimes sounds
like a sermon. But overall, her intimate
writing and the excellent work of narrator
Sandra Burr help the program deliver a
message that most overachieving spiritual
seekers will understand.
MOT An Angel to Watch Over
Anderson, Joan
MOT Lies Women Believe and
the Truth That Sets Them Free
De Moss, Nancy L.
We are like Eve. We have all
experienced defeats and failures,
trouble and turmoil, and we ache to do
things over, to have lives of harmony
and peace. Nancy Leigh DeMoss sheds
light on how we can be delivered from
bondage and set free to walk in God's
grace, forgiveness, and abundant life.
True stories of children's encounters with
MOT Flying Without Wings
Beisser, Arnold R.
Arnold Beisser Contracted polio and
became completely paralyzed at age
twenty-five. This is his story of despair,
hope and achievement.
MOT A Book of Angels
Burnham, Sophy
This beautiful volume traces the
understanding of angels through history
and across cultures and relates the
extraordinary stories of present day
encounters with angels.
MOT Wild at Heart:
Discovering The Secret of a Man's
Eldredge, John
In his heart, every man longs for a
battle to fight, an adventure to live, and
a beauty to rescue. Now John Eldredge
invites men to recover their masculine
heart, defined in the image of a
passionate God, and women to
discover the secret of a man's soul and
to delight in the strength and wildness
men were created to offer.
MOT Never Alone
Girzone, Joseph F.
Joseph F. Girzone is an author who
answers the unasked questions that lie
hidden in so many hearts. The wisdom
of his spirituality transcends the many
factions of religion and speaks to
millions in a language all can
MOT Angels
Graham, Billy
Billy Graham has written the classic
book on angels, filled with inspiration,
wisdom, and real-life experiences.
Angels continues to raise the standard
by which all other books on angels will
be measured.
MOT It was on Fire when I Lay
Down on It
Fulghum, Robert
Picking up where he left off in "All I
Really Need to Know I Learned in
Kindergarten," Robert Fulghum
delivers more of his witty observations
and inspiration.
MOT Hope for the Troubled
Graham, Billy
America's foremost preacher offers a
book that speaks with boldness and
compassion to the millions of people
who experience pain and frustration.
Billy Graham draws on a lifetime of
ministry to help readers store up
strength for the storms and learn to live
triumphantly in a world of pain.
MOT God's Promises for Your
Gill, A. L.
Here are Scriptures to set mind and
heart at ease. Topics include courage,
patience, comfort and forgiveness.
This wonderful scriptural guide will
help you learn more about the
promises of God for your family,
relationships, and how God truly wants
to bless and direct every Christian
MOT The Secret of Happiness
Graham, Billy
Happiness. It's what we all long for,
but all too often we end up empty and
unsatisfied. Presented with Dr.
Graham's characteristic simplicity, this
landmark book teaches us to live
above the circumstances of life and
rest in the true happiness God wants us
to have.
MOT The Diva Principle
Hammond, Michelle
Drawing examples from some of the
Bible's great divas such as Deborah,
and translating them into everyday
practical principles for living,
Hammond shows readers how to excel
in every area of life whether young or
old, single or married by mastering the
art of diva-tude.
MOT Stories for a Faithful
Heart: Over 100 Treasures to Touch
Your Soul
Gray, Alice
Your spirit will be lifted, and your soul
touched by these powerful, tender
stories. From Max Lucado, Billy and
Ruth Graham, Joni Eareckson Tada,
Philip Gulley, Luis Palau, Sheila
Walsh, and many others, these gentle
moments illuminate a wondrous path
to joy, contentment, forgiveness,
prayer, hope and faith.
MOT Gathering of Hope
Hayes, Helen
Helen Hayes would like to share with
you these special words, the poems,
the psalms, the prayers and the lyrics,
from sources down through the ages.
She hopes that in times of doubt or
fear or loneliness, you too will turn to
these words.
MOT Touch of the Earth
Hersey, Jean
Out of the threads of every day, drawn
from the widely scattered substances
of the earth, from our responses to
earth, to man, and to God, we are
continually weaving a fabric. We are
ever translating and molding all that
we receive into a creation that is our
individual development and growth.
MOT Get Over It and On With
Hammond, Michelle
Outspoken Bible teacher Michelle
McKinney Hammond finds
contemporary application in the ancient
stories of several men and women who
took the path from suffering to
overcoming. Their journeys teach us how
to press through hardship and get to the
other side of our disappointment.
MOT Guideposts for the Spirit
Hogan, Julie K.
Presents more than one hundred stories
celebrating the enduring and
unconditional love of mothers,
including works by Barbara Bush,
Elizabeth Dole, Marjorie Holmes,
Laura Ingalls Wilder, and Leo
MOT The Gift for All People
Lucado, Max
This collection of inspirational stories
will help Christians treasure the
assurance of their salvation and help
non-Christians embrace abundant,
eternal life in Jesus Christ.
MOT Just Enough Light for the
Step I'm On
Omartian, Stormie
If you're experiencing a major life
change, making an important decision,
or simply needing encouragement to
make it through the day, you'll find
inspiration and hope in this candid,
refreshing look at how to walk
successfully through the difficult times
of life. By trusting God to provide just
enough light for each step you're on,
you can trade in anxiety about the
future and regret over the past for
peaceful assurance in the present.
MOT Answered Prayers
Laird, Rebecca
The editors of Guideposts books come
across answered prayers every day.
Readers call, write, email and fax their
stories of the unexpected ways in
which God provides, with just the
perfect resolution. Share and marvel at
these exclusive, true-life accounts of
the incredible power of prayer and the
ministry and fellowship that are part of
MOT The Vision of His Glory
Lotz, Ann G.
Anne Graham Lotz introduces the
Book of Revelation in this beautiful
chronicle of God's mystery, majesty,
and mercy. She brings clarity and
understanding to the pageantry and
imagery of John's glorious eyewitness
account of God's plan for our future.
MOT Praying God's Will for
Your Life
Omartian, Stormie
With distinctive style, best-selling
author Omartian encourages women to
seek God's blessings and guidance so
they can grow in Him and stand strong
in the midst of a changing culture.
MOT Everybody's Normal Till
You Get to Know Them
Ortberg, John
None of us are normal according to
God's definition, and the closer we get
to each other, the plainer that becomes.
Yet for all our quirks, sins, and jagged
edges, we need each other. Now
teacher and bestselling author John
Ortberg gives us the tools for drawing
closer to others in powerful ways.
With humor, insight, and a gift for
storytelling, he shows us how
community pays tremendous dividends
in happiness, health, support, and
MOT Walking Wisely
Stanley, Charles
Dr. Stanley teaches how to apply
God's wisdom to finances,
relationships with others, physical
health, and day-to-day duties. This
significant volume presents a way of
living that embodies wisdom from
MOT Messages of God's
ten Boom, Corrie
Outlasting Ravensbruck and Hitler's
regime, Ms. Ten Boom went on to
conquer hearts across the world with
healing words of hope, forgiveness,
and trust in God. Broadcast across
Europe using the very radio equipment
the Nazis had built to spread their
MOT Meditations from the
Peck, M. Scott
Daily reflections from the road less
traveled and the different drum.
MOT Having a Mary Heart in a
Martha World: Finding Intimacy
With God In the Busyness of Life
Weaver, Joanna
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2170)). For women who feel they
aren't godly, loving, or doing enough,
this will show how we can deepen our
devotion and strengthen our service,
doing both with less stress and greater
MOT The Blessings of
Stanley, Charles
With gentle wisdom, Dr. Charles
Stanley shines light on the process of
being broken. He reveals the ways we
protest against it. And he gives us an
inspiring look beyond the pain to the
promise of blessing.
MYS Murder on Ice
Adams, Alina
MYS Killing Thyme
Abresch, Peter
(A James P. Dandy Elderhostel
Mystery). Take a few ambitious chefs,
a handful of amateur cooks on a weeklong tour of Baltimore's greatest
restaurants, season with a bit of
competition for a spot on a new TV
show, "A Dash of Thyme", and throw
in a ruthless killer. Voila! A perfectly
seasoned dish of homicide for amateur
sleuths James P. Dandy and his lady
love Dodee Swisher.
(A Figure Skating Mystery, Prime Crime)
(Also available in regular print (AK0346)) When the judge who cast the
deciding vote that gave the gold to a
Russian skater instead of America's
sweetheart is found brutally murdered,
Rebecca "Bex" Levy, figure-skating
researcher for the 24/7 network, must
glide carefully as she investigates this
baffling mystery.
MYS On Thin Ice
Adams, Alina
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0265)). Thirteen-year-old Jeremy
Hunt could be the future of figure
skating. He's got a winning smile,
flawless technique, and more talent than
most skaters twice his age. So when his
strangely protective father refuses to let
him go to the Nationals, Rebecca "Bex"
Levy, up-and-coming figure-skating
researcher for the 24/7 network, knows
there's a better story off the ice than on.
And just as she's uncovering a sordid
scandal, a past champion is murdered.
MYS Tip a Canoe
Abresch, Peter
When senior citizens James P. Dandy
and Dodee Swisher go canoeing in
South Carolina with the Elderhostel
program, their romantic rendezvous is
interrupted when they stumble upon a
corpse in a nearby swamp.
MYS Axel of Evil
Adams, Alina
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2079)). (A Figure Skating Mystery,
Prime Crime) When a Russian figure
skating coach collapses during a practice
and is pronounced dead, reporter Bex
Levy has a hunch it's cold-blooded
murder, on ice.
MYS Like Angels Falling
Adams, Jane
With his resignation from the police
force approved, Ray Flowers' plans to
set up a security and detection business
with his old friend George Mahoney
are in full swing. One of their first
cases is to help an acquaintance whose
daughter has joined the cult known as
The Eyes of God. The cult is
disturbingly familiar to Ray. For
eleven years, he led the inquiry into
the ritualized murder of three boys.
The man convicted of the killings was
cult leader Harrison Lee. But now he
has died in prison, and his evil can be
laid to rest. Or can it?
university. Then, just before her 21st
birthday, her mother was run down on
a village road, apparently the victim of
a hit-and-run driver. But what seemed
at first a simple case turned
dramatically into a murder
investigation. More than murder, for
the post mortem revealed that Grace
Jenkins had never had any children!
MYS Parting Breath
Aird, Catherine
The University of Calleshire was
experiencing another student sit-in. As
often happens, the cause was obscured
by the effect, though the unlikely
alliance of the Dean and the college
porter ensured that matters didn't get
too out of hand. There was no need to
call in the police, everyone was agreed
on that point, until one of the students
was found dying in a college quad to a
background of Elizabethan madrigals.
Inspector Sloan found his
investigations hampered by the
eccentricities of both the academic and
the student bodies, not to mention the
victim, whose cryptic last utterance
defies explanation.
MYS Cat in Wolf's Clothing
Adamson, Lydia
A cat, a mouse, and two corpses spell
murder for Alice Nestleton.
MYS Cat of a Different Color
Adamson, Lydia
A mystery cat takes a talented actress
turned sleuth behind the scenes for
MYS Henrietta Who?
Aird, Catherine
Life, for Henrietta Jenkins, had always
been a quiet affair, a home with her
widowed mother in Larking village,
and her degree studies at the
MYS Stiff News
Aird, Catherine
No one was too surprised when
octogenarian Gertrude Powell was
found dead at Almstone Manor, a
retirement home for former members
of the Fearnshire Regiment and their
dependents. She had, after all, been
very ill. But on the morning of her
funeral, her son Lionel receives a very
disturbing letter, from his mother. In it,
she claims that someone is trying to
kill her. Now Gertrude had led a full
and exciting life, but for every fact
Inspector Sloan turns up about her,
there seems to be a mystery too. And
the other residents of Almstone Manor
aren't talking.
MYS Baseball Cat
Allen, Garrison
(A "Big Mike" Mystery) When a semiprofessional baseball team visits Empty
Creek, Arizona, the game hasn't even
begun before somebody uses the owner's
head for a baseball, and scores a deadly
hit. A corpse before morning coffee is not
Penelope Warren's usual style. But the
ex-Marine proprietress of the mystery
bookstore knows that the free-spirited
denizens of Empty Creek are depending
on her and Mycroft, her twenty-fivepound Abyssinian cat, to investigate.
MYS Royal Cat
Allen, Garrison
Empty Creek, Arizona has been
transformed into Merry Olde England
by the annual Elizabethan Spring
Faire. The fun ends when Carolyn
Lewis, the less-than-popular retired
teacher playing The Virgin Queen, is
executed in the dark of night. Then the
murderer takes an encore, and it's up to
Penelope Warren and her Abyssinian
cat to do the sleuthing behind the
MYS The Assets
Allbeury, Ted
Codename: Operation MK Ultra. The
most secret operation in the CIA
involving mind control under the
influence of drugs and hypnosis, it
uses unwitting individuals for
intelligence gathering and counterespionage. It operates outside the law.
The illicit experiments carried out
under MK Ultra can have terrifying,
and sometimes tragic, human
consequences. It is the unenviable task
of Senator Joe Maguire to monitor the
goings on of MK Ultra and to pick up
the pieces when things go wrong.
MYS The Patient at Peacocks
Allingham, Margery
A young woman doctor, struggling to
save the life of her rival, is threatened
by a cunning madman who has been
driven to madness by the very woman
that Dr. Anne Fowler is caring for!
MYS Frozen
Ashford, Lindsay
Megan Rhys has been asked to advise
on the murders of two young
prostitutes, dumped like rubbish,
seemingly the victims of two men
working together. But there is
something wrong with the information
the police are giving her. Is someone is
trying to manipulate Megan, or are her
own prejudices clouding her
MYS Murder Passes the Buck
Baker, Deb
When her neighbor on Michigan's
Upper Peninsula gets shot dead in his
deer blind on opening day of hunting
season, unconventional, irrepressible
66-year-old Gertie Johnson seizes the
opportunity to become a detective.
Gertie is abetted by her grandson Little
Donny, man-hungry best friend Cora
Mae, and volunteer bodyguard Kitty. It
doesn't help that the death has already
been ruled an accident by the local
sheriff, Gertie's son.
MYS Private View
Atkins, Meg E.
The murder of a local art gallery owner
and the theft of the painting he had just
privately shown had stumped DCI
Sheldon Hunter, and remained
unsolved. Four years later, Hunter
receives a series of anonymous letters
and phone calls implicating a family in
the picturesque town of Rush Deeping
in the death.
MYS Uncommon Grounds
Balzo, Sandra
Patricia Harper has been killed by an
espresso machine hot-wired to
electrocute its owner, and in
Uncommon Grounds, her very own
gourmet coffee store, on opening day.
Maggy Thorsen, displaced PR
executive turned coffee maven, wants
to know who killed her partner and put
the future of Uncommon Grounds in
jeopardy. Maggy desperately needs the
store to succeed, so she joins forces
with Sarah Kingstown, Patricia's
closest friend, to investigate her
MYS Tightrope for Three
Babson, Marian
Life and death are the ingredients as
three people try frantically to leave
Dartmoor on a foggy evening. Only
one helicopter is available for
transportation. Which desperate
passenger will be carried out of the
misted Moors on the precious seat?
MYS Blood Lure
Barr, Nevada
MYS Hunting Season
Barr, Nevada
(Also available in regular print
(AG-0242)). Working at Mt. Locust, a
historic Mississippi plantation, park
ranger Anna Pigeon comes upon the
body of the brother of a local candidate
for sheriff, and must deal with dark
family secrets and political intrigue as
she investigates the crime.
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0364)). (An Anna Pigeon Novel)
District park ranger Anna Pigeon is
forced to reexamine her "spiritual
connection" to God's creatures when she
works on a project that has her hanging
out bloody lures to attract grizzly bears in
Glacier National Park. Although she
manages to snatch an occasional moment
of solitary communion with nature,
there's no time for meditation when a
rampaging bear attacks the researchers'
MYS Agatha Raisin and the
Vicious Vet
Beaton, M. C.
An irascible but endearing sleuth in a
small English town. The new vet has
taken a shine to Agatha Raisin, but
before romance can bloom, he
accidentally kills himself.
MYS Flashback
Barr, Nevada
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0308)). (An Anna Pigeon Novel)
Taking a temporary post as ranger in Dry
Tortugas National Park to escape dealing
with a marriage proposal, Anna Pigeon
investigates a mysterious boating
accident that leads her to uncover sinister
local crimes from the past.
MYS Agatha Raisin and the
Walkers of Dembley
Beaton, M. C.
When the kind, shy Sir Charles Fraith
receives a letter from Jessica Tartinck,
president of the Dembley Walkers
Association, his tranquil life is thrown
into chaos. The feisty Ms. Tartinck has
chosen the naive baronet for the latest
attack in her campaign against
landowners over the use of public
footpaths. Although Sir Charles
suggests a reasonable offer, Jessica
chooses to ignore him, and ends up
murdered in Sir Charles's field.
MYS Hard Truth
Barr, Nevada
Newlywed park ranger Anna Pigeon
assumes her new post as district ranger
at Rocky Mountain National Park,
where three young girls have
disappeared during a religious retreat.
Two of the girls emerge a month later,
and with them comes a sense of
disembodied evil in the park.
MYS Death of a Hussy
Beaton, M. C.
Finding out who set a rich tart's car on
fire while she was still in it requires all
Scottish Police Constable Hamish
Macbeth's extraordinary common
sense and insight into human nature.
When it comes to solving a murder,
Hamish lets no grass grow under his
feet, not even when the killer appears
to be the wrong person entirely.
starts moonlighting for an eccentric,
aging conservative billionaire whose
final wish is to leave behind a
memorial library about himself. But he
has a secret that must never be
revealed, and the men with the guns
want the fellow indexing the archives.
MYS Funeral Expenses
Bell, Pauline
The reception that follows the funeral
of Edgar Smith is not a sober affair in
any sense of the word, thanks to the
antics of his daughter Lorraine. When,
later on in the day, Lorraine's dead
body is found in her sister's spare
room, the police are called and DCI
Mitchell begins a murder investigation
now that the party's well and truly
MYS Death of a Snob
Beaton, M. C.
When Jane Wetherby offers Police
Constable Hamish Macbeth a holiday at
her "Happy Wanderer" health farm on the
isle of Eileencraig, his flagging spirits
begin to rise in anticipation of some
tender, loving care. Unfortunately, the
visit doesn't prove to be the holiday
Hamish had hoped for. Windswept
Eileencraig is inhabited by hostile
islanders, more than a few of which
would gladly be rid of "The Happy
Wanderer." The company at the health
farm is hardly better, and when one guest
is found at the foot of a cliff with a
broken neck, no one is too broken up.
MYS Reason to Murder
Bennett, R. A.
"Karen was murdered, Mr. Conroy."
Frankie Conroy, ex-rugby league
player, ex-policeman, and now nonetoo-successful private detective,
listened to the chilling words and for a
brief moment he began to believe. Had
this elderly woman experienced the
violent death of her daughter from
more than a hundred miles away?
MYS The Librarian
Beinhart, Larry
How did nebbish university librarian
David Goldberg end up hunted by
Homeland Security and on Virginia's
Ten Most Wanted list for bestiality? It
begins so innocently when Goldberg
MYS The Coin Conspiracy
Berger, Eileen M.
Welcome to Willow Bend, home of
Gracie Parks, feisty red-headed
widow, choir member, chef and sleuth.
Gracie believes the best place to solve
a problem is alone with God in her
warm, cozy kitchen. She unravels
mysteries while cooking and prays to
God with her hands full of cookie
MYS Fried by Jury
Bishop, Claudia
(A Hemlock Falls Mystery) (Also
available in regular print (AH-0318)).
The Quilliam sisters embark on their
latest mystery when two fast-food rivals,
Holcomb's Wholesome Fried Chicken
and Colonel Cluck, engage in a deep fat
frying contest, resulting in the theft of a
butcher knife and the murder of a
celebrity judge.
MYS The Case of the Roasted
Bishop, Claudia
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0313)). (The Casebook of Dr.
McKenzie, Prime Crime) When a
fellow veterinarian in gunned down by
a sniper for no good reason, Austin
McKenzie and his wife Madeline,
entering into the high-stakes world of
equestrian competition, must race
against time to catch a killer.
MYS Death and the Icebox
Berry, Linda
(A Trudy Roundtree Mystery) The
discovery of a long-dead body in an
abandoned refrigerator sends
Ogeechee, Georgia, police officer
Trudy Roundtree into the small town's
past, where she uncovers rivalries,
jealousy, and murder. When the body
is identified as a young woman who
was last seen more than 30 years
earlier, shortly after a wedding shower
in her honor, Trudy digs into secrets
thought long buried.
MYS Moonflete
Black, Veronica
Melody Fletcher is eighteen when she
first sees Moonflete, the beautiful
house on the Lancashire moors built
by her father for her Chinese mother,
Silver Moon. For Melody, dressed in
her mother's clothes, moving through a
macabre charade planned by her
father, it brings danger and the
shadows of past secrets that have
twisted many lives.
MYS A Puree of Poison
Bishop, Claudia
(A Hemlock Falls Mystery, Prime
Crime) (Also available in regular
print (AL-0110)) While town
residents are preparing to celebrate the
133rd anniversary of the Battle of
Hemlock Falls, the Quilliam sisters are
investigating the deaths of three people
who all had their last meals at the inn.
MYS Cape Refuge
Blackstock, Terri
The brutal murders of Thelma and
Wayne Owens have stunned the Cape
Refuge community. Their son-in-law
is accused, but the police chief thinks
the Owens' ministry, a halfway house,
shelters more likely suspects. Morgan
Cleary struggles to keep the house
running with her husband in jail. Her
embittered sister, Blair, wants no part
of it, until her search for the true killer
uncovers some startling findings.
MYS Death on the Diagonal
Blanc, Nero
Also available in regular print
(AS-1499)). (A Mystery with
Crosswords included, Prime Crime)
Crossword puzzle editor Belle Graham
comes to the aid of her husband,
Roscoe, as they investigate a
devastating fire at the Collins family
stables, which is being blamed on a
hard-drinking manager, and discover a
dysfunctional family made up of an
aged patriarch, his grown children, and
his much-younger bride.
MYS A Crossworder's Delight
Blanc, Nero
MYS Hope to Die
Block, Lawrence
After the brutal slaughter of an upscale
couple during a home invasion, the
killers themselves turn up dead in a
Brooklyn hellhole, one apparently
killed by his partner, who then took his
own life. Matt Scudder knew the slain
couple and is drawn to this case that
the cops have quickly and eagerly
closed. Scudder suspects a third party
was involved: a cold, diabolical man
who Scudder fears is just getting
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0517)). Private detective Rosco
Polycrates and crossword editor Belle
Graham investigate the disappearance of
a valuable poem, a case that leads to the
discovery of a handmade book of dessert
recipes written in the form of crossword
MYS Corpus de Crossword
Blanc, Nero
(Prime Crime) (Also available in
regular print (AO-0100)). Angered
over a developer's plans to build on
fifteen acres of land in Tanyesville,
Massachusetts, the townspeople are
stunned when his plans are put on hold
after his crew unearths the skeleton of
a young woman, forcing Belle and
Rosco to use their talent for
crosswords to solve the case.
MYS Like a Lamb to Slaughter
Block, Lawrence
Here's a scintillating collection of
mystery short stories by one of the
genre's acknowledged masters. The
compilation features such Block
trademark characters as Matthew
Scudder and dapper defense attorney
Martin Ehrengraf.
MYS Monsieur Pamplemousse
Hits the Headlines
Bond, Michael
The flawless production of Claude
Chavignol's popular culinary television
show is a pleasure to watch, but the
audience's enjoyment of the show
comes to a halt when Chavignol starts
to choke on an oyster. First on the
scene, M. Pamplemousse performs the
Heimlich maneuver, but to no avail,
Chavignol has been poisoned.
MYS The Burglar on the Prowl
Block, Lawrence
Antiquarian book dealer and
fashionable thief Bernie Rhodenbarr
once again indulges his appetite for
breaking and entering in his neverending quest for fun and profit.
MYS Death of a Turkey
Borden, Kate
Mayor and single mom Peggy Jean
Turner is happily anticipating her
favorite holiday. But this year is
different. Dealing with an obnoxious
neighbor and organizing a reenactment
of the first Thanksgiving for the
tourists, she's being pulled in more
directions than a wishbone. Then
Peggy is forced to put aside all
thoughts of Thanksgiving when her
antagonistic neighbor is found dead on
the village green.
MYS Baptised in Blood
Bolitho, Janie
Carmen Brockham, owner of
Rickenham Green's largest department
store, has finally found a man she
wants to marry. The only thing
standing in her way is her childhood
friend, and manager of Brockham's,
Malcolm Graham. When Malcolm
fails to turn up for work one morning,
it is so out of character that his
assistant calls the police. His body is
found in a crime scene unlike any
other. His murder can only be
described as ritualistic, and the prime
suspect is Carmen Brockham.
MYS Cat Who Blew the Whistle
Braun, Lilian J.
When an affluent owner of an historic
steam locomotive and private railcar
disappears with millions of dollars
belonging to Moose County investors,
international police join together in a
search for the fugitive.
MYS Cat Who Came to
Braun, Lilian J.
MYS Cat Who Said Cheese
Braun, Lilian J.
(Also available in regular print
(BB-2556)). During the Moose County
Great Food Expo, Qwill and his crimesolving Siamese have plenty of delicious
distractions. But after a mysterious death,
they have to put aside the treats and cook
up a solution to the case!
Quiet Pear Island, affectionately known
as Breakfast Island, is about to be turned
upside down. The development of a
major resort complex is causing a ruckus
with local residents, summer people and
mainland fishermen, they're all hopping
mad. When a cabin cruiser explodes in
the marina, there's general alarm.
MYS Cat Who Wasn't There
Braun, Lilian J.
MYS Cat Who Dropped a
Braun, Lilian J.
(Also available in regular print (AS0730)). While the town of Pickax is
swept up in its sesquicentennial
celebrations, a hurricane brews, and
members of a local family fall deathly
ill. James Qwilleran and his famous
felines Koko and Yum Yum have their
work cut out for them.
Skulduggery strikes the Bonnie Scots
Tour as Jim Qwilleran and his friends
from Pickas set forth on a never-to-beforgotten adventure.
MYS The Cat Who Brought
Down the House
Braun, Lilian J.
Reluctant millionaire and small town
reporter Jim Qwilleran and his cats,
Koko and Yum Yum, confront a new
mystery when octogenarian Thelma
Thackerary returns to Moose County
to turn the old opera house into a film
MYS Cat Who Had Fourteen
Braun, Lilian J.
Fourteen mysteries featuring those
mischievous Siamese cats.
MYS The Cat Who Saw Stars
Braun, Lilian J.
Jim Qwilleran struggles to dispel
rumors circulating in Moose County
that extraterrestrial beings are
responsible for the disappearance of a
stray backpacker, while his sleuthing
Siamese companion, Koko, develops
an interest in the night sky.
MYS Cat Who Knew a
Braun, Lilian J.
Qwill and his sharp-witted cats play
detective once again when a body is
found in Qwill's orchard.
MYS The Cat who Smelled a
Braun, Lilian J.
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0246)). A record-breaking
drought in Moose County is believed
to have fueled a rash of fires at local
historic mine sites. But Jim Qwilleran
thinks it's arson. When a mysterious
explosion is followed by a bloodchilling murder, he and his Siamese
cats Koko and Yum Yum start sniffing
James Qwilleran embark on their latest
mystery when gold prospectors,
wildlife photographers, and pirates
arrive at the Nutcracker Inn to take
part in a game.
MYS The Cat Who Went
Braun, Lilian J.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2080)). Qwill and his clever cats
have their work cut out for them in this
"New York Times" bestseller when
the Theatre Club's new play does not
continue past opening night because a
member of the cast is suspiciously
killed and a rare book is stolen.
MYS The Cat Who Talked
Braun, Lilian J.
In James Qwilleran's opinion, "A town
without a bookstore is like a chicken with
one leg," and since the late Eddington
Smith's bookstore burned down, Pickax
has been somewhat off balance. To the
rescue comes the Klingenschoen
Foundation, manager of Qwill's estate,
which considers a new bookstore a
worthy investment. Pickax prepares to
celebrate the groundbreaking just as the
body of a man shot execution style is
discovered in the nearby woods.
MYS Invitation to Murder
Bright, Elizabeth
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1359)). (A Card-Making
Mystery) Hearing a murder over the
phone, Jennifer Shane, the owner of
her own card-making business,
receives threatening letters and, while
teaching card-making lessons and
cutting her ex-fiancé out of her life,
teams up with her eccentric aunt to
piece together the clues and expose a
MYS The Cat Who Went Up
the Creek
Braun, Lilian J.
(Also available in regular print
(AG-0158)). Koko, who is busy
toying with the squirrels as they search
for black walnuts, Yum Yum, and
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Pinches the
Brightwell, Emily
Harrison Nye may have been involved
in some dubious business dealings, but
no one expected him to be murdered.
Now, Inspector Witherspoon must
weed out the killer. But when Nye's
maid disappears, the inspector's
housekeeper, Mrs. Jeffries, and her
staff are on the case.
killer. And she'll have to get her whole
staff involved, before someone else
becomes the next subject.
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Rocks the
Brightwell, Emily
A woman is found stabbed to death in
the middle of a locked garden. Only
the residents have keys, but the more
Mrs. Jeffries investigates, the more
puzzled she becomes.
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Questions
the Answer
Brightwell, Emily
Disliked by nearly everyone, Hannah
Cameron wasn't mourned when she
died at the hands of a burglar. It's up to
Scotland Yard's Inspector Witherspoon
and his housekeeper Mrs. Jeffries to
find out the murderer was indeed a
burglar, or someone closer to home.
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Stalks the
Brightwell, Emily
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0263)). (A Victorian Mystery,
Prime Crime) Mrs. Jeffries, the
housekeeper for Inspector
Witherspoon, employs her keen skills
of detection to solve the murder of Sir
Edmund Leggett, who, after becoming
the object of a disturbed young
woman's affection, is found dead at his
engagement party.
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Reveals Her
Brightwell, Emily
The artist's model never even showed
up to Neville Grant's house, nor was
expected according to the cranky Mr.
Grant. But with all of his ranting and
raving, it was hard getting a straight
answer. Then, one of Grant's
houseguests suddenly dies right before
their eyes, and it's no accident! Now,
Mrs. Jeffries has to work double-time
to find the missing model and the
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Sweeps the
Brightwell, Emily
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Weeds the
Brightwell, Emily
Annabeth Gentry thinks someone
wants her dead. And when her
housekeeper, Mrs. Jeffries, discovers
three attempts on Annabeth's life, she
realizes the eccentric old lady may be
right after all. Now she must unearth
answers, and fast!
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0224)). Inspector Witherspoon is
perplexed. No one seems to know the
identity of the dead man dressed like a
vicar and propped against the outside
wall of St. Paul's Church, clutching the
address of an abandoned cottage. When a
skeleton is found stuffed in the cottage's
chimney, Witherspoon gathers all his
resources to link the two events,
including his very efficient housekeeper
Mrs. Jeffries.
MYS Catch as Cat Can
Brown, Rita M.
(A Mrs. Murphy Mystery) Mary
Minor "Harry" Haristeen, her Welsh
Corgi, Tee Tucker, her portly gray cat
Pewter, and of course, feline sleuth
extraordinaire, Mrs. Murphy, arrive in
small Crozet, Virginia, for the annual
Dogwood Festival. As spring fever hits
the air, so does murder. Mrs. Murphy
soon knows who the murderer is, and
who's next in line.
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Takes the
Brightwell, Emily
The evidence was all there: a dead
body, two dessert plates, and a gun. As
if poor Mr. Ashbury had been sharing
cake with his own killer! Now, Mrs.
Jeffries and her staff must do some
snooping around. They're more than
happy to help dish up some clues.
MYS Cat's Eyewitness
Brown, Rita Mae
When a statue of the Blessed Virgin
Mary starts mysteriously crying tears
of real blood, terrible events are
prophesied, and it's not long before
things start shaking up the sleepy little
town of Crozet, Virginia.
MYS Mrs. Jeffries Takes Stock
Brightwell, Emily
When her employer, Inspector
Witherspoon, is saddled with the
baffling murder of a man who had
allegedly cheated his stockholders out
of a fortune, housekeeper Mrs. Jeffries
comes to the rescue.
MYS The Switch
Brown, Sandra
Melina Lloyd suggests to her identical
twin sister, Gillian, that she take her
place as a media escort to astronaut
Col. "Chief" Hart. Later, Melina
receives word Gillian has been brutally
murdered, and Hart, though innocent,
is the prime suspect. Together, they are
determined to find Gillian's killer.
MYS A Stained White Radiance
Burke, James Lee
Cajun police detective Dave
Robicheaux must confront the Sonnier
family, which features monsters, a
televangelist, and his childhood
MYS Excursion to Tindari
Camilleri, Andrea
(An Inspector Montalbano Mystery) A
young Don Juan is found murdered in
front of his apartment building early one
morning, and an elderly couple is
reported missing after an excursion to the
ancient site of Tindari, two seemingly
unrelated cases for Inspector Montalbano
to solve amid the daily complications of
life at the Vigata police headquarters.
Then he discovers that the couple and the
murdered young man lived in the same
MYS The Gourdmother
Bruce, Maggie
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1357)). (The First Gourd Craft
Mystery, Prime Crime) Arriving in the
small village of Walden Corners, New
York to start a new life, Brooklyn
transplant Lili Marino, while
transforming gourds into beautiful
works of art, gains a sense of
belonging, until she stumbles upon the
dead body of her newfound friend's
husband on the first day of hunting
MYS Rounding the Mark
Camilleri, Andrea
Andrea Camilleri's earthy and urbane
Sicilian detective Inspector
Montalbano casts his spell on more
and more fans with each new mystery.
Two seemingly unrelated deaths form
the central mystery of Rounding the
Mark. They will take Montalbano deep
into a secret world of illicit trafficking
in human lives, and the investigation
will test the limits of his physical,
psychological, and moral endurance.
MYS Contents Under Pressure
Buchanan, Edna
The latest story of Britt Montero, a
Cuban-American crime reporter,
begins with the violent, suspicious
death of a black football star that
provokes a massive police cover-up.
As Britt uses all her savvy and prowess
to crack the story, citywide outrage
grows and Miami becomes a war zone.
MYS The Snack Thief
Camilleri, Andrea
Suspecting a link between the murder
of an elderly man and the shooting of
an Italian fisherman, Inspector
Montalbano encounters impoverished
housekeeper and sometime prostitute
Karima, whose thieving young son's
life is endangered after she disappears.
MYS Candy Apple Dead
Carter, Sammi
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1348)). (A Candy Shop Mystery,
Prime Crime) When she is stood up
by fellow merchant Brandon Mills,
Abby Shaw, the owner of the Divinity
Candy Shop, is shocked when he is
found murdered and discovers a whole
new and disturbing side to this man
whom she thought she knew when she
launches her own investigation.
MYS The Terra-Cotta Dog
Camilleri, Andrea
(An Inspector Montalbano Mystery) A
mysterious tete-a-tete with a Mafioso,
some inexplicably abandoned loot
from a supermarket heist, and dying
words lead Inspector Montalbano to a
secret grotto in a mountain cave
watched over by a life-sized terra-cotta
dog. What the Inspector discovers is a
fifty-year-old crime that takes him on a
journey through Sicily's past.
MYS Chocolate Dipped Death
Carter, Sammi
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2342)). When poisoned bon-bons
lead to the demise of an obnoxious
trophy wife, and the town troublemaker,
during Divinity's Tenth Annual
Confectionary Competition, candy shop
owner Abby Shaw must find a stickyfingered killer bent on sweet revenge.
MYS Open Season on Lawyers
Cannon, Taffy
LAPD detective Joanna Davis races
against time to catch the serial killer
who is targeting the sleazy attorneys of
Los Angeles, but who begins to take a
personal interest in stopping her
investigation any way he can.
MYS Female--Handle with
Chambers, Peter
The tawny-haired bundle of dynamite
that erupted into P.I. Mark Preston's
office called herself Abigail H. O'Hagan
the First. The beauty was a lawyer in
search of a trusted employee who had
decamped with her wealthy father's
company payroll. But how was Preston to
help someone who seemed to be able to
handle everything, including him?
MYS Lady, This is Murder
Chambers, Peter
returned to the factory, the holes had
disappeared. Preston had doubts about
finding the missing holes, but the
puzzle intrigued him.
Jeannie Benson was a sweet and lovely
girl who disappeared suddenly from Vale
City. Six months later she was found on a
mortuary slab in Monkton City, but now
she was Ruby Capone, a cheap bar pickup. Racket boss Benito gave Mark
Preston five thousand dollars to find out
what happened to Jeannie. He soon
discovered that she had made some odd
friends, and races against time to find the
killer that's waiting for him.
MYS The Time Bomb
Chance, John N.
The contact was in the hut at the
appointed time: the only trouble was,
he was dead. What followed was a
long, circuitous journey to Brighton,
being tailed all along the way, passed
from one to the next like the baton in a
relay race. It was only the last comer
who could be trusted, and his name
was Jonathan Blake.
MYS Speak Ill of the Dead
Chambers, Peter
Anthea Horan was a country girl who
had left for the bright lights fourteen
years earlier. Given the hopeless task
of tracking her down, Mark Preston
found himself on an involved and
twisted trail. There were involved and
twisted people, too, and then highpriced lawyer Elmo Davis wanted to
join the investigation.
MYS Death with an Ocean View
Charles, Nora
The once sleepy beach town of
Palmetto, Florida is plagued by
progress, and a developer's plan to raze
the Ocean Vista condo has board
president Stella Sajak in an uproar. But
when Stella says she'll go to City Hall
and fight this to the death, no one
thinks to take her statement literally.
And when Kate Kennedy begins to
investigate the murder, she discovers
that this little corner of the sunshine
state is cursed with corruption.
MYS The Vanishing Holes
Chambers, Peter
Dexter Hadley hired Mark Preston to
check up on his wife, then was
murdered before Preston began.
Hadley's employers then asked Preston
to investigate a claim from a reputable
client that a tractor had been delivered
to them with holes drilled in the
bodywork. When the machine was
MYS Who Killed Swami
Charles, Nora
Once a snowbird, Kate Kennedy is
now a full-time South Florida resident
and sometime sleuth. At a dinner for
Swami Schwartz, the founder of the
Palmetto Beach Yoga Institute, the
food is fabulous and the dancing is
delightful. That is, until Swami twosteps all over Kate's new shoes and
then keels over dead after someone
spikes his double espresso with
cyanide. Kate teams up with her best
friend Marlene to sort through
MYS Keepsake Crimes
Childs, Laura
(A Scrapbooking Mystery)
Scrapbooking shop owner Carmela
Bertrand turns sleuth when her
estranged husband is accused of
murdering a powerful New Orleans
businessman, and amidst clippings,
patterns, and pictures finds a clue that
will prove his innocence.
MYS Photo Finished
Childs, Laura
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0227)). (A Scrapbooking Mystery,
Prime Crime) When her late-night
"Crop Till You Drop" session is
interrupted by the murder of a
neighboring shop owner, scrapbooking
queen Carmela Bertrand finds herself, as
well as her customers, under the scrutiny
of the police, forcing her to carefully
assemble the clues to solve the crime.
MYS Shock Treatment
Chase, James H.
Gilda Delaney had never stopped
blaming herself for the accident that
crippled her husband. At least, that was
the story she told Terry Regan, a story he
had no reason to doubt, infatuated as he
was with everything about her. It was
only afterwards that he began to wonder.
MYS Shades of Earl Grey
Childs, Laura
MYS Death by Darjeeling
Childs, Laura
Theodosia Browning is busy serving
steaming teas and blackberry scones at
the annual historic homes garden party
while the guests sing her praises. But
the sweet smell of success turns to
suspense when an esteemed guest is
found dead, his hand clutching an
empty teacup.
While attending a high society
engagement party, Indigo Tea Shop
owner Theodosia Browning is steeped in
mystery when the groom meets with
disaster and the wedding ring, a family
heirloom from the crown of Marie
Antoinette, vanishes.
MYS A Better Class of Murder
Christmas, Joyce
MYS Silence of the Hams
Churchill, Jill
Pompous, pig-headed attorney Robert
Stonecipher is a major pain in the ham
hocks. So no one is terribly upset when
he's fatally mashed by a falling rack of
hams at the new deli where suburban
single mom Jane Jeffry's son works
part-time. But when Stonecipher's
most obnoxious employee meets an
equally appropriate end, Jane knows
the fat's really in the fire.
Lady Margaret Priam and Betty Trenka
join forces to solve a high-tech
Manhattan murder among the very rich.
To her delighted surprise, suburban
sleuth Betty Trenka finds herself
ensconced in a luxurious New York City
hotel preparing to investigate the
wealthy, ruthless computer entrepreneur
Gerald Toth for her country neighbor,
Ted Kelso. An expert tester of software
programs, Ted has been offered a
suspiciously large sum to approve Toth's
top secret new brainchild.
MYS Never Kissed Goodnight
Claire, Edie
(A Leigh Koslow Mystery) Leigh's
cousin, Cara, seems to have the perfect
life. She has a knock-out figure, an
adorable son, and a rich, devoted,
gorgeous husband. But if Cara's life is
so wonderful, why does she show up at
Leigh's apartment? It appears Cara's
husband, Gil, has been lying and
sneaking around. Leigh investigates
through the streets of Pittsburgh, and is
shocked to find out what Gil's secret
really is.
MYS Dying Well
Christmas, Joyce
Everybody who is anybody is at Dr. Dale
Reeve's 50th birthday bash. But Lady
Margaret Priam is uneasy about the
arrival of Dr. Dale's wife and his
mistress. Lady Margaret's worst fears are
realized, as someone is about to take a
shortcut to death off the terrace.
MYS Forged in Blood
Christmas, Joyce
On a Roman holiday together, Lady
Margaret Priam and Betty Trenka
become embroiled with an artist and an
art dealer involved in the notorious art of
forgery. As the men plot to infiltrate a
villa where a rare Raphael painting is
kept under lock and key, a dead body
turns up in the estate's fountain. Soon,
Betty and Lady Margaret realize murder
never takes a holiday.
MYS Loves Music, Loves to
Clark, Mary H.
A young woman is murdered while
investigating newspaper personal ads.
Now her friend is marked as the next
MYS Case of the Paranoid
Clarke, Anna
Professor Paula Glenning investigates
some dirty doings at Windsor Clinic.
MYS Hair Raiser
Cohen, Nancy J.
A volunteer for Ocean Guard, a coastal
preservation group, salon owner Marla
Shore takes charge of their upcoming
Taste of the World fundraiser, but
when the occasion is turned upside
down by sabotage and by the murder
of Ocean Guard's unpopular attorney,
Benjamin Kline, Marla joins forces
with old friend Detective Dalton Vail
to find a killer.
MYS Dream On
Cohen, Anthea
Elizabeth has always known that her
daughter, Nina, doesn't care for her. If
she's honest with herself, she has little
liking for the girl either. Brooding,
difficult and sexually provocative,
Nina is heading for trouble, even if her
besotted and ineffectual father makes
excuses for her at every turn. When the
local school is set alight and the police
start looking for an arsonist, Elizabeth
is sure her daughter is involved. But,
owing to the affair in her life, she
refuses to talk to the police.
MYS Highlights to Heaven
Cohen, Nancy J.
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0376)). (A Bad Hair Day
Mystery) When a dead body, with
excellent highlights, is discovered in
her neighbor's home, all signs lead
professional hair stylist Marla Shore to
the Heavenly Hair Salon where she
discovers a link between the murder
and the exotic pet trade.
MYS Died Blonde
Cohen, Nancy J.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1737)). (A Bad Hair Day Mystery)
There's no love lost between Marla and
Carolyn Sutton. Carolyn has never
forgiven Marla for leaving Hairstyle
Heaven to open her own place, especially
since Marla's clientele grew as Carolyn's
faded. Still, it's a nasty shock when Marla
enters the meter room behind the
shopping center that houses both their
salons and stumbles over her rival's body.
Carolyn's neck is broken, and a hank of
her hair is missing.
MYS Married to the Mop
Colley, Barbara
Charlotte LaRue is back on the job
when she begins working for notorious
crime boss Robert Rossi and his highsociety family. As family heirlooms
disappear and family feuds flame, the
big man himself winds up dead at his
own party. The case seems cut-and-dry
to everyone but Charlotte.
MYS The Manchurian
Condon, Richard
The controversial 1962 film of The
Manchurian Candidate was taken out
of circulation for twenty-five years
after JFK's assassination. Equally
controversial, and just as timely today,
is Richard Condon's original novel.
Published at the height of cold war
paranoia, this terrifying and
suspenseful political thriller features
Sergeant Raymond Shaw, ex-prisoner
of war, Medal of Honor winner,
American hero. . . and brainwashed
MYS Don't Drink the Water
Cooper, Susan R.
There is no love lost between
novelist/sometime sleuth E.J. Pugh and
her three sisters: four high-strung
Texas redheads who have made sibling
rivalry an art form. In an attempt to
ease their stretched thin family ties, the
ladies and their respective mates have
rented a vacation home together on the
Caribbean island of St. John. But
reconciliation must take a back seat to
crime detection when a waterlogged
corpse is discovered clogging up the
cistern of their stunning beachfront
MYS Angels Flight
Connelly, Michael
A black lawyer who has built his
reputation by bringing lawsuits
alleging racism and brutality by police
officers is found murdered, and the list
of suspects includes half of the LAPD.
Harry Bosch is given the unenviable
task of heading up the investigation.
He knows all too well that one misstep
could result in explosive violence.
MYS Bad Scene
Copper, Basil
Laconic L.A. private eye Mike
Faraday is coming up on the halfcentury mark when a hulking boatbuilder named Alex Prosser brings him
a case that winds him up in a whirlpool
of murder and terror. Aided in the
investigation by his caustic blonde
secretary, Stella, Mike finds that
nothing in the case is what it seems,
including the supposed mobster fished
from the sea near Bridport Inlet.
MYS The Black Ice
Connelly, Michael
Detective Harry Bosch begins his own
investigation into the alleged suicide of
a narcotics agent.
MYS Tuxedo Park
Copper, Basil
Laconic L.A. private investigator Mike
Faraday is plunged into a maelstrom of
mystery and murder when the head of
a fashion empire, millionairess Mrs.
Van Gimpel, hires him to protect her
daughter from big-time racketeer Mark
Adams. Aided by his blonde secretary,
Stella, Mike finds one bizarre fact
opening out into another.
MYS Point of Origin
Cornwell, Patricia
This white-hot new Kay Scarpetta
novel pits Virginia's chief medical
examiner against an audacious and
wily killer who uses fire to mask his
crimes. When Scarpetta learns that her
nemesis, Carrie Grethen, is somehow
involved, the investigation gets
personal and tragedy strikes too close
to home.
MYS Black Notice
Cornwell, Patricia
The discovery of the decomposed body
of a stowaway aboard a cargo ship
arriving in Richmond from Belgium
leads Chief Medical Kay Scarpetta on
a perilous international odyssey from
Virginia to Paris on a mission that
could destroy her career and threatens
her own life and the lives of everyone
she loves.
MYS Southern Cross
Cornwell, Patricia
Former police chief Judy Hammer has
been brought in to clean up the police
force in Richmond, Virginia. She and
two assistants must find the link
between the desecration of
Confederate president Jefferson
Davis's statue and the brutal murder of
an elderly woman.
MYS Trace
Cornwell, Patricia
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1226)). Now freelancing from
south Florida, Dr. Kay Scarpetta
returns to her old haunts in Richmond,
Virginia, only to encounter a host of
baffling and unwelcome surprises as
she investigates the death of a
fourteen-year-old girl.
MYS Isle of Dogs
Cornwell, Patricia
(Also available in regular print
(AE-0294)). Chaos breaks loose when
the governor of Virginia orders that
speed traps be painted on all streets
and highways. The eccentric island of
Tangier, fourteen miles off the coast in
Chesapeake Bay, responds to this
outrage by declaring war on its own
MYS Unnatural Exposure
Cornwell, Patricia
Dr. Kay Scarpetta is newly returned
from Dublin, where she was called in
to examine the remains of a murder
victim whose limbs and head were
expertly severed, a signature of a
cunning serial killer on the loose again
after an eight-year sabbatical, when the
same killer apparently strikes again,
this time much closer to home. After
Scarpetta investigates the murder
scene, the killer boldly contacts her
through the Internet, inviting her to
download photos of the murder victim
and signing off with a chilling screen
name: deadoc. When Scarpetta
determines that the victim was exposed
to a rare smallpox-like virus before she
died and, later, that she herself may
have been infected.
MYS Latte Trouble
Coyle, Cleo
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1222)). (A Coffeehouse Mystery,
Prime Crime) When designer Lottie
Harmon displays her latest collection of
coffee-inspired fashion accessories called
"Java Jewelry" at the Village Blend
Coffeehouse, manager Clare Cosi soon
discovers that a new mystery is brewing
when barista Tucker is accused of trying
to poison Lottie.
MYS On What Grounds
Coyle, Cleo
Clare Cosi used to manage the historic
Village Blend coffeehouse, and now,
after ten years and a little friendly
cajoling, she's back to the grind. Clare is
thrilled to return to work, until she
discovers the assistant manager
unconscious in the back of the store,
coffee grounds strewn everywhere. The
police deem it an accident. But Clare
can't get some things out of her mind. Is
she in danger? And, are all detectives this
handsome? Includes recipes and coffeemaking tips.
MYS The Coroner's Lunch
Cotterill, Colin
The Coroner's Lunch is set in Laos,
once part of Indochina and recently
taken over by the Communist Pathet
Lao party, and features Dr. Siri
Paiboun, a physician trained in Paris.
For lack of other candidates, most of
the educated class has fled, he has
been appointed chief coroner. After
months of boredom there is a sudden
spate of bodies, and the Party wants
certain answers.
MYS Through the Grinder
Coyle, Cleo
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0267)). When several of her
customers meet an untimely demise,
Clare Cosi, owner of the Village Blend
coffee shop, is confronted by a rich blend
of murder and betrayal when her new
boyfriend is named the prime suspect.
MYS A Catered Murder
Crawford, Isis
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0372)). When Bernadette
Simmons goes to work for her sister
Libby's catering business in New
York, it's a recipe for disaster as the
two find themselves in the midst of a
murder mystery they can really sink
their teeth into. Includes seven recipes.
forgot the horror of it all. She tried to
save her foster sister, but Monica's last
words were "Katy pushed me." Now
Katy is working successfully in New
York, the torment of the past behind
her, until threatening notes start to
MYS Final Intuition
Daniels, Claire
Cally Lazar, recovering attorney,
clairvoyant energy worker, and
reluctant finder of dead bodies, is back
for another round of intuitive sleuthing
and lethal vibes. Callie's Thanksgiving
holiday becomes a hell of a day when
her ailing Aunt Daphne keels over
after the turkey dinner. But her illness
isn't the cause: according to Daphne's
devoted teenaged caretaker, someone
has been trying to poison Daphne.
MYS A Catered Wedding
Crawford, Isis
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1349)). (A Mystery with
Recipes) Leeza Sharp's dream
wedding turns deadly when she is
murdered just hours before her trip
down the aisle, and it is up to her
caterers Libby and Bernadette
Simmons to solve the case of the
nightmarish nuptials.
MYS Strangled Intuition
Daniels, Claire
When a party ends with one of Cally's
massage clients strangled with her own
necklace, the police suspect the
woman's husband. But one look at his
aura and Cally knows that he's no
MYS James Joyce Murders
Cross, Amanda
Kate Fansler, professor-cum-amateur
sleuth, spends a bucolic summer in
Berkshire Hills sorting out a valuable
collection of Joycean papers, and
solving a murder.
MYS Voice Out of Darkness
Curtiss, Ursula
Thirteen years ago Monica died in a
terrible skating accident. Katy never
MYS Nice Knight for Murder
Daniels, Philip
The death of Sir Francis Waterman
was bound to cause ripples, but they
would become tidal waves if people
knew he was murdered. D.O.N.
Bradman had not become the great
cricketer his father had hoped.
However, he had less spectacular
talents which the government
appreciated, and now found himself
appointed as a one-man board of
enquiry. There had been so many
women in Waterman's life, it seemed
hopeless at first. Only the dead man's
daughter seemed a likely source of
information, but she didn't take to
Bradman. Not at first, anyway.
an event for the over-privileged "Elite
Shoppers" of Westside Mall, Goldy
Schulz is nearly run down by a truck.
Then she finds an old friend dead,
stabbed with one of Goldy's new
knives. Soon, the egg-timer's ticking
on Goldy's life. Features 10 recipes.
MYS Killer Pancake
Davidson, Diane M.
Colorado caterer Goldy Bear faces her
most challenging assignment ever when
she decides to cater the Mignon
Cosmetics Low-Fat Luncheon. As Goldy
wrestles with cream, butter, and eggs,
soon she wishes she'd stayed clear of the
beauty biz, especially when she learns
that to get inside the mall where the
banquet is being held, she will have to
wade through an angry mob of
demonstrators. It seems that Mignon
Cosmetics' animal-testing policies have
made them a target. On the day of the
banquet a rising star from Mignon lies
dead on the pavement, a hit-and-run that
was no accident. Before long, Goldy is
enmeshed up in a homicide investigation.
MYS The Dracula Murders
Daniels, Philip
The Festival of Horror Ball was a great
success, with everyone dressed as
vampires, werewolves and assorted
monsters. The fun was interrupted by a
spectral figure calling himself
Nosferatu, who warned the
merrymakers they were tampering
with the unknown. People dismissed
him as a crank, until a girl was found
ritualistically murdered.
MYS Sticks & Scones
Davidson, Diane M.
The author of Tough Cookie presents
another culinary mystery in which
Colorado caterer-turned-sleuth Goldy
Schulz whips up a traditional
Elizabethan banquet for an eccentric
millionaire, with disastrous results.
MYS Chopping Spree
Davidson, Diane M.
(Also available in regular print
(AG-0239)). While setting up to cater
MYS The Lion's Game
De Mille, Nelson
John Corey has signed on as a contract
agent with the Federal Anti-Terrorist
Task Force and is awaiting the arrival
of a Libyan defector at JFK airport.
But something goes horribly wrong,
after killing everyone on the flight,
"The Lion" attacks the airport's ATTF
headquarters and disappears. As a
bloody trail of terror streaks across the
country, John and his FBI "mentor,"
Kate Mayfield, soon learn that their
quarry is more than a man, he has all
the instincts of a predatory wild
MYS The Witch's Grave
De Poy, Phillip
Fever Devilin, now a college professor
and noted folklorist of Appalachia, has
returned to the deceptively quiet life
among his hill-country people. When
Truevine Deveroe, a local girl reputed
to be a witch, goes missing and the
local mortician turns up dead near
Devilin's home, Fever finds himself in
the midst of a very difficult situation.
With very little time, and lives at stake,
he must unravel the mystery.
MYS No Age to Die
Dean, John
When an old convict is released from a
prison sentence for child murder, DCI
John Blizzard is ordered to warn him
about his future conduct. But as news
of the release spreads and another
teenager is killed within hours,
feelings run high in the community
and Blizzard struggles to contain a
rapidly escalating situation.
MYS A Minister's Ghost
De Poy, Phillip
Fever Devilin left behind the hillcountry folk of the Appalachians when
he headed for college, intending to
never, or rarely, return. Now a
professor and noted folklorist, Fever
has decided to flee academia and
return to the family home he thought
he'd left behind forever. But the
quiet life and ways of the Blue
Mountain region are deceptive. When
Fever spots an apparition at a railroad
crossing, it turns out to be an omen of
two suspicious deaths.
MYS Bloody River Blues
Deaver, Jeffery
Hollywood location scout John Pellam
thought the scenic backwater town of
Maddox, Missouri, would be the
perfect site for an upcoming "Bonnie
and Clyde" style film. But after real
bullets leave two people dead and one
cop paralyzed, he's more sought after
than the Barrow Gang. Pellam had
unwittingly wandered onto the crime
scene just minutes before the brutal
hits, now the Feds and local people
want him to talk. Mob enforcers want
him silenced. Trapped in a town full of
sinister secrets and deadly deceptions,
Pellam fears that death will imitate art.
MYS Miss Zukas Shelves the
Dereske, Jo
Police Chief Wayne Gallant has
arranged a meeting between his
children and Bellehaven's beloved
librarian Helma Zukas. But the long
overdue introductions are interrupted
by murder when a corpse is found in
the garden of Helma's newest
neighbor. And when the chief's
investigation has him digging too close
to the truth, he's helped to a nearly
fatal fall from a cliff, with a potentially
incriminating library book found
within reach. Determined to uphold the
privacy rights of library patrons, Miss
Zukas refuses to give police the
borrower's name.
MYS The Irish Village Murder
Deere, Dicey
(A Torrey Tunet Mystery) When
American translator and sometime
sleuth Torrey Tunet returns home to
the Irish village of Ballynagh, she
wants nothing more than to relax in
front of a peat fire. But when she finds
an eight-year-old girl waiting forlornly
at the bus stop in the gathering
darkness, Torrey takes charge of
delivering her to the country house
where her aunt works as housekeeper.
What they find at Gwathney Hall is not
a warm welcome, but cold-blooded
MYS Birth Marks
Dunant, Sarah
Soon after Hannah Wolfe is hired to
find missing ballet dancer Carolyn
Hamilton, Carolyn's body is fished out
of the Thames with stones in her
pockets and a fetus in her belly. The
police think it's a no-brainer, but
Hannah suspects something else is
going on. Her investigation takes her
from the London dance world to the
upper echelons of Paris society in
search of the child's father, whose
explanation only raises more
MYS Fatlands
Dunant, Sarah
Private investigator Hannah Wolfe has
taken on one of the less glamorous
jobs in the security world, chaperoning
teenage rebel Maggie Shepherd around
London. But Maggie's father is paying
Hannah more than the job is worth, it
seems. Or perhaps not. He's on the
Animal Liberation Front's hit list. But
why? When violence explodes, this is
what Hannah must discover.
MYS Listen to Danger
Eden, Dorothy
The telephone becomes an instrument of
torture in a quiet London square, as a
young widow waits distractedly to hear
from the kidnapper of her two small
MYS File M for Murder
Edghill, India
Cornelia Upshaw has sworn off men.
She's a single mother, a transplanted
Southerner living in New York and
working as a secretary for a temp agency.
Her current gig is at Dayborne Ventures,
a high-rolling Wall Street financial
house. At Dayborne, the executives get
expensive perks. Some would kill for a
corner office. Now it looks like someone
has. And Cornelia, typing and filing in
front of the victim's locked door, is a
MYS Nose for Trouble
Durgin, Doranna
Anxious to get away from the
pressures of the east coast and into a
climate where his trauma-induced
asthma isn't a daily challenge, Dale
Kinsall, DVM, hauls his baggage and
his young Beagle to a vet clinic in the
high desert. He arrives to a clinic
populated by an eccentric staff, and a
community abuzz about a recent
murder. The buzz gets even louder
when Dale stumbles across a second
MYS Corridors of Death
Edwards, Ruth D.
At the close of a top-level meeting in the
offices of the British Civil Service, a
respected senior civil servant is found
murdered with his skull crushed in.
Detective Superintendent James Milton
of Scotland Yard is bewildered: who in
his gray, conventional world would want
Sir Nicholas Clark dead? And can a
murder investigation proceed
successfully within the complex
bureaucracy of Whitehall? But Milton is
surprised when he finds out most
everyone, including his wife and son,
wanted Sir Nicholas dead.
MYS Bridge of Fear
Eden, Dorothy
Following a brief but passionate
courtship, Abby Fearon marries the
man of her dreams and discovers
during the honeymoon that her new
husband has undergone a disturbing
MYS Murder Can Upset Your
Eichler, Selma
Philanthropist Miriam Weiden was
murdered just after leaving a plea for
help on Desiree Shapiro's answering
machine. Desiree agrees to investigate
the murder, and discovers that Miriam
was different from the lady the world
held in such high esteem.
MYS Crime Brulee
Fairbanks, Nancy
Forty-something food writer Carolyn
Blue gets a taste of New Orleans
cookery and crime. When a friend of
hers goes missing, Carolyn turns sleuth
to search for answers, a trail that leads
right into an alligator swamp. Includes
over a dozen recipes.
MYS Death a l'Orange
Fairbanks, Nancy
(A Culinary Mystery with Recipes,
Prime Crime) (Also available in
regular print (AC-0119)). A culinary
tour of France is a dream come true for
aspiring food writer Carolyn Blue, but
as she and her family travel through
Normandy and the Loire Valley with a
group of academics, she suddenly
finds murder on the menu.
MYS Hot Six
Evanovich, Janet
Bounty hunter Stephanie Plum goes
after bail jumper, Ranger, who
happens to be Carlos Manoso, former
Special Forces Agent turned soldier of
fortune, and Stephanie's mentor. Now
Stephanie must test her skills against
the master, and also deal with her
grandmother, two goons on her tail,
and three corpses.
MYS Mozzarella most
Fairbanks, Nancy
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0939)). (A Culinary Mystery
with Recipes, Prime Crime) When
her newfound friend, a lovely Italian
woman named Paolina, is found dead
in the hotel pool, food writer Carolyn
Blue sets out to find the truth and put a
clever killer behind bars, while
sampling some of Italy's finest cuisine.
MYS Chocolate Quake
Fairbanks, Nancy
(A Culinary Mystery with Recipes)
(Also available in regular print
(AH-0218)). After learning that her
mother-in-law has been arrested for the
murder of Denise Falk, and seems to
be determined to antagonize everyone
in jail with her, food writer Carolyn
Blue sets out to discover the identity of
the real killer. Includes delicious San
Francisco recipes.
MYS The Perils of Paella
Fairbanks, Nancy
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0226)). (A Culinary Mystery
with Recipes, Prime Crime)
Arriving in Barcelona to employ her
keen sense of taste for her column,
food writer Carolyn Blue finds herself
embroiled in mystery when she visits a
modern art museum where a
performance art piece about death
results in murder.
MYS The Kills
Fairstein, Linda
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0353)). Manhattan sex crimes
prosecutor Alexandra Cooper
discovers that her current date rape
case has become complicated by her
client's secrets, as well as by a
colleague's investigation into the
murder of an elderly Harlem woman.
MYS Furnished for Murder
Ferrars, Elizabeth
When Meg Jeacock rented the
furnished cottage next to her house,
she decided not to face the fact that her
tenant had some rather sinister
characteristics. Her husband was
convinced that any man who would
pay three months' rent in advance for
that cottage must be a crook. And
when the stranger showed an
inexplicable interest in Shandon
Priory, the big house nearby whose
elderly owner had recently died, it
became clear that there was trouble
MYS Truffled Feathers
Fairbanks, Nancy
(A Culinary Mystery with Recipes,
Prime Crime) (Also available in
regular print (AA-0111)). The CEO of
a large pharmaceutical company
invites Carolyn and Jason Blue to New
York and offers Jason a job as a
consultant. But before Carolyn gets a
chance to get a true taste of the Big
Apple, the CEO is dead, keeled over
from a heaping helping of pastrami.
Carolyn wonders if the well-liked CEO
hadn't ruffled one too many feathers.
Includes over a dozen authentic New
York recipes.
MYS Ninth Life
Ferrars, Elizabeth
When Caroline left the hospital, her
sister Fenella insisted that she
recuperate in Fenella's house in the
West country. It would be a chance for
Caroline to get to know her new
husband, she insisted, and it would be
restful in the old house at Dexter
Abbas. But it was anything but restful.
Fenella's husband was moody,
excitable, reckless and inexplicably
affluent, a surprising man for Fenella
to have married. Then the brooding
progresses to violence, and death.
there, the list of suspects is practically
endless. Betsy Devonshire wants to
help out in the police investigation, but
when her best friend, Officer Jill
Cross, confides that they have a lead,
Betsy can't keep the news to herself.
Now she must first regain Jill's trust,
then figure out who had designs on the
dead designer.
MYS Embroidered Truths
Ferris, Monica
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2620)). (A Needlecraft Mystery,
Prime Crime) Needlework shop
owner and amateur sleuth Betsy
Devonshire becomes embroiled in a
dangerous and all-too-personal case,
when her friend Godwin is arrested for
the murder of his significant other,
John, after a nasty quarrel.
MYS Crewel Yule
Ferris, Monica
(A Needlecraft Mystery) Part-time sleuth
and full-time owner of the needlework
shop Crewel World, Betsy Devonshire
often has a hand in anything crafty. Then,
at this year's needlework convention in
Nashville, Milwaukee shop owner Belle
Hammermill tumbles nine stories to her
untimely death. At first, Betsy thinks the
fall was an unfortunate accident. The
trouble is, Belle's unsavory reputation
causes suspicions to flare.
MYS Dying for a Clue
Fitzwater, Judy
A Jennifer Marsh Mystery. To help her
writing, mystery novelist Jennifer
Marsh joins private detective Johnny
Zeeman on a search to track down the
birth parents of adopted teenager
Diane Robbins, but she gets more than
she had bargained for when a late night
rendezvous erupts into murder and she
is targeted by a killer out to destroy all
evidence of the past.
MYS Cutwork
Ferris, Monica
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0217)). Almost everyone in
Excelsior, Minnesota, craftsy and noncraftsy alike, has turned out for the art
fair. So when an artisan is murdered
MYS Dying to be Murdered
Fitzwater, Judy
A Jennifer Marsh Mystery. Society
matron Mary Bedford Ashton hires
Jennifer to live in her historic mansion
for a week and record everything that
happens, believing this will prove her
impending death to be murder. During
her stay, Jennifer encounters a sinister
housekeeper, threatening notes, a
bloodstained bed and her own
bedroom door which locks only from
the outside. It's a case to die for and
Jennifer may do just that.
MYS Dying to Get Her Man
Fitzwater, Judy
(Also available in regular print
(AB-0251)). In the sixth installment of
this acclaimed mystery series, bride-tobe Suzanne Gray is found frozen to
death on her lover's grave with a
suicide note tucked in her glove.
Mystery writer Jennifer Marsh sets out
to discover what really happened, but
that proves difficult when Belle, and
old flame of Sam Culpepper's,
suddenly appears to reclaim Jennifer's
MYS Dying to Get Even
Fitzwater, Judy
Edgar's Down Home Grill is
flourishing, but the reprehensible
owner, Edgar Walker, is finite.
Jennifer Marsh finds his body, and
catches her dear friend Emmie, Edgar's
former wife, nearby, gripping a bloody
knife. Jennifer knows that Emmie
could never kill anyone. Edgar's
current wife, however, with her lush
body and scheming brain, fits the bill.
But unless Jennifer and her writers'
critique group can figure out who's
been plotting murder, Emmie's neck
will be in the noose, and reluctant
witness for the prosecution Jennifer
will be the one to tighten it!
MYS Dying to get Published
Fitzwater, Judy
What does it take to get a book
contract? That's the lament of every
unpublished author, including aspiring
murder-mystery novelist Jennifer
Marsh. After submitting eight
diligently crafted manuscripts to every
prominent publisher in New York,
Jennifer has collected enough rejection
letters to wallpaper a room. But that
doesn't stop her from concocting one
killer of a scheme for her next novel.
Suddenly Jennifer's lifelong love affair
with crime fiction brings her face to
face with real-life murder.
MYS Gin and Daggers
Fletcher, Jessica
This mystery is set in England, and
brings you the ever popular Jessica
Fletcher as the main character. In her
usual role as sleuth, Jessica finds
herself at a Mystery writers'
convention, and in the middle of a
murder. Marjorie Ainsworth, leading
mystery writer, has been murdered on
the night before the opening of the
convention. Jessica uses her uncanny
intuition and her skills in deduction to
solve the murder of her good friend.
MYS Murder She Wrote: A
Palette for Murder
Fletcher, Jessica
Jessica Fletcher has come to the elegant
Hamptons on Long Island's gold coast for
a sinfully sweet spell in the sun and a
chance to indulge her secret burning
passion, painting. But Jessica has only a
brief time behind the easel before she
finds herself under the gun to solve a
murder as tantalizing as its victim. A
mysterious masterpiece, a mountain of
money, a mourning millionaire, and a
slightly mad painter lead her down a
twisting trail of illusion and confusion,
and into the path of danger.
MYS Martini's and Mayhem
Fletcher, Jessica
MYS Strawberry Shortcake
Fluke, Joanne
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0376)) (A Hannah Swensen
Mystery) When a flour company
chooses Lake Eden, Minnesota, as the
site for its annual Dessert Bake-Off,
Hannah is thrilled to serve as head
judge. When a fellow judge is found
dead, facedown in Hannah's celebrated
strawberry shortcake, the stakes are
rising faster than dough. Hannah will
have to be careful because someone is
cooking up a recipe for murder.
Includes seven recipes.
(Murder She Wrote) Promoting her
newest book in glamorous San Francisco,
Jessica Fletcher visits a women's prison
and afterwards finds a mysterious diary
in her bag that makes her suspect that an
inmate has been falsely accused of
MYS Murder at the
Powderhorn Ranch
Fletcher, Jessica
During a visit to an old friend's Colorado
ranch, best-selling mystery writer Jessica
Fletcher comes face to face with murder
when a vacationing couple turns up dead
and Jessica joins forces with a local
reporter to uncover suspicious links
between the victims and a nasty gang of
land developers.
MYS Fury
Ford, G. M.
(Also available in regular print
(AC-0121)). Former New York Times
reporter Frank Corso has six days to
investigate the case of a convicted
killer on death row before the possibly
innocent man is put to death.
MYS To the Hilt
Francis, Dick
Alexander Kinloch, an eccentric artist
who lives alone on a Scottish
mountainside, receives a card from his
mother in London summoning him to
the bedside of his dying stepfather.
The news takes him by surprise, but
the realization that his stepfather is
unintentionally about to take
Alexander to the grave with him is the
shock that draws Alexander out of the
untamed wilderness and into the much
more perilous company of polite
MYS Blood Sport
Francis, Dick
Investigator Gene Hawkins witnesses
an "accident," and can't wait to delve
into the case.
MYS Comeback
Francis, Dick
Peter Darwin's veterinarian friend has
a problem: racehorses are dying
mysteriously after he operates on
them, and his investigation only causes
this cruel enigma to escalate.
MYS Conch Shell Murder
Francis, Dorothy
Newly licensed Private Detective Katie
Hasworth faces her first murder case with
more than a little anxiety, not only is she
a newcomer, but the Chitting family
would give Sherlock Holmes a migraine.
Who murdered Alexa Chitting before she
had time to change her will, leaving her
fortune to the Key West Preservation
Society rather than to friends and family?
Her husband? Lover? Daughter?
MYS Shattered
Francis, Dick
When jockey Martin Stukeley dies
after a fall at Cheltenham, his friend,
up-and-coming glass artisan Gerald
Logan, finds himself embroiled in a
deadly search for a stolen videotape.
Believing the tape contains priceless
information, a vicious group of
criminals thinks Gerald has it. To
survive, Gerald will have to uncover
the truth about Martin's death.
MYS Pier Pressure
Francis, Dorothy B.
school, she realizes that one of the
masters has a telepathic old over her, and
is influencing her strange and vivid
dreams. To her horror, the dreams are
beginning to come true.
(A Keely Moreno Mystery) Keely
Moreno's foot reflexology courses never
taught her how to deal with a corpse.
After finally breaking free from her
abusive ex-husband, Keely is pursuing a
new career in Key West. All goes well
until she reports to the home of her
wealthy patient, Margaux Ashford, and
finds her dead, killed by a bullet later
found to have been fired from Keely's
own gun.
MYS Motive for Murder
Fraser, Anthea
When Emily Barton applies for the post
of temporary secretary to writer Matthew
Haig, it does not occur to her that she
might be putting her life in danger. But
from the first she feels a secretive air
about the place. Why had her predecessor
left so suddenly? And why did innocent
comments about swimming provoke such
strong reaction? Her uneasiness increases
when she discovers that the book they are
working on is based on a local murder, so
far unsolved.
MYS Dangerous Deception
Fraser, Anthea
Seeking time alone, Clare Laurie has
come to the isolated Welsh hotel of
Carreg Coed after breaking her
engagement under a cloud of suspicion
and scandal. But the atmosphere seems
strangely oppressive, with all the
residents absorbed in each other's lives.
Then, Clare is drawn into a ruthless
international conspiracy. Mistaken for
one of the gang members, Clare hopes
she can fool the others, just long enough
to alert the police.
MYS The Stone
Fraser, Anthea
Those with long memories in the village
of Ickfield treat their megalith with
increasing respect as its sinister cycle
comes round again. But the Prior family,
moving into their new home on the
hillside beneath it, know nothing of the
Stone's dark history. Unfortunately, their
ignorance affords them no protection
against the forces that have disrupted the
lives of their predecessors. A hundredyear-old diary and some curious pebbles
alert local antique dealer Adam Sandys to
possible danger, but despite his vigilance
fifteen-year-old Vanessa is increasingly
disturbed by the Stone's malign influence.
MYS Island-in-Waiting
Fraser, Anthea
When Chloe visits the Isle of Man for the
first time, she is disturbed to find that she
"recognizes" both landscapes and people
she has never seen before. Nor can she
account for her intuitive knowledge of
the island's history and legends. As she
becomes involved with her brother's
MYS Murder in C Major
Frommer, Sara H.
Young widow Joan Spencer returns to
her hometown with her college-bound
son and lands a job at the town's senior
citizens center. She then settles into the
viola position in a small amateur
orchestra, seated next to an unpleasant
oboist who drops dead from his chair
during rehearsal. Some think he ate
poisoned puffer fish, but an autopsy
proves he was murdered.
talking parrot, Fremont's beloved pet.
But the bird found at the scene proves
to be a foul-mouthed imposter.
MYS The Case of the Curious
Gardner, Erle S.
After con man Greg Moxley married
Rhoda Lorton, he took her money and
flew, only to have his plane crash.
Years later, Rhoda wed millionaire
scion Carl Montaine, but now Moxley
has turned up alive and well, with
plans to pocket the Montaine fortune,
or else make Rhoda's bigamy public.
Desperate to protect the good name of
Montaine, Rhoda seeks out Perry
Mason. But before Mason can reel in
Moxley, somebody murders the
scheming blackmailer.
MYS Ghost of a Chance
Galenorn, Yasmine
Single mom Emerald O'Brien owns the
Chintz'n China Tea Room where
guests are served the perfect blend of
tea and tarot reading. She never set out
to be a detective, but once word gets
out that she can communicate with the
dead, there's no turning back.
MYS The Case of the Silent
Gardner, Erle S.
Florist Mildreth Faulkner finds her
arch-competitor, Harry Peavis, secretly
buying stock in her small, familyowned corporation. While Peavis
proposes a partnership, Mildreth
suspects he's plotting a power play. To
keep the scurrilous shareholder from
muscling her out, she seeks Perry
Mason's expertise.
MYS The Case of the Perjured
Gardner, Erle S.
Did wealthy Fremont Sabin divorce his
wife before his untimely death? That's
the multimillion-dollar question. And
the right answer will mean a windfall
for either the dead man's angry son or
headstrong widow. But with no
document declaring who the affable
eccentric intended to leave his fortune
to, Perry Mason faces a prickly puzzle.
Even more puzzling, however, is the
MYS The Case of the Sun
Bather's Diary
Gardner, Erle S.
The blonde wandering nude at the
Remuda Golf Club tells Perry Mason a
strange story. While she peacefully
sun-bathed near the course, someone
made off with her Cadillac, her trailer,
and all her belongings, including her
precious diary. The woman blames the
police, who suspect her of having
stashed away nearly half a million
dollars allegedly stolen by her father,
who is now in prison. She swears that
both she and her father are innocent.
So who is bankrolling her leisurely
lifestyle? Why is she so desperate to
find her diary? And who, if not
Mason's beautiful client, would murder
a key witness?
Eric Linenger finds his job complicated
by the protests of local environmentalists,
the damage caused by an out-of-control
blaze, and the murder of his boss, Wayne
Devlin, whose body is found near the
origin of the fire.
MYS Death Takes a Gander
Goff, Christine
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0111)) (A Birdwatcher's
Mystery, Prime Crime) While
investigating "accidents" at Elk Lake
and the Drummond Hotel, including
the death of her partner, which has
been ruled a suicide, U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Special Agent Angela Dimato
becomes suspicious and soon learns
that killers of a feather flock together.
MYS Death Medicine
Goldring, Kat
(Also available in regular print
(AC-0371)). (A Willi Gallagher
Mystery, Prime Crime) A freak
blizzard forces Willi and Native
American investigator Quannah
Lassiter to hole up in an inn near
Austin. But inside, someone is
murdered. As Willi investigates, she
encounters war-painted warriors cometo-life from old photos, whispering
winds, and Quannah's stories of tribal
snow snakes. Willi must trust her
instincts and Quannah's strange visions
to narrow the clues to this chilling
MYS Elusive Mrs. Pollifax
Gilman, Dorothy
The grandmotherly CIA operative is
back-this time with eight expertly
forged passports hidden beneath a new
hat, and a mission to help the
Bulgarian underground.
MYS A Nest in the Ashes
Goff, Christine
(Also available in regular print
(AC-0341)). Concerned about the
environmental consequences of the
prescribed burn he has been asked to
oversee, National Park Service ranger
MYS Groucho Marx and the
Broadway Murders
Goulart, Ron
In Hollywood, Groucho Marx,
comedian-cum-amateur-sleuth, and his
writer Frank Denby have developed a
name for themselves as private
investigators. To get away from the
murder and mayhem, they entrain for
New York. One of their first stops is a
Broadway show, one that never makes
it to the second act: a character opens
an on-stage door, and a very real body
falls out. Groucho and Frank's
reputation has preceded them, and they
once again find themselves on the hunt
for clues.
MYS G is for Gumshoe
Grafton, Sue
Celebrating her 33rd birthday, Private
Eye Kinsey Millhone finds herself on the
hit list of the top triggerman.
MYS H is for Homicide
Grafton, Sue
Kinsey Millhone goes undercover to
expose a car insurance scam.
MYS O is for Outlaw
Grafton, Sue
The 15th novel in the best-selling
series finds Kinsey Milhone
investigating why her ex-husband
Mickey, the man she left years ago
after his implication in a fatal beating,
lies dying in an L.A. hospital. Kinsey
uncovers evidence that Mickey was
innocent of the beating charge, but as
she searches those in Mickey's life, she
must also search the blind spots of her
own life, including one that hides a
MYS Groucho Marx, King of
the Jungle
Goulart, Ron
Frank Denby and Groucho Marx arrive
on the set of the new Ty-Gor film, a
Tarzan knockoff, expecting to have
Groucho do his humorous walk-on.
What they find is that Randy
Spellman, the star of the picture, has
been murdered. Frank's wife, Jane, is
about to have a baby, and the amateur
detective team has promised to lay off
the sleuthing. But when a stuntwoman
who has gone missing is suspected of
the murder, Jane insists they clear her
MYS P is for Peril
Grafton, Sue
While mired in the case of a missing
doctor, his angry ex-wife, and his
beautiful current wife, Kinsey Milhone
gets a shock. A man she finds attractive
is hiding a fatal secret, and now a whole
lot of beauty, money, and lies prove to be
a fatal distraction from what Kinsey
should have seen all along: a killer
standing right before her eyes.
MYS Q is for Quarry
Grafton, Sue
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0236)). Eighteen years after the
body of an unidentified young woman
is discovered in a quarry off
California's Highway 1, two police
detectives nearing retirement enlist
Kinsey Millhone's aid to help identify
the long-ago murder victim.
Theodora Braithwaite, enjoying a
break from her duties in her inner-city
parish, is asked by the Bishop to lend a
hand. And Theodora knows the dead
man's wife, from her London group for
battered clergy wives.
MYS The Stargazey
Grimes, Martha
On a bleak November day, Richard
Jury rides old double-decker bus #14
travelling to Fulham Road when a
woman boards the bus in front of the
Stargazey pub, leaves, reboards, and
leaves again. Curious, he follows her
to the gates of Fulham Palace. Had he
gone beyond the gates, he might have
averted a murder and later another at a
crusty old men's club.
MYS S is for Silence
Grafton, Sue
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0744)). In Kinsey Millhone's
19th excursion into the world of
suspense and misadventure, a daughter
wants the solace of closure in the
mystery surrounding her mother's
absence. Thirty-four years earlier,
Violet Sullivan put on her party finery
and left for the Fourth of July
fireworks display. She was never seen
MYS Detective
Hailey, Arthur
Serial killer Elroy "Animal" Doil is
hours away from the electric chair. In
his last hours of life, he wants to make
a confession, to Detective Malcolm
Ainslie, the man who put him away.
And as much as he'd like to, Ainslie
can't ignore the criminal's request,
because although Doil is guilty of a
gruesome double murder, his
confession could close ten other
unsolved slayings. What Ainslie
learns, however, will thrust him into an
investigation that leads directly to elite
levels of city government, and some of
his trusted colleagues.
MYS Unholy Ghosts
Greenwood, D. M.
Aggressive, unreliable and frequently
intoxicated, Father Hereward Marr's
only discernible virtue as a parish
priest is his talent for deathbed
conversions. So when his body is
found in a pit he dug in an attempt to
repair the central heating, few are truly
sorry. But, as it becomes clear that his
death was not accidental, Deaconess
MYS Dain Curse
Hammett, Dashiell
MYS Dial M for Meat Loaf
Hart, Ellen
(A Culinary Mystery) As Minnesota
housewives race to meet the deadline
for the "Times Register's" meat loaf
contest, unsavory Kirby Runbeck is
killed by a car bomb. When the town's
former mayor, near death from a
stroke, confesses to the murder, his
wife and two children deny it. Food
maven and family friend Sophie
Greenway wonders about his
innocence, and finds this murder
seasoned with secrets and scandal.
This story of wild and crazy Gabrielle
Leggett moves from robbery to murder,
dope, and a sinister cult in San Francisco.
MYS Columbo: The Hoover
Harrington, William
Tell-all biographer Betsy Clendenin
was many celebrities' worst fear. But
when she began writing a book that
would expose secrets buried in the
notorious Hoover files, someone
decided she'd gone too far. A mail
bomb soon sends her, and the evidence
she's unearthed, up in flames. The
killer thinks he's pulled off the perfect
crime, but what he doesn't realize is
that "perfect crimes" are Columbo's
MYS Slice and Dice
Hart, Ellen
(A Culinary Mystery) If all goes
according to plan, Connie Buckridge's
culinary empire will soon boast a stateof-the-art cooking academy and
restaurant in her hometown of
Minneapolis-St.Paul. But, primed by
an anonymous e-mail informer,
investigative writer Maria
Damontraville is preparing to cook
Connie's goose with a major expose of
her strategies for success. Then food
critic Sophie Greenway stumbles on
the missing ingredient in this unsavory
stew, murder.
MYS Death on a Silver Platter
Hart, Ellen
(Also available in regular print
(AJ-0267)). (A Culinary Mystery)
Restaurant reviewer and amateur
sleuth Sophie Greenway, a dear friend
of Carl's daughter Elaine, becomes
embroiled in the dark secrets of Prairie
Lodge, the grand mansion built by Carl
Veelund for his family, when she
accidentally stumbles upon an old
diary that draws her into an
investigation into a series of bizarre
MYS Arson and Old Lace
Harwin, Patricia
as he investigates the suspicious
"accidental" death of rock star Jimmy
Stoma, the infamous leader of Jimmy and
the Slut Puppies, if he can escape his
ambitious young editor, the star's widow,
a brutish bodyguard, and the profithungry owner of his newspaper.
"You're a librarian, not a detective,"
Catherine Penny's daughter reminds her.
Catherine, suddenly single in her sixties,
is leaving behind New York City and a
failed marriage for a lovely 17th-century
cottage in the idyllic English village of
Far Wychwood. But behind the town's
quaint stone walls and lace-curtained
windows lurk dark secrets and whispers
of witchcraft. And when her crusty
neighbor dies in a tragic fire, Catherine
alone suspects arson.
MYS Hunting Badger
Hillerman, Tony
Navajo crimebusters Leaphorn and Chee
return in a novel set on the vast Navajo
Reservation sprawling across Arizona,
New Mexico, and Utah, and played out
against the unhappy memories of an
actual 1998 manhunt that produced
canyon country legends of FBI bungling,
but no arrest.
MYS Slaying is Such Sweet
Harwin, Patricia
Librarian and former New Yorker
Catherine Penny has settled in the tiny
English town of Far Wychwood. But
nowhere is too far for painful
memories when her ex-husband, who
left her single in her sixties, arrives
with his new lady love. Catherine can't
avoid him at an awards ceremony for
their son-in-law, Peter, who is a shooin for a prestigious appointment at
Mercy College. Then Peter's rival for
the appointment is found murdered.
MYS Skeleton Man
Hillerman, Tony
(Also available in regular print (AR2093)). While assisting Sergeant Jim
Chee and his fiancée, Bernie, investigate
what appears to be a simple trading post
robbery, former Navajo Tribal Police
lieutenant Joe Leaphorn turns up a clue
that leads to a search for the remains of a
passenger, carrying a fortune in
diamonds, on a plane that went down in
the Grand Canyon fifty years earlier.
MYS Basket Case
Hiaasen, Carl
(Also available in regular print
(AG-0054)). Former investigative
reporter Jack Tagger gets his chance to
escape the doldrums of obituary writing
MYS The First Eagle
Hillerman, Tony
(Also available in regular print
(BB-2817)). Just when Lt. Jim Chee
thinks he has an open and shut murder
case, retired Navajo Tribal police
officer Joe Leaphorn blows it wide
open exposing a complicated web of
superstition and science where outside
forces converge and collide.
MYS Death Among Friends
Holt, Hazel
A Sheila Malory Mystery. Freda
Spencer, Chairman of the Brunswick
Lodge Management Committee,
undoubtedly possesses good leadership
qualities but she is also particularly
unpleasant, and few residents of
Taviscombe, including Sheila Malory,
look forward to seeing her. So why is
Richard Lewis, the once dashing
wartime hero, still devoted to her? And
why is Laurence Marvel, thirty years
her junior, so happy to be her constant
companion? And was it simply bad
luck when Freda was attacked during a
robbery and only weeks later rushed to
the hospital again?
MYS The Sinister Pig
Hillerman, Tony
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0382)). Discovering a link between
the woman he loves and a political
murder and a twisted conspiracy, Navajo
tribal police Sergeant Chee joins a mapwielding Joe Leaphorn on the heels of a
fleeing Washington power broker.
MYS Dead Frenzy
Houston, Victoria
(A Loon Lake Fishing Mystery)
Between a fishing tournament and a
biker convention, Loon Lake is
flooded with visitors. And for the most
part, they're less-than-savory
characters. The million-dollar fishing
prize is bringing out the worst in some
people and the motorcycle rally is
actually a front for a drug operation.
To get to the bottom of all this, Doc
Osborne agrees to go undercover, as a
biker! It only takes a few revs of the
engine and a quick taste of chrome to
get him hooked.
MYS A Death in Two Parts
Hodge, Jane A.
When Patience Smith discovers on her
21st birthday that she is penniless, she
decides to return to her cousins' home
as companion to her grandmother, the
formidable Mrs. Feathers, whose main
entertainment seems to involve cruelly
manipulating her family. Surprisingly,
the old lady takes an immediate liking
to Patience and changes her will to
leave her a considerable fortune. So
hours later when she is found
poisoned, it seems that only one person
had a motive to want the old lady dead.
MYS Dead Jitterbug
Houston, Victoria
MYS Hula Done It?
Hunter, Maddy
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1740)). During a blissful cruise to
the Hawaiian Islands, Emily Andrew
and her offbeat group of Iowa senior
citizens are confronted by an all new
mystery when Professor Dorian
Smoker, a renowned expert on the
legendary Captain Cook, falls
overboard just before telling them
about a long-lost treasure.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0661)) (A Loon Lake Fishing
Mystery, Prime Crime) When advice
columnist and local Loon Lake resident
Hope McDonald is murdered, police
chief Lewellyn Ferris, with the help of
diehard fisherman Doc Osborne, sets a
trap to reel in a clever killer.
MYS Dark Shore
Howatch, Susan
Sarah Hamilton, the second wife of the
enigmatic Jon Towers, comes to the
Cornish farmhouse where his first wife
had mysteriously and accidentally
died, but why did everyone who had
been together that fatal weekend gather
again, and what was the ghastly secret
someone was trying to hide? Sarah's
dreams become nightmares on the
stark cliffs of Cornwall as the past
looms over the future.
MYS Pasta Imperfect
Hunter, Maddy
The discount travel package to Italy
seemed like a great deal: Emily
Andrew could lead her globe-trotting
Iowans on the trip of a lifetime and
bring her family to boot. Maybe she
should have read the fine print; sharing
their itinerary with a group of hypercompetitive aspiring romance writers
is just a prelude to more Machiavellian
drama than an Italian opera.
MYS Gently in Trees
Hunter, Alan
Chief Superintendent Gently, C.I.D.,
called "the thinking man's Maigret" by
H.R.F. Keating, usually stirs up some
fertile ideas about the human condition
in the course of his murder cases. In
this story, he meets with a watershed
theory that brings morality, physics,
and metaphysics into line with each
other for the first time.
MYS Top O'the Mournin'
Hunter, Maddy
Emily Andrew is earning some muchneeded green by navigating the
twisting roads of Ireland with a group
of seniors, including her beloved Nana.
But once the hearty troupe from Iowa
lands on Irish sod, trouble starts
brewing: there's a death-defying
incident with a horse-drawn carriage,
and a gender-bending encounter with
Emily's ex-husband. And the plot
thickens like Irish stew when the group
settles into Ballybantry Castle, where a
ghost is said to wander the halls.
have passed without seeing him, she's
never succeeded in getting her former
lover, Nelson Sharpe out of her
MYS Hot and Bothered
Isenberg, Jane
(A Bel Barret Mystery) things are
scarier since that black day in
September that shook Manhattan and
the world. But across the river in
Hoboken, New Jersey, community
college professor Bel Barrett intends to
live without fear. Then one of her cojudges of a scholarship contest is
found dead, a woman who lived a
strange double life as academic by day
and stripper by night. Unsure which
world harbors her friend's murderer,
Bel decides to investigate both.
MYS A Fine Day for Murder
Ingersol, Jared
Fallon, an L.A. homicide detective,
was on vacation when he read about
the death in Beverly Hills. Carroll
Bruce's visit to an old college friend,
wealthy industrialist Reginald
Purington, had ended in his death.
Although it looked like a heart attack,
a small black doll found on the corpse
intrigued Fallon, who decided to
MYS A Buried Lie
Isleib, Roberta
(A Golf Lover's Mystery) Up-andcoming golfer Cassie Burdette finds
herself in the hell of a pro-am
tournament. Teamed up with four
doctors, she's afraid she'll overdose on
their oversized egos. But when one of
them turns up dead, Cassie suspects
these doctors prescribe to a very
different kind of game.
MYS Long Time No See
Isaacs, Susan
Judith Singer's life has changed. She
now has her doctorate in history. Her
husband, Bob, died one half day after
triumphantly finishing the New York
City Marathon. And although 20 years
MYS Putt to Death
Isleib, Roberta
uncertainty pervade the formerly
managed streets.
(A Golf Lover's Mystery, Prime Crime)
(Also available in regular print (AN0227)). Delighted when she is given the
touring pro job at a posh Connecticut
country club, golfer Cassie Burdette is
stunned when she stumbles upon the
corpse of an unpopular member and is
forced to turn sleuth once again to find a
MYS Devices and Desires
James, P. D.
Commander Adam Dalgliesh has a newly
published book of poetry, and a fresh
murder to solve.
MYS Unnatural Causes
James, P. D.
Adam Dagliesh and his extraordinary
aunt must discover why a mystery writer
was murdered in such a grotesque
MYS Six Strokes Under
Isleib, Roberta
Cassandra Burdette used to carry clubs
on the PGA tour, now she's swinging
them at the Qualifying School for the
LPGA Tour. The competition is fierce,
but the standout so far is Kaitlin
Rupert, whose talent and beauty are
eclipsed only by her attitude. But it's
still a shock when Kaitlin's psychiatrist
is found brutally murdered, and even
more of a shock when the police look
at Cassie as a prime suspect.
MYS The Belles of Solace Glen
James, Susan S.
(Also available in regular print
(AO-226)). (Prime Crime) When Leona,
the town matriarch, has a heart attack
right in front of her maid, Flip Paxton,
carrying out Leona's dying wish, delivers
three letters to her niece that cause a
series of mysterious accidents to befall
those named in Leona's will, including
MYS Easy Streets
James, Bill
MYS The Siren of Solace Glen
James, Susan S.
For years Colin Harpur's dubious boss,
Assistant Chief Constable Desmond Iles,
ran a questionable but practical
arrangement with Mansel Shale and
Panicking Ralph Ember, owner of the
Monty Club: Iles would protect their
businesses if they ensured peace on the
streets. But after a small-time criminal's
house is firebombed, leaving the owner
and his daughter dead, mistrust and
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0673)). Newly engaged, cleaning
maven and occasional sleuth Flip Paxton
finds her relationship threatened by the
arrival of a beautiful blonde from Los
Angeles who is being tormented by a
dangerous stalker, bringing violence to
the quiet town of Solace Glen.
MYS Day of the Dead
Jance, J. A.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0897)). Joining the Last Chance
Club to review unsolved crimes,
former sheriff Brandon Walker
unexpectedly confronts one of his own
botched cases and a serial murderer
who is responsible for the heinous
deaths of numerous orphan girls in
colonial Mexico.
MYS Fine-Feathered Death
Johnston, Linda O.
Kendra Ballantyne, Esq., is flying
high. Her license to practice law has
been rightfully restored, she's dating
the foxiest P.I. in all of L.A., and she
still gets to moonlight as a pet-sitter.
Now, to earn a much-needed feather in
her cap, Kendra must work closely on
a new case with law partner Ezra
Cossner. But things stop short when
he's found murdered in his office and
the only witness is of the avian
MYS Paradise Lost
Jance, J. A.
(Also available in regular print
(AC-0381)). The desecrated body of a
missing Phoenix heiress is found in the
Arizona wilderness by two teenage girls,
one of which is Conchise County Sheriff
Joanna Brady's daughter. When the body
becomes only the first piece in a twisted
and sinister puzzle in which nothing
seems to fit, Brady must find a way to
protect her daughter from a murderer.
MYS Nothing to Fear but
Johnston, Linda O.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1225)). (A Kendra Ballantyne,
Pet-Sitter Mystery, Prime Crime)
Former litigator-turned-freelance-petsitter, Kendra Ballantyne, while
minding her client's ferrets, stumbles
upon the dead body of a reality star
and hones her animal instincts to catch
a clever killer intent on framing her
furry little friends.
MYS Donna Rose and the Slug
Johnson, Norma T.
Retired schoolteacher Donna
Galbreath loves her community of
Cedar Harbor, Washington, but it's
changing. That fact is brought home to
Donna when, digging clams one
morning, she finds the body of water
board chairman Lyle Corrigan. Then,
after she and Lyle's widow are
attacked, Donna begins to investigate.
MYS Shaman Pass
Jones, Stan
MYS Inspector Ghote Plays a
Keating, H. R. F.
Inspector Ghote embarks on a strange
case when he is ordered to prevent the
killing of a flamingo in the Bombay
zoo. And then there is the racehorse
fancied to win the Derby, which gets
replaced by a donkey, Saddled with a
sergeant of hilarious incompetence, he
unearths the traces of a monstrous
practical joker.
State Trooper Nathan Active is regarded
as "half-white" by the Inupiats of the
village where he is stationed. He was
born in Chukchi but adopted and raised
in Anchorage. Now he is called upon to
investigate the murder of a tribal leader
who, while fishing at an ice hole, was
stabbed to death with an antique ivory
and wood harpoon which had just been
returned to the community by the
Smithsonian in accordance with the
Indian Graves Act.
MYS Jupiter's Bones
Kellerman, Faye
A world-renowned astrophysicistturned-cult leader has been found dead
and LAPD Lieutenant Peter Decker
must find out if it was an accident,
suicide, or homicide. Decker will need
his wife's help in defusing a time bomb
of jealousy, greed, bizarre hidden
pasts, and deadly secrets ticking inside
the cult's fortress.
MYS They Call Me Miranda
Judge, Sara
Miranda Hawton is mistress of
Hazelwood, with a kind but somewhat
aloof husband and an adorable baby
son. But she has lost her memory, and
knows nothing of her past. Her
husband, the only person who knows
the truth, will tell her nothing. And
although those close to her seem
friendly enough, there is an underlying
MYS The Forgotten
Kellerman, Faye
Having submitted for counseling a
troubled wealthy teen who desecrated
a synagogue, Rina Lazarus discovers
there is more to the case when the boy
and his therapists are murdered.
MYS Fax Me a Bagel
Kahn, Sharon
Ruby, the widow of the rabbi in
Eternal, Texas. When a patron drops
dead in The Hot Bagel, Ruby's friend
the baker faces interrogation and Ruby
starts wondering about a connection to
her husband's still-unsolved hit-andrun death.
MYS Wed and Buried
Kelner, Toni
(A Laura Fleming Mystery) Since the
birth of her six-month-old daughter,
Laura Fleming has wanted to do
nothing but camp out in her Boston
apartment and dream of having one
good night's sleep. But then her Aunt
Nora calls to say there's trouble
brewing back home in Byerly, North
Carolina. It seems Aunt Maggie has
gone and married Big Bill Walters and now someone's trying to kill the
old coot. That's enough to get Laura
packing the diaper bag.
MYS The Ghost and the Dead
Kimberly, Alice
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1356)). When the author of a true
crime novel is found strangled to death
while promoting her book at Penelope
Thornton-McClure's bookshop, Penelope
and resident ghost, P.I. Jack Shepard,
who cannot rest in peace until the killer is
found, are fast on the case.
MYS Berried Alive
Kingsbury, Kate
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0213)). (A Manor House Mystery)
At the height of World War II, Elizabeth
Harleigh Compton, the lady of Manor
House, struggles to make sure that
everything goes smoothly, a task
complicated by the mysterious deaths of
four American servicemen, all of whom
had red hair, spent their last nights alive
at the Tudor Arms, and died by
MYS Chameleon
Kienzle, William X.
Sleuth father Koesler is on the track of
a murderer responsible for killing the
most influential people in his
MYS The Ghost and Mrs.
Kimberly, Alice
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0309)). (A Haunted Bookshop
Mystery, Prime Crime) When a
guest author drops dead in the middle
of a book signing after revealing a
secret about a 1940s mystery that is
linked to their bookstore, young
widow Penelope Thorton-McClure and
her aunt set out to find the truth, with a
little otherworldly assistance.
MYS Fire When Ready
Kingsbury, Kate
In World War II England, the quiet
village of Sitting Marsh is faced with
food rations and fear for loved ones. The
residents depend on Elizabeth Hartleigh
Compton, lady of the manor house, who
stubbornly insists that life must go on.
Then, after she quells their fears about
having a munitions factory in the village,
the factory explodes, killing owner
Douglas McNally.
MYS No Clue at the Inn
Kingsbury, Kate
When asked to manage the Pennyfoot
Hotel over the Christmas holiday,
former owner Cecily Sinclair Baxter is
delighted. When a housemaid goes
missing, soon followed by one of
London's most renowned barristers,
Cecily realizes that she may be on
holiday, but death is not.
MYS The Gowrie Conspiracy
Knight, Alanna
MYS Wedding Rows
Kingsbury, Kate
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2091)). The townspeople of
Sitting Marsh finally have a reason to
celebrate as wedding preparations
begin for a local couple, but when the
blessed day ends in murder, Elizabeth
Hartleigh Compton, the lady of Manor
House, is on the case.
MYS The Inspector's Daughter
Knight, Alanna
In a desperate attempt to recover from
the loss of her husband and baby son,
Rose McQuinn has returned home to
Edinburgh from the American Wild
West. It seems that everything has
moved on in her absence, but Rose has
little time to ponder her loneliness
before she unwittingly steps into the
shoes of her father, the legendary
Detective Inspector Faro.
Tam Eildor's second time-quest, set in the
reign of James VI of Scotland and 1st of
England, takes place in Falkland Palace.
Tam rescues King James from a runaway
horse and spends some considerable time
thereafter avoiding the attentions of his
grateful monarch while trying to solve
the inexplicable murder of Queen Anne's
MYS The Deadly Garden Tour
Klein, Kathleen
Divorced after twenty-three years of
marriage, garden designer Liz Clarke
returns to Greenwich, Connecticut,
seeking the haven of her childhood.
But her nostalgic memories are
interrupted by a hysterical phone call her pregnant goddaughter, Melissa, has
discovered the bloody body of the
chairwoman of the Backcountry
Garden Club's annual tour. Liz must
shift her focus from dirt to detection to
save Melissa from suspicion.
MYS Mc Nally's Dare
Lardo, Vincent
(Also available in regular print
(AO-0351)). (An Archy Mc Nally
Novel) In the wake of a murder during
a prestigious tennis benefit, Archy
McNally investigates the identity of
Lance Talbot, whom he suspects may not
be a true heir to a recently deceased Palm
Beach dowager duchess and whose
questionable relationships draw links to a
double murder.
MYS Pretty Poison
Lavene, Joyce
(A Garden Mystery) Meet Peggy Lee:
botanist, detective's widow, and owner
of The Potting Shed, an urban
gardener's paradise in downtown
Charlotte. It's a busy fall day for
Peggy. First she gives a quick cafe
lecture on African violets, then has a
minor bike accident involving a goodlooking driver, and finally reaches her
shop - only to find a dead man
sprawled face down across one of her
seasonal displays, apparently done to
death with a garden shovel.
MYS The First Law
Lescroart, John
John Lescroart returns with a
spellbinding novel about events that
force defense attorney Dismas Hardy
and Lieutenant Abe Glitsky outside the
law and into a fight for their lives.
MYS The Oath
Lescroart, John
(Also available in regular print
(AG-0201)). While investigating the
murder of the head of San Francisco's
largest HMO, defense attorney Dismas
Hardy discovers too many patients are
dying, and it looks like it is the
hospital that is killing them.
MYS Mr. Paradise
Leonard, Elmore
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0874)). At 27, roommates Kelly
and Chloe are enjoying their lives and
their loft just fine. Kelly is a model for
the Victoria's Secret catalog. Chloe is a
highly-paid escort, until she decides to
ditch her varied clientele in favor of a
steady gig as girlfriend to 84-year-old
retired lawyer Tony Paradise, a.k.a.
Mr. Paradise. One night Chloe
convinces Kelly to join them. But the
game gets out of control and before it's
all over, there will be two corpses, two
angry hit men, one identity switch, a
safe deposit box full of loot up for
grabs, and fast on the scene, detective
Frank Delsa.
MYS The Second Chair
Lescroart, John
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0354)). A managing partner at
his thriving law firm, Dismas Hardy
becomes involved in a high-profile
case involving the teenage son of a
prominent San Francisco family who
has been arrested for the murders of
his girlfriend and English teacher,
while an unseen killer, known as The
Executioner, terrorizes the inhabitants
of the city with a series of shocking
sniper killings.
MYS On the Edge
Lovesey, Peter
brownies for her visitors. But when one
of her guests turns up dead, the police,
and most of the islanders, think Natalie
has added murder to the mix.
Peacetime is a disappointment to Rose
and Antonia, who enjoyed excitement
and independence as WAAF plotters on
an RAF base. But what are plotters for, if
not to plot? Antonia's ruthless scheme
would give them both what they want. If
Rosie doesn't lose her nerve, they could
get away with murder.
MYS Pamela
MacKie, Mary
She awoke in a hospital bed with no
identity and no memory of her past,
and had to be sedated. But other
people knew she was Pamela Lane.
They told her about the accident at her
cottage, and that she had nearly died in
a fire. The stepmother who came to
claim her seemed kind, but the more
Pamela learned, the more questions
she had. Why hadn't she visited her
family for five years? More important,
whose car had sped away from her
cottage moments before the rescuers
MYS The Detective Wore Silk
Lovesey, Peter
Sergeant Cribb finds himself immersed
in the world of nineteenth-century
pugilism, investigating a ring
promoting the dangerous, illegal sport
of bareknuckle boxing. Cribb sends
Constable Jago, the police boxing
champion, as an undercover agent to
the house rumored to be the gang's
secret training center. Already the
decapitated body of one pugilist has
been fished out of the Thames. To
keep Jago out of the river's dark
waters, Cribb must think on his feet in
this mystery's final rounds.
MYS An Ominous Death
Mahon, Annette
Maggie Browne and the members of
the St. Rose Quilting Bee are back,
attempting to solve a mystery as they
work on their quilts. Sometime Bee
member Candy Breckner is at the Palo
Verde Care Center to recover from an
auto accident. When Maggie and the
Bee decide to visit and bring her a lap
quilt, Candy breaks down: she fears an
"angel of death" is at work in the
facility. Soon after, Candy dies
MYS Murder on the Rocks
Mac Inerney, Karen
Trading Texas heat for Maine's tangy salt
air, Natalie Barnes has risked it all to buy
the Gray Whale Inn, a quaint bed and
breakfast on Cranberry Island. She adores
whipping up wicked blueberry coffee
cake and to-die-for fudge frosted
MYS Murder of the Month
Main, Elizabeth
MYS Missing Marlene
Marshall, Evan
Jane Stuart, a widowed young mother
and literary agent, and Winky, her
tortoiseshell cat with a nose for
trouble. When her nanny fails to show
up at school to pick up her son, Jane
begins to uncover the nanny's shocking
secret life and finds a critical clue that
could reveal a killer.
Jane Serrano had a lifelong love of
books, which had helped her through her
husband's tragic death and conflicts with
her youngest daughter, Bianca. She even
took a job at a bookstore to fill her empty
days. But when Bianca disappears after
informing the Murder of the Month Book
Club that the Russell County District
Attorney had killed his wife, Jane has to
put aside her books to save her daughter.
MYS Stabbing Stephanie
Marshall, Evan
Deciding to take a much-needed
vacation, literary agent Jane Stuart gets
a call from her late husband's cousin,
Stephanie, asking if she can stay with
Jane for a few days before she starts
her new job as editor at a hot
publishing house. Jane reluctantly
agrees, but soon realizes something
rotten is going on in the publishing
house. When Stephanie is found
murdered, Jane goes undercover to
find the killer.
MYS Hanging Hannah
Marshall, Evan
Literary agent Jane Stuart is eager to
get back to a normal life. As she makes
plans for her son's birthday party at a
local inn, the body of an unknown
woman is found hanging in the nearby
woods. Editor Holly Griffin assigns
Jane to represent a hot pop star as a
distraction from the murder until
Holly, too, winds up dead. Jane is
determined to solve both murders with
Winky's help.
MYS Toasting Tina
Marshall, Evan
MYS Icing Ivy
Marshall, Evan
Jane and Ivy were best friends until
Ivy's daughter was murdered. Now, at
a writer's retreat being held by Jane,
they intend to try healing those
wounds. But Ivy winds up dead,
stabbed with an ice pick, on a lonely
mountain trail.
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0268)). While at a romance authors
convention, literary agent Jane Stuart and
her feline companion Winky find
themselves immersed in a murder
mystery when Tina Vale, the publisher
who destroyed Jane's reputation, is found
electrocuted in her bathtub.
MYS Kiss
Mc Bain, Ed
Detective Carella of the 87th precinct
finds himself a helpless observer in the
most painful case of his life.
MYS Bitter Sweets
Mc Kevett, G. A.
No sooner does P.I. Savannah Reid
complete her Moonlight Magnolia
Detective Agency's first case, finding
someone's long-lost sister, than murder
enters the picture. Framed in a
diabolically clever double-cross, she
sets out to find the real culprit, only to
discover that she's the prime suspect
among the lovers, losers, and liars
lurking in the victim's past.
MYS Blue Blood
Mc Bride, Susan
Determined to escape her life as a
socialite, much to the dismay of her
high society mother, Dallas heiress and
Web site designer Andy Kendricks
turns sleuth when her friend, Molly
O'Brien, is accused of killing her boss
at the sleazy local restaurant "Jugs," an
investigation that embroils her with a
shady TV evangelist, a fanatical antiporn activist, and a killer.
MYS Cereal Killer
Mc Kevett, G. A.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0108)). When two full-figured
models meet untimely deaths, plussized private eye Savannah Reid
decides it's time to weigh the facts, and
search for suspects, before a cunning
killer strikes again.
MYS Never to Let Go
Mc Fadden, Marlene
Twelve months have passed since
Sasha first met and fell in love with
Emil. After a whirlwind romance in
Brittany, Sasha returned home full of
plans for the future, and was overjoyed
when Emil wrote daily and sent her an
engagement ring. Then, suddenly,
there was silence.Now, Sasha has
come back to Brittany, searching for
some explanation for Emil's abrupt
disappearance. But all she encounters
is secrecy. She is determined that
someday, somehow, she will find Emil
MYS Cooked Goose
Mc Kevett, G. A.
It's hard for voluptuous private eye
Savannah Reid to get in the Christmas
spirit in San Carmelita, California; it's
a balmy 90 degrees. While she's on the
case of a serial rapist who dresses like
Santa, Savannah looks over her list of
suspects and tries to keep danger from
dropping down her chimney.
MYS Death by Chocolate
Mc Kevett, G. A.
When gourmet cook Lady Eleanor,
a.k.a. "The Queen of Chocolate," is
murdered under the watchful eye of
curvaceous P.I. Savannah Reid,
Savannah, with her reputation in
tatters, must sift through a vast array of
suspects to catch a killer with a sweet
than going back home to the Deep
South in the height of August
humidity? It's going home to a
wedding, not your own, without a ring
on your finger or a date on your arm.
But a hideous bridesmaid's dress is the
least of Savannah's problems after her
kid brother is arrested for murder.
MYS Sour Grapes
Mc Kevett, G. A.
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0107)). (A Savannah Reid
Mystery) Things finally seem to be
calm in Savannah's life, until her
spoiled baby sister, Atlanta, comes to
San Carmelita to compete in the Miss
Gold Coast Beauty Pageant. Savannah
is concerned over her sister's growing
obsession with her appearance, and
blames the pageant, where competition
is has become so fierce that someone's
been driven to murder.
MYS Just Desserts
Mc Kevett, G. A.
Finding herself in over her head with a
case involving a politician's
infidelities, chubby Detective Sergeant
Savannah Reid is told that she must
turn in her badge because she is
MYS Murder a la Mode
Mc Kevett, G. A.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2425)). Voluptuous private
detective Savannah Reid is chosen to
compete for the affections of handsome
Lance Roman on a reality TV show
called "Man of My Dreams," but
things take a sinister turn when one of
the producers is found dead on the set.
MYS Sugar and Spite
Mc Kevett, G. A.
"Full-figured" private detective
Savannah Reid is back. It's Valentine's
Day, and the former Dixie belle's only
shot at romance includes a stakeout
with her ex-partner Dirk Coulter. After
pulling an all-nighter, Dirk's ex-wife
Polly shows up at Savannah's door.
Days later, Polly is found dead in a
pool of blood in Dirk's home, shot by
his service revolver. Savannah goes to
work to clear his name.
MYS Peaches and Screams
Mc Kevett, G. A.
Plus-sized private eye Savannah Reid
is about to discover the answer to that
age-old question: What could be worse
MYS Star Spangled Murder
Meier, Leslie
the prime suspect in the killings and must
find the real killer, who is mimicking
murders contained within the pages of
Agatha Christie's novels, leading her to
believe that it might be one of her reading
group members.
As the Fourth of July approaches, smalltown homemaker and part-time reporter
Lucy Stone starts things off with a bang
as she sets out to catch the killer of the
crabby neighbor with whom Lucy and
her husband had a long-standing feud.
MYS Other Worlds: The Bell
Witch & the Stratford Haunting
Michaels, Barbara
A lofty assemblage of crime specialists
gathers one foggy evening in a London
club. There the conversation turns to
murder. Best-selling author Barbara
Michaels, delivers a page-turner in the
grand tradition, adding a sharp,
modern sensibility to a delightfully
chilling novel.
MYS Tippy-Toe Murder
Meier, Leslie
A retired ballet instructor took a detour
into the woods and was never seen again.
Then a local storeowner takes a
deathblow to the head with a video
camera. And now, as Lucy Stone's own
seven-year-old prima ballerina rehearses
for her debut, a murderer prepares for an
MYS Late, Late in the Evening
Mitchell, Gladys
In the small Oxfordshire village where
Ken and Meg Clifton spend their
school holidays, the Fair is the most
exciting thing that ever happens, that
is, until a double murder is committed.
The general opinion is that the village
contains a homicidal maniac. Mrs.
Bradley, called in by her friend Mrs.
Kempson, thinks otherwise.
MYS Wedding Day Murder
Meier, Leslie
Lucy is asked by her friend Sue Finch to
help plan the wedding of Sue's daughter
to an Internet millionaire. When the
groom's body is found floating beside his
yacht, Lucy's not convinced this was an
accident. Soon, Lucy finds herself
contemplating her own funeral as she
launches a harrowing pursuit of a killer.
MYS Murder by the Book
Meredith, D. R.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2426)). (Prime Crime) When
reference librarian Megan Clark stumbles
upon corpses all over town, she becomes
MYS Death is a Cabaret
Morgan, Deborah
Former FBI agent Jeff Talbot, a
professional antiques picker, is forced
to draw on his old crime-solving skills
when a priceless French cabaret set,
commissioned by Napoleon for
Josephine, goes up for auction and
rival collectors start turning up dead.
MYS The Weedless Widow
Morgan, Deborah LP-2554
When his fishing buddy, Bill Rhodes,
is murdered and his lure collection
stolen, former FBI agent and antiques
expert Jeff Talbot tracks the lures to an
online auction site, but when he gets
closer, Talbot's agoraphobic wife is
MYS The Majolica Murders
Morgan, Deborah
Ex-FBI agent and antiques picker Jeff
Talbot asks Lanny, a fellow picker, to
scout out some antique majolica as a
present for his wife, with no idea how
costly it will be. Lanny is a bit of a
loner, but Jeff has always liked him.
So it comes as a total shock when the
young man is arrested for murdering
an antiques dealer, after she sold two
pieces of majolica she was supposed to
hold for him.
MYS Creature Cozies
Morgan, Jill M.
Featuring a lovable cast of crimesolving canines and sly, sleuthing cats,
this unique collection of eleven
mysteries, written by some of today's
most beloved authors with a little
inspiration from their four-legged
friends - takes the age-old friendship
between pets and their providers and
stands it on its fuzzy ear.
MYS A Whisper of Evil
Morley, Des
Skilled undercover agent Janet La
Barre had just broken a major crime
syndicate in Florence, Italy. On
returning home, she is immediately
assigned to a case involving several
missing girls. But what is the
connection between her last case and
this one? And who is the mysterious
Janet La Barre?
MYS The Marriage Casket
Morgan, Deborah
While browsing for antiques at the late
Verna Rose's estate, ex-FBI agent and
antiques collector Jeff Talbot discovers
a bloodstain underneath the priceless
rugs, leading him to believe that Verna
was murdered, and commences his
own investigation where he stumbles
upon an old marriage casket that holds
the key to this mystery.
MYS Bad Boy Brawly Brown
Mosley, Walter
Easy Rawlins returns in this dazzling
new novel of passion and justice in
1964 L.A. When an old friend asks
Easy to find his missing stepson,
Brawly Brown, Easy soon finds
himself dodging the cops, who want to
pin him for murder.
to pull her life and her inn back
together, and trying to find new ways
to use Spam in her simple country
cuisine, one of her guests is missing.
With the police chief stuck on Cloud
Nine with her sister, it's up to
Magdalena to solve this mystery in
time for a piece of wedding cake.
MYS The Cane Mutiny
Myers, Tamar
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2522)). Winning the bid at an
auction for the contents of an old
locker that has been sealed for years,
Abigail Timberlake Washburn is
delighted to discover a collection of
beautiful old walking sticks, as well as
a gym bag containing a human skull,
and joins forces with her assistant and
future sister-in-law C.J. to uncover a
MYS Beyond the Grave
Muller, Marcia
A treasure chest buried by a priest in
1846 links John Quincannon, a private
investigator in the San Francisco of the
gaudy 1890's, to the cozy career,
nearly a century later, of Elena
Oliverez, director of Santa Barbara's
Museum of Mexican Art. For all his
daring and ingenuity, Quincannon
ultimately fails in his quest to uncover
the priceless artifacts of the old
Velasquez family. But in 1986, long
after his death, his notes on the case
lead his unlikely collaborator Oliverez
to the site of the lost fortune, and into
the arms of a murderous peril.
MYS Dead Men Don't Lye
Myers, Tim
Benjamin Perkins thought he had his
hands full taking care of his family's
specialty soap store and keeping his
quirky clan in line and out of trouble.
But he's about to learn that when it
comes to murder, there's no such thing
as a clean getaway. Even though
Benjamin disapproved of his sister
Louisa dating the store's oily
ingredient supplier, he never wanted to
find the guy dead, with a broken neck
and lye burns on his handsome face.
MYS Play It Again, Spam
Myers, Tamar
Magdalena just found out that her
husband is a bigamist, her Amish
Country Inn has been destroyed by a
tornado, and now her sister is marrying
her sworn enemy, the dim-witted
police chief. And in the midst of trying
MYS Death Waxed Over
Myers, Tim
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1600)). (A Candlemaking
Mystery, Prime Crime) When his
ruthless competitor, Gretel Barnett, is
killed a few feet away from him,
Harrison Black, owner of At Wick's
End, has no interest in investigating
the crime for himself, until he becomes
the prime suspect in her murder.
MYS Case of Lies
O'Shaughness, Perri
Attorney Nina Reilly is ready to take
on her biggest challenge yet: coming
home. As Nina unravels a murder, she
exposes the secrets and lies lurking
behind tragedy.
MYS The Body in the Bookcase
Page, Katherine H.
Faith Fairchild is busy arranging the
details of a society wedding. While
making some parish calls, she
discovers the body of elderly Sarah
Winslow. The house has been
ransacked and Faith is determined to
find the burglars responsible for
Sarah's death.
MYS Property of Blood
Nabb, Magdalen
The head of a prominent fashion
house, Contessa Olivia Brunamonti,
has been kidnapped and is being held
for ransom deep in the Tuscan hills.
Marshal Salvatore Guarnaccia of the
carabinieri, a Sicilian stationed in
Florence, must track the kidnappers in
order to save her life.
MYS Love Her to Death
Palmer, Linda
Daytime drama writer Morgan Tyler
has been promoted to co-executive
producer of Love of My Life, and her
new job makes her responsible for,
everything. That includes hostile
studio execs, suspicious packages, and
Cybelle Carter, a leading lady who's
terrified that her estranged husband
wants her dead. And when another
actress on the show is found dead, it
looks like the killer missed his mark.
MYS The Night She Died
Ormerod, Roger
Retired Detective Inspector Richard
Patton returns from walking his dogs
to find an unexpected visitor. At first
Connie Freeman's name means nothing
to him. Then, suddenly, he remembers
a storm, violence, murder. Ten years
ago, Connie was found guilty of
murdering her husband's mistress.
Having served her sentence, now she's
desperate to clear her name.
MYS Deadlock
Paretsky, Sara
The mysterious drowning of her
hockey star cousin stirs Chicago
female investigator V. I. Warshawski
into action, leading her into the hazy
labyrinth of the Great Lakes shipping
MYS Hard Time
Paretsky, Sara
V. I. Warshawski takes on the
entertainment industry when a fateful
Good Samaritan act on behalf of a
woman lying injured in the street
plunges the plucky PI into a case
involving dastardly deeds committed
by the world's largest provider of
security and prison services.
MYS Fire Sale
Paretsky, Sara
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0076)). Coaching the basketball
team at her former South Chicago high
school, V.I. Warshawski investigates
sabotage at the site of the area's largest
employer, where an explosion has
killed the facility's owner and launched
a dangerous family rivalry.
MYS Cold Service
Parker, Robert B.
When his buddy Hawk is beaten within
an inch of his life, Spenser infiltrates a
ruthless mob in the name of friendship,
and revenge.
MYS Death in Paradise
Parker, Robert B.
MYS Guardian Angel
Paretsky, Sara
(Also available in regular print
(AE-0338)). A quiet New England town
is shocked by the apparent murder of a
troubled adolescent girl, a crime Chief of
Police Jesse Stone cannot let go unsolved
or unpunished.
When a crotchety 80-year-old starts
wrangling with a yuppie couple over the
state of the neighborhood, it's up to tough
private eye V.I. Warshawski to come to
his rescue. And the emotional stew
thickens further when the old man's body
turns up in a canal and Mr. Yuppie turns
out to be a corrupt lawyer.
MYS Double Deuce
Parker, Robert B.
Spenser delves into the drug-infested
and poverty plagued world of a Boston
housing project, taking on street-smart
gangs while searching for suspects in
the drive-by shooting of a 15-year-old
girl and her child.
MYS Melancholy Baby
Parker, Robert B.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1604)). Upset by her ex-husband
Richie's upcoming marriage, private
detective Sunny Randall takes the case
of college student Sarah Markham, a
troubled young woman searching for
her birth parents, but her investigation
uncovers dangerous secrets that could
not only shatter Sarah's life but also
lead to painful secrets about her own
MYS Widow's Walk
Parker, Robert B.
When one of Boston's elite is
murdered, his new, young wife is
accused. With no alibi, and
multimillion reasons to want him dead,
she needs the best defense money can
buy. Spenser is on the case, and would
give anything to believe her.
MYS Blind Date
Pattinson, James
Steve Brady, reluctant secret agent and
one-time antique dealer, had to take
the jobs that were offered, not only
because he needed the money but also
because they could twist his arm till
the bones cracked. This time it was to
be Iron Curtain country again, and,
even though they handed out the same
old reassurances, he didn't like the
sound of it.
MYS School Days
Parker, Robert B.
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0528)). Hired by a Massachusetts
grand dame to prove the innocence of
her grandson, who has been implicated
in a school shooting, Spenser wonders
why the boy seems unconcerned about
his possible wrongful imprisonment.
MYS Southampton Row
Perry, Anne
As a divisive election approaches in
Victorian England, passions are so
high that Thomas Pitt is ordered by his
police superiors to postpone his
holiday with Charlotte and the
children. When the wife of the Liberal
candidate is found to have been a
participant in a séance, after which the
clairvoyant is found brutally murdered,
Pitt is put on the case.
MYS Stardust
Parker, Robert B.
Spenser signs on to protect a
glamorous star from anonymous
harassments that soon turn to murder.
MYS Raven in the Foregate
Peters, Ellis
In mid-December 1141, a callous new
priest arrives at Brother Cadfael's
Benedictine Abbey along with his
housekeeper and her nephew, Benet.
When the priest is murdered, suspicion
falls on Benet, who has begun working
in Brother Cadfael's herb garden. The
sleuth's search to find the real killer.
solve yet another tangle of human
passions where love plays its
inevitable part.
MYS An Unmourned Death
Peterson, Audrey
The sights, sounds, and smells of
Victorian England are brought to life
as Jasmine Molloy, female private
detective, negotiates the professional
and social challenges facing a young,
single woman of that era.
MYS The Rose Rent
Peters, Ellis
In honor of her husband, young,
beautiful, and wealthy widow Judith
Perle donates a house to the Abbey at
Shrewsbury, for the annual rent of one
white rose. Judith has no shortage of
suitors, and if she remarries, her dowry
would be all the greater if the house
were returned due to non-payment of
rent. So when a priest charged with
delivering the rose is found murdered,
and the rose bush is found hacked to
pieces, Brother Cadfael finds he must
root out a killer.
MYS The Lighthouse
Pronzini, Bill
Anticipating a peaceful and relaxing
year in which to write and illustrate a
book, college professor Jan Ryerson
and his artist wife Alix move to the
isolated Cape Despair Lighthouse on a
desolate stretch of Oregon coast. But
their well-laid plans are twisted awry
shortly after their arrival. Jan
experiences several terrifying
blackouts, but conceals them from his
wife, fearing that she will leave him if
she knows he will soon be blind. The
villagers, suspicious of the couple
from the start, become increasingly
hostile and resentful. And then the
murdered body of a young woman is
MYS The Sanctuary Sparrow
Peters, Ellis
Sudden drama strikes the Benedictine
monastery at Shrewsbury when a
young man, pursued by a lynching
mob, claims sanctuary just in time to
save his life. The accusation is robbery
and murder, yet Brother Cadfael
senses his innocence and sets out to
MYS Calamity Town
Queen, Ellery
Wrightsville is a typical American
town in the great American heartland.
Daddy Wright is the town banker,
Momma the town social lioness,
Patricia the town beauty, Nora the
town recluse, Lola the town scandal.
It's time to find out which one is the
town poisoner.
MYS The Hunt for Sonya
Raichev, R. T.
On the day of the royal wedding in
July 1981 at a house party on the
banks of the Thames, a little girl
wanders off on her own. Later, her doll
is found floating in the river, but the
child herself is never seen again.
Twenty years on and Antonia Darcy,
divorcee and Military Club librarian,
still puzzles over that fateful day. For
there was not only the disappearance
of the little girl, Sonya Dufrette, but
also the strange behavior of her awful
father, his exotic wife, and their
MYS Murder with a Past
Queen, Ellery
Confused, Dave objected as Julian
Smith interrogated him about his
wife's whereabouts. Smith reached
into a pocket and brought out
something wrapped in a white cloth.
Dave blanched, recognizing his own
gun, now a murder weapon.
MYS Strip Jack
Rankin, Ian
When MP Gregor Jack is caught in an
Edinburgh brothel with a prostitute,
Jack's friends rally round to protect
him, but some of those friends,
particularly his wife's associates, are
not so squeaky clean themselves.
Initially Detective Inspector Rebus is
sympathetic, who hasn't succumbed to
temptation? But with the
disappearance of Jack's wife, the
young man's popularity begins to
MYS The Devil to Pay
Queen, Ellery
Stocks rose, stocks fell, but Solly
Spaeth always came out ahead. The fat
little man with the computer mind was
a financial wizard, at making other
people's money disappear into his own
pocket. Then Spaeth made one fast
deal too many, and someone decided
to make a different kind of killing. By
the time Ellery Queen arrived on the
scene, Solly had cashed in his blue
MYS Judgment in Death
Robb, J. D.
In this futuristic series combining
mystery and suspense, police
lieutenant Eve Dallas tracks down a
cop killer to an underground criminal
hellhole known as Purgatory. This club
is the last chance for atonement, a
place where one's fate depends on
one's most intimate sins.
MYS The Legatus Mystery
Rowe, Rosemary
Reunited with his long-lost wife whom
he has rescued from twenty years of
slavery, Libertus hopes for some wellearned tranquility. But preparations are
under way for the Emperor's birthday
celebrations, and are brought to a halt
when the murdered body of a visiting
ambassador from Rome is discovered
in the temple.
MYS Loyalty in Death
Robb, J. D.
As an unknown bomber stalks the
streets of New York City, sending Eve
Dallas taunting letters about his
crimes, the New York City police
detective races against time to stop the
killer before he strikes too close to
MYS Mc Nally's Dilemma
Sanders, Lawrence
After shooting her philandering
husband in the heat of passion, Melva
calls on her friend Archy McNally to
shield her daughter from the media.
When he finds big holes in the stories
of the mother and daughter, McNally
must find an elusive woman who
knows the truth.
MYS Crowner and Justice
Roberts, Barrie
Busy criminal lawyer Chris Tyroll is
dreaming of long lunches, golf, and
holidays one morning when three
clients come to him with totally
different problems. As he investigates
the cases with the help of his sharp
girlfriend, Sheila McKenna, a chance
comment by a witness reveals that all
three cases are somehow connected.
MYS Mc Nally's Secret
Sanders, Lawrence
Although he doesn't usually handle
burglaries, playboy/sleuth Archy
McNally agrees to handle a "discrete"
case for a society matron. And his
search for stolen property leads Archy
into a maze of sex, lies, and blackmail,
uncovering a secret that's much too
close to home.
MYS Seventh Commandment
Sanders, Lawrence
MYS Knit One, Kill Two
Sefton, Maggie
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0826)). Finding a killer becomes
an all-too-personal quest for Kelly
Flynn when she returns to Colorado
from Washington, D.C., to uncover the
truth about the death of her beloved
Aunt Helen, turning to the knitting
regulars at the House of Lambspun for
a few lessons in knitting and in
capturing a murderer.
When a jewelry magnate is murdered, a
female insurance investigator uncovers a
variety of odd characters while trying to
figure out which one is the murderer.
MYS Certain Prey
Sandford, John
Lucas Davenport faces his most
unusual and most implacable foe in
Clara Rinker, the best hitwoman in the
business. She isn't showy, not one of
those movie killers; she just goes
quietly about her business, collects her
money and goes home. It's when she's
hired for a job in Minnesota that things
become complicated for her. A defense
attorney wants a rival eliminated, and
that’s fine, but when a witness
survives, the attorney starts acting
weird and loose ends begin popping
MYS Needled to Death
Sefton, Maggie
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1873)). When Kelly Flynn takes a
group of tourists to visit Vickie
Claymore's alpaca farm, she is greeted
by a dead body and must unravel the
truth in order to bring a clever killer to
MYS A Mist of Prophecies
Saylor, Steven
MYS Death By Deep Dish Pie
Short, Sharon
(Also available in regular print
(AO-228)). To protect her community,
Paradise, Ohio, laundromat owner and
stain-removal expert Josie Toadfern
embarks on a search through smalltown secrets for a killer as she
investigates the murder of a piemaking bigwig who drops dead after
sampling the wares of the
Breitenstrater Pie Company.
A beautiful young seeress staggers across
the Roman marketplace and dies in the
arms of Gordianus the Finder. Possibly
mad and claiming no memory of her past,
Cassandra, like her Trojan namesake, was
reputed to possess the gift of prophecy.
For such a gift there are many in Rome
who would pay handsomely, or resort to
murder. Obsessed with Cassandra and her
mystery, Gordianus begins to investigate
her murder.
MYS Death in the Cards
Short, Sharon
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0410)). When a local "Psychic
Fair" brings a host of mystics and
soothsayers to Paradise, Ohio, local
Laundromat owner and stain removal
expert Josie Toadfern finds her work
cut out for her when she stumbles upon
a body and runs afoul of a clever killer.
grazing on the front lawn, but that's
exactly what Mac discovers early one
autumn morning. The buffalo turns out
to be the campaign mascot for
gubernatorial candidate Lance
Bullock, the son of a man Mac has
never expected, or wanted, to see
again. He is a part of her life she
would prefer to keep hidden.
MYS Who Killed the Queen of
Sprinkle, Patricia
MYS Downtown
Siddons, Anne River
Smoky O'Donnel arrives in Atlanta in
1966 to work as a writer with Atlanta's
Downtown magazine. From the
remarkable men who change her life to
the great social movements sweeping
the nation, Smoky's world creates a
powerful story of the end of innocence.
It's a high-stakes game for Hopemore,
Georgia, county magistrate Maclaren
Yarbrough when she investigates the
murder of a bridge maven. State bridge
champion Edith Whelan Burkett has been
dealt a string of bad hands. Not only did
her husband commit suicide, he left her
with a pile of debts. But all Edie's
problems are trumped by her murder.
Once again, Mac Yarbrough is in the
thick of things.
MYS Killing Man
Spillane, Mickey
Hammer finds his secretary severely
beaten and a mutilated corpse in his
desk chair, the victim of a vicious
killer who is clearly after Hammer.
MYS Who Let That Killer in
the House?
Sprinkle, Patricia
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0241)). Tragedy once again revisits
the town of Hopemore, Georgia when
DeWayne Evans, the town's beloved high
school chemistry teacher and softball
coach, commits suicide, but county
magistrate MacLaren Yarbrough believes
that DeWayne was the victim of murder
and sets out to prove her theory.
MYS When Will the Dead Lady
Sprinkle, Patricia
Hopemore, Georgia, county magistrate
MacLaren Yarbrough is having a
couple of weird weeks. Hopemore
folks don't expect to find a buffalo
MYS Kill the Messenger
Squire, Elizabeth
Isaiah Justice, owner and publisher of
a small-town newspaper called "The
Defender," is dead from cyanide
poisoning. His death makes the front
page of his newspaper and becomes
the focus of an investigation by the
paper's top reporters. Then "The
Defender's" major stockholders receive
a takeover bid from the Gemtrex
Group, a large, shady corporation that
had been trying to buy the "Old Man"
out when he was murdered.
But the will has provisions for the
inheritance of any heir who dies within
the year. A strange feature for a young
and healthy bunch, or is it?
MYS Whose Death is it,
Squire, Elizabeth
Cousin Fern from California stops
conversation at the lively family
reunion by announcing that several
members of the clan have "The Mark
of Murder" in their hands. Fern's palmreading proclivities make trouble as a
real murder rocks the family. When
young cousin Kim disappears and a
body is found with a face like hers,
but hands different from Kim's
handprints, Peaches Dann hurries to
find the killer.
MYS Memory Can Be Murder
Squire, Elizabeth
Peaches Dann was working on her
book, "How to Survive Without a
Memory," when she was interrupted
by a call from a cousin she hadn't seen
in years. Peaches couldn't quite place
Anne at first, but she agreed to pay her
a visit. During her stay she discovered
a corpse stuffed in a laundry chute.
The dead man had upset a lot of folks,
including Anne, with his angry words
and nasty threats. But someone,
apparently struck back. Now Peaches
has to recall every detail of her visit, in
the hope that she can find the killer,
and save herself from suspicion.
MYS Nothing Gold Can Stay
Stabenow, Dana
Banished to the remote shores of
Bristol Bay, Alaska State Trooper
Liam Campbell has started to get his
life and career back on track. His
rocky relationship with pilot Wyanet
Chouinard is finally going smoothly,
until she finds a dead body on one of
her mail runs. When more bodies turn
up, Liam must embark on a desperate
journey into the heart of this wild,
ravaged country in search of the
terrible truth.
MYS Where There's a Will
Squire, Elizabeth
Peaches Dann's friends have come into
an inheritance that's made them rich.
MYS A Killer Collection
Stanley, J. B.
increasingly suspicious. Now Lauren
must decipher the brutal reality behind
these two men's public facades, while
a killer waits and watches.
Raised by her antiques-loving mother,
Molly Appleby is carrying on the
tradition as a writer for Collector's
Weekly magazine. Her new assignment:
cover the kiln opening of a rising star in
Southern pottery-making. No one worth
his weight in clay would miss it. That
includes George-Bradley Staunton, North
Carolina's most obnoxious collector. Pity
he should drop dead so soon after the
festivities. Ruled an accident, the case is
closed. But Molly is suspicious.
MYS Twilight at Mac's Place
Thomas, Ross
A Los Angeles homicide detective
turned actor struggles to find out who
wants his father's memoirs bad enough
to kill for them.
MYS Going Home
Thomson, June
MYS Thunder on the Right
Stewart, Mary
Solitary widower Alex Lambert, beloved
of his deaf daughter Charlotte, prefers to
keep to himself amongst the well-to-do
population of the village of Northrope.
That is, until the charismatic and smooth
Noel Murray moves into the
neighborhood and Charlotte goes missing
while walking home from school. Are the
two events linked?
This is a highly charged thriller. Jeffifer
had come to the Convent High in the
French Pyrenees to find her cousin
Gillian, but it was no ordinary convent.
There was something strange and
frightening about the place, it had an aura
of evil, of hidden, violent things. They
said Gillian was dead but she didn't
believe them. Searching out the truth led
to trouble, also murder.
MYS The Secret Notebooks of
Sherlock Holmes
Thomson, June
A new collection of cases, based on
Dr. John Watson's secret notebooks of
the master detective's investigations,
features the inimitable Sherlock
Holmes in the "Case of the Cardinal's
Corpse," "Case of the Aluminum
Crutch," "Case of the Upwood
Scandal," and "Case of the Vanishing
Barque," among others.
MYS Fit to Die
Stuyck, Karen
Lauren Prescott is fifty, fat (according
to her husband) and flat broke after he
empties their bank account, closes his
dental practice, and leaves town
without a word of explanation. To land
a magazine job, Lauren is writing a
profile of a fitness guru who died
while jogging, a death that is looking
MYS The Unquiet Grave
Thomson, June
When Luke Gilchrist watches his
father's coffin lowered into its grave,
he feels little emotion. Richard
Gilchrist was not a warm man and
showed scant affection for his son or
his wife. So it was astonishing when
his lifelong friend Clive took Luke
aside after the funeral to hand over a
box of letters. The letters revealed that
Richard, under the name Edward
Marshall, had a second family living
only miles away. But the letters ended
when Kitty Marshall was brutally
murdered. Could his father have been
not only a bigamist, but also a
MYS Keys to Death
Toll, Emily
Travel agent Lynne Montgomery is
making travel plans, but this time,
they're for her. With no tour groups to
lead, she and her daughter are going to
visit her old friend Peggy Parker,
whose new resort has just opened in
the Florida Keys. But Lynne finds
herself caught in a tropical storm of
trouble when she discovers one of
Peggy's friends dead on the beach.
MYS Murder Pans Out
Toll, Emily
Lynne Montgomery leads a group of
San Diego schoolteachers to
California's Gold Rush Country, where
they rough it at the Murmuring Pines
Campground. When a mysterious
accident leaves the campground's
owner near death, it becomes clear
someone wants this to be Lynne's final
MYS Fall Into Death
Toll, Emily
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0321)). While helping her
mother transform a dilapidated old
house into a bed-and-breakfast, travel
agency owner Lynne Montgomery
unearths two skeletons in the
basement, a discovery that forces
Lynne to dig for clues in a town where
some secrets are better left buried.
MYS Murder at Ford's Theatre
Truman, Margaret
When the body of a young theatre
volunteer named Nadia Zarinski is
found in a dark alley, two cops, Rick
Klayman and Moses "Mo" Johnson,
soon discover that Nadia was the
intern for, and the rumored lover of, an
influential right-wing Senator,
plunging them into a world of greed
and corruption.
MYS Murder at the
Washington Tribune
Truman, Margaret
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0526)). (A Capital Crimes Novel)
When two women are found murdered
in the nation's capital, crime reporter
Joe Wilcox invents a serial killer
stalking the city, but the sudden
appearance of his mentally ill brother,
Michael, leads Joe to suspect that
Michael could be the real thing.
MYS Wings Above the
Upfield, Arthur
A stolen airplane lands on a waterless
lake in the far west of Queensland. In
the cockpit is a beautiful girl, drugged
and paralyzed, but no trace of the pilot.
Within twenty-four hours the plane is
destroyed and an attempt made to
poison the helpless stranger. Inspector
Napoleon Bonaparte turns to the
unearthly powers of an ancient tribal
Chieftain and seer to outwit a
conspiracy and save a life.
MYS Murder at Union Station
Truman, Margaret
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1606)). As Louis Russo, former
mob hit man and government
informant, travels to Washington,
D.C., by train, two men are at Union
Station awaiting his arrival, the young
writer whose forthcoming book is
based on Russo's life, and the man who
will kill him.
MYS A Hoe Lot of Trouble
Webber, Heather
Master landscaper Nina Colette Ceceri
Quinn turns sleuth to investigate the
murder of the elderly man who had
introduced her to the joys of
horticulture, while also dealing with a
fading marriage to adulterous police
detective Kevin Quinn, an antisocial
stepson Riley, and a host of smalltown secrets that could have deadly
MYS Personal Injuries
Turow, Scott
To Robbie Feaver, the law is all about
making a play to a client, a jury, or
judge. But when caught taking bribes,
he's forced to wear a wire in exchange
for leniency. Even as he looks after his
ailing wife, Feaver must make tapes
that will hurl his friends, enemies, and
an FBI undercover agent into a crisis.
MYS Digging Up Trouble
Webber, Heather
and amateur sleuth decides to get even
by stealing his beloved brassiere
collection, only to find herself the
prime suspect in his murder.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2424)). Hired to do a surprise
garden makeover for her stepson's aunt
and uncle, landscaper Nina Quinn has no
idea that she has been directed to the
wrong yard, that the real owner of the
property will drop dead from a heart
attack, that her teenage stepson is up to
his ears in possible illegal trouble, and
that no one is terribly sorry that a man is
MYS Pipsqueak
Wiprud, Brian M.
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0329)). New York City
taxidermy collector Garth Carson and
his girlfriend, Angie, launch a
rollicking, suspenseful quest to find
Pipsqueak the Nutty Nut, a stuffedsquirrel puppet of a popular 1950s
children's TV show, making their way
through a bizarre world of jive cult
members, club-goers, and murder to
find the stolen squirrel.
MYS Trouble in Spades
Webber, Heather
Landscaping is Nina Quinn's business,
but trouble seems to be her middle
name. Saddled with a recently
expelled, faithless local-cop husband, a
teenaged terror of a stepson, and the
yappiest, most unhousebreakable
Chihuahua in captivity, Nina needs a
break. The backyard makeover she's
doing for her sister Maria and her
fiancé, Nate, does the trick, until Nate
vanishes mysteriously, and Nina's
gardening inadvertently turns up a
MYS Stuffed
Wiprud, Brian M.
Garth Carson buys, sells, and rents
exotic taxidermy from his funky New
York City storefront. He and his gal,
Angie, have just acquired the most
sinister stuffed critter in the world: a
white crow in a bell jar that people are
dying to get their hands on. When the
crow is stolen, along with $50,000
worth of their best stuff, Garth and
Angie plunge into the spooky heart of
old New England to save their bird.
MYS Murder and the Mad
Wilson, Barbara J.
When sleazy talent agent Lemon B.
Crenshaw entangles Brenda Midnight
in a complex legal bind, the milliner
MYS Murder in the Forecast
Wolzien, Valerie
Hired to remodel the grandest old
house on Cape May Island, contractor
Josie Pigeon figures her summer is
made. But before she can lift a
hammer, she finds her new employer,
a wealthy New Yorker, murdered on
the premises with a strip of drop cloth
twisted around his neck. When
Hurricane Agatha sweeps away both
the house and the body, Josie pursues
the truth and tries to nail down a killer.
MYS Orchid Blues
Woods, Stuart
On the way to her wedding, Chief of
Police Holly Barker is sidetracked by a
high-tech bank robbery that results in
murder, and she makes a startling
discovery that plunges her into the very
center of psychotic criminality.
MYS Two Dollar Bill
Woods, Stuart
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1863)). Reluctantly taking in a
smooth-talking Texan who possesses a
cache of rare two-dollar bills and who
survives an apparent attack on his life,
Manhattan attorney Stone Barrington
becomes increasingly concerned about
the man's credibility when a dead body is
found in his own house.
MYS Dead Folks' Blues
Womack, Steven
Ex-newspaperman turned private
detective Harry James Denton needs any
client he can get. It's just his luck that the
first person to waltz into his Nashville
office is the woman who stole his heart in
college, then was stolen by another man.
That man is rich surgeon and relentless
gambler Conrad Fletcher. But by the time
Harry catches up with him, Fletcher's
gone from being in debt to being dead.
MYS Dancing Dead
Woodworth, Deborah
(Also available in regular print
(AB-0127)). During the Great
Depression, the North Homage
Shakers open a hostel in their
Kentucky village. Soon business
booms because of rumors of it being
inhabited by a 19th-century spirit.
When a hostel guest is murdered,
Sister Rose Callahan investigates. An
orphan girl claims to have seen a
hooded specter. Sister Rose fears it can
threaten to turn Shaker against Shaker
and shatter their peaceful society.
MYS Dark Harbor
Woods, Stuart
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0518)). Investigating the unlikely
murder-suicide case of his cousin, who
secretly worked for the CIA, Stone
Barrington is surprised to learn that his
cousin had named him the executor of his
estate just prior to his death.
MYS Stolen Honey
Wright, Nancy M.
When local university student Shep
Noble is murdered, suspicion falls on
the family of the woman Shep had
tried to rape. But when she is brutally
murdered, Vermont-based sleuth Ruth
Willmarth discovers hatred runs very
deep in a small town.
written for those who are aware of
possessing abilities but do not know
what to do with them.
OCC Living With Ghosts
Gater, Paul
Far more people have had some kind
of ghostly encounter than is commonly
realized. This investigative report takes
the reader on a journey filled with
fascinating incidents, details, and
information from the English Midlands
where the author lives, to other parts of
the British Isles and other parts of the
MYS Sirius About Murder
Wright, Sue O.
Elsie MacBean (Beanie) and her
Basset Hound, Cruiser, find
themselves dewlap-deep in a murder
investigation when supporters of a
controversial dog park, proposed for a
coveted tract of Tahoe shoreline, are
earmarked for death. The fur starts to
fly at a Halloween fundraiser for
Alpine Paws Park when Abigail
Haversham, heiress to the lakeside
property, is discovered strangled near
the Psychic Paws booth.
REL Irrepressible Hope:
Devotions To Anchor Your Soul and
Buoy Your Spirit
Clairmont, Patsy
In this wide-ranging collection of sixty
straight-to-the-heart devotions, you're
invited to come along as seven talented
Christian women share how
irrepressible hope has enriched their
lives, strengthened their relationships
with the Savior, and kept them afloat
when circumstances threatened to pull
them under.
New Age
NEW Understanding Second
Gater, Dilys
As a practicing psychic, Dilys Gater
has found that many more people
possess spiritual and psychic
awareness than is believed, and they
are not always the ones who are taking
an active interest in it. This book is
REL God's Leading Lady
Jakes, T. D.
Drawing on principles found in the
Scriptures, the author offers the balm
to soothe women's spirits and restore
their souls. Bishop Jakes shows all
women how they can move beyond
their imperfections and lack of selfesteem to step up to claim the success
the Lord has promised them.
knowledge of Scripture and candid
examples of her own epiphanies in
prayer, she shows you how to: draw close
to God; know His plan and purpose for
your life; and receive comfort, help, and
strength for every day.
REL If You Want to Walk on
Water, You've Got to Get Out of the
Ortberg, John
John Ortberg invites you to consider
the incredible potential that awaits you
outside your comfort zone. Out on the
risky waters of faith, Jesus is waiting
to meet you in ways that will change
you forever, deepening your character
and your trust in God.
REL The Beloved Disciple:
Following John to the Heart of Jesus
Moore, Beth
John the apostle must have thought he
had seen everything. Having been with
Jesus all the years of his ministry, John
witnessed more miracles than he could
count, saw more displays of power than
he could comprehend, and experienced
more love than he could fathom. Just as
Christ took John on a lifelong journey
into the depths of His love, He will do the
same for you. His love is unmatched and
inexhaustible, and He is waiting to lavish
it on you, His beloved.
REL Breakfast with the Pope
Paul II, Pope John
A collection of excerpts from Pope John
Paul II's writings touches on such topics
as divine healing, resurrection, jobs, the
future of the Catholic Church, and
REL The Power of a Praying
Omartian, Stormie
REL Walking with Loneliness
Ripple, Paula
The popular view of loneliness seems
limited to one of fear and hesitation,
that it has no redeeming value, is a
sign of weakness, or is inherently
destructive. Paula Ripple offers a
message of hope and healing for all
who encounter the mystery of
loneliness in their lives.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1986)). It may seem easier to pray
for your family and your friends, but God
wants to hear your requests for your life,
too. Stormie Omartian has led nearly 2
million women into deeper, more
fulfilling prayer lives. Now, through her
REL Possibility Living: Add
Years to Your Life and Life to Your
Years with God's Health Plan
Schuller, Robert A.
REL The Grace Awakening
Swindoll, Charles
In this best-selling classic, Charles
Swindoll awakens readers to the lifeimpacting realities of God's grace, the
freedom and joy it brings, the fear it
cures, the strength it lends to
relationships and the ever-increasing
desire to know God.
The author's father discusses how to
create a physically healthy and spiritually
fulfilling life through a natural foods diet,
fasting, and prayer.
REL Success God's Way
Stanley, Charles
"Success is defined by a continuing
desire to be the person God called you to
be and achieve those goals that God helps
you to set," says Charles Stanley. This
book includes ten steps to help you reach
God's goals in your life, and what to do
about the seven success blockers that
entangle believers. He also addresses
applying the Golden Rule in your pursuit
of success, the power of a believer's
thoughts, the secret of persistence, and
much more.
ROM Wildcatter's Kiss
Adams, Kelly
Sheer force of will kept Cally Taylor
faithful to her late husband's dream,
running his dilapidated farm and
drilling for oil with an ancient rig. That
same determination stopped her from
evicting Mike Donovan, the ruggedly
handsome wildcat driller who'd
manipulated his way onto her land and
into her home. Then, suddenly, guilt
and misunderstanding shatter their
tentative trust.
REL Winning the War Within
Stanley, Charles
Dr. Charles Stanley talks about
temptation, the enticements that trip us
up, the protections God provides to help
us stay clear of Satan's traps, and the
escape route God makes available if we
go too far. Clarifying the distinction
between a test or a trial, which may come
from God, and a temptation, which never
comes from God, Dr. Stanley explains
God's solutions for coping with trials,
triumphing over temptations, and
recognizing the difference.
ROM Green Willows
Alexander, Jan
Mary Kirkpatrick was not given to
fanciful flights of the imagination. But
from the evening she came to work as
governess at Green Willows, she was
convinced that a ghost wandered the
dark, rambling halls at night. But
Mary's growing love for handsome
Johnathon Tremayne blinded her to
ROM Hot & Bothered
Andersen, Susan
(Also available in regular print
(AO-0366)). When her father is
murdered and her half-brother is
accused of the crime, single mother
Victoria Hamilton returns home to
Colorado Springs to prove his
innocence with the help of a private
investigator who happens to be a man
from her past, and the father of her
most. Soon the men are engaged in a
battle of wits and wills with the
formidable pair. Are St. George and
Marchmont both in danger of losing
their wager?
ROM Dark Arches
Armitage, Aileen
Seduced under the arches of
Clondarra's village bridge, Irish shop
girl Rosa Sheridan is persuaded to give
up the baby for adoption and make a
new life for herself in England. But
she can never forget, particularly when
her happy marriage doesn't bring her
the children she longs for. Twenty
years later, a successful
businesswoman, Rosa's life becomes
entwined again with three women from
her past: the woman who arranged her
child's adoption; the woman who
adopted her; and Lucy, her child.
ROM Just for Kicks
Andersen, Susan
Las Vegas showgirl Carly Jacobsen
keeps finding out the hard way that her
idea of fun differs radically from that
of her neighbor Wolfgang Jones. Sure,
he looks incredible, and he seems to
have a thing for her legs, but the man's
a robot. So what's with their
chemistry? In Susan Andersen's laughout-loud follow-up to Skintight,
sometimes love is a sure bet,
sometimes it's a losing proposition.
ROM Wolf Shadow
Baker, Madeline
(Also available in regular print
(AJ-0212)). Raised as a member of the
Lakota tribe, Teressa Bryant, now
known as Winter Rain and preparing
to become the wife of a powerful
warrior, finds her life thrown into
chaos when Chance McCloud arrives
to take her back to her birth parents,
forcing her to choose between family,
love, and honor.
ROM St. George and the
Andrews, Beth
Richard St. John and Julian
Marchmont wagered they could meet
and seduce two beautiful and
mysterious young ladies. But
Cassandra Woodford and Rosalind
Powell prove more of a challenge than
ROM The Wild Marauder
Barker, Ann
Everyone in the neighborhood knows
that Dora and Charlie are the perfect
couple. But when it seems that
Charlie's head has been turned by the
London scene, Dora's younger sister
Fenella decides to remind him of what
he is missing. Her solution is to ask a
stranger to flirt with Dora under
Charlie's nose. The plan succeeds, but
soon Fenella wonders whether her
move was a wise one.
ROM Chances Are
Bretton, Barbara
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0135)). While preparing for her
impending nuptials, Maddy Bainbridge
finds her happiness threatened when
her fiancé's seventeen-year-old
daughter reveals a shocking secret.
ROM Somewhere in Time
Bretton, Barbara
Swept back through time, former
lovers Emilie Cross and Zane Rutledge
land in the midst of the American
Revolution. But soon Emilie finds
herself caught between the man of her
own time whom she once loved and a
man of the past who could give her the
home she's always longed for.
ROM A Secret Affair
Bradford, Barbara T.
Barbara Taylor Bradford's novel tells
the story of an illicit, fateful affair.
When a respected American TV
newsman and a young artist meet in
Venice and fall in love, the only hope
for sustaining their relationship is via a
series of planned rendezvous.
ROM Harvard's Education
Brockmann, Suzanne
(Also available in regular print
(AO-0247)). Entering into the grueling
world of the U.S. Navy SEALs, where
women are not welcomed, FinCOM
agent P.J. Richards goes up against
Senior Chief "Harvard" Becker who
believes that a woman's place is at home,
not in combat.
ROM A Soft Place to Fall
Bretton, Barbara
Annie Galloway's cherished dreams of
a career in art, a peaceful marriage,
and a house full of children died when
her young, precious husband died.
Now, settling into a beachfront cottage
in Shelter Rock Cove, Maine, Annie
finds the strength to start over. All she
needs is courage and time. The last
thing she needs is handsome, charming
next-door neighbor Sam Butler.
ROM Night Watch
Brockmann, Suzanne
leave. Now, 10 years later, she must
come to terms with her past and her
still-burning affection for an old flame.
U.S. Navy SEAL Wes Skelly agrees to a
blind date with Brittany Evans, the sisterin-law of a fellow SEAL, but when the
woman he has loved secretly for years
suddenly becomes available, Wes is
forced to choose between his dream and
ROM Seduction by Design
Brown, Sandra
A devoted executive with an
amusement park in the Great Smoky
Mountains in Tennessee, Hailey
Ashton's tough exterior hides a
fragmented self-image that dashes any
hope for a love life. Hailey soon meets
Tyler Scott, the dynamic new owner of
the park. He sees past her facade to the
real woman hiding behind it, but
Hailey's own doubts and fears may be
what jeopardizes her only chance at
total fulfillment.
ROM A Kiss Remembered
Brown, Sandra
When Shelley Browning goes back to
college and enrolls the class taught by her
former high school teacher, with whom
she shared a single kiss, they risk all
they've both worked for.
ROM Bittersweet Rain
Brown, Sandra
A woman attracts the affections of a
man who spurned her years ago. But
until he makes amends with the past,
she may remain the one woman he
may never have.
ROM Silken Web
Brown, Sandra
In this classic love story, beautiful
Kathleen finds she must make a
heartbreaking choice between peace
and security and passionate love.
ROM In a Class by Itself
Brown, Sandra
Dani Quinn returns to her hometown
for her high school reunion, knowing
that Logan Webster will be there. Her
departure from him and the small
Texas town where they were
sweethearts had been abrupt and
painful, but she never had the chance
to explain to Logan why she had to
ROM Sweet Anger
Brown, Sandra
As she sets out to uncover the truth
about her late husband's mysterious
death TV newscaster Kari Wynne
finds herself torn by conflicting
feelings toward D.A. Hunter Mc Kee,
the man responsible for branding her
late husband a thief, who awakens in
her a passion she has never known
ROM Tempest in Eden
Brown, Sandra
A nude model, Shay Morrison is
perfectly comfortable with her
sexuality, at least outwardly. But when
she encounters Ian Douglas, a
conservative minister, his harsh
disapproval forces her to confront the
pain hidden within her heart. Feeling
scorned and challenged, Shay decides
to prove that Ian is susceptible to the
same desire as any other man.
ROM A Duke in Danger
Cartland, Barbara
When he returns as a war hero from
France in 1818, the new fifth Duke of
Harlington discovers that his cousin
Alvina has allowed the family castle to
fall into near ruin. He soon realizes
that she in the one woman who can
help him restore the estate to its former
glory, but their blossoming love is
threatened by a challenger to the title.
ROM A Kiss in Rome
Cartland, Barbara
To visit Rome was a wish that lovely
Alina Langley had never dreamed
would come true. Yet here she was, a
sheltered young country miss,
impersonating an aristocratic,
widowed beauty in a dangerous,
perhaps even wicked, gamble to
reconcile a childhood friend with an
adored beau. In Rome, the girls' host
was the handsome and scathing
Marquis of Teverton, the Casanova of
London, and he kissed her. She loved
the Marquis of Teverton.
ROM The Devil's Own
Brown, Sandra
Targeting a man whose tough exterior
had kept him alive, a young woman
formulates a desperate plan to save
nine children, teaming up with him
despite his disreputable and dangerous
looks, and finding an unexpected and
equally risky passion.
ROM A Coronation of Love
Cartland, Barbara
Bride, widow, but never a wife, young
English-born Aldrina found herself
Queen of Saria, burdened with the
cares of state and the sinister attentions
of a wicked and ambitious royal suitor.
Fleeing to a palace by the sea, she met
Juro, as radiant as Apollo.
ROM Looking for Love
Cartland, Barbara
ROM The Cave of Love
Cartland, Barbara
In the magical, green-leafed bower of
Monk's Wood, Salema and Charles fell
instantly and forever in love. But Fate
was to test their newfound passion, for
Charles was the only son of the Duke
of Mountaired, the elderly widow
Salema's father intended her to marry!
To refuse was to defy her father, yet
love's honor demanded that Salema
and her penniless Charles flee.
The Marquis looked down at Gilda, her
cheeks wet with tears, her blue eyes too
shy to meet his. Gilda could only look up
at him helplessly, thinking that he must
see love in her eyes and know that she
was acutely conscious of his lips near to
hers. Then the wonder of the Marquis's
kiss made her feel as if the darkness and
fear were all left behind, and he carried
her into the sunshine and up into the very
heart of the sun.
ROM The Love Pirate
Cartland, Barbara
Set against the exciting and exotic
background of nineteenth-century
Malaya is the story of a young girl
who found herself on a hazardous sea
voyage in the company of a notorious
ROM Lovers in Lisbon
Cartland, Barbara
Alone and starving, Felicita found it
impossible to refuse the new life that the
Duchesse de Monreuil offered. It was as
if a fairytale had come true, especially
when she met the irresistibly handsome
Marques Alvaro de Oliveira Vasconles.
How could Felicita have known she was
to be the instrument of an all-consuming
passion aimed like a vengeful sword at
the heart and pride of one of Portugal's
oldest families?
ROM The Prude and the
Cartland, Barbara
When her sister, Nannette, falls in love
with the money-hunting Pascoe
Lowes, Prunella is determined to do
everything in her power to put an end
to the romance. Upon realizing that she
can't break up their relationship on her
own, she asks the Earl of Winslow, her
handsome but lecherous neighbor, to
help her. Instead of assisting her,
however, the Earl has other things in
ROM The Call of the Highlands
Cartland, Barbara
Lord Alistair McDonan's life of leisure
comes to a sudden end when his older
brothers die in a boating accident. As he
reluctantly agrees to leave the
entertainments of London and take his
place as the new Chieftain of the family
Clan in Scotland, he makes a nuptial pact
with the mysterious Arina.
ROM Smile of the Tiger
Charles, Caroline
Christiana had everything she wanted
in life except the man she loved. She
knew she would love him forever, but
she also knew she would have to forget
him, for he could never be hers.
ROM Quadrille
Chesney, Marion
Shy and dowdy Mary has been forced
into a loveless marriage with the
disdainful Lord Hubert Challenge. But
his roving eye is much too prone to
wander in the direction of the tantalizing
Lady Clarissa for his young wife's peace
of mind. And so, when Lord Hubert sets
off to fight Napoleon, Mary determines
to make herself a fashionable lady of
London society, and oust Clarissa's place
in her husband's heart, once and for all.
To her delight, she is a radiant success,
partnered on the dance floor by Beau
Brummel himself.
ROM Aunt Margaret's Lover
Cheek, Mavis
Aunt Margaret has just waved goodbye
to her niece, Saskia. She has sent her
to Canada for a year. Now, that she's
been given a year of freedom, Aunt
Margaret decides to kick up her heels a
little and have some fun.
ROM The Homecoming
Chesney, Marion
ROM Minerva
Chesney, Marion
A prim maid confronts scandalous
regency London! How is a country
Vicar of modest income to educate two
sons, marry off six daughters, and find
means of supporting his hounds and
hungers? The Reverend Charles
Armitage decides that the best way is
to send his lovely eldest daughter
Minerva to London for a season, in the
hopes that she'll find a rich husband.
Chaperoned by sprightly Lady
Godolphin, the dutiful girl meets the
genteel and not-so-genteel members of
London society, some of whom delight
in trying her virtue.
Lizzie, the youngest of the six Beverley
girls, has seen each of her sisters marry
for love, even though all had been
obsessed with regaining the exquisite
seventeenth century ancestral mansion
that had been gambled away by their now
deceased father. But Lizzie has always
been different from her sisters. Redhaired and saucy, she has never cared
about Mannerling, or marriage.
Unfortunately, her mother, Lady
Beverley, knows that Lizzie is her last
chance if she ever hopes to preside over
Mannerling again.
ROM Trust Me
Choate, Jane
Social worker Casey O'Shaunessey
gives 100 percent to the kids who are
shuffled through the county foster-care
system. To protect those kids, she's
willing to take on anyone or anything,
including the most hard-nosed member
of the district attorney's office.
ROM An Invisible Web
Coffin, Julie
With the disappearance of her
daughter, Lisa needed, more than ever,
the support of the man she loved. Why,
then, did she turn instead to a complete
ROM Dangerous Involvement
Coffin, Julie
After her parents' death in a car
accident, Nicola takes a job as
secretary to the romantic novelist Lucy
Treryn. The old lady seems pleasant, if
a little brusque, and Nicola finds
herself falling in love with her quiet
schoolteacher grandson, Zachary. But
her other grandson, Alex, is quite a
different character. An arrogant, goodlooking charmer, he is determined to
seduce Nicola, and won't take no for
an answer, until an unpleasant scene
leaves him humiliated and Nicola
shaken. But Alex is not a man to take
rejection lightly.
ROM Love by the Book
Choate, Jane M.
Anna Lancaster loves her 17-year-old
brother, Jeff, but he is growing
unreachable. Meanwhile, Detective
Brady Matthews is struggling to be
both father and mother to his orphaned
niece and nephew. As Anna and Brady
try to help the children in their lives,
something special grows between
ROM Royal Wedding
Christopher, Mary
Julie Elliott was thrilled to be in
London, assigned to cover the Royal
Wedding, the most dazzling event of
the decade! But Nick Tregarron found
it all absurd. Even as the handsome
photographer opened the most
exclusive doors in London to her, he
mocked her as a silly, starry-eyed
young American reporter.
ROM Lost Memories
Coffin, Julie
Elissa had no idea who she was or why
she had been found wandering the
Cornish coast. But Daniel Brett
seemed determined to find the truth
behind her past. What was the key to
unlocking Elissa's memory, and was it
possible that Dr. Daniel Brett could
help provide the answers?
ROM Menace of Evil
Coffin, Julie
Someone seemed determined to ruin
their chance of a happy future together.
Luke and Morwenna each had a past
tinged with sadness. Now that fate had
brought them together, would the
shadows of the past be lifted?
ROM Jet Set Nurse
Converse, Jane
It sounded like a dream job when wealthy
financier Durward Kingsley suggested it:
go along on an island vacation as private
nurse to his cousin's troubled daughter.
But Roxy Ferris should have quit as soon
as she met the "beautiful people" who
were the family's guests, or first gazed
into the strangely sinister eyes of her
young patient.
ROM The Spy's Bride
Collum, Lynn
Victoria Woodley will inherit a fortune
on her 21st birthday, and her greedy
guardian intends to force her into
wedlock before that day, to his son. So
a desperate Victoria dresses as a boy
and runs off to join her cousin at his
regiment in Portugal. But when British
spy Lord Kit Harden hires "Victor" as
his valet, he's shocked to discover her
true gender. Now, Kit feels like he's
compromised a lady, and that the only
remedy is marriage.
ROM Masquerade Nurse
Converse, Jane
When Kathy Barrett awoke in a
hospital bed, she remembered a
sickening skid, a crash, and nothing
else. How did she get there? Where
were her friends Jim and Lynne? Here
is the gripping story of a young nurse
who is the sole survivor of an accident,
and who borrows the identity of her
dead friend to find a new home and
escape a threatening past.
ROM Nurse in London
Converse, Jane
ROM Mackenzie's Woman
Constant, Jan
In a savage Scottish world where
people hate her very name, how can
Jenna Winslow ever rid herself of the
title, "Mackenzie's Woman," when
Alex, her lover, is both her livelihood
and her only protection?
Lee Watson, the star of the top rock
group in England and America, was the
victim of a crippling motorcycle accident.
In pain and despair he had clung to Nurse
Holly Brooks. Now, going back to
London to resume his career, he begged
her to come with him. And Holly went
because he needed her, stepping,
unaware, into a psychedelic landscape
where she was a stranger.
ROM The Young Nurses
Converse, Jane
ROM Riptide
Coulter, Catherine
Becca Matlock, a speechwriter for the
governor of New York, is targeted by a
stalker, who shoots the governor to
prove his point. Seeking refuge on the
coast of Maine, Becca finds herself at
greater risk. FBI special agents Savich
and Sherlock arrive to help an old
friend of Savich's father, but the
friend's relationship to Becca comes as
a surprise.
The doctor, Janet's handsome fiancée, the
patient, Janet's beautiful and flirtatious
boarder, Beth. The symptoms, strange,
violent headaches, the prognosis, Beth's
headaches may develop into heartaches
for Nurse Janet Leland. Two young
student nurses welcome Janet Leland's
offer to board at her home, Beth, a
carefree party girl trying to grow up, and
Phyllis, a somber wallflower eager to
blossom. Little does Janet realize that
before their stay is ended, her faith in her
fiancée will be shattered, his reputation
challenged, and their future together
marred by tragedy.
ROM The Countess
Coulter, Catherine
Andrea Jameson isn't a destitute
governess. She's young, rich, and
toothsome, and adores her Dandie
Dinmont terrier, George. Andrea
doesn't have a single dream of
marrying Mr. Right. Instead she strikes
a bargain with the older, widowed Earl
of Devbridge who promises her all the
razzle-dazzle without the obey part.
She's perfectly happy with the deal
until she meets the earl's nephew and
realizes she might have made an
exceptional blunder, but she doesn't
have much time to ponder her choice,
because strange things are happening
in Devbridge Manor.
ROM Undercover Nurse
Converse, Jane
Nurse Gail Arnold was young,
beautiful and happy, and her work at
the Narcotics Rehabilitation Center
was interesting and rewarding. Her
silent worship of handsome Dr. Bruce
Cranston filled her heart with hopeful
dreams. But her serene existence was
in for a startling change. An unknown
young woman, viciously beaten near
death from an overdose of heroin, was
brought to the hospital. Assigned to the
case, Gail found herself working in
heart-quickening closeness to the man
she loved. Then menace marred the
picture. For the new patient harbored a
tormenting secret that was to spell
deadly danger for Gail.
ROM The Courtship
Coulter, Catherine
Determined, bookish Helen Mayberry
and the rakish Spenser Heatherington,
Lord Beecham, join forces to search
for a mystical treasure known as King
Edward's Lamp, and the mismatched
couple soon discovers a more precious
unfriendly Scottish locals and by the
beautiful and courageous Mary Rose
ROM Darling Kate
Crane, Teresa
Kate and Stephen sealed their love
with a new home, a flat in the old
mansion where they had played as
children and a promise to always be
together. Stephen's sudden death left
Kate lonely and grieving, withdrawn
into her memories and the cocoon of
their perfect home. Then Jenny and
Jaimie moved in next door, and Kate
found herself drawn into their warm,
loving family circle and drawn to
Jaimie with a guilty passion. But when
Stephen had promised never to leave
her, he had meant exactly what he said.
ROM The Deception
Coulter, Catherine
From the moment innocent Evangeline
de Beauchamps entered the household
of Richard Claredon, Duke of
Portsmouth, she felt herself falling
under the spell of a man who had
conquered many women with his
looks, wealth and charm. But love was
a luxury Evangeline could not afford.
Napoleon's henchmen held her father
hostage and to save his life Evangeline
was masquerading as a worldly young
widow with a man who knew women
very well indeed, or so he thought.
ROM No Strings Attached
Criswell, Millie
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1111)). When Samantha Brady,
plagued by writer's block and her
never-ending search for Mr. Right,
sleeps with her roommate and best
friend, Jack Turner, after drinking too
much wine, she discovers that the
perfect man she has been searching for
has been right in front of her all this
ROM The Scottish Bride
Coulter, Catherine
Two months after Waterloo, Tysen
Sherbrooke, a widowed vicar and
father of three children, discovers that
he has become the new Baron
Barthwick of Kildrummy Castle in
Scotland and sets out to visit his new
holdings, but his devout, sober world
is soon turned upside down by
ROM Loving Enemy
Cross, Catherine
Daniel was in her thoughts constantly,
but could Kate trust him when he
asked her to? A chance meeting was
enough to tell Kate how much she was
attracted to this man. Then she
discovered just who her handsome
helper was.
ROM Green Calder Grass
Dailey, Janet
Jessy Niles Calder finds her marriage
to Ty Calder threatened by the return
of his ex-wife Tara, whose devious and
dangerous machinations divide the
Calder family and threaten to destroy
their marriage as well as their lives.
ROM Masquerade
Dailey, Janet
Beautiful Remy seeks to remove the
masks that hide answers to questions
about who she is, and what the dashing
Cole Buchanan really means to her.
ROM Calder Promise
Dailey, Janet
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1045)). Laura Calder, a
sophisticated young woman of the world,
finds her plans to remained unattached
thwarted by two men, Boone Rutledge,
the son of a Texas billionaire, and
Sebastian Dunshill, the Earl of Crawford,
who vie for her affection, while an enemy
from her past prepares to destroy the
Calder name.
ROM Sentimental Journey
Dailey, Janet
"Is it really me you want?" Jessica
asked. She tried to pull away from
Brodie. Jessica's meeting with Brodie
Hayes after so many years was
accidental, yet devastating. The Brodie
Hayes she remembered had been a
poor young man from the wrong part
of town. And he had pursued her older
sister unsuccessfully. Now Brodie was
a rich, powerful businessman welcome
anywhere. Jessica couldn't help but
respond to his overwhelming charm
but could she be sure his interest in her
was genuine?
ROM For Bitter or Worse
Dailey, Janet
Confined to a wheelchair by an accident,
an embittered man makes his wife feel
isolated, a feeling that is magnified by the
arrival of a female physiotherapist who
confidently takes on his case.
ROM Foxfire Light
Dailey, Janet
Janet Dailey captures the beauty of the
Ozarks and a love every bit as timeless.
Can a lasting love develop between two
people who seem worlds apart.
ROM Western Man
Dailey, Janet
Caitlyn James, the government's new and
reluctant secret weapon, must track down
a rebel cyborg, who happens to be
dangerously sexy and well-equipped with
special enhancements.
Throughout her teenage years, Sharon
Powell adored Colorado Rancher Ridge
Halliday, the handsome owner of the
spread adjoining her family's. This was a
fact Ridge well knew, and it appealed to
his already swollen ego. Now a mature
young woman and wise to his games,
Sharon has conquered her infatuation. Or
has she?
ROM The Royal Treatment
Davidson, Mary J.
In a parallel universe where Alaska is its
own country, complete with a royal
family, an American tourist finds herself
being wooed by the untamed crowned
prince. But, can a wild prince and a
modern American girl make a life
ROM Labrador Nurse
Dana, Rose
To Nurse Nancy Gilchrist, a year's
contract to serve in a Labrador hospital
meant not loneliness and desolation, but a
chance to think, to read, and to take stock
of herself as a person, removed from the
hectic atmosphere of the big city. The
reality, she discovered, was somewhat
less placid.
ROM Becoming Strangers
Dean, Louise
In the pristine surroundings of the
Caribbean, two couples on the verge of
separation are unable to escape their
troubles, until a few chance events allow
them to make something out of the
ashes of their love.
ROM Dead and Loving It
Davidson, Mary J.
ROM Lake News
Delinsky, Barbara
Worlds collide when she brings her
beloved Wyndham werewolves together
with the vampires ruled by Undead
Queen Betsy Taylor in this collection of
four sensual novellas filled with equal
parts of spicy heat and laugh-out-loud
(Also available in regular print
(AU-0695)). After she is wrongly
accused by a devious reporter of having
had an affair with a newly appointed
cardinal, Lily Blake retreats to her home
town in New Hampshire. Driven by the
need to exact justice and clear her name,
she forms an uneasy alliance with the
editor of the local paper, a man with his
own grudge against the mainstream
ROM Hello, Gorgeous!
Davidson, Mary Janice
(Also available in regular print (AS1390)). Shopping maven and beauty
salon owner-turned-bionic super spy,
ROM Eternity
Deveraux, Jude
the English king refuses Graham's offer
to trade Igrainia for the wife of Robert
the Bruce, he marries her himself. What
Graham never expects is the desire his
strong-willed bride stirs in his soul.
Carrie hardly seems the type to weather
the difficulties of frontier life, but when
she sees the photo of Josh, a poor but
handsome farmer in need of a wife, she
impulsively decides that she is just what
he needs.
ROM The Meddlers
Drummond, June
Through the tragic deaths of his father
and older brother, Dominic Barr has
inherited Melburn Hall, a title, and a
mountain of debt. He realizes he will
have to sell the estate to avoid debtors'
prison. Anxious to help, his neighbor,
Kate Safford, recalls the legend of the
Twyford Gold, which disappeared
during the Danish invasion and might
be found on Melburn ground.
ROM Temptation
Deveraux, Jude
Forced to live in Scotland by her
stepfather and work as a housekeeper,
Temperance O'Neil bargains for her
passage home to New York City by
offering to find a wife for his nephew,
James. But the brusque James isn't
interested in marrying anyone. As she
attempts to match James with his ideal
mate, Temperance makes a surprising
ROM Barbara Pitcairn
Dunbar, Inga
Orphaned at fourteen and left in the care
of two poverty-stricken aunts, Barbara
Pitcairn has seen her share of hard times,
until distant relative and wealthy laird Sir
Thomas Gifford takes pity on her and
invites her to live as one of his family.
But on first sighting the foreboding Busta
House, his luxurious mansion, Barbara is
overcome with a sense that all is not well
inside. Her fears are compounded when
Lady Gifford refuses to welcome her into
the family, relegating her instead to the
maids' quarters. To make matters worse,
Barbara catches the eye of her beloved
eldest son, who is not all that he seems.
ROM Twin of Fire
Deveraux, Jude
Blair Chandler always gets what she
wants, including the mysterious Dr.
Lee Westfield.
ROM Knight Triumphant
Drake, Shannon
(Also available in regular print
(AB-0149)). After her husband, Lord of
Langley, dies from a deadly plague,
Englishwoman Igrainia finds herself a
prisoner in her own castle, held hostage
by Scottish warrior Eric Graham. When
ROM You Never Can Tell
Eagle, Kathleen
Reporter Heather Reardon gets more
than she had bargained for when she
searches for Kole Kills Crow, an
advocate for Native American rights
who has gone into exile after a brush
with the law.
immediately teams up with former
homicide Cameron Lazlo to clear his
name, but the closer they get to the
truth, the more dangerous the
investigation becomes, until there is no
one left to trust but each other.
ROM Without a Trace
Erickson, Lynn
Police sketch artist Jane Russo, unable
to use her special ability to delve into
the minds of victims and witnesses due
to a traumatic event she cannot
remember, teams up with a wary FBI
agent who helps her confront the past
in order to catch a serial rapist and
killer who is terrorizing young girls.
ROM Yellow Ribbons
Edwards, Jane
Writing letters to a marine captain
makes Operation Desert storm a reality
to teacher Holly Smith and her fifthgrade class.
ROM After Hours
Erickson, Lynn
(Also available in regular print
(AO-0238)). After the death of her
husband, Portia Carr Wells takes over
the presidency of the Nature
Preservation Society and learns the her
husband may have been murdered, a
discovery that leads her to bodyguard
and NYPD Detective Nick Sinestra,
who is harboring a dark secret that
could destroy her.
ROM Paint Me a Dream
Fairfax, Serena
Francesca Marsham is in a dilemma.
An art dealer in a London gallery, she
can't avoid painter Rafe Rostov, who is
in London to exhibit his work. Nine
years ago, he had rescued her from two
horrific incidents in Florence where
she was on an Italian culture course,
but their burgeoning romance had been
abruptly terminated by his unexplained
ROM Husband and Lover
Erickson, Lynn
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0134)). When Deputy DA Julia
Innes's husband is arrested for his late
wife's murder twelve years ago, she
ROM Strange Inheritance
Fairfax, Serena
Little does Gemma know that the
identity of the attractive mystery man
who saved her and her motorbike from
near disaster in a raging storm will
only be revealed in very different
circumstances after her desperate dash
to her critically ill uncle's bedside. Her
ordered existence is dramatically
ROM Love is Forever
Fox, Natalie
What, Sara asks herself, is she doing
on this remote Greed Island, when the
job she has come here for doesn't seem
to exist? And why does the dark,
enigmatic, mega-rich shipping
magnate, Alexander Karakou, appear
to be so obsessed with her? What is the
dark secret that he is so jealously
guarding? The answers are there for
her to find, but what will happen when
Sara unravels the mystery and
discovers the fate that lies in store for
ROM To Kiss a Spy
Feather, Jane
Grieving over the supposed death of
her newborn child, Penelope, a ladyin-waiting to the queen, meets
spymaster Owen D'Arcy with whom
she enters into a dangerous and
passionate bargain, she will give him
secrets from the court in exchange for
his investigation into the fate of her
dead infant.
ROM Nurse Under Fire
Francis, Dorothy B.
Private duty in Marlin Point, Florida,
was the last thing Cass Meredith
wanted. The month-long assignment
had been handed to her by her friend
and boss, and he expected her to
accept it. But Cass had recently
suggested a trial separation from
handsome Tab Lyon, who wanted to
marry her, leading him to take a job in
Marlin Point!
ROM Ghost of a Chance
Fitzpatrick, Flo
(Also available in regular print
(AO-0362)). While choreographing
the new musical Bad Business on the
Brazos, Kiely Davlin, delighted with
the perk of free Tex-Mex food,
encounters the ghost of an actor whose
matchmaking attempts lead her into
the arms of Rafe Montez, the
devastatingly sexy star of the show.
ROM Studio Affair
Francis, Dorothy B.
It had taken Sandy Stafford six years
to graduate from music school, but
with her Aunt Lotia's help, she had
finally acquired the necessary diploma
and was soon to begin teaching music
in Chicago. But her dream was shortlived. Discovering that Aunt Lotia
suffered a mild heart condition, Sandy
felt bound to remain at home.
on a cross-country trip, cowboy T. C.
Castle rescues Katherine and hides her
at a remote ranch where he lives with
his five-year-old disabled daughter.
ROM Honor's Splendor
Garwood, Julie
Baron Duncan of Wexton captures the
beautiful Lady Madelyne for revenge,
but she enchants him into love.
ROM See Jane Score
Gibson, Rachel
While covering the Seattle Chinooks
hockey team, reporter Jane Alcott
meets career-focused goalie Luc
Martineau, but their relationship is
threatened by Jane's other occupation,
writing the scandalous "Honey Pie"
ROM Ribbon in the Sky
Garlock, Dorothy
Letty and Mike love each other dearly,
but Letty's hypocritical, hell-andbrimstone preacher pa betrays Letty,
and engineers their separation.
ROM The Edge of Town
Garlock, Dorothy
ROM Love is a Tempest
Gordon, Angela
When her grandfather denounced
Ellie's love affair with actor Arthur
Cartier, he was accused of being a
meddling old man. But his word
proved all too true and Cartier broke
Ellie's heart. Then when Cartier came
back to Ellie, her father's partner,
Morgan Harding, told her he suspected
Grandfather Morris was up to his old
tricks again. But this time Ellie was a
little older, a little wiser, and very
much in love.
During the 1920s, plainspoken farm girl
Julie Jones is not prepared for the Jazz
Age that sweeps flapper Birdie Stuart and
war veteran Evan Johnson into her small
Missouri hometown. Evan soon begins to
court Julie, but a wave of crime threatens
their relationship, and secrets festering
beneath the surface of a wholesome town
are ready to explode.
ROM Train from Marietta
Garlock, Dorothy
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0659)). When Katherine Tyler is
kidnapped by a band of outlaws while
ROM The Greek Villa
Gould, Judith
Her father's suicide leaves aspiring
novelist Tracey Sullivan to face the
bitter fact that her life has been a lie.
Among his things, she finds the
identity of the mother who abandoned
her. And in a magnificent Greek villa,
that woman, one of the world's most
famous movie stars, listens as her
agent proposes a ghostwriter for her
long-awaited novel: one of his up-andcoming clients in the States, Tracey
ROM Remember with Roses
Gray, Juliet
She had been so lovely, a delight to
behold. And she had died because he
loved her too much to lose her to
another man. The memory of
Marianne lingered like the scent of
roses on a summer breeze. But a man
could not live in the past forever, even
if it seemed there was no happiness to
be found in the present or the future.
ROM Katie Starr
Green, Christina
Jessica Rowden is a determined young
woman ahead of her time. When her
father dies, he leaves behind the
mystery of the Katie Starr, a ship that
disappeared years before. The
mysterious ship and some long-held
secrets will shape Jessica's life forever.
ROM Summer In France
Graham, Vanessa
After going through a very bad time,
Caroline was thankful to get a job
which would give her a whole summer
in the south of France. But it was
hardly going to help her recovery
when the first person she met was
Giles Guthrie, the original cause of all
her troubles!
ROM Lovers' Knot
Green, Christina
Were Lisa's growing feelings for a
mysterious stranger enough for her to
give him her trust, especially when he
was so reluctant to talk about his past?
Will he show Lisa what she really wants
when some difficult decisions have to be
ROM The Silverton Scandal
Grange, Amanda
Miss Eleanor Grantham is outraged
when her stagecoach is held up by a
highwayman, but her outrage turns to
astonishment when she discovers that
the highwayman is none other than the
Earl of Silverton. She cannot begin to
imagine why a wealthy nobleman
would stoop to highway robbery.
ROM The Turning Wheel
Green, Christina
ROM Enchanted Evening
Hallberg, Lynnette
Briana Winters is counting down the
minutes to her social ruin. If she
doesn't show up at her law firm's
charity ball with the "fiancé" she's
bragged about, she'll be the
laughingstock of the party. Too bad
he's only a figment of her imagination,
until a chance meeting brings Dr.
Chase Mitchell into the picture. She'd
be happy to pretend that the handsome
physician is the man of her dreams, if
he's willing. Chase can't say no to
playing Prince Charming for the night,
it's a role a man could get used to with
beautiful Briana.
In Devon for a family reunion, Nicki
Bennett hopes to spend time with her
increasingly frail father. But her
stepmother Gee, and Gee's son Leo,
involve her in a scheme to buy the old
mill and waterwheel where Nicki had
spent many happy hours, and where she
had her first kiss with Leo, her childhood
sweetheart. The mill is precious to Nicki,
and she fears for its future if their plan
succeeds. The mill's owner, sculptor
Robert Armstrong, seems to understand
her feelings. She's very attracted to
Robert, but Leo is trying to rekindle their
old love.
ROM Blame it on Chocolate
Greene, Jennifer
ROM The Bargain
Hammond, Melinda
Fashionable London in the 1780s is a
hotbed of vice and scandal, and the
notorious Earl of Aldringham retreats
to Bath in order to let talk of his latest
affair die down. There, he meets
Melissa Langham, a penniless but
spirited orphan, who scorns his
advances. Unable to resist a challenge,
the Earl is determined to win her
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2096)). When chocolatier Lucy
Fitzhenry and her sexy boss Nick, a man
way out of her league, test out her newest
recipe, an experimental strain of
chocolate, they succumb to one night of
intense, and unexplainable, passion,
resulting in an unexpected surprise.
ROM Born to Love
Greenwood, Leigh
Holt Price is ready to settle down with
the woman he pledged to marry,
despite the pain and devastation of
war. Instead, he finds himself gazing
into the vulnerable eyes of a girl who
is not his to take.
ROM Angel Falls
Hannah, Kristin
When Mikaela Campbell falls into a
coma, her husband, Liam, holds the
family together. Day after day Liam
tells her how they built their life
together. Then he discovers her first
marriage to Julian True, a man no
woman could refuse, or forget.
Desperate to bring Mikaela back, Liam
turns to the one person who could
make her respond.
ROM Highland Summer
Hawksley, Elizabeth
In 1865, Robina Drummond is invited to
spend the summer with the Penicuiks in
the Scottish Highlands. Their neighbors
are expecting an eligible bachelor that
they want for their daughter, and Robina
is on their visiting list. They think
Robina, being poor, thirty-two and only
passably attractive, is on the shelf. But
love is unpredictable.
ROM Dunleary
Heath, Monica
ROM Dark Road Home
Harper, Karen
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0338)). Seeking refuge in an
Amish friend's quilt shop after an
episode with a stalker, attorney Brooke
Benton is courted by Amish gentleman
Daniel Brand before she is swept up in
a hit-and-run case involving four
The fabulous titled adventurer came from
across the sea to claim Deirdre Rynne, a
woman he had seen only in a photograph.
But Brendan O'Leary, King of Inish
Laoghaire, led a young, innocent girl into
a cold, remote, desolate den he called
home; on a cursed island that condemned
its women to deceit and perhaps death.
ROM The Search
Heggan, Christiane
When Philadelphia assistant district
attorney Sydney Cooper gets an urgent
late-night call from her best friend
asking to meet her, she can't help but
wonder what kind of trouble
investigative journalist Lily Gilmore
has gotten herself into this time. But
exasperation soon turns to fear when
she becomes the sole witness to her
friend's brutal kidnapping. Knowing
she cannot rely on local law
enforcement, Sydney believes she's
Lily's last hope for survival.
ROM The Falls
Harper, Karen
Claire Malvern is told that her
husband, Keith, committed suicide by
jumping off the bridge at Bloodroot
Falls. Soon she and Sheriff Nick
Braden dig into her husband's past and
uncover a shocking picture of what
really happened to Keith.
ROM God's Gift
Henderson , Dee
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0219)). After being injured in
Africa doing missionary work, James
Graham comes back home to Chicago,
where he finally meets Rachel
Ashcroft, the woman who has been
sending him care packages, and tries to
bring happiness and love back into her
a flood surges through their
community, a crime scene is
swallowed up by the waters. One
person is dead. Rachel fears that
another tragedy will follow unless the
O'Malleys can solve a murder still
hidden by the floodwaters.
ROM The Negotiator
Henderson, Dee
(O'Malley, Tyndale #1) Kate
O'Malley's specialty is hostage
situations, and she's learned to depend
only on herself in a crisis. But now
Kate's a target. Someone's been
sending her black roses, maybe the
same person who just blew up an
airplane and blamed her. Faced with
the shocking evidence that the bomber
may be someone she knows, Kate has
to decide if FBI special agent Dave
Richman, and the God he trusts so
implicitly, is all he's supposed to be.
ROM The Guardian
Henderson, Dee
(O'Malley, Tyndale #2) A federal
judge has been murdered. There is
only one witness, and someone wants
her dead. U.S. Marshal Marcus
O'Malley thought he knew the risks of
the assignment going in until he fell in
love. Marcus has a case to solve, an
assassin to stop, and a lady to convince
he's right for her future. To do that he's
going to have to walk back into his
own past and wrestle with the complex
matter of prayer and he's going to have
to learn to trust again a sovereign God.
ROM The Protector
Henderson, Dee
(O'Malley, Tyndale #4) Jack O'Malley
is a fireman who is fearless when it
comes to facing an inferno. But when
an arsonist begins targeting his district,
his shift, and his friends, Jack faces the
ultimate challenge: protecting the lady
who witnessed the arsonist.
ROM The Healer
Henderson, Dee
(O'Malley, Tyndale #5) Rachel
O'Malley is a trauma psychologist
whose specialty is helping children.
Captain Cole Parker has spent the last
year fighting fires, investigating arsons
and falling in love with Rachel. When
ROM The Rescuer
Henderson, Dee
(O'Malley, Tyndale #6) Stephen
O'Malley is a paramedic who has been
rescuing people all his life. But now
he's running, from job burnout, from
the grief of losing his sister, and from a
God he doesn't want to trust. He's run
into a mystery. Stolen jewels are
turning up in unexpected places, and
his friend Meghan is caught in the
middle of the trouble. Can Stephen
rescue the woman he loves before
catastrophe strikes?
ROM O Madcap Duchess
Hill, Pamela
After the death of his devoted QueenDuchess, Mary Tudor, the Duke of
Suffolk married a young girl who had
been his ward. She was Catharine
Willoughby, a pretty Lincolnshire
heiress with Spanish blood who
became a great favorite at court. After
Suffolk's death in 1545 she married
again, it was said beneath her, and
became known as the Madcap
ROM Venus Rising
Hill, Pamela
After the death of his reprobate uncle,
idealistic young squire Gareth
Seaborne inherits the family estate
together with money to be awarded
upon his production of a son and heir
within two years. When Gareth's
beautiful Viking wife fails to conceive,
a plan is hatched whereby a devoted
maidservant secretly gives birth to a
ROM The Truth Seeker
Henderson, Dee
(O'Malley, Tyndale #3) Women are
turning up dead, and Lisa O'Malley
has a habit of walking into crime
scenes, curious. She's a forensic
pathologist, and mysteries are her
domain. U.S. marshal Quinn Diamond
has found loving her is easier than
keeping her safe. Lisa's found the
killer, and now she's missing too.
ROM Coming Home
Holmes, Dee
Antiques-lover Olivia Halsey is afraid
of becoming a bride. So she and her
two best friends take a time-out from
life and head home to Bishop, Rhode
Island, where they all learn what to
throw away and what to treasure in
their lives.
ROM The Squire of Holdenby
Howard, Liz
Born the second son of a
Northamptonshire landowner,
Christopher Hatton's personal
ambitions were virtually non-existent.
Then a quirk of fate brought him to the
attention of Queen Elizabeth and her
favorite courtier, Robert Dudley. He
soon realized that in order to marry
the fascinating young lady-in-waiting
of his choice, he would have to
achieve a certain standing at court. For
a carefree, fun-loving country squire,
that would be no easy task. But life
among the corruption and intrigue of
Elizabeth's household eventually left
its mark.
ROM Pool of Dreaming
James, Dana
Running her own graphics design firm
in Cornwall wasn't easy, Kersty found,
particularly when clients didn't pay
their bills! So Viscount Haldane's idea
to publicize Ravenswood House as a
hotel was heaven-sent. Except that
Kersty knew the Viscount only as Neil
Drummond, and discovering the truth
completely altered Kersty's attitude
toward their budding relationship.
ROM Rough Waters
James, Dana
Anya had gone to Hong Kong to assist
Dr. Simon Brody with his Floating
Clinic, a medical service for the more
inaccessible areas of the colony. She
was not there to concern herself with
his renowned talents with women.
Unfortunately, her resolve did little to
prevent her growing attraction for him.
ROM Unspoken
Jackson, Lisa
Shelby Cole thought she'd put Bad
Luck, Texas behind her. She'd left her
hometown ten years ago, her world
shattered and her illegitimate baby
dead. Now she's receiving anonymous
letters claiming that her daughter is
alive. But going home means
demanding answers that her father,
Judge Jerome Cole, won't be happy to
give, and facing Nevada Smith, the
man who broke her heart.
ROM The Silver Snare
James, Stephanie
ROM The Proud Pencarrows
Kaye, Gillian
As governess to the young Pencarrow
boy, Louisa Holland was interested
only in making the child happy. But
the rest of the family slowly began to
influence her life, for good and bad.
When it came to Richard Pencarrow,
could she afford to allow her heart to
rule her head?
Their strong wills clashed from the
moment the small plane crash-landed in
the desert. Lucas Kincaid, primitive male,
dared to claim Jessica Travers with
primal passion and power. Now that the
nightmare was over, Jessie thought she
could escape on a luxury cruise to
Mexico. Relentlessly, Lucas followed,
determined to transform her icy passion
into blazing need, determined to prove
she belonged to him, forever.
ROM A Compromising Passion
Kincaid, Nell
As a high-powered theatrical agent,
Andrea Sutton's business was turning
people into stars. But when rugged exfirst baseman and centerfold Jim
Haynes came to her as a client, she
was in trouble. Launching an athlete
into an acting career was a challenge,
but ignoring the man who had been her
fantasy lover since high school was
going to be impossible.
ROM A Nurse in Conflict
Kaye, Gillian
Caught up in the dramatic 1940
evacuation of Dunkirk, nurse Laura
Terrington meets wounded Christopher
Leybourne on her ambulance train.
Later, he seeks her out in London
where they have a whirlwind romance
and marry just before Laura sets off on
her next mission. But when she returns
a year later, there is no news of him.
ROM Forbidden Fires
Kincaid, Nell
Once his brown eyes and virile grace
had almost lured her into an
impossible, forbidden love. Now he
stood before the portable cameras of
WKM-TV and coolly responded to her
questions. It was odd that Amanda's
first New York assignment should
plunge her back into the past. And
clearly Eric Harrison was more
dangerous than ever.
ROM A Wayward Miss
Kaye, Gillian
Well-born but penniless, Anthea
Davenport becomes housekeeper to
Marcus Lorimer, Earl of Felbeck, but she
does not expect that dealing with his
ward will be part of her duties. Miss
Jennette Goodison, a pretty young
heiress, is used to having her own way,
and right now that way is with the very
unsuitable Merrick Downes.
ROM With Every Loving
Kincaid, Nell
man who, armed with the knowledge
of her dark past, has the power to
destroy her.
Here on Windy Hill, surrounded by
wildflowers, it all seemed so right. But
was it? Was Marina longing for the Dan
Sommers she had known in college, the
mountain-climbing young man addicted
to crazy causes, and not the sophisticated
lawyer whose kiss now sent her senses
reeling? Marina had made one decision;
she would not sell the old inn her beloved
grandmother had left her. A gifted chef,
she would open her own restaurant. She
knew she must not surrender to Dan until
she was sure that that, too, held a
ROM Waking the Princess
King, Susan
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0149)). While concealing her true
identity as the subject of a painting that
forever scandalized the Victorian art
world, antiquarian Christina Blackburn is
sent to Scotland where she once again
encounters the disastrous painting, as
well as its dashing owner, Sir Aedan
Arthur MacBride.
ROM Oceans Apart
Kingsbury, Karen
He failed his family only once, long
ago, but they never knew about it.
Now pilot Connor Evans's life and
marriage are going great, until Connor
finds himself face-to-face with his past
in the form of a seven-year-old boy.
ROM Kissing the Countess
King, Susan
Determined to sell his childhood home
in the Highland mountains, Evan
Mackenzie, the new Earl of Kildonan,
finds his life forever changed when a
rescue mission leads to marriage with
spirited Catriona MacConn, a
passionate woman who is harboring a
dangerous secret.
ROM Winter Love Song
Kingston, Meredith
Felicia Hollingsworth, ski champion and
Olympic hopeful, fell in love with her
instructor, married him, and lived happily
ever after, until the divorce, and the
devastating choice that drove Felicia
from the carefree man she loved to a
world of loneliness and lies. Five years
later, he's back, offering her a golden
gamble, purely business. But how could
she return to his life, and not his arms?
ROM Taming the Heiress
King, Susan
(Also available in regular print
(AJ-0203)). While masquerading in
high society as Lady Strathlin, a
beautiful heiress and the most eligible
woman in Scotland, Meg MacNeill
encounters Dougal Stewart, the one
ROM A Dark Champion
Kinley, Mac Gregor
Despite her best intentions, peaceloving Rowena finds herself drawn to
Stryder of Blackmoor, a powerful
warrior who vows to become the lady's
champion when treachery, intrigue,
and violence threaten her, even though
he swore allegiance to the Brotherhood
of the Sword to never surrender to the
passionate yearnings of the heart.
ROM Falling Awake
Krentz, Jayne Ann
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1763)). An expert in dream
research, Isabel Wright finds her life
becoming a nightmare when she loses
her job at a sleep research center and
becomes involved with a client, Ellis
Cutler, an operative for a classified
government agency.
ROM Light in Shadow
Krentz, Jayne Ann
(Also available in regular pirnt
(AK-0259)). Suspecting that a new
client is hiding a dark secret, home
decorator Zoe Luce enlists the help of
investigator Ethan Truax, with whom
she falls in love despite the dark
secrets of her past that could destroy
their budding romance.
ROM A Soldier's Heart
Korbel, Kathleen
Over twenty years earlier, an unnamed
nurse had struggled to pull Tony
Riordan away from the brink of death.
And now, Tony could see the
confusion in Claire Henderson's eyes,
could see her struggle with the same
nightmare images that had haunted
him for years. Claire Henderson had
saved his life, and it was time to return
the favor.
ROM Truth or Dare
Krentz, Jayne Ann
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0294)). In the sequel to "Light in
Shadow," (LP-2658) Zoe, an interior
designer with an uncanny talent for
sensing the past secrets of a house, and
her new husband, private investigator
Ethan Truax, confront new problems
when a shadowy figure from Zoe's past
appears in Whispering Springs.
ROM Crystal Flame
Krentz, Jayne Ann
The last survivor of a proud heritage,
coolly sensual Kalena embarks on a
daring mission to avenge her family. A
soldier called the Fire Whip is
commanded to tame her, but instead he
becomes the only lover to melt her
frozen heart. Their love, born of fire
and ice, must shatter the darkness that
threatens their world.
ROM Golden Tulip
Laker, Rosalind
In 17th century Holland, young and
gifted Francesa Visser finds dangerous
obstacles in her search for romance.
ROM A Man to Call My Own
Lindsey, Johanna
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0241)). Charismatic twins
Amanda and Marian Laton, sent to live
with their aunt on a sprawling 1870's
Texas ranch, find themselves
competing for the love of cowboy
neighbor Chad Kinkaid.
ROM The Perfect Lover
Laurens, Stephanie
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0141)). In search of the perfect
lover, and the perfect wife, Simon
Frederick Cynster is stunned when his
interest caught by the willful and
independent Portia Ashford, a young
woman he has known since childhood,
a situation that is transformed by a
shocking event that puts Portia in
danger and that only Simon's
remarkable influence and strength can
ROM Gentle Rogue
Lindsey, Johanna
Georginia disguises herself as a cabin
boy on board a ship, and finds herself
personal servant to the handsome expirate captain.
ROM Heart of a Warrior
Lindsey, Johanna
(Also available in regular print
(AB-0148)). Not used to seeing Nordic
gods in her small California town,
statuesque Brittany Callaghan knows that
when blond Viking Dalden turns up on
her doorstep, her dream man is very real.
But intelligent, independent Brittany isn't
about to be subservient to any male. A
barbarian warrior from a land where
when women always obey, Dalden is
accustomed to fighting for what he
wants, and he sets out to make Brittany
his conquest.
ROM Doctor on Loan
Lennox, Marion
As Briman Island's only doctor,
Christie works day and night to care
for the islanders. She knows that
marriage would mean abandoning
them, but when she saves a stranger's
life, her life changes forever. He is
Doctor Hugo Tallent, a specialist from
Brisbane, and he offers Christie the
help she badly needs, and so much
ROM Man of My Dreams
Lindsey, Johanna
Megan becomes determined to wed the
Duke of Wrothston.
ROM Once a Princess
Lindsey, Johanna
Tatiana knew nothing of her past until
the day a brash young man burst into
the saloon and claimed he was a king
and she his queen.
ROM Eden Burning
Lowell, Elizabeth
Set against the lush and exotic
backdrop of Hawaii, follows two
tormented souls who find each other
and embark on a passionate journey
fraught with danger.
ROM Dream Island
Litton, Josie
ROM Love Song for a Raven
Lowell, Elizabeth
Without warning, a ferocious storm in
the Queen Charlotte Islands plunged
Janna Morgan into the frigid sea. But
before she could sink in the depths of
the choppy waters, an arm reached out
through the darkness, pulling Janna to
safety. Her savior was Carlson Raven,
and he was as untamed and enigmatic
as the sea he loved. And they were
stranded together in a deserted
Lady Joanna Hawkforte spent her
childhood reading about the wondrous
beauty of Akora. But now the country of
her dreams has become a symbol of her
worst nightmare. Nine months ago her
brother embarked on a dangerous journey
to find the mythic land, and Joanna never
heard from him again. Believing he is
being held captive in Akora, she is
compelled to devise a desperate plan to
find him, but fate is about to deliver a
young Englishwoman into the arms of its
prince and sweep them both into a daring
love that knows no boundaries.
ROM Taming the Scotsman
Mac Gregor, Kinley
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0142)). Fleeing a loveless
marriage, Nora enlists the aid of Ewan
MacAllister, the only man feared by
her father and unwanted fiancé, to
protect her on the long journey from
Scotland to England, never expecting
to fall for the proud Highlander, whose
dark past and wounded heart have left
him reluctant to find true love.
ROM The Search for Love
Lorrimer, Claire
Her mother had tried to keep her from
marrying him, but at seventeen,
beautiful green-eyed Beverly
Brampton knew what she wanted. As
Jonnie Colt's wife, now mother of their
five children, Beverly's life should be
complete. But why is Jonnie becoming
increasingly distant? Is something, or
someone conspiring against her?
ROM Elusive Victory
Mackie, Mary
her at Graystoke Manor, she finds
herself hopelessly charmed by Black
Jack Graystoke and his promise of
pure temptation.
The fog-drenched forest, the glare of the
headlights, the sleek cars careening on
their wild courses. . .this was Bryony's
world, the thrilling world of the car rally,
but it was being invaded. As manager of
HF Motors, she regarded her company's
arch rival with aloof curiosity. "The
Iceman" was notorious, an expert driver
with nerves of steal. Elusive and
enigmatic, he posed a challenge she was
driven to meet. Bryony was tough and
independent, but Nils Thorssen touched a
tender nerve. What passionate secrets lay
behind his icy reserve?
ROM Snowbound
Mc Fadden, Marlene E.
Her past was locked in her mind
following a car crash one winter night.
She was surrounded by strangers
claiming to know all about her. Then
suddenly, her memory returned with
frightening clarity.
ROM Candles on Bay Street
Mc Kinnon, K. C.
For Sam Thibodeau, the feeling of
falling in love for the first time began
the day Dee Dee Michaud beat up the
bully who picked on him in the third
grade. Since then, they were
inseparable until the day after high
school graduation when she ran off
with another man, the same day Sam
was going to ask her to go steady. He
hasn't seen her since, until one day
when she returns to the same small
town with a young son. Sam is happily
married, yet he can't deny the feelings
he still has for her. But something is
terribly wrong. What secret is she
keeping from everyone who holds her
dear, that will also force Sam to make
a decision that will change his life.
ROM Secret of the Glen
Mackie, Mary
Forced to flee from her native USA,
Alix finds a hideaway deep in the
Scottish Highlands. She must remain
anonymous and avoid becoming
involved. But it isn't that easy with the
darkly attractive, if enigmatic, Niall
Drummond around, and with the lady
laird determined to draw Alix under
her wing.
ROM Pure Temptation
Mason, Connie
A rogue without peer, Jackson
Graystoke wants to make gaming and
carousing in London society his life's
work. Fresh off the boat from Ireland,
Moira O'Toole isn't fool enough to
trust a rake. Yet after an accident lands
ROM A Worthy Wife
Metzger, Barbara
ROM Charming Lily
Michaels, Fern
Lily Harper built a new life for herself,
trading the mountains in Wyoming for
Natchez, Mississippi. There, she is
busy restoring an old house with the
man she always loved, Matt Starr. But
Lily's dreams for the future are
threatened when Matt disappears.
Fearing foul play, Lily is determined to
find him, embarking on a dangerous
journey into unfamiliar territory.
Having fallen in love with someone
whom she considers the perfect man,
Aurora is distraught when she discovers
that her fiancée is already married, but
Aurora is saved when the man's brotherin-law steps into the picture and offers to
undo the wrongs he has done to her good
ROM Wedded Bliss
Metzger, Barbara
Agreeing to a marriage of convenience
with the Earl of Rockford as a last resort,
beautiful widow Alissa Henning,
determined to provide for her sons, vows
to teach her new husband that there are
more important things in life than money,
including love.
ROM Listen to Your Heart
Michaels, Fern
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0330)). Finding herself alone for
the first time in her life, New Orleans
caterer Josie Dupre becomes involved
with entrepreneur Paul Brouillette when
their dogs fall in love, in a delightful
story that is complemented by
accompanying recipes.
ROM Celebration
Michaels, Fern
Desperately trying to pick up the
pieces of her life after her husband of
twenty years disappears with her eightmillion-dollar trust fund, heiress
Kristine Kelly wonders if she can ever
trust another man, when banker Aaron
Dunwoodie reveals his true feelings
for her.
ROM Plain Jane
Michaels, Fern
Successful psychotherapist Jane Lewis
wanted to be like homecoming queen
Connie Bryan back in college.
However, she was just a plain Jane.
Today she is lovely and confident, and
has never forgotten Michael Sorenson,
the boy she'd admired from afar. Now,
he's inspiring Jane to hope for a future
together. But she is haunted by the
brutal, unresolved attack that ended
Connie Bryan's life.
ROM The Future Scrolls
Michaels, Fern
After his wife steals holy scrolls
entrusted to his family centuries
earlier, Alex Mendenares chases after
her to retrieve them, bringing his
young daughter to New York with
him, where she meets and is watched
over by aspiring author Dani Arnold.
ROM The Adventuress
Murray, Julia
The news of their elderly Uncle
Claudius's impending nuptials has set
the Lyle family on its ears. Joseph is
faced with debtor's prison, since he has
lived on his expectancy for years. His
mother is distraught, and his brother
Robert, concerned, journeys to the old
man's side. But the blushing bride has
jilted their uncle and is bound for
London with a considerable amount of
his money, looking for new game.
When Sir Robert Lyle appears,
undeniably attractive and unbearably
wealthy, the prospect of relieving such
a fat fish of some of his riches is
tempting indeed.
ROM Never Look Back
Miller, Linda Lael
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1647)). Reconciling with
homicide detective Tony Sonterra and
inheriting her father's vast estate,
attorney Clare Westbrook opens a law
office for disadvantaged clients and
finds herself targeted by a would-be
killer, a situation that tests her stormy
relationship with Tony.
ROM The Rapids
Neggers, Carla
She has no time to take a break after
playing a key role in the arrest of
dangerous fugitive Nicholas Janssen,
but with Janssen fighting extradition
from his Dutch prison, U.S. diplomatic
security agent Maggie Spencer isn't
about to back off, even when U.S.
marshal Rob Dunnemore turns up
asking some very tough questions.
Then Maggie and Rob discover the
body of an American diplomat, and
they realize there's another killer on
the loose.
ROM The Divided Heart
Morrant, Jean
There was something about Nic which
both intrigued and puzzled her, pulling
her in two directions. As Garland
McLeod's friendship with the
charming Spaniard deepens, she begins
to trust him. Then she finds out he has
concealed his true identity. Mystified,
she wonders why.
ROM Loving Stranger
Pakeman, Louise
Linda Weston knew nothing about
Bluey, but somehow she felt safer
when he was around. Although they
had known each other for such a short
time, he seemed determined to protect
her. But from what, she wondered.
ROM September
Pilcher, Rosamunde
The author brings characters from all
over the world to the little town of
Strathcroy, Scotland, for an
extraordinary birthday party. A
heartwarming story of family joys and
ROM Forbidden
Paul, Megan
Chloe has loved Kitt Maynard, the
archetypal Mr. Cool, all her life, but
he's only ever thought of her as the girl
next door. Just when it seems as if
there might, at last, be a chance for
Chloe to have a life with the man of
her dreams, his glamorous ex-wife
reappears on the scene, making it clear
that Kitt belongs to her, and always
ROM Improper Advances
Porter, Margaret E.
Darius Corlett assumes stunning
widow Oriana Julian is a scheming
adventuress after his fortune. But the
mysterious beauty stirs up an
undeniable passion that he is powerless
to resist. Suddenly, he's pursuing this
creature who is hiding under an
assumed name. Ana St. Alban has
come to this secluded hamlet to escape
the scandal that plagues her life in
ROM This Heart of Mine
Phillips, Susan E.
Molly Somerville is a successful
children's book author who has a crush
on pro football star Kevin Tucker, a
man who can't even remember her
name. Molly's life turns when she and
Kevin are stranded in a paradise called
Wind Lake. There, Molly and Kevin
battle their attraction and each other as
they face one of life's most important
ROM Ardour
Prior, Lily
When a lonely olive-grower sows
seeds of love in search for romance, he
cannot know the chaos he will cause.
Instead of the voluptuous woman of
his dreams, the mule Gezabel falls
head over hooves in love with him and
the spell of Ardour is cast across the
ROM I Thee Wed
Quick, Amanda
After meeting the "man of her dreams"
while trying to hide in the wardrobe at
a party, Ema Greyson is swept up into
a world of passion and intrigue.
ROM With this Ring
Quick, Amanda
As a writer of shocking Gothic novels,
Beatrice Poole is no stranger to eerie
goings-on. Yet she thinks it's all
poppycock when Leo Drake, Earl of
Monkcrest, warns her about the
Forbidden Rings of Aphrodite. Nothing
will stop her from investigating the
disappearance of the Rings from her
uncle's home and her uncle's death. Leo
has never encountered a woman so
willful, but this time Beatrice is on a
collision course with evil.
ROM Rendezvous
Quick, Amanda
A reckless charmer embarks on a
daring escapade to protect her honor,
and her one true love.
ROM Slightly Shady
Quick, Amanda
ROM Where the Road Ends
Quinn, Tara T.
When he burst into her antiquities shop in
Rome, Lavinia Lake knew Tobias March
was nothing but trouble. He said he was
in pursuit of a killer and was trying to
save her. When March took her back to
England, Lavinia hoped that she would
find a way to repay Mr. March. Lavinia
could never imagine how they meet
again, or that he'd become more deadly,
and more compelling.
(Also available in regular print
(AJ-0210)). When her five-year-old son
is kidnapped and spotted in the company
of the nanny she recently fired, widow
Amy Wainscoat joins detective Brad
Dorchester in a desperate search that
leads to a shocking conclusion, one that
forces Amy to question everything she
has ever believed.
ROM The Wicked Widow
Quick, Amanda
ROM Girls in White
Randall, Rona
Known as the Wicked Widow, Madeline
Deveridge has a bigger problem than her
reputation. Her husband's ghost is
haunting her, and he's as much a nuisance
now as he was when he was alive. When
she hires Artemas Hunt, a master of
arcane talents, to help her, they both find
their arrangement complicated by searing
Against the fascinating backdrop of a
busy hospital we meet lab assistant Linda
Powell, in love with the pathologist who
only has eyes for microbes; Janet
Humphrey, a staff nurse who is engaged
to the boss but has yet to learn what love
really is; and Meg Watling, a student
nurse afraid to grasp the happiness within
her reach.
ROM Sister at Sea
Randall, Rona
After a tragic accident for which he is
unjustly blamed, Dr. David Henderson
says goodbye to medicine, and to
Helen, the nurse who has not only
defended him, but fallen in love with
him. When they meet again on a
luxury liner, Helen is the ship's nurse,
but David is now occupied with film
star Lola Montgomery.
wrote him to employ them both. As he
needed trained help badly, he agreed,
but once they took up residence at the
clinic dangerous undercurrents were
set in motion.
ROM Reluctant Promise
Redmayne, Ann
When Barney Tabley asked her to wait
for him to return from war, Rose
Edmunds agreed, with a sense of unease.
Did it have anything to do with her
growing friendship with the mysterious
Hugo Smith?
ROM Sisters in Nursing
Randall, Rona
This is the story of three sisters born
and brought up within the precincts of
a great hospital. Their parents had been
killed in an accident when they were
infants, and since then St. Bede's had
been at once their home, their school,
their work, and their world. And for
Faith, Hope, and Charity, it will also
be where they find love.
ROM Sanctuary Wood
Redmayne, Ann
An intriguing stranger has captured
Libby Garfield's heart, but is he all that
he seems? Libby had no idea why Karl
had taken one of her holiday chalets, but
she was sure he was hiding something,
and also that he was stealing her heart.
ROM Ghost Moon
Robards, Karen
ROM The Doctor Falls in Love
Randall, Rona
Young Dr. John Curtis opened his
children's clinic near Monte Carlo, not
only because it was the ideal place for
his work, but because it gave him a
fresh start in life. The past was behind
him, and so was Catherine, the nurse
who had jilted him for his best friend
Peter, who, she said, had the right
ambition. But Peter's fashionable
practice failed and, out of the blue, she
Years after leaving, Olivia Morrison
comes home to Louisiana with her eightyear-old daughter to put things right with
the Archer clan. But there is no welcome
for her. Her step-cousin Seth, once her
only comfort, is now distant, and
engaged. The bayou echoes with
memories of her mother's mysterious
death, thought by most to be suicide by
drowning. Olivia is determined to learn
the truth and face a newly ignited passion
for Seth.
ROM Hidden Star
Roberts, Nora
She couldn't remember a thing, not
even who she was. But it was clear
Bailey James was in trouble, and she
desperately needed Cade Parris to help
her live long enough to find out what
ROM Key of Valor
Roberts, Nora
(Key Trilogy, No. 3) (Also available in
regular print (AL-0240)). In this
conclusion to the Key trilogy, three
women are united by destiny as Zoe,
searching for the Key of Valor,
unlocks the mysteries of the past to
save her future.
ROM Key of Knowledge
Roberts, Nora
(Key Trilogy, No. 2) (Also available
in regular print (AL-0130)). This
second novel in an electrifying new
trilogy from the best-selling author
follows Dana, who has a penchant for
books, as she is forced to embark on a
dangerous quest to find the Key of
Knowledge, or suffer a horrifying fate.
ROM The Reef
Roberts, Nora
Tate Beaumont, a beautiful student of
marine archaeology, finds adventure,
danger and passion when she
reluctantly joins forces with diver
Matthew Lassiter and his uncle to find
a legendary jeweled amulet said to be
lost at the bottom of the sea.
ROM Key of Light
Roberts, Nora
(Key Trilogy, No. 1) (Also available in
regular print (AK-0364)). The first in
an electrifying new trilogy by the bestselling author follows Mallory, a
woman gifted with artistic talent, as
she races against time to find the Key
of Light, a perilous mission that could
either forge her destiny or shatter her
life forever.
ROM Love is Enough
Robins, Denise
Fleur Lorraine, masquerading as a
princess for a film publicity stunt,
finds, to her own amazement, love at
first sight, and then her own duplicity
becomes a barrier between her and
ROM Love Was a Jest
Robins, Denise
Scharlie was pushed into marriage by
her mother when she was only
eighteen. For four years, her middleaged husband restricted her social life,
so much so that, within hours of her
first escape, she had fallen
passionately in love with handsome,
suave, already engaged Hugh. After a
series of disasters, Scharlie begins to
rebuild her life.
ROM Islands
Siddons, Anne R.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0296)). Anny Butler is a caretaker,
a nurturer, first for her own brothers and
sisters, and then as a director of an
agency devoted to the welfare of
children. What she has never had is a real
family. That changes when she meets and
marries Lewis Aiken. When they marry,
she finds her family. But Anny must
learn that everything is not as it seems,
that some loves carry a secret and terrible
ROM Bride for Ransom
Roszel, Renee
Sara Eller heads to a remote Alaskan
island to stop her sister from becoming
Ransom Shepard's mail-order bride,
but what's Sara to do when she finds
herself falling for the handsome
ROM Lady Madeline's Folly
Smith, Joan
Beautiful Lady Madeline is famous for
her proteges, but when she turns her
"talents" to her young cousin, Henry
Aldred, he seems a little more than
ROM Dancing in the Shadows
Saunders, Anne
All her life, it seemed, Dorcas had
danced in the shadow of a more
dominant personality. Now that her
dancing career had come to an
untimely end, she hated the thought of
being beholden to Carlos Ruiz, who
was half English, half Spanish, and
wholly charming. He said he wanted to
protect her, but protection is often
another word for domination.
ROM Murphy's Law
Smith, Marcine
Farmer Thane MacDougal was
disillusioned with career women. Why
was it so hard to find someone who
would cherish only him and his son,
Murphy? The two of them had so
much love to give. It just figured that
the one woman he found irresistible
was Meghan Forester, dedicated
veterinarian! Meghan liked little
Murphy, until she learned his father
was the impossible Mr. MacDougal.
ROM Bygones
Spencer, La Vyrle
After a bitter divorce, Bess and
Michael Curran have nothing left to
say to each other, but when their
daughter makes a shocking
announcement, they find they must
amend their past mistakes-and make a
new beginning.
Paxton Andrews, who is on the front
line in Vietnam.
ROM The Wedding
Steel, Danielle
A twenty-nine-year old high-powered
entertainment attorney finds her life
turned upside down when she meets a
writer, is swept off her feet, and begins
planning a wedding.
ROM Forgiving
Spencer, La Vyrle
Sarah moves to a rough and tumble
western town to start a newspaper, and
find her missing sister. After
discovering her sister working in the
local bordello, Sarah determines to
make her paper a success, earning
lawman Noah Campbell's grudging
respect, and love. But Sarah can't
return his affections until she first
learns to forgive.
ROM Wyndham's Bride
Street, Mary
Emily had met Sir Charles Wyndham
at a neighborly party, but she had not
exchanged more than a dozen words
with him. So it came as a shock to
learn, the next morning, that he had
asked her father for her hand in
marriage. And her father was in dire
need of the financial assistance
Wyndham had promised.
ROM Hummingbird
Spencer, La Vyrle
Two men, wounded in the same train
robbery in Frontier Colorado, are left
on Abigail McKenzie's doorstep to be
nursed back to health. Soon after, both
men fall in love with nurse Abigail.
ROM Bad Moon Rising
Sutcliffe, Katherine
Since the slaying of his family by the
French Quarter Killer, brilliant
prosecutor J.D. Damascus has been
ensnared in a nightmare, certain that
the wrong man was convicted. He is
aided in his search by a beautiful,
secretive, young woman with a
shocking history.
ROM Message from Nam
Steel, Danielle
This touching romance high lights the
friendships and romances of journalist
ROM Texas Rain
Thomas, Jodi
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0656)). (A Whispering Mountain
Novel) After a rebellious beauty,
fleeing from an arranged marriage,
disappears after nursing him back to
health and stealing his horse, Texas
Ranger Travis McMurray is
determined to track down this
intriguing woman and bring her back
to the Whispering Mountain Ranch as
his wife.
which is the invention she's building in
her garage. But when she turns to the
nerd next door to help get it off the
ground, she finds herself on dangerous
ROM The Nerd Who Loved
Thompson, Vicki L.
(Also available in regular print (AR0075)). One of the hottest showgirls in
Las Vegas, single mother Lainie Terrell
gets more than she had bargained for
when she enlists the aid of Harry
Ambrewster, the casino's shy, super
smart, and sexy accountant, as her
babysitter to protect her and her son from
a hot-tempered former boyfriend.
ROM Nerd Gone Wild
Thompson, Vicki L.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0272)). Inheriting her
grandmother's fortune, Ally Jarrett heads
for the wilds of Alaska to pursue her
dream of becoming a wildlife
photographer, accompanied by her
grandmother's personal assistant,
overprotective nerd Mitchell Caruthers,
unaware that Mitchell is really a
bodyguard out to protect Ally from the
schemes of her avaricious uncle.
ROM Rules of Engagement
Thorne, Nicola
Rebecca Versey has just got engaged
to her boss, charismatic advertising
executive Max Lavery. This has
caused envy among her colleagues and
considerable relief for Sir John and
Lady Versey, who feared their
beautiful, willful daughter would
abandon all material comfort in favor
of her childhood companion, writer
and erstwhile gardener Henry Lamb.
Max is everything Henry isn't:
ambitious, dynamic, and groomed for
the top. But Becky is already finding
herself being sidelined into the role of
"trophy wife, " and is increasingly
unsure of her decision.
ROM Talk Nerdy to Me
Thompson, Vicki L.
Vicki Lewis Thompson returns with an
irresistible new tale of egghead love,
Fashion model Eve Dupree is fed up
with being labeled "the pretty one"
while her sister's called a genius. Eve's
got loads of brilliant ideas, not least of
ROM The Doctor Who Forgot
Vernon, Claire
Dr. Peter Broome regains
consciousness in a South African
hospital, only to find he has lost his
memory. Peter had then been involved
in an accident. Memories slowly
return, but not the answer to the
question that plagues him: Is he
married? Although he falls in love
with a shy, unselfish girl, he can say
nothing until he knows the truth. Then
when a beautiful woman flies out from
England and tells him they are
engaged, he is in a real dilemma.
ROM Kissed by Moonlight
Vernon, Dorothy
The island paradise of Chimera had been
her father's dream come true, and now
Petrina had to watch it become just
another tourist trap. Worst of all, the man
responsible for the change was David
Palmer, the man she had secretly loved
for years, the man who had married her
for reasons unknown. Then Justine
Hyland made it very clear that she and
David were a couple, and suddenly
Petrina knew why David had taken a
bride. Petrina was to be his shield, for he
was involved with another man's wife!
ROM Wild and Wanton
Vernon, Dorothy
ROM Fire Under Snow
Vernon, Dorothy
It was just a spark, yet the inferno it
had started had destroyed her life. Her
husband's carelessness had caused the
fire, but Lorraine had been the one to
suffer from it. She had lost everything,
career, pride, even the man she'd
married. Now she was forced to
rebuild her life without him and she
swore she'd never again make the
mistake of trusting a man, until she
met Noel Britton, the one man who
could break through her icy resolve.
Lorraine found it impossible to ignore
the feeling he aroused in her.
She had gone on and on insulting Nick
Farraday to this stranger, talking about a
man she had never met and didn't want
to. The rose-colored glasses slid from her
nose, and an alarm sounded in her head,
piercing the bubble of excitement caused
by the company of this magnetic man. He
was Nick Farraday!
ROM Echoes from the Past
Vincent, Catherine
They were still husband and wife, but she
was under his roof against her wishes.
She no longer wanted to be married to
this domineering man, yet something
about him still held her in his spell. She
had turned her back on him once. Was
she prepared to do so again and lose
everything she loved?
ROM The Eagle and the Wren
Whitmee, Jeanne
Exiled from her beloved France and
her Papa, Abigail Labeque is sent to
live with her late mother's English
uncle. But life at the impoverished
Manor in Dorset was dull and
disappointing, until Abigail's curiosity
and longing for excitement led her into
investigating a local secret. What was
in the mysterious "cargoes" her
maidservant's lover, Jack helped to
land in the cove on certain nights?
ROM Every Little Thing About
Wick, Lori
(Yellow Rose Trilogy #1) The first
meeting between Slater Rawlings and
Liberty Drake could hardly be called
ideal. As acting deputy of Shotgun,
Texas, Liberty is simply enforcing the
town laws. But Slater, a former Texas
Ranger with a restless spirit, is
surprised to find himself on the wrong
side of the law and it's a she who is
arresting him. Despite his rocky start
in Shotgun, Slater finds himself drawn
to the close-knit town, with its strong
church family and the fascinating
Deputy Drake. As his affection grows,
Slater longs to see Liberty turn in her
gun and badge. But can she give up her
position when so many people depend
on her?
ROM A Texas Sky
Wick, Lori
(Yellow Rose Trilogy #2) Dakota
Rawlings, a Texas Ranger, has
accepted Christ as a result of an injury
in the line of duty. When his friend,
Darvi, is kidnapped, they learn to trust
the Lord in new ways and receive the
gift of love when it comes.
ROM Every Storm
Wick, Lori
In 1945, on an island in the middle of
the South Pacific, Rigg thought about
his ideals as he'd entered the war. He'd
told the Lord he was up for anything.
He'd told God and his family that he
was willing to lay down his life for his
country. What he hadn't banked on
was an American woman, the lone
survivor of a plane crash, found nearly
starved to death. He'd given everything
to the war. Can he find a hidden gift in
these desperate circumstances?
ROM City Girl
Wick, Lori
(Yellow Rose Trilogy #3) As Reagan
Sullivan, a city girl, finds herself taken
with Texas ranching, and a certain
Texas rancher, she reckons with her
own fears of marriage, family, and
commitment stemming from her
fragile past. A tender story of
overcoming fear and discovering a
better way of life.
ROM Paradise Island
Wilde, Hilary
When dancer Natalie Natal became too
ill to carry out her latest engagement,
she and her husband and partner, Nick,
persuaded Lauren to take her place.
Thrilled at the prospect of living and
working in luxurious surroundings on
the romantic Paradise Island, Lauren
didn't foresee the difficulties which
might arise, and arise they did.
ROM Nurse in Doubt
Williams, Rose
Upon the death of her father, Edna was
in the uncomfortable position of
sharing the family house with a
stepmother barely older than herself in
an atmosphere of open hostility. She
couldn't walk out on her nursing job;
her stepmother wouldn't agree to
dispose of the property; and there was
no one Edna wanted to marry enough
to use matrimony as an escape. Then a
new doctor joined the hospital staff.
ROM The Golden Maze
Wilde, Hilary
Cindy thought she had stepped right
into a fairytale when, right out of the
blue, someone left her a castle, tiny
Claire Castle, in the beautiful Lake
District. But there were conditions
attached to the bequest which slowly
but surely began to take all the magic
out of the situation.
ROM Reluctant Suitor
Woodiwiss, Kathleen
Sixteen years after her betrothed joined
the military to escape their arranged
marriage, Adriana rises to become one
of society's most desirable aristocrats
and wonders if Colonel Colton will
still resist the wedding.
ROM Uncertain Joy
Wilde, Hilary
The job offered to Penny by the
impressive Senor Juan del Riego
certainly sounded glamorous, and it
couldn't have come at a better time as
far as she was concerned. He had
invited her to become governess to the
three small children under his care on a
tiny island off the coast of Spain.
Would she be able to cope with it?
ROM Step Into My World
Wynne, Diana
SPO Funny Cide
Jenkins, Sally
Jenkins reveals how a horse, a trainer,
a jockey, and a bunch of high school
buddies took on the sheiks and blue
bloods of the horse-racing world, and
Fatherless Imogen Gordon was known as
"capable" even as a little girl, and as a
young woman she settled down to being
efficient. Turning her statuesque figure to
her advantage in the tough business
world of property development, she
deliberately submerged her femininity.
But an unexpected and embarrassing
meeting with Sir Arthur reveals her
womanliness. He has all the confidence
of wealth and property, but a humiliating
tragedy in his past keeps him from
opening up to a relationship with Imogen.
They are driven apart, until Imogen is
forced to reevaluate her life.
SUS On Thin Ice
Andersen, Susan
Olympic figure skater Sasha Miller now
performs with a renowned ice show, but a
string a bizarre murders follows her from
city to city. Special agent Mick Vinicor is
investigating the murders and he's
convinced the beautiful skater knows
more than she's admitting. However,
unraveling the mystery of her deepest
secrets and twisted loyalties leaves him
vulnerable to emotions he can't afford.
SOC Our Endangered Values:
America's Moral Crisis
Carter, Jimmy
Sustained by his lifelong faith, Jimmy
Carter assesses disturbing societal
trends in a forceful and unequivocal
but balanced and courageous way.
President Carter has written
importantly about his spiritual life and
faith. In this book, he offers a personal
consideration of "moral values" as they
relate to the important issues of the
day. He puts forward a passionate
defense of separation of church and
state, and a strong warning of where
the country is heading as the lines
between politics and rigid religious
fundamentalism are blurred.
SUS Dark Gold
Angsten, David
(Also available in regular print (AS1646)). Setting out for Mexico with a
pair of college buddies to locate his
missing brother, Jack Duran discovers
that his brother had been searching for
a shipwreck believed to be the site of a
fortune in ancient gold and that the
divers on the search team have been
disappearing one by one.
SUS Saving Faith
Baldacci, David
When a zealous CIA chief uncovers
evidence of bribery in high places, he
compels Washington influence peddler
Danny Buchanan to spy on his clients,
but when Buchanan tells his story to
the FBI, the tables are turned.
Clooney hasn't come up with any
answers, so Gerry will have to take
matters into her own hands.
SUS Edge of Battle
Brown, Dale
(Also available in regular print
(AS-1424)). With tensions escalating
along the U.S.-Mexican border, thanks
to battles between rival drug lords and
the flow of illegal immigrants, the U.S.
launches Operation Rampart under the
command of Major Jason Richter and
his Task Force TALON, who find
themselves targeted by drug kingpin
Enrique Fuera and a nationalist
Mexican president out to regain
control of the U.S. Southwest.
SUS Not Comin' Home to You
Block, Lawrence
He is Jimmie John Hall, "free and
white and twenty-two." She is Betty
Dienhardt, plain, friendless, and
oppressed by a bleak home life. In
each other they find a chance for love
and fulfillment. But they are doomed.
For Jimmie John has already embarked
on a killing spree on the backroads of
the Southwest that will leave fourteen
innocent people dead.
SUS Tantalus
Brindley, Louise
SUS Chill Factor
Brown, Sandra
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0246)). When a serial killer who
leaves a blue ribbon at the site of his
victims' last sightings appears in the
peaceful town of Cleary, North
Carolina, police chief Dutch Burton
finds the case complicated by his exwife's disappearance during a blizzard.
For successful crime novelist Geraldine
Frayling, a new home promises a quiet
life, but the peace is soon to be shattered.
The body of her alcoholic gardener is
discovered in her garden shed only days
before her mad French housekeeper is
murdered, and the previous owner of her
house is found suffocated in his nursing
home. Gerry's life has begun to resemble
that of Virginia Vale, her best-selling
detective, where black clad murderers
stalk the quiet streets, but the
unsympathetic Detective Inspector
SUS Hello, Darkness
Brown, Sandra
(Also available in regular print
her, but he has secrets of his own. Can
Anna trust this man or will his demons
doom them all?
(AO-0406)). The host of a late night,
call-in radio show, Paris Gibson joins
forces with police psychologist Dean
Malloy to identify a mysterious caller
known only as "Valentino" before he can
kill a woman whom he feels has wronged
him, only to find herself the target of the
would-be killer, who feels that Paris
destroyed his relationship with his
SUS Crusader's Cross
Burke, James Lee
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0247)). After hearing an old
schoolmate's deathbed confession,
Dave Robicheaux begins a search for a
prostitute he met decades earlier who
had dangerous ties to the mob, an
endeavor that proves dangerous in the
wake of a series of murders and the
sudden appearance of a troubled young
SUS The Crush
Brown, Sandra
(Also available in regular print
(AJ-0327)). After serving on the jury for
a high-profile murder case, Dr. Rennie
Newton suddenly finds herself the object
of obsession by the accused killer, whom
the jury had acquitted, and is drawn into
a deadly game of vengeance with an
embittered police officer who will do
anything to bring the man to justice.
SUS Last Car to the Elysian
Burke, James Lee
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0190)). Preparing to confront a
man who may have assaulted his
friend, detective Robicheaux finds
himself investigating a car crash that
ended the lives of three teenage girls, a
case that is compromised by a griefcrazed father, a psychologically
unbalanced assassin, and a cache of
dangerous secrets.
SUS Unspeakable
Brown, Sandra
Anna Corbett, a deaf widow, is coping
with the recent death of her husband.
She is living like a hermit on a cattle
ranch in East Texas with her 6-yearold son and father-in-law when she
unwittingly becomes the center of a
revenge plot engineered by escaped
convict Carl Herbold. She counts on
her hired hand Jack Sawyer to help
SUS The Rule of Four
Caldwell, Ian
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0880)). Endeavoring to decipher
a five-hundred-year old text that
weaves a mathematical labyrinth
within a love story, researchers Tom
Sullivan and Paul Harris obtain a diary
that may contain the key to the code,
but when a fellow researcher is killed,
they realize that the book contains a
dangerous secret.
SUS No Place Like Home
Clark, Mary
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2470)). Growing up under an
assumed identity after accidentally
shooting her mother and escaping her
abusive father, Liza Barclay, unable to
overcome fears that her past will
reclaim her, is shocked when her
husband inadvertently buys her
childhood home.
SUS Gone for Good
Coben, Harlan
(Also available in regular print
(AG-0229)). Investigating his
girlfriend's mysterious disappearance,
Will Klein learns that she is somehow
tied to his brother's death and becomes
increasingly disturbed when he
realizes that everyone he loves is
harboring dark secrets.
SUS Red Rabbit
Clancy, Tom
The Soviet Union and the United
States play a deadly game of cat and
mouse. Jack Ryan is at the center of
the action, but it may already be too
late for a novice CIA analyst to do
anything about the conflict.
SUS The Second Time Around
Clark, Mary H.
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0276)). A chilling corporate
scandal comes to light when the
aftershocks lead to a boy's mysterious
disappearance, and the wife of a
corporate businessman turned fugitive
assumes that her husband is
accountable, only to learn that the
consequences of corporate misdeeds
can become a matter of life and death.
SUS Promise Me
Coben, Harlan
(Also available in regular print (AS1466)). Entertainment agent Myron
Bolitar offers a ride home to a young
girl to prevent her from accepting a
ride from a drunk driver, but when the
girl disappears, he is forced to rescue
her to prove his innocence.
SUS Cast a Dark Shadow
Coffin, Julie
Why had her ex-husband suddenly
demanded custody of their daughter
and to what lengths would he go to get
his wish? Why was Marc threatening
Abigail's happiness, and, even worse,
why would he threaten the future of
her little daughter, Flora?
SUS Marker
Cook, Robin
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0251)). Investigating a series of
bizarre deaths that have taken place
among seemingly healthy young people
after routine surgeries, doctors
Montgomery and Stapleton confront
institutional politics that hamper their
ability to prove that the deaths were
intentional, a situation complicated when
Montgomery discovers that she carries a
genetic marker for breast cancer and
requires surgery herself.
SUS A Darkness More Than
Connelly, Michael
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0426)). The LAPD asks Terrence
McCaleb to investigate a series of
puzzling murders and quickly
discovers that the profile of the killer
matches someone with whom he has
worked with in the past, Detective
Harry Bosch.
SUS Shock
Cook, Robin
(Also available in regular print
(AE-0180)). From the master of
medical suspense comes this chilling
story of technology and greed run
amok, set in a Boston fertility clinic
where donated eggs are utilized in a
scientist's horrifying research.
SUS Abduction
Cook, Robin
A mysterious transmission from the
bottom of the Atlantic Ocean leads a
crew of oceanographers and divers to a
phenomenon beyond scientific
understanding, and a discovery that
will change everything we know about
life on Earth.
SUS America
Coonts, Stephen
After launching its maiden voyage, the
USS "America," the world's most
technically advanced nuclear submarine,
is pirated by terrorists and disappears
beneath the Atlantic with its warheads
aimed directly at the United States. Rear
Admiral Jake Grafton must ferret out the
group responsible and overtake and
destroy the sub before an entire nation is
brought to its knees.
SUS Blow Fly
Cornwell, Patricia
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0179)). (A Scarpetta Novel)
Leaving Virginia in search of peace
and quiet, Dr. Kay Scarpetta journeys
to Florida, where a series of baffling
murders entangles her in an
international conspiracy that confronts
her with the most unexpected
circumstance of her life.
Point Blank
Coulter, Catherine
(Also available in regular print (AS0802)). Barely surviving a motel
bombing while trying to rescue a
kidnapped entertainer, FBI agents Dillon
Savich and Dane Carver find themselves
working against an unstable villain with
designs on their families and fellow
agents, while agent Ruth Warnecki
follows leads about a lost treasure and a
murdered music school student to the site
of a hidden cave.
SUS Predator
Cornwell, Patricia
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0576)). Kay Scarpetta and her
colleague Pete Marino investigate the
case of a man killed by a shotgun blast
to the chest, while a woman is trapped
in an abandoned house in the South
after being kidnapped by an unknown
SUS The Edge
Coulter, Catherine
FBI agent Ford "Mac" MacDougal is
recovering from injuries he received in a
terrorist car bombing when his sister,
Jilly, a medical researcher, drives her
Porsche off an Oregon cliff, on purpose,
it seems. By the time Mac reaches
Portland, Jilly has come out of a four-day
coma, but after a few hours with her
brother, she vanishes. Mac's search turns
up nothing, until he's asked by the local
sheriff to help investigate the murder of
an elderly resident.
SUS Blindside
Coulter, Catherine
Married FBI agents Dillon Savich and
Lacey Sherlock face a baffling case,
the kidnapping of a six-year-old boy
by people involved with a charismatic
SUS Atlantis Found
Cussler, Clive
A Dirk Pitt Novel. When a research ship
manned by Dirk Pitt and members of the
U.S. National Underwater and Marine
Agency is nearly sunk by a vessel from
the past, Pitt finds himself caught up in
an ancient mystery with lethal ties to the
present, matching wits with a malevolent
and powerful adversary.
SUS Black Wind
Cussler, Clive
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2657)). (A Dirk Pitt Novel) In
the final days of World War II, the
Japanese launch a desperate last-ditch
effort to seize victory in the face of
certain defeat by sending two
submarines carrying a new strain of a
deadly virus to the west coast of the
United States, but years after the subs
are lost at sea, someone plots to use
their deadly cargo, and only Dirk Pitt
and his children, Summer and Dirk,
stand in the way.
Times" bestseller. Confronting an
extraordinary series of monsters, both
human and mechanical, modern and
ancient, NUMA special projects
director Dirk Pitt treads upon territory
previously known only to legend as he
investigates the sinking of a luxury
cruise ship, the "Emerald Dolphin."
SUS The Stone Monkey
Deaver, Jeffery
(Also available in regular print
(AG-285)). Forensics expert Lincoln
Rhyme and his protégé, Amelia Sachs,
are recruited by the FBI to capture "the
Ghost, " a homicidal immigrant
smuggler whose next intended victims,
two families who jumped ship and
vanished in New York's Chinatown
underground, are the only witnesses to
his crimes.
SUS Trojan Odyssey
Cussler, Clive
Dirk Pitt recently discovered that he had
two grown children, twenty-three-yearold fraternal twins born to a woman he
thought had died. Summer and Dirk have
inherited their father's love of the sea, and
they're about to help him in the adventure
of a lifetime. The twins are working in a
NUMA underwater enclosure trying to
determine the origin of a brown tide off
Nicaragua when two startling things
happen: Summer discovers a strange and
beautiful ancient artifact; and the worst
storm in years boils up out of the sky,
heading straight for them.
SUS The Man with Bogart's
Fenady, Andrew J.
Plastic surgery gave him the face.
Then he changed his name to Sam
Marlow. He bought a 1939 Plymouth,
rented an office, and hired a bombshell
secretary. He may seem an unlikely
hero for the seventies, but Sam's
sleuthing provides a gripping and
amusing story of sex, murder and
SUS Valhalla Rising
Cussler, Clive
(A Dirk Pitt Novel) The past and the
future collide in this "New York
SUS Consent to Kill
Flynn, Vince
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0353)). Having earned numerous
enemies in his more than fifteen years
on the front lines of the war on terror,
CIA operative Mitch Rapp is targeted
by the influential father of a terrorist
who is demanding retribution for his
son's death.
SUS Whiteout
Follett, Ken
SUS Memorial Day
Flynn, Vince
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1291)). Learning about an
imminent terrorist attack, CIA
operative Mitch Rapp takes the lead in
a commando raid into northern
Pakistan, where he obtains information
about a planned nuclear attack but
suspects that a greater threat exists.
SUS The Next Accident
Gardner, Lisa
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2171)). A missing canister of
deadly virus. A lab technician bleeding
from the eyes. Human betrayal, medical
terror, and a race against time. Like no
other suspense author, Ken Follett
reinvents the thriller with each new
storyline. But nothing matches the knifeedge drama of Whiteout.
(Also available in regular print
(AB-447). Risking everything to learn the
truth about his daughter's death, called an
accident by police, FBI Special Agent
Pierce Quincy teams with former cop
Rainie Conner on a desperate manhunt
for a killer. This psychopath's most
devastating weapon is an intimate
knowledge of his victims' darkest fears.
Another thing all the victims have in
common, Quincy loved them.
SUS Hornet Flight
Follett, Ken
In June 1944, with the war not going
well for the British, the lives of three
people on both sides of the English
Channel intertwine as one of them
makes a discovery that could change
the course of the war.
SUS The Other Daughter
Gardner, Lisa
Melanie Stokes learns from a reporter
that she is the biological daughter of a
serial killer executed years ago, the
same killer who murdered her adoptive
parents' young daughter. When the
reporter turns up dead, Melanie must
make a choice: run from the past, or
face a grisly truth that could cost her
her life.
SUS Killjoy
Garwood, Julie
(Also available in regular print
(AJ-0131)). With her quick mind and
razor-sharp instincts, Avery Delaney is
a born profiler for the FBI. But soon
this expert crime analyst will have to
use every one of her adroit skills on
the case of her life, one that hits
painfully close to home.
SUS The Soldier Spies
Griffin, W. E. B.
Two Americans in the just-born Office
of Strategic Services take on their most
important assignment during World
War II, to extract or eliminate those
Germans with the expertise to develop
the atomic bomb.
SUS Last to Die
Grippando, James
Representing an accused hit man as a
favor to his best friend, Miami lawyer
Jack Swyteck investigates his client's
claims that a woman offered him her
estate if he would kill her, a story that
is compromised by the deaths of other
potential heirs.
SUS The Sinner
Gerritsen, Tess
(Also available in regular print
(AO-0299)). Investigating the brutal
murder of one nun and the critical injury
of another within a cloistered convent, as
well the vicious killing and mutilation of
an unknown woman, medical examiner
Maura Isles and homicide detective Jane
Rizzoli stumble upon long-buried secrets
that link these horrific crimes and a
horror that strikes all too close to home.
SUS The Brethren
Grisham, John
They call themselves the Brethren:
three disgraced former judges doing
time in a federal prison in Florida.
Meeting daily, these judges-turnedfelons reminisce about old court cases,
and contemplate where they went
wrong in their lives. They decide to
use their jail time in a more profitable
manner: devising an extortion scam so
perfect that they won't know why it
fell apart until it's too late.
SUS The Fighting Agents
Griffin, W. E. B.
The remnants of American forces who
escaped from the Japanese flee into the
mountains of the Philippines in 1943.
Led by an unorthodox officer, a ragtag
army of American troops and
Philippine soldiers must stand against
the Imperial Japanese Army. Now a
cadre of OSS agents is their only
contact with the outside world, and
their only hope for survival.
SUS Skinny Dip
Hiaasen, Carl
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2474)). Doctoring water samples
to help his corrupt agribusiness
employer continue illegal dumping in
the Everglades, biologist Chaz Perrone
attempts to murder his wife, who has
figured out his scam and survives to
plot her husband's downfall.
British and Arab ancestries produced a
remarkable family of warriors, as at
home under the desert sun as on the
streets of London. Now they direct
their rage against the United States,
whose president they hold accountable
for a series of attacks upon their power
and honor. It's up to American agent
Blake Johnson and his colleague,
former IRA enforcer Sean Dillon, to
stop them.
SUS Bad Company
Higgins, Jack
When Hitler's secret diary resurfaces,
revealing a plot between the United
States and Germany to join forces
against the Soviet Union, White House
operative Blake Johnson acts to secure
the diary and keep it hidden.
SUS Midnight Runner
Higgins, Jack
The murderous Rashid family is back
in business, and British agent Sean
Dillon must confront oil heiress Kate
Rashid, who's out to avenge her
brothers' deaths.
SUS Trick of the Eye
Hitchcock, Jane S.
For Faith Crowell, trompe l'oeil artist,
it is the commission of a lifetime:
painting the famed ballroom of an
opulent Long Island estate. But her
new patron has a macabre fixation on a
daughter brutally murdered in the
house a decade earlier, one so intense
that it jeopardizes Faith's own peace of
mind. And as she pieces together the
details of the grisly crime that shadows
the house, Faith slowly discovers that
she herself plays the starring role in a
bizarre and dangerous charade.
SUS Dark Justice
Higgins, Jack
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0867)). An attempt on the life of
the U.S. president during a visit to
Manhattan is the first step in a plot
involving the recruitment of a network
of terrorists, and it is up to Blake
Johnson and Sean Dillon to uncover
the mastermind behind it all.
SUS Edge of Danger
Higgins, Jack
(Also available in regular print
(AB-0323)). The Rashid family's
SUS Hiding in the Shadows
Hooper, Kay
(Shadows Trilogy Series, No. 2)
When Faith Parker awakens from a
coma, she has no memory of her life,
or of her friend Dinah, who has
vanished without a trace. Death is
stalking both women and one of them
will not escape its lethal grasp.
SUS Touching Evil
Hooper, Kay
Seattle police sketch-artist Maggie
Barnes listens as crime victims describe
their ordeals, and then draws dead-on
sketches of their assailants. Some think
Maggie is telepathic, but only Maggie
knows the truth behind her talent. But her
secret may be exposed when a madman
abducts women and blinds them, leaving
them barely alive. Maggie has her own
dark connection to the monster, an eerie
link that may stretch back to a string of
unsolved murders.
SUS Out of the Shadows
Hooper, Kay
(Shadows Trilogy Series, No. 3) When
teenagers become the prey of a ritual
killer in a small Georgia town, Sheriff
Miranda Knight has no choice but to call
the FBI, even if it means bringing Agent
Bishop back into her life. Together
Miranda's local force and Bishop's team
solve the murders even as Miranda and
Bishop face up to their dark past.
SUS All the Queen's Men
Howard, Linda
Niema Burdock knows the dangers of
working with John Medina, the CIA's
legendary covert operations specialist.
Years ago, Burdock, a communications
expert, witnessed her husband's death
in a hazardous mission. But now
Medina needs her help to crack an
international terrorist ring.
SUS Stealing Shadows
Hooper, Kay
SUS Open Season
Howard, Linda
(Shadows Trilogy Series, No. 1) The last
time Cassie Neill used her psychic
abilities, she had been five minutes too
late in leading the LAPD to a killer.
While trying to forget the past, Cassie is
drawn into the mind of another
psychopath. As she goes deeper into his
mind, she comes to realize he knows who
she is.
(Also available in regular print
(AC-0183)). Tired of her boring life as a
small-town librarian, Daisy Minor
decides to give herself a "life makeover"
for her 34th birthday. Transforming
herself into a party girl, she's declared
open season for manhunting. But her
free-spirited fun is shattered when she
witnesses something she shouldn't, and
becomes the target of a killer.
SUS Havana
Hunter, Stephen
SUS The Footprints of God
Iles, Greg
Resisting those who would use a
revolutionary new technology for
unethical purposes, doctor David
Tennant and psychiatrist Rachel Weiss
find themselves running for their lives
from a ruthless team of NSA agents
and turning to David's unusual dreams
for guidance.
Cuba, 1953: the Caribbean is fast
becoming a strategic Cold War hub, and
Soviet intelligence has taken Castro
under its wing. The CIA's response is to
send legendary gunfighter and ex-Marine
hero Earl Swagger. In Cuba, Earl finds
himself up to his neck in ambiguity,
where the rules of honor don't apply, and
where the target seems to have more luck
than anyone else in Cuba.
SUS The Quiet Game
Iles, Greg
When former prosecutor Penn Cage
returns to his hometown of Natchez,
Mississippi, he doesn't find the peace
he desperately craves. He finds that his
own father is being blackmailed by a
corrupt ex-cop. And when Penn
investigates, he uncovers a murderous
secret, and the town's violent past.
SUS Pale Horse Coming
Hunter, Stephen
(Also available in regular print
(AG-104). In 1951 Mississippi, Thebes
State Penal Farm is a place of violence,
racial terror, and horrific rumors. When
an old friend disappears inside Thebes,
Arkansas State Police Sgt. Earl Swagger
infiltrates the prison and discovers a
savage world where death is the only
salvation. He barely escapes with his life,
but he's not about to stay away for long.
SUS Turning Angel
Iles, Greg
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0888)). When the body of Kate
Townsend turns up near the
Mississippi River and his close friend,
physician Drew Elliott, admits to a
love affair with the murdered girl,
attorney Penn Cage once again tangles
with the dark side of his hometown of
Natchez, Mississippi, to investigate the
secret world of an elite nearby high
school, teenage sex, drugs, and
SUS Blood Memory
Iles, Greg
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1918)). Experiencing panic attacks
and blackouts at murder scenes, forensics
expert Cat Ferry is suspended from her
task force and returns to her Mississippi
hometown, where she discovers
disturbing information about her father's
murder, which occurred when Cat had
been eight years old.
SUS Shallow Graves
Jeffries, William
A Hollywood film director looking to
shoot his next film in Cleary, New
York, gets a lukewarm reaction from
the town's inhabitants. When a friend
is murdered, he learns how far the
town will go to keep its secrets hidden.
SUS One False Move
Kava, Alex
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0735)). When a bank robbery goes
horribly wrong, leaving six people dead,
con artist Melanie Starks, her seventeenyear-old son Charlie, and a paroled
prisoner take an innocent author hostage
and hide out in his secluded cabin in
Platte River State Park.
SUS The Killing Game
Johansen, Iris
Eve Duncan, a forensic sculptor,
begins to reconstruct the face of a
young girl whose skeleton was among
nine unearthed. But her discovery is
merely bait in a trap laid out by a
cunning murderer who wants to play
his killing game with his new victim:
SUS Monster
Kellerman, Jonathan
Alex Delaware is back in a riveting and
devilishly ingenious story about an
asylum inmate who seems able to foresee
grisly slayings. How can a nonfunctional
psychotic locked up in a supposedly
secure institution for homicidal madmen
predict brutal murders in the outside
world? This is the enigma that Alex
Delaware and Detective Milo Sturgis
must penetrate in order to put a stop to a
series of horrific killings.
SUS No Way Out
Kane, Andrea
When teacher Julia Talbot sees that her
favorite student, Mayor Stephen
Stratford's son, Brian, seems anxious,
she suspects problems at home.
Confronting Brian's family, she's
warned off by his uncle, Connor
Stratford. He knows her suspicions
could be disastrous for Stephen, who is
trapped in dirty dealings. When a
threat puts Brian's life in danger, Julia
and Connor find themselves in a race
against time.
SUS Green River High
Kyle, Duncan
Many people wrote letters to Tunnicliffe
when he disarmed a violent criminal and
became a hero again. Some were old
friends, two were not. She had the face of
a Sunday school teacher-and the mind of
a commando; he was as dishonest as he
was distinguished, and both had known
Tunnicliffe's pilot father, who vanished in
a plane twenty years before with, among
other items, a new identity and a secret
Japanese torpedo.
SUS McNally's Folly
Lardo, Vincent
Legendary Hollywood leading lady
Desdemona Darling is set to star in the
Palm Beach Community Theater's
production of "Arsenic and Old Lace",
and her arrival sets the whole town in a
tizzy. But when an actor sips some
prop wine and drops dead, the play is
filled with murderer. Play director
Archy McNally must separate the
actions from the genuine article.
actually Senator Grant Lawrence, a
man with dark secrets and dangerous
SUS Fatal Flaw
Lashner, William
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0265)). When composed,
unemotional attorney Victor Carl
agrees to represent an old friend
accused of murdering his fiancée,
despite his belief in his guilt, he finds
himself traveling coast to coast as he
discovers things are not as simple as he
had thought, while time continues to
run out and his client is in imminent
danger of injustice by his hands.
SUS Tishomingo Blues
Leonard, Elmore
SUS Be Cool
Leonard, Elmore
An unforgettable, hilarious, and spot-on
insider's look at Hollywood as only
Leonard could write it, " Be Cool" takes
readers on a back-side tour of
Tinseltown's other big business, the
music industry.
Warned by the local Dixie underworld to
keep silent after witnessing a murder,
daredevil diver Dennis Lenahan is
recruited by Detroit gangster Robert
Taylor for a showdown that takes place
during a Civil War reenactment.
SUS The Hearing
Lescroart, John
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0429)). When a homicide
detective's daughter is killed, the
aggrieved father pushes the main
suspect for answers, D.A. Sharron Pratt
sets out to revive her career by declaring
war on the accused, and defense attorney
Dismas Hardy struggles to ensure a fair
SUS With Malice
Lee, Rachel
Tampa homicide detective Karen
Sweeney is plunged into a deadly
world of sex, political intrigue, and
greed when she discovers that the link
between two murder victims, an exotic
dancer and an elderly nanny, is
SUS The Hunt Club
Lescroart, John
SUS The Prometheus Deception
Ludlum, Robert
Nicholas Bryson, a agent for a covert
American group called the Directorate,
comes out of retirement after learning
the Directorate is actually a traitorous
group and joins forces with the CIA to
put a stop to their actions.
When a federal judge is found murdered
in Pacific Heights, P.I. Wyatt Hunt
enlists his confederation of friends,
stringers, and associates, the Hunt Club,
to bring the murderer to justice.
SUS Blind Run
Lewin, Patricia
SUS The Sigma Protocol
Ludlum, Robert
(Also available in regular print
(AE-0303)). When a childhood friend
unexpectedly attempts to murder him
in Switzerland, an American
investment banker begins to unravel a
mystery involving his famous financier
father and a mysterious OSS case
code-named Sigma.
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0158)). Ethan Decker is a
specialized "Hunter" for the most
secretive agency of the U.S. government.
But when an assassin kills Decker's
young son, he leaves his unsuspecting
wife, to save her from the madman's
threats, and exiles himself to a remote
desert in New Mexico. Then a former
member of Decker's team entrusts him
with two children, before being killed by
the man who murdered Decker's son.
SUS The Tristan Betrayal
Ludlum, Robert
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0097)). Working for the U.S.'s
secret intelligence forces in Europe
during the Second World War,
Stephen Metcalf undertakes a bold
plan for which he must locate and
betray a former lover in order to
protect free-world interests.
SUS The Hades Factor
Ludlum, Robert
(Also available in regular print
(AU-0470) A doomsday virus claims
the lives of four people across the
country, including virus researcher Dr.
Sophia Russell. Her devastated and
enraged fiancé, Lt. Colonel Jonathan
Smith, uncovers evidence that
someone out there has the virus, and
the pandemic was planned. Smith
assembles a private team to aid in his
fight against the deadly virus.
SUS The Night Spider
Lutz, John
SUS The Associate
Margolin, Phillip
(Also available in regular print
(AC-0437)). Daniel Ames is on easy
street as an associate for the most
prestigious law firm in Portland,
Oregon. When a charismatic rights
lawyer sues the firm's client, a
pharmaceutical company, for
manufacturing a drug that causes
unspeakable birth defects, Daniel
believes the case has no merit. But he's
soon led into a vortex of greed,
corruption, deceit, and murder.
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0412)). As a twisted killer
nicknamed the Night Spider terrorizes the
city of Manhattan, targeting innocent
women who live in high-rises, retired
NYPD Captain Thomas Horn and his
detectives are baffled by the absence of
clues and must race against time to stop
this clever predator before he strikes
SUS The Goodbye Look
Macdonald, Ross
Lew Archer has been hired to investigate
a burglary at the mission-style mansion
of Irene and Larry Chalmers. The prime
suspect, their son Nick, has a talent for
disappearing, and the Chalmerses are a
family with money and memories to
burn. As Archer zeroes in on Nick, he
discovers a troubled blonde, a stash of
wartime letters, and a mysterious hobo.
Then a stiff turns up in a car on an empty
beach, and Nick turns up with a Colt
SUS Ties That Bind
Margolin, Phillip
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0169)). When a presidential
candidate is brutally murdered, defense
attorney Amanda Jaffe finds herself
representing the chief suspect, who
claims to have information linking the
victim to a drug ring of high-ranking
judges and public officials.
SUS Sleeping Beauty
Margolin, Phillip
SUS Double Tap
Martini, Steve
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2132)). Defense attorney Paul
Madriani takes on the case of Emiliano
Ruiz, a career soldier on trial for the
murder of a businesswoman and the
head of a high-tech software company,
murders that could be tied to explosive
government secrets.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0477)). While Miles van Meter is on
tour to promote his new true-crime book,
the serial killer portrayed in the book
escapes from custody and goes after the
daughter of two of his victims, Ashley
Spencer, whose only hope of escaping
lies in the book about the crimes.
SUS The Attorney
Martini, Steve
A Paul Madriani Novel. Defense
attorney and sleuth Paul Madriani is
back, and on his most challenging case
in this riveting new legal thriller. A
drug-addicted mother goes up against
her daughter's newly rich grandfather
in a contentious custody case that leads
to criminal accusations, and ultimately
SUS Picture Perfect
Michaels, Fern
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0309)). When her seven-year-old
nephew, a hemophiliac, mysteriously
disappears during their camping trip,
pediatrician Lorrie Ryan races against
time to find the missing boy with the
help of FBI agent Stuart Saunders.
SUS Be Mine
Mofina, Rick
San Francisco crime reporter Tom
Reed has seen a lot of sick messages in
his time, but the one delivered to
colleague Molly Wilson is different.
It's shockingly personal, the crime lab
confirms it was written in human
blood, and Molly's cop boyfriend has
just been found brutally murdered. In a
city of mist, shadows and fog,
obsession has taken a deadly turn, and
Tom is in a desperate race to save his
career and stop a killer.
SUS The Jury
Martini, Steve
Paul Madriani agrees to represent Dr.
David Crone, a respected geneticist
accused of murdering a young
colleague. An incriminating note left
behind by a dead key witness seems to
confirm Crone's innocence. But when
Madriani hits upon a scandal from
Crone's past, an ethical nightmare
threatens: the possibility of defending
a guilty client.
SUS Someone to Watch Over
Mc Naught, Judith
SUS Blackout
Nance, John J.
After a Boeing 747-400 is rocked by
an explosion which kills one of the
pilots, the latest in a series of bizarre
accident that have sent passenger jets
into horrifying death dives, FBI agent
Kat Bronsky suspects that a deadly
new weapon has been deployed.
Seriously injured in a car "accident,"
Broadway actress Leigh Kendall awakens
to find herself trapped in a nightmare
when her rich, successful husband
mysteriously disappears during a
blizzard, and she plunges into a desperate
search to find him and into a menacing
web of secrets, deception, and danger.
SUS Fire Flight
Nance, John J.
A pair of ferocious forest fires rage out
of control, threatening to destroy two
American national parks, Yellowstone
and Grand Teton, and incinerate
thousands of homes and park
buildings. As the desperate battle to
squelch the global warming-induced
fires before they "blow up" reaches
fever pitch, a mysterious string of
violent airborne accidents among the
air tanker fleet produces a mounting
body count. Veteran pilot Clark
Maxwell becomes convinced that a
sinister cover-up is behind the rash of
horrific air disasters. Were the planes'
inspection papers forged?
secret link to the powers of Islam, and
Jack Aubrey must destroy it.
SUS Love is Murder
Palmer, Linda
Morgan Tyler, the lead writer of a
highly popular soap opera, finds the
truth stranger than fiction when
Damon Radford, the head of daytime
programming, is murdered and leaves
Morgan a vast fortune, causing her to
become the prime suspect in the case.
SUS Fatal
Palmer, Michael
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0175)). Returning to his Virginia
home to investigate the tragic deaths of
his wife and father, a young maverick
doctor encounters a series of
suspicious accidents that reveal a
bizarre syndrome that could place
countless lives at risk.
SUS Headwind
Nance, John J.
When beloved former President of the
United States John Harris becomes the
target of an international manhunt, his
only chance for survival is for airline
pilot Captain Craig Dayton to keep a
Boeing 737 in the sky, and stay on the
SUS The Society
Palmer, Michael
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1297)). Working vigilantly at a
trauma center and a soup kitchen,
surgeon Will Grant, a member of a
group that works against insurance
companies to prevent unjust costcutting practices, is accused by rookie
detective Patty Moriarity of killing
managed-care executives.
SUS The Hundred Days
O'Brian, Patrick
In O'Brian's most ambitious book to
date, Napoleon escapes from Elba, and
the fate of Europe hinges on a
desperate mission: Stephen Maturin
must ferret out the French dictator's
SUS Blacklist
Paretsky, Sara
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0178)). Checking up on empty
family mansions for an old client, V.I.
discovers the dead body of a missing
reporter who disappeared during the
McCarthy era, a find that is linked to
two prestigious Chicago families and
leads to her involvement in the search
for a missing boy with terrorist
SUS 1st to Die
Patterson, James
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0315)). Four women, a police
detective, an assistant D.A., a reporter,
and a medical examiner who call
themselves the Women's Murder Club,
develop lifelong bonds as they pursue
a killer whose twisted imagination has
stunned an entire city.
SUS Cat & Mouse
Patterson, James
Two killers, one operating in America,
one in Europe, believe Alex Cross is
the only worthy opponent in the deadly
game each has planned. And Alex
must contend with something he hasn't
known since the loss of his wife: he's
falling deeply in love, and this
romance will make him, and her, all
the more vulnerable.
SUS Perish Twice
Parker, Robert
Boston private investigator Sunny
Randall comes to the aid of three
women as she investigates threats
against a prominent feminist and
assists her best friend and older sister,
each of whom is confronting a
wrenching personal struggle.
SUS Pop Goes the Weasel
Patterson, James
Alex Cross's pursuit of a killer has
quickly produced a suspect, a British
diplomat named Geoffrey Shaffer.
Proving that Shaffer is the murderer,
however, is a difficult challenge. The
diplomat engages in a brilliant series
of surprising countermoves, in court
and out, and Cross and his fiancée
soon become the targets of a deadly
cabal of killers.
SUS Potshot
Parker, Robert B.
(Also available in regular print
(AC-185)). (A Spenser Novel)
Murderous marauders lay siege to the
small town of Potshot, Arizona, and
the law is helpless to stop them. But
when Boston P.I. Spenser comes to
town, he gathers a posse of the best
and the baddest to back him up.
SUS Parallel Lies
Pearson, Ridley
SUS Paradise County
Robards, Karen
Blaming Northern Union Railroad for the
collision that killed his wife and twins
two years earlier, Umberto Alvarez
believes he and his family are victims of
a massive cover-up. Former cop Peter
Tyler looks to jump start his career after
being suspended from the force. Now a
temporary investigator for the National
Transportation Safety Board, Tyler
investigates a series of train derailments
caused by suspected terrorist Umberto
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0176)). When her billionaire father
dies a sudden and tragic death, Alex
Haywood returns to her family's
Kentucky horse farm to sell her beloved
home. But Joe Welch, the farm's stubborn
and handsome manager, refuses to leave.
Even as he and Alex clash, they also fall
for each other, hard. Just as their
attraction flares, a shocking murder with
ties to the past cuts close to home.
SUS Divided in Death
Robb, J. D.
(Also available in regular print
(AP-0183)). When one of his trusted
employees, with whom he had been
working on a secret government
project, becomes the prime suspect in a
double homicide, Irish billionaire
Roarke enlists the assistance of
Lieutenant Eve Dallas to uncover the
SUS The First Billion
Reich, Christopher
Reich electrifies readers with an
ingeniously plotted story of nervejangling intrigue and hot-wired suspense
when former fighter pilot John "Jett"
Gavallan, now the high-flying CEO of an
investment firm, finds himself trapped in
a conspiracy that could plunge the global
economy into chaos.
SUS Beachcomber
Robards, Karen
After breaking it off with her mobconnected fiancé, Christy Petrino's
freedom comes on the condition she
deliver a briefcase to North Carolina's
Ocracoke Island. There, Christy
becomes a witness in an investigation
of a serial killer who targets young
women who look like her.
SUS Memory in Death
Robb, J. D.
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0131)). Eve Dallas's "tough cop"
exterior is shaken when her former foster
mother demands money in exchange for
protecting secrets from Dallas's
childhood, a situation that becomes more
complicated when the woman is found
SUS Survivor in Death
Robb, J. D.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1420)). Roarke investigate while
protecting the family's lone survivor
and witness, a terrified nine-year-old
SUS Barracuda 945
Robinson, Patrick
Barracuda 945 is the ultimate weapon. A
jet-black Russian nuclear hunter-killer, it
runs deep, and its silence and speed are
fearsome. It can stay submerged
indefinitely and can fire land-attack
guided missiles from below the surface.
Invisible to any pursuer, it is nearly
impossible to track in the millions of
square miles of ocean water. In the hands
of a navy, it brings instant credibility and
respect. In the hands of a diabolical
terrorist, it could launch unspeakable
SUS Visions in Death
Robb, J. D.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0314)). New York Police
Lieutenant Eve Dallas reluctantly accepts
help from a psychic to solve a string of
gruesome murders in 2059 Manhattan,
but when her partner Peabody almost
becomes the next victim, the stakes are
SUS Conflict of Interest
Rosenberg, Nancy
While trying three defendants for
robbery, district attorney Joanne
Kuhlman discovers that one of them is
developmentally disabled and may
have been exploited by his crime
partners, but the case takes a
dangerous turn when the young man
SUS Witness in Death
Robb, J. D.
When a celebrity is murdered
practically under her nose, New York
detective Eve Dallas steps in to
investigate, as both cop and murder
SUS Chosen Prey
Sandford, John
SUS River's End
Roberts, Nora
Traumatized by the events surrounding
the breakup of her parents' marriage
years ago, a young woman seeks to
confront her past and know the truth
about the infamous night in her life
that has become a part of Hollywood
Art history professor James Qatar's
hobby of secretly photographing women
develops into something more serious as
he begins to act out his fantasies, and
soon kills one of his prey. Deputy Chief
Lucas Davenport realizes Qatar is a
monster in the making. The only way to
stop him may be for Lucas to walk right
into his lair.
SUS Easy Prey
Sandford, John
In life she was a high-profile model,
but in death she's the focus of a media
firestorm that demands action from
Lucas Davenport. One of his own men
is a suspect in her murder. But when a
series of bizarre, seemingly unrelated
slayings rock the city, Davenport
suspects a connection that leads to an
ingenious killer more ruthless than
anyone feared.
SUS The Confessor
Silva, Daniel
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0161)). In the wake of a Munich
writer's assassination, Mossad agent
Gabriel Allon and Vatican priest Pietro
embark on dangerous journeys that
reveal long-buried secrets affecting the
fates of millions of people.
SUS December 6
Smith, Martin C.
Harry Niles, a disreputable American
nightclub owner with a mysterious
agenda, seeks to abandon his life in
Tokyo while desperately trying to flee
to the west on the last flight out before
the Pearl Harbor attack.
SUS Naked Prey
Sandford, John
(Also available in regular print
(AN-382)). Moving with his boss to
state-level cases, Lucas Davenport,
having recently become the head of a
family, investigates the hanging deaths
of an African American man and a
white woman, a case that proves more
complicated than it appears.
SUS Black Ice
Stuart, Anne
Living paycheck to paycheck in Paris,
American book translator Chloe
Underwood would give anything for
some excitement and passion, even a
little danger. So when she's offered a
lucrative weekend gig translating at a
business conference in a remote
chateau, she jumps at the chance. Then
Chloe discovers that her employers are
anything but entrepreneurs, and she
knows far too much.
SUS The Devil's Code
Sandford, John
Computer whiz, artist, and
professional criminal Kidd and his
sometimes lover, LuEllen, are on the
run when a colleague disappears and
Kidd suddenly finds himself the
subject of a national manhunt and the
target of an unknown assassin.
SUS A Brief Lunacy
Thayer, Cynthia
SUS Cold Paradise
Woods, Stuart
(Also available in regular print
(AB-318)). Stone Barrington heads to
Palm Beach for his most glamorous
scene-of-the-crime yet as he becomes
reacquainted with a case he thought
was buried years ago. Stone must settle
a romantic entanglement with former
client Allison Manning, who asks
Stone for his help in squaring a charge
of insurance fraud and getting rid of an
recently-acquired stalker.
Jessie and Carl have made a terrible
mistake. They should have been more
careful. When Jonah came to their cabin
in the Maine woods asking to use the
phone, they should not have let him in.
But he told them his campsite had been
robbed and he was stranded with no
money and no gear. Jessie took pity on
him, thinking of her own missing
daughter, hoping she was receiving the
same kindness. Now Jessie and Carl are
captives in their own home.
SUS The Program
White, Stephen
(Also available in regular print
(AA-0321)). After her husband is
gunned down, New Orleans District
Attorney Kristen Lord enters the
Witness Protection Program with her
young daughter. But Kristen soon
realizes she only has her daughter and
psychologist Alan Gregory to trust.
Assigned to help her slip into a new
life, Gregory is supposed to be her
ally, but could he be another person
out to destroy her?
SUS Iron Orchid
Woods, Stuart
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2465)). (A Holly Barker Novel)
Discovering that ex-CIA tech wizard
and political assassin Teddy Fay is still
alive, agent Holly Barker joins an elite
task force assigned to track him and
becomes suspicious in the wake of a
series of insider tricks.
SUS L. A. Dead
Woods, Stuart
Stone Barrington, an ex-cop-turnedlawyer, becomes caught between a
woman abandoned on the altar and
another suspected of murder.
remained of a once proud troop of
Confederate Cavalry. After the bitter
years of war, Reese Carstairs was
leading his men home, home to the
lush valley of the Medicine Bow, to
the ranch his brother was keeping for
him, to the girl who was waiting there.
But homecoming did not mean peace.
The quiet Colorado range would
resound with gunfire as violence and
death once more dogged the trail of
Carstairs' Raiders.
WES The Proud Ones
Athanas, Verna
Meet professional gunman Cass Silver.
In Red Bone, Texas, Cass became the
law because he could kill faster than
anybody else. But he was more than
just a killer. He was a man who
questioned and dreamed, and then
went out to make life what he wanted,
on his terms. His story, and the story
of Thad Oglevie, the youngster Cass
molded in his own image, is a fullbodied narrative of the American West
in a time when the law could only be
upheld by violent men, and violence
meant sure death.
WES Trouble on the Massacre
Ballard, Todhunter
The sun glinted down on the dusty town
square as Sanderson waited just inside
the courthouse door. Sanderson was big
and tough. He had to be to stay alive in
Massacre. But even Sanderson wasn't
tough or fast enough for a shootout with
the hired killers from the Box P spread.
And now the Box P gunslicks were
fanned out in a semi-circle outside, just
waiting for him to show.
WES Roundup
Ballard, Todhunter
Cliff Knight, Irv Strong, Apt
Hempstead, all dead. But Ken Garrett
was alive and it was his job to find the
killer, to ride alone onto a range at war
with itself, smoldering with tension
and suspicion. One man was working
the big steal, plundering the herds,
spreading havoc and Garrett had to
stop him or go down like the three who
had failed.
WES Two Tons of Gold
Ballard, Todhunter
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0318)). When his father is brutally
murdered by strikebreakers at the Bank
of California, a powerful company that
controls the miners, Major Mark Dorne
embarks on a deadly mission of revenge
that involves the theft of five million
dollars in gold coins, but his enemies
have another plan in mind.
WES The Long Trail Back
Ballard, Todhunter
There were only eight of them left.
Eight gaunt, saddle-sore men, all that
WES Angel Fire
Ballas, Jack
Freedom meant everything to Kurt
Buckner. He knew how to go it alone,
how to fight and kill. And that was
why Melanie Corbin wanted to hire
him: He was well qualified to escort
her to the Colorado Territory, over
terrain filled with hostile Kiowa and
Arapaho. And maybe he'd better her
chances against the three men who
wanted her dead.
WES Montana Breed
Ballas, Jack
His father was white. His mother was
Sioux. The West was his destiny. At
nineteen, Rafe Gunn took the gold his
father left him and lit out for the West.
He wanted to find his Oglala heritage,
the people who shared his ancestral
blood. But what he found was a harsh
land filled with desperados and killers.
Before Rafe Gunn could discover his
past, he would have to fight tooth and
nail just to have a future.
WES Gun Boss
Ballas, Jack
Trace Gundy had left the Apache tribe
that raised him to join the white man's
world, but he hadn't forgotten the
lessons he learned as a boy. Lessons in
rebellion, hatred, and survival. Now
he's lost his wife to a gang of brutal
killers. He intends to track down the
men who did it and take his revenge,
even if it takes the rest of his life.
WES Powder River
Ballas, Jack
Giving up his daring ways in order to
become a family man, former Texas
Ranger Case Gentry reluctantly offers
shelter to an old enemy and is drawn
back into the world of gunfighting for
a final showdown.
WES Fargo: Panama Gold
Benteen, John
A soldier of fortune named Cleve
Buckner was recruiting an army of
killers, gunmen and deserters from all
over Central America. With foreign
money behind him, Buckner was going
to destroy the Panama Canal before it
could be completed. Fargo's job was to
stop Buckner, and to eliminate him
once and for all!
WES Hanging Valley
Ballas, Jack
When Lingo Barnes rescues Emily
Lou Colter from the kidnappers who
had ambushed her stagecoach, he
discovers that the young woman's
father and brother operate a mine that
has become the target of lowlifes who
will do anything to gain control of the
WES Sundance: Overkill
Benteen, John
WES Short Grass
Blackburn, Tom W.
Sundance's reputation as a fighting man
had spread from Canada to Mexico, from
the Mississippi to the Pacific. There was
no job too tough for the half-breed to
handle, so when a wealthy banker's
daughter was kidnapped by the
Cheyenne, he offered Sundance $10,000
to rescue the girl. Sundance became a
moving target for both the U.S. Cavalry
and his own blood brothers.
The riders of the short grass were men
baked in blood and bred in violence.
Steve Lewellyn was no different, until he
met the woman he wanted. But she had
no use for a man who was sure to end up
with a bullet in his back. So Lewellyn
rode North, alone, to change his ways.
But the ruthless hunger for cattle, land
and power went beyond the Texas border.
Trouble, and the girl, followed Lewellyn.
WES Ranchero
Blackburn, Thomas
WES Sierra Baron
Blackburn, Tom W.
Half a million acres of gold was a lot
for a man to handle, even a hardfighting man like Mike McGann. But
when he learned that he owned it, he
aimed to keep it, and his aim was
pretty damn good. Only suddenly he
found himself the target for every
gold-hungry gun in the territory, and
before he could stop it the rush was on,
for Mike McGann's land, and his
New Mexico was a savage wilderness
when Spencer Stanton rode into it. With
iron nerve and ready guns, he had forged
his cattle empire out of it, but now, all
that had built up was being threatened by
a gang of savage, ruthless marauders. In
the Stanton Empire, Spencer had his own
laws and his own brand of justice, and
God help the men he found guilty.
WES El Segundo
Blackburn, Tom W.
WES Law of the Land: The
Trial of Billy the Kid
Boggs, Johnny
From his first jailbreak in Silver City
to his days riding with the infamous
Regulators, Billy the Kid has made
himself famous for his crimes. Now
it's time for him to answer. Billy,
however, has other plans.
A range war to win, a blood score to
settle, and the Stanton Empire at stake.
Ripe for the picking, that's what the
Stanton Empire looked like to the vicious
gang of land-grabbers. Their first raid
carried off a girl they thought was
Stanton's woman. The next time they
would take all, unless Jaime Henry,
Stanton's right-hand man, tracked them to
their lair and killed them one by one.
WES Last Stage West
Bonham, Frank
The Staked Plain was rough country,
as dry and deadly as hate itself. So
Harry Logan and Pete Canty made a
deal. First, they would team up to track
down the man who had derailed the
Burnsville train and deliver him some
frontier justice. Then, they would
reload and shoot out the rage that lay
as thick as Texas dust between them.
going to get his revenge, even if he had to
take the law into his own hands!
WES Outlaw Gold
Bradford, Scott
One dead man was Walt Slade's tip-off
that there was trouble brewing in
Corpus Christi. He rode into town to
track the source of the trouble. Five
dead men were clear warning that the
Texas Ranger was up against an
owlhoot who was playing for high
stakes, and for keeps!
WES Logan's Choice
Bonham, Frank
The Yacqui had few friends, and many
dead enemies. Frank Logan had been a
friend, but he was dead. And now his
son had to prove that he was trustworthy.
In two weeks, young Tom Logan had
to come up with $10,000 in stolen
Yacqui gold, or die the slow, cruel
death the Yacqui reserved for those
who betrayed them. That would have
suited some land hungry ranchers just
fine, but Tom Logan's Colts had a way
of finding what they were looking for.
WES Hawk: The Sudden Guns
Brady, William S.
Jared Hawk was a gunfighter. His
talent for killing was up for hire-if the
price was right. Philip Garrett hired
Hawk to take him and his niece
through to Los Angeles, but a pack of
professional guns blocked the way,
and soon the old California Trail is
marked with gravestone.
WES Hell on Wheels
Brandvold, Peter
(Also available in regular print (AS0372)). On his way home from a
wedding in Sulfur, Montana, Judge
John Bannon is attacked by Angus
Whateley, who has just been released
from prison, and Sheriff Ben Stillman
must come to his rescue, waging war
on a gang of ruthless killers out for
WES Border Vengeance
Bouma, J. L.
Buck Benlaw was out for blood. He'd
been framed for a robbery he didn't
commit, and there was a price on his
head. There were only two people who
knew he was innocent-Buck himself, and
Frank Garrett, who'd left him holding the
bag after the hold-up. Now Buck was
WES Trouble on the Brazos
Brown, Will C.
WES Once a Lawman
Brandvold, Peter
A courtesan and her client are found
dead in the town of Clantick in the
Montana Territory. Sheriff Ben
Stillman must use his skills from his
years as a Pinkerton detective to find
the killer before the townsfolk take the
law into their own hands.
Sixty thousand dollars. That was a lot of
hard cash to have stolen from you.
Especially if you were a hard riding
Texas Ranger named Trav Parker, and
your job was to keep it safe. It was
enough to have Parker drummed out of
the Rangers. And it was enough to make
him mount up and head for the Brazos.
He had a stain on his name, and an
outlaw gang was going to pay for it in
WES Once Late with a .38
Brandvold, Peter
(Also available in regular print
(AK-0314)). Sheriff Ben Stillman
finds himself immersed in mystery
when Tom Suthern, the owner of the
Circle P Ranch, is brutally murdered
and his future son-in-law, Matt Parrish,
who desperately wanted Tom to sell
the ranch to him, is found standing
over the body.
WES Bad Blood: Lucius Dodge
and the Redlands War
Butts, J. Lee
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0717)). When Ruby, his
commanding officer's niece, goes
missing, Texas Ranger Lucius Dodge,
armed with three pistols, a derringer, and
a bowie knife, sets out to find her and
becomes caught in the middle of a rival
clan war.
WES The Devil Gets His Due
Brandvold, Peter
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0361)). Bounty hunter Lou
Prophet is caught in a deadly game of
revenge when he joins forces with
Louisa Bonaventure, "The Queen of
Vengeance," to find ruthless outlaw
Handsome Dave Duvall, the man who
had murdered her family in cold blood.
WES Brotherhood of Blood
Butts, J. Lee
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0173)). Producer A. Maxwell
Vought is determined to make a movie
about one of Deputy U.S. Marshal
Hayden Tilden's most harrowing
adventures, the capture of the ruthless
Crooke boys, a vicious gang of outlaws
who brutally murdered Mary Beth Tall
Dog and kidnapped her young daughter.
WES Outlaw Justice
Cheshire, Giff
Ute Taplan's free ways got him
branded an outlaw. Taking to the
badlands, he learned that his brother
Loren and his chief gun, Joe Lake,
were behind the real owlhooters
thereabouts. Promptly Ute rode like a
wild Indian to spill the bad blood
between himself and his brother, and
to wreak outlaw justice on the deadly
Joe Lake.
bought himself a nice little spread,
built up his herd, and hung up his
guns. Then a man named Wells
Packford told Atherton to move on.
Packford was a tough man, a strong
man, with an army of hired guns, and
he laughed when Atherton said he
figured on staying put. Packford had a
lot of learning to do, and Atherton was
the man to do the teaching.
WES Mc Allister and the
Spanish Gold
Chisholm, Matt
On the run from the law, Mc Allister
was hired to guard a bunch of goldcrazy treasure-seekers. He had to
contend with marauding Apaches, a
murderous sheriff, a treacherous
partner, and a beautiful girl, and when
it looked as if he didn’t have a prayer,
Mc Allister began to wish he had never
heard of the Spanish Gold.
WES Thunder on the Mountain
Cheshire, Giff
From Lahmotta Canyon to Clearwater
to the Big Hole in Camas Meadows
and onward, the battle raged. The
blood of red men and white mingled
on that dark and tragic ground. This is
the powerful saga of Chief Joseph, last
and best of the Indian leaders, who
tried to use reason with his own angry
braves and the white commissioners
who had doomed his people to a living
death, until all that was left to do was
fight that last gallant, heart-breaking
WES The Trail of Fear
Chisholm, Matt
Jack Owen was no hero. He had a soft
spot for kids and he hated guns. He
was alone and he was a coward, he
know that, but something he couldn't
define had filled him with iron. Cool
exhilaration rose when he realized that
at last he wasn't afraid. He got to his
feet, gun in hand. He was outnumbered and out-gunned, but he
would never back down.
WES Sudden Guns
Cheshire, Gifford
His name was Pick Atherton, and
trouble was his trade. He didn't look
for it, but he found it wherever he
went. He knew how to handle it, but a
man gets weary of killing, so Atherton
WES The Second Gun
Cobb, James C.
The Wilson clan rules the roost in
Granger, Arizona. With the county
judge in their pocket, and most of the
townsfolk employed by their ranching
or mining operations, no one is willing
to stand up to them, until Jake
Murchison, a former New York
policeman, accepts the post of town
marshal. But the Wilsons aren't going
to relinquish control quietly, and
they'll do whatever it takes, legal or
illegal, to run the marshal out of town
on a rail.
WES Fast Gun
Coburn, Walt
Bryce Bradford had killed a friend of
the powerful men of Buffalo Run, yet
they made him sheriff. Why? The
attractive mystery woman who was
half owner of the saloon has a
beckoning eye for him. What was her
game? And the gunslingers who trailed
him, what were they after? The
answers were hidden in his past.
WES Guns Blaze on Spiderweb
Coburn, Walt
Sundown, Montana, was a sick town
with a deadly fever that was killing
thousands of cattle. Fresh out of
veterinarian school, Jim Benton
imposed a quarantine on all cattle
coming into Montana. But the cattlerunning gunmen of Spiderweb Range
had too much at stake to obey that law.
WES Branded
Coburn, Walt
Pete Craven's outlaw father had
abandoned him to the crazed rancher,
Zee Dunbar, and Pete couldn't trust
Zee's pretty wife, Tracy, either. She
was too free with her attentions to too
many men. He couldn't trust Montana
law which wanted to see him hang. He
could only put his trust in the
lightning-fast draw of his six-shooter.
But he was to learn that wasn't enough,
that a man could save his skin yet lose
his soul to a destiny far worse than
death, if he didn't trust someone!
WES The Square Shooter
Coburn, Walt
Bullets sprayed the pitch-black night,
and Boone dove headlong into the
roaring river. As he surfaced, a man
rushed out of the dark and jumped in
after him. It was the killer. Boone
fought his way to the far bank. When
he finally reached it, his insides turned
to ice. Nothing but a steep, sheer wall
of wet clay loomed in front of him, and
the killer was closing in from behind.
WES Violent Maverick
Coburn, Walt
WES Guns of Vengeance
Cole, Jackson
Pablo Guerrero, outlaw and deadly
gunman, was the most feared bandito on
the Arizona border. So, when penniless
cowman Pat Roper found himself gifted
with Pablo's huge Two Block range after
saving the gunman's life, he couldn't
figure out if he was the luckiest, or
unluckiest, cuss alive. For the adjoining
ranch belonged to Pablo's lifetime enemy,
Wig Murphy. And any friend of Pablo's
was a dead-on target for Murphy's guns.
Pecos Carns - king of the rustlers, was as
mean as they came. He took what he
wanted in cold blood and shot before he
said "please." Now he was leading a band
of gun-happy outlaws against a group of
helpless ranchers. Ranger Jim Hatfield
rode in to put an end to bloodshed and
found himself face to face with a gang of
the hungriest killers he'd ever met, all out
to see him dead.
WES Gunsmoke Trail
Cole, Jackson
WES Fort De Chastaigne
Coldsmith, Don
Hoping to earn the trust and friendship
of the native people, Captain Lefever
sets out from the new Fort de
Chastaigne on the Missouri River to
establish trade relations with the
Spanish at Santa Fe.
Texas Ranger Jim Hatfield knew he was
up against a trio of killers whose cruelty
was unmatched in the State of Texas, and
who left no man alive who stood in their
way. He jerked his guns and fired as fast
as he could pull trigger. Answering shots
boomed, and, above the roar, Hatfield
heard the sound of hoofbeats.
WES Border Hell
Cole, Jackson
As Hawley swaggered to the bar, the
room was suddenly tense. The gunman
jostled Hatfield rudely, spoiling for a
fight. The Ranger ignored him as if he
were dirt. Hawley flushed as the insult
went home, roaring "Why, you
lowdown range tramp, " Hatfield hit
him in the mouth, hard, then stood
perfectly still, his hands hanging
loosely by his sides, saying "You're
called, Hawley. Either fill your hand or
WES Hell in Paradise
Cole, Jackson
Luther Sherrall and his evil crew
moved in on the richest range in
Texas, and soon it was drenched in
blood. Their scheme to get control of
the largest, lushest spread west of the
Pecos was working beautifully.
Meanwhile, decent men were losing
everything they'd worked so hard to
gain, and many were dying. It was hell
in the place called Paradise, and only
one man could save the day. His name
was Ranger Jim Hatfield.
WES Outside the Law
Conley, Robert J.
Christopher Lang left his Yankee
homeland to teach the classics in the
Cherokee Nation. His class was a
success, he'd become fast friends with
deputy sheriff and fellow scholar
George Tanner, and he was courting
beautiful Hannah Girty, a young
Cherokee woman. Why would anyone
want Lang dead? Sheriff Go-Ahead
Rider and Deputy Tanner will have to
dig deep to uncover the dark secrets
that made Christopher Lang an enemy.
Cherokee capital braced for a vote on
the issue of a land grant. But Rider
never expected a murder in his own
jail. And with his full-blood deputy,
Beehunter, under suspicion, Rider took
the crime personally.
WES Frontier Feud
Cook, Will
Every trooper at Fort Smith was perched
atop a powder keg, for this tiny frontier
garrison had the task of keeping the peace
among some 25,000 war-hungry Sioux
and Cheyenne. Then, 300 of the Army's
new repeating rifles were stolen. In a
desperate move to forestall disaster the
Army called on its ace troubleshooter,
Linus Quincannon.
WES Quitting Time
Conley, Robert J.
For years Oliver Colfax worked as a
hired killer. But after a friendship
developed with one of his targets,
Colfax quit. A few odd jobs keep body
and soul together and he's content with
sitting in his St. Louis hotel room and
drinking fine whiskey. When a rancher
from Colorado asks him to deal with
some cattle rustlers, Colfax declines,
until he learns that a production of
Titus Andronicus is playing nearby.
WES Iron Man, Iron Horse
Cook, Will
Although two men before him had
failed, troubleshooter Ben Holliday
was determined to make the MidlandPacific line a paying proposition. With
constant threats from warring Apaches
and treacherous cattle barons dogging
him, the chips were stacked against his
every move. But more than Holliday's
railroad was at stake, the safety and
future of the entire West depended on
the fate of that single train.
WES To Make a Killing
Conley, Robert J.
How could it have happened? A
prisoner, locked alone in a guarded
cell, had been shot and killed at close
range. Sheriff Go-Ahead Rider already
had his hands full in Tahlequah as the
WES The Fighting Texan
Cook, Will
There was magic in Jim Quartermain's
hands. The magic to kill a man. But
the Texan wore the star, and his guns
were on the side of the law. Then came
the trouble on the San Saba, a bitter
personal feud. Reluctantly,
Quartermain laid his badge aside.
From that moment, like it or not, he
was a gunfighter.
temporarily forgot his personal
mission as he became embroiled in a
violent range war, and somehow, in
the midst of the gunfire, the heartsick
cowboy made peace with himself.
WES Gallows Ghost
Cord, Barry
The Nebraska Kid slid a jumpy glance
over the trail ahead. He saw nothing
except the tracks of four men who had
preceded him; he knew these men
were the Morgan riders. He settled
back, his knees tightening against the
roan's flanks, his muscles tensed for
any sudden moves by the big stud. But
a cold foreboding made him twist and
look back down that empty pass. He
wiped his mouth with the back of his
sleeve and turned around. It took him a
long moment to register what he saw.
It can't be, he thought, his mind locked
and his body rigid.
WES Bitter Creek
Coolidge, Dane
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1935)). Conned out of $20,000,
Cal Watson, a prospector and mine
owner, devises a clever, yet dangerous,
scheme to win back his money and
publicly humiliate the man who tricked
him, which he soon discovers is no
easy task.
WES Cain Basin
Cord, Barry
When Steve Crystal married his wife,
Mary, she was young, pretty, and full
of life, and she soon felt cheated that
Steve neglected her to earn a hard
living as a cattleman. Finally, she went
off with another man, taking their child
with her. Bitter and vengeful, Steve
sold his ranch and set out to kill the
man who had stolen his family. Then
he reached Resurrection Trail, leading
to Cain Basin. There, Steve
WES Gun Junction
Cord, Barry
Three men rode into Fulton, three
loners with one thing in common, a
way of life built around a gun. One
was a U.S. deputy marshal, one a
discredited ex-Ranger, one a hired
killer. They had all come to do the
same job: avenge the death of one man
and restore law to the territory. Or so
they all said.
WES Shadow Valley
Cord, Barry
hard. Pete Galahad, he called himself.
They tried to bully him, at first, then they
became a little afraid of him. There was
something of the smell of death about
him, and then one day, there was a
showdown. In the split second it took
Pete Galahad to draw his gun, he gazed
into the eyes of his brother's killer.
When Cole Barrett came home to the
Cross B ranch after the Civil War, he
found everything in a state of turmoil.
His brother had been shot, his father
beaten, his sister embittered by the death
of her fiancé in the War. Cash Gillis had
taken over the neighboring Saber spread.
He controlled Horsethief Pass, the only
cattle trail out of Shadow Valley. The
price he demanded for letting Cross B
cattle go through would ruin the Barret
clan. But Cole wasn't about to knuckle
under to a bunch of thieves.
WES The Gun-Shy Kid
Cord, Barry
Looking for his missing brother, Kip
Nunninger rode into dangerous
Antelope Valley, and nothing was
going to stop him. But he was a boy on
a man's errand, and the valley watched
him, knowing that he'd be gunned
down before he grew to be a man. Kip
was sure that Antelope Valley held the
truth of his brother's disappearance. He
didn't know that it also held a bullet
and a gravesite, both with his name
already on them!
WES Six Bullets Left
Cord, Barry
"Deserta!" That was the name given by
the "Baron" to his new state, carved out
of the heart of Texas. An outlaw
kingdom, it had been conceived in evil
and dedicated to depravity. It held the
secret of untold riches, and unspeakable
crimes. Only a small army of expert
frontier fighters, or a Texas Ranger called
Solitary, could hope to destroy it.
WES The Gunsmoke Trail
Cord, Barry
Smoky Jennison was the hard-riding
boss of the Big Y. He was also one of
the richest men in Arizona. It was his
father's ambition that Bob Jennison
would someday take over from him
but, humiliated in front of the woman
he loved and hated by his father for his
rebelliousness, Bob had no choice but
to leave town. Then the Slade brothers
raided the Big Y, and they had a
reputation that few men challenged.
WES The Deadly Amigos
Cord, Barry
The Amigos, a group of Mexican
revolutionaries, was being used as a
front for Cass Borman's slick rustling
operation. Borman's gang was made up
of the worst killers on either side of the
border. But into this group came
someone new. He was young, lean,
WES The Masked Gun
Cord, Barry
Sheriff Mido Peters tensed himself
readying for a lawless New Year's Eve
in Labelle. Rich Jake Grady had
promised drinks on the house to any
man that night, and this, the sheriff
knew, would mean nothing but
drunkenness and riot. But the sheriff
got even more than he bargained for.
He had not expected gunplay, and
when bullets were exchanged between
two strangers in town causing death to
mark the holiday, it was plain that
trouble was brewing, bad trouble. For
the dead man was a phony U.S.
Marshal and his killer a wanted
shy. But the Stirrup had changed more
than he had. The desert wind seemed to
have sucked all life from the prosperous
ranch of his childhood. His father was
murdered, his two brothers gone, and the
lawman who had married Mel's sister
carried a warrant for his arrest.
WES Bushwhackers at the
Circle K
Cunningham, Chet
Riding toward the Circle K, Dave
Kemp had time to think about the
telegram he had received, only days
ago, from his sister, Janie. It had been
hard for Dave to leave St. Louis and
the study of law, but Janie would need
him now. Their father was dead. But
when Dave arrives at the ranch, he
finds Janie and the ranch hand
murdered. In town, Kemp learns from
the sheriff that his father had not died a
natural death, and vows revenge.
WES The Running Iron
Cord, Barry
Wandering cowmen Long Jim and
Windy take on work at the V-Bar
Ranch and become entangled in the
mystery of "Miguel." Before long, to
save their lives and those of the people
at the ranch, they must draw on every
skill they have to track down a killer.
WES Survival Trail
Cunningham, Chet
Cavalry Sergeant Will Larson, part of a
routine patrol on a four day ride, is
ordered by the green patrol leader to ride
down to the Rio Verde river. The river is
a Chiricahua Indian stronghold, and
Larson and his men are attacked and
pinned down. When the patrol leader
loses his head, the sergeant must take
over, and heads out to hike seventy miles
across the waterless desert to bring a
relief column to save his comrades.
WES The Third Rider
Cord, Barry
Five years of hard times had left their
mark on Mel Rawlins. He had left the
Stirrup ranch a boy and came back a
man, bitter, tough, gun-easy and law218
WES The Ranger Way
Cunningham, Eugene
It looked like Deaver Jones was going
to end his young life on the end of a
Texas Rope. Arrested for robbing the
local bank and slitting the throat of its
cashier, his guilt seemed certain when
three men sprung him from jail and a
train was robbed the next day. The
sheriff, who hates Jones for personal
reasons, takes an armed, lynch-minded
posse into the hills to track him down.
There's only one man in Texas who
will stand by the fugitive, Texas
Ranger Shelley Raines. But in the
furious gunslinging showdown that
follows, that one Ranger turns out to
be as good as an army!
of war, the cattle baron was applying
his murderous methods to the virgin
lands of the American West. But then
Bob Pryor, the Rio Kid, came on the
scene, and vowed to stop him, or die
WES Range of Doom
Curry, Tom
When young itinerant bronc buster Dan
Audley arrives in Belvedere, a settlement
in the Southwest, no one expects gunplay
to follow. Dan, who had roamed from
ranch to ranch since his father's death in a
blasting accident, was just looking for a
decent job without great responsibility.
But in this violent frontier town, he meets
people who teach him to be a man of
strength and experience.
WES Guns of the Sioux
Curry, Tom
The Black Hills of southern Dakota
were mysterious and lofty peaks where
untold wealth in gold was said to lie.
They were also the sacred ground of
the great Dakota Sioux nation, where
no white man dared to tread. Then,
some intrepid pioneers penetrated the
hills, finding gold beyond their
WES The Diehards
Dean, Dudley
The scent of death was in Brent
Mackey's nostrils, and as sure as he
was Cross Anchor's ramrod he would
be riding point in the battle against
Bushard. Bushard wanted Anchor, the
king spread of this vast Texas plain.
Mackey said no. Bushard wanted
Seanna Winter, the girl Mackey had
dreamed of every mile up the trail and
back. Mackey said no. Big Bend
stretched as far as the eye could travel,
but for both Mackey and Bushard it
was too small. Somewhere out there a
grave was waiting.
WES Raiders of the Valley
Curry, Tom
Kill and conquer, that was how
Manfred Von Wohl operated.
Schooled in the ruthless Prussian ways
WES Trail of the Hunter
Dean, Dudley
Justin Emery was a hard man. He
hated his younger brother, Ford,
although the reason lay in the distant
past. And when Justin began to suspect
that Ford was attracted to his beautiful
and provocative wife, his hostility
grew. Then Erd Quine entered Justin's
life. Quine was a renegade, completely
unscrupulous, totally sadistic.
Claiming to be Samantha's true
husband, he took her away by force,
over Justin's half-dead body.
heeded the warning, he gave up the
badge, he pulled out before that bullet
caught up with him. He was through.
Then they killed his brother and Jim
Cavanaugh once more got behind his
badge, a target for their guns, a lawdog
waiting for a well-aimed slug!
WES Gunhawk Harvest
Ernenwein, Leslie
Lee Ransome stuck to the right side of
the law, but he was a wicked man with
a six-gun, and the memory of a pretty
young girl who had died under a
renegade's fire filled him with a
seething hatred for every outlaw.
WES Brady's Law
Dugan, Bill
Dan Brady never claimed to be a hero,
just a weary ex-soldier who came west
for a new life. All he desires is to raise
horses on hard New Mexico land with his
family, and to forget a past that haunts
him still. But he's the only witness to a
cold murder in town, and he knows
without his testimony the killers will ride
WES High Gun
Ernenwein, Leslie
It was called Apache Basin, this raw,
rough lonely land where the bones of
many violently dead men had bleached
white beneath a scorching sun. Against
Apache Basin Jim Modeen pitted
himself, pitted his renegade streak, his
cavalry courage, his hard-won savvy
of wilderness danger, and pitted his
WES Bullet Breed
Ernenwein, Leslie
Once he was a rash, town-tamping
deputy, proud of his gun. But somehow,
the pain-filled years had taught him one
everlasting truth; the Bullet Breed, men
like himself, always died with their boots
on. Regardless of how fast you are with a
gun, there'll come a time when no speed
on earth can save you. Jim Cavanaugh
WES Rampage
Ernenwein, Leslie
WES Trigger Justice
Ernenwein, Leslie
The wild Colorado was Ben Roman's
ancient enemy, a foe he fought and hated
and deeply respected. He had to tame the
river, before civilization could come to
this dry desert land. To Slim Lacey, the
town girl who wanted him, Ben Roman
was as wild and unpredictable as the river
itself. It was a strange triangle, the man,
the river, and the girl. Two hung
breathless on the violent, willful mood of
the third.
Jeff Tennant had been in Yuma prison on
a brand-blotting charge. Now he was
back at Tonto flats, fitted out with a new
gun belt and holster, ready to fight for
revenge and his plundered homestead. He
had a quick-trigger gang of killers against
WES California Passage
Farrell, Cliff
Luke Storm, last of the great fur trappers,
tough and alert as a mountain lion, as fast
with his fists as with his guns, is faced
with the most deadly challenge of his life
when he takes command of a wagon train
loaded with treachery.
WES Rio Renegade
Ernenwein, Leslie
They rode in darkly off the back trails,
the badges of their profession strung
tightly against their thighs and gleaming
with oil. They were men who slapped
leather for a living and loved their work,
and when they threw their irons into the
Border Desert War it meant only one
thing: before long, there'd be more than
one riderless bronc roaming the sage.
WES Terror in Eagle Basin
Farrell, Cliff
Dan Cameron was one of the toughest
law officers in the towns along the
cattle trails of Montana and Wyoming.
But he hung up his weapons for good
when tragedy struck on his wedding
day, and his bride died in his arms.
Then he learned his best friend and
fellow lawman Ed Vickers was in
trouble in Eagle Basin, and took the
first stagecoach to New Mexico. When
he found Ed murdered, Dan was
catapulted into a strange and deadly
case, and needed some quick answers.
Reluctantly, he forced himself to pick
up the weapons he'd vowed never to
wear again.
WES Texas Guns
Ernenwein, Leslie
"You can call me killer, gents, but
don't forget the 'Mister'!" That was Jim
Rimbow's challenge as he rode into the
helltown he'd sworn to tame, a borderjumping, man-killing starbuster with a
dying lawman on his backtrail. But
Rimbow was gunning for more than
glory. Rawhide tough and lawless, he
meant to brace the range bawd whose
kiss had killed his best friend.
WES Trail of the Tattered Star
Farrell, Cliff
If California went with the
secessionists, the North could lose the
War Between the States, and Mike
McLish knew it. There was a big force
of Confederates gathered at El Paso.
All they needed was a leader and
money to buy transport west and the
money was on the way when their
leader left San Francisco by Butterfield
Stage. Mike traveled on that same
stage, along with two beautiful girls, a
professional gunslinger, and a spy who
could be working both sides against
the middle.
Clay's fellow riders. When they start
digging for answers, Clay is attacked,
almost ending his rodeo career. It turns
out that some very powerful people are
trying to fix the contest in their favor,
and they want Clay and Jack out of
WES Wyoming Gun Law
Floren, Lee
Matt Williams hates the invasion of
homesteaders because they fence off the
land he needs for his cattle. He swears
he'll drive out the new settlers, but soon
the invasion of farmers is matched by the
invasion of hired guns, and hell is just a
gunshot away.
WES Outcasts of Canyon Creek
Fisher, Clay
The vigilantes rode by night, a human
wolf pack. They took the trail of their
quarry and ran it to its end. This time
they were hunting two wanted
murderers and one out-of-work mining
camp whore. No one could stop them,
or would dare to try, until they put
their sinister rope on the wrong man.
WES Lobo Gray
Foreman, L. L.
The Lower-Pecos cattle country was run
by a crooked, power-hungry judge. He
enforced his own brand of law with a
horde of trigger-happy killers, headed by
a top gunman called Lobo Gray. Nobody
who drew on Gray lived to regret it; they
died too fast. Even Judge Blake grew to
fear his silent, efficient henchman. That's
why he sent Gray into the Pecos high
country and ordered the treacherous
Yucatano to follow.
WES Rigged to Ride
Flanagan, Mike
Under the guidance of veteran cowboy
Jack Lomas, young rodeo rider Clay
Tory has slowly but steadily risen in
the ranks. But the two are thrown like
a greenhorn from a bronco when
suspicious mishaps begin to befall
WES Longrider
Foreman, L. L.
WES The Jayhawkers
Foreman, L. L.
The dead man was strung to the oak
branch by his wrists. A slip of paper
tucked in his belt marked him as a
victim of the Jayhawkers. Once again,
the Jayhawkers had mocked justice
with murder. Only this time, they'd
chosen the wrong man to kill. Their
victim had a friend: a hot-tempered
Texan who swore to avenge him.
Lew Reagan, the Longrider, did a lot of
things he wouldn't have talked about in
polite company, if he'd ever been in
polite company. But he didn't steal from
friends. Now he was on the prod for a
former partner, a man as tough and wily
and fast as Reagan, a man who'd cheated
Reagan out of his share of $40,000 in
gold and a good-size ranch. And along
the way he'd picked up a girl who had a
claim on the ranch herself.
WES The Mustang Trail
Foreman, L. L.
Rogue Bishop is a sardonic gambler
and troubleshooter. Don Ricardo is a
vain and wily bandit. Together, they're
both humorous and deadly. In their
current adventure, Rogue meets up
with a crooked procurement officer
and makes a deal to provide remounts
to the U.S. Army in the Southwest.
WES Rawhiders of the Brasada
Foreman, L. L.
When "Mad" Madigan rode to his native
Texas, last of a hell-raisin' family that
folks in the Brasada had thought they had
successfully destroyed, he didn't come
alone. He came in siding a hand of
rawhiders. Now rawhiders were a strange
lot of roving freeloaders. They camped
where they wanted, rustled enough for
their own needs, worked only when they
had to, and kept their own secret code.
But add a pistol-packer like Madison to
their ranks.
WES Blackleg Range
Foster, Bennett
Drying skeletons, where once the
herds had prospered; Texas killers
where once the range knew peace. This
was Price Thorn's homecoming. Men
fought over water rights. Cowmen
battled sheepmen. A kid was shot
because he'd seen too much. One man,
though, can make a stand against a
country full of trouble.
WES He Rode Alone
Frazee, Steve
WES Bandit Bait
Grover, Marshall
The Lone Star Hellions were tracking
through Nebraska, Kansas and
Colorado, their quarry the kid outlaw
known as Blanco, a runaway from the
infamous Jansen Gang. Man-hunting is
no chore for a woman, but the lady
from Idaho was tagging along and
giving the west's toughest troubleshooters a bad time.
The boy walked out of the wilderness in
the late summer of 1855, carrying the
sun-blackened remains of a jackrabbit he
had been eating for two days. He had
been alone in there for ten days. Behind
him were three graves, and with him was
the memory of a family named Snelling
that he would one day hunt down and
destroy, slowly, terribly. That boy
became a man, bleak-eyed and
dangerous, who rode, always alone,
carrying only the grim comfort of a black
memory. Murder lay at the end of his
trail, and a girl he loved.
WES Hell in High Country
Grover, Marshall
The search party moved higher into the
mountains led by Big Jim Gage. The
Beecham Gang of thieves was in the
high country after an attack on their
Harmon City Bank-a hangrope awaited
their leader. Big Jim had his hands full
knowing a wounded cougar was also
on the prowl, crazed with pain and
eager to kill.
WES The Years of Fear
Grove, Fred
It was the Roaring Twenties, and they
descended like a swarm of locusts on
the oil-rich Osage Indians of
Oklahoma: jackleg lawyers, thieves,
"dope" doctors, prostitutes,
bootleggers, oily merchants, and
fortune hunters determined "to marry
me a rich Osage" preying on naïve
Indian girls. Unsolved Indian
homicides occurred at an alarming rate
as witnesses vanished, fearing for their
lives. Were all the killings unrelated,
or were they the work of someone with
a powerful motive?
WES Badge of the Law
Hardin, Clement
"You're not human. You're a machine
that happens to wear a law badge and a
gun!" Jim Arden blinked and stared at
the glaring girl. Was it true? Was he a
machine, without heart or blood or
soul, that killed on command? And
now, was that machine about to falter
and go down before another, far more
vicious machine, the killers of
WES The Ruthless Breed
Hardin, Clement
The town of Coldbrook was closed
tight, with ruthless old Troy Coldbrook
running it, and his headstrong son,
Wes, ready to destroy all comers. And
Steve Benson was his special target.
He and Wes had a lot in common, they
both wanted the same stretch of
rangeland, and the same girl.
WES Guns of Fury
Haycox, Ernest
Dane Starr, alias Dan Smith, wanted to
close the door on his past and hang up
his guns, but people wouldn't let him.
Good men wanted him to settle their
scores for them, and bad men thought
they were faster and itched to prove it.
Starr had to keep killing just to stay
WES Cody's Law 01: Gunmetal
Hart, Matthew S.
Texas Ranger Cody is the master of
every weapon in the west, White man's
or Indian's, and the servant of a
fiercely held code of right and wrong,
and he's on a land barron's trail.
WES Rawhider
Heckelmann, Charles N.
A vicious renegade was out to settle a
blood feud with Bill Horn and Horn's
back was his target. Sioux were after
his scalp and they baited a trap Horn
couldn't resist. A corrupt cavalry
officer longed to ride Horn into the
ground and had the power to do it.
Horn had his hands full of trouble and
a gun in each hand.
WES A Killer Comes to Shiloh
Haseloff, C. H.
Thunder splits the Arkansas night as
the Shiloh death bells toll the
frightening news, a mysterious killer
has brutally cut down three young
lives. Quickly the drive for revenge
threatens to destroy not only the town
but the nearby peaceful Cherokee
Nation. The only man strong enough to
see the killer brought to justice without
more bloodshed, is Quaker Joshua
WES The Legend of Sotoju
Henry, Will
This book tells the story of Ousta the
Limper and her grandson, Tonkalla the
Mouse. Believed to be possessed by an
evil spirit, the pair is banished from
their tribe. They have only one hope of
returning, this grandmother of seventy
winters and the young brave only in
his thirteenth summer: they must find
and defeat Mato Sapa, the giant black
grizzly of Sotoju Mountain.
WES Able Gate
Hirt, Douglas
Ruthless badman Barrister McClain
had sworn to avenge his brother's
death, and that meant nailing the hide
of Able Gate. But big-name gunfighter
and secret cavalry agent Gate was
lying low up Montana way,
undercover as the mild-mannered artist
Abernathy T. Gatelatch. Even as
McClain thundered into town with
pistols smoking, the army sent Gate
away on a special mission.
three young women over the backs of
their stolen horses, and they could still
be alive. With their families gone only
Matt could attempt a rescue. With a
repeating rifle on his shoulder and
anaching hear, he rode into perdition to
proclaim man's justice in a storm of
blazing lead.
WES Riverboat
Hirt, Douglas
In the golden age of the Mississippi, men
and women from all walks of life
climbed aboard the mighty riverboats and
forged a nation's destiny: Gambler Dexter
McKay had a heavenly way with a deck
of cards. Land owner Clifton Stewart was
heir to a cotton and sugar empire.
Chambermaid Mystie Waters caught the
eye of every man on board, and Eli, the
runaway, escaped his master's plantation
only to be captured by slave hunters.
WES Colorado Gold
Hirt, Douglas
Harrison Mandell had come to the
Arizona outpost of Yuma, on the buginfested banks of the Colorado River,
to find out who was stealing money
from an upriver mining company call
Mina del Agua Mala. But from the
moment a saloon girl came running
naked into the dusty street, and a lovecrazed Indian was driven off with a
shotgun, Mandell knew this was not
going to be any ordinary case.
WES Riverboat: Assassination
Hirt, Douglas
They built their lives on the mighty
Mississippi and steered the course of
history. The river offered landowner
Clifton Stewart a chance for a new life
and many chances for death. Genevieve
St. James was a delicate, charming
beauty, but underneath was a killer as
ruthless as any man. Senator Stephen
Douglas was running for President, and
he was the nation's only hope for peace.
And Zachary was free in name only, but
the former slave would bow to no man.
WES Devil's Wind
Hirt, Douglas
Matt Kendell believed that vengeance
belonged to the Lord, even after four
savage bandits swept through the tiny
village of San Pablo, leaving nothing
but a smoking, corpse-strewn ruin. But
before escaping, the killers had flung
WES Riverboat: Mississippi
Hirt, Douglas
and takes his sister and mother.
Suddenly, Cain begins the hunt of his
life, searching for his family, for
murderers, and the truth.
In the golden age of the Mississippi, the
river was a path that led to freedom,
opportunity, and danger. Captain William
Hamilton's Tempest Queen was his life,
and he would let no one take that from
him. On board were the beautiful Miss
Cora Mills, the kind of lady men fought
over; Lt. Sherman Dempsey, delivering
gold to Fort Leavenworth; and
"Reverend" Saunders, a scheming river
WES Return to Broken
Hoffman, Lee
Shea Glencannon squinted out into the
sunlit glare of the street. Someone had
called out his name. The sound of it
was high-pitched, harsh and hard as
gravel. The meaning of it was knifesharp: Trouble. And that was all that
Glencannon had found since coming
home to Broken Crossing. When you
had his kind of ornery reputation, you
had to expect that your welcoming
committee would be carrying drawn
WES Dead Man's Money
Hodgson, Ken
(Also available in regular print
(AS-0264)). Determined to collect a
$20,000 reward, ruthless bounty hunter
Asa Cain and his undertaker partner
Cemetery John are fast on the trail of
the "Monster of Osage", serial killer
with a penchant for decapitation who
has just claimed a wealthy
businessman's daughter as his latest
WES Desert Rails
Holmes, L. P.
Luke Fenimore had a railroad to build, a
deadline to beat, and a quarter-milliondollar subsidy to win. But some shady
characters were out to see him fail. Guns
roared and men died. Still, Luke didn't
tuck tail. "If that’s the way they want it,"
he swore, "from here on in we play it
WES Hard Bounty
Hodgson, Ken
Bounty hunter Asa Cain, also called
"The Undertaker's Friend, " has put
more bandits and killers in the ground
that anyone. To him, it's a job, until it
becomes personal. The Dolven gang
burns down Cain's West Texas ranch
WES High Starlight
Holmes, L. P.
WES The Plunderers
Holmes, L. P.
Morgan Ewell was a law-abiding man.
He only killed in self-defense, and he
had never seen the inside of a jail. But
when the law said a ruthless landgrabber and a money-hungry banker
had the right to take over every spread
on the range, Ewell had to take a
second look at the law and at himself.
The choice was plain. It was obey the
law and be forced off the land he
loved, or defy it, and be caught in a
deadly crossfire between a straightshooting sheriff on the one hand, and
an army of hired guns on the other.
The fast-flowing Starlight River cut the
rich grasslands of Starlight Valley in half,
but now its sparkling waters were tainted
with blood. The uneasy truce between the
cattle ranchers on one side of this natural
boundary and the sheepherders on the
other had been broken by a savage
killing, and a full-scale range war was
hair-triggered to explode. Just one man
could stop it and his name was Boone
Kermit. His father had created peace in
this valley, and made Boone swear to
preserve it, no matter how alone he was,
or how many bullets came at him from
both sides.
WES Night Marshal
Holmes, L. P.
Chris Waddell knew what a town like
Midas Hill was like after the sun went
down. He had walked the streets of a
dozen mining hells like it, with a star
on his chest and his guns just inches
under his hands, waiting for the first
bullet from the dark. Waddell was a
lawman, one of the best, but here in
Midas Hill, toughs and hired guns ran
the town and killed at will. From the
moment he took the gold that hired
him, Waddell knew his only hope was
to move fast, shoot faster, and try to
stay alive before his graveyard shift
became the real thing.
WES Bullet-Brand Empire
Hopson, William
Stony Burns' welcome to the giant
ranch of the woman known as the
Cattle Baroness of the Panhandle was
a gun leveled at him. The ranch was so
big that its owner made the law there,
and behind her was suave, cruel Jeff
Holmes, the scheming empire-builder
who told her what to do. But Stony
was no ordinary saddle tramp.
WES Trail West
James, Cy
Wayne Ulster had cleaned up many
dirty towns with brains, guts and a fast
gun, but three men were too much for
him and he landed up full of lead. Sam
Spur, the most wanted man in the west,
helped track down his killers, assured
by the Governor of a free pardon, but
someone wanted the killers out of the
way, badly. Someone who was a little
too close to the Governor's side for
night sky as fields, farms, and homes
are torched by so-called "range
detectives" working for two powerful
ranchers. For the ranchers, the battle
lines have been drawn in the form of
newly settled farmland that's cutting
through the ranges, separating cattle
from grazing land and water. But the
settlers are breaking no law, and no
one is going to prevent them from
building their homes and town, until
the ranchers turn to a pair of vicious
mercenaries who won't stop until they
run out of bullets.
WES The Last Gunfighter:
Savage Country
Johnstone, William
For Frank Morgan, a reunion with his
estranged son brings back bittersweet
memories of another time and place.
Conrad Morgan is an Eastern
businessman trying to build a railroad
through an untamed corner of New
Mexico Territory. Even though Frank
has revenge-hungry killers on his trail,
his kin needs him now. So with a guntoting, hard-loving beauty named
Rebel by their side, father and son ride
straight into a pitched battle.
WES The Last Gunfighter:
Johnstone, William
Drifting down to Idaho after a wild
range war in Montana, Frank Morgan's
fame as a gunfighter is traveling fast
and far ahead of him. With his face on
the covers of newspapers and dime
novels, he's got nowhere left to hide,
because gunning down a legend like
Frank has become more than an
obsession to some. Bankrolled by rich
and powerful men, a dozen highly
skilled killers finally have what they
want, the elusive Frank Morgan in
their sights. But he's deadliest when
he's cornered, and he'll be damned if
he dies for any man's greed.
WES The Last Gunfighter: The
Johnstone, William
When Frank Morgan sets up camp in a
lush valley in Montana, the last thing
he expects to see is fire lighting up the
WES Reprisal
Johnstone, William
WES Dark Thicket
Kelton, Elmer
Wounded Confederate soldier Owen
Danforth rides back to his native Texas
as the Civil War nears its end, only to
find his homeland torn by secessionist
"home guards" and staunch Union
loyalists. Now Owen must choose
sides in a battle no one can win.
A vengeful Frank Morgan journeys to
Colorado in hot pursuit of the outlaws
who had killed the woman he loved, but
now he is confronted with a new
challenge, two vicious outlaw gangs who
have embarked on a deadly spree of rape,
robbery, and murder and who have
kidnapped Frank's own son as a hostage.
WES The Cougar Basin War
Ketchum, Philip
WES The Last Gunfighter:
Johnstone, William
(Also available in regular print
(AE-0309)). When Frank Morgan,
who is searching for a place to call
home, arrives in Northern California to
start a new life, he is unexpectedly
immersed in a case of mistaken
identity that results in him being
falsely accused of a crime, forcing him
to escape from jail and find the real
The three mounted strangers pulled up
close to the fire and one spoke, asking for
Ben Carnaby. Startled, Ben began to ask
how they knew his name when he
became aware that three guns were now
covering him. Ben had no idea what this
was all about. He stood tense, waiting.
What happened next was just the start of
the Cougar Basin War!
WES Kiowa Trail and Killoe
L'Amour, Louis
In "Kiowa Trail", educated in England,
raised by Apaches, and hardened in the
Civil War, cowboy Conn Dury finds
himself helping the sister of dead
friend seek revenge against wealthy
men who would kill an innocent cow
hand for daring to fall in love with one
of their daughters. In "Killoe", guiding
settlers across unknown territory, Dan
Killoe takes on the added
responsibility of helping a stranger
who is being hunted by renegade
WES Big Brand
Kelton, Elmer
Twelve stories of Texas, from the
Frontier days to the Great Depression.
WES Monument Rock
L'Amour, Louis
In the title story of this collection, a
newly sworn in marshal must match
wits with a mysterious killer, a man
who has made a fortune doing business
with his neighbors while secretly
cutting their throats. These are
Western stories that reveal a time and
place of desperate violence and true
courage in a wide-open country of
fortune seekers, dreamers, lawbreakers
and pioneers told with the unparalleled
realism and suspense of America's
own legend, Louis L'Amour.
WES Day of the Comancheros
Lawrence, Steven C.
Their very name struck terror into men's
hearts, the Comancheros, a savage army
of cutthroats who swept across Texas,
leaving behind a bloodstained trail of
robbery and murder. When Tom Slattery
stumbled on some of their slaughtered
victims, he found only one survivor,
young Anna Peterson; with a cavalry
escort, he set out to bring the murderers
to justice.
WES Saddle Justice
Lawrence, Steven C.
He rode into Buffalo, sun-darkened,
dusty, and smelling of danger. His
name was Roderick, Sergeant Will
Roderick out of Fort Abraham
Lincoln. The town had lynched his
younger brother only days before.
Roderick was there to find out who
and why, in a town of casual justice
and whisky-fast draws, a town that
waited for him to make his move.
WES Outlaws of Mesquite
L'Amour, Louis
Here are classic tales of frontier bad
men, and those who dared to challenge
WES Brand of a Texan
Lawrence, Steven C.
The rider on the gelding stared down at
the frontier town. It had changed a
great deal since he saw it last but then
so had he. His memories of the place
were bitter ones because it was here,
more than five years ago, that a mob
had beaten him for his Union
sympathies and then driven him out.
Well, now Ruel Crockett was coming
WES Ghost of a Gunfighter
Lee, Wayne C.
Dave Paxton had been serving as a
scout when he received the letter
saying that his uncle had been
murdered, three shots in the back by an
unknown killer. Now Paxton and his
brother, who he hadn't seen since
childhood, were to inherit their uncle's
land. Only Paxton wanted more than
that, he wanted revenge.
WES Gun Country
Lee, Wayne C.
Brent Clark is trapped into accepting a
deadly mission: He must get into wellguarded Gunsight Canyon, convince
pretty Virgie Kurtzman that she is
really heiress Virginia Pool, and
smuggle her out, willingly or
WES Connelly's Expedition
Loomis, Noel
Ross Phillips led the most ambitious
trading expedition from Mexico into
the United States and back. Fighting
the Comanche, the politicos, and
attacks by his rivals, he took out
bullion worth over three hundred
thousand dollars, and brought back
goods to the same value.
WES Beyond the Pass
Leighton, Lee
Young Robert Buel was a bounty
hunter, destined from birth to lead a
tough life. He didn't understand how
his father could give up roaming and
settle in a town like Dirken's Hole.
Then Buel was assigned to that same
town, to stake out some rustlers and
take them dead or alive. In that long,
cold winter, Robert Buel finally got to
know people, especially himself.
WES Hang the Men High
Loomis, Noel
"Vengeance is mine!" shouted the judge,
looking up at the twelve empty nooses on
the gallows. He turned to the hangman,
asking "Have they ever been used all at
once?" The hangman moistened his lips
as he whispered, "No, but I could do it.
And when I hang them, they never come
back for more."
WES Action at Arcanum
Mac Donald, William
Gregory Quist had a twister by the tail
when he took on a wild town called
Arcanum. He was a railroad
troubleshooter whose fame with gun
and fist had spread across the West.
When violent death claimed Vance
McAllister and his lovely young wife,
and a land-hungry killer threatened the
railroad right-of-way, Quist knew he
had a job to do. He rode into Arcanum
in a cloud of gun smoke to find the
killer and stop him before he struck
WES Big Ugly
Leighton, Lee
When he was a kid they called him Big
Ugly, among other things. Later the
gun in his hand bought a kind of
respect Bill learned he didn't like. But
by then he was a man, and a man can
do things a boy cannot.
WES The Riddle of Ramrod
Mac Donald, William
Ramrod Ridge was a ghost town and a
hideout for the dregs of the frontier
that no law-abiding community would
tolerate. Here Simon Crawford, a
tyrant who ruled with fear and illgotten wealth, held absolute power.
The trail that led Caliper and Nogales,
two footloose and reckless cowboys, to
Ramrod Ridge began when they
interrupted a necktie party where
Crawford's henchmen were trying to
extract the whereabouts of a cache of
stolen gold.
WES Rebel Ranger
Mac Donald, William C.
The valley was being torn apart by a
bloody feud. Rifles and six-shooters
exploded, lighting the night sky with
brilliant lances of flame. A man cursed,
the words choking abruptly in his throat.
A horse screamed and fell, tossing its
rider to the hoof-churned earth. The oncepeaceful Valley was now a scarred
battlefield. Into the midst of the fighting
walked Johnny Auburn, Texas Ranger,
with his six-shooter strapped to his thigh.
WES Scarlet Saddle
Macrae, Mason
When young Weston Day inherited the
biggest ranch in Skull Valley, he also
inherited an outsize load of trouble. Day's
ranch carried some mighty fine cattle, but
the land was coveted by his neighbor, a
sheep man, and in the west sheep and
cattle don't mix.
WES King of Crazy River
Mac Donald, William C.
Known to everyone as the King of
Crazy River, Big Vink Thorpe
certainly looked like a king. Tall,
handsome, open-hearted, a true
cattleman of the old type, he was
known and liked throughout the Crazy
River country. But one night he was
found dead, still clutching a poker
hand, three aces and two eights, of
sinister significance. Rance Duncan,
the murdered man's foreman, was
determined to avenge Thorpe's death.
And circumstances forced him to play
a lone hand in his search for the killer.
WES Slaughter & Son
Majors, E.
Bert Slaughter is a leather-tough field
detective for Wells Fargo, a man with a
thousand friends and even more enemies.
His son, Ben, carries a college education
and a gun. Together they go after Rance
Cutler, an outlaw who has terrorized the
southwest and now has cracked a string
of impregnable Wells Fargo safes. But
the father and son have an even stronger
reason to want Cutler's hide, he's the man
who murdered Bert's wife and got away
scot free.
WES Nightmare Trail
Majors, E. B.
WES The Baynes Clan: Kansas
Mc Cord, John S.
(Slaughter & Son, Book 2) Bert
Slaughter is a veteran field detective with
a hard-won reputation as the best there is;
son Ben has a college sheepskin and a
deadly trail instinct to boot. Together
they ride for Wells Fargo and for justice,
and fight any outlaw foolish enough to
take up their challenge.
With the Baynes, what you see is
generally what you get. And what people
have seen and gotten for years is a
family that doesn't look for trouble, but
never runs out of it. Cousin Rod Silvana
is a different story altogether. With
Darnell Baynes's cultured nephew, what
you see is the exact opposite of what you
get. He seems like an easy mark in a card
game, but he's made more money and
enemies playing poker than he can count.
And he looks like a man you can push
around, but a group of cattle rustlers is
about to find out that he fights like a
WES O'Rourke's Revenge
Martin, L. J.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-0891)). Sentenced to death for
killing a man in a gunfight, hottempered gunslinger Ryan O'Rourke
heads south to seek refuge in Mexico
where, deep in the Huaqui Mountains,
he encounters both his worst enemy
and his ultimate destiny.
WES Wyoming Giant
Mc Cord, John S.
In his new position at a New York law
firm, Luke Baynes finds himself a
pawn in the Tammany Hall scandal,
appointed as a federal judge by greedy
power brokers.
WES Wolf Mountain
Martin, L. J.
(Also available in regular print
(AN-0284)). Brothers Colin and
Kevin McQuade risk everything as
they prepare to drive two hundred head
of cattle through hostile territory
swarming with Crazy Horse's Oglala
Sioux and Sitting Bull's Hunkpapa
Sioux to the 5th Infantry at the Tongue
River, a task complicated by a bloody
Indian war, a dangerous St. Louis
gambler, and a young woman pursued
by a wealthy man's thugs.
WES Texas Pride
Mc Guire, Tim
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1949)). When gambler and conartist Rance Cash wins a pile of cash and
a champion racehorse named Lone Star
in a high-stakes poker game, he garners
the hatred of Don Pedro Cuellar de
Meyor, a wealthy landowner who claims
that Lone Star is his property.
WES Blood on the Sun
Merriman, Chad
There was the Indian chief's daughter
who had been ravished. There was the
chief himself, who swore vengeance.
There was the renegade who hated red
men and white men alike. There was
Rita, the spitfire from the cultured
East, who trusted no man. And there
was Starbright, the guide who feared
less a thousand Indians than the bite of
Rita's lashing tongue. This is a thrilling
novel of violence, hatred and justice,
along the Oregon Trail.
kept their mouths shut and locked their
doors. It looked as though Hack would
have to find the killers by himself.
WES Ride West for War
Merriman, Chad
Early in the Civil War, many states in
the West hadn't taken sides: in certain
wealthy mining areas, the scale could
be tipped one way or the other. And so
long as a territory remained neutral,
unscrupulous characters could exploit
the situation. When this exploitation
included the shipment of arms, then
the army had good cause to
investigate, but not openly. Which is
how Lt. Tracy Dalton found himself in
Oregon disguised as a mining
WES Hard Country
Merriman, Chad
Hob Loman had been green when they
killed his dad. Now he was grown, big,
hard, fearless as his father before him.
He rode into Dalles City wearing his
vengeance like a badge, his gun
triggered for action. Only later did his
partner figure that Hob knew all along
what he'd find there, the three men
who'd hung Burley Loman.
WES Rogue River
Merriman, Chad
Gold had been discovered where the
Rogue and Illinois Rivers spilled into
the Pacific. Miners' shacks lined the
beach and the town of Sebastopol
steadily grew. Luke Prine journeyed
into Crescent City once a week
carrying gold dust and mail. Then
Luke got a warning. Someone had
been trading guns for Indian girls.
WES Night Killer
Merriman, Chad
Hack Sumpter made it to Silver City.
Bushwhacked, robbed, and left for
dead in the desert, he had no right to
be alive. There had been a lot of
robberies in Silver City lately, and the
dead victims couldn't identify their
murderers. The citizens of Silver City
WES Comanche Trail
Miller, Jim
Comanche wars have consumed Texas
like prairie fire, from Linville to San
Antonio. And Mexican renegades have
kidnapped Nate Callahan's wife and
young son. Nate faces some mighty
long odds. Good thing he gets some
help in the shape of a posse of Texas
rangers, and the dead-eye, multipleshot Walker-Paterson Colt revolver.
WES Red Buffalo
Mitchum, Hank
Del Harrigan had hung up his guns for
a bible, but the outlaws of Red Buffalo
bring his past back to life.
WES For the Norden Boys
Nesbitt, John D.
(Also available in regular print
(AC-0194)). Down-on-his-luck Tom
Atkins accepts a job on a small ranch
owned by the Norden brothers. Soon,
Tom begins to notice small but
troubling things. The townsfolk don't
seem too friendly to the Nordens, and
some of their neighbors are downright
rude. It's not long before Tom realizes
exactly what he's gotten himself into
by working for the Norden boys.
WES Riding Shotgun
Miller, Jim
Gold Fever sweeps California. And
now Finn Callahan is riding shotgun
on shipments of the precious metal.
But greedy outlaws have grabbed
Finn's woman, Tally. Bushwhacking,
robbing, murdering, they're after more
than just a load of gold. Finn's steelhard mind has to figure the mystery,
while his Colt Dragoon revolver
confronts the killers.
WES Bullet Lease
Newton, D. B.
Croy Roth's hatred for young Branch
Kindred drove him to desperate
measures. First he got Kindred kicked
out of his job as ramrod of Anchor.
Then he got him thrown in jail on a
trumped up charge. He made three
savage attempts to kill him. Kindred
rolled with each blow, came back
bloody but unbowed. He had a job to
do in Rock River, and come hell or
Croy Roth he was going to tame this
bullet range.
WES Gallows for a Gunman
Miller, Rod
(Also available in regular print
(AR-1806)). When Harlow
Mackleprang, who raped, murdered,
and pillaged his way through the West,
returns to Los Santos to rob a bank and
kill an innocent man, he is captured and
sentenced to die, and the townspeople
share their stories of his unspeakable
crimes on the eve of his hanging.
WES Guns of Warbonnet
Newton, D. B.
to leap for safety, but he was too late. The
wagon went completely over in a
smashing of timbers, and Dan's skull
made crushing contact with something.
Ed Martin was returning to his old home
in Warbonnet. Eleven years before he had
been falsely accused of a crime,
horsewhipped, and driven out. But now
he was coming back as a U. S. Marshal to
find out just what was going on in a
community that seemed poised on the
brink of a full-scale range war. Killer
Mort Browder was part of the picture, the
man was capable of almost anything. But
Browder couldn't work alone.
WES The Oregon Rifles
Newton, D. B.
Young Barney Stansel had run away
from home to join the Oregon Rifles,
volunteer soldiers pitted against
thousands of marauding Indians
terrorizing the Northwest Territories.
After an Indian raid that nearly wiped out
his entire company, Barney, badly
wounded, was left for dead. Rescued by
the only other survivor, he had to make a
bitter choice. The man who saved him
was a deserter, and to stick with him
meant being branded with the same iron.
WES Hideout Valley
Newton, D. B.
Jim Bannister did not look like someone
on the dodge who had seen his way of
life destroyed and himself hounded by all
the power of a million dollar combine.
For now, under the assumed name of Jim
Bryan, he was temporary marshal in
Morgan Valley, until he found his own
Wanted poster lying on the floor of his
WES The Oxbow Deed
Newton, D. B.
Two ex-jailbirds rode into Oxbow
Valley one day, a used-up and tired old
cattle thief and a young robber with a
vicious temper who trusted no one.
And these were the good guys! They
had come to reclaim the old-timer's
Cross K, which was still good grazing
land and now apparently stocked with
Luke Blaine's herds from his vast
Broken Arrow spread. The two
planned to settle a legal issue and start
respectable new lives. Some people,
though, weren't too happy to see this
kind of men settle down as neighbors,
and they displayed their feelings with
well-aimed bullets.
WES Shotgun Freighter
Newton, D. B.
The sleet had turned to snow. Soon every
landmark, even the trail itself, was
completely lost; Dan felt as though he
were on a blind treadmill that was
soundless except for this howling fury.
Disaster, when it struck, gave no warning
at all. With visibility at zero, he had no
hint of the near fall-off of the ground
until the rear wagon wheel dropped from
under him. He tried, at the last moment
WES Ride the Red Sun Down
Nicholson, Thom
Martin Keller wasn't always a bounty
hunter whose infamy reached from
Colorado Territory to Mexico. Only
after soulless Al Hulett murdered
Keller's wife and son did he turn to
tracking killers. And any bounty he
collects goes toward finding Hulett,
and exacting some long-overdue
vengeance. But when a wound holds
Keller up, he removes the blinders
long enough to take in the welcome
sight of his nurse, young widow
Caroline Thompson.
toward a showdown he'd never
wanted. The law of the gun was still
with Ben Reifel, and he began to
wonder if it wouldn't always be, at
least until he was six feet under.
WES Gringo
Nye, Nelson
Nobody knew what cards Walt Parras
held in the dirty game going on at the
Romero Ranch, but the safest way to
avoid a surprise was to get rid of him
fast. When he went to rep for Romero
at Madigan's roundup, Parras was
assigned a cowhand who would
backshoot him for sure, but they had
not reckoned on Parras' will to live.
WES Come A-Smokin'
Nye, Nelson
Young rancher Grete Marratt sat stonefaced and tight-lipped when the judge
asked him why he had shot Deputy
Marshal Hugh Clagg in cold blood.
With no defense, he was found guilty
and sent to Yuma for life. But Marratt
escaped, and, with the law at his heels,
stepped into another man's identity.
WES Gunfight at the O.K.
Nye, Nelson
That deadly day in Tombstone, Wyatt
Earp, the most famed and notorious of
lawmen, joined forces and stood gun
by gun with Doc Holliday, the most
feared gambler and badman in the
West. It was the strangest alliance the
old frontier had ever known, and it
reached a bloody climax at the
infamous O.K. Corral.
WES Desert of the Damned
Nye, Nelson
The exploding vengeance of a man
who had lost everything but his
innocence, this time, Ben Reifel
decided, he was really hanging up his
gun. Then a man named Breen put the
law on him for a killing he'd never
done, and he found himself riding
WES The Clifton Contract
Nye, Nelson
Twenty-five hundred dollars. That's
what they offered gunman Ridge
Butler. The job seemed fairly easy:
seek out a certain rancher, and kill
him. But, suddenly, the picture
changed. First, Ridge had his money
stolen, and then he found himself, not
his intended victim, lined up in the
sights of a rifle.
North had been framed for murder by a
back-stabber named Towner. Every
minute he spent on the dodge, North
was busy planning his revenge.
WES Trouble at Quinn's
Nye, Nelson
When the little drummer rode his
wagon into Quinn's Crossing, few
could have foreseen the load of trouble
it carried. The product Horatio Gill
brought to Quinn's Crossing had
sparked many a range war. Gill's goal
in life was to sell barbed wire, and he
didn't care what happened to the
people he sold it to.
WES The Seven Six-Gunners
Nye, Nelson
Any man who had fought in the
Chisum-Murphy feud was bound to
have some enemies and Flick Farsom
was no exception. But if Flick was
looking for a quiet place to hole up in,
Tombstone was not the healthiest spot
he could have chosen. Hidden in the
Arizona mountains were three million
dollars in plunder, and seven people
bound and determined to get their
hands on it. Sure Flick wanted a piece
of that treasure for himself. The only
trouble was the other people looking
for it didn't much care who they had to
kill to get it.
WES Gunfighter Breed
Nye, Nelson C.
This is a fast-moving, slam-bang
western yarn based on the actual
records of the notorious Black Jack
Ketchum gang which used to rob the
trains of the Rock Island Railroad. It
takes place in the days when guns were
for hire by any man who could pay the
price, and when the boldness of the
outlaws gave men an excuse to take
the law into their own hands.
WES The Sure-Fire Kid
Nye, Nelson
A bleak-eyed man with a fast gun hand
and an even faster temper, Luke North
was on the run from the law. Although
he had killed a lot of men in his day,
WES Gunshot Trail
Nye, Nelson C.
From the pen of one of America's
finest writers of Westerns comes this
suspense-packed narrative of the early
days of the range wars between the
cattle kings and the sheepherders. Into
this seething feud came "Black" Clem
Andros, whose fearsome legend made
men gun-shy. Both sides wanted to
hire him, but they found it took more
than money to buy his gun.
WES The Stalking Moon
Olsen, Theodore V.
Sam Vetch didn't know that his wife
had been the woman of Salvaje, the
Ghost, and that she had borne two sons
by the Apache chieftain. When Salvaje
came to claim his own, the duel began.
A deadly contest between two men of
strong will, courage, and different
standards of honor, a duel that must
end in tragedy.
WES Buckskin Man
Overholser, Wayne D.
WES Ranger's Revenge
Nye, Nelson C.
Ranger Dan Waggoner rode into the
flaming maelstrom of an entire country
gone mad with fear and greed.
Knifings and shootings were the law of
the land. Nothing could stop the gang
that ruled the Tonto Territory, unless a
man took the law into his own hands.
Dan Waggoner did.
He was a hard-muscled, long-boned man
with a face burned to bronze by sun and
wind. His buckskin shirt was darkened by
dirt and age; his black hat had two bullet
holes in it. There was a knife strapped to
his left side, a .45 Colt on his right side,
and a Winchester rifle on his saddle. Rafe
Dolan was a legend. Maybe too much of
a legend.
WES By Gun and Spur
Overholser , Wayne D.
Ben Sarboe was tired of risking his life
to protect other people. So he gave it
up, but now trouble was stirring once
more, and Ben didn't know if he was
ready to take up a gun again. He was
also tired of drifting aimlessly through
every dusty town and outlaw village in
the West. It was time for him to make
a decision: put himself out to pasture
for good, or grab the reins, and spit in
the face of danger.
WES Saddle Bow Slim
Nye, Nelson C.
When Whit Brown first rode into town,
he made two mistakes. He reported a
corpse he'd found on the trail and he ran
afoul of Curly Bill Graham and his yesman Marshal Ben Brush. The corpse was
one of Curly Bill's gunmen and Whit had
no alibi. After Brush threw him in jail,
Whit knew he was in bad trouble. Brush
gave Whit one chance to make his break
for life, but there was a hitch, the only
escape route was a dead-end alley.
WES Golden Empire
Owen, Dean
In the remote mountains of Southern
California, the Rio Kid unearthed a
nightmare conspiracy. A powerful, evil
master was forcing helpless Chinese
workers into barbarous slave camps.
Torture and death awaited any man
who challenged his maniacal dreams.
But the Rio Kid vowed to squash this
rising Empire of Doom.
WES Ambush Canyon
Paine, Lauran
U.S. Marshal Bob Fulton was an
officer who let trouble come to him
before he moved to squelch it. But in
the case of Big Jim Morton's scheme
to involve the other cattlemen in a
range war with Travis Quayle's tough
Texans, Fulton waited almost too long.
Raiders struck Quayle's camp,
stampeded his herd and shot down
three of his men. Suddenly Marshal
Fulton found himself squarely between
two trigger-itchy factions of cowmen
sworn to destroy one another, and
when the gunsmoke cleared, Fulton
had learned his biter lesson, never wait
for trouble.
WES Point of a Gun
Owen, Dean
When his riders had cut the rope
holding the dead man to the beam,
Matt Kevney stood for a long moment
gazing at the agonized face. He had
not known Dave Temple very long, but
now Kevney had to avenge his
lynching. That it was the work of Sam
Justin's hired killers there was no
WES Apache Trail
Paine, Lauran
Will Graham had inscrutable blue,
unsmiling eyes and an air of quiet
strength. To Karen Maxwell he was
the embodiment of Arizona itself,
patient and strong and powerful. Even
though she had been raised in the state,
Karen was still not altogether at home
there, and in the same way could not
quite understand Will. One of his most
incomprehensible traits was his
impassiveness in the face of the
Apache threat, a threat Karen had
learned to fear since earliest childhood.
But when the Apaches hit the warpath,
this quality would prove to be one of
Will's greatest assets.
WES All Men are Strangers
Paine, Lauran
He was a man who had been groomed
for violence, raised in the ways of the
turbulent West. Life had made him as
hard as iron and as wily as an old wolf.
He went in search of a cold killer and
found, something incredible.
WES Outlaw Town
Paine, Lauran
When Sheriff Abner Wright went after
a bank-robbing outlaw, he had another
purpose as well for taking to the trail.
He'd heard rumors over the years of a
town owned and operated by outlaws,
and he wanted to lay them to rest. But
what Abner found back in the
primitive mountains opened his eyes in
a number of ways.
WES The Lost Trail
Paine, Lauran
Town Marshal Will Chance had a twobit stage robbery to investigate. What
he discovered involved the richest and
biggest cowman in Morgan Valley,
and that man's long-kept secret. Before
the smoke finally settled, Will had
dead men to bury, and a beautiful
woman to break bad news to.
WES The Outcast
Paine, Lauran
WES Rogue River Cowboy
Paine, Lauran
To Bess Benton, the big stranger riding
into Eureka on a loose rein was just
another cowboy, distinguished only by
his irritating arrogance. She did not see
in Rufe Holt, whose parents lay buried
nearby, a nemesis in spurs; a man
come back to avenge the dead and
solve an ancient mystery.
He saw it as he came out of the arroyo, a
sickening redness of the lowering sky.
There was a running sore of flame and
wreckage against the deep-brooding
night. The cabin and barn were blazing.
He saw it with a stunned horror that was
almost suffocating. He ran and ran. His
father was outside, face down, sprawled
and shot dead, shot three times. He never
saw his mother, for she was in the log
house. But he knew what had happened
to her.
WES The Free-Graze War
Paine, Lauran
Established ranchers regarded freegrazers as jackals of the cow-country,
and wherever they roamed trouble
flared up. Buck Handley and Hoyt
McElroy were two such men and when
they pushed over three thousand cattle
into the Devil's Punch Bowl, old Jethro
Graeme told them to get out. Then lead
WES The Saddlegun Man
Paine, Lauran
When Marshal Gil Stevens' territory was
invaded by a band of very clever
renegades, he had the devil's own time of
it trying to figure out how they worked,
why they remained out in the
countryside, how they escaped, and,
ultimately, who they were. Gil had begun
to suspect he would never find them
when an old cowman named Rufus Irons
was savagely beaten.
WES The Time of the Texan
Paine, Lauran
pragmatic cowman, and until he
discovered that some long yearling
replacement heifers had been rustled, he
had demonstrated nothing but everyday
cow-savvy. But after that, when he found
the rustlers and uncovered a scheme he
could scarcely believe, he became
something different: a manhunter.
In the Old West, the peril to South Texas
from Mexican marauders was a constant
danger. Men retired for the night with the
knowledge that next day they might arise
robbed of their livestock, left destitute, or
having to dig graves for their neighbors.
The Mexicans never forgave the Texans
for rebelling against Mexico and
establishing a republic of Texas or for
joining the United States. National
boundaries were violated, men killed, and
blood shed in South Texas.
WES Hunt the Man Down
Patten, Lewis B.
It all began with a raging snowstorm and
a woman's terrified scream. And
suddenly Mike Logan found himself
forced to flee for his life, accused of a
crime he never committed, and hunted by
a powerful rancher who vowed to shoot
him down like an animal. Enduring a
crippling wound, cold, hunger, and the
treachery of those he'd reckoned as
friends, Logan swore that if death was in
the cards, he'd also deal the hand of his
vicious pursuer.
WES The Trail Drive
Paine, Lauran
Burt Sommers was the DB rangeboss.
His riding crew consisted of Sut, Pete,
Jack and Morgan. By taking a mountain
pass as a shortcut, they could deliver
seventeen hundred head of upgraded bred
cows to Florence Basin in less time than
by using the regular trail. But in that
dark, overgrown canyon, they were
attacked by renegade whites and outlaw
Indians. Then they were all nearly killed
by a landslide. They buried Jack and
staggered on, and were attacked by
possemen who mistook them for
renegades. Every one of them emerged
from that canyon a different man.
WES The Law in Cottonwood
Patten, Lewis B.
Marshal Morgan Gaunt was worried.
Cottonwood, Kansas, was about to be
stampeded by the cattle drivers from
Texas, thirsty for liquor and hungry for
women. Their lusts were satisfied by an
influx of gamblers, barmen, and saloon
girls. Cottonwood needed the trade that
accompanied the cowboys, but trembled
at the hell that invariably broke loose. A
curfew and ban on firearms was declared,
an ordinance Gaunt knew he couldn't
WES The War-Wagon
Paine, Lauran
Dick Chase came from Nebraska to take
over his uncle's cow outfit when the old
man died. Dick was an experience,
WES Guns of Hell Valley
Prescott, John
WES Winter Kill
Roderus, Frank
Men aflame with hate, women with
violent homeward hungers, these were
the last desperate outcasts of bullet-torn
Lincoln County. Then, out of the dying
ashes of their vengeance, rose a gun king
who swore: "I'll bring you home from
Old Jug's been a ranch hand for more
years than he can remember, but he can
still ride and rope with the best of them.
When Jug uncovers a scheme to rustle
cattle from under his watch, someone
wants him out of the way and he's fired
from the only job he's ever known. Now,
Jug's going to find out who's responsible,
and show them just how much fight one
old cowboy has left.
WES The Renegade
Prescott, John
When Clay got out of jail he found the
country turned against him. Now Robey,
the man who had framed him for the
killing, had Clay over a barrel. He could
either ride for Robey or get out. Then
Clay found his best friend dead, shot in
the back by one of Robey's gunslingers.
Clay made his choice. He was going to
face Robey.
WES Expedition
Ross, Dana F.
Clay Holt leads a perilous expedition
up the Yellow River.
WES The Devil's Corral
Savage, Jr. Les
(Also available in regular print
(AL-0180)). Includes "The Devil's
Corral," in which an obstinate horse
named Devil gives Ed Ketland a run
for his money; "Satan Sits a Big
Bronc," in which a carpetbag governor
hires a gang of outlaws to enforce his
new laws; and "Senorita Scorpion," in
which Chisos Owens embarks on a
mission of revenge to find the
enigmatic Scorpion.
WES Left to Die
Roderus, Frank
The payroll belonging to Willow Creek's
miners has been stolen. A posse finds
Wes Johnson in possession of five
thousand dollars. They declare him guilty
and string him up. They're wrong and
fortunately for Wes, they're also careless.
He survives his own hanging and gets a
second chance. Now he's plotting his
revenge. And he'll have to stay one step
ahead because these self-appointed
executioners aren't likely to make the
same mistake twice.
WES Holster Law
Scott, Bradford
WES The Lonely Buckaroo
Scott, Leslie
Blaine Mason had just sold the Bar Six
ranch and left behind the coast with its
storms and its damp heat. He was
heading for a new home, perhaps in
the Panhandle, or in the Rio Grande
Valley. A brief stopover would give
him time to decide and to enjoy
himself. But then Blaine was drugged
and robbed of all his money.
Three hundred trigger-happy cowhands
are on a march from Texas to the cattle
market at Dodge City. Suddenly a herd
owner and his range boss were found
murdered. Suspicions flared. Trigger
fingers began itching. Nearly every
cowhand present was a Texan, and a
Texan isn't given to arguing with words.
WES Raiders of the Rio Grande
Scott, Bradford
"A belly full of lead for the man who
opens the door!" Slade muttered as he
looked through the cabin window and
saw the shotgun lashed to the table
rigged to blast when the door was
disturbed. "An old trick," the Ranger
thought, "deadly only if you're
careless." Standing out of the line of
fire, he smashed in the door with a log,
and the shotgun fired its load squarely
into a bundle of dynamite!
WES The Texan
Scott, Leslie
No one saw Justin Slone move. One
second his hands were empty, the next,
two blackened muzzles threatened
death! Justin Slone was the only man
in Tombstone with guts enough to call
the play of the notorious Brocius gang.
So Justin Slone was marked for death.
But he was an iron-hard Texan with
crushing fists and a greased-lightning
WES Rangers at Bay
Scott, Bradford
Shocked and enraged, Walt Slade read
the venomous editorial. His honor as a
Texas Ranger was tarnished by the
vicious, lying attack, but, as an
undercover agent, he could not protest.
He knew the slander was just another
weapon in the brewing range war. But
the attack turned personal when hot
lead whined at Slade from ambush.
WES Tascosa Gun
Shelton, Gene
When his boss's cattle are stolen, Jim
East becomes part of the west's biggest
manhunt, and begins his career as a
lawman. Little did Jim know that big
trouble was brewing.
WES Shadow Valley
Shirreffs, Gordon D.
Thirty-five of Drake Manning's
hardcases swept over Holt Cooper's
ranch like a plague of locusts. They
used wire cutters, bullets and fire.
When they were done the place was a
shambles. Then they went after
Cooper, but chasing him was like
chasing a phantom. Every time they
killed one of his cows he killed two of
theirs, but now Cooper was down to
his last load of cartridges, and
Manning's gunslingers prepared to
move in for the kill.
WES Saddle-Man
Stuart, Matt
Hell is brewing in Indio Basin and exMarshal Bruce Martell has the misfortune
of riding right into the middle of it.
WES Deadwood
Tompkins, Walker A.
Behind Vince Meade was the
harrowing memory of the massacre at
the Little Big Horn. Custer, the Boy
General, had left a legacy for him, a
mission of justice. Vince had to round
up a cowardly turncoat who bore the
blood of cavalrymen. Plunging into the
raw region that few returned from,
WES Deep Hills
Stuart, Matt
Vince found that the trail led to
Deadwood, where King Colt ruled with
hangman's rope and a bottle of rotgut.
In this blazing western story of range
warfare, cowman Britt Larkin of the
Deep Hills gambles his life to fight for
the homesteaders.
WES Lion of the Lavabeds
Tompkins, Walker A.
The Indian Kintupash was a foe
worthy of Bob Pryor, the Rio Kid. This
savage warrior combined subtle
cunning with lion-like courage as he
led his marauding band against the
white settlers. Pryor grudgingly
admired the enemy who was leading
him deeper and deeper into danger,
while a white traitor waited for a clear
shot at the Rio Kid's back.
WES Gun Law at Vermillion
Stuart, Matt
Vermillion was tough, a raw Nevada
frontier town where murderous hatreds
smoldered, where killers walked the
streets without fear of the law. There
was no law in Vermillion, not even a
sheriff. This is the story of Clay Orde,
who came to Vermillion wearing a gun
and looking for a man.
WES Siege at High Meadow
Trimble, Louis
Eight long years had not dulled the
hatred that Cordell held for Mont
Langsford. Eight long years had only
given the manhunter the chance to
track Langsford down, to get him with
his back to Boot Hill. Eight years of
pain and humiliation now looked down
the barrel of Cordell's carbine.
WES Buchanan's Revenge
Ward, Jonas
They said in Texas that Tom Buchanan
ate raw wildcat for breakfast and that
he was slow to anger like a rattler
dozing in the desert sun. But now
every saloon and dance hall had heard
the news: Buchanan was cleaning his
guns for the outlaws who had shot his
best friend in the back.
WES The Hostile Peaks
Trimble, Louis
Someone had stolen a shipment of
Army guns and ammunition, and that
could mean real trouble for the isolated
settlers in that mountainous territory.
Clint Larabee had been sent to find the
missing guns, but by the time he was
sure he knew where they were, there
didn't seem to be much he was likely
to be able to do about it.
WES The Gun and the Law
Wayne, Joseph
Deputy Sheriff Brady Royal, all alone,
had one purpose in life, to avenge the
death of his brother, his friend the sheriff,
and the innocent people who were all
murdered by two killers. A bullet through
the heart was too tame. He wanted to
watch the killers swing. One was as sly
and dangerous as a wolf. The other was a
madman with the cunning of a rattler.
They knew that their only chance to stay
alive was to kill Brady Royal. They
roamed the empty land, and only his gun
could stop them.
WES Buchanan's Gamble
Ward, Jonas
The killers had taken over the town,
lock, stock, and barrel, and they
weren't going to leave until there was
nothing left to loot. They had the bank
and the saloon and the sheriff's office
and the poker game. And you had to
like it or you ended up dead. But
Buchanan didn't like it.
WES Gunsmoke: Blizzard of
West, Joseph A.
Indians, relentless bushwackers, and a
former frontier lawman bent on
revenge to rescue a local doctor and
his daughter.
Marshal Matt Dillon and all of the other
favorites from the long-running TV show
are standing tall in this brand-new
Western adventure series. A shoot-out on
the trail has left Deputy Festus badly
wounded and Matt with a broken leg.
Back in Dodge City, the Cattleman's
Bank has been robbed, there are dead
bodies in the street, and the bandits have
escaped. Barely able to walk, Marshal
Dillon is determined to lead the posse.
WES Rattlesnake Range
West, Tom
Brick Riley has come to Painted Rock
because he'd heard there was a
shooting feud storming up between the
cattle ranchers and the sodbusting
homesteaders. That kind of situation
was ideal for Riley; he was a hired
gun, and it wasn't long before he had a
job with the Circle C. They stationed
him on the only reliable waterhole for
miles around, to run the nesters off.
But when Riley saw how poor the
families were, he couldn't stomach the
WES Gunsmoke: The Reckless
West, Joseph A.
Marshal Matt Dillon's session with a
fortune-teller, who sees blood,
betrayal, and violent death in his future
is interrupted by gunfire. Outside,
wealthy rancher Colonel Roberts lies
wounded, shot by Tom Gillespie as
payback for the massacre of thirtythree Confederate prisoners, including
Gillespie's father, and the theft of more
than thirty thousand dollars in Yankee
WES Renegade Roundup
West, Tom
Burt Craig was riding with the wolves,
and he didn't much like the company.
He'd joined that bandit gang in hopes
of getting back his own stake, and so
far all he'd got was the chance to ride
in another holdup, and maybe stop
lead, or get hung if he got caught.
Who'd ever swallow his story?
WES Shootout at Picture Rock
West, Joseph A.
(Also available in regular print
(AR-2206)). U.S. Marshal John
Kilcoyn and his friend, county sheriff
Bat Materson, battle against renegade
WES The Buzzard's Nest
West, Tom
The place was called Copper Valley,
but the treasure it held was in gold and
greenbacks. The outlaw who had
stolen and hidden it was floating in the
Rio Grande with a knife in his back.
The stranger who was searching for it
met seven devious men, all driven by
maddening greed. And the law stood
by, unable to halt the inevitable clash.
WES Massacre Basin
Wynne, Frank
"When I'm gone the wolves will come
out of their holes and gang up on Hat."
Such was the prophecy by which Nora
Parrott had inherited the mighty Parrott
Hat ranch, and by which her foreman,
Clay Sebastian, was bound. And they
knew who would lead the wolves;
Buck DeSpain, whose methods were
wilier but equally ruthless.
WES Thunder Brakes
Wilson, Cherry
The February blizzard was raging
around the little depot of Blue Buttes
like a wild monster. Tex Rankin and
his cowboy partner, the earnest Dell
Young, were awaiting the midnight
train to whisk them down south. Then
the wind blew in a slim young girl,
June Hale, who was looking for two
men to help on her ranch, the Curly Q,
while she went to attend to her injured
father. Moved by her plight, Tex and
Dell agreed. They watched her board
the train going south, and then heard
that the Curly Q was about to go