the venetic language in ancient britain
the venetic language in ancient britain
THE VENETIC LANGUAGE IN ANCIENT BRITAIN Translation of the Non-Latin Text on a Metal Pendant at Aquae Sulis in Roman Britain showing that it was in Venetic Andres P ä ä b o This paper translates, using Adriatic Venetic, a sentence among Roman British texts at Aquae Sulis that is not in Latin. Aquae Sulis was the name of the location, today at Bath, England, where the Romans developed Roman baths and a temple around natural hot springs there. Archeology has found located there, 130 writings on small sheets of lead written in Roman British Latin and containing requests from the goddess of the hot springs to bring bad luck upon people who had wronged the writer of the message –such as an unknown thief of a possession. But there is ONE inscription not on a sheet of lead, and written in another language onto a pe ndant ,andwhi c hs c hol ar sbe l i e v ei si n“Br ittonic Ce l t i c ”.Be c aus eIs pe nty e ar si nt e r pr e t i ng the Venetic inscriptions of ancient northern Italy, and saw patterns used in writing on thin bronze sheets at shrines to goddess Rhea, I was quickly able to decipher this text and found it NOT to be Brittonic Celtic, but quite Venetic-like, which my earlier deciphering of Adriatic Venetic revealed to be Finnic in nature. This paper translates the mystery text and finds that the visitor to the baths appears to have given the pendant as an offering to the goddess in exchange for a long life to the Veneti king. We conclude by exploring the possibility that the Venetic language in its original Finnic form as determined in the Adriatic inscriptions was established in Britain in the centuries before the Romans. ______________________ 1.1 Introduction Aquae Sulis was the name of a small town in Roman Britain, which is today the city of Bath, Somerset, England. Before the Roman conquest of Britain there was a large natural hot spring at that location which appears to have been celebrated by the native British and where apparently a goddess was worshipped that Romans say was called Sulis. The Romans were attracted to these natural springs, the only one with hot water, not long after their arrival in Britain in 43AD. According to archeologists, the Roman military road, Fosse Way, crossed the river Avon near the site. The Romans, with their institution of Roman baths, took the liberty of developing the location for that purpose, preserving the original celebration of the goddess Sulis there, but viewing her also in the form of the Roman goddess Minerva. A temple was also developed around the baths. It is easy to imagine that Roman Britons –officials and military –dominated attendance at the baths, and that native British who went there had to adapt to the Roman Baths practices. 1 The town that developed around the site is believed to have been a religious settlement. Were the buildings private dwellings or intended to accommodate pilgrims to the temple and baths? That has been debated. The Roman development of the area continued until the Romans departed from Britain about 410AD, after which it appears violence erupted and the Roman developments fell into disrepair. The site was rediscovered by archeologists since the 18th c e nt ur ya ndi ti snowoneofBa t h’ s major attractions. There is a Roman Baths Museum there now, which include artifacts like stone sculptures, excavated remains of the main temple courtyard, and the Roman Baths themselves including the original Roman Great Bath fed by the hot spring through lead pipes. Proof that Latin-speaking Roman British dominated the use of the site through the several centuries of Roman rule, can be found in the 130 lead tablets that has been found with a Roman writing on them. The writing is in vulgar British Latin. Since scholars know Latin, they have been able to decipher the writings and found them to be in the not uncommon Roman practice of asking deities to curse people who have wronged the writer. The lead tablets are small and rectangular and actually made of lead alloyed with tin. Some were cast under pressure into thin flexible sheets with a smooth paper-like finish. Others were hammered thin from a molten lump. Being thin, the texts, in Roman capitals or cursive script could be inscribed by pressure from a stylus. As I said, the messages at Bath invite the deity to curse people who had wronged the worshipper. They generally express distain towards some known or unknown person who has wronged the writer. Often a regular visitor to the baths might have some possession stolen while in the baths. And example of a request to Minerva/Sulis to curse a culprit is “Mayhewho carried off Vilbia from me become liquid as the water. May she who so obscenely devoured her become dumb”Al l130i ns c r i pt i onsont hes ma l lt hi nl e a ds he e t sa r es uc hc ur s e s . However there is ONE piece of writing that is not in Latin, and is not even written on a lead t a bl e t .I th a sbe e na s s ume dt hewr i t i ngi si n“ Br ittonic Celtic” .It is written on a metal pendant and probably had to be inscribed ahead of time. In spite of it being so out of character with the 130 thin lead tablets, scholars have assumed the writing on this pendant is a curse too and have attempted to decipher it as such, using Celtic. The sentence reads: ADIXOUI DEUINA DEIEDA ANDGIN UINDIORIX CUAMENAI Translations of it include the following: May I, Windiorix for/at Cuamena defeat the worthless woman, o divine Deieda This translation is based on Celtic interpretations as follows: Windiorix –nominative masculine subject (literally windo ‘ f a i r -he a de d’ rix ‘ ki ng ’ ) Dewina Deieda – nominative/vocative feminine (deiada ‘ g odde s s ’ ) ;Andagin –ac c us a t i vef e mi ni ne‘ woma n’ ; Cuamenai –locative/dative feminine of Cuamena. Modern linguists will say that the mere ability to find word matches has little value, since human languages have a limited number of vocal sounds and every language, with manipulation can get results. What counts is the result. The truth is assessed by the meaningfulness of the result and the absence of manipulations to make the sentence work. False interpretations will tend towards inappropriate or absurd sentences which need to be poetically manipulated to even make sense. So the resulting interpretation is what we have to assess. Is it probable that a pendant would have on it May I, Windiorix for/at Cuamena defeat the worthless woman, o divine Deieda? Compare it with the result I will arrive at Let us give, to add to, to You Divine-one (ie 2 Sulis), for the Veneti-king to live long which I will argue is more natural for an object that does not follow the Roman practice in any way, when we consider similar prayers to a goddess in the Adriatic Venetic world. Before we attempt to analyze the Aquae Sulis pendant inscription from the point of view of it being in Venetic of the time, we first have to elaborate on the nature of the ancient Venetic language, particularly in Brittany and Britain. 1.2 Background: The Nature of Ancient Venetic ’ I have already spent years deciphering the Venetic inscriptions found in northern Italy and dating to before the Roman Empire, and which I published in VENETIC LANGUAGE An Ancient Language from a New Perspective: FINAL.1. In my deciphering of the Adriatic inscriptions, I managed to approach it with direct analysis and found Venetic was Finnic. This is not strange given the Adriatic Veneti were agents of Baltic amber and there was a long history of carrying on amber trade from the Finnic speaking Baltic coast, to the southeast European civilizations. The major difficulty with ancient Venetic, is that the Veneti name occurs in the historical record in many places and forms–in ancient Greek Eneti or Henetoi, in more recent history in forms like Wendi, Venta, Vindo, etc. Traditionally academics have explained it in terms of migrations of an Indo-European language farming people. But with such distance and time between the various colonies, the various manifestation would diverge quickly from lack of contact. This problem of divergence is solved if we regard the ancient Veneti as long distance traders regularly in contact with one another over long distances. They would be descended from the aboriginal boat peoples who emerged in prehistoric times in northern Europe out of the a r c he ol og i c a l’ “ Ma g l e mos e “c ul t ur e .Not a bl yt heVeneti/Eneti probably first emerged as traders travelling to Asia Minor with mainly furs and Baltic amber, since archeologists have found Baltic amber dating to before 3000BC in tombs in Babylon and in Mycenean Greece since before 2000BC. Since the prehistoric peoples in the north can be associated with Finnic language and a nomadic boat-culture (dugouts originally) it is not difficult to connect the language of the Venetic language to Finnic, especially since in Finnic Estonian the word vene means boats, and the plural genitive is venede,a ndc a nbeus e da s‘ ( pe opl e )oft heboa t s ’ .TheFi nni cLi v oni a ns only some centuries ago used the term Venede f ort hos e“ We nds ”l oc a t e df i r s twhe r eVe nt a River is today, and later where Cesis is today. They used the word also for Votes (shippers carrying wares along the Russian rivers down to the Black Sea whose Estonian name Vadja sounds like vedaja ‘ a g e nt soft r a ns por t i ng ’ ) Being of Estonian descent and having been raised in Estonian, the amber trade story along with archaeological finds of two amber routes in pre-Roman times descending from the Baltic to the Adriatic Veneti, suggested to me that there was a pretty good chance that if I were to tackle trying to decipher the Adriatic Venetic inscriptions, that it would look quite Finnic in nature. But to avoid forcing Finnic onto the inscriptions, I tried a new methodology –trying first to interpret some of the simplest inscriptions directly from the archaeological contexts in which they were found, starting with an inscription accompanying a picture of a peasant or hunter handing a distinguished looking man a duck. If you read my summary of it in VENETIC LANGUAGE 1 A very controversial study because it achieved much more extensive results, hence undermining traditional attempts to interpret the Adriatic inscriptions by forcing Latin or Slovernian onto it, which is the wrong approach in a n c i e ntwr i t i n gde c i ph e r i n g .Th ebookc a nbev i e we da ta c a de mi a . e duort h ea u t h or ’ swe bpa g ea twww. pa a bo. c a 3 you wi l ls e ehowIdi r e c t l yde t e r mi ne dt hei ns c r i pt i one s s e nt i a l l ys a i d‘ Le tr e ma i nt ot he‘ Pa pa ’a duc k’Byd i r e c t l yt r a ns l a t i ngs e ve r a ls uc hne a r l yobvi ousi ns c r i pt i ons ,Iwa sa bl et oge tl e v e r a g e to decipher more –using the technique that if we can translate all words in a sentence except one, the context of the known words will reveal the unknown. Again and again the results produced Finnic patterns in word stems and grammar, so that near the end of the project I was able to even do a comparison of Venetic, Finnish and Estonian grammar. I leave it to the reader to evaluate the work yourself, since the academic literature wants to ignore this departure from deeply entrenched views that Venetic was Indo-European.2 In my analysis in VENETIC LANGUAGE one group of inscriptions were done on bronze sheets and objects left at a sanctuary to the Venetic goddess. This is the reason I bring the Adriatic Venetic inscriptions into this analysis of the unusual Aquae Sulis inscription on the pendant. There are remarkable similarities. After completing my interpretation of the Adriatic Venetic inscriptions, I needed to determine if the language of the Brittany Veneti was the same, and I began scanning archeological papers for grave markers dating to the Roman era or earlier, to see if they contained Venetic. But before we look at my results, let us review one of the ancient Adriatic Venetic inscriptions that was written for a goddess. We will find that the Aquae Sulis pendant inscription has many similarities, especially the way it addresses a goddess. 1.3 Adriatic Venetic inscriptions to their goddess Rhea, as a forerunner for the non-Roman inscription at Aquae Sulis. The writing of messages to a goddess on thin metal sheets already existed before the rise of the Romans among the Veneti, and it is likely the Romans inherited it from Veneti or maybe Etruscans who were their neighbours in centuries BC. It is possible that the Romans converted the hopeful prayers to curses as a reaction to the earlier traditions among a different people? The inscribed objects found in northern Italy and attributed to the ancient Adriatic Veneti before the rise of the Romans, involved the writing of hopeful messages to a goddess on thin sheets of metal. The Adriatic Veneti wrote to the goddess Rhea, using thin bronze sheets and the Venetic language and alphabet. The Adriatic Venetic inscriptions on thin bronze sheets came from the sanctuary archeology uncovered at Baratela near Este. The bronze sheets were about 15x10 to 20x15cm in size, and writing was pressed into them with a stylus. Because of the similarity to the writing to Sulis/Minerva on thin metal at Aquae Sulis, it is worth my reviewing in more detail here what I discovered in regards to the similar Adriatic Venetic practices of writing messages to Rhea. Objects with inscriptions already written on them could be left as well, thus. Leaving an object like a pendant, with inscription pre-written, would be acceptable too. (But I believe that most objects left at such sites, having practical value, were stolen or scavenged and there is little for archeologists to find.) It looks like the person who left the pendant of Aquae Sulis was well versed in the Venetic tradition, and by the inscription being NOT in coarse Latin, that visitor was defying Roman practices of making it a curse and writing it in Latin. I wonder if the pendant was actually hidden, not found among the coarse Roman curses on lead. The following is a good example of the Adriatic Venetic hopeful prayer on a bronze sheet left near Este from my analysis in VENETIC LANGUAGE 2 Finnic is NON-Indo-European, part of the Uralic language family, and completely different from IndoEuropean, so this is not a case of using anything previously done from the Indo-European point of view. 4 NORTHERN ITALY CENTURIES BC. EXAMPLE VENETIC INSCRIPTION ON BRONZE SHEET IN PRE-ROMAN TIMES 6.D)[vda.]n[.]vo.l.t[iio.n.]mno.s.[do]na.s.tokela.g.[s.]to$ LLV-Es27] o.p[vo].l.tiiolen[o] - [MLV-12A, The text above represents the Venetic alphabet, transformed into small case Roman alphabet including the dots within the Venetic. The [] represent reconstructions of faded or missing pieces based on similar texts in other inscriptions , and | represents ac h a n g ei nd i r e c t i o n .Th e$i nmya n a l y s i sr e p r e s e n t sal o n gSa si nEn g l i s h“ h i s s ” . Th et e x t i sc o n t i n u o u sb u t c o mp a r i s o nwi t h the body of inscriptions allows us to introduce word spaces and the results would be vda.n vo.l.tiio.n.mno.s. ke $a.i.nate.i. re.i.tiia.i. o.p vo.l.tiio leno These tablets/sheets were inscribed at a shrine to the goddess Rhea, probably accompanying a burnt offering. All the texts indicate that something is being conveyed up into the sky to join the goddess Rhea there. The Veneti appear to have believed that the spirit or essence of something was conveyed to the heavens via smoke. In my study, which deciphered the inscriptions from first principles and found it was in a Finnic language, yielded meaningful results for most of the complete sentence inscriptions, and we found solid results for this inscription. ‘ I convey into the heavens-going the bringing (ie offering I bring) also gift to join you divine Rhea --- up to the heavens fly!’ (See my document THE VENETIC LANGUAGE for detailed description of the analysis) The sanctuaries of the Adriatic Veneti would be physically defined by fencings or walls to set them apart from the regular urban environment. Inside the sanctuary space one would find the facilities –including pillars, statues, pedestals, etc - for practicing the religion whether it be processions, rituals, prayers, offerings. Gifts and offerings, including sacrifices, accumulated in such places. Permanent temple structures were only built at more important sanctuaries in the larger cities. Religious rituals carried out at the sanctuaries included purification rituals involving liquids, and sacrifices of animals to deities. Thus the Adriatic Venetic practices have similarities to practices at the Aquae Sulis site. Both have communicating with the goddess by writing onto thin metal sheets, and perhaps also by leaving gifts. The main difference is that the messages to the goddess Rhea were very reverent and basically made offerings (usually burnt) to the goddess in the infinite realm high up and far away, without asking for anything in exchange, the Roman-British inscriptions are less reverent, and quite selfish and presumptuous in asking for the goddess to curse someone who had wronged 5 them. But it could merely reflect the secular attitude of visitors who came only to bathe, as well as the Romans turning a widely used foreign practice backwards. If a shrine was situated within a Roman Bath, the religiousness would deteriorate from the context of visiting for bathing. Still, there could have been some Venetic visitors who defiantly left reverent prayers like in earlier centuries at Baratela. At the Adriatic site at Baratela, there were both bronze sheets onto which visitors to the shrine would actively write a message, and there were objects with appropriate messages of prayer already on them that appear to have been left there. I discovered that the sentences to a deity followed a formula that can be described with mego$a.i.nate.i. re.i.tiia.i. ‘ our of f e r i ng. . . . t odi vi neRhe a ’Someoft hewor dsc oul dbel e f touta ndbea s s ume d,butt hes t r uc t ur e was the same (I used “$”to represent the Venetic alphabet character that sounds like a long SS, as in “hi s s ”,bu twhi c hIbe l i e v es ounde ds ome t hi ngmor el i k e“y SS”.Andt hedot sf oundi nt he Venetic writing, I determined marked mostly palatalizations, and only affect how the language sounded. When Venetic was written with the Roman alphabet, the dots vanished.) Let me review how I broke down the words $a.i.nate.i. re.i.tiia.i. $a.i.nate.i. $a ‘ l or d,g od’( e qui va l e ntt oEt r us c a nais, Estonian issa - ‘ g od’ ) .i. i sbe s ts e e na sFi nni cma r ke rf ort hepl ur a ls t e m( g i vi ng‘ g ods ’ ) . na which could be theEs s i vec a s e‘ a s ’s i nc et he-na Essive exists in both Estonian and Finnish and is therefore very old. Etruscan -na has been interpreted as producing an adjective – for example eis > eisna =‘ g odl y ’ . (This gives $ ‘ a st heg ods ’ ,‘ i nt hef or m oft heg ods ’ ,‘ g odl y ’ ,ors i mpl y‘ di vi ne ’ ) te.i. wevi e wa saf or ma l‘ y ou’i nt hePa r t i t i ve .Whe nt hec ont e xtoft hes e nt e nc ede s c r i be s movement, the Parti t i vea dds‘ t o’a si n‘ t oYou’Butt hi si snotaDa t i veb utady na mi cPa r t i t i ve me a ni ngs ome t hi nga ki nt o‘ uni t ewi t hg od’ ,or‘ be c omeonewi t hg od’ (This gives $ te.i. ‘ t ounite with You,oft hec ha r a c t e rofg ods ’ ,‘ t oYou,Di vi ne . . . ’) re.i.tiia.i. re wa sge ne r a l l yt het e r mf or‘ pa t h,wa y ’ofpr e -Indo-European Europe. It is the first part of the Estonian rada ‘ pa t h ’ ,a ndt hea nc i e ntpe opl ec a l l e dRa e t i a ns( whoc a r r i e dg ood sove r mount a i nt r a i l s ) ,a nde ve ne ndur e swi t h i nGe r ma ni cwor dsf or‘ r oa d’ . .i. i sbe s ts e e nt opl ur a l i z e ,g i vi ng‘ r out e s ’ t probably introduced to break up the vowels and has no meaning (Finnish will do this. For example if an ending beginning with a vowel is to be added to maa, a T is first added to break up a long string of vowels. as in maata ‘ api e c eofl a nd’ ) iia Indicating directed action like Illative, Allative, etc. We calli tt he“ I i a t i ve ”be c a us eof uni quef e a t ur e s .Me a ni ng ‘ e xt e ndi nge t e r na l l y ( t o) ’orpe r ha pss i mpl y‘ t oe ve r l a s t i ng’ .(Hence re.i.tiia ‘ to everlasting REIA/ Routes-One ’ ) a.i is the dynamic Partitive ending, attached to the Iiative. $a.i.nate.i. re.i.tiia.i. ‘ t oYou, of-the-gods, t oe ve r l a s t i ngREI A’ , I nbe t t e rEng l i s h:‘ t ouni t e( t heg i f t )wi t hYou,Di vi neRhe a ’ This interpretation of will become important in our interpretation of the Aquae Sulis pendant inscription. But first, let us review my investigation in VENETIC LANGUAGE of my finds of Venetic in Brittany and Wales in Roman times or shortly after. This will help us find it 6 believable that Venetic speakers were found in southwest Britain at least, during the Roman age. (My investigation summarized below was not exhaustive and I would be happy to find more inscriptions not in Latin from the Roman period or earlier to analyze for Venetic.) 1.4 Parallels between Adriatic Venetic and several Inscriptions found on gravestones in Brittany and southwest Britain in the Roman period or shortly thereafter In my investigation of writings on gravestones in Brittany, Cornwall and Wales, I discovered that there was a tendency –as there was for Adriatic inscriptions –for academics to assume that when there was a single word on a gravestone, that it was simply the name of the deceased. In my view this is cheating. It is more logical that as in recent history, the most common single wor dr e pe a t e dont ombs t one swi l le xpe r e s st hes e nt i me ntofe i t he r’ r e s t( i npe a c e ) ’which views the deceased to be sleeping or a sentiment of being remembered by the living, as in Latin in memorium. Thus I looked first at the word that appeared repeatedly on Adriatic Venetic obelisques tha marked the location of tombs, which was .e.go3 which I directly interpreted as something similar t o’ r e s t( i npe a c e ) ’butwhi c hIc oul dt he nc ompa r et ot heFinnic Estonian word jäägu ( ‘ l e tr e s t , r e ma i n’ ) .Remarkable parallels with Estonian was what revealed Venetic to be Finnic. So I searched papers posted on the internet showing tombstones from around the Roman period which might have a word similar to Adriatic Venetic .e.go or Estonian jäägu The following was exactly what I was looking for: 10c-2.B) JAGU: - ‘ REST, REMAI N’ [image after Davies, W. et al. (2000)The Inscriptions of Early Medieval Brittany. Les inscriptions de la Bretagne du Haut Moyen Âge Andover and Aberystwyth:Celtic Studies Publications. DeanDavids/1892, Fig. M7.3] Grave marker found in Brittany. The stone located near the chapel of Sainte-Brigitte on the Le Plec p e n i n s u l ao f Mo r b i h a n .Th r e ei n c i s e d‘ c u p -ma r k s ’ a r ec l e a r l yv i s i b l eo nt h en o r t hf a c eo f t h es t o n e below the inscription. Such cup-marks are incised singly or in groups of up to twenty, or more, on Neolithic and Iron-Age monuments, and on natural rocks, throughout Brittany. Such cup marks on stone are quite widespread. On this stone is only one word, and the only issue among scholars is the first letter. It has been interpreted by academics as IAGU, JAGU and LAGU. We choose IAGU or JAGU for the following reason: The same argument applies here as with the Venetic tomb-markers –that the most probable meaning for the first, repeated, or in this case only word is either to do with resting eternally,. or to be remembered. We discussed this in detail in our determining that Venetic .e.go was paralleled by Estonian jäägu ’ l e t r e ma i n ’ Scholars have traditionally assumed that the word was simply the name of the deceased. Next the word I looked for were those expressing the idea of remembering. In the Adriatic Veneti such a word appeared once on a round stone that was placed on the floor of tombs. It appeared as mu.i.ste which is identical to Finnic muista ‘ r e me mbe r ’ .Idi dnotf i ndt ha t particular word in the limited inscriptions in Brittany, Wales or Cornwall but I found another 3 (Venetic alphabet writing is represented in small case Roman, including the dots. The dots mostly mark palatalizations, hence .e.go sounded like JEGO) 7 word. Used every day the Estonian mäleta ‘ t or e me mbe r ’must be very old (since the commonly used words tend to have more weight and change least), But first I want to present a very good example found in Brittany. ThusIf o undt woe xa mpl e soft heuni ve r s a lt e r m of‘ r e s t ’or‘ r e me mbe r ’i na r c he ol og i c a l finds in Brittany. MELITA:. ‘ REMEMBER’ I NVENETI CORFI NNI C [image after Davies, W. et al. (2000) The Inscriptions of Early Medieval Brittany. Les inscriptions de la Bretagne du Haut Moyen Âge Andover and Aberystwyth Celtic Studies Publications. DeanDavids/1892, Fig. I6.5] Slate cist-graves were discovered in Retiers, a town on the eastern edge of Brittany, 30km south east of Rennes. According to Davies, W. et al. a year after it was found, a site assessment preliminary to constructing a parking lot revealed four dug graves and another slate-lined grave. Later, another three dug graves and a further slate-lined grave were revealed. The left-hand panel of the southernmost of the three graves found in 1994, bore the inscription, which was revealed when the panel was washed. Did I find any longer sentences? The following, almost lost and forgotten in an old graveyard in southwest Brittany appears to follow a practice of running Roman alphabet letters together and backwards, something that also occurred in the early years of Roman writing in the ancient Adriatic. I straightened out the Roman letters to their normal Roman form, and you can see what I believe the words intend in the text to the side. I translated the inscription as ‘ Le t be carried towards; to the side of, turn; also carry; to the side of the sky realm; in the 8 e t e r nal ,f r e e ,di r e c t i on’or in better English ‘ Le tbec ar r i e dt owar ds ,t ur ntowards, also bear, to t hes k yr e al m,t owar dst hef r e ee t e r ni t y ’ . The great similarity of the words of this sentence to Adriatic Venetic proves that Venetic was in use there in Brittany in Roman times. Perhaps the letters were jumbled up so that Roman officials would not be able to read it? This example suggests that Venetic was still in use into the Roman period, although probably Romans frowned on it, and its speakers kept their use of it secret. 10c-2.C) A VENETIC MESSAGE IN MAGICAL WRITING:- A DEGENERATED VENETIC (See illustration above) Gravestone, found at Plumergat in Brittany. Plumergat is in the southern Morbihan, the ancient Veneti area, 22km north of the coast. First identified in the cemetery there, is now set into the ground outside the parish church of Plumergat, on the east of the path to the south door. At the time of drawing the first cadastral map (1832) the church and its churchyard were focal to the settlement; it is reasonable to suppose that there was a church on or near this site in the ea r l yMi d d l eAg e s ,g i v e nt h eb o u r g ’ s location at the centre of a plebs (an early medieval poto-parish) and the cluster of religious buildings. One side of the stone has a newer inscription and cross, from the Middle Ages, since presumably the Church decided to make use of the unused side of the stone, placing a newer grave on that unused side. The inscription on the front obviously uses Roman letters, but superimposes them, in the manner we saw with the T and E in OPTERGN in Grouping 1, except here it is done extensively and sometimes three letters are made into one symbol. That this is the case is obvious. What is not obvious is how to take them apart to reveal the Venetic words. Interpreting this inscription can only be done after we have determined words from the Adriatic inscriptions, and then the combined characters can be deconstructed into their original words. The illustration above shows how I deciphered the words. If we read the sentence from bottom up –in the direction the spirit flies –we have FOGIA PO BODURNA GA CANATO VOLTEO BO IIUVANTS VAUBOS Our deciphering of the north Adriatic inscriptions reveals almost all of this. I made one original determination –that BODURNA might contain the origins of the English turn, hence BODURNA is interpreteda s‘ t u r nt o wa r d s ’ . Ad d i n gi n s i g h t sf r o m Estonian we arrive at ‘ L e tb ec a r r i e dt o wa r d s ;t ot h es i d eo f ,t u r n ;a l s oc a r r y ;t ot h es i d eo ft h es k yr e a l m;i nt h ee t e r n a l ,f r e e , d i r e c t i o n ’ or in better English ‘ L e t b ec a r r i e dt o wa r d s , t u r ntowards, also bear, t ot h es k yr e a l m, t o wa r d st h ef r e ee t e r n i t y ’ It fits so well to the situation that by the laws of probability the chances are very high that this is correct, or close to correct. This may be unsettling to scholars who have decided the Brittany Veneti spoke a Celtic language. They point to their proposed interpretations of names with Celtic. But as you will see later, Finnic language works even better in interpreting names. For example Celtic scholars claim that the confederation of seagoing nations in the north which Caesar identified as Armoricae, t r a ns l a t e sa s‘ me noft hes e a ’ .Butt hewor di nt e r pr e t se ve nmor ede s c r i pt i ve l ya sac onf e de r a t i on via Finnic armo-riigi ‘ na t i onsmut ua l l ys uppor t i veofonea not he r ,s y mpa t he t i ct oonea not he r ’ . (I will propose later that the Brittany Veneti became Celtic-speaking after several centuries of living under Roman rule, just as the Adriatic Veneti became Latin-speaking and south Baltic Venedi became Slavic-speaking in the course of history from Roman times and after. One can actually see the conversion of Adriatic Veneti to Latin in their cremation urn inscriptions!) The Roman Empire in its 4-5 centuries of existence had a major impact on ancient Europe. Considering how fast in recent history Europeans have converted North America, a great deal of change can occur in mere centuries. The Venetic language can disappear during those centuries if the Roman Empire now promoted Latin and a prior Venetic large scale trade lingua franca lost its usefulness and disappeared. The idea that Brittany Veneti began with its original Finnic-based form, and after four centuries had been replaced by Celtic, both in Brittany and in Britain, is a viable theory. 9 Next in my seeking the Finnic type Venetic, I continued scanning archeologist literature for gravestones in southwest Britain, as close to Roman times as possible. As with Brittany, I looked f ort her e pe t i t i onofwor dst ha tc oul dme a n‘ r e s t( i npe a c e ) ’or‘ r e me mbe r ’ .Note I did not do an exhaustive search but scanned scholarly papers of books I found on the internet. WALES GRAVE MARKER MESSAGE - ‘ REMEMBER, MEMORI ES’ I NFI NNI C Since Brittany was closely tied to southwest Britain such as Wales, I scanned the internet to see if I could find an article on very old grave markers in Wales. I found a particular words stem repeated and this word does not resonate with Latin. In these cases, the stem MELI- i sr e p e a t e di nas i n g l ewo r ds oo f t e np e rf o u n dg r a v e s t o n e , t h a t i t c a n n o t b eap e r s o n ’ sn a meb u t mu s t b e one of the two words –‘ r e s t ’ o r‘ r e me mb e r ’ a n di nt h e s ec a s e si nmyd e c i p h e r i n gI s a wt h ewo r d‘ r e me mb e r ’ Besides Estonian mäleta, there are other versions like meeles ’ i nme mo r y ’ 10c-3.A) MELITU: The following example was found at Caernarvonshire (Caernarfon), Wales. It reads MELITU. [image developed from The Early Christian Monuments of Wales, Nash-Williams, V. E. (1950), Cardiff, University of Wales Press, 88, plate II Drawing inset derived from Macalister 1945 C.I.I.C.] 10c-3.B) MELI- Two seemingly abbreviated versions of the same kind of expression are shown below. The first one is found in Wales, at St Nicholas, Llandrudian Farm, Pembrokeshire. [image from Nash-Williams, V. E. (1950) The Early Christian Monuments of Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, p217, Fig. 249] It appears to read MELI-. Gravestones of that period included a dash at the end of an abbreviation presuming that the reader filled in the blank, that is, to fill it out to MELITU or MELITA or some alternative similar ending that was common there. Any implication of abbreviation means the word must be a commonly used word ( a n dn o t s p e c i f i cl i k eap e r s o n ’ sn a me ) 10c-3.C) MAILIS-- [Figure in Nash-Williams, V. E. (1950) The Early Christian Monuments of Wales. Cardiff: University of Wales Press, 55] All the above results are from early Christian era, which began at the end of the Roman era. In a ddi t i ont ot hes e ve r a li ns t a nc e sofwor dsr e f l e c t i ng‘ r e me mbe r ’pa r a l l e l i ngmeeles ‘ i nme mor y ’ 4 or mäleta ‘ t or e me mbe r ’ 4 I also encountered some instances in the early Christian period in which there was Latin and the words HIC I ACI T‘ h e r el i e s ’we r eu s e dong r a v e s t on e s .I ACI Ti st h eLa t i nwor diaceo ‘ l i e ,bes i t u a t e d,l i ede a d, e t c ’ .I tc ou l d have originated from the Venetic .e.go or some similar Etruscan word –since Latin evolved in the Italic Peninsula where both the Etruscans and Veneti preceded them. The fact that iaceo occurs alone in the Latin dictionary whereas 10 If the above examples of Mailis, Melitu, Mel- come from the Early Christian period, it suggests that Finnic language was present in Wales. Perhaps these represent ancient Venetic colonies along the coast that Venetic traders visited, where the use of Latin had not reached. In any event I have continued to be attentive towards discovering more examples of nonLatin writing in Roman Britain, to see if the language is actually Venetic or some form of Finnic. I was elated to learn of the inscription of the pendant at Aquae Sulis, to see if it would translate with my knowledge of Venetic and Finnic languages. What do we have before translating the Aquae Sulis pendant? We have evidence that the Brittany Veneti had the same Venetic language as at the Adriatic, except with dialectic deviations and borrowings. Therefore finding Venetic at Aquae Sulis will not be unusual. Veneti traders were probably frequenting the area when they arrived at ports up the Bristol Channel. We have a practice in the Adriatic Venetic inscriptions that seems like a precedent for activity at Aquae Sulis and for leaving a pre-inscribed gift, a pendant, to the goddess, with a positive inscription not a curse. The construction of the sentences addressing a goddess using $a.i.nate.i. resonate with the text on the pendant at Aquae Sulis, as we see below. Last but not least, we have established the validity, from the results in VENETIC LANGUAGE, of also looking towards Finnic Estonian for insights into the meaning of words that were not used in the Adriatic Venetic inscriptions. The following passage from Julius Caesar confirms that the Venetic traders of Brittany/Armorica were constantly frequenting Britain. These Veneti exercise by far the most extensive authority over all the sea-coast in those districts, for they have numerous ships, in which it is their custom to sail to Britain, and they excel the rest in the theory and practice of navigation. As the sea is very boisterous and open, with but a few harbours here and there which they hold themselves , they have as tributaries almost all those whose custom it is to sail the sea. [Caesar, The Gallic Wars, 3, 8] What Caesar describes had probably been going on for the previous 4 or 5 centuries, given that mention of tin coming to Greece from Britain (ie Cassiterides at the ends of the earth) was already established at the time of ancient Greek historian Herodotus in around 420BC. There was plenty of time for the British Isles to have been shaped by large scale Venetic trade before the arrival of the Romans or even the immigration of Belgic tribes into southeast Britain. I do not believe the Belgic tribes were invaders, but rather entreprendeurs who sought to extend Gaul across the Strait of Dover into southeast Britain. They only sought to conquer the already existing tin industry and had to adapt to what the Veneti had already established, including the Brittanic language.. We have learned in recent times how the shaping of Britain by international trade goes back much further than around 500BC, and we really cannot tell when the traders became specifically “ Ve ne t i ” .Archeology has discovered the international character of Britain began perhaps as early as 2000BC around which time there was large scale mining of copper in northern Wales. The amount of copper removed was much more than would be needed locally, hence it is believed to have been intended for markets outside of the British Isles. It is worth noting that about the same general time –around 2000BC –megalithic constructions were developing there are many words in Latin based on iacio ‘ t h r ow,c a s t ,hur l ,e t c ’ ,s ugg e s t siaceo was a borrowed word. But I have not shown examples of HIC IACIT because it appeared within Latin texts, and not within Venetic-like texts. 11 around the British Isles, often in widely separated locations. Does this suggest large scale traders were working the British Isles widely long before 500BC? What is the connection between the e a r l y“ Me ga l i t hi ct r a de r s ”a ndt heVeneti? By the time the Romans arrived, the Brittany Veneti home base was at Vannes, a location that is close to a major megalithic stone alignments at Carnac, and at a natural harbour was ideal for seagoing ships. It looks like the Veneti continued an activity that was already very very old. What was the circumstances of the change? It is worth noting that the megalithic culture came to an end which suggests a new seatrade people who did not worship megaliths, displaced the original seatraders. I have described my finding Venetic in Brittany and Wales funerary stones above for two reasons: first to show that findng more Venetic in southwest Britain will not be unusual, but also as evidence to argue that the native British language may have been shaped by Venetic throughout the large scale trade system in which they were involved. Let us now proceed to the inscription. 1.5 Translating the Aquae Sulis Pendant as Venetic Having established that Brittany and at least southwest Britain had a pre-Celtic Venetic language, that was –as I already discovered in the Adriatic inscriptions –Finnic in nature, we are now equipped to translate the inscription on the Aquae Sulis pendant thought to be in ancient British. ADIXOUI DEUINA DEIEDA ANDGIN UINDIORIX CUAMENAI The key to interpreting this is my earlier interpretation of $a.i.nate.i. re.i.tiia.i. (See earlier box) First of all there seems to be a parallel in it to $a.i.nate.i. except it used Latin deus. The parallel words are: DEUINA DEIEDA If we replace Venetic $a f or‘ g od’wi t hDEU we find the exact same structure –the I for the plural, and –NA for the Essive case. The second word DEIEDA, is similar to te.i. except that there is an added EDA. But if we consider Estonian, where the partitive is not the vowel-.i. of Venetic, but a –D, then it works. It would imply, though, that northwest European Venetic was influenced by Estonian language in the long distance trade across the north. We can thus decide that we will not find the same Partitive in the Aqua Sulis inscription, but we still have the option of interpreting vowel-.i. and a ni nf i ni t i ve .I nt oda y ’ sEs t oni a nt hepa r t i t i veofteie ‘ You’i steid. It is possible that an added E gave it an Allative meaning since in modern Estonian one says teile ‘ t oYou’a nds oi ti s possible in ancient times one could say teide ‘ t oYou’ In any event, there is a remarkable parallel in DEUINA DEIEDA to $a.i.nate.i. and so we can determine that DEUINA DEIEDA me a nt‘ t oYou,Di vi ne( Sulis) ’ But that is not all the parallels. We find in two words –ADIXOUI and CUAMENAI –with the vowel-.i. ending, which in the Adriatic Venetic translations on verbs meant the infinitive. Furthermore, the word contains MENAI, a word which appears in the Adriatic Venetic inscriptions, except with palatalization the vowel E or I has been lost. As in mno.i. It would me a n‘ t og o ’ . 12 Thus we have one powerful parallel in DEUINA DEIEDA and another in the infinitive ending a nda not he ri nt hepr e s e nc eoft hewor df or‘ t og o’ .Butwea l s os a w pa r a l l e l st oEs t oni a ni n DEIEDA, and there are other parallels with Finnic, in a fashion that resonates with Estonian. This is the sentence. Let us interpret it with Venetic, Estonian, and a couple of obvious borrowings from Latin As I said, this inscription is probably NOT a curse because it is on a pendant and not on the typical thin lead sheet. Perhaps this inscription was on an object intended as an offering to the goddess, following the practice of the Rhea sanctuary where objects that were not thin sheets were left. It is also not necessary that the message on this pendant would be a curse. A thin lead sheet was disposable, but a crafted pendant had practical value. I believe that it was a custom to leave such objects, but that such objects had value and were removed before archeologists found them. This it is possible the curse messages were a peripheral use of the site, and maybe there were genuine prayers to goddess Sulis. The Adriatic Venetic texts do not ask the goddess to carry out revenge. They are more respectful, humble, and careful. It seems to me that if at the Aquae Sulis site, people asked for someone to be cursed by the goddess, why could a visitor not ask the goddess to give someone the opposite –good fortune. It would be more consistent with human nature. Let us now look at the mystery inscription from the point of view of it being Venetic and Finnic. There is all the more reason for looking at it from a Venetic perspective not just because of all the coincidences I cite above, but the fact that the word UINDIORIX contains VINDO which was a high version of VENTA which refers to Veneti. ADIXOUI DEUINA DEIEDA ANDGIN UINDIORIX CUAMENAI DEUINA DEIEDA as I said reminds me of the Venetic in $a.i.nate.i. We have already translated it above as ‘ t oYou,Di vi ne( Sulis) ’ If we allow Estonian to recognize DEU a s‘ g od’i tc a ns a yDEUina teid(l)e This gives us the translations in steps –from 1. to 5. 1. ADIXOUI - to You, Divine-one –ANDGIN UINDIORIX CUAMENAI ANDGIN Next we know in Venetic there is a word indicating giving or offering. I see that in ANDGIN. From an Estonian perspective it looks like a first person plural imperative of verb anna ‘ g i ve ’andma, anda ‘ t og i ve ’ .Fore xa mpl ei nEs t oni a nandgem ‘ l e tusg i ve ’ . Ot he r possibilities could be conditional mood as in Estonian andaksin ‘ Is houl dg i ve ’ . Either form will work. 2. ADIXOUI - to You, Divine-one –let us give (or I should give) – UINDIORIX CUAMENAI UINDIORIX Next, I see UINDIORIX as a name, but considering Veneti were still frequenting southern Britain and fetching tin, etc. it could be t a ke nl i t e r a l l ya ndme a n‘ Ve ne t i ki ng ’He r et oowes e epos s i bl yabor r owi ngf r om La t i n- rex,‘ ki ng ’ .Iha vea l r e a dypoi nt e dout that Vindo was in use by Damnoni for the Veneti/Venta. When we consider the context of giving 13 an offering to the goddess, it seems a follower of a king or chief of the Veneti might be motivated to celebrate the king rather than themself. I think it is in the nominative case. 3. ADIXOUI - to You, Divine-one –let us give (or I should give) – Veneti-king CUAMENAI CUAMENAI is quite interesting. The word MENAI immediately reminds me of the Venetic wor df or‘ t og o’whi c hi nAdr i a t i cVe ne t i cwoul dbemno.i. In Adriatic Venetic it was often combined into a compound word as in the example in the box above Here we again see a compound word, vo.l.tiio.n.mno.s., but here we are combining CAU and MENAI. While MENAI is represented in ancient Venetic, the CUA is not but it is a word very common in Estonian as kaua ‘ l ong( i nt i me ) ’ .Cons i de r i ngt h eAI ending to indicate an infinitive, the resulting meaning i sl i t e r a l l y‘ l ong t i me -t og o’I nt hec ont e xt ,It hi nki tme a ns‘ t ol i vel ong ’ .Thei de ai sve r ymuc h l i ket hehi s t or i c‘ Longl i vet heKi ng ! ’He r et hes e nt e nc ea s kst heg odde s st og r a ntt heki ngal ong life. Replacing it in our sentence we get: 4. ADIXOUI - to You, Divine-one –let us give (or I should give) – Veneti-king –to live long (literally longtime to go) ADIXOUI is left. Given that Latin is common in Roman Britain, the initial AD suggests there is a borrowing from Latin in this word. Scanning a Latin dictionary there are a number of possibilities. For example there is adicio ‘ t hr owt o,a ddt o’ .Le tusa s s umet hi swor di sbor r owe d from this Latin word (ici could become X). We see the ending UI which seems to be a Venetic infinitive marker. Thus I will assume ADIXOUI i s‘ t oa ddt o’ Thus we have: 5. To add to - to You, Divine-one –let us give (or I should give) – Veneti-king –to live long (literally longtime to go) Looking at it as a whole. The nominative and subject is Veneti-ki ng ,t heve r bi s‘ l e tusg i ve ’ a nd‘ t ol i vel ong ’r e l a t e dt ot heki ng ,a ndt her e s ti sahumbl ea c knowl e dge me ntoft heg o dde s s . Let us rewrite it to better express the concept. The final result –keeping it close to the original grammar. Let us give, to add to, to You Divine-one (ie Sulis), for the Veneti-king to live long This interpretation is both in agreement with my deciphering of Venetic and allows for developments of Venetic in the centuries into the Roman Age, such as replacing original Venetic words with borrowings from Latin. It is in full agreement of pilgrims to a shrine not just writing on sheets, but also leaving objects with writing on them. Yet this inscription is also in keeping with the nature of asking the goddess for something. If some will ask for someone else to be cursed, then it surely is possible to ask the goddess to grant someone good luck. It is far more satisfying than the Celtic interpretation given earlier. You can be the judge, the Celtic interpretation: May I, Windiorix for/at Cuamena defeat the worthless woman, o divine Deieda versus the Venetic-Finnic interpretation Let us give, to add to, to You Divine-one (ie 14 Sulis), for the Veneti-king to live long In both cases a grammatical rationalization was made. I have not me r e l ybe e n‘ t r y i ngt ohe a rt h i ng s ’a nnote ve nt r y i ngt or a t i ona l i z eg r a mma r . If the interpretations are done well, including dealing with grammar, the decision falls to the resulting meaning. I question whether the Celtic interpretation would be what we would expect on a pendant. The Celtic translation is a curse and better suited to be coarsely scratched out onto a thin piece of lead rather than a crafted object? By Adriatic Venetic traditions, when an inscribed object was left as a gift, it was a very religious move, with positive intentions. The inscription would have been made by a craftsman in advance. Thus it is more natural that the pendant, a crafted object might have a positive request, thought out and crafted well in advance. Thus, I believe my Venetic-Finnic interpretation is the correct one. To conclude our investigation of the pendant of Aquae Sulis, let us interpret the word Sulis, if that was the name of the goddess of the springs. The fact that the goddess Sulis was used by the natives before the Romans developed the area, suggests that the word Sulis must be meaningful in the native language and if the native language was Venetic-like, then we should be able to translate it as such. A possibility interpretation based on Finnic is that the name was SUO/ LA/ SE‘ ( g odde s s )oft hes pr i ng( we t )pl a c e ’ .I nFi nni ct hewor dssuo or soo are common words. They refer to wet places. Indeed the Finnish word for Finland is Suomi, which derives f r om‘ we t -c ount r y ’ .Fur t he r mor et he r ei st hewor df or‘ mout h’a si nEs t oni a nsuu. Add to this the –la e ndi ngme a ni ng‘ pl a c eof ’wec a ne a s i l yde t e r mi net ha tt hehots pr i ng swe r eSUO-LA ‘ we t pr oduc i ngpl a c e ’ ,orSUU-LA if the spring was seen as a mouth. The additional –SE is a naming suffix commonly used in Finnic. The goddess was a personification of the place. It was common in ancient and prehistoric times to personify nature. 1.6 Was Britain more widely a Finnic Venetic language and was the Aquae Sulis inscription of the middle Roman period a remnant of a wider original FInnic Britannic? Having found some evidence of Venetic in Brittany, Wales and now at ancient Aquae Sulis (today Bath, England), do we dare wonder if the Venetic language was more widespread? This question leads to a more controversial territory with the suggestion that the original Br i t i s hl a ng ua gewa snot“ Ce l t i c ”a sha sbe e nt r a di t i ona l l ya s s ume d,butVe ne t i ci nt heFi nni c manner, perhaps in an Estonian-like manner. The newest evidence being considered comes from archeologists analysis of prehistoric copper mining in northern Wales. It is clear to archeological scholars that more copper was mined than could be used by peoples local to the mines. That meant the copper was taken away by traders, and by sea. This is understandable considering that copper was the first valued metal. Bronze which followed was basically copper too –with tin added. Thus throughout civilized Europe there was a great demand for copper, and then also tin. While the writings of ancient Greek historian Herodotus date to about the 5th century BC, his statement that tin came to Greece f r om t he“ Cassiterides”a tt hee ndsoft hee a r t h,t e ndst oc onf i r mt he r ewe r el ongdi s t a nc et r a de r s who procured tin from Britain before t hec ur r e nt l yi ma g i ne ds pr e a dof“ Ce l t s ”f r om t hema i nl a nd t ot heBr i t i s hI s l e s .I fHe r odot uskne wa boutt i nc omi ngf r om ‘ t hee ndsoft hee a r t h’i nt he5th century BC, that means it was already established enough for Herodotus to know it. It follows that it is feasible, even probable, that long distance traders harvesting Britain for resources in great demand in more civilized parts of Europe, were already established, perhaps already in the 15 age of copper –before the discovery that adding tin produced the harder metal of bronze. If so, then we have to wonder who these long distant traders were. The best candidates are the peoples who created the megalithic constructions –stone circles and hill-tombs –found in many locations along the Atlantic coast from the Iberian Peninsula to Brittany, and then on the coasts of the Irish Sea, then in the vicinity of the Shetland Islands and maybe across the North Sea to southern Norway and the Jutland Peninsula. It is interesting to note that in the early Roman Empire, there were people with a long-established culture at the north end of the Jutland Pe ni ns ul at ha tRoma nskne wa st he“ Cimbri”which is interesting considering that today the We l s hc a l lt he ms e l ve s“ Cy mmr u” .Thi ss ugg e s tt he s el ongdi s t a nc et r a de r smay have had that name. Historically speaking, according to Julius Caesar, the people who dominated the seas of northwest Europe were the Veneti, and they sailed regularly to Britain (obviously to fetch trade g oodsl i ket i n) .TheVe ne t iwe r eba s e di nBr i t t a nya tt oda y ’ sVa nne s .Thi sl oc a t i onwa sa ni de a l natural harbour and not far from megalithic stone alignments at Carnac. It suggests that the Veneti were either descended from the original Atlantic traders, or displaced them. Or they could have merged with the earlier traders. It is important to consider that in Herodotus text about tin c omi ngf r om t he‘ e ndsoft hee a r t h’ ,hea l s os pokeofa mbe rt ooc omi ngt oGr e e c ef r om t hee nds of the earth. Ancient trade amber originated largely from southeast Baltic, from the Samland Peninsula, which was originally an island when the lowlands behind them were under water, and according to Pytheas, the Greek traveller from Marseilles, it was called Abalus. That location had a people of a similar name –Venedi –which to anyone who knows the Finnic language of Estoni a nwi l lr e c og ni z ea s‘ pe opl eoft heboa t s ’( a ndhi s t or i c a lr e c or dsa c t ua l l ys howLi voni a ns 5 us i ngt het e r m‘ Venede’–plural genitive of vene ‘ boa t ’ . ) Sometimes there has been a debate as to whether the Venedi at the southeast Baltic associated with the amber trade, and the Veneti at Brittany associated with trading with ancient Britain, and the Veneti in what is now northern I t a l y ,we r ec onne c t e d.I fwer e g a r dt he ma sl ongdi s t a nc et r a de r s ,t hea ns we ri sa nobvi ous‘ y e s ’ and that these people defined the large scale language of trade in pre-Roman times. But, the Veneti-Venedi appeared in western Europe only since around 1000 BC. The copper mines in northern Wales date to before that. It is therefore possible that the Veneti-Venedi displaced an original people identifiable with Cymmru and Cimbri, or simply the same people came to be known by a new name. Bear in mind that ancient peoples were known by descriptive words, and the same people could have more than one name (like toda y‘ Dut c h’c a na l s obe c a l l e d‘ Ho l l a nde r s ’ ) .I ft hewor d“ Veneti”was in a Finnic large scale lingua franca, and meant ‘ boa tpe op l e ’ ,c a nwef i nda nyFi nni cmeaning in the word Cymmru or Cimbri? We note that the Greek historian Herodotus, wrote about how he believed the north side of the Bl a c kSe a ,i nhi st i med omi na t e dby“ Sc y t hs ”( pr oba bl ya nc e s t r a lt oSl a vs ) ,mus tha vee a r l i e r be e ni nt heha ndsofape opl ec a l l e d“ Cimmeri”be c a us et he r ewe r eg e ogr a phi c a lf e a t ur e st he r e wi t ht he“ Cimmeri”na me . Some of the names mentioned by Herodotus for geographical features on the north side of the Black Sea are clearly Finnic. For example the Crimean Peninsula was called Maeotis,whi c hs oundsl i ket oda y ’ sEs t oni a nmaa-ots ‘ l a nd’ se nd’ .Toda ythe north side of the Black Sea and Sea of Azov is dominated by Russian names (or Russianized earlier names), but there are some names still recognizably Finnic, such as the Gulf of Taganrog. which 5 (Note vene referred to the same boat that had the name rus, and as a result nations that were created by the l on gdi s t a n c et r a de r swe r ee i t he rn a me dv i a“ vene”or“ rus”e v e ni ft h en a mewa si nh e r i t e dbyot h e rpe opl e s .For example the nationi n h e r i t e dbySl a v i cpe a s a nt sc a l l e d“ Ru s s i a ”i sc a l l e d“ Ve n e ma a ”i nEstonian, both identifying the land as the land of the boat-people (ie the professional traders who travelled up and down the trade rivers between the Baltic and the Black Seas, and beyond. But this mainly occured in the Viking Age.) 16 translates ‘ (sea) beyond t her e e ds ’ . Thus, given that trade up and down the Dneiper and Volga wa swe l le s t a bl i s he di na nc i e ntt i me s ,i ti spos s i bl et hewor d“ Cimmeri”a ppl i e dt ol ongdi s t a nc e traders of those rivers, probably mainly the Volga. The Volga River system reaches up close to Lake Onega, and that may explain why in the Odyssey the Cimmeri were described as living in a land of darkness –suggesting the absence of daylight found in the arctic. Today there are two Volgic Finno-Ugric peoples still identifiable – the Mari and Mordvins – but historical information reveals that there was a Meri people in the upper Volga. Are the words Meri or Mari, abbreviations of “ Cimmeri”through the passing of thousands of years? Today the word meri me a ns‘ s e a ’i nEs t oni a n,buti tc oul dha veor i g i na t e di nawor dl i ke‘ IMERI. The initial stress on the first vowel syllable would have promoted foreigners to introduce a consonant. and it be c a me“ HI ME-RI ’a ndf r om t he r eCimmeri. The word IMERI has no recognizable meaning with Estonian, unless we assume the vowe l sa r e‘ r a i s e d’( pus he df or wa r d,pa l a t a l i z e d) .Lowe r i ng the vowels that gives us EMA –RE.Cons i de r i ngt hena mef ort heVol g awa s“ Rha”a c c or di ng t oPt ol e my ,wec a na s s umet ha t“ RE”i si de nt i f i a bl ewi t h“ Rha” .( TheGr e e kRH i ndi c a t e da trilled R). In a nc i e ntEur ope ,RAme a n t‘ r out e ,wa y ’a nda l s oa ppe a r si nt hena me dofr i ve r ss uc h as (using Roman versions of the originals) Rhodanus, Rhennus, Ligera, Vesera, Otra, Nistra, etc. EMA-RA now looks like Estonian ema –ra(da) ‘ t hemot he rr out e ’a ndag e nitive of it would me a n‘ ( pe o p l e )oft hemot he rr out e ’ . It is worth noting that in my deciphering of the north Adriatic Venetic inscriptions and Suebic at the Baltic too (see A Paabo, VENETIC LANGUAGE An Ancient Language from a New Perspective: FINAL) I found that these languages were palatalized and with the raised vowels ma nne rofs pe a ki ng( a na l og oust oape r s ont oda ys a y i ng“ HI PPIDI ”f or“ ha ppyda y ”ac ommon upward dialectic shift from speakers getting a lazy mouth –not properly forming round vowels. If this is true, then it is believable that the Cimmeri were the original European long distance traders, possibly circumnavigating Europe –Black Sea to the Baltic and Lake Onega, from the Baltic westward to the British Isles (or over top of Norway and down the coast), crossing the North Sea from southern Norway to the vicinity of Aberdeen, Scotland, then entering the Irish Sea, travelling south, and possibly down the Atlantic coast to the Strait of Gibraltar, and then east in the Mediterranean back to the Black Sea. Today the word meri, mare, mor, etc means ‘ s e a ’ ,pos s i bl ys ugg e s t i nga na bbr e vi a t i onofa n original Cimmeri i nt heme a ni ng‘ mot he r -wa y ’( ba c kt he nt hemot he re a r t hwa ss e e nt obe actually a sea –mother sea –with lands being islands in it). If we apply the abbreviation to the f i r s tpor t i onweha ve“ CI ”a ndt ha tma ye xpl a i nt hewor d“ sea” . Therefore, it is possible that large scale traders originated from the aboriginal traditions of long distance boat use, and that these were Finnic speaking. By being the first to carry on long distance trade, a Finnic lingua franca would have been established throughout their trade routes, both by sea and large waterways. I will generally call this large scale language along the t r a de wa y sofEur opea s“ Ve ne t i c ”e ve nt houg ht he r ewa spr oba bl yc ons i de r a bl edi a l e c t i c variation according to regional subdivisions of the trading activity. Archeologists have, without needing the additional information I give above, decided from the finds of copper mines in northern Wales, that the long-standing belief that the British Isles 6 we r ei nva d e dbyors e t t l e dby“ Ce l t s ”a r ound500BCi se r r one ous , and that the British Isles may actually have been influenced in language and culture already over a thousand years earlier by its involvement with the international traders. If the Welsh peoples were influenced towards the 6 This can be found via internet search. Detailed investigation of the archeological work and analysis in this regard is beyond the scope of this paper. 17 Cimmerian language and culture, and identified themselves as Cimmerians, they could have maintained that identity, continued to call themselves by that name, even if over time they adopted other languages. Their Celtic language, in other words, may have been a recent development since Roman times. Since in those times there was no knowledge of linguistics or any nationalism that associated language with nationality, people could certainly changed language according to practical needs and yet continue to hold on to the Cimmerian identity, Myt he or y ,t he ni st ha tt heBr i t i s hI s l e sbe c a me“ Ve ne t i c ”( or“ Ci mme r i a n” )a sar e s ul toft he ‘ i nva s i on’ofl a r g es c a l et r a de r swho set up trading posts and promoted resource industries. It is t r uet ha tt h e r ea r et hos e who c on s i de rt heVe ne t i cl a ng ua g et o ha ve be e n“ Ce l t i c ” ,my information, some of which is given earlier, suggests Venetic was Finnic in nature, not Celtic. I believe Celtic displaced Venetic during and after the Roman period in Britain. This idea that native British was originally of a Finnic nature is also supported from another source –the Roman historian Tacitus, which I will mention next. There exists a passage by Roman historian Tacitus about the Aestii nations of the southeast Baltic comparing the language there with the large scale Britannic language. ..ergo iam dextro Suebici litore Aestiorum gentes adluuntur, quibus ritus habitusque Sueborum, lingua Britannicae proprior. t r a ns l a t i on:“..however, to the right shore of the Suebian sea, we find it washing the Aestii nations who have (ritus) religious observance and (habitus) demeanour of the Suebi, but a language (propior, ius, orism a. nearer; more like; closer) more like to that of Britain . [Tacitus, Germania, 45, 98 A.D. If the Aestii language (as much evidence suggests) was ancestral to Finnic Estonian (Eesti), t he nwha tTa c i t us ’s t a t e me nts ugg e s t si st ha tAe s t i c ,Sue bi c ,a ndBr i t a nni cwe r ea l lFinnic languages but that the Aestic and Britannic language were closer to each other than either to Suebic. Ove rt hec e nt ur i e s ,s c hol a r sha vet r i e dt oe xpl a i nTa c i t us ’obs e r va t i ona wa ybyc l a i mi ngt he Aestii spoke a Celtic language. This has always been a problem. The Aestii has also been c l a i me dt oha vebe e n“ Ba l t ”( al a ng ua gef a mi l yt ha tonl yi nc l ude sLa t vi a na ndLi t hua ni a na ndi s c l os et oSl a vi c ) ,Ge r ma ni cbe c a us et heRoma nsus e dt hena me“ Ge r ma ni a ” ,a ndnow Sl a vi c because the Venedi in the same area have been assumed to have been Slavic. But in reality, there are extraordinary coincidences between the Aestii and the Estonians today further north. The Estonians have always known themselves as Eesti. The option of the Aestii being ancient Estonians has always been a possibility, but scholars have not pursued it much because they Estonian and Finnish scholars are a minority but that angle has been ignored in the academic world, perhaps because to see it you have to know a Finnic language, notably Estonian.Not being an Indo-European language it is difficult to learn by speakers of most European languages.. It is interesting to note that five centuries after Tacitus,. the Anglo-Saxon monk Bede wrote in his history of Britain, that the Picts had come “ from Scythia in l ong boa t s ” .Si nc ei nhi st i me there still existed Picts in the north, this idea would have come from direct observation, not opinion. If Irish monks saw the Picts recieving traders from the east Baltic (The Romans had defined Scythia beginning at the east Baltic coast), and speaking the same language. Since ancient people imagined everyone in a location originated from elsewhere, it was easy for the monks to believe the Picts originated from the same place as the traders in longboats who came 18 from the Scythian coast. Considering that the Romans did not conquer all of the British Isles, but ha ds us t a i ne doppos i t i oni nt henor t h,wec a ne a s i l ys e ehow Br i t a i ns out hofHa dr i a n’ swa l l became Romanized, and later Anglo-Saxonized, while towards the north the original Finnic type language endured. From this perspective, Bede (repeating beliefs from Irish monks) and Tacitus were making essentially the same observation –that the Aestic language of the east Baltic coast, was similar to the dominant lingua-franca of Britain. We also note the fact that Tacitus, in his biography of Agricola, clearly identified the Gallic peoples in southern Britain as immigrant peoples, even though they dominated the centers of commerce and industry. We are reminded of other historic examples of a powerful immigrant minority in a nation –for example the British in French Canada dominating the Canadian French, even though the dominant language of French Canada was French. Another example is Finnish being dominated by a Swedish minority before Finland became independent of Sweden. From this point of view, Julius Caesar, in his invasion of southeast Britain, did not deal with native British, but with the immigrants from Gaul (ie the Belgae). Thus it has always been a mistake to take characteristics of these Belgae described by Caesar, and apply them to native British. Tacitus and other Romans writers observing Britain clearly distinguish between the immigrants from Gaul and the rural native British outside the wealthy commercial centers of the south. Historically, the Picts seen by Bede, were eventually assimilated by the Scots. The reason is easy to understand –the Picts were seagoing peoples, while the Scots were land-based. The Scots therefore filled up the interior and became the majority into which the Picts assimilated. To my ears, the Gaelic language has a Finnish-like melody to it, and it is worth noting that the word “ Ga e l i c ”r e s e mbl e st heFi nni cwor df or‘ t ong ue ,l a ng ua g e ’whi c hi skieli. I st hewor d“ Ga e l i c ” how the Picts who assimilated into the Scots referred to their language –g e ne r i c a l l ya s‘ t he l a ng ua g e ’ ,butt ha twhe nus e din non-Finnic languages it lost its descriptive meaning? Ce l t i cs c hol a r swhoha vee mbr a c e dt hemy t ht ha ta l loft heBr i t i s hI s l e swe r e“ Ce l t i c ”be f or e the Romans, and who have assumed Pictish was Celtic, have tried hard to find Celtic words in names in Scotland, as well as elsewhere in Britain. But the results have been dismal. However, if we assume Pictish and original British spoke a Finnic langauge, as we can easily infer from Tacitus and Bede, it follows that we should find considerably more success. Inspired by Tacitus and Bede, I began to study the place names in Britain and Ireland in Roman times as recorded by the geographer of that time, Ptolemy. I believe I had surprising success. I have been preparing results of my investigation in a separate paper. But I will highlight, as a postscript, some of what I saw when looking at the British Isles from the point of view of long distance traders approaching by sea from elsewhere. 1.7 Postscript: Some Examples from my study of place names of southwest Britain, that may be in an original Finnic (not Celtic) British language. In my investigation of place names in Britain and Ireland as recorded by Ptolemy in his g e ogr a phi e sof“ Albion”( Br i t a i n)a nd“ Hibernia”( I r e l a nd)I f i r s tt r i e dt oe nvi s i ont heBr i t i s h Isles as it would appear to long distance traders –traders who cover great amounts of water and therefore have a large scale view of the landscape and seascape, compared to settled land people in the interior who might be aware of not much more than the world at only 50 km radius. Landbased people might recieve traders from the larger scale of activity and even adopt language from the larger scale, but not have influence over the large scale. This is clear from how in more 19 recent history, Britain developed numerous internal dialects. In order for there to be a similar language over a wide area, starting from a similarity even with the Aestic language of the southeast Baltic coast, we need to have a single people covering large distances and having interreactions everywhere they go, as would be the case with professional long distance traders.. It is interesting to note, since humans are naturally curious consumers, if the British Isles were ‘ i nva de d’byal a r ges c a l et r a de rpe opl e ,t he ywoul dnots e e mt obei nva de d,butha ppi l y welcome these peoples who would give them exotic things from afar in return for goods that to them were common. Throughout history, traders have been welcomed with open arms. For example in recent North America, the Natives had easy access to animal furs, while French, Dutch and English had European manufactured goods like iron pots. Trade is based on an exchange between what each had plenty for what each lacked. It was satisfying, and it is easy to see how unopposed traders would have been if they arrived from afar to trade. In fact traders who travelled very far would be most welcomed because they brought the most fabulous goods from distant civilizatios. Unlike Romans having to battle their way into Britain, traders could simply arrive, not even be organized on the large scale, and natives would happily welcome their setting up markets. Imagine if this went on for a thousand years –the consequence would be that the long distance traders would unwittingly promote the development of native peoples who developed industries around the goods the traders wanters, turned improvised markets into significant trade centers, developed interior shipping routes by which interior resources were brought to the international ports, and so on. As we look at the names given by Ptolemy, we have to bear in mind that while an invasion by a land-based people like Celts and later Romans, must be a conquest through a campaign of war, carried out within decades,a n‘ i nva s i on’byl a r g es c a l et r a de r sc a nbea c hi e ve dbyrepeated visits by all kinds of groups of traders over a thousand years or more. A large scale lingua franca, will be promoted by the strongest traders and then all lesser trading groups will converge towards this lingua franca. If land-based peoples are heavily involved with the traders, they too acquire the lingua franca. Bear in mind we are dealing with a slow process covering a millenium or more, not with an invasion by an army trying to achieve conquest within a few years. Army invasions naturally result in instant opposition. Traders arriving with exotic vases from afar are welcomed with open arm. Traders conquer a people without their even knowing it. That, in my opinion, is how the British Isles acquired a language that, according to Tacitus, was similar to that of the east Baltic, the location of amber. We can follow long distance traders from the east Baltic to the east side of Britiain and find Finnic-like words along the way, including the word askala me a ni ng‘ bus i ne s spl a c e ’(according to Finnish meanings of ASKA words) becoming “ Scandia” ,“ Scala” , and even the Scheria in the Odyssey7 Further support for a theory that in early Europe the large scale trade was in the hands of descendants of the Finnic aboriginal boat peoples across the northern waters, can be found on the even larger scale, if we follow the probable trade routes. For example the name of the Loire river, which Romans called Liger or Ligera is the same as the name of the Ligurians, who were found as far south as the mouth of the Rhone at Marseilles. We can determine from a map that river traders could follow the Loire up to near Lyon, where the shipping goods could transfer to the Rhone. The Ligurians clearly had another name –Veneti. Even today we can find towns reflecting this near Lyon –Venissieux and Vienne. In ancient times people were named with 7 See my paper at called THE ODYSSEY’ SNORTHERNORI GI NSANDA DIFFERENT AUTHOR THAN HOMER for a theory linking the Odyssey tales to legends pertaining to southern Scandinavia in Greek times. 20 descriptive phrases. The word Ligurian, reflects the Finnic word that is in Estonian liigu ‘ move ’ , hence the Loire and its traders were called liigu-ra ‘ ( pe opl eof )pa t hofmovi ng ’ .I nt e r e s t i ng l ythe same name was applied to tribes on the Oder in Roman times. Goods from Britain were transferred to the river traders on the Loire, whose mouth was only a short distance down the coast from the home base of the Brittany seagoing Veneti. We can also follow traders who went south and crossed into the Mediterranean by crossing the istmus via the Garonne. There we find, for example the Mediterranean town at the crossing from the upper Garonne to the Mediterranean called Narbo. This word appears in many locations of Europe far from Narbo, such as Narvik, Norway, and Narva, Estonian. The meaning from what the locations have in c ommoni st ha the r et het r a de rmove df r om onewa t e r wa yi nt oa not he r .Thena me“ Nor wa y ”t oo came from it, originally meaning the channel at the Jutland Peninsula whereby traders moved from the North Sea into the Baltic Sea. This is only one example of many associated with major water routes, and with meaningful descriptions if translated with Finnic. The word Uxella found in Britain is another such an example. But discussion of the ancient trade network and evidence in names is beyond the scope of this paper. Our intention here is purely to show the evidence that the major place names recorded by Ptolemy, obviously from Roman surveyors and/or seafarers, translate meaningfully with Finnic,not a bl ywi t hEs t oni a n.Pt ol e my ’ sge og r a phi c a li nf or ma t i on comes from early Roman Britain, and for that reason is better than later geographical information, after the Romans had developed Britain and altered some names to fit Latin better. ThusPt ol e my ’ sna me sc a nber e g a r de da sbe i ngi nt hena t i veBr i t i s hl a ngua ge ,a nda l t e r e donl y bydi a l e c t i cpe c ul i a r i t i e si nt hes our c e sa nd/ ort heRoma ns ur ve ypa r t y ’ shearing. There would be a tendency for some names to be Latinized to sound better to Romans. One of these, I have found is the loss of initial vowels. For example the word Londinium has probably lost an initial A, since ALUNDI would be a common Finnic plac ena meba s i c a l l yme a ni ng‘ c onne c t e dwi t hs e t t l i ng , l a ndi ng ’ . For this short introduction to analyzing British names via FInnic, I will, like a large scale trader, look at the British Isles as a whole, identifying the major trade routes and towns. The common view that the British Isles were or i g i na l l y“ Ce l t i c ”wa swr ong .Not e ,t houg h,t ha tthe Finnic languages, in spite of Norwegian and Swedish historians speaking for centuries of original peopl e st he yc a l l e d“ Fi nns ” ,ha vebe e ne xc l ude df r om t hehi s t or yofEur ope , treated like primitives incapable of adapting to civilization. However, archeology reveals that the aboriginal peoples of northern Europe, south of the reindeer peoples of the arctic, evolved in a swampy land in the aftermath of the withdrawal of the Ice Age. Any intelligent academic can see that if there was a development of boat peoples interracting with settled peoples across the north, that it would arise from the people already accustomed to making and using boats and travelling long distances in their annual seasonal nomadism. A similar exclusion of the aboriginal component from history can be seen in more recent times in the way North American history has ignored the native peoples. A large number of major place names in North America still have their native names. We know this from historical records, but fast forward centuries into the future –the native origins of the names will be forgotten. If we studied a European map today, it is difficult to identify the original names of places. For example Roman era Massilia has become Marseilles, Ligera has become Loire and so on. But if we study names from early Roman Britain compiled by Ptolemy, we will see place names that are two thousand years closer to the origins in early native Finnic/Venetic British. 21 22 The preceding map depicts the British Isles in early Roman times. I have plotted on the map some of the major place names, notably the ones we can associate with major trading events. My intention is just to show enough evidence to be convincing to the reader of this paper, that there is truth to the new belief –pursued now by some archeologists –that the British Isles were originally speaking a large scale language that was Venetic or close to Venetic, which I determined is a Finnic language. Since we have a limited knowledge of Venetic, I use Estonian (a language descended from the east Baltic Aestic language mentioned by Tacitus and Bede), to interpret the place names I present. Since any language can find any kind of silly meaning to any name, these interpretations have to be judged by how suitable the meanings are to the place, compared to the suitability of meanings when interpreted by another language like Celtic. To be brief we will focus on major points of interest. First of all, when the trader proceeds to the British Isles from Brittany, they deal with several words with the stem UX. This word mirrors the Estonian word uks ‘ door ’ .Thee ndi ng–la i nFi nni cme a ns‘ pl a c eof ’ .Toda y ,c a l l i ng apl a c ewhe r es hi psl a ndbyat e r m“ por t ”( a ndnot et hewor d“ por t ” ,a si n“ por t a l ” , itself has the me a ni ngof‘ door ’ ! )t e ndst os ug g e s tt heUxella me a nt‘ pl a c eoft hepor t ’a ndt ha twa sag ui det o arriving traders coming by sea. The Scilly Islands obviously from their name must have originally been Uxella Islands. Ptolemy does not mention this though. I include it because it is obvious. Ptolemy does however mention Uxella Estuary, Note that Uxella exists also at the top of the Uxella River. Today the name has become Exeter. There is also an Uxellum further north. The next significant name appearing in many places is Alauna. I added the Alauna on the mainland side, associated with the tribe Venelli (read Vene-la ‘ l a ndoft heboa t s ’ )obvi ous l ypa r t of the Venetic confederation of seatraders (Armorica = Armo-riigi ‘ na t i onss uppor t i veo fone a not he r ’ )On the British side Ptolemy gives Alaunus River. It is logical there was a location at the mouth of that river called Alauna or Romanized to Alaunus. This word is mirrored by Estonian alu ‘ba s e ,f ounda t i on’ , or the adverb alla ‘ t owa r dsdown’ .Theobvi ousi nt e r pr e t a t i on vi at heEs t o ni a ne a ri s‘ pe r t a i ni ngt ol a ndi ng , the landing place’Thewor da ppe a r sa l s oi nt he north, at the entry to the Firth of Forth and Firth of Clyde. Their Alauna’ sa r el oc a ted out from the bay, suggesting it is the first location where ships will land when arriving. From there, they will proceed into the Firth. Note that obviously there was a shipping connection through the waterways between the FIrth of Clyde and Firth of Forth –today canals have been developed for ships, but in ancient times, ships were not very large (imagine ships somewhat like later Viking ships) and could be carried over short pieces of land by all its crew. Now, just as we saw a Venelli at the southern Alauna, here we see Vennicones north of the Firth of Forth and Vindogara at the Firth of Clyde..Bearing in mind Ptolemy was not dealing with seafarers speaking in exactly the same way, we have to interpret how these words differ from the name Veneti. The name Vennicones, to the Estonian ear, sounds like Vene-konna ‘ pe r t a i ni ngt ot heboa t -c ommuni t y ’ .Vindogara, however, shows the main word as Vindo. This word was more common in later history and most used in Scandinavia. The high vowel –VIND instead of VEND comes from its speakers having a palatalized, vowel-raising, dialect. It is the wor dt ha tl e a dt ot hel a t e rhi s t or i cna me“ We nds ” ,whobe c a meGe r ma ni z e dorSl a vi c i z e di n later history. But early Roman times is too early to consider the users of Vindogara to have been Germanic-speaking. They must have been Suebic speaking which had a high dialect. Adriatic Venetic had a high dialect too. The ending –gara, is mirrored in the name of the Garonne. Is it possible that there was one trader organization dealing with the west side of the British Isles, and another that travelled back and forth to and from the Baltic? It was practical perhaps not to carry your ship across, but to simply hand the shipment off to the shippers most familiar with the other 23 side. However, note that in northern Ireland there was a tribe named Vennicni. To me it is the same word as Vennicona, mispronounced or miswritten. The tribe handling the arrivals and departures of the long distance ships is shown between the Firth of Forth and Firth of Clyde with the name Damnoni. From the Finnic perspective, considering we see something similar at southeast Britain (tribe called Dumnoni) and elsewhere similar elements using the harder T, the way this name fits the location and what these people do, in being the handlers of traders coming in and out, is that it is abbreviated from something like TOO ‘ br i ng’MA ‘ l a nd”a nd–N ‘ of ’ .ThusTOOMAAN >DUMN.La t i nc oul dt he na d dt he i r ending and arrive a Dumnones or Dumnoni. While the Dumnoni, Damnoni words are abbreviated and therefore one can question this approach, the fact is that from the Finnic perspective, the wor ds pe a ksoft he‘ l a ndofbr i ng i ng( wa r e s ) ’ ,a ppl i c a bl et obot hl oc a t i ons .Butnot et he r ewa sa third trading land. See in the far north the island called Dumna. This island has been, according to archeological evidence, a major center for trade frequented by the seahunting tribes. The Veneti could go there to obtain sea products. For example walrus skins were valuable in the south. They were cut in a spiral to form very tough ship ropes. Walrus ivory went south too. The name of walrus entered Greek as orca,a c qui r i ngt heme a ni ngof‘ mons t e r ’ . e ve ni ft heor i g i na l name was based on its tusks (Via Estonian we could call a walrus with orga and it would mean ‘ s pi ke done ’ ) The fourth significant market-land, was of course southeast Britain, but that area was claimed byt r a de r sCa e s a ri de nt i f i e da s‘ Belgae’ .Ca e s a rnot e dt ha tt he i rt r i bena me si ns out he r nBr i t a i n mirrored names on the mainland side. When you think of it, the tribe on the mainland side remained associated with that on the British side. They passed trade goods back and forth. Thus, I believe that originally southeast Britain was under control of the Venetic traders, but then Belgic tribes pushed into the area and appropriated much of what the Venetic traders had achieved. Julius Caesar actually wrote that the Belgic tribes were originally to the east of the Rhine and were pushed west by Germanic tribes. There was a domino effect where the Belgic tribes were now opposite Britain, and took an interest in it. This did not occur very much before Ca e s a r ’ sa r r i va l–maybe a couple centuries. In terms of place names in southeast Briatin, as always newcomers do not change established place names, so the original Venetic-British place names endured, including the word Canti, whi c hme a ns‘ pl a c ea s s oc i a t e dwi t hc a r r y i ngove r l a nd’ .( Es t oni a nkandma ‘ t oc a r r yove r l a nd’ ) . In general interpreting southeast Britain is complicated by this Belgic immigration. While we can find place names translating via Estonian (I already pointed out that Londinium seemed to be Alundi.) the tribe names and chief names mentioned by Caesar do not translate via Finnic. These immigrants from Gaul basically took over the trader access to resources in the interior of southeast Britain. We are reminded that both Caesar and Tacitus, in writing in the developed southeast, pointed out that the native British were in rural areas. But there is no evidence the Belgic domination extended to the west British Isles, or north of the Thames valley. Perhaps they might have expanded their power, had the Romans not arrived and taken over, but as history unfolded Belgic interests in Britain were thwarted by the Roman conquest. Therefore, in the early Roman times, geographical names might still carry names created in the Venetic period and translatable with Finnic, but we will find difficulty with the Belgic tribe and person names. On the other hand, beyond the Belgic southeast, the name of a person can be more easily interpreted with Finnic. For example name of the leader of the rebellion in the north, Calgacus, interprets well with Estonian kalge and his name suitably a ppe a r st ome a n‘ t hes e ve r e , ha r d,one ’ 24 Some other names:(Refer to the map to locate them and view the geographical context) In the south near Alaunus River, there was a tribe named Durotriges. This name interprets easily with turude-riigi ‘ na t i onoft hema r ke t s ’ . In the north, the tribe named Otalini, makes me think of Ot(s)ala ‘ pl a c eoft het e r mi nus ’ .For ships crossing from Norway the Firth of Forth would have been a destination a terminus, and so at r i beha ndl i ngt hea r r i va l st he r ec oul dha vebe e nc a l l e d‘ pe opl ea tt hepl a c eoft het e r mi nu s ’ . Seteia and Setantiorum Portus, both being harbours, sounds like the modern Estonian word f or‘ ha r bou r ’whi c hi ssadam.Thewor dmi g htor i g i na t ef r om ‘ a r r i va l ’( saada). Tribe names Coriondi and Cauci. I believe these tribes created settlements to serve as stopping or warehousing places because neither maintained a town (market). The word Coriondi sounds like korjandi ‘ pe opl epe r t a i ni ngt og a t he r i ng( wa r e s ) ’a ndCauci sounds like kauge ‘ di s t a nt ’ .Ta c i t usi de nt i f i e saChauci on the coast near the Jutland Peninsula. The Cauci could have been a colony in their trade activities. Later in history Estonian terminology existed in which kauge-sõit, literally ’ long-distant journey’meant sailing outside the Baltic. This shows the word kauge was in use in shipping activity. Eblani is obviously the origin of the word Dublin, but interestingly via Finnic Eblani mirrors ABALA,awor dme a ni ng‘ pl a c eoft hee s t ua r yba y ’ .I ti st heor i g i nofAbalus, mentioned by Pytheas for the amber island at the southeast Baltic. However, Abalus did not name the island itself (the Samland Peninsula) but its general location at the mouth of the Oder and at the lagoon created by the sandbar that runs along the shore. Eblani is located in a bay or estuary of the river leading into the interior of Ireland. There was an important town in the center of Ireland called Rhaeba, using the RA word that appears often in ancient s hi ppi ngr out e si nt heme a ni ng‘ wa y , r out e ’ The r ei snoi ndi c a t i oni nPt ol e my ’ sna me swithin Ireland, that there was a non-Venetic language there. I believe there could have been another people (ie Celts), but that the trade systems were developed by the Venetic large scale traders, and so they named the market towns and rivers. Not shown is the fact that Ptolemy named two locations in the interior as Regia, whi c hi sLa t i nf or‘ c a s t l e ,pa l a c e ’ .Th i ss ugge s t st he r ema yha vebe e nt wos ma l lki ng domsup the Shannon River that ruled native peasantry, but that they were so weak that Romans simply marched in and took them over,a ndg e ne r i c a l l yl a be l l i ngt he ma s‘ c a s t l e ’ .Scholars have claimed Romans never touched Ireland. That is a stupid idea considering the Romans tried to conquer every other part of the British Isles and Ireland had copper and other metals. I think that the interior of Ireland had only two weak kingdoms that they could subdue probably without even a battle, and the rest of Ireland lived near the coast and were fishermen or traders. In other words Romans had no difficulties with “ Hi be r ni a ”a nds odi dnotne e dt owa g ewa rwi t hi t .The yc oul d simply replace a royal family with their own officials. In my theory of how the Celts developed, I believe that the most obvious solution is that the Brittany Veneti assimilated into the Celtic language in Brittany, and so when they continued to deal with Ireland and western Britain, their language changed and that changed the language of the people they dealt with in Ireland and western Britain. This theory is believable because everywhere else in post-Roman Europe, the Veneti-named peoples, once their original large scale trade network was fragmented by the Roman Empire directly and indirectly, assimilated into the environment surrounding them which they served. Thus at the Adriatic they became Latin-speaking, along the trader routed between the south Baltic and the Adriatic and Black Seas, they became Slavic speaking. Along the Rhine and up into Scandinavia they became Germanic speaking. And so those in Brittany and serving the Loire became Celticized. Thus the conversion 25 of the fragmented original large scale Venetic trade system to smaller scale activity and regional languages is a clear pattern, and it is easy to see how, during the Roman period, the Brittany Veneti became Celtic and then over several centuries, their continued activity on the west side of the British Isles generally changed the language of the marketers and settlers at their destinations to Celtic as well. To conclude our brief overview of the Venetic-Finnic British Isles in the early Roman period, let us consider the tribe called Brigantes. The Brigantes had so many market towns that it seems it was formed out of three or four tribes. (Generally tribes had only one to three market towns but the Brigantes had ten.) On the map I have also shown Brigantes in southeast Britain at the Birgus River (today Barrow). This river name suggests the original unabbreviated name was BIRIGA-ND This now sounds like it might have been in the native British language PIARIIGANDI which via Estonian me a nt‘ c onc e r ni ngt hema i nna t i on’ .I ti sc l e a rt heBrigantes, with ten towns was the main nation of Britain’ st r i ba lna t i ons .They also had a collective center of government in a town called Rigodunum and a meeting place, conference place, called Camoludunum which resonates with the King Arthur tale of Camelot. There are two towns in the mountainous interior, the Pennines, that appear to connect trade crossing the mountains from one side to the other. They are named Calatum and Olicana. The latter Olicana, sounds like Estonian üle-kanna ‘ ove r -c a r r y ’( i epor t a g e ) .Theot he rt own Calatum contai nst hewor df or‘ c l i f f ’ ,a ndc oul dha vebe e ns ome t hi ngl i keKaljude ‘ ( t o wn)of t hec l i f f s ’ .Thes t e mc a na l s obes e e ni nt hewor d Caledonia in the far north (not shown on this map) which via Kaljude woul dme a n‘ ( pe opl e )oft hec l i f f s ’ . Another mountainous location can be found further north and a tribe named Selgovae. In Es t oni a namount a i nr a ng ewa sr e f e r r e dt oa sa‘ ba c kbone ’orselg. On that basis Selgovae could t r a ns l a t ea s‘ f or c eoft hemount a i nr a nge ’ . Ptolemy supplied many times more names and most of them can be interpreted in similar ways with meanings that reflect the nature of the town or location. We have to bear in mind that at this time all place and tribe names were established purely from constant use by those involved. Until the Romans, there was no standard language, names, or maps. Therefore the original names had to be obvious descriptions, and not fanciful names that few could remember. It is when other attempts to interpret British place names require strange meanings like names of deities, totems, etc, that we must question the interpretations. In my analysis all the meanings relate to geographical context or context in trade, like for example the Uxella and Alauna – simple descriptions naming access to ports or landing places or harbours. Rivers we will find of t e nha vet hewor dRA me a ni ng‘ wa y ’or TO,TE. ,TIme a ni ng‘ br i ng i ng -wa y ’( i e‘ s hi ppi ng wa y ’ ) .TheRAa ndTOe l e me nt sc a nbef oundt hr oug houtt hea nc i e ntVe ne t i ct r a der out e s .Ot he r repetitions arei nABA me a ni ng‘ ba y ,e s t ua r y ’butoften referring to a large river since a large river is like an extension of its estuary. Many Celtic words actually contain loanwords from Venetic. This is to be expected if the Celtic languages in Britain developed from Venetic speakers adopting Celtic. Inevitably some Venetic words would be maintained. Interpretation via Venetic and Estonian is at this time controversial since traditionally academia preferred to ignore the Finnic aboriginal roots underlying the peoples of northern Europe. It is clear that in prehistoric times, boat peoples of a Proto-Finnic cultured covered the entire north from the British Isles to the east Baltic and beyond, because archeology has found remains of prehistoric dugout canoes also in eastern Britain. This means the British Isles were originally Finnic, and that made it easy for the large scale traders to find their widely used dialect to be quickly accepted. The Venetic traders were not converting the natives to a completely new 26 language. The only peoples who may have retained their original dialects would have been those who remained in the northern isles, harvesting the sea. These people still would have had a Finnic language since they used skin boats which originated in arctic Scandianvia. (For the early prehistoric story of European boat peoples refer to my earlier research and wr i t i ngund e rt hehe a di ng“ Ui r a l a ” . ) To conclude the pursuit of a theory that native British at the beginning of Roman Britain was a Finnic language developed from Venetic trade interests over a thousand or more years, is a viable one, and even makes more sense than the generally arbitrary and fanciful myth of western Europe and the British Isles having in some magical way become entirely “ Ce l t i c ” . If we replace “ Ce l t i c ”wi t h“ Ve ne t i c ”t he ni tc oul dbet r ue ,i nt hes e ns et ha tl ongdi s t a nc et r a de r sc ul t i va t e da large scale language. As I said above, before linguistics, people could change their language without being aware of it and in the process retain their sense of identity and history. If Welsh ha dr oot si npr e hi s t or i ct i me si n“ Cimmeri”working copper mines, then they have preserved an identity through many changes in language and culture dating back to some four thousand years. __________________________________________________________________ References My several years intepreting the Venetic inscriptions found in northern Italy, are documented in the work: A Paabo, VENETIC LANGUAGE An Ancient Language from a New Perspective: FINAL This document also contains additional related information about northern Europe in the Appendix, including analysis of the Suebic language.. For a quick overview read the short version of the book. It is advisable since the full document is very comprehensive. Both and more on the ancient Veneti see: or For the origins of the original prehistoric British, see the story of the boat peoples found under the heading “ Ui r a l a ”a There is also a paper at general paper at For more on Ptolemy and his geographies search via google. There are copies of his geographies that can be downloaded from the internet Ot he rr e f e r e nc e ss uc ha st oPt ol e my ’ s ,Ta c i t us ’ ,a ndCa e s a r ’ swor k, or the examples of Venetic in Brittany and Wales are cited when they are presented or in the footnotes 27