physics - Sehgal School of Competitions
physics - Sehgal School of Competitions
PLANNING OF PHYSICS FORCE FEE STRUCTURE OTHER COURSES OFFERED BY SEHGALS Rs. 2510/- + Service Tax (Lumpsum), to be paid through ! FOUNDATION BUILDING MODULES: Based on XI class curriculum, these modules will help you understand Physics at the basic fundamental level. ! TARGET LEVEL MODULES: Based on XI + XII class n D.D./Money Order in favour of Sehgal School of A comprehensive programme with study material, drills and All India Test Series to help crack School as well as Competitive Exams. Competitions payable at Delhi. Foundation Building Modules will be provided at an extra Commencement : April, July, October (Every year) cost of Rs. 1000/- + Service Tax (Lumpsum). n curriculum these modules will comprise of problems similar to the actual Competitions level. Sehgal School has the best course material. I will always remember the cooperation & motivation all my teachers always gave me here. MANOJ (IIT-JEE'96, AIR-88) All the faculty members at Sehgal School strove hard to achieve excellence and to help their students achieve heights of success. PANKAJ (IIT-JEE'97, AIR-70) SCHOLARSHIP SCHEMES BASIS Olympiad/NTSE Scholar SC/ST/OBC Marks in X/XII above 90% School Topper/ Principal recommendation Marks in X/XII between 86 - 90 % Marks in X/XII between 80 - 85 % SCHOLARSHIP Commencement : April, July (Every year) n 50% 25% 25% Commencement : July (Every year) n 20% 15% 10% For those who dare to dream beyond IIT should join this programme to crack these exams. This includes the challenge All India Test Series, Compact study material and regular drills. n All India 1st Rank : A scholarship of Rs. 24000/- payable every year for 4 years of graduate studies. All India 2nd Rank : A scholarship of Rs. 18000/payable every year for 4 years of graduate studies. Being a Sehgalian I can say with confidence that the Correspondence Courses would be another feather in the cap for Sehgal School of Competitions. ANURAG (IIT-JEE'02, AIR-14) All India 3rd Rank : A scholarship of Rs. 12000/- payable every year for 4 years of graduate studies. It was a wise decision to choose Sehgal's as my guide. GIRISH (IIT-JEE'03, AIR-84) All India 4th – 10th Rank : A scholarship of Rs. 6000/payable every year for 4 years of graduate studies. Excellent teaching, regular Mock Papers, Doubt clearance, individual attention to problems and their timely solutions alongwith interesting study packages at Sehgal's helped me in fulfilling my dream. ASHOK (IIT-JEE'04, AIR-62) All India 11th – 100th Rank : One time reward of Rs. 1000/- I won this battle because I has the support of Sehgal School of Competitions. I truly thank them for everything. SHRIHARI SINGH (IIT-JEE'07, AIR-68) Sehgal’s IIT–JEE/DCE & AIEEE Supersonic Programme –(For XII studying & XII pass students) Intensive contact crash programme catering specially for motivated and highly graded students alongwith Compact & Challenging material, Regular Topic wise tests and Mock Test Series. REWARDS from our side when you succeed : The individual attention and the personal approach I got at Sehgal's has resulted in my success. ROHIT (IIT-JEE'01, AIR-15) I could only work hard. But Sehgal School added the smart work dimension to my studies. Thanks to them. DEBENDRA (IIT-JEE'06, AIR-134) Sehgal’s DCE & AIEEE Special Programme –(For XII Studying and Pass students) Commencement : August (Every year) Sehgal School of Competitions wants only devotion and hard work from students, rest their highly qualified & experienced faculty looks after. ANKUR (IIT-JEE'99, AIR-09) It is always preferable to join an Institute which knows you by your name alongwith your strengths and weaknesses also, which Sehgal's really did ! ANKIT (IIT-JEE'05, AIR-02) Sehgal’s IIT–JEE & DCE & AIEEE Programme : IIT-JEE & DCE & AIEEE–(For XII-Pass students) A rigorous programme alongwith the challenge All India Test Series, study material and drills. I owe all my success to my Gurus at Sehgals ! ANSHUL (IIT-JEE'98, AIR-58) Sehgal School offers such a well integrated system that you'll be trained for any kind of exam. The rigorous Test Papers and target oriented material helps you improve step by step. DEBASHISH (IIT-JEE'00, AIR-23) Sehgal’s IIT–JEE & DCE & AIEEE Twin Programme : CBSE XII + IIT & DCE & AIEEE– (For XI appeared and moving to class XII) A real boon for students who have to appear for XII & aspiring for IIT–JEE & DCE & AIEEE alongwith the challenge All India Test Series, study material and drills. SCHOLARS SPEAK I thank Sehgal School for helping me clear IIT. They have excellent trainers and helpful material. RATUL (IIT-JEE'95, AIR-54) Sehgal’s IIT–JEE & DCE & AIEEE Twin Programme: CBSE (XI+XII)+ IIT & DCE & AIEEE (For X appeared & moving to XI) Commencement : End of March (Every year) n Sehgal’s Correspondence Courses : Maths Wizard (For XI, XII studying and XII pass students) Improve step by step, sitting at home alongwith rigorous practice of MCQ's and Comprehension Passages. It will help you crack IITJEE/DCE/AIEEE in a much more simple way. A programme of its own kind which will make learning easier for you. Commencement : April (Every year) n Sehgal’s All India Test Series : IIT-JEE/DCE/AIEEE-A Test Programme with Solution Sets exactly on the level of Actual Exams. (For XII studying and XII pass students) SEHGAL SCHOOL OF COMPETITIONS Corporate Office : 30, Central Market, II Floor, West Punjabi Bagh New Delhi-110 026. Phs. : 011-25226228. Branches : • B-36, II Floor, Prashant Vihar, Rohini, Delhi-85. Phs. : 32958993, 65168288 . • 14 Central Market, Ashok Vihar, Phase-I, Delhi-52. Phs. : 32640790, 65705764 e-mail : Please make all correspondence at Punjabi Bagh Centre only. PHYSICS FORCE A Unique Correspondence Course in Physics For IIT-JEE, AIEEE, DCE/NSIT, UPSEAT, CET, PET, BCECE, EAMCET, BHU, AMU & All Other Competitive Exams. REMEMBER YOUR SCHOOL TEACHER GIVING YOU YOUR FIRST LESSON IN PHYSICS.... REMEMBER HOW YOU HAVE STRUGGLED TO UNDERSTAND PHYSICS... NOW RELIVE THE MAGIC OF PHYSICS WITH SEHGAL'S PHYSICS FORCE! PHYSICS FORCE Physics will never be the same again for Engineering aspirants. Nine months of hard work, 11 exclusive modules in Foundation & Target a team of 12 outstanding individuals in the field of education led by Mr. Rajender Sehgal. Add to it our thousands of students and professors from leading Engineering and other Reputed colleges who tirelessly worked for us and told us that we can go ahead without worrying about the content and after weeding through the material we are convinced that we have a winner in hand that would match the standards of Physics in every possible way. And you have the Physics Force that we can confidently say is absolutely world class! World class in terms of contents, world class in terms of analytical abilities, world class in terms of commitment (i.e. never to accept anything which is average or above average, but absolutely superb). I hope that whatever we are writing is what you agree with and feel delighted about because it has been our endeavour to make each and every child understand Physics in a better way. You might be wondering as to how good a material would Physics Force be compared to other correspondence courses. Are our competitors bad or are they incompetent? Not at all! They have designed their Physics content from their own perspective, and we have our own perspective. For us it is a natural progression and for Sehgal School of Competitions as a whole too. We feel strongly that over the years there has been a marked change in the format of Engg. Entrances with questions on how to apply concept of Physics to real situations taking precedence and hence a massive shift in focus. Unfortunately nothing much was being done, when things should perhaps be on fire .... Sadly, most of the courses offered in Physics do not push an aspirant to a point where he goes beyond the ordinary and tries to achieve the heights of excellence. Genuinely, we've never ventured into any area where we have nothing to contribute. We did feel we had a lot to contribute to the way the knowledge of Physics was to be imparted. We hope it is a thrilling journey for our students too. The true meaning of "world class" a bench mark Physics Force would strive for, if not beat, module after module, to become India's most respected and trusted course in Physics. An undisputed leader in Physics ..... Sehgal's PHYSICS FORCE. Physics Force. Carefully planned it is. But carefully dreamed of is a better way to describe the thinking that has gone into Physics Force. An eleven volume compendium, Physics Force has everything you wished to know and learn in Physics. Covering the Boards and the elite Engineering entrances like IIT-JEE.... Physics Force has both subjective and objective tests and illustrations. From the best and intricate questions of the toughest Engineering entrances to the most challenging problems.... From the basics level questions to complex multidimensional questions, Physics Force has it all. As you prepare for the top Engineering entrances, remember that the competition is stiff, and now is the time to invest in your future. PHYSICS FORCE. For over 15 years, the teaching methodology of Sehgal School of Competitions has translated into proved success - a claim verified by thousands of satisfied students; with thousands of enrolment roster per year. Now; in Physics Force the elite Sehgal School Faculty apply the famed organization's time tested principles to demonstrate how anyone, regardless of what degree of knowledge he/she has of Physics, can harness the enthusiasm to achieve outstanding result. The comprehensive, step-by step modules include strategies to help you. • Identify your weak areas. • Achieve your goals in a methodical way. • Eliminate redundant options in objective questions. • Become more confident in applying the concept to solve tough numericals. • Balance Boards curriculum with Entrances. concepts. The puzzlers are intended to peak your interest and motivate you to read the chapter. • Answers to puzzlers All chapter-opening puzzlers are answered later in the chapter, either in text discussion or in problems. Sample problem: Calculate the root mean square speed of argon atoms at room temperature (25°C). At what temperature will the root mean square speed be half that value ? Solution. MAr = 0.040 Kg and R = 8.3 J/mol/K Crms = 3RT 3(8.3) (273 + 25)= 430.7 m/s = M 0.040 for the same gas : C rms (1) T1 = C rms (2) T2 Þ 1 = T1 2 298 Þ T1 = 74.5 K = – 198.5°C CHECK POINTS Check point appear throughout the text, focusing on the key points of Physics. You will need to tackle the exercises and problems found at the end of each chapter. These check points help guide you away from common errors and mis conceptions. Check points-typed questions at the end of each chapter ask you to organise the Physics concepts rather than plug numbers into equations. A charge +q is carried from point A(r, 134°) to point B(r, 45°) following a path which is a quadrant of circle of radius r. If the dipole moment is p, the work done by the external agent is • Develop your potential and furthering your chances of success. A • And much more......................... • Physics Force has the gift of being simple without being simplistic. B r 45° 45° r • Fundamentals are the key to success. Enrol in Physics Force today, but most importantly use it. p (a) 0 HOW PHYSICS FORCE WOULD WORK FOR YOU • Chapter opening puzzlers: Each chapter opens with an intriguing example of Physics in action by presenting high-intersect applications of each chapter's 1 4 pe 0 (b) 2 qp 1 qp 4 pe 0 r 2 1 4 pe 0 Sol. w = q(V2 – V1) = q æç P cos 45° ç 4p e r 2 0 è (c) r2 (d) qp r P cos 135° ö÷ = 2 qP 2 4 p e 0 r 2 ÷ø 4 pe 0 r SAMPLE PROBLEMS AND PROBLEM SOLVING TACTICS The key note of Physics Force Physics Force has numerous sample problems that offer you the opportunity to work through the Physics concept in a much better way. Careful attention has been paid to help you develop your problem solving skills. Problem solving tactics are closely interrelated to the Sample problem and can be found throughout the Modules that would come to you. The tactics are designed to help you not only for your Boards but also for the major Engg. entrances that you are likely to take - IIT-JEE, AIEEE, BITS, DCE/NSIT, REC's... FUTURISTIC QUESTIONS - THE HALL MARK OF PHYSICS FORCE The hall mark of Physics force are its end to end exercises and problems that would open new vistas of Physics for you. As Physics is closely related to Maths in numerous ways, the questions have been designed in such a way that a new process of thought evolves in learning, to make you understand the concept of Physics in a better way. A lot of other questions on analogy makes Physics Force unique in many ways. PHYSICS FORCE CONTENTS ARE: Measurement, Motion along a straight line, Vectors, Motion in two and three dimensions, Force and Motion - I, Force and motion-II, Kinetic energy and work, Potential energy and conservation of energy, Systems of particles, Collisions, Rotation, Rolling, Torque and angular momentum, Equilibrium and elasticity, Gravitation, Fluids, Oscillations, Waves-I, Waves-II, Temperature, heat, and the first law of Thermodynamics, The kinetic theory of gases, Entropy and the second law of thermodynamics, Electric charge, Electric fields, Gauss' law, Electric potential, Capacitance, Current and Resistance, Circuits Magnetic fields, Magnetic fields due, Induction and inductance, Magnetism of matter: Maxwell's equation, Electromagnetic oscillations and alternating current, Electromagnetic waves, Images, Interference, Diffraction, Special theory of relativity, Photons and matter waves, More about matter waves, All about atoms, Conduction of electricity, Nuclear physics, Energy from the nucleus, Quarks, and the big bang.
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