Paradise Kids: A Story Of Hope
Paradise Kids: A Story Of Hope
A Story Of Hope ... Contents Page Who We Are 3 What We Do 4&5 Grief and Loss Support Groups 6 Every Picture Tells A Story 7 The Boy’s Group 8 Individual Counselling 8 Illness Support In The Community 9 Illness Support Holiday Program 9 Initial Ongoing Support Services 10 Parent Support Group 10 Grandparent Support Group 10 How You Can Help 11 Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope Page 2 Who We Are Paradise Kids is a Gold Coast based charitable organisation established in 1996. The founders, Deirdre Hanna and Rev. Dr Ian Mavor OAM (pictured) wanted to create a place where children could come to ‘help heal the heartache’ in their little lives when faced with traumatic situations, such as a death of a parent or sibling or their own life-limiting illness. Children also suffer grief through separation or divorce. Paradise Kids provides group support and individual counselling to these children and their families. All children grieve differently. They may express emotional feelings such as anger, fear, guilt, repetitive behaviour and sorrow, as well as physical and behavioural changes. Paradise Kids understands that behavioural problems can result in underperformance at school and disruptions in relationships. Paradise Kids helps by supporting the grief and healing process of both children and parents, and by teaching parents how to support their children who are grieving. The Paradise Kids Programs and Support Group Sessions are held at Arundel on the Gold Coast and Greenslopes in Brisbane. Paradise Kids takes an integral approach to address all aspects of the child – body, mind and spirit. The emphasis on ‘heart work’ helps children grow and heal through their losses and, rather than repressing the pain, offers valuable life skills now and for the future. This intervention at the origin of the loss, rather than years later, allows children to grieve and release feelings, including anger, in a safe way, move forward in life and face the future with hope. This results in children who grow to be mature responsible adults who are the hope for our planet’s next generation. Paradise Kids Gold Coast Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope Page 3 What We Do We Support Grieving Children Paradise Kids has devised a unique program based on scientific research and documentation from sources around the world on how to help children grieve well to work toward completing the four tasks of mourning: Accepting the reality of the loss, feeling the feelings, commemorating the loss and moving on to integrate the loss with a higher sense of self-worth. As well as helping children develop compassion for themselves and others we offer inner life skills that help children move forward in life with resilience and an understanding of healthy living. These benefits include body awareness, understanding feelings, happiness, confidence, respect, safety for one another and inner peace that can be maintained in times of change. The following topics give an example of the techniques used by Paradise Kids to help grieving children. Breathing and Relaxation Exercises: Teaching the children breath-work allows them to have control over their own feelings and fears. The fight and flight reaction, which is part of the stress response that grief produces, can be moderated by the use of breath-work which elicits the relaxation response. Children learn valuable self-soothing methods through breathwork and muscle relaxation, which can aid in better sleep especially in the case of nightmares or sleeplessness through fear. Yoga: Breath, life-force, body and mind are connected, and yoga is a way of uniting these parts of the human being. Improper breathing creates less life force and energy, which results in poor health and an unsteady mind. Yoga helps increase muscular coordination, maintain flexibility and promote good health, as well as calming the mind. Standing postures stabilize and contain energy. The Mountain and The Tree yoga poses are designed to ground the children and help maintain stability when change happens. Story Telling: Sharing stories is a universal part of being human. Through stories about grief and loss, anger and hardship and the overcoming of them through personal resources of courage, wisdom and a supportive community, the children learn that change and loss are universal processes. They learn that they are not alone and that other children have shared their experience. They do a time line of their own story of loss, and hear other children’s stories. This helps to normalize the feelings of confusion and aloneness that arise through loss of any kind. Movement: Healthy human functioning involves kinaesthetic awareness, which includes movement. Movement helps to dissipate and disperse the chemicals caused by intense feelings evoked by grief. Children learn that movement can be a form of relaxation and meditation, such as running, jumping, tearing up paper, hitting a pillow. They realise that feelings are in the body and can be released through movement. Story Telling Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope Page 4 Art, Music, Clay: Art and Music, including the sound of tones and bells, helps the child enter a place of awareness that transcends words. They can access feelings and develop listening skills, and art and music can be a heart-opening experience. They relax and develop creative potential. Different types of music can evoke different emotions and helps to bring them forth from the deepest self. The children paint their feelings about the loss to music and also sculpt their loss with clay. Meditation and Visualization: These increase awareness, still the chattering mind and allow the child to reflect on life from an altered perspective where they might find peace and calmness. Meditation and visualization allow contemplation on life experiences to unfold. This teaches a response to life and change in the present moment, and allows awareness to emerge of ways of responding to new experiences. Teddy Bears: Paradise Kids uses teddy bears to comfort grieving children or children who are themselves living with a life-limiting illness. Teddy bears are soft and cuddly and provide sensory warmth and touch for a child who may be grieving the death and touch of a loving parent. Teddy bears can be cuddled and loved, and provide comfort in the night when children can be woken by nightmares and intense grief for the person who is no longer with them. Memory Boxes: Paradise Kids uses Memory Boxes to help children talk about and value important parts of the person that is missing from their life and to look forward to the future in the knowledge that love never dies. Memories are special gifts for children in grief. It is important for children to move through stages of their grief by remembering their loved one who has died or who no longer lives with them all the time. Paradise Kids provides Memory Boxes and invites children to bring in a favourite photo or objects belonging to the loved one who has died or the person missing from their everyday life. Memory Boxes help children memorialize and honour the part that the lost person had in the creation of former family life. Clay Work Teddy Bear Healing Memory Box Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope Page 5 Grief and Loss Support Groups Paradise Kids delivers 9 Grief and Loss Support Groups each school term (with an average of 10 children per group) to children aged between 3-5 and 6 to 11 years. Paradise Kids conducts Play Therapy for children aged between 2-5 years in a one-on-one situation or in a group. In total, over 4 school terms a year, Paradise Kids delivers programs to over 400 children who are experiencing divorce, separation or a death in the family; suffering from an illness or a terminal illness; have seen their parent suicide; are victims of abuse or bullying, sexual abuse or abandonment; are experiencing life in a violent domestic home situation or life in foster homes. Each child has an individual Buddy (volunteer) trained in Grief Counselling through our Hopewell Educational Services. The Grief and Loss Support Groups help children grow through grief by a mixture of storytelling, art, meditation, music, clay, anger-management, meditation, guided imagery and support from both their Buddy and their peer group of other grieving children. With peer sharing and support, their grief is ‘normalised’ and they no longer feel alone. The 2-5 year age Play Therapy helps children work through their grief, loss or trauma in a one-on-one playful, fun atmosphere with a trained Grief Counsellor or as part of a Play Therapy Group. This results in a change of attitude, better behaviour and a greater understanding of their strong emotions. In particular, they learn to manage anger in a safe, socially acceptable way. The 3-5 and 6-11 year age Grief and Loss Support Groups helps children deal with their strong feelings of grief and guilt particularly in relation to the death or divorce of a family member. At this stage of development children often feel the loss is their ‘fault.’ The program provides a supportive space for children to express their feelings, including anger, in a safe way and normalises body symptoms as part of the grief process. They learn inner life skills to help with the healing process of grief, loss or trauma, and also to deal with future loss and change. 2-5 Years Play Therapy 6-11 Years Grief & Loss Group Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope Page 6 Sharing Happy Feelings Sharing the Pain Understanding Art Meditation Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope Page 7 The Boys’ Group (8-11 Years) The aim of the Boys’ Group is for the boys to have fun, participate in physical games and explore trust and responsibility while experiencing the company of good men (Buddy Volunteers). This diverse group of men (the Buddies) model a form of masculinity that demonstrates strength, integrity, compassion and respect – respect for women, each other and the boys. This group also teaches the boys that bullying is not a safe way to express their strong feelings of grief and anger. The concept is simple. Paradise Kids believes that it is very important for boys to interact with good-hearted men of high integrity. It is how a boy learns to become a good man. While the boys are taking part in the program a facilitator conducts a support group for their mothers and carers. Boy’s Group Learning to Trust and Be Trustworthy Individual Counselling Paradise Kids offers individual counselling to children and adults who are experiencing grief and loss due to factors such as the death of a loved one through illness, accident or suicide, and family difficulties through separation, divorce or a family member’s illness. This type of counselling is conducted in a safe, non-threatening, nurturing environment at Paradise Kids and serves the Gold Coast and surrounding regions. Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope Page 8 Paradise Kids Outreach Illness Support in the Community A child with a life-limiting or long-term illness creates a challenge that can exceed the resources and coping mechanisms of the child and their family. Living with the diagnosis of a serious illness is a stressful life event that brings many changes. It can lead to anxiety and strong feelings for the child and their family, and can lead to accumulated physical, emotional, psychological and spiritual stress. Through a series of seven sessions, which have different themes, a trained Paradise Kids worker visits the seriously ill child in hospital or at home to support them with their illness. At the same time, a counsellor assists the parents, and siblings can attend a Paradise Kids Support Group. The seven sessions cover the process of emotional healing through the grief and stress associated with the diagnosis of the illness. During these sessions the child learns to: Gain an understanding of their health experience as a loss. Share their story to facilitate discussion about the loss of their health. Grieve the loss of their health and feel the feelings. Deal with any ‘unfinished business’ around their illness. Claim a new sense of self and feel empowered to move on. Children can have a wide range of emotions about their experience of illness, including feelings of guilt about causing problems for others. Through the program, the child is encouraged to share their feelings so they have a better understanding of what is happening to them, have their fears alleviated and learn inner life skills to self-soothe. Other family members also gain better understanding of the child’s experience. Illness Support Holiday House Program The Paradise Kids Illness Support Holiday Program was established in April 2009 to offer families (from rural and remote areas, and other parts of Australia) with a child who has a terminal or life-limiting illness an opportunity to enjoy a one-week holiday. While here, the child and the family receive counselling and support to understand their feelings about the illness and the limits it places on their life. The program includes a mixture of art, storytelling, guided visualisations, meditation and stress reduction. The program also offers the whole family time to experience the beauty of the Gold Coast, with its many recreational facilities. The Paradise Kids Illness Support Holiday House has two 3-bedroom units (one with wheelchair access) with a large communal family and kitchen area. The lovely beach theme throughout reflects the Gold Coast ethos and life style. Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope Page 9 Initial and Ongoing Support Services Prior to participation in the Grief and Loss Support Groups, the initial support process provides children and families with an understanding of the Paradise Kids program. Initial support is provided through a phone call and a 1-1/2 hour appointment to give support to the parent and to place the child in the appropriate program (or referral to another service). This support continues during and after participating in a Paradise Kids Program or Counselling Session. Ongoing support to cope with life’s changes is provided via the phone or in-person, as needed. Parent Support Group Paradise Kids facilitates this group for parents who have experienced the death of a child at any age. Whether consciously or unconsciously many people hold the belief that children should not die before their parents. In reality, of course, life is unpredictable and sometimes children do die before their parents. Because of these cultural beliefs, grieving parents may find that the death of a child is a taboo subject. Friends may avoid discussing the issue for the simple fear of causing further pain, both for the parents and themselves. By providing a safe and supportive place to discuss the grieving process, this group facilitates the tasks of the grief process and of moving on into healing. Through sharing their experience, strength and hope, parents of this support group gain release and peace from grief and pain. Sharing helps in empathising with the pain of others, and frees us from the emotional bonds of the past, as well as the ongoing pain of grief and loss. Grandparent Support Group Paradise Kids facilitates this group for grandparents who, by choice or necessity, are the prime caregivers of their grandchildren. The aim of the Support Group is to give grandparents an opportunity to share their experiences with others in similar situations and to explore difficulties and solutions in a supportive and confidential environment. The Women’s Group Is an open personal growth group – helping women share their journey together after the 7week children’s program and their own parent support group is over. Healing the Heartache Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope P a g e 10 How You Can Help Help Heal the Heartache ... and help a child move toward happiness At Paradise Kids, we receive no government funding so we rely heavily on the generosity of community donations to “help heal the heartache of the little ones”. As a local children’s charity, we are unique as we can offer our donors, supporters and community partners the opportunity to be a part of the PK Family to see firsthand the work we do and the difference we make to the wellbeing of our local children who participate in our programs. If you would like to Partner with Paradise Kids and “help heal the heartache of the little ones” we welcome you to: Financially support one or more of our programs (program support is fully tax deductible). Sponsor a child with a terminal or life-limiting illness and their family for a Gold Coast holiday as part of our Illness Support Holiday Program. Host a fundraising activity on behalf of Paradise Kids. Find a location for one of the Paradise Kids donation money boxes. Nominate Paradise Kids as a beneficiary for a special event. Donate resource materials, e.g. drawing books, textas, pens, teddy bears, memory boxes. Set up an ongoing donation through our Ezidebit Program see Make a donation (large or small) - donations over $2 are fully tax deductible. Paradise Kids Donation Form Registered Charity 1194 Please find enclosed a Tax Deductible Donation payable to Paradise Kids Cash Credit Card Donation Amount: $ Card Type: Visa Cheque (Number) (donations over $2 are tax deductible) MasterCard AMEX (Please Circle) Name on Card: (PLEASE USE BLOCK LETTERS & PRINT CLEARLY) Name on Tax Deductible Receipt: Signature: Address: Postcode: Email: Phone: Card Number: Expiry Date: CVV2 or CCV2 Code on back of card Card details are destroyed once payment is processed Credit Card and Cheque Donations can be mailed to PO Box 1290 Runaway Bay Qld 4216 Cash donations can be made by visiting Paradise Kids at 88 Allied Drive, Arundel Qld 4214 Paradise Kids ... A Story Of Hope P a g e 11 88 Allied Drive, Arundel Qld 4214 PO Box 1290, Runaway Bay Qld 4216 T: 07 5574 6853 F: 07 5563 3139 A Division of Hopewell Hospice Services Inc (1993) Paradise Kids was Established 1996 • ABN 38 890 040 788 • Reg. Charity No. 1194 • DGR Donations over $2 are Tax Deductible Email: