New Whitening System


New Whitening System
from the dentist
Produced for the Patients of Dr Riegel
Summer Is
Smile Season
This is one of the seasons
I love the most. Everything we
were longing for at new year’s
has arrived – it’s warm, it’s
bright, and nature’s at its best.
And we still have plenty to look
forward to.
Some of you will be
participating in graduations
or weddings, others will be
heading out of town, and for
sure, most of us will be enjoying
outdoor family activities like
barbecues and sports.
Whatever your plans,
my team and I want you to
enjoy this wonderful time
of year safely. Please wear
sunscreen, and don’t forget your
toothbrush if you go camping.
If looking your photogenic best
is a priority, we’ll be happy to
fit you in for a consultation for
teeth whitening, Botox® or even
Call soon. We don’t want you
to miss out on anything!
Yours in good dental health,
Summer 2014
New Whitening System
Available now at Mark Riegel DMD Family Dentistry is an entirely
new teeth whitening system, unlike any other. The KöR® Whitening Deep
Bleaching™ System is truly an innovation in teeth whitening procedures. It’s
a blend of a new philosophy, technique, and material all combined to give
“Wow” results for almost all patients and with little to no sensitivity.
Dr. Riegel aspires to have the most modern techniques and top quality
products needed to help you achieve your dental goals. With old whitening
techniques, Dr. Riegel has not recommended teeth whitening to many of his
patients with moderate to heavy staining or sensitive
teeth. But now most patients between 14 and 90
can get excellent results whitening their teeth.
How does it work? When you come
in, we will make precise impressions of
your teeth then create custom ultrathin whitening trays. Once these
trays are prepared, he will show
you how to use them and the KöR
Whitening solution. For the
next two weeks, you wear your
whitening trays each night while
you sleep, then come in for your
final visit. It’s that easy.
Any patients wanting to try this
new system will need to start from
scratch to take advantage of KöR’s
superior results. Call us and ask
about KöR Whitening. Then come
into our office and get the dazzling
smile you’ve always wanted!
Dr. Mark Riegel
T ha n k y o u for a l l y o u r r e f e rra l s . W e a p p r e ciat e th e m !
True Quality Shows
When you’re smiling – we’re smiling!
Gum disease is a triple threat. It arrives silently without
symptoms, so opportunities for prompt treatment are
missed. It can damage your oral and general health, and
it can profoundly diminish your quality of life because
untreated gum disease can affect your day-to-day
life in many ways…
l Your mouth and face can really hurt. It is an infection
after all, and as such, involves swelling and bleeding.
l You can find it difficult to chew food which puts your
general health at risk. Flavor can be greatly reduced.
l Altered chemical and digestive processes in your mouth
can lead to Irritable Bowel Syndrome and other digestive
disorders that will inhibit your work and social life.
l You may find it challenging to communicate clearly
because of loose or missing teeth.
l You can experience deep feelings of embarrassment and
isolation because swollen gums, missing or tilting teeth,
and prematurely aged and sunken facial features may
inhibit you from smiling.
Thankfully you’ve got us! With
regular visits and assessments, and
a little home care instruction if
you need it, we can help you
avoid gum disease and help
decrease your risk for other
chronic diseases!
We’re On
The Lookout
Regular oral cancer screenings
While you may think that cancer of the mouth is
rare, it will be diagnosed in over 100 people each day
in North America, and someone dies from it every
hour every day.
l Younger non-smoking patients under the
age of 50 are the fastest-growing segment
of the oral cancer population.
l 75% of head & neck cancers originate
in the tongue, 17% on the lip,
14% on the mouth floor.
l When found at early stages of
development, oral cancer patients
have an 80-90% survival rate.
Please keep your regular
hygiene appointments where we
can thoroughly check for signs of
anything unusual. That could be all
it takes to save your life.
A Change
Of Attitude
Root canal Rx
The power of words to conjure feelings like anxiety is truly
amazing. Say “root canal” and you know what we mean. That anxiety is
residue from the very distant past, as today, this procedure is comfortable
and safe. With advanced endodontic techniques and technologies, it’s also
fast, efficient, and without discomfort.
Treating teeth that have become infected, damaged from injury, or contain
a slowly dying nerve can protect you from pain and suffering in the here and
now ... and extensive restorations, discomfort, and expense in the future.
Once we’ve saved your tooth, we’ll restore it to its former strength and beauty
with a crown. That way you and your tooth – and your smile – will be protected
for the long-term!
Candy Is Dandy
But a great smile is better!
Smiling is even better than feel-good chocolate! It creates a caloriefree happiness loop that reinforces your feelings of joy, and socially,
it helps to create trust with others. People can tell if you are smiling
on the phone, even if they can’t see you! So if you’re not smiling
because it embarrasses you, cosmetic veneers could give you
high-speed access to the gorgeous smile you want.
Veneers are individually sculpted just for you. They’re so
natural-looking that no one will know you have them ... but
they will definitely notice how beautiful your smile is.
Here are four great things that
veneers can do for you…
1. Brighten dull, yellow, or even darkly stained teeth.
The modern materials we use also resist future
2. Correct slight twists, overlaps, & gaps – instantly –
without braces.
3. Camouflage chips & cracks.
4. Re-balance the appearance of teeth that are
misaligned, uneven, or irregularly shaped.
If you’d like brighter teeth, skip the sugar high and
give us a call or tell us at your next recall appointment.
Let’s talk about improving your smile!
Results may vary
Kudos For Kale!
Try Healthy Kale Chips
1 bunch kale
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 teaspoon seasoned salt
Enrich your smile
What you eat has a powerful
impact on your teeth. Not just on
an immediate level – when sugars
and acids break down teeth enamel
– but nutritionally. To fortify your
smile, choose fresh produce rich
in provitamin A (beta carotene)
including collard greens, cabbage,
spinach, lettuce, carrots, sweet
potato, pumpkin, and kale. Eat
raw, cooked, or baked! Low-cal,
nutritious, and delicious!
Preheat oven to 350ºF.
Line a cookie sheet with parchment paper.
Remove the leaves from the thick stems & tear
into bite-sized pieces. Wash & dry thoroughly with
a salad spinner.
Toss dry kale in olive oil & sprinkle with salt.
Spread on cookie sheet and bake until edges brown
(about 10-15 minutes). Make sure you watch
closely to avoid burning.
A Smile Is For Life!
How to achieve good oral health at any age
The key to good oral health?
Prevention. Did you know that for
every $1 you spend on oral care and
prevention, you’ll save an estimated
$8-50 on future emergency and
restorative procedures? Poor oral
health is costly, not just from a
dollar standpoint, but also in terms
of quality of life, pain and suffering,
lost productive time, and even
reduced life expectancy.
Consider these statistics…
Children: Kids with poor oral
health are 3 times more likely to
miss school because of dental pain
and their absences are linked to
poorer grades.
Teens: 20% of teens have
untreated tooth decay which can lead
to gum disease and tooth loss.
office information
Mark Riegel DMD Family Dentistry
Dr. Mark Riegel
8795 Ralston Rd Ste 104
Arvada, CO 80002-2353
Summer Hours (May through Aug)
7:30 am – 4:15 pm
Contact Information
(303) 424-2222
Office Staff
Lynette............................... Front Office
Jamie...........................Dental Assistant
Brianna.................................. Hygienist
Barb...................................... Hygienist
is important
to us – don’t be
afraid to ask
Information included is not dental or medical advice. For your specific
information be sure to consult our office. If you do not wish to receive
this newsletter, please contact us directly.
Adults: Gum disease increases
three-fold in the 20s, and nears 50%
by the 50s. Overall, approximately
75% of adults are affected by
periodontal disease, which is also
linked to diabetes, cancer, heart
disease, and more.
Seniors: Poor knowledge
of preventive care, and even
medications, may be to blame for the
fact that 25% of people (65+) have
lost all of their teeth.
A neglected smile can influence
quality of life at any age, and the
simplest and most budget-friendly
solution is prevention. Regular
checkups and cleanings, plus
fluoride treatments, sealants, and
x-rays, can keep you smiling for
a lifetime!
A Tasty Treat For
Referring Friends
And Family
We are always grateful for the
referrals you send our way. It is an
incredible compliment to know that
you trust us enough to send your
friends, family, and colleagues to our
practice, and we will always welcome
them enthusiastically.
To show our gratitude for your
referral, we’ll send you a restaurant
gift card worth $30. It’s just a tasty
way for us to say thank you!
We look forward to meeting
the people you send our way. We
will always provide the same kind
of reliability, friendly service and
professionalism to them as we give to
you. No exception!
Carter’s Corner
Carter will be turning
two this June. He has gotten
increasingly inquisitive as he is
getting older. Carter watches
very closely what we do and
often try’s to mimic us. Whether
it’s placing the key in the lock
of the front door, laying down
and stretching on the floor with
us, or brushing his teeth as in
that cute picture, he thinks he’s
ready to be a big person already.
Just this morning he has
shown us he can now open the
childproof baby gate, oh boy!
He is starting to find some
hobbies in his little world
too. He enjoys playing with
matchbox cars his Papa sent
him. Reading has always been a
favorite activity just before bed
time. When he needs to sit and
relax watching Curious George
is his preference. And when it
comes to being outdoors its just
dirt, dirt, and more dirt.
It’s always fun when patients
ask about Carter and share with
me their stories of kids and
grandkids, what an interesting
adventure kids are!
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