GUE LO GENE RA L C ATA SISTEMA DI QUALITÁ AZIENDALE CERTIFICATO ISO 9001 Certificato n° 50 100 1319 Made in Italy Morselli & Maccaferri srl Morselli & Maccaferri s.r.l., with head office in Piumazzo, province of Modena, has been operating for over thirty-five years in the field of winter and summer service machines and equipment. The Company, now fully run by the Morselli family, Morselli senior (Luciano) and his two sons Alessandro and Francesco, has always had the goal of developing and innovating its products. For many years now the Company has managed to become established on the Italian and European markets, even with its new range of beach-cleaning machines and with its very wide range of firefighting units and modules. With a total indoor area of 2500 square metres, divided into 5 works duly equipped for its operative function, and another 4000 square metres of outdoor area for warehouse and storage of equipment and vehicles. Our valuable and long lasting Products Snowploughs. Ploughs. Carried salt spreaders. Front and rear sweepers. Fire-fighting units/modules, carried and heliborne. Street cleaners’ barrels. Special versions of trucks and motor vehicles. Beach-cleaning machines, manual or self-propelled. Sales Network Thanks to its internal, dynamic and constructive commercial staff, assisted on the whole territory by a capillary network of dealers, and thanks to its wide range of products, to the continuous study and development of the same products, our company is well rooted in the national territory, with public bodies such as Anas, Autostrade, Municipalities, Provinces, Mountain Communities; we are also present in almost all European and a few Extra-European countries. Planning The planning phase of the equipment manufactured by Morselli & Maccaferri s.r.l. is by the internal technical department with 3D data carrier. The drawings of the details of all the equipment are owned by the company. During the production phase, the technical department has the duty of studying, organizing and checking that the European regulations of the new law No. 81/2008 and the CE marks are fully complied with. Prior to their delivery, all the vehicles and equipment are checked and tested in compliance with the directives on the procedures reported on the ISO 9001 regulations, and are provided with user’s and maintenance manual, spare parts catalogue and CE declaration of conformity. Manufacturing process: All the manufacturing process development occurs in an indoor area of 2500 square metres: from planning to raw material cutting, to structural work, painting, mounting and testing, and finally to storage on an outdoor area of 4000 square metres. Maintenance service For over 30 years now the company has been executing ordinary and planned maintenance work, repairs, revisions and compliance of spreaders and snowploughs of all models and brands, with supply of the necessary spare parts for repairs both to private customers and to public bodies, such as Anas, Autostrade spa, Municipalities, Provinces, Mountain Communities. Such operations are carried out in full compliance with the ISO 9001 directives, reported from the manual of Procedures managing the technical support with skilled personnel and with the aid of a fleet of technical support vehicles duly equipped to provide help at home and in warehouses. We are able to provide 24-hour support in case of emergency and disasters. The longest and most difficult operations are carried out at our works in the area which is destined to special maintenance operations. For any repairs that go beyond the ordinary maintenance operations we are able to provide an analysis of the equipment conditions, subject to free on-the-spot investigation with relative cost estimate. We also have a wide range of authorized workshops on the national and international territory that can intervene in cases of emergency where it is not possible to directly. After-sales service Our company has a 24-hour after-sales service which is able to respond by phone / e-mail / fax to all our clients’ requirements, by providing a skilled technician’s support. Our spare parts warehouse – which is always active – allows us to supply spare parts even in critical moments within 24-hours. rs New arte u q d Hea INDEX Snowploughs 6 Spreaders 8 Sweepers 10 Hydraulic modules 11 Fire modules 12 Beach cleaners 13 Tiger One 14 Snowploughs Snow Dogg · PU 200 Snow plow blade with shockproof snowplough, and catch for quickcoupling for off-road and low power. Suitable for use in moderate speed in urban and suburban centers. YL4 180-200-220-240-260 Snow plow snowplough blade with a soft antishock system and guard plate DIN Hookflash 76060/B double parallelogram, Quadrant for low power. Suitable for use at high speed. Acting from time to time on the calibration of shock Springsfront, you get an excellent job both in urban and suburban locations, even at high altitudes in strong terms. Maia · 280-300-326 Snow plow snowplough blade multi-purpose city with antishock system wiper on the knife, 4 independent sectors. Suitable for use in population centres with the presence of road infrastructure. Having a point very close to the ground you can to maximize the power of the half, getting a good result even in conditions of heavy snow, either on urban suburban routes, even at high altitudes. 6 Light · YL/L 160-180-200 Snow plow blade with shockproof snowplough and catch for quick coupling for low power. Suitable for use in moderate speed in urban and suburban centers. YL/M 200-220-240-260 Snow plow snowplough blade with shock absorbing system on wiper blades and springs to catch on quick coupling plate DIN 76060/B double parallelogram, quadrant for low power. Suitable for use in population centres with the presence of road infrastructure. Having a point very close to the ground you can to maximize the power of the half, getting a good result even in conditions of heavy snow, either on urban suburban routes, even at high altitudes. CS68/6 T 240-260-283-306-326-356-380 Snow plow blade to a field or two fields with shock absorbing system, Central or rear quick coupling for exclusive application to agricultural tractors. Suitable for use in population centres with the presence of road infrastructure. Having a point very close to the ground you can to maximize the power of the half, getting a good result even in conditions of heavy snow, either on urban suburban routes, even at high altitudes. CS68/6 P 260-283-306-326-356-380 Snow plow blade to one or two sectors with antishock system for application to arms of backhoe loaders, telescopic or earth-moving front lifters to replace the bucket. Particularly suitable for use in urban centres. If disabled the system shock springs can be used with moderation, as scraper grader. A3S/86 283-306-326-356-380 Snow plow blade 3 sectors with antishock system, front double parallelogram plate with quick coupling DIN 76060/3-5 suitable for application to the front. Snow plow blade is suitable for use on routes that have road infrastructures (trapdoors, sidewalks, bumps, etc.) and also on suburban routes. Acting from time to time on the calibration of shock Springs-front, you get a great job even at high altitudes. SRA/XL 356-380-400-450-500 Snow plow snowplough blade with variable impalatura system of the blade, hydraulic valve shock calibration and variable nitrogen accumulator, front double parallelogram plate with quick coupling DIN 76060/3-5 suitable for application to the front. Snow plow blade is suitable for use in conditions of heavy snow, even with the presence of ice. A2S/86 260-283-306-326-356-380 Snow plow Blade 2 sectors with antishock system, front double parallelogram plate with quick coupling DIN 76060/3 - suitable for the application. Snow plow blade is suitable for use on routes that have road infrastructures (trapdoors, sidewalks, bumps, etc.) and also on suburban routes. Acting from time to time on the calibration of shock Springs-front, you get a great job even at high altitudes. SRA/5 283-306-326-356-380 Snow plow snowplough blade with variable impalatura system of the blade, hydraulic valve shock calibration and variable nitrogen accumulator, front double parallelogram plate with quick coupling DIN 76060/3-suitable for the application. Snow plow blade is suitable for use in conditions of heavy snow, even with the presence of ice. Ploughshare · VMR 1/220 - 2/260 - 3/300 - 3R/300 Ploughshare piste transformable situated wedge blade straight, sloping right/left and Spoon into next. 7 SPREADERs Salt Doog · SPLE 125-220-300 SPLE 125/220 SPLE 300 Polyethylene and steel structure operated with 12 volt electric motor, located behind the means by anchoring. Especially suitable for small-scale means for use in urban centers, plazas, hospitals, walkways and more. Salt Doog · SPLE 573 Polyethylene structure with double thickness and steel sliding channel auger operated with 12 volt electric motor, placed on the chest of the means by anchoring. Especially suitable for transport of small / medium-size use in urban and suburban. SPR/Rullo · LT 500-1000 Use on tractors with three point linkage. Hydraulic cylinder for loading, driven by hydraulic motor to be connected with the hydraulic system of the vehicle, speed control valve. Suitable for use in urban and suburban. 8 SPR-PO Inox · LT 400-700 Suitable for salt, sand, grit, with hydraulic motor drive, complete with a control keyboard, screen and top cover. Suitable for application on the chest of three wheelers of low power, and 4x4 pick-up. SPR/Disco · LT 950-1200 Use on tractors with three point linkage. Hydraulic cylinder for loading, driven by hydraulic motor to be connected with the hydraulic system of the vehicle, speed control valve. Spreading via disc, suitable for spreading salt, sand and gravel. Especially suitable for tractors of small, medium and large-scale, for use in urban, suburban, and more. SPR 400 Inox · LT 270-350-500-750-1050-1500 Frame made of stainless steel AISI 304 with infeed conveyor in stainless steel AISI 304, shedding a turntable. Suitable for use by small / medium-size use in urban and suburban. SPR 2000 Inox · LT 2000/2MC Frame made of stainless steel AISI 304 with infeed conveyor in stainless steel AISI 304, shedding a turntable. Suitable for medium-range transport and dump short, for use in urban and suburban. SPR 4000/5000 Inox/FE52 · LT 4000/4MC-5000/5MC Frame in stainless steel AISI 304 or FE52, fully bolted with infeed conveyor in stainless steel AISI 304, shedding a turntable. Suitable media for high average range for use in urban and suburban. SPR 2000/C Inox · LT 2000/2MC Pianale corto Frame made of stainless steel AISI 304 with infeed conveyor in stainless steel AISI 304, shedding a turntable. Suitable for medium-range transport and dump short, for use in urban and suburban. SPR 3000 Inox · LT 3000/3MC Frame made of stainless steel AISI 304 with infeed conveyor in stainless steel AISI 304, shedding a turntable. Suitable media for use in medi um-size cities and suburban. SPR 6000/7000/8000/9000 Inox/FE52 Frame in stainless steel AISI 304 or FE52, fully bolted with infeed conveyor in stainless steel AISI 304, shedding a turntable. Suitable for high capacity media for use in urban, suburban, freeways and expressways. 9 SWEEPERS Sweeper cat · SWW 140-160-180-210 Basic composition: Harvest bucket · Brush of polypropylene · support for 2-wheel alignment to soil (R version only) · Bolted blade reversible · Front protection Carter · Hydraulic pipes · Attachments for skid-steer loader. Castor XL · SWXL 200-220-240-260-280-300-320 Basic composition: Brush of polypropylene · 2 swivel casters with support for alignment to the ground · Hydraulic pipes · Hydraulic angle without collector · Attack to third point. Tekno · SWT 160-180-200-220-240 Basic composition: Brush of polypropylene · 3 swivel casters with support for alignment to the ground · Hydraulic pipes · Hydraulical angolation · Binder · Brush side hydraulic. 10 Castor · SWE 160-180-200-220-240 Basic composition: Brush of polypropylene · 2 swivel casters with support for alignment to the ground · Hydraulic pipes · Hydraulical angolation · Attack to third point. Tekno Simply · SWTS 120-140-160-180-200-220-240 Basic composition: Binder with hydraulic unloading · Brush of polypropylene · 2 swivel casters with support for alignment to the ground · Hydraulic pipes · Attack to third point. Speed Cleaner · SWC 160-180-200-220-240 Basic composition: Brush of polypropylene · Hydraulic transmission · 2 swivel casters with support for alignment to the ground · Hydraulic pipes. nte MIP-modulo polivalent MIP-modulo idricoidrico polivalente MULTI-PURPOSE hydraulic modules CISTERNE: inox, vetroresina. CAPACITA': lt 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1 CISTERNE: inox, vetroresina. CAPACITA': lt 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2 00, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000. MOTORI: benzina, diesel, funzionamento idraulico MIPda-20Multi-purpose hydraulic TATA (POMPE): a 300 lt/min. PRESSIONE (POMPE):module da 0 a 150 bar POMPE:pistoni membrana, pistoniincon tuffanti aingirante. ceramica, a girante. PORTAT POMPE: membrana, con tuffanti ceramica, PORTATA (POMPE): BARRE LAVASTRADE: in acciaiocon inox AISI304 con ugelli intercambiabili, BARRE LAVASTRADE: in acciaio inox AISI304 ugelli intercambiabili, movimentazionemoviment meccan mentazione meccanica o idraulica co polivalente Combination with street cleaning ABBINAMENTO Abar BARRA LAVASTRADE ABBINAMENTO A BARRA LAVASTRADE : lt 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000. MOTORI: benzina, diesel, funzionamento idraulico ceramica, a girante. PORTATA (POMPE): da 20 a 300 lt/min. PRESSIONE (POMPE): da 0 a 150 bar on ugelli intercambiabili, movimentazione meccanica o idraulica DE TANKS: stainless steel, fiberglass. CAPACITY: lt 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000. MOTORS: gasoline, diesel, hydraulic. PUMPS: membrane, piston with telescoping ceramic impeller. CAPACITY (PUMPS): da 20 a 300 lt/min. PRESSURE (PUMPS): da 0 a 150 bar. BARS STREET CLEANERS: AISI 304 stainless steel with interchangeable nozzles, hydraulic or mechanical handling. Weed module 00, 1500, 2000, 2500, control 3000. MOTORI: benzina, diesel, funzionamento idraulico SSIONE (POMPE): da 0 a 40 bar. BARRE : in acciaio inox AISI304 con ugelli O : lt 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000. MOTORI: benzina, diesel, funzionamento idraulico MODULO DISERBO MODULO DISERBO CISTERNE: inox,CAPACITA': vetroresina. ltCAPACITA': lt 200, 600,1500, 800,2000, 1000,21 CISTERNE: inox, vetroresina. 200, 400, 600, 800,400, 1000, POMPE:PORTATA membrana.(POMPE): PORTATA da 20 PRESSIONE a 100 lt/min. PRESSIO POMPE: membrana. da(POMPE): 20 a 100 lt/min. (POMPE regolabili in polipropilene. regolabili in polipropilene. : da 20 a 100 lt/min. PRESSIONE (POMPE): da 0 a 40 bar. BARRE : in acciaio inox AISI304 con ugelli TANKS: stainless steel, fiberglass. CAPACITY: lt 200, 400, 600, 800, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000. MOTORS: gasoline, diesel, hydraulic. PUMPS: membrane. CAPACITY (PUMPS): da 20 a 100 lt/min. PRESSURE (PUMPS): da 0 a 40 bar. BARS STREET CLEANERS: stainless steel AISI304 with polypropylene adjustable nozzles. 11 FIRE MODULEs MODULI ANTINCENDIO per pick-up APPLICAZIONE: pick up. CISTERNA: inox capacità lt 400,600,800. MOTORI: benzina, diesel. POMPE: membrana 40 bar-50lt/min, 50 bar-90 lt/min, pistoni 42 lt/min - 100 bar, multigiranti 32 bar - 420 lt/min. LANCE: doppia impugnatura a lunga gittata. AVVOLGITUBO: manuali, elettrici for PICK-UP for VEHICLES 4x4 TANK: Completely made of stainless steel AISI 304, capacity 400 to 800 liters (depending on the extent of the pickup. Complete with reinforcement ribs (for further stiffen the structure), No. 2 breakwaters internal bulkheads, upper hatch inspection D = 400, overflow vents, complete with check valve (to prevent leakage of water during the off-road driving), external liquid level using fluorescent sphere. PUMP: Diaphragm pump type 40 bar - 50 l / min, or alternatively type pump 50 bar - 90 l / min, complete with pressure regulator and safety valve overpressure. The controller is designed for No. 2 output with quick mouth-free 1 / 2 “and a UNI 25, all preceded by the ball valve. ENGINE: Subaru Robin 9 hp gasoline engine pump (40 bar - 50 l / min) - Robin Subaru petrol engine 13.5 hp (50 bar pump - 90 l / min) - 9 hp Lombardini diesel engine pump (40 bar - 50 l / min ). HOSE REEL: Manual or electric hose reel 12 V, complete with hose fireproof UVL (½“ with quick ducted. LAUNCHES: Launches double-handle type mitra, with full Jet modulation/nebulized. BATTERY: 12V, 45 A. WATER DISTRIBUTOR: Ball valve for filling the tank or suction from outside sources. ACCESSORIES: L = 5m suction kit. Complete with fittings UNI 45 and the bottom valve (standard), corrugated aluminum container above the reservoir for housing materials, the second reel Release (to be attached to the main reel for up to 200 meters), is launching additional mixer launches with a special foam, PVC tarpaulin. TANK: Completely made of stainless steel AISI 304, capacity from 600 to 4000 lt., Set up anti-vibration mounts (same as in the cab of truck) and characterized by very low center of gravity for more stability and maneuverability when driving off-road. Complete with reinforcement ribs (for further stiffen the structure), internal bulkheads breaker waves, upper hatch inspection D = 500, vents overflow, complete with check valve (to prevent spillage of water while driving off-road) external liquid level by fluorescent sphere. FRAME: High-strength steel hook, complete with parking places for walking and hooks for attachment to the body of the truck. Possibility of installing the module on the balls of the chassis of the vehicle, so as to maximize the flow. PUMP: Piston pump with hydraulic operation, through plumbing dell’Unimog, capacities from 100 lt / min. to 250 l / min., pressures from 40 to 80 bar. Pump impeller, hydraulically operated from 600 l / min. 15 bar (for mortars operation - optional). Multi motor pump impellers, removable, 450 liter / min. to 32 bar. HOSE REEL: Hose reel with hydraulic clutch, and can be rewound manually in an emergency. LAUNCHES: Launches double-handle type mitra, with full Jet modulation/nebulized, launches American modulator liters. ACCESSORIES: Suction Kit L = 10 mt., Complete with fittings UNI 45 and the bottom valve (standard), closed spaces of housing materials from anodized aluminum frames, more mortars with hydraulic or manual, the top surface walkable, accessible by ladder aluminum folding. INSTALLAZIONE SIRENE E BARRE STROBO RIVESTIMENTO CASSONI for MERCEDES UNIMOG / SERIE UGN / UHN / U 20 TANK: Completely made of stainless steel AISI 304, capacity from 1500 to 4000 lt., Set up anti-vibration mounts (same as in the cab of truck) and characterized by very low center of gravity for more stability and maneuverability when driving off-road. Complete with reinforcement ribs (for further stiffen the structure), internal bulkheads breaker waves, upper hatch inspection D = 500, vents overflow, complete with check valve (to prevent spillage of water while driving off-road) external liquid level by fluorescent sphere. FRAME: High-strength steel hook, complete with parking places for walking and hooks for attachment to the body of the truck. Possibility of installing the module on the balls of the chassis of the vehicle, so as to maximize the flow. PUMP: Piston pump with hydraulic operation, through plumbing dell’Unimog, capacities from 100 lt / min. to 250 l / min., pressures from 40 to 80 bar. Pump impeller, hydraulically operated from 600 l / min. 15 bar (for mortars operation - optional). Multi motor pump impellers, removable, 450 liter / min. to 32 bar. HOSE REEL: Hose reel with hydraulic clutch, and can be rewound manually in an emergency. LAUNCHES: Launches double-handle type mitra, with full Jet modulation/nebulized, launches American modulator liters. ACCESSORIES: Suction Kit L = 10 mt., Complete with fittings UNI 45 and the bottom valve (standard), closed spaces of housing materials from anodized aluminum frames, more mortars with hydraulic or manual, the top surface walkable, accessible by ladder aluminum folding. 12 for MULTI PUMP IMPELLER TANK: Completely made of stainless steel AISI 304, capacity 400 to 800 lt. (Depending on the extent of the pickup. Complete with reinforcement ribs (for further stiffen the structure), No. 2 breakwaters internal bulkheads, upper hatch inspection D = 400, vents overflow, complete with check valve (for prevent leakage of water during the off-road driving), external liquid level by fluorescent sphere. The tank is fixed (by stainless steel bolts) a glove box (on request), where to house the material loading, No. 4 hoses UNI 45 / UNI 25, box removable leaf, complete with handles for easy handling, within which it is possible to stay the following materials (partitions, fittings, adapters, hoses, nozzles). The upper floor of the tank, covered in corrugated aluminum is used as a work, or possibly for the placement of blowers or work material. HOSE REEL: Manual or electric 12 V, complete with hose fireproof UVL (m. 130), or hoses UNI 25. LAUNCHES: American launches, complete with fitting UNI 25, adjustable flow rate 19 l / min. - 37 lt / min. - 90 lt / min. - 150 l / min., Adjustable spray / full spray. MOTO PUMP: Moto pump with engine cylinder Briggs & Stratton 23 hp coupled to a 4-rotor pump. Capable of delivering 450 l / min. to 32 bar. The moto pump is fixed on a special frame on vibrations, to have the opportunity to be removed from the form, only to be used regardless of the form. MOTO PUMP USES: Columns of water to carry large quantities in places where the media can not reach, you can also make pumps in series, No. 5 - Fire fighting, with a range of 35 meters (150 l / min. 32-bar) - finished - Aspiration from external sources (lakes, rivers) for filling tanks. Beach cleaners Mod. T4 Gasoline Clean beach self-propelled with rubber wheels, operated with petrol engine 5.5 Hp HONDA, starting to tear, mechanical transmission, 70 cm working width. Suitable for small and medium-sized and beach resorts with dry sand. Mod. T2 Tracked self-propelled beach cleaner with petrol engine drive 5.5 Hp Honda, recoil start, mechanical transmission, working width 90 cm. Suitable for medium / medium and large beach resorts with dry sand. Mod. T3 1800/2000 Clean beach pulled back a container full of plumbing, plumbing in upper body. Mod. T4 Electric ECO- COMP ATIBL E Clean beach, self-propelled rubber-wheel drive two electric motors to 24 V, electric starting, power transmission batteries, working width 70 cm. Suitable for small and medium-sized and beach resorts with dry sand. Mod. T3 1300/1500 Clean beach complete with box pulled back manually download double adjustable depth. Vibrating rake Ideal equipment for cleaning and smoothing the beach daily. Extremely fast and practical, apply in minutes. 12v hydraulic or electric version. 13 Multipurpose self-propelled tracked driven machine 14 ACCESSORIES Snow plow blade release angle broom Fixed blade Snowblower Arms with predisposition ballast BT Sweeper Angle Salt spreader Overhead Light trailer High pressure water module 100 liter tank Kit with bar and launches Forks for sun loungers Vibrating rake, hydraulic or electric cm. 120 full network Shredder Clamshell fork BT Rake for seaweed Sieve hydraulic networks without Support auger BT High unloading bucket BT Standard bucket BT Clamshell bucket BT Element jigging: Ø mm. 100 - Ø mm. 150 - Ø mm. 200 Upright hydraulic auger depth work cm. 100 Backhoe 15 General Catalogue - March/2011 - The technical data are informative and not binding for the builder - The prices can vary without warning Morselli e Maccaferri srl Via dell’Industria, 34 - 41013 Piumazzo (Mo) - Italy Tel. +39 059 931483 Fax +39 059 934307 MAIL RIVENDITORE AUTORIZZATO · AUTHORIZED DEALER · AUTORISIERTER HÄNDLER Technology and Creativity MORSELLI e MACCAFERRI SRL - via dell'Industria, 11 - 41013 Piumazzo MO Tel. +39.059.931483 - Fax +39.059.934307 -