Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal 12/13/2006 1


Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal 12/13/2006 1
NAER Best Practices 2006-2007
BMO Bank of Montreal
120 Bloor Street East, 2nd floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M4W 3X1
Contact: Mark Nagy
Bravo Program Manager
(416) 513-5726
The History of Bank of Montreal
BMO Bank of Montreal, Canada's first bank, opened for business on
November 3, 1817. It provided Canada's first sound and plentiful currency
and has played a major and continuing role in the development of the country,
taking part in the financing of the first transcontinental railway in the 1880s.
The Bank took part in the creation of Canadian Confederation in 1867, and
served as Canada's central bank until 1935. The first Canadian bank to open
branches abroad, it has long been active in markets in Europe, Latin America,
and East Asia as well as in the United States. Today it continues as one of
Canada's pre-eminent financial institutions and a significant presence in
United States and world markets.
Today, BMO Bank of Montreal (BMO) is one of 3 client groups which make up
BMO Financial Group. For the purposes of this submission, BMO represents
the Canadian banking operations only.
Describe the organization’s recognition strategy
In 2001, BMO began the journey to consolidate the various employee
recognition and reward programs into one single national program.
We began by surveying employees, managers and executives to see what
they felt the Bank’s program should look like. They said the program must
be easy, fair, simple and fun.
As an organization, BMO Bank of Montreal’s is lead by Core Purpose
philosophy which is “building lasting customer relationship through
exceptional service.” The recognition strategy was developed to foster a
culture of exceptional service by recognizing and rewarding employees who
embody the behaviours, activities and results which lead the organization
towards achieving our Core Purpose. In partnership with Carlson Marketing,
Bravo - an online recognition program was developed and launched in May
2003. Today, the program has expanded to include multiple retail and
commercial banking groups, virtual banking channel, headquarters and
Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal
support divisions within the Canadian operations. In total, over 20,000
employees, managers and executives now participate in Bravo.
Bravo has evolved over the years, however the recognition and reward of
behaviours and performance which encourage customer centric behaviours,
remain constant.
We also wanted a solution which was web based, centrally administrated,
used a common reward currency (Bravo points) and flexible to meet various
business needs.
The Bravo program has the following five recognition tiers:
Employee to Employee recognition
Manager to Employee recognition
Learn & Earn and Partner to employee
Quarterly top performance
Annual Best of the Best
Overall Program Blueprint
Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal
1. Describe how your organization addresses the following:
Day to day recognition:
Day to day recognition is addressed through three tiers of the Bravo program.
The first tier which all 20,000 participating employees can participate in is the
Employee to Employee tier.
Employee to Employee Recognition
Designed for all employees, managers and executives to recognize colleagues
based on behaviours which helped to achieve BMO’s Core Purpose.
Completely web based with electronic Bravo certificates
Recognizes individual employees or a team
Employees can send or receive recognition
Managers or managers once removed can be copied on the recognition
so the manager is aware of the recognition on their team
Employees are notified that they have received a Bravo via their e-mail to
sign on to the Bravo Site to view the recognition
Employees are encouraged to print out their Bravos and post them on the
department Wall of Fame banners where employees and managers can
review the Bravos.
Senior Executives have been coached when they visit a branch or
department, to visit the Wall of Fame banner and hand write a personal
note on the Bravos displayed.
There is no direct point value for this recognition, however each month
there is an online draw for 500 senders and 500 receivers to earn 100
Bravo points.
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Andre Mar
Manager to Employee Recognition
Day to day recognition is also achieved through Manager to Employee
Designed for people managers to recognize and reinforce a desired behaviour
which is consistently displayed or mastered, and performance achievement.
• Completely web based with electronic Bravo certificates
• Recognizes individual employees or a team
• Managers or managers once removed, can be copied on the recognition
so the manager is aware of the recognition on their team
• Employees are notified that they have received a Bravo via their e-mail
and sign on to the Bravo Site to view the Bravo
• Employees are encouraged to print out their Bravos and post them on the
department Wall of Fame banners where employees and managers can
review the Bravos.
• Each manager is allocated an annual budget of points
• The Manager has a range of points which they can choose to award.
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Learn & Earns Online Training
The third method of day to day recognition is: Learn & Earns
Designed to test employee knowledge on sales & service initiatives, legislation
and corporate change through an online quiz, which supports existing
communication and training.
The Learn & Earns are online multiple choice and true and false quizzes
All quizzes have a specific target audience
Successful completion of a quiz, provide an additional opportunity to earn
Bravo points
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Informal Recognition:
The Bravo Program addresses informal recognition through the Employee to
Employee, Manager to Employee, Learn & Earn as well as the Partner to
Employee and Quarterly Top Performance tiers.
Partner to Employee provides internal groups with the ability to utilize Bravo to
support their business initiative. This tier enables the sponsoring group, to
recognize employees for displaying a particular behaviour, activity or
performance results. These are excellent opportunities for employees to support
a business initiative and also earn additional Bravo points.
The Quarterly top performance tier is designed to recognize and reward a
District’s best performers. Bravos are sent by the District Vice President to
employees who exemplify over-achievement.
Awards based on 70% performance, 30% behaviours
A group/department receives a quarterly budget based on team results
Recognition is based on role specific criteria, such as referrals, call quality,
key performance indicator achievement, project deliverables
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Formal Recognition:
Annual Best of the Best:
Annual Best of the Best recognizes and celebrates a select group of employees
from across the country, all roles, all groups, who have consistently achieved
performance excellence throughout the year and are role models of the Core
Purpose. These employees are celebrated at a very special event held in their
• The selection criteria is similar to the Quarterly Top Performance tier, with
a stronger weighting towards performance results
• Winner must have an above average annual personal performance rating
and received a Quarterly Top Performance award.
• Individual awards only
• Winners are chosen by the Senior Executive, in consultation with their
management team.
• The events recognize winners with an evening of fine dining and
entertainment, hosted by their senior executive. The recognition includes
an overnight stay at a 5 star hotel, personalized crystal award, Bravo
points and personalized recognition from the senior executive.
“It was a truly amazing event. I have been with BMO since 1973 and I would rate
this as one of the best events put on. I guess you could say it was " THE BEST
S. Hambourg, Commercial Account Manager - Toronto
Incentive Travel
The Bank President actively participates in all tiers of Bravo, however we are
currently investigating a specific President level recognition in the form of an
incentive trip.
Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal
2. Provide examples of documented procedures for the following:
a) Process for identifying and recognizing day to day positive behaviours
When sending a Bravo, employees must select an attribute that describes the
behaviours they are recognizing. There are two groups of attributes: The
“Customer Promise” attributes recognize what has been done that benefit and
serve Bank’s customers, and the “Our Way” attributes defines BMO’s culture and
our values as a company and how we work together internally to serve
customers and realize our financial goals.. Both groups of attributes support our
Core Purpose of “building lasting relationships through exceptional service”.
Below are the attributes and a description of each.
Our Customer Promise - Recognizes what employees do to benefit and
serve our customers.
Help me so I can win
Deliver sound, proactive advice
Suggest alternative financial solution
Offer products and services that will benefit me
Be there when I need you
Go the extra mile for me
Be there with me – in good times and bad
Celebrate my financial milestones
Know me, know my business
Get to know me, understand me and my needs
Help me achieve my goals
Value my business – any day, any time
Own my problems
Be accountable to me
Empathize with me
Offer me solutions for today and tomorrow
Be straightforward
Be honest, clear and upfront
Make it easy for me to bank with you
Simple solutions work best
Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal
Our Way - Defines BMO’s culture and company values of how employees
work together internally to serve customers and realize our financial goals.
Works Collaboratively
Inspires trust and motivates others
Embraces opportunities for learning
Partners with colleagues
Shares knowledge
Makes Things Happen
Focuses on what matters
Breaks down barriers
Thinks innovatively and gets it done simply
Performs with courage
Leads Us Higher
Aspires to be the best
Inspires others to be their best
Embodies, demonstrates and promotes core values
Is a passionate advocate for our company
Delivers Results
Sets clear goals and exceeds expectations
Acts decisively
Keeps promises
Celebrates success
b) Nomination procedures
The Annual Best of the Best using a nomination process.
The process starts with the Vice President selecting the names of employees
that have exceptional annual performance ratings and received at least one
Quarterly Top Performance Bravo. The nomination list is then forwarded to the
Senior Vice President for review.
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The Senior Vice President makes the final selection and sends each recipient a
personalized Bravo congratulating them for their significant accomplishments and
inviting them to an Annual Best of the Best gala.
c) Selection criteria & procedures
Employee to Employee: The selection criteria and procedure for the Employee to
Employee Bravo uses the following simple steps:
1. Go online to the Bravo site
2. Select the employee by name
3. Select the attribute that best describes why they are receiving a Bravo (for
example, “Makes Things Happen”)
4. Enter the personalized verbatim
5. Copy the manager of the employee
6. Submit
Manager to Employee:
The Manager to Employee Bravo selection criteria and procedure is very similar
to Employee to Employee Bravo selection criteria and procedure.
The key difference is that a Manager to Employee Bravo has points associated to
it. The manager must determine the amount of points he or she wishes to award
with the Bravo from a predetermined range. When a people manager observes
an individual or a team consistently delivering results, demonstrating positive
behaviours or mastering a new activity, they can recognize and reward them with
a Bravo and Bravo points.
Learn & Earn:
The Learn & Earn online quiz selection eligibility varies. It depends on whether
the information being tested is relevant to the employee’s role. For example, if
there is a new credit card being launched by BMO Bank of Montreal, the Learn &
Earn would be targeted to all employees. However, if there was a very specific
mortgage referral program developed, this would be targeted to a smaller
audience within the bank, only the specific roles would be programmed into the
Learn & Earn which ties into an automatic notification feature.
Quarterly Top Performance:
The Quarterly Top Performance Bravo recognizes those employees who have
been identified as top performers in the quarter, based on defined selection
Each Quarter is independent and therefore, every employee starts each
Quarter on an equal footing with their peer group.
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Every group/department participates each quarter regardless of team
Although there are no team awards, teamwork is still critical — the better
the team performs, the more awards will be allocated.
To select the Quarterly Top Performers, Executives review, in consultation
with their management team, quarterly performance results, as well as
other criteria specific to each job role.
The selection criteria are based on performance results and behaviour
criteria specific to each peer group.
Annual Best of the Best:
An Annual Best of the Best Bravo recognizes and celebrates a select group of
top performers from across the country. The Best of the Best are chosen by
Senior Executives, in consultation with their management team.
Annual Best of the Best employees not only demonstrate excellence throughout
the year, they are ambassadors and they act as role models by making
significant contributions to achieving BMO’s Core Purpose – building lasting
relationships through exceptional service.
a. Candidates must receive an exceptional annual performance rating.
b. Candidates must receive at least one Quarterly Top Performance Bravo
during the fiscal year.
d) Notification procedures:
With all Bravo recognitions, employees receive an email notification advising
them that they have received a Bravo. They then log onto Bravo to view their
Bravo – the personal message and who sent the recognition. The Manager
maybe notified through the optional copy functionality.
With Learn & Earn quizzes, eligible employees receive a notification when they
sign onto Bravo, advising them that they are eligible for the online quiz.
Employees for the Annual Best of the Best receive a specific themed creative
pop up when they sign onto Bravo, to break through and generate awareness,
excitement and encourage the employees to register for the event.
e) Award selection
The Bravo has an online catalogue accessible from home or work. There are
more than 300 merchandise and gift certificate redemption options available.
They range from state of the art electronics to household and garden items,
children’s toys, travel, kitchen products, tools, exercise equipment, DVD’s and
music packages.
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In addition to the above redemption options, employees have the option to
donate their Bravo points to charity. The points Top UP feature allows employees
can also “top up” their Bravo points with cash in order to redeem for that special
item sooner.
Homepage of the Bravo Rewards Catalogue
f) Tracking procedures
The success of the Bravo program is tracked online through real time reports.
Each manager can retrieve online reports on their team’s Bravo activity as well
as through monthly dashboard reports which provide trends, targets and
comparison to peer groups. Shared with managers and senior executives, these
reports track the numbers of Bravos sent and received, the reasons the Bravos
are sent as well as the verbatims of the Bravos. The reports also provide an up to
date snapshot of their Bravo budget and the liability of the Bravo points.
In addition to the monthly tracking procedures available to the managers on the
Bravo website and through the Manager’s toolkit, there are monthly liability
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reports generated on the cost of the points. Quarterly program health reviews
are also provided where we track the key performance indicators of the
program’s health through various engagement and participation metrics.
3. Describe how the organization’s process has continually improved and how it
has advanced recognition within the organization.
Bravo Surveys
Each year an annual electronic survey is sent on the Bravo program to all 20,000
employees. There are two versions of the survey - an Employee and a Manager
version. The survey is sent out to gather feedback from the participants and to
measure year of year success of the program. It also helps determine areas
within the program where enhancements can be made in order to improve
employee participation and engagement.
As a result of the feedback over the past few years we have made significant
improvements to the Bravo site and program features. For example, as a result
of the survey we added a “Managers Toolkit” for managers. This is a one stop
shop for managers to see their online reports, gain valuable recognition
information on the program, as well as reference suggestion reading materials
and share best practices.
What employees are saying about Bravo…
“As a new employee I find that the program has given me the incentive to work a
bit harder and learn more.”
“Excellent program that keeps me motivated to go above and beyond my role
and responsibilities”
What managers are saying…
“I have excellent buy-in to the program, use it in my weekly sales meetings which
is complemented with a program chart that allows each employee to know how
they can earn points.”
“I think it is a great program. I have used it to reward and I have redeemed. All
the employees love the learn and earns. I would love to see more.”
The 2005 survey results showed 28% of employees are “very satisfied” with
Bravo. 133% increase over 2004.
The following key 2006 survey results support that the Bravo program has
continually improved and advanced recognition within the organization.
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For employees, the link between the Bravo program behaviour and strengthening
of customer relationships has increased from 41% in 2004 to 58% in 2006. For
managers, the link has increased from 61% in 2004 to 76% in 2006.
The consensus that Bravo is a useful tool to recognize behaviour and
performance with employees has risen from 81% in 2004 to 89% in 2006.
The score for “employees value the opportunity to recognize other colleagues
with Employee to Employee Bravos” has increased from 58% in 2004 to 65% in
Bravo Focus Groups
Following the annual survey in 2006, BMO also conducted focus groups with
specific participation segments of the employees and managers. As a result of
the valuable feedback we gained from the surveys and focus groups this year,
we re-launched the Bravo program.
The re-launch was very significant. It included an entire new website design with
a cleaner look, and less clicks and new format which has optimize the participant
experience. It also made sending a Bravo easier for the participant. Some of
these modifications also included some major functionality enhancements to the
site to provide employees with a real time points balance, number of Bravos sent
and received and a rotating selection of images within their points balance.
The re-launch was also supported by internal monthly employee magazine,
portal communications, new posters, Wall of Fame banners and redesigned
Bravo letterhead.
Bravo Website Homepage
Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal
Management Responsibility:
1. Describe senior management’s role in defining and documenting the
organizations recognition strategy and policies and providing adequate
The Bravo program was designed, developed and launched with the guidance of
a senior executive leadership steering committee and Carlson Marketing. The
committee members represented the various divisions within BMO. They
provided regular input into the design criteria, measurement criteria and all
aspects of the program.
In addition to the executive steering committee, there was an operations team
that was dedicated to the intricate technical design and development elements.
The representatives on this committee were from the technology departments,
communications, employee programs, training, HR and Carlson Marketing.
The program operates with 3 dedicated resources on the Program Management
team as well as a meetings and events manager to manage the Annual Best of
the Best celebrations. This dedicated internal team is also supported by Carlson
Marketing, who provides additional dedicated resources to ensure the success of
the program.
With the re-launch of Bravo, it was critical from management’s perspective to
integrate the new Customer Promise and Our Way attributes into Bravo in order
to successfully support the Bank’s Core Purpose of building lasting relationships
through exceptional service. This was key to align Bravo with the Bank’s new
vision and objective.
2. Describe the recognition committee and others who administer the
programs, and their respective roles, responsibilities and authority. Who
are the members, what are their positions in the organization.
The Bravo Program Office is lead by the Vice President, Sales and Service
Employee Programs and her team. The team is comprised of a Senior Manager,
and three dedicated resources - a Program Manager, Assistant Manager and
Program Coordinator who are accountable for the daily operations, monitoring
and reporting, developing and executing tactics and strategies, and governance.
In addition, the program is supported by Carlson Marketing for account
management, strategic guidance, website design and development and rewards
3. Describe how the recognition program goals aligned with the
organization goals. Also include how measures were developed to evaluate
the program effectiveness.
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The Bravo program goals are definitely aligned with BMO Bank of Montreal
goals. We have even revised the Bravo selection attributes to the Bank’s Core
Purpose of building lasting relationships through exceptional service. Studies
have clearly demonstrated that happy and engaged employees translates to
happy and engaged customers.
Two of the Bravo program goals are:
a) Identify key BMO business objectives and align the Bravo toolset to
accelerate success in reaching the objectives
b) Foster a culture of recognition which motivates, engages and encourages
employees to deliver on our Core Purpose.
Describe how senior management supports the recognition program,
communicates their support to all employees, and is personally involved in
the program.
Senior management was extremely involved in the launch of Bravo from regular
monthly participation in the Bravo executive steering committee meetings to
ensuring that Bravo was a regularly scheduled item on the President’s monthly
executive conference call.
There is a regular column by senior executives supporting Bravo in employee
monthly magazine. The President receives a monthly report on executives Bravo
activity and he himself was one of the top executive Bravo senders.
With the Re-launch of the Bravo program, the President used his internal
communication newsletter to promote the importance of the program. The
executive leadership team continues to support Bravo through the Annual Best of
the Best.
Senior Vice Presidents continue to support the Bravo program at their town hall
meetings held on a quarterly basis.
Standard #3 Recognition Program Measurement
Describe how your recognition program results are measured for
effectiveness. Be sure to include any established measurement indicators
or tools and how they are related to achieving your objectives and how
often they are measured.
The Bravo program conducts an annual Bravo program survey that measures
program satisfaction across the bank in the various divisions and job codes for
employees and managers.
(2006 Survey results)
Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal
Manager Satisfaction Levels (Satisfied, Very Satisfied) has grown from 79%
(2004) to 89% in 2006. The “Very Satisfied” response type grew from 18%
(2004) to 37% (2006).
Manager Overall Satisfaction by Job Type
Overall (2004)
Overall (2006)
National Office
Very dissatisfied
Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
Very satisfied
No opinion or N/A
For Employees, the link between the Bravo program and BMO Attributes has
increased from 48% in 2004 to 69% in 2006. The number of respondent who
disagreed with this statement has also gone from 24% in 2004 to 8% in 2006.
Survey Result: 'The Bravo Program has helped
me to better understand the BMO Attributes.
(Employee 2006)
Em ployees (2006)
Em ployees (2005)
Em ployees (2004)
Strongly disagree
Neither agree nor disagree
Strongly agree
No opinion or N/A
The Bravo program is also measured for effectiveness each quarter against a
regular set of key performance indicators as noted below:
Activation: an employee is considered to be active during the quarter if they
participated in one of the following activities: sent an Employee to Employee,
sent an Manager to Employee, played a Learn & Earn quiz or redeemed points.
Activation Quality: Measures the quality of the activation by excluding redemption
Conversion: Measures the reactivated employee’s tendency for future program
participation to send 3 Employee to Employee certificates in the first 3 months
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Relationship Strength: Gauges the strength of the employee-Bravo relationship
by measuring full program participation
Retention: Employees that lapsed 4-6 months ago, who have re-activated and
are still participating in the program.
Engagement: Registered employees participating in at least 1 program activity in
the month
Retention : Employees that lapsed 4-6 months ago (2 quarters back), reactivated and are still participating in the program
In Q3 2006, the average retained employees remained constant at 87%
Number of
Conversion Rate
Active (FY-05)
Retained (FY-05)
Active (FY-06)
Retained (FY-06)
Activation : An employee is considered to be active during the quarter if they
participated in one of the following activities: sent an Employee to Employee,
sent a Manager to Employee, played a Learn & Earn quiz or redeemed points
2% decrease in lapsed (>3 months inactivity) employees from Q2 2006 to
Q3 2006
F MBank
A of
M Montreal
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Lapsed (FY-05)
Lapsed (FY-06)
Reactivation (FY-05)
Reactivation (FY-06)
Percent Reactivate
Number of Employe
Describe how the organization documents employee and manager
participation in recognition programs and include at least one year of data.
The Bravo program measures all employee and management activity through the
online and Dashboard reports.
The reports include detailed Bravo sending and receiving activity since program
inception in 2003 including the attribute that was selected as well as the
verbatim. The dashboard reports indicate the monthly Bravo sending and
receiving activity. Each level of management has access to additional reports.
The examples below are for the Branch level managers in the Bravo program.
Online Reports
Employee to Employee Reports
Manager to Employee Reports
Bravo Program Reports
Recognition Summary
To show program activity related to Recognition: the number of employees
that recognized others and who were recognized themselves, percentage
participation and actual Bravos sent and received, within the date range
Detailed Quarterly Top Performance report
Summarizes Quarterly Top Performance Budget and details Executive
distributions for the period specified.
National Enrollment Repot
Summarizes the number of employees who have completed the Bravo
Program's first time log in process.
Learn & Earn Reports
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Describe employee and manager satisfaction ratings with the
organization’s recognition program. Explain how satisfaction was
measured. Include at least one year of data and or summary report.
Each year the Bravo program office administers an online employee and
manager survey to measure satisfaction levels of the Bravo program across all
divisions and job codes. The survey asks standard questions so that we are able
to compare year over year results.
At this time BMO is not in a position to share the survey data – 2004, 2005, 2006.
As evidence of our survey practices, included is an excerpt from Erin Hayes a
graduate student who completed a research paper based on the survey data
from 2004 and 2005. (appendix a)
Standard 4 Communication Plan:
Describe the organizations recognition communication strategy, goals and
programs. Include specific information about methods, frequency and
content of communications.
The communications strategies for the program are:
a. To generate awareness, excitement and engagement for the program
through regular and varied communication channels.
b. Continue to educate management & employees
c. Demonstrate how Bravo is a useful recognition tool
Bravo was launched with many communications elements including employee
and manager guides, a desk calendar, newsletter articles, intranet banner ads, a
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countdown clock, wall of fame banners, posters and a cascade email
communication for the president and senior executive committee as well as a
video and launch letter from the President.
The ongoing communication for the Bravo program includes monthly Bravo
website updates to the newsroom as well in BMO monthly employee magazine
and on the employee portals. Managers are encouraged to promote the Bravo
program through their regular weekly team meetings as well as by sending
Bravos on a regular basis.
For the Annual Best of the Best there is additional communication elements such
as gala webpage updates to the Bravo website, a special newsletter cover wrap,
invitation, registration site, welcome package including an itinerary, luggage tag,
hotel and airline confirmation, etc. The Bravo website is also updated with a
photo gallery with hundreds of photos following the galas held across Canada.
The re-launch of Bravo included a revised creative design for the Bravo website,
posters and wall of fame banners as well as the Bravo letterhead.
Bravo Poster
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Describe any tools or media used to communicate the recognition
The tools used are:
• Bravo website (internet and intranet access for employees)
• BMO employee portals
• Executive cascade emails
• Internal employee newsletter
• President’s message publication
• Personalized invitation for the Annual Best of the Best
• Posters
• Wall of Fame banners
• Desk calendars
• Employee guide
• Managers guide
• Email flash teasers
Bravo Website Sign On Page
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Standard 5 Recognition Training
Describe any training for managers and employees on the principles of
effective recognition and it’s role in the organization’s recognition strategy.
Describe how the organization has committed resources to the training.
With the launch of the Bravo program, all employees and managers received a
guide that explained the Bravo program as well as the importance of recognition
and reward. In addition, all employees and managers participated in the online
Learn & Earn quiz that tested their knowledge of the program after reviewing the
content of the Bravo site.
The managers have access to an online Manager’s toolkit that has
recommended resources for reading as well as PDF’s of the training guides for
any new employees or managers.
Bravo is incorporated as part of the Managers coaching and the Bravo program
relaunch included another online Learn & Earn training opportunity.
Standard 6 Recognition Events and Celebrations
Describe the process for celebration, event planning and or award
ceremonies to recognize employees, how the organization has devoted
resources and how the organization has documented recognition events.
(photos, media)
Annual Best of the Best:
Each year BMO celebrates winners at a very special event. These winners are
the best of the best: The people who have consistently demonstrated excellence
throughout the year, whatever job they may do.
The Annual Best of the Best gala planning starts a year in advance and BMO has
a dedicated Meetings and Event Manager to manage this business together with
Carlson Marketing. A critical path is developed for every single gala element and
regular weekly status meetings are held over the year to ensure that every one of
the 9 galas is flawlessly delivered in the 5 cities across Canada.
Every single detail of the galas is planned from the selection of the theme and
hotels and menu to the communication plan, executive messages, entertainment,
transportation and special recognition for repeat Employees.
The Bravo site is updated with a special section dedicated to the galas,
announcing the details of the events and hotels as well as posting the list of
winners on the online Wall of Fame. Following the 9 galas across Canada, the
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website is updated with a “photo Gallery” by division to encourage ongoing
recognition of the winners as well as increased traffic to the site.
Annual Best of the Best Invitation
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Annual Best of the Best Itinerary
Standard 7- Program Change and flexibility
Is there a regular process to evaluate recognition program elements and
change them as needed to promote the organizations goals and values?
Please describe
Yes, in fact, each year we proactively solicit employee suggestions and feedback
through our annual survey. We also conduct analysis of the website usage
through the online reports and extensive data analysis. We use this data to
prepare quarterly reviews of the success of the program and determine the
required enhancements for the program.
The site re-launch was a result of the surveys and focus groups we conducted
this year. Employees told us that they wanted the program to be easier. We
incorporated almost all of the suggested program enhancements in order to
increase program participation and engagement.
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We also incorporated BMO Bank of Montreal’s new core purpose attributes and
moved from the previous five brand attributes to nine BMO core purpose
attributes aligning with the Bank’s new vision.
It certainly appears to be working.
We pulled a report for the first week of Employee to Employee sending after the
website relaunch and there was a 120% increase over the same period the
previous year.
Certificates Sent
Employee - to Employee
Is there additional information about the recognition program that would be
helpful for us to consider?
Yes, the prestigious award noted below has been awarded to BMO for the past
four years. For the last two years, one of the reasons that BMO was presented
with this honour was as a result of having an online employee recognition and
reward program….Bravo
As a result of the tremendous success of the Bravo program, Bravo is now in
discussion to launch Bravo across BMO Financial group to include the banks in
the US.
October 18, 2005 - For the fourth consecutive year, BMO Financial
Group was named one of Canada's top 100 employers by Macleans
magazine. BMO was the only major Canadian bank named to this
prestigious list.
Confidential - Property of BMO Bank of Montreal