stori bla bush medisin
stori bla bush medisin
STORI BLA BUSH MEDISIN Melva Brinjen STO RI B LA BUSH M E D IS IN M e lv a B r in je n im in r a itim s to ri en drow n o ia p itja . KRlO L B a m y ili P re s s 1983 © Copyright IS B N 2 0 Bamyili 86822 Press 208 1983 9 Longtaim wan kolwejataim wal mel a bin olweis s ik s ik brom bedkol. 3 Wal wandei aib in r i l sik en main grenpa bin sei, "Yu mob shud go langa bush en gidimbat ola bush medisin." Wal mela bin go na bla lugaraunbat ola graswan luk la ik w id. Wal main grenpa bin shom mela en main mami bin gedimbat bigmob en mela bin gambek langa kemp. 4 5 Main mami bin budum ola bush medisin langa wanbala bigwan dram gadim woda den imin budum langa fa iya bla b oilim a ndil imin b ra b ili hotwan. Brom jeya main mami bin budum sambala bush medisin langa jad b ilik e n . 6 7 Imin gam langa mi en imin delim mi bla jidan langa t j e a . Wal aibin jidan langa jad t j e a . Main mamai bin spilim jad bush medisin langa main hed en aib in go s i l i p langa main bed. 8 9 Brom jeya wen a ibin gidap brom main bed wal aibin f i l i m m ijelp beda en aibin go p le ip le i langa ola n ajalo t kid. g u d b in ji. Main dadi en mami bin Brom jeya main l i l sista bin sik na. 10 11 Imin b r a b ili sik en imin olweis kraibat o l n a i t . Wal main mami bin gidap na en imin go atsaid langa jad fa iy a p le is bla gedim jad bush medisin en imin gedim im en imin meigim im bogi langa jad bush medisin. 12 13 Neks moning imin gedbeda en jad bush medisin bin s t i l jeya langa jad fa iy a p le is so jad ib enibodi im sik main mami gin budum jad bush medisin. Brom jeya mela bin go ple i soka en mela bin g u d b in ji. 4 1 15 English T ra n sla tio n T i t l e : Story about bush medicine author & I llu s t r a t o r : Melva B rin je n A long time ago, one dry season we were always sick w ith colds. One day I was r e a lly s ic k and my grandfather said, "You should a l l go out bush and get some bush m edicine." We a l l went out bush and looked around fo r a grass th a t looks lik e a weed. My grandfather showed us, and my mother c o lle c te d lo ts o f i t and we took i t home. My mother put the bush medicine in to a b ig drum o f water and put i t on the f ir e to b o il. Then she put some o f the bush medicine in to a b i l l y can. She came over to me and to ld me to s i t on a c h a ir. I sat down and my mohter poured the bush medicine over my head, and I went o f f to bed. When I got up I f e l t b e tte r and so I went o f f and played w ith a l l the other k id s . My fa th e r and mother were r e a lly happy. But then my s is te r got s ic k . She was r e a lly s ic k , and c rie d a l l n ig h t. My mother got up and went outside to the f ir e and got the bush medicine and made my s is te r wash w ith i t . The next morning she got b e tte r and the bush medicine was s t i l l there by the f ir e so th a t i f anybody was sic k , my mother could put the bush medicine on them. Then we went o f f and played soccer and we were r e a lly happy. 16 PRINTED BY BAMYILI PRESS w it h a s s is ta n c e fr o m AUSTRALIA COUNCIL ABORIGINAL ARTS BOARD Priva te M a il Kath erine, Bag 25 N .T . 5780 This work is from the Living Archive of Aboriginal Languages If you have any questions or wish to access information concerning this work, please contact us at Use of this work is subject to the User License Agreement available at This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Noncommercial No Derivs 3.0 Licence Australia which appears as follows: This licence allows users to share, copy and redistribute the work in any medium or format provided they: (i) give appropriate credit, provide a link to the licence, and indicate if any changes were made to the work. 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